Diet chart to reduce weight and obesity in 30 days

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Diet chart to reduce weight and obesity in 30 days

Diet chart to reduce weight and obesity in 30 days

Diet chart to reduce weight and obesity in 7 days

Obesity is a very serious disease, people do not want to be fat but they do not know and they become obese. Today we will discuss how to make our diet chart so that we do not become obese and will also know some tips. If you like this post of mine then do not forget to like, share, comment, and subscribe to it at all. If there is any suggestion, do share it with us. Medical science believes that obese people are more prone to heart disease. Obesity can also damage our brains. Even many lifestyle diseases, such as high blood pressure, diabetes, etc. begin with obesity. Probably because in the last few years, the number of people who consider obesity as a disease and want to get rid of it has increased rapidly. Most people resort to dieting to get rid of obesity. Women, in particular, tend to eat very little in the name of dieting. This does not remove obesity, on the contrary, their body becomes weak and due to this weakness, they often fall prey to some other disease. Actually, before starting dieting, it is important to make a correct diet chart. You can be successful in getting rid of obesity only if your diet chart is designed according to your physical needs. Today in this article, we are going to tell you how to make an ideal diet chart and the right way to implement it. 1/11

Weight loss diet chart to reduce obesity Below we are going to tell you about the 1500 calories diet chart. To help with weight loss, the calorie count has been kept lower in this diet chart and the nutrient intake has been kept higher. Such items of food and drink are included in this chart, which is easily available everywhere in our country. Note that to implement this chart you will need to eat six times daily for the next four weeks. First-week diet chart

Diet chart to reduce weight and obesity in 30 days

What to eat a diet Early morning (between 6:30 am and 7:30 am) a cup of fenugreek water. Breakfast / Breakfast (between 7:30 am to 8:30 pm) 4 idlis, one cup sambhar, one quarter cup coconut chutney, one cup green tea and four almonds. Brunch / Mid Morning (between 10:00 am and 10:30 am) A cup of milk or soy milk or fruit juice. Lunch / Lunch (between 12:30 pm to 1:00 pm) Three Rotis, one bowl of rice, one bowl of lentils, half bowl mix vegetable or chicken curry and one bowl salad. A cup of buttermilk ten to fifteen minutes after meals. Evening Breakfast / Evening (between 3:30 pm to 4:00 pm) One cup of sprouted moong and ten to fifteen peanuts. Add lemon juice and salt to it to taste. Instead, it can also be eaten by making cucumber and carrot salad. Dinner / Dinner (between 7:00 am and 7:30 pm) Three Rotis, half bowl vegetable/gram vegetable/fish curry, half bowl yogurt, and half bowl salad. Drink a pinch of turmeric in a cup of warm milk before bedtime. 2/11

Total Calories - 1509

Benefits - Drinking fenugreek water in the morning improves metabolism (digestive power) and removes toxins from the body. (3) (4) Including vegetables, fruits and dairy products in your diet can prevent fat (fat) from freezing in the body.

Note - Do not use too much oil in preparing food. Take a limited amount of ghee too. Second-week diet chart What to eat a diet Early morning (between 6:30 am and 7:30 am) a cup of fenugreek water. Breakfast / Breakfast (between 7:30 am to 8:30 pm) Two moong dal cheela, a cup of green tea and four almonds. Brunch / Mid Morning (between 10:00 am and 10:30 am) One bowl Any seasonal fruit. Lunch / Lunch (between 12:30 pm to 1:00 pm) Three Rotis, some rice, a bowl of vegetables, a bowl salad and a bowl of yogurt. Evening Breakfast / Evening (between 3:30 pm to 4:00 pm) One cup of coconut water and half cup/bowl of grapes or chopped watermelon. Dinner / Dinner (between 7:00 to 7:30 pm) Two pieces of bread, half a cup of mushrooms/tofu/chicken curry and half a cup of steamed spinach/broccoli. Drink a pinch of turmeric milk before bedtime.

Total Calories - 1497 Benefits - The body gets plenty of protein by eating moong dal cheela.

Diet chart to reduce weight and obesity in 30 days


Eating seasonal fruits fulfills the body's needs related to vitamins and minerals. Electrolyte present in coconut water and vitamin C and other nutrients present in spinach enhance the immunity of the body. Note - Be sure to wash vegetables and fruits thoroughly before eating them. Third-week diet chart

Diet chart to reduce weight and obesity in 30 days

What to eat a diet Early morning (between 6:30 am and 7:30 am), drink half a lemon juice in a cup of water. 4/11

Breakfast / Breakfast (between 7:30 am to 8:30 pm) One cup/bowl of oatmeal (vegetable oats), one cup of green tea and four almonds/walnuts. Brunch / Mid Morning (between 10:00 am and 10:30 am) A boiled egg and a kiwi or a cup of fresh fruit juice. Lunch / Lunch (between 12:30 pm to 1:00 pm) One and a half bowl of rice, one roti (ghee or without ghee), one bowl of Rajma vegetable/fish curry, one bowl salad and one cup Buttermilk. Evening Breakfast / Evening (between 3:30 pm to 4:00 pm) A cup of green tea and a multigrain biscuit. Dinner / Dinner (between 7:00 pm and 7:30 pm) Three pieces of bread, half a bowl of lentils, a bowl of vegetable or cooked chicken (chicken stew), half a bowl salad and a piece of dark chocolate. Drink a cup of warm milk before bedtime.

Total Calories - 1536 Winter food for weight loss ( Lose weight fast in winter ) Benefits of eating guava in winter ( You will be surprised to know the benefits of eating guava in winter ) Benefits - By drinking lemonade, the body's toxins are removed. Eating oatmeal provides nutritious ingredients, the stomach also feels full for a long time. Consumption of eggs fulfills the body's protein and energy needs. (8) If you are eating vegetables and fruits then there is no harm in eating some rice. At the same time, a piece of dark chocolate reduces the desire to eat sweets. Note - On Saturday of the third week, 2000 calories can be consumed instead of 1500 calories. Fourth-week diet chart


Diet chart to reduce weight and obesity in 30 days

What to eat a diet Early morning (between 6:30 am and 7:30 am), drink half a lemon juice in a cup of water. Breakfast / Breakfast (between 7:30 am to 8:30 am) Half bowl/cup upma (vegetable upma), one cup of milk / green tea and two almonds. Brunch / Mid Morning (between 10:00 am and 10:30 am) One cup/bowl seasonal fruit. Lunch / Lunch (between 12:30 pm to 1:00 pm) Three Rotis, a bowl of vegetables, a bowl of lentils or any other lentils/beans, half bowl salad, and half bowl yogurt.


Evening Breakfast / Evening (between 3:30 pm to 4:00 pm) A cup of coconut water or fresh juice of another seasonal fruit or green tea. Dinner / Dinner (between 7:00 am and 7:30 pm) A loaf of bread, a cup of brown rice, a bowl of lentils/fish/chicken/mushroom curry and half a bowl of boiled vegetables. Drink a cup of warm milk before bedtime.

Total Calories - 1486 Benefits - Consuming vegetables and fruits regularly helps us to keep our weight balanced. By eating them, our body gets nutrients like protein, vitamins, and minerals easily. Note - You should include at least five types of vegetables and three types of fruits in your diet daily.

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What to eat to prevent obesity Below, we are going to mention the names of some things, whose intake can help in reducing weight or keeping it balanced: Spinach Apple Nuts, eg - peanuts, and almonds, etc. Oatmeal Egg Vinegar Honey and lemon Dairy products, such as yogurt and butter, etc. Avocado lentils

What to avoid in order to avoid obesity


Diet chart to reduce weight and obesity in 30 days

To protect yourself from the disease of obesity, you should not consume these things mentioned below: High oil items, such as French fries and chips. High sugar beverages, such as cold drinks and sorbets. High sugar foods, such as sweets and kheer.

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Some weight loss exercises and yoga Along with following our diet chart for weight loss, you should also include the exercises mentioned below in your routine: Get used to walking or running in the morning and evening. Do pushups. For this, lie on the floor on the stomach and with the help of both hands, lower the body up and down. Practice skipping. Swimming for a while every day. If possible, use a bicycle to travel anywhere. Weight loss can also be done by going to Zumba or dance class.

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Apart from these exercises, weight can also be reduced with the help of the following yogasanas given below: Bhujangasana Veer Bhadrasana Surya Namaskar Chakrasana Dwelling

Diet chart to reduce weight and obesity in 30 days

Note - Before doing these exercises and yogas, take the advice of your doctor. Some other tips for weight loss


Diet chart to reduce weight and obesity in 30 days

1. Don't forget to have breakfast - Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Due to negligence in the matter of breakfast, diabetes, mood swing and obesity can be the disease. Actually, breakfast in the morning directly affects the metabolism process of our body. A person who does not have breakfast on time, his appetite gradually increases. In such a situation, a more hungry person starts eating more food and eventually he becomes obese. 2. Drink plenty of water - Water can help you a lot in getting rid of obesity. Therefore, try to drink more and more water throughout the day. If possible, make a habit of drinking water before meals, this reduces your appetite a bit and you do not eat 10/11

excessively. 3. Sleep deeply - Scientists have found that lack of sleep can lead to weight gain because lack of sleep reduces our body's insulin sensitivity and glucose tolerance. Due to this, the level of leptin in the body decreases, which increases our appetite. The process of metabolism and neuroendocrine in our body is completed by getting good sleep. Try these tips for deep sleep Eat two to three hours before bedtime. After eating, take a walk and then go to bed. Clean the bed thoroughly before sleeping. Put the mobile phone away and sleep. Don't forget to put the lights on before sleeping. If you do not sleep, then read a book that does not interest you. Follow this method to get fair skin ( 15 homemade face pack for fair skin anyone can do it, man or woman ) 4. Stay away from stress - Avoid stress as much as possible. Actually, due to stress, there are some hormonal changes in the body, which can increase your appetite. To avoid this, practice yoga or meditation. 5. Avoid depression - Being unhappy or depressed all the time can lead to obesity. To avoid this, walk outside and do things that make you happy. Express the feelings of your mind by writing in a diary and if possible, meet some people and participate in some social events.

What to do if you want to eat sweet cheese? When this happens, try one of these recipes: Eat something sweet at home, as it usually uses less sugar than the market. Eat a piece of dark chocolate. Eat some fruits after meals. Chew the cloves after a meal.

What amount of oil should be used in cooking for weight loss? People who want to lose weight should use olive oil, coconut oil, rice bran oil or mustard oil for cooking. You should not use more than three or four teaspoons of the oil for cooking in a day. However, people using extra virgin olive oil can use 6-7 teaspoons of oil a day. By adopting the diet chart mentioned above, you will be able to keep yourself fit. And you will feel the difference but you have to do it regularly only then you will get better results.


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