Homemade Remedy to increase immunity power ritushreepandey12.blogspot.com/2020/03/homemade-remedy-to-boost-immunity.html
Homemade Remedy to increase immunity power
Homemade Remedy to increase immunity power
In its previous post, I have told you about immunity, causes, and symptoms. In this post, I will tell you some domestic ways to increase immunity. With this, you can easily increase your immunity and avoid viruses and flu. If you like my post, then don't forget to like, share, comment, and subscribe to it at all. Way to boost immunity naturally (These tips to increase immunity in a natural way are effective, will stay away from viruses and flu!)
Many people have a problem that they fall prey to diseases very soon. Diseases like cold, cold and fever stick to them throughout the year. Not only this, but these people can also neither tolerate the mess nor do they digest anything outside. Do you know what the reason is? The only and very big reason for this is the lack of immunity power i.e. immunity in their body. Let us know about some such foods, which can solve your problem and give you an opportunity to live your life freely. Homemade Remedy to increase immunity power Ginger 1/6
Homemade Remedy to increase immunity power
First of all, keep the water for heating. When the water becomes slightly hot, add one spoon of ground ginger to it. Cover it and let it boil for three minutes. Now filter it and consume it. This process can be done twice a week. Garlic Take 3 to 4 buds of garlic and half a teaspoon of honey. Crush garlic and make a paste. Now add honey to it. Now use this paste in the morning or evening. Summer skincare tips ( Take care of your skin in this way in summer so that you look beautiful ) Tips to keep skin beautiful in summer ( summer skin care tips ) Green Tea A Green Tea Bag, Take one cup of hot water and sugar as per taste (optional). Put the green tea bag in one cup of hot water. Put the teabag in the cup for 2-3 minutes. Now remove the t-bag. Add sugar to taste and enjoy green-tea. Turmeric
Homemade Remedy to increase immunity power
two small lumps of turmeric, 1 teaspoon of honey, Take a bowl and a big cup of water. Add a big cup of water to the bowl. Soak turmeric in it. Let it remain in the water for about five to six hours. Then take it out and make a paste by grinding it. Now mix honey in it. Now take a teaspoon of this mixture. This method can be used twice a week. Kiwi Wash 2-3 kiwis thoroughly with water. Now clean the skin. Now cut the kiwi into small pieces and consume it. It is a beneficial fruit that can be consumed in breakfast. Mushrooms You can consume mushrooms like a common vegetable, but before cooking, wash it thoroughly and boil it. Ginseng
Homemade Remedy to increase immunity power
Take 2 spoons ginseng powder and 1 glass of water. First heat the water. Now add ginseng powder to it and let it boil for 2 minutes. Now remove it and let it cool. Then consume it. 10 home remedies that will keep you safe from the corona ( Easy tips for coronavirus ) Celery 4 - 10 Wash the leaves of oregano and grind them finely. Keep it in a bowl. Sprinkle salt on top. Now consume it. In the case of the weakening of immunity, it can be consumed once daily. Lemon Mix lemon juice in 1 glass of water and consume it on an empty stomach in the morning. Honey
Homemade Remedy to increase immunity power
Take honey in a small spoon. Now consume it in the morning and evening. Drumstick Take 6-7 small pieces of drumstick, two teaspoons of cooking oil and salt as per taste. Wash the drumstick with water. Fill oil in a pan and fry the drumstick until brown. After frying it in crunchy form put it on a plate. Now sprinkle salt on top and eat. You can also eat it by making a drumstick vegetable. Olive oil two teaspoons of olive oil, and onion, A tomato, A radish, A cucumber, A beet, salt and lemon juice (as per taste). Cut onion, tomato, radish, cucumber and beetroot as a salad. Now add salt, lemon juice and olive oil on top and mix all the ingredients well. In this way, you can consume olive oil in salads. If you want, you can also use olive oil in cooking. Keep yourself healthy in this way in summer ( Summer health tips ) Some tips to increase immunity Do not smoke Include fruits and vegetables in the diet. 5/6
Exercise regularly. Maintain a healthy weight. Avoid alcohol consumption. Get enough sleep Keep your hands clean. Cook the meat well. Try to be stress-free.
Now you must have realized that it is important to remain strong in immunity to stay healthy. By reading the article, you must have also learned how to strengthen immunity. Take the information given for your health seriously. Hope you liked this article. For questions or suggestions related to the article, please refer to the comment box below. Also, tell us how your experience was by adopting measures to increase immunity.