Reduce belly fat in a week with exercise and yogasan at home
Reduce belly fat in a week with exercise and yogasan at home
Reduce belly fat in a week with exercise and yogasan at home
Just dieting does not reduce fat. Along with this, you have to do some exercises and yoga as well. By doing this you will see your belly fat decreasing in a few days. If you like this post then do not forget to like it, share it, comment it at all. Subscribe to read posts with similar information. Some people get so much fat around their stomach and waist that they are unable to wear their favorite clothes even if they want to. Many times such people have to fall prey to inferiority while sitting in front of others because their belly fat is visible from clothes. Such people are always immersed in the idea of ​how to reduce belly fat. It is important that such people should exercise regularly. Here we are telling some such exercises, which you will definitely benefit from doing. 5 exercise for belly fat
Reduce belly fat in a week with exercise and yogasan at home
1. Running There is nothing better than running to keep the body fit and fit. While running, the heart is able to function well, while the extra calories are burnt and fat also gradually reduces. Initially, run only a few meters and run slowly instead of fast. When the body gets used to it, it can increase both its speed and time. 2. swimming This also reduces the excess fat stored in the body. Swimming is also good for the heart. Swimming not only reduces weight, but the body gets into better shape. You can do this once or twice a week. If you have never swum before, do it under the supervision of a trainer. 3. Cycling It is considered to be the best and easiest cardio exercise (for the heart). Due to this, the good exercise of legs, legs, and thighs is done, while excess body fat and calories are also removed. 2/8
4. Walk If someone does not want to do all the three activities mentioned above, then walk for half an hour every morning and evening. This also reduces excess fat stored in the body. If possible, you should walk with fast steps. It has been considered easy and safe in the stomach reduction remedy. 5. Weight training If it is not time to go to the gym, you can do weight training exercises. Doing weight lifting exercises there will not only give attractive shape to the body but will also strengthen the digestive system. Keep in mind that weight training in the gym should be done only under the supervision of a professional trainer. Yogasana is also one of the measures to reduce stomach. Next, we are talking about some yogasanas: 1. Sethubandh Yogasana
Reduce belly fat in a week with exercise and yogasan at home
By doing this asana, it helps in reducing the fat stored near the stomach and waist. Also, the muscles of the stomach and thighs are strong. If someone is feeling pain or stiffness in the neck, then doing this asana can also be cured. Not only this, if the spine is bent on one side due to sitting incorrectly, then this posture can also fix it. How to: 3/8
By laying yoga mats on the ground, lie on your back and bend both knees and close the ankles with the hips. After this, grab the ankles with both hands. Now while breathing, lift the waist upwards, while keeping the feet and hands in the same position. Stay in this state for some 30 seconds and keep breathing at normal speed. After this, while exhaling, come back to normal. This posture can do 4-5 rounds. Caution: People with high blood pressure should not do this asana. Follow this home remedy so that dandruff does not come back again (Remove dandruff permanently in just 1 week) 10 Easy Home Made Face Scrubs That Will Enhance Your Skin ( for all )
2. Kapalbhati
Reduce belly fat in a week with exercise and yogasan at home
This yoga is considered to be most beneficial for reducing obesity. It is said that its results are seen soon. Problems such as constipation, gas, and acidity disappear by doing it regularly. The veins of the stomach are strong and the digestive system also works well. How to: Sit on the ground in the posture of Sukhasana and close your eyes. 4/8
Take a long deep breath and let go. Now slowly exhale through the nose. When you exhale, your stomach goes inward. Keep in mind that while doing this, keep the mouth closed. Just have to release the breath. Breathing process will happen automatically Taking five cycles of this asana on an empty stomach in the morning and evening will benefit. Caution: This asana should be done on an empty stomach in the morning and should be eaten only after half an hour of doing it. If doing it in the evening, do it five hours after dinner. A pregnant woman should not do it. 3. Anulom
Reduce belly fat in a week with exercise and yogasan at home
Antonyms Pranayama - Of course it is easy to do asanas, but it is effective in reducing obesity. Primarily it is also called pulse resection pranayama. This allows blood flow to the body properly. How to: Sit on the ground in the posture of Sukhasana and close your eyes. Now close the nasal cavity on the right side with the thumb of your right hand and breathe through the left nostril.
Now close the nasal side of the left side with the smallest and right finger of your right hand and release the breath slowly from the right side. Now while in this position, draw the breath in and then close the nose from the right side and release the breath from the left side. Such cycles can be done four or five times per quarter. Caution: The patient of high blood pressure and heart should do it under the supervision and supervision of a trained yoga guru. Also, it should never be done loud or fast.
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Reduce belly fat in a week with exercise and yogasan at home
Balasan is also included in how to lose belly fat. While performing this asana, the situation is like a fetus in the mother's womb. Therefore, it is called Balasana Yoga. Performing balasana strengthens the abdominal muscles. By doing this for about 10 minutes daily, the stomach may be inside. 6/8
How to: First of all, Vajrasana means that you sit on your knees and put the entire weight on the ankles. Keeping your waist straight, take your hands straight up while breathing. Now while exhaling, lean forward. Try to get your head off the ground and keep the hands straight. While in this position for a few seconds, keep breathing at normal speed and then get up breathing. Caution: Do not do this asana if you have a backache or knee operation. Also, those who have diarrhea do not do this asana. 5. Naukasana
Reduce belly fat in a week with exercise and yogasan at home
This asana is beneficial in reducing the waist and abdomen. By doing this, the small intestine, large intestine, and digestive system are improved. How to: First, lie down on the ground on the back and mix the ankles and toes together. Both hands should be adjacent to the waist and the palms should be towards the ground. First, take a long breath and then exhale, raise both legs, arms and neck parallel upwards, so that the entire weight of the body falls on the hips. Stay in this position for about 30 seconds and breathe normally. After that, breathe slowly and come back to normal. Caution: Those who have any serious diseases related to waist and stomach, they
should not do this asana. Also, pregnant women should also avoid this asana. Through these yogasanas, you can reduce the fat of your stomach and waist and there are many other benefits as well. But you should use them only on the advice of your doctor. And how much you have benefited through these yogasanas, through the comments you tell us.