You will be surprised to know many benefits of wood apple
You will be surprised to know many benefits of wood apple
You will be surprised to know many benefits of wood apple
In this article, I will share with you the lots of benefits of wood apple, which knowing you will surprise. It's used in the summer season generally. You will learn not only about the benefits of wood apple but also how to treat it in many diseases. If you like my post then do not forget like, comment, share and subscribe. For more knowledge attached to us. Not only the fruit of this tree, but it is also full of leaves, roots, seeds, and bark all the qualities. In the field of medicine, the raw and ripe fruit of the vine is used, leaves, flowers, roots, and bark are all used.
Raw wood apple is constipation, light, seepage and digestive tract of constipation, anticoagulant, kashaya, bitter, stomach, agnostic, biliary, Vata and phlegm. Elements found in the wood apple Carotene 55 Thiamine 0.13 1/7
Riboflavin 0.03 Nimassin 1.1 Vitamin C 8 Muscules, Pectin, Sugar, Tenin, Ventilating oil, Consumption, consuming and Marmelosine. Medicinal properties or benefits of wood apple Indigestion - indigestion is removed by eating baked grapes. It acts as a laxative in away. Ulcer - Its regular intake eliminates ulcers. The stomach ulcer ends in a few weeks after drinking the water of the wood apple, soaking it in water, in the morning. Eye diseases - In the eye disease, the juice of the wood apple of the vine and the insides of insulin are beneficial. Breathing disease - Remove the juice of the wood apple and mix it with an equal quantity of sesame oil. Add black pepper and cumin seeds and fry it to 1 teaspoon. This is far from the cold.
Frosting the body - Mixing milk, sugar in the pulp of the wood apple gives the body frost to the stomach and digestion power increases.
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Constipation - 100 grams of anal of the wood apple, by night feeding, the bowel of the intestine becomes soft and easily comes out. If dryness is high then mix it with sugar or sugar in this pulp. Diarrhea - Make 25 grams dry belagiri, grind 10-gram cotta powder and make powder. Mixing sugarcane in it 1 - 1 gram of 3-4 times a day with fresh water consumes all kinds of diarrhea.
You will be surprised to know many benefits of wood apple
In children's diarrhea - the fragment of the dry Belagiri fragment is eroded by putting extracts on clean stone. Children up to half the amount of spoon by 2 to 3 times. Mix a little sugar or honey in it. Sexual Disease - Female Dermatitis, Men's Premature Disease, Metallic Inflammation, Nightmare, etc. In all diseases, it is beneficial to drink 2 grams of wood apple leaf powder, honey mixed and eat sweet hot milk from above. Summer skincare tips ( Take care of your skin in this way in summer so that you look beautiful )
Heart disease - 10 bites within the wood apple tree, by mixing 10 tolls, mixed with half a kilo of milk, adding sweetness to it, consuming it regularly will be beneficial. Colds of the children - Cough and constipation - The juice of the wood apple of the vine is 4-5, with a little honey mixed with chutney, which is beneficial. 3/7
Stomach worms - juice of wood apple of the vine 1 - 1 teaspoon morning - drinking stomach worms die in the evening. Deafness - Grind the pulse of the wood apple into Sumatra, cook it in a til or mustard oil, lukewarm oil 2 - 2 in the morning - in the evening, deafness will be removed. Asthma - The decoction of the leaves of wood apple is beneficial in asthma. Healthy summer diet chart for man and woman
Fever - Powder of raw lime pulp 1 - 1 teaspoon in the morning and evening - is beneficial. Vomiting, diarrhea, fever and other disorders (for pregnant) - By mixing the pulp of the raw fruit of the wood apple, mixing half a cup of milk in the morning and evening in the rice mixture is beneficial. Hemorrhoids - Piles of lentils are mixed with the juice of piles, and the waste of the waste is destroyed. Headache - Leaning on the dry root stone of the wood apple, after diluting it on the brain, the headache completely closes.
You will be surprised to know many benefits of wood apple
Blood diarrhea - Mix the anal and bad shares of the crude wood apple and give it to the patient 2-3 times a day. There will be a benefit in murderer diarrhea and patchy. Moistrophobia - Grinding raw wood apple anus, mixing it with milk, filtering half a spoonful of soft sugar, half-a-half-cup morning - drinking in the evening removes urination blockage.
The funk of the armpit - grind the wood apple and the vertebrate shares. After bathing every day, apply it to the armpit.
Advantage of drinking water in the morning (Drinking water on an empty stomach has many benefits) Home remedy to lose weight in 1 Month (10 Home Remedies for Obesity) Brain Tiredness - Put a ripe wood apple of the anus in a vessel of water, fill it with water, cover it with a cloth. Filling in the morning, mixing honey and drinking it. On the face - boil the pulp of the water in water and rinse it 3-4 times. Thirst for thirst - If the thirst is not extinguished in summer, 20 grams of the angled wood apple of 100 grams of water so that the boiled water should be half, mix it with salt and drink it. Sore throat - Take 2 to 3 times of ripe wood apple anal. The abscess - by grinding the green leaves of the wood apple, heating the pulp and binding it on the boil it will bite and grow. Together take 25 grams of the juice of juice 3 times a day. Anemia - Mix 5 grams of the pulse of Belagiri in sweet milk and reduce the lack of blood by drinking it. Powder disease - Belagiri, Nagakasar and Rheault 10-10 grams of grinding. Taking a tablespoon of rice powder with the beans, there is a benefit in white blood and blood pressure. Diarrhea - The decoction of crude wood apple causes diarrhea to stabilize. Night blindness - Grinding the leaf of the wood apple, mixing sugar in the water, it becomes okay to drink the night blindness. Jaundice - Swelling - Take the juice of wood apple of the vine, add a little black pepper, take 3 times a day, it will be beneficial. Wound - After boiling the ballet water clean the wound with it , grind fresh leaves and bind them, and any wounds, it will correct both the pain and the wound. Diabetes - take 11 leaves of wood apple and take 25 grams of water and grind it. Together with 3 black pepper grinds. Filter by cloth and drink. Continuing to drink for 49 consecutive days is beneficial. Digestion - Grind 50 grams of dry Belagiri and 25 grams coriander and filter it with a cloth. Mixing sugarcane with 45 grams of rice in it, consuming three times a day, it is beneficial to get relief from pain, diarrhea, and heat. Make wood apple juice 6/7
You will be surprised to know many benefits of wood apple
Pour half a kilo of baked beans, 2 liters of water and cook it. When water remains 1 liter, add 2 kg sugar and make syrup. After frosting, filter, and fill. By taking 4 tablespoons of 1 cup of water, taking 3 times a day, there is a benefit in circulation, blood circulation, homicide, blood-borne diseases. It provides strength to the heart and destroys depression. Study carefully and take advantage of wood apple in summer. You must take advantage of all these remedies and get rid of diseases. If you have any suggestions, do let us know.