AT T IR E P O L I C Y G EN E RAL AT TIRE Everyone utilizing the Club is asked to respect the surroundings and dress in an appropriate manner. Members are responsible for communicating dress requirements to their guests. If need be, Members and guests will be asked to change into appropriate dress before using the amenities. M EN’S GO LF ATTIRE Proper golf attire is required for all players. Specific requirements are: Shirts are preferred to be tucked and should have sleeves and collars (soft, hard or mock). Slacks or Bermuda shorts of mid-thigh length are considered appropriate. Pressed, contemporary cargo shorts may also be worn. Please no tank tops, t-shirts, mesh shirts, sweatpants, denim of any color, non-pressed cargo shorts, swimwear, short shorts, cut-offs, gym shorts, tennis or other athletic shorts. W OMEN’S GO LF ATTIRE Dresses, skirts, slacks, mid-length shorts and blouses are appropriate. Please no halter tops, t-shirts, mesh shirts, sweatpants, denim of any color, non-pressed cargo shorts, swimwear, short shorts, cut-offs, gym shorts, tennis or other athletic shorts. J U N IO R G O LF ATTIRE Youth 17 and under are expected to meet the same attire requirements as adults. All Members are expected to monitor this policy for the junior golfers under their membership. G O L F SH O ES Appropriate golf shoes are required for all golfers. Shoes with “soft spikes” or spikeless shoes may be worn, and tennis shoes or other soft sole shoes are subject to the approval of the golf professional on duty. Shoes with metal spikes and football, soccer or other large knobby spike shoes are prohibited. T EN NIS & PIC KLEB ALL ATTIRE Proper tennis and pickleball attire is required, including regulation tennis shoes. Please no undershirts, fishnet shirts, cut-offs, jams, blue jeans, swimwear or gym shorts. PO OL ATT IRE It is expected that pool users will respect those around them and wear proper coverage when in and out of the pool area. With the exception of the locker room areas, swim attire is not acceptable indoors. Swimwear is also not considered appropriate for patios adjoining The Sawyer.