all you need to know for an unretiring lifestyle
Perfectly imperfect
A local initiative is saving thousands of tonnes of fresh produce from landfill
ISSUE 776 SEPTEMBER 28, 2023
plus style TV GUIDE
PROPERTY what’s on
just a few waterfront blocks remain. will you be one of the lucky few?
to choose from you’ll be spoilt for choice for your new lifestyle home.
Sales office open Monday to Friday, to make an appointment please call 5443 2766.
The Lancelin Precinct Stage III is the final residential land release within Sunshine Cove and is set to create a stunning finale to our award winning development. With breathtaking waterfront land and dry allotments
35 luxury homes set in a forest backdrop.
At Greenwood Forest Glen, our vision was to create a revolutionary nature-inspired over-50s living community, one where residents can connect with nature and each other; combined with low-maintenance homes and village-style convenience. It’s a concept that has proven a huge success. Now we are proud to announce the second release of the popular ‘Heights Precinct’, featuring 35 single and double-storey homes to be offered off the plan.
In every way, these homes reflect the Greenwood philosophy that living in harmony with nature is intimately linked to health and vitality, and it flows through everything from the connected native gardens to the expansive community orchard and vegetable plots.
tennis, bowls green, games room, bar and dining area.
• Residents-only conservation reserve. Enjoy the peace and serenity of 5 hectares of rainforest reserve with its interconnected walking trails.
• Community garden. Extensive vegetable garden and orchard with dedicated event space.
• Neighbourhood shopping. Take a short stroll across the road to experience the brand-new Forest Glen Village Shopping Centre featuring a Super IGA supermarket, takeaway, medical and dental facilities, chemist and more.
Visit our sales display 16 Grammar School Way, Forest Glen QLD 4556 1800 80 90 20 | Call or visit our website to book an appointment NEWSTAGENOWSELLING
What residents love about living at Greenwood Forest Glen
Club Eden. Think of it as your own private country club with its 25-metre swimming pool,
The Sunshine Coast is known for its agricultural abundance and thriving local markets. However, it is disheartening to witness the significant amount of perfectly edible fruits and vegetables going to waste in our local communities – especially given the increasing cost of living.
One contributing factor is the demand for aesthetically perfect produce, which often leads to slightly imperfect produce being discarded.
This week, journalist Caitlin Zerafa chats with a local business that is encouraging consumers to embrace ‘ugly’ produce, which is just as nutritious and delicious and significantly reduces wastage. Turn to page 12 for the full story.
Also in this edition, we deliver three pages of gorgeous spring fashion to add a splash of colour to your wardrobe.
Our 55+ feature delivers all the latest news and advice to keep you in great shape. And, as always, we keep you informed with all the important local news. Enjoy!
Ingrid Nelson
7 My Weekly Preview | September 28, 2023 | | PO Box 6362, Maroochydore BC, Qld 4558. PHONE: 5444 0152, DISTRIBUTION: PUBLISHERS:Anar Higgins, Darryl Olson, Michael Kramer, Noel Olson. For the publishers’ statement, see the “terms of use” tab at In every issue8 Agenda 10 Fast facts 14 Socials 22 What’s On 24 My Opinion 26 Puzzles 70 TV guide & surf report 30 Professional Services Business news from across the region. 33 Education Some of our best schools share their latest achievements. 55+ Keep up to date with the latest news and advice. Cover story Addressing fresh produce wastage on the Sunshine Coast.
Contents September 28, 2023 Issue 776 Do you have a news tip? Let journalist Caitlin Zerafa know about it. Email your tip to: Our community Photo of the week Features Regulars 12 35 From the editor Inside Sweeping coastal views
PREVIEW MY WEEKLY FREE plus style TV GUIDE PROPERTY what’s on 28, 2023 all you need to know for an unretiring lifestyle 55+ local initiative is saving thousands of tonnes of fresh produce from landfill Perfectly imperfect ON THE COVER Slightly imperfect produce is being saved and distributed to significantly reduce food wastage on the Sunshine Coast.
Beach to
by Kelly-Anne McKay.
Property Your go-to property guide. PREVIEW PROPERTY RARE OPPORTUNITY ON NORTHERN ESCARPMENT SEE PAGE 52> 45 My Style Spring unleashes a kaleidoscope of colour. 27 0493 547 966 | 5450 5577 Follow us @nunkeri-beauty JUMP-START YOUR COLLAGEN THIS SPRING BEFORE AFTER Bio-Remodelling Select from our outstanding and scientifically-proven treatments including: Ultherapy – Bio-Remodelling – Microneedling – IPL-SQ for your pre-Christmas injectables and treatments at home! Ask about booking a Secret Women’s Business House Party Call for an appointment with Dr Carina at Twin Waters or Forest Glen.
sources of income.
“The results are clear: increases in cost of living impact older people’s financial wellbeing when it comes to meeting expenses, being in control of finances and feeling financially secure.”
Younger respondents, women and those in poor health are among those more likely to hold long-term concerns about the rising cost of living. Across all respondents, 83 per cent believed lifestyle impacts would continue to be felt over the 12 months following the survey.
For most, managing their financial situation meant cutting back. Almost two thirds of respondents (62 per cent) chose this as an option they could use to adjust
Uncertainty about financial security in retirement is highlighted in a new survey of seniors and over-50s approaching their golden years.
New research by National Seniors Australia and Challenger reveals the majority of older Australians are increasingly concerned over rising costs of living, with four in five reporting it had negatively impacted their lifestyle and wellbeing.
The National Seniors Social Survey of almost 6000 people aged 50 and over unpacked how cost-of-living pressures are affecting lifestyle, retirement finances, wellbeing and the financial security of older Australians.
The research revealed 53 per cent are worried about outliving their savings, with those concerned about long-term cost of
living struggles five times more likely to be concerned about longevity risk: the risk of running out of money late in life.
National Seniors Australia chief operating officer Chris Grice says older people are thought to be protected from the more severe impacts of increasing living costs because they usually own their own home but that is simply not the case.
“The findings show the impact of increasing costs of living on financial wellbeing varies for people aged 50-plus,” Mr Grice says.
“The impact on older people’s financial security and quality of life varies depending on age, gender, partner status, health, wealth, home ownership and
to increasing cost-of-living pressures.
Being able to afford essentials was the highest cause for concern, with health, energy and grocery expenses the top-three pain points.
Challenger head of retirement income research Aaron Minney says cutting spending is not a sustainable long-term strategy for older Australians to manage rising costs of living, with the impacts of this issue set to be long-lasting.
“An important factor for retirement wellbeing is having the financial capacity to maintain living standards that were enjoyed before retirement,” Mr Minney says.
“In general, older people’s sense of financial resilience and financial security have fallen since the start of the pandemic and the increasing cost of living has further undermined long-term planning and financial goal setting of older Australians.
“Certainty of income is vital to give retirees the confidence to spend and peace of mind that they have the financial security to protect their lifestyle, health and wellbeing throughout their golden years.”
The fear of outliving savings is a growing concern among older Australians. The latest research revealed an increase in older people worrying over this issue, compared with previous studies.
To manage this concern, 83 per cent report that they want money that lasts a lifetime, with income that increases with inflation a top financial priority for most.
Regular income for essentials (91 per cent) and being able to afford care and medical costs (86 per cent) were also crucial to achieving long-term confidence.
“Financial wellbeing is critical to quality of life in older age, and rapidly increasing living costs are undermining the financial wellbeing of retirees,” Mr Minney says.
“Finding ways to mitigate worry and give greater confidence that they will always have the income to meet these essential expenses will improve people’s wellbeing and quality of later life. A guaranteed and adequate income stream provides a lot of reassurance and comfort to older Australians battling rising costs.
“After nearly 30 years of relative stability in the cost of living, retirement planning and financial advice must better address the potential effects of inflation in undermining people’s control over their finances.”
8 My Weekly Preview | September 28, 2023 AGENDA
“Older people’s sense of financial resilience and security have fallen since the start of the pandemic”
Wellbeing Wednesday The first Wednesday of every month SAVE 20% off all vitamins & supplements + FREE naturopath advice! *For members only, it’s free to join in-store | Not in conjunction with other offers. 330 Mons Road, Forest Glen, QLD 4556 |
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Slugging it out Did you know?
A study reported in Human Reproduction has foundthat the “twinning rate” has increased by a third since the ’80s – up from nine to 12 twins per 1000 deliveries. That’s 1.6 million twins born annually (or one-in-42 babies is a twin). Driving this is the increasing use of medically assisted reproduction, and the delay in childbearing (twinning increases with a mother’s age).
Do you remember?
Payphones have been part of Australia’s landscape since they were first used in the 1880s. At one point – just before the arrival of mobile phones – there were more than double the 15,000 that we have today. In 2022, Telstra decided to make all of its phone booths free to use for anyone calling an Australian mobile or landline number. Last year alone, Australians made 11 million calls on payphones, including more than 230,000 to services such as 000. So, there’s no doubt a payphone is often a lifeline when it’s needed most.
It sounds like something out of a horror film, but it’s all too real. The Elysia cf. marginata, a type of sea slug, has been found to not only survive decapitation, but also to be able to grow a whole new body from it. Ecologists at Nara Women’s University in Japan found that, a few hours after the snails were decapitated, their heads were already nibbling on algae as if nothing had happened. Within about 20 days, one-third of the sea slugs studied had fully grown back their bodies –hearts included.
Quote of the week
By the numbers
The world’s longest wedding veil was almost 7km long.
You lose up to 30% of your tastebuds during a flight.
Today in history – September 28
1924 – The first flight around the world is completed. On April 6, 1924, four teams of pilots from the United States Army Air Service set out from Seattle, Washington to circumnavigate the world. The four Douglas World Cruiser planes were named Seattle, Chicago, Boston and New Orleans. A total of 175 days later, Chicago and New Orleans touched down in Seattle. Boston and Seattle did not complete the 44,257-kilometre (27,500-mile) journey around the world.
1961 – A coup in Damascus led to the dissolution of the United Arab Republic, which was a short-lived union between Syria and Egypt. 2008 – Falcon 1 is launched. Falcon 1, the first privately supported and funded spacecraft, was launched into space on its fourth attempt by SpaceX.
Word of the day
10 My Weekly Preview | September 28, 2023 $1500 OFF a Jolion Premium SUV Start your spring adventures with Sunshine Coast GWM 583 Maroochydore Road, Kunda Park, QLD, 4556 Tel: 07 5300 2077 Caloundra GWM 25 Caloundra Road, Caloundra West, QLD, 4551 Tel: 07 3186 4580 Spring into action and drive away in the Haval Jolion Premium from just $26,990*. But Hurry deals end September 30 or while stocks last. *All prices are driveaway. Driveaway prices quoted are applicable only to 2022 and selected 2023 built vehicles and are subject to availability while stock lasts. Vehicles must be ordered and delivered by 30th September 2023 or whilst stocks last. 7 Year Unlimited KM warranty applies to Private, ABN, General Fleet, National Fleet and Government Buyers. Commercial use warranty, including but not limited to those use as a rental car, hire car, taxi, is 7 years up to 150,000 KM. Metallic paint plus $495. When accessories are added as part of new vehicle purchase, additional stamp duty may apply. T&Cs apply. E&OE. Jolion Ultra Model Shown Dealer License No. 3020281 FAST FACTS
The horn of an animal (usually a ram) blown as a trumpet by the ancient Hebrews in battle and during religious observances.
“You must expect great things of yourself before you can do them.”
– Michael Jordan, basketball legend
The world record for the most people able to be squeezed into a VW Beetle.
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Beauty is only skin deep when it comes to fresh local fruit and veg that taste amazing but often goes to waste. WORDS: Caitlin Zerafa.
As a society, we are becoming obsessed with accessing fresh, nutritious fruit and vegetables and we are creating a love affair with the idea of supporting local growers and farmers.
The Sunshine Coast region and its surrounds are lucky enough to have some of the best growing conditions.
And a plethora of producers grow macadamias, ginger, fingerlimes, pineapples and just about every other fruit or vegetable you could think of.
But did you know there are some shocking statistics about how much produce does not even leave Australian farms as it is deemed unable to meet supermarket standards?
About 25 per cent is the answer.
Lucky there are some great initiatives in place to ensure this ‘perfectly imperfect’ produce does not go to waste.
In 2020, hoping to close a gap in farm waste, Richard Tourino launched Good & Fugly – a produce box delivery service that works with the fruit and veg supermarkets do not want.
It was while based in Sydney during pandemic lockdowns, when he and his family were ordering produce to their house, that Richard learnt that 30 per cent of produce worldwide goes to waste.
Speaking with My Weekly Preview after the recent launch of Good & Fugly here on the Coast, Mr Tourino says he knew something needed to be done to curb the waste.
So far, his efforts have helped rescue almost 700,000 kilograms of fruit and vegetables across Australia.
“I’d had imperfect produce from small places and thought, ‘Why can’t you have a box full of imperfects?’,” he says. “We found nowhere in Australia doing it, so we started small in a storage unit and have been blown away by the demand.”
With little more experience than a small vegie patch in his Sydney backyard, Mr Tourino began visiting markets and speaking with farmers to gauge their interest.
After getting a few farmers on board to provide, fresh seasonal produce, Mr Tourino says initial feedback from consumers was how surprised they were by the freshness.
“We wanted food that was fresh,” he says.
“Fugly refers to products that are too large or too small or may have a few cosmetic scars on them – but it’s got to be
super fresh. The feedback we got from our customers was that it was some of the freshest produce they had ever tasted when comparing it to the supermarket.
“We are delivering produce that were picked yesterday or the day before, so it is super fresh when it is reaching the customer.”
Produce boxes are up to 30 per cent cheaper than supermarkets and Mr Tourino says Good & Fugly is forming long-term relationships with a growing network of farmers from Townsville to south Victoria.
There is also a ‘Fugly hotline’, which came about almost by accident, for when farmers have damaged stock due to weather or over-supply.
“In late 2020, I got a call out of the blue from a grower in Victoria who was a little bit stressed because a hailstorm had come through and damaged three orchards of peaches and he couldn’t sell them to the supermarkets,” Mr Tourino says.
“We took as many as we could and they were absolutely delicious.
“They just had some scars on the skin – no bruises, just scars.
“What we worked out was that sometimes farmers can have sudden circumstances that create the imperfects.
“So, we have created this hotline to take as much as we can when they need.
“We have even partnered to make a Good & Fugly marmalade to help use up produce so it doesn’t go to waste.”
With his in-laws living at Minyama, Mr Tourino says the uptake of the boxes in the region has been strong.
“Our goal now is to get more and more local growers on board to help reduce miles.”
In terms of what’s in the box, customers can choose a large or small, fruit-only, vegetable-only or a fruit-andveg box delivered weekly or fortnightly.
Mr Tourino says that as it’s seasonal, the produce does change.
“There are a few staples in there like potatoes and lettuces,” he says.
“At the moment, we are going into a change of season and the citrus is starting to peter out and we are looking forward to the stone fruit that is coming into season.”
Market time
Another way we can help reduce food miles is by visiting local farmers and produce markets.
12 My Weekly Preview | September 28, 2023 COVER STORY
Richard Tourino
Shane Stanley and Ishtarlia StanleyMcVinnie began the Noosa Farmers’ Market 21 years ago as a way to provide quality local produce to local consumers.
The weekly Sunday event has become a popular drawcard for people of all ages and is an important link between local farmers and consumers.
In March, the Noosa market launched click-and-collect and home-delivery services to help give residents even easier access to local produce.
“The services are for those days people cannot get to the markets but they can still get their produce,” Mr Stanley says.
“It’s not designed to take the customers away from the market, but to cater for those who cannot get there on a Sunday and open it up to the community more. The beauty of our service is that 100 per cent of the profit goes to the producers or the farmer.”
Also running the Kawana Waters Farmers’ Market, Mr Stanley says plans are in place to launch the services from there later in the year.
Mr Stanley says thta over the two decades of running the markets, he has been amazed by the continued support from the community and the
• In Australia alone, we throw away 3.1 million tonnes of food. That’s 17,000 jumbo jets (747s).
• Around the world, that number grows to 1.3 billion tonnes. That’s a mountain three kilometres across and almost 2.5 kilometres high.
• Since 70 per cent of the world’s fresh water is used for agriculture, that’s 180 trillion litres of water.
• In Australia, 25 per cent of produce does not leave the farm, while 30 per cent of all the world’s farmland produce goes to waste.
(Source: Good & Fugly)
intergenerational trends that have emerged.
“We have a strong local market that supports us. They are the backbone of what we do,” he says.
“People that were here as children now are shopping here as adults –sometimes with their own children. We are very proud of that.
“Even the farmers – we have farmers’ children who have grown up on the farm
and are continuing it on. That is not usually the trend in farming in Australia.
“Most young people leave the farm, so we have found a way to make it profitable and enjoyable. It also gets them off the farms to meet the locals and be sociable.
“It’s great for the customers that they get to meet their farmers.”
How much food are Aussies wasting?
While plenty is being done to reduce food waste at the source, that chain needs to extend to consumers once they purchase produce and take it home.
Alarming new research from Compare the Market has revealed that more than two-thirds of Australians throw out food each week.
From a survey of 1004 people in July, the research found that 64.2 per cent of Australians admit to throwing out food every week because it doesn’t get used or goes out of date.
Compare the Market’s Natasha Innes says it’s a worrying statistic, given that the average Aussie spends $199.46 on groceries and more than a third of people say the grocery shop is their biggest financial burden.
“People appear to be overestimating how much food they’ll eat in a week and unfortunately, it’s those healthier items like vegetables and salads that are going to waste,” Ms Innes says.
“We know that items like lettuce and potatoes have seen massive price hikes in recent times and fresh produce doesn’t always come cheap.”
The data reveals that vegetables are the most likely to go unused, with 29.4 per cent of Aussies throwing produce away each week.
Millennials are the generation most likely to waste their vegies, with 42 per cent of the cohort admitting to throwing their greens out.
Meanwhile, 29.1 per cent of people are binning leftover meals, with bread (23.9 per cent), milk (21.1 per cent) and salad (19.9 per cent) not far behind.
Marcoola Market – every Saturday from 8am to noon at 10 Lorraine Avenue, Marcoola.
Kawana Waters Farmers’ Market – every Saturday from 6am to noon at 119 Sportsmans Parade, Birtinya.
Pomona Country Markets – every Saturday from 7am to noon at Stan Topper Park, Pomona.
Yandina Country Markets – every Saturday from 6am to noon at North Street, Yandina.
Arthur Street Country Markets – every Sunday from 7am to noon at 125 Arthur Street, Caloundra.
Imbil Country Markets – every Sunday from 8am to 1pm at Memorial Park in Yabba Creek Road, Imbil. Fishermans Road Market – every Sunday from 6am to noon at Fishermans Road, Maroochydore.
Noosa Farmers’ Market – every Sunday from 6am to noon at 155 Weyba Road, Noosaville.
13 My Weekly Preview | September 28, 2023 COVER STORY
Noosa Farmers’ Market
SCBWN September breakfast
It was a great turnout for the Sunshine Coast Business Women’s Network September breakfast. It was also the first SCBWN event at The Bower Tree, Sippy Downs, where guests enjoyed a delicious breakfast and were treated to a bottle of bubbles from the venue. The 2023 award winners shared their stories and words of advice to inspire and uplift
14 My Weekly Preview | September 28, 2023 SOCIALS
Images: Empire Art Photography
Min Swan, Kim Morrison, Lizzie Henebery
Anna Owen, Josie Collins, Angela Tondelstrand, Beth O’Leary, Jacqui Atique, Renee Cooper
Natalie & Mitch Sinclair
Kim McCosker, Melinda Dines
Vanessa Nock, Jeanette Allom-Hill, Natalie Crombie, Kylie Harvey
Paula Williamson, Kate Ogg
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The sneaky tricks big bedding stores use to get you to pay way too much for your next mattresses
Are you looking for a mattress but not sure what to buy? Do you see ‘Bedding Sale’ ads and wonder if you really can save 40%, 50% and even 60% on a new mattress ... or if it’s just ONE BIG RIP OFF?
You’re about to discover the sneaky tricks big department and bedding stores use to get you to pay way too much for a mattress. And how you can get a better mattress for way less money.
The Truth About Prices
With queen mattresses ranging from $200-$5,000 (and even $10,000 and more), you may wonder if higher priced mattresses are really worth it? Will they last longer? And will they give you a better night’s sleep?
What if I told you, apart from the label and the price, many $3,000 mattresses are exactly the same as mattresses half their price?
In some cases, the outer fabric may be different (but not necessarily better). And the retailer may try to use made-up terminology to make their mattress sound better. But giving a spring a fancy name doesn’t make it better. And calling a fabric ‘Smart’ doesn’t change the way it looks or works (but it may fool people into paying more).
Unfair Mark Ups
There is often no rhyme or reason to mattress prices. For example, we once saw a mattress on sale for $4,000 that we know we can import from China for $400. No wonder they can afford to sell them at 50% off.
Not Able To Compare
Comparison shopping mattresses is impossible. That’s because manufacturers take the exact same mattress and sell it to different stores under different brand and model names. That means, if you find a mattress you like in one store, you can’t comparison shop the price in another store because their mattresses will have completely different names. We’ve seen two identical mattresses (apart from the names) selling in two different stores with prices that differ by more than $2,000. No wonder customers are so confused.
You Don’t Know What You’re Getting
The reason mattress retailers can get away with these sneaky tricks is simply because you can’t see what’s inside the mattress you’re buying. And chances are, the retailer won’t tell you. Or they’ II bamboozle you with made-up terminology. Wouldn’t it be nice if somebody really told you ...
What’s In A Mattress? Springs
Unless a mattress is made entirely of foam or latex, it will contain a core of springs. These springs are made by a handful of companies (usually in China) and imported into Australia flattened.
Traditionally mattresses contained Bonnel Springs (a cylindrical coil of wire attached between guide wires and
hoops on the top and bottom). These springs are tried and tested. And they are affordable. But because they are made of continuous wire and attached at the top and bottom, they can easily transfer movement across the bed. Pocket Springs are also imported into Australia flattened. They are wrapped individually in cylinders of fabric and work independently of each other which minimises partner disturbance. Pocket Springs are slightly more expensive than Bonnel Springs but lvell worth it.
Side Supports
Cheap Bonnel Spring mattress don’t have any side supports. More expensive ones have a single butterfly side support (looks like half a butterfly). Here at Simply Beds we use double butterfly side supports (looks like a full butterfly) which gives double the support so the edge of the bed remains firm when you sit on it.
Cheaper Pocket Spring mattresses either have no side supports or use a simple metal hoop at the top and bottom. The best way to give side support is to encase the springs in a quality high density foam box. That’s what we do here at Simply Beds.
Comfort Layers
This refers to the foam / latex layers that sit on the springs. This is a major part of the mattress and makes a big difference to the comfort, longevity and cost.
Not all foams are the same quality. Foam is graded by density (or weight) and softness. The higher the density (heavier) the longer the foam will last.
Density has nothing to do with softness. You can get high density foam (heavy foam) in soft, medium, and firm. The problem is, most retailers won’t tell you the density of the foam in each mattress (most probably don’t even know).
Memory or Gel Foam is also sometimes used as a comfort layer. Both foams have slow release qualities which enable them to hug your body and relieve pressure points. But this can make them warmer to sleep on. Gel Foam is injected with a special substance to increase air circulation and keep your mattress cooler.
Latex can also be used as a comfort layer. Like foam, not all latex is the same. Genuine latex is highly elastic and will last for many years. Synthetic and hybrid latex becomes brittle over time.
The top comfort layer is in the quilting. Beds with a cloudlike feel usually have a lot of polyester in the quilting. While this may be lovely at first, it will quickly flatten (within weeks). To prevent this we include foam in our quilting.
This is usually an extra layer/s of foam attached to one side of the mattress. While this may add to the comfort of a mattress, depending on the density of the foam, it will contour to your body over time.
We use high quality (i.e. high density) foam to minimise this. Pillowtop mattresses are usually single-sided (non flip)
which effectively halves their life (although many of our mattresses are still guaranteed for I0 years).
Why Choose Simply Beds
Unbeatable Wholesale Prices: Overall, our standard prices are around 70% cheaper than other stores because we manufacture ourselves - right here in Brisbane.
Every Mattress Is Different: Our cheaper mattresses cost less because they are more basic with Bonnel Springs, no side supports and limited foam. Our more expensive mattresses cost more because they have pocket springs, foam box side supports and include more foam and higher quality foam or latex. But all cost around 70% less than other retailers.
Easy to Compare: We’re happy to show you what’s inside each mattress so you know exactly what you’re getting and you can compare mattresses across our range.
Genuine Guarantee: While most retailers simply refer you to the manufacturer who may give you the rnn-around and force you to pay for freight to examine the mattress, we stand behind our products. If there is a problem, we will come to your home, inspect your mattress, and make things right straight away.
Free Expert Advice
For more information and personal assistance from a Factory Trained Mattress Specialist, visit one of our showrooms, click onto our website or call one of our outlets.
Also see some of the display mattresses we are selling for even less than our usual low wholesale prices.
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Finalists have been announced for the Sunshine Coast Business Awards, after a record number of entries were submitted for the annual accolades.
Judges spent hundreds of hours deliberating over nominations before compiling shortlists.
Awards chair Jennifer Swaine says there are now 137 high-calibre finalists in the running for awards in 16 categories, after more than 400 entries were submitted.
“Year on year, we see higher and higher quality entries,” Ms Swaine says.
“It is very clear entrants are working hard on their applications, so I would like
to congratulate this year’s finalists and also thank everyone who entered.”
Finalists will undergo interviews with judges before winners are announced.
“Finalists will also have the opportunity to participate in the masterclass to assist them to make the most of being a finalist, ahead of the much-anticipated awards gala in November,” Ms Swaine says.
She says the awards are made possible through the volunteer awards committee, the panel of judges and via the financial support of sponsors.
“I would also like to acknowledge the committee members who are also volunteers and who contribute around
About the awards
As the longest-established accolades of their kind, the Sunshine Coast Business Awards have been celebrating excellence since 1995. The awards recognise the many impressive business success stories throughout the region. They also provide networking events for the local business community throughout the year. The awards program culminates in the major gala event each November, which is attended by more than 800 people from all corners of our business community.
To find out more about the awards, visit
100 volunteer hours a month to deliver the awards year after year.”
Awards judging chair Bruce Williams says the judges are successful businesspeople who volunteer their time to read through the entries and participate in the interview process for finalists.
“Each judge has read over 20 applications, which means the judges have read about 110,000 words each,” he says.
“Combined, that is more than 2.8 million words read, or like reading all seven Harry Potter novels 2.6 times. So, it is a lot of work.”
The celebratory gala event announcing the winners will be held on November 11 at the Sunshine Coast Convention Centre.
The Business of the Year winner is chosen from the winners of the categories. Hall of Fame Awards are awarded to those who have won their category three years in a row.
For a full list of the 2023 Sunshine Coast Business Awards, see our coverage of the story on our sister site:
A major road connecting the southern Sunshine Coast to the Bruce Highway is being labelled a welcome congestionbuster, after its official opening.
The ribbon has been cut on the $70m Bells Creek Arterial Road, which links Caloundra Road to the Bruce Highway, unlocking new housing developments in the region.
Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk, Transport and Main Roads Minister Mark Bailey and Member for Caloundra Jason Hunt officially opened the eight-kilometre extension of the road, completing the 11.9-kilometre connection.
Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk says the route is much needed due to the population ‘boom’ in the Caloundra South area.
“More than 50,000 drivers use Caloundra Road every day so this brand-new road will give those people a crucial second access to the Bruce Highway,” she says.
Mr Bailey says the connection will alleviate traffic woes, while also delivering additional transport features as part of the project.
“Bells Creek Arterial Road will bust congestion on the Sunshine Coast,” he says.
“As an avid bike rider, I’m excited to announce we’ve delivered improved active transport connections, including an overpass bridge from Baringa and Nirimba, helping more Queenslanders get outside and enjoy our great lifestyle.”
Stockland regional development manager Adrian Allen says the new road improves connectivity and community safety for Aura residents and will be a significant link for emergency services in the future.
The project was funded by the state government and developer Stockland.
The Sunshine Coast’s reach to Australian travel destinations is expanding, with a low-cost airline going wild for the Top End.
Bonza has announced its newest route from the Sunshine Coast to Darwin, which marks its 11th service out of its Marcoola base.
The new route coincides with Tourism NT’s current campaign, Summer Done Differently, that aims to inspire Australians to travel to the Territory.
“We are thrilled to announce a brand-new route for Sunny Coast locals,” Bonza chief commercial officer Carly Povey says.
“The new route also opens up a brand-new market for tourism operators here on the Sunshine Coast who will be
drawn to the region’s attractions.”
News of the route comes as Bonza celebrates nine months of operations out of Sunshine Coast Airport, bringing more than 120,000 additional travellers to its base. It has also been revealed the airport had a record-breaking 1.62 million passengers through the terminal in 2022-23 financial year.
Ms Povey says the connection between the Northern Territory and the Sunshine Coast has the potential to bring another 40,000 passengers through the airport annually.
The new route starts on November 29 and will run twice weekly on Wednesdays and Saturdays. Fares start from $149 per person, one way.
Download the Fly Bonza app to book.
16 My Weekly Preview | September 28, 2023
It’s almost time to celebrate the annual finalists and winners who have gone above and beyond and are striving for excellence.
The 2022 accommodation winners from Mercure Sunshine Coast
NEW DISPLAY HOMES NOW OPEN Discover the new Village Hub and Creative Arts Precinct Buderim’s luxury lifestyle community designed for over 50s, B by Halcyon, has been thoughtfully designed with an array of exclusive resort-quality facilities so you can take it on or take it easy. Featuring a Wellness Centre, Recreation Club and Creative Arts Pavilion, B by Halcyon provides you with everything you need and then leaves it all up to you. All photographs, illustrations, statements, pricing and information in this advertisement are for illustrative purposes only and are based on information available to and the intention of Stockland at the time of creation July 2023 and are subject to change without notice. No diagram, photograph, illustration, statement or information amounts to a legally binding obligation on or warranty by Stockland and Stockland accepts no liability for any loss or damage suffered by any person who relies on them either wholly or in part. Indications of location, distance or size are approximate and for indicative purposes only. Subject to change. Visit our display centre – Call 1800 050 050 9am to 4pm, Monday to Friday | B by Halcyon 2 Retreat Drive, Buderim, Qld 4556
The Rural Fire Service chief has praised the efforts of officers who kept recent Coast bushfires away from properties. WORDS: Steele Taylor.
Firefighters have been lauded for their efforts in suppressing a blaze that ripped through about 200 hectares of mostly national park recently.
They were forced into action on the afternoon of Sunday, September 17, when the fire, which is being treated as suspicious, burst into life.
Emergency warnings were issued and residents were urged to leave immediately.
There were various warnings during the next few days, particularly for properties between Steve Irwin Way, Irwin Road, Mawsons Road and the Bruce Highway, including Holt Road.
The fire, mainly within the Glass House National Park, intensified on the Monday, when a slew of resources was put into action to counter it.
“(The fire) did get close to a couple of properties,” Rural Fire Service director Chief Superintendent Matt Inwood says.
“But crews were able to pull the fire up before it got in contact with the properties.”
He has praised the efforts of firefighters involved.
“It was a great effort by all of the firefighting personnel,” he says.
“Because of the nature of the country and the dry conditions, (the fire) was fairly active on Sunday afternoon when it first started and then again on Monday
Sunshine Coast residents and visitors can stay up to date with important information by downloading the council’s Disaster Hub app or by visiting disaster. The Disaster Hub displays weather warnings, road closures and evacuation centres.
afternoon, when the heat and wind were behind it.
“But we had a significant number of crews and aircraft on the fire, and they were able to bring it under control.
“They were able to get some control lines around it and they’ve done a fantastic job.
“They got in there and did some hard work firefighting to make sure they could get that fire to where it is now.”
During the peak of the blaze, there were more than 60 firefighting vehicles and six water bombing aircraft in action, including helicopters and fixed-wing aircraft on float that sourced water from dams.
Crews from the Rural Fire Service, Queensland Parks and Wildlife, and HQ Plantations were also on the scene.
The fire is under investigation by Queensland Fire and Emergency Services and the Queensland Police Service.
“Police continue to investigate a suspicious vegetation fire in Beerwah on September 18, including whether human activity contributed to the cause of the blaze,” police say.
“Hooning is one of the lines of inquiry being investigated.
“However, there are many variables and possibilities being looked at.”
Australia is officially in the grip of a double weather whammy that could mean a dangerously hot and dry summer for much of the country.
The Bureau of Meteorology has formally declared an El Nino event in the Pacific Ocean, to Australia’s east, and a positive Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) to the west.
El Nino typically delivers aboveaverage heat and drier conditions, particularly in eastern Australia.
And a positive IOD tends to drive lower-than-average rainfall for large swathes of the country.
“When these two things occur together, that tends to increase the severity of rainfall deficiencies, in particular for the southeast of the continent, over spring,” bureau manager of climate services Karl Braganza says. He warns hot, dry conditions are expected to persist until the end of summer.
“In all likelihood, we can expect that this summer will be hotter than average and certainly hotter than the last three years,” he says.
“Those conditions are accompanied by an increase in fire danger and extreme heat risk.
“It’s really up to individuals and communities now to prepare for a summer of heat and fire hazards.”
Dr Braganza says that while conditions are not as bad as they were when leading into the catastrophic fires of Black Summer, the landscape is rapidly drying out.
“Leading into Black Summer in 2019 ... we had years of preceding drought,” he says.
“We do have a wetter landscape out there, (but) it is drying out more rapidly than has occurred in recent years.
“We are already seeing extreme conditions in some parts of the continent.”
18 My Weekly Preview | September 28, 2023 No Salesmen No Hype... Just quality Patios & Pergolas built to STAND THE TEST OF TIME SUNCOAST PERGOLAS 5492 3954 | 0412 415 644 e: QBCC 51514 Patios | Pergolas | Decks | Carports Deal with one person, the owner from Concept to Completion. Over 300 images to showcase our work on our online gallery. CALL Brendon Maddock for an Obligation FREE Design & Quote SAME OWNER SAME QUALITY WORKMANSHIP Proudly Serving the Sunshine Coast for 33 years WILLS, INHERITANCE AND DECEASED ESTATE LAWYERS FOR 45 YEARS GEOFF LYONS (Bachelor of Laws and Master of Laws majoring in Wills & Estates) • WILLS • DECEASED ESTATE ADMINISTRATION P: (07) 5491 2422 Cnr. Centaur St & Omrah Ave CALOUNDRA in n Wills & 2 v RA
The recent Beerwah fire
Want more news daily? Visit our sister site,, for free up-to-date news.
DOUBLE TROUBLE POSSIBLE AS HOT, DRY SUMMER RAMPS UP A whole new life. Over-50s living redefined. GemLife offers luxury resort-style living with premium lifestyle facilities on your doorstep. No entry fees, exit fees or stamp duty Friendly community Pets welcome Gated neighbourhood Extensive premium facilities Luxury homes Caravan and boat storage* Retain your capital gain Ageing-in-place solutions Ph: 1800 317 393 *Terms & conditions apply *Terms & conditions apply MORETON BAY BRIBIE ISLAND MAROOCHY QUAYS PACIFIC PARADISE PALMWOODS Moreton Bay and Sunshine Coast locations GemLife over-50s lifestyle resorts. New homes now selling.
Mooloolah Valley Men’s Shed open
The Mooloolah Valley Men’s Shed has officially opened, symbolising much more than the inauguration of a physical structure. The multifunctional space is designed to enhance the mental and emotional wellbeing of men in the community where they can engage in activities ranging from woodworking to metalwork, or even just enjoy a cuppa. With about 50 initial members, the group aims to expand its reach. The shed provides men of all skill levels an opportunity to participate in collective projects – be it crafting furniture for local schools or other community contributions, sharing their expertise or learning something new, all while creating a sense of accomplishment and purpose. Men in the Mooloolah Valley interested in being involved can contact MCMS secretary Chuck on 0408 887 626.
Caloundra Garden Club meetings
Spring has sprung! Anyone interested in plants, gardening or looking to forge friendships through gardening is invited to a monthly meeting that features
informative talks from guest speakers, demonstrations and morning tea. The Caloundra Garden Club meetings are held at 9.30am on the first Tuesday of the month at the CCSA Hall at 1 Nutley Street, Caloundra. The next meeting is on October 3. Visitors are welcome. Visit Caloundra Garden Club on Facebook or call Kath on 5492 4346 for more information.
Buderim VIEW Club lunches
The Buderim VIEW Club raises money for The Smith Family and the Learning For Life program, currently supporting seven students. Lunch meetings are held on the first Wednesday of each month. The next meeting will be held on October 4 from 11am at Buderim Tavern. The cost is $30. New or interested members can contact Gail at For more information on VIEW Clubs, visit
Stress-management course
A six-week Positive Stress-Management Course to help promote a deeper understanding of the condition will begin on October 6. The course will be run by
Marge Stathakis (psychology) and Anne Dougall (counselling) from 9.10am to noon at Connection on Kings, 2-10 Gloucester Road, Buderim. This course will be sponsored by Buderim Uniting Church. The closing date for registration is October 3. To register, call 0433 620 024.
Model railway club display event
The Sunshine Coast Model Railway Club
Men’s Shed is having a display and sales day on Saturday, October 7. There will be several model railway layouts on display, with some available for children of all ages to try. More than 20 vendors will be selling new and used goods associated with model railways, locomotives, rolling stock, track and building. There will be a sausage sizzle plus other refreshments available to purchase. Entry is free. The event runs from 8.30am to 1pm at the Uniting Church Hall, 56c Queen Street, Caloundra. Woodworking
club’s open day
The Caloundra Woodworking Club will hold its open day on Saturday, October 7. Products made by talented members will be on display and available to purchase. The day will also include raffle prizes, with coffee and sausage sizzle available. Visitors can find out more about the club’s activities on the day and the benefits of membership. The event will take place at the club headquarters at 65 Ulm Street South, Caloundra. Entry is $2 per person. For more information, call Allan on 0432 453 263.
Walk for mental health
Mooloolaba Rotary Club’s eighth annual Lift The Lid Walk For Mental Health will take place on Sunday, October 8, at 8am. The walk leaves from The Surf Club, Mooloolaba. All funds raised go directly to Rotary Health, which is focused on raising awareness of mental health issues faced in local communities. The event is the
initiative of Mooloolaba Rotarian Vicki Stewart and is now a national event. The walk is dog friendly. Register at
Art group supports hospice
Tinbeerwah Art Group’s annual art show in September was its biggest and most successful to date, raising $2000 to donate to Katie Rose Cottage Hospice. More than 130 guests packed Tinbeerwah Hall on the opening gala night to meet the artists and Lorraine Kypiotis, head of undergraduate studies at the National Art School in Sydney. Jack Connolly presented The Margaret Connolly Hangers prize in memory of his late wife to artist Vivien Lawson. The People’s Choice prize was awarded to Mary Zouglakis. For more, find Tinbeerwah Art Group on Facebook.
20 My Weekly Preview | September 28, 2023 COMMUNITY NEWS
Do you have a community notice? Email it to localnews@
Mary Zouglakis
Minnett. Building Wealth for Generations.
Cr Winston Johnston Division 5
We have been working with the skating community on a design to renew the skate park at Maleny Showgrounds.
A final layout has been completed which is why we are now asking local skaters for fresh input on three design options. I would encourage any skaters, bladers, scooter and bike riders to review the designs and have your say before September 30 at haveyoursay.
Keeping with skate parks, the Palmwoods skate park shade sail, drinking fountain, seating and sealed carpark have also been completed.
I hope our skating community enjoy the comfort of the new upgrades.
Weekend escape
If you’re seeking a serene escape from the hustle and bustle of daily life, Montville’s picturesque town, nestled in the lush hinterland, should be your next destination.
Did you know that Montville Art Gallery is the oldest continuously
operated business in Montville, representing artists since 1972? The gallery is located in an 1890s original house and is the home of the smallest oil painting in the world, which is on permanent display. Also in the hinterland, a new Maleny entrance sign is being constructed on the corner of Landsborough-Maleny and McCarthy roads – so, keep your eyes peeled next time you’re driving by.
Swimming spot safety review
A review is underway to improve the safety of visitors to a popular but unpredictable hinterland destination.
We are calling on the community to share ideas on ways to improve signage at Gardners Falls in Maleny, to help encourage safe behaviours.
The goal is for visitors to better understand the risks at this location and be informed on how to manage their own safety.
I encourage you to share your ideas on the draft signage before 5pm on Friday, October 13, by visiting council’s Have Your Say website.
Keeping you connected
Keep an eye on my Facebook page for the latest Division 5 news and information. Visit winstonjohnstondivision5scc
Thanks to the hard work of local volunteers, Wishlist Coffee House has raised more $179,000 to enhance Nambour Hospital over the past three years.
Now, the charity is calling for more volunteers to help provide staff, patients and families with delicious food and coffee at the busy cafe, located inside Nambour Hospital.
“Our volunteers enjoy working here and it’s a great way to meet new people, make new connections, have a laugh and utilise your past experience, too,” Wishlist Coffee House manager Wendy Southam says.
“They are also very proud to give back to their local hospital.
“They can see the difference they make every day they come in.”
Proceeds from the café in the past have helped Wishlist fund a $72,365 colposcope to help diagnose women’s cancers faster, virtual reality tools to distract young patients in emergency and a point-of-care ultrasound.
Anyone who can spare a few hours on a weekly or fortnightly basis can call 5202 1777.
Or visit and click on the “Become a volunteer” page for more information.
21 My Weekly Preview | September 28, 2023
LIKE US FOLLOW Ecco Birkenstock Crocs Skechers Arcopedico Taos Josef Seibel Zeta Tsonga CALOUNDRA 3/84 Bulcock Street Tel 5492 7185 NOOSAVILLE 230 Gympie Terrace Tel 5447 1755 SHOP ONLINE ARAMBOL - PLATINO COOLUM BEACH 3A/1806 David Low Way Tel 5227 8545
Wishlist Coffee House volunteers Annette, Cheryl and Aileen
Get your tickets for an unmissable three days of sun, surf and soul at the Caloundra Music Festival. Kings Beach and surrounds will come alive to the sounds of six stages, featuring some huge international acts and the best of the Australian music industry. This not-for-profit, family-friendly event celebrates the environment, cultural achievements and community pride. Head along and unwind in the Kings Club or go for an All In ticket for an unbelievable weekend. Day tickets are available. Artist playing days can be found on the festival website.
When: Friday, September 29 – Sunday, October 1.
Where: Kings Beach, Caloundra.
Tickets: Various tickets and prices. Visit
There’s loads to explore and plenty to do on the Coast. Pop these fun events into your diary so you don’t miss out.
Settle in for a dinner and tribute show like no other, celebrating the greatest hits from Australia’s own John Farnham. Enjoy three hours of Farnham’s greatest hits, including You’re The Voice, Help, That’s Freedom and Burn For You, plus a two-course meal (main and dessert). The all-new show features clips and footage.
When: Friday, September 29, 6.30-10pm. Where: Caloundra RSL, 19 West Terrace, Caloundra.
Tickets: $69, via landing/1071846.
Caloundra Arts Centre Association is holding its Sip ’n’ Paint session as a fun way to fundraise. Under the guidance of an experienced artist tutor, participants will be creating a painting of the Glass House Mountains. This session is suitable for beginners, as well as advanced painters. Tickets include tutoring, canvas, paint and use of other art supplies, as well as generous grazing platters, plus tea and coffee. BYO drinks.
When: Sunday, October 1, 12.45pm for a 1pm start.
Where: Caloundra Arts Centre Association (CACA), 5 North Street, Caloundra.
Tickets: $75. For bookings, contact Christine Hopkins on 0439 643 117. Gift certificates are available.
From the Sunshine Coast theatre company that presented Fame, Beauty and the Beast and The Addams Family comes the cult classic comedy Spamalot. Lovingly ripped off from the classic comedy film Monty Python and The Holy Grail, Spamalot retells the legend of King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table on their quest to find the Holy Grail.
When: Saturday, October 7, 2pm and 7.30pm. Where: The Events Centre, 20 Minchinton Street, Caloundra.
Tickets: $32.50-$40, via theeventscentre.
Maleny Showgrounds Bushcare Group invites you to explore and celebrate the endangered rainforest that has flourished at the Maleny Showgrounds with local expert Spencer Shaw and Jinibara Traditional Owner BJ Murphy. When: Saturday, September 30, 9.30am. Where: Maleny Showgrounds, 13 Maleny-Stanley River Road, Maleny. Tickets: Free event. Register via and search for ‘Forest Jewel Discovery’.
Mayor Mark Jamieson and Mayoress Lorrell Jamieson invite you to join them for an evening you won’t forget. Enjoy a 3-course meal from local award-winning chefs, premium beverages, a sensational band, all while supporting the SunnyKids Save A Life Tonight campaign.
DATE Saturday, October 28th, 2023
TIME 6:00pm to 11:00pm
VENUE Venue 114, 114 Sportsman Parade, Bokarina
DRESS CODE Black Tie / Ball Gown
Thank you to our Presenting Partners
Thank you to our Supporting Partners
22 My Weekly Preview | September 28, 2023 MY TIME
The Blackall Range Woodcrafters Guild (the ‘Woodies’) is holding a weekend open day of all things wood. There will be woodworking demonstrations, timber for sale and a broad range of craft items and toys available for purchase. In addition, there will be a Tool Cave stocked with preloved hand and power tools for sale at attractive prices. There may even be some magic wands, a la Harry Potter.
When: Saturday, September 30, and Sunday, October 1, 9am-3pm.
Where: 230 Balmoral Road, Montville.
Tickets: Free entry.
1 - 31 OCTOBER
The Clayden Potters exhibition shows the diversity and imagination of artists using their hands and clay. This primitive pastime is plenty of fun and provides practical and aesthetic pottery. Clayden Potters has been a community pottery group for more than 40 years in Coolum. Its membership has expanded from 12 potters to 65. Pottery creations range from hand building to sculpture and dinnerware. It’s a very eclectic group that shares and has fun with clay.
When: Sunday, October 1 – Tuesday, October 31, 9am-5pm.
Where: Kawana Library, 30 Nanyima Street, Buddina.
Tickets: Free event.
King of The Swingers: Sinatra Through the Years is an authentic-sounding tribute concert to the unforgettable music of Ol’ Blues Eyes himself, Frank Sinatra. Standing in Sinatra’s shoes is Rhydian Lewis, who fronts one of Australia’s finest four-piece bands, The Residuals. King of The Swingers has toured extensively.
When: Wednesday, October 4, 11am.
Where: The Events Centre, 20 Minchinton Street, Caloundra.
Tickets: $25, via au/event/king-of-the-swingers/.
Springtime has arrived, and the Coolum Art Collective is presenting its second exhibition for 2023 in the extended four-day format. That means extra time to see more pieces for art lovers everywhere. Featured will be some of the Sunshine Coast’s leading artists and artisans, offering a diverse range of art and crafts. More than 200 original artworks by 20 artists are offered for sale, comprising traditional and current styles, including oils and watercolours to acrylic, mixed media and pastel works. Entry is free, with the opportunity to purchase quality artwork and artisan items. Visitors can also vote for their favourite artist in the People’s Choice award.
When: Friday, September 29 – Monday, October 2, 9am-3pm.
Where: Coolum Civic Centre, 2-4 Park Street, Coolum Beach.
Tickets: Free entry.
Gig guide
Karl S. Williams, Maleny Lane, 6.30pm
Whispering Jack show, Caloundra RSL, 6.30pm
Hornet, Caloundra RSL, 9pm
Shannon B, Alex Surf Club, 4pm
Neil Taylor, Coolum Surf Club, 8.30pm
Reverend Billy, Cooroy RSL, 6pm
DJ JD7, Beerwah Hotel, 8.30pm
DJ Mr Sparkle, Palmwoods Hotel, 8.30pm.
Ed Kuepper, Eumundi Brewery, 7.30pm
Sam Buckingham, Maleny Community Centre, 7pm
Andy Cowan, Black Box Theatre, 7pm
Luke Dickens Duo, Maroochy RSL, 5.30pm
The Smokin’ Firebirds, Alex Surf Club, 7.30pm
The BB Xperience, Maroochy Surf Club, 7.30pm
Luke Speerin, Coolum Surf Club, 8.30pm
Joe Daniels, Cooroy RSL, 6pm
Third Pocket, Beerwah Hotel, 8.30pm
Dirty Dice, Palmwoods Hotel, 8.30pm.
Romeo and Julliette, Maroochy RSL, 6pm
The Lyrical, Alex Surf Club, 3pm
Huriana, Maroochy Surf Club, 2.30pm Colin Dodds, Mooloolaba Surf Club, 2.30pm.
* All events were correct at time of printing.
23 My Weekly Preview | September 28, 2023 MY TIME
2 3153A 09 23 07 5475 7272 DEVELOPMENT QUESTIONS ABOUT YOUR PROPERTY? DO YOU HAVE You can connect with a Council expert and get free advice at our Development Connect event. We’ll help you with development information about planning, engineering, building, plumbing and landscaping. Sunshine Coast City Hall, 54 First Avenue, Maroochydore Spaces are limited. FREEEXPERTADVICE DEVELOPMENT CONNECT EVENT DELIVERERS REQUIRED for My Weekly Preview Residential Runs Easy supplement income. Reliable vehicle required. Flexible hours. CALOUNDRA BEACHES, WURTULLA BIRTINYA, PELICAN WATERS Contact Jacqui – 0415 909 190 Note: Does not affect pension payments Looking for some EXTRA CA$H? PREVIEW MY WEEKLY FREE Take me home plus style TV GUIDE PROPERTY what son ISSUE 745 FEBRUARY 23, 2023 don’t miss our education feature Why ageing is simply a numbers game School smarts Is 60 the new 40? In style: adorn yourself with bright colours and fabulous textures Bold beauty PREVIEW MY WEEKLY FREE Take me home plus TV GUIDE PROPERTY what’s on ISSUE 746 MARCH 2, 2023 FIVE PAGES OF EXPERT ADVICE IN our health AND welLBEING FEATURE Mind, body and soul INTERNATIONAL WOMEN’S DAY CHALLENGES STEREOTYPES AND CHAMPIONS EQUITY Embrace change PREVIEW MY WEEKLY FREE Take me home ISSUE 747 MARCH 9, 2023 CHOOSE THE LUXURY AND DESTINATION THAT SUITS YOU A world of cruising AS melanoma NUMBERS continue to MARCH ON, prevention campaigns are IN THE SPOTLIGHT A ray of sunshine Note:
Iam currently part of a team charged with selecting new paint colours for our townhouse complex. While we are progressing, it has been a tricky process, with opinions as broad as a paint firm’s colour chart.
Never mind Fifty Shades of Grey – there are at least a thousand shades of white, beige and cream. And the accent colours can be polarising.
While I dream now in Lexicon (and its step-sibling Lexicon Half), Dune and Monument, I reckon one of the funniest jobs in the world must be to come up with the names for the paint colours.
When I built my first home many years ago, the colours were nearly all food related: Avocado, Clotted Cream, Banana Split, Teacake. The act of paint selection led to lots of salivating and dreaming of dinner. Comedian Jimmy Rees has a hilarious skit where he takes the role of the guy who decides paint colours. He comes out with labels such as Baby’s Poo, Semen, Bile and Butter Chicken. It is funny because of how close it is to the truth.
Now the paint people seem to be tripping over themselves to be politically palatable. Stone Pillar, Blemish-Free,
Coastal Sand and Wing Commander must be deemed to be pretty inoffensive.
They don’t evoke much imagery, which must be the intention. But in my view, the effort to avoid raising eyebrows has gone a bit too far.
Dulux has declared that after a period of evaluation, 150 of its 5000 colours were deemed to be inappropriate for all audiences. The colours remain, but the names have had a makeover, lest they cause offence.
African Ambush got the chop, to make way for Spice Powder. Mexican Standoff is out and Apricot Fizz is in. Lusty Lavender is gone, and the more demure Dusty Lavender stands in its place. Voodoo is now Vibrant Lavender.
Male is now Mellow Beige (although few males I know are beige purely because of gender designation). Shy Girl is now Overt – perhaps she came out her shell?
Naked Lady is now Different Pink (but different from what, one wonders? Is it because she is blushing?).
You get the picture. It might be funny, but the paint name game is all a bit of nonsense: once on the wall, it all fades into the background.
Iheard recently on the wireless a news story about the increasing road-fatality numbers throughout the nation.
Sadly, Queensland received a dishonorable mention.
Even worse, one of the really bad areas was Bribie through to Monto which, of course, covers this area. Driver fatigue was one of the worst and most-common causes – particularly in rural areas. I guess that isn’t surprising, and nor is the fact that since they have taken away Driver Reviver stops, incidents have gone up.
I listened to all this intently as a road safety expert rattled off the numbers and, I must say, I was surprised about a few things that weren’t mentioned. I see them on my daily commute, particularly in the morning.
Young girls in Hyundai XLs and the like with coffee cup in one hand and phone in the other or between their legs, who refuse to let you merge – not mentioned.
Then there are the young men in tricked-up four-wheel-drives who believe indicating is optional at best and changing lanes is a rite of passage. They weren’t mentioned, either. It’s not all about young people: there are the old codgers who sit in
the right lane and do 20km under the speed limit, creating havoc without having any idea what is going on or caring, which is worse on a single carriageway. Hook a caravan or a boat behind them and multiply the problem. Did I mention caravans loaded incorrectly that sway all over the road like a drunken sailor?
I was quite surprised that carparks in shopping centres didn’t get a mention, but I suppose they usually aren’t going fast enough to hurt each other. But I do wonder about the numbers on raised blood pressure and possible stroke from the angst caused by inconsiderate drivers. A prime example is The Fruit Shed car park at Warana: that is deadset like being in a dodgem car every time you enter or exit. Don’t get me started on motorbike riders. If they don’t run you off the road, they try and blind you with smokes thrown out the window into your face. Awesome. None of this is a joking matter. Maybe if we rest when we need to rest, be patient no matter what twit is in front of us, and pay attention to the job at hand with two hands, numbers will improve. And remember: each number is a member of someone’s family.
24 My Weekly Preview | September 28, 2023
Jane Stephens has discovered that colouring our world in too much political correctness can result in wall-to-wall, lifeless beige.
Ashley Robinson highlights the fact that statistics don’t always tell the full story, especially when considering inconsiderate drivers.
The opinions expressed are those of the authors. These are not the views of My Weekly Preview publishers.
Ashley Robinson is the manager of Alex Surf Club and the chairman of the Sunshine Coast Falcons. Dr Jane Stephens is a UniSC journalism lecturer, media commentator and writer. REDUCE UP TO 73 % ON YOUR WATER HEATING ENERGY For a FREE in-home consultation call 0403 921 887 *T&C apply *
Sami Muirhead seems like she is chuffed to be so up to date with all the lingo the cool kids are using around town. Amirite?
You would love to eat a fluffernutter, amirite? A ‘fluffernutter’ is a sandwich that consists of peanut butter mixed with marshmallows. It is also one of the most recent words added to the MerriamWebster dictionary. ‘Amirite’ is a slang way of saying, texting or writing: “Am I right”.
So, you see, you really would love to eat a fluffernutter, amirite? Good. Because we are about to hold hands and go on a steep learning curve when it comes to new words that have become so entrenched in our society that they now officially make the dictionary.
‘ICYMI’ is one of the latest acronyms you may hear around the Coast and stands for: ‘In Case You Missed It’. ‘Janky’ is another novel word officially added to the dictionary.
It means dodgy – for example: “My knee is feeling a bit janky, so I will skip going to gym again (which means it will be about six years since I have been)”.
‘Cringe’ is also now in the dictionary and means to cause huge embarrassment. To use this in context, my kids could say: “Mum, you were so cringe when you sang karaoke after your third glass of chardy at the pub”.
We now have an official name for those
of us who are socially awkward, with the introduction of the word ‘adorkable’ to the dictionary. ‘Sus’ is also a new addition, meaning a suspect person or suspect behaviour. ‘Yeet’ is one you may not have heard of yet – meaning to throw something very hard. For example, you may say: “I am going to yeet this ball at that sus guy who is eating a fluffernutter”.
Justin Scattini, Ord Minnett Buderim.
Many people, as they get a bit older, find their current home is no longer ideal for their changing circumstances.
This often means downsizing to a less-expensive home to free up some capital to improve their cash flow in retirement, or it could just mean relocating to be closer to family, the beach or even the golf course. It can also be just as simple as looking to the future and seeking a lower-maintenance home.
$300,000 for each member of a couple to your superannuation fund. The amount is limited to the proceeds of the property sale. This contribution will not count towards your contribution caps. So, even investors with very large superannuation balances will be able to take advantage of this opportunity. The downsizer contribution, however, will count towards the individuals’ zero-tax $1.9 million transfer balance cap, with anything over that amount incurring a 15 per cent tax on any earnings.
But my favourite unfamiliar word is ‘MacGyver’. Youth may have all the collagen, but they missed one of the greatest TV shows of the 1980s. Those of us who are ageing like a fine wine will, of course, remember him as the guy on the small screen who could get you out of any spot of trouble using random tools lying around. So, to use this innovative word in context, you may say: “I am sure we can MacGyver our way out of this sticky situation”. This makes me incredibly happy.
Sami Muirhead is a radio announcer, blogger and commentator. For more from Sami, tune into Mix FM.
Whatever the reason for moving, the federal government has created an opportunity for older homeowners to make a one-off, non-concessional (after-tax) contribution to superannuation. Eligibility for this so-called downsizer contribution opportunity widened this year and is determined by several factors. This includes, but is not limited to, the following requirements:
• you are 55 years old or over at the time you make a downsizer contribution (there is no maximum age limit)
• your home was owned by you or your spouse for 10 years or more prior to sale
• you make your downsizer contribution within 90 days of receiving the proceeds of sale (usually at the date of settlement).
If you meet the eligibility requirements, you can contribute up to
Before deciding to sell the house and put the proceeds into the superannuation fund, however, there are a few serious considerations which you will have to take into account. These include: the impact it will have on any Centrelink entitlements you receive; whether superannuation is the best investment vehicle for your circumstances; and how this is going to affect your estate planning. There are also the obvious consequences of the stress, cost and heartache associated with listing a family home for sale, packing up and moving out.
My recommendation is that you should discuss the opportunity with your appropriately licensed financial adviser prior to setting foot into your real estate agency. Your adviser will be able to run through the pros and cons of taking this major step and ensure you are in a more-informed position prior to making the decision to list your home for sale.
Justin Scattini is an authorised representative (No. 427053) of Ord Minnett Ltd, AFS licence 237121. He can be contacted on 5430 4444. This article contains general financial advice only and does not consider your personal circumstances; you should determine its suitability to you. Before acquiring a financial product you should consider the relevant product disclosure statement. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.
25 My Weekly Preview | September 28, 2023
“I am going to yeet this ball at that sus guy who is eating a fluffernutter”
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Find your Purpose.
This week the sun, Mars and Mercury are all revving up your relationship and joint venture zones. Harmonious partnerships and creative projects are highlighted. If you combine diplomacy with dynamism then you’ll sail through any challenges.
LEO (JUL 24-AUG 23)
Languid lions love to be pampered but it’s time to jump out of your comfort zone and shake up your routine. Jupiter and Uranus are both jumping through your public reputation zone, which encourages you to do things differently.
This week, expect confusion and communication problems at home or work. The sun, Mars and Mercury are moving through peace-loving Libra in your friendship and networking zones. Aim to practice the gentle arts of patience and persuasion.
Remember that Jupiter (planet of expansion) and Uranus (planet of change) are both transiting through your sign. Between now and May 25 (when Jupiter moves into Gemini), it will be easier to initiate changes than at other times.
On Monday, Neptune opposes Mercury (your boss planet) and life becomes confusing as someone close stuffs up your perfectly planned schedule. On Tuesday and Wednesday, you could become fixated on answering a question or solving a problem.
The sun, Mars and Mercury are visiting your career zone, boosting your creativity, confidence and communication skills. Make the most of this celestial gift and show other people what you are truly capable of. Wednesday is wonderful for doing research.
Expect your home life to be busy and bamboozling, as Pluto and Neptune link up with your patron planet, Mercury. Aim to be very clear in the way you communicate on Monday and Tuesday, otherwise misunderstandings are likely.
Courtesy of your patron planet Venus, a situation involving a class, club or friendship group should start to improve. With the sun, Mars and Mercury visiting your sign this week, make sure your thoughts, words, actions and aspirations are all compatible.
With Venus in your partnership zone you’re at your flirtatious best. Already attached? It’s time to reboot a tired relationship with some old-fashioned romance. Singles – are you searching for your soulmate? Be on the lookout for a gregarious Gemini or a lusty Leo.
1 Closed up (6)
4 Uphill climb (6)
8 Axe (7)
9 Person who provides food and drink for an event (7)
11 Machines for converting energy to electricity (10)
12 Greek letter (4)
13 Trap (5)
14 Evade (8)
16 Vows (8)
18 Spear handle (5)
20 Monarch (4)
21 Colludes (10)
23 Workshop or factory for casting metal (7)
24 Restaurant with entertainment (7)
25 External forms of something (6)
26 Composes (6)
1 Humiliation (5)
2 Very old (7)
3 Protective hairs (9)
5 Cicatrices (5)
6 Foes (7)
7 Therapy (9)
10 Symbol of good luck (9)
13 Hallways (9)
15 Dilapidation (9)
17 Reddish purple (7)
19 Resolute (7)
21 Blaspheme (5)
22 Makes level (5)
Complete the list by changing one letter at a time to create a new word at each step. There may be more than one answer.
1. Pedro Pascal (pictured) stars as the titular character in which US space Western TV series?
2. The Lego Group toy company is based in which country?
3. True or false: almonds belong to the same fruit family as peaches and plums?
4. What is the name of actor Jonah Hill’s sister, known for her roles in Lady Bird and Booksmart?
5. Who won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 2022?
6. In which Australian state or territory would you find the Three Sisters rock formation?
7. What is the chemical name for chalk?
8. Ultraviolence and Honeymoon are albums by which US singer-songwriter?
9. Who was the leader of Russia at the beginning of Word War I?
10. What is the profession of Courteney Cox’s character Monica in the sitcom Friends?
Calling all crabs – are you making the most of your clever mind?
This week Pluto and Mercury activate your communication and education zones. Conversation, passionate debate, informal study, detailed research and strategic thinking will take you far.
Scorpios are drawn to extreme views, black and white thinking, and intense communication. Compulsive thoughts and bossy behaviour are certainly a danger this week. But there are three planets in Libra, which encourage a more balanced approach.
It’s a good time to expand your world via new local friendships and peer group connections. If you link up with like-minded people, it will open doors of opportunity, professionally and personally. But be careful what you say in person and post online.
26 My Weekly Preview | September 28, 2023 LIKE US ON FACEBOOK SINCLAIR
29 Oct Outback Spectacular 1 Nov Paul McCartney Suncorp 9 Nov Glow Worms/Winery Lunch 16 Nov Harbour Town Shopping 21 Nov Moffatdale Winery Lunch 26 Nov Bunya Mountains Markets 5 Dec High Tea Parliament House 6 Dec Port of Brisbane Tour and Lunch 9 Dec A Christmas Carol – QPAC 31 Dec New Year’s Eve Dinner Cruise 3 Jan Chicago QPAC 26 Jan Australia Day Dinner Cruise – Brisbane 20 Nov King Island & Tassie’s West 23 Jan Aust Open Tennis Melbourne 1 Mar 24 Apple and Grape Festival 2 Mar 24 Norfolk Is. Foundation Day Celeb. 12 Mar 24 Bright, Snowy Mts, Silo Art 20 Mar 24 Hunter/Hawkesbury Valleys Mar 2024 Easter Tour – Express your interest 26 May Torres Strait Adventure 28 May Sydney Vivid Lights - 4 Days Aug 24 Borneo Wildlife & War History Aug 24 Singapore Sep/Oct 24 Africa Wildlife Extended Tours - Small Groups! Day Tours - with Pick ups SMALLER GROUPS MORE FUN!
5494 5083 | Sunday 20th November King Island & Tasmania’s West Includes 3 days on King Island, Stanley – including The Nut, Cape Grim, Queenstown and Strahan and a cruise on the magnificent Gordon River, and fly home from Launceston.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
SUDOKU 21 15 84 451 9617 281 793 3189 638 Hard QUIZ: 1. The Mandalorian 2. Denmark 3. True 4. Beanie Feldstein 5. Annie Ernaux 6. New South Wales 7. Calcium carbonate 8. Lana Del Rey 9. Tsar Nicholas II 10. Chef SOLUTIONS WORD STEP: CROWD, CROWS, CROSS, CRASS, GRASS, GLASS 936721548 768195432 571843269 845369721 459632817 283956174 127584693 312478956 694217385 MY FUN
This abstract floral dress is a classic cut that just works. Shown here in blue/mint, it also comes in vibrant coral tones. Fun, floaty and feminine for many springtime occasions.
Sizes 6-16, $99.
Available atTreasure Store, The Wharf Mooloolaba, 0488 288 250.
Featuring the bright and cheery Artistry dress in gorgeous cotton, we welcome summer 2023 from Threadz & Clarity, in store at Onyx Poppy Boutique, Shop 2/11-19 Chancellor Village Boulevard, Sippy Downs (across the road from the Chancellor Tavern), 5470 9222,
Handmade platinum and 18ct yellow gold sapphire and diamond pendant, $8670
& pearls Diamonds
Specialising in handcrafted jewellery for any occasion.
NY2K Jewellers, Shop 5, Rovera Plaza, 23 Cotton Tree Parade, Cotton Tree, 5443 1955,
18ct white and rose gold morganite and diamond halo ring.
Handmade 18ct and platinum Eyris blue-green pearl and diamond pendant, $4950
The Goldie dress in raspberry linen is the dress your summer wardrobe needs. With its structured bodice, front centre split and midi length, the Goldie dress is sure to turn heads. Available now at Meraki Thread Co, Shop 28 The Wharf Mooloolaba, 123 Parkyn Parade, Mooloolaba,
Handmade 18ct platinum and diamond flower ring, $6980
Pink October Exclusive Lingerie from Tracey G
Tracey G Prosthetics and Lingerie are Australia's largest Amoena stockist and located right here on the Sunshine Coast which is great news for women who struggle to find a great fitting bra. Visit Tracey G this Pink October and try on our exclusive Ivy mastectomy bra in sparkly rouge or browse the many new styles from the Amoena Summer 2023 range.
27 My Weekly Preview | September 28, 2023
my style.
$1 to the
Now stocking Australia's largest range of post mastectomy lingerie Supporting Sunshine Coast individuals and families affected by breast cancer
every Amoena bra sold this October, Tracey G will donate
Cindy Mackenzie Breast Cancer Program.
Fun and colourful designs to enjoy at home or out in the fresh spring air. Coast Store, 67 The Esplanade, Maroochydore, 0423 247 372,
& sunsets
This French Riviera-style dress features a small floral print in orange, turquoise and pink with its larger print contrast fabric shown on the tiered frill detailing and a removable waist sash that could be worn on your hat! It is just gorgeous – and nicer in real life. Our favourite so far this season. Sizes 8-16.
Available at both our Treasure Stores: The Wharf Mooloolaba, 0488 288 250. Hastings Street, Noosa, 0434 320 130.
Beautiful Australian pink Argyle Peony Pendant set in 18ct rose and white gold, $29,500
Layby now for Christmas
IN FULL Colour moments
View our exquisite collection in store now. Avenue J Jewellery, Mooloolaba, 5444 4 422,
Kollab beach bag, $34.95
Freedom Moses slides, $65
Dinosaur Designs from $45
Rainbows and tassels
The Lula Soul Monte sleeveless midi dress is a stunning print and timeless classic. With its elegant design and flattering silhouette, this midi will never go out of style. Available now at Birds in Paradise, Zanzibar Resort, Mooloolaba, 5444 6204.
and comfort
Metallics and neutrals are now in store. Pure Footwear, Buderim, 5456 4440.
RILASSARE Brie leather
Victorian handmade 18ct yellow gold Lovers Knot ring set with an Old Cut Diamond Hallmarked Birmingham 1897, $5200
9ct yellow gold teardrop green amethyst and diamond ring, $1950
28 My Weekly Preview | September 28, 2023 my style.
Bosco Marco Santini sandal
Class dreamsPicnic
Sala Margot Scissors Multi
bliss Citrus
So many fabulous new-season arrivals in store. This vibrant, floaty dress is perfect for our spring days.
Hey Layla, Forest Glen Village Centre, Grammar School Way, Forest Glen, 5293 7754.
daze Blue
A star piece from our resort range, the cotton Jossie maxi dress is your go-to holiday dress. Adjustable straps allows it to fit just right. Boutique Bliss Fashions & Accessories, Cotton Tree, 0473 506 396,
Orientique Escape dress Bethany in light-weight spun rayon with gold embroidery trim. Three-tier maxi length. Also available in knee length. Sizes 8-18.
Friends Boutique, 5476 9653, 65 Burnett Street, Buderim.
Onyx Poppy Buderim welcomes new-season formal wear in store, featuring the Cornelli embroidered dress by Frank Lyman. Available in Soft Blush, Powder Blue and Navy. Onyx Poppy Boutique Buderim, Shop 5/47 Burnett Street, Buderim, 5470 9222,
Tanzanite and diamond three-stone ring
These stunning rings are available in store now. To Hold & To Have, 98 King Street, Buderim, 5477 0561,
Spring fling
This gorgeous asymmetrical, one-shoulder dress is a must-have this season and looks great with heels, flats or white sneakers. Available at both our Treasure Stores. The Wharf Mooloolaba, 0488 288 250. Hastings Street, Noosa, 0434 320 130.
frames Stylish
Eyes on Buderim has the perfect colours and styles to make you feel fabulous. Eyes on Buderim, 5477 0293, or book an appointment at
Introducing Regenerate IT, the ultimate solution for your skin care needs. Made with love from organic Australian ingredients, this product is designed to provide you with the utmost hydration and repair your skin like never before. Experience the benefits of spring in a bottle, as Regenerate nourishes and revitalises your skin, leaving it supple, soft and glowing. Say goodbye to dryness and hello to radiant complexion. Treat yourself to the greatness of Regenerate IT. Limited stock. It sold out last time. Call Cher on 0408 200 059. HIFU Australia,
29 My Weekly Preview | September 28, 2023 MY STYLE
Emerald oval and diamond 18K white gold ring
stunning Bring this ad in to receive Regenerate IT HALF PRICE (Normally
$290, NOW $145)
Event selection highlights Coast’s unique environment and climate for residents and visitors. Words: Cr Jason O’Pray.
In a resounding show of support, Sunshine Coast Council has given the green light to the Major and Regional Events Strategy. This is an initiative that has injected an estimated economic benefit of $85 million* into the local economy and contributed to the creation of more than 900 jobs* in the past financial year alone.
This landmark decision, passed unanimously at the council’s Ordinary Meeting on August 24, ensures we continue to flourish and drive high economic benefit back to our beautiful region.
Our region’s unique environment and climate were key factors in the event selection, as was investing in events that resonate with our local community.
The success of the Sunshine Coast Major and Regional Events Strategy can be attributed to a series of key measures that have been meticulously designed to adapt to the ever-changing events landscape.
These include:
• New initiatives such as creating an “emerging events” category to keep up with the ever-changing events
landscape. Emerging events will be assessed differently with a focus placed on their future growth potential
• Strengthening partnerships with Visit Sunshine Coast and Tourism and Events
• Diversifying events to include more culture and lifestyle events and ensuring there is a balance in the portfolio and
Kawana Chamber of Commerce supports the local community and businesses through networking opportunities, events and industry knowledge. Business connections made fun!
ensuring they attract people during off-peak periods
• Focusing on regional sustainability priorities including Sustainable Development Goals, the Sunshine Coast Biosphere, plus driving increased adoption of sustainable practices by event organisers delivering events on the Coast
• Identifying the major event legacy opportunities of the Brisbane 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games
• Ensuring meaningful community engagement takes place as part of event planning.
We will continue to invest in supporting fantastic major events on the Sunshine Coast to drive high economic benefit back to our region and help create full-time jobs.
Last financial year, the Sunshine Coast Events Board supported more than 75 events, with an estimated $6.2 million spent on local suppliers.
How good is that!
Successful events in the region supported under the strategy have included the Queensland Garden Expo, The Maleny Wood Expo, Australian Wearable Art Festival, IRONMAN 70.3 Sunshine Coast, Sunshine Coast Marathon and The Curated Plate.
Outside of the strategy, there are also plenty of incredible events coming up to celebrate and enjoy.
This weekend alone, a record 2000-plus junior touch footballers representing 122 teams will fill the
30 My Weekly Preview |
Sunshine Coast Stadium for the largestever DoorDash National Youth Championships (September 28-30).
Caloundra Music Festival will bring sun, surf and soul to Kings Beach with a stellar line-up, including Arrested Development, The Temper Trap and Vera Blue (September 29 to October 1).
The AFL Masters National Carnival, the largest mass participation football event in Australia, kicks off on Sunday, October 1, with more than 76 teams descending on Maroochydore Multi Sports Complex for this hugely popular event.
Sunshine Coast Council is proud to be supporting these events to help celebrate our region’s unique identity, encourage sustainability and foster partnerships.
It’s through these events that will we continue to strengthen our community connection and vibrancy while showcasing our region as a worldclass destination.
Stay up to date on our major events at
* YTD major event outcomes for 2022-23 are estimated projections. Actual performance result for 2022-23 will be reported in the Sunshine Coast Events Board’s Annual Report which is produced after acquittals for 2022-23 sponsorship funds are received.
The Sunshine Coast extends a warm welcome to its latest addition in the security industry, Gage Security Group.
Under the capable leadership of general manager Stephen Van Bommel and operations manager Kerrie Grasso, this dynamic duo brings a wealth of experience to the forefront and is poised to set a new standard in the region.
Their primary mission revolves around ensuring the safety of people and property, making them the ideal choice for all your security requirements.
Gage Security Group and its unwavering commitment to customer service is what sets it apart from the rest.
The guards are not only highly trained but also friendly and approachable, making you feel safe and welcome at all times.
Property safety is a vital and top priority for Gage Security Group.
Staff understand that your assets and investments need protection, and they take this responsibility seriously.
Whether it’s safeguarding your business premises, event or venue, these experienced professionals excel at maintaining a secure environment.
Quality is at the core of Gage Security Group’s ethos.
The team consists of seasoned experts who undergo rigorous training to handle any situation with precision and efficiency. Their attention to detail is second to none, ensuring that every aspect of your security needs are met, no matter how big or small.
In addition to the focus on detail, Gage Security Group goes the extra mile by offering nightly reporting. This means you’re not in the dark about what’s happening on your property. Staff keep you well-informed, providing comprehensive reports so that you know exactly what’s
been happening during their watch.
Reliability is another key factor that sets Gage Security Group apart. You can trust the company to be there when you need it, rain or shine. Staff take their job seriously and are always prepared for any situation.
When you engage their services, you’re not just getting security guards, you’re getting peace of mind. When you require security that combines friendliness and resilience, Gage Security Group is the solution you’re looking for.
Call 0424 335 166 or visit
31 My Weekly Preview | September 28, 2023 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES
YOUR SECURITY IS OUR PRIORITY – we endeavour to provide an affordable service so that all businesses and clients have that peace of mind. CROWD MANAGEMENT MOBILE PATROLS ALARM SERVICES BODYGUARDING & CLOSE PROTECTION CONCIERGE SECURITY PROCESS SERVING RETAIL & LOSS PREVENTION SECURITY CONSTRUCTION, INFRASTRUCTURE, AND BUILDING ENVIRONMENT SECURITY Servicing Sunshine Coast & Surrounding Surburbs AVAILABLE 24/7 Choose Local. Choose Quality. Choose Gage Security Group. 0424 335 166 | Sunshine Coast Brisbane Gold Coast Cairns CALL 07 5406 7405 NO WIN / NO FEE COMPENSATION LAWYERS Compensationcompassion with
Stephen Van Bommel and Kerrie Grasso
Co-ownership considerations
To battle the rise in cost of living, interest rates and property prices, we are seeing an increase in parents, siblings and friends pooling their funds together to purchase their dream home.
Sounds like a perfect solution on face value. It is important, however, to go into these transactions with your eyes wide open and make an informed decision after receiving financial and legal advice.
If you’re still keen to proceed, a co-ownership agreement can be a helpful way to:
• avoid issues with differing interpretations of the arrangement; and
• plan for future issues that may arise if the relationship turns sour.
The terms of the co-ownership agreement will depend on the parties’ unique circumstances. The following are common matters to consider:
• the ownership percentage;
• contributions to the property purchase price and ongoing bills;
• the plans or intentions with respect to the property;
• what happens if a person doesn’t pay their share?; and
• what happens if someone wants to end the deal and get their financial interest in the property back?
Considering and dealing with matters at the outset (and putting it in writing) will help ensure the arrangement has the greatest chance of success.
Understanding business structures
Your initial choice of business structure is crucial, although you can change that structure in the future.
However, changing your business structure can be a disorganised, confusing process that can lead to tax consequences. So, getting it right at the start and always reviewing your current circumstances is critical. Your business structure can determine your:
• tax liabilities;
• responsibilities as a business owner;
• potential personal liability;
• asset protection; and
• ongoing costs and the volume of required paperwork.
The most common types of business structures in Australia are: sole trader; company; partnership; and trust. Deciding on a business structure:
• the type of business you are going to run;
• its risk profile;
• plans for growth;
• the involvement of others; and
• how to come to decisions.
Each structure has different upfront and ongoing costs. The way that tax affects the different business structures will also factor into your decision. Ultimately, there is no one-size-fits-all answer when choosing a business structure. The right choice for you will depend on your individual circumstances and objectives.
Check in with your trusted advisors to assist.
Are your casuals, really casual?
With all the talk about casual employment, it’s no surprise businesses are unsure about when to employ someone as a casual and when to employ them as a permanent employee or engage an independent contractor instead.
This is a changing area of legislation and one that the government has plans to make further changes – watch this space!
Currently, the definition of a casual is someone who:
• was offered a job with no firm advance commitment from the employer that the work would continue indefinitely with an agreed pattern of work; and
• the employee accepts the offer, knowing there is no firm advance commitment and becomes a casual employee.
A casual employment contract should include appropriate wording to cement the relationship as a casual one. The NES now incorporates a pathway to permanent employment for casual employees and most awards also have a process for casual conversion. Casual employees who have worked for their employer for 12 months with a regular pattern of hours must be offered the option of converting to full-time or part-time employment (exceptions may apply).
Small business employees can request (and larger employers need to make) a written offer within 21 days after the employee’s 12-month anniversary.
Blended families: what happens when you separate
The Family Law Act 1975 (Cth) recognises “children have a right to spend time on a regular basis with, and communicate on a regular basis with, both their parents and other people significant to their care, welfare and development (such as grandparents and other relatives)”.
But what are the financial obligations on step-parents to maintain step-children after separation? In certain circumstances when the Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia (“the Court”) determine it ‘proper’, the Court can impose a duty on a stepparent to pay Child Support for the step-child. In determining whether it is ‘proper’ to Order a step-parent to pay Child Support, the Court will consider:
a. the duration and circumstances of the marriage to, or relationship with, the relevant parent of the child;
b. the relationship that existed between the step-parent and the child;
c. the arrangements that have existed for the maintenance of the child; and
d. any special circumstances which, if not taken into account in the particular case, would result in injustice or undue hardship to any person.
It is important, especially for multifaceted families, to obtain legal advice from an experienced family lawyer on matters and obligations that arise upon separation.
32 My Weekly Preview | September 28, 2023 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES
Teachers and students from Suncoast Christian College are enjoying the benefits of their new facility, which officially opened for its first day of use earlier this month.
Following the release of campus designs in 2021, the college announced its move towards a more collaborative style of teaching.
The new campus offers the most advanced facilities on the Sunshine Coast, replacing classrooms with flexible environments designed to support the school’s ‘team-teaching’ pedagogy.
The classrooms feature a range of functional designs, such as bleachers,
breakout rooms, curtain and acoustic treatments throughout the facility.
This facilitates a wide variety of learning modes, allowing teachers to modify and tailor lessons to the specific abilities and needs of individual students and varying group sizes. Teachers and teacher assistants will work together over two levels with students in groups of five up to 75, in years 1 to 6.
Suncoast Christian College principal Greg Mattiske says the new facility provides teachers with a collaborative, modern space that allows them to cater to a wide range of student needs.
“We are facilitating the best social, emotional and academic outcomes for
our pupils,” Mr Mattiske says.
With an approach focused on stage rather than age, the new layout provides flexible and collaborative environments where the school’s team of dedicated Christian teachers can provide the best in contemporary education.
Heralded as a game-changer in educational design, the new building has been brought to life by renowned architects in m3 Architecture – known for pushing the boundaries when it comes to intuitive buildings and modern design.
Anticipation for the new-look campus has been slowly building since the designs were unveiled.
Since then, the school has continued to draw attention when it announced plans to offer individuals and families the chance to have their names immortalised into one side of the new primary school building, through the use of stainlesssteel, laser-etched discs.
“It is an exciting time to see years of vision being brought to life in front of us, culminating in a state-of-the-art, intuitively designed building,” Mr Mattiske says.
“Now it is up to our wonderful educators to harness the building’s full potential for the benefit of each and every student.”
Founded on reclaimed farming land in 1979 as the Suncoast Christian Academy, the school’s first building was an old pineapple packing shed. It has since become a prestigious educational facility with almost 1000 students, boasting among the most advanced school buildings in the region.
The new campus is phase one of a 25-year master building plan as the school looks to add a further 100 students in response to a growing population.
Matthew Flinders Anglican College has been named the most outstanding non-government primary school in Australia.
Flinders won its Primary School of the Year (Non-Government) category in the 2023 Australian Education Awards.
Head of primary Trudi Edwards says Flinders Primary School takes great pride in providing transformational learning experiences through bespoke curriculum and co-curricular programs to inspire students to achieve academic excellence, develop a profound sense of humanity and be motivated to create positive change in the world around them.
“This award recognises Flinders Primary School’s dedication and innovation in providing the highest standards of teaching and learning, and celebrates the dedication of staff who are committed to evidence-informed teaching practices,” she says. “We proudly place learning at the heart of all we do, to educate our students so they are of good mind and good heart, and grow into capable, open-minded, compassionate and adaptable young people of integrity.”
Pacific Lutheran College offers a rich education for a well-rounded life. Discover Pacific Plus, a learning experience fostering the intellectual character of our highly able Middle College students.
33 My Weekly Preview | September 28, 2023 my
Scan the QR code to book a personalised tour or visit
Growing people to make a difference.
7300 | Woodlands Boulevard, Meridan Plains 4551 | Find us on
Pacific Lutheran College Year 7
Pacific Plus students this year formed groups that focused on developing projects to address real-life problems or areas of concern on campus and the wider community.
This eagerly follows the national and international success of the 2022 Future Problem Solving team, The 2023 project areas include: the issue of homelessness among women that
has resulted from domestic violence; our elderly population’s loneliness that increased with COVID restrictions; the importance of mental health and wellbeing and providing a safe place for those to connect; identifying the need for an active break during classroom learning to stimulate and motivate learning; and increasing engagement in maths classrooms for Year 2 students.
These projects have been designed
and implemented by the students over a one-year period, and four of the projects were entered into the Future ProblemSolving Australia Competition.
“We are very excited to announce that all four teams, along with individual students, that were entered into the Community Problem Solving competition have been invited to the National Future Problem Solving Competition which will be held in Brisbane this October,” Pacific Lutheran College teacher Linda Sydes says.
“We are particularly excited by the Community Problem Solving group, consisting of Year 7 students Nicole Hodgett, Paris Pohlner, Jessica Cronin, Grace Healy and Cody Walker, who have initiated and organised the donation of many second-hand clothes.
“These students were concerned about the increase in homelessness on the Sunshine Coast and were touched by the plight of women who suffer from domestic violence.
“Students became aware through community discussions that not only would women benefit from clothes and toys for their children, but also from bathroom and sanitary products.
“Students decided to raise money to purchase these extra items and provide them to two homeless
shelters in Caloundra.”
These ambitious students held a bake sale at St Mark’s Lutheran Church, after addressing the congregation about their concerns during a Sunday service in August.
With the amount of $740 raised through the bake sale, students went shopping and bought a variety of bathroom products which were divided evenly and placed in bags, along with a positive affirmations written and laminated by the students.
“We hope to help people in need and to make a difference in their living situation whilst they progress through their recovery from domestic violence, as it’s possible that they could be homeless for weeks without assistance,” the student group says.
“We will provide them with clothes for their children, bathroom products and baby toys for the younger children.
“This project is not just about physically helping the women, but also helping to spread awareness for women suffering from domestic violence.”
Pacific Lutheran College offers a contemporary approach to meeting the needs of highly able learners through a program called Pacific Plus.
To learn more, visit au and book a college tour.
34 My Weekly Preview | September 28, 2023 MY EDUCATION
MORNING OPEN WEDNESDAY 18 OCTOBER 9-11AM AYDWEDNES Your family will be warmly welcomed into the Suncoast community where we look forward to sharing our College - including our brand new purpose-built Primary precinct - with you. BUILDING ON SOLID FOUNDATIONS. PLEASE SCAN HERE TO BOOK YOUR SPOT p. (07) 5451 3600 | e. a. Cnr Schubert & Kiel Mtn Rds, Woombye
Lutheran Services staff understand it can be confusing to figure out aged care options. So
Immanuel Gardens Aged Care in Buderim goes above and beyond to make things easier.
Dedicated client and community advisor Lauren Dearing will happily answer all your questions. Lauren has been working at Immanuel Gardens Aged Care and Retirement Living for 13 years and talks about her love of the key community role.
She is really excited to share news about new aged care accommodation options at Immanuel Gardens.
What’s new at Immanuel Gardens Aged Care? – The ribbon has just been cut on a beautiful $2.8million renovation to Eucalypt. In each of these 20 new rooms, residents and their families will feel instantly at ease. There’s heaps of natural light coming in through oversized windows and the calm and contemporary colour palette features throughout. The focal point of the Eucalypt living areas is the stunning new servery and dining area. As part of our innovative Happy Table initiative, the state-of-the-art design is focused on enhancing the resident dining experience and includes a stylish, restaurant-quality servery.
Qscan Maroochydore
What’s your favourite feature in Eucalypt? – I think everyone will enjoy the gorgeous outdoor courtyard areas which have been designed so that residents can soak up the sunshine and enjoy the soothing sounds of the surrounding tropical gardens.
What do you love most about your job as a client and community advisor at Immanuel Gardens? – I love chatting to older people and supporting them through transitions. Being able to support residents and families with their next step in life is so satisfying – whether it’s finding out about home care services, buying a retirement villa or moving into aged care. It’s rewarding when you see all the elements come together for their next steps. The stories you hear!
How do you help residents and their families feel supported and cared for? – My job is to help right from the beginning. It could be that first step assisting people to explore the government website My Aged Care, right through to completing all the paperwork for admission into aged care. I will be there, side by side.
Where do you like to spend time at Immanuel Gardens? – Well, Immanuel Gardens is well named. I love to walk around the gardens here, checking out the greenery and the view. There is always somewhere to sit and just enjoy the outdoors. It feels like home. We say it’s a hidden gem in Buderim as it’s tucked away but close to the buzz of Buderim. When you walk around, there’s always someone out and about, whether it’s physios and residents in aged care doing some outdoor exercise, or a resident gardening. Everyone’s friendly and I love that.
Visit immanuel-gardens/.
“Winter? Won’t let that stop me!” And so Warren, fondly known by all as ‘Bluey’, heads into the water at Mooloolaba Beach for another 3km swim.
“I swim with a bunch of old fellas three-to-four-times a week, summer and winter. It is great for my health and I catch up with my mates and meet new people.”
Highlights for Bluey have been competing in water events. In 2008 and 2009, he took part in the Coolangatta Gold, one of the premier events in the sport of surf lifesaving.
Bluey has battled prostate cancer and been diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease. But that has not stopped his love of the water and of being active.
“Keeping busy is good for your physical and mental health. You don’t need to give up just because you have a diagnosis. Keep challenging yourself, have fun, stay active. You will slow down but don’t stop,” he says.
For Suncare support worker Zoe, spending time with Bluey is fun and inspirational. Both members at their local surf lifesaving club, they share a love of the water and have much to talk about.
“My work is really rewarding. Everyone deserves to live their everyday life as they want to. And I love helping to make that happen,” Zoe says. “As they say, ‘It’s all going swimmingly’.”
For more information on how Suncare can support you to stay in your home, call 1800 786 227.
35 My Weekly Preview | September 28, 2023
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The next release of homes at B by Halcyon will set a new standard of luxury in over-50s living.
The homes have been designed to meet the market’s demand for an exclusive Buderim lifestyle.
In the upcoming Botanica II release, there are two ‘special’ home sites for buyers looking for something a little bit different.
B by Halcyon project director Andrew Astorquia says the impressive homes are in one of the most-sought-after areas of the 25ha community.
“We specifically designed this area for the buyers we knew would be looking for something special,” Mr Astorquia says.
“There are two special sites in the upcoming release. Both are over 440sqm and feature unique designs with bespoke floorplans and are just a street away Central Park.
“Central Park forms the heart of stages 4 and 5 at B by Halcyon and offers homeowners plenty of private, open green space with lakes, a waterfall and an array of walkways to explore.”
Through thoughtful masterplanning, B by Halcyon has created a lifestyle community that complements the natural surrounds of Buderim.
“A large majority of our buyers are locals, so it was important for us to create a community with a boutique, village-style atmosphere and plenty of green space,” Mr Astorquia says. “Buyers want all the benefits of a Buderim lifestyle but are excited to move into a luxury community where they don’t have to worry about maintenance, mowing lawns and also have access to expansive resort-quality facilities, right on their doorstep.”
The community officially opened its $17.5 million Recreation and Creative Arts precincts at the end of last year, adding to the impressive range of facilities already available to homeowners.
The Recreation Precinct and Creative Arts Pavilion were designed in consultation with BDA Architects, creating indoor and outdoor spaces that invite connection and engagement among homeowners of the community.
The facilities include a Gold Class-style cinema, an enticing resort pool, an exclusive private dining room, a bar that invites the outdoors in, a music studio, library and arts studio.
For a sneak preview of the special sites, contact the sales team on 1800 050 050.
Monash University Associate Professor Joanne Ryan says enjoyable leisure activities that keep the mind active, such as crosswords, have been associated with lowering the risk of dementia.
But they are not a ‘magic pill’.
The study suggests Australians over 70 who regularly do crosswords, use a computer, keep a journal and play games such as chess may be able to ward off dementia, and are nine to 11 per cent less likely to develop the condition.
This compares with a seven per cent reduction in dementia risk for more-passive activities such as painting, knitting and crafting. Unfortunately for social butterflies like me, frequent outings to cafes or cinemas and having a social network were not found to help in reducing dementia risk but are just good fun.
Basically, the research found that although literacy and mental acuity activities may not be a magic pill to avoid dementia, they are the activities most likely to support good cognitive health.
WORDS: Garry Reynolds, Your Time columnist
36 My Weekly Preview | September 28, 2023 Choose connections. Live with Kindness. Retire with confidence. This is your time. You’re free to enjoy more of what you love – and to spend today, tomorrow and beyond exactly how you like. However you choose to enjoy retirement, one thing’s certain – you’ve come to the right place. TDW13826 08/23 Book a tour today! 1800 550 550 55 PLUS
Retirees have snapped up 50 per cent of the latest stage of villas under construction at Aveo’s popular Sunset Palms retirement community in Palmview.
The resort-style village’s 22 new villas are due for completion late this year, after Stage 1 sold out.
Sales manager Aimee King says that with an array of lifestyle amenities and a boutique community feel, Sunset Palms is the ideal location for a sea or tree change.
“Sunset Palms is only 15 minutes from the stunning sandy beaches of Mooloolaba and 20 minutes from the lush Sunshine Coast hinterland,’’ Ms King says.
“The community is located in a private corner of the master-planned Harmony residential estate, which features 130ha of green space and extensive walking trails.
“On completion of Harmony’s planned town centre within the estate, Sunset Palms will be a leisurely stroll to convenient retail offerings, including a supermarket, cafes and restaurants. The spacious two- and three-bedroom, architecturally designed villas have full-size kitchens, premium inclusions, a lock-up garage, an outdoor patio and a private grassed backyard that you’ll never need to mow yourself.
“Residents enjoy a low-maintenance,
lock-up-and-leave lifestyle surrounded by friendly neighbours who share a vibrant social calendar, including regular lunch events, happy hour and art classes.
“With outstanding villa features, combined with the location and lifestyle, it’s easy to see why everyone wants to live at Sunset Palms.’’
Residents’ facilities include an outdoor pool, gym, salon, bar, billiards table, function room, library, media room, art space, bocce court and communal vegetable gardens. A community bus takes residents on shopping trips to Maroochydore and Kawana.
Villas start from $525,000 at 58 Harmony Boulevard, Palmview.
For more information on the remaining villas or to take a tour of the community and new display, call 13 28 36 or visit
People with a hearing problem have become VERY ANGRY.
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Your best hip or knee joint replacement is your first. This means individualised decisions and precision surgery.
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37 My Weekly Preview | September 28, 2023
Enquire Today Clinic in Birtinya and now open in Maleny Ph 5438 3500 for an appointment
Call the hearing clinic today
Have you ever wondered about the effectiveness of invisible hearing aids?
You might have come across various advertisements showcasing these discreet, deep-canal hearing devices.
While they may seem like an attractive option for some, it’s essential to be aware of their potential drawbacks.
One of the primary issues with invisible hearing aids is what’s known as the occlusion effect. In some cases, wearing them can make it sound as if you have something blocking your ears, which can make conversations quite challenging.
Another concern is their placement deep within the ear canal, which makes them susceptible to earwax blockages. This can lead to infections and expensive repairs in certain instances.
Due to their compact size, invisible hearing aids may lack some advanced signal-processing technology found in slightly larger models. Additionally, their small batteries tend to have a short lifespan, often requiring frequent replacement. If you have dexterity problems, it can be a hassle.
So, invisible hearing aids can come with several downsides.
It’s crucial to seek guidance from an
independent hearing clinic to determine the most suitable option for your needs.
Remember: smaller doesn’t necessarily mean better. Seeking a second opinion from your local independent hearing clinic is advisable.
Lisa Burley is a senior clinician at the independent and local hearing clinic, Hear4Good, located in Golden Beach and Caloundra. Phone 54770144 or visit The clinic is dedicated to addressing your hearing concerns professionally.
Immanuel Gardens Aged Care
Aged care doesn’t need to be tricky
Lauren is here to help!
We understand that figuring out Aged Care can be daunting. So at Immanuel Gardens, we go above and beyond to make things easier. We offer a dedicated Client & Community Advisor, Lauren Dearing, who will happily answer all your questions.
So don’t try to work it all out on your own— call Lauren at Immanuel Gardens today.
In surgery, an ‘approach’ is the path from skin incision down through the body tissues to the area where a surgeon wishes to operate.
Various approaches can have different advantages and disadvantages ... and different likelihoods of getting charged or kicked.
Currently, there is plenty of discussion about the ‘best’ approach for hip replacements.
Approaches can be described by their direction in anatomical terms. A ‘tissue sparing’ has less visibility for the surgeon but also less disruption of body tissues for a quicker recovery. An open or ‘extensile’ has a larger incision which allows more visibility and the ability to address more complex pathology or complications. Some tissue-sparing approaches can be extended to become extensive or extensile.
Because patients and their hip diseases are not all the same, it is possible for two people to have hip replacements on the same day with different surgical requirements. One may have common primary osteoarthritis; the other may have arthritis due to a developmental disease of the hip with abnormally shaped bones, or
post-traumatic arthritis with metalware from previous surgery in the bones, and so on.
If you think a particular approach is the best, only to be told by your surgeon that you are not suitable for it, do not worry. The published evidence is clear that if all other factors are equal, the surgical approach makes no difference from six weeks after surgery. What makes a difference over the next 20 years is that you have a well-constructed, highly-performing prosthesis design that has been precisely positioned and well-integrated into your bones.
Dr Hamish Gray is a Queensland and internationally trained orthopaedic surgeon. He specialises in lower-limb surgery, particularly robotic and 3D computernavigated reconstruction and replacement of the hip and knee joints. Visit
38 My Weekly Preview | September 28, 2023 To find out more, call or email Lauren today. p. 1800 960 433 | e. Book a tour today: 10 Magnetic Drive, Buderim
Services Lauren can help you with: Residential Aged Care Respite Care Dementia Care Retirement Living Home Care Meet Lauren Dearing Immanuel Gardens Client & Community Advisor IG_MWP_LAM391 Brand New Rooms Selling Now 55 PLUS
The sweeping, folding form and architectural lines of GemLife Moreton Bay’s Summer House will set the stage for an unparalleled resort-style retreat for future homeowners.
This is just one of nine recreational precincts planned for the nearly 150-hectare, over-50s lifestyle resort that will be officially launched soon.
GemLife director and CEO Adrian Puljich says the development – GemLife’s largest to date – will be the first over-50s lifestyle resort of its kind in Australia.
Future homeowners can unwind in spacious and comfortable, energy-efficient homes with no rear neighbours, while enjoying ultra-modern amenities and breathtaking views of the surroundings.
“Whether you’re looking to reconnect with nature, escape the hustle and bustle of the city, or just want a change of pace, our eco-inspired residential resort will be the perfect place to call home,” Mr Puljich says.
A standout feature of the GemLife
Moreton Bay Summer House will be a stunning 18 by 11.4-metre resort-style pool with floating, semi-submerged sunlounges and – in a first for GemLife – a stylish, circular in-pool spa.
Next to the pool will be an expansive al fresco area with high-end barbecue facilities and a pizza oven for outdoor dining. A small pathway from the pool area will lead to a spacious outdoor shower space. A large patio with a leafy privacy screen completes the outdoor spaces.
The Summer House’s indoor spaces will welcome homeowners to a haven where comfort and sophistication converge to capture the essence of resort-style living in Queensland. Additional lifestyle facilities planned for this eco-inspired resort include a Country Club facing a nine-hectare lake, complete with a bridge-jetty leading across the water to a peaceful island.
Stage 1 will be released soon. To stay up to date about launch news, register interest at
39 My Weekly Preview | September 28, 2023 55 PLUS
ENDLESS SUMMER IS COMING TO GEMLIFE MORETON BAY 58 Harmony Blvd, Palmview Brand-new villas - now selling! *Prices current as of 01/09/2023. The entry payment and any other amounts payable if you move in depend on any available contract option you select. A regular general service fee is payable and outlined in the village comparison document. If your contract is a Later contract, you will have to pay a departure fee when you leave the village. Furnishings are not included in the villa. Simply scan the code, call 13 28 36 or search ‘Sunset Palms’ New Stage Display villas now open for inspection, so book your tour today! ellin 2 bed 2 bath 1 car 3 bed 2 bath 2 car From $525K* $835K* 50% sold vibrant retirment living in the heart of Palmview Personal care Cleaning and household tasks Getting out and about here and there. a little help A neighbour when you need We’ve been helping older Australians to keep living independently at home for more than 30 years. Whether it’s social connection or household assistance, our friendly team can support you with an extra helping hand.
Retirement should be the time to fully focus on yourself.
That means spending your days doing the things you love the most – whether that’s surrounding yourself with friends and loved ones, joining social clubs, or taking care of your mental and physical wellbeing. In a retirement village, the choice is yours.
From the city to the beach and the bush to the rainforest, Keyton operates 13 villages across Queensland in enviable locations, where you’ll find a vast range of home types and layouts, serviced apartments and semi-detached residences. Choose a place with a garden, or peaceful balcony that’s ideal for entertaining. Discover comfortable, low-maintenance homes set in a community of friendly neighbours. Make the most of amenities that enrich your wellbeing and enjoy a calendar of engaging activities.
If you’d like to know if retirement living is the right choice for you, there are two upcoming Keyton Open Days in Queensland, where you can explore the vibrancy and warmth of two of the beautiful villages located on the Sunshine Coast.
There will be light refreshments, live music and village tours.
Suncare Home Care Packages
Live the life you choose
Have you been approved for a Home Care Package and are you looking for a reliable and community-friendly Provider?
suncoast something
At Suncare, our Care Coordinators can assist you in making the most of your Home Care Package funding.
Suncare provides the support you need to stay in your home, connected with your local community and in control of your life.
Contact us for more information.
The village team will be on hand to answer all your questions, so you can make a confident choice for your retirement.
Hibiscus Noosa Outlook Open Day
Thursday, November 9, 10.30am-12.30pm, 71 St Andrews Drive, Tewantin. For more details, visit events/open-day-hibiscus-noosa-outlook.
Allora Gardens Open Day
Friday, November 10, 10.30am-12.30pm, 22 Allora Drive, Maroochydore. For more details, visit events/open-day-allora-gardens.
Non-invasive way to delay the ageing process
Pro-Stamp is one of Australia’s most advanced skin-needling treatments that will have you saying goodbye to your anti-wrinkle injections, expensive facials and surgical skin-tightening procedures.
This revolutionary skin-needling treatment option can help you take years off your skin by effectively tightening and sculpting almost any area of concern on your body. What can Pro-Stamp help with? Wrinkles and lax skin, acne, pigmentation, scarring, stretch marks, enlarged pores and rosacea.
Pro-Stamp is ideal for all skin types and needling can be performed on a range of areas on the body. Some of the popular treatment areas include: full face treatments, chin and jowls, neck, décolletage (chest), stomach and hips, arms, legs and back.
Signature Brows & Beauty provides this non-invasive approach to antiageing treatments.
The clinic is known on the Sunshine Coast for the popular Pro-Stamp rejuvenation procedure because of its ability to help clients avoid injections, expensive facials and going under the knife.
Non-operative ways to treat pain
Before recommending surgery to someone suffering with hip or knee osteoarthritis, I recommend exhausting all non-operative methods of treatment first. These include physiotherapy, weight management, lifestyle modification, medication and, potentially, injection therapy.
Visit a physiotherapist for range-ofmotion and strengthening exercises for managing the symptoms of joint pain.
Maintaining a healthy and active lifestyle is vitally important. Ask your GP to check your BMI and suggest effective methods of weight loss if necessary.
It is important to modify the activities you perform if you suffer from joint pain. Choose low-impact activities such as walking, swimming and cycling.
A good medication for joint pain is Panadol Osteo (or equivalent), but always check with your GP before commencing, particularly if you have liver disease. There are also injections available to help treat joint osteoarthritis. These can be discussed at the Sunshine Coast Injection Clinic.
Being educated about your condition is important. Consult an orthopaedic surgeon about the best course of treatment for you or attend one of our knee patient education seminars.
40 My Weekly Preview | September 28, 2023 55 PLUS
1800 786 227 |
Putting moles in the spotlight
Having many moles increases your risk of developing melanoma.
But what are moles, and what should you do if you have them?
When doctors say ‘mole’, we normally mean a naevus.
They are made of melanocytes: the same cells that melanoma develops from.
Naevi usually start when we’re children and grow slowly with us.
They are usually brown, flat or softly domed. They don’t change much once we’re adults.
A visibly changing naevus is concerning for melanoma.
When people say ‘mole’ outside of medicine, they can mean different things. Most people call any brown spot a mole.
Brown spots on the skin can be mistaken for or hide skin cancer.
So, if you have plenty of moles, it’s a good idea to get a thorough skin check with an experienced skin cancer doctor.
The doctors at SunLife are available for all your skin cancer needs – from thorough skin checks to VECTRA 3D Total Body Photography, which is the most-detailed system for monitoring moles (naevi), helping detect melanoma early.
Freedom from glasses and contacts
Australia is witnessing a significant surge in the utilisation of EVO Implantable Collamer Lenses (ICLs) in vision-correction procedures, marking a remarkable advancement in the field of ophthalmology.
These innovative lenses are reshaping the way Australians address refractive errors, providing a safe and effective solution for patients seeking freedom from glasses and contact lenses.
EVO ICLs are surgically implanted between the natural lens and the iris, offering superior vision correction while preserving the eye’s natural anatomy. This unique positioning ensures minimal discomfort and quick recovery for patients.
EVO ICLs are versatile in treating a wide range of refractive errors, including myopia, hyperopia and astigmatism. Australian patients are increasingly opting for these lenses as they provide an effective, longlasting vision-correction option. EVO ICLs offer remarkable visual quality with reduced risks of glare and halos, making them an attractive choice for high-definition vision.
As awareness grows and eye surgeons gain confidence in the exceptional outcomes offered by EVO ICLs, their prevalence in Australian vision-correction procedures is set to soar, promising a brighter and clearer future for those seeking freedom from glasses and contact lenses.
Neurogenic Claudication – It hurts to walk
Neurogenic claudication is a condition characterised by leg pain and discomfort caused by nerve compression in the lower back, typically associated with lumbar spinal stenosis.
The term ‘claudication’ refers to pain or cramping that arises during physical activity and is relieved by rest. Symptoms of neurogenic claudication include pain, numbness, tingling or weakness in the lower back, buttocks, thighs, calves or feet.
The pain often worsens with activities that involve walking or standing and improves when the person sits down or bends forward. Neurosurgical intervention is considered when conservative treatments, such as physical therapy and medication, fail to provide sufficient relief. Surgical procedures such as laminectomy aim to create more space in the spinal canal, alleviating pressure on the affected nerves. In some cases, spinal fusion may be performed to stabilise the spine if there is instability or significant degeneration. Surgery in some cases can significantly improve symptoms, restore mobility and improve the quality of life for individuals with neurogenic claudication.
If these symptoms are affecting you, a referral to a neurosurgeon can be arranged by your GP.
The tax man cometh …
One of the various roles of an Executor is to make sure that all estate debts are paid.
In particular, an Executor needs to make sure any tax liability of the deceased during their lifetime or of their estate is accounted for.
Keeping records of everything that might affect the calculation of your (or your estate’s) tax liability is crucial and will help make sure your beneficiaries receive the benefit of your estate by minimising any tax liability after your death.
In particular, accurate records will enable the correct amount of any CGT to be calculated and prevent having to pay more CGT than is necessary.
You should consult with your accountant as to the exact type of records needed to calculate any capital gain (or loss).
Typically, they can include documents to show:
• the nature of the transaction;
• when it took place; and
• how much you paid for an asset.
There can be significant time and cost (for example, obtaining valuations) spent in trying to reconstruct transactions that occurred years ago in order to determine the cost base of an asset.
The tax position can be complex but it is made far simpler with accurate records.
41 My Weekly Preview | September 28, 2023
SUNSHINE C O A S T NE W S is your gateway to free daily loc al news . No paywalls, no f us s . You c an sc an the Q R c ode and sub scr ibe f or free and rec ei ve ONE email a day to your inbox f or your fix of loc al news . S C AN T O SUB S CR IBE F OR FR EE or visit the website
FREE local news headlines you may have missed from last week.
Scan the QR code or visit the website to access hundreds of fair and free local news stories we’ve published over recent weeks.
Join the free local news revolution today.
Sneak peek into $2.6m upgrade at popular camping ground
Does a cashless society make dollars and sense?
Giant pipes arrive for $270m water services program
State of region’s beaches revealed in report card
New developments on controversial off-leash area plans
Shi ing sands: photos show how coastline has changed
Repairs to start on iconic and bustling bridge
‘Conges on buster’: $70m connec on to highway opens
Groundwork starts on three-in-one emergency services precinct
Regional Australian communities deserve local news as much as our big cities do.
Local independent newspapers still connect more than 80% of the country, but currently the commonwealth government invests close to 0% of its advertising budget here. The federal government could help secure the future of regional news with zero extra cost by simply allocating a fairer share of government advertising to local and regional news services.
One page per week of important government information in regional newspapers would be a great start. This shouldn’t be controversial. It’s a simple and fair solution for the future of regional news. Authorised by
aged 16 to 24 across the Sunshine Coast,” IFYS managing director Tony Pignata told guests at the opening.
“The Old Church is an integrated model that combined biological, cultural, economic, physiological and social factors.
“It cuts across a number of disciplines and ensures young people are not only being protected from the elements, but they are offered holistic support and care to ensure that we move them from
and some independent life skills, which to you and I might be incredible, but it’ll be things like washing their sheets, washing their clothes, having some idea of nutrition and to be able to cook for themselves.”
The facility and support program aims to help young people to build careers and to ultimately transition to their own accommodation. Member for Fairfax Ted O’Brien officially opened the facilities on June 29. Mr O’Brien had announced $790,834 in Australian government funding for the project in April 2022, to provide support for residents with a particular focus on ‘learning and earning’ activities to strengthen a young person’s employment options.
“Many people came to this very facility over the years to offer prayers and, in the future, young people will come to this same facility to have their prayers answered, and I think that’s pretty special,” Mr O’Brien said at the opening.
Mr Pignata noted the high levels of homelessness among youth on the Sunshine Coast, adding that a safe and caring environment is vital to help young people live and build better lives and become active and functioning members
Stockland project director Josh Sondergeld says the release of the extra lots will help to alleviate the increasing pressure on housing availability and affordability in the region.
“Our masterplanned communities play an important role in providing accessible home ownership options across Australia,” he says.
“Aura provides a diverse range of quality housing to cater to all stages of people’s lifestyles, including duplexes, two- to three-bedroom villa homes and more traditional-style detached singleand double-storey family homes.
The release of 1,100 new lots at Aura will help to alleviate the pressure on the housing industry, but Sunshine Coast Business Council says more needs to be done.
KCoast residents bear the brunt of youth crime as police numbers fail to keep up with the region’s growth. WORDS: Shirley Sinclair.
im McCosker’s family unwillingly became part of the police statistics at 3.30am on August 9, 2021, as victims of the youth crime scourge plaguing southeast Queensland. Almost two years on, the still- devastated author, entrepreneur and cooking celebrity, her husband Glen Turnbull and their children look at the world a little differently. Six youths smashed their way into the family’s Pelican Waters home and stole three cars that fateful morning, at the height of the pandemic.
“I remember everything because it was such an invasion of privacy,” Kim says of the family’s second robbery in 15 years at the canal-front home.
“I remember it with clarity more when I see the video footage and I see them scaling our fence with a big knife.” The youths grabbed Kim’s handbag, which contained keys to two of the cars, and stole her prized Mini Countryman, emblazoned with her highly-recognisable 4 Ingredients branding, along with Glen’s new Range Rover and son Morgan’s pride-and-joy Toyota Supra, which was hot-wired.
Lakehouse, Mountain Creek. “As Deputy Premier Steven Miles said when addressing our members and guests at the lunch, if we want to protect the liveability of our region we will need to change the types of dwellings we live in,” Ms Zubrinich says.
“As our population continues to grow, a lack of housing availability will see us struggle to attract and retain the key workers such as teachers and nurses, who are essential to maintain our standard of living.
A“There should be consequences for people’s actions but I just don’t feel that the current youth justice system has those consequences,” Kim says. The ordeal prompted her to call on the Queensland Government to put a halt to fearless juvenile criminals holding the state to ransom over senseless crimes.
“Aura has demonstrated success in this space with more than 50 per cent of homes in the community being purchased by essential and key workers.”
Kim says she empathises with police officers whose work seems thwarted by a system that allows 10 per cent of hardcore youth offenders to commit 50 per cent of the crimes. “Police officers have to do this week in and week out. don’t know how they keep their strength up, physically or mentally.” Kim organised public forums in December 2021 and February 2022 to arm Caloundra residents with knowledge of crime rates and to lobby for more police.
But she remains frustrated at what she sees as a “broken” youth justice system that continues to put repeat offenders back on the streets to commit more crimes.
Kim agrees with the LNP that Caloundra, which also takes in the burgeoning Aura development in the south, simply has too few police officers to cope with the increase in crime.
In a media statement on April 20,
Deputy Leader of the Opposition and Kawana MP Jarrod Bleijie accused the Palaszczuk Labor Government of misleading Queenslanders on the number of frontline police patrolling our streets. A secret briefing document prepared for Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk, released under Right to Information, reveals that in eight years under the current government, police on the Sunshine Coast have been reduced by 10 – from 561 in 2015 to 551 in 2022.
Mr Bleijie says the document exposes the “dire policing situation in the region”
“Aura is able to respond to the need for more affordable housing through more compact lots and townhomes, while also offering precincts with more generous lots such as the recently launched The Avenues with lots ranging from 434sqm to more than 800sqm.
“We have a two-decade track record in delivering new homes for Sunshine Coast families and the overwhelmingly positive feedback from those who call Aura home confirms we’re delivering on its promise — not only in the diversity of housing on offer, but also in regard to lifestyle.”
Aura is Australia’s largest masterplanned community and is currently home to more than 9300 residents, with nearly 20,000 homes expected to be built upon completion.
and went against Police Minister Mark Ryan’s recent comment to local media that “there are more police on the Sunshine Coast than ever before”.
When completed, Aura will have about 200km of dedicated footpaths and bicycle pathways, setting a new benchmark for the provision of active transport in communities across Queensland. Connection to the Bruce Highway via the extension of the existing Bells Creek Arterial Road is expected to open mid-year.
“The crisis and chaos engulfing the Palaszczuk Labor Government is now impacting the safety of Sunshine Coast families,” Mr Bleijie says.
But Police Minister Mark Ryan stands by an increase in police strength in the region.
“Queensland Police Services advises that the approved police strength in the Sunshine Coast Police District has increased from 529 positions on 1 March, 2015, to 566 positions as at 31 March, 2023,” he told Sunshine Coast News “The government is making the biggest investment in policing in more than three decades to deliver more than 2000 extra police personnel.
“The allocation of personnel and resources is strictly a matter for the Police Commissioner and her senior officers. “The Police Commissioner has stated that this historic investment in policing will deliver a minimum of 150 extra police officers to each police region, including the North Coast Region.
“Ten of North Coast Region’s growth positions have been allocated to Caloundra Division since July 2021.
“In relation to the new Caloundra South police facility, police advise that design and due-diligence work is progressing, with construction to commence shortly after the developer transfers the land to the QPS, following construction of the Bells Creek Arterial Road being completed.”
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Schreyer, Country Press Australia, 163 Epsom Road Flemington 3031 PRAYERS
omeless young people will have a roof over their heads and expert support to help them build successful lives, after the official opening of The Old Church Youth Accommodation at Nambour last week. The Integrated Youth and Family NEWS A new Sunshine Coast accommodation complex will give young people a fresh start in life and support their employment goals. youth, each with a full ensuite, split- system air-conditioner, new paint and carpet, and a window. IFYS operates a six-bed crisis facility for young people in need on the Sunshine Coast, and a further five beds in Caboolture, so The Old Church dramatically increases the available support to those in need. “In bringing back the church, we will offer 21 safe and secure beds to young people
16.i dd 3/07/2023 12:50:24 PM
Hn extra 1100 housing lots for a growing Coast suburb have been welcomed but a business council delegate says “more needs to be done” to address population “This level of growth requires careful planning and the ongoing release of additional land is essential to create liveable masterplanned communities, ensuring all Sunshine Coast locals can enjoy the quality of life we have come to “We understand that infill in existing residential areas is part of the solution, but in many cases there is not adequate infrastructure to accommodate the increased population in these areas.” She says greater density required more schools, retail, parks, amenities and more space on our already Deputy Premier Steven Miles made the additional lot announcement at a recent Sunshine Coast Business Council NEWS lunch, hosted for its members and guests at The
.indd 1 8/05 0 3 :54 AM
45 My Weekly Preview | September 28, 2023 PREVIEW
Ray White coast outlets come together to chalk up more than $27 million in sales in a single day
Not far behind this sale was the exquisite Mooloolaba penthouse at 16/82-86 River Esplanade, sold by Ray White Maroochydore’s Dan Sowden and Reuben Park for $4.59 million.
2023’s In-Room Auction Event achieved outstanding results.
• 45 listed properties
• Over 2500 buyer inspections conducted in September
• More than 200 registered bidders
• 18 properties sold at auction
• 40 per cent on-the-day clearance rate
• 419 coffees consumed
The Ray White Coastal Living Network Auction Event made history again last weekend by hosting the Sunshine Coast’s largest in-room property auction, achieving $27,236,000 in sales.
“We brought $57 million worth of property to the market, so to sell $27 million of that in one day is a result we are very proud of,” auctioneer and director of Ray White Maroochydore Dan Sowden says.
The sales won’t stop with the end of the event, with many more transactions expected to take place post-auction.
One of the most anticipated properties and the highest sale of the day was 22 Brisbane Road: the ‘developer’s dream block’ with six, two-bedroom units only three blocks back from Mooloolaba Beach. Following a hot bidding war, the property was sold for $5.31 million by Ray White Maroochydore’s listing agent Reuben Park.
Since the event’s inception in 2015, the network has now auctioned 438 properties, totalling in $258 million in sales.
Eight years on, the event continues to grow. Around 400 interested attendees gathered from 9am at Mercedes-Benz Sunshine Coast, eagerly awaiting the action to begin. A further 1800 online viewers tuned into the Facebook live stream.
“Witnessing the energy and excitement in the room as properties change hands is a testament to the allure of real estate auctions,” auctioneer and
director of Ray White Mooloolaba and Kawana Waters James Goldsworthy says.
Presented by more than 70 staff from the Ray White Coastal Living Network’s five offices (Maroochydore, Buderim, Mooloolaba, Kawana Waters and Nambour), each Ray White team member was buzzing with energy, working to register buyers, supporting sellers, briefing phone bidders and ushering spectators.
Major partners on the day included Mercedes-Benz Sunshine Coast, and Blink! Productions.
46 My Weekly Preview | September 28, 2023 Kelly Rowling 0437 443 013 Dan Rowling 0421 456 776 Beautifully renovated, impeccably presented and simply breath away. endless hours of fun this summer. 4 Bed // 2 Bath // 2 Car 15 Mimosa Crescent, Currimundi A genuine and caring experience Like it should be. Rowling & Co recently sold our house and we couldn’t be happier with the process and result. caring approach was a refreshing change to what we thought we’d get from a real estate agency
Dan Sowden
Introducing BASK, the latest luxury coastal haven on the Sunshine Coast. Prepare to embark on a remarkable journey as you step into your new home, the
Otherwise start your Bask journey with an appointment
Designed and constructed by
1 Entrance Island, Bokarina
This multi-award winning ‘British Colonial’ masterpiece is truly breathtaking. Every detail has been carefully considered, resulting in an elegant home which delivers an abundance of space and grandeur while offering panoramic water views from almost every room. With ample living and multiple spaces, this is beautiful family home. Properties of this magnitude and grandeur, combined with island living, are extremely rare and we urge you to inspect this property before it is gone!
• Award-winning build
• 833m2 under roof
• Herringbone timber floors
• 18kW solar panels
• Community tennis court
• CCTV system
Price: For Sale
Inspect: Saturday 30th September 2:30-3pm by prior appointment
Richard Scrivener 0416 799 188
Loren Wimhurst 0415 380 222
1300 400 777
8 Shady Grove, Tanawha
This substantial family home is situated in the leafy suburb of Tanawha, on a flat usable 1 acre block with ample space to move about. The floor plan is ideal and could accommodate a large family with an abundance of space both inside and outside. The home offers 5 bedrooms, multiple living rooms, a home office, casual and formal dining, plus a huge open plan kitchen with a butler’s pantry and much, much more. This property does need to be seen to be appreciated.
• 1 acre of flat usable land
• Private and peaceful
• Large shed
• Inground pool
• Abundance of shops nearby
• Close to excellent schools
Auction: Forthcoming Auction
Inspect: Saturday 30th September 12-12:30pm
Richard Scrivener 0416 799 188
Loren Wimhurst 0415 380 222
1300 400 777
From page 45
Presenting a rare opportunity to purchase on Buderim’s northern escarpment. This unique character home is meticulously constructed from rammed earth and features an award-winning swimming pool. As the sun rises, the unimpeded view over both the coast and the hinterland shines; and at night, the infinity of the night sky over Mt Coolum is enjoyed from the glass-walled dining room. The contour of the expansive 5634sqm parcel of land ensures the views will never be built out. This property offers an unrivalled, private lifestyle with professionally landscaped, established gardens creating a private sanctuary. The home’s desirable and convenient location makes for easy living on top of Buderim.
Street, Pelican Waters
Immerse yourself in the seclusion, luxury and space delivered when you step inside 5 Pamphlet Place. Nestled on a quiet cul-de-sac in the ever-sought-after Pelican Waters, this stunning 4-bedroom home is perched on a luscious 827m2 block. Perfectly landscaped, this near canal sanctuary delivers breathtaking elegance and finesse in one of the most prestigious locales on the Sunshine Coast.
Auction: Forthcoming Auction
Inspect: Saturday 30th September 1-1:30pm
Mary-Ann McLoughlin 0439 836 353
Loren Wimhurst 0415 380 222
1300 400 777
52 My Weekly Preview | September 28, 2023
Large 827m2 block • North-east entertaining area • 4 generous bedrooms • 10 minutes to Caloundra CBD • 3 minutes to Golden Beach cafés
38 AMAROO DRIVE, BUDERIM 4 bed, 2 bath, 3 car Price: best offers The Agency 0438 120 776 Dan Smith 0438 120 776 Dale Woodhams 0481 500 160
57 Mountain View Road, Bald Knob
Presenting The Lake House on Mountain View Road
Discover an idyllic sanctuary of peace and absolute privacy at ‘The Lake House’, an exclusive 35-acre estate located on the coveted Mountain View Road on the eastern side of Maleny. With breathtaking vistas of the Glasshouse Mountains, Bribie Island, and extending beyond to Brisbane, the unparalleled beauty of this parkland-like estate will captivate your senses and inspire tranquility.
For those seeking an escape from the ordinary and a property that harmoniously blends luxury and nature in a whisper-quiet setting, this unique retreat in Maleny is the opportunity you have been waiting for.
• 35 acres of private, parkland estate
• Expansive outdoor areas that offer scenic views
• Stunning spring-fed lake with waterfall feature
• Whisper quiet plateau - a true sanctuary
Each office independently owned and operated
• Spacious executive home with soaring ceilings
• Separate guest suite and office/library
• Self-contained caretaker’s cottage
• Ducted air / double-sided fireplace / 15kW solar
4 5 4
Auction: Onsite 21st October 12pm
Inspect: By Appointment
View: lakehouse
RE/MAX Hinterland Team 0447 737 737
ADDRESS 32 Maple Street, Maleny QLD 4552
OFFICE 07 5408 4220
Sold Properties $4,350,000 9ELANORAAVE,MOOLOOLABA432 $3,300,000 14HARBOURPARADE,BUDDINA322 $2,670,000 34BALEMOST,MINYAMA422 $3,480,000 11BIRUBIST,MINYAMA432 $2,950,000 39COOMAROOCRES,MINYAMA422 $2,460,000 52BELTANACRES,BUDDINA322 $4,150,000 55FOLEYROAD,ILKLEY866 $3,400,000 19PARKANACRES,BUDDINA534 $2,700,000 4ILLAWONGST,BUDDINA421 $6,750,000 38CULBARAST,MOOLOOLABA325 $2,650,000 44BAHDILLICRES,DIDDILLIBAH774 $2,120,000 5KONONDACT,MOOLOOLABA542
“Alan and Rebecca instantly instill trust and then reinforce this through their ongoing actions. They are smart, dependable and quietly assured with a flair and natural instinct for what they do.
I particularly appreciated their level headed approach and ability to troubleshoot. They were able to overcome multiple hurdles and calm my anxieties about the sale of my property, and then achieve a record result.
I will be forever grateful and would never consider using anyone else for a future property sale.
“Rebecca and Alan guided us to an above expectation result with accurate and patience and kept us fully informed during the process. They treated the 94 year old builder/ owner of 55 years with respect, while clearly explaining all processes, options and strategies to sell our house. I would highly recommend Alan and Rebecca to anyone and would definitely use them again.
“Rebecca and Alan provided an amazing service in selling our home. They are a very professional team. Their knowledge & understanding of the market was invaluable during the sale process. Their communication skills are excellent.
I would have no hesitation in recommending Alan and Rebecca, they did an awesome job.
39 Coomaroo Cres
“When we initially spoke with Alan and Rebecca, they gave us a fair market appraisal and had a great plan for the sale of my property. They are smart, knew the market well, informed me regularly of developments and were always courteous.
9 Elanora Ave, Mooloolaba
With us, what you see is what you get – refreshing honesty, robust relationships, straightforward and authentic. Are you curious about your property’s value? Contact
gets the results
team that
Parkana Cres, Buddina
14 Harbour Parade, Buddina
Rebecca Fletcher 0404 866 358 Alan Riley 0422 723 719
Ideally situated in the Sunshine Coast’s thriving growth corridor, 14 Hideaway Lane offers a remarkable executive home on 128 acres of freehold rural land. Divided into two sections; around 20 acres hosts a luxurious, no expenses spared 5-bedroom, 5-bathroom Porter Davis designed home, showcasing the stunning rural landscape. The remaining 110 acres features a profitable sand mining operation with abundant reserves for future extraction and land rehabilitation. This unique property promises substantial passive income and significant growth potential for the new owners. Don’t miss out on this exceptional opportunity!
14 Hideaway Lane Glenview Massive Land – Massive Income – Massive Potential FOR SALE Expressions of Interest VIEWING By Appointment CONTACT Rebecca Fletcher 0404 866 358 Alan Riley 0422 723 719 555 128 acres
Elimbah, 2 Keith Street
The Ultimate Prestige Lifestyle Property
• Grand entrance, premium finishes, soaring ceilings, expansive living spaces
• Four spacious bedrooms, two bathrooms, and ample living areas
• Resort-style inground pool, a tennis court, and an abundance of space
• Situated on a generous corner lot
• Large kitchen integrates functionality and style
• Huge shed with work room/office, storage shed
• Security screens, electric gate, side access, security system
• Fully fenced & private, bitumen driveway with plenty of parking
Maroochydore, 33 Boongala Terrace
A Coastal Home With Serene Views
Palmview, 17 Sienna Crescent
Relaxed, Convenient Family Living
Experience relaxed and convenient family living in impeccable style with this ideally situated single-level home in the soughtafter Palmview neighbourhood. Surrounded by lush green spaces and top-notch amenities. Modern, low maintenance design.
Sat 30th Sept at 2pm AUCTION On Site Sat 7th Oct at 10am AGENT Ross Cattle 0410 625 758 Katie Davies 0427 268 780
OPENHOME Thurs 28th Sept at 4pm Sat 30th Sept at 11am AUCTION On Site Sat 7th Oct at 12pm AGENT Ross Cattle 0410 625 758 Katie Davies 0427 268 780
your ideal family retreat in this impeccably maintained 4-bedroom residence, designed for effortless living. With spacious interiors, elevated vistas, and a focus on privacy, this home promises a luxurious coastal lifestyle
your entire family.
OPENHOME Sat 30th Sept at 12pm AUCTION On Site Sat 7th Oct at 2pm AGENT Ross Cattle 0410 625 758 Katie Davies 0427 268 780
Thurs, 28 Sept, 5:30pm
408/180 Alexandra Parade, Alexandra Headland
Candice Contencin 0412 880 084
Sat, 30 Sept, 10am
Open from 9:30am 9/60 Alexandra Parade, Maroochydore Sarah-Louise Anderson 0418 200 471
Open from 9:30am 9 Charm Street, Palmview Dallas Foster 0426 817 163
Open from 9:30am 83 Cooroora Street, Dicky Beach Andrew Garland 0403 851 777
Sat, 30 Sept, 11am
Open from 10:30am
1/34 Lawrence Street, Mooloolaba
Candice Contencin 0412 880 084
Sat, 30 Sept, 12pm
Open from 11:30am
4/58-60 Sixth Avenue Maroochydore
Pam Thomas 0438 272 096
Open from 11:30am
196 Mooloolaba Road, Buderim
Tully Thompson 0428 959 238
Sat, 30 Sept, 1:30pm
Open from 1pm
22 Theresa Street, Golden Beach Andrew Garland 0403 851 777
Sat, 30 Sept, 2:30pm
Open from 2pm
41 Maryann Street, Golden Beach
Ray Daniels 0408 819 276 Linda Daniels 0412 072 805
You are welcome to a end our open homes or please call the agent to arrange your private inspec on or virtual tour.
59 My Weekly Preview | September 28, 2023
for online auc ons. Bli Bli 5450 8111 Buderim 5445 6088 Caloundra 5491 5055 Golden Beach 5492 2100 Kawana 5354 6012 Maroochydore 5443 2000 Mooloolaba 5444 3455 Nambour 5354 6000 Pelican Waters 5343 6900 ALEXANDRA HEADLAND 616/102 Alexandra Parade 2 bed 1 bath 1 car Sat 9-9:30am 17/18 Edward Street 3 bed 2 bath 3 car Sat 9-9:30am 17/18 Edward Street 3 bed 2 bath 3 car Sat 12:30-1pm 1/10 Edward Street 2 bed 2 bath 1 car Sat 1-1:30pm 88 Okinja Road 5 bed 3 bath 2 car Sat 1-1:30pm 17/18 Edward Street 3 bed 2 bath 3 car Tues 3rd 3-3:30pm 616/102 Alexandra Parade 2 bed 1 bath 1 car Tues 3rd 4-4:30pm 88 Okinja Road 5 bed 3 bath 2 car Wed 4th 5-5:30pm 14 Edward Street 5 bed 2 bath 3 car Brent Higgins 0414 775 133 1/238-240 Alexandra Parade 2 bed 1 bath 1 car Brent Higgins 0414 775 133 BANYA 51 Bribie Cresent 4 bed 2 bath 2 car Carmen Holtz 0409 267 103 BARINGA 6 Hannah Crescent 4 bed 3 bath 2 car Sat 9-9:30am 10 Wilkinson Street 4 bed 2 bath 2 car Sat 10-10:30am BATTERY HILL 11 Sherman Street 4 bed 3 bath 2 car Sat 12-12:30pm BEERWAH 48 Thompson Road, 5 bed 2 bath 2 car Sat 2-2:30pm BIRTINYA 235/21 Innova on Parkway 3 bed, 2 bath, 2 car Sat 12-12:30pm 235/21 Innova on Parkway 3 bed, 2 bath, 2 car Fri 29th 12-12:30pm 16/11 Innova on Parkway 3 bed 2 bath 2 car Jus n Wijaya 0479 135 990 24/67 Rega a Boulevard 2 bed 2 bath 1 car Jus n Wijaya 0479 135 990 1 Headland Drive 5 bed 2 bath 2 car Sat 9-9:30am & 12-12:30pm BLI BLI 36 Godfreys Avenue 5 bed 3 bath 3 car Sat 11-11:45am 32 Stoney Wharf Road 5 bed 4 bath 4 car Cameron Hackenberg 0421 504 479 51 Gallery Drive 3 bed 2 bath 4 car Cameron Hackenberg 0421 504 479 33 Kennedy Road 4 bed 2 bath 2 car Rachel Meyers 0411 699 6019 16 Butcherbird Crescent 4 bed 2 bath 2 car Alex Dale 0414 516 003 7 Wharf Road 3 bed 2 bath 4 car Rachel Meyers 0411 699 6019 33 Do erell Drive 3 bed 1 bath 3 car Cameron Hackenberg 0421 504 479 1 Ellesmere Avenue 4 bed 1 bath 1 car Cameron Hackenberg 0421 504 479 19 Black Swan Circuit 3 bed 2 bath 2 car Rachel Meyers 0411 699 6019 1 Callicoma Place 5 bed 2 bath 4 car Cameron Hackenberg 0421 504 479 26 Ringtail Place 4 bed 2 bath 2 car Cameron Hackenberg 0421 504 479 37 Kennedy Road 3 bed 2 bath 2 car Rachel Meyers 0411 699 6019 4 School Boat Place 4 bed 2 bath 2 car Cameron Hackenberg 0421 504 479 36 Godfreys Avenue 5 bed 3 bath 3 car Wed 4th 4:30-5pm
Residence One of 8 Bluebird Pde3 bed 2 bath 2 car Ryan Bradeley 0418 793 670 405/21 Kombi Street 3 bed 2 bath 2 car Adam Budd 0411 808 595
8 Boorook Street 5 bed 3 bath 3 car Sat 10-10:30am 8 Boorook Street 5 bed 3 bath 3 car Sat 2-2:30pm Residence Two of 5 Curbarra St 3 bed 2 bath 2 car Ryan Bradeley 0418 793 670
18 Tommys Court 4 bed 2 bath 2 car Sat 9-9:30am 21 Deloraine Drive 4 bed 2 bath 2 car Sat 9:45-10:30am 19 Kerenjon Avenue 3 bed 2 bath 2 car Sat 10-10:30am 101/83 Lindsay Road 3 bed 2 bath 1 car Sat 10-10:45am 84/83 Lindsay Road 2 bed 1.5 bath 1 car Sat 10-10:45am 8 Phillips Street 4 bed 2 bath 2 car Sat 11-11:30am 8 Brushwood Court 4 bed 2 bath 2 car Sat 11-11:30am 5/147 Burne Street 3 bed 2 bath 2 car Sat 11-11:45am 17/83 Lindsay Road 2 bed 1.5 bath 1 car Sat 11-11:45am 196 Mooloolaba Road 5 bed 3 bath 2 car Sat 11:30am-12pm 5 Bridalveil Court 4 bed 2 bath 2 car Sat 12-12:45pm 18 Tommys Court 4 bed 2 bath 2 car Sat 1-1:30pm 8 Brushwood Court 4 bed 2 bath 2 car Sat 2-2:30pm
BEACH 25 Pacific Heights Court 6 bed 4 bath 3 car Greg Clarke 0418 239 067 56 Yungar Street 4 bed 2 bath 3 car Tracy Fishburn 0449 141 349 DIAMOND VALLEY 269 Diamond Valley 5 bed 4 bath 4 car Sat 1:30-2pm 269 Diamond Valley 5 bed 4 bath 4 car Tues 3rd 5-5:30pm DICKY BEACH 83 Cooroora Street 3 bed 1 bath 2 car Fri 29th 2-2:30pm 83 Cooroora Street 3 bed 1 bath 2 car Sat 9:30-10am DOONAN 4 Wust Road 4 bed 2 bath 6 car Greg Clarke 0418 239 067 EUDLO 108 Ilkley Road 4 bed 3 bath 3 car Kathryn Willshire 0437 434 648 GLASS HOUSE MOUNTAINS 31 Sahara Road 3 bed 1 bath 4 car Adam Budd 0411 808 595 GOLDEN BEACH 175 Esplanade 4 bed 2 bath 2 car Fri 29th 12-12:30pm 22 Theresa Street 2 bed 1 bath 2 car Fri 29th 1-1:30pm 10/7 Landsborough Parade 2 bed 1 bath 2 car Sat 11-11:30am 175 Esplanade 4 bed 2 bath 2 car Sat 12-12:30pm 22 Theresa Street 2 bed 1 bath 2 car Sat 1-1:30pm 41 Maryann Street 4 bed 2 bath 4 car Sat 2-2:30pm KAWANA ISLAND 8 Sumatra Court 4 bed 2 bath 2 car Sat 10-10:30am 8 Sumatra Court 4 bed 2 bath 2 car Sat 12-12:30pm 1 Easter Street 4 bed 2 bath 2 car Will Van den Dungen 0438 130 188 4 Tortola Place 4 bed 2 bath 2 car Will Van den Dungen 0438 130 188 8 Sumatra Court 4 bed 2 bath 2 car Will Van den Dungen 0438 130 188 14 Zante Lane 4 bed 2 bath 2 car Will Van den Dungen 0438 130 188 KINGS BEACH 20/32 Saltair Street 4 bed 3 bath 4 car Fri 29th 9-9:30am 1/2 Burgess Street 3 bed 1 bath 2 car Fri 29th 10-10:30am 9/38 King Street 3 bed 2 bath 1 car Fri 29th 11-11:30am 1002/4 Queen Street 4 bed 2 bath 2 car Fri 29th 11-11:30am 10/28 Victoria Terrace 3 bed 2 bath 2 car Fri 29th 12-12:30pm 20/32 Saltair Street 4 bed 3 bath 4 car Sat 9-9:30am 1/2 Burgess Street 3 bed 1 bath 2 car Sat 10-10:30am 1002/4 Queen Street 4 bed 2 bath 2 car Sat 11-11:30am 9/38 King Street 3 bed 2 bath 1 car Sat 11-11:30am 10/28 Victoria Terrace 3 bed 2 bath 2 car Sat 12-12:30pm 12 Upper Gay Terrace 3 bed 2 bath 3 car Natascha Drexel-Munro 0410 081 970 22/13 Mahia Street 3 bed 2 bath 2 car Natascha Drexel-Munro 0410 081 970 13/13 Mahia Terrace 3 bed 2 bath 1 car Natascha Drexel-Munro 0410 081 970 11/1 Ormonde Terrace 2 bed 1 bath 1 car Natascha Drexel-Munro 0410 081 970 KUREELPA 21 Murray Grey Drive 4 bed 2 bath 4 car Sat 11-11:30am LITTLE MOUNTAIN 20 Grey Gum Drive 4 bed 2 bath 2 car Sat 9-9:30am 20 Grey Gum Drive 4 bed 2 bath 2 car Sat 1-1:30pm MARCOOLA 46/885 David Low Way 3 bed 2 bath 1 car Greg Clarke 0418 239 067 3107/923 David Low Way 2 bed 2 bath 1 car Greg Clarke 0418 239 067 MAROOCHYDORE 1/33 Fi h Avenue 4 bed 2.5 bath 2 car Sat 9-9:30am 24/132-136 Duporth Avenure 2 bed 2 car 1 bath Sat 9:30-10am 4 Sunpointe Street 3 bed 2 bath 2 car Sat 10-10:30am 4/58-60 Sixth Avenue 3 bed 2 bath 1 car Sat 11:30am-12pm 19 Millwell Road 4 bed 2 bath 2 car Sat 2-2:30pm 4 Sunpointe Street 3 bed 2 bath 2 car Tues 3rd 4-4:30pm 1/33 Fi h Avenue 4 bed 2.5 bath 2 car Wed 4th 4-4:30pm 407/1-7 Duporth Avenue 2 bed 2 bath 2 car Kathy Mulheron 0481 313 336 5202/5 Emporio Place 2 bed 2 bath 1 car Brent Higgins 0414 775 133 8 Emperor Avenue 4 bed 2 bath 1 car Adam Budd 0411 808 595 MERIDAN PLAINS 35 Kurrajong Crescent 5 bed 2.5 bath 2 car Adam Budd 0411 808 595 MINYAMA 43 Jessica Boulevard 4 bed 2 bath 3 car Brent Higgins 0414 775 133 9 Muringo Court 4 bed 2 bath 3 car Brent Higgins 0414 775 133 8 Currong Street 4 bed 2 bath 2 car Will Van den Dungen 0438 130 188 36 Chelsea Crescent 5 bed 3 bath 3 car Brent Higgins 0414 775 133 MOFFAT BEACH 14 Fairlie Crescent 3 bed 3 bath 2 car Fri 29th 3-3:30pm 14 Fairlie Crescent 3 bed 3 bath 2 car Sat 12-12:30pm MOOLOOLABA 5 Moondarra Drive 4 bed 3.5 bath 2 car Sat 9-9:30am 7/4 Yallanga Place 2 bed 1 bath 1 car Sat 9-9:30am 1/6 Anthony Avenue 2 bed 1 bath 1 car Sat 9:45-10:15am 36 Amarina Avenue 5 bed 3 bath 2 car Sat 10-10:30am 508/59-75 Mooloolaba Espl 2 bed 2 bath 1 car Sat 10-10:30am 1/34 Lawrence Street 2 bed 1.5 bath 1 car Sat 10:30-11am 508/59-75 Mooloolaba Espl 2 bed 2 bath 1 car Sat 12-12:30pm 7/4 Yallanga Place 2 bed 1 bath 1 car Sat 12:30-1pm 36 Amarina Avenue 5 bed 3 bath 2 car Wed 4th 11-11:30am 2/28 Kalinda Avenue 4 bed 2 bath 2 car Brent Higgins 0414 775 133 1001/29 First Avenue 3 bed 2 bath 2 car Greg Clarke 0418 239 067 7/17 Bindaree Crescent 3 bed 2 bath 2 car Peter King 0408 798 346 26 Coorumbong Close 3 bed 2 bath 2 car Peter King 0408 798 346 2/28 Kalinda Avenue 4 bed 2 bath 2 car Brent Higgins 0414 775 133 60 Neerim Drive 3 bed 2 bath 2 car Brent Higgins 0414 775 133 MOOLOOLAH VALLEY 84 Lakeview Lane 4 bed 2 bath 5 car Sat 1-2pm MOUNTIAN CREEK 25/19 Riviera Place 3 bed 2.5 bath 2 car Sat 11-11:30am NIRIMBA 51 Charlo e Avenue 3 bed 2 bath 2 car Sat 11-11:30am PACIFIC PARADISE 4 Kowonga Street land: 546m² Cameron Hackenberg 0421 504 479 PALMVIEW 9 Charm Street 4 bed 2 bath 2 car Sat 9:30-10am PALMWOODS 45 Golden Pine Way 4 bed 2 bath 2 car Sat 10-10:30am 90 Landershute Road 4 bed 2 bath 3 car 12:30-1pm PELICAN WATERS 1 Endeavour Crescent 4 bed 2 bath 2 car Sat 12-12:30pm 10 Pamphlet Place 5 bed 2 bath 3 car Dwight Ferguson 0412 385 720 RINGTAIL CREEK 280 Ringtail Creek Road 5 bed 3 bath 7 car Rachel Meyers 0411 699 6019 ROSEMOUNT 153 Panorama Drive land: 911m² Cameron Hackenberg 0421 504 479 SIPPY DOWNS 24/23 Scholars Drive 3 bed 2 bath 1 car Thurs 28th 4-4:30pm 24/23 Scholars Drive 3 bed 2 bath 1 car Sat 1-1:30pm WARANA Residence Two of 8 Tagera St 3 bed 2 bath 2 car Ryan Bradeley 0418 793 670 2 Nagari Place 3 bed 2 bath 2 car Adam Budd 0411 808 595 WURTULLA 11 Coongarra Esplanade 3 bed 2 bath 2 car Brent Higgins 0414 775 133 19 Orringa Street 3 bed 2 bath 4 car Adam Budd 0411 808 595
Please call the agent for details to register
60 My Weekly Preview | September 28, 2023 Join us at our next AUCTION EVENT Sunshine Coast Function Centre 19 West Terrace (Caloundra RSL), Caloundra Thursday, 12 October at 11am 10/28 Victoria Terrace, Kings Beach Natascha Drexel-Munro 0410 081 970 Carola Drexel 0417 608 466 3 2 2 1/2 Burgess Street, Kings Beach Natascha Drexel-Munro 0410 081 970 Carola Drexel 0417 608 466 3 1 2 11 Sherman Street, Ba ery Hill Tom Garland 0412 161 123 4 3 2 1002/4 Queen Street, Kings Beach Natascha Drexel-Munro 0410 081 970 Carola Drexel 0417 608 466 4 2 2 9/38 King Street, Kings Beach Andrew Garland 0403 851 777 3 2 1 97 Buderim Street, Currimundi Jacob de Bruyn 0405 278 450 3 1 3 20/32 Saltair Street, Kings Beach Natascha Drexel-Munro 0410 081 970 Carola Drexel 0417 608 466 4 3 4 14 Fairlie Crescent, Moffat Beach Andrew Garland 0403 851 777 3 3 1 8 PROPERTIES WILL GO UNDER THE HAMMER Ray White Caloundra 5491 5055 Next Auc on Event: Thurs, 9 Nov, 11am
14 Fairlie Crescent, Moffat Beach
Si ng proudly on its elevated 692m2* allotment and designed with relaxed open plan beachside living in mind, this beau ful architecturally designed beach home takes advantage of its ideal north-east aspect crea ng light-filled living spaces blessed with soothing ocean views.
• Gourmet kitchen with its sea of stone benchtops
• Open-plan living area with polished hardwood floors & vaulted ceiling
• Self-contained detached granny flat – perfect for dual living
• Private and secure quality home just moments from the ac on
3 3 1 1
Auc on In Rooms
Sunshine Coast Func on Centre
19 West Terrace, Caloundra
Thurs, 12 Oct, 11am
View Fri 3-3:30pm & Sat 12-12:30pm
Andrew Garland 0403 851 777 *Approximately
61 My Weekly Preview | September 28, 2023
Your Slice of Paradise Awaits
60 Jensen Road, Ninderry QLD 4561
2.5-acre haven offering space, serenity, and seclusion. Perfect for your family or those looking to brick home boasts four bedrooms and a spacious family room, nestled in beautiful gardens.
Auction: On site Saturday October 7th at 11 am
Inspect: This Saturday 10 - 11am
Agent: Greg Young 0488 238 988
Mooloolaba Esplanade, Mooloolaba
• Panoramic ocean views
• 2 bedroom apartment 134m2 approx.
• Fully appointed kitchen
• Ducted air condi oning throughout
• End apartment with 5 balconies
• Resort complex with pool & gym
Spanning across three opulent stories, this exquisite townhouse is located on prestigious Kawana Island. Level one has a fully self-contained bedroom/living space and double garage. Level two has expansive open plan living, luxe designer kitchen (with breakfast bar) and separate dining space. It opens onto generous al fresco balconies on two sides, adding to the overall living experience. Level three has a grand master bedroom, ensuite, walk-in robe and private balcony, plus two additional bedrooms, each with balconies, and a family-sized bathroom. Within this secure gated complex of owner occupiers, community facilities include heated pool and spa as well as sheltered barbecue facilities.
4 bed, 3 bath, 2 car Offers over $1.25 million
Carolans First National Real Estate 5441 1344
Warren Nonmus 0431 210 348
9 Charm Street, Palmview
Peter King 0408 798 346
This charming brand-new build has just been completed as of August 2023 by one of Sunshine Coast’s most reputable and quality builders; Ausmar Homes. Ready for the very first owners to move in and make it home, 9 Charm Street is equipped with nothing but the finest with an impeccably cra ed interior that exudes elegance and comfort with strong street appeal.
4 2 2 313
Auc on On site Sat, 30 Sept, 10am
View Sat, 30 Sept, 9:30-10am
Dallas Foster 0426 817 163
62 My Weekly Preview | September 28, 2023
Sat, 7 Oct, 3pm
Auc on On site
Sat, 30 Sept, 10-10:30am
30 Sept, 12-12:30pm
2 2 1
07 5445 1800
SALE 5 2 3 1 1,054
10 Pamphlet Place, Pelican Waters
Embrace the relaxed waterfront lifestyle in the pres ge residence with the luxury of an extra-large pontoon on the Pelican Waters deepwater canal. Fully renovated throughout, a stunning new kitchen with quality stone benchtops and the open plan layout creates a beau ful and prac cal space seemingly blending modern design with coastal living. This residence also features a deligh ul poolside cabana, exquisite for soaking in the sun and relaxed summer days enjoying the serene waterways by the sparkling pool.
Dwight Ferguson 0412 385 720
63 My Weekly Preview | September 28, 2023
Sale View By Private Appointment
Your Amazing Lifestyle Opportunity Awaits
U6 ‘Vardon Point’, 1 Millennium Circuit
Pelican Waters
- Luxury living, location, privacy and security
- North-East extended balcony
- Seamless flowing floorplan
- Tranquil golf course and lake views
- Complex providing recreational facilities
Denise Ruhle 0413 956 153
Stone Real Estate Golden Beach 5492 2555
PRICE: $1.6m
Prepare to be amazed by this exquisite property. The fourbedroom home boasts a grand entrance, premium finishes, soaring ceilings and expansive living spaces that seamlessly blend indoor and outdoor areas – ideal for hosting gatherings. As you approach the front of the house, its commanding presence impresses on the spacious lot, overlooking both the tennis court and a lengthy, sweeping driveway. This is an exceptional opportunity that truly stands out in the hinterland. Located just 30 minutes from the Sunshine Coast and a stone’s throw away from major shopping centres, this property is a rare gem for those seeking a lifestyle of luxury and convenience.
2 KEITH STREET, ELIMBAH 4 bed, 2 bath, 5 car Auction on site Saturday, October 7, at 10am
Define Property 5478 2477
Ross Cattle 0410 625 758
Katie Davies 0427 268 780
9 Artunga Place, Pelican Waters 43.52 840sqm
North-Facing Waterfront Haven
This idyllic single level retreat offers a seamless fusion of indoor/outdoor living spaces and breathtaking water vistas. Situated in an exclusive friendly enclave, this serene home boasts a 20m deep-water frontage and private pontoon. Fish in the Passage, bike or walk to the beach. Capture a piece of paradise and holiday at home every day. For Sale
Open For Inspection
Saturday 30th September 10:00am - 11:00am
Sunday 1st October 10:00am - 11:00am
Larena Butler 0405 404 882
64 My Weekly Preview | September 28, 2023
4 3 3
Northern Escarpment Sanctuary on Buderim
This distinctive character residence boasts a unique rammed earth construction, a north-facing orientation on the escarpment, and an award-winning swimming pool. Tucked away on arguably Buderim’s most sought-after street, the expansive 5,634m2 parcel of land ensures your views will never be built out, while delivering an unrivaled private lifestyle amongst the professionally landscaped established gardens. This private sanctuary is within easy walking distance to cafés, shops, and Buderim Mountain State School, further adding to the enviable Buderim location.
Dan Smith 0438 120 776
For Sale
For Inspection Saturday 7th October 10:30am - 11:00am
38 Amaroo Drive, Buderim
This beautifully appointed 2 bedroom, 2 bathrooms, 2 car townhouse in a boutique complex of only Eleven presents a golden opportunity for a fastidious buyer looking for an easy to maintain property in a stylish Modern Complex.
The home is ideal for a downsize, a first home buyer, a small family or simply an add-on for a rental portfolio.
The home boasts 2 larger than normal sized bedrooms plus a 3rd smaller bedroom/rumpus/study which makes this an ideal split level living at its best.
You will be captivated by this beautiful, architecturally designed beach home located in one of the Sunshine Coast’s most coveted neighbourhoods. Sitting proudly on its elevated, 692sqm allotment and designed with relaxed open-plan beachside living in mind, the home takes advantage of its ideal north-east aspect to create lightfilled living spaces blessed with soothing ocean views. Features of the open-plan living area are polished hardwood-timber floors and a vaulted ceiling. The home also has a fully self-contained, detached granny flat with off-street parking.
3 bed, 3 bath, 1 car
Auction in rooms, Sunshine Coast Function Centre, 19 West Terrace Caloundra, on Thursday, October 12, at 11am
Ray White Caloundra 5491 5055
Andrew Garland 0403 851 777
This much loved family property on the market for the very first time is a post war 3 bedroom home sitting on a large 733sqm of medium density zoned land on 2 lots opening up a fantastic redevelopment potential for dual occupancies or multiple dwellings subject to council approval. This beautiful classic post war Queenslander is in readiness for a facelift! The home is located just a short walk to the Nambour medical precinct, the Nambour General Hospital and the Nambour CBD, with all the specialty shops, cafés, restaurants, facilities and amenities, and within a short stroll to the Nambour Transit Centre.
INSPECT By Appointment
66 My Weekly Preview | September 28, 2023
put you first Nambour 5441 1344 NAMBOUR NAMBOUR OFFERS FROM $529,000 $635,000 4/21 WEBSTER ROAD 7 HOSPITAL ROAD 222 311
Saturday 30th September
4 Trinidad Place
4 bed | 2 bath | 2 car
12 Silver-Gull Close
4 bed | 2 bath | 2 car
• Contemporary, resort style 292m2 home on 620m2
• Skillion roof with soaring ceilings
• Sound proofed media room
• Stunning 45,000l magnesium pool
• Garden / pool shed & inground watering system
• 6.6kw (approx) solar
• Seemless indoor / outdoor flow to covered alfresco
• Minutes to Sunshine Coast University Hospital
• Easy stroll to Double Bay beach, shops and restaurants
Price Auction Onsite
Sat 14th October @ 4.00pm
Inspect Sat 30th September 1-1.30pm Wed 4th October 5-5.30pm
Karen Jones 0405 122 526
• Metres to the pristine waters of Wurtulla beach
• Prime fully fenced 640m2 allotment
• 2 x Side access for the boat/van/ trailer
• 3.5kwh (approx) Solar
• Covered alfresco
• Sparkling saltwater in-ground pool
• Quiet cul-de-sac position
• Minutes to Currimundi lake & environmental reserve
• Easy stroll to local shops, parks and public transport
Price Auction Onsite
Sat 7th October @ 10.30am
Inspect Sat 30th September11-11.30am
Thurs 5th October 5-5.30pm
Karen Jones 0405 122 526
67 My Weekly Preview | September 28, 2023
The easiest way to check out last week’s auction results.
5 bed, 3 bath, 2 car
Ray White, Gregory Ward and Zoe Byrne, 0497 659 029 / 0409 333 881
Passed in for $670,000 – now on the market for offers over $695,000
3 bed, 2 bath, 2 car, Ray White, Gregory Ward and Zoe Byrne, 0497 659 029 / 0409 333 881
4 bed, 2 bath, 6 car, pool
Ray White, Dallas Foster, 0426 817 763
Passed in at $1,475,000 – now on the market for $1,550,000
4 bed, 2 bath, 2 car, Ray White, Will Van den Dungen, 0438 130 188
Sold prior to auction for $690,000
3 bed, 1 bath, 2 car
Ray White, Dallas Foster, 0426 817 163
Withdrawn from auction – now on the market for offers over $600,000
3 bed, 2 bath, 1 car
Ray White, Rowan Woodbine, 0497 076 418
3 bed, 1 bath, 1 car
Ray White (Buderim), Brodie Rodgers and Tully Thompson, 0406 501 684 / 0428 959 238
Passed in at $935,000 – now on the market for offers over $1,050,000
4 bed, 2 bath, 2 car
Ray White (Maroochydore), John Bartsch, 0407 637 717
Sunshine Coast Car Buyers
Sold for $965,000
2 bed, 1 bath, 2 car
Define Property, Ross Cattle and Katie Davies, 0410 625 758 / 0427 268 780
Sold for $590,000
2 bed, 1 bath, 1 car
Define Property, Greg Turnbull and Jordan
Barden, 0499 455 574 / 0422 990 824
Sold prior to auction for $1,439,000
3 bed, 2 bath, 2 car
Next Property, Carmel La Macchia and Loren
Wimhurst, 0400 300 545 / 0415 380 222
Properties recently sold on the Coast:
$1,000,000 / 4 bed, 2 bath, 1 car
Ray White Caloundra, Natascha Drexel-Munro and Carola Drexel
$520,000 / 2 bed, 1 bath, 1 car
Ray White Caloundra, Natascha Drexel-Munro and Carola Drexel
$695,000 / 3 bed, 2 bath, 1 car
Ray White Caloundra, Natascha Drexel-Munro and Carola Drexel
$900,000 / 4 bed, 2 bath, 2 car
Grant Smith, 0410 21 21 21
$900,000 / 3 bed, 1 bath, 1 car
Grant Smith, 0410 21 21 21
*As supplied by contributing real estate agencies
For more auction results and property stories visit
Discover an idyllic sanctuary of peace and privacy at The Lake House: an exclusive 14ha (35 acre) estate on the coveted Mountain View Road, on the eastern side of Maleny. This property is a rare gem offering a variation of scenic amenity and experiences. The main residence exudes timeless elegance, with spacious rooms including the external guest suite and library, as well as the downstairs games room. The living areas are adorned with ample glass and raked ceilings. The “glass room” is great for enjoying an afternoon glass of wine.
4 bed, 4 bath, 5 car
Auction on site Saturday, October 21, at noon
RE/MAX Hinterland 5408 4220
RE/MAX Hinterland Team 0447 737 737
If you have a surplus vehicle, can no longer drive or going O/S maybe I can help. NO RWC needed & I come to you! NO waiting around for people who don’t turn up.
I’m a local motor dealer with 40 years experience. Call if you think I can help. Steve 0407 788 999
Specialising in Pro-Stamp®
A non-invasive technology giving amazing results in skin rejuvenation. Effectively treats fine lines, wrinkles, scarring, stretchmarks, pigmentation, acne and more. NO Obligation - LMD 0428 201 999 4/106 Sixth Ave, Maroochydore
68 My Weekly Preview | September 28, 2023 PROPERTY
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Your Car or Commercial
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69 My Weekly Preview | September 28, 2023 SECURITY CLASSIFIEDS HANDY WOMEN HOME HANDYMAN RUBBISH REMOVAL PROPERTY MAINTENANCE PLUMBER PLUMBER SCREENS, BLINDS & SHUTTERS PAINTER & DECORATOR ELECTRICIAN GARDEN LANDSCAPE DESIGNS SECURITY DOORS AND SHUTTERS Security Doors Plantation Shutters Insect Screens SUNSHINE COAST 07 5493 8281 MICK BURKE PLUMBING Commercial & Residential Blocked Drains • Leaking Taps • Hot Water Units • Renovations 24hr Maintenance Quality Service - Affordable Price 0407 738 025 Lic No 19698 QBCC 1162630 (07) 5493 5077 or 0417 640 758 WAHOO PLUMBING ALL PLUMBING DRAINS & GAS 25 YEARS ON THE SUNSHINE COAST Taps Toilets & Vanity basins L.P.G. gas, full installations Cooktops, BBQ points, heater points Emergency repairs All hot water systems replace/repair Gutters, downpipes All filtered/chilled/boiling systems installed Blocked drains cleaned & repaired Licensed & insured Member of the Master Plumbers Association QBCC Lic 152565568 24/7 Emergency Service Services include: ● Electrical Health Reports ● All types of Electrical Work ● Lifetime Workmanship Warranty Local Electrician Old fashion values, modern day solutions Senior’s Discounts available Stirling Charlish Ph: 0403 428 922 E: p. 0417 709 182 e. 0425 222 967 e: Discount rates for landscape design this winter. Call now for a free quote on landscape design and small landscape construction jobs • New & Existing Homes • Pergolas • Decks • Roof Restoration & more Licence No: 15340277 0413 104 935 Specialising in Indoor and Outdoor House Painting A1 PROPERTY CARE SERVICES Contact Rob 0401 655 011 FREE QUOTES! MOWING GARDEN MAINTENANCE HANDYMAN LANDSCAPING A1 Own ABN. Fully Insured NO CALL OUT FEE Hot Water Systems, Taps Toilets Water Filters Gasfitting Maintenance Work Water Leaks & Detection CALL FRASER 0434 685 009 (07) 5456 4603 Blocked drains-cleared fast with high pressure jetter & camera inspection QBCC 15049318 Small Clutter or Full Interiors Cleared. The Clear-Choice CALL NOW! 2-GO Clear-Space!! Fridges • Beds • Mattress’s • Lounges 0477 772 138 RUBBISH (ANYTHING) REMOVAL Covering the Coast from Caloundra to Gympie Book your free quote today! SHUTTERS AWNINGS BLINDS CURTAINS SECURITY SCREENS Phone 5327 3414 Visit our 100m2 interactive showroom AUSTRALIAN MADE QUALITY SCREENS & CURTAINS AT GREAT PRICES • Lawns • Gardens • Pressure Cleaning • Soft Washing RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL 0402 630 365 /jacksonandgoodmanpropertyupkeep Looking after your assets OVER 65% of our readers plan on RENOVATING THEIR HOMES in the next 12 months. Get your business in front of our readers by advertising in our Trades and Services section. SUNSHINE COAST PUBLISHING COMPANY BUILD ING RENO VAT ION TO ADVERTISE CALL 5444 0152 RETT HEINJUS PAINTING & DECORATING Call for a obligation free quote B Call for a free quo 0413 972 600 Like us on Facebook • Small Jobs to Full Restoration Service • Insurance Work • High Quality Guaranteed • Over 30 Years Experience BUDERIM HANDYMAN SERVICES Contact Flo 0458 578 432 QBCC rules apply We Love the Jobs You Hate! Servicing Buderim, Nambour and neighbouringsuburbs over all trades. Fully insured, own ABN.
6pm The Drum.
7.00 ABC News.
7.30 Gardening Australia. Costa Georgiadis tours a high-rise haven.
8.30 Sherwood. (M) The hunt for the killer continues.
9.35 Midsomer Murders. (M) Guests are poisoned at a wine launch.
11.05 News.
6.30pm Kitchen Cabinet.
7.00 ABC News.
7.30 Shakespeare And Hathaway (PG)
8.20 Vera. (M) A 30-year-old mystery is investigated.
9.50 The Newsreader. (M)
10.45 Shetland. (M)
6.30pm Voices Of Australia.
7.00 ABC News.
7.30 Death In Paradise. (M)
8.30 The Newsreader. (M) Dale plans a marriage proposal.
9.25 Mother And Son. (M) Maya and Arthur grow closer.
10.00 Annika. (M)
10.45 Total Control. (MA15+)
6pm Seven Local News.
6.30 Seven News.
7.00 Better Homes And Gardens.
8.30 MOVIE Father Of The Bride Part II. (1995) (G) Steve Martin, Diane Keaton. A father is troubled by his daughter’s pregnancy.
10.45 To Be Advised.
6pm Seven News.
7.00 Border Security: Australia’s Front Line. (PG)
7.30 MOVIE Free Guy. (2021)
(M) Ryan Reynolds. A bank teller discovers he is in a video game.
10.00 MOVIE Unstoppable. (2010)
(M) Denzel Washington. Two men try to stop a runaway freight train.
6pm Seven News.
7.00 My Kitchen Rules. (PG)
8.45 ABBA Silver, ABBA Gold. (PG) A look at Swedish supergroup ABBA.
9.45 The Disappearance Of Grace Millane. (M) The story of the murder of Grace Millane.
11.45 Born To Kill? (M)
6pm Nine News.
7.00 A Current Affair.
7.30 Mega Zoo. (PG)
8.30 MOVIE The Expendables 2. (2012) (MA15+) Sylvester Stallone, Jason Statham. A group of mercenaries seeks revenge.
10.30 MOVIE Creed. (2015) (M) Michael B. Jordan.
6pm Nine News Saturday.
7.00 A Current Affair.
7.30 MOVIE Jurassic World. (2015) (M) Chris Pratt, Bryce Dallas Howard. Dinosaurs run amok at a theme park.
10.00 MOVIE Gods Of Egypt. (2016) (M) Nikolaj Coster-Waldau, Brenton Thwaites. A hero rises to overthrow Set, the God of Darkness.
6.30pm Rugby League. NRL. Brisbane Broncos. From Accor Stadium, Sydney.
8.30 NRL Grand Final Post-Match.
9.30 Nine News Late.
10.00 Killer At The Crime Scene: Sinead Healy (M)
11.00 The First 48. (M)
6.30pm The Project.
7.30 Have You Been Paying Attention? (M) Hosted by Tom Gleisner.
8.30 The Graham Norton Show. (M) Graham is joined by Claire Foy.
10.30 To Be Advised.
11.40 The Project.
6pm Luxury Escapes.
6.30 Bondi Rescue. (PG)
7.00 The Dog House Australia. (PG)
8.00 Thank God You’re Here. (M)
9.00 MOVIE Mission: Impossible. (1996) (M) Tom Cruise. A doublecrossed agent seeks answers.
11.00 The Cheap Seats. (M)
6.30pm The Sunday Project.
7.30 The Graham Norton Show. Guests include Kylie Minogue.
8.30 NCIS: Hawai’i. (M) The NCIS team investigates after a US Marine corporal dies in a tide pool after being exposed to fentanyl.
10.30 Five Bedrooms. (M)
11.30 The Sunday Project.
6.30pm News.
7.30 South America With Simon Reeve. (PG)
8.40 Ancient Egypt: Chronicles Of An Empire: Pyramids. (PG) The history of Egyptian tomb architecture.
9.40 Tony Robinson: The Thames At Night.
6.30pm SBS World News.
7.30 MOVIE Duran Duran: A Hollywood High. (2022) Simon Le Bon.
9.10 Rock Legends: Tina Turner. (PG) A look at the life of the late Tina Turner.
10.00 World’s Most Scenic Railway Journeys: Norway.
6.30pm SBS World News.
7.30 Houdini’s Lost Diaries. (PG) Explores the life of Harry Houdini.
9.00 Rebel With A Cause: Pat O’Shane. A celebration of the life of Pat O’Shane AM.
10.00 Empires Of New York: Crossing The Line Without Consequences. (M)
8.00 Kitchen Cabinet.
8.30 Old People’s Home For Teenagers. (PG) Narrated by Annabel Crabb.
9.30 Australia After War: Exit Wounds. (M)
7.30 The Voice. (PG) Hosted by Sonia Kruger.
8.50 RFDS. (M) Pete is forced to face his deepest fears.
9.50 The Amazing Race. (PG) Hosted by Phil Keoghan.
6.30pm The Project. A look at the day’s news and events.
7.30 The Amazing Race Australia. (PG) Hosted by Beau Ryan.
9.00 Miniseries: Heat. (M) Part 1 of 4.
10.00 So Help Me Todd. (PG) Margaret helps a client whose mother passed.
11.00 The Project.
6pm Mastermind Aust.
6.30 News.
7.30 Bettany Hughes: Treasures of Estonia. (PG)
8.30 While The Men Are Away. (MA15+) Frankie doles out the wages.
9.30 Elvis’ Women: Bad Movies, Bad Marriage. (M)
7.30pm 7.30.
8.00 Foreign Correspondent.
8.30 Grand Designs: House Of The Year: Exceptional Materials And Craftsmanship.
9.20 Griff’s Great Australian Rail Trip: Brisbane To Cairns –Try Not Die.
7.30 Highway Patrol. (PG) A learner driver bursts into tears.
8.30 MOVIE Pretty Woman. (1990)
Richard Gere, Julia Roberts. A businessman hires a prostitute.
11.05 The Latest: Seven News.
ACA. 7.30 The Block. (PG) 8.40 ICC World Cup. Group stage. England v New Zealand. First innings.
Innings Break.
ICC World Cup. Group stage. England v New Zealand. Second innings.
6.30pm The Project.
7.30 The Amazing Race Australia. (PG)
9.00 Gogglebox Australia. Opinionated viewers discuss TV shows.
10.00 The Cheap Seats. (M)
11.00 The Project.
6pm Mastermind Aust. (PG)
6.30 News.
7.30 Great Australian Walks With Julia Zemiro. (PG)
8.30 Luke Nguyen’s India. Luke Nguyen explores Southern India.
9.30 Crime. (MA15+)
10.30 SBS News.
70 My Weekly Preview | September 28, 2023
6pm The Drum. 7.00 News.
7.30 7.30.
6pm Seven Local News. 6.30 Seven News. 7.00 Home And Away. (PG) 7.30 My Kitchen Rules. (PG) 9.30 Ambulance: Code Red. (M) Follows the work of an ambulance service. 10.30 The Latest: Seven News. 6pm Nine News. 7.00 A Current Affair. 7.30 The Block. (PG) 8.45 Space Invaders. (PG) Laura Byrne and Matty J call in the team. 9.45 Love Triangle. (M) The six original singles go on blind dates. 10.45 Nine News Late. 11.15 New Amsterdam. (MA15+) 6.30pm The Project. 7.30 Shark Tank. (PG) 8.40 The Cheap Seats. (M) Presented by Melanie Bracewell and Tim McDonald. 9.40 NCIS. (M) An NCIS agent turns up dead. 10.30 NCIS: Hawai’i. (M) 11.30 The Project. 6pm Mastermind Aust. 6.30 News. 7.30 The Point: Referendum Road Trip.
Insight. Presented by Kumi Taguchi.
6pm The Drum. 7.00 News. 7.30 7.30. 8.00 Hard Quiz. (PG) 8.30 Mother
9.05 WTFAQ.
Starstruck. (M)
You? (PG)
Seven Local News. 6.30 Seven News.
9.30 Dateline: Making A Militant.
SBS World News Late.
Living Black.
And Son. (PG) Maggie fears she is becoming “invisible”.
9.55 Would I Lie To
Home And Away. (PG)
6pm Nine News. 7.00 A Current Affair. 7.30 The Block. (PG) 8.40 Luxe Listings Sydney. (M) 9.40 Country Home Rescue With Shaynna Blaze. (PG) 10.40 Nine News Late. 11.10 The Equalizer. (MA15+)
10.10 Art Works. 6pm Seven Local News. 6.30 Seven News. 7.00 Home And Away. (PG)
6pm The Drum. 7.00 News. 7.30 7.30. 8.00 Australian Story. 8.30 Four Corners. Investigative journalism program. 9.15 Media Watch. (PG) 9.35 Q+A.
Seven News. 7.00 Home And Away. (PG) 7.30 My Kitchen Rules. (PG) 9.15 The Rookie. (M) The team investigates a pattern of kidnappings. 10.15 The Rookie: Feds. (M) 6pm Nine News. 7.00 A Current Affair. 7.30 The Block. (PG) 9.00 Missing Persons Investigation. (PG) 10.00 The Trial Of Louise Woodward. (M) 11.10 Nine News Late. 11.40 Resident Alien. (M)
The Project.
Masked Singer Australia.
You Been Paying
Jokers. (M)
Inspired Unemployed (Impractical) Jokers. (PG) 10.45 Late Programs 6pm Mastermind Australia. 6.30 SBS World News.
Finding Your Roots: Hollywood Royalty – Isabella Rossellini, Anjelica Houston, Mia Farrow.
MOVIE Sheryl. (2022) Sheryl Crow, Laura Dern. Charts the life of Sheryl Crow. 10.15 SBS World News Late. Programs are correct at the time of print and are subject to change by the networks. 2909 YOUR PRIME TIME TV GUIDE TV GUIDE Mobile showroom, we come to you! Australia’s Lowest Priced Electric Beds. We Are The Electric Bed
7.30 The
8.45 Have
9.45 Inspired
ABC PLUS (CH22) 7TWO (CH72) 7MATE (CH74) 9GO! (CH82) 9GEM (CH81) BOLD (CH53) PEACH (CH52)
7.30pm Spicks And Specks. (PG) 8.00 Hard Quiz. (PG) 8.30 MOVIE Paddington. (2014) (G) Ben Whishaw. 10.05 Noughts + Crosses.
11.00 Killing Eve.
11.45 George Clarke’s Amazing Spaces.
6.30pm Bargain Hunt. (PG) 7.30 Border Security: International. (PG) 8.30 Escape To The Country.
6.30pm Pawn Stars. (PG) 7.00 Football. AFL Women’s. Round5. Western Bulldogs v St Kilda. 9.15 MOVIE Face/Off. (1997) (M) John Travolta. 12.05am American Pickers.
6pm MOVIE Spy Kids
3: Game Over. (2003) (PG) Antonio Banderas, Carla Gugino. 7.30 MOVIE Zookeeper. (2011) (PG) 9.30 MOVIE Wedding Crashers. (2005) (M) 11.50 Homeland.
5.30pm The Travelling Auctioneers. 6.30pm Antiques Roadshow. 7.30 To Catch A Smuggler.
7.30pm Spicks And Specks. (PG) 8.00 QI. (PG) 8.30 Louis Theroux: Under The Knife. (PG) 9.30 You Can’t Ask That. (M) 10.05 Vera. (M) 11.35 Civilisations. (PG)
7.30pm Spicks And Specks. 8.00 Would I Lie To You? 8.30 Ningaloo Nyinggulu.
9.30 George Clarke’s Amazing Spaces.
10.20 Julia Zemiro’s Home Delivery. 10.50 Enslaved.
11.30 The Yorkshire Vet. (PG)
6.30pm Escape To The Country. 8.30 Call The Midwife. (M) 9.40 Miniseries: The Pembrokeshire Murders. (M) 10.45 Murdoch Mysteries. (M)
6.30pm Bargain Hunt. (PG) 7.30 Doc Martin. (M) 8.30 Endeavour. (M) 10.30 Air Crash Investigations. (PG) 11.30 Doc Martin. (M)
6pm AFL Grand Final Post-Game Show. 7.00 Football. AFL. Grand Brisbane Lions. Replay. 10.00 MOVIE The 5th Wave. (2016) (M) 12.25am Storage Wars. (PG)
6pm Border Security USA. (PG) 7.00 Border Security. (PG) 8.30 MOVIE Transporter 3. (2008) (M) Jason Statham. 10.40 MOVIE Transporter: Refueled. (2015) (MA15+)
6pm Cricket. Women’s Twenty20 International Series. Aust v West Indies. Game2. 9.30 MOVIE Tango & Cash. (1989) (M) Sylvester Stallone. 11.40 MOVIE The Cell. (2000) (MA15+)
7.30pm MOVIE Nanny McPhee. (2005) (PG) Emma Thompson, Colin Firth. 9.30 MOVIE Hating Alison Ashley. (2005) (PG) 11.30 MOVIE Stephen King’s Doctor Sleep. (2019) (MA15+)
7.30pm MOVIE Arrival. (2016) (M) Amy Adams, Jeremy Renner, Forest Whitaker. 9.50 MOVIE Ad Astra. (2019) (M) Brad Pitt, Tommy Lee Jones, Ruth Negga.
6pm Everybody Loves Raymond. (PG) 7.00 Young Sheldon. (PG)
7.30 RBT. (PG) 8.30 MOVIE The Expendables. (2010) (MA15+) 10.30 Young Sheldon.
3pm MOVIE The Big Country. (1958) (PG) 6.30pm M*A*S*H. (PG) 8.30 MOVIE The Pelican Brief. (1993) (M) Denzel Washington, Julia Roberts, Sam Shepard. 11.20 Madam Secretary. (M)
Los Angeles. (M)
6pm The Big Bang Theory. (PG) 7.40 The Big Bang Theory. (M)
with MWP’s man in the water
Well, my wave-starved friends, things are still looking grim so no need to get excited.
That said, the whales are putting on a show so get down and have a look.
Byron Bay was alive with whale action last weekend. One good thing I’ll share with you is the sand build up at main beach at Byron has huge potential when a decent swell hits.
If you know Byron Bay, just in front of Clarkes Beach is a significant amount of sand.
Enjoy your weekend.
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Lie To You? 8.30 Hard Quiz. (PG) 9.00 WTFAQ. 9.30 Penn & Teller: Fool Us. 10.10 Tomorrow Tonight. 10.40 Judith Lucy Vs Men.
6.30pm Bargain Hunt. (PG) 7.30 Father Brown. (M) 8.30 Miss Scarlet And The Duke. (M) 9.40 Harry Palmer: The Ipcress File. (M) 10.40 Murdoch Mysteries. (M) 11.40 Father Brown. (M)
6pm Cricket. Women’s Twenty20 International Series. Aust v West Indies. Game3. 9.30 MOVIE The Blues Brothers. (1980) (M) John Belushi, Dan Aykroyd. 12.15am American Pickers. (PG)
6pm Everybody Loves Raymond. (PG) 7.00 Young Sheldon. (PG)
7.30 Survivor 45. (PG)
9.00 MOVIE The Hangover 2. (2011) (MA15+) 11.00 Young Sheldon. (PG) 11.30 Homeland. (MA15+)
6.30pm Cricket. ICC World Cup. Group stage. England v New Zealand. First innings.
8.40 To Be Advised.
10.40 Family Massacre. 11.40 Rosewood.
6.30pm JAG. (PG)
7.30 Bull. (M) 8.30 NCIS. (M) 9.30 NCIS: New Orleans. (M) 10.30 FBI: Most Wanted. (M) 11.30 NCIS: Los Angeles. (M)
6pm Friends. (PG)
6.30 Neighbours. (PG)
7.00 Friends. (PG) 8.00
The Big Bang Theory. (PG) 9.30 Seinfeld. (PG)
71 My Weekly Preview | September 28, 2023
(M) 8.30 Locked Up Abroad. (M) 9.30 Underworld Inc. (M) 10.30 Notorious: Happy Face Killer. 6.30pm JAG. (PG) 7.30 Bull. (M) 8.30 NCIS. (M) 9.25 NCIS: Los Angeles. (M) 11.15 Star Trek: Discovery. (PG) 6pm Friends. (PG) 7.30 Thank God You’re Here. (M) 8.30 The Big Bang Theory. (PG) 9.00 The Big Bang Theory. (M) 9.30 Seinfeld. (PG) 11.00 Frasier. (PG) 7.30pm Spicks And Specks. (PG) 8.30 Judith Lucy Vs Men. (MA15+) 9.50 Whose Line Is It Anyway? (PG) 10.15 Mock The Week. 10.45 Staged. 11.10 Superwog. 11.55 Blunt Talk. 6.30pm Bondi Vet. (PG) 7.30 The Yorkshire Vet. (PG) 8.30 Escape To The Country. 10.30 The Great Outdoors: Greatest Escapes. (PG)
MOVIE The Bridges At Toko-Ri. (1954) (G) 7.30pm MOVIE The (1960) (PG) Yul Brynner. 10.10 MOVIE Guns Of Seven. (1969) (M) 6.30pm JAG. (PG) 7.30 NCIS. (M) 9.25 48 Hours. (M) 10.20 NCIS. (M) 11.15 NCIS: Los Angeles. (M) 6pm The Big Bang Theory. (PG) 8.15 The Big Bang Theory. (M) 8.45 The Big Bang Theory. (PG) 10.15 The Big Bang Theory. (M) 10.45 Friends. (PG)
6.30pm JAG. (PG) 7.30 NCIS. (M) 10.20 Blue Bloods. (M) 11.15 NCIS:
8.30 Thank God You’re Here. (M) 9.30 Two And A Half Men. (M) 11.00 Friends. (PG)
(PG) 11.00 Homeland.
Auctioneers. 6.30pm Antiques Roadshow. 7.30 Death In Paradise. (M) 8.40 Agatha Raisin. (M) 10.40 Whitstable Pearl. (M) 11.50 Snapped. (M) 6.30pm JAG. (PG) 7.30 Bull. (M) 8.30 NCIS. (PG) 9.25 NCIS. (M) 10.20 Blue Bloods. (M) 11.15 48 Hours. (M) 6pm Friends. (PG) 6.30 Neighbours. (PG) 7.00 Friends. (PG) 8.00 The Big Bang Theory. (PG) 9.30 Seinfeld. (PG) 11.30 Frasier. (PG) 7.30pm Spicks And Specks. 8.00 Would I Lie To You? 8.30 Queen Of Oz. 9.00 Starstruck. 9.30 Mother And Son. 10.00 Blunt Talk. 10.25 Red Dwarf. 6.30pm Bargain Hunt. (PG) 7.30 The Coroner. (M) 8.30 Inspector George Gently. (M) 10.30 Law & Order: UK. (M) 11.30 The Coroner. (M) 6.30pm Pawn Stars. 7.30 Outback Truckers. (PG) 8.30 Gem Hunters Down Under. (M) 9.30 Adventure Gold Diggers. (PG) 10.30 Jade Fever. 11.30 Towies. 6pm Everybody Loves Raymond. (PG) 7.00 Young Sheldon. (PG) 7.30 MOVIE Hot Pursuit. (2015) (M) Reese Witherspoon. 9.15 MOVIE Locked Down. (2021) (M) 11.40 Young Sheldon. (PG) 5.30pm The Travelling Auctioneers. 6.30pm Antiques Roadshow. 7.30 New Tricks. (M) 8.40 The Closer. (M) 9.40 Rizzoli & Isles. (M) 10.40 Major Crimes. 11.40 Madam Secretary. 6.30pm JAG. (PG) 7.30 Bull. (M) 8.30 NCIS. (M) 9.25 FBI. (M) 10.20 48 Hours. (M) 6pm Friends. (PG) 6.30 Neighbours. (PG) 7.00 Friends. (PG) 8.00 The Big Bang Theory. (PG) 9.20 Two And A Half Men. (M) 10.10 Seinfeld. (PG) 11.10 Frasier. (PG) 7.30pm Spicks And Specks. (PG) 8.00 Would I Lie To You? (PG) 8.30 Vera. (M) 10.00 Savage River. (M) 11.00 Killing Eve. (MA15+) 11.45 Noughts + Crosses. (M) 6.30pm Bargain Hunt. (PG) 7.30 Heartbeat. (PG) 8.45 Lewis. (M) 10.45 Law & Order: UK. (M) 11.45 Bargain Hunt. (PG) 6.30pm Pawn Stars. 7.30 Highway Patrol. (PG) 8.30 The Force: BTL. (PG) 9.30 Mt Hutt Rescue. (PG) 10.30 Surveillance Oz. 11.30 Crash Investigation Unit.
(PG) 7.00 Young Sheldon. (PG) 7.30 MOVIE Trainwreck. (2015) (M) Amy Schumer, Bill Hader, John Cena. 10.00 MOVIE Sisters. (2015) (MA15+) 5.30pm The Travelling Auctioneers. 6.30pm Antiques Roadshow. 7.30 As Time Goes By. 8.40 Midsomer Murders. (M) 10.50 Madam Secretary. (M) 11.50 See No Evil. (M) 6.30pm JAG. (PG) 7.30 Bull. (M) 8.30 NCIS. (M) 9.25 Hawaii Five-0. (M) 10.20 NCIS: Hawai’i. (M) 11.15 JAG. (M) 6pm Friends. (PG) 6.30 Neighbours. (PG) 7.00 Friends. (PG) 8.00 The Big Bang Theory. (PG) 9.20 Two And A Half Men. (M) 10.10 Seinfeld. (PG) 11.10 Frasier. (PG) 7.30pm Spicks And Specks. 8.00 Would I
(MA15+) 5.30pm The Travelling
Loves Raymond.
11.30 Frasier. (PG) 2909
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