My Weekly Preview Issue 788. December 28, 2023

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TV GUIDE PROPERTY what’s on home style 18/12/2023 9:51:08 AM

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looking for land to build your dream home? our last stage is now selling! The Lancelin Precinct Stage III is the final residential land release within Sunshine Cove and is set to create a stunning finale to our award winning development. With breathtaking waterfront land and dry allotments to choose from you’ll be spoilt for choice for your new lifestyle home. Sales office open Monday to Friday, to make an appointment please call 5443 2766.

05.indd 1

18/12/2023 11:15:08 AM

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December 28, 2023 Issue 788


My style Shop Caloundra for all the latest in Summer style.

From the editor Summer is here and the long school holidays ahead means plenty of family time spent at the beach and pool-side. It also means we need to be extra vigilant when it comes to water safety, particularly with younger children. Losing a child to drowning, especially when it is preventable, strikes fear into the heart of every parent, but there are steps we can take to ensure we don’t become a statistic. This week, journalist Shirley Sinclair talks to a local swim safe expert about the importance of introducing children to water safety from a very early age and we share some top tips to help keep your family safe these holidays and all year around. We also have lots of great features this week and as always, we bring you right up to date with all your local news as well as everything you need to know for the local New Year’s Eve fireworks celebrations. I hope you and yours had a joyous Christmas. Enjoy your New Year celebrations and see you on the flipside of 2023!

Ingrid Nelson

41 12

Feature story Swim safe experts share their advice to avoid preventable tragedies this holiday season.

Our community



Do you have a news tip? Let journalist Caitlin Zerafa know about it. Email your tip to:

55+ Live life to the fullest.


A DOUBLE PASS TO ONE LIFE One life tells the inspiring true story of Sir Nicholas ‘Nicky’ Winton, whose unsung endeavours on the eve of World War II saved more than 600 children from their doom at the hands of the Nazis. Nicky considered himself a banker, not a humanitarian. Yet when he visited a recently annexed Prague in 1938 and saw the state of the fleeing Jewish refugees, he did what he believed was the right thing to do – the thing that anyone would do – and dedicated himself to the cause.

26 Mind, body & spirit – Be your best self. 28 Summer safe – Advice every parent needs to read. 30 My home – Refresh and declutter for 2024. 32 Professional services – Local business news.

Regulars ON THE COVER Summer is here and that means we need to step up our water safety habits.

Property Your go-to property guide, plus the latest auction results.

For your chance to win, visit our website:

In every issue 8 Agenda 10 Fast facts 14 Socials 22 What’s on 24 My opinion 40 Puzzles 62 TV guide & surf report | | PO Box 6362, Maroochydore BC, Qld 4558. PHONE: 5444 0152, DISTRIBUTION: PUBLISHERS: Anar Higgins, Darryl Olson, Michael Kramer, Noel Olson. For the publishers’ statement, see the “terms of use” tab at

Attention Medibank Members No Gap Hip and Knee Replacement Program Dr Daevyd Rodda Orthopaedic Surgeon

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My Weekly Preview | December 28, 2023 7

18/12/2023 12:15:18 PM


EXERCISING RESTRAINT OVER THE HOLIDAYS New research warns about children’s excessive weight gain and declining fitness outside structured school hours.


ussie kids have been looking forward to summer holidays for some well-deserved time off. But too much downtime could create health problems. New research shows that holidays are the prime time for excessive weight gain in children. Conducted by the University of South Australia’s Alliance for Research in Exercise, Nutrition and Activity team, the Life on Holidays study assessed changes to

children’s fitness and fatness during the holidays. It found that children’s body fat increased at a faster pace during school holidays than in-school periods. Funded by the NHMRC, the study found that young children (in Years 4 and 5) expended less energy during holidays than during the school year. Specifically, children: • slept 12 minutes less per day • spent 12 minutes less per day being physically active

• spent an additional 70 minutes per day on screen time. Children’s body fat increased at a greater rate during the holidays, and aerobic fitness declined faster than during the in-school periods. It is the first study of its kind outside of the US. In Australia, one-in-four children and teenagers are overweight or obese. Globally, more than 124 million children and adolescents (six per cent of girls and eight per cent of boys) are obese. Lead researcher, UniSA’s Professor Tim Olds, says promoting physical activities for children in the school holidays could help address unhealthy weight gain and declining fitness. “Like all of us, kids (and their parents) deserve some holiday downtime, but the way they spend their time on holidays is very different from the school term – and in ways which is not always good for children’s health,” Prof Olds says. “On school holidays, kids are significantly less active than when they’re at school, and this translates into higher body fat percentages and lower levels of fitness. “During the holidays, kids spend about 12 minutes less each day in moderate to vigorous physical activity – almost an hour-and-a-half a week – and get more than an hour’s extra screen time each day. They also spend an extra 20 minutes each day in transport, and a quarter of an hour more per day just chilling. “It’s not surprising to find that kids get fatter at a faster rate on school holidays compared to school term, and lose a lot of fitness. If kids spent the whole year on holidays, their percentage of body fat would increase by about four per cent more each year than if they had no

holidays, and their fitness would decline by about 10 per cent each year. “Kids who are not getting enough exercise and movement have a greater risk of developing health issues, such as cardiovascular disease and Type 2 diabetes later in life, so it’s important that we encourage kids to stay active and embrace a balance of downtime and exercise.” The two-year study focused on children aged nine to 10 years, with data collected at the beginning and end of Terms 1 and 4 in Years 4 and 5. More than 150 participants from the Life on Holidays study took part in this study. Co-researcher, UniSA’s Dr Dot Dumuid, says that one solution could be for Australia to adopt the American institution of summer camps and holiday programs to improve kids’ use of time during holidays. “A defining factor of school holidays is that they’re unstructured – they can get food from the fridge when they want it, and generally have access to computers and devices – and there’s no doubt that screen time plays a key role in increased sedentary time during school holidays,” Dr Dumuid says. “When you compare this to the structure of a school day, where kids have a prepared lunch, and scheduled PE lessons and playtimes, it’s vastly different. “In contrast, summer camps and holiday programs get a big tick of approval as they provide kids with physical activities in a semi-structured way. Already popular in America, summer camps may be worth investigating as a viable option over Australian holidays. “We all want our kids to be healthy. And while devices and TV may provide a bit of babysitting, is it really worth your child’s health?”


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8 My Weekly Preview | December 28, 2023

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18/12/2023 11:15:30 AM




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18/12/2023 12:05:03 PM


That’s a good year

The Römerwein, or Speyer, wine bottle is a 1.5-litre glass vessel found in a Roman nobleman’s tomb in what is now Germany. It dates back to sometime between 325 and 359 AD, which makes it at least 1650 years old. No one is sure how the wine smells or tastes, since they can’t predict how it would react to being exposed to the air if the bottle were to be opened. “There’s also the danger that, after all this time, it could have become poisonous, although scientists suspect the alcohol would not be dangerous, but just taste disgusting,” writes German newspaper The Local.

Quote of the week

Do you remember?

Did you know? Australia is wider than the Moon. The Moon sits at 3400 kilometres (2113 miles) in diameter, while Australia’s diameter from east to west is almost 4000 kilometres (2485 miles).

By the numbers

While he was in graduate school, renowned astrophysicist Neil DeGrasse Tyson considered becoming a stripper to earn extra money, an interview with the University of New South Wales reveals. He visited a club and watched dancers perform to the song Great Balls of Fire. Tyson left immediately and became a math tutor instead. What a world it could have been if he had chosen a different path.

Today in history – December 28 1836 – South Australia becomes a British colony. The central southern state of Australia was first established as a province in 1834 by the British parliament under the South Australia Act. The day was observed as Proclamation Day in the state, which was later turned into an extra holiday after Christmas Day.


78% Newborn babies are 78 per cent water, NASA reports.

“We are most alive when we are in love.” – John Updike,

The sun takes up between 99.8 and 99.9 per cent of our entire solar system’s mass.

2000 There are on average 2000 thunderstorms happening on Earth at all times.

American novelist and poet

1972 – Kim Il-sung became the first and only president of North Korea under an amended constitution. He was elected to the post by the members of the North Korean parliament, which is also known as the Supreme People’s Assembly. The post was abolished in 1998, and Kim II-sung was given the title of Eternal President of Korea. 2007– Nepal abolishes monarchy. The amendment to the Nepalese constitution that declared the country a federal republic was passed by the parliament. The transition was completed on May 28, 2008.

Word of the day Convalesce To recover health and strength gradually after sickness, injury or weakness.

New Years Stock Clearance FROM






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18/12/2023 11:16:36 AM

Display homes now open

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19/10/2023 12:54 PM 18/12/2023 11:20:42 AM


HOW TO ENSURE SUMMER GOES SWIMMINGLY Safe homes, compliant pools, children’s learn-to-swim classes and vigilance will help guard against tragedy these holidays. WORDS: Shirley Sinclair.


orty children under the age of four losing their lives in a 10-year period ... it’s hard to fathom the effect that has on families and communities. What’s even harder to comprehend is that all those deaths – from 2011-2021 – were preventable. Another 850 youngsters needed medical attention – coming awfully close to joining those alarming figures. But these deaths didn’t occur in a war-torn area or Third World country. They happened in Queensland, where youngsters are always at a high risk of drowning. In fact, drowning is the leading external cause of death for children under five. The sobering statistics are provided in a report from the Queensland Family and Child Commission (QFCC). The QFCC has a legislated responsibility to maintain a register of all child deaths occurring in the state, to report on trends and patterns and conduct research aimed at preventing future fatalities. The report, Safer Pathways Through Childhood 2022-2027: a framework to guide the Queensland Family and Child Commission’s Child death prevention activities, highlights “a clear need to increase public awareness of the importance of maintaining pool fencing

12 My Weekly Preview | December 28, 2023

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and of appropriate supervision for young children”. The report acknowledges that getting wet and cooling down is an intrinsic part of the Queensland lifestyles, with many families relishing their backyard swimming pools, especially. But those pools can pose a significant safety risk to young children – no matter how careful we try to be. Heartwrenching tragedy can occur in the blink of an eye, yet be felt by loved ones and witnesses for the rest of their lives. Whether your child is The Wild One (‘little water, lotta trouble’), The Quiet One (‘good as gold … until you stop watching’) or The Bolter (‘gone in a splash’), Royal Life Saving’s long-established Keep Watch program asks all parents to remember four little words to ensure children’s safety around water: supervise, restrict, teach and respond. Active supervision isn’t sitting on a towel, 10m away from the shoreline or chatting to friends beside the pool. It means being within arms’ reach and focusing all of your attention on the littlies the whole time they are in, on or around the water. Restricting access means placing a barrier between the child and the water. Sometimes that barrier is yourself. Most

often, it is a pool fence with a self-closing and self-latching gate, or closing the door to the bathroom after use, covering pools, spas and tanks, placing mesh on water features and fish ponds, and securely fastening lids on nappy buckets. Knowing how to respond to a water emergency by learning cardiopulmonary

“Four little words to ensure children’s safety around water: supervise, restrict, teach and respond” resuscitation and being ready to call 000 in an emergency can prevent deaths. As a family member is often the first on the scene in a drowning/near-drowning, water locations around the home should be checked first if a child goes missing. Water awareness or familiarisation classes focus on the gradual introduction of very basic skills such as moving in the water and getting the face wet. Emma Dommett, co-owner of Shapland Swim Schools Aura in Baringa, agrees, saying teaching youngsters

to swim “should definitely be top of the list” in parental priorities. As a swim coach and mother, the alarming statistics of child drownings don’t sit well with her. “It’s really sad because (those drownings) could have been prevented if they had some form of swimming lessons. It’s really upsetting,” she says. Emma, the mother of twin boys aged nine, and a four-year-old daughter, says Shapland Swim Schools specialises in teaching babies from five or six months up to five years. Parents could do the lead-up work before five months at home in the bath and the shower, getting the baby used to the feel of water on their body and face. “Around two or three is probably the highest amount of kids who start learning but that’s not early enough,” she says. “They just learn so much quicker from a baby. They don’t know any different when they’ve learnt from six months old, whereas when they’re two or three, they’re more aware and have that little bit of fear if they haven’t been around water.” Shapland coaches take a gently, gently approach for instructing babies. “We don’t do any form of dunking,” says Emma, who runs the Aura franchise with sister Sally, brother Isaac and his partner

18/12/2023 9:52:07 AM


BY THE NUMBERS • Queensland has almost 400,000 registered swimming pools required to comply with the pool safety standard introduced in 2010 (regulated pools). • Forty children aged 0–4 years lost their lives in regulated pools between 2011 and 2021, and a further 853 received medical attention after a non-fatal immersion incident. • Despite the strong standards, faulty fencing, gates that don’t latch or have been purposely propped open accounted for 90 per cent of pool fatalities and lifethreatening immersions. • The supervision of young children was considered inadequate for the circumstances in 65 per cent of fatal immersions. Source: Safer Pathways Through Childhood 2022-2027: a framework to guide the Queensland Family and Child Commission’s Child death prevention activities.

Maddy (Sally and husband John opened the first Shapland Swim School franchise at Kallangur, north of Brisbane, in 1992). “At five months, they can have the water over their heads to start with. Eventually, they will be falling in on their own into the water. The baby is in control themselves when falling in forwards off the mat, off the stairs, off the wall. They feel no trauma because they are in control. “When they just fall off the stairs naturally, there’s an instinct to hold their breath. When we jump in the pool, we automatically hold our breath and it’s the same for them. They can’t get back to the wall at six months old. They just need to be able to hold their breath and that’s what we work on: extending their breath under the water (to give rescuers time to get to them).” Sunshine Coast Council is pleading with pool owners to help prevent a tragedy this summer, or risk receiving a $23,000 fine. Service Excellence Portfolio Councillor Christian Dickson says pool owners must conduct regular checks to ensure their pool

fences and gates are safe and compliant. “Fencing and gates become faulty with wear and tear, so council encourages every pool owner to follow our free pool safety checklist regularly to provide a safe environment for their families, tenants and visitors,” Cr Dickson says. “Some people deliberately prop pool gates open for convenience, and sadly this was a factor in more than 25 per cent of early childhood drownings recorded in our state over the past 10 years. “Please take time to educate your family, your kids, the grandparents and even visitors to your home about the importance of shutting the gate, and keeping it closed. “You may think it will never happen to you, until the unthinkable happens. Please don’t become the next statistic.” The Queensland pool safety standard regulates the location, height and strength of barriers, non-climbable zones, gatelatching requirements and prohibits direct access from a building into a pool area. The standard applies to excavations or structures capable of being filled with water to a depth of 300mm and intended for swimming, wading, bathing and paddling, including spas and inflatable wading pools. Pool owners and occupiers can be fined more than $23,000 for failing to ensure a pool gate is securely closed. As well as compliant fencing, adult supervision of children around pools is a must. The QFCC report identified that supervision was considered inadequate in 65 per cent of early childhood pool fatalities. “Regardless of what else is going on, whether it’s a busy time of day or there are visitors in the home, a responsible adult must be watching young children in the pool area and ensure pool gates are securely closed,” Cr Dickson says. For pool safety compliance, go to building/swimming-pools. To ensure your pool meets safety standards, visit qbcc.qld. pool-safety-standard. For more on Shapland Swim Schools Aura, see locations/swim-school-aura.

TIPS TO MAKE YOUR POOL COMPLIANT • Reduce the height of surrounding ground levels and garden beds to make sure your entire fence has a minimum height of 1200mm measured from the ground.

How to keep your child safe 1. Have everything ready for bathing before placing your child anywhere near bath water. 2. Keep bath water to a minimum depth. 3. Never leave babies alone while they are in the bath or around water. 4. Remain within arm’s reach of your child and never leave a child alone around water. 5. Create a safe play area to restrict your child’s access to water. 6. Ensure a pool fence is correctly installed, regularly maintained and gate is never left open. 7. Establish simple rules such as no going near water without an adult. 8. Never leave a young child in the care of older children. 9. Enrol your child in waterfamiliarisation lessons. 10. Empty buckets/containers that can hold water, including portable pools when not in use. 11. Update your CPR skills annually. Source:

• Adjust gate hinges to make the gate self-closing. • Oil the gate hinges and latch to make sure the gate is self-closing and self-latching. • Shield any climbable objects by securely attaching a non-climbable material such as flat polycarbonate sheeting to the outside of the fence. • Trim climbable vegetation and tree branches that are within 900mm of the pool fence (if branches overhang from next door, negotiate with your neighbour to remove them). • Secure all moveable objects near the pool to ensure nothing can be moved within 900mm on the outside and within 300mm on the inside. • Permanently adjust windows that open directly into the pool area so they can’t open more than 100mm (using a window lock alone does not comply). • Install permanently fixed security screens on windows to prevent a child gaining access to the pool from inside the house. • Ensure your louvres have gaps of less than 100mm between the blades. Source: (Queensland Building and Construction Commission)

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My Weekly Preview | December 28, 2023 13

18/12/2023 11:20:56 AM


City Social event The Maroochydore Chamber of Commerce members came together with the Sunshine Coast Young Chamber of Commerce and Walker Corporation last month to deliver their City Social event. The event was one of celebration as the Young Chamber forges its path forward and steps out from under the wing of the Maroochydore Chamber. Images: Your Brand Crew.

Carlos Vaquero, Pauline Ryeland, Darren Kerr, Pam Maclean

Will Wilson, Anita Piers

Chris Robertson, Brent Griffiths

Trevor Montgomery, Christopher Camp

Cameron Klupfel, Sarah Morgan, Derek Sky

Kellie Boyd, Therese Sioestroem, Sarah Morgan


INCLUSIONS & HIGHLIGHTS • Sightseeing tour of the Golden City Prague including the Hradcany Castle • Full day tour to UNESCO World Heritage listed city of Cesky Krumlov • Iconic Christmas Markets in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Austria, and Germany, where you can experience the variety of Christmas traditions, food, and shopping • 8-day luxury Christmas Markets River Cruise along the Danube River with Tauck on MS Joy • Return economy class airfares from Brisbane to Prague and Munich to Brisbane • 8 nights First Class or Superior hotel accommodation - 3 Prague, 1 Bratislava, 1 Vienna, 3 Munich • Hosted by an experienced Travel Associates Advisor The tour is exclusive to Playford Travel Pty Ltd Trading as Travel Associates Caloundra, Travel Associates Mountain Creek, and Hosted Holidays - Licence 3145713. Prices are shown as per person based on Twin Share. Tauck River Cruise – Category 6 Ruby Deck for Twin/ Double Cabins. All prices subject to availability at the time of booking. 2024 Flight schedules have not yet been released and this may change the itinerary. This group requires a minimum of 20 people and has a maximum of 35 people. A 25% deposit and completed booking form are required within 7 days of booking to secure your space. Final payment is due 120 days prior to travel. Cancellation fees: Cancellations more than 120 days prior to travel will result in a loss of deposit. Cancellation between 120 and 60 days prior to travel will result in a loss of 50% of monies paid. Cancellation less than 60 days prior to travel will result in a loss of 100% of monies paid.

14 My Weekly Preview | December 28, 2023

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Taylen Stork, Jasmine Wheatley

Tania Gonzalez, Jason Garland

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Russell White, David Goldsworthy

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Jacob Corbett, Bronte Cresswell,Brendan Bathersby

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My Weekly Preview | December 28, 2023 15

18/12/2023 11:21:33 AM


ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW All of Sunshine Coast Council’s New Year’s Eve fireworks celebrations across the Coast encourage a family-friendly, drug-, alcoholand glass-free environment. How do I get there? • Leave the car at home – walk, ride or use public transport. • Neuron Mobility will have parking stations outside the fenced and gated event zone at Mooloolaba. Riders will be able to book and use e-bikes and e-scooters through the Neuron app. • With buses running throughout the NYE period, view bus timetables and plan your public transport route by visiting • Don’t forget to plan your journey home – organise a lift legend, download or update your rideshare apps, or visit Never drink and drive. Where can I park? • Parking is available at Mooloolaba Central Park N Go for a $10 flat rate. Wilson Parking attendants will be taking payment on entry via eftpos.

A NEW YEAR WITH BOLD POSSIBILITIES It’s been a big 12 months but the positives continue to outweigh the negatives in our region as we head towards 2024.


ell, that time of year is here again. We look back at the past 12 months wondering where they have gone, reflecting on what we have achieved and looking ahead to what we hope for as we welcome a new year. The 2023 year has been filled with incredible highs and its fair share of hardships, forcing us all to practise resilience and strength, whether in a personal capacity or community wide. The Sunshine Coast is continuing to face challenges relating the rising cost of living, worker shortages and a housing crisis – but as always, the positives continue to shine through. As a region, we are constantly inspired

by stories of hope, perseverance and success – from grassroots community groups and local charities to ‘mum and dad’ entrepreneurs and local businesses (many of which are finding state, national and international recognition). With infrastructure continuing to develop, the push to remain a sustainable region working alongside the environment has also been a hot topic as the Coast attempts to lead the way in this field. As always, the region has shown its immense generosity, with many residents opening their hearts and wallets to those in need throughout the past 12 months. So, as we close the doors on 2023, let the countdown to 2024 begin.

DON’T FORGET PETS The RSPCA is reminding pet owners to be vigilant of their furry friend this New Year’s Eve. December 31 can be a time of distress and terror for some animals. Loud fireworks can prompt animals to run away, jump fences, thrash if tied up and even jump through glass to escape the terrifying sounds in the sky. The RSPCA has a list of tips for pet owners at blog-tags/fireworks.

16 My Weekly Preview | December 28, 2023

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NEW YEAR’S EVE AROUND THE REGION The Sunshine Coast will ring in the New Year with a series of popular familyfriendly fireworks events. Mooloolaba will have fireworks displays at 8.30pm and midnight, with a raft of entertainment, activities and food trucks to enjoy throughout the evening. To the south, Caloundra’s NYE event will begin at 4pm at Kings Beach Amphitheatre, with fireworks at 9.30pm, while Coolum Beach’s Tickle Park has all the fun in the north, with fireworks lighting up the sky at 8.30pm. Sunshine Coast New Year’s Eve 2023 is a Sunshine Coast Council event, delivered in partnership with the Queensland Police Service and other Emergency Services (SES, QFES, Red Frogs, QAS and QEMS). Noosa will also have its share of the celebrations, with Noosa Marina to hold its annual New Year’s Eve event. The free event will see live entertainment from 4.30pm at 2 Parkyn Court, Tewantin, with fireworks at 10pm. Spectators will also be able to see the fireworks from along the Noosa River. Sunshine Coast Police are reminding members of the public that officers will be out and about during the festivities and that any alcohol-fuelled or bad behaviour will not be tolerated. Officers are also reminding us to be aware of noise if hosting parties at home, and to be respectful of neighbours.

• Catch a Kinetic shuttle bus to and from the Mooloolaba event. The free Park N Ride shuttle bus service departs from outside the front of Chancellor State College at the University of the Sunshine Coast to Alexandra Headland carpark (the northern end of the Mooloolaba Esplanade). Public parking is available at USC – CP15 carpark on Claymore Road. Buses run between locations from 5-10pm, every 15 minutes. Expect some delays after the 8.30pm fireworks. • Heading to the Caloundra NYE event? Find up-to-date information at CaloundraNYEcelebrations. MOOLOOLABA ROAD CLOSURES Refer to the below details for road and car park closures around Mooloolaba on December 31. Detours will be in place. • River Esplanade partially closed between Parkyn Parade and Club Lane, from 10am. • Beach Terrace closed from 10am. • Mooloolaba Esplanade between Club Lane and Burnett Street closed from 5am. *The above roads will reopen by 5am New Year’s Day (January 1). • Mooloolaba Esplanade closed between Beach Terrace and Burnett Street from 3pm. • Brisbane Road partially closed between Brisbane Road car park and Mooloolaba Esplanade from 3pm. • Burnett Street partially closed between Landmark Resort and Mooloolaba Esplanade from 3pm. *The above roads will reopen by 2am on New Year’s Day (January 1) • Club Lane and car park, closed from 10am December 30 to 5am on New Year’s Day (January 1). CALOUNDRA ROAD CLOSURES • De Vene Avenue between Moreton Parade, Burgess Avenue, Edmund Street and Ormonde Terrace will be closed to all traffic from 3-11pm on December 31. • Ormonde Terrace between Edmund Street and Princess Lane will be closed to all traffic from 3-11pm on December 31.

18/12/2023 9:53:46 AM





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18/12/2023 12:05:25 PM


Did you know? Wishlist Centre opened in November 2022, opposite SCUH, and has kept more than 750 families together during difficult health journeys – from complicated pregnancies to lengthy cancer treatments.

Kelly Fitzpatrick and Andrew Maher with George and triplets Clyde, June and Freddie

THE SMALL THINGS MAKE A DIFFERENCE The Sunshine Coast’s Wishlist Centre proved a godsend for a Fraser Coast mum before and after delivery of her triplets.


or Fraser Coast mum Kelly Fitzpatrick, little bundles Freddie, June and Clyde are the miracle babies that have “set the universe right again”. The mum-of-four, partner Andrew Maher and proud big brother George, 5, are now home in Tinana after the triplets’ birth and a three-month stay at Wishlist Centre. For Ms Fitzpatrick and the new family of six, navigating the intricacies of ‘twin’ breastfeeding and managing 200 nappies and 800 wipes weekly has become a newfound reality. But it hasn’t been an easy road for the couple. After enduring the emotional toll of three heartbreaking miscarriages, they

made the difficult decision to halt their IVF journey for the sake of their mental health. “We struggled with fertility and tried and failed IVF, and had three losses along the way,” Ms Fitzpatrick says. “We had the conversation of stopping trying (IVF), it was a decision we made against what we truly wanted. “It was for our mental health and not what our hearts wanted.” After ovulation intervention, the couple’s luck changed with a “very dark positive” pregnancy test. “I felt so incredibly pregnant very quickly,” the 38-year-old says. “I’m not a spiritual person but I had a dream on the Thursday night before our scan, and I dreamt that there were three babies.”

The following day, the dream became a reality in the sonographer’s room, when the specialist told the couple they would be having twins, before discovering a third heartbeat. Deemed a ‘complicated pregnancy’ at 24 weeks and being over two hours from the Sunshine Coast University Hospital (SCUH), Ms Fitzpatrick packed her bags and headed for Wishlist Centre. She stayed there until the three babies were born at 34 weeks on November 2. “I think the reason I got so far along was because I was able to stay at Wishlist Centre,” she says. “We were looked after so well and it felt like home. “The night manager Gwen would leave a basket of my washing at my door, all folded, because I’d forgotten to grab it from the laundry. “It was just the little things that made a big difference.” First-born triplet Freddie, weighing 2100g at birth, second-born June, weighing 1800g, and third-born Clyde, weighing 2200g, are the fourth set of triplets born at SCUH since its opening in 2017. Sunshine Coast Health nurse unit manager Alison Holman says triplet births are extremely rare – at a rate of just one-in-1000 births, or 0.1 per cent. “It’s a privilege to be involved in a delivery like this,” Ms Holman says. “It is a process to organise and ensure all members of the team are available for a delivery of this nature. “We wish the family all the very best.”

RELIVE THE SEASON’S DAZZLING LIGHT DISPLAYS The festive spirit shone magically across the Sunshine Coast as the winners of this year’s Brightest Christmas Lights competition have been announced. The annual event is designed to celebrate the creativity and holiday spirit of Sunshine Coast residents by recognising and rewarding the most-dazzling displays of festive lights and decorations. This year’s placegetters were decided via public vote with 21 Northcote Crescent, Caloundra West (1st), 13 Bright Street, Palmview (2nd) and 13 Rapanea Street, Meridan Plains (3rd). The gallery of winning displays can be seen at First National Coastal Real Estate principal Paul Angell says this year’s competition attracted amazing entries, making the community’s task of voting for their favourite display challenging. “We are delighted to see the incredible effort and enthusiasm that residents put into creating these festive displays,” he says. “The Brightest Christmas Lights Competition and Google Map has become a cherished tradition, helping people’s hard work be able to be appreciated by more of the community.” Each registered display earned a star on the official Google Map to help the community navigate their way. The Sunshine Coast’s Christmas Lights Competition is organised by My Weekly Preview, Sunshine Coast News, First National Coastal, Lighting Illusions and Salt 106.5.


18 My Weekly Preview | December 28, 2023

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P: (07) 5491 2422 2 Cnr. Centaur St & Omrah Ave ve CALOUNDRA RA

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Cr Ted Hungerford Division 7

Ever-expanding responsibilities ‘Roads, rates and rubbish’ is a very outdated cliché when it comes to the core purpose of local councils. Sunshine Coast Council delivers thousands of projects and initiatives every year which promote the broader objectives of social, environmental, economic and cultural wellbeing for our community. But our focus on delivering the basic services for you remains as sharp as ever. In 2022-23, more than 13 million waste and recycle bins were collected across our region, on schedule 99 per cent of the time. The council also resurfaced and/or rehabilitated 88 kilometres of local roads. A number of roads in Buderim recently underwent resealing works, including Keswick Place, Saint Bees Court, Timana Place, Cathu Court, Goomburra Place, Tarra-Bulga Court, Strezlecki Close, Mons School Road and Summer Ridge Place. You can read about all of the terrific work your council has done for the

Sunshine Coast over the past year in our 2022-23 Annual Report, which is on our website:

Village Park’s global recognition While we’re on the subject of fantastic work, I’d like to thank all of our council staff who do a wonderful job maintaining our 1180 parks and open spaces across the Sunshine Coast. Their dedication and skill have helped our much-loved Buderim Village Park receive the Green Flag Award, which recognises and rewards well-managed parks and green spaces that set the benchmark for management and outdoor spaces around the world. It’s one of only a handful of Queensland parks to have received this prestigious accolade, joining South Bank and Roma Street Parklands in Brisbane, the Chinchilla Botanic Parkland in the heart of the Western Downs, and another Coast attraction: Kings Beach Park.

Have a great break With the holiday season in full swing, I really hope you’re taking the opportunity to unwind, have a well-earned rest and enjoy some quality time with your family and friends. Recharge those batteries and I’ll see you all in 2024.

Matso’s Sunshine Coast project lead James Penny

OLD AND NEW COME TOGETHER AS HISTORIC PUB REOPENS A brewery that specialises in alcoholic ginger beer has opened at an historic pub in Eumundi. Matso’s Brewery is located at the transformed Joe’s Waterhole. Spokesperson Mick McKeown says the Sunshine Coast is the perfect fit for the business, which has expanded from Broome in Western Australia. Mr McKeown says that while the pub has been rebranded, several of its iconic features have been repurposed for the new venue. “We understand and respect that many current and former patrons have an affinity with Joe’s Waterhole, so the venue has been refurbished with timber and

materials from the original pub,” he says. “We’re breathing new life into Joe’s but keeping pieces of its history, especially in the front bar. “The new-look venue will feature a menu inspired by local ingredients in a relaxed setting – including the front bar, main bar, restaurant, a covered beer garden and pool room, as well as a unique Matso’s playground for the kids. “We’ll be brewing our famous Ginger and Mango beers right here on site, supplying not only the locals but the whole of Queensland. “We’re also in the process of installing a distillery to expand our portfolio into spirits and ready-to-drink beverages.”














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One of the key characteristics of the Yaris In recent years, has improved is its focus on Mitsubishi fuel efficiency, makingthe it an interior comfort and technology of the economical choice for urbanfeatures commuting Triton,daily making it a more comfortable vehicle and driving. Features Include: Rearfor everyday use. This Tritoncontrol, is no exception, key view camera, Cruise 15 in. wheels, features:manual Cruise Control, Rear adjustments, Hardtop with 6-way driver seat sports bar. Leatherand Seats Bluetooth. Heated mirrors Fulland Service history

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The GLA 200D is a great compact cross LIVING AVIDA LOCA! This like ‘new’ Avida The Diesel is&known Toyota Land Cruiser is a popular over2010 in Porsche betweenCayenne hatchbacks SUV’s The Esperance is very well 79 presented with only for its fuel efficiency and the torque-rich for various commercial with plenty of room & comfort for the choice one elderly female owner. and Rareoff-road low km diesel it aleather practicaltrim! choice for applications, particularly in regions where wholeengine, family!make's Electric Tinted vehicle packed full of equipment to take those who wanted a luxurious SUV with some tough terrain and harsh conditions are windows!, Dual climate control air con, you anywhere you want to go. Spacious off-road capability. Features: 8-speed Features: Outstored Awning, 18” Alloys, Reverse camera with parking common. interior, drop downFold bed above the automatic transmission, 3.0-liter V6 Customer Tray/toilet, Ladder Racks & Snorkle. sensors, GPS, ABS Brakes. dining tables, Air Con-Roof mounted. turbocharged diesel engine. My Weekly Preview | December 28, 2023 19

18/12/2023 12:16:20 PM



Decade-strong local art prize ups the ante Re-energised competition takes on a fresh, new name and boasts increased prizemoney in 2024.


unshine Coast creatives have until February 2 next year to vie for their place among 40 artists in the newly named Local Contemporary Art Prize 2024: reflections on here and now. And there’s an increased prize pool of $17,000. Sunshine Coast Council Arts Portfolio Councillor Rick Baberowski says the Local Contemporary Art Prize is one of the region’s most-anticipated exhibitions and showcases the breadth of local talent: established and emerging. Caloundra Regional Gallery, in partnership with The Gallery’s Friends,

invites artists living within the Sunshine Coast and Noosa regions, working across all mediums, to submit 2D and 3D works for the Local Contemporary Art Prize 2024. Originally known as Local Artists, Local Content, the annual art prize was created by the Friends Regional Gallery Caloundra Inc. (‘Friends’) in 2014. Now in its 10th year, the prize has been given fresh energy via its new name Local Contemporary Art Prize, reflecting the here and now of artists living and working on the Sunshine Coast. Forty finalists will be selected for the exhibition.

Winners will share in $17,000 in prizemoney, thanks to this year’s sponsors: Friends of the Gallery, Mary Henzell Investments, Localvolts and Geoff Lyons Solicitors. The winners will be announced at the exhibition opening on March 21. Stay up to date with all the latest news, events and exhibitions by subscribing to the e-newsletter at or following @caloundraregionalgallery on Facebook and Instagram. Caloundra Regional Gallery is open from 10am, each Tuesday to Sunday, at 22 Omrah Avenue, Caloundra.

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Hello everyone, Driving up the Sunshine Motorway at Coolum, many will be familiar with the former cane farmlands to the motorway’s western side. I’m pleased to share that more of this land will now be protected for our environment and community, after Council purchased 120 hectares that will be transitioned to its natural wetland state by allowing tidal waters back onto the land. This will offer key habitat for wildlife, help improve the health of the Maroochy River, increase opportunities for our innovative carbon-farming investigations and provide a place for people to connect with nature. It will also expand the adjoining Coolum Creek Environment Reserve and add to Council’s conservation estate in the Blue Heart area - a place, project and partnership where we work to strengthen our environment and climate-change resilience, provide nature-based recreation and investigate alternate land-use opportunities for landholders. Our community is passionate about protecting our environment and character for future generations, so securing this site for protection is a fantastic outcome. I’ll certainly enjoy watching this wetland recover over the years and decades ahead.

For more information go to or

20 My Weekly Preview | December 28, 2023

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Land to be protected for koalas and cockatoos Local family business BFX is calling for more workers as it announces a groundbreaking $20 million expansion at its new global distribution centre in Yandina Industrial Park. The expansion means around 50 jobs will be up for grabs this summer, from machine operators and furniture assemblers, to upholstery workers and more. For more than 35 years, the company has been specialising in manufacturing Australia’s widest range of furniture and contributing to better outcomes in schools and the community. Sunshine Coast Council Mayor Mark Jamieson says Council applauds BFX for its contribution to the local economy, skills development and unwavering commitment to remain a vital part of our region’s growth trajectory. “From its humble beginnings, BFX has evolved into a leading supplier of education and commercial furniture, boasting a strong national and growing global presence,” Cr Jamieson says. “The expansion is projected to inject $39 million into our local economy, generating 160 new jobs directly and indirectly once the facility is fully operational.” Visit BFX’s career page for the latest job opportunities.

Mt Mellum bushland purchase is set to expand nature refuge and strengthen biodiversity.


parcel of untouched native bushland in the hinterland will be protected for conservation, supporting endangered koalas as well as the vulnerable glossy black cockatoo and Richmond birdwing butterfly. Sunshine Coast Council purchased the 14ha block on Old Gympie Road, Mount Mellum, which will expand the adjoining East Mount Mellum Nature Refuge. Division 5 Councillor Winston Johnston says the healthy bushland habitat will strengthen biodiversity corridors and the health of Pumicestone Passage, as well as provide a ‘forever

home’ for wildlife. “It provides extensive food trees for glossy black cockatoos and vines for Richmond birdwing butterflies and trees show plenty of evidence koalas occupy this area,” Cr Johnston says. The $330,000 land purchase was funded through the Environment Levy, paid by every Sunshine Coast ratepayer through their annual rates. Environment and Liveability Portfolio Councillor Peter Cox says the levy has funded the purchase and

maintenance of more than 4000ha of land for conservation across the region. “We’re committed to our ongoing target of maintaining at least 9.6ha of land for conservation per 1000 residents, which our annual reporting shows is on track with 11.09ha per 1000 residents in 2022-23,” Cr Cox says. “These efforts run in tandem with our targets set down in the Environment and Liveability Strategy, such as maintaining our 2016 extent of native vegetation with no net loss to 2041.”

LIBRARIES HAVE YOUR ‘GREAT READS’ COVERED THIS SUMMER Want to get stuck into a great book these summer holidays? From murder and intrigue to finding love without an algorithm – there’s something for everyone at Sunshine Coast Libraries. Become a member to access free services, including borrowing books, DVDs, games and toys. Membership is free and anyone can join. Pop into your local library today or visit Council’s

library website for more details. Whether you’re looking for a space to study, a place to catch up with a friend or simply get your hands on a good read – your local library has you covered. Books for summer: • Never Ever Forever, by Karina May • The Secret, by Lee Child • Alone With You In The Ether, by Olivie Blake • Exiles, by Jane Harper. Read the full list at


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W H AT ’ S 31 There’s loads to explore and plenty to do on the Coast. Pop these fun events into your diary so you don’t miss out.



DUNE RATS The Dune Rats have covered some ground in 2023, with 47 shows in the US, Canada, Europe and the UK, plus a string of Aussie festival dates, including a massive Splendour In The Grass set featuring The Angels. New music is in the works, and a trip to South Africa is imminent before the band rolls back into the Aussie summer for more shows around the country, including long-time favourite haunt, the Sunshine Coast. When: Friday, December 29, 8pm. Where: Kings Beach Tavern, 43 Burgess Street, Kings Beach. Tickets: $44.90, via and search for ‘Dune Rats’.

CELEBRATING STAR WARS – EPISODE IV A NEW HOPE Star Walking Inc, The Brick Zone and Gentle Giant Collectors Australia are inviting fans and families to a day filled with Star Wars magic. Original A New Hope cast member Nick Joseph will be the special guest, with a meet-and-greet opportunity available. Plus, there’s life-size Star Wars displays, amazing cos players, a trivia competition, charity raffles, Lego displays and much more. When: Saturday, December 30, 10am-4.30pm. Where: 89 McCarthy Road, Maleny. Tickets: $10, via celebrating-star-wars-episode-iv-a-newhope/tickets.


STREET FAIR + PRE-LOVED MARKET Located in Bulcock Street, Caloundra, the Street Fair is surrounded by the colour of the shopping and café precinct and attracts thousands of market-goers each Sunday from 8am to 1pm. The Street Fair’s soundtrack is supplied by local artists who perform live. With kids’ activities including a balloon artist, roaming entertainment, and occasion themes, the Street Fair has a colourful atmosphere and is a great family day out. When: Sunday, December 31, 8am-1pm. Where: Bulcock Street, Caloundra. Tickets: Free entry.



NEW YEAR’S EVE RACES Toast 2024 with a superb day out filled with cheers and celebrations. Barrack from your reserved prime position or settle in for a relaxing day on the front lawn. Members’ enclosure passes and general admission ticketing are available online or at the gates. When: Sunday, December 31, 11.30am-5pm. Where: 170 Pierce Avenue, Caloundra. Tickets: From $13.87, via event/new-years-eve-races/.

Gig guide FRIDAY, DECEMBER 29 Dave West, Alex Surf Club, 4pm Shades Duo, Maroochy RSL, 5.30pm Rachel Ellen, Caloundra RSL, 5.30pm Alice Benfer, Cooroy RSL, 6pm DJ JD7, Beerwah Hotel, 8.30pm DJ Mr Sparkle, Palmwoods Hotel, 8.30pm Tony Boyd, Maroochy Surf Club, 7.30pm.

SATURDAY, DECEMBER 30 Mallrat, Kings Beach Tavern, 8pm Brian Carlon, Alex Surf Club, 4.30pm The Castaways, Maroochy RSL, 5.30pm Tom Weber, Caloundra RSL, 5.30pm David Lee, Coolum Beach Surf Club, 8.30pm Anthologys, Beerwah Hotel, 8.30pm Flanders, Palmwoods Hotel, 8.30pm Angus, Maroochy Surf Club, 7.30pm.

SUNDAY, DECEMBER 31 British India, Solbar, 7pm 80’s Recall, Alex Surf Club, 8.30pm NYE Summer Nights Party, Maroochy RSL, 5pm Pub Rock NYE Party, Caloundra RSL, 5.30pm B4 Kurfew Trio, Mooloolaba Surf Club, 2pm No Right Turn, Beerwah Hotel, 3pm Bad Habits, Palmwoods Hotel, 8pm Destinys Plan, Maroochy Surf Club, 8pm.

* All events were correct at time of printing.



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18/12/2023 12:16:40 PM


SPEND SUMMER in Caloundra 2. 3.


8. 6.

9. 10.

5. 4.


1. Baku swimwear at Cozie Boutique, 5437 2523. 2. A collection of designer shoes, bags, fashion and more at Tirzart, 0417 208 959 3. Eos JJell sandals d l iin mustard d at Sh Shannon's ' Sh Shoes, 5491 1303. 4. South Sea Pearl Globe Pendant custom made at K Smith & Son, 5491 8733 5. Birkenstocks Zilba Lifestyle Footwear 6. Summer Salt Body Crystal Soap, Cheryl Rose Homewares, 5341 8395. 7. Beautiful homewares in store at White Pepper, 0428 821 251. 8. Fettucine Princess Pasta with prawns, napoli sauce & parmesan cheese for $28, Corner Pocket Bar & Grill, 5438 9461. 9. Make it a Ben Sherman Christmas available now at Chaps Menswear, 5491 1137. 10. Thongs in all sizes Kerry's Korner Store, 5234 8066.

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My Weekly Preview | December 28, 2023 23

18/12/2023 11:24:00 AM




Jane Stephens considers the evolution of language as the world’s dictionary boffins announce 2023’s Word of the Year winners and nominations.

Ashley Robinson reminds us that even though recent crashes by a certain telco giant felt like the end of the world for some of us, it wasn’t.


love our language and the creativity that comes with wordplay, phrase evolution and expressions of the vernacular. I have never been one to think oldschool words are always better and must be kept in use, although the romance and feel of so many of them appeal to me. As a communication academic, I believe clarity and the meaning in the message are more important than preserving the way things once were. Nothing in culture was ever advanced by looking backwards, after all. As a word lover, I am in clover in December, when announcements are made about the Word of the Year for different dictionaries and nations. Recently, it was announced that for 2023, the UK Oxford Dictionary had declared the word ‘rizz’ the one above all others – the best, the pick, the bomb diggity. The creation is a shortening of the word charisma, without its front and back. It is apparently in regular use out there in cool people land and it peaked in June after a Buzzfeed interview with Spider-Man star Tom Holland, who claimed he had no rizz whatsoever. Rizz: in 2023, some have it, some don’t

and some spread the word about it. Among the shortlisted words for that reference book were: ‘prompt’ – an instruction given to an artificial intelligence program or algorithm that influences the content it generates; ‘de-influencing’ – the practice of discouraging people from buying certain products; and ‘beige flag’ – a warning signal that indicates a romantic interest is boring or lacks originality. My favourite finalist was ‘Swiftie’ – a term for a fan of superstar songstress Taylor Swift. Previous Oxford winners for Word of the Year were vax and youthquake. Last year’s Word of the Year was goblin mode – behaviour that is unapologetically lazy or slovenly. The US’s most-esteemed Merriam-Webster Dictionary selected ‘authentic’ for this year. Collins Dictionary chose ‘AI’. The Macquarie Dictionary – Australia’s official national dictionary – also shortlisted rizz this year but selected ‘cozzie livs’ – a shortening of cost of living. We communicate increasingly in abbreviations, it seems. These words and phrases may be a long way from the polished and posh words of yore, but there is so much to love about our glorious, ever-evolving language.

Dr Jane Stephens is a UniSC journalism lecturer, media commentator and writer.


arlier in the month, Optus went down again – much to the despair of their customers – and I am not sure what word was used most: outage or outrage. Optus hasn’t had much luck of late, with two big crashes in a short period of time. I must say, I really feel for their business customers. It must have been devastating. It does bring to mind how dependant we have become on mobile phones and the internet, to the point of that being a very unhealthy reliance. People just freak out when something like this happens. Just ask Old Mate about me and mobiles. If my mobile plays up or I misplace it, she reckons it’s like I have lost a child at worst and a limb at best. I remember when we first started getting emails on our phones. I thought it was fantastic. But now I have had to force myself not to read them after dark so I don’t stress all night. As I get older, I am not as bad. Hey, I’m not a rocket scientist or a brain surgeon (Old Mate agrees). So, if people can’t contact me, it doesn’t really matter. What a simple life I had in the telecommunications field growing up. My

mum Edna used to work at the post office telephone exchange. For those of you who have no idea what I am talking about, back in the day in Eudlo and Palmwoods, to make a call you would wind the handle on your phone at home and it would ring the exchange (mum) and you would ask to be put through to whatever number you wanted and she would plug you in. We were 45 – that was our phone number. Can you believe it? Of course, anyone who worked at the exchange had a fair idea of what was going on around town, as all the calls had to come through them (which probably impacted the sale of newspapers). Back in those days, people had face-to-face conversations, they wrote letters, they sent postcards when they were on holiday. Nowadays, if we can’t text each other while sitting in the same room or send a holiday photo via any number of different carriers, we are outraged about the outage. A famous person, well before mobile phones, said: “Communication is like oxygen – without it, you die.” Let’s not blame Optus for everything. Maybe we can all start talking to each other in person. Wow, there’s an idea for 2024.

Ashley Robinson is the manager of Alex Surf Club and the chairman of the Sunshine Coast Falcons.

The opinions expressed are those of the authors. These are not the views of My Weekly Preview publishers.

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18/12/2023 12:05:51 PM


ONE CHRISTMAS STEP TOO FAR Tom Hartvigsen, Ord Minnett Buderim

Sami Muirhead wishes she was a better planner but she gives a cold shoulder to the thought of freezing festive delicacies months in advance.


do not have my ducks in a row to the point I think one of them is a pigeon. But onwards we push, recovering from the joy of the silly season and turning our heads towards 2024. One lady in the United Kingdom continues to make international headlines with her admission she prepped and froze most of her Christmas lunch months ahead of time for the family so that she didn’t have to cook on Christmas Day. This mum has boldly stated she does the same for all milestones throughout the year and already has Easter meals placed smugly in her deep freeze. I still haven’t thrown out the paper crowns inside the Christmas bon bons because I am too busy eating Paddle Pops, mangoes and white bread/banana/sugar sandwiches (the true taste of summer) and rolling about at the beach. Planning clearly is not my strength. I asked my friends what they thought of this frozen formula to celebrate our big events. Most were in unison that it is a terrible idea. Sian summed it up in one word, calling it “bonkers”. Tricia said: “Too

much fun, satisfaction and reward prepping and cooking on the actual day. It is a family affair, not to mention all the bubbles while doing it.” And who has room in their freezer to be stuffing hot cross buns and other delicacies this far out? My favourite story of the year remains my sister with her penchant to stuff cane toads in her Kelvinator. Yes, it is true. My beautiful sister is not Hannibal Lecter but a science teacher who relishes in conducting toad dissections with her students and, therefore, she needs a spare toad or two tucked in the freezer behind the ice cubes. How is it possible that my sister is clearly my mother’s favourite child when she is shoving old, warty pests in the fridge? Life works in mysterious ways. My own freezer is probably a snapshot of our shambolic lifestyle, as it has colour-changing toy cars that belong to my sons, a bottle of vodka that belongs very much to me, and frozen pies that are my saviour when it comes to cooking. Happy New Year, people! May your freezer hold all the answers for happiness for the year ahead.

Sami Muirhead is a radio announcer, blogger and commentator. For more from Sami, tune into Mix FM.

BOOSTING AND CLEANSING YOUR RETIREMENT NEST EGG Since July 1 2022, new rules have made it easier for people aged 67 to 75 to contribute to super. The rules create opportunities to move more money into super for retirement, equalise super balances between you and your partner, and reduce the potential tax your beneficiaries will pay when you pass away. For those under 75, the removal of the work test means you can now make an after-tax (non-concessional) contribution to super without meeting a work test. This is a significant change as, prior to the new rules, if you were between age 67 and 75, you had to have worked at least 40 hours within 30 consecutive days to contribute. In addition to this, changes to the bring forward rules allow contributions of up to $330,000 to super over a three-year period. Prior to this change, you had to be under age 67 to utilise the bring-forward rule. As well as the ability to move more money into super, the new rules mean you can also take advantage of two important strategies: equalising super balances and reducing the potential tax your super beneficiaries will pay when you pass away. If your partner’s super balance is lower than yours, you can both benefit from topping up their super. The new rules allow

contributions to be made into your partner’s super account if they are under age 75. If you don’t have money outside super to contribute, you can withdraw funds from your own super account to contribute to your partner’s. The result is that your super accounts are more equal, which can have many benefits: giving the spouse with the lower balance a greater sense of financial independence and security; qualifying for a range of concessions, which may help reduce tax; having more money in the tax-free pension environment at retirement (by taking full advantage of your respective transfer balance caps – this is the maximum amount that each of you can use to start a tax-free pension); and you may gain protection against future legislative changes to tax or super rules. Your super account is generally made up of two components: taxable and tax-free. When you pass away, and the taxable component is paid to someone who is not a tax dependant (such as an adult child), they pay up to 17 per cent in tax. When you pass away and the tax-free component is paid to your adult child, they don’t pay tax. By completing a cash-out and recontribution strategy, this allows you to reduce the taxable component and increase the tax-free component of your balance, reducing the tax any non-tax dependent beneficiaries will pay when you pass away. It never hurts to start the strategic planning early but could be costly if left too late. It’s important to discuss your situation with a financial adviser to ensure strategies are implemented correctly. Tom Hartvigsen is an authorised representative (No. 000470576) of Ord Minnett Ltd, AFS licence 237121. This article contains general financial advice only. Tom can be reached on 5430 4444 or at

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Body, mind &



o, the dust has finally settled on the silly season festivities. Now you might be questioning that second (third and fourth) serve of trifle or Christmas pudding. Luckily, the new year brings with it a fresh canvas to set goals for personal growth. It is also the perfect time to put your health under the spotlight. There are numerous naturopathic products that may assist you in achieving your health goals if a detox is high on your list of resolutions. If you’re wanting to bring in the new year feeling refreshed, clear headed and positive, a simple detox can do wonders. Toxicity build-up can occur throughout the year as we overindulge, eat more sugar and refined foods, take on added stress plus use various stimulants daily. Symptoms related to toxicity can include headaches, fatigue, pains, coughs, gastrointestinal problems and

issues with immune weakness. Toxicity occurs in our body when we take in more than we can utilise or eliminate. What is detoxification? – The body is highly efficient at the process of detoxification, whereby toxins are transformed in the liver into harmless, water-soluble molecules. These are then excreted from the body through the kidneys and bowel. Proper functioning of the liver, bowel, kidneys and skin can ensure the process of detoxification runs smoothly. Any time these body systems aren’t functioning at 100 per cent (coupled with poor diet, stress and an increase in exposure to toxins), detoxification may be impaired. This can lead to fatigue, poor mental function, poor digestive function, lacklustre skin, food or chemical sensitivities, and immune dysfunction (just to name a few). Naturopathic detox aids include: Liquid herbs – Herbal medicines are one of our favourites to assist the detoxification process. Herbs such as milk thistle, dandelion, turmeric and globe artichoke can improve detoxification pathways in the liver, providing a protective effect on liver cells and improving kidney and bowel function. Ask our team to formulate a custom herbal tonic. If you’re more of a tablet person, try Fusion Liver Tonic or Herbs of Gold Liver Care. Amino acids – For the liver to function well, it needs a steady supply of several amino acids. Cysteine, glutamine, glycine, methionine, N-acetylcysteine and taurine are all-important amino acids that can ensure the phases of liver detoxification run smoothly. Eat more greens – Algae such as chlorella and spirulina have long been used to enhance detoxification, due to their presence of fibre and chlorophyll. In addition, these green powerhouses contain a wide variety of naturally occurring vitamins, minerals and amino acids. Greens supplements are a great, easy-to-take formula offering concentrated doses to get the goods into you. Dry skin brushing and Epsom salt baths – These may also improve circulation and channels of elimination to support detoxification. Plus, it’s helpful to cleanse the skin of old cells and invigorate it. Ask our qualified in-store naturopaths and nutritionists for dietary advice and recipes, and whether a detox is suitable for you. Our Kunara naturopaths and nutritionists are on hand to guide you. Kunara Organic Marketplace, 330 Mons Road, Forest Glen. Visit

Our top tips! Eat organic foods whenever possible. Remove or minimise red meats, cured meats, organ meats, refined foods, canned foods, sugar, salt, saturated fats, gluten, coffee, alcohol and nicotine. Eat a simple, wholefood diet full of greens. Add in herbal tinctures, magnesium, slippery elm, aloe vera juice and probiotics to support optimal gut health and healthy bowel function. Drink filtered water and herbal teas. To cleanse skin and kidneys, up your water intake. Add a teaspoon of Celtic Seal Salt for extra minerals. Re-evaluate your kitchenware. Minimise plastic and cook in iron, stainless steel, glass or porcelain. To improve elimination through the skin, regular exercise is important to stimulate sweating. Exercise also improves our general metabolism and aids overall detoxification. Cold water showers and ocean swims help to cleanse the skin of released toxins and to open pores to eliminate more. Saunas can assist to help purify with enhanced skin elimination. Dry brushing the skin with an appropriate brush before bathing is helpful to cleanse the skin of old cells and invigorate it. Massage therapy, especially lymphatic and even deeper massage, helps stimulate elimination and body functions, promoting relaxation. Resting, relaxation and recharging. Prioritise rest this summer to help rebalance the body and mind. Walks in the fresh air and gentle yoga stretches with breathing awareness will help to regulate the nervous system and release any excess burden on the kidneys.

Wellbeing Wednesday The first Wednesday of every month SAVE 20% off all vitamins & supplements + FREE naturopath advice! *For members only, it’s free to join in-store | Not in conjunction with other offers.

330 Mons Road, Forest Glen, QLD 4556 | 26 My Weekly Preview | December 28, 2023

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NAVIGATING THE WONDERFUL WORLD OF COSMETIC FILLERS There’s now so many options available to anyone wanting to fill wrinkles or tighten sagging skin that there’s no reason we should have to look in the mirror and not love what we see. Fillers can combat fine lines, wrinkles and some degree of sagging by replenishing the collagen and hyaluronic

acid that diminishes in our body as we age. Some of the simplest ways of achieving immediate, noticeable results come from the use of fillers or neuromodulator injectables, but it’s important to know the difference between the two and what to expect from each. Fillers are often made from hyaluronic acid: a substance found naturally in our body that plumps out the skin, giving it fullness and making it look smooth. Injecting these around lines and

wrinkles literally pushes the wrinkle out as it’s filled with the substance underneath. This will last for up to 18 months and will need to be re-visited to maintain results. Neuromodulator injectables relax the muscle in the area treated and basically stop you from being able to frown or contract that muscle. This will have the effect of removing or softening wrinkles and giving you a smoother, more youthful appearance. These substances also have clinical applications as treatments for migraines and excessive sweating. They will also be metabolised by the body and you’ll need to maintain results with more injections after about four months. Cosmetic injectables and fillers are a great way to achieve immediate results with no downtime and, although unlikely, if you’re unhappy with the results of your fillers, they can be dissolved. So if you’re unsure about looking too ‘done’, I recommend starting conservatively, safe in the knowledge that you can build from there with more volume or even reverse the whole process. Dr Joubert consults from her practice at Twin Waters and at her Nunkeri Beauty clinic at Forest Glen. WORDS: Dr Carina Joubert, Nunkeri Beauty Visit

TOP 5 SNACKS FOR A GOOD NIGHT’S SLEEP With processed food and takeaway sitting at the top of the ‘go-to’ late night snacks, leading sleep expert Olivia Arezzolo shares her five top foods for a blissful slumber. Kiwi fruit: These bright green fruits have been shown to have some sleep-inducing properties thanks to their natural richness in serotonin. A banana and strawberry smoothie: With bananas containing nutrients like potassium and magnesium, alongside the antioxidants and vitamin C found in strawberries, these two popular fruits are a great combination for a tasty and sleep-inducing smoothie. A can of tuna or fatty fish: Fatty fish, such as tuna, salmon and mackerel, are an incredible source of protein and an unexpected ally when trying to get better sleep. A handful of almonds: Along with several other types of nuts, almonds are a source of the sleep regulating hormone melatonin. Sour cherry juice: Last but not least, tart cherries are one of the key foods to start including in daily diets when trying to get more restful sleep, again, thanks to high levels of melatonin.


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ristine beaches, accessible waterfalls, lakes by the sea and the second-most number of backyard pools per capita in Australia – what an aquatic jewel is the Sunshine Coast. Here’s Bubble ‘n’ Kick’s five tips for enjoying the water this summer. 1. Sun safety. Don’t be a victim of the summer sun after a glorious day out. Heed the Cancer Council’s SunSmart message: slip on a shirt or rashie, slap on the sunscreen, and slop on a hat. Be sun safe this summer. 2. Keep hydrated. About 72 per cent of Australians experience dehydration after being in the sun, so keep up the water intake throughout the day. 3. Supervision. One of the primary defences in preventing drowning incidents is active supervision. The Royal Life Saving Society’s Keep Watch Program promotes all non-swimmers and swimmers under five years being within arm’s reach at all times, actively supervising children aged six to 10,

and being ready to jump in if needed. So, put the phones down. Check-in and check-up regularly and often on children aged 11-14 while they are in and around the water. 4. Learn to swim. This is the second primary defence to prevent drowning incidents. Enrol your kids into learn to swim programs that teach water safety and survival skills to equip them to safely enjoy activities. 5. Heed all safety signs and messages. Whether these be beach flags or whistles, PA announcements or beach entry signs, follow the directions to keep you and your family safe. At home, you’re the lifeguard, so make sure everyone is playing by your pool rules, making good choices, and packing up all toys and devices afterwards. It also wouldn’t hurt to have a current CPR certificate, so you know what to do if an emergency does arise. See the for the Bubble ‘n’ Kick Swim School.

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VIGILANCE IS KEY TO SAVING LIVES It has been said that the price of freedom is eternal vigilance. The price of a child’s life around any body of water is total vigilance. Children can drown in buckets of water, bathtubs, deep puddles after a rain event, lakes, dams, the ocean and, of course, swimming pools. There is only one way to prevent a drowning or a near death by drowning incident and that is to make sure you can always see you child and be within arm’s length of them when they are around any body of water. Smartphones play a very important and distracting role in our lives, so put your phone on silent in your pocket and give your child your undivided attention when they are around water. That includes bath time and recreational times. Teaching your child to swim helps lessen the danger. Visit

With summer here, families are heading outdoors to enjoy activities like swimming, boating, and hanging by the beach. While most parents and caretakers know that it’s important to put sunscreen and a hat on their child, how many would know what to do if they found their child submerged underwater and there was no one there to help? In Queensland, swimming pools are a common place for accidents to occur. While the Queensland Government has introduced Pool Safety Laws that mandate the requirements to adhere to pool fencing, safety certificates and CPR signage obligations, it doesn’t stop accidental drownings, slips, falls or heart attacks that can easily happen around a swimming pool. In a public pool, there are designated lifeguards who can respond to an aquatic emergency, so who in your home could perform CPR? The most important safety tool for a pool is CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation). This is an extremely important procedure to learn, as it greatly increases one’s chance of survival. Prevention is always better than a cure, but if someone does drown, knowing what to do in that moment can and does save lives every day. It is recommended that a CPR course is refreshed every year to ensure you are equipped with he most up-to-date information. St John Ambulance QLD provides the

Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation course via a number of different delivery methods ranging from beginners to those reaccrediting annually. You will acquire the knowledge and confidence to perform CPR on an adult, child and infant, to describe alternative methods for delivering rescue breaths and how to manage a victim of drowning. The course provides life saving skills in DRSABCD, providing rescue breaths and compressions and early access to and use of Automatic Defibrillators (AED)s. Learning the key Chain of Survival components of Early Access, Early CPR and Defibrillation and Early Advanced Care will dramatically increase the chance of survival from drownings. For more information on locally run courses, visit

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As the year comes to an end, what better way to welcome the new year than by revitalising your living spaces. Here are six top tips on how you can give your home a refresh over the summer that won’t break the bank but will have you starting the new year feeling more organised and clutter-free.

1. Exterior TLC for all homes: Whether you have a home or a unit, a house wash or pressure washing your outdoor areas will be a game-changer. For unit dwellers, coordinate with your strata or body corporate for an external tidy and wash. Clean windows for a fresh perspective on the world outside.

2. Pack away holiday decor: Ensure all holiday decorations are neatly packed away, making room for a fresh start in the new year. A clutter-free environment contributes to a sense of tranquillity and renewal.

4. Clean up: Take advantage of any time off to clear out old, broken and unwanted things and minimalise. It’s the ideal opportunity to declutter and purge items you no longer need or want. A clutter-free home fosters a positive atmosphere for the new year.

3. Tackle clutter in key areas: Organise spaces prone to clutter, such as linen cupboards, pantries and garages. Affordable organisational products from stores such as Kmart and Target can breathe new life into these areas, providing a functional and aesthetically pleasing storage solution.

6. Lighten up with sheers and neutrals: Swap out heavy curtains for sheers and replace dark, heavy-toned bed linen and cushion covers with light linens and neutrals. Instantly transform your spaces with a lighter, airier ambiance. “Just a few simple changes can breathe new life into your home for the upcoming year,” Vault Interiors director and owner Justine Wilson says. “By taking advantage of the summer break, you can create a home that not only looks refreshed but feels rejuvenated. It’s a wonderful way to start the new year on a positive note.”

5. Refresh with new accents: Capitalise on post-Christmas sales to shop for art and decor or cushions in a new accent colour. Small changes can have a significant impact on the look and feel of your living spaces, providing an easy and cost-effective refresh.

For more styling tips and advice, head to

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PHONE: 07 5445 2399 E: 30 My Weekly Preview | December 28, 2023

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18/12/2023 11:26:06 AM

HOME STYLE What is your favourite thing in your home? – I love our paintings. We have a truly eclectic mix from oils to pencils and I love marine landscapes and quirky women. Our walls are not boring in this house. There is a saying I love that goes: “If you have two loaves of bread, keep one to nourish the body, but sell the other to buy hyacinths for the soul” (Herodotus).



self-confessed home body, who loves nothing more than being tucked up with her gorgeous family and much-loved pooches, we caught up with local radio announcer on 92.7 Mix FM Sami Muirhead to discover what she loves most about her abode and the treasures within. Describe your home? – It is a gorgeous white-timber, two-storey home that has a Hamptons feel with lots of wood,

including white floorboards. It is a home and not a house, with exposed ceilings, paintings, plants and special treasures in every nook and cranny. It is white and airy and has a casual elegance to it. I love my home. What is your favourite room in the home and why? – We have a room we call The Room of Peace, which has thousands of books on shelves right around the walls. It also has a huge white library with

seashells and things the kids have made over the years and more books. There is nothing better than lighting a candle and sitting on my big velvet chair with dogs and kids everywhere as we all catch up on the day. We have a round, dark-timber coffee table that we all gravitate towards that is always full of games, books, magazines and photos. It is a cluttered room but it does have a peaceful vibe for some reason and that is where you will find me on Friday nights, listening to a vinyl album with a red wine close by.

What could you never live without in your home? – From a beauty perspective, I would say my coffee cup from Paris that has a picture of the famous green chairs from the Luxembourg Gardens. That cup takes me back to Paris and represents five minutes of coffee peace. Also, our family couldn’t survive without the toastie-maker. What are some of your biggest treasures in your home? – My kids and dogs and husband, of course! But other than these, I have quite a few treasures from my travels, including a hand-painted port bottle I bought in Mexico 25 years ago. It brings me happiness looking at it. My thousands of books also bring me much happiness. I have not read all of them but one day I will.

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STRATEGIES IN PLACE FOR THRIVING ECONOMY As one of the nation’s fastest-growing regions, what we have achieved in 2023 puts us on an upward trajectory. WORDS: Cr Terry Landsberg.

Looking south from Mooloolaba to Caloundra


s we reflect on a productive and fulfilling year, local businesses have much to be proud of. The Sunshine Coast has maintained positive economic outcomes, boasting a Gross Regional Product (GRP) of $21 billion and progressing well towards our target of $33 billion by 2033. This achievement is supported by the Sunshine Coast Regional Economic Development Strategy (REDS), which has continued to drive an innovative, adaptive, resilient and climate-ready economy.

This year marked the pivotal 10-year midpoint of the strategy and five-year review of the implementation plan. The strategy’s four key objectives – economic growth, high-value employment generation, increased exports and improved household incomes – remain central to the five-year implementation plan. This strategic approach ensures we are poised to create thousands of jobs over the next decade. As one of the fastest-growing regions in the nation, we will see increasingly higher incomes for locals, plus an expansion of

high-value industries and growth of emerging industries such as digital tech, production and the circular economy. The council will continue to work closely with the region’s key industry groups such as the Manufacturing Excellence Forum (MEF), Food and Agribusiness Network (FAN) and the emerging screen industry as they continue to gather momentum. Through our investment attraction, major events initiatives and other projects, we’ve achieved an estimated economic impact of $388.96 million and the creation of 1897 jobs directly and indirectly during the 2022-2023 financial year. Our city heart, the Maroochydore City Centre, is progressing well, marked by completed projects, those under construction and advanced planning stages. We are making significant progress as a key delivery partner for the Olympic and Paralympic Games Brisbane 2032, hosting events and establishing an athlete village. We are now home to the national Critical Infrastructure Information and Sharing Analysis Centre (CI-ISAC Australia) and a growing list of businesses. We will continue to welcome national and international corporate businesses, such as

Youi, McCormick & Co, Kilcoy Global Foods, and now GenPact, one of the world’s leading professional services companies. Their decision to establish roots here is influenced by our game-changing infrastructure – the Sunshine Coast International Broadband Network, the development of the Maroochydore City Centre, Caloundra Aerodrome and the Sunshine Coast Airport expansion – alongside our enviable lifestyle and family-friendly environment. The council will continue to align with training providers and local education institutions providing career opportunities that support our thriving economy and spotlight the employment potential in our high-value industries. Our Sunshine Coast Jobs Hub and Student Jobs Hub are great examples of this. Developed in collaboration with Study Sunshine Coast and key regional employers and industry groups, the site has more than 1300 job opportunities. I strongly encourage all local businesses to use this free online platform to recruit staff as well as attract new workers to our region. Simply register your business and post your job vacancies at

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32 My Weekly Preview | December 28, 2023

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Hugh Powell

DROWNING: AT WHAT COST TO RESCUE ANOTHER? With the summer holidays upon us, beachgoers and ocean lovers will flee to the water in Australia. But year in and year out, hundreds drown at the beach and in our waterways. Each is tragic. Each is avoidable. Bystanders, particularly surfers, play a pivotal role in preventing drowning. But, at what cost? Australia has always had a strong surf lifesaving service, but it is inherently impossible for all beaches to be patrolled at all times. Surfers and other beachgoers have historically done their best to plug the gap and sometimes, this has sadly cost them their lives. So, what liability could attach to a surfer or beachgoer who attempts to rescue another, but their good intentions do not save a life? Firstly, there is no

proactive duty to rescue someone in danger. It is a moral obligation that compels us to act. Apart from the morally questionable nature of the issue, while it will always depend on the circumstances, it is hard to envisage a situation where a viable claim would arise due to numerous defences available. One exception could be if the rescue was conducted in a grossly negligent or reckless manner. And what if the surfer or beachgoer is injured during the rescue? A claim could potentially be pursued directly against the person being rescued if the injury was a reasonably foreseeable consequence of the situation. There is clearly value in generally allowing lifeguards (employed and volunteer) to conduct rescues without fear of being sued. In Queensland, generally no liability will attach to a lifeguard for an act done while rendering first-aid or assistance to another in an emergency. With summer here and temperatures predicted to be higher than ever, there will be more people in the water and more pressure on our surf lifesaving services. The beach is a hazardous and unpredictable environment so let’s be safe as we remember the brave people who put their own lives at risk to save another. WORDS: Hugh Powell, Partner, Travis Schultz & Partners

OCEAN BUYERS AGENT: YOUR GUIDE TO COASTAL LIVING PERFECTION Meet Keeta Gibson, a passionate local and founder of Ocean Buyers Agency: a boutique real estate buyers’ agency specialising in turning dreams into realities. A Sunshine Coast ‘local’ for 19 years, Keeta’s deep connection to the region fuels her dedication to finding the ideal properties for her clients. Raised on the east coast with a farm upbringing, Keeta’s affinity for the ocean ignited a lifelong passion. Armed with a degree in business, she initially delved into real estate and investing. However,

her true calling emerged in helping clients secure their properties, leading to the establishment of Ocean Buyers Agency. Keeta’s commitment lies in providing personalised service. Understanding that each client possesses unique needs, she tirelessly seeks properties that align perfectly. Leveraging her extensive network and market insight, Keeta unearths hidden gems and off-market treasures, granting her clients access to exclusive opportunities. Her approach to property hunting is meticulous and comprehensive. Keeta invests time to understand her clients and their preferences, pinpointing properties that best match their aspirations. Through thorough research, market analysis, and strategic negotiations, she secures the best deals for her clients. Keeta’s unwavering dedication has earned her a distinguished reputation as one of the Sunshine Coast’s top real estate buyers’ agents. Clients praise her professionalism, meticulousness and exceptional knack for finding the right property, whether it’s for living or investment purposes. Looking for your dream property or an investment opportunity? Trust Keeta and Ocean Buyers Agency to guide you on your journey to finding the ideal Sunshine Coast haven.

Merry Christmas

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My Weekly Preview | December 28, 2023 33

18/12/2023 11:26:43 AM




That’s not fair! A recent decision in the Maroochydore District Court has prompted me to write again about people challenging Wills. A person can challenge a Will if it doesn’t make ‘adequate provision’ for their ‘proper maintenance and support’. To challenge, you need to be within a class of persons eligible to do so. Mostly, challenges are made by the deceased’s disappointed: • spouse (including defacto partner); or • child (including step-child or ‘defacto’ step-child). It is important to remember that, in some circumstances, the parent of a deceased person can also challenge. If the parent was being ‘wholly or substantially’ maintained or supported by their child, the parent is eligible to pursue a claim if their child’s Will does not make adequate provision for them. That is what occurred recently in a case before the Maroochydore District Court where a mother successfully challenged the Will of her deceased daughter. The Court considered a number of factors, including the: 1. Size of the estate. 2. Relationship between them, and 3. Mother’s needs. Time limitations apply to pursuing claims against estates. So, it is important that you seek advice promptly if you are giving consideration to challenging a Will.


34 My Weekly Preview | December 28, 2023

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Why all businesses must have a plan Business owners without a business plan: here’s why you need one and what it needs to cover. The need for a business plan applies to all businesses, large or small, start-up or established. Take the time out in your business to reflect on the following key areas. NOW: • Where is your business now? • Describe your current situation and the issues you face. WHERE: • Where would you like to be in the future with the issues you identified in ‘now’? • This may include elements of your vision and business statement. • It can also include your sustainable competitive advantage, key performance measures and objectives. HOW: • How will these strategies bridge the gap between the now and the where? • How will the specific action plans be developed from the strategies? • What is the required timing and who is responsible for carrying out the action plans? Note that it is essential to date the plan and update it on at least a bimonthly basis. It’s usually only the action plans that need changing in the short term.


Getting through the festive season after you have separated Any Christmas-New Year holiday period can be hard on families in which parents have divorced or separated. This is especially the case where children are involved. Here are tips to make this time as stress-free as possible next year. 1. If the children are with you on Christmas morning, encourage them to call their other parent. You will be setting a good example about kindness and respect. 2. Your children deserve (as do you) to enjoy Christmas, so stick to any drop-off or pick-up times. 3. Don’t drink to excess – things can go downhill on Christmas Day when too much alcohol is involved. 4. Keep your thoughts and comments about your ex-partner to yourself – your children don’t need (or want) to hear you talking negatively about the other parent. They love you both, so this can be destructive to your relationship with them. 5. Make the most of the time you are without the children so you can focus on being a great parent when you do have them. Christmas isn’t easy on separated parents but with some forward planning, you can manage the pressure of coparenting and look forward to the holidays.


Before a party can commence parenting or financial proceedings in Court, there are several pre-action procedures that must be complied with. Each party must make a ‘genuine effort’ to resolve a dispute before making an application to Court and there can be serious penalties if you do not comply. This includes costs penalties (for example, you may have to pay the costs of the other party) or a stay of proceedings until the necessary actions are complied with. Dispute resolution can include negotiation, attending family counselling or attending mediation. Parties must also cooperate in agreeing to a dispute resolution service and make a genuine effort to resolve the issues by participating. For parenting matters, a certificate must be obtained from a family dispute resolution practitioner. If agreement is still not reached, the other party refuses to participate or there is no dispute resolution services available, then the party intending to commence proceedings must provide a written notice of their intention to start a proceeding. If the other party does not respond to the notice or agreement still cannot be reached, a party may then file an application to commence proceedings in Court. To ensure that parties have complied with pre-action procedures, at the time of filing to commence Court proceedings or when responding to an application, a Genuine Steps Certificate must also be filed. There are strict requirements to comply with pre-action procedures before you can file an application to start proceedings in Court for parenting or financial matters. You must utilise alternative dispute resolution services when available (and if it is safe to do so), and you must make a genuine effort to resolve your dispute. WORDS: Virginnia Yow, Associate Lawyer If you need further advice, contact the experienced team at Miller Sockhill Lawyers on 5444 4750.

18/12/2023 10:06:25 AM




fter almost two decades in Northern New South Wales, Gwen and Lyle Sutcliffe are coming home to live in the Sunshine State. The Sutcliffes, both in their 80s, are preparing to settle into a new home at Stockland’s Halcyon Promenade community, north of Brisbane, near

beautiful Moreton Bay. “We were getting older,” Gwen says. “Our four-bedroom house and land was a bit much for the two of us. We decided to get something smaller and move closer to our extended family.” The couple were delighted to discover their dream home at Halcyon Promenade. “We love the layout and design and

Hip and Knee Joint Replacement DR GRAY IS DEDICATED TO EXCEPTIONAL CARE As a modern and 13-year-experienced surgeon, he offers individualised decisions with your lifestyle and goals in mind. Dr Gray offers expertise in a number of surgical approaches and selects prosthetic components individualised for you. YOUR BEST JOINT REPLACEMENT IS YOUR FIRST After a joint replacement what makes a difference over the next twenty years is that you have a well-constructed, highly-performing prosthesis design, precisely positioned and well-integrated into your bones. Robotic arm-assisted joint surgery offers precision beyond which the human hand and eye can attain.

were thrilled when the team worked with us to make it possible,” Gwen says. “Stockland Halcyon communities was very accommodating while we sold our home.” As well as their daughter, who lives nearby on Bribie Island, Gwen is excited that she will soon be neighbours with her sister, who has also purchased a new home in the community.

“She came with us one day and when she saw the options, decided to make the move from North Lakes to join us,” she says. “I’m looking forward to getting together with her regularly now that we will be living within walking distance. “We do patchwork quilting together and were only able to do it once in a while, but now we can get into it more often.” The couple has already made new friends at regular morning teas and barbecues held for home buyers in preparation for moving in. “I met a fellow muso – a drummer – this morning,” says Lyle, who started a jam session at his local Men’s Shed in Pottsville that grew to 22 members of all ages. “This fellow is into recording, too, so maybe we can get something going together. I also tried indoor bowls recently with Gwen’s brother which was fun. I might get into that more and I wouldn’t mind trying the gym.” Lyle says they have been really impressed with the care given by the team at Stockland Halcyon communities: “They keep us up to date on everything.” Gwen adds: “We are looking forward to being close to all the amenities and the extra safety of being part of a gated community.” Visit

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My Weekly Preview | December 28, 2023 35

18/12/2023 11:42:41 AM


Snowbiz and Fully Charged are progressive companies that have been involved in new and evolving sports for over 40 years. As electric devices emerge and progress all over the world, the aim is to offer the best all-round experience for performance devices on the market. This is not just as an authorised seller

of the best-performance machines, but also because of the authorised technicians who can take the hassle out of servicing and maintaining your electric scooter or electric bike. All e-bikes and e-wheelchairs are professionally assembled, with brakes and gears checked and adjusted. A professional handover is provided with

GETTING BACK TO BASICS Billy Field sang a song about bad habits. Most of you would remember the catchy tune. Part of the song includes “I’m off the rails. My resistance fails, temptations got a hold on me”. I can relate to that and I bet many of you can. It may be over-indulgence of food, alcohol, gambling or anything else that conjures up the thought of bad habits. From a health and wellness point of view, good habits include regular exercise, nourishment, and getting plenty of water, sunshine and sleep. I agree that is not all there is to good physical and mental health but it certainly covers a lot of the basics. It is not easy to maintain a completely healthy lifestyle all the time. Holidays, illness, family tragedies and even just exhaustion can knock you off kilter. The longer you stay off the good habit the stronger the bad habit becomes in an exercise sense. There is generally only one cure. You need to make a commitment to getting back into good habits for your own physical and mental health. By practicing better health and regular movement with all of life’s balances, life can be more meaningful and fulfilling. Tom Law is the author of Tom’s Law Fit Happens. Visit

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36 My Weekly Preview | December 28, 2023



delivery, with an explanation of operations to the owner. An ever-increasing number of e-bike riders choose electric bikes as a green, clean, fun and in many cases a better alternative to cars or public transport. A variety of e-bikes, cruisers, mountain e-bikes and the ever-popular foldable e-bike for those travelling with campervans is available. Fully Charged also sells the lightweight, folding electric wheelchair BILLI. With larger front wheels, higher ground clearance, a more-spacious sitting area, a bag on the rear and drawer-style batteries underneath the seat, it is a stylish and reliable travel companion. Fold it in seconds for easy transport and storage. Batteries to both e-bikes and wheelchair charge at any standard power socket with the included charger. All Leitner and SmarCycle device sales come with a full factory warranty, including a safety check and set-up. A service centre is available in the Brisbane City snow store: Snowbiz in Brisbane City. Customers receive the best shopping experience, with delivery at $50 per bike to the Sunshine Coast. For all queries, phone 3229 8911.

18/12/2023 11:43:05 AM




Tinnitus, a condition characterised by the perception of sounds such as ringing, buzzing, clicking or other auditory sensations in the ears, poses a significant challenge for individuals. The condition affects as many as half-a-million Australians. Certain occupational groups, including farmers, automotive workers, transport drivers, and construction workers face a heightened risk of persistent tinnitus. However, the condition can afflict individuals across various demographics. Tinnitus is quite often associated with hearing loss. Manifesting as disturbances during sleep and contributing to heightened levels of anxiety and depression, tinnitus stems from diverse causes. Addressing this condition necessitates an initial comprehensive hearing assessment: a crucial diagnostic measure. A specialised hearing clinic, such as Hear4Good, facilitates this process, deploying audiologically informed evaluations and Tinnitus Impact Assessments to gain insights into the extent of the condition’s impact. Once the assessment is complete, a tailored approach to managing tinnitus can be explored. Hear4Good’s clinicians,

Amid the thundering cheers and electric atmosphere of the Women’s World Cup stood Suncare volunteer Julie Fortescue-Phillips. Julie grew up in a very footballfocused family: her dad and uncles played, her brother is a former player and now an under-18s youth academy manager at Forest Green Rovers, and Julie, herself, played for a women’s team since she was 12 years old. When she first began the sport, her favourite team was the England Nationals. But since moving to Australia, she has cheered on the Matildas as well, finding them the most exciting to watch. “Watching the record-breaking penalty shoot-out against France in the stadium was electrifying,” Julie says. She took this passion and ran with it, winning the gold medal for England at the 2007 World Police and Fire Games hosted in Adelaide. So, when the FIFA World Cup came to Australia, she couldn’t wait to volunteer, thriving in an environment she has always loved. Julie, along with wife Rebecca, cheered for Australia in the third-place play-off between the Matildas and Sweden before grabbing last-minute tickets to watch her beloved England Lionesses in the final in Sydney.

adept in conducting these assessments, prioritise a personalised approach, ensuring a focused and thorough evaluation of auditory health. Hear4Good will work closely with your medical practitioner. There are many approaches to dealing with tinnitus. Some include tinnitus rehabilitation therapies, and sometimes electronic masking devices can be of benefit, but the first step is to have your hearing system assessed. Andrew Paton is a senior hearing rehabilitation specialist at Hear4Good, an independent and local hearing clinic at Golden Beach and Caloundra. Phone 54770144 or visit

With only four hours sleep under their belt, they drove to Sydney very early on Sunday morning. Talk about excitement! While the results weren’t what she cheered for, Julie says the whole experience will be long cherished and always remembered. After a long and frenzied weekend, Julie drove back on Monday morning, confirming that she is indeed an extreme soccer fan! Visit

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My Weekly Preview | December 28, 2023 37

18/12/2023 12:12:28 PM


WILDE ADVICE By Garry Reynolds Having become a grandfather for the first time, I’ve been thinking about what I would advise my grandson, Rhodes, as he grows up. I recall being stunned when my uncle advised his grandsons, “Boys, don’t waste your life dancing with ugly women!” It made me look at life advice from the past. Oscar Wilde featured prominently and perhaps just as politically incorrectly as in his time well over a century ago. Wilde appeared to be a tortured man like the character in his book, The Picture of Dorian Gray. His advice is often contradictory but perceptive for a grandfather like me when he says, “With age comes wisdom, but sometimes age comes alone.” He goes on to observe that children start out loving their parents, but as they grow older and discover their parents are human, they become judgmental. And sometimes, when they mature, they forgive their parents, especially when they discover they are also human. He concludes, “Don’t be discouraged if your children reject your advice. Years later they will offer it to their own offspring.” It’s from here that his contradictions

commence as he advises, “True contentment is not having everything, but in being satisfied with everything you have. Yet anyone who lives within their means suffers from a lack of imagination.” Wilde concludes that simple pleasures are the last healthy refuge in a complex world and that while ordinary riches can be stolen, real riches cannot: “In your soul are infinitely precious things that cannot be taken from you.” This seems to be healthy advice as does his observation that, “everyone may not be good, but there’s always something good in everyone.” I hope to remain an optimist as I age with my grandson. As Wilde says, “An optimist will tell you the glass is half-full; the pessimist, half-empty; and the engineer will tell you the glass is twice the size it needs to be.” Perhaps for a man who suffered for his love is where Oscar’s kindest advice resides: “To give and not expect return, that is what lies at the heart of love. The consciousness of loving and being loved brings a warmth and a richness to life that nothing else can bring.” That’s my advice too as I go on to share wonderful experiences with young Rhodes.

IS YOUR TV ALWAYS TOO LOUD FOR OTHERS? ? complaining Neighbours Walls s haking ? ? s window Rattling Scaring the local dogs? hear for do good When the first thing your visitors is turn your TV down maybe its time to get to the source of the problem. At Hear4Good we have a range of hearing aids that can receive signal directly from your television, giving you great TV clarity and at the same time allowing you to hear the people around you.



Permanent eyeline for ageing eyes

Which sunscreen is the best to apply?

As we age, our facial structure changes. Our eyebrows and eyelashes start to lose colour and the ease of applying eyeliner becomes more difficult. Eyeliner tattooing is eye architecture. Although this procedure may seem simple, the results can be life changing. Achieving the perfect eyeliner takes time, effort and endless amounts of frustration. This is where cosmetic tattoos shine. They are a great cosmetic solution that replaces the need to apply, fix and reapply your daily eyeliner. Not only do cosmetic eyeliner tattoos cut down on the time it takes to get ready, but they are an effective way to enhance define and change the shape of your eyes and overall look. Eyeliner tattoos can last anywhere from two to five years, sometimes longer (each skin type will retain pigment differently). From a natural lash enhancement to make your lash line look darker and fuller to a thick, bold-styled eyeliner, Signature Cosmetic & Beauty staff work with you, discussing your preferences, and concerns. Our experts will provide tailored recommendations to create the perfect tattoo for you.

With the ‘summer smart’ season well underway, this is the ideal time to talk sunscreen and skin safety.



Every year, more sunscreen products arrive on the shelves, giving us better options but harder decisions. It’s no surprise that the doctors at SunLife are asked about it every day. So, which sunscreen is best? This is easy. It’s the SPF 30 or 50+ that you like best. Why? Because SPF ratings 30 or 50+ mean the sunscreen gives enough protection. And the sunscreen you like is the one you’ll use most often. Now you know the big secret, here are some top tips to help you choose: 1. Look for sunscreens to suit your skin type and needs: for example, moisturising, dry touch and sweat-proof. 2. New products and sensitive ranges are available. If you haven’t found the right sunscreen, try again. 3. Check if your makeup or moisturiser with sunscreen is rated SPF 30 or 50+. This summer, remember your sunscreen every morning and reapply for longer sun exposures.

Call us today to find your personalised solution for better hearing. Clinics at Golden Beach and Caloundra

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38 My Weekly Preview | December 28, 2023

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18/12/2023 12:06:48 PM






Innovations in laser eye surgery

When it’s time for a joint replacement

Will beneficiary, wherefore art thou?

In the ever-evolving realm of laser eye surgery, two ground-breaking techniques are taking vision correction to new heights: SMILE (Small Incision Lenticule Extraction) and Presbyon. SMILE, a minimally invasive procedure, revolutionises the laser vision correction landscape. Unlike traditional LASIK, SMILE involves creating a small incision to extract a lenticule within the cornea, eliminating the need for a corneal flap. This results in faster recovery times and reduced risk of dry eyes. Presbyon addresses the age-related decline in near vision. As individuals age, presbyopia sets in, making it challenging to focus on close objects. Presbyon combines the precision of laser technology with advanced algorithms to reshape the cornea, providing a customised solution for distance and near vision. This approach not only corrects presbyopia but also maintains the natural curvature of the cornea. These techniques showcase the cuttingedge advancements in laser eye surgery, offering patients enhanced safety, quicker healing, and personalised solutions to cater to their unique visual needs. As SMILE and Presbyon continue to redefine the standards of vision correction, the future looks brighter than ever for those seeking clarity through the lens of innovation. Contact us or your referrer for more details.

Patients with symptomatic hip and knee osteoarthritis will often ask if they should have joint replacement surgery. This decision comes down to a balance of risk versus benefit. Considerations in this analysis include the severity of the pain, the impact on their quality of life, activity profile, age and other health problems, as well as having appropriate attempts to manage the problem non-operatively. If the potential risks are higher than the potential benefits, I will inform patients they are not a candidate for surgery. We will then have a long conversation about the non-operative measures that they can take to improve their quality of life. When patients are candidates for joint replacement surgery, I always present the non-operative options, as well as inform them about the risks and benefits of the surgery. It is never for me to tell patients when it is the right time to have any elective surgery. This is an intensely personal decision, with so many factors. Only the patient knows when the time is right.

Spondylolisthesis and what you can do about condition



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Spondylolisthesis is a condition of the spine where one of the vertebrae slips forward onto the bone below it. This can be due to high-impact sports, such as football, genetics and degeneration due to ageing. If the condition is left untreated, it can cause narrowing of the nerve channels, resulting in compression of nerves in the spine. Symptoms can include, pain, tingling or heaviness in the lower back, buttocks and legs when walking which is relieved by sitting or lying down or when bending forward, such as when pushing a shopping trolley. Pain can also increase when reaching overhead, such as when hanging washing on the line. Spondylolisthesis, depending on the severity, can be addressed with a simple laminectomy procedure or a spinal fusion procedure which is performed by a highly skilled neurosurgeon and, upon successful fusion, stops the abnormal movement in the vertebrae and improves pain symptoms. You can discuss your treatment options with a neurosurgeon by requesting a referral from your GP.

If you accept the role of executor of an estate, you take on certain legal responsibilities. After the payment of estate debts, the primary obligation of an executor is the transfer of the assets of the deceased to the beneficiaries named in the Will. But what happens if a beneficiary can’t be found? The executor has an obligation to locate the missing beneficiary. The types of inquiries an executor may carry out will depend on the size of the gift and the costs involved. If, after reasonable inquiries have been made, the beneficiary still cannot be found, an executor might consider seeking the protection of an order of the Court. The Court is able to make an order allowing an executor to distribute the estate to the known beneficiaries. The Court order protects the executor for the distribution if the missing beneficiary ever turns up to “reclaim” their gift. Applying to the Court can be an expensive exercise. If your executor has no family connection with any of the beneficiaries, keeping an up-to-date record of their contact details can be of great assistance to your executor – as well as saving your estate unnecessary costs.



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Across 1 Give evidence (7) 5 Root vegetable (7) 9 Uncanny (5) 10 Disliked (9) 11 Family (3) 12 Large cat (5) 13 Earth’s neighbour (5) 14 Distributed (5) 16 Exercise machine (9) 19 Travel documents (9) 20 Protective garment (5) 22 Stiff (5) 24 Wet (5) 26 Chewing or bubble (3) 27 Long, thin pasta (9) 29 Afflicted (5) 30 Castle basement (7) 31 Unbranded; non-specific (7) Down 1 Adjusted (7) 2 Hundreds and thousands (9) 3 Incompetent (5) 4 Kid (9) 5 Document (5) 6 Tear (3) 7 Synthetic fibre (5) 8 Umbrella (7) 13 Russian alcoholic spirit (5)

15 17 18 19 21 23 24 25 28

Fooled (5) Unconcerned (9) Asymmetric (9) Browsed (7) Wandering (7) Corn (5) Glossy fabric (5) Long for (5) Colour (3)

ARIES (MAR 21 - APR 19)

TAURUS (APR 20 - MAY 20)



Happy New Year! Mercury turns direct (on Tuesday) and your ruler, Mars, transits into cautious Capricorn (on Thursday). So this week’s lessons are – slow down, listen and learn! Don’t just react to things automatically Take time to think things through.

You’ll need to be extra diplomatic if you want to avoid a fraction too much friction on Monday when Mercury’s still retrograde and Saturn squares Venus (your ruling planet). Communication will be confusing, and everyone’s patience will be wearing very thin.

With three planets in your partnership zone, this week is all about the highs and lows of relationships, whether of the romantic or platonic variety. Attached Twins – express yourself clearly and concisely, otherwise there could be misunderstandings.

On Monday, tread carefully with loved ones, Crabs, when retro Mercury could confuse and complicate communication. Some diplomatic side-stepping may be required! With Saturn and Neptune activating your aspirations zone, it’s time to set solid goals.

LEO (JULY 23 - AUG 22)

VIRGO (AUG 23 - SEP 22)

LIBRA (SEP 23 - OCT 22)


A troubled relationship should gradually improve after Mercury turns direct on Tuesday. When it comes to your career and/or life direction, expect a lucky surprise in 2024, when Jupiter (planet of prosperity) hooks up with Uranus (planet of change).

Thank goodness Mercury (your patron planet) turns direct on Tuesday. So – after a stressful three weeks – a relationship with your partner, relative or housemate should start to improve. When it comes to your New Year Resolutions, make them bold and adventurous!

Happy New Year! 2024 looks good, as abundance planet Jupiter moves through your money-from-others zone (until May). So you could benefit from a pay rise, inheritance, gift, bonus, tax return, divorce settlement or superannuation pay-out.

On Monday, resist the temptation to shop-till-you-drop at the New Year sales and burn a big hole in your credit card. Courtesy of Jupiter, you’ll find love, luck, travel and business are linked in the first five months of 2024. So it’s a good time to embark on an adventure.




PISCES (FEB 19 - MAR 20)

Monday looks rather tricky as relations become tense with a family member. Mercury is still reversing through your sign until Tuesday so slow down, think before you speak and shop selectively. Lucky Jupiter is moving through your health zone until May.

Happy New Year! On Monday, Mercury is still in retrograde mode (before it turns direct on Tuesday) and Saturn (your patron planet) is at odds with Venus. You need to spend some quality time on your own so you can reflect, review, reconsider and recalibrate.

Mercury is reversing through your hopes-and-wishes zone until Tuesday, so Wednesday is the best day to set ambitious goals for the year ahead. 2024 is the year to get the ratio right between your professional commitments and your family life.

Pace yourself on Monday when the Venus/Saturn square (and the last day of retrograde Mercury) could raise your stress levels or test your limited patience. As we celebrate a brand-new year, Jupiter encourages you to contribute your talents to your community.




Complete the list by changing one letter at a time to create a new word at each step. There may be more than one answer.


_____ _____ _____ _____ CHOMP

1. Which of these is not a bridge in Venice: the Bridge of Sighs, Ponte Vecchio or Ponte delle Guglie? 2. How many innings are there in a game of baseball? 3. What breed of dog is Charlie Brown’s pet dog Snoopy? 4. True or false: the novel Gone Girl was adapted for the big screen by its author Gillian Flynn? 5. In which US city was the first Starbucks store opened in 1971? 6. Helianthus annuus is the scientific name for which flower? 7. In which year did Melbourne’s first electric tramway open? 8. Which car manufacturer owns Porsche?

9. In a two-player game of Rummy, each player is dealt a hand of how many cards? 10. In what year did Gwen Stefani (pictured) release the single Hollaback Girl?

SINCLAIR TOUR & TRAVEL Day Tours - with Pick ups 20 Jan 24 8 Feb 24 16 Feb 24 27 Feb 24 5 Mar 24 13 Mar 24 14 Mar 24 10 Apr 24 27 Mar 24 11 Apr 24 21 Apr 24 31 Jul 24

Sleeping Beauty QPAC Jersey Boys QPAC Silver Bullet High Tea Mary Valley Shen Yun from China QPAC Daniel O’Donnell Jose Carreras & Placido Domingo Mary Valley Tasting Train World of Musicals Beauty & the Beast QPAC Riverdance Brisbane Entertainment Centre James Taylor Sirromet Winery Tina the Musical

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40.indd 1



1 8 2 2 5 1 7 4 6 3 8 1 9 6 3 7 7 3 2 5 2 7 1 4 5 8 9 8 4 2 SOLUTIONS QUIZ: 1. Ponte Vecchio 2. Nine 3. Beagle 4. True 5. Seattle 6. Sunflower 7. 1889 8. Volkswagen 9. 10 10. 2004


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Ph: 5494 5083

Extended Tours - Small Groups! 2 Mar 24 12 Mar 24 20 Mar 24 17 Apr 24 26 Apr 24 May 2024 26 May 24 28 May 24 13 Aug 24 25 Aug 24 17 Sep 24 27 Oct 24

Norfolk Is. Foundation Day Celeb. Bright, Snowy Mts, Silo Art Hunter/Hawkesbury Valleys Great Ocean Road Adelaide to Alice Springs Taste of the Tropics Torres Strait Adventure Sydney Vivid Lights - 4 Days Borneo Wildlife & War History Singapore Gardens and Wildlife Southern Africa Adventure2 Lord Howe Island

13 Aug 2024 Borneo Wildlife and War History (Wendy Wu tour) Kota Kinabalu, Kinabalu National Park, Cultural tours, Kundasang & Sandakan War Memorials, Magnificent Wildlife, Orangutan & Sun Bear Centres, Tea Plantation, Boat cruises along the Kinabatangan River. |


18/12/2023 12:07:09 PM



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41.indd 1

My Weekly Preview | December 28, 2023 41

18/12/2023 9:57:08 AM

Artist Impression

proudly Developing & Building in South East Queensland for

35 years

(Left) Revive at Birtinya build completed in 2021, (Right) Zinc at Bokarina now under construction

(Above) Bask at Bokarina now selling off-the-plan with ocean, lake & mountain views

What we do We develop and build apartment complexes in key areas of Brisbane & the Sunshine Coast, Queensland.

How we do it

e v i l u o y w o h re a c e W

Create beautifully designed homes in vibrant and enduring communities.

Why we do it




2023 AFR 10th Most Innovative D AR

2023 Winner

2023 Finalist






QUEENSLAND Awards for Excellence


Scan to view website

42.indd 1

Property, Construction + Transport Company in Australia




2021 Winner

2021 Finalist

Follow our journey

Awards for Excellence


2022 Finalist









18/12/2023 10:08:20 AM

e m o H a n i r a k o B l l Ca Introducing BASK, the luxurious new beachside retreat on the Sunshine Coast. Seize this last, golden opportunity to make your very own designer 2, 3 or 4-bedroom luxury apartment or opulent Penthouse, complete with an array of deluxe =;-| u;v -m7 -l;mbঞ;v |_-| bѴѴ |u Ѵ ;Ѵ; -|; o u Ѵb bm] experience. ҃ƑƏƑƓ


Discover Bask

uࢼv| lru;vvbom




Live in your element. Considering your next move? You’ll love Zinc Apartments and Beach Houses, now coming to life at Bokarina Beach. With the sea, sun and community belonging, here you’ll be in o u ;Ѵ;l;m|ĺ o-vঞm] ]u-m7 ruorouঞomvķ 0;- ঞ= Ѵ r-uhѴ-m7 bv|-v -m7 u;vb7;m|ŊomѴ u;vou|Ŋv| Ѵ; =-1bѴbঞ;vķ all within 100m of Bokarina Beach. $ & ! +҃ƑƏƑƓ ;-1_ o v; m|;ubou uࢼv| lru;vvbom

Explore Zinc

43.indd 1


$o Cm7 o | lou;

(bvb| |_; "-Ѵ;v L1;

-ѴѴ om-|_-m -মmvom ou -m;ѴѴ; )bv;l-m on 0472 636 812 or email

Book a private appointment and visit our "-Ѵ;v L1; om oh-ubm- o Ѵ; -u7ķ oh-ubm-ĺ

18/12/2023 10:09:22 AM




ask Bokarina is the new $190 million luxury Sunshine Coast development by the multi-award winning Gardner Vaughan Group. Construction commencement is planned for late 2024. Buy off-the-plan with confidence that you are partnering with an experienced developer and quality builder with 35 years’ experience in South-East Queensland and a 100 per cent completion rate. Gardner Vaughan Group offers a seamless integration under-one-roof from inception to the day you move into your new home. Bask features two stunning towers with 135 apartments in total, offering one-, two-, three- and four-bedroom floorplans, only 100m to Bokarina Beach, plus an exquisite Penthouse Collection with four expansive top-floor residences on offer. This development presents a truly special beachside lifestyle on your doorstep, and this is the final opportunity to reside in this exclusive Bokarina precinct in a new apartment. Bask will have you feeling like you are

The two-, three- and four-bedroom residences have been released to the market and offer a vast array of floor plans and sizes, as well as ocean, lake and mountain vistas. Prices start from $949,000 for an owner-occupier two-bedroom residence, up to $5,499,000 for a 315sqm fourbedroom penthouse residence. Bask offers a large, podium-level, heated pool and places to soak up the sun, as well as shaded recreation areas, gym, function rooms and on-site herb garden.

From page 41

AT A GLANCE on holiday every day with the on-site resident-only, resort-style facilities, and exciting new retailers including cafes, restaurants, pilates and designer shopping all within the development. Accessibility and infrastructure are the keys to this masterplanned development with the new Stockland Birtinya shopping precinct now open and the soon-to-be-built Town Centre only a short distance away. Residents will be able to enjoy the beauty of the patrolled beach, well-crafted boardwalk,

scenic walking paths, bike lanes, playgrounds, water sports and parklands. Director of sales Sam Gardner says that as the last developable multi-storey site in Bokarina Beach, the addition of Bask Bokarina pushes the total number of apartment homes in the precinct to just 570. Bask will deliver an additional 80m frontage of retail and, when combined with Gardner Vaughan Group’s Zinc Bokarina next door, will account for over half of the commercial and retail space in the precinct.

Bask Bokarina Where: Bokarina Boulevard, Bokarina. Price: two-, three- and four-bedroom residences from $949,000 Contact: Jonathan Pattinson or Danelle Wiseman on 0472 636 812 or email Visit: Bask Sales Display – Bokarina Boulevard, Bokarina, Wednesday to Saturday, 9am-noon, or by private appointment until January 10.


Call Cathie Price

0418 817 444 SCAN ME

Large lots from 800m2 - 1727m2 everything

44 My Weekly Preview | December 28, 2023

44.indd 1

18/12/2023 10:23:16 AM

pt Thinking of renting or selling your property? Call our team today.

Tristan Allison 0434 992 317

John Anderson 0418 714 535

Ian Baker 0409 570 231

Nige Baker 0409 511 622

propertytoday opert od day Renae Danger David Grenfell 0411 534 797 0419 946 534 propertytoday

Grant Cheatham 0497 845 598

Sophia Collins 0473 891 475

Trudy Hickey 0407 446 602

Jamie Hill 0422 927 177

Michael Cornilsen 0414 233 026

Josh Cronan 0412 473 802

Jayden Hill 0468 613 129

Chloe Holbrook 0499 925 680

Ally Holbrook 5444 2222

Bela Holbrook 0499 925 682

Agi Holbrook 0418 500 062

Jamie Holbrook 0418 500 081

Brett Hughes 0488 585 427

Gordon McPherson 0466 374 451

Mark Osborne 0423 106 384

Troy Scott 0408 250 850

Kelsie Smith 5444 2222

Angie Johnson 0487 807 801

propertytoday Shop 3/48-50 Sugar Road, ‘Holbrook House' Maroochydore

45.indd 1

5444 2222

Shop 16/13 Mooloolaba Esplanade, 'The Peninsular' Mooloolaba

18/12/2023 10:23:36 AM


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47.indd 1

18/12/2023 10:32:27 AM

Mooloolaba, 503/29 First Avenue

Stylish Apartment, Premiere District Spectacular 5th floor apartment offering ocean glimpses and spacious living. 2 generously sized bedrooms, large ensuite in the main bedroom, and open plan living that seamlessly flows to the balcony. Perfect for investors, holiday makers, owner occupiers.

Caloundra West, 67 Charlotte Avenue

Charming Loft-Style Terrace Welcome to your dream home! Captivating loft-style terrace offering a perfect blend of contemporary design and comfortable living. Whether it’s schools for your children, shopping for daily needs, or parks for leisure, everything is just a stone’s throw away.

Warana, 7 Saleng Crescent

Warana Potential Meets Paradise An exceptional opportunity to establish yourself in one of the Sunshine Coast’s most tightly held and in-demand locations. This fantastic property, currently two flats, comprises five bedrooms and three bathrooms – perfect for investors/owner-occupiers.

Forest Glen, 5 Corella Street

Sophisticated, Serene Family Living Welcome to your dream family home, nestled in the picturesque Forest Pines estate - an idyllic setting for families and investors alike. This spacious, single-level house is situated on a generous 609sqm f/fenced allotment, perfect for children to play & entertaining guests.

48.indd 1





OPEN HOME Sat 30th Dec at 11am Wed 3rd Jan at 12pm AUCTION

On Site Sat 20th Jan 2pm


Ross Cattle 0410 625 758 Katie Davies 0427 268 780





OPEN HOME Sat 30th Dec at 10am Wed 3rd Jan at 4pm AUCTION

On Site Sat 20th Jan 11am


Kylie Peirce 0420 280 200





OPEN HOME Sat 30th Dec at 10am Wed 3rd Jan at 4pm AUCTION

On Site Sat 20th Jan 10am


Ross Cattle 0410 625 758 Katie Davies 0427 268 780





OPEN HOME Sat 30th Dec at 12pm AUCTION

On Site Sat 20th Jan 12pm


Ross Cattle 0410 625 758 Katie Davies 0427 268 780

18/12/2023 10:55:47 AM

Artist impression


Artist impression

Where dreams volare – explore the heights of luxury Unveiling B I A N C O ’s exclusive ‘Volare’ skyhomes, perched gracefully on

As construction progresses, these magnificent apartments, available

levels 6, 7 and 8, providing unparalleled panoramic views of Caloundra’s

in 2, 3, and 4-bedroom configurations, will showcase distinct styles

breathtaking horizon. This architectural masterpiece, comprising 27

that reflect the profound influence and unwavering passion behind

meticulously crafted residences spanning across 8 waterside levels, is

their design. With panoramic vistas of the Pumicestone Passage,

set to redefine modern coastal luxury. With a Mediterranean-inspired

Bribie Island, and the Coral Sea, B I A N C O promises a transcendent

aesthetic, B I A N C O seamlessly blends the allure of coastal design with

living experience where impeccable craftsmanship harmonises with

cosmopolitan sophistication, inviting residents to indulge in a coveted

awe-inspiring natural beauty.

Sunshine Coast lifestyle.

From $1,3DŽDŽ,000

Register your interest

Enquiries T 07 5406 9066


5 Tay Avenue, Caloundra, QLD |

Every reasonable effort has been taken in the preparation of this publication to ensure the accuracy of its contents, however no warranty is given. Information in this publication may differ from material in the contract of sale, disclosure material or the as constructed development. The images in this newsletter are illustrative only and no promise or guarantee is made or given by the developer or its agents that information and images will not change. To the extent permitted by law, liability to any recipient of this newsletter who acts or makes decisions on the basis of information presented or disclosed in this publication is excluded.

49.indd 1

18/12/2023 10:42:35 AM

83M SWEEPING WATER FRONTAGE – GRAND MINYAMA ISLAND ESTATE 6 Minyama Island, Minyama Introducing 6 Minyama Island, an impressive riverfront masterpiece. With this property’s unique extensive 83m water frontage, you embrace sweeping views which extend to the north, west and south. Step beyond the entrance and the majestic split staircase into the beautiful formal lounge with double height windows where you can capture the generous and breathtaking river panorama. Here the property curves around drawing you into the kitchen and dining where you will discover further water views to appreciate. This stunning home capitalises on the curved block without compromising on the external spaces. Outside the expansive deck wraps around the waterside perimeter, linking onto the jetty and 12m pontoon. This home offers a wonderful balance of elegance and practicality. For an exclusive viewing of this one-off island masterpiece, please contact Richard or Loren before you miss this opportunity.

50.indd 1

18/12/2023 10:48:16 AM


51.indd 1



Price: For Sale Inspect: By Prior Appointment Richard Scrivener 0416 799 188 Loren Wimhurst 0415 380 222

• ½ acre (approx.) lot

• 83m water frontage

• Extensive main river views

• Exclusive island living

• Multiple living spaces

• Close to all amenities

• Inground pool with river views

• Countless opportunities

• Easy access to schools

• Architect designed home

1300 400 777

• 12m pontoon and jetty

• Triple garage

18/12/2023 10:49:49 AM



This east facing property at 31 Kumbada Court offers easy-care living,

• Modern design by DCM designers

with high ceilings and impressive use of space. The master suite is

• 26m (approx.) frontage

cleverly situated on the ground floor, enabling single-level living and this

• Deepwater access

private space is enhanced with a luxurious en-suite bathroom, a large walk-in robe and stunning water views out to the Mooloolah River. An

52.indd 1



Price: Offers Over $3,950,000 Inspect: By Prior Appointment Richard Scrivener 0416 799 188 Loren Wimhurst 0415 380 222

• Quiet cul-de-sac location

extensive covered outdoor entertaining area with built-in BBQ, overlooks

• 3.6m high ceilings

1300 400 777

the large north facing heated pool.

• Private pontoon and jetty

18/12/2023 11:05:54 AM



This is a unique opportunity not to be missed! With a fully equipped

• An entertainer’s paradise

industrial shed located separate to the main residence, with access via a

• Private 2345sqm (approx.) block

separate driveway, this dual living property seamlessly combines residential

• Three separate living spaces

living with industrial potential. The total area size under roof is 679sqm approx., and perfectly perched on an elevated position with no neighbours

53.indd 1



Auction: Saturday 20th January at 11am Onsite Inspect: By Prior Appointment John Skerlak 0413 441 834 Kristen New 0417 852 501

• Functional industrial shed

in sight. But it is the north to northeast sweeping panoramic ocean views

• Three-phase power connected

1300 400 777

which steal the show. Accepting offers prior to Auction.

• Solar heated pool and spa

18/12/2023 11:09:06 AM

DESIGNER COASTAL LUXE DUPLEX ‘Pandanus - Residence One’ 1/14 Orringa Street, Wurtulla Imagine lying in bed at night listening to the sound of the ocean and drifting off to sleep. Epitomising coastal luxe, your senses will engage with each

3 • Short stroll to the beach • Quality custom build • 6 year builder’s warranty

delightful detail and texture carefully selected. With timeless interiors, soaring ceilings, stunning pendant lighting and exquisitely designed wallpaper, this

54.indd 1



Price: High $1,000,000 Buyers Should Enquire Inspect: By Prior Appointment Richard Scrivener 0416 799 188 Loren Wimhurst 0415 380 222

• Inground pool

duplex residence is truly unique. With superior finishes and elegant design this

• Office/4th bedroom

1300 400 777

exceptional property offers the size of a full house, without the maintenance.

• Close to SCUH medical precinct

18/12/2023 11:16:16 AM

55.indd 1

18/12/2023 11:17:24 AM

1/5 Dalpura Street Buddina Award Winning Beachside Duplex Residence – Symphony On Dalpura! Feel a true sense of class and sophistication as you are welcomed to this bespoke HIA award winning beachside residence - ‘Symphony on Dalpura’. Designed and constructed to the highest level with superb fixtures and finishes, from the moment you walk through the door you will want to secure your unrivalled lifestyle in this sought after and tightly held Buddina Golden Triangle location! Don’t miss out, arrange your inspection today!

56.indd 1





Expressions of Interest

Rebecca Fletcher 0404 866 358



Alan Riley 0422 723 719

By Appointment

18/12/2023 11:20:19 AM

Whether you’re counting down to the new year or your next property move, we’ll be here to help.

OPEN HOMES & PRIVATE INSPECTIONS You are welcome to attend our open homes or please call the agent to arrange your private inspection or virtual tour.



7/14 Mary Street

2 bed 1 bath 1 car

Ryan Bradeley 0418 793 670

3/10 Grand Parade

4 bed 3 bath 2 car

Will Van den Dungen 0438 130 188

14 Edward Street

5 bed 2 bath 3 car

Brent Higgins 0414 775 133

66/57 Grand Parade

2 bed 2 bath 2 car

Will Van den Dungen 0438 130 188

6 bed 5 bath 4 car

Jesse Beutel 0403 206 406


BARINGA 16 Newton Place

Address Available on Request

4 bed 2 bath 2 car

David Radcliffe 0411 615 949

11 Nabal Street

4 bed 2 bath 3 car

Rachel Meyers 0411 699 619

38/79 Edmund Street

2 bed 1 bath 1 car

Natascha Drexel-Munro 0410 081 970

29 Cu ers Way

4 bed 2 bath 2 car

Rachel Meyers 0411 699 619

4/82 Albert Street

2 bed 2 bath 1 car

Natascha Drexel-Munro 0410 081 970

112 Atkinson Road

5 bed 3 bath 4 car

Rachel Meyers 0411 699 619


32 Bellevue Street

4 bed 2 bath 2 car

Alex Dale 0414 516 003

81 Creightons Road

4 bed 3 bath 14 car

Tracy Fishburn 0449 141 349

126/1 Halcyon Way

3 bed 2 bath 2 car

Cameron Hackenberg 0421 504 479


26 Honeyeater Place

4 bed 2 bath 2 car

Cameron Hackenberg 0421 504 479

43 Leigha Place

3 bed 2 bath 4 car

Alex Dale 0414 516 003

30 Wharf Road

3 bed 2 bath 3 car

Cameron Hackenberg 0421 504 479


32 Stoney Wharf Road

5 bed 4 bath 4 car

Cameron Hackenberg 0421 504 479

20 Grey Gum Drive

4 bed 2 bath 2 car

Ryan Bradeley 0418 793 670

26 Ringtail Place

4 bed 2 bath 2 car

Cameron Hackenberg 0421 504 479


36 Godfreys Avenue

5 bed 3 bath 3 car

Simon Howe 0418 401 300

46/885 David Low Way

3 bed 2 bath 1 car

Ed Hackenberg 0499 199 360

3 bed 2 bath 2 car

Ryan Bradeley 0418 793 670

301/14 Aerodrome Road

2 bed 2 bath 1 car

Ryan Bradeley 0418 793 670

14/146 Duporth Avenue

3 bed 2 bath 2 car

Brent Higgins 0414 775 133

4 bed 2 bath 3 car

Brent Higgins 0414 775 133





Residence One of 8 Bluebird Parade

BUDDINA 9 Wamara Street

3 bed 2 bath 3 car

Ryan Bradeley 0418 793 670


2/39 Iluka Avenue

3 bed 2 bath 1 car

Ryan Bradeley 0418 793 670

43 Jessica Boulevard

10 Palara Street

3 bed 1 bath 1 car

Ryan Bradeley 0418 793 670


19 Koorin Drive

4 bed 2 bath 2 car

Ryan Bradeley 0418 793 670

201/79-83 First Avenue

1 bed 1 bath 1 car

Brent Higgins 0414 775 133

318/5 Bermagui Crescent

1 bed 1 bath 1 car

Ryan Bradeley 0418 793 670

202/37 Smith Street

2 bed 2 bath 1 car

Brent Higgins 0414 775 133

11 Koorin Drive

5 bed 3 bath 2 car

Ryan Bradeley 0418 793 670

Lots 1, 3, 4/18 Muraban Street

9 bed 3 bath 3 car

Brent Higgins 0414 775 133

27/143 Mooloolaba Esplanade

2 bed 2 bath 1 car

Caleb Clarke 0400 917 717

3 bed 2 bath 2 car

Greg Clarke 0418 239 067

5 bed 2 bath 3 car

Tracy Fishburn 0449 141 349

5 bed 2 bath 3 car

Dwight Ferguson 0412 385 720

BUDERIM 9 Evalma Drive

4 bed 1 bath 2 car

Sat 11-11:30am

1001/29 First Avenue

1 Monks Crescent

5 bed 2.5 bath 2 car

Will Van den Dungen 0438 130 188


56 Yungar Street

4 bed 2 bath 3 car

Alex Dale 0414 516 003


25 Pacific Heights Court

6 bed 4 bath 3 car

Ed Hackenberg 0499 199 360

10 Pamphlet Place

4 bed 2 bath 4 car

Kathy Mulheron 0481 313 336


36 Jensen Road



1 Boronia Avenue

DOONAN 44 Wust Road

4 bed 2 bath 6 car

Tracy Fishburn 0449 141 349

FOREST GLEN 4 bed 2 bath 2 car

Will Van den Dungen 0438 130 188

5 bed 3 bath 8 car

Tracy Fishburn 0449 141 349

ILKLEY 319 Ilkley Road

5450 8111 5445 6088

57.indd 1

3 bed 2 bath 1 car

Jesse Beutel 0403 206 406

42 Nicklin Way

3 bed 1 bath 2 car

Will Van den Dungen 0438 130 188


Cameron Hackenberg 0421 504 479

2/48 Oceanic Drive

3 bed 2 bath 2 car

Ryan Bradeley 0418 793 670

Residences of 8 Tagera Street

3 bed 2 bath 2 car

Ryan Bradeley 0418 793 670

ROSEMOUNT 153 Panorama Drive

20 Forest Pines Boulevard

Bli Bli Buderim

73/239 Kawana Way

Caloundra Golden Beach

5491 5055 5492 2100

Kawana Maroochydore


5354 6012 5443 2000

Mooloolaba Nambour

5444 3455 5354 6000

Pelican Waters

5343 6900

My Weekly Preview | December 28, 2023 57

18/12/2023 11:22:11 AM


Tully Thompson 0428 959 238 tullythompsonrealestate 58 My Weekly Preview | December 28, 2023

58.indd 1

18/12/2023 11:25:57 AM

Happy N E W Y E AR !

T H E PAM T H O M A S P R O P E R T Y T E AM RAY WHITE MAROOC HYDORE On behalf of the team we would like to thank all our valued clients for their continued support throughout the year. We have had an amazing 2023 and could not have done it without you all.





SOLD $3,750,000



59.indd 1







SOLD $1,880,000





SOLD $2,100,000



SOLD $1,700,000






SOLD $2,000,000




SOLD $1,800,000 My Weekly Preview | December 28, 2023 59

18/12/2023 11:28:50 AM


AUCTION RESULTS The easiest way to check out last week’s auction results. 47 MEMORIAL AVENUE, MAROOCHYDORE SOLD FOR $2,275,000 Land, Home Sunshine Coast, Kate Jewry and Scott Radmall, 0404 817 916 / 0432 279 276 5 AMAROO DRIVE, BUDERIM Passed in – on the market for 1,900,000 4 bed, 2 bath, 2 car, pool The Agency, Dan Smith, 0438 120 776 7 AMAROO DRIVE, BUDERIM SOLD FOR $1,080,000 2 bed, 2 bath, 1 car The Agency, Dan Smith, 0438 120 776 27 BLYTHE STREET, PALMVIEW Passed in – on the market for $799,000 4 bed, 2 bath, 2 car Ray White, Dallas Foster, 0426 817 163 4 ALBANY STREET, SIPPY DOWNS Passed in – on the market for $1,250,000 5 bed, 2 bath, 3 car Ray White, Dallas Foster, 0426 817 163 30 TOWNSEND ROAD, BUDERIM SOLD UNDER THE HAMMER FOR $1,139,000 8 bed, 3 bath, 4 car Ray White, Rob Horne and Sally Horne, 0429 508 705 / 0409 561 638 384 DAVID LOW WAY, PEREGIAN BEACH Passed in at $3,500,00 – on the market for offers over $3,900,000 8 bed, 6 bath, 6 car, pool Ray White, Reuben Park, 0413 371 696

22 SANDERLING STREET, AROONA SOLD UNDER THE HAMMER FOR $1,377,000 5 bed, 3 bath, 2 car, pool, Ray White, Dan McNamara, 0458 010 889 2/6 HINKLER PARADE, MAROOCHYDORE SOLD UNDER THE HAMMER FOR $465,000 1 bed, 1 bath, 1 car Ray White, Fiona Rawson, 0401 186 261 704/36-38 DUPORTH AVENUE, MAROOCHYDORE SOLD UNDER THE HAMMER FOR $1,590,000 2 bed, 2 bath, 1 car Ray White, Brent Higgins, 0414 775 133 14 PARKWAY DRIVE, MOOLOOLABA SOLD UNDER THE HAMMER FOR $886,000 3 bed, 1 bath, 2 car Ray White, Caleb Clarke, 0400 917 717 8 BOOROOK STREET, BUDDINA Passed In for $2,000,000 – contact agent 5 bed, 3 bath, 3 car, pool Ray White, Ryan Bradeley, 0418 793 670 1 MONKS CRESCENT, BUDERIM Passed in at $2,000,000 – on the market for $2,375,000 5 bed, 2 bath, 2 car, pool Ray White, Will Van den Dungen, 0438 130 188 20 FOREST PINES BOULEVARD, FOREST GLEN SOLD UNDER THE HAMMER FOR $1,030,000 4 bed, 2 bath, 2 car Ray White, Will Van den Dungen, 0438 130 188


11 BLUE FIN CIRCUIT, MOUNTAIN CREEK Passed in at $2,000,000 – contact agent 4 bed, 4 bath, 4 car, pool Ray White, Michael Chapman, 0422 010 000

7 BLADE COURT, BIRTINYA Passed in at $1,200,000 – on the market for $1,275,000 4 bed, 2 bath, 2 car Ray White, Dan McNamara, 0458 010 889

9/21 THE ESPLANADE, MAROOCHYDORE SOLD UNDER THE HAMMER FOR $1,625,000 3 bed, 2 bath, 2 car, Ray White, Reuben Park, 0413 371 696

77 PROSPERITY DRIVE, BIRTINYA SOLD PRIOR TO AUCTION FOR $841,750 4 bed, 2 bath, 2 car Ray White, Dan McNamara, 0458 010 889

*As supplied by contributing real estate agencies

For more auction results and property stories visit

This unique property sets a new standard for working from home. The fully equipped industrial shed is connected to three-phase commercial power and is located separate to the main residence, with access via a separate driveway. This dual-living property seamlessly combines residential living with industrial potential. Over the past 10 years, the character-filled cottage has been totally reimagined into a contemporary, spacious, low-set home. All the work has been done, with new pumps, water heaters and a fully insulated roof. Multiple underground rainwater tanks, solar heating (for the pool/spa) and an Advanced Enviro-Septic System add to its eco-friendly credentials.

EXTRA CASH? PREVIEW DELIVERERS REQUIRED for My Weekly Preview Residential Runs

Easy supplement income. Reliable vehicle required. Flexible hours. CALOUNDRA BEACHES, WURTULLA BIRTINYA, PELICAN WATERS Contact Jacqui – 0415 909 190 Note: Does not affect pension payments





Your Car or Commercial If you have a surplus vehicle, can no longer drive or going O/S maybe I can help.


Take me home

NO RWC needed & I come to you! NO waiting around for people who don’t turn up. I’m a local motor dealer with 40 years experience. Call if you think I can help.


60.indd 1



A ray of sunshine

John Skerlak 0413 441 834 Kristen New 0417 852 501


Sunshine Coast Car Buyers

A world of cruising

AS melanoma NUMBERS continue to MARCH ON, prevention campaigns are IN THE SPOTLIGHT

60 My Weekly Preview | December 28, 2023


Embrace change ISSUE 746 MARCH 2, 2023

Next Property Group 1300 400 777



Mind, body and soul


Auction on site Saturday, January 20, at 11am

Take me home



5 bed, 3 bath, 3 car

To Advertise here Ph: 5444 0152




style TV GUIDE PROPERTY what’s on local eats

Steve 0407 788 999 NO Obligation - LMD

Car Ports Decks & Pergolas Framing/Construction/ Plastering Renovations Hard Working & Reliable Experienced in Modern e & Design Architecture

Call for a FREE EE No Obligation on Quote

Ph: 0413 178 791

18/12/2023 12:18:08 PM





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My Weekly Preview | December 28, 2023 61

18/12/2023 12:18:36 PM






6pm Back In Time For The Corner Shop. (PG) 7.00 ABC News. 7.30 Death In Paradise. (PG) 9.00 Doc Martin Christmas Special. (M) Christmas is coming to Portwenn. 10.05 Farewell Doc Martin. (M) 10.55 Life. (M)

6pm Seven Local News. 6.30 Seven News. 7.00 Cricket. Big Bash League. Game 18. Melbourne Renegades v Adelaide Strikers. From Marvel Stadium, Melbourne. 10.00 MOVIE Unforgiven. (1992) (M) #LINT %ASTWOOD ! RETIRED GUNlGHTER is confronted by his past.

6pm Nine News. 7.00 Tennis. United Cup. Day 1. Group stage. Great Britain v Australia. From RAC Arena, Perth.

6pm Bondi Rescue. (PG) 6.30 The Project. 7.30 Thank God You’re Here. (PG) 8.30 Inspired Unemployed (Impractical) Jokers. (M) 9.00 MOVIE Rambo: Last Blood. (2019) (MA15+) Sylvester Stallone. 10.55 Mission: Impossible III. (M)

6pm Mastermind Aust. 6.30 News. 7.30 ÃÌ ÀÞ "v / i è > w Coast. (PG) 8.25 Brooklyn Bridge: Engineering Masterpiece. (PG) The story behind the Brooklyn Bridge. 9.25 Megadams. (PG) 10.25 SBS News.

7pm ABC News. A look at the top stories of the day. 7.30 All Creatures Great And Small. It is spring of 1939. 9.10 Vera. (M) Part 2 of 4. 10.40 The Capture. (M) 11.40 Rage. (MA15+)

6pm Seven News. 7.00 Border Security: Australia’s Front Line. (PG) 7.30 MOVIE Kindergarten Cop. (1990) (M) Arnold Schwarzenegger. A detective goes undercover as a teacher. 9.55 MOVIE Spy. (2015) (MA15+) Melissa McCarthy.

6pm Nine News Saturday. 7.00 A Current Affair. 7.30 MOVIE Jurassic Park. (1993) (PG) Sam Neill, Laura Dern. Dinosaurs run amok in a theme park. 10.00 MOVIE The Lost World: Jurassic Park. (1997) (PG) Jeff Goldblum, Julianne Moore. A team visits an island of dinosaurs.

6pm MOVIE Clifford The Big Red Dog. (2021) (PG) Darby Camp. 7.55 MOVIE Sahara. (2005) (M) Matthew McConaughey, Penélope Cruz. An explorer searches for a lost ship. 10.25 MOVIE Mission: Impossible – Ghost Protocol. (2011) (M) Tom Cruise.

6.30pm News. 7.30 Secrets Of Britain’s Historic Houses & Gardens. (PG) 8.40 Jamie Lee Curtis: Hollywood Call Of Freedom. A look at the life and career of Jamie Lee Curtis. 9.40 World’s Most Scenic Railway Journeys.

7pm ABC News. 7.30 The Yearly With Charlie Pickering 2023. 8.30 New Year’s Eve 2023: Welcome To NYE. A night of entertainment and celebration. 9.05 New Year’s Eve 2023: Live From Sydney Harbour. An allstar concert.

6pm Seven News. 7.00 Cricket. Big Bash League. Game 20. Adelaide Strikers v Melbourne Stars. From Adelaide Oval. 10.00 7NEWS Spotlight. The consequences of transgender misdiagnosis. 11.00 HMP: Behind Bars. (MA15+)

6pm Nine News Sunday. 7.00 MOVIE Hairspray. (2007) (PG) Nikki Blonsky. 9.15 MOVIE Pitch Perfect. (2012) (M) Anna Kendrick, Brittany Snow. A freshman joins an all-girl a cappella group. 11.20 MOVIE Can’t Stop The Music. (1980) (PG) Valerie Perrine.

6pm MOVIE Sonic The Hedgehog 2. (2022) (PG) Jim Carrey. 8.25 MOVIE The First Wives Club. (1996) (PG) Goldie Hawn, Bette Midler. Three women, dumped by their husbands for younger women, decide to get revenge. 10.30 MOVIE Hustlers. (2019) (MA15+) Jennifer Lopez.

6.10pm Dinner For One. 3HORT lLM 6.30 SBS World News. 7.30 Clive Davis: The Soundtrack Of Our Lives. (M) Charts the career of Clive Davis. 9.45 Billy Joel: Live At Yankee Stadium. (PG) A performance by Billy Joel.

6pm Midnight Fireworks. 6.30 Tabby McTat. 7.00 News. 7.30 Pick Of The Litter. 8.50 MOVIE The Imitation Game. (2014) (M) Benedict Cumberbatch. A mathematician tries to unravel a code.

6pm Seven News. 7.00 Cricket. Big Bash League. Game 22. Brisbane Heat v Sydney Sixers. From the Gabba, Brisbane. 10.00 Motorway Patrol. (PG) A 12-year-old is caught driving. 10.30 Highway Cops. (M) A truck is hit by a hatchback. 11.00 Autopsy USA. (MA15+)

6pm Nine News. 7.00 Tennis. United Cup. Day 4. Group stage. Australia v USA. From RAC Arena, Perth. France v Germany. From Ken Rosewall Arena, Sydney.

6pm Bondi Rescue. (PG) 6.30 The Project. 7.30 Thank God You’re Here. (PG) 8.30 Inspired Unemployed (Impractical) Jokers. (PG) 9.00 MOVIE Weird: The Al Yankovic Story. (2022) (M) Daniel Radcliffe. 11.05 Transformers. (M)

6pm Mastermind Australia. Presented by Marc Fennell. 6.30 SBS World News. 7.30 Big Fat Quiz Of The Year 2023. Presented by Jimmy Carr. 9.15 MOVIE Amazing Grace. (2018) (G) Aretha Franklin, James Cleveland. Charts the recording of Amazing Grace.


6pm Back Roads. 6.30 Hard Quiz. (PG) 7.00 ABC News. 7.30 A Symphonic Odyssey With Professor Brian Cox. 9.00 Brian Cox: Seven Days On Mars. Presented by Professor Brian Cox. 10.30 A Life In Ten Pictures. (M)

6pm Seven Local News. 6.30 Seven News. 7.00 Cricket. Big Bash League. Game 23. Melbourne Stars v Melbourne Renegades. 10.00 Ambulance: Code Red. (M) Follows the work of an ambulance service. 11.00 Criminal Confessions. (M)

6pm Nine News. 7.00 A Current Affair. 7.30 Travel Guides. (PG) Aussies explore the Whitsundays. 8.30 To Be Advised. 11.00 New Amsterdam. (M) A burst pipe plunges the ED into chaos. 11.50 Kenan. (M)

6.30pm The Project. 7.30 Thank God You’re Here. (PG) 8.30 Inspired Unemployed (Impractical) Jokers. (M) 9.00 MOVIE Star Trek. (2009) (M) Chris Pine. 11.30 Transformers: The Last Knight. (M)

6pm Mastermind Aust. 6.30 News. 7.30 Who Do You Think You Are? (PG) 8.20 Spike Milligan: The Unseen Archive. 9.25 Australia Uncovered: The Truth About Anxiety With Celia Pacquola. (M)


6pm Back Roads. 6.25 Hard Quiz. (PG) 7.00 ABC News. 7.30 Mad As Hell Does Hard Quiz. (PG) 8.05 Spicks And Specks. (PG) 9.05 Changing Ends. (PG) Alan Carr recalls growing up in the ’80s. 9.55 A Life In Ten Pictures. (M)

6pm Seven Local News. 6.30 Seven News. 7.00 Cricket. Big Bash League. Game 24. Sydney Sixers v Brisbane Heat. 8.10 Cricket. Big Bash League. Game 25. Perth Scorchers v Adelaide Strikers. From Optus Stadium, Perth.

6pm Nine News. 7.00 A Current Affair. 7.30 Taronga: Who’s Who In The Zoo: A Perfect Storm. (PG) 8.30 Clarkson’s Farm: Melting. (M) Presented by Jeremy Clarkson. 9.30 Police Rescue Australia. (M) 10.30 The Equalizer. (M) 11.20 La Brea. (M)

6.30pm The Project. 7.30 Thank God You’re Here. (M) 8.30 Inspired Unemployed (Impractical) Jokers. (M) Four mates set out to embarrass each other. 9.00 MOVIE Star Trek Into Darkness. (2013) (M) Chris Pine. 11.35 Star Trek Beyond. (M)

6pm Mastermind Australia. 6.30 SBS World News. 7.30 How To Make It In Comedy. (M) 8.30 Monster: The Mystery Of Loch Ness: The Monster Lives On? (PG) Part 3 of 3. 9.30 Fargo. (MA15+) Roy’s campaign continues. 10.30 SBS World News Late.

6pm Back Roads. (PG) 6.30 Hard Quiz. (PG) 7.00 News. 7.30 Back Roads. 8.00 Grand Designs Transformations. 9.00 Martin Clunes: Islands Of The *>V wV\ *>«Õ> iÜ Õ i>° (M) 9.50 Fake Or Fortune?

6pm Seven Local News. 6.30 Seven News. 7.00 Cricket. Big Bash League. Game 26. Melbourne Renegades v Hobart Hurricanes. 9.30 Seven’s Cricket: The Spin. A deep dive into the world of cricket. 10.00 MOVIE Stuber. (2019) (MA15+) Dave Bautista.

6pm Nine News. 7.00 A Current Affair. 7.30 Tennis. United Cup. Day 7. Third QUARTER lNAL &ROM +EN 2OSEWALL Arena, Sydney. 10.00 Chicago Med. (MA15+) Will helps a patient with long-haul COVID symptoms. 11.00 Emergency Call. (M)

6.30pm The Project. 7.30 Thank God You’re Here. (M) 8.30 Inspired Unemployed (Impractical) Jokers. (PG) 9.00 MOVIE Mean Girls. (2004) Lindsay Lohan. 11.00 Clueless. (M)

6.30pm News. 7.30 Julia Bradbury’s Irish Journey. (PG) 8.25 The Real Crown: Inside The House Of Windsor: Love And Duty. (PG) Part 1 of 5. 9.20 Paul Newman: Always On The Move. (M)









Programs are correct at the time of print and are subject to change by the networks.

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7.30pm Spicks And Specks. 8.00 Would I Lie To You? 8.30 MOVIE A League Of Their Own. (1992) (PG) 10.35 Would I Lie To You At Christmas? 11.05 QI Christmas Special. 11.35 Ghosts.

6pm Pie In The Sky. (PG) 7.00 Better Homes And Gardens Summer. 8.30 Escape To The Country. 10.30 Escape To The Perfect Town. (PG) 11.30 I Escaped To The Country. (PG)

6pm Big Bash League. Game 18. Melbourne Renegades v Adelaide Strikers. 7.00 Pawn Stars. 7.30 MOVIE Air America. (1990) (M) 9.50 MOVIE Get The Gringo. (2012) (MA15+) 11.50 Storage Wars.

7.30pm MOVIE The DUFF. (2015) (M) Mae Whitman, Bella Thorne, Robbie Amell. 9.30 MOVIE The Edge Of Seventeen. (2016) (M) Hailee Steinfeld. 11.35 Dating No Filter. (M)

6pm M*A*S*H. (PG) 6.30pm Antiques Roadshow. 7.30 MOVIE Notting Hill. (1999) (M) Hugh Grant, Julia Roberts, Rhys Ifans. 10.00 Madam Secretary. (M) 11.00 Rizzoli & Isles. (M)

6.30pm JAG. (PG) 7.30 Bull. (M) 8.30 NCIS. (M) 9.25 NCIS: Hawai’i. (M) 10.20 NCIS: Los Angeles. (M) 11.15 A Million Little Things. (M)

6pm Friends. (PG) 8.00 The Big Bang Theory. (PG) 9.30 Seinfeld. (PG) 11.00 How We Roll. (PG)


7.30pm Spicks And Specks. 8.00 QI. 8.30 Live At The Apollo. 10.00 Whose Line Is It Anyway? 10.45 Melbourne International Comedy Festival 2021: Opening Night.

6pm Extreme Animal Transport. 6.30 The Yorkshire Vet In Autumn. 7.30 The Yorkshire Vet. 8.30 Escape To The Country. 10.30 Carol Drinkwater’s Secret Provence.

6pm Pawn Stars. 7.00 Storage Wars. (PG) 7.30 Air Crash Investigations: The Accident Files. (PG) 8.30 Disasters At Sea. (PG) 9.30 Mighty Trains. (PG) 11.30 Building Giants.

7.30pm MOVIE What Happens In Vegas. (2008) (M) Cameron Diaz, Ashton Kutcher, Queen Latifah. 9.30 MOVIE Couples Retreat. (2009) (M) Jason Bateman. 11.45 Dating No Filter. (M)

5pm Tennis. United Cup. Day 2. Group stage. Czech Republic v China. Poland v Brazil. Netherlands v Norway. Italy v Germany.

6pm Soccer. A-League Men. Round 10. Melbourne Victory v Adelaide United. 9.15 Bull. (M) 10.15 MOVIE The Murder Of Nicole Brown Simpson. (2019) (MA15+) Mena Suvari.

6pm The Big Bang Theory. (PG) 9.30 The Big Bang Theory. (M) 10.00 Friends. (PG)


7.30pm Spicks And Specks. 8.00 QI. 8.30 Louis Theroux: Gambling In Las Vegas. 9.35 You Can’t Ask That. 10.05 Doc Martin. 11.35 MOVIE , ! #ONlDENTIAL (1997) (MA15+)

6pm Escape To The Country. 7.00 The Vicar Of Dibley. (PG) 8.30 Call The Midwife. (M) 11.05 Chris Tarrant’s Extreme Railways. (PG)

7pm Border Security. 8.30 MOVIE Danger Close: The Battle Of Long Tan. (2019) (MA15+) 10.55 MOVIE New Jack City. (1991) (MA15+)

6pm Mr Mayor. (PG) 7.00 Raymond. (PG) 7.30 MOVIE Safe House. (2012) (M) Denzel Washington, Ryan Reynolds. 9.45 MOVIE The Land. (2021) (MA15+) 11.45 Dating No Filter. (M)

6pm M*A*S*H. (PG) 6.30pm M*A*S*H. (PG) 7.00 Tennis. United Cup. Day 3. Group stage. China v Serbia. From RAC Arena, Perth.

8.30pm Bondi Rescue. (PG) 9.30 NCIS. (M) 11.20 NCIS: Los Angeles. (M)

6pm The Big Bang Theory. (PG) 8.30 Two And A Half Men. (M) 9.30 South Park. (MA15+) 11.00 Friends. (PG)


7.30pm Spicks And Specks. (PG) 8.00 Would I Lie To You? (PG) 8.30 MythBusters. (M) 9.20 George Clarke’s Amazing Spaces. 10.55 Louis Theroux’s LA Stories. (M)

6.30pm Bargain Hunt. 7.30 Doc Martin. (M) 8.30 Endeavour. (M) 10.30 Fortitude. (MA15+) 11.30 Doc Martin. (M)

6pm Big Bash League. Game 22. Brisbane Heat v Sydney Sixers. 7.00 Pawn Stars. 7.30 Outback Opal Hunters. 8.30 Aussie Salvage Squad. (PG) 10.30 Swamp People: Serpent Invasion.

10pm MOVIE Young Guns. (1988) (M) Emilio Estevez, Kiefer Sutherland, Lou Diamond Phillips.

4.30pm Tennis. United Cup. Day 4. Group stage. Poland v Spain. Croatia v Norway. 7pm Antiques Roadshow. 7.30 Death In Paradise. (M) 8.40 MOVIE The Negotiator. (1998) (M)

6.30pm JAG. (PG) 7.30 Bull. (M) 8.30 NCIS. (M) 10.20 NCIS: Los Angeles. (M)

6pm Frasier. (PG) 6.30 Neighbours. (PG) 7.00 The Big Bang Theory. (PG) 8.30 Two And A Half Men. (M) 10.00 Rules Of Engagement. (PG) 11.00 Frasier. (PG)


7.30pm Spicks And Specks. 8.00 Would I Lie To You? 8.30 Bliss. 8.55 Rosehaven. 9.25 Portlandia. 9.45 Portlandia. 10.30 Back. 11.25 MOVIE A League Of Their Own. (1992) (PG)

6.30pm Bargain Hunt. 7.30 Rosemary & Thyme. (PG) 8.30 A Touch Of Frost. (M) 10.50 Law & Order: UK. (M) 11.50 Bargain Hunt.

6pm Big Bash League. Game 23. Melbourne Stars v Melbourne Renegades. 7.00 Pawn Stars. 7.30 Outback Truckers. 9.30 Heavy Tow Truckers Down Under. (PG) 10.30 Ice Road Truckers.

10pm MOVIE Heat. (1995) (MA15+) Al Pacino, Robert De Niro, Val Kilmer.

4.30pm Tennis. United Cup. Day 5. Group stage. Croatia v Netherlands. From Ken Rosewall Arena, Sydney. 10pm Agatha Christie’s Marple. (PG)

6.30pm JAG. (PG) 7.30 Bull. (M) 9.30 FBI: International. (M) 10.30 Asian Cup Preview Show. 11.00 SEAL Team. (M) 11.55 48 Hours. (M)

6pm Frasier. (PG) 6.30 Neighbours. (PG) 7.00 The Big Bang Theory. (PG) 8.30 Two And A Half Men. (M) 10.00 Rules Of Engagement. (PG) 11.00 Frasier. (PG)


7.30pm Spicks And Specks. 8.00 Would I Lie To You? 8.30 Doc Martin. 9.20 Bay Of Fires. 10.15 Killing Eve. 10.55 Would I Lie To You? 11.25 Louis Theroux: Gambling In Las Vegas.

6.30pm Bargain Hunt. 7.30 Heartbeat. (PG) 8.45 Lewis. (M) 10.45 Law & Order: UK. (M) 11.45 Bargain Hunt.

7pm Pawn Stars. (PG) 7.30 Highway Patrol. (PG) 8.30 The Force: BTL. (PG) 9.30 Beach Cops. (PG) 10.30 Surveillance Oz. (PG) 11.30 Crash Investigation Unit. 12am Counting Cars.

10pm MOVIE The Man From U.N.C.L.E. (2015) (M) Henry Cavill, Armie Hammer, Alicia Vikander.

4.30pm Tennis. United Cup. Day 6. Second QUARTER lNAL &ROM RAC Arena, Perth. Group stage. Greece v Canada. From Ken Rosewall Arena, Sydney.

6.30pm JAG. (PG) 7.30 Bull. (M) 8.30 NCIS. (M) 9.25 Hawaii Five-0. (M) 10.20 NCIS: Hawai’i. (M) 11.15 A Million Little Things. (PG)

6pm Frasier. (PG) 6.30 Neighbours. (PG) 7.00 The Big Bang Theory. (PG) 8.30 Two And A Half Men. (M) 10.00 Rules Of Engagement. (PG) 11.00 Frasier. (PG)

7.30pm Spicks And Specks. 8.00 Would I Lie To You? 8.30 Hard Quiz. 9.00 Gruen. 9.40 Penn & Teller: Fool Us. 10.20 Whose Line Is It Anyway? 10.45 Bliss. 11.10 Would I Lie To You?

6.30pm Bargain Hunt. 7.30 Father Brown. (M) 8.30 Murdoch Mysteries. (M) 11.30 Father Brown. (M)

6pm Big Bash League. Game 26. Melbourne Renegades v Hobart Hurricanes. 7.00 Pawn Stars. 7.30 Family Guy. 8.00 American Dad! 8.30 MOVIE Land Of The Lost. (2009) (PG) 10.35 Roast Night.

10pm To Be Advised.


7.30pm Keeping Up Appearances. 8.40 Midsomer Murders. (M) 10.50 Madam Secretary. 11.50 MOVIE Station Six-Sahara. (1963) (M)

6.30pm JAG. (PG) 7.30 Bull. (M) 8.30 NCIS. (M) 9.25 NCIS: New Orleans. (M) 10.20 Evil. (MA15+) 11.15 Star Trek: Voyager. (M)

6pm Frasier. (PG) 6.30 Neighbours. (PG) 7.00 Big Bang. (PG) 8.00 Big Bang. (M) 8.30 Two And A Half Men. (M) 9.30 Two And A Half Men. (PG) 10.00 Two And A Half Men. (M) 11.00 Frasier. (PG)

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SURF REPORT with MWP’s man in the water

Okay, I finally have some good news. This weekend is predicting two-metre solid swell at 14-second intervals and light winds. Oops, hang on ... my bad! I was looking at the surf report for North Sumatra, in particular ASU island. As for here? Yep, it will be crapola! It’s a word from Italy. Be good to the visitors as it might be you one day. And as Neil Young always says, keep on rocking in the real world. My Weekly Preview (“MWP”) is locally owned by Sunshine Coast Alliance Publishing Ltd ACN 124 476 142 and is published by 20/20 Publishing Pty Ltd ACN 131 089 793 (the “Publisher”). The contents of MWP are subject to copyright. Reproduction in whole or in part without the written permission of the Publisher is prohibited. The publication of editorial in MWP does not necessarily constitute endorsement of the views or opinions expressed by the Publisher. The Publisher does not accept responsibility for statements made by advertisers. All prices in MWP are correct as at the time of printing but are subject to change. Refusal to publish in print and or online The Publisher reserves the right to and may without prior notice refuse to publish; or cease to publish any advertising material in print and or online or inserted material within the publication without providing a reason.



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