Your Time Magazine Brisbane - November 2022

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+ TRAVEL BOOKS PUZZLESEDITION 92 NOVEMBER, 2022 YourTime Your premier 55+ magazine FREE Take me home Where’s my baby? ADOPTION SCHEME’S ENDURING HEARTACHE Success in failureBeating the heat OUTSMART YOUR BRAIN RESEARCHERS SEEK OVER 75s PAGE 9 > BRISBANE
AMBER BY LIVING GEMS OPEN DAY If you’re ready to upgrade your lifestyle and experience active over-50s living in leafy Logan Village, join us for the Amber by Living Gems Open Day on Saturday, 19 November. With Stage One homes under construction and starting at only $544,000, secure a brand-new home before prices increase in Stage Two. Come along to view our four beautiful display homes and take in the idyllic natural surroundings for a taste of a lifestyle that’s less ordinary, and more you! REGISTRATION ESSENTIAL DATE Saturday, 19 November 2022 TIME10am to 1pm WHEREAmber by Living Gems 1 Manuka Road, Logan Village You’re invited REGISTER ONLINE at OpenDay by Thursday, 17 November

50 or so years since

were young and carefree, and although it’s easy to lament the good old days, some aspects of the past are best left right there.

particular I’m referring to some of the strict moral codes that penalised young women who “got into trouble”.

the term “shotgun wedding” isn’t missed from the parlance either.

was bad enough that some young mums were left “holding the baby”, so to speak, but for others it was much worse.

month, a decade since the Queensland Government’s apology for the forced adoption practices of the 1950s-1970s, Jo Cranstoun talks to some of the women whose lives were

changed by the response to teen pregnancy in those dark days.

grandmothers, the hurt of being coerced to give up their babies, or having the infants taken from them at birth without their consent, has never left them.

It’s strange that when the age of consent was 21, it was perfectly acceptable for a teenager to sign over her baby – but adoption was in great demand.

The interviews were heartbreaking for Jo, and yet she found these women, now in their 60s and 70s, demonstrated great resilience and a determination to right the wrongs of the past.

One point often made was their resentment of the term “birth mother” which they find implies they were merely breeding vessels.

“Their pain is so raw decades on,” Jo says. “They couldn’t take the useless advice given to them at the time , which was ‘just forget it and move on with your life’.”

Many are still trying to do that, but must be wondering how life could have turned out in a different time.

could rent



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Stolen babies – past still haunts the young mums

A cruel injustice was inflicted on thousands of Queensland women who found themselves young, unwed and “in trouble” at a time of strict social mores. JO CRANSTOUN investigates the enduring impact of forced adoption on the young mothers who are now grandmothers.

our families because we became pregnant. It was like we had committed a terrible crime and were never accepted back into our families.

“Many of us suffer post-traumatic stress that has taken over lives. Our baby’s birthday and Christmas can trigger us - we always feel that someone is missing.

“After the birth we were all told to ‘forget about it and get on with your life’. But, of course, that never happened. Many of us have been living with our grief for 50 years. What was done was illegal, barbaric and cruel. It has caused massive, long-term problems for all of us.”

From the 1950s until the mid-1970s the babies of young mothers were forcibly removed at birth and adopted by married couples.

Those mothers are now brokenhearted seniors living with the trauma, some never speaking again of a stolen baby, others struggling to reconnect decades later with their estranged adult children.

These women consider their babies the “other stolen generation”.

Tireless campaigns for justice led to apologies from the Queensland government in 2012 and the federal

government in 2013. Several churches and hospitals involved in forced adoptions have also apologised.

Trish Large, whose son Alan was forcibly removed at his birth in 1968, is the president of Adoption Loss Adult Support (ALAS) and has spent decades fighting for the victims of forced adoption.

She was awarded an OAM in 2019 for her work and continues to lobby the Queensland Government to change a law that allows any individual involved in the adoption process to veto identifying information, thus preventing biological

mothers and adult adoptees from reconnecting.

“Vetoes are for life,” she says. “We now have adoptees whose mothers died before they could find them because of a veto on identifying information.”

She is also fighting to have the statute of limitations lifted that requires any legal action against a hospital to be taken within three years. This prevents the mothers from seeking compensation.

“The feelings of shame linger still and they engulf our lives. Other people around us just don’t get what we go through,’’ Trish says. “We lost our place in


Shields is angry and wants justice. It was 46 years ago when her newborn daughter was snatched from her and the pain is still raw.

“Young girls today can’t comprehend how this could have happened to us,’’ she says.

Keryn was 18 when she gave birth at the Salvation Army’s Boothville hospital in the inner north Brisbane suburb of Windsor. Boothville had been established in 1924 as a maternity home for single mothers.

She stayed there for six months in a dormitory with eight other girls, one aged only 13.

“We were made to work every day waiting on the married new mothers, scrubbing steps, doing laundry and scullery duties. We were up at 5.30am until lights out at 9pm,” Keryn says.

“I was pregnant, scared and I couldn’t find anyone to help me. My parents, as loving as they were, were more

4 BrisbaneYOUR TIME MAGAZINE / November 2022
Empty cribs ... young mums at Boothville (pictured), Royal Brisbane and Mater hospitals and other homes were often restrained and forbidden to even see their newborn babies. The centre has more than 130 accommodation options in Caloundra, starting from just $460 per week. Call today to speak to one of the friendly staff members or check availability and book online at any time.Visit or phone us on 1800 817 346 for a free 64 page brochure and price list. *Mention this ad for a $50 discount off your next booking *Not applicable with any other discount Caloundra Holiday Centre

concerned about what the neighbours would think. I was so naive I thought that I would just get the help at Boothville that I needed to have my baby.’’

As Keryn begins to describe the birth, she becomes emotional and apologises. She can’t easily speak of the traumatic event.

“I was actually birthing alone, terrified and screaming, with only a buzzer in my hand as the midwife said she had another delivery to attend. As soon as I’d given birth the baby was taken away. I wasn’t even told my baby’s sex at the time.

“Days later that nurse said, ‘I could get the sack for this but if you come down to the nursery at midnight you can see the baby’. I held my baby for 10 minutes.”

Keryn says she was bullied to sign the adoption paperwork by a woman from Children’s Services who came to see her after the birth.

“Thirty days after the adoption I received a cheque for $30 from the Queensland government, obviously payment for my daughter.

“It was years later in 2014 that I found out I could have got my baby back in the

30 days after her birth,” she says.

“There are so many women now in their 60s, 70s or 80s who are still dealing with the trauma of having their babies taken. We are all hurting.

“And I am not afraid to say that I want compensation. Other people have received compensation for far less than what we went through. But I think there are too many of us whose babies were taken and now they are just waiting for us to die. We are living in 2022 and we still find it so hard to cope.

“Over the years I have seen lots of doctors who gave me anti-depressants. They just made me feel worse and I ended up tipping them down the sink.”

Keryn is proud of the long and happy marriage she later made.

“Together we have a son and a daughter, and grandchildren.”

But she feels robbed of 29 years of her firstborn’s life. Keryn placed her details on a database with the adoption support group, Jigsaw, and in January 2015 her daughter made contact.

“The funny thing is she had been living in a neighbouring suburb to me on Brisbane’s southside. She was 29 and had her own daughter, my granddaughter,” Keryn says.

“The relationship hasn’t been easy, but I hope my daughter and I will get together again in the future. The children who were adopted often have lots of issues too. It just goes on and on. Peeling back the layers of pain.”

AfterLesley Mitchell gave birth in January 1972, she says no one ever spoke of the pregnancy or the baby to her again – not until her adult son Shane found her 44 years later.

“After the birth it was like I was living parallel lives,” Lesley says.

“I thought of Shane every day, but I

had absolutely nothing to prove I’d had a child; no paperwork, nothing. I never even saw my baby.

“It felt like everything that had happened was only in my head and I began to seriously think I was insane.

“The staff at Brisbane’s Mater Mothers told me I’d had a boy, but they also told me he was so ill that he probably would never leave the hospital.

“That’s why I never looked for him because I did not want that confirmed. But it was a big lie, Shane had been adopted at three weeks.”

Lesley was living in Bundaberg when she became pregnant. It was a hard time as the family had been deserted by her father 18 months earlier.

“I was sent to Brisbane after my mother saw an ad in the paper for someone to live in with a family and look after their young children. The family knew I was pregnant and took me in for the right reasons. I was lucky.”

The irony was that she had been looking after their three children but wasn’t allowed to care for her own child.

“I knew what society dictated at the time should happen when someone was young and pregnant.

“In the hospital I was given a two or three-page form with two columns that

listed the pros and cons of keeping my baby,” she says.

“One side was filled in with all he would be given if adopted and on my side was only written ‘love’ and the rest blank. How subtle is that?

“One day I found the nursery where all the babies were and went up to the window and a nurse came shrieking down the hallway ‘get that girl away from that window, she is not to see that baby’.”

Lesley later married and had two more children.

“Shane was 44 when he finally found me,” she says. “He contacted Jigsaw, gave them all the information he had and received a call back about two hours later, asking ‘do you want to know where your mother lives?’ They found me on the electoral roll.

“Shane and I have forged a really strong bond – I admit most reunions fail. He gets on with my other kids who have accepted him. It hasn’t been great but it’s not bad.”

Lesley says accountability for the way she and others were treated is long overdue.

“I am bitter and angry. I feel I was

5Brisbane November 2022 / YOUR TIME MAGAZINE COVER STORY
continued over > Keryn Shields now and in the mid-1970s when she was forced to give up her baby. It was 44 years before Lesley Mitchell finally met her son, and (inset) Lesley in 1971.

absolutely conned and I am not the only one - it has hurt so many people.

“I would take compensation if it was given but I want justice. The apologies delivered were only words and nothing has moved on since. A full inquiry hearing our evidence would be good.”

Lesley says the practice of ripping away adopted children’s biological identity was cruel.

“The practice of erasing a baby’s name in adoption has caused lifelong grief and lost connections. They cannot recover,” she says.

When a baby was adopted, the original birth certificate was cancelled and their amended certificate listed the adoptive mother as the birth mother.

“My son is furious this happened to him. This false birth certificate is what adoptees use for passports and you have to sign a declaration that this is a true document. Every adoptee has to lie to get a passport. It’s not right.

“Not having me on his birth certificate means Shane can’t be listed as my son on my death certificate one day.

“We could apply for an Adoption Discharge, that’s when an adoption ceases to exist, but it’s granted at the whim of a Supreme Court judge.”

Lesley says the forced adoption also took a toll on her mother, now 90.

“My mother said after Shane found me that if she’d known how resilient our family would become she would have fought harder for me to keep him. I know my mother feels really bad. She has apologised to my son and he understands what was the situation at the time.”

Lesley is now single and plans to stay that way.

“I am too damaged,’’ she says. “I have trust issues and I’m not going to inflict those on anyone else anymore. I found mainstream medical help and therapy just didn’t cut it for me.

“I am very much a loner and I don’t go out much. It really ruined my life and because my life was so seriously screwed up, I’m now nearly 70, and will have to keep working until I can’t.”

Lesley says forced adoption is a sensitive and personal subject for many women.

“One of my friends will take the secret of her baby to the grave. Another married the father of her adopted child, and they went on to have three full siblings. She told me her story once but won’t speak about it again and she hasn’t told anyone else.

“You don’t realise how many people this has affected. I tell mothers it wasn’t their shame to carry but it’s a huge thing to deal with if your baby was stolen.”

Support (ALAS) since 1992 and before that the North Brisbane Birth Mothers Support Group, Trish has spent her lifetime fighting for the rights of victims of forced adoption.

In 2019, she was awarded an OAM for her work as an adoption justice activist

“I was keeping my baby and taking him home. I wasn’t giving him up for adoption,” she says. “But they took him straight from me. I never saw him or held him. I was tied to the bed.”

Trish had supported herself through her pregnancy as her mother had thrown her out when she heard the news.

But what she didn’t know was that her mother – at a time when the age of consent was still 21 – had signed the forms for the baby’s adoption.

“My mother told them she didn’t want the baby coming home,” she says. “I didn’t even know that my parents could do that behind my back.”


Large gave birth to her son on October 17, 1968, but it would be 22 years, 11 months, five days, five hours and 45 minutes of heartbreak before she would see him.

She had just turned 20, and was restrained when her baby was taken from her as soon as he was born.

The president of Adoption Loss Adult

It was a difficult birth. The baby’s head was misshapen by the forceps delivery and Trish was exhausted but all she wanted was to hold her baby.

“The young doctor said he would get him, and I heard him tell the sister, “the mother wants to see her baby. It’s her right.”

Instead, the sister stormed in, telling the young mum, “you are under 21,

6 BrisbaneYOUR TIME MAGAZINE / November 2022 GET MORE $$$ FOR YOUR CAR! • DO YOU HAVE A CAR FOR SALE? • DO YOU WANT MAXIMUM EXPOSURE • AUSTRALIA WIDE FOR MINIMUM EXPENSE? COME TO THE CAR MARKETING EXPERTS Take the hassle out of selling your car... LET US SELL IT FOR YOU! Better $$$ than trade-in or wholesale, you’re the ‘Boss’ we work for you! AUSTRALIA’S LARGEST CONSIGNMENT DEALER QUEENSLAND’S BEST VARIETY & VALUE Ph: 07 3359 2477 460 Gympie Road, Kedron. CALL OR VISIT US TODAY • Professional advertising & marketing of your car on 15 websites. • Offering over 100 years motor industry knowledge & experience. • MTAQ licensed dealer operating under Dept. of Fair Trading Guidelines. • All transactions done via trust accounts to guarantee protection. DUE TO AN EXTREMLEY HIGH DEMAND, WE NEED CARS! FIRST MONTH OF MARKETING FREE TO SELLERS (SAVE $198) COVER STORY from previous page >
Trish Large was drugged and restrained after giving birth at Royal Brisbane in 1968.

unmarried, unemployed and unfit to see, hear, hold or touch this baby” before slamming the door as she left.

Her newborn son, who she named Alan, was put in a locked nursery and Trish’s nightmare began. She was given Stilboestrol, a lactation suppression drug that’s now a banned carcinogenic, every day until she left hospital.

Trish has since gained access to her full hospital file through Freedom of Information, which she says shows that her dosage was three times the legal limit.

She also had her breasts bound by three nurses, one with a knee on her back, who wrapped an elastic bandage from the top of her chest to her waist so tightly that she could barely breathe.

A social worker arrived with a clipboard and a brown envelope and announced, “Good news. You and the baby are medically fit to leave hospital. Sign here.”

Believing this meant they would be leaving together, Trish signed.

When she went to the Child Safety department, she was told they had never handled a case for Patricia Large and she needed to go to the Royal Brisbane Hospital to get proof the baby existed.

There, the response was the same: “There’s no Patricia Large here. You never gave birth at this hospital.”

Next, she tried the police who sent her back to the hospital for proof that

she’d even had a baby. Trish vowed she wouldn’t stop fighting. And she didn’t.

On August 21, 1991, Trish was finally reunited with her firstborn.

“We made ourselves a promise that never again in our lifetime would anyone ever come between us,” she says.

“He’s got grey hair now, but he’s still very handsome.”

It is estimated about 150,000 babies were adopted in Australia between 1951 and 1975. It is unknown how many of them were forcibly removed.

“To the mothers whose babies were taken and hidden from them, and who were deceived, threatened or forced to relinquish their babies, we say sorry.” A ceremony will be held at Brisbane’s Roma Street Parklands to mark the 10th anniversary of the Queensland government’s apology for forced adoption on November 27 at 3pm.


Jigsaw 3358 6666 or visit

LifeLine 13 11 14 or visit

ALAS (Adoption Loss Adult Support) call 0417 077 159 or email alasqld@

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Have your say. Send letters to Editor, Your Time Magazine, PO Box 6362, Maroochydore BC 4558 or email

I admire, and appreciate, people who have recognised there is a need for many older people to socialise more.

They have certainly come up with innovative ways to do this – for example, Inclusee’s Connect2One program with built in safeguards. (Your Time, Sept 2022).

In addition, I would like to suggest seniors might benefit from revisiting some of their lost dreams.

Social media is not the be-all and end-all for seniors. Viewed from the outside, social media seems to be full of traps for the unwary. One hears reports of meeting bullies, perverts, scammers and egoists online.

Now could be the time to think about taking up a sport or exercise activity, with your doc’s OK of course.

A new handcraft activity

might give endless pleasure, and can be shared with others.

Or perhaps you could write that novel, paint a picture (go to art classes) check out a church, learn a musical instrument, write letters to the editor …

The list of possibilities is endless and personal. Bring back that dream and in many cases, you may end up meeting likeminded people.

If you have a rebellious streak in you, pretend to be dumb when bureaucrats and businesses insist that you MUST do something online.

Visit your local library for help too. The job of the librarian seems to have evolved into shelving books, running group activities and helping people with computer problems.

As for chats, there is still the phone if you like to reminisce.

This month in history

November 5, 1605: Guy Fawkes is arrested beneath the Houses of Parliament in London after the “gunpowder plot” to blow up King James fails.

November 17, 1558: Queen Elizabeth I ascends the throne of England at the age of 25.

November 19, 1800: First copper coins circulate in New South Wales.

November 7, 1861: Archer wins from a field of 16 horses in the first Melbourne Cup, to claim 710 gold sovereigns in prize money.

November 17, 1869: The Suez Canal formally opens after more than 10 years of construction.

November 11, 1918: At 5am, in Marshal Foch’s railway car in France, the armistice between the Allied and Central Powers is signed, silencing the guns effective at 11am.

November 2, 1952: Lang Hancock discovers the world’s largest iron ore deposits in the Pilbara.

November 22, 1963: At 1pm, in Dallas, Texas, John Fitzgerald Kennedy, 35th president of the United States, is pronounced dead.

November 15, 1980: Pope John Paul II visits West Germany, the first papal visit to Germany in 200 years.

November 9, 1989: The 45km Berlin Wall is opened up after standing for 28 years as a symbol of the Cold War.

November 11, 1992: The Church of England votes to allow women to become priests. Ten days later, the Anglican Church of Australia followed.

If you grow geraniums you will notice rust on the leaves. Due to the wet weather, this disease can severely affect your plants.

Remove as many affected leaves as possible, as well as any leaves under or around plants, and put them in the bin. Spray with Mancozeb as per instructions.

I would also pot up some new cuttings. Time to plant lettuce, spring onions, corn and tomatoes. Home grown beetroot is so much better than buying in a tin.

Roses are in full bloom. Pick regularly for more flowers and spray for black spot if needed. Snapdragons have performed exceptionally well, and there’s still time to pop in a few more, along with zinnias and asters. All make excellent cut flowers.

Time to feed lawns to keep them lush and green. Keep weeds at bay by removing when small and definitely do it before they flower and set seed. Move succulents to a drier area if wet weather persists.

Plant now for a Christmas display. Even a few plants in pots can brighten up an area and they also make good presents.

Where has the year gone? Hard to believe 2022 is nearly over.




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Researchers seek over 75s for heat survey

GRIFFITH University researchers are calling for Queenslanders aged over 75 to take part in a survey as part of a project aimed at protecting seniors from the impact of extreme heat.

The survey is paper-based and asks participants to share their thoughts about heat, how it impacts their health, and how they cope during hot days, as well as to share their views and experiences using digital technology.

Extreme heat kills more people in Australia than any other natural disaster, and in Queensland, high temperatures claim more than 100 lives each year.

Although heat can impact anyone’s health, Queenslanders over the age of 65 are at higher risk.

Without taking the right steps to protect ourselves and keep our homes cool, extreme heat can lead to heatrelated illnesses such as cramps, exhaustion and heat stroke.

The Ethos project team is developing an in-home warning system to protect older people during extreme heat.

To take part, contact the research team (details below), for the survey to be posted to your home. The completed survey needs to be returned by Tuesday, November 15, in the addressed replypaid envelope which will be sent with

the survey.

The survey will take about 30-35 minutes to complete, and participants will go into a draw to win one of five $100 retail vouchers.

Call 5552 7903, email ethos@griffith. or visit

What you will be asked to do

Complete an anonymous paperbased questionnaire pertaining to your knowledge and attitude towards heat as a health problem, your behaviour in responding to heat stress and the related warnings, your attitude and comfort levels towards using personal and monitoring technologies.

The views of people who don’t use the Internet/digital technology are just as important as the views of those who do, and are critical to the research outcomes.

Completion of the questionnaire is likely to take 30 to 35 minutes.

Data obtained from the survey will be used to understand the perspective of the older Queenslanders regarding heatwaves as a threat to their health.

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Enjoy your best life with clear vision Dr Madeleine Adams is an ophthalmologist specialising in cataract and lens surgery, providing custom vision corrections to best suit your eyes and your lifestyle. We offer cataract and lens surgery: Cataract surgery locations are available at the Westside Private Hospital, Brisbane and on the Sunshine Coast. 07 3154 1515 Suite 203 Westside Private Hospital 32 Morrow Street, Taringa QLD 4068 YourTime Your premier 55+ magazine Your Time’s growth and success in our first year has been remarkable. However if you want more news, stories and entertainment, the best thing you can do is... LOVE YOUR TIME? Support the advertisers that support us

incorrect words to describe a person.

We Germans were called krauts because of the word sauerkraut, a sour, fermented vegetable. My husband had great fun explaining to his Australian friends he was not a “sour” Kraut but a happy one. I hope you get the joke.

I was informed by a young mother the other day that we must not refer to “breast milk” as it is now called “chest milk” or “human milk”. Master bedrooms are called “primary” bedrooms and woe betide the real estate agent who still uses the description of master bedroom.

Children loved her books, but they had to disappear from shelves.

Old nursery rhymes have also become unacceptable. Baa baa black sheep is now baa baa rainbow sheep (I am not kidding). I wonder how the sheep feel about this?

I used to devour cheap little booklets about the exciting adventures of farmers in the American West fighting the Red Indians. My sympathy was always with the Indians. I liked their chiefs. They had such colourful names.

WHEN I came to Australia in the 1950s, a great wave of migrants descended on this country. Many from Greece, Italy and Germany. The Australians were not reticent in giving the new arrivals a nickname as, affectionately, they often do.

Coming from Germany we were called Krauts, and other names were given to the Italians, Greeks and other migrants from Europe who were collectively called “New Australians”. It’s safer for me not to repeat the nicknames, but I know you can recall them.

I hate to think what would happen to me today if I used any of those politically-

Everyone’s old staple cheese – again, I dare not name it – is now called Cheer cheese. Having been in business myself, I can well imagine how enormous the cost of rebranding a well-established and loved product would have been.

Xanthorrhoea, more easily spelt as grass trees, have replaced “Blackboys”; bad luck that I wrote a poem – and had it published – about the beauty of Blackboys.

When I see a tough footballer cry on the footy field because somebody called him a not politically-correct name, I can’t believe it. One thing is for sure, the men of my generation were tougher. They would have laughed it off or decked the name caller.

Children’s books have not escaped the politically correct razor gangs either. Enid Blyton is turning over in her grave.

Nobody would dare to publish such stories anymore. White and Red are no longer correct in the description of people, so maybe now they too will be described as “rainbow-coloured”. Just about anything to do with colour is now in danger of being you know what!

Political correctness is lurking everywhere and must be adhered to, so I wonder what will happen to all the funny jokes: the dumb blonde jokes, priest and rabbi jokes, ethnic, or should I say racial, jokes?

Will there soon be no more jokes because we won’t dare to make fun of one another? Are we losing the art of laughing at ourselves? Will there soon be no one brave enough to tell a joke?

May you still enjoy the old jokes and stories, even if it is in secret.

WHEN I was five years old, my neighbour inspected my latest wound and announced that I had a bloody blister. I glanced nervously at my mother, awaiting a reaction to the word “bloody”.

In our house, that was a swear word, so I was surprised that nobody seemed to notice. We just called it a blood blister. It’s amazing the power of adding the letter “Y” to the end.

Nowadays, that word is in everyday use, along with sgronger examples that would have earned the threat of a mouth washed out with soap or a clip around the ears from dad. I don’t remember this actually happening. A threat was enough.

My mother said, that as a child, she would have been in trouble for telling

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someone to “shut up”. This always amused us. There were four children in our family and the term was used almost daily, especially by our parents when the nightly news was on.

The reason for my sudden prudishness came about when I was at a service station and the young lady behind the counter was on the phone. Her conversation was peppered with swear words, but once off the phone, she served me with a friendly smile. She didn’t seem particularly angry, leaving me thinking that this was her normal way of speaking.

In my teenage years, I threw expletives around like a drunken sailor. Truth be known, I only cleaned up my act when I had children and didn’t really want them to think certain words were acceptable. However, I also worked in a shop after school and never would have spoken those words in front of customers.

In Grade 4, our teacher Mrs Stoeckal sent Malcolm to the boy’s toilets to wash some rather colourful language from his mouth with soap. She sent Peter along with him to make sure he did it.

Peter came back to announce, in excited disbelief, that Malcolm had taken a big bite of the soap. I suspect Malcolm had already acquired a taste for soap and his potty mouth was not magically cured.

It doesn’t seem that long ago that television stations bleeped out words or at least aired adult programs after 9pm.

The nightly news still bleeps away, yet it seems that profanities are used freely on the midday movie for all ages to hear.

Sometimes, faces are blurred to keep us from lip-reading or to protect identities. Hubby then remarks that people with blurry faces sure get in trouble a lot!

A colleague once said, “with over one million words in the English language, I think I can find an alternative to a swear word.”

I try to keep this in mind. That’s why we have those #$@! symbols across the top of the keyboard.

I’ve heard sugar and fritz muttered in public settings instead of harsher words. Even our much-used “crikey” probably originated as an alternative to using Christ as an expletive.

“Geez” was deemed less offensive than “Jesus”. It was years before I realised that “strewth” was a contraction of God’s truth!

Naughty words appear on supposedly humorous plaques, T-shirts and bumper stickers. I often wonder how parents explain, as they sit in traffic, when their young children question the sticker on the car ahead.

One more thing. My theory is that if you scatter profanities throughout your everyday speech until they become acceptable, there are no words left to use when you really need them.

Ah, life is a gosh, dang adventure!




11Brisbane November 2022 / YOUR TIME MAGAZINE AGES & STAGES
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Quote of the month.



Researchers have



These musicactivated dancing flower pots were a firm favourite with the young and young at heart. Popular during the ’80s and ’90s, these vintage rocking flowers now fetch triple their original price.

Australian Paraguay?

During the early 1890s, a band of disenfranchised Australians left their home country while it was in the grips of a recession and established their own communist ‘utopia’ in Paraguay, named New Australia. Defining principles included a ban on alcohol, extramarital sex and associating with ‘nonwhites’. Like many experimental utopias before it, the concept failed in less than two years, and the movement’s leader William Lane relocated to New Zealand where he eventually became editor of The New Zealand Herald

Love - Legacy Sacrifice -


13Brisbane November 2022 / YOUR TIME MAGAZINE
Wisdom Celebrating our story & memories | Connecting generations
Wacol Station and Wolston Rds, Sumner QLD Email: Phone (07) 3271 1222 FUN FACTS Happiness and health
found woolly mammoths could have survived for thousands of years longer if not for humans. A University of Adelaide and University of Copenhagen study debunked a popular theory that climate change decimated the mammoth’s population in Eurasia.
turns out that faking happiness can hurt your health. In a 2011 study published in the Academy of Management Journal, researchers looked at the behaviour of bus drivers – a profession where people are required to have many friendly interactions throughout the day – and discovered that those who withdrew from their work while putting on a smile for show were not travelling well in the long-term health-wise. Did you know? By the numbers.
is happy will make others happy too.” – Anne Frank
The number of different arrangements for a three by three Rubik’s Cube. The record for counting to a million set by American Jeremy Harper. 43 quintillion The most popular number on earth. More people have seven as their favourite number than any other. 89 days
some cultures view ‘nine’ as a mystic or sacred number, it is feared in Japan because it sounds similar to the Japanese word for torture or suffering. 9 Harp er. ll

Aussie couple live the dream as expats

Australians often dismiss Bali as party central, but there are a lot of good reasons to retire on the Indonesian island. Expat Nigel Glover talks to DOT WHTTINGTON about the many attractions for seniors who can make their budget go further in a tropical paradise.

take a cruise for a bit of spark once or twice a year,” he says.

“It’s all very predictable. But here, as soon as I step out the door to take the dog for a walk in the morning, I see something interesting. The wonder of the world is on daily display.”

Nigel finds that he is as busy, if not busier, than he was before so-called retirement.

He is now working on building Indonesia’s first retirement village on the island’s east coast and is aiming it squarely at the 55+ active retirees.

a motorbike and end up in a coma in London, New York or Amsterdam, nobody would hear about it but if it happens in Bali, it’s all over the media,” he says.

“Use basic commonsense and you don’t have to worry about bag snatching, Bali belly or any of the other fears that crop up.”

Then there is the social aspect, and technology, says Nigel, has changed everything.

than three months. Jacqui saw two cardiologists and had an ECG while Nigel had a 20-minute consult with a dermatologist. The bill was $65.

“My mate had a hip replacement here and it went very well. I’m healthy and have an active lifestyle, so I’m not too worried,” he says.

And if higher levels of care are needed, that’s not a problem either.

Glover, 65, first arrived in Bali in 1979, “to party like all the other tourists”.

He then went off to travel the world. While working at an Austrian ski resort he met Jacqui, who was holidaying from her home in the Netherlands.

They chose Bali for their wedding in 1988 and stayed for five years until the babies arrived.

“Bali was a lot more basic then, so it made sense to go back to Australia, but we often returned for holidays with the kids,” he says.

“Then in 2014 we had an empty nest and decided to resume the dream. I’d lived outside of Australia for 25 years and we could have gone anywhere in the world, but it took us about two or three seconds to choose Bali.”

And they haven’t left.

“There are more than 100,000 expats living in Bali. They come from all over the world but there are a lot of Australians, and many of them are retirees,” Nigel says. “Indonesia is strong on senior, health and sustainable tourism.”

He points out that moving anywhere in the world is going to mean compromise – living with a different language, currency, political system, and culture.

“But to me, that is part of the charm,” he says. “You have to keep moving forward. Look for something that interests you and it’s a learning path.”

He says that in retirement it is too easy to fall into a pattern where every day is the same.

“As you get older it’s easy to slow down and your world shrinks. You know exactly what is going to happen, where you’ll go and when and what you have to do, and maybe you’ll

“Think lifestyle resort in Australia,” he says. “It will be fully integrated with a clubhouse, sports, dining areas and bars, library, yoga, outings and a shuttle and living with like-minded people. It’s a simple business model of a five-year lease on a villa. It will be built, there’s nothing off the plan, and it will come with a maid.”

He has an answer for everything that might be a concern for anyone considering a move to a new country –health, security, cultural change, social connection.

“Despite any reports you might have heard, as a resident during Covid it wasn’t a bigger problem than anywhere else,” he says. “Bali was comparable with, or did better than, many western countries in terms of illness and death. Protocols were followed and there were no objections to mask wearing.”

He says many concerns are based on exaggerated problems or fake ideas.

“For example, if you come off

“Zoom, Facebook, Whatsapp … they are all free and there is a high degree of engagement. Worst case scenario, Australia is a flight of three to eight hours depending on where you live so it’s quick, easy and cheap enough to visit.”

He and Jacqui both have an active social life and see more of their children than when they lived around the corner. And it’s always quality time.

“The kids are totally supportive of our decision,” he says. “They come here for a holiday twice a year for 10 days or a fortnight and we have a great time together.”

They have no plans to leave Bali. He says the only thing that would drive him home would be a high-end health problem, such as triple bypass surgery or cancer treatment but hastens to add that there is nothing wrong with the health system.

“It would have to be a really big problem as we get excellent medical care,” he says.

Nigel and Jacqui both recently went to see specialists, something they could do without a referral and had a wait time of 30 minutes rather

“You can have 24-hour care every day for about $750 a month. If you need only a bit of help it would be $200-$300 for eights hours a day six days a week, each month.”

Add in a daily routine of the services that attract tourists for a luxurious yet affordable holiday – massage for about $10, abundant dining opportunities – and it’s irresistible.

But at the end of the day, says Nigel, it’s a cold beer while watching the sun set that really makes life worthwhile.

14 BrisbaneYOUR TIME MAGAZINE / November 2022 Live Life... Make Friends
Probus is a NON-FUNDRAISING Organisation Probus is a great way to make new friends. Mostly it’s about bringing Active Retirees together for Friendship, Fellowship and Fun. Find out what Probus can mean to you. for your nearest Probus Club in Queensland. Email: Call 0477 645 645 or 0477 000 645 OUR PEOPLE Nigel
Jacqui and Nigel Glover moved to Bali in 2014 and haven’t looked back. Wonder of the world is on display.

Sad toll at Kedron Brook

Recent statistics have revealed that fresh and saltwater drownings have increased dramatically.

Figures indicate that migrants from many countries never learned to swim and that Covid influenced participation in learn-to-swim classes.

In years gone by, local creeks and waterholes were a favourite place to cool off, with fatal results.

The waterholes along the course of Kedron Brook were often the scene of such sad events.

On November 5, 1912, Thomas Johnson Adam and Stephen Hawkers were taking a refreshing dip in a dam near Kedron Brook.

After some time, they were joined by Archibald Wilson, a fine young man of 26, and Adam’s cousin.

Wilson had recently arrived in Australia, having come from Liverpool. It was known that he could not swim.

Upon entering the water, he was supported on either side by Adam and Hawkes.

He attempted to touch bottom near a log but unable to do so, struggled and went into deep water where he sank.

Kedron Brook.

hand around

Hawkes an ex-navy man and strong swimmer and Adam, both attempted a rescue but soon became exhausted.

About an hour and a half later the body was recovered by a party of young men.

Wilson was not the first, and sadly, not the last, to die at Kedron Brook.

Diana Hacker is a member of the Queensland Women’s Historical Association.

15Brisbane November 2022 / YOUR TIME MAGAZINE HISTORY
Having a dip to escape the heat could have deadly consequences for new migrants. DIANA HACKER writes of a tragedy at
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When failure means success

There comes a time when it is a good idea to set yourself up for failure. KAILAS ROBERTS explains the efficiency of the brain means processes become automated, but it needs to be challenged for optimal cognitive exercise.

we are young, we fail at everything. Of course, everything is novel and unfamiliar and this is hardly surprising.

We must learn what we later consider the basics: to walk, talk and control our basic bodily functions so that we are not left in awkward social situations.

It is no surprise that this period – early childhood in particular – is associated with a rate of brain growth that will never occur again throughout our lives.

In fact, it has been estimated that your brain grows to 90 per cent of its adult size by the time you are five. It then continues to grow more slowly and is the largest it will ever be when you are in early adolescence.

From then on, your brain starts to shrink. This is initially a necessary and beneficial process.

A process of rewiring (“pruning”) takes place, in which obsolete synapses – the connections between nerve cells – are removed.

This removal and simplification of circuitry makes the brain much more efficient, leading to you having peak cognitive powers in early adulthood,

although different cognitive functions peak at different times.

Later in life, the shrinkage of the brain does not confer the same benefit.

Normal ageing is associated with reduced brain size – the volume of the brain is thought to decline by about 5 per cent each decade once you reach 40, the rate further accelerating beyond the age of 70.

This may partly explain some of the classic cognitive problems that occur as we get older – mild memory problems, slowed thinking and tip of the tongue moments.

The shrinkage of the brain occurs because of several factors, and if severe can lead to dementia.

One of the more hopeful findings about brain volume and function, however, is

that you can positively influence it, and this may protect you against the damage that results in this condition.

I have written before about the power of physical exercise – which we know can increase the size of the hippocampi, structures critical in the process of memory formation.

Another brain booster is cognitive exercise, that is, giving your brain a good workout rather than – well, ideally in addition to – your body.

This is an ongoing challenge though, as the brain is very efficient and if you do the same thing often enough, the whole process becomes automated. You don’t even have to think about what you’re doing.

Consider driving or, if you are musician, playing an instrument. Though this is a nod to the power of the brain, it does not necessarily help it in the long term as after a while you are no longer engaging in optimal cognitive exercise.

So, what’s the answer? Well, ideally, you should be regularly failing at things.

This failure shows that you are a long way from the efficient automation of what you are doing.

Whatever activity you are failing must be very cognitively effortful – and this is a great thing for your brain as it is stretching its capacity. Just like physical exercise, the more you push yourself, the more benefit you are likely to get (to a certain extent in any case; there may be a limit).

And the best way to fail? Try something new. Novelty is a key component of activities that are good for brain health.

Things that involve multiple cognitive skills are especially helpful – dancing for instance involves movement, coordination, planning and social skills among others. Once you have got to a point when it is no longer hard then you should think about adding in something else new.

Kailas Roberts is a psychogeriatrician and author of Mind your brain

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Reminiscing about the old days sparks new life

“Each time we hear our favourite song, the memories come along, older times we’re missing, spending the hours reminiscing,” Little River Band sang to great acclaim in 1978, and, writes KENDALL MORTON, there is still a lot to be gained from reflecting on the past.

Dr Robert N. Butler began researching why older people reminisce. The physician, gerontologist, psychiatrist and Pulitzer Prize winner noted the older we get, the more we reminisce.

He coined the term “life review” for this process and saw it as having definite therapeutic value.

It’s important to distinguish between reminiscing and remembering. Remembering can put pressure on the older person to recall facts and details.

Reminiscing is more free flowing. It can be triggered by objects, such as old clothes, Christmas cards, a song or, of course, photos.

Locations and foods can also help. Reminiscing is most commonly encouraged through questions.

Following on from Dr Butler’s work, health practitioners and researchers generally agree reminiscing has many benefits for older family members.

It helps preserve family history, promotes conversation and can remind older family members they are valued – they have information and stories that are unique.

Reminiscing can assist an older person put their life into perspective. They can see their experiences as a timeline from childhood to now. It’s a chance to reflect on their achievements, their family, social connections and the times they lived in.

This new perspective can reduce the stress and discomfort of aging. Reminiscing can reduce boredom. Try asking your parent if they broke some school rules or wagged school or got into any mischief as a child. It can spark funny stories and laughter.

There are two ways to approach reminiscing. One is the informal conversational approach.

This suits most families as you can ask a question or two

during a family visit when it’s appropriate. For instance, if a grandchild is going to swimming lessons, you can ask “Dad, who taught you how to swim?”

Health workers and carers often take a more structured approach. For someone with early dementia a memory box can be useful. Look around the house and the local opportunity shops. Put together a collection of old coins, recipes, letters, jewellery, football cards, theatre tickets, travel brochures, photos or other items you think have a special meaning.

Photocopy precious photos instead of using originals. This box can be added to over time and brought out regularly.

The most common form of reminiscing is conversation. It’s flexible. There are no props and you can start or stop the interaction quickly.

One question may lead to many follow-up questions so there is a natural flow. Here is a

selection of typical questions: What family holiday traditions did you have growing up? What meal did you like best as a child? What chores did you have? Did you get pocket money? How did you get to school? Did you have a nickname? Were you good at sport? What was your first job? How old were you? How much you were paid? Who taught you to drive? What was your first car? What did you do for fun? What music did you like? What are you most proud of?

Some questions can lead into activities such as cooking a special dessert or finding a favourite song. Reminiscing needs to be light and fun.

If it’s just a list of questions, it can feel like an interrogation. It’s the reflections that are important, not the questions.

Kendall Morton is Director of Home Care Assistance Sunshine Coast to Wide Bay. Call 5491 6888 or email kmorton@



19Brisbane November 2022 / YOUR TIME MAGAZINE
Brisbane Rockhampton
Moving Home Moving Office Storage OUR FAMILY MOVING YOURS Pack your belongings into Gorman’s boxes or let us pack for you. Sit back and relax as our professional team do the job. Visit or call 1300 668 464 CARE AFFAIRS


BRISBANE residents can keep in touch with what’s happening around the city with Living in Brisbane Live! – an audio version of the Brisbane City Council’s newsletter.

From important information about council projects and services to the latest about events in the suburbs, Living in Brisbane has been a simple and easy way to stay informed.

Whether vision impaired or just wanting to keep up-to-date without sitting down to read, Living in Brisbane Live! delivers Brisbane news anywhere, anytime.

Vision Australia’s Chris Edwards has welcomed the initiative.

“People who are blind or have low vision have the right to access the same information as the wider community so

they can equally participate in society,” he said. “Making written information available in alternative formats such as audio is one of the many ways organisations can increase accessibility and inclusion.”

Voiceover artist Sharyn Doolan said she was looking forward to being the voice behind Living in Brisbane Live!.

“I’m excited to tell the stories of our incredible city and there’s a lot happening,” she said.

The audio book is launching for an initial pilot for six months with the first issue of Living in Brisbane now available for download from

Audiobooks are becoming increasingly popular with 900,000 e-audiobooks downloaded through Brisbane’s libraries last financial year.


BRENDALE Evening View Club has a commitment to fun and friendships and also makes a difference to the community by fundraising for The Smith Family.

It is a club to meet new friends, enjoy a two-course meal, tea and coffee and hear informative guest speakers.

Guest speaker for October was author, distinguished historian, biographer and memoir writer Dr James Lergessner who spoke about how 70 is the new 50.

At the dinner meeting members acknowledged The Smith Family Anti-Poverty Week, October 16-22.

The Brendale Evening View Club (Voice, Interests & Education of Women)


WOMEN over 50 interested in social activities and meeting new friends are invited to join their local branch of the welcoming Older Women’s Network for social activities and friendship.

Members enjoy a chat, discuss a range of topics, try a range of activities, and have fun while making new friends.

For more information on branch locations contact the Older Women’s Network Qld 3358 2301 or visit ownqld.

is a volunteer group of ladies giving their time to make a difference in our community – all the while supporting the work of children’s education charity, The Smith Family.

The club supports eight Learning for Life students.

This month’s meeting is all about Christmas so there will be plenty of raffles and lots of laughs.

Dinner meetings are held on the third Tuesday of the month at Aspley Hornets Football Club, 50 Graham Rd, Carseldine, at 6.30pm for a 7pm start. Bookings essential.

Email or call Shayne, 0409 991 428


Alcoholics Anonymous can help you to stop drinking and stay sober.

Develop the life-changing skills needed to break the vicious cycle of alcoholism and addiction, and the destruction that comes with it. Call 1300 222 222 or visit

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Get moving for your circulation’s sake

Good circulation becomes even more important as you age. TRISTAN HALL shares some easy ways to improve circulatory health.

Thecardiovascular system is remarkable. It delivers oxygen and nutrients to all the cells in your body, then collects and removes carbon dioxide and waste products.

It works silently and efficiently every day of your life. But it can be strained. If you smoke, have diabetes, are overweight or sit down for long periods, circulation can suffer.

Poor circulation is first noticed in the legs and feet which are furthest from the heart. Reduced blood flow decreases oxygen to the brain, causing dizziness and leading to falls.

Your heart has a lot of work to do. It pumps about five litres of blood a minute. But did you know it has some help?

Calf muscles pump deoxygenated blood back to the heart. They have one-way valves that stop blood flowing back to pool in your lower legs.

When you walk or exercise calf muscles, you are activating these extra blood pumps. Don’t wait for cold feet –help yourself to better circulation:

1. Get out of the chair. A review of 22 studies of the lifestyles of older adults found they spent 65-80 per cent of their waking hours sitting, reclining or in

low-energy activities. Set a timer for 30 minutes when you sit down. When the timer goes, stand up and move for a few minutes. Check the mail or march on the spot. Anything will do, just get moving.

2. Calf raises. Stand with feet shoulder width apart. Hold a wall or stable surface if needed. Lift heels off the ground and drop them down again. Do this quickly 10 to 15 times. Build up to three sets and repeat three times a day. This is an ideal exercise to do in a shopping queue or while watching television.

3. Walk often. Walking increases blood flow to your legs. Gradually extend the time you walk each day. Look for ways to build incidental walking into your routine – walk a dog or park a block from your favourite coffee shop.

4. Chair squats. Stand sideways to a dining chair with feet shoulder width apart. Hold the chair and lower into a squat. Take care knees stay behind toes and spine stays upright.

Do this squat slowly and mindfully. Start with 10 and work up to three sets three times a day.

Tristan Hall is an exercise physiologist with Full Circle Wellness. Call 0431 192 284 or visit


MANY people have written plenty of words about the importance of belonging to something. Social contact is important. It is believed that people who have company or belong to a group and meet regularly, can have a healthier life. It has a positive effect on their life.

Take for example a person who is isolated, lonely or both. They miss social interaction and the friendliness and support that comes from being with others.

Regardless of the type of group, the companionship can be comforting and supportive. The benefits of being in a group or a family also extend to varied experiences and continued education.

My wife and I live in a unit complex of about 80 residents and, like most in the complex, children have departed, and we are in our late 60s or older.

Residents, both men and women, regularly catch up for lunch at local cafés or restaurants.

We look forward to these as we seldom see our neighbours as we go about our daily business.

We may only pass one another in the lifts from time to time so the catch-ups are great to get the latest body corporate news and what’s going on for other residents and their health.

With people here in the prime of their

life, it is important we keep a community feel about where we live.

A growing number of retirees have recently returned to work, often due to the state of the economy, but also because they miss the workplace, and being part of a team. It may be natural to reduce our interaction as we age, but often this can be replaced by joining the local bowls, bridge or community support group.

Your membership may not only be greatly appreciated, but you can also do your mental and physical health a favour.

Tom Law is author of Tom’s Law Fit Happens. Visit

Tom Law has two copies of his new book, Tom’s Law: A Life Fit for Living to give away. The book moves from Scotland in 1955 to present-day Australia, in a short story format. It covers the experience of the “10 pound Poms” and a new way of life for the Law family, from childhood to adulthood and all the emotions, adventures and life happenings along the way. To enter the draw to win a copy email your name and address to

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MG proves it can handle the NT

Australia’s Top End brims with

and flocks of hire cars. BRUCE McMAHON takes an MG ZS for a spin.

adults and a fortnight’s luggage, with room for tourist trinkets.

It hums along at 3000rpm for 120km/h in top gear with fuel use averaging 7 to 8 litres per 100km.

It’s all easy and comfortable enough with Apple CarPlay to look after music. Maybe next time I’d download Top End-tinged tunes: Graeme Connors’ Head A Little Further North, Warumpi Band’s My Island Home, Neil Murray’s Good Light in Broome as headliners.

fast Alfa Romeos, Celica GT-4s and chasing Cannonball Runs among yesteryear’s adventures – but 130km/h is fair enough for safety and fuel consumption.

And the MG is okay with this, still averaging around 8 litres per 100km even with dry season headwinds.

Most of the Northern Territory’s many vehicles available for hire to visitors are white, but they come in all shapes and sizes.

There’s an inordinate number of Chinese-built cars, the MG ZS among them. On the face of it, this compact SUV looks right for the job for two travellers roaming from Darwin, out to Kakadu, down to Katherine then back north-bynorth-west to Litchfield and Darwin.

Park for a day and then over to the Tiwi Islands. So, a no-fuss pick up for a

clean, white (of course) and newish MG with little drama from the hire crowd –$1843 for 13 days from Bargain Car Rentals – off to find the hotel and down to the Trailer Boat Club for the famous Timor Sea sunset.

The automatic five-door is an easy town car, handsome enough and simple to operate; no great complications. Off to Mindil Beach markets to close out the weekend.

Monday it’s out of town, east to Jabiru. The MG’s a good size for two

45 Seeing Eye Dogs pups NEED LOVING HOMES

The MG sits okay on these benign roads – good bitumen, long straights and gentle curves. Ride comfort’s not bad but then again the tar is in good nick and we’re staying clear of unsealed roads, but there’s a fair whack of road noise.

Indicators are on the left (a bit close to the cruise control wand) while the air-conditioning looks after 30-degree days and it’s old-school – turn one knob to cool or warm the cabin, turn another to increase fan speed. Likewise, no distracting noises or tugs on the steering wheel for hitting a white line.

Some may miss today’s driver aids. Not here.

Now a 130km/h sign. Not as exciting as the Territory’s old open speed limits –

But here’s the thing: 1.5 litres and 84kW need a deal of coaxing to overtake a 53m road train or attack a rise in the landscape. (Not sure how a ZS would handle four adults and luggage up Cunningham’s Gap). It steers well with decent balance and a little understeer.

On to Katherine and Litchfield (the only time a four-wheel drive would’ve been handy to access the magical Lost City) and back to Darwin.

So, some 1700km, one small windscreen chip plus a whodunnit shopping centre carpark scar (memo: take full insurance next time) and the MG ZS was back in town.

It was surprisingly comfortable and trouble-free if perhaps not quite to the standards, performance or prices, of equivalent Mazdas, Kias et al.

But you’ll never-never know if you don’t have a go.

Vision Australia Seeing Eye Dogs is in URGENT NEED of PUPPY CARERS for young pups until they are 12 months old, at which time they enter formal Seeing Eye Dogs training. Become a volunteer

Seeing Eye Dogs offer flexible

and change the life of someone who is blind or has


22 BrisbaneYOUR TIME MAGAZINE / November 2022
puppy carer
low vision.
puppy caring options. Most
covered. Puppy caring available Sunshine Coast and North Brisbane. Apply Now! Seeing Eye Dogs pup in training Visit: Ph 1800 037 773 MOTORING
ancient mysteries and landscapes –

New tool makes paw-fect sense


tool developed to assess whether individual pets can safely be accommodated in aged care homes, will ease the stress for seniors moving into residential care.

A 2018 study found that only 18 per cent of residential aged care facilities in Australia allowed residents to live with a pet, despite 64 per cent of Australian households owning a pet.

Almost one in two people over the age of 65 have pets but many relinquish them as they age because of fears about who will look after their pets in the event of illness or death, or they enter a care home.

A team of academics, veterinarians, health and consumer representatives has now devised a process to assess different risks for both people and pets, focusing on dogs, cats, small mammals, birds, and fish.

Project leader, University of South Australia pet researcher Janette Young, says the tool assesses a wide range of risks, including allergies, bites/scratches, falls, transmission of diseases and animal stress.

“We want to support older people to keep their pets at an extremely stressful life stage and also reduce the number of pets who become homeless or need to be euthanised when their owner is no longer able to live independently,” Dr Young says.

Three main risks have been identified

– from humans to animals and vice versa, and risks from animals to animals.

Levels of risk for individual species are rated high to low, assuming pets will be kept in their owners’ rooms, or on a leash when outside or in a communal setting.

“Good hygiene is essential, and most risks can be managed in an aged care home if scrupulous cleaning practices are followed,” Dr Young says. “However, there are other considerations, including the likelihood of an animal causing a fall or biting/scratching a resident, and human allergies to different species.”

Veterinarian advice includes assessing the risk of residents inappropriately or over feeding pets, animals gaining access to resident medication and even the possibility of animals being injured by other pets on the premises.

The tool proposes steps to address risks.

“The tool is not about guaranteeing that people can bring their loved pets into aged care; this may not be the best option in the end for people or their pets,” Dr Young says. “However, it enables people to work through this as a realistic option.”

Although developed in Australia, the project was funded by the Society for Companion Animal Studies in the UK and is intended to be used worldwide.



THE benefits of pet ownership are well recognised and there are pets who need owners too. RSPCA Queensland has more than 47,000 animals arrive each year – strays, surrendered by an owner, rescued by the Animal Ambulance, or victims of cruelty. All deserve a second chance. Meet:

Lionel is a 14-month-old male Shar Pei cross Lakeland Terrier

He is affectionate and loves a quiet lifestyle with someone who is home often. Lionel loves to be by your side and allowed indoors. He prefers to relax at home and watch what you’re up to.

Lionel loves his treats and knows how to sit. He settles inside with toys and treats when you have to go out and about. While he’d prefer to be your one and only companion as he’s quite shy, if you already have a respectful female dog, they could have a meet and greet to see if they match. Adoption price: $350

Kalysta, a female domestic short hair, is three years and nine months old.

She shows her affection with head and leg rubs and is looking for a quiet home where she can bond with her new owners. When she’s happy or hungry, Kalysta will let you know with adorable chatty chirps.

She spent some time in a foster home to help her come out of her shell. During this time, she became best friends with the dog in the household. Kalysta likes the simple things and enjoys playing with her toy. Adoption price: $165

To adopt, apply online or call the RSPCA adoption line 1300 364 443

23Brisbane November 2022 / YOUR TIME MAGAZINE PETS
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The time has come to make life happen

happen, JUDY RAFFERTY suggests that


lucky to


not always provide us with purpose and we have to

go out and find it. This seems a trifle artificial and can also make us wonder why we would seek it out.

Engagement with something you believe in nearly always comes at a cost … time, money, emotion. It is a gamble, but the hope is that the cost is outweighed by the benefit.

It seems to me that once we reach retirement age we are well placed to live boldly.

Part of that living boldly can be to fight for what we believe in, perhaps on an issue that we think might make the world a better place. Fight might be too strong a word – try advocate, agitate, speak out, stand up …

I recall a Boyer Lecture given by Shirley Hazzard in 1984. Part of her lecture contained a very simple message, and I was still young enough to be impressed by it. Apologies to Ms Hazzard if I am misquoting her (it was a long time ago).

Effectively it was a call to action. She said that we waste a great deal of energy sharing our gripes about the world over dinner or coffee, yet we do nothing about those gripes. I hear so many conversations expressing disappointment, dissatisfaction, disbelief at a myriad of different issues at large in our world.

Surely in retirement we can act. Recently I met with a group on retired teachers. They spoke with deep concern about changes in the education system.

I pointed out that as they no longer have to worry about their jobs they could band together to act for change. This idea was not warmly met.

There are so many issues of concern that it can seem overwhelming. Where does one start? Perhaps it is a process of choosing just one and diving into it. Mine is billboards.

I know, who cares? I do. Why are we subjected to visual pollution?

Don’t wait for purpose to find you. What will you spend your energy on? Join others, create your own group or act alone.

Unfettered by work, able to speak freely without impacting employment, elders can be a powerful voice in any community. Retirement is a wonderful opportunity to live fully and boldly.

Judy Rafferty is the author of Retirement Your Way, A Practical Guide to Knowing What You Want and How to Get It, at all good bookshops and online.

24 BrisbaneYOUR TIME MAGAZINE / November 2022 We are pleased to announce our bespoke estate planning tool, to assist you in creating and updating a professional legal Will easily and efficiently online. We believe in making it personal. Phone 3221 9744 To find out more visit or call us today on 3221 9744. Wills aren’t about lawyers, they’re about you, and your desire to ensure that the results of all your hard work are well protected. Our mission for over 30 years has been to provide easy to understand wills that are custom made for you and flexible enough to change as your circumstances change. CARAVANS WANTED Wanted to buy, all caravans and motorhomes. • We come to you • Fast settlement • Finance Paid out If you want a quick no hassle sale please contact Joe for a price 0418 876 395 ON TRACK People sometimes say to me that they feel as though they are waiting for something in their life. What they are waiting for is unknown.
I hear someone say that they feel like they are living someone else’s life or just marking time. It can feel like waiting for real life to begin. Or like living on the surface. Usually, the person feels
have a comfortable life and is a bit embarrassed to be thought to be complaining. We know that it is important to feel purposeful in life. Having a sense of purpose makes life feel meaningful and helps us to be engaged rather than drifting.
life does
If you’ve spent your life talking about the problems of the world and you’re still waiting for something to
retirement is the perfect opportunity to be bold and do something about it.

Finding the appropriate place to call home

With the end of the year coming up, it’s a good time to reflect on plans for the future, and what changes need to be made to improve lifestyle.

MACPHERSON discusses retirement villages.

health issues increasingly significant, or even lack of community and communication could becoming burdensome.

one of the most relevant things to think about, especially while the family is together, is whether current accommodation is suitable, and if changes need to be made.

If you haven’t had everyone together for a while, they may have noticed changes that you haven’t felt – basically, are grannie and grandpa as sprightly as they were last year.

Perhaps the time has come to consider moving into a retirement village, over 50s resort, or even aged care.

Such decisions are not easily made, and there may be some initial resistance.

Over time though, there is usually recognition that the house seems bigger, the maintenance workload greater, the

Retirement villages and over 50s resorts inevitably involve “downsizing” in accommodation but often an “upsizing” of community involvement through the retirement village or resort. In fact, some in the industry call it “right sizing”.

If that move has already been made, or even if the stay “at home” has been extended, often health issues are significant enough that a move to aged care becomes necessary.

A decision to move into a retirement village, over 50s resort or aged care is best done as a whole-of-family decision, with the involvement of the seniors, as well as their supportive children (themselves often in their 50s or more).

Commonly it is the children who first notice that Mum and Dad/Nan and Pa are only just managing, and that a change from the home to a retirement village, over 50s resort or aged care may be


WITH the cost of Medibank, Bupa, HCF and NIB private health cover rising this month, consumers are being encouraged to check policies for possible savings.

More than one in three of the 11.5 million Australians covered for hospital treatment, have purchased the most expensive, maximum level of cover with no exclusions.

These Gold policies can be almost twice as much as the cheapest Silver policy offered by the same provider.

Health insurance expert Uta Mihm of consumer group Choice says it is vital to check you pay only for what you need.

“In most cases, the only people who are getting the best deal from being on a Gold policy are those who have a chronic illness, need psychiatric treatment in

hospital, or weight loss surgery,” she said.

“That leaves many paying more than they need for their health cover.”

Choice’s analysis of current health insurance policies found that downgrading from a Gold policy to a Silver or Silver Plus policy could save a single person up to $1823 a year with the same provider, or potentially more if you shop around.

“For many people, a Silver Plus policy that includes cover for rehabilitation in a private hospital is a very good option and will offer you better value than a Gold policy,” she said. “A common situation is buying coverage to have surgery, but then continuing to pay once the situation has changed.”


timely and beneficial. Such a move is a significant legal decision as the terms of retirement village, over 50s resort and aged care contracts are complex, lengthy, and onerous.

It is essential that seniors and their families understand the ramifications of what they are signing, and what it means to them down the track.

Generalist advice isn’t good enough.

There have been recent changes in the law relating to retirement villages. To learn more, and for a list of 24 points to consider when considering a move to a retirement village, visit our website.

Don Macpherson is an expert in elder law at Brisbane Elder Law. Call 1800 328 952 or visit

Don Macpherson is an expert in elder law at Brisbane Elder Law. Call 1800 328 952 or visit

25Brisbane November 2022 / YOUR TIME MAGAZINE VIDEO CONFERENCING AVAILABLE • Retirement Village Contracts • Aged Care Contracts • Elder Law Do you get or do you need government aged care services, either in your own home We support you to access or get the most from your aged care services, understand service charges and fees and have a say in the things that impact you. Our service is free, and our focus is on a Chat with us 1800 700 600 Your side, your say Your aged care support service FINANCE


NEW research by the Australian Podiatry Association reveals that almost two in five Australians (had lifethreatening health issues identified by their podiatrist.

The research showed Australians who had visited a podiatrist for foot pain were unexpectedly found to have other life-threatening health issues, including circulatory issues, heart problems, and diabetes (including risk of amputation).

Podiatrist Charlotte Bodell said foot pain could be symptomatic of a much more serious health issue that podiatrists were trained to assess.

“Seeing a podiatrist could ultimately save your life, as our recent research shows. We often see patients who have no idea they have an underlying health issue, other than experiencing foot pain,” she said.

“People may not realise just how powerful the foot is when it comes to assessing serious underlying health conditions.”

The research found that 20 per cent of Australians see a GP for foot pain, despite podiatrists being the foot health experts and available via Medicare; that 59 per cent visit a podiatrist because of pain; 91 per cent said their condition/ movement improved and 55 per cent have never received advice on correct footwear.

“Podiatrists are experts in foot health, they know and help you understand and manage your feet so they can support you in leading a happy and healthy life,” Charlotte said.

“Your feet fit into a much biggerand deeply important - picture. They can underpin your entire wellbeing.”


26 BrisbaneYOUR TIME MAGAZINE / November 2022 HEALTH
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Turn to science for a restful sleep

position accordingly. This is why we usually avoid developing bedsores (or pressure ulcers) in everyday life.

If you find you can’t move because your partner (or dog) is taking up too much room in the bed, consider switching sides or getting a larger bed.

And don’t tuck yourself in too tightly: give yourself some room to move around on either side. Being comfortable is key.

No quality research provides clear evidence for an “optimal sleep position”.

Your age, weight, environment, activities and whether you’re pregnant all play a role in which sleep position is best for your body. Ideally, we can find a position that helps us get a good night’s sleep and avoids us waking up in any pain.

Even with our chosen position, some layouts are better than others. In one study, people who rested in a position where there is a rotation of the spine (such as the unsupported side position) woke up with more pain in the morning.

clear signs of wear and tear, consider changing it.

Rotating the mattress can help with its longevity and improve comfort. This should be done at least one or two times a year.

Other tips for a restful night’s sleep

Set a cooler room temperature. The ideal temperature for sleep is 18.3C (ranging between 15-19C). Higher temperatures can affect sleep.

Allow some airflow in the room. Fresh air clears away any accumulated heat, keeping us nice and cool during the night.

Some medications, such as certain types of antihistamines, may make it easier to get to sleep. On the other hand, stimulants such as caffeine can drastically affect the quality of your sleep.

Finally, be sure not to go to bed with a full bladder, as having to get up at night to wee can impact sleep.

Words: Christian Moro, Associate Professor of Science and Medicine, Bond University, and Charlotte Phelps, PhD student, Bond University.

The article originally appeared at

we doing it

say about

a correct position to sleep in?

prefer to sleep on their side.

is good to hear, as those who lie on their backs are more likely to be poor sleepers or have breathing difficulties during the night.

most cases, we tend to move around quite a lot during the night. One study of 664 sleepers found, on average, that participants spent about 54 per cent of their time in bed sleeping on their side, about 37 per cent on their back, and about 7 per cent on their front.

Males (especially those aged under 35) tend to be most restless, with more position shifts, as well as arm, thigh and upper-back movements during the night.

This may not be a bad thing, as allowing your body to move during the night is generally a good idea.

During sleep, your body will keep track of any pain or discomfort and adjust

Nonetheless, although some forms of side-sleeping may cause a bit of load on the spine, it appears the side positions, in general, are still better than the other options.

What pillow should I choose?

Choosing the right pillow is vital for a good night’s sleep.

A lack of support for the head and neck during sleep has been found to severely impact spine alignment and cause muscle problems such as neck and shoulder pain and muscle stiffness.

The pillow material, however, does not appear to affect the spine. Instead, the shape and the height are what matter.

A U-shaped pillow may help you have a longer night’s sleep, and a roll-shaped pillow can reduce morning and bedtime aches in those suffering from chronic pain.

Unfortunately, science has not given us an answer on what is the optimal mattress.

With everyone sleeping differently, this would be hard to compare over the long term. However, there are bad mattresses.

If your bed is sagging, has lost its firmness, develops noisy springs or shows

To learn more about Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy, visit our website or get in touch with us today. On your next GP visit, ask for a referral.

27Brisbane November 2022 / YOUR TIME MAGAZINE the portable travel mobility scooter FOLDABLE & PORTABLE . EASY TO LOAD . EASY TO ADJUST Kavita Shetty 1300 884 880 No matter where you want to go, you can take your Luggie with you. When you get there just unfold, hop on and off you go! With lightweight lithium batteries you can travel up to 20kms between charges. // 1300 884 880 14/31 Acanthus Street, Darra 4075 255 Gympie Road, Kedron 4031 u HEALTH
After50 years of research, eminent Stanford University sleep researcher William Dement reportedly believes the only solid explanation he knows for why we sleep is “because we get sleepy”. Even though sleep may be, as one researcher put it, “the only major behaviour in search of a function”, it clearly does matter for our health and wellbeing. But are
right? What does the research
sleeping positions? Is there
Most people
In 07 3371 6033 y d da ou ts st . Oy y. O u ut b l us ab y m y, a ou y ebsite H w n T e y ou Hyt you Breathe new life into your body. See how Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy

STOCKLAND is bringing its awardwinning formula to Brisbane’s northside, with the official launch of its newest luxury over 50s lifestyle community, Halcyon Promenade.

Located in the picturesque Moreton Bay hamlet of Burpengary East, Halcyon Promenade will feature the same signature quality and scale of multi award-winning Halcyon Greens on the Gold Coast.

Project director Andrew Astorquia said the community would redefine over 50s living in Moreton Bay, an area which does not have a wide array of housing choices for downsizers.

“The level of luxury, quality and inclusions at Halcyon Promenade has not been seen before in an over 50s community so close to the northside of Brisbane,” he said.

“We have already had strong interest from local buyers with more than 50 homes already sold. It has been very popular with locals who don’t want to leave the area and are excited about their next chapter at Halcyon Promenade.”

Mr Astorquia said Moreton Bay Regional Council’s recent approval for the western side of the community is the first major development in the Burpengary East Emerging Community Zone

“The approval ultimately confirms the vision and masterplan for Halcyon Promenade to become one of Brisbane’s largest over 50s communities, with a long list of recreational and leisure resort-style facilities and quality homes with street appeal,” he said.

The community will feature up to 380 homes which will be complemented by a unique dual fronted recreation and leisure precinct located on either side of Caulfield Drive, an existing road in the suburb.

The recreation and leisure precincts will include a 25m heated magnesium salt pool with spa, gymnasium and circuit room, yoga lawn and art studio, massage rooms, beauty salon, recreation club and lounge with a private dining area and outdoor kitchen at the resort pool, pickleball courts, and 3D golf simulator as well as a full-size flood lit bowling green.


WHEN caring for the elderly, respite care gives both carer and the care recipient a break for a short period of time.

Respite care is commonly accessed when individuals need further support after hospital or when carers need to do other tasks. It is also a useful way to trial permanent aged care to see if it is the right choice, and can be accessed for a few hours, a few days or a few weeks.

At The Cairns Aged Care Centre at Chapel Hill, run by Salvation Army Aged Care, the approach to respite care focuses on providing residents with a thorough understanding of life in an aged care centre. Staff prioritise getting to know residents and their families, and provide optimal personalised care.

“We check all the critical information and then decide where to place a resident in our centre to match the right level of care,” says centre manager Aileen Rendon.

“Before the resident arrives, we have a case conference and we a program called Meet Thy Neighbour where new residents

can meet existing residents to get familiar with the environment.”

She said many people were not ready for permanent care, so respite provided a good starting point.

“If you are looking into permanent care, always start with respite,” Aileen says.

Betty, a resident at The Cairns, initially stayed for three weeks respite care.

She was involved throughout her care process, ultimately deciding to transition to permanent care. Constant communication with her family improved how she was feeling and she felt less overwhelmed.

Visit or call 3379 9800.


and garden maintenance and transport to ensure that extra support is available – and it always comes with a smile and a chat.

Suncare support worker Carrey goes home every day knowing she has made a real difference in the lives of those in her care.

SOCIAL participation in aged care homes is linked to good health and wellbeing.

Taking part in social, leisure and cultural activities in the community allows older people to continue with their hobbies, meet new friends and maintain their sense of identity.

Bundaleer Lodge Nursing Home diversional therapy staff run activities that encourage personal development and social engagement to help residents feel included and part of the community life within the aged care home.

SINCE 1970, Suncare has been ensuring that for residents of central and south-east Queensland, getting older doesn’t have to mean moving into residential aged care.

Dedicated Suncarers specialise in the delivery of in-home services for older Australians.

From everyday services such as housekeeping and meal preparation, to a lift to the shops or a garden tidy-up, the Suncare team knows how to optimise funding and options for their clients.

Services include housekeeping, home

Before becoming a Suncarer, Carrey knew she wanted a job that was fulfilling and gave her a sense of purpose.

“I met a couple of people who worked for Suncare and they seemed to love their jobs, and they were also really happy, outgoing people. I knew immediately that’s what I wanted to do,” she said Carrey.

“I am proud to be a Suncarer and when I go home, I feel like I have really made a difference.”

As a growing organisation, Suncare is recruiting volunteers and employees for a range of roles that help older Australians fulfil their wish to remain living independently at home.

Visit or call 1800 786 227.

28 BrisbaneYOUR TIME MAGAZINE / November 2022
bowls and golf putting green days, as well as other activities and outings for residents. Visit Artist’s impression of the future at Halcyon Promenade
Are you planning on Call Margaret today for a Free, no obliga on consulta on on: and don’t know how or where to start?... Then call Margaret at Inspired Outcomes for some answers: • Selling • Declu ering • Moving & Unpacking plus access to a network of legal & financial advisors Local Consultants for Seniors moving forward DOWNSIZING Independent Living Aged Care Lifestyle 50’s Plus Resort 0448 201 884QLD - NSW - ACT


COUNTRY music star Gina Jeffreys returns to the stage after a 12-year break from recording and touring while she raised her family.

The special acoustic performance of her latest album Beautiful Tangle showcases the rich and distinctive voice that has won audiences since Gina’s career began 30 years ago.

It is a stunning collection of personal stories that come straight from the heart.

“I’ve written every song, some with some of my favourite songwriters – and every song is a page out of my life,” she

said. “It’s pretty organic, honest, raw and kind of stripped back and naked!”

Gina first delighted audiences as the winner of Star Maker in 1991, taking over the mantle from Keith Urban.

She soon became Australian Country Music’s Golden Girl and has toured Australia with music greats such as Kenny Rogers, Kris Kristofferson, Lee Kernaghan, and the most famous of all, Johnny Cash.

She went on to become Australia’s first-ever female country artist to sell platinum albums, perform sell-out shows across Australia, and take her music to the world.

Unable to tour during lockdown, Gina has been writing songs with many artists, such as Max Jackson, The Vixens of Fall, and Courtney Keil.

In the concert, Gina will perform her latest songs plus old hits and fan favourites. She will be joined by special guest, award-winning producer and musician Rod McCormack with his bluegrass album Fingerprints.

Also joining the line-up will be singer-songwriter Max Jackson, who just won the 2022 Toyota Star Maker Award with her debut album Life of the Party.

RPAC, Cleveland Sunday, December 11, 4pm. Tickets $35–$45 Bookings call RPAC Box Office 3829 8131 or visit


EXPERIENCE the seasonal feel-good film Love Actually in a whole new way, as the Queensland Pops Orchestra provides the soundtrack live.

BAFTA award-winning Craig Armstrong’s evocative score reaches new heights with the live orchestra performance.

The ultimate rom-com is transformed as the film favourite is projected on a huge screen while the orchestra plays to make it an extraordinary live music experience.

Great Hall, Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre, December 10, 4pm Tickets from $60. Bookings


SCULPTURE on the Edge has moved to Flaxton Gardens and now has the capacity to display indoor and outdoor sculptures across a variety of media.

The Sunshine Coast has one of the highest concentrations of artists anywhere in the world, so this annual Arts Connect sculpture festival keeps growing. Last year it attracted about 7000 visitors and this is set to grow to 10,000 this year.

The event is now literally on the edge, with Flaxton Gardens providing views of the coast from Noosa to Caloundra. It is accessible and has plenty of parking, ramps, flat outdoor areas and an airconditioned indoor space. Indoor and outdoor sculptures from one gram to more than a tonne will be exhibited.

Arts Connect is a Sunshine Coast based and volunteer-run, art organisation with about 200 members working in all areas of visual art.

Visitors can pre-order a picnic box featuring local seasonal produce, to enjoy in the grounds or dine al fresco. For clubs and community group bookings and pre-bookings call 5445 7450 Wednesday to Sunday.

Flaxton Gardens, 313-327 Flaxton Drive, Flaxton. November 20-December 4, 9am-3pm. Visit sculptureontheedge.

29Brisbane November 2022 / YOUR TIME MAGAZINE WHAT’S ON
(07) 3491 2000 | | NOT GETTING THE SERVICE YOU DESERVE? You will receive personalised service, tailored for you, with fixed rates and no hidden fees. We are the difference in Property Management OVER 15 YEARS’ EXPERIENCE Mention this ad and receive the 1st months management fees free! ● Fixed rate with no hidden fees ● Fully licenced Property Manager ● Regular routine inspections with photo reports ● Flexible owner payments, and same day statements ● Strict property application processes with thorough tenant checks ● Limited number of managed properties to ensure top quality service
Act 1 Theatre, Pine Shire Hall, 238 Gympie Rd, Strathpine SECRET BRIDESMAID’S BUSINESS Written by Elizabeth Coleman Directed by Lilian Harrington This funny Aussie play covers truth, loyalty, denial, sex, love, marriage, friendship and time. BOOK TICKETS at or visit for more info Performances NOVEMBER 12, 13, 18, 19, 20, 25 & 26 *Warning - this show contains strong and sexual language and is recommended for adults only 1Act 1 Theatre presents


MULTI award-winning singer, conductor and composer, the Choir Man Jonathon Welch will lead the final Redland Sings! event for the year.

For music aficionados, and those who belt out Jimmy Barnes songs in the shower, the free events are an opportunity for the community to gather and sing their hearts out in a highly entertaining and interactive event.

It will be a joyful evening singing along to favourite pop, musical theatre and rock classics. No two events are the same, with different songs and fun warm up activities at each event.


Michelle Whitmore, who plays Colleen Bacon, the mother of the bride, is from Ferny Grove.

The bride Meg Bacon is played by Jodie Hurrey who has been on stage for KSP, teaches at Narangba SHS and lives in Morayfield; and maid of honour Angela Dixon is played by Lia Davies, the daughter of well-known reviewer Bill Davies, who has recently returned from overseas and is at Eatons Hill.

Jonathon Welch is the founding director of Play It Forward, an inclusive arts program.

‘’Play It Forward has been all about creating as many opportunities to involve as many people as possible in our inclusive arts projects, programs, and events,” Jonathon said.

Its mission has been to bridge the gap between the professional music and community arts sectors, collaborating with government, the private sector, education, welfare and health organisations.

“With Redland Sings! we wanted to

form a new musical family in our music village at RPAC – where everyone, young and old, can come and just have fun being in the moment for an hour and sing,” Jonathon said.

The community has responded with more than 1000 people joining the musical family and taking part in the series so far.

Redland Performing Arts Centre, Cleveland. Wednesday, November 23, 6pm. Free Bookings essential RPAC Box Office 3829 8131 or visit

THE Australian drama Secret Bridesmaid’s Business is coming to Act 1 Theatre.

Written by Elizabeth Coleman and directed by Lilan Harrington, it is set around the eve of Meg Bacon’s longawaited wedding and a happy hen’s night in a Melbourne hotel.

It sets out to be fun, but the unexpected happens and things take a twist, with events turning out quite differently from what was imagined.

It is a funny play about serious issues such as truth, loyalty, denial, sex, love, the meaning of marriage, female friendship and the plight of modern woman with a biological clock that just won’t keep up with the times.

The cast includes popular and experienced actors from Brisbane’s northside.

Bridesmaid Lucy Dean is played by Alisa Souter who is experienced in theatre arts and has recently moved to Clayfield while Stewart Kirkland from Nundah who plays the groom James Davis is well known both on stage and in film.

The bride’s friend and housemaid Naomi Bartlett is played by A.J .Power from Aspley.

Warning, the show contains strong and sexual language and is recommended for adults only.

There is a licensed bar and Strathpine station is an easy walk away.

There is also plenty of free street parking near the theatre.

Act 1 Theatre, Gympie Rd, Strathpine November 12-13, 18-20, 25-26, 7.30pm; Sunday 13 and 20, 2pm. Tickets $20.

Bookings Visit

31Brisbane November 2022 / YOUR TIME MAGAZINE WHAT’S ON
Redland Performing Arts Centre , Concert Hall FRI 11 & SAT 12 NOVEMBER, 7.30PM Tickets: $35 - $45 via 3829 8131 or SHAKE & STIR THEATRE CO AND REDLAND PERFORMING ARTS CENTRE PRESENT Booking fees: $5 by phone & $6 online per transaction Sydney Arts Guide Brontë’s gothic tale is boldly retold in a faithful yet fiercely original stage adaptation. * Booking fees: $5 by phone & $6 online per transaction BEAUTIFUL TANGLE TOUR Country music super-star Gina Jeffreys returns to centre-stage with special guests Rod McCormack and Max Jackson. Don’t miss this chance to enjoy Gina performing songs from her latest album, Beautiful Tangle, plus fan favourites. R g Fa Factor tor or ctoor to t ct c y p pr yprpreseesen s essen e ents t ts sRdl R dl d P Pf f i A CRdl Rd eddl Reedland annd dan Perf Perrf form o or ormi mi rmi rm ng A ngA gA Ang Arts rts rtts s Cent Ce Cen C n enttre re a rea e reannd nd Bd ndB dBrief rieief e riefssF s Ft en Redland Performing Arts Centre – Concert Hall SUNDAY 11 DECEMBER, 4PM Bookings: 3829 8131 or Tickets: $35 - $45 Booking fees: $5 by phone and $6 online per transaction

AFTER rave reviews around the country, Charlotte Bronte’s gothic tale of an orphan in search of love, family and a sense of belonging arrives this month.

One of the most iconic pieces of English literature, Jane Eyre is retold in a faithful yet fiercely original stage adaptation from the nationallyrenowned shake & stir theatre co.

Following a childhood spent suffering at the hands of her cruel aunt, Jane finds employment at Thornfield Hall – the impressive yet mysterious home of Edward Rochester. As Jane and Rochester become drawn to each other, dark secrets start to unravel – forcing Jane on a journey toward truth and freedom.

This stunning new production features original music written by multi ARIA Award-winner Sarah McLeod.

RPAC, Cleveland. Friday 11, Saturday 12 November, 7.30pm. Tickets $40–$55. Bookings RPAC Box Office, call 3829 8131 or visit


A MUSICAL partnership which began at the Queensland Conservatorium of Music in the late 1980s will peak when Brisbane Chorale and Sunshine Coast Oriana Choir join forces for the first time to present Franz Joseph Haydn’s masterpiece The Creation.

When Brisbane Chorale’s music director Emily Cox AM was a student at the Con, her vocal accompanist was Fay Baker OAM, artistic director of Oriana Choir.

“Collaborating with Fay and Oriana was always something I wanted to do,” says Emily. When they began discussing a joint performance by the two choirs, The Creation quickly came up.

Emily characterises it as more of an opera than an oratorio.

The Creation also presents soloists with challenging roles and Emily has secured soprano Leanne Kenneally, tenor Tobias Merz and bass Jason Barry-Smith.

Brisbane Chorale is a large symphonic choir about to enter its 40th year in 2023, Emily’s 20th year as music director.

Haydn’s oratorio The Creation depicts and celebrates the creation, wonder and beauty of the world.

City Hall, Brisbane. Sunday, November 20, 3pm

Tickets or call 3847 1717.


32 BrisbaneYOUR TIME MAGAZINE / November 2022 WHAT’S ON
CLASSIC LITERARY TALE HITS THE STAGE FREE Immersive Indoor & Outdoor Sculpture Event 20 NOVEMBER TO 4 DECEMBER // 9AM TO 3PM DAILY invites you to PRE ORDER YOUR SET DINE-IN SCULPTURE MENU or PICNIC HAMPER BOX NOW or call 07 5445 7450 FREE, registrations essentials via 3829 8131 or Redland Performing Arts Centre and Play It Forward present Led by multi-award-winning singer, conductor and composer! With Jonathon Welch AM REDLAND SINGS! d-winning nd We l c h AM Whether you are a music aficionado or love to belt out Jimmy Barnes songs in the shower, it’s time to sing your heart out with the ‘Choir Man’ himself, Jonathon Welch. This is your final opportunity to join our fun and interactive community gathering and sing en masse to your favourite pop, musical theatre or rock classic. No two events are the same, with different songs and fun warm up activities at each event. No singing experience is required. FREE EVENT FINAL EVENT: Wed 23 November, 6pm Redland Performing Arts Centre – Concert Hall HURRY! PLACES BOOKING FAST.

Covid, conflict and climate change – and still we travel

Interstate Australian destinations followed closely in second place and more than a third are more likely to consider travelling around Australia now than two years ago.

“This is great news for the Australian tourism sector, particularly regional and coastal tourism locations that can continue to expect steady visitation from the seniors market,” Associate Professor in Tourism at the University of Queensland Gabby Walters said.

North America, Australia and South-East Asia respectively, are preferred destinations for these.

but not

Australians aged over 50 to uncover how the community is engaging with travel postpandemic.

“Travelling domestically presents significantly less risk and more certainty around travel planning for seniors. Travelling to overseas destinations requires a lot more planning and preparation compared to pre-Covid times.”

Cruises are making a comeback after falling out of favour following the events of 2020, with more than three in five seniors considering a cruise.

much in the early stages of recovery and Covid-19 is still causing great disruption, however there are a number of actions travellers can take to ensure they are protected should things not go to plan,” Prof Walters said.


of scepticism, two years on from the first border

According to new research by Australian Seniors, while 74 per cent of over 50s are already planning their next big holiday, their outlook on travel has changed. The pandemic, ongoing international conflicts, effects of climate change, and widespread uncertainty have altered travel patterns and preferences.

And, with cost-of-living pressures rising, it’s no surprise that most seniors don’t feel comfortable travelling abroad without travel insurance.

Commissioned by Australian Seniors in partnership with consumer research group, CoreData, the Travel Trends Report surveyed more than 1000

The findings suggest that the majority are wary of visiting Eastern Europe due to threats of the war in Ukraine, and similarly deterred from travelling to Turkey and the Middle East due to ongoing conflict and terrorism.

Almost two-thirds are concerned about travelling to Hong Kong, China, and South Korea due to ongoing Covid-19 health orders and lockdowns.

With 66 per cent having waited three years or more since their last big holiday, it’s not surprising that a trip to Europe tops the list as the most popular destination, with 29 per cent planning a European getaway.

However, with 54 per cent still mindful of Covid-related risks, it’s hard to overlook the security of domestic travel plans.

She said there was also uncertainty in relation to foreign Covid policies and travel restrictions and access to medical treatment if required and that many foreign countries were still in recovery mode.

Many over 50s are using the resurgence in travel as an opportunity to recover after a difficult few years, with almost two in three saying that relaxation was the main motivation for their travel plans.

According to the survey, 40 per cent are seeking historical and cultural immersions for their next holiday, with Europe taking out top spot for this experience.

Other popular holiday experiences include wildlife and nature discovery, quality time with family and relaxation.

On the other hand, seniors are also wary of the increasing unaffordability of travel amid the rising cost of living in Australia, with 80 per cent agreeing that holidays are getting more difficult to afford.

While 86 per cent of over 50s say they usually dip into their personal savings to fund holidays, 21 per cent have accumulated travel credits due to cancellations over the past few years, although more than a third admit the process of redeeming the credits is hard.

Additionally, three in five Australians over 50 agree that they’re more likely to consider travel insurance now, with top concerns including requiring hospitalisation, facing unexpected medical costs or encountering a new disease outbreak while on holiday.

“The travel sector is very

“Pay close attention to cancellation policies of accommodation providers and airlines. Some will offer a credit while others will offer full refunds. If a credit is the only option, it is important to check the terms and conditions of the redemption – some are more restrictive than others.”

If travelling overseas, check the status of the intended destination online at and the equivalent host destination site.

Travel insurance is highly recommended for peace of mind. Pay close attention to the fine print, including checking whether cancellations, medical visits, or accommodation are covered in the event of contracting Covid.

Terms and conditions vary significantly between providers.


RING NOW FOR BROCHURES HERMAN’S TOURS & TRAVEL CALL 3379 6255 ABN: 76629373806 Day Tours: * Includes Lunch, ** Waitlist. Extended holidays include return home transfers (Brisbane Metropolitan Area). Itineraries and prices quoted are subject to change. HERMAN’S TOURS & TRAVEL DAY TRIPS 2022 & 2023 EXTENDED HOLIDAYS 2023 Friday, November 11: Best of British – Fox & Hound Pub ............... $93* Saturday, December 3: Swing Into Christmas – Lunch & Show ..... $147** Saturday, January 28: Pumicestone Passage Cruise..................... $112** Saturday, February 25: Tweed River Cruise ..................... $165** Saturday, March 17: Summerland Camels ....................... $147* Follow Us on Facebook @Hermanstravel 599 Oxley Road, Corinda 4075 – Operating since 1967. Easter: Early Bird Discount Available. Extended holidays include return home transfers – Brisbane Metropolitan area. Single Supplements: Gympie $76, Easter $335, Tasmania $1260. August 3-8 Norfolk Island REGISTER NOW! April 7-11 Easter Escape Tenterfield & Stanthorpe Twin Share $2244 pp May 19-20 Gympie Mary Valley Rattler Twin Share $929 pp May 26-29 Opera in Capricorn Caves REGISTER NOW! October 18-27 Tasmania Twin Share $5485 pp The WORLD in Your Hands Travel in Your Time
Seniors are ready to shake off their cabin fever and return to international and domestic travel,
without a
Cruises are making a comeback after falling out of favour in 2020. Nature and relaxation are a drawcard in South-East Asia. Research from Australian Seniors reveals how global events have shaped travel trends – and we are still packing our bags, even in an era of uncertainty.


Grizzly Bears of Knight Inlet Lodge

Journey to the heart of Great Bear Rainforest in British Columbia, one of the best grizzly bear viewing experiences in the world. Spend your days viewing an abundance of wildlife including magnificent grizzlies, killer whales, humpback whales, porpoises, dolphins, salmon, seals and sea lions, and your nights enjoying fine dining and accommodation at your floating lodge.


Set out on your own Canadian road trip from the rugged coastlines of the Pacific to the towering mountains of the Rockies. Breathe in the spirit of Western Canada through its rugged canyons, weeping waterfalls, unique wildlife and national parks on an adventure packed with unique lodge stays and a mosaic of spectacular landscapes.

Take a rail adventure through Canada’s verdant river valleys and rugged peaks. In Vancouver, board the Rocky Mountaineer to experience beautiful Banff, Lake Louise and Jasper, then switch to VIA Rail’s Canadian for the journey east across the grain fields of Saskatchewan

the lake regions of Manitoba to Toronto, Montreal and Halifax.


*Conditions apply: Prices are per person twin share in AUD unless otherwise specified, inclusive of any discounts, correct as at 18 Oct 22 & subject to change without notice & availability at time of booking. ^Save up to $800 per couple valid for new bookings only made 01 Nov - 15 Dec 22. Offer is subject to availability, not combinable with any other offer & may change or be withdrawn without prior notice. Valid for travel: Grizzly Bears of Knight Inlet Lodge 21 May - 12 Oct 23, Lakes & Lodges 01 Jun - 26 Sep 23, Trans Canada Experience 01 May - 09 Oct 23. Seasonal surcharges for other travel dates & blackout dates apply. Prices do not include airfares & may vary due to currency fluctuations & changes to taxes & surcharges. Further conditions apply - see Payment conditions, booking & cancellation fees apply. ATAS No. A10430.
4 days from $4,638*pp SAVE $400 PER COUPLE!^
Lakes &
11 days from $4,913*pp SAVE $600 PER COUPLE!^
Trans Canada Experience 17 days from


A LIFE without seeing something of Canada with its amazing backdrops, from the glacier-fed lakes and ice-capped mountains of the west to the rugged cliffs of the Atlantic coast, is unfulfilled.

Direct flights from Australia mean Canada is closer than you might think, and whether you travel in summer or winter, there’s much to discover.

Here are some fun facts to whet your appetite:

1. At just over 9.9 million sq km, Canada is second only to Russia in land area, just ahead of the United States and China.

2. The Carcross Desert is the smallest in the world. Tucked away in the Yukon Territories, it is 2.6 sq km of sand dunes and is popular for sandboarding.

3. Canada’s three million lakes account for more than 50 per cent of the world’s lakes and 20 per cent of its freshwater. Great Bear Lake is on the Arctic Circle, while Great Slave Lake is the deepest in North America.

4. Of the recorded 25,000 polar bears in the world, 15,500 of them are found in the region near Churchill, Manitoba. The town on the west shore of Hudson Bay sometimes has more polar bears than people.

5. Because of its altitude and northern position, Canada is one of the best countries to see the Northern Lights.

6. Wood Buffalo National Park in the

Northwest Territories, is Canada’s largest national part at almost 45,000 sq km. Founded in 1999 to protect the remaining bison in northern Canada, it’s larger than Denmark, Switzerland and the Netherlands. At nearly 38,000 sq km, Quttinirpaaq National Park is still bigger than Belgium.

7. Every year, about one million letters from children all over the world are sent to Santa Claus’s address: H0H 0H0, North Pole, Canada. In 2008, Santa Claus was officially awarded Canadian citizenship by Canada’s Citizenship and Immigration Minister.

See for yourself. Visit or your local Travellers Choice travel agent


FROM the Red Centre to coastal wilderness, mighty rivers to remote ranges, and busy cities to quaint country towns, Australia is a diverse country –and it’s increasingly appealing to domestic travellers.

Grey nomads set off in their thousands when Covid limited international travel, and now many have been converted to the joy of finding out more about their own backyard. And they haven’t been disappointed.

Whether it’s the big lap, shorter trips to avoid winter cold, summer heat, rain or drought, or simply a holiday, domestic tourism has taken off.

“Domestic tourism is booming,” says Paul Brockhurst of CT Travel. “Covid restrictions have lifted, there’s no quarantine and we are all free to travel again, but many are choosing to continue their adventures around Australia.”

In the June quarter this year, spending on accommodation, dining out and shopping, recorded the biggest increase since the start of the pandemic.

For years, Paul has been planning innovative itineraries for travellers to see the country the easy way.

“A spacious, air-conditioned luxury coach is the easiest, safest, and most comfortable way to go if you really want to get around this great country and learn more about it,” he says.

“And it seems increasing numbers of travellers are doing just that because domestic tourism is booming, and tours are filling fast as destinations find they are hitting peak numbers.”

There’s no shortage of variety. Be mesmerized by the autumn colours of the New England Tableland, explore the national capital, visit King Island in the middle of Bass Strait, venture into the Australian High Country or enter the world of the Top End.

Closer to home, take a quick getaway to Fraser Island and World Heritagelisted Lamington National Park and holiday in style while learning more about the beauty and history of locations that are right on our doorstep.

“People come from around the world to see these places and yet often we haven’t quite managed to get there ourselves,” Paul says. “If it’s on the list, then start making plans for 2023.”

Whether it’s seeing the glow worms while staying at O’Reillys Rainforest Retreat, visiting the magnificent Everglade Gardens at Leura in the Blue Mountains or heading for the sky at the Canberra Deep Space Communication Complex, Australia has a lot to offer.

Paul and the crew at CT Travel have devised a range of exciting itineraries covering all the must-see experiences.

Visit or call 5391 1648















35Brisbane November 2022 / YOUR TIME MAGAZINE 2023 Tour Program
2023 King Island (4 Days) Murray River & Kangaroo Island (11 Days)
2023 Fraser Island Explorer (4 Days) O’Reillys Escape (4 Days)
2023 2023 Autumn Tour (9 Days) High Country to Murray Delta (11 Days) MAY 2023 Norfolk Island (9 Days)
Centre - Adelaide to Darwin (18 Days) Queensland Savannah (12 Days)
Gorge & Wallaroo (7 Days)
Rainforest Retreat (4 Days)
Gorge & Wallaroo (7 Days) Lightning Ridge (7 Days)
Island Whale Watch (4 Days)
Gorge & Wallaroo (7 Days)
Carnival of Flowers (4 Days) Spring Gardens Tour (12 Days) CTTRAVEL Coolum Tours & Travel Experience THE BEST THIS COUNTRY has to Offer SENIOR COACH TOURS INCLUDING: 5 Star Coach Travel All Accommodation Tours and Entry Fees All Dinners & Breakfasts Most Lunches Home Pickup & Return* Bookings PHONE (07) 5391 1648 M 0409 278 971 E For more detailed itinerary information on any of these tours, please visit our website:

REVIEWER Bill McCarthy has been travelling and was unable to review this book. However, given the title and subject matter he has reported, with his usual acerbic observation, that it was most likely a blessing.

The first chapters of this book had me wondering if it would be something along the lines of a Barbara Cartland or Joan Collins – a predictable Hollywood film star

As it transpired, the book is well written and the characters that each chapter (husband) portrays are well characterised and believable.

Evelyn Hugo’s story from Hell’s Kitchen to Hollywood and fame keeps you turning the pages. She is many characters – lover, flawed, a trusted loyal best friend to a few, and an incredible mother.

And although I knew there had to be a twist, it was not what I expected. Taylor Jenkins Reid has written the perfect book to immerse yourself in while sitting on a beach; not sure what the men will think though! 7/10

THIS is a very readable book which had me enthralled from the start right through to the many twists in the last few chapters. The two women through whom the story is told could not be more different. The simple and naive Monique has been selected to write the memoirs of Hollywood star Evelyn Hugo. Navigating the cut-throat world that she claws her way into, with beauty as her main weapon, Evelyn rides a roller-coaster of loves and disappointments that you can’t help but find engaging. The relationship between the two develops artfully throughout the book, until the revelation of their real connection.

The author cleverly uses excerpts from magazine and news articles to give context to the changes occurring as Evelyn passes through each husband and phase in her life.

I surprised myself by how much I loved this peek into the shallow world of Hollywood to find real characters you couldn’t help but become emotionally attached to.

BOOK review



Aging and reclusive Hollywood movie icon Evelyn Hugo is finally ready to tell the truth about her glamorous and scandalous life. Little known magazine reporter Monique Grant is astounded when she is chosen for the job and is determined to use the opportunity to jumpstart her career. Summoned to Evelyn’s luxurious apartment, Monique listens to the actor’s story, from Los Angeles in the 1950s to her decision to leave showbusiness in the ‘80s. With seven husbands along the way, Evelyn’s tale is of ruthless ambition, unexpected friendship, and a great forbidden love. Monique begins to feel a real connection. It then becomes clear their lives intersect.

I didn’t want to read this book about a glamorous, legendary movie star and the machinations of her seven marriages. However, once I began, I found the story entertaining and so engaging I couldn’t put it down.

The author gives great insights to movie personalities, their charm and charisma, their sensuality, sexuality and what it was like to be gay during the 1960-‘80s. Homosexual and bisexual love are treated with a tender and caring narrative.

The main characters are well drawn and like human nature, have their strengths and weaknesses. There are a few twists tying loose elements of the story together at the end.

This well-written book won’t disappoint. 8/10

THIS fictional biography of Evelyn Hugo, a beautiful woman, is a fast-paced, fun novel that reveals all the good and the bad about Evelyn and her seven husbands.

Evelyn, an enigmatic character, does everything for a reason including choosing Monique (a journalist) to write her story. I liked how the book was structured into interviews about each husband allowing the author to explore the role of women in marriage, the sexualisation of actresses, beauty and ageing and the demonstration of ambition.

Reminiscent of the “Me Too” phenomenon, the story is believable for readers who have lived through the glamour years of Hollywood and movie stars such as Elizabeth Taylor. It has many twists and turns and a not completely predictable ending.

PERHAPS readers are divided into two groups? One group, all ages, eagerly devour gossip magazines and news releases detailing the exploits, actual and contrived, of those in the public eye.

The other group, to which I belong, couldn’t care less and are never likely to change. However not having lived under a rock, even I realised that Evelyn Hugo was in fact Elizabeth Taylor and a Google search not only confirmed it but also mentioned forbidden relationships between her and other celebrities.

Surprisingly, I found the story well researched and told with sympathy, with an unexpected twist in the connection between the journalist and Evelyn’s past. It was an easy read and led me to some understanding of what our top actors go through as they deal with the loss of privacy and non-stop pressure to perform and improve.

This was the author’s first foray into historical fiction out of her nine novels. I am very tempted to read her earlier novels as a comparison when time permits.

36 BrisbaneYOUR TIME MAGAZINE / November 2022 Looking for a great relaxing day trip? Come aboard the Mirimar II for a scenic cruise on the Brisbane River. Includes: Return river cruise and entry into Lone Pine with informative commentary on sights & history of Brisbane. Call Mirimar Cruises on 0412 749 426 MIRIMAR LONE PINE RIVER CRUISE: GROUUP L LUUNCH CRUISES A ALSO O AVAAILABBLEE. $48 per person (min. 20 pax) Wednesday to Friday. Bookings Essential $75* SENIORS Mention this ad and receive a free morning tea! Obligation free site inspections freecall 1800 801 710 Security, Independence & Peace of Mind • One Bedroom Cabins and Studios • Two Bedroom Cottages • Undisputed industry leader • Over 5600 satisfied Glendale owners • 6½ year structural warranty • Over 38 years experience BSA License No. 42372 Providing privacy & independence with the security of proximity to family. Glendale Granny Cabins provide comfortable, self contained accommodation for elderly relatives on the same site as the family home. CABINGRANNYDISPLAY NOW OPEN BOOK REVIEW

many consonants are between O and U in the English alphabet?

9. Before the European Union, what was the second E in EEC?

10. Which of these words is closet in meaning to clandestine: secret, open, forgotten?

11. Where on the human body is a bracelet usually worn?

12. What shape is at the top of the logo for the Queensland Police?

13. Women of what religion often wear garments called a burka or a hijab?

14. The confection coconut ice is traditionally what two colours?

15. In the old system, what distance was longest: inch, yard or furlong?

16. What is normally housed in a scabbard?

17. In rock, paper, scissors, what beats scissors?

18. In cricket, how many runs does a batsman have to score to get a ton?

19. True or false: Brigadoon is a village in Scotland.

20. What nationality is comedian Glenn Robbins?




37Brisbane November 2022 / YOUR TIME MAGAZINE PHONE 07 3851 7800 NEWSTEAD | BROWNS PLAINS REDLANDS | DECEPTION BAY I have pre-planned my funeral, to help take some of the burden off the kids We all deserve a meaningful farewell and what better way to guarantee it, than by pre-arranging it yourself. You get to choose exactly what you want and in doing so, you’re lifting the burden off your family so they can focus on honouring your life. PUZZLE SOLUTIONS COWLCOMMANDANT UPAISAU DUETSREGISTRAR ARIREAA PASSMARKSACRUM ATHTLS MELODICODDITY TNNLADCAW LOGGERSCHOLAR UVUHV CRETINASSORTED RAANSHC DISOBEYEDACUTE ASLENN PROSPECTEDTIDY CRYPTICCROSSWORD WORDFIND 513642978 285436719 391724856 749385621 937158264 478563192 826971543 164297385 652819437 SUDOKU (MEDIUM) 391452678 852379146 489716532 524867913 147685329 215934867 768193254 936241785 673528491 SUDOKU (EASY) QUICK CROSSWORD 9-LETTERWORD acid,acing,ADVANCING, again,aida,angina,avian, avid,caning,canna,caving, dancing,diva,divan,gain, naiad,vain,viand CODEWORD WORD STEP LOCUS,LOCKS,LICKS,LINKS, PINKS,PINKY There may be other correct answers 12345678910111213 14151617181920212223242526 E S A Q Z T R H K N I Y M L C U J W B P F X V G D OThecolouroflove TRIVIA With The Quizmaster 1. What Queensland town name is a homophone of “anarchy”? 2. What tropical fruit can be devastated by the bunchy top? 3. In the 1960s TV series Get Smart, what device was used for private conversations? 4. In which Australian state or territory is Shute Harbour? 5. What is 50 per cent of 62,408? 6. What type of pendulum clock is housed in a tall freestanding case? 7. What kind of living thing is a loggerhead? 8. How


a rule, sorted out


group of

highly valued, told stories(8)

in top gear at work(9)

country also known as the capital of Zambia(6)

on our table, served without a starter, is disgraceful(13)

of dog children avoid with parent around(9)

sheep stood up(3)

taking possession of one opposing perfumingmaking plant(8)

spent with acting school established in free West Indian region(8)

vessel stored in another(6)

of infantry stopped an appointed meeting(5)

Application not accepted by Aussies without changes(2,2)

38 BrisbaneYOUR TIME MAGAZINE / November 2022 ACROSS 1 Two minutes inside company and worker is the officer in charge(10) 6 Hood caught by person of nocturnal habits(4) 9 Nurse, carrying substance, runs for hospital doctor(9) 10 Time following outstanding musical items(5) 11 Fluid capsule attached to funny bone(6) 12 Grade gaining approval of examiners, organised mass in playground?(4,4) 13 They’d do it all wrong without input from the eccentric(6) 15 Tuneful arrangement of oldie penned by host(7) 16 Young man and woman not going all the way(3) 18 Intellectual head of society prepared choral(7) 19 Data recorder, one active in forest regions(6) 21 Odd-shaped asteroids, apart from one, should be classified(8) 22 One intellectually challenged contents of secret instructions(6) 25 A sweet is sharp(5) 26 Is award written in colour first of dozens ignored?(9) PUZZLES CRYPTIC CROSSWORD 12345 678 9 10 11 12 1314 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 No. 3016 12 345678910111213 1415 1617181920212223242526 GO CODEWORD No. 064 WORDFIND AUBURN BURGUNDY CARMINE CERISE CHERRY CHESTNUT CLARET COPPER FUCHSIA GINGER MAROON PUCE ROSE RUBY RUSSET RUST SCARLET SIENNA VERMILION No. 064 The leftover letters will spell out a secret message. 27 Neat identification sewn into tapestry’s borders(4) 28 Veteran caught in possession of drugs is searched(10) DOWN 1 Turkey and dog like
2 Trap released by magnetic power that’s extraordinary(5) 3 Scouts, as
4 Colourist sounded desperate(4) 5 Upstanding
7 Manoeuvred
8 Left
10 Food
14 Type
15 Hurt
16 Creditor
17 Time
20 Empty
23 Section
Tamworth TAMWORTH CMF 2021! Tamworth CMF Australia’s Largest Festival 2024 ... Tuesday 23/01/2024 to Sunday 28/01/2024 Bus, Bed & Breakfast $990 per person For more information or enquiries please contact GREG & DONNA ROSS. PH: (07) 4129 7132 OR 0427 297 132 e: Monday 18/09/2023 to Thursday 28/09/2023 18/09/2023 The Great Western Play & Stay Musical Tour 2023… 11 Day Musical Tour with 12 Country/Western, Rock n Roll Artists. See the Outback like you’ve never seen it before! Bus, Bed, Breakfast, Nightly Meals & Entertainment $3,300 per person POPULAR TOUR SECURE YOUR SEAT TODAY!
39Brisbane November 2022 / YOUR TIME MAGAZINE 13647 8461 92485 9352 32 476 743 48 5894 Level: Medium No. 908 No. 907 November 2022 PUZZLES 3178 523914 4852 2 4653 5867 7682 6218 9 SUDOKU Level: Easy ACROSS 1 Swiss currency (5) 4 Clergyman (9) 9 Breastbone (7) 10 Made of fine clay (7) 11 African country (7) 12 News (7) 13 Made dapper (7,2) 15 Not bad (4) 17 Admirers (4) 19 Things that hinder (9) 22 Jogging (7) 25 Bravery (7) 26 Hobby (7) 27 Puts more bullets in (7) 28 Mental disorder (9) 29 Give way; surrender (5) DOWN 1 Place protected by natural features (8) 2 Vindicator (7) 3 Binding agreements (9) 4 Appear sporadically (4,3,2) 5 Not edited (5) 6 Healed (5) 7 Keepsake (7) 8 Most pleasant (6) 14 Messages sent on holiday (9) 15 Bit by bit (9) 16 Appraised (8) 18 Reprieve (7) 20 Unauthorised disclosure (7) 21 Support (4,2) 23 From Dublin (5) 24 Estimate (5) QUICK CROSSWORD _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 9-LETTER WORD WORDSTEP Complete the list by changing one letter at a time to create a new word at each step. One possible answer shown below. No. 3692 No. 064 No. 064 Using the nine letters in the grid, how many words of four letters or more can you list? The centre letter must be included and each letter may only be used once. No colloquial or foreign words. No capitalised nouns, apostrophes or plural words ending in “s”. 9 words: Good 13 words: Very good 18 words: ExcellentC N G A V NI D A Today’s Aim: LOCUS PINKY Every row, column and 3x3 outlined square must contain the numbers 1 to 9 once each. Puzzles and pagination © Pagemasters Pty LTD. AUSTRALIA’S LARGEST CONSIGNMENT DEALER Queensland’s Best Variety & ValuePROFESSIONAL MARKETING OF YOUR CAR CALL OR VISIT US TODAY - 460 Gympie Road, Kedron. Ph: 07 3359 2477 GUARANTEED NOT FLOOD, HAIL OR ACCIDENT AFFECTED • 12 MONTH WARRANTY • DRIVE AWAY PRICES • SAFETY CERTIFICATE & CAR HISTORY PROVIDED EST. 25 YEARS 2011 Nissan Murano $14,990 A spacious & Luxurious family SUV without a hefty price tag! Electric leather trim, Rain sensor auto wipers, 18” alloys, Reverse camera with parking sensors, ABS. 2014 Mercedes-Benz GLA200 $34,990 This car ticks all the right boxes if looking for a cross over between a hatch back & a compact SUV. Selectable driving modes, Electric leather trim, 18” Alloys, GPS. 2015 Hyundai Tucson $28,990 This car won’t last long. One owner since new, full service history. 2Ltr 4 cylinder turbo diesel motor. Panoramic roof, Electric leather trim, GPS. 2012 Lexus LX570 $64,990 The pinnacle of a luxury 4X4. 4.7Ltr V8 petrol motor. Electric Leather trim, adaptive cruise control, sunroof, 20” Alloys. Tinted windows, Reverse & 360°C cameras & parking sensors. 2017 Ford Ranger PX $38,990 This Ranger represents great value for money & perfect for the family or work. One owner from new, full service history. EGR Hard Lid, Bullbar, Tinted windows.


When you’re searching for the best holiday location for your next Sunshine Coast family holiday, you’ll realise it’s hard to go past Clubb Coolum’s direct beach front holiday resort.

Clubb Coolum is an 11 storey resort located directly opposite Coolum’s patrolled beach & on the main esplanade at beautiful Coolum, halfway between Noosa and Mooloolaba.

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