Your Time Sunshine Coast June 2024

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Care with compassion


EDITION 111 JUNE, 2024 SUNSHINE COAST >> 100% LOCALLY OWNED YourTime FREE Take me home
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It’s not hard to do the math. Ageing Australian population + living longer with the help of medical science + the trend to have children later in life = a growing need for people in the over-55 age bracket to care for their parents.

At a time when many of us should be enjoying the fruits of our labour in retirement, we find ourselves having to have tough conversations with mum and dad: “What happens when you are no longer able to look after yourself? Where do you want/need to live?”

I was the youngest of four. A ‘change of life’ baby as my parents were both 42. The only girl in the family. I was 16 when my dad complained of a sore back on Christmas Eve 1978. He was in and out of hospital, but adamant he would stay at home as long as possible. In-home care, at that time, was unheard of and only for the rich in the movies. He succumbed to widespread cancer only four months on, sparing any of us a carer’s role.

When my mum’s kidney disease took

its toll 10 years later, she couldn’t stay on her own. Although relative newlyweds, hubbie and I decided to bring her home to live with us. She put her Kedron house on the market, and we moved the furniture and memories she had collected over 47 years of married life up to our modest Sunshine Coast cottage. We even had plans drawn up for a granny flat in the backyard.

At 27, we were her tag-team carers: me during the day, then switching to hubbie while I worked nightshift. We both had to bathe and dress/undress her. We both had to cook special meals she could digest and coax her to eat the tiniest of morsels. We were relatively young. We had energy and motivation. We did what we had to do in the short time she was with us after the big move.

I cannot comprehend how I would do that today, being near retirement age myself. This month, journalist Carrol Baker tackles the subject of caring for parents in our later years. Our In-home Care feature explains some of the services now available. My heart goes out to all carers (paid or voluntary) and those about to take on those tough conversations.

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3 Sunshine Coast June 2024 / YOUR TIME MAGAZINE Editor’s note Your Time Magazine is locally owned and published by The Publishing Media Company Pty Ltd ATF The Media Trust (“the Publisher”). No part of this publication may be reproduced or copied in any form by any means without the prior written consent of the Publisher. The Publisher does not assume responsibility for, endorse or adopt the content of any advertisements published in Your Time Magazine, either as written copy or inserts, given such content is provided by third parties and contains statements beyond the Publisher’s personal knowledge. The information contained in Your Time Magazine is intended as a guide only and does not represent the view or opinion of the Publisher or its editorial staff. Professional advice should be sought before applying any of the information to particular circumstances. Whilst every reasonable care is taken in the preparation of Your Time Magazine, the Publisher and its editorial staff do not accept liability for any errors or omissions it may contain. 4 COVER STORY 6 WHAT’S HIP 7 MUSINGS WITH GARRY 8 HISTORY 8 IN THE COMMUNITY 10 AGES AND STAGES 12 TECHNOLOGY 14 FLIPSIDE 14 BRAIN MATTERS 16 MOTORING 20 ACTIVE LIVING 21 IN-HOME CARE FEATURE 24 INSIGHT 26 HEALTH 27 WHAT’S ON 30 RETIREMENT LIVING 31 OUR PEOPLE 32 TRAVEL 36 BOOK REVIEWS 37 TRIVIA QUIZ 38 PUZZLES 21 Contents 10 32
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Tipping point: how to cope with caring for ageing parents

CARROL BAKER looks into changing relationships within the family as Australia’s population is living longer.

Sixty-two-year-old Carrie is locked in a battle of wills with her 87-year-old mum May to accept home help, after discovering she hadn’t showered for two weeks and was living on banana sandwiches.

Carrie is emotionally exhausted and can’t seem to find a way to help her mum.

She’s not alone.

It’s a tough call, as a child of ageing parents, to navigate how to look after your mum or dad when they need it.

You want to honour their independence and autonomy, while giving them the care they need.

Added to that, there could be different opinions among siblings or partners about what that care should look like and who should shoulder the load.

There’s no denying our ageing

population is set to live well beyond the realms of previous generations.

The UN Convention states that in 2050, for the first time in human history, there will be more people over 60 than there are children.

Caring for older people is set to become a global issue.

In the 1950s, the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare reports, the average lifespan for males was 66.5 and for females it was 71.5.

Fast forward 70 years and the average lifespan of males has jumped to 81.3 and for females it’s 85.4.

We have technological advancements in preventative health outcomes, medicines and more information geared towards positive and healthy ageing at our fingertips. Even though the

government expects us to toil longer at our jobs before retirement, many of us can now expect to live into our 90s.

Professor Ruth Hubbard, Masonic chair of geriatric medicine at the Centre for Health Services Research, University of Queensland, is an expert in frail ageing. She says living longer and ageing is a privilege.

“It’s important to look at ageing as a consequence of societal success and a cause for celebration,” she says.

As we get older, studies show life satisfaction and contentment increase.

Older parents have accumulated a lifetime of wisdom and stories to share.

And, there’s more time to spend with grandchildren and pursuing hobbies they love.

But there comes a time when our parents might need help.

There are signs to look for that your parent might be struggling. Geriatrician Dr Catherine Yelland says some things aren’t always immediately obvious.

“You might find a few unpaid bills stacked up or open the fridge to discover food beyond its use-by date,” she says.

As they age, encourage your parents to develop a good relationship with their GP, as they can be an invaluable support and gateway for information.

As a natural progression of ageing, some people can have difficulty concentrating. Memory lapses are more commonplace.

Older people can also struggle with loneliness and grief at losing not only a life partner, but also their independence.

Living well for longer means taking care of yourself through exercise, nutrition and social connections. But

eventually there is a tipping point, when being older becomes frail elderly.

At this point, parents need extra care.

Prof Hubbard says many parents might express that they simply don’t want any help.

“Many older people are fierce about their independence, but I tell them if you have assistance now, it will help you stay independent for longer,” she says.

As your parents get older, make sure those ducks are in a row.

Early on, well before your parent reaches their twilight years, it’s helpful to get informed about legal and support services available, including an Enduring Power of Attorney. This is a legal document that gives someone your parent trusts the authority to make personal, health and financial decisions on their behalf, if they can’t, based on what they’d have wanted.

Another is an Aged Care Assessment Plan (ACAP): a comprehensive assessment of the care needs of your parent, which offers links to support services.

Geriatrician Dr Andrew Granger says getting in early with an ACAP is a good idea.

“Don’t wait until a crisis happens to put these things in motion, as it can take up to a year to get an ACAP assessment,” he says.

For parents who might be reluctant to get the ball rolling, Dr Granger has this advice: “It doesn’t compel the parent to do anything, but means if they need assistance down the track, it shows what that could look like.”

Honouring your parents’ independence is important.

4 Sunshine Coast YOUR TIME MAGAZINE / June 2024 COVER STORY

Have a heart-to-heart with your ageing parents, well before they need it, about what their future might look like.

This means asking if they explicitly want to stay in their own home or be supported in an environment where they have more care.

Jenny, 68, cares for her elderly mum Betty, 94, at home. Jenny put her hand up for the job five years ago, relocating from Far North Queensland.

It’s an arrangement that’s given Jenny an opportunity to reconnect with her mum, as they share a love of op shopping and cafe hopping.

Of course, not all children will live with their parents as official or unofficial carers, but many will need to pop in more often and spend more time with them.

If you notice a cognitive decline in your elderly parent, Prof Hubbard suggests finding out whether it’s transitioning to a dementing illness.

“Seek a holistic assessment by a geriatrician about this. It needs to be diagnosed because there are treatments available that will slow the progression of that cognitive decline,” she says.

A geriatrician can also rule out other causes. It may be linked to a secondary or

reversible cause, such as a vitamin deficiency, lack of sleep or depression.

A softly, softly approach is called for when supporting elderly parents.

When approaching the topic of accepting help, there’s a very good chance you’ll strike reluctance or resistance.

It’s about being assertive, but also compassionate and caring.

Dr Yelland says there’s no denying navigating this is tough.

“You need to strike a balance between pointing out that they need some assistance and not being critical,” she says.

Work out various roles family members can take onboard to be a united support network. Dr Yelland says doing the best for your parent also means throwing stereotypes out the window.

“It’s not always the oldest child that has the best rapport with the parent, and it’s not always the daughter,” she says.

“It’s a delicate dance. Share the roles, without looking like you are ganging up on the parent.”

Kate, 61, is carer for her mum May, 90, who has advanced dementia, and her father Jack, 91, who has mobility issues

and is in constant pain. Relatives have gently suggested May should be in a nursing home.

“Over my dead body,” says Kate’s dad.

Caring for her high-needs mum and dad has stripped Kate of her youth and her vitality. A decade on, she loves her parents, but sees life passing her by, and she feels guilty about that.

Caring for someone in their later years is a huge responsibility. There is much joy in caring for a loved one, but it’s hard work.

Dr Yelland says it’s not the same as raising children, but it’s an analogy she often hears.

“Children are developing and growing; with ageing parents, they are usually deteriorating or declining. So, there is a lot of sadness in the caring role,” she says.

There’s also the risk of carer burnout, so it’s important to tap into support networks of your own and take respite breaks when you need them.

Dr Granger says carers need support, too – whether that’s psychosocial or physical.

“Even a few hours a week where the carer has time out is important, but sometimes getting the carers and the parents to accept that is hard,” he says.

There may come a time when a parent needs to access more support than the family can give. Some might happily move into care, but for the majority of parents, it’s something they don’t want.

Dr Yelland says it’s challenging for everyone: “Adult children say the hardest thing they’ve ever had to do is put the older person in a nursing home.”

Dr Yelland advocates that more education is needed across the board, but particularly for the elderly.

“We see messages in the wider community about healthy ageing, but not about how to manage when healthy ageing comes to an end, and frail ageing begins,” she says.

Help to optimise your parent’s ageing trajectory, through the four pillars of healthy ageing:

• High-intensity resistance training. Prof Ruth Hubbard says this reduces age-related decline in muscle mass to reduce the risk of falls. “Exercise is the strongest evidence-based intervention when it comes to optimising ageing,” she says.

• Check medications. “Sometimes medicines prescribed when middle aged aren’t needed when people are older and vice versa,” Prof Hubbard says.

• Good nutrition. Get them to eat a high-protein diet, with small, frequent meals. “I’ve admitted people to hospital who’ve been on a tea-and-toast diet. Their cognition is impacted, but with the right nutrients, they significantly improve,” Prof Hubbard says.

• Social engagement. We are social creatures, and the brain doesn’t like to be lonely. “I’d be very resistant to a gardening club but love a choir. Find something your parent enjoys,” Prof Hubbard says.

We can help you through the mine field of high pressure hearing aid shops that just want you to spend more and more

5 Sunshine Coast June 2024 / YOUR TIME MAGAZINE COVER STORY
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What’s hip

What’s a big deal

The Finale –episode 23 and 24 of Season 9 – originally aired in Australia on May 14, 1998, ending television sitcom Seinfeld But our appetite for watching reruns, interviews with cast members and bloopers has been insatiable ever since. Comedian and series co-creator Jerry Seinfeld has kept his hand in the game (recording comedy TV specials, creating the animated Bee Movie, directing, co-writing and producing his latest film Unfrosted: The Pop-Tart Story, and hosting the popular Comedians In Cars Getting Coffee, for example). But stand-up remains his first love. And Queenslanders still have their chance to see Jerry Seinfeld live on stage at the Brisbane Entertainment Centre on June 19. At the time of printing, some of the best seats in the house were still available (for a price!). Go to

Where to go

The Nambour Showgrounds will once again host more than 40,000 visitors as the annual Queensland Garden Expo celebrates 40 years of growth. The seven-hectare, immersive gardening experience sees this year’s program increasing from three to four days, from July 4-7. The event is a showcase of more than 360 exhibitors presenting a diverse range of products, and features Australia’s largest gardening speaker program including Australian ‘green thumb royalty’ such as Costa Georgiadis, Jerry Coleby-Williams, Claire Bickle, Millie Ross and Phil. Go to

What to watch

With the release of the prequel Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga, starring Anya Taylor-Joy and Chris Hemsworth, it’s time to revisit the other four in the Mad Max franchise. Start with the original 1979 film that sent Mel Gibson’s acting career skyrocketing. Max is a police officer in George Miller’s apocalyptic saga where war, critical resource shortages and destruction of the environment have led to societal collapse. When his wife and child are murdered by a vicious biker gang, Max takes revenge on the gang and becomes a drifter in the wasteland. Then, lose yourself in the others: Mad Max 2, Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome and Mad Max: Fury Road Mad Max 2 and Fury Road (starring Tom Hardy and Charlize Theron), in particular, have been ranked among the best action films ever made. Stan is currently showing Mad Max and Mad Max Fury Road for a little winter escapism.

Back in the day…

Long before gremlins in our computers, there was the classic ‘Christmas’ horror movie. Gremlins was released in the US on June 8, 1984, to critical and commercial acclaim. And we all remember the three crucial rules for raising a mogwai like Gizmo: 1. Avoid bright light. 2. Don’t get them wet. 3. Never feed them after midnight. Billy Peltzer and his town pay the price when his cute but exotic pet spawns aggressive, imp-like monsters that wreak havoc on Christmas Eve. Like Ghostbusters, which released the same weekend, Gremlins was produced at a time when combining horror and comedy was becoming ‘a thing’. But some of the violent scenes still give us all the heebie-jeebies.

Where to visit

It’s time to lock in a trip to the Maranoa region, 500km west of Brisbane, to honour Australia’s last horsedrawn mail run 100 years ago. The 10-day Cobb & Co Festival will run from August 16-25. The all-ages festival will immerse visitors in the rich tapestry of Australia’s pioneering heritage. It culminates on August 24 and 25 with a re-creation of the last Cobb & Co mail run on the 76km Cobb & Co Way: an historic route between Surat and Yuleba. The festival program includes the Long Table Dinner under the stars, a horse art exhibition, coach rides, bush poetry, the Cobb & Co Festival Ball, and an open-air concert. Visit

6 Sunshine Coast YOUR TIME MAGAZINE / June 2024


SHAKESPEARE said: “God has given us a face, and we make another.”

Rather than our face being a biography, some seniors like to create an appealing work of fiction with makeovers via cosmetic surgery and makeup.

It is flattering when people comment that we don’t look our age.

Over the years, our face’s soft tissue of fat and muscle is redistributed.

When we’re young, fat is evenly distributed, creating a plump and smooth appearance.

As gravity takes hold, skin becomes loose and saggy under the eyes and chin, while cheeks become hollow from reduced fat and thin skin.

Lines appear in expanding foreheads,

revealed by receding hairlines.

Crow’s feet deepen around eyes and mouths, with added wrinkles and dark, broken capillary blotches resulting from poor diet, smoking and sun damage.

There are complex changes in our visage as noses droop, lips thin, jowls sag and ears elongate.

While many accept this as inevitable, facial ageing can be a downer as it affects our self-image and how others see us.

Successful treatments not only provide a physical lift but also a boost to the spirit.

For some, the contraction of eyelashes in length, thickness and darkness can be disguised with makeup.

For others, hairs start sprouting out of ears and noses and lashes become grey and bushy – necessitating an increased grooming regime beyond shaving, waxing, exfoliation and moisturising.

For our self-confidence, it is a battle worth pursuing but there is a sense of postponing the inevitable.

I have visited women in their final days of cancer treatment and they looked serene as the nursing staff acceded to their request to access a beauty therapist.

They treasured one last, precious moment of looking and feeling exquisite.

7 Sunshine Coast June 2024 / YOUR TIME MAGAZINE
MUSINGS WITH GARRY Bouncing into a new era of life, retiree GARRY REYNOLDS shares his thoughts on the world around us. e: Cnr. Centaur Street & Omrah Avenue, CALOUNDRA WILLS, INHERITANCE AND DECEASED ESTATE LAWYERS FOR 46 YEARS GEOFF LYONS (Bachelor of Laws and Master of Laws majoring in Wills & Estates) ws s in Wills & Estates P: (07) 5491 2422 • WILLS • ENDURING POWERS OF ATTORNEY • DECEASED ESTATE ADMINISTRATION for your FREE Survey & Quote • The only company to supply and install our own stairlifts • For straight or curved staircases • Indoor and outdoor stairlifts • Free home assessment • Fast installation • Safe and reliable CALL 1800 431 188 the Stairs? Maintain your independence, let Acorn Stairlifts keep you safe to enjoy your freedom! • Adjustable Mattress & Bases • Lift Beds • Single sided pocket spring • Massage feature available • Hospital grade foam with anti pressure comfort layer Manufacturing & Sales on the Sunshine Coast for over 40 years Family owned and operated! SHOWROOM: 5 Pioneer Road, Yandina Qld 4561 e: Specialists in Aged Care and NDIS Package Customers Showroom OPENTOTHE PUBLIC SOPENPUBLI or | P: 5446 7541 ShoENTBLIC P: rt r Showroom N OTHE IC

Early pioneers’ tunnel vision

AUDIENNE BLYTH takes a local bushwalk with a lesson in our early railway history.

If you like to go bush, Dularcha National Park has popular trails for walkers, mountain bike riders and horse riders. It was gazetted in 1924.

Dularcha is an Aboriginal word meaning ‘blackbutt’ and the park contains significant Aboriginal sites.

Well before the gazettal, the North Coast Railway line that would eventually link Brisbane with Gympie was built through this area of bushland.

A part of the old line can be easily accessed from Dorson Drive, Mooloolah.

An abandoned railway tunnel, the Dularcha Tunnel (opened in 1891 and closed in 1932) is about one kilometre along what seems to be the old track.

Visitors can venture through the 92.5m to the exit. It is dark inside, with a bat colony squalling in the darkest spot. Be prepared with a torch. A bypass track can be accessed for those not tempted by the tunnel. You can hear the present-day electric trains passing close to the old track.

January 1889 that T. Jesser & Co had the contract to build the line from Landsborough to Yandina. The clearing of scrub was described as an especially arduous nature, being nearly all heavily timbered. There was an abundance of

encountered country so richly timbered with such an abundance of fresh water.

Camps were set up. Two thousand men, including navies and draymen, were employed in different gangs. Picks and shovels were their tools. Three hundred horses were used for heavy loads. The most-intensive work was tunnelling, with only hand labour and the lining of the interior with concrete. A sawmill nearby provided thousands of wooden sleepers.

The railway link from Landsborough to Yandina took two years to build and was opened on January 1, 1891. The line from Yandina to Cooran would take another six months. It encountered the difficult terrain of the Eumundi Range.

In July 1891, the line was opened from Gympie to Brisbane and services began.

The journey took 12 hours: much faster than the earlier horse-drawn coaches or sea travel. Queensland celebrated the building of the North Coast Line. Freight trains were able to carry farmers’ produce

GENEALOGY Sunshine Coast will be having a stand at the Nambour Garden Expo on July 4-7.

You never know what you will learn. Or visit the group’s premises in Petrie Park Road (opposite the swimming pool) in Nambour on Mondays, Tuesdays or Thursdays.

Members and visitors can attend the monthly meetings with interesting themes. Just bring along one item relating to that month’s theme: for example, June is transport, July is badges, September is flowers, October is cause of death, and November is christenings.



IF YOU are a woman over 50 who is interested in social activities, meeting new friends and more, head along to the friendly and welcoming branch meeting of the Older Women’s Network Maroochydore.

Members meet on the third Monday of the month at The Avenue Retirement Community, 32 Baden Powell Street, Maroochydore, to enjoy a chat, discuss a range of topics, listen to guest speakers, try a range of activities and have some fun while making new friends.

For more information, contact Lee on 0429 831 414.

8 Sunshine Coast YOUR TIME MAGAZINE / June 2024 HISTORY
Exit to the Dularcha Tunnel near Mooloolah
A bright solution to your dry eyes Intense Pulsed Light improves your eyes’ meibomian gland function to help your tears be the best they can be. Your friendly optometrist or GP can provide a referral to attend our Dry Eye Clinic. Or to make a direct appointment call our clinic on 07 5345 5011. Insight Eye Surgery: 59 Mary Street, Noosaville | Telephone: 07 5345 5011 Our IPL machine is clinically tested for dry eye. Research shows that most patients report an improvement in dry eye symptoms after their second or third IPL treatment. IPL is not suitable for all skin types or for those with particular pre-existing health issues. Please call our clinic or visit our website to find out more. Personal care Cleaning and household tasks Getting out and about a convo with your cuppa. A neighbour when you need We’ve been helping older Australians to keep living independently at home for more than 30 years. Whether it’s social connection or household assistance, our friendly team can support you with an extra helping hand.



welcomes new members to enjoy a variety of activities each month.

These can include social outings, coffee mornings and a lunch with guest speakers on the fourth Friday of the month at Maroochy Surf Club. Sue Clarke (pictured above right) recently gave an interesting talk about her many years with a local Coast Guard.

Prospective members can call Claire on 0416 119 053 or email


SUNSHINE Coast Scrabble Club meets at Nambour RSL at 1pm every Friday.

Games, while competitive, are low key, with an emphasis on enjoying the match in the company of other Scrabble lovers.

New players are welcome and are given a gentle introduction with an initial open-book game.

For further information, phone Trevor on 5445 7770.


LOVE hearts, blooms and corsages set the theme for the Twin Waters VIEW Club

Mother’s Day luncheon meeting in May.

Guest speaker Michael Beatty (pictured) was a reporter-writer and host of BBC Radio programs where he interviewed artists such as Mick Jagger, Paul McCartney, Fred Astaire and Cary Grant.

He came to Australia with the Elton John tour and returned a month later work for ABC Radio, then television’s This Day Tonight,Today Tonight,The 7.30 Report, Good Morning Australia and State Affairs He helped out the RSPCA for six weeks in 2004 and is still there.

The club meets for lunch on the second Thursday of each month at The Loose Goose, Ocean Drive, Twin Waters, from 11am. Call Doreen on 0415 695 921 or email

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Life in the slow lane

ARE you a person who complains or are you someone who takes everything in your stride?

Are you putting up with things and situations because you don’t like complaining or can’t be bothered?

Somehow, complaining has become part of our lives. We like to complain about everything – from the price of strawberries or the cost of petrol to the weather (it is either too hot or too cold, too dry or too wet).

I complain as good as anyone else, but I am trying not to complain about things that I cannot change, and No.1 on that list is the weather.

When I lived in a tropical town with only a dry and a wet season, people hardly talked about the weather. The weather ‘just was’.

There is complaining and complaining. It is right and should be complained about if you have been overcharged, if you have been given the wrong information or if someone has been rude to you, just to name a few.

If your complaining will right a wrong or prevent something bad happening, go for it: complain loud and long.

While we don’t hold back to complain about lots of things in life, we are often reluctant to complain to the powers ‘upstairs’.

I found that it is useless to complain to staff ‘on the floor’. It brings no results.

You need the manager – at least. Have you ever emailed the CEO of a company because you felt badly treated by the staff? I have and was surprised how quickly I received an answer by the boss himself. I might only be an unimportant person but I am also a customer. I bring the sales, and so, the profit.

We live in a world where we are taught and encouraged to ‘let it all hang out’. Mental health problems are an item we come across in every news broadcast with the advice to open the floodgates. Complaining is a form of ‘releasing’, of ‘blowing out’ –balancing life.

It is true. Don’t you feel great when you complain bitterly to someone, especially who a) doesn’t take it too seriously and b) knows that you actually don’t quite mean it and are just blowing off steam?

Is whingeing the same as complaining? I feel that whingeing does not really expect any results.

However, I think a good whinge – especially to someone you trust – is as good a release as a complaint, bona fide or not.

However, before we complain, maybe we should have a look at the world around us.

Like everybody else, I feel I have things to complain about.

But do I really?

Aren’t I safe from bombs and guns? Don’t I have medical care when I need it. Don’t I have enough food to eat ... the list is long.

Maybe most of us don’t have anything serious to complain about. Still, a good whinge is a good whinge, especially if it makes you feel better.

May your complaints be small and your whinges healing.


Life’s an adventure

ON A recent trip to The Ginger Factory at Yandina, I was pretty excited at the newest attraction.

The world’s largest operating ginger factory has been running here in our backyard for more than 40 years and it’s a beautiful spot to take the family.

While entry is free, there’s plenty of opportunity to spend up on food, drink, souvenirs and family-friendly rides. I’ve visited numerous times over the years, before kids, with my children and now with grandkids.

Last month, I was amazed by the new Zog Trail. My first question was: “Who or what is Zog?”. I learnt that Zog is the title character of a book by English author Julia Donaldson (you may be familiar with another of her books, The Gruffalo).

The trail is set in a cool, shady section of the grounds, where visitors wander along a path under a forest canopy. The idea is to spot Zog and his cute, animated dragon mates along the way, which sounded a fun exercise for the littlies. I soon discovered that the Zog Trail was more than cutouts of colourful dragons on tree trunks.

To appreciate the whole experience, you need to download a free app to your phone.

This is used to scan circular signs placed near the path. The signs feature a dragon silhouette and once you scan them, the magic begins. A cartoon dragon


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will be revealed on your phone’s screen and it appears as though the dragon is physically in front of you.

By some bizarre sorcery, you can also be photographed with these characters.

My son reports that the concept is known as augmented reality and is made possible through the wonders of modern technology. Excuse my ignorance, but I haven’t played computer games since Space Invaders in the ’80s.

Soon there were enlivened cries of “Take my picture!”. That was me and, sadly, some young children had to wait while my daughter-in-law snapped photos of me with a pretend dragon.

In my defence, the most magical thing when I was a child were those drawing pads that came with a thin, plastic pencil. You could draw on the pad and then peel up the plastic to erase the picture.

It was the less-exciting version of the

Magna Doodle or Etch A Sketch.

Our family didn’t own a camera until I was a teenager. For my 13th birthday, I received a Kodak Instamatic, which I used sparingly, as the cost of developing photos took a fair chunk of my pocket money.

A few years later, we owned a Polaroid that spat out a photo in an instant. These days, we can snap, delete, repeat with just a mobile phone.

Remember waiting for camera film to be developed, only to discover holiday photos of people with missing heads or a finger across the corner of the shot?

I have a photo of my family standing in front of the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco which does not feature the iconic bridge at all. The kind stranger who took the shot was slightly off with the camera angle, resulting in a picture of us nowhere special and grinning for no apparent reason.

The Zog Trail will be at The Ginger Factory for a year (to March) and I can recommend it (especially for easily-amused grandmas).

We didn’t finish the whole trail in one go because the two-year-old urgently needed morning tea.

I didn’t mind as I was happy to stop for coffee and a scone, topped with tasty, ginger marmalade and a dollop of cream, which is just another reason The Ginger Factory is worth a visit.

Visit Located beside the beautiful Lake Kawana, on the Sunshine Coast, we are long-term locals who have been helping locals for nearly 50 years with their legal matters in a timely, professional and affordable manner. WITH YOU THROUGH IT ALL 07 5438 8400 L2 Suite 12, 9 Capital Place, Birtinya

11 Sunshine Coast June 2024 / YOUR TIME MAGAZINE AGES & STAGES
WILLS / ESTATES / PROPERTY / RETIREMENT VILLAGES Melissa McDonald Legal Practitioner Director Brian Carson Legal Practitioner Director Ian Griffiths Legal Practitioner Consultant

Mobile phones and plans demystified

EDIN READ pulls the veil from technology costs so you can understand what you might need and what you can live without.

Getting your head around the mobile phone industry these days is confusing. First, it’s the phone, then it’s the plan, and then it’s knowing how to use it.

I hope to offer some practical advice about what to look out for – and what to avoid.

I feel we’ve all been let down by the run of poor support from our main providers in the past, and I’m highly conscious of this.

As far as mobiles go, it’s hard to go wrong here, other than price. Today’s smartphones are so similar to one another, you can barely tell them apart.

There’s two main types of phones: Android and iOS. Android runs on most phones, such as Samsung, Google and Oppo, whereas iOS is only on Apple’s iPhone. It’s really a personal preference which you buy.

Personally, I use an Apple iPhone, which serves me well. You can go to your local tech store and try them out to see which type you prefer. Even ask your neighbour which they prefer and why.

I recommend sticking with what you know. If you’ve had an Android for the past 10 years, I don’t recommend changing to an iPhone, for example. The learning

curve isn’t extreme, but it’s certainly there. When picking your phone, look for something with at least 64GB of storage, and see if it’s got the features you want.

If you’re only using it for texts, calls and maybe some time on Facebook, you could put a blindfold on and pick any new phone and it would work pretty much just as well as the next one.

When selecting, be firm on your price point: usually around $500 gets you a reasonable Android, and iPhones are a $1000-plus. Anything more (such as Pro models), an extra camera and excess storage will likely go unused, as romantic

as those features may sound.

Once you’ve got the gear, getting the right plan is important. As far as I’m concerned, the most cost-efficient plan is the Aldi 4G 10GB data with unlimited calls and texts for $19 – the SIM-only plan. It’s got unlimited data rollover, so if you don’t use your data, then it goes on the next month’s plan automatically.

The Aldi plans are run on the Telstra network. To put it in perspective, Optus’s cheapest SIM-only plan is more than double at $49 per month and Telstra’s is $62 per month (both with a few more benefits, including 5G and more data).

You can also keep your number and it’s not complicated to set up. Plus, if you need more data, you can just upgrade your plan.

I know what you might be thinking: seriously, Aldi? I have tested its network on our business’s phones and it works flawlessly. For $19, the plan really is a great option.

For a pre-paid option, you can also go with Aldi and top up in $15 chunks, too. I do find the data and calling are quite expensive down this route, compared with the $19 plan.

The best step is to head to Aldi and pick up a SIM. You just sign up with your information and credit card on the website, and it charges you each month. Couldn’t be easier!

The third step is knowing how to use it. Understanding the quirks of your phone and getting a specialised one-to-one lesson on it will set you up for success, as well as any outstanding questions answered.

Thankfully, this is where Greyology can help. Feel free to give me a call and we can set up a time.

Edin Read is founder and chief technician at Greyology Tech Support for Seniors. Visit

12 Sunshine Coast YOUR TIME MAGAZINE / June 2024 TECHNOLOGY
LOC AL LOCAL INDEPENDENTLY OWNED & OPERATED 24/7 care line 1300 854 363 4/27 Coronation Avenue Nambour 4560 Affordable & Dignified Care from $2460 DIGNITY DOESN’T COST THE EARTH Present this original advertisment to get on any of your unwanted GOLD SILVER PLATINUM PALLADIUM Any Quantity – Any Quality – Any Condition NOT SURE IF IT’S REAL? We offer obligation-free assessments Street, MOFFAT BEACH 2 Allen 5 4 9 1 17 3 3 9 am to 5pm We ekd ays O pen a te jewell er s. co m.a u su ns t u st the L o cals Tru SUNSTATE U JEWELLERS E As heard on Sunshine FM • TRUSTED BY LOCALS OF OVER 50 YEARS • SAME LOCATION • SAME FAMILY OWNERS


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architecturally designed homes Oversized RV garages in every home Premium facilities Pet friendly community No entry or exit fees, and no stamp duty Retain your capital gain CONTACT US 07 4155 5035 OVER 50s LIFESTYLE RESORT
Discover beachside living in stunning, sub-tropical Burnett Heads. Enjoy spacious homes, resort amenities, and a community for RV lovers.

Time bandits are on a mission, so be vigilant


GRIFFITHS knows only too well how chronic disease can rob us of great chunks of our daily lives.

Never forget: it’s our time. The winter solstice has the shortest day but the longest night. Summer solstice is the reverse. But at the end of the day, every day, 24 hours will pass.

Everyone wants a piece of our 24 hours and if we drop our guard for a moment, they’ll take it. We unconditionally devote time to loved ones, willingly share designated workdays with colleagues, and dutifully allow hours for mundane necessities.

Then there are what I call ‘time bandits’. These opportunistic predators arrive uninvited to drag us away from our productive or pleasurable activities.

They range from minor annoyances such as telemarketers, to major disruptions caused by emergencies where our presence is essential. We deal with dozens of distractions every day, but the biggest, meanest, nastiest, most-relentless time bandit of them all is chronic disease.

Those of us living with a chronic illness learn to deal with the symptoms and treatment regimen. We might allocate time for exercise, drug-taking, special meal preparation, examinations and meditation.

However, chronic conditions have no


If only chronic disease was as loveable as these Time Bandits

concept of time or timing. They sneak in with one malevolent intention: to steal great chunks of our precious 24 hours. Flare-ups, complications and drug interactions are unpredictable. We never know how severe reactions will be if or when they may occur. The chronic disease time bandit will strike. It’s just a matter of when and how much time it will plunder.

As if unpredictability doesn’t raise anxiety and stress, there is an even greater temporal disruptor at play here: the insidious time bandit. This outrageous and cunning mutant wears a tattoo where its heart should be that reads: “The anticipation of pain is worse than pain itself”.

We often spend inordinate amounts

of time imagining reoccurrences, often anticipating greater severity than previously experienced. Sinister time theft at its best.

This diabolical time bandit preys on our most-critical vulnerability, injecting emotional catalysts such as doubt, fear, insecurity and desperation to break down our resistance.

We first need to smoke this bandit out. Whenever we find ourselves catastrophising (and it will happen), we need to pull out of over-thinking freefall and regain control of our precious time.

A simple technique is to construct an internal dialogue with the bandit.

Acknowledge the bandit’s intention and firmly declare that we have far more important things to do than dwell on the intangible world of imagination. With that, bid the bandit adieu and get back to living our lives, on our terms, at our pace.

If this article resonates with you, contact me at

Charlie Griffiths is a certified life coach and NLP practitioner dedicated to helping middle-aged professionals who are struggling with career decisions after being diagnosed with a chronic disease.

Many helping hands can ease the burden


KENILWORTH resident Suzanne Read is facilitating her first Beyond the Widow Retreat from August 15-18 at Obi Obi Homestead.

Her inaugural retreat comes three years after releasing her first book From Wife to Widow which was an account of watching her late husband Robert go through the ups and downs of being diagnosed with leukaemia. A disease that has a staggering death rate, leukaemia has intensive treatments and caused Robert to lose his fight for life in June 2019.

After resigning from her corporate executive role, settling into country life outside of Kenilworth on 14ha, writing two books and recently marrying the next love of her life, Suzanne is offering four-day retreats for the widowed.

Her retreats offer widows a community of like-minded people who have loved and lost. They are a source of physical, emotional and mental tools to enable women to open their heart and deal with life’s challenges, and support them to find a purpose that helps deal with fear and loneliness and allows them to feel worthy again.

Visit, her Beyond the Video Facebook or Instagram pages or email

KAILAS ROBERTS illustrates how a team approach to dementia management is needed to cover all bases for patients’ health and wel lbeing.

In my clinic, I have colleagues who are passionate and skilled when it comes to working with people with dementia, as well as their families and carers. They are predominantly allied health practitioners. And I often think that the support they provide is more valuable than what I, as a medical practitioner, can offer.

You see, dementia is a condition that affects multiple aspects of your wellbeing and health.

The stereotype of forgetfulness does a woeful job of capturing the complexity of the condition.

Sometimes the forgetfulness is only a minor issue (not all types of dementia have this as a key component). And even if it is pronounced, the day-to-day effect of it may be eclipsed by other moreproblematic symptoms.

I want to highlight the roles of the allied health specialists when it comes to managing dementia.

Firstly, physiotherapists: whenever anyone asks me what the best thing is you can do for your brain, I have a reflexive answer – be physically active. There is some evidence that regular physical exercise may influence the

trajectory of early dementia, with the improvement in blood supply to the brain as well as the promotion of growth factors such as BDNF (brain-derived neurotrophic factor) – crucial for nerve cell health.

As most people with dementia tend to be in the elder years, this comes with physical challenges that may impede the ability to keep active. Physiotherapists are skilled at creating tailored routines that allow people to safely keep active. They also play a vital element in preventing falls – the outcomes of which can be catastrophic, of course.

Next, we have clinical psychologists. The psychological repercussions of

dementia can be profound – both for the person with the condition and their family members and carers. There are themes of loss and grief for many and there is the real impact of carer stress which can wreak havoc on a person’s mental and physical health and wellbeing. A psychologist is skilled at providing strategies to manage the situation and is also someone outside of the family to talk to. I have often found that family members do not want to let each other know about their problems, lest they burden them further at an already stressful time.

Third, we have neuropsychologists who undergo similar training initially to clinical psychologists but then become skilled at cognitive assessment.

They can provide invaluable information about what parts of a person’s brain is working well and not.

This can help with diagnosis but also allows the neuropsychologist to work with the person and teach them ways to best navigate day-to-day life in spite of their cognitive deficits.

Occupational therapists (OTs) are also very helpful. One of their main roles is to ensure that the physical environment

– the home of the person with dementia – is optimised. Simple things such as hand rails and extra supports in the bathroom can make all the difference to independence and allow people to stay in their own home for longer.

It can also be beneficial to engage a speech therapist to facilitate communication (which can falter with dementia) and to evaluate the person’s ability to swallow, reducing the risk of choking.

Finally, although not an official allied health stream, we have an aged care navigator at our clinic (who is an OT by trade). Their job involves helping others navigate the complexity of funding and supports and the behemoth that is MyAgedCare. This is a daunting task and help is often greatly appreciated.

The best approach to dementia is one that involves a team approach, and the importance of allied health practitioners should not be underestimated.

Kailas Roberts is a psychogeriatrician and author of Mind Your Brain: The Essential Australian Guide to Dementia, now available at all good bookstores and online. Visit or

14 Sunshine Coast YOUR TIME MAGAZINE / June 2024 FLIPSIDE

You’re invited

Over-50s Lifestyle Forum 2024


DATE Tuesday, 18 June 2024

TIME 9:30am for a 10:00am start to 12 noon

WHERE The Rivershed, Howard Smith Wharves, Brisbane

RSVP Register online at by Monday, 10 June

Limited places | Registration essential Don’t miss this exclusive one-day event!

Hosted by former Australian cricketer and TV presenter

Mike Whitney

The forum’s expert speakers include:

Noel Whittaker

Known as Australia’s Financial Wizard of Oz, renowned finance expert, columnist, commentator and author, Noel Whittaker, will share his 20 commandments of wealth for retirees.

Rachel Lane

If you’re considering downsizing, you won’t want to miss respected financial adviser Rachel Lane, co-author with Noel Whitaker on the book Downsizing Made Simple. Learn about the options available and the ins and outs of financing retirement living.

Accredited Practicing Dietitian Carly Barlow will give expert tips on how to outsmart weight gain and muscle loss in your 50s and beyond.


Why this Outlander exceeds many expectations

BRUCE MCMAHON checks out a new hybrid SUV that has plenty of pluses if you’re thinking about transitioning.

Mitsubishi’s plug-in hybrid Outlander Exceed Tourer is a sensible, expensive and quite cosseting ride for the 2020s.

Outlanders were once cheap and cheerful wagons with some rough road ability – a handy option for knock-around family transport.

Today, there’s a range of these Japanese SUVs – in two- or all-wheeldrive, five- or seven-seat configurations – that takes off from around $50,000 and heads north to about $75,000.

Among the Outlander line-up, Mitsubishi has, for a time, offered PHEV versions: plug-in hybrid electric vehicles with petrol motor, electric motor and batteries which can be charged from a powerpoint.

Done right (keeping the 20kWh battery charged) and the factory reckons it’ll run at about 1.5 litres per 100km.

In the real world, combining suburban rides and highway cruises, it’s a good bit more than that: more like 6-8 litres per 100km. The benefits are running urban errands where Mitsubishi says there’s 84km of battery range (count on around 60 kilometres at least).

It’s a quiet ride in the all-wheel-drive

Exceed Tourer version – one of the most expensive of Outlander PHEVs – whether it’s rolling all electric or petrol electric. Transition from one power plant to the other is seamless and when the 2.4-litre petrol engine combines with the electric motors on the front and rear axles, for a total of 185kW of power and 450Nm of torque, there’s a fair amount of easy shove to get going.

This particular high-end version of Outlander PHEVs starts from about

$71,790 and it’s very much a gentle folk’s car from sparkling paint finish to plush front seats with a back massage function. There’s good room across the 4.7m-long wagon, although that third row of seats is best left to the grandkids. Not only is the Exceed Tourer quiet and comfortable, there’s the fuel economy, the premium (for the most part) interior, all the latest in safety, comfort and convenience features and decent ride comfort.

With all-wheel-drive, the Mitsubishi is well-mannered out on the road and, with a selection of drive modes for different types of rough tracks, quite happy to tackle indifferent road conditions.

A driver sits in a plush, lounge-like chair with instrumentation and controls all relatively straight forward and easily understood. Best of the digital graphics is the bar showing how much new power’s gone back to the battery by regeneration when slowing and braking the wagon. Pity the drivers behind.

Of course, there’s always the chief option of charging with a fast charger or even a 240 outlet at home, though that last move would just about take all night (and with a petrol motor on hand, this PHEV option obviates the need to search high and low for a working, and available, fast charger if out touring the countryside).

This upmarket PHEV Mitsubishi Exceed Tourer goes about its business quietly, without fuss. It’s a premium drive at a premium price that suits a well-measured and quieter lifestyle.

I’m just still not sure about the confrontational front-end style.

16 Sunshine Coast YOUR TIME MAGAZINE / June 2024 MOTORING
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Let there be (natural) light for good health

TRISTAN Hall reminds us that sunlight and social connections may have more benefits than we realise.

The Pillar of Health is often one that can be overlooked, particularly as we can be led to believe we have little control over our surroundings and are unable to really make an impact.

But have you ever considered that while our bodies are a result and response to our environment, we can use this to our advantage?

If the plant in the corner of your room starts to die and the leaves shrivel, more water or fertiliser aren’t going to bring it back to life.

In the same way, when we are indoors at home or in the office for long periods of time, several days a week, we, too, are missing a key element of growth.

Our body relies on the full spectrum light and the natural rhythms of exposure throughout the day to regulate our concentration, stress responses, mood, blood pressure, body temperature and even our immune and digestive systems.

Full spectrum light (from the sun) is different to the lights we use indoors and on screens, and it has a

greater effect on our body than we realise. In a simplified primal sense, our brain is wired to know that ‘blue light = blue sky’, signifying it’s daytime and we should be alert and active. Cortisol is heightened to fuel the alertness and action.

Artificial light sources are predominantly blue light emitting (unless the bulbs have a very warm glow). I’m sure you can piece together how the response to these lights may be unhelpful over long hours or in the evening as we wind down. The greater our cortisol levels are stimulated, the less our body receives signals for recovery – impacting sleep or digestion.

While modern lifestyles demand our time indoors, getting intermittent natural light throughout the day helps with regulation of energy, immunity, moods and concentration.

Our social environment and connection also play a vital role with health. We are social beings that desire connection – where depth is more valuable than breadth. Creating meaningful and deepened relationships with family and friends provides many benefits. Particularly with an influx of ‘feel-good’ hormones and a sense of safety/acceptance with others, our body is better able to combat stress and promote recovery and regulation.

Bringing intentionality to our physical and social environment can be a key factor in helping our health thrive. How can you set your environment to help combat stress and better regulate your energy?

Tristan Hall is an exercise physiologist at Full Circle Wellness. Call 0431 192 284 or visit



A GROUP of us from the Redcliffe Peninsula decided to go to Townsville for the recent long weekend in May to watch the Dolphins NRL club go head-to-head with the Cowboys.

None of us are under 50 and, at nearly 69, I am the oldest. Our Townsville friends and hosts had arranged a daily dose of exercise while we were in town, and that included an early morning walk/jog along The Strand, a walk up the famous Castle Hill and a hike around Mt Louisa.

So, although we ate out and had a great time socially, we did plenty of exercise.

Some in our group are obviously fitter that others but everyone was catered for and no one was left behind in the activity stakes. I would grade the climbing activities as strenuous. Our hosts made sure we worked to our physical capacity, adjusting the program accordingly.

The point I am making is that everyone attempted the set activities because they were adjusted to the individual. Had that not been the case, it is entirely possible and more likely probable that some of the exercise may not have been attempted by one or two attendees.

Encouraging people to exercise can be challenging and all sorts of things come into consideration, of course, including our approach, motivation, weather and the way exercise is presented.

Incidental exercise for senior citizens may be the best option, and easily achieved. If you are conducting or planning exercise at any level for seniors, make sure encouragement is always given and challenges set at any occupant’s ability and fitness levels.

Tom Law is the author of Tom’s Law Fit Happens. Visit


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PEACE of mind – that’s what I realise in-home care gives.

It’s peace of mind for the person who needs it, first and foremost, but also for their loved ones.

In-home care allows an individual to keep their independence for as long as possible, remaining in the comfort and security of familiar surroundings, but

knowing others are keeping an eye on their welfare from a professional perspective (without further burdening family, friends and neighbours).

I know this first-hand, having arranged for services to make my older brother’s life a little easier.

A born-and-bred Brisbane boy, he moved to the Sunshine Coast in his early 70s after almost a lifetime of working in Victoria.

Always fit and robust, he was living on his own in a small flat, close to amenities, clubs and services.

His quality of life had improved

enormously. But an episode of confusion on a walk into town led to a short hospitalisation and the diagnosis of a form of dementia.

That came as a huge shock to all, but it also was the catalyst for action –specifically for me to organise his My Aged Care to ensure he could receive the in-home services he needed.

At that stage, he was still able to look after himself, day to day.

But, an assessment and approval for a Home Care Package meant he could then have someone come in weekly to do a little cleaning, as well as share a cup of tea and conversation.

I went online, read reviews, compared costs and, most importantly, sought the opinions and advice of older friends who had been through a similar process with their family members.

Once we found what we believed to be the provider best suited, my brother and I held meetings with staff in his flat to ask questions, understand options and start the process of this new chapter in his independent living.

Step by step, the staff members walked us through his Home Care Package, what services were available – even social outings he could look forward to – and we agreed upon ‘helpers’ who seemed a good fit for him.

It also set in motion a schedule of professionals to drop in, ask all the

right questions, and make the observations needed to check for any further deterioration. They also suggested minor modifications such as non-slip mats.

None of us knew how short a time those in-home services would be needed before a reassessment forced his transition to higher care.

But giving my brother an easier, simpler life at the time was priceless.

The professional, friendly experience opened my eyes to what is available in the community and put all our minds at ease.

Like any loved one, I wanted to honour his wishes to stay at home in familiar surroundings, but also worried about his safety and whether he was looking after himself well. I couldn’t be around 24/7.

In-home care were the many hands, extra sets of eyes and new perspective we needed for that peace of mind.

Do you need a little help?

21 Sunshine Coast June 2024 / YOUR TIME MAGAZINE
Our Home Care Packages can include: Community Transport Household Help Personal Care Social Support & Group Outings Caregiver Respite Allied Health & Nursing Care Assisted Shopping Let us assist you with the relevant support you need... call us today Scan here to learn more IN HOME CARE FEATURE

AS OUR senior population continues to grow, the importance of organisations such as Maroochy Home Assist cannot be overstated.

For more than 25 years, the organisation has been a cornerstone of the Sunshine Coast community, dedicated to helping seniors live safely and independently in their own homes.

Through government-subsidised services, the organisation covers a wide range of jobs crucial to health, safety and security, ensuring seniors can live with dignity and peace of mind, surrounded by the familiarity and comfort of their own homes.

Maroochy Home Assist has specialised departments looking after major modifications, minor modifications, minor maintenance, and NDIS and Home  Care Package clients.

Services offered to the organisation’s 12,000 clients range from major modifications including bathrooms, access ramps, bidets and stairlifts, to minor maintenance such as gutter cleaning, lock and door handle repairs and replacement of sliding door rollers.

The organisation’s commitment to quality and affordability has made it a trusted partner in the community for decades.

In an exciting new chapter and as a testament to its growth and ongoing dedication, Maroochy Home Assist is creating new, purpose-built premises. The new building will enhance capacity to deliver top-notch services and help to better serve the growing needs of the organisation and local residents. The new build marks not just a physical relocation, but also a significant milestone in the journey of service and support to the community.



THE staff at Comlink Australia believe in enriching the lives of older Australians.

With an unwavering support and commitment to customised care, staff aim to stand beside older Australians every step of the way on their journey towards healthy ageing.

Tailored home care – ComLink wants you to live in your home and engage with your community, and is passionate about helping you do just that. It provides comprehensive support to empower you to continue to live independently in the comfort of your own home.

From household help with chores to personal care, its Home Care Packages are tailored to your unique needs and aspirations. But the care goes beyond the basics. With a Comlink Australia Home Care Package, you can also access opportunities for safe transportation, assisted shopping and social group outings – enhancing your quality of life and fostering a sense of connection.

Social support: combatting isolation with connectivity – Social isolation and loneliness affect far too many older Australians. Comlink Australia is on a mission to change this.

Friendships and partnerships can help keep your brain healthier as you age, increasing longevity and nurturing a sense

of purpose. The Social Support programs are designed to keep you interacting with your community. Whether it’s enjoying a meal with one of the volunteers or participating in the intergenerational play program, the diverse range of services caters to your interests and promotes your health and wellbeing.

Events and outings: a calendar full of opportunities – The active social calendar ensures there’s always something exciting on the horizon. From live music sessions to exercise classes and sightseeing, ComLink Australia’s events and outings offer something for everyone. With regional Social Event Guides, finding and attending local gatherings that suit your interests and lifestyle have never been easier. Plus, your input is valued, shaping the offerings based on your feedback and mobility needs.

Experience the difference – Comlink Australia clients are valued members of our community. With a dedicated and compassionate team by your side, you’ll feel supported, appreciated and understood every step of the way.


22 Sunshine Coast YOUR TIME MAGAZINE / June 2024 RangeCarecansupportyouby: Providing assistance to manage your Home Care Package budget Developing a personal care plan to suit your needs Coordinating your services with a qualified team of staff Maintaining regular contact to ensure you are satisfied with the services you receive RangeCare has been a trusted, not-for-profit community care provider specialising in in-home assistance, social support, wellness programs and respite services. RangeCare offers a person-centred care approach to home care packages, with a suite of tailor-made services to help you live your best life! Your local community care provider since 1986 Calluson0754457044toarrangeahomevisitorforhelpnavigatingtheagedcaresystem. Scan here to learn more about our services IN HOME CARE FEATURE

RANGECARE is helping community members lead healthier lives by coordinating a range of lifestyle programs designed to support physical and mental health and overall wellbeing.

There are a range of activities on offer, all of which are focused on building independence through creating lasting social connections, improving mobility and physical strength, learning new skills and enriching the lives of all who attend.

RangeCare understands the importance of mental wellbeing when it comes to overall health. This has been the driving force behind programs such as its fun-filled Day Respite Social Centres in Flaxton, Nambour and Gympie, as well as Circle Talk, Chess Club, Grief & Loss Support Group, and Life Story Group.

Each of these programs focuses on social connection, peer support and genuine conversation to improve mental health.

RangeCare also offers a My Mind Aerobics program which is designed to provide older adults with comprehensive mental workouts that can support cognitive functioning.

Some of the fitness activities coordinated by RangeCare include Buff Bones Pilates, Aqua Aerobics, Gentle Yoga,

Physio Program and specialised private sessions at Maleny and Mapleton Community Gyms.

Each of these classes are facilitated by professional trainers who have designed programs to suit all levels of fitness and experience.

If you would like to learn more about the Health and Wellbeing programs offered by RangeCare or find out how to organise a trial at the Day Respite Social Centres, call 5445 7044 or visit

Feel safer at home with minor home modifications including grab rails, door wedges and hand held showers.

We also subsidise minor home maintenance related to your safety and security.

• Smoke alarm checks

• Changing light globes

• Gutter cleans

• Plumbing

• Electrical


Our team of specialists has over 25 years of experience and can provide subsidised modifications to your bathroom, as well as access ramps and stairlifts.

Switch your Home Care Package today. Home Care Assistance are changing the way we age through respect, compassion and real support. Call us to make the switch and get real help from a real person, 24 hours a day. 07 5491 6888
Our services cover the extended Sunshine Coast Please contact our friendly staff on 5476 6130 or email dltff 54766130 MAROOCHY HOME ASSIST MAXIMISE your independence

7 ways to self-fund your retirement beyond superannuation

Superannuation is the first thought when it comes to self-funding retirement. But HELEN BAKER says it is hardly the one-and-onl y option.

Just as we have choice in how and where we work to earn a living, many people have options in how to fund their retirement.

It is possible and sometimes preferable to leave your superannuation untouched, allowing it to continue growing. Some or all of your income can come from alternative sources instead.


For many who own their own homes, the equity accrued over decades can eclipse the funds in superannuation. But it’s theoretical money only until it is unlocked. Selling up the family home and downsizing – or rightsizing – for retirement allows you to pocket those gains tax-free and simultaneously relocate to a more suitable home with lower upkeep costs.

A downsizer contribution of up to $300,000 from the proceeds can be made to boost your super, and the remainder used to fund living expenses or actively invested. Remember that while the sale proceeds of your home are tax-free, any future profits or interest earned from that money will be taxable.



Semi-retirement allows you to step into retirement gradually. You continue

earning income and super while working part-time, and keep a foot in the workforce while testing the waters of your newfound free time.

Doing so offers scope to move into different roles, such as passing on your skills to future generations by teaching/ training others in your field of expertise, or taking employment in a new area that interests you and is closer to home.


Retirement from a full-time position presents a good opportunity to pursue self-employment. With more time and fewer commitments, you have greater scope to turn your hobby into a business or leverage your professional skills and reputation as an external consultant.

For the self-employed and those with a family business, director’s loan repayments

from the company are typically tax-free. These offer a potentially lucrative income source and means of extracting previous investments into the business without selling your ownership stake.


Rental income (from residential or commercial properties) can supplement or even provide a generous source of income. The same applies to dividends from shares. These are likely to be more profitable if you own them well before retirement. Income that is surplus to your everyday needs can be reinvested using tax-effective strategies to grow your future returns.


A family trust could be used to house investments for yourself and other relatives, building inter-generational wealth. Trusts allow funds to be allocated to beneficiaries to manage marginal tax rates and stretch the money further, you have control over how income is split between different family members, plus flexibility for changing circumstances.


You may not realise the value in items you have collected over the years: wine, artwork, jewellery, vintage cars and antiques, for example. Rather than have them collect dust or pay to store them, they

could be sold to fund your living costs or new investments. Where possible, avoid selling growth assets in a depressed market: wait until you can extract maximum value.


Part-pensions are not only possible but valuable in making your superannuation stretch further. And they still entitle you to a concession card with its benefits over healthcare, transport and more. Take these savings even further by requesting pensioner discounts with other companies, on everything from utilities to travel and insurance to eating out. Don’t overestimate the value of your assets as part of the means test. It’s a common mistake that can wrongly deny you a full or part-pension. Helen Baker is a licensed Australian financial adviser and author of On Your Own Two Feet: The Essential Guide to Financial Independence for all Women. Visit

Disclaimer: The information in these articles is of a general nature only and does not constitute personal financial or product advice. Any opinions or views expressed are those of the authors and do not represent those of this publication, or people, institutions or organisations they may be associated with in a professional or personal capacity unless explicitly stated.

24 Sunshine Coast YOUR TIME MAGAZINE / June 2024 INSIGHT – FINANCE
ISYOUR WILLVALID ANDUPTO DATE? Wills&EstatePlanning EnduringPowersofAttorney AdvanceHealthDirective Probate Phone:0754444750 10AerodromeRdMaroochydore AdministrationofDeceasedEstates InheritanceDisputes& ChallengestoWills Offering FixedFeeWillswith 10%SeniorDiscount OurqualifiedLawyersareavailable tomeetwithyouatyourhome Phone0754444750 CARAVANS WANTED Wanted to buy, all caravans and motorhomes. • We come to you • Fast settlement • Finance Paid out If you want a quick no hassle sale please contact Joe for a price 0418 876 395

More than 30 years’ experience in elder law really counts

ONE thing we have learned after years of work in elder law is that all the clients have their own story.

They are individuals, and it is our duty to provide tailor-made, bespoke advice for their particular circumstances.

One of the very pleasant aspects of practising in this field is getting to know some very interesting people who have lived full and rich lives.

It is truly a privilege to get to know our clients, help them with their needs and assist them along the pathway of their

journey through life. They have ‘old school values’ – honesty, courtesy and wisdom, and they are entitled to receive the same from their lawyers.

Elder law relates to aged care, wills and estates, and retirement village or manufactured home (over-50s resort) purchases.

It is our duty to make sure our clients fully understand the retirement living choices they are considering.

Sometimes, after being fully advised about the prospective purchase, our clients decide not to proceed with the particular


INVESTING in commercial property in Australia offers several compelling advantages over residential property.

Offices, retail spaces and industrial buildings typically offer significantly higher returns compared with residential assets.

Additionally, businesses often sign longer lease agreements, providing investors with stable and predictable income streams compared with the shorter, one-year leases common in residential properties.

This reduces the risk of vacancy and provides a more-consistent cash flow.

Tenants in commercial properties are usually responsible for most of the outgoings, including maintenance, insurance and property management fees, which can significantly reduce the landlord’s expenses.

Another advantage is the potential for capital growth. Commercial properties located in high-demand areas or growth corridors can appreciate significantly over time.

The Australian commercial real estate market has shown robust growth, driven by strong economic fundamentals and increasing demand from local and international investors.

The professional relationship between landlords and tenants in

commercial real estate also is often more straightforward and business-oriented.

This leads to fewer personal disputes and a more-professional management experience.

Given these factors, investing in commercial property in Australia presents a lucrative and stable investment opportunity for those looking to maximise returns and diversify their portfolio.

However, the acquisition and management of commercial assets is more complex and requires significant expertise to ensure a positive investment experience. Unlisted property funds, such as Arcana Capital, provide the opportunity for investors to invest in a share in a property while effectively managing the risks.

WORDS: Campbell Newman, AO chairman and managing director, Arcana Capital Funds Management Pty Ltd Visit

transaction and opt to look for something more suitable – more in line with their individual circumstances and desires.

We help with withdrawal from the original option (and arrange refund of the deposit) and assist with the new choice they are considering.

Sunshine Coast Elder Law has expert elder lawyers and a very wide knowledge base to advise on many and varied contracts and retirement living models.

We have more than 30 years’

experience advising on elder law matters. We are ourselves baby boomers and match and identify with the demographic of clients.

Our motto of “Expertise with empathy” is not just a marketing catchphrase – it’s what we do, and what we give.

Sunshine Coast Elder Law is an expert in retirement villages, manufactured home parks, aged care, wills and estates, and all elder law issues. Call 1800 328 952 or visit

25 Sunshine Coast June 2024 / YOUR TIME MAGAZINE Practical Common Sense Legal Advice for you and your loved ones Premier Legal Advisors for: Call now 1800 961 622 | | 2 Innovation Parkway, BIRTINYA. • Estate Management • Wills • Estate Disputes VIDEO CONFERENCING AVAILABLE • Retirement Village Contracts • Aged Care Contracts • Elder Law 4/61 Burnett Street, Buderim 4556 E: Tel: 07 5445 1213 Wills & Estates Litigation INSIGHT – FINANCE
Brisbane Elder Law is an expert in retirement villages, manufactured home parks, aged care, wills and estates, and all elder law issues.
1800 328 952 or visit


AS WE age, it often becomes necessary to consider upgrading items we use daily. It’s usually clear when our smartphones or computers need replacing: they slow down or run out of storage space. Similarly, cars with high mileage or strange noises signal the need for an upgrade.

However, determining when to upgrade hearing aids isn’t always straightforward. Hearing aids, like most things, don’t last forever.

Hearing aid specialists generally recommend replacing hearing aids every three to five years. They may last longer with proper care. But over time, all hearing aids experience technical deterioration, leading to sound-quality issues, or become outdated as newer, more-advanced models emerge. Certainly, if your hearing aids are more than five years old, they are probably not serving you well.

There are several signs that it may be time for an upgrade.

Diminished sound quality: if voices aren’t as clear as they once were or social interactions become more exhausting, it might be time for new hearing aids. Adjustments can help, but if these have been unsuccessful, an upgrade might be necessary. Not hearing well is tiring. Wear and tear: after years of use, hearing aids can show significant wear. Microphone ports can become blocked,

earpieces may crack, buttons can stick, and battery life may decrease. While servicing can address some issues, there comes a point when repairs are no longer viable. In our subtropical climate, hearing aids are forced to work in some difficult environments. Changing needs: your needs may have evolved since your first hearing aids. Modern hearing aids come with advanced technology and features better suited to current lifestyles. Needs change, so make sure technology keeps you in the game.


ADVANCEMENTS in continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) therapy have ushered in a new era of managing sleep apnea and enhancing sleep quality.

CPAP Direct is introducing the latest innovations in CPAP technology through new product offerings.

Newer features: modern hearing aids offer conveniences such as Bluetooth streaming, app-based controls and remote adjustments. They also include AI for optimising settings and safety features including fall alerts. Enhanced durability and longer battery life are other significant improvements.

Satisfaction: recent surveys show high satisfaction with newer hearing aids due to technological advancements. If you are unhappy with your current hearing aids, this might be the clearest sign that an upgrade is needed.

Lisa Burley is a senior hearing rehabilitation specialist at Hear4Good, a locally owned and independent hearing clinic in Golden Beach and Caloundra. Call 54770144 or visit

Cataracts and Dry Eyes and

A cataract is any clouding of the lens of the eye. The lens is situated inside the eye, behind the pupil. It acts in the same way as the lens in a camera to help focus light rays on to the light sensitive nervous tissue in the back of the eye – the retina.

Dry eye syndrome is a general term for the breakdown of the tear film that protects the eye’s front surface. It is the most common symptomatic eye condition treated at Best Practice Eyecare. Dry eye syndrome causes chronic, tired, uncomfortable eyes.

Dr Michael Karpa and the amazing team at Best Practice Eyecare can help you with cataracts, dry eyes, and much more including glaucoma, pterygia, lid surgery and macular degeneration.

The AirSense 11, developed by ResMed, represents the pinnacle of CPAP machine technology. With built-in wireless connectivity, users can effortlessly receive software updates, ensuring access to the latest features and improvements. Its whisper-quiet operation and integrated humidification system contribute to a comfortable sleep environment, encouraging better adherence to therapy.

One of its standout features is the intelligent sleep coach, which engages users to provide feedback and offers guidance to enhance comfort and adjust therapy settings. Daily cloud data upload enables remote adjustments by CPAP Direct clinicians, further optimising comfort and efficacy.

Another groundbreaking product is the Solo Mask from Fisher & Paykel Healthcare, which redefines CPAP mask design.

Unlike traditional masks, the Solo Mask eliminates elastic straps and Velcro, instead featuring a unique ‘stretch-and-fit’ adjustable headgear. This innovative design reduces facial pressure while

maintaining a secure seal, ensuring a leak-free experience.

Available in nasal cradle or nasal pillow configurations, the Solo Mask is lightweight and minimalist, leaving no marks on the face after use.

CPAP Direct’s mission remains unchanged: to empower individuals with sleep apnea to achieve restful and rejuvenating sleep.

By embracing these technological advancements, CPAP Direct aims to revolutionise the CPAP experience for customers.

Explore the AirSense 11 and Solo Mask to discover the transformative potential of innovation in CPAP therapy. Visit for more information, including clinic locations.

Whether it’s sparce & patchy, thin natural eyebrows, wan ng to reduce your morning makeup rou ne, or simply to enhance your natural, beau ful features, cosme c eyebrow ta oos and eyeliner may be the solu on you need.

Eyebrows • Eyeliner • Lips • Removal

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26 Sunshine Coast YOUR TIME MAGAZINE / June 2024
Aussie cricket legend Merv Hughes
B e s t P r a c t i c e B e s t C a r e Best Practice. Best Care.
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Your Ul mate Shortcut to Beau ful Brows NANO BROWS INTRODUCTORY OFFER $650* *Valid for month of June - includes touchup


NICOLE Parker-Brown and The Jazz Kings are now recognised as one of the most sought-after jazz bands on the Gold Coast and beyond.

Formed in 2017, each member has decades of professional experience in all aspects of the music industry as performers, entertainers, recording artists, teachers, backing/support to local, national and major stars, floorshows, and also in television, radio and media.

Although jazz is their main genre, they can also swing and play the blues.

For this concert for the non-profit Sunshine Coast Jazz Club, Parker-Brown on vocals will be supported by all the Kings: Col Atkinson (bass and vocals), Rod Ford (drums and vocals), Peter Uppman (vocals and trumpet), Gordon Matheson (guitar) and John Conley (double bass and bass guitar).

WHEN: Sunday, June 16, 1pm.

WHERE: Caloundra Power Boat Club, 2 Lamerough Parade, Golden Beach.

TICKETS: Contact Julie on 0427 782 960 for bookings or visit


SOME Enchanted Evening pays tribute to the timeless music from the legendary Richard Rodgers and Oscar Hammerstein II, featuring tunes from Carousel, The King and I, South Pacific, The Sound of Music and many more.

Rodgers and Hammerstein are known as America’s most-successful musical theatre writing team and their partnership has been called the greatest of the 20th century.

With beautiful costumes, extraordinary dancing and a song list that also includes music from their partnerships with Jerome Kern and Lorenz Hart, Some Enchanted Evening is a magical, uplifting experience that is not to be missed.

WHEN: Wednesday, June 19, at 11am.

WHERE: The Events Centre, 20 Minchinton Street, Caloundra.

TICKETS: From $25, via or calling 5491 4240.


• June 1-30 Bowel Cancer Awareness Month

• June 1-30 National Reconciliation Month

• June 1-30 National Smile Month

• June 1-30 Migraine Awareness Month

• June 1 Global Day of Parents

• June 3 World Bicycle Day

• June 5 Global Running Day

• June 5 World Environment Day

• June 6 Queensland Day

• June 7-13 Heart Rhythm Week

• June 8 World Gin Day

• June 8 World Oceans Day

• June 10-16 International Men’s Health Week

• June 14-16 Sunshine Coast Agricultural Show

• June 15 World Elder Abuse Awareness Day

• June 21 International Day of Yoga

• June 24-30 National Blood Donor Week

There’s nothing better than warm, delicious comfort food to welcome in winter. And this recipe is easy and economical, too.



• 1kg lean beef mince

• 500g frozen mixed vegetables

• 2 x 500g jar pasta sauce

• 1kg mashed potato (such as Birds Eye Traditional Mashed Potato).


In a large, non-stick frying pan over a medium heat, brown the mince and season with sea salt and cracked pepper. Add the frozen vegetables and stir. Pour over the pasta sauce and mix well. Reduce the heat and simmer for 10 minutes. Preheat the oven to 180°C. Pour the mince into a pie dish and top with mashed potato. Season well. Bake for 20 minutes or until the potato is golden brown.

• June 27 PTSD Awareness Day.

Saturday 17 August 2024 – 8pm

Caloundra Event Centre - 20 Minchinton Street, Caloundra

BOOK NOW: (07) 5491 4240 or

SUN 23rd JUNE 2024 2pm


27 Sunshine Coast June 2024 / YOUR TIME MAGAZINE
This recipe is from 4 Ingredients’ The Easiest One Pot Cookbook Ever by Kim McCosker.
This is not a tribute show ... This is the real deal! AT THE AN


THIS is a grand musical extravaganza hosted by Australia’s loveable violin maestro Ian Cooper and featuring Proms favourites including Jerusalem, Land of Hope and Glory, Rule Britannia and Radetzky March

Cooper pays homage to the BBC Proms of London’s prestigious Royal Albert Hall with his Blue Danube Orchestra and guest Opera Australia vocalists, while tipping his hat to the Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo with the City Of Brisbane Pipe Band. Watch as the curtain

rises and the stage comes alive with The Sound of Music, The Toreador Song from Bizet’s Carmen, Schubert’s Ave Maria and the combined marching band and orchestra performing anthems including Scotland the Brave, Amazing Grace, March of the British Grenadiers and Highland Cathedral

WHEN: Sunday, June 23, at 2pm.

WHERE: The Events Centre, 20 Minchinton Street, Caloundra.

TICKETS: $98.50 (concessions $93.50, groups of eight or more $90 each), via theeventscentre. or on 5491 4240.


STEP into a world of inspiration as Caloundra Arts Centre Association (CACA) throws open its doors to everyone.

CACA is a not-for-profit community organisation facilitating 23 different arts and crafts groups. The Open Days are a weekend filled with inspiration, creativity and community spirit.

Start the day with the Fashion Parade with a Difference in the morning.

Participate in interactive make-and-take sessions (children accompanied by a supervising adult), where you

can unleash your inner artist and take home your own masterpiece.

Or simply relax with a complimentary coffee or tea while you observe group demonstrations and explore a variety of captivating displays.

Engage in friendly conversations with passionate members and gather all the information you need about the exciting activities and opportunities awaiting you at the Caloundra Arts Centre.

Discover how you can become a valued part of CACA’s creative community.


THE Sunshine Coast’s best film and TV talent will be on show at the Showdown Showfest film festival this month.

The two-day red-carpet event on June 21 and 22 will premiere six winning short films, locally-produced by the Sunny Coast Showdown team, as they compete for the festival’s prize gong: the Gold Yewwy award.

Showdown productions this year attracted some of

Australia’s best actors. The event will also premiere director Chris Sun’s acclaimed comedy short film Loophole, starring Hugh Parker (The Family Law, Elvis) and Libby Munro (Troppo, Wild Woman).

Showfest is an offshoot of the Sunny Coast Showdown: a not-for-profit film event that provides mentoring, funding and support to local filmmakers and helps them produce their film

There will be baked goods and other treats available for purchase.

Visit the Facebook event page for Caloundra Arts Centre Association – Open Days 2024 ( 2504623249724462) or email info@caloundraartsand

WHEN: Saturday, June 29, 9am-4pm, and Sunday, June 30, 9am-2pm.

WHERE: Caloundra Arts Centre Association, 5 North Street, Caloundra.

TICKETS: Free, with complimentary on-site parking.

and TV projects. Buy tickets to the Lights, Camera, Lunch! storytelling event at Bella Venezia restaurant, Mooloolaba, and the Pacific Islands Filmfest and Showdown Showcase at The Station, Birtinya

WHEN: June 21 and 22.

WHERE: Bella Venezia restaurant, Mooloolaba, and The Station, Birtinya.

TICKETS: Various events via

28 Sunshine Coast YOUR TIME MAGAZINE / June 2024 WHAT’S ON | 07 5491 4240 20 Minchinton Street, Caloundra QLD 4551 The Events Centre Café Open daily Mon to Fri 8am - 3pm Enjoy excellent service, quality barista made coffee and delicious selection of chef-prepared lunch meals with weekly specials! Free parking | Air conditioned | Spacious seating
EVENING The Songs of Rodgers and Hammerstein BOOK NOW 07 5491 4240 *Booking fees may apply Hear your favourite tunes from Carousel, The King and I, Music and many more. All Tickets $29* Wed 19 Jun | 11am The Events Centre, Caloundra Join us for this magical and uplifting experience!


THE pioneers of the Australian rock’n’roll era have come together in concert for the first time in 60 years.

The Good Old Days of Rock’n’roll is an exciting and memory riddled show presented by Bob McKinnon.

From television shows including Johnny O’Keefe’s Six O’Clock Rock and Brian Henderson’s Bandstand, so many talented performers and recording stars were born.

This is not a tribute concert: this is the real deal.

Audiences will re-live all the fabulous original hits from the hitmakers themselves: Little Pattie, Digger Revell, Jade Hurley, Dinah Lee and Lucky Starr.

WHEN: August 17, 8pm.

WHERE: The Events Centre, 20 Minchinton Street, Caloundra.

TICKETS: Call the Box Office on 5491 4240.


WORLD-famous Australian psychic medium Deb Webber is coming to Caloundra for a one-off, live show. It comes on the back of a successful North Queensland tour with several sold-out shows. The star of the award-winning

STARRING andRhydianLewisRenaeSuttie

TV show Sensing Murder will walk through the audience giving spontaneous readings.

WHEN: Wednesday, June 5, 7pm.

WHERE: Caloundra RSL, 19 West Terrace, Caloundra. TICKETS: Via

THE DAWN DRESSED IN WHITE SUNSHINE Coast clarinettist Sacha Gibbs-McPhee presents the latest in his Coastal Cadenzas chamber music concert series, this time featuring esteemed soprano Judit Molnar.

Together with pianist Janet Brewer, the trio will perform classic works including Schubert’s Shepherd on the Rock, Spohr’s Six German Lieder, and operatic excerpts by Mozart, Puccini, and Bizet. WHEN and WHERE: June 23 at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, 115 Eumundi Road, Noosaville; June 30 at St Paul’s Anglican Church, 554 Vulture Street East, East Brisbane; and July 7 at the CCSA Hall, 1 Nutley St, Caloundra: all 3pm. TICKETS: From $35. Visit dawndressedinwhite or pay at the door.


GO ON an epic journey toward self-determination and Indigenous pride when JUTE Theatre Company brings From Campfire to Stage Light to Caloundra.

It is performed by master storyteller David Bindi Hudson, a much-loved cultural leader and global ambassador for Indigenous Australia, as well as singer-songwriter, dancer, actor and visual artist.

He will take audiences on a culturally rich journey of Far North Queensland and the


The Graceville Arts Festival provides a rare outlet for Sunshine Coast residents living with a disability or mental health challenge to showcase their artistic talents.

The festival, run by Lutheran Services’ Graceville Centre and staged at St Luke’s Lutheran Church, Nambour, will be open to the public from June 21-23.

Graceville Centre’s Zoe Rames says the festival is an annual celebration of creativity

world from his traditional lands to the international mega stages through storytelling, songs and extraordinary visual design.

WHEN: Tuesday, June 18, at 10.30am and 7.30pm.

WHERE: The Events Centre, 20 Minchinton Street, Caloundra. TICKETS: From $35, via or calling 5491 4240.

and collaboration.

WHEN: June 21-22, 9am-3pm; June 23, 9am-noon.

WHERE: St Luke’s Church, 10 Sydney Street, Nambour.

TICKETS: Entry to the art exhibition and workshops is free. Visit


29 Sunshine Coast June 2024 / YOUR TIME MAGAZINE


LEADING over-50s lifestyle resort developer GemLife recently opened the doors to a new $12.5 million country club in Palmwoods.

The architecturally designed, 4800 sqm country club, inspired by the natural beauty of the Sunshine Coast hinterland, features a huge range of facilities including a heated indoor pool and spa, tenpin bowling, luxury cinema, bar and coffee lounge, wine room, virtual golf and much more.

GemLife director and CEO Adrian Puljich says the three-level country club, exclusive for the resort’s homeowners, would become the heart of the community, creating vibrant social and recreational spaces while capitalising on the lush subtropical surroundings.

“It will cater to a host of recreational pursuits and opportunities to socialise, whether catching up at the bar or cafe, getting creative in the arts studio or workshop, picking out a new read at the library, going to the hair salon or taking to the dancefloor – to name a few,” Adrian says.

“We know our over-50s are staying healthier and living longer and, as they

get older, they prioritise activities that mean the most to them – from friendships to fitness and simply feeling good.

“GemLife Palmwoods is designed to meet that benchmark every day.”

The country club also houses a well-equipped gym, sauna, games and entertainment room and hair salon.

On the lower ground level are a residents’ workshop, floodlit tennis court, yoga studio, covered lawn bowls green and al fresco space with sunken lounge areas.

When completed, the residential resort will comprise 204 homes.

The final homes in Stage 3 are now selling, in addition to a limited number of premium bush-outlook homes with green views.

These homes have been crafted to make the most of their spectacular, uninterrupted bushland aspects from the open-plan living areas and master bedrooms.

Other resort amenities include a summer house with outdoor pool and barbecue facilities, an elevated boardwalk surrounded by lush native vegetation, a community garden, and an off-leash dog run.

To find out more about GemLife Palmwoods or book a site tour, call 1800 490 705 or visit


BABY Boomers – Australia’s largest-ever generation of retirees – have firm opinions about the lifestyle they demand as they age and they want it known they have retired from the office, not from life.

A landmark study has uncovered that the generation born between 1946 and 1965 is repurposing for a productive and active future without the responsibilities of work and family. The advice boomers wish to share with the young is: travel earlier, marry later, don’t smoke, drink less, stay active and buy land.

The inaugural Ageing Australia Study, commissioned by Aveo, received insights from more than 1000 members of the booming ‘Grey Wave’ who represent 21.5 per cent of Australia’s population.

Aveo CEO Tony Randello says the study’s findings will help shape Aveo’s communities of the future.

“The results were enlightening but not unexpected for the demographic who view themselves as the ‘lucky generation’,” Mr Randello says.

“They are a generation who revelled in their independence, were self-sufficient, adventurous, enjoyed a higher standard of living than their parents and they demand to continue living this way.

“The next decade will be one of great opportunity for the retirement living sector as we meet the high expectations of boomers while also playing a vital role in supporting the general demand for housing supply across Australia.

“By meeting the needs of retirees and downsizers, retirement living communities are helping to free up desperately needed family homes for the next generation.

“We create places and services where retirees thrive.

“The survey highlights the desire of boomers to live where there is a real sense of community and belonging, but a high standard of living, entertainment, health and wellness facilities to indulge their passions and interests.”

One survey respondent said: “In your 60s, you are not old. We are taking part in and moving forward with life. We don’t

want to get left behind. We need to grab and use the next 20 years.”

Another said: “The older generation is finding purpose in the younger generation’s lives. We are life counsellors who trade lived experience for the vibrancy of the young. We show empathy, have life experience to impart, are good listeners and counsellors.”

Several survey respondents work part-time. Many are active volunteers who express a desire to give back and use life experiences to help others.

Craig Hunter, managing director of Blacksheep Strategic Group, which compiled the report, says the research highlights valuable life lessons from a generation that remembers a carefree childhood, where they learnt respect and inherited a sense of frugality from their parents who lived through the Great Depression and world wars.

“The Ageing Australia Study found that boomers are proud of their strong sense of individuality and not easily influenced by others around them,” Mr Hunter says.

“Boomers were young when their children left home, they worked for longer, are open minded, healthier and lifestyle oriented.

“Unlike their parents’ generation who only socialised with people of their age, 68 per cent of those surveyed said they encourage and enjoy friendships with others younger than themselves.

“They consider themselves good listeners and counsellors and enjoy the vibrancy of the younger generations, with one respondent describing the way they were able to ‘subtlety shape the character of our younger friends’.”

30 Sunshine Coast YOUR TIME MAGAZINE / June 2024

Aussie Francophile’s memoir

LOUISE GOLDEN delves behind the pages to uncover a well-travelled author.

Brisbane author and retiree John Fiennes has donned many hats. He’s been an army national serviceman, spent half-a-dozen years as a university student in Australia and France, as well as being a part-time gigolo and porn stud, a dairy farmhand, a novice in a Trappist monastery and a guesthouse-keeper – not to mention 35 years as a teacher and education administrator.

It’s been John’s love of reading, writing and travelling, however, which have brought him the most satisfaction.

His fascination with travel started early. He remembers the excitement of seeing off his grandparents and family friends on “great big ships” before the outbreak of World War II, as well as one day in 1948 when, amid music from the ship’s band and well-wishers on the wharf, an aunt set off for London on a streamerbedecked liner – the first to resume the Australia-UK run after the war.

John’s own taste of life at sea began in 1950, when his family travelled from Melbourne to Sydney on a coastal liner. In 1953, another aunt, a journalist, travelled to Europe to attend and report on the coronation of Elizabeth II: a three-month assignment that extended into a three-year working holiday.

“I was completing a degree in Melbourne and my aunt, a gifted writer, painter and pioneer feminist, urged me to ‘pluck up courage’, take ship to Europe and do any further study in a non-Englishspeaking country,” John says.

At age 22, he set off to undertake postgraduate studies at the University of Bordeaux, which he juggled alongside an English assistant position in a prestigious school, in return for board and keep. Six decades of international travel, mostly to

France and other French-speaking territories, followed. “I have no regrets about the time and money spent on travelling – it has kept me alert to other people and cultures and helped me appreciate how today’s refugees and migrants enrich Australian life,” he says.

Published late last year and just weeks out from his 90th birthday, French Letters is an assemblage of youthful adventures and mature musings. It takes John (and his readers) from Melbourne’s Station Pier aboard the Oceania one wintry August afternoon in 1956, to Paris, Bordeaux and Lyon, cities where he has lived, as well as to rural France, Belgium, Canada, Madagascar, New Caledonia, Tahiti, Vanuatu and Vietnam.

Encounters with passengers on country trains and buses, with shopkeepers, farmers, villagers, taxi drivers, gendarmes, monks, nuns, guesthouse owners and innkeepers provide an endearing insight into French life off traditional tourist trails.

French Letters is published by Olympia Publishers in London. It is available from, Amazon and


GLASS HOUSE Mountains Visitor Information Centre ambassador Rodger Thomson is more than just a welcoming face. And last month, he marked an incredible milestone: he has been sharing his love and knowledge of the Sunshine Coast with visitors from all over the world for 30 years.

In 1994, when Rodger first put his hand up to volunteer, Paul Keating was the prime minister, Celine Dion was singing about The Power of Love, and Forrest Gump was playing in cinemas.

Back then, Rodger could not have imagined he’d still be ‘on duty’ in 2024.

“I had no idea I’d still be working here 30 years later,” he says with a laugh.

“I’m the longest serving and also the eldest. We’ve had a few famous faces come in over the years. I remember Bob Katter the politician from up north came in one day. He was going to a meeting and needed directions.

“I said, ‘Hello Bob’, and he said, ‘How did you know it was me?’ He’s very recognisable – and he had his hat on.”

Rodger, 91, loves ‘going to work’ every Wednesday and says technology could not beat face-to-face service.

“You’re telling them from personal experience,” he says.

“People still like to eyeball you and get some information that’s not on a computer. The favourite thing for me is talking with people and hoping that I’ve given them a nice thing to do in the time that they have at their disposal.”



What happens at the end of the road?

Divorce can have a significant financial and emotional impact.

It also revokes:

• your Enduring Power of Attorney (EPOA) to the extent it gives power to your ex-spouse; and

• your Will to the extent it gives a gift to your ex-spouse or appoints them as executor (unless there is a contrary intention expressed in the Will).

But what about the ending of a de facto relationship?

While it can also have a significant financial and emotional impact, it is dealt with a little differently.

The ending of a de facto relationship does not revoke the EPOA and is not ‘catered’ for in the legislation regarding EPOAs.

It does, however, revoke your Will to the extent it gives a gift to your ex-spouse or appoints them as executor (unless there is a contrary intention expressed in the Will).

Consideration then has to be given to the definition of ‘de facto partner’ to determine whether a de facto relationship even existed, in deciding whether a de facto relationship has ended.

Regardless of whether it is a marriage or a de facto relationship that has ended, it is an ideal time to review and consider your estate plan to ensure your wishes and intentions are given effect.


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31 Sunshine Coast June 2024 / YOUR TIME MAGAZINE OUR PEOPLE
John Fiennes.

The WORLD in Your Hands Travel in Your Time

We’re having a private tasting of the latest offerings from a small-batch artisan producer, while surrounded by a splendid, contemporary residence on a sprawling rural property.

There’s excited anticipation on the undercover patio as the participants accept their first drink – some lifting their glass toward better light before taking in the aroma of the liquid and, finally, imbibing the delight within with a generous gulp. Soon, all conversation ceases in reverence to the passionate craftsman, as he begins addressing us on the unique process of his work – complete with tasting notes.

It may sound like an exclusive winetasting experience but instead, we are being introduced to Shane Kent’s Wild Barrel beer ( –specifically a pilsner, saison (French for 'season') and Wild Red Flanders red. His limited-release, barrel-aged beer and wild fermentation project takes place in a large shed on site at Ridgewood’s Belli

Beef working cattle property, which Scott Frew and his South African-raised wife Adele bought four years ago.

Shane and Scott are partners in the brewing company. But the fledgling brewing and beef businesses share a synergy that may not be apparent at first.

Although they’ve never been farmers, Scott, an entrepreneur and IT specialist, and Adele, a qualified chef, are passionate about regenerative farming practices on the 150ha property. As well as the grass-fed, ethically raised, carbon-neutral beef they sell direct to customers through their website (, the couple has implemented a syntropic garden, among other measures. This syntropic garden mimics nature, growing mostly fruits on 0.6ha – some of which will soon be used to flavour the wild beer. Garden production is about a year away.

“A lot of people talk about sustainability,” Scott says.

“But sustainability is a waste of time, because if we sustain ourselves at this rate,

we’re going to kill the planet anyway. So, regeneration is going to become more and more important.

“The practices that Shane’s using are almost regenerative: no chemicals, no industrial production.

"There’s care and love and attention in each of the barrels that he’s put down and it goes with the farm and the whole ethos of everything we’re trying to do.

"Everything that’s done on the farm is done to the slow foods-type way.”

With so much competition around Australia now in craft brewing, Shane wanted to stand out by pursuing his interest in wild fermentation brewing and barrel-aged beer. He says his work is “a beautiful blend of art and science” and a daily learning experience.

“All our beers are single-barrel batches at this stage. We get about 200 bottles out of each barrel," he says.

“Our beers are a nice mix between a wine, beer and cider – using fruit, using wild yeast, using the barrels.

“All of my beers are really dry but they’re quite smooth. I attribute that to the barrel-ageing process. It takes off any harsh alcoholic flavours that might come through on some bigger beers.

artisan products.

“A lot of bigger beers are rushed through. We take our time with ours.

“They’re all numbered batches. We’ve done a pilsner before this one: that was Batch 1, and this is Batch 2. They’re different beers. We're not doing a core range, more of a vintage."

Shane says that ageing beer in barrels is a very old process.

“I guess I like the romanticism of it, to be honest,” he says.

“It’s a really traditional method that monks have been doing in monasteries for thousands of years and are still doing it. But I also just like the unpredictability of it. I’ve always liked doing things the hard way. I like the challenge. I like seeing things just play out. It’s time consuming and sometimes you’re tipping barrels out after three years.

“But I’ve learnt so much since I started this and I’m continually learning – reading books, finding blogs, and talking to people about it. I’m definitely no expert and I like that. I’m looking forward to the point where I’m like ‘this barrel should go’ and learning from that experience.”

These are the fascinating stories behind the labels and the brands that visitors on

32 Sunshine Coast YOUR TIME MAGAZINE / June 2024 SINCLAIR TOUR & TRAVEL Ph: 5494 5083 LIKE US ON FACEBOOK SMALLER GROUPS MORE FUN! Day Tours - with Pick ups Extended Tours - Small Groups! 11 Jul Tin Can Bay Cruise/Lunch 1 Aug Watercress Olives/Limes Tour/Lunch 2 Aug Sinclair’s 19th Birthday Lunch Party 13 Aug Brisbane EKKA 17 Aug Bangarra Horizon Dance QPAC 22 Aug Toowoomba Craft Alive 7 Sep Best of Queen 12th Night Theatre 14 Sep Blackbutt Avocado Festival 25 Sep WICKED Musical QPAC - 3 Dates 15 Jan GREASE the Musical - 2 DATES 6 Aug Granite Belt Cheese and Wine 24 Sep Toowoomba Carnival of Flowers 4 Oct Camp Oven Festival Millmerran 15 Oct O’Reilly’s Rainforest Retreat 5 Nov Silo Art Trail Canberra to Adelaide 12 Nov Lady Elliot & Fraser Islands 15 Nov Alpine Way and Coastal Crawl 6 Dec Steam Train Adventure 19 Dec Christmas Norfolk Island - 8 Days 7 Feb 25 Tassie East Coast Drive NOOSA TO CALOUNDRA • Brisbane Airport • Brisbane Cruise Terminals • Sunshine Coast Airport Door-to-Door shuttle bus transfers! email: web: TEL: 1300 266 946 OR 07 5556 9888 p Use promo-code: YOURTIME to receive 10% discount off your next shuttle! BOOK NOW! - Safe, Reliable, comfortable and affordable way to travel!
Taking a creative approach to homegrown ingredients
SHIRLEY SINCLAIR hops aboard a Sunshine Coast hinterland tour that introduces food and beverage lovers to the stories behind em erging Shane Kent, of Wild Barrel Beer Belli Beef's Adele Frew Canefields Distillery's Dan Cook (centre) with Luke and Kylie Farrelly IMAGES: SHIRLEY SINCLAIR

Josh and Deb Donohoe’s award-winning Creative Tours ( thrives on.

Josh has brought the private tour group here for an afternoon celebrating emerging players in the innovative Sunshine Coast food and beverage/agritourism scene. His company specialises in offering a wide range of food and drink trail tours and authentic local experiences across the Coast, Noosa and hinterland.

Creative Tours also will customise itineraries for private tours of the region to include stops such as Belli Beef, which are only open by appointment.

So, from west of Cooroy, we travel to Pacific Paradise’s Canefields Distillery

( and @ canefields.distillery on Instagram), where Kylie and Luke Farrelly’s enthusiasm is on display for the rum, gin and sugar cane spirits they will produce from cane grown, harvested and crushed on site.

Along with cousin, distillery partner and cane farmer Dan Cook, the fourthgeneration Sunshine Coast growers are not only breathing life back into age-old harvesting equipment and a 16-tonne crusher (“All the good equipment was sold off when the mill closed down,” Luke laments), they also are resurrecting a proud agricultural industry that once flourished in the region.

The Cooks (on Luke’s mother Marilyn’s side of the family) have been working the land here since the 1920s and his greatgrandfather established some of the first cane farms on the Coast. Luke says his uncles’ cane farm can’t compete with others boasting hundreds of hectares, so the idea of distilling spirits offered a unique, boutique use and “the highest value that we can get out of this sugar cane before it goes through the front gate”.

“We want to make rum, and what the Brazilians would call Cachaça which is clear sugar cane spirit, and we’re also making gin because one of the problems with rum is that it’s got to be in the barrel for two years to be able to sell it,” he says.

“We’d love to see some return on investment before then, so we’re selling

gin in the meantime, which boasts our sugar cane.

“What sets us apart … there’s lots of variations in rum: what barrels do you use, do you char the barrels, how long do you age it? We have another level in complexity in that we get to play with the cane from start to finish. We’ve got 10 different varieties of sugar cane.

“It’s a farm-first distillery. We’re whole-of-life cycle: we want to grow, harvest, crush, ferment, distil, bottle and sell all on site here.

“The sugar cane mill closed in 2003. There’s not much to do with the sugar cane now. Some of the farms up the road grow their cane just to sell it for mulch, which breaks my heart. But we’re growing cane to make rum, which makes me happy.”

Tour experiences now take visitors into the shady rows of sugar cane before they

learn more about the paddock-to-bottle process and have a tasting.

While she comes from a hotel management/paralegal background, Kylie’s passion for distilling is palpable as she explains the involved process and steps us through the tasting notes for her Australian dry gin, sugar cane spirit, seaweed gin and seasonal (local strawberry) gin. But the head distiller confesses that the sugar cane spirit “is probably my favourite product”.

“It comes from the sugar cane here. It gets crushed, we wild ferment, we distil it twice and then we dilute it down to 40 per cent – that’s it,” she says.

“We don’t add anything extra to it. We don’t do any other processes with it. That’s what we’re all about. Trying to do less with what we’ve got and really showcasing our cool product itself. (The sugar cane spirit) is an un-aged rum. We have this at the moment ready to go into barrels. Then in two years’ time, this spirit will become a rum and take on all the flavours from the barrel in the process."

The unusual seaweed gin, Kylie says, “has been on my mind for 10 years” and will be the ‘yin’ to the ‘yang’ of her planned navy-strength gin.

Luke says the ultimate aim is to support rum-making on the Coast and in the southeast of the state because “Queensland should be more famous for rum than anything else”.


Carnarvon Gorge & Wallaroo Station (7 Days)

Vivid Lights Festival Sydney (7 Days)


Qld Outback to Coast (12 Days)

Tropical Nth Qld (8 Days)

Nth Qld Savannah Way (11 Days)


Mystery Escape (4 Days)

Christmas in July (1 Day)

Lightning Ridge (7 Days)


Carnarvon Gorge & Wallaroo Station #2 (7 Days)


Carnarvon Gorge & Wallaroo Station #3 (7 Days)

K’gari (Fraser Island) Whale Watch (4 Days)

Toowoomba Carnival of Flowers (4 Days)

Spring Gardens (10 Days)


Tasmania (14 Days)

O’Reillys Rainforest Retreat (4 Days)

APRIL 2025

Norfolk Island (8 Days)

MAY 2025

SES Tattoo - Adelaide (4 Days)

JULY 2025

SW Corner Qld (12 Days)


Toowoomba Carnival of Flowers (4 Days)


Flinders Ranges (11 Days)

Murray Princess and Kangaroo Island (11 Days)

33 Sunshine Coast June 2024 / YOUR TIME MAGAZINE
Explore wi us
2024 & 2025 Tour Program
Some of the Canefields Distillery drops The home of Belli Beef and Wild Barrel Beer


IMAGINE a coach tour that combines historic landmarks of the Darling Downs with the floral extravaganza of Toowoomba’s Carnival of Flowers Festival.

This well describes Coastal Variety Tours’ six-day tour of Toowoomba and the Darling Downs region.

Some of the tour highlights include Reserve seating to view the stunning floral floats of the Carnival of Flowers Grand Parade, and visits to private gardens, Queen’s Park, Laurel Bank Park, Picnic Point, the Spring Bluff

Railway Station gardens, the Crows Nest soft drink shop/factory, historic Jondaryan Woolshed, iconic Rudd’s Pub, the Cobb & Co Museum, and Kingfisher Café – The Springs Garden World.

Enjoy five nights’ stay in a four-star Toowoomba motel, all breakfasts and dinners, plus home pickups and returns. There’s more to this tour that is well worth discovering for yourself. Call Coastal Variety Tours on 5530 2363 or 04196 68311 for the full tour itinerary.


EUROPE is filled with renowned destinations, but what about venturing off the tourist trail?

Travelling is more than just visiting popular tourist sites. It’s about delving deeper. Real, meaningful travel involves taking time to explore, meeting the locals, tasting traditional cuisine and discovering hidden stories that lie off the beaten track.

Back-Roads Touring has dedicated more than 30 years to crafting small-group holidays that genuinely take you deeper into each destination. Luxury minicoaches get you off the motorway and into the heart of the country, navigating narrow side streets and scenic back roads that larger tour groups simply can’t access.

Imagine being able to travel with a group of no more than 18 fellow enthusiasts to small towns and cities across Europe, away from the crowds and off the beaten path. Picture yourself sitting in a local winery in the heart of France, sipping a delicious glass or two while overlooking

the Loire Valley. Or visit Château de Chenonceau, where the architecture blends Gothic and Renaissance styles, creating a fairytale-like ambiance with its white stonework and grey slate roofs.

With plenty of included meals, cooking classes and tasting sessions, you’ll appreciate an authentic taste of the places you visit. How about following in the footsteps of renowned writers and poets as you explore the picturesque countryside that inspired their masterpieces?

Discover some of Britain’s stunning national parks, such as the vast Snowdonia, renowned for its diverse landscapes.

Prepare to be awestruck by the rugged beauty of the Cliffs of Moher. Step back in time in Islamic Iberia by exploring the spectacular Mezquita, a UNESCOprotected mosque. Explore the Renaissance palaces of Úbeda: a World Heritage site and indulge in authentic Spanish olive oil. Visit or call 1300 78 78 58.

34 Sunshine Coast YOUR TIME MAGAZINE / June 2024
COASTAL VARIETY TOURS PH: 07 5530 2363 OR 0419 668 311 6 DAY TOUR: 19th to 24th September 2024 $1,999 Per Person TWIN SHARE SINGLE: $2,500 CALL FOR A FREE TOUR BROCHURE HOME PICK-UP AND RETURN ON ALL TOURS
CARNIVAL OF FLOWERS GRAND FLORAL PARADE - (Reserved Seating) PRIVATE GARDENS TOUR - CROWS NEST - JONDARYAN includes 4 star Motel Accommodation, ALL breakfast and dinners ALL ADMISSIONS: Private Gardens, Grand Parade Reserve Seating, Crows Nest Soft Drink Factory, Jondaryan Woolshed, Cobb & Co Museum, Spring Bluff Railway Station Garden, Historic RUDDS Pub, Spring Garden World & Kingfisher Café - Afternoon Tea, Queen’s Park, Laurel Bank Park, Picnic Point. (Mystery Gardens and Lunch). MODERATE TO GOOD MOBILITY REQUIRED FOR THIS TOUR PICKUP AND RETURN: Brisbane, Redcliffe, Redlands, Ipswich, Sunshine Coast and Caboolture. HOLIDAYS

Corners of Southern Ireland

Take a journey through Southern Ireland’s enchanting landscapes, ancient castles and picture-book villages that will make you fall under its spell.

Highlights Dublin • Kildare • Ennis • Killarney • Ring of Kerry • Releagh • Kinsale • Waterford

Valid for Travel Select dates 12 April - 4 October 2025

La Belle France

7 Days from $3,259*pp

This tour takes you from France’s northern shores to château-sprinkled countryside, with breaks to visit WWII sites, explore centuries-old villages and sample home-grown delicacies.

Highlights Paris • • Arromanches-les-Bains • Dinan • Angers • Chinon • Chartres

Valid for Travel Select dates 10 April - 09 October 2025

10 Days from $5,219*pp

Iberian Inspiration

Spain and Portugal offer a heady mix of treasures, from Arabic palaces and Roman temples to Catholic cathedrals and Jewish synagogues.

Highlights Madrid • Toledo • Córdoba • Granada • Ronda • Seville • Estremoz • Lisbon

Valid for Travel Select dates 18 March - 8 November 2025

12 Days from $5,889*pp

*Conditions apply: Prices are per person twin share land only in AUD unless otherwise specified, correct as at 17 May 24 for bookings made before 01 Jul 24, subject to change without notice & availability at time of booking. 2025 Price Freeze prices are for tours departing 01 Mar - 30 Nov 2025 & are frozen at 2024 prices, based on a like-for-like tour duration & departure date. Where there is no departure within the same week of travel, the 2025 price is frozen against the closest previous 2024 departure date. Excludes Alpine Escape: Germany, Austria and Italy, WWI Battlefields, ANZAC on the Western Front, ANZAC on the Western Front: Dawn Service, Paris to Nice, Highlights of Northern Spain, Secrets of Puglia, Majestic Morocco, Jewels of Southwest France & does not apply to pre or post-accommodation or transfers. Back-Roads Touring reserves the right to amend or withdraw this offer at any time. Further conditions apply, see Further terms & conditions, payment conditions, booking & cancellation fees apply. ATAS No. A10430.
2025 tours at 2024 prices*


Reviewed by Jan Kent

BOOKS on the shelf sporting gold-award stickers, worthy though they may be, are not usually ones I choose, as in my mind they are often so ‘different’ and aren’t an easy read.

I persisted with this one, wading through a strange approach and slow beginning, and I am glad I did. From halfway through, it had me hooked and I couldn’t put it down.

How the author manages to weave a story involving romance, murder and philosophy –all told through a deceased murder victim – is certainly a credit to her in this debut novel.

Two women, both escaping complicated lives on opposite sides of the world, arrive in New York on the same day in order to carve out a new life and identity for themselves. Their paths, while parallel, don’t cross until Ruby discovers Alice’s body by the river. This discovery affects Ruby so profoundly that she is unable to let it go.

Nor is Alice likely to allow this to happen. Alice believes Ruby is her only hope of having her name become known and her murderer brought to justice. Can the dead still be present in the minds and lives of those still living? Who knows, but it certainly makes for a powerful and intriguing book.



Reviewed by John Kleinschmidt

IS IT possible for someone to be murdered when a vast television audience saw the victim pull the trigger?

An unusual plot emerges from Benjamin Stevenson’s second novel with the hero character Jack Quick.

Quick appeared in Stevenson’s first book Greenlight

I have not read Greenlight , so I missed some of the nuances of Jack’s character and that, together with a poorly portrayed sense of place for the story, detracted from my enjoyment of what is otherwise a very creative, clever and intriguing plot.

Despite the ‘suicide’ being witnessed by millions of people, the victim’s brother is convinced his twin was murdered.

With the promise of a substantial payday, he convinces Jack to prove the murder. This is an entertaining thriller with plenty of red herrings to disguise the culprit.

Reviewed by Annie Grossman, Annie’s Books on Peregian

THIS is a fabulous debut novel from a Sydney author who has obviously spent a great deal of time in the Australian bush.

The descriptions are palpable as his protagonist walks into the landscape, looking forward, unafraid and somewhat lost.

Initially, we don’t really know why

Ingvar is walking in a seemingly meaningless way, but it becomes apparent as the novel unfolds like a piece of complicated origami.

Along the way, Ingvar encounters other humans, who are just as intriguing to the reader as he is.

This book is a meditation on loss, love and losing yourself, as well as the power of the natural world to heal and the kindness of others.

I look forward to more from this author.



IN A world where we expect everything yesterday and air travel is as pedestrian as catching a bus, what would it be like to travel to the antipode of your home by the romance (and sometimes bone-rattling reality) of rail travel?

Gregory Hill’s new book The Antipodean Express, in print and digital forms from Exisle Publishing, chronicles just such a journey, as he travels from his home in New Zealand to the exact opposite side of the world.

The journey of The Antipodean Express takes in 89 days of travel on 33 trains through 19 countries. It begins in New Zealand’s North Island, heads to the red centre of Australia, weaves past the volcanoes of Java, through East Asia and onwards into Europe.

From hilarious miscommunications in China to cultural immersion at the Bolshoi Ballet, there are stop-offs with half-a-world’s worth of impressions, people, history, food, music and culture.

Hill experiences high-altitude nausea at the foot of Mt Everest, awe at Lake Baikal, cultural fulfilment at the Paris Opera, and a freezing cold


EUMUNDI Museum is publishing a new book loaded with more than 100 historic photographs from its extensive collection.

A History of Eumundi Volume I

Mediterranean summer break at Cadaqués. He also describes most of the great trains of the Eurasian hemisphere – from Australia’s Indian Pacific and the Ghan, to the Eurostar.

Auckland-born Hill devoted his life to playing the French horn, pursuing a successful career in orchestras in Australia and New Zealand, and then for three decades as a principal player in the New Zealand Symphony Orchestra. He secretly nurtured a passion for long-distance train travel, which he finally indulged in after his retirement. Hill was inspired by an old memory of a school atlas: “I remember it had a page with New Zealand superimposed on its upside-down antipodes, Spain,” he says.

“The arrival of Google Earth led me to work out the exact coordinates of our house. A wheatfield in the middle of nowhere, halfway between Salamanca and Valladolid in the region of Castilla y León, became the destination of our railway journey.”

1873-1919 covers the first five decades of the town’s European settlement.

The town’s characters are brought to life through the periods of the timber industry, the arrival of the railway, the immigration of the dairy farmers from NSW, commercial expansion, and through World War I. The book has been written by Eumundi Museum director Joe Hextall, who has built the volume by combining the museum’s own research over the past 50 years and the contemporary newspapers of the day. It will soon be available for $30 at Eumundi Museum and other shops in Eumundi and across the Sunshine Coast.

A History of Eumundi will be launched on June 13 at 6pm at Eumundi Museum. RSVP to

Security, Independence & Peace of Mind

36 Sunshine Coast YOUR TIME MAGAZINE / June 2024 Contact us ... P: 0406 627 435 E: Grave Thoughts is a specialised flower delivery and gravesite tending service that provides you with the distinctive opportunity to ensure the year-round upkeep of your cherished one’s resting place. COVERING BRISBANE, SUNSHINE COAST, NOOSA, AND GYMPIE AREAS. Let our hands become your heart. Obligation free site inspections freecall 1800 801 710
• One Bedroom Cabins and Studios • Two Bedroom Cottages • Undisputed industry leader • Over 5600 satisfied Glendale owners • 6½ year structural warranty • Over 38 years experience BSA License No. 42372 Providing privacy and independence with the security of proximity to family. Glendale Granny Cabins provide comfortable, self contained accommodation for elderly relatives on the same site as the family home. CABINGRANNYDISPLAY NOW OPEN BOOKS
Florence Neil and Charlie Ball standing on the big kauri on the day it was cut down in 1912.

With Quizmaster Allan Blackburn

1. In what language does ‘playa’ mean ‘beach’?

2. How many Australian capital cities use Central Standard Time?

3. On the slopes of what mountain does the Bathurst 1000 take place?

4. How many ropes are there on each side of a standard boxing ring?

5. What kind of service does Laubman & Pank offer?

6. What is the expected response to the opening of a “knock, knock” joke?

7. What anniversary of its opening did McDonald’s Australia celebrate in 2021?

8. How many contestants begin each episode of the ABC show Hard Quiz?

9. On what continent are the Queen Maud Mountains?

10. What colour balls were used in the Tokyo Olympic Table Tennis?

11. What relationship is cartoon character Donald Duck to Huey, Dewey and Louie?

12. What city is the capital of Germany?

13. What British car had a model called an E-Type?

14. What type of animal can be a Cavalier King Charles?

15. What human organ cleanses the blood?

16. What is the usual sex of someone using Ms as their title?

17. What is the next line of the children’s song that begins: “Row, row, row your boat”?

18. How many sides does a rhombus have?

19. What is the title of the King’s representative in Australia?

20. What chemical element has the symbol He?

15. Kidneys. 16. Female. 17. “Gently down the stream”. 18. Four. 19. Governor-General. 20. Helium.

7. 50 years. 8. Four. 9. Antarctica. 10. White. 11. Uncle. 12. Berlin. 13. Jaguar. 14. Dog, specifically a spaniel.

1. Spanish. .2. Two: Darwin and Adelaide. 3. Mt Panorama. 4. Four. 5. Optometry. 6. “Who’s there?”.

37 Sunshine Coast June 2024 / YOUR TIME MAGAZINE Find your closest store: 1/5 Gibson Road, Noosaville. Ph 0438 962 943 520 Kessels Road, MacGregor. Ph 3849 4803 18/20 Eastern Road, Browns Plains. Ph 3159 4892 Logan Hyperdome, Loganholme. Ph 0438 997 250 SAVE UP TO 50% ADJUSTABLE BED WE ARE THE ADJUSTABLE BED SPECIALISTS! Sale See us today for... BEST Range BEST Prices BEST Advice ✔ ✔ ✔ OFF PUZZLE SOLUTIONS FALLOW FLINCH R E M S O N A LINGUIST RANDRY G E T R B A E SHINES APIARIST T D D D FASHIONED SEEM U N E X PLEB SILENTCOP U U O L PROFILES SENIOR O F A T M K S LUCENT EPISODIC G R E N L U V LEASED SETTEE CRYPTIC CROSSWORD WORDFIND 674238519 821564397 192846735 239615478 943721856 485973162 518497623 756389241 367152984 SUDOKU (MEDIUM) 782936415 397541286 978154362 463715928 846279153 234687591 519428637 125863749 651392874 SUDOKU (EASY) QUICK CROSSWORD 9-LETTER WORD dene, dense, denser, dent, deny, dyne, DYSENTERY, enter, entry, erne, eyen, need, needs, needy, nerd, nest, nested, nester, nets, rend, rends, rent, rented, rents, resend, resent, seen, send, sender, sent, sentry, sneer, stern, styrene, teen, teensy, teeny, tend, tender, tenders, tends, tense, tensed, tenser, tern, treen, trend, trendy, tyne CODEWORD WORD STEP FRESH, FLESH, FLASH, CLASH, CLASP, CLAMP There may be other correct answers 12 345678910111213 1415 1617181920212223242526 R E J X P F G V N K C I B Z A Y S D M W O U H L T Q Winter wonderland TRIVIA

1 Land left unploughed or unsown for a time is brownish-yellow(6)

4 Small bird providing nest for large quail(6)

8 Language expert confused ‘guilt’ with ‘sin’(8)

9 River located in hot environs ceases to

10 She is providing accommodation for popular stars(6)

11 A doddery pair is heading to the person in charge of social workers(8)

12 Suited fellow remains the same wearing

14 Appear to understand medium(4)

16 Ordinary man’s part in multiple birth(4)

Part of a course of some note(7)

Leaves out withdrawn part of testimony(5)

Illicit drugs originally found in dilapidated

6 Minds gentle touch nearly going all the way(5)

7 Family tension coming from overworking(6) 13 A utensil manufactured with copper should 15 Unrestricted Sexpo on 17 They polish shock absorbers(7)

19 Follow advice and write down both sides of equation(6) 20 Stop working on endorsement set up


23 Old person is right behind reproduction of noise(6)

Bright uncle tinkered with temperature(6)

is patchy(8)

Friendly expression goes ultimately a long way(5)

38 Sunshine Coast YOUR TIME MAGAZINE / June 2024 Across
18 21
PUZZLES CRYPTIC CROSSWORD 123 456 7 8 9 10 11 1213 1415 1617 181920 2122 23 24 25 26 27 No. 3036 12 345678910111213 1415 1617181920212223242526 LQ CODEWORD No. 083 WORDFIND ANGEL AVALANCHE BLIZZARD CABIN DRIFT FLAKE FLURRY FREEZE FROST GLACIER ICE MELT MOUNTAIN SKATE SLED SLEIGH SNOWMAN STORM WHITE OUT No. 083 The leftover letters will spell out a secret message. 26 moved
27 Hard
where golfers
couch(6) Down 1 2
and fast place
hit off is
THE GREAT WESTERN PLAY & STAY MUSICAL TOUR 2024… For more information or enquiries please contact GREG & DONNA ROSS. PH: (07) 4129 7132 OR 0427 297 132 e: IN OUR 12TH YEAR 23rd Sept - 3rd Oct, 2024 11 Day Musical Tour with 12 Country/Western, Rock n Roll Artists onboard. $3,500 per person Bus, Bed, Breakfast, Nightly Meals & Entertainment SEE THE OUTBACK LIKE YOU’VE NEVER SEEN IT BEFORE!




Incapable of being seen(9) 3 Middle East republic(5) 4 Inhabitant(8) 6 Tableland(7) 7 Condescend(5) 8 Controlled(9) 9 Woody plant(4) 14 Someone looking for work(9)

British civil service(coll)(9)

Fierce storms(8)

Edible ocean life(7)

Marshy outlet(US)(5) 23 Net(4) 25 Recurring theme(5) 26 Unsightly(4)

39 Sunshine Coast June 2024 / YOUR TIME MAGAZINE 5437 2744 • Financial Assessment Report: Retirement Village/ Over 50’s Resort Transition • Centrelink Insights: Understand the impact on your benefits. • Purchase Options: Explore various choices tailored to your needs. • Cash Flow Analysis: Assess and plan your financial position. MAKE AN APPOINTMENT TODAY! 4 Fourth Avenue, Caloundra We can assist in all areas of Financial Planning to help you move onto a simpler life. EVER CONSIDERED OVER 55 RETIREMENT LIVING BUT DON’T KNOW WHERE TO START GardenFS Pty Ltd t/a Garden Financial Services (ABN 12 624 803 434) is a Corporate Authorised Representative of Infocus Securities Australia Pty Ltd (ABN 47 097 797 049) AFSL and Australian Credit Licence no. 236523. 0412 254 080 I David Wise Solicitor Specialist advice for residents, former residents and prospective residents of retirement villages, over 50’s resorts, land lease resorts and manufactured home parks, including entry, exit & dispute resolution. Need legal advice about retirement living? 39 13 14 217 9478 8312 5842 6941 654 Level: Medium No. 946 No. 945 June 2024 PUZZLES 826 346 136 3719 295 2851 5927 283 1928 SUDOKU Level: Easy ACROSS 1 Cutting tool(8) 5 Arachnid(6) 10 Vital organ(5) 11 Flowing(9) 12 Water-surrounded land(6) 13 Nonstop(7) 14 Celebratory(8) 15 Win by cleverness(6) 18 Bosom(6) 20 Authenticated(8) 21 Hug(7) 24 27 Input devices(9) 28 Sharp ringing sound(5) 29 Sections of
a game(6)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 9-LETTER WORD
Complete the list by changing one letter at a time to create a new word at each step. One possible answer shown below. No. 3711No. 083 No. 083 Using the nine letters in the grid, how many words of four letters or more can you list? The centre letter must be included and each letter may only be used once. No colloquial or foreign words. No capitalised nouns, apostrophes or plural words ending in “s”. 22 words: Good 33 words: Very good 42+ words: Excellent Y E T N E R D Y S Today’s Aim: FRESH CLAMP Every row, column and 3x3 outlined square must contain the numbers 1 to 9 once each. Puzzles and pagination © Pagemasters Pty LTD.
LIVE comfortably! Open Hours: Monday to Friday 8.30am - 4.30pm Shop 3, 73-79 Wises Road, Maroochydore. Ph: 5479 5918 HOME CARE PACKAGE & NDIS SPECIALISTS Our Australian made customised Lift Recline chairs are available in a wide range of styles, functions and quality finishes. FREE IN HOME DEMONSTRATIONS O DEM

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