NI Life August

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No. 4 | August 2011 | FREE

The First Positive Multilingual Magazine

Somalia – everyone can help One man charity wonder – worker from Down under

ISSN 2047-6434

Who is Loesje? Cycle this way

| p. 10 | p. 12

| p. 8

| p. 6


Martrey House, Unit 2–3 Ravenhill Business Park Belfast, BT6 8AW tel.: 07521 988954, 02890 459111 e-mail: alison@

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August 2011

► More than 250,000 UK passports could be handed out to foreigners every year under new proposals ► Před požádáním o britský pas je potřeba důkladně zvážit všechna pro a proti

To be or not to be (a UK citizen)? EN A Slovak friend of mine told me: “I’ve been here in Belfast for over five years, working the whole time, I almost consider myself a local. Time is up to apply for a UK passport.” That would inevitably mean UK citizenship as well.

Být či nebýt (britský občan)? CZ Povídá mi jeden slovenský kamarád: „Už tady v Belfastu žiji přes pět let, pracuji, cítím se být skoro místním, je čas požádat o britský pas.“ Britský pas znamená pochopitelně získat i britské občanství.

I am a curious kind of person, having lived here for over five years as well, and I am wondering: why is he doing this? What makes the UK passport so attractive that he is ready to waive his Slovak citizenship (we are not allowed to have dual citizenship). I can understand that someone coming from a non-EU country might be very interested in getting UK citizenship, but why a Slovak or a Czech? His answer is simple. “If I decide to go to the U.S. or Canada, I don’t need to apply for visa and the immigration officers will be treating me as a UK national and not as an Eastern European, who is likely to have come just to steal ‘an attractive, well paid, night-shift cleaning job’ from the American or Canadian taxpayer.”

Jsem člověk zvídavý, také zde žiji přes pět let, a tak se ptám, co jej k tomu vede, co je na tom britském pasu tak magické, že se zřekne svého slovenského občanství (nemůžeme si držet své a ještě i britské). Chápu někoho, kdo pochází ze země, která není členem Evropské unie, že má zájem získat britské občantví, ale proč Slovák či Čech? Jeho odpověď je jednoduchá. „Když pojedu třeba do USA nebo do Kanady, tak si nemusím žádat o víza, imigrační úředníci při příletu se na mne budou dívat jako na britského občana, a ne jako na člověka z východní Evropy, který možná přichází nelegálně připravit amerického či kanadského daňového poplatníka o oblíbenou a dobře placenou práci nočního uklízeče nebo pomocného skladníka v nějakém obchodním domě.“

What should I say to that? I have never been to the U.S. but I have a lot of friends who have settled and started family life over there. They work either illegally or under the Green card and some were deported back to the Czech Republic so they are not going to see the U.S. shore for a long time now.

Co na to říct? Nevím, nikdy jsem do USA necestoval, mám tam spoustu známých, kteří se tam již usadili a založili rodinu. Pracují bez povolení či se zelenou kartou, někteří byli vyhoštěni a deportováni zpět do České republiky, takže se do vysněné Ameriky asi dlouho nepodívají.

So let’s hear from a lawyer who has lived, worked legally and studied law in the U.S. for some time, he knows the issues and also knows what it is really like to put your hands on the “dream” UK passport. You will find his independent opinion on the next issue. Email your immigration questions to and we will try to publish the replies in next months issue.

A co na to říká člověk, právník, který studoval imigrační právo jak na univerzitě v USA, tak přednášel o imigračním právu na Queens University v Belfastě a ví co obnáší, když už někdo ten „vysněný“ britský pas získá. Jeho nestranný názor a neformální rady si budete moci přečíst v dalších číslech našeho magazínu. Pište své dotazy na e-mail Rádi ty nejzajímavější otiskneme.

 Vlastimil Prorok

 Vlastimil Prorok


No. 4 August 2011

in this issue


Bout ye! N.I.LIFE – What are we all about?

5 6 8 10 11 11 12

V Dublinu otevřeno slovenské společenské centrum [CZ] Somalia. Everyone can help [EN] Charity in Australia [EN]

Wherever you are – you are holding something unique in your hand! The positive monthly multilingual magazine N.I.LIFE!

Who is Loesje? [EN, PL, IT] Let’s meet… Acsoni [EN] National Trails Day 2011 [EN, CZ] Cycle this Way… [EN, CZ]

The media are focused on disaster – it attracts readers and most of all, it sells newspapers! Like all of us, workers in this chosen profession must earn a living – so their wages depend on a good story – so they will go to great lengths to make the headlines! Unfortunately this also creates the impression that the world is a far worse place than it actually is. Our team, envied by magazine teams the world over, consist of an increasing number of professional enthusiasts. People from many countries and cultures contribute to our small magazine, recording their thoughts and ideas for others to enjoy. All editorial members have a personal connection to Northern Ireland. Some live here or have lived here, and some may have a close friend or relative living here. They write passionate articles from personal experience. These articles help our readers recognize our similarities and understand our differences, which, in turn helps us appreciate each other. It also makes us want to get to know each other. The title of the magazine N.I.LIFE does not only mean you will learn about life in Northern Ireland. The letters LIFE also have a hidden meaning: L – learning, I – information, F – fun, and finally E – experience or encouragement (Encouraging people to read the magazine should promote respect, knowledge and an interest in foreign languagues). This magazine does not aim to solve any political problems (no magazine ever did!), but it promises to be a breath of fresh air. It is filled with interesting positive stories, useful ad’s, and we hope you will put your feet up, grab a cuppa and make a little space in your life, for N.I.LIFE!

Front cover: Ambia Mohammed is left to look after her daughter Habiba’s children after she died having reached the camp 6 days ago. Dadaab camp is the largest refugee camp in the world with people fleeing the civil war in Somalia. In recent months the rate of new arrivals has increased dramatically due to the added factor of drought that is affecting the region. It has now become severely overcrowded. Photo by Andy Hall, Oxfam

 Vlastimil Prorok, editor in chief






N.I. Life, 3 Bloomfield Road Belfast, BT5 5LR, Northern Ireland Advertising: Editor: Phone (MO–FR 6 p. m. – 9 p. m. only), TEXT (24/7): 0044 (0) 79347 56920 ISSN 2047-6434 Graphic design: Vojtěch Lunga, Print: Thank Peninsula for friendly approach and conditions.

We support various community projects and charity organisations. If you have something on your mind you can write to the editor at address N.I.Life below or email Letters will be edited edited as deemed necessary and should be authenticated with a full name and postal address, not necesarily for publication. A daytime telephone number would also be useful.

Spread the word Send this link to your friends. They can read our magazine on-line: Our web is designed by

Policy Opinions expressed do not necessarily reflect IoD policy. The loD accepts no responsibility for views expressed by contributors. Reproduction in whole or part without permission is not strictly prohibited. But try ask before… We apologize for any mistakes in the texts.

Special thanks Alison Gammel (NI), Eva Kapicakova (SK), Gwen Scott (NI), Judith van Acker (NL), Loesje (NL), Maeve Curran (NI), Phillip Graham (NI), Radek Kolmacka (CZ), Petr Kocmen Kocian (CZ), Vlastik Prorok (CZ), Vlastik Skvaril (AU), Vojtech Lunga (CZ)


August 2011

V Dublinu otevřeno

slovenské společenské centrum CZ

Dobrá zpráva přišla od našich slovenských přátel z Dublinu. Místní slovenská komunita, která je soustředěna hlavně kolem bratrského časopisu Slovak in Ireland, udělala velký počin.

► Slavnostní přestřihování pásky

Jak se můžeme dočíst v novém čísle jejich magazínu: Za účasti veľvyslanca SR v Írsku Romana Bužeka a predsedu Úradu pre Slovákov žijúcich v zahraničí (USŽZ) Milana Vetráka otvorili vo štvrtok 16. júna v Dubline slovenský dom pre krajanov v Írsku (Slovak in Ireland House). Za realizáciou myšlienky krajanského domu stoja dvaja nadšenci, vydavatelia časopisu Slovak in Ireland a prevádzkovatelia siete predajní v Írsku, Slovak Point – Marek Kapičák a Milan Lukáč. Ako sami tvrdia: „Určite to nebude ľahká úloha, no veríme, že početná skupina prevažne mladých Slovákov, ktorých je tu asi 20.000, si to zaslúži. Lokalita, ktorú sme vybrali, je na hlavnom ťahu do mesta, takže Íri budú našu komunitu registrovať viac. Bude to dobrá reklama pre Slovensko.“ V priestoroch Slovak in Ireland House bude sídlo redakcie časopisu a slovenská knižnica v Írsku, Slovak Library Ireland. Ide o nekomerčný projekt v spolupráci s niekoľkými vydavateľstvami na Slovensku a veľvyslanectvom SR v Írsku. Priestory krajanského domu budú slúžiť aj

na komunitné aktivity pre Slovákov v Írsku a prezentáciu Slovenska. Otvorenie týchto priestorov bolo sprevádzané i výstavou fotografií s názvom Írsko očami slovenských a českých fotografov v Írsku. „Komunita Slovákov v Írsku je veľmi početná. Predpokladá sa, že ich tu je 20.000–25.000, a neexistoval žiadny oficiálny priestor na stretávanie sa týchto ľudí. Máme tu slovenské mamičky v Írsku, pôsobí tu slovenské vzdelávacie centrum pre slovenské deti v Dubline, stretávajú sa tu fotografi, motorkári, kresťanská komunita v Írsku, ale nemáme žiadne oficiálne miesto, kde by sme sa mohli stretávať. Práve tým miestom by mal byť Slovenský dom pre krajanov v Írsku,“ napsala nám šéfredaktorka časopisu Slovak in Ireland

Eva Kapičáková. Gratulujeme k úspěchu a inspirováni slovenskými sestrami a bratry můžeme začít přemýšlet o podobné aktivitě v Belfastu či přestěhování se do Dublinu.  Eva Kapičáková, Vlastik Prorok

Daruj knihu Slovenskú kultúru chcú v Írsku šíriť aj prostredníctvom knihy – preto bola vyhlásená iniciatíva Daruj knihu. Ktokoľvek, kto má doma nepotrebné knihy a chce pomôcť dobrej veci, môže písať na adresu Knihy vyzdvihnú a prepravia do Írska zadarmo.

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m Photo: Jo Harrison, Oxfa



Everyone can help Dadaab Diary: Fleeing famine in Somalia EN

An exodus of 3,500 people a day are fleeing Somalia and arriving in parts of Ethiopia and Kenya that are suffering one of the driest years in six decades. Josphat Joseph “JJ” Singano, Oxfam’s public health team leader in Dadaab camp. He has worked there since November 2010, describes the situation in Dadaab.

Tens of thousands of refugees fleeing the food crisis in Somalia have arrived in Dadaab in recent weeks, pushing already overcrowded camps over the brink. The Dadaab camps were already the biggest in the world, and they now shelter nearly 400,000 refugees – having originally been designed with a capacity of 90,000. More and more people are arriving every day. Between 1–2,000 people a day continue to arrive, and are now sheltering in desperate conditions on the outskirts of Dadaab. They come tired and hungry, half naked and without food and water. They


walk all the way from Somalia – sometimes for 10 days, sometimes even for 30 days – and they arrive with nothing. It’s a very difficult journey. Thousands make it, but they say that others die on the way. Children get attacked by hyenas, while others die from starvation as they walk in the heat and the desert. Bandits steal from them, especially the women and children, and men are often not allowed to cross the border. The area where we are now working has about 20,000 refugees. When I started work here the area was just bushes and wild animals. Most of the refugees were

► Oxfam installs a new water tank on the outskirts of IFO camp at Dadaab

farmers in Somalia but they were not able to cultivate and their crops died because of the drought and the war. When they get here they are very malnourished and they desperately need food, water and medicine.

People are in desperate need People are so happy when they arrive, but even here the situation is desperate. As the numbers increase, the overcrowding gets worse. The children are in terrible condition. Just yesterday two young children, only a few years old, died nearby because they were so weak after their journey.

August 2011

You can see how thin they are, and in the daytime you sometimes see people digging graves on the edge of the camp. The children go days at a time without food on the way here, and when they arrive they are suffering from malnutrition and other dangerous illnesses like malaria and diarrhoea. Families make shelters from anything they can find – twigs from bushes, blankets or bits of tarpaulin. Yesterday I went into one small shelter a couple of metres wide and a family of 10 people were living inside. The camp keeps getting bigger. There are lots of problems with sanitation. In the new part of the camp there are 320 latrines for 20,000 people, and some of those latrines are already full. People have to defecate in the open – the smell is everywhere.

£144 could provide 3000 litres of clean water Oxfam is scaling up its response, providing water and sanitation on the outskirts. Our team’s work involves building communal toilets, and drilling boreholes and installing pipes and tap-stands to supply clean water to the camps. Some of the wells are up to 200 metres deep. If you add all the water pipes up the system stretches for 34 kilometres. There are numerous international aid agencies here, but the people also help themselves. The newest arrivals get support and share food with the refugees who have been here for longer. There is a community that looks after each other as much as they can. They are very friendly to us even though they live in such awful conditions.

► A family gathers sticks and branches for firewood and building materials

We are very worried about what will happen over the next few months. The rains in many parts of Somalia are not until October,

so we are expecting tens of thousands more refugees to arrive throughout August and September. The camp is so full, I don’t know how many more people it can take. For now we need to provide them with more help. But really we need peace in Somalia. The world needs to support the Somali people more when they are there, so that they don’t need to walk all this way to Kenya.

East Africa emergency appeal The UN announcing famine in parts of Somalia, the first in the region in the 21st century, must be an urgent wake up call to the rest of the world. The crisis has been building for several months but the response from international donors and regional governments has been mostly slow, inadequate and complacent, and the aid response is still $815m short of what is needed. There has been a catastrophic breakdown of the world’s collective responsibility to act. An exodus of 3,500 people a day are fleeing Somalia and arriving in parts of Ethiopia and Kenya that are suffering one of the driest years in six decades. Food, water and emergency aid are desperately needed. By the time the UN calls it a famine it is already a signal of large scale loss of life. We must now ensure that aid comes quickly to prevent people dying in massive numbers. Emergency aid is vital right now, but we also need to ask why this has happened, and how we can stop it ever happening again. The warning signs have been seen for months, and the world has been slow to act. Much greater long-term investment is needed in food production and basic development to help people cope with poor rains and ensure that this is the last famine in the region. Oxfam is already reaching families in Ethiopia, Somalia and Kenya with the food, water and basic sanitation they desperately need to stay alive. In total we aim to reach 3 million people with our emergency response.  Josphat Joseph “JJ” Singano, Oxfam’s public health team leader in Dadaab camp Background photo: Andy Hall, Oxfam

Photo: Andy Hall, Oxfam

► Oxfam health workers in Dadaab prepare to distribute 7,000 jerry cans and bars of soap to newly arrived refugees

How you can help To donate to Oxfam’s Emergency Appeal call 0800 0 30 40 55, log onto, visit any of Oxfam’s 50 stores around the country or text GIVE to 51500.


History and present

Charity in Australia The story of charity fundraiser volunteer EN

There is not a greater pleasure, than doing something good for other people, especially if they, for some reason, have ran out of luck and deserve help.

My wife and I spent the last eleven years raising money for children with cancer. Together we donated over $100,000 to Make A Wish, Camp Quality and CanTeen. We had sponsors for some of our fundraisers, some of the cost came from our own pockets. Every cent donated went to the charities.

A Giant leap into unknown I will talk about each of the fundraisers across Australia later, but first something about ourselves. In 1969, after Czechoslovakia was occupied by the Soviet Army, with my wife Josefa and two sons, Vlastik 7 years old and Petr 3 years old, all born and bred in Hodonin, we managed to escape to Austria and from there to Australia to start a new life in a country, so we could be free. Nothing is more important than that. A Boeing 707, chartered by the Australian Government, full of 168 Czech and Slovaks, was on the way. We had no idea, where we were going to land. Only one of all of us good speak English, so finally we learnt, that it was going to be Adelaide. We never heard the name before, the only things we learnt at schools was about the Communist world. We thought of Australia as a very hot, dry country, and after stopovers at Karachi and Singapore, we expected similar conditions while landing in Adelaide. It was 6 am, already daylight when the plane stopped and we were looking with disbelief, when seeing people on the ground, with a lot of smoke coming from their mouths. No, it could not be steam, this is a hot country, isn’t it? It was end of September, and the weather was really cold. That was the first shock. After being processed by the Immigration Department, we were on a bus on the way to Smithfield Hostel, about 70 km from Adelaide. The surrounding countryside was not very inviting, and some women on the bus started to cry – “what country did we get to”. It annoyed me, why are you


crying and making a judgment about the country, after seeing such a small part of it? It was obvious from that moment, that our attitude and theirs was entirely different. We were looking forward to the new start. After arriving at the Hostel, through an interpreter, we were all offered jobs in Holden Car Factory. Australia was desperately short of workers at that time. But, we were told, that if anyone of us had some qualification, we could go the next day, it was Thursday, to the Employment Office in Elizabeth. About eight of us arrived there, one of us was a young lady, who said that she studied English in the University and offered to be our interpreter. Very quickly she discovered, that speaking English at the Uni and in Australia was a very different kettle of fish. She could not understand a word they said and vice versa. She became

Vlastik Škvařil’s story is similar to the stories thousands of emigrants. But it’s not the same… Why? a nervous wreck and we were left trying to find a way how to explain our qualifications. I did not even know the word for milk, so how to tell them, that I am a Dairy Technologist. In desperation, I used my hands to simulate milking a cow, their faces lit up, one of the officials picked up a phone, talk to someone, then scribbled something on a piece of paper, and gave it to me. I had to wait till we got back to the Hostel, and the interpreter explained it to me. It was an offer to work in an Ice Cream factory. I could start any time.

No handouts for us Great, I had a job, I did not have to wait for any handouts from anyone. Unlike everyone else from our group, who decided

► After arrival in Australia

to accept handouts to give themselves a few weeks to settle down, I was on the way to work already the next day – Friday. We had $7.50 saved from Vienna, where I was working while waiting for departure to Australia. The first thing we bought was an alarm clock, to make sure, that I did not sleep in. With instructions how to get to work by train, I left for work. The factory was situated in the City Centre, which was much closer to the Hostel in Glenelg. The authorities decided to transfer my family there during the day, and I had to find my way back after work to join them. Arriving at the factory, they looked for someone who could communicate with me. To my disgust, it was a Russian working there. After running so far from them, I have to communicate in Russian! Even worse, when he stressed to me, that he hated Australians. But I had no choice. To find my way to Glenelg, I was told to take the only tram, still running in Adelaide, which would take me to Glenelg. It was to be very simple. I was given a tourist brochure

August 2011

freezer. The temperature inside was –32 degrees, and therefore there were two of us for every job, each working for 15 minutes inside and then 15 minutes warming up outside. That was ideal, every day I wrote down 20 English words and spent the time outside learning them. We did not want to stay too long in the Hostel and one day, after getting home from work, my wife Josefa surprised me with the news, that she sh found a house to rent not no far from the Hostel. How she sh managed to organise it without any English, is still w a mystery for me. To afford the t rent, a couple of friends moved in with us. m The nights were still very cold and there was no heating in the house. We would sit on chairs wrapped in blankets and kept talking about our

island called was Tasmania, with a comment, that it supposed to be a very wet and cold place. Shivering under blankets, Tasmania was quickly ruled out as a place of interest, and we never talked about it again, until much later. The weather gradually warmed up. The temperature reached 40 degrees often. It was amazing. The difference between inside the freezer and outside was 72 degrees! This was also the time for ice creams and we were working 12 hours or more 7 days a week. The basic wage than was $40, I sometimes earned over $120, and that was a lot of money that time. We could buy what we needed, since we arrived empty handed. We loved every moment of our life in Adelaide, I started to learn more English and knew, that it was only a matter of time, before I would be given an opportunity to do something more challenging than working in the freezer. I knew, that the bosses respected my hard work. But something unexpected happened, which changed our lives forever. In a letter, my friend from the Dairy Factory I worked with in Hodonin, advised me to wait for a letter from a Czech man, who visited them in Hodonin to meet his friend from the Dairy College. He lived in Australia and owned a Cheese Factory, some 300 km from Melbourne. He learnt about me and was keen to invite me to work for him. It was a bomb! I could not wait for his approach. Meanwhile we drew a 300 km circuit around Melbourne and tried to guess, where it would be. We did not have to wait too long. It was in Tasmania! The place we swore never to consider if we decided to move on. But without any hesitation, we moved on to Burnie in “Tassie.” It was 41 years ago. From the first moment we arrived, we fell in love with this beautiful island and still consider ourselves very lucky to live here.

► Just before leaving Czechoslovakia

with a map of Adelaide and told to get out of the tram after we crossed a river and from there it would be very close. Simple? After crossing some sort of stream, I got out and started looking at the map. None of the streets I could see around was on the map, it showed only the major roads. What now? After studying the map I noticed, that there was an Airport near the Hostel. Wonderful! All I had to do, was waiting for a plane to land or take off, and started walking in that direction. It took several hours, but finally I was reunited with my family. I was so proud of myself. Some people are still saying, how hard it was at the beginning, but for us, it was all fun and one challenge after another, and we enjoyed it.

The unlikely destination The job in the factory was picking up containers of ice cream arriving on a belt from the production transporting them on a trolley and stacking them inside the

To be continued in the next issue. ► Vlastik feeding seals in Adelaide

future. Were we going to stay in Adelaide, or move somewhere else? Not that we were unhappy there, but at the same time, why not to talk about others possibilities. Someone was talking about Queensland, nice, warm state, others were interested in Sydney or Melbourne amongst other places. There was also a mention about an

 Vlastik Skvaril

Quality sporting gear, Great supporters of Charities:



Who is Loesje? EN

Loesje is simultaneously a world wide collective of people who want to make the world a more positive creative place; and a girl from the Netherlands. The local Loesje groups write and spread posters signed by the girl Loesje, with texts about everything that happens in society.

Loesje texts are mostly positive and funny, and at the same time critical, wanting to stimulate the viewers to see things from new perspectives, and take action in their own lives. Loesje texts are not trying to tell you what to think; instead they often invite many dierent interpretations. Anyone is welcome to join making the posters in text writing workshops, and to join other creative activities and projects. The posters are published on the Internet, where anyone can freely download them, print them and hang them up. Most of the people in Loesje are young, but there are no age limits. You don’t have to subscribe to any particular opinions to join Loesje, but the activities are based on a humanistic value base, which means believing in the power of and solidarity between people, and refrain from social exclusion. Loesje was founded in 1983 and since 1994 the foundation Loesje International exists. This website is run by the international foundation, and all Loesje groups are welcome to publish their material here. The key values of Loesje are: Showing solidarity, being Anti-authoritarian, being Sexually free, Showing Initiative, being Decisive, being A-religious and being Independent.

PL Loesje Polska

Cześć! Mam na imiÄ™ Loesje i pochodzÄ™ z Holandii. Razem z grupÄ… przyjaciół piszÄ™ krĂłtkie teksty na tematy, ktĂłre wydajÄ… nam siÄ™ waĹźne i ciekawe, a nastÄ™pnie zamieszczamy je na prostych, czarno-biaĹ‚ych plakatach. Moje imiÄ™ posĹ‚uĹźyĹ‚o takĹźe jako nazwa nieustannie rozwijajÄ…cej siÄ™ miÄ™dzynarodowej organizacji i sieci grup lokalnych, obecnych w ponad 30 róşnych krajach Ĺ›wiata. Tworzy je grupa wolnomyĹ›licieli, ktĂłrzy poprzez plakaty, publikacje i dziaĹ‚ania w przestrzeni publicznej wyraĹźajÄ… swoje opinie – krytyczne, czasem peĹ‚ne ironii, czasem zabawne, jednak zawsze majÄ…ce inspirujÄ…ce i pozytywne przesĹ‚anie.

IT Loesje Italy Loesje è un’organizzazione creata in Olanda nel 1983 con il preciso scopo di aprire le menti alla riessione in modo positivo e divertente, ma al tempo stesso critico, tramite posters affissi per le strade di ogni cittĂ , tutti ďŹ rmati con il nome femminile “Loesjeâ€?. Avendo per argomento qualsiasi cosa si desideri, i poster Loesje hanno un’importante caratteristica comune: non diranno mai cosa o come pensare, ma stimoleranno gli osservatori a vedere le cose da una nuova prospettiva, spesso invitando a tante diverse

interpretazioni, agendo sulle loro vite. Tutti possono partecipare alla scrittura creativa di un poster, senza limiti di etĂ , religione, ideologia o quant’altro. Ciò che caratterizza il progetto è il valore che si dĂ alla solidarietĂ fra le persone e alla lotta all’emarginazione sociale; creativitĂ , e impegno sono i parametri fondamentali di ogni riunione di scrittura creativa. I poster sono pubblicati qui su internet e chiunque può liberamente scaricarli, stamparli ed appenderli. I valori chiave di Loesje sono: Mostrare solidarietĂ , essere Anti-autoritari, essere Sessualmente liberi, Mostrare iniziativa, essere Decisivi, essere A-religiosi ed essere Indipendenti.  Judith Van Acker & Loesje


Let’s meet

August 2011


National Trails Day 2011 (Sunday, October 2nd) ► The promotion of ACSONI’s Development Education, “Africa; Tell it like it is” Campaign. Here are some of the participants from various countries in the Caribbean and Africa who are also members of ACSONI


The Afro-Community Support Organisation (ACSONI) was formed in 2003 as an independent community organisation. ACSONI aims to identify and respond to the needs and aspirations of people who are from the continent of Africa and African descendent nations. These include people who are of Afro-Caribbean, African American, and African European Heritage.

ACSONI was borne out of a series of consultations and focus groups carried out by South Belfast Highway to Health Project. Although the Afro-Community is one of the larger Minority Ethnic Communities in Northern Ireland (1136 people, according to the 2001 Census, which today is estimated to be in excess of 6,000), information on the life and experiences of Black Africans, Afro-Caribbean and other Afro-descendants in Northern Ireland is virtually non-existent. In 2003, a focus group was convened to explore, identify and discuss the need for developing a community organisation to cater to the needs of Northern Ireland’s African and Caribbean Community. The group carried out a needs assessment to identify gaps in service provision to the Afro-Community. One of the outcomes of the needsassessment was the assumption that Africa was a country and not a continent and therefore a ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach was adopted in response to Black People. It was also identified that there was a lack of resources, community support and infrastructure to address specific needs of individuals from the African continent, the Afro-Caribbean and other individuals of African descent. In the past 7 years, ACSONI has organised over 70 seminars and workshops geared towards education, development and improved health and

wellbeing by facilitating access to relevant information and building relationships with service providers. In May this year, ACSONI celebrated the United Nations International Year for People of African Descent. ACSONI hosted an international conference titled “African Images and their Impact on Public Perception”. Attendance at the conference included statutory, voluntary and community sector representatives including participants from partner organisations in Slovenia and Dublin. One of the recommendations from the conference was the need to include the promotion of positive images of Africans and people of African descent (including other minority groups) as an objective in the review of the Racial Equality Strategy for Northern Ireland. ACSONI is currently being funded by Minority Ethnic Development Fund – OFMdFM and the European Commission.  Alfred Abolarin

ACSONI First Floor 9 Lower Crescent, Belfast, BT7 1NR Tel.: 028 9043 4090, 028 9043 4090 Fax: 028 9043 4106 E-mail:

EN National Trails Day is a celebration of Ireland’s wonderful variety of trails and a chance for everyone to enjoy some of our most beautiful countryside, forests, mountains and lakes. With miles and miles of trails to explore, there is a trail to suit everyone. From walking to mountain biking, a casual stroll to a vigorous hike, Ireland is open for business and National Trails Day will see events being organised around the country to suit all ages, abilities and interests. The event is being organised to create an awareness of the trail network that is provided by many organisations free for all to enjoy. For more information please visit

Den národních stezek 2011 (neděle 2. října) CZ Den národních stezek je oslavou nádherných různorodých irských cest a stezek, a je to příležitost pro každého, aby si prošel některé nejkrásnější části naší krajiny, lesů, hor a jezer. K prozkoumání zde máme velké množství cest a stezek. Každý si najde trasu, která mu bude vyhovovat. Od chůze až po jízdu na horských kolech, od pomalé procházky až k intenzivnímu výletu. Irsko je otevřeno pro podnikání a na národních stezkách se v tento den po celé zemi pořádají různé akce pro lidi všech věkových kategorií, schopností a zájmů. Akce je organizována proto, aby se vytvořilo obecné povědomí o síti stezek, je sponzorována mnoha organizacemi pro potěšení všech, kteří se jí zúčastní. Pro více informací navštivte


Outdoor adventure

Cycle this Way… Šlápněte do pedálů… EN


Northern Ireland has some fantastic cycling… So why not take some time this summer with a group of friends or just a day out with the family and experience a breathtaking world of mountains, Loughs and islands. Discover award winning beaches and stunning seascapes along Northern Ireland’s coastlines or explore cities steeped in culture and industrial heritage. The Venture Outdoors team have provided a few ideas below to whet your appetite.

► Cycling in Co Down


Severní Irsko má několik fantastických cyklistických okruhů… Využijte letní čas a sami, s rodinou či se skupinou přátel objevte úchvatný svět jezer, hor a ostrovů. Objevte oblíbené pláže a úchvatné scenérie podél pobřeží Severního Irska, nebo si prohlédněte města plná kultury a průmyslového dědictví. Tým Venture Outdoors nabízí pár tipů , aby povzbudil vaši chuť vydat se na cestu.

August 2011 ► Lock Keeper’s Cottage, Lagan Valley Regional Park

Ballycastle, Co Antrim

Belfast Lough, Co Antrim

Dungannon Park, Co Tyrone

Castle Archdale Family Cycling Trail, Co Fermanagh

Craigavon Lake Mountain Bike Trail, Co Armagh

Castle Ward Woodland Trail, Co Down

EN As a general rule, it is best to be overprepared than underprepared! Waterproof, windproof yet breathable clothing are essential as well as suitable cycling footwear. Cyclists should carry enough food and water for the walk and for emergencies as well as taking a first aid kit. As a further safety precaution, you are advised to inform someone of your intended route before you leave.

Belfast Lough, Co Antrim This route is a flat section of National Cycle Network along the shoreline of Belfast Lough taking in views of a truly historic shipyard, starting at Whiteabbey and finishing in Belfast. Points of interest along the way include Hazelbank Park, Clarendon Dock and Lagan Weir. This route is traffic free, 7 miles and linear in shape.

Craigavon Lake Mountain Bike Trail, Co Armagh This trail utilises the landscape contours and the natural habitat around the park to create a challenging and also scenic riding experience. The trail is suitable for all cyclists with basic off-road riding skills. The majority of the trail is purpose built singletrack linked with some wider tarmac sections. Some sections are more challenging than others and may include obstacles such as roots and rocks with some sharp

turns. Points of interest along the way include Tannaghmore Gardens Rare Breeds Animal Farm and Oxford Island National Nature Reserve. This route is 7 miles and circular in shape.

Castle Ward Woodland Trail, Co Down Experience the 800 acre coastal, historic landscape through the myriad of offroad woodland trails and tracks. Savour spectacular views over Strangford Lough and towards the Mountains of Mourne and look out for buzzards and Irish Hare. Stop off for a ‘cuppa’ afterwards in the tearoom or take a browse in the Stable Yard shops. This trail is 4 miles and circular in shape.

Castle Archdale Family Cycling Trail, Co Fermanagh Situated 9 miles north west of Enniskillen, this cycle route weaves its way through 230 acres of mature forest situated on the shores of Lower Lough Erne, enabling the cyclist to explore over 1000 years of history. Points of interest along the route include Old Castle Archdale, White Island, Davy’s Island and Castle Archdale at War Exhibition. This route is 6 miles and circular in shape.

Dungannon Park, Co Tyrone This traffic-free route is great for a family ride with young children. Dungannon Park, on the edge of Dungannon, is a beautifully

kept area with a trout-fishing lake and lots of activities, and is wonderful for exploring by bike. Points of interest along the way include Dungannon Park Lake, Linen Green and Windmill Wood. This route is 2 miles and circular in shape.

Ballycastle, Co Antrim A more challenging route for those cycling enthusiast. This route links the coastal resort town of Ballycastle to the Giant’s Causeway using the spectacular Causeway Coastal Route and returning via Bushmills and the country roads of North Antrim, which are signed as part of the National Cycle Network 93. Points of interest along the way include Carrick-a-Rede Rope Bridge, the Giant’s Causeway and the Old Bushmills Distillery. This route is 35 miles and circular in shape. ► For more information on getting to the start of these cycle routes, detailed route descriptions, itineraries, maps, cycle hire, offers, family cycling, cycling clubs and much more please visit A language translation toolbar will be available in September at the top of the CycleNI home page. For more information on other outdoor activities available across Northern Ireland visit


Outdoor adventure

CZ Obecně platí, že je lepší být připraven více než méně! Nepromokavé, větruvzdorné a přesto prodyšné oblečení je nezbytné, stejně jako vhodná cyklistická obuv. Cyklisté by měli mít s sebou dostatek jídla a vody na cestu, a pro případ nouze také balíček první pomoci. Jako další bezpečnostní opatření před odjezdem, doporučujeme informovat někoho o zamýšlené cestě.

Belfast Lough, Co Antrim Tuto trasu tvoří vodorovná část národní cyklistické sítě podél pobřeží Belfast Lough s výhledem na historické loděnice. Začíná ve Whiteabbey a končí v Belfastu. Zajímavé záchytné body podél cesty jsou Hazelbank Park, Clarendon Dock a Lagan Weir. Tato trasa je bez veřejné dopravy, je dlouhá 7 mil a je velmi vhodná pro rodiny s dětmi. Opačným směrem se na tuto trasu můžete napojit už od „Velké modré ryby“ – kousek od Albert Clock.

► Ballycastle Cycle Route

Dungannon Park, Co Tyrone Craigavon Lake Mountain Bike Trail, Co Armagh Tato trasa využívá křivek krajiny a přírodních lokalit v okolí parku k vytvoření náročné trasy, při které si ale zároveň můžete vychutnat nádheru okolní krajiny. Stezka je vhodná pro všechny cyklisty se základní off-road jezdeckými schopnostmi. Z větší části trasy je možné odbočit na širší asfaltové cesty. Některé sekce jsou náročnější než ostatní a mohou obsahovat překážky, jako jsou kořeny a kameny, pozor také při projíždění několika ostrými zatáčkami. Zajímavá místa podél cesty jsou: Farma vzácných plemen Tannaghmore a Oxford Island – Národní přírodní rezervace.Tato trasa je 7 mil dlouhá a má kruhový tvar.

Castle Ward Woodland Trail, Co Down Této lokalitě jsme věnovali celý článek v minulém čísle našeho magazínu.Bezpočet off-road tratí a můžete si zde vychutnat nádherný výhled na Strangford Lough a na hory v Mourne. Zastavte se na „šálek čaje“ v čajovně nebo navštivte malé místní obchůdky. Tato trasa je 4 míle dlouhá a má kruhový tvar.

Castle Archdale Family Cycling Trail, Co Fermanagh Tato cyklotrasa se nachází 9 mil severozápadně od Enniskillenu a proplétá se přes 230 akrů vzrostlého lesa na břehu jezera Lower Lough Erne, takže cyklista může poznat více než 1000 let historie. Mezi zajímavá místa na trase patří Old Castle Archdale, White Island a Davy’s Island. Tato trasa je 6 mil dlouhá a má kruhový tvar.


Tato trasa bez veřejné dopravy je ideální pro rodinnou jízdu s malými dětmi. Dungannon Park, na okraji Dungannon, je stále krásně udržovaná oblast s možností rybolovu pstruha a spoustou aktivit. Zajímavá místa podél cesty jsou Dungannon Park Lake, Linen Green a Windmill Wood. Tato trasa je 2 míle dlouhá a má kruhový tvar.

Ballycastle, Co Antrim

Responsible Cycling CAAN endorses the principles of Leave No Trace, which mean recreational users can minimize their impact on the countryside whilst still enjoying activities with freedom. For more information, visit The Venture Outdoors – Creating Healthy Communities project aims to help those from minority ethnic communities,

Náročnější trasa pro cyklistické nadšence. Tato trasa spojuje pobřežní letovisko Ballycastle s nádhernou lokalitou velkolepé Giant’s Causeway pomocí Causeway Coastal Route a vrací se zpět přes Bushmills a polní cesty Severního Antrimu, které jsou popsány jako součást národní cyklistické sítě číslo 93. Zajímavé body na trase jsou: provazový most Carricka-Rede, známý přírodní útvar Giant’s Causeway a Old Bushmills Distillery – stará výrobna whiskey. Tato trasa je dlouhá 35 mil a má kruhový tvar.

people with disabilities and disadvan-

 Maeve Curran, Vlastik Prorok

Big Lottery Fund’s Reaching Communi-

taged groups all over Northern Ireland to access the outdoors, encourage them to take part in outdoor activities and also to learn about where they can get involved in outdoor activities in their local area. If you want to keep up to speed with the latest news and event information as and when it happens join us on the Venture Outdoors facebook page. The ‘Venture Outdoors – Creating Healthy Communities’ Project is a 3 year initiative of the Countryside Access and Activities Network (CAAN) and has been funded by the ties Programme and Ulster Garden Villages. For more information on Venture Outdoors please contact Maeve on

Více informací o těchto cyklistických trasách, detailní popis tras, mapy, půjčovny kol, informace o rodinné cyklistice, cyklistických klubech najdete na Vícejazyčná verze stránek bude k dispozici od měsíce září. Pro získání dalších informací o ostatních outdoorových aktivitách v celém Severním Irsku navštivte or phone 02890 3903930.

CarClinic CarClinic

Tel.: Tel.:028 0289061 90613300, 3300,077 0778964 89642189 2189

PrPvrá vápp oo lsls ká ká mm oo toto tete cc hh nn aa v vBB ee lflf aa ste ste .. HH oo vo vo rím rím eeaa jj pp ooslo slo ve ve nn sksyk.y.

Robíme Robímeopravy opravyvšetkých všetkýchdruhov: druhov: profesionálne profesionálneporadenstvo poradenstvo príprava prípravananaM.O.T. M.O.T.a aP.S.V. P.S.V. pripripredaji predajiauta auta diagnostika diagnostikapočítačom počítačom odvoz odvozvrakov vrakovnananáš nášúčet účet predaj predajvšetkých všetkýchzariadení zariadení pomoc pomocpriprikoliziách koliziách NOVINKA: NOVINKA:lakovanie lakovanieáut áut oprava opravapoistených poistenýcháut áut zaručená zaručenáprofesionalita profesionalita obchodný obchodnýzástupca zástupca elektroinštalácie elektroinštalácie

Unit Unit 1,1,The The Cutts, Cutts,Derriaghy, Derriaghy, BT17 BT179HN 9HN 078 7144 5644

ČESKÝ ROZHLAS 6 je stanice zaměřená na analytickou publicistiku, především na komentování politických událostí, na problematiku života občanské společnosti České republiky a evropských zemí. Vysílá komentáře, magazíny a rozhovory o politice, kultuře, historii, ekologii a dalších důležitých tématech, o nichž se ve společnosti diskutuje. Zabývá se také problematikou života národnostních menšin, církví a neopomíjí ani oblast ekonomiky a médií. Poslouchat ji můžete také živě na internetu a digitálně v multiplexu DVB-T v programu Českého rozhlasu Rádia Česko. Kromě toho si všechny odvysílané pořady můžete poslechnout nebo stáhnout ve formátu MP3 z internetového archivu Rádia na přání, který naleznete na stránkách nebo Z mého pohledu nejlepší a nejobjektivnější česká stanice. Vlastimil Prorok, redaktor

WWW.CECHOSLOVACI.COM Čechoslová jsou diskusním centrem krajanů žijících v zahraničí. Stránky nabízejí prostor pro koordinaci aktivit krajanů v libovolné zemi světa, umožňují plánovat setkání, radit si, jak začít v novém prostředí. Po registraci se uživatelům nabízejí možnosti nahrávání vlastních fotografií, zakládání blogů, zasílání soukromých zpráv, vstup do živého chatu a mnoho dalších. Součástí stránek je i rozsáhlá databáze osobností českých dějin.

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Some from our collection:


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