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Evil Characters

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CHARACTERISTICS OF A COMPELLING VILLAIN: A Look into The Making of Evil Characters

There is a set of criteria that should be met by a villain in order to be multi-layered, complex, and enthralling.


What makes villains unforgettable? What is the secret to crafting such a compelling figure?

The following list intends on no account to be all-embracing, but it incorporates dominant ingredients to make memorable villains: ✓ An obsession: Naturally, villains are obsessed with things such as power, wealth, or revenge. These obsessions overlap on numerous occasions, they set the story in motion and call for the rise of a hero.

Figure 11: Obsession, painting by Dominique Mondo20 ✓ A secret: Secrets become more intriguing as the veil of the truth is never pulled back completely. The best villains carry inside the darkest secrets and exert themselves to keep them buried. ✓ A wound: This can be a physical or an emotional wound, sometimes both; resulting in disfigured or scarred characters. Accordingly, the villain becomes more alluring. This reveals that no human is born a monster. ✓ An unstoppable drive: Under no circumstance will a villain with strong motivations ever give up. ✓ A morality of their own: In point of fact, villains don’t necessarily lack a sense of right and wrong. Conversely, they subscribe to their own moral

20 Source : https://www.saatchiart.com/art/Painting-obsession/706753/4117437/view

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