February 2023 Natural Awakenings Magazine Milwaukee

Page 21

2 Greater Milwaukee NaturalMKE.com Support the Small Businesses that Advertise in NA MKE Start Your Path to a More Rewarding Career as an Acupuncturist License available in 46 states. Approved by the Wisconsin Education Approval Board and Illinois Board of Higher Education. Acupuncture & Oriental Medicine Programs accredited by the Accreditation Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine, an agency approved by the Secretary of Education FINANCIAL AID AVAILABLE for those who qualify. Campuses in Racine, WI & Chicago, IL 800.593.2320 “ANCIENT MEDICINE FOR MODERN TIMES” Midwest College of Oriental Medicine HAPPINESS DIVERSITY PASSION DISCOVERY Earn a Bachelor of Science in Nutrition (TCM) combined with a Master of Science in Oriental Medicine www.acupuncture.edu


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8 Greater Milwaukee NaturalMKE.com Support the Small Businesses that Advertise in NA MKE CONTENTS Natural Awakenings Milwaukee | February 2023 Issue 22 IMPROVING HEART HEALTH Lifestyle Metrics That Can Help Prevent Heart Disease 26 LOVE IN THE PRESENT MOMENT Mindfulness for Couples 28 NOURISH THE HEART Foods That Promote Cardiac Healing 32 A NEW CHAPTER— Nexus for Consciousness, Healing and Hope 36 BABY STEPS TO LIVING GREENER Tips for Lowering Toxins in the Home DEPARTMENTS 12 NEWS BRIEFS | 14 HEALTH BRIEFS 16 GLOBAL BRIEFS | 18 BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT 19 THERAPY SPOTLIGHT | 20 FIT BODY 26 HEALING WAYS | 28 CONSCIOUS EATING 31 ECO TIP | 36 GREEN LIVING 38 CALENDARS | 40 CLASSIFIEDS 41 RESOURCE GUIDE INDOOR SEEDING to Win This Gardening Integrative Psychotherapy for Individuals, Couples INJECTIONS FOR WEIGHT LOSS Available at Viva Wellness 20 RHYTHMS OF THE HEART Improving Mood With Vagus Nerve Toning 21 THE HEART OF THE MATTER Food-first programs Simple assessments
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Deadline for ads: the 8th of the month.


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28 17 26 W e t r e a t y o u n o t y o u r s y m p t o m s w i t h w e l l n e s s s t r a t e g i e s t h a t h e l p y o u h e a l a n d t h r i v e A c u p u n c t u r e C u p p i n g t h e r a p y C h i n e s e h e r b s F a c i a l r e j u v e n a t i o n S e r v i c e s i n c l u d e : S c a n h e r e f o r a $ 4 0 g i f t c a r d t o w a r d y o u r f i r s t s e s s i o n ! Dr . Ayako Miz u no , DAOM,LAc P l u m e r i a A c u p u n c t u r e & H o l i s t i c W e l l n e s s C e n t e r P l u m e r i a A c u p u n c t u r e & H o l i s t i c W e l l n e s s C e n t e r 2 5 0 0 N M a y f a i r R d , S t e 4 1 0 M i l w a u k e e 2 5 0 0 N M a y f a i r R d , S t e 4 1 0 M i l w a u k e e ( 4 1 4 ) 6 8 7 - 0 0 8 7 ( 4 1 4 ) 6 8 7 - 0 0 8 7 P l u m e r i a W e l l n e s s c o m P l u m e r i a e n e s s c o m

Last month while I was traveling, I walked a labyrinth that was built upon the red sand and rock of the New Mexico high desert. Slowly, mindfully, I walked the path of the labyrinth, matching each footfall to an inhale or an exhale as I observed the eastern sunrise slowly uncover the shadowed mountains to the west with a soft orange glow. What a beautiful morning.

The labyrinth is a symbol of life. It is a physical reminder that our life path toward our future self, or greater purpose, is not linear. The labyrinth is laid out in what looks to be a circular maze, yet as one walks the winding path guided in one direction and then another, one continually is drawn closer to the center.

In life, we often feel like we are taking three steps forward, then two steps back. Though we actually are making progress, we often can’t see it. Mistakes and stumbles are all part of the process. Each step backward also carries us forward. Experience is our greatest teacher.

We must have trust in the process, trust in ourselves, and trust in something greater than ourselves. Similarly, the labyrinth involves many twists and turns, yet one trusts that each step carries him or her further toward the center.

Our hearts also guide us. The heart is our center. The heart is an icon that carries with it multiple meanings, both physical and symbolic. It is now well known that our physical and mental health are connected; that our mind, body and spirit are greatly interwoven. The heart is at the center of it all.

As we embrace “heart-centered living” in the February issue, we are focused on the heart from all angles: mind, body, spirit. We explore topics that speak to eating well and moving our physical bodies, child and adult alike, in order to promote a physically healthy heart.

We share how practices such as mindfulness, yoga, sound healing, energy healing, deep breathing and more can calm our nervous systems and ease the stress on our hearts. We also speak to the heart from the angle of our inner beings, from our spiritual center, and from a perspective focused on love and relationships.

And lastly, we remind ourselves that our greater purpose stems from love; from bettering our community at home to the planet at large. Love is at the root of unifying humanity and growing together toward lasting change, and a healthy heart is the foundation of our physical, mental, spiritual and energetic beings. Let’s spread some love today.

Publisher Jordan Peschek

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10 Greater Milwaukee NaturalMKE.com Support the Small Businesses that Advertise in NA MKE FROM THE PUBLISHER HEALTHY LIVING HEALTHY PLANET MILWAUKEE EDITION Natural Awakenings Magazine is ranked 5th Nationally in CISION’S 2016 Top 10 Health & Fitness Magazines
Jordan Peschek, RN, Publisher


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Concordia University Introduces

Master’s Degree Program in Natural Product Sciences

Concordia University’s School of Pharmacy has a new online master’s degree program in natural product sciences. It is designed to give individuals the knowledge and skills to be leaders in the ever-changing and growing field of natural products. Students will learn about natural medicines so that they may help introduce new products and improve on current offerings.

Pharmacognosy (the study of medicinal drugs obtained from natural sources) and plant biochemistry are the core disciplines in this program which will build on scientific knowledge in order to help serve unknown and unmet needs in the natural products industry. Students can specialize in medical cannabis or nutraceuticals while engaging in comprehensive studies that address the history, therapeutic effects, risks and business side of natural-based products. This graduate degree can lead to jobs in the healthcare, pharmacy, research and development, manufacturing and business industries.

Location: Concordia Wisconsin Campus, 12800 N. Lake Shore Dr., Mequon. For more information or to apply, visit OnlineInfo.cuw.edu/ natural-products-degree or cuw.edu/apply. See ad on page 35

Dew Health Coaching Now Offers Micro-Sessions

Certified integrative health coach

Elizabeth Lynch, of Dew Health Coaching, now offers 25-minute micro-coaching sessions. Designed to be quick and super-focused, the micro-sessions can be purchased a la carte. Coaching is done by phone, making it convenient for people that are busy or need to social distance.

“Micro-sessions can be surprisingly effective. In 25 minutes, you and your coach can address a specific issue and come up with a plan,” Lynch explains. “This short session may focus on one element only of your overall goal, so follow-up sessions are always a good idea though not necessary.”

Lynch offers one-on-one coaching for sleep, eating and movement, and helps clients come up with individualized plans based on their lifestyles. Lynch has a master’s degree in counseling psychology and is a certified coach through Duke Integrative Medicine.

For more information, email Liz@DewHealthCoaching.com or visit DewHealthCoaching.com. See ad on page 30

Roxy’s Natural Cleaning Offers Special Spring Pricing

Roxy’s Natural Cleaning, LLC, servicing southeast Wisconsin, is running special pricing for spring cleaning services booked from February through April. Readers can receive special pricing on both deep and reoccurring cleaning.

Owner Roxanne “Roxy”

Reichert takes pride in her commitment to environmentally sound cleaning practices. She uses natural, plant-based cleaning products such as Mrs. Meyers, Method and Simple Truth. To achieve near zero-waste cleaning, she uses washable, reusable microfiber cloths and minimizes use of paper products. In continuing her focus to providing exceptional customer service, Reichert is adding to her staff and is now hiring part-time cleaners.

For more information, call 262-528-2762 or email RoxysNaturalCleaning@gmail.com. See ad on page37

12 Greater Milwaukee NaturalMKE.com Support the Small Businesses that Advertise in NA MKE NEWS
Autoimmune Disorders Digestive Disorders Fatigue & Sleep Hormone Imbalance Hypothyroidism KATARINA MEISTER, ND NATUROPATHIC DOCTOR (414) 939-8748 LakesideNaturalMedicine com
Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies.
photo credit: Photo by Mockup Graphics on Unsplash


Better Sex: An Event for Women of All Ages and Stages of Life

Revitalize Physical Therapy is hosting an event entitled Better Sex at 6 p.m. on March 8 at their office in Hales Corners. The talk includes candid and educational conversation to help women learn about common sex issues, why they happen and what they can do in order to have better sex throughout the different stages of life.

“More than 50 percent of women experience some form of sexual dysfunction in their life, from painful intercourse, decreased libido or issues with orgasm. Rarely are these issues talked about,” states Dr. Brenda Heinecke of Revitalize Physical Therapy. “When women do speak up, they are told that it is in their head, or that they need to have another glass of wine and just relax more.”

In addition to providing entry to the talk as well as to a vendor expo, a ticket to the Better Sex event includes wine, appetizers, a swag bag and raffle prizes. Two price points are offered; tickets are limited.

Cost: $25 general admission includes a swag bag and two raffle tickets; $40 VIP admission includes a special VIP swag bag, five raffle tickets and a coupon for a discounted pelvic-floor assessment. Location: 11951 W. Janesville Rd., Ste. E, Hales Corners. For more information, call 414-708-8066 or visit Revitalize-PT.com. See ad on page 4

Awaken Spiritual Skills Through a Divine Mother Rose Activation Ceremony

Amrutha Sanctuary is currently leading in-person and online Divine Mother Rose Activations. The three ceremonies—the Pink Rose, the Red Rose and the White Rose— are designed to help participants awaken, receive gifts, finely tune spiritual skills, clear ancestral karma and ignite the flame of one’s own unique path.

“Throughout history, women’s innate ability to bring change has been felt so strongly that movements have been made to stop women from taking on their power. However, the divine energies are now calling women back into their natural state of leadership,” says Shanti Lleone of Amrutha Sanctuary. “Women are awakening and looking for ways to call in their inner priestess or spiritual authority. The Divine Mother Rose Activations are three one-onone ceremonies which activate you into the lineage of Magdalen Temple of the Rose, Isis and Mary.”

Location: 1821 N. 2nd St., Milwaukee. For more information, email Shanti@ShantiLleone.com or visit ShantiLleone.com/divinemotherroseactivations. See ads on pages 43 and 46

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THE HEALING POWER OF REIKI Reiki Energy Work & Reiki Classes Get two Re i k i sess i ons for $110 ($40 off!) through February 2 0 2 3 Now hiring world-class wellness practitioners LMTs, Chiropractors, Acupuncturists & more! Call (414) 231-9326 to join our team

Mental Health Benefits of Breastfeeding

Add maternal mental health benefits to the well-documented physical advantages that breastfeeding offers to moms and their infants. A systematic review published in the Journal of Women’s Health found that breastfeeding was associated with overall improved maternal mental health outcomes. A majority of the studies concluded that breastfeeding was connected to fewer mental health symptoms. Thirty-six of the 55 articles reported significant relationships between breastfeeding and reduced symptoms of postpartum depression and anxiety. Notably, when breastfeeding challenges arose or when the actual experience of breastfeeding didn’t meet expectations, five studies reported negative mental health symptoms.

The researchers suggest that breastfeeding may have protective effects on mental health due to the release of oxytocin—also known as the love hormone—which is associated with decreased maternal stress levels and anxiety. This suggests that breastfeeding may have immediate, short-term effects on maternal mood. Further research is needed to help provide better personalized breastfeeding and mental health counseling to moms.

Weighted Blanket for Better Sleep

Put On a Happy Face

According to a new study led by Stanford University and published in Nature Human Behaviour, positioning our facial muscles into a smile can actually cause us to feel happier. Researchers collected data from 3,878 participants across 19 countries, using three techniques:

n Mimicking facial expressions of actors seen in photos

n Moving the corners of their mouths to their cheeks using only their facial muscles

n Using the “pen-in-mouth” technique, which moves facial muscles in a simulated smile shape

The study found a noticeable increase in feelings of happiness from people that mimicked smiling photographs or pulled their mouth toward their ears.

Weighted blankets may be a non-drug option to help ease conditions like insomnia and anxiety by allowing the body to release more melatonin (a hormone that promotes sleep) at bedtime.

In a new study published in the Journal of Sleep Research, researchers from Uppsala University in Sweden measured the amount of melatonin, oxytocin and cortisol in the saliva of subjects after sleeping with either a light blanket or a weighted blanket. They found that using a weighted blanket helped naturally increase production of melatonin by 32 percent. There were no significant changes in the levels of oxytocin, cortisol or sympathetic nervous system activity.

14 Greater Milwaukee NaturalMKE.com Support the Small Businesses that Advertise in NA MKE HEALTH BRIEFS Dean Drobot/ShutterStock.com
Kabardins photo/AdobeStock.com
Wellness is the complete integration of body, mind and spirit—the realization that everything we do, think, feel and believe has an effect on our state of well-being.
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Herbal Toothpaste Deemed Safe and Effective

Toothpaste containing certain plant-derived extracts was found to be effective in the prevention or treatment of gingivitis and early-stage periodontitis, according to a study published in Dentistry Journal. The authors noted that people should still get regular, in-depth cleanings and treatments to maintain oral hygiene, and that antibacterial herbal extracts have safer toxicity profiles for human use.

In the double-blind, placebo-controlled trial, patients with a previous diagnosis of gingivitis or initial stages of periodontitis were given an experimental toothpaste or the control toothpaste for a 60-day trial period, during which time they brushed twice daily. The experimental toothpaste contained chemical components and extracts of German chamomile, sage, arnica and echinacea. The control toothpaste contained only chemical active ingredients.

The herbs used in the study showed positive anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antiseptic and antibacterial actions. Patients in the experimental group experienced diminished bleeding of the gums and teeth whitening. The indices of gingivitis, general oral hygiene, plaque, tartar buildup and mild periodontitis decreased in both groups over the trial period. While both toothpastes eliminated several bacterial periodontal pathogens, the experimental one was more efficient against several of them.

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One Step Closer to Fusion Power

The U.S. Department of Energy recently announced the achievement of fusion ignition at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL). This is a major scientific breakthrough decades and billions of dollars in the making, paving the way for us to be able to produce clean fusion energy. Fusion power is considered a game-changer because it would allow us to produce electricity with no carbon footprint or radioactive waste, using fewer resources than it takes to harness solar and wind power.

On December 5, 2022, the LLNL team conducted the first controlled fusion experiment in history to reach what is known as “scientific energy breakeven”, meaning that it produced more energy from fusion than the laser energy used to drive it. Merely a theory until now, fusion combines two light nuclei to form a single heavier nucleus, releasing a large amount of energy. To achieve this milestone, LLNL built a series of powerful laser systems housed in a facility the size of a sports stadium. The lasers create temperatures and pressures comparable to cores of stars and giant planets.

T here are still enormous challenges to be tackled in the decades ahead. The first is to develop machinery capable of affordably turning the reaction into electricity without destroying the machinery in the process. The hope is to address these challenges in time to have a positive impact on climate change.

Reforestation Is More Than Planting Trees

The United Nations designated 2021 to 2030 the Decade on Ecosystem Restoration to prevent, halt and reverse the degradation of ecosystems on every continent and in every ocean. To that end, the European Union and 26 nations, along with donor support, recently pledged $16 billion to protect, restore and sustainably manage forests. A significant portion of the monies will be spent on reforestation.

Many reforestation projects focus on the number of trees planted, with less attention to how well they survive, how diverse the resulting forests are or how much carbon they store. A study of data from 176 reforestation sites found that on average only 44 percent of newly planted trees last more than five years, with some sites reporting a sapling survival rate of less than 20 percent. Several studies have explored ways to improve survival rates. Promising measures include planting near mature trees, fencing out cattle, improving soil conditions, planting native species first to pave the way for other tree species and involving local people to support reforestation efforts.

Finding Hydrogen in Oil Wells

Climate change has spurred researchers and companies to develop fuels with zero carbon emissions. A simple solution is hydrogen because it burns without carbon emissions and is seemingly everywhere—under our feet and in every glass of water. The challenge is obtaining a reliable, safe and sustainable volume of hydrogen at a reasonable cost. There are several methods used today to produce pure hydrogen in large quantities. Most hydrogen is a byproduct of natural gas or coal gasification.

Cemvita Factory, a Texas biotech firm, field-tested a new method of hydrogen production in July, 2022, by injecting a propriety combination of bacteria and nutrients into a depleted oil well. Once inside, the microbes broke down the oil dregs to generate hydrogen and CO2. Cemvita Factory estimates there are more than 1,000 depleted oil wells in the United States that are suitable for their microbial treatment. While hydrogen production using depleted oil wells is getting some interest and attention, it still appears to be at a relatively early stage of development. One challenge faced by Cemvita Factory and other innovators in this area is how to prevent the CO2 from leaking into the atmosphere and contributing to climate change. Methods to capture, store or neutralize the CO2 byproduct will need to be developed.

16 Greater Milwaukee NaturalMKE.com Support the Small Businesses that Advertise in NA MKE GLOBAL BRIEFS
Mr. Ratchacrit

Indoor Seeding to Win This Gardening Season

It is the time to plant this year’s summer garden seeds indoors. In zone 4 and 5, February is the perfect time to start seeds for cool weather crop plants like broccoli and kale to be ready to transplant into the backyard garden or pot after the last frost of the season. It is also a good time to start tomato and pepper plants, so that they can be easily transplanted in May. This year, the last frost is predicted to be April 25, according to The Farmer’s Almanac for the Chicago area. Easily check the last frost date prediction for your zip code at Almanac.com/gardening/frostdates. On average the last frost day for zone 5, which is where Chicago is located, is May 15; therefore, the last frost date can change from year to year.

If indoor seed starting is new for you, these tips will make the steps simple and achievable. The biggest thing to keep in mind is that growing seedlings is fun, and not a perfect science. Enjoy the process, get the kids involved and prepare for a bit of a mess. Put on some play clothes and let’s get to planting.

Prepare ahead of time by having seeds, planting trays and seed starting soil gathered.

Step 1. Read the seed packets to understand time to germinate, if light or heat is required to germinate, along with how many weeks to plant prior to last frost date. If you do not have a grow light, placing the seed trays in a windowsill is a great alternative. Similarly, if a heat is required to germinate, place the seed tray by a heat vent to replace the need for a heat mat. For example, celery, peppers and roman chamomile require heat to germinate. All seeds will require even humidity and moisture.

Step 2. Moisten the soil mixture using water. The soil needs to be wet, although not the consistency of mud. A good way to test for appropriate moisture is if the soil packs together easily. One cup of water to one quart of soil is a good estimate. Gently and

firmly pack the soil into each seed cell of the tray. Using a pencil, chopstick or other tool, poke a hole in the soil in each cell to the depth suggested on the seed packet. Add one seed to each cell and gently cover with soil, making sure the seed makes good contact with the damp soil mix. Some varieties of seeds will require more or less of a soil cover, always read the packet. Label trays using a permanent marker. Gentle water or mist and cover with plastic dome. Plastic wrap can be used in replacement of the plastic seed tray dome to create the humidity required. Place trays in a warm place above 70 degrees F for tomato and pepper seed germination. Refer to the seed package for the proper temperature.

Step 3. When the first two seedling leaves appear, remove the plastic dome or plastic wrap to prevent the seedling from molding or “damping off”. Move to a location with light and temperatures between 60 and 65 degrees F. Water from the bottom if possible to encourage the roots to grow down. Watering should only be done when the soil feels dry, not looks dry. If you are using a window for light, once a week rotate the seed tray so that the plants to do bend toward the light. A grow light directly above is a good investment as it can be adjusted in height as the seedlings grow helping to prevent spindly stems.

Step 4. When plants are large enough and two weeks prior to transplanting outside, it is time to start hardening off the seedlings by placing them outside during warm days for four to six hours, extending the time as the transplant time comes closer. In the case of the seedlings growing quickly and tall, or gaining robust roots the plant can be transplanted into a 4 inch cup or large Solo cup with holes poked in the bottom for drainage until it is time to plant outside.

The three biggest needs for a seed to be successful is proper temperature, water and light.

Additional gardening and seed starting information can be found at CultivatingGuts.com. Author Tiffany Hinton offers a free gardening planning online class and helpful gardening education. The next class for Hinton’s kids gardening club, the Little Witches Moon Gardening Club, is February 11. S he invites you to register your child for the garden club by visiting CultivatingGuts.com

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ERA Wellness

Approachable Integrative Psychotherapy for Individuals, Couples and Families

ERA Wellness, based in Whitefish Bay, is an integrative psychotherapy practice specializing in perinatal mental health, trauma, anxiety, stress and obsessive compulsive disorder for adults and teens. Licensed clinical social worker and psychotherapist Emily Aleksy, who is the owner and director of ERA Wellness, describes her therapeutic style as conversational and relaxed. She often includes humor, and overall she rejects the idea that therapy has to be boring or look a certain way.

Aleksy’s personal experiences inspired her to create a business that supports not just her clients, but her employees as well. She strives to make sure that workplace dynamics, scheduling and management issues don’t add additional stressors on them.

For clients, Aleksy says ERA Wellness is a place where counselors truly understand what they are going through and can serve them in an accepting, nonjudgmental way. “Clients can take down their barriers when they enter our office. We just get it. We know how hard parenting is, and with the addition of everything from a global pandemic to social media, it’s more complicated than ever.”

Aleksy recognizes that parents, particularly women, are under immense yet unrealistic pressure to be a superhero. She emphasizes that it’s important to recognize that one cannot do it all. She offers realistic tools to help clients get out of survival mode and process any of life’s challenges while balancing the demands of parenthood.

“Any therapist can teach coping skills, but it takes a lot more to help you weather all of those competing ideas.”

Realizing that it can be intimidating to take that first step toward counseling, the ERA Wellness staff helps break down those initial barriers to get started. They offer online scheduling and a sliding scale or pro bono fees when appropriate. Clients are even allowed to bring their children to appointments when necessary, and both in-person and virtual appointments are offered.

In addition, ERA Wellness offers a New Parent Support Group, which helps individuals navigate the demands of parenting; and has recently added art therapy, which can help treat mental health issues through creativity, such as drawing. Reports in publications such as Frontiers in Psychology state that art therapy can be an effective non-pharmacological, complementary treatment for mental health disorders.

Aleksy’s vision for ERA Wellness includes expanding new and different kinds of services for its clients. “I’m excited to continue to expand and offer more to our community. I want every parent in the area to know that they are not alone in what they are going through, and that it can, and does, get better. I want every human to know that they are worthy and wonderful, just as they are.”

ERA Wellness is located at 316 E. Silver Spring Dr., Whitefish Bay. For more information, call 414-301-3234 or visit ERAWellnessTherapy.com. See ad on page 25.

18 Greater Milwaukee NaturalMKE.com Support the Small Businesses that Advertise in NA MKE BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT
“I’m not new to the therapy and mental health world, but I became deeply interested in perinatal mental health after my own kids were born,” relates Aleksy. “I saw a lot of parents struggling—including myself—and a ton of holes in the ability to find proper support and access it.”
“We look at how we can help you be okay with not being able to do everything,” Aleksy affirms.
Standing: Emily Aleksy, LCSW, PMH-C. Seated left: Gabrielle Trecek, LCSW, Seated right: Jeni Everts Beier, LPC, PMH-C

Semaglutide Insulin Management

Injections for Weight Loss AVAILABLE AT VIVA WELLNESS

VIVA Wellness is offering a new product for weight loss. Semaglutide is an antidiabetic medication used to treat Type 2 diabetes. It is sold under the brand names of Wegovy, Rybelsus and Ozempic. Studies such as those published in the Journal of Investigative Medicine report that semaglutide has shown promising results for chronic weight management in clinical trials.

In June 2021, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved the Wegovy semaglutide injection “for chronic weight management in adults with obesity or overweight with at least one weight-related condition (such as high blood pressure, Type 2 diabetes, or high cholesterol), for use in addition to a reduced calorie diet and increased physical activity.”

Semaglutide, when used responsibly under professional medical supervision, “acts on centers in the brain and suppresses appetite”, according to research reported by the University of Alabama–Birmingham. In addition, it can reduce weight through cellular detoxification, reduced cravings, stabilized blood sugar and the slowing of the emptying of the stomach, which helps users feel full longer.

“The makers of Wegovy emphasize that eating healthier is what creates much of the weight loss, but many of our patients agree that drastic lifestyle changes aren’t necessary,” explains Jennifer Hruz, a board-certified family nurse practitioner, advanced practice nurse prescriber and founder of VIVA Wellness. “Instead, the

protocol tends to inspire a natural rewiring of their dietary habits.” Hruz continues, “While semaglutide works in a few ways, one way is that it targets hunger centers in the brain to stabilize constant hunger, cravings or food chatter thoughts.”

There are a few key protocols—such as side effect management and responsible dosing— that are needed for safe and successful use of semaglutide, suggesting that having a healthcare provider as part of the process results in the best outcomes. The body experiences much as it adjusts to the medication, and having provider support during this period is critical to ensuring success and quality of life. With medical supervision, semaglutide can be combined with injections, oral supplements and holistic treatments, such as colonics and lymphatic drainage, to support metabolic health and detoxification pathways. The addition of holistic modalities can help release toxins with any fat loss.

Jennifer Hruz received her Master of Science degree in nursing on the family nurse practitioner track from Alverno College in 2016. She worked as a nurse practitioner at an integrative medical clinic before starting VIVA Wellness, located at 12625 W. Burleigh Rd., Brookfield. For more information, call 262-777-8482 or visit VivaWellnessWI.com See ad on page 4.

19 Be sure to let our advertisers know you found them in | February 2023 THERAPY SPOTLIGHT
Sheila Julson is a freelance writer and regular contributor to Natural Awakenings. VIVA Founder, Jennifer Hruz



While most people consider the brain to be the power center of the body, the heart is stronger in several ways. Pioneering research from the 1990s found the heart to be 40 to 60 times stronger than the brain electrically and about 100 times stronger magnetically.

HeartMath studies heart rate variability (HRV), which measures the naturally occurring beat-to-beat changes in heart rate and rhythms, and is a key marker of overall health, resiliency and longevity. HeartMath discovered people could train themselves to improve their HRV and, as a result, their ability to regulate emotions by using breath as a type of biofeedback.

Central to this work is the vagus nerve, a main component of the parasympathetic nervous system that carries signals at an unconscious level between the brain, heart and digestive system. Due to its many functions, particularly controlling mood, researchers have targeted the vagus nerve in treating depression, anxiety and other psychiatric disorders.

Since the vagal tone is correlated with capacity to regulate stress responses and can be influenced by breathing, its increase through meditation and yoga likely contribute to resilience and the mitigation of mood and anxiety symptoms.”

Vagal tone tells us how well the vagus nerve is functioning, and it is measured indirectly by HRV. A toned vagus nerve can help regulate the nervous system and improve digestion, heart health and breathing rate. It can also counter the body’s “fight” response and help us relax and bounce back from daily stresses by boosting the “rest-and-digest” response, which also boosts HRV.

Because the vagus nerve is integral to the gut-brain connection, Michael Ruscio, DNM, DC, writes that lifestyle practices that are good for the gut and brain, like diet, exercise and deep breathing, can improve vagal tone. The Cleveland Clinic states that the vagus nerve can be naturally strengthened through meditation, massage, music therapy and

cold-water immersion. Other non-invasive methods of stimulating the vagus nerve include lightly tapping the chest while holding the breath, as well as light-to-moderate massage in areas near the vagus nerve. Because the nerve connects to the throat, gargling with salt water and laughing have also been proposed as potential interventions.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has approved electrical vagus nerve stimulation (VNS) for the treatment of drug-resistant epilepsy and depression, and there are ongoing studies to expand its use for other health conditions and disorders. This is an invasive solution, as the device is surgically implanted under the skin on the chest.

Bruce Cryer, co-founder and former CEO of HeartMath, says, “We could all use a helping hand to get into our happy place” in these uncertain times. The 40-year wellness leader recently turned to Sensate, a new personal device designed to help people improve HRV and derive calming benefits without the need for extensive training in meditation or breathing techniques.

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Developed by Stefan Chmelik, a physician, Sensate is a palm-sized device that is simply placed on a person’s chest as it emits stress-relieving sound waves directly to the nervous system using bone conduction. Similar to the comfort a person experiences when a purring cat lies on their chest, Sensate causes the chest to resonate sound, which signals the vagus nerve to relax. When used over time, the device can train (or retrain) the vagus nerve to default to this calming state.

In a 2022 study, adults with and without anxiety and depression disorders used Sensate for an average of three and a half months, five to six days per week. After the test period, more than 70 percent of the participants reported low, mild or normal stress levels. More than 65 percent of the participants with anxiety disorder and over half of those with a depressive disorder reported an improvement in their condition.

Chmelik says, “Stress is a ‘global catastrophe’, and with a chronically stressed public, there is no will or ability to address all the other issues facing us. My goal in developing Sensate was to enable people to self-regulate more efficiently. I want to create a tipping point to create a more conscious world. As more people become aware of their breath and its connection to stress, and take advantage of the powerful tools of meditation, breath and other tools like Sensate, hopefully that tipping point is reached.”

Kirby Baldwin writes and edits for KnoWEwell, the Regenerative Whole Health Hub and the parent company of Natural Awakenings Publishing Corp.

The Heart of the Matter

More than 2.5 billion. That’s about how many times the human heart will beat during an average lifetime. We can make each beat matter—and each beat stronger—by putting heart health at the center of our overall lifestyle and wellness plan.

Of course, we know maintaining a normal weight, embracing a healthy diet, not smoking, developing good sleep hygiene and reducing stress can all help in preventing coronary artery and vascular diseases.


Many may not know that physical activity lowers blood pressure, one of the major risk factors for heart disease. Exercise works just like a beta-blocker medication in slowing the heart rate and keeping it lowered, even at rest.

Staying active, combined with healthy eating, is essential for losing weight, which, in turn, reduces stress on the heart and prevents cardiovascular disease and stroke.

Remember aerobic workouts, along with strength training, improves the ability of all muscles to draw oxygen from the blood stream. This means a muscular organ like the heart does not need to work as hard to pump the much-needed, oxygen-rich blood.

We also know stress hormones can negatively impact our heart health. As we exercise, we gain the extra benefit of deep breathing, relaxing and easing cumulative daily stress.

n Breathing

n Meditation

n Yoga

n Massage

n Music therapy

n Diet and exercise

And, let’s not forget how physical activity can reduce chronic inflammation throughout the body’s many systems.

There are a multitude of good reasons to keep moving. While the American Heart Association recommends 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise each week, it’s important to set realistic goals. Consider

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current health status, family history, recent injuries, age and the advice of trusted medical health professionals when establishing a daily workout routine.

For those that don’t want to join a gym, think outside the box. Line, tap, ballet or Bollywood—any kind of dance is fun. Embrace our inner child and jump rope, ride a bike, work a hula hoop or bounce on a pogo stick or trampoline. Find a buddy and join a walking or hiking group.

Free online exercise workouts for all ages and abilities are available on YouTube and other streaming formats. Check out local county libraries and community centers for other affordable programs.

Park the car at the far end of a parking lot, choose the stairs over the elevator and walk the mall on bad-weather days. Try a wearable fitness tracker and aim for 10,000 steps a day.


n Eat well. Try incorporating whole grains, lots of fresh produce and healthy fats, and minimizing carbohydrates, salt, sugar, alcohol and processed foods.

n Rest. Disrupted sleep means disrupted chemical and hormonal processes that take place only during the deep stage of sleep.

n Embrace regular spiritual practice. Meditation/prayer, connecting with nature and enjoying other spiritual well-being activities can bring peace, happiness and good heart health.

Make every heartbeat matter. Anatomically and symbolically, the heart is our center. When we live in gratitude and love, we honor and heal.

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Vagal tone, correlated with ability to regulate stress responses to help mood and anxiety, can be influenced by

Improving Heart Health


When it comes to preventing cardiovascular diseases, lifestyle changes such as diet and exercise are often mentioned. But a deeper dive into heart health shows other factors such as sleep, stress management and proper screenings are just as important.


Dr. Randi Foraker is a professor of medicine within the Division of General Medical Sciences at Washington University in St. Louis (WUSTL), and the Deputy Director for WUSTL’s Institute for Informatics. She helped co-author the American Heart Association’s (AHA)

Life’s Essential 8, a prescription of eight lifestyle metrics for cardiovascular health. They include modifiable risk factors such as diet, physical activity, nicotine exposure, sleep duration, body mass index, blood lipids, blood glucose and blood pressure. Last June, the AHA added sleep to their lifestyle recommendations. “Poor


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sleep has been something we have suspected as a contributor to cardiovascular health for some time,” Foraker says. “Sleep has been identified recently as a risk factor for cardiovascular disease and other chronic diseases. Interrupted sleep is a problem, because our body isn’t able to rebuild and recharge if we don’t have adequate sleep. That’s a recent finding, and the evidence around that is building.”

In addition, research into how sleep patterns affect heart health is ongoing. Experts are looking at when people are sleeping, and if it’s broken into three- or four-hour increments. The demands of one’s occupation may lead to sleeping during the day instead of at night, or broken sleep that may or may not lead to a total of eight hours of sleep.


“Not managing stress well can be linked to insulin resistance, gut issues, high blood pressure and inflammation, which directly contribute to heart disease,” says Charlotte Nussbaum, M.D., a functional medicine

practitioner based in Medford, New Jersey. “That’s a lifestyle factor that people need to address—and it can be the hardest one to address. Even if you’re dialed in to a healthy diet and exercise routines, you’re not going to keep yourself healthy if you have unresolved stress issues.”

Nussbaum further notes that unaddressed childhood traumas can lead to unhealthy stress management techniques. She encourages people to consult with a therapist or other practitioner to work through childhood traumas. Try to identify and eliminate the stressor. If a job is causing stress, we can’t always change jobs, but using techniques such as yoga, meditation and mindfulness can help. She also recommends bodywork and movement, breathing techniques, biofeedback and going outdoors and into nature as effective stress relieving techniques.

Foraker notes that the Life’s Essential 8 framework has specifically called out mental health and social determinants of health. These underlying factors can be barriers to achieving ideal cardiovascular

health. “Mental health can impact depression and be a proxy for nicotine addiction and poor diet,” she says.

Social determinants may include living in a food desert without access to healthy foods. Some people may not be able to achieve physical fitness because they might live in a high crime area, preventing them from being physically active outdoors. “Social determinants of health are often cost prohibitive to achieving health goals,” Foraker reiterates.

Nationwide, nonprofits such as The Food Trust are helping to bring nutritious food to low-income communities. The National Youth Sports Strategy, an initiative of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, strives to expand children’s participation in youth sports and encourage regular physical activity.


Nussbaum observes that while much attention is placed on lowering fat and cholesterol for a healthier heart, what is more

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important is choosing fats that don’t oxidize easily. When low-density lipoprotein (LDL) is oxidized, it can lead to atherosclerosis, the buildup of plaque on the artery walls.

“Seed oils like canola oil, safflower oil, sunflower oil or corn oil have been promoted as heart healthy, but those are very easily oxidized because they contain linoleic acid, an inflammatory omega-6 fatty acid that can contribute to heart disease,” Nussbaum says. “While omega-6 is an essential fatty acid, we only need a small amount in our diets. Our modern diet has become very high in omega-6.”

Nussbaum advises increasing omega-3 intake to balance the omega-3s/ omega-6 ratio. Cold water, fatty fish that’s low in mercury, such as salmon, along with shellfish, are good sources of omega-3s. For people that don’t eat seafood, marine algae provide omega-3s.

Polyphenols are plant-based foods— that boost heart health and immunity. Polyphenol-rich foods include green tea, citrus fruits, hibiscus tea and turmeric. Nussbaum adds that organ meats such as liver are high in antioxidants such as retinol and vitamin A.

Red meat has gotten a bad rap, but Nussbaum notes how meat is sourced makes a difference. The nutritional quality of a fastfood burger is much different than a cut of beef from grassfed cows that are sustainably raised; the latter having a very different nutrition profile, along with omega-3s.

Nussbaum cautions that consuming a low-fat diet may not lower risk of heart disease because many low-fat diets substitute fat with carbohydrates. A high-carbohydrate diet can lead to obesity and insulin resistance, which are risk factors for heart disease.


It can be intimidating to start a workout regimen, especially if time is limited. “What’s more important is not being sedentary and finding ways to keep moving,” Nussbaum reassures. “Even if you have desk job, there are ways to incorporate short bursts of movement into your day. Walking can be helpful.”

She adds that high-intensity interval

American Heart Association confirms that practicing mindfulness and meditation may help manage stress and high blood pressure, improve sleep and help us feel more balanced and connected, which can help lower the risk of heart disease. Meditation can be as simple as sitting quietly in a calm place and focusing on breath. Other types include relaxation, Zen, transcendental and mantra, mindfulness-based stress reduction.

For more information, visit Tinyurl.com/55nuk9dm.

cholesterol is within normal range, they need not worry about heart disease. “But someone could have ‘unstable plaque’ just waiting to burst in a coronary artery that kills the patient,” Smith explains. “When an unstable plaque ruptures in a major vessel, the body senses it as bleeding and sends clotting factors to stop the bleeding, thus creating the heart attack and death. We can look for this with cutting-edge testing.”

Such testing includes Cleerly, which uses artificial intelligence to look within the coronary arteries. It provides actual visualization of the patients’ vessels and pinpoints locations of stenotic lesions, total plaque volume and unstable plaque locations. “This is revolutionary and allows me to provide information to the patient and the interventional cardiologist vital information before catheterization,” Smith says.

training—short bursts of intense exercise alternated with low-intensity recovery periods—can be effective for those with limited time. “Some of those workouts are only five to 10 minutes long but can have just as much benefit as a 90-minute cardiovascular workout.”


Dr. Yale (Yoel) R. Smith is a Melbourne, Florida-based physician who is triple board-certified and an Advanced Fellow in Anti-Aging Metabolic and Functional Medicine. “There are millions of people walking around with severe cardiac disease that do not even know it, because heart attacks and death from an acute coronary syndrome (ACS) can kill someone without warning,” he cautions. “Thus, preventing such an event with specialized testing can allow people to live long lives with loved ones.”

Smith emphasizes the importance of a complete lipid profile. “I see many patients that come to me with incomplete lipid profiles,” he notes. They do not include sensitive biomarkers that go beyond just total cholesterol, LDL, high-density lipoprotein (HDL) and triglycerides.

There’s a misconception that if one’s

The Protein Unstable Lesion Signature test looks for cellular markers for high-risk patients and determines risk for plaque rupture. The Vibrant Health CardiaX allows doctors to look at 22 different genes that can contribute to various heart disease issues.

“Family history is a look into the future of your chance of developing heart diseases,” Smith shares. “The genetics of a patient’s family is quite important, and genes can jump a generation. Thus, the patient could have their grandfather’s or grandmother’s genes that can put them at risk and lead to an early death.”

There are natural ways to control and reverse heart disease, Smith reiterates, but he cautions against over-the-counter, unregulated supplements marketed toward improving heart health. A comprehensive workup and cardiovascular health plan should be monitored by a qualified medical doctor.

“Meditation and massage are beneficial to lower stress,” Smith concurs. “Stress and high cortisol levels create a pathway to heart disease, elevated blood pressure and other issues. Thus, anything that can lower stress and create a happy lifestyle will help with heart health.”

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Sheila Julson is a freelance writer and regular contributor to Natural Awakenings

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Amy & David Wilinski
The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched— they must be felt with the heart.
~Helen Keller

Love in the Present Moment


Jam-packed schedules and answering the demands of everyday life can trip us up and break the spell of even the most solid intimate partnership. With dulled senses, it is easy and all too common to go on autopilot. Like abandoned gardens, heartunions can become casualties of neglect and the absence of joy.

Mindfulness—awareness and cultivation of the present moment—has been shown to lower blood pressure, reduce anxiety and depression and deepen our appreciation of what we have. Relationships can expand and strengthen when couples practice the art of being in the “now”. A 2021 study involving 1,360 heterosexual couples published in the Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy indicates that gratitude and forgiveness also contribute to satisfaction, both relational and sexual.


“Mindfulness practice comes in many forms: journaling, meditation, mindfulness-based cognitive therapy, tai chi or breathwork, to name just a few. By routinely practicing mindfulness, we are able to deepen our own awareness of what we are feeling and how we want to respond to someone we care about,” explains Moraya Seeger DeGeare, in-house relationship expert for Paired, an app for couples.

Maci Daye, the author of Passion and Presence: A Couple’s Guide to Awakened Intimacy and Mindful Sex says, “Even a few minutes a day of mindfulness practice can rewire the brain, build new habits and help us dis-identify from our limiting beliefs, stories and intense emotions.” This is a critical factor in transcending personal triggers and promoting conflict resolution.

She emphasizes that couples often go into fight-orflight mode because they feel threatened by their partner’s non-verbal behavior

26 Greater Milwaukee NaturalMKE.com Support the Small Businesses that Advertise in NA MKE HEALING WAYS

or are triggered by old, painful wounds.

Daye, a licensed professional counselor and certified sex therapist, notes, “Mindful couples are less attached to being ‘right’ and explore their own sensitivities instead of blaming their partners.” Once “awakened intimacy” is put into practice, couples become interested in each other’s perspectives and team up to heal and grow. In addition to formal training, she suggests bringing presence to all aspects of life. “Couples can engage their senses when they hug, touch or hold hands,” Daye explains. “They can pause to look at each other when they say hello and goodbye. They can slow down and taste their food, savoring every bite. These behaviors also make sexual experiences more sensual, intimate and connecting.”

Taking a few moments for eye contact, the brush of a hand or compassionate interaction can strengthen bonds. DeGeare, who is also a couple’s therapist at BFF Therapy, in Beacon, New York, recommends slowing down together to get in sync. “This could be going for a walk, cooking or listening to the same podcast and talking about it later. It helps the body tune into your partner a bit and connect. The time you spend doing this outside of the bedroom will deepen your connection in the bedroom.” She suggests bringing movement like a shared dance or yoga class into the mix to foster connection, as well as setting “dedicated times to check in through the week or month, uninterrupted.”


Daily verbal exchanges beyond the mundane can amplify resonance between two people. “Asking questions is vitally important, as it cultivates curiosity—but not the day-to-day questions, such as, ‘What are you doing today’ or ‘What do you want for dinner?’” says Debbie Lambert, co-author of The Mindful Couple. The Del Mar, California, couples counselor and life coach encourages people to ask, “What scares you today? What is the most important thing that you would like to create today? What was one thing that made you grateful today, and what is one thing that disappointed or frustrated you today? What is one thing I can do for you today? These types of questions scrape the surface of knowing and create intimacy and connection.”

Lambert compares the practice of mindfulness to a beautiful dance—flowing, loving and creative—that can change future generations. “The energy from such a dance extends far beyond the couple,” she says. “It can be felt intimately by anyone in its presence. When parents dance this dance, their children are bathed in a high-vibrating energy. They feel safe and loved. Most importantly, they learn a model for how to be in a loving relationship.”

Marlaina Donato is an author, visionary painter and recording artist. Connect at WildflowerLady.com.



Couples get too familiar with each other over time, and the wonder and curiosity leave the bedroom. To deepen the sexual experience, couples can:

n Shift from knowing to curiosity. Ask yourself, “What does my partner need in this moment?”

Be in tune with subtle movements and embrace them in the moment, versus thinking this is what my partner likes.

n They say the eyes are the windows to the soul. Eye-gazing in bed is a deeply spiritual activity that allows us to connect beyond our normal experiences with each other.

n Smile, laugh and embrace the moment with some lightness. When we smile and laugh, we are out of our heads and into our hearts. This is where we want to spend more time in general.


While most couples think they must do more to experience novelty, the best sex results from simply being there and tuning into bodily sensations. Knowing this relieves couples that are exhausted and pressured by the demands of modern life, which have been exceptional lately. They may avoid sex because they fear they must “go all the way”. However, if we are fully present, we can have magical, erotic experiences that are brief and don’t necessarily involve the genitals.


n Revitalize PT, See ad on page 4.

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T he right food choices don’t just prevent heart disease and help shrink artery plaque, they also nourish and heal the heart. For a healthy ticker, enjoy these five food groups every day.


Fiber is the roughage in vegetables, fruits, beans and nuts, and it is loaded with age-busting nutrients. Eating fiber suppresses appetite, promotes weight loss, improves blood sugar and cholesterol levels, decreases inflammation and feeds a healthy gut microbiome.

The challenge is to get more fiber every day. Too often, people consume fiber from processed grains and flour, and the sugar load that comes with grain fiber has many adverse impacts on heart health. The best option is to enjoy daily fiber from the following sources: three cups of colorful vegetables; two pieces of fruit, such as one cup of berries and one apple; two handfuls of nuts and seeds; and one-half to one cup of beans.

Nourish the Heart




Clinical studies show that enjoying fats from seafood, extra-virgin olive oil and nuts decreases the risk of a heart attack and stroke without causing weight gain. Healthy fats improve cholesterol levels, assist with blood sugar control, are critical for the brain, improve hormone balance and reduce inflammation.

Fats enhance the texture of food, adding that smooth, creamy mouth feel to a meal that makes eating a pleasure. Enjoy healthy fats from avocados, seeds and dark chocolate daily.


Raising animals in large-scale conventional operations with cruel living conditions is not just mean, it also produces less nutritious meat that can be loaded with hormones, antibiotics and pesticides. Choose clean protein instead, which does not contain added hormones, pesticides and other toxins. Good sources of protein are organic dairy products and eggs, wild seafood and animal protein that has been grass-fed or organically fed while living on open pasture. Beans are also a great protein-packed choice that improves blood sugar and cholesterol profiles. They are the most powerful anti-aging food ever tested.

Start with at least four cups of water per day. It doesn’t matter whether it’s flat or sparkling, so long as it’s pure. Pure water can be purchased or made at home or at work with a reverse osmosis filter system.

Except for people that are caffeine sensitive, one to two servings of caffeinated beverages can be enjoyed daily. In moderation, those tea and coffee pigments are good for us.

Don’t forget a fiber- and protein-rich smoothie to stay satisfied and revved up all morning. A balanced and delicious recipe includes one serving of protein powder, frozen organic cherries or blueberries, almond milk and chia seeds.

Take advantage of the option to enjoy wine with dinner—just be sure to limit wine intake to no more than two servings daily.

Avoid any beverage with added sugar or commercial sweeteners. Don’t be fooled into drinking juice; without the fiber, fruit juice is much closer to drinking soda than to eating fruit.


Not only do probiotics help gut function—a healthy gut microbiome decreases inflammation and supports weight control. The latest research reveals that the microbes in the gut have a dramatic impact on the risk for heart disease, as well. Because healthy microbes feed on fiber, eating fiber is good for the gut microbiome, too.

The right gut microbes offer numerous benefits. They lower harmful cholesterol levels, improve blood sugar levels, lower blood pressure to normal levels, assist with weight loss, decrease inflammation

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and decrease production of trimethylamine N-oxide (also known as TMAO), a marker for heart disease. Support the gut microbiome by eating probiotic food sources daily, such as yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut, pickled

veggies and miso.

Steven Masley is a physician, nutritionist, trained chef, clinical professor at the University of South Florida and creator of

2 cups mushrooms, sliced

½ tsp sea salt

1 tsp Italian herb seasoning

2 medium garlic cloves, finely chopped

8 large cage-free, organically fed eggs

2 Tbsp organic, whole fat milk (or sour cream)

½ cup organic Comté (or Gruyère) cheese, grated

¼ cup Parmigiano Reggiano cheese, grated



½ lb. fresh spinach, washed and drained, stems removed, chopped

2 Tbsp extra-virgin olive oil

½ medium sweet onion, finely chopped

Preheat oven to 375° F. Place spinach in a saucepan with ½ cup of water. Cover with a lid and allow to steam on high heat for 5 minutes. Remove from heat and drain; squeeze out excess water. Set aside.

Heat a sauté pan to medium heat; add olive oil, then onion; stir occasionally. After 1 minute, add mushrooms and continue heating for about 3 to 4 minutes until the onion is translucent and the mushrooms

health programs for public television. He is the author of The 30-Day Heart Tune-Up. Learn more at DrMasley.com.

have softened. Add garlic and Italian herbs and heat 1 minute, then remove from heat. In a large bowl, whisk the eggs and milk together. Stir in the Comté or Gruyère cheese, steamed spinach and sautéed onions with mushrooms.

Grease a pie dish with extra virgin olive oil, then pour the egg and vegetable mixture into the pie dish. Sprinkle Parmigiano Reggiano cheese over the top.

Bake for 25 to 30 minutes, or until it has the texture of custard—trembling and barely set. For a golden crust, turn on the broiler for the last couple minutes of baking, but don’t over-bake, or it will get tough. Check it 5 minutes before it’s supposed to be done.

This recipe and photo were excerpted from The Mediterranean Method. ©2019 Steven Masley, M.D. Used with permission of Harmony Books. All rights reserved.

3 small zucchini, chopped into ½-inch cubes (about 2½ cups)

2 small yellow squash, chopped into ½-inch cubes (about 2 cups)

2 Tbsp white wine

3 medium tomatoes, chopped (about 2½ cups)

4 medium garlic cloves, minced

1 Tbsp chopped fresh parsley

1 tsp fresh rosemary, diced

1 Tbsp fresh basil, chopped



1 medium eggplant (remove ends and any damaged skin), cut into 1-inch cubes

2 Tbsp extra-virgin olive oil

1 medium sweet onion, diced

½ tsp sea salt

¼ tsp ground black pepper

½ tsp oregano, dried

½ tsp fines herbes (or Italian herb seasoning), dried

⅛ tsp paprika or cayenne powder (or to taste)

1 lb firm tofu, cubed, or 15 oz cooked cannellini beans (optional)

Fresh herbs for garnish (parsley, basil, and/or thyme)

This fragrant side dish from southern France is packed with nutrients. It goes well with chicken or fish, and especially a soufflé. To convert this from a side dish to a complete meal, add 1 pound of cubed tofu or 15 ounces of cooked cannellini beans.

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Can be served hot or cold and usually tastes better when served the next day. Steam eggplant on the stove top for 6 minutes or microwave in a glass container for 4 minutes. Cook until tender.

Heat a pan on medium heat and add olive oil; add the onion, salt, black pepper, oregano and fines herbes. Sauté for 2 to 3 minutes or until onions are soft and translucent. Add zucchini, yellow squash, eggplant and wine; stir. Cover and heat for 3 to 4 minutes, until the vegetables soften, stirring occasionally. Add the tomatoes, garlic and fresh herbs; cover, reduce heat to low and simmer for 4 to 10 minutes, until squash softens and the flavors blend. For a touch of heat, add paprika or cayenne pepper. Garnish with fresh herbs.

Excerpted from The 30-Day Heart TuneUp. Copyright © 2021 Steven Masley, M.D. Used with permission from Little, Brown Spark, New York, NY. All rights reserved.

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from the gluten-free kitchen…

Savory Chocolate Sauce

Chocolate is a food of the heart, from its associations with love to the healing properties of its antioxidants. WebMd reports chocolate has a good mix of minerals, including magnesium, zinc, iron, phosphorus and copper. Chocolate also has the potential health benefits of improving brain health and lowering cholesterol. (WebMD.com/diet/health-benefits-chocolate). In addition, most people love the flavor of chocolate.

Indulge this February in a bit of chocolate sauce and savor the flavor. This sauce can be used to dip fruit, on ice cream or to make a mug of hot cocoa to share with a loved one.


2¼ cups granulated organic sugar or coconut sugar (note that flavor will change if coconut sugar is used)

¾ cup unsweetened cocoa powder

½ Tbsp cornstarch or arrowroot starch

¼ tsp salt

1½ cups canned coconut milk

1 Tbsp vanilla

Place first four dry ingredients in a medium-sized saucepan, along with ½ cup of the coconut milk and whisk to combine into a thick paste.

Add the remaining coconut milk, bring the mixture to a boil and whisk to combine well. When the sauce boils, reduce heat to low and simmer very gently for 5 minutes, whisking often.

Remove from heat, add vanilla and cool. Store in the refrigerator

for up to 2 weeks, covered.

May be used hot or cold; on ice cream, cake, fruit or combined with milk to make a quick cup of hot chocolate (blend milk and amount of sauce to taste).

Recipe courtesy of Tiffany Hinton, founder of Cultivating Guts. Connect online at @iamtiffanyhinton and listen to her podcast, Cultivating Guts, on Spotify or iTunes.

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Photo by Tiffany Hinton
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Deciphering Egg Carton Labels

There are many egg choices in the grocery store with different labels—cage-free, free-range, pasture-raised, organic. Here is what these terms mean.


Cage-free eggs are defined by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) as eggs laid by hens that are able to roam vertically and horizontally in indoor spaces while having access to fresh food and water. Although this method of egg production is considered to be more humane than the longtime standard of battery cages, some cage-free farms may restrict outdoor grazing, and their hens’ nutrition may not be as good as that of hens allowed outside.

means they must also have access to a barn for protection from predators. Pasture-raised (and organic eggs described below) often have darker, yellower yolks and contain less cholesterol, which may be due to the continuous access to live vegetation and because they have more omega-3 fatty acids.


Organic egg-laying hens must be provided with 100 percent organic feed without the use of pesticides, herbicides or fertilizers. They must also be able to graze outside for at least 120 days per year and are given antibiotics only in the event of an infection.


Free-range hens follow the same rules as cage-free, with the added requirement of having access to the outdoors during their laying cycle. How much time the hens are permitted to spend outside is open to interpretation, although some animal welfare groups define it as at least six hours per day of outdoor access with at least two square feet of outdoor space per bird.


This term isn’t defined by the USDA, but if eggs come with a third-party animal welfare certification seal, more robust standards of care have been applied. Certified Humane and American Humane Certified both expect pasture-raised, egg-laying hens to have at least 108 square feet of pasture with live vegetation, and for those fields to be rotated so that fresh vegetation is always available. Having access to the outdoors year-round


Local or locally produced eggs must originate less than 400 miles from the processing facility or within the state the eggs originated from and were processed in. Vegetarian fed ensures that no animal byproducts were used to feed the hens. Grass fed is not defined by the USDA. No hormones is a misleading term, as the USDA has banned the use of hormones, and all eggs are hormone-free.

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A New Chapter— Nexus for Consciousness, Healing and Hope

In 1994, the same year Jeff Bezos founded Amazon and Deepak Chopra laid the first bricks on his path to enlightenment, Sharon Bruckman created Natural Awakenings magazine. Each a visionary. Each ahead of their time.

By the late 1990s Americans had developed a voracious appetite for well-researched, practical information about the latest natural approaches to nutrition, fitness, personal growth and sustainable living. The Natural Awakenings franchise was born, expanding into the largest franchise publishing network in the health and wellness industry.

As the magazine’s 25th anniversary issue, published in 2019, explained, Natural Awakenings was woven from the threads of grit, inspiration and serendipity, creating a tapestry of health, healing and mindfulness. In an interview appearing in that issue, Bruckman clarified her purpose, saying, “The why that has been keeping me ‘on purpose’ can be found in the same mission statement that inspired me to create Natural Awakenings: to inspire and empower people to awaken to their highest potential, so together we can create a

32 Greater Milwaukee NaturalMKE.com

world that works for all living things.”

The world’s delicate ecosystem, now in crisis, was also in need of help. “The critical issues we now address in Natural Awakenings—like genetically modified foods and climate change—were just emerging in serious public discourse then, but have since grown in urgency,” Bruckman said. “The good news is that in the past 25 years, viable solutions in renewable technologies, organic farming methods and holistic healthcare practices have made great strides; now they just have to be implemented on grander scale.”

Shortly after the 25th anniversary issue was published, Joe Dunne, Natural Awakenings' COO, had a serendipitous meeting with Kimberly Whittle, founder and CEO of KnoWEwell. One conversation later, he was certain that Whittle and Bruckman should meet, given their shared vision and mission. Dunne describes KnoWEwell’s online Regenerative Whole Health Hub as “WebMD, NEJM [New England Journal of Medicine], Match.com, Home Advisor, LinkedIn, Facebook, Amazon, Quora, Medium and Apple News all rolled into one for health.” A week later, Whittle was on a plane to Florida to visit Bruckman at her home. It was the start of a providential relationship between two visionaries determined to bring natural healing, health and hope to individuals and families.

A decade earlier, in 2009, Whittle was driven by a series of family health crises to embark on a search for solutions. Deep diving into evidence-based research, she traveled the country to multiple integrative and functional medicine practitioner conferences. “I was blessed to find tremendous success in the prevention and healing of chronic conditions through what today is defined as Regenerative Whole Health, a broad spectrum of global healing approaches and therapies that consider the whole person—mind, body and spirit—connecting the dots between soil, food, lifestyle choices, planet and personal health to help prevent and address the root causes of chronic diseases,” she explains. “I began as a mom on a mission. As I grew into my family’s healer, and then a health and well-being resource for my friends, I felt a deep yearning to go beyond my community and help more people.”

Combining her entrepreneurial spirit, professional experiences, passion and purpose, Whittle formed KnoWEwell as a force for good in the world, to pay it forward and make it easier for others facing their own health crises, and to pay it back to the professional organizations and providers that helped her family heal. Much like Natural Awakenings, KnoWEwell’s mission is to transform health care by inspiring and empowering individuals with the knowledge, resources and community to proactively prevent harm, address

chronic diseases and create “WELLthier Living” for themselves, their families, humanity and the planet.

Last December, KnoWEwell acquired Natural Awakenings, creating an integrated ecosystem that is committed to community, spanning the information gaps, providing immersive multimedia educational experiences and fostering trusted connections locally and globally. Together, these two companies are set to be the solution for consciousness, healing and hope.


Individually and collectively, we are facing unprecedented challenges. Human and planetary health are in crisis, and they are inextricably linked. According to the World Health Organization, climate change is the biggest global health threat confronting humanity.

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations estimates that 33 percent of the Earth’s soils are already degraded, and more than 90 percent could become degraded by 2050. Soil erosion decreases agriculture productivity and contributes to a host of environmental threats. It can take up to 1,000 years to produce just two to three centimeters of soil.

While gene-edited crops are being promoted by the world’s largest chemical companies as “giving mother nature a boost,” Jeffrey Smith, founder of the Institute for Responsible Technology, warns, “With gene editing techniques, such as CRISPR, nature could be permanently corrupted by countless GMOs, and our food supply—including organic—could be overrun.”

Meanwhile, six in 10 adults and more than half of all children

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I was blessed to find tremendous success in the prevention and healing of chronic conditions through what today is defined as Regenerative Whole Health, a broad spectrum of global healing approaches and therapies that consider the whole person—mind, body and spirit—connecting the dots between soil, food, lifestyle choices, planet and personal health to help prevent and address the root causes of chronic diseases.

have a chronic health condition. The problem, Whittle believes, is that while our conventional medical system excels at acute care for an injury or a heart attack, it was never designed to treat chronic conditions, focusing more on the symptoms than the root cause of disease. Studies show there is a roughly 17-year lag between new research and mainstream health and medicine practices.


Evidence-based research is proving that while our DNA may be our ancestry, it is not necessarily our destiny. According to Dr. Jeffrey Bland, the father of functional medicine, “Our gene expression is altered by numerous influences including environment, lifestyle, diet, activity patterns, psycho-social-spiritual factors and stress. These lifestyle choices and environmental exposures can push us toward (or away from) disease by turning on—or off—certain genes.” Ninety percent of the risks of chronic disease are due to non-genetic factors, and with the right knowledge and resources, individuals can change their lifestyle and environment to prevent and reverse chronic health conditions.

Rodale Institute, a leader in organic farming education and research, points to the importance of farming methods in addressing the health and planet crises. According to the organization, “Hope is right below our feet. Healthier soil grows healthier plants, and healthier plants are more nutritious plants. In our work at Rodale Institute, we’re investigating the links between soil health and human health and proving that organic [farming] can feed the world.”

Research by Rodale Institute has confirmed that adoption of regenerative organic farming practices could capture more than 100 percent of current, human-caused emissions of car-

bon dioxide in the atmosphere. Rodale Institute researchers concluded, “We now know enough to have real hope, and with this hope comes the responsibility to journey down a new path.”

Millennials are leading the way on conscious living, flocking to integrative options and opting for more “natural” care, long advocated by Natural Awakenings. They now constitute the largest sector of the U.S. workforce with annual spending power of $600 billion. Close to 60 percent of millennials research information about health and nutrition online and on social media. This health-conscious generation believes good health is both a personal and social responsibility. They are early adopters of wearable technology and prefer organically grown, locally sourced and ethically raised foods. But consumers of all ages are overwhelmed by information and unverified online sources in the fragmented whole health market.


The World Economic Forum reported in 2021 that health care is undergoing a digital revolution that requires multi-stakeholder collaboration and the bridging of information gaps by fusing the digital and analog worlds. The 2017 industry white paper

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While our conventional medical system excels at acute care for an injury or a heart attack, it was never designed to treat chronic conditions, focusing more on the symptoms than the root cause of disease.

“The Rise of Wellcare”, by PricewaterhouseCoopers, concluded that integrated ecosystems for the consumer in the healthcare industry are essential. This paradigm would include products, services, social media, community and environmental activism.

The good news is that the local Natural Awakenings print magazines, together with KnoWEwell's Regenerative Whole Health Hub, a global digital ecosystem, are forging the paradigm shift. Whittle is honored to be continuing Bruckman’s legacy. “We are kindred spirits; I have the same purpose and unwavering drive that Sharon had founding Natural Awakenings nearly 30 years ago. I am deeply committed to multi-stakeholder collaboration that benefits all—our families, communities and the planet. We will educate to bring consciousness of connections into daily practices and respect for Mother Earth so all can thrive and prosper. Togeth er, we will inspire, empower and achieve a WELLthier Living World.”

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Brooke Goode is KnoWEwell’s national editor.




M illions of Americans are spending more time in their homes as employers embrace work-at-home arrangements following the pandemic. Many families have redesigned living spaces to accommodate one or more offices, and as they streamline their abodes, it is important to also take care of any potential hazards.

Some dangers around the house are easy to spot, like toys left in a hallway where people might trip or exposed electrical wires that could cause a fire. Other hazards are not as obvious but equally dangerous. Daily exposure to invisible household toxins, for example, can cause serious health consequences.

Almost beyond comprehension, the average person is exposed to 700,000 to 2 million toxins each day, and some of these

are “forever chemicals” that never leave the body or take decades to be expelled. This huge toxic burden can accumulate in the body, strain the immune system and compromise overall health. “The research is very clear—huge, huge, strong correlations between toxin load and most of your autoimmune diseases,” remarks Joseph Pizzorn, ND, author or co-author of six textbooks for doctors and seven consumer books, including, most recently, The Toxin Solution.

The good news is that many of these threats can be corrected with a little insight, planning and budgeting. Changes to our everyday choices can go a long way toward keeping our bodies and homes healthy and safe, while also creating a greener and healthier environment.

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The air inside our homes can be up to 100 times more polluted than outdoor air, containing pollutants such as mold, smoke, out-gassing chemicals, pollen, pet dander, bacteria and viruses. There are many portable HEPA and carbon air filter options available at different price points that will help remove contaminants. According to a 1989 Clean Air Study by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, common houseplants can remove organic pollutants from indoor air and, when combined with activated carbon air filters, are more effective. Examples of such plants are the Boston fern, spider plant, variegated snake plant, peace lily, English ivy, cornstalk dracaena and many other inexpensive varietals.


Flame-retardant chemicals in our sheets, mattresses, mattress pads and even pajamas out-gas minute amounts that can accumulate in our bodies over time. Because we spend approximately onethird of our lives in bed, it is important to ensure that the sleeping environment is as healthy as possible. Consider switching to organic cotton options for all bedroom items. Pressboard furniture is soaked with formaldehyde; replace it with solid wood pieces to reduce exposure to off-gassing. Turn off Wi-Fi at night to reduce exposure to EMF radiation. These changes can be made gradually, as the budget allows; think of them as an investment that will pay off with improved sleep and wellness.


For many of us, turning on the faucet for a glass of water can produce a cocktail of toxic chemicals, including lead, arsenic and per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS)—also known as the “forever chemicals.” The Environmental Working Group’s Tap Water Database ( ewg.org/ tapwater) provides a searchable database of contaminants found in drinking water by zip code.

Investing in a water filtration system is a great way to avoid these chemicals. They, too, are available at different price


points. Whether it’s a countertop unit, a filter mounted on the faucet, an under-sink device or a whole-house system, the best solutions include charcoal granulation, a two-micron filter and reverse osmosis. Smart swaps in cookware and bakeware are also a must. Begin by replacing nonstick pans with stainless steel, glass or cast-iron options. If replacing them all at once isn’t economically viable, start with the most damaged and scratched pans and continue as finances allow.

Food storage can be another source of toxins. Studies have found that certain chemicals in plastics can leach into our food. Move away from plastic storage containers to glass, and swap plastic wrap for a non-toxic alternative like beeswax wrap or reusable bowl covers.


Clean the shower head and install a chlorine shower filter. Gradually begin to replace soap and shampoo with non-toxic products that contain all-natural ingredients; specifically look for ones that are paraben-free, gluten-free and organic. For other personal products such as perfume, move away from synthetic fragrances, which can contain endocrine-disrupting chemicals, and replace them with all-natural alternatives such as essential oils. Toothpaste should be gluten- and fluoride-free. Newer options contain hydroxyapatite—a naturally occurring mineral—which can be an alternative to fluoride and help remineralize teeth. Replacing makeup all at once can be costly, so begin with lipstick and lip balms and look for gluten-free alternatives.


While it may feel overwhelming to embark upon a green living journey, positive change doesn’t happen all at once. Pick one area and make baby steps. Even small, incremental actions can have a powerful cumulative impact on the mind, body and planet.

Dr. Tom O’Bryan is the founder of the Dr.com, author of The Autoimmune Fix and chief health officer for KnoWEwell, the parent company of Natural Awakenings Publishing Corp.

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Email Publisher@NaturalMKE.com for guidelines and to submit entries. We advise confirming in advance directly with the business or organization.


Gut Reset Workshop – 11am-1pm. With Dr. Katarina Meister. From your nervous and immune systems to your mental health and digestive function, a healthy gut plays a pivotal role in your overall well-being. In-person: $50 (recipes, handouts, and food and wine tasting); Video recording or live stream: $39 (recipes and handouts). Lakeside Natural Medicine, 3510 N Oakland Ave, Ste 203, Shorewood. Registration required: 414939-8748. LakesideNaturalMedicine.com.


Introduction to Chakras and Restorative Yoga – 6pm. For healing childhood wounds. 8 classes. Pre-register required: WatersEdgeTS.com.


Mental Health Providers: Introduction to Chakras and Restorative Yoga –10am. 8 classes. Pre-register required: WatersEdgeTS.com.



Spirit Fair – 11am-4pm. We have 8 gifted readers ready to share their wisdom with you. Mediums, Clairvoyants, Tarot, Past Life, Animal communication, Angel Card and Messages from Spirit. $35/15 mins. New Berlin Ale House, South Hall, 16000 W Cleveland Ave, New Berlin. SpiritualEnlightenment.me.



Heal Your Heartbreaks – 12pm. The biggest source of pain comes from heartbreaks. Healing your heartbreaks will increase your overall wellness and create a space for more love and creativity in your life. This course is called the Holy Womb Chakra process. Sign up today and begin to clear your heartbreaks. Free. Virtual. ShantiLleone.com.


Reiki Level I Training – 9am-4:30pm. With Amy Wilinski. Level I Reiki teaches you how to do reiki on yourself and others. It is very easy to learn, and you will be able to immediately incorporate this into your life. $215, lunch included. Golden Light Healing Retreat Center, 7102 Sundew Rd, Sobieski. GoldenLightHealing.net.


Ancient Irish Celtic Shamanism – Mar 2729. With Amantha Murphy from Ireland. The way of the Celtic Shaman is rooted deeply in tradition and allows us to walk between worlds; recognizing the interconnectedness between all living beings. Explore the ways of the Celts, Goddess and the ancient Tuatha de Danann. Lodging options available. Golden Light Healing Retreat Center, 7102 Sundew Rd, Sobieski. Info@GoldenLightHealing.net. GoldenLightHealing.net.


Naturopathic Clinical Assessment Skills

Training – 9am-3pm. With Gigi Stafne. Acquire and practice gentle, non-intrusive assessments to help yourself, friends, family and clients. Learn tools and techniques that are ancient yet hold an important place in contemporary clinical CAM practices. Lodging options available. Golden Light Healing Retreat Center, 7102 Sundew Rd, Sobieski. Info@GoldenLightHealing.net. GoldenLightHealing.net.


Whispers On the Wind Shamanic Program – Group 28: Apr 19-23, Jul 12-16, Oct 4-8, Jan 3-7, 2024; Group 29: Aug 2-6, Nov 8-12, Feb 7-11, May 1-5, 2024. With Amy Wilinski. Join us for an intensive training program in shamanism, energy medicine and self-transformation. Learn core energy healing techniques including power animal and soul retrieval, clearing of past-life and ancestral imprints, connecting with the forces of nature, ceremony and more. Lodging options available. Golden Light Healing Retreat Center, 7102 Sundew Rd, Sobieski. 920-609-8277. Info@GoldenLightHealing.net.



Wellness, Body, Mind & Spirit Expo –10am-5pm. The latest in health awareness, fitness, nutrition, natural healing, organic products, psychology, psychic readings, healthy home advice, and much more. Connect with gifted astrologers, clairvoyants, tarot readers, psychics, mediums and more. $7, free/Veterans & kids under 12. Holiday Inn Milwaukee River Front, 4700 N Port Washington Rd, Milwaukee. For appts: 414-349-4932. WellnessBodyMindSpirit.com.


Receive Ongoing Healings – Thru July 31. 12pm. 4th Sun-Sat. Receive Divine Blessings each month. Be in tune with the energy cycles of 2023 so that you can prepare, upgrade and be a source of blessing for yourself, family and community. Free. Virtual. ShantiLleone.com.


A.C.I.M. Study Group – A Course in Miracles study group, following Fellowship. Love offering accepted. Fireside Room, Unity Center in Milwaukee, 1717 N 73rd St, Wauwatosa. Joann Baumann: 414-745-7377. UnityCenterInMilwaukee.com.

Sunday Celebrations at Unity Center in Milwaukee – 10am. Onsite (observing COVID-19 recommendations for face masks, social distancing and taking temperatures). Unity Center in Milwaukee, 1717 N 73rd St, Wauwatosa. 414-475-0105. Streaming live: UnityCenterInMilwaukee.com.

Satsung Sundays – Thru Apr 30. 3pm. A gathering for the purpose of exploring sacred teachings and meditations. Free. In-person or online. More info: ShantiLleone.com.


Hatha Yoga – 8-9am. We make getting on your yoga mat as easy as possible with multiple ways to practice. Specials for news students and referrals. In-studio or virtually via Livestream. Everyday Bliss, 1930 W Bluemound Rd, Waukesha. 262-781-8102. Everyday-Bliss.com.

Massage Therapy School – 10am, Mon, Wed, Thurs thru July 2023. If helping people is your passion, why not turn it into a profession? Become a massage therapist. Receive the best-in-class education to successfully prepare you for the rapidly expanding field of Massage. Everyday Bliss, 1930 W Bluemound Rd, Waukesha. 262-781-8102. Everyday-Bliss.com.

Vinyasa Flow – 12-1pm. Focus on the dynamic sequence of flowing yoga postures built around the Sun Salutations with continued attention to technique and alignment. All levels. Invivo Wellness, 2060 N Humboldt Ave, Ste 300, Milwaukee. 414-265-5606. InvivoWellness.com.

Life Journey Group – 6:15-8pm. 2nd & 4th Mon. Come with an open mind and kind heart to support others and self in spiritual growth through daily living. Love offering. Unity Center in Milwaukee, 1717 N 73rd St, Wauwatosa. 414-475-0105. UnityCenterInMilwaukee.com.

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VIBE Fitness: HIIT Class – 6-6:45pm. Class will focus on keeping your heart rate up while still focusing on resistance training. VIBE Yoga Health Fitness, 180 Kossow Rd, Waukesha. 262-788-9147. Register: VibeMKE.com or using the MINDBODY app.


VIBE Virtual 30-Min Yoga Flow – 12pm. Class is created with the intention to connect with breath, move the body and clear the mind. Great for doing when time is limited, but when a break is needed to flow and breathe. Zoom. Register: VibeMKE.com or using the MINDBODY app.


VIBE Sunrise Yoga Flow-45 – 6-6:45am. Virtual & In-Person Options. Connect with breath, move the body and clear the mind. All levels welcome. For the VIRTUAL class option, the Zoom link will be emailed to you prior to the start of class. VIBE Yoga Health Fitness, 180 Kossow Rd, Waukesha. 262788-9147. Register: VibeMKE.com or using the MINDBODY app.


VIBE Fitness-SHRED – 6-6:45am. Class is all about building lean muscle through resistance training. Weight training-based movements that will help boost that metabolism to get you feeling stronger and leaner than ever. VIBE Yoga Health Fitness, 180 Kossow Rd, Waukesha. 262-7889147. Register: VibeMKE.com or use the MINDBODY app.


Yoga Basics: Free Community Class –11:30am-12:30pm. Come to learn, play, and move in a supportive, welcoming environment. We focus on developing clear and safe alignment in foundational yoga pose. Invivo Wellness, 2060 N Humboldt Ave, Ste 300, Milwaukee. 414-265-5606. InvivoWellness.com.

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$20 for up to 20 words, then $1 extra per word. Email content to Publisher@NaturalMKE.com. Deadline is the 10th.

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ORGANIC HERBAL INFUSION TEAS – Get targeted herbal teas for the liver, kidney, lymph/blood, pancreas, prostate, appendix & more. 954-459-1134. TerraLifeStore.com.

SEA MOSS – Organic, natural, contains 92 of the 102 essential minerals; anti-inflammatory, nourishes the skin, boosts immune system, aids in healthy weight management. 414-644-6795. Maisha92.com.

40 Greater Milwaukee NaturalMKE.com Support the Small Businesses that Advertise in NA MKE
GROW YOUR BUSINESS Secure this ad spot! Contact us for special ad rates. 262-623-7948



Connecting you to the leaders in natural health care and green living in our community. To find out how you can be included in the Community Resource Guide, email Publisher@NaturalMKE.com to request our media kit.






Dr. Mizuno, DAOM, L.Ac, has a passion for helping clients regain their beautiful and happy smiles while transforming to a healthier version of themselves. She doesn’t treat symptoms or diseases. She treats patients. See ad on page 9.

Birth Doula/IBCLC






As a doula, Marcia Barritt provides emotional support for mom, her family and partner during pregnancy and birth. Her doula services also include assistance and lactation education.



2445 N Farwell Ave, Milwaukee 414-915-7100



We make available the best possible supportive Pilates experience for all humans. To create a unique health and fitness boutique to strengthen and empower individuals. We have the best team of instructors. And it’s pretty!



414-531-8129 | DNAHempLLC.com

Farm fresh. Sun-grown in Wisconsin. Third-party lab tested, all-natural, organic, CBD plant goodness. That is what we cultivate at DNA Hemp! Live your best life, from our family to yours. Explore our offerings online. See ad on page 35.



Dr. Ann M Bell

W227N16855 Tillie Lake Ct, Jackson, WI 262-644-7050



Dr. Ann’s specialty is helping clients redirect their life compass, guiding them to newfound purpose. Reach new possibilities with The Brain Activation Method program and ZeronaZ6 Laser for Fat Loss.


Dr. Matt Christiansen

15010 W Greenfield Ave, Ste 100, Brookfield 262-754-5500



Committed to providing cutting-edge chiropractic and wellness services. Treatment for headaches, neck and back pain, disc herniation and sports rehabilitation. As well as spinal decompression, intersegmental traction, electric muscle stimulation, custom foot orthotics and more. See ad on page 39.



Elizabeth Lynch



Using evidence-based techniques, the certified coaches at Dew Health Coaching provide talkbased and whole-person support for individuals looking to optimize their well-being. See ad on page 30.


Caregiver/Grief Coaching

8018 W Capitol Dr, Milwaukee 414-644-6795



Do you care for a loved one while juggling career or family, feel anxious, uncertain or overwhelmed? We offer mental wellness services such as therapy, coaching, yoga and reiki from a creative and integrative approach to help you move from surviving to thriving. Call to learn more today.


Empowerment Coach

Amy Elizabeth, Intuitive Healing Practitioner & Mindset Coach

414-510-9000 • TheWholisticGoddess.com

Heal your body. Dis-ease starts with stored energy and emotion in the body. The Body needs to be evaluated in a Holistic way. I am here to help. Visit website for details. See ad on page 31.

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know you found them
If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart.
~Nelson Mandela

Colon Hydrotherapy


Chandra Houser, LMT, CCH

11203 N Buntrock Rd, Mequon, WI 53092




At Natural Escape, we believe colon cleansing is the key to optimal health. We offer a one-of-a-kind approach to whole-body cleansing for long term wellness. Priority services include open-system colonic hydrotherapy with ozone and red light plus infrared therapy. Our focus is opening the body’s pathways to naturally detoxify the liver, bloodstream and kidneys while providing a release for mind, body and soul.


12625 W Burleigh Rd, Brookfield

262-777-8482 (VIVA)


Boutique Medical Weight Loss blended with holistic wellness treatments to help you become the best. See ad on page 4.

Compost Service




For organic compost & soil blends in bulk, by bag or delivered straight to your yard, grow in Blue Ribbon Organics this spring. See ad on page 35.

Compounding Pharmacy


136 N Main St, Thiensville



Your neighborhood compound pharmacy puts you first, every time. We provide specialty custom-made medications, unique compounded medications, high-quality vitamins & supplements and consultations. Call today to speak with our pharmacist and wellness team for all your health needs or ask your doctor about Welltopia Compound Pharmacy. See ad on page 5.



Claudia Maria Moreno, MS, LPC-IT, CHT 262-278-0229


Call today for free consult. I take the time to listen to your needs and together we create your personalized therapy plan. Services include: counseling, hypnotherapy, breathwork and virtual/digital options. Bilingual services available and some insurance accepted.



1749 Barton Ave, West Bend 920-946-3504

We have a wide variety of unusual, hand-picked rocks and crystals, handmade jewelry, crafts and artwork. Come in today to support local business and find something special for yourself or a friend.


13000 Watertown Plank Rd, Elm Grove 262-787-3001 | AngelLightShopping.com

Experience over 20,000 amazing crystals, rocks, gemstones, natural stone jewelry and metaphysical supplies—at affordable prices. Angel Light also offers great workshops, intuitive readings and personal healing sessions.


4763 N 124 St, Butler 262-790-0748


Besides selling beautiful stones and crystals, we offer a variety of healing sessions, crystal healing classes, reiki, astrology, tarot readings and spiritual counseling. See ad on page 15.


13425 Watertown Plank Rd, Elm Grove 262-307-8892


We provide a diverse assortment of crystals, minerals and stones. Locally made jewelry, spiritual items, sage, candles, cleansing sprays, CBD and essential oils are available along with intuitive readings, crystal healing and massage therapy.



2566 Sun Valley Dr, Delafield 262-337-9745


Come experience modern, comprehensive, biological dentistry for the health-conscious community. Dr. Udoka Holinbeck’s holistic approach will give you confidence in your smile and your health. See ad on page 3.


23770 Capitol Dr, Pewaukee 262-691-4555 • WINaturalDentist.com

“…Because a healthy Body, starts with a healthy Mouth.” Our office specializes in treating the cause of the problem and not just the symptoms; we offer the latest advances in dentistry. See ad on back cover.


125 W Wisconsin Ave, Ste 102, Pewaukee 262-737-4004


Dr. Schwartz is board certified in Biomimetic Dentistry, Integrative Biologic Dental Medicine and is a Board Certified Naturopathic Physician. We offer the best and healthiest dentistry for our patients.



School of Pharmacy

12800 N. Lake Shore Dr., Mequon, WI cuw.edu/natural-products

Earn your Master’s in Natural Product Sciences with our 30-credit online program. This graduate degree can lead to jobs in healthcare, pharmacy research and development, manufacturing and business. See ad page 35.


Racine, WI and Skokie, IL 800-593-2320

MWC2010@aol.com • Acupuncture.edu

Start your path to a more rewarding career as an acupuncturist! Earn a Bachelor of Science in Nutrition (TCM) combined with a Master of Science in Oriental Medicine. License available in 46 states. Call today to learn more. See ad page 2.

42 Greater Milwaukee NaturalMKE.com Support the Small Businesses that Advertise in NA MKE 42 Greater Milwaukee NaturalMKE.com

Energy Healing


Dawn Coleman

Mind, Body and Soul Practitioner



I am a Life Transformation Coach. I am here to offer all who are open to co-creating a plan to put goals and dreams into action and make them a reality. Your goals and wellbeing are accessible to you! I offer the tools and the template to create a sustained and joyful life filled with purpose. Health and balance in life is obtainable. Join me as we create a guided path.





Support your healing from trauma, overcoming of anxiety, recovery from injury, or movement through grief with energy healing. Achieve balance of mindbody-spirit through shifting perception, loving who you are, and healing the energy that blocks joy, connection and physical ease.


Jennifer Shaw

11516 N Spring Ave, Mequon




Soul Meets Body offers intuitive Akashic record Sessions, mediumship readings, Holy Fire® Reiki, transformational spiritual guidance and energy healing.


Shanti Lleone

1821 N 2nd St, Milwaukee




All experiences of your physical existence begin in the subtle body. That’s where we begin. Shamanic, Sound, Angelic/Channeled, Sai Shakti, Oracle and Reiki sessions available for one on one or groups. Zoom or in-person.



Dawn Coleman

Mind, Body and Soul Practitioner

414-339-6688 • BodyIgnite.com

I am a Life Transformation Coach. I am here to offer all who are open to co-creating a plan to put goals and dreams into action and make them a reality. Your goals and wellbeing are accessible to you! I offer the tools and the template to create a sustained and joyful life filled with purpose. Health and balance in life is obtainable. Join me as we create a guided path.


Carmelia Harris, Owner Milwaukee CHarris@H20-Athletics.com H20-Athletics.com

Accepting new clients today. Let us help you overcome your barriers. We offer personal training, meal plans, goal setting and accountability for your long-term fitness success. For the busy moms, the worker bees, the goal getters. Stay fearless. Free consultations.


180 Kossow Rd, Waukesha 262-788-9147

Info@VIBEmke.com • VIBEmke.com

VIBE Yoga, Health & Fitness is a lifestyle studio that specializes in functional movement, health and wellness. We believe in an all-encompassing lifestyle approach that focuses on mental and emotional well-being as well as physical. See ad on page 22.

Holistic Health


150 S Sunnyslope Rd, Ste 148, Brookfield 262-395-4023


Our passion is helping patients maximize their health, allowing you to live life to the absolute fullest. We approach each patient as an individual by assessing the body with state-of-the art, bio-energetic technology to identify underlying root cause issues. See ad on page 23.


16655 Wisconsin Ave, Ste 106, Brookfield 414-453-8289


In addition to targeted nutrition programs and quality supple-ments, our passionate team of experts offers an array of holistic and natural health services to help you feel your best every day. Boost mood. Increase energy. Decrease pain. Feel better. See ad on page 8.



Claudia Maria Moreno, MS, LPC-IT, CHT 262-278-0229


Call today for free consult. I take the time to listen to your needs and together we create your personalized therapy plan. Services include: counseling, hypnotherapy, breathwork and virtual/digital options. Bilingual services available and some insurance accepted.

Integrative Psychiatry


12800 W National Ave, New Berlin 262-955-6600



Trinergy is a one-stop shop for mind-body wellness. Using functional medicine, ayurveda, therapies like Panchakarma detox, HBOT, BEMER; we help clients find wellness and vitality! Call about our Fall Detox Special! See ad on page 6.

Lawncare/Landscape Service






Ecologically minded, full-service landscape company servicing SE Wisconsin. Specializing in sustainable ideas and low-maintenance solutions. Professional Craftsmanship Inspired by Nature. See ad on page 31.

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in | February 2023 43 Be sure to let our advertisers know
them | February 2023
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you found
Despite everything, I believe that people are really good at heart.
~Anne Frank

Lawncare/Landscape Service cont’d





The Green Team of Wisconsin provides thoughtful landscape design and installation, full property maintenance, and all-natural turf care and weed control. See ad on page 23.

Light Therapy


Trish Beckman, RN

21415 W Greenfield Ave, New Berlin 262-391-3876



Now offering Laser and Infrared Light Therapy. Call today and ask about a free demo! The Guild of Modern Wellness is a unique space of respite for the mind, body and soul. The inviting, beautiful place encourages all to unplug and turn inward to seek the answers needed for healing. See ad page 34.

Massage School


1930 W Bluemound Rd, Waukesha 262-781-8102




4028 S Howell Ave, Milwaukee

7216 W North Ave, Wauwatosa 414-231-9326

DLewis@InfinityMKE.com | InfinityMKE.com

Infinity offers medical massage, reiki and hypnotherapy to help you relax, stimulate the immune system and activate the body’s innate ability to heal. Open 7 days per week at two convenient locations, by appointment only. See ad on page 13.



Laurie Dunlop, LMT, RMT 850 Elm Grove Rd, Ste 14, Elm Grove 53122 414-469-9960

LDunlop@LiveBetterHolistics.com LiveBetterHolistics.com

Live Better Holistics offers traditional Thai massage and Reiki to help you along your path toward healing and better health. We also specialize in animal Reiki for your furry friends.

Medicine - Naturopathic


3510 N Oakland Ave, Shorewood LakesideNaturalMedicine.com 414-939-8748

Naturopathic doctors with a focus on autoimmune diseases, gastrointestinal disorders, hormone imbalance, weight loss and hypothyroidism. See ad on page 12.


Ben Katt

East Side/Shorewood



Learn a simple, effortless meditation technique you can practice anywhere. Stress less. Sleep better. Deepen your purpose. A non-religious approach, perfect if you’ve never meditated or think you’re too restless to meditate. Coaching and corporate offerings available. Visit website for details.

Mental Health


Holistic Health Practitioner, AADP N4147 W Water St, Sullivan 920-650-7674

Jack@JackCincotta.com JackCincotta.com

Jack Cincotta, Holistic Health Practitioner (AADP), M.S. Psychology, specializes in helping others overcome anxiety, depression and related issues through holistic and natural approaches.


316 E Silver Spring Dr, Ste 227, Whitefish Bay 414-301-3234



If helping people is your passion, why not turn it into a profession? You’ll receive the best-in-class education to successfully prepare you for the rapidly expanding field of Massage.


Massage Therapy


Debbie Conklyn

850 Elm Grove Rd, Ste 16, Elm Grove 414-426-9697


Massage modalities offered: cupping, guasha, kineseotaping, prenatal, Yomassage and trigger point therapy. Helping you manage your pain or stress is my top priority.



John Hughes, Certified Resiliency Mentor Mequon, WI & Zoom RevJohnH4@yahoo.com

8-wk online meditation course. I am a certified resiliency mentor with The HeartMath Institute. Wonderful dynamics, humor, sharing and empathy arise amongst the participants. I help people unveil the radiance of their heart and spirit, in a manner which serves our collective thriving. I teach several meditation practices, learned over 27 yrs. There is a body scan, shadow work and tips on activism. To sign up, message me. Free; donations of $250 accepted.

At ERA Wellness, we know you deserve to see a therapist that gets it and can help you heal. And we can help! We specialize in pregnancy, postpartum, trauma, anxiety and couples. See ad page 25.


Anne P Desellier, LPC, SAC, YTT-200, TCYM 155 E Silver Spring Dr, Ste 211, Whitefish Bay 262-586-9779



An alternative approach to counseling that integrates nature, yoga and reiki with Contemplative Buddhist Principles and Traditional Psychotherapy Practices. WETS offers individual sessions, trauma yoga classes, standalone reiki and complementary services to clients who have a primary therapist. Visit website for details.

44 Greater Milwaukee NaturalMKE.com Support the Small Businesses that Advertise in NA MKE 44 Greater Milwaukee NaturalMKE.com
Y O G A + M A S S A G E

Myofascial Release


890 Elm Grove Rd, Ste 1-1, Elm Grove 414-778-1341


Specialized Therapy Services began in 2002 providing comprehensive MFR treatment programs. Currently it is the only private MFR clinic accepting multiple insurance plans including Medicare. See ad on page 39.


4406 S 68th St, #102, Greenfield 414-543-0855


Tony Grimm, LMT since 2007; expert-level JFB Myofascial Release therapist. MFR is the most effective treatment to eliminate or reduce pain using gentle pressure to get lasting results.

Natural Cleaning


Roxanne Reichert



Roxy’s natural cleaning is committed to getting the job done without the use of harmful chemicals. Call/text/email today to schedule your walk through. See ad on page 37.



16655 Wisconsin Ave, Ste 106, Brookfield 414-453-8289


In addition to targeted nutrition programs and quality supplements, our passionate team of experts offers an array of holistic and natural health services to help you feel your best every day. Boost mood. Increase energy. Decrease pain. Feel better. See ad on page 8.

Nutrition Supplements


Superfood and Protein Powders



Locally made, 100 percent organic superfood powders to keep you feeling alive and vibrant no matter what your health his-tory. Use code NATAWA online for 12 percent off for NA readers.


Hales Corners & Wauwatosa



We specialize in helping women from preconception, pregnancy, postpartum, menopause, and everything in between to resolve common pelvic floor issues through a hands-on, personalized, cohesive approach to live healthy and active lives. See ad on page 4.




Collagen: Glow from the inside out with our liquid hydrolyzed collagen. Benefits of collagen include reduced inflammation, a healthier skin and gut. Use code 10off252629 for 10% off for first-time customers. See ad on page 31.








Jesse Masche

2445 N Farwell Ave, Milwaukee




We make available the best possible supportive Pilates experience for all humans. To create a unique health and fitness boutique to strengthen and empower individuals. We have the best team of instructors. And it’s pretty!

Benefits of sea moss: organic, natural, contains 92 of the 102 essential minerals; anti-inflammatory, nourishes the skin, boosts immune system, aids in healthy weight management. Call today.


Kathy Kiss

Sr Account Manager KKiss@StandardProcess.com

Standard Process is a Wisconsin-based, family-owned, whole-food-based nutritional supplement company that partners with healthcare practitioners to address issues related to health conditions. See ad on page 7.

Physical Therapy



2060 N Humboldt Ave, Ste 300, Milwaukee InvivoWellness.com

Discover orthopedic and therapeutic healing solutions to reduce pain and improve daily movement. INVIVO offers physical therapy, massage therapy (relaxation, deep tissue, Thai, prenatal and hot stone), yoga and fitness classes, personal training and a gym. See ad on page 39.

Real Estate


Cierra Burmeister




Buyer and seller consultations available. Trust and communication from our first meeting to closing. Clients can expect a relationship beyond the closing table to ensure their home needs are always met. See ad on page 37.



121 E Silver Spring Dr, Ste 208, Whitefish Bay 414-758-0657


Reiki/energy healing is a powerful treatment that helps the body relax at a very deep level, allowing the body to activate its own ability to heal itself.

45 Be sure to let our advertisers know you found them in | February 2023 45 Be sure to let our advertisers know you found them | February 2023


4028 S Howell Ave, Milwaukee

7216 W North Ave, Wauwatosa


DLewis@InfinityMKE.com | InfinityMKE.com

Infinity offers medical massage, reiki and hypnotherapy to help you relax, stimulate the immune system and activate the body’s innate ability to heal. Open 7 days per week at two convenient locations, by appointment only. See ad on page 13.

Retreat Center


Amy Wilinski

920-609-8277 | GoldenLightHealing.net

Offering workshops, sessions, group & personal retreats in shamanism, mediumship, reiki, psychic development and more.

Sauna Studio


15455 W Bluemound Rd, Ste 230, Brookfield



Our infrared sauna studio is equipped with medical-grade light therapy in a private room for you to detox, relax and re-energize. By safely eliminating the sun’s harmful UV rays, we provide a restorative sweat session that will leave you rejuvenated. See ad on page 8.

Skin Care, Spa


222 E Erie St, Ste 150, Milwaukee 414-331-8852



Aesthetically Well is a trending holistic skincare and nutrition spa in the Third Ward. The services range from basic to medical to offer every client a perfect skin treatment. See ad on page 2.

Sound Healing


Jordan Moon

Milwaukee, WI 262-955-5141



Providing both group and individual setting sound healing sessions, sound healing practitioner training, reiki sessions and training, guided journey work sessions, and custom EMF-protection sculptures.


Shanti Lleone

1821 N 2nd St, Milwaukee 917-885-3113



All experiences of your physical existence begin in the subtle body. That’s where we begin. Shamanic, Sound, Angelic/Channeled, Sai Shakti, Oracle and Reiki sessions available for one on one or groups. Zoom or in-person.



1717 N 73rd St, Wauwatosa 414-475-0105


A God-centered community, welcoming all to come and share the gifts of divine love, life, peace, joy and abundance. Join us Sundays, 10 am. See ad on page 22.

Wellness Center


Dr. Ann M Bell

W227N16855 Tillie Lake Ct, Jackson, WI 262-644-7050



Dr. Ann’s specialty is helping clients redirect their life compass, guiding them to newfound purpose. Reach new possibilities with The Brain Activation Method program and ZeronaZ6 Laser for Fat Loss.


Trish Beckman, RN

21415 W Greenfield Ave, New Berlin 262-391-3876



Now offering Laser and Infrared Light Therapy. Call today and ask about a free demo! The Guild of Modern Wellness is a unique space of respite for the mind, body and soul. The inviting, beautiful place encourages all to unplug and turn inward to seek the answers needed for healing. See ad page 34.




1930 W Bluemound Rd, Waukesha 262-781-8102




New Student Special: 30 days for $30 Unlimited Yoga Classes! Call to learn about our 2023 Yoga Teacher Training.


180 Kossow Rd, Waukesha 262-788-9147

VIBEmke.com • Info@VIBEmke.com

VIBE Yoga, Health & Fitness is a lifestyle studio that specializes in functional movement, health and wellness. We believe in an all-encompassing lifestyle approach that focuses on mental and emotional well-being as well as physical. See ad on page 2 2.

46 Greater Milwaukee NaturalMKE.com Support the Small Businesses that Advertise in NA MKE 46 Greater Milwaukee NaturalMKE.com
Y O G A + M A S S A G E
Put your heart, mind and soul into even your smallest acts. This is the secret of success. ~Swami Sivananda GROW YOUR BUSINESS Secure this ad spot! Contact us for special ad rates. 262-623-7948

Natural Virus Killer Copper can stop a virus

before it starts

Scientists have discovered a natural way to kill germs fast. Now thousands of people are using it against viruses and bacteria that cause illness.

Colds and many other illnesses start when viruses get in your nose and multiply. If you don’t stop them early, they spread and cause misery.

Soon hundreds of people had tried it. 99% said copper worked if they used it right away at the first sign of germs, like a tickle in the nose or a scratchy throat.

Longtime users say they haven’t been sick in years. They have less stress, less medical costs, and more time to enjoy life.

Soon people found other things they could use it against.

with a tip to fit in the bottom of the nostril, where viruses collect.

When he felt a tickle in his nose like a cold about to start, he rubbed the copper gently in his nose for 60 seconds.


Virus variants

Sinus trouble

Cold sores

Fever blisters

New research: Copper kills viruses in seconds.

Hundreds of studies confirm copper kills viruses and bacteria almost instantly just by touch.

That’s why ancient Greeks and Egyptians used copper to purify water and heal wounds. They didn’t know about viruses and bacteria, but now we do.

“The antimicrobial activity of copper is well established.” National Institutes of Health.

Scientists say copper’s high conductance disrupts the electrical balance in a microbe cell and destroys it in seconds.

The EPA recommended hospitals use copper for touch surfaces like faucets and doorknobs. This cut the spread of MRSA and other illnesses by over half, and saved lives.

The strong scientific evidence gave inventor Doug Cornell an idea. He made a smooth copper probe

“It worked!” he exclaimed. “The cold never happened. I used to get 2-3 bad colds every year. Now I use my device whenever I feel a sign I am about to get sick.”

He hasn’t had a cold in 10 years.

Users say:

“It works! I love it!”

“I can’t believe how good my nose feels.”

“Is it supposed to work that fast?”

“One of the best presents ever.”

“Sixteen flights, not a sniffle!”

“Cold sores gone!”

“It saved me last holidays. The kids all got sick, but not me.”

“I am shocked! My sinus cleared, no more headache, no more congestion.”

“Best sleep I’ve had in years!”

After his first success with it, he asked relatives and friends to try it. They all said it worked, so he patented CopperZap® and put it on the market.


know you found them in

Canker sores

Strep throat

Night stuffiness

Morning congestion

Nasal drip

Infected sores

Infected wounds




Other microbial threats

The handle is curved and textured to increase contact. Copper can kill germs picked up on fingers and hands after you touch things other people have touched.

The EPA says copper works just as well when tarnished.

Dr. Bill Keevil led one of the science teams. He placed millions of viruses on a copper surface. “They started to die literally as soon as they touched it.”

CopperZap® is made in the USA of pure copper. It has a 90-day full money back guarantee. Price $79.95. Get $10 off each CopperZap with code NATA35.

Go to www.CopperZap.com or call toll-free 1-888-411-6114.

Buy once, use forever.

Statements are not intended as product health claims and have not been evaluated by the FDA. Not claimed to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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| February 2023
Creating Smiles for the PRESENT... Preserving them for the FUTURE! Biological, Holistic Dental Care For Your Family in a Comfortable & Caring Setting by Accredited SMART & Huggins Certified Dentists Here Are Just A Few Of The Comforts We Provide: • Headphones • Virtual Vision Movie Glasses • Warm Herbal Neck Wrap • Blankets • Virtually Painless Shots • Sedation Dentistry Dr. Supriya K Shetty Dr. Christine Fischer Our Services Include: • Mercury Removal • Bio-compatibility Testing • Safe Extractions with PRF/PRP • Pediatric Dentistry • Sleep Apnea/Snoring • CEREC Restorations • Ceramic Dental Implants • Cosmetic Dentistry • Invisalign Orthodontics $149 New Patient Special Offer includes all necesary x-rays, a complete biological dental exam and a 30-minute consultation 262-330-1805 23770 Capital Drive Pewaukee, WI 53072 WiNauturalDentist.com

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