March 2023 Natural Awakenings Magazine Milwaukee

Page 30

2 Greater Milwaukee Support the Small Businesses that Advertise in Natural MKE Start Your Path to a More Rewarding Career as an Acupuncturist License available in 46 states. Approved by the Wisconsin Education Approval Board and Illinois Board of Higher Education. Acupuncture & Oriental Medicine Programs accredited by the Accreditation Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine, an agency approved by the Secretary of Education FINANCIAL AID AVAILABLE for those who qualify. Campuses in Racine, WI & Chicago, IL 800.593.2320 “ANCIENT MEDICINE FOR MODERN TIMES” Midwest College of Oriental Medicine HAPPINESS DIVERSITY PASSION DISCOVERY Earn a Bachelor of Science in Nutrition (TCM) combined with a Master of Science in Oriental Medicine


Wellness, Body, Mind & Spirit Expo

Sunday, April 30 • 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Holiday Inn Milwaukee River Front

4700 North Port Washington Road • Milwaukee, WI 53212

Admission $7 (Veterans & Kids under 12 free)


JOIN US for the latest in health awareness, fitness, nutrition, natural healing, organic products, psychic readings, healthy home advice, an eclectic variety of vendors, and much more...

FREE informative and enlightening presentations by life enhancement specialists included with admission.

READINGS: Connect face-to-face with the nation’s best psychics, tarot & card readers, palm reader, life coaches, and more. Appointments can be made at each individual booth, or by calling (414) 349-4932


n Doctors

n Regenerative Medicine

n Chiropractors

n Acupuncture

n Natural Healing

n Health, Fitness, Nutrition

n Massage & Balance

n Health & Wellness Service Providers



CALL (414) 349-4932

n Gemstones, Crystals, Jewelry

n Essential Oils & Blends

n Beauty, Skin, & Body Care Products

n Home Enhancement Products

n Psychics, Readers, Palmistry

n Astrologers &Numerology

n Artists & Craftsmen

n Natural, Organic Products

Event Sponsors

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 Holistic Approach to Care

 Ozone/Oxygen Therapy

 IAOMT SMART Amalgam Removal

 Metal-free, Ceramic Dental Implants

 Metal-free Fillings, Inlays, Onlays & Crowns

 Metal-free Aligners (“braces”)

 Biological Tooth Removal

 Biocompatibility and Material Testing

 On-Site Naturopath

 PRP/PRF Therapy

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During your visits with us, you can expect a focus on comfortable, modern and safe dental care. We are committed to offering patients the latest, state-of-the-art dental techniques, materials, and technologies where quality is important and consistency is prioritized.

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Udoka Holinbeck, DDS, AIAOMT
 REBECCA K. WE’RE HERE TO LISTEN: (262) 337-9745 2566 Sun Valley Dr. Delafield, WI 53018 • Where QUALITY Matters.
6 Greater Milwaukee Support the Small Businesses that Advertise in Natural MKE Experience. Awareness. Successful Living. Share the day with over 100 specialists in health and wellness, life coaching and personal growth programs, natural healing, herbs, organic items, animal communicators, sound healers, psychic readings, and much more. Learn more about lifestyle decisions to enhance your health by attending any of our 1 7 FREE classes. Saturday April15, 2023 Brookfield Conference Center 325 S Moorland Rd, Brookfield, WI 10am - 5pm Natural Awakenings Magazine ree Spirit Crystals $ 1 5 a d v a n c e p u r c h a s e $20 at the door - cash only! Fair Sponsors: Hozho' Healing Your Life Magazine
Forget less. Reduce stress. And retain more with IQ Adapt. IQ Adapt is a supplement designed to improve memory as we age, sharpen cognitive function and reduce stress. It improves and supports: • Cognitive functions • Short-term memory • Long-term memory • Regain memories • Recall information • Remain focused, concentrate • and solve problems • Language skills • Communication in addition to improving locomotor activities • Quick responses and reflexes Contact us for more information or text (262) 429-9429.
8 Greater Milwaukee Support the Small Businesses that Advertise in Natural MKE CONTENTS Natural Awakenings Milwaukee | March 2023 Issue 32 DR. MEGGIE GRAHAM Untethered Airway Health and Tongue Tie Center 34 SWEET LULLABY Better Sleep for Children 36 NATURAL REMEDIES FOR PETS Seven Non-Toxic Treatments for Common Ailments DEPARTMENTS 12 NEWS BRIEFS | 15 HEALTH BRIEFS 17 PRACTITIONER PROFILE 18 GLOBAL BRIEFS | 19 ECO TIP 20 PRODUCT SPOTLIGHT | 21 BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT 26 CONSCIOUS EATING | 28 WISE WORDS 30 FIT BODY | 34 HEALTHY KIDS 36 NATURAL PET | 38 CALENDARS 40 CLASSIFIEDS | 41 RESOURCE GUIDE 22 VEGGIES FOR THE WIN Five Reasons to Choose a Plant-Based Lifestyle 26 LOVING YOUR KIDNEYS Edible Allies, Integrative Treatments and Lifestyle Tips 28 TERRY WAHLS on Managing Autoimmune Disease With Lifestyle Interventions 30 WORK HARDER AND SMARTER Benefits of High-Intensity Interval Training Natural MKE Follow us on social media for daily inspiration! @naturalmke



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Our Teachings

Unity teaches that each person is a unique expression of God created with sacred worth. Living from that awareness transforms our lives and the world.

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Mind. Body. Spirit. Planet. Community.

When I remember our WHY, these are some of the words I always come back to. These nouns exemplify the pillars that we stand for at Natural Awakenings. Our community of publishers and partners are providers, parents, siblings, practitioners, business owners, creators and leaders in our community. We are so honored to be part of such a nourishing and honorable network. And as a reader, so are you!

Whether you are reading this publisher letter or reading an article in these pages, surfing our social media or looking at an ad in the magazine, you will notice that it is all connected to our aligned missions and deepened purpose. A purpose to level up. A purpose to better our health, happiness, relationships, harmony with nature, and harmony in our local and global environment. The mind, body and spirit are integral to that. I also reflect upon some of the adjectives that describe HOW we look at these core values:

Natural. Holistic. Integrative. Regenerative. Sustainable.

There is an ever-expanding body of information, technology and resources at everyone’s fingertips in 2023. It can be challenging to sift through information, make informed decisions and find true connections that foster mutual growth and support. This can make it hard to act based on our values, grow our wisdom and our wellness, and make our own impactful dent in the world.

That is why I come back to our WHY and our HOW, the essence of our mission. Our mission includes three foundational actions:

Educate. Empower. Connect.

Through these actions, we bring our values together. We strive to EDUCATE our community on natural, holistic, integrative and regenerative wellness in all realms. We strive to EMPOWER our community—family, friends, businesses, providers—to level up and to live a healthier lifestyle on a healthier planet. We CONNECT our readers with wellness resources and events, inspiring them to lead more balanced lives.

In what ways can you take these ideas into your own life this month?

We wish you health, happiness and harmony,

Publisher Jordan Peschek

Editors Theresa Archer

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10 Greater Milwaukee Support the Small Businesses that Advertise in Natural MKE FROM THE PUBLISHER HEALTHY LIVING HEALTHY PLANET MILWAUKEE EDITION Natural Awakenings Magazine is ranked 5th Nationally in CISION’S 2016 Top 10 Health & Fitness Magazines
Jordan Peschek, RN, Publisher

Defend What Matters Most with SP Children’s™ Immune

Help the immune system stand up for itself with SP Children’s™ Immune — the first children’s product from Standard Process®. It delivers key nutrients for proper immune system functioning and development.* It can help protect their wellness to keep them on the path to optimal health.

ingredients: beet root, elderberry, and strawberry


Is an excellent source of vitamin D, zinc, and antioxidant vitamin C Includes organic, whole food-based
supplement Find a health care professional who offers Standard Process products at NEW! ©2022 Standard Process Inc. All rights reserved. LN02218 07/22 *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Everyday support with elderberry and prebiotic 2’-FL

Holistic Skin Detox an Alternative to Dermal Medications

Maggie Schaetzel, holistic nutritionist, aesthetician and owner of Aesthetically Well holistic med spa, now offers Clarity Cleanse. This 10-day mucus cleanse helps detoxify the skin, lungs and digestive system. The program, created and formulated by Dr. Ben Johnson from Osmosis Beauty, creates multiple paths of detoxification internally and topically, with an overall goal of flawless skin and healthy digestion.

The protocol consists of addressing gut health with the Skin Clarifier 10-Day Detox to reduce mucus buildup throughout the sinuses, lungs and digestive system. Schaetzel explains that this decreases skin congestion such as blackheads and blemishes. The Epidermal Repair Serum helps compromised skin neutralize toxins, calm inflammation and activate epidermal wound and DNA repair. The Skin Perfection Elixir helps soothe inflammation and blemished skin.

Location: 222 E. Erie St., Ste. 150, Milwaukee. For more information, call 414-331-8852 or visit See ad on page 4.

Dare To Be Aware Fair Promises the Latest in Enlightenment and Healthy Lifestyles

The Dare To Be Aware Fair, also known as the “Dare Fair”, takes place from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., April 15, at the Brookfield Conference Center. The event features more than 110 exhibitors and 17 free workshops led by local and national experts in personal growth and wellness; services such as astrology and tarot readings, massage therapy and chiropractic; plus vendors of crystals, jewelry, aromatherapy and fun clothing. Food service will be available during the fair.

Erik Swenson returns this year to open the fair with his popular Global Healing Circle. This event is free to attendees and starts promptly at 9 a.m.; attendees must arrive between 8:45 and 9 a.m. to participate. Keynote speaker Marcus Kasunich will discuss Conscious Relationships. Fair founder Jill Borsos’ workshop “Be a Practical Mystic” is among the presentations. Artists, psychics and readers will be in “quiet rooms” where fair attendees can peacefully receive services.

Brookfield Mayor Steve Ponto welcomes the Dare To Be Aware Fair by proclaiming April 15, 2023 as “Dare To Be Aware Day” for Brookfield, and will be at the opening of the Fair with a welcome message.

Natural Awakenings Milwaukee is a major sponsor of the Dare To Be Aware Fair.

Cost: $20 (cash only) at the door; $15 in advance when purchased through App.EventsFrame. com/app/event/5408018411814912. Location: 325 S. Moorland Rd., Brookfield. For more information, visit See ad on page 6.

New Aerial Yoga, Spring Equinox Celebration at VIBE Yoga, Health & Fitness

VIBE Yoga, Health & Fitness presents a six-week introduction to aerial yoga with certified yoga instructor Courtney Krueger. The class takes place from 6:45 to 7:45 p.m. each Thursday from March 2 through April 6. In this beginner program, participants will have the opportunity to explore the practice of trapeze aerial yoga. Complementary to a mat-based practice, trapeze joins functional pulling and grip strength with inversion therapy, helping to realign and reduce back pain. With personal instruction and adjustment, movements and postures will be broken down to build confidence in one’s practice. VIBE’s spring equinox celebration, “108 Sun Salutations”, is designed to cleanse, detoxify and renew. The drop-in class, intended for all skill levels, is from 8 to 9:30 a.m., March 18. The sun salutations will be done in sections, and participants need not follow all 108 poses. The class will begin and end akin to traditional vinyasa flow.

Cost: Six-Week Aerial Yoga $100; 108 Spring Equinox $30. Location: 180 Kossow Rd., Waukesha. For more information, call 262-788-9147, email or visit See ad on page 31.

12 Greater Milwaukee Support the Small Businesses that Advertise in Natural MKE NEWS BRIEFS
13 Be sure to let our advertisers know you found them in | March 2023 4763 N. 124th St. Butler, WI 53007 262-790-0748 The courage to live your own life is the greatest gift you can give to the world. Free Spirit Our experience with crystals and spiritual growth is second to none. WE OFFER crystals, mineral specimens, incense, jewelry, CDs, books, cards, candles, classes, alternative healing sessions, astrology charts, numerology charts, tarot readings and so much more. Call or Visit Today! School of Integrated Energy Healing A multidisciplinary approach to developing healing practices, along with heart and passion. WE COMBINE the use of crystals and stones with bioenergetics to promote the development of awareness. WE OFFER a certificate program as well as elective classes. Crystals Serving SE Wisconsin since 1991 LEARN MORE & REGISTER: join excellent teachers for a deep dive into: HERBAL MEDICINE, TRADITIONAL FOODS, DIVINATION, REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH, BASKET MAKING & MORE! PLUS, PRE-CONFERENCE WORKSHOPS & IMMERSIONS MAY 23-26: HERBAL CONFERENCE Midwes Women 12TH ANNUAL MAY 26-28, 2023 IN ALMOND, WI SIGN UP A-LA-CARTE OR ADD TO YOUR CONFERENCE EXPERIENCE! HerbalConferenceTix Win FREE Tickets! ENTER BY MAY 1

Trinergy Health Hiring Massage and Ayurvedic Body Work Therapists, Leasing Space

At Trinergy Center for Integrative Psychiatry, Milwaukee’s “one-stop shop for mind and body wellness”, it is their passion to provide safe, effective, collaborative, patient-centered integrative psychiatry services for symptoms of mental illness, and traditional Ayurvedic consultations and treatments for those looking to enhance health and well-being or struggling with illness.

Trinergy plans to hire one to two massage therapists to serve their loyal and growing base of clients. They are also open to leasing the massage business to experienced massage therapists that are entrepreneurial in nature, or to other massage spa business owners to serve existing clients. Ayurvedic experience is preferable. If interested, call 262-955-6600 or email resume and references to

Trinergy Health offers evidence-based holistic treatments for mental, emotional and physical health. Dr. Aruna Tummala, integrative psychiatrist and the medical director of Trinergy, explains that their team empowers patients to heal and recover from anxiety, depression, autoimmune issues and chronic pain using a mind-bodyspirit approach. In an effort to help patients reclaim health, harmony and vitality, Trinergy addresses root causes of illness; works toward mental wellness through judicious use of conventional psychiatric medicines; and offers a wide range of intervention practices in order to reduce reliance on such medicines. These practices include diet, exercise, yoga, meditation, nutritional supplements, Ayurveda, functional medicine and massage.

Location: 12800 W. National Ave., New Berlin. For more information, call 262-288-2754 or visit See ad on page 2.

Cutting-Edge Technologies at Brookfield Health and Wellness

Susan Rohr, owner of Brookfield Health and Wellness, uses innovative bioenergetic technologies to help identify the root causes of health challenges. Her assessment tools include the Qi-5 body scan, NuVision, ONDAMED and AmpCoil, all of which can help identify system imbalances, microbes, organ weaknesses and immune and detoxification dysfunction.

After assessment, Rohr customizes a care plan that combines nutrition, supplements, stress management and clinic-based treatments. Treatment tools for chronic conditions include Hyperthermic Ozone and Carbonic Acid Transdermal Therapy, also known as HOCATT; the Energy Enhancement System, also known as EES; Rife technology; NanoVi; frequency-specific microcurrent; and IASIS microcurrent neurofeedback. Rohr says that these tools can help increase oxygenation to cells, decrease inflammation, boost the immune system, improve circulation, restore cellular energy and provide other functions to help the body heal itself.

Location: 150 S. Sunny Slope Rd., Ste. 148, Brookfield. For more information, call 262-395-4023 or visit See ad on page 29.

Guild of Modern Wellness To Host Session on Thermography

The Guild of Modern Wellness health collective will host an informative session on thermography, 10 a.m. to 12 p.m, March 14. The event will be led by Jenny Steger of the Longevity Center of Wisconsin. Steger is certified in digital infrared thermal imaging and has completed advanced clinical thermography training at Duke University Hospital with the American College of Clinical Thermology.

Thermography is a noninvasive diagnostic technique in which a camera or infrared detector senses and records hot and cold areas of the body. Pathological conditions that manifest increased or decreased blood flow present thermographic patterns that can be distinguished from normal areas. Thermograms can detect subtle physiologic changes that accompany breast pathology such as fibrocystic disease, vascular disease, an infection or cancer.

Location: 21415 W. Greenfield Ave., New Berlin. For more information, call 262-391-3876, email TheCasaCalm@ or visit See ad on page 18.

14 Greater Milwaukee Support the Small Businesses that Advertise in Natural MKE NEWS BRIEFS can help you access the resources you need for help in staying
and happy!
Dr. Aruna Tummala Susan Rohr

L-Theanine for Stress Reduction and Cognitive Function

Stress and cognitive decline are highly relevant issues in modern society. L-theanine has been used for many years in traditional medicine to improve mental well-being. L-theanine is an amino acid found in green tea leaves that has been shown to increase brain wave activity associated with a calm, alert state of mind.

A study published in the Current Developments in Nutrition Journal investigates the effects of L-theanine supplementation on stress and cognitive function. Researchers conducted a randomized, double-blind crossover study on adults with non-clinical psychiatric symptoms. They gave participants either a placebo or 200 milligrams of theanine for four weeks, followed by a two-week washout period, and then continued the crossover study (in which participants were switched treatments).

The researchers found that theanine supplementation led to significant decreases in stress and significant improvements in sleep quality and cognitive function compared to the placebo.

While more research is needed to elucidate the benefits of theanine in clinical populations, this supplement appears to be effective for reducing stress and improving brain function in the general population. This is likely enhanced when coupled with a healthy diet and lifestyle practices, such as meditation and regular exercise.

Jack Cincotta, AADP Board-Certified Holistic Health Practitioner and AFPA-Certified Holistic Health Coach, is located at N4147 W. Water St., Sullivan. For more information, call 920-650-7674, email or visit

W e t r e a t y o u n o t y o u r s y m p t o m s w i t h w e l l n e s s s t r a t e g i e s t h a t h e l p y o u h e a l a n d t h r i v e .

S e r v i c e s i n c l u d e :

A c u p u n c t u r e C u p p i n g t h e r a p y C h i n e s e h e r b s F a c i a l r e j u v e n a t i o n

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15 Be
| March 2023 HEALTH BRIEF
S c a n h e r e f o r a $ 4 0 g i f t c a r d t o w a r d y o u r f i r s t s e s s i o n ! P l u m e r i a A c u p u n c t u r e & H o l i s t i c W e l l n e s s C e n t e r P l u m e r i a A c u p u n c t u r e & H o l i s t i c W e l l n e s s C e n t e r 2 5 0 0 N M a y f a i r R d , S t e 4 1 0 M i l w a u k e e 2 5 0 0 N M a y f a i r R d , S t e 4 1 0 M i l w a u k e e ( 4 1 4 ) 6 8 7 - 0 0 8 7 ( 4 1 4 ) 6 8 7 - 0 0 8 7 P l u m e r i a W e l l n e s s . c o m P l u m e r i a W e l l n e s s c o m
See ad on page 44.

Gut Microbiome May Influence Obesity

Walnuts to Relieve Exam Stress

A new study may shed light on why some people gain more weight than others regardless of diet and activity levels. Led by researchers at the University of Copenhagen and published in the journal Microbiome, the study found that being overweight may also be related to the makeup of a person’s gut microbiome. The researchers studied 85 overweight adults and found that 40 percent of the participants had more Bacteroides in their gut microbiome, which are more effective at extracting nutrients from food, possibly causing leftover food to be stored as fat. Before they began their study, the researchers had hypothesized that a long digestive travel time would allow people to extract more energy from their food, but they found instead that people with shorter digestive travel times were actually the ones that extracted the most nutrition. Those with Bacteroides had shorter intestinal transit times and higher body weight.

Human-Grade Dog Foods Lead to Less Poop

Although human-grade foods for pets are commercially available, little research has been done on their health impacts. A 2021 study published in the Journal of Animal Science compared the fecal output of 12 dogs that ate one of three types of dog food: fresh, human-grade or extruded (kibble). The researchers found that the dogs that were fed fresh and human-grade food excreted about half as much as those that were fed classic, processed dog food. The human-grade foods were also found to be extremely digestible, and the dogs that ate them had to eat less food to maintain the same weight. There were many differences in fecal microbiota among the three diets, and the scientists stated that this was likely because of differences in ingredient source, nutrient concentrations and processing methods.

Stressed college students might benefit by adding walnuts to their diet before their next exam. A randomized clinical trial published in the journal Nutrients sought to investigate the effects of academic stress and daily walnut consumption on mental health, general well-being and gut microbiota in a group of 80 college students. Walnuts are full of nutrients that support brain and gut health, including omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants, melatonin (sleep-inducing hormone), polyphenols, folate and vitamin E.

The University of South Australia researchers concluded that daily consumption of one half cup of walnuts improved self-reported mood and mental health status, metabolic biomarkers and sleep quality. The data also suggested that walnuts might counteract the negative effects of academic stress on the gut microbiota in women. The scientists noted that more research was needed with respect to males, as far fewer men participated in this study. They also cautioned that the placebo effect could have influenced results, as this was not a blind study.

Supplements That Help the Heart

A new study conducted by researchers at Brown University has identified certain supplements that may be beneficial for heart health. The meta-analysis published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology reviewed more than 884 studies on 27 types of micronutrient supplements among 883,627 participants and found strong evidence that omega-3 fatty acid, folic acid and coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) are micronutrients that reduce cardiovascular risk. Omega-3 fatty acid was found to decrease mortality from cardiovascular disease; folic acid lowered stroke risk; and CoQ10 decreased all-cause mortality. Omega-6 fatty acid, L-arginine, L-citrulline, melatonin, magnesium, vitamin D, zinc, alpha-lipoic acid, catechin, flavanol, curcumin, genistein and quercetin also showed evidence of reducing cardiovascular risk.

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Dr. Brenda Heinecke Revitalize


11951 W. Janesville Rd., Ste. E, Hales Corners 530 N. 108th Pl., Ste. 200, Wauwatosa 414-708-8066 •

Infertility can be a difficult, emotional path. Dr. Brenda Heinecke, owner and pelvic floor physical therapist at Revitalize Physical Therapy, has designed a unique program to address infertility that includes a combination of holistic and manual therapy approaches. Through a hands-on, personalized and cohesive approach, she specializes in helping women live a healthy and active life.

“For those looking to optimize fertility or that have been struggling with mechanical or unexplained infertility, addressing stress, nutrition, gut and vaginal health, along with physical factors, can provide positive outcomes,” Heinecke says. “This can be done in conjunction with fertility treatment, intrauterine insemination (IUI) and in vitro fertilization (IVF).”

Heinecke notes that holistic approaches can be less invasive than traditional fertility treatments, while working to address physical factors affecting fertility. “For example, there can be fascial adhesions that restrict movement through the fallopian tubes, restrictions around the cervix that make it difficult for sperm to successfully pass through, or limited blood flow to the tissue.”

According to, manual therapy techniques, along with stress relief, proper nutrition and correcting gut imbalances, can help treat infertility issues. “In addition to addressing physical limitations within the pelvis and reproductive organs, our program provides guidance for other nutritional and lifestyle factors that are known to impact fertility.”

Heinecke adds that she and her staff have worked closely with fertility specialists in the area to provide their treatment in conjunction with treatment options such as IUI and IVF to help achieve a successful outcome. “Fertility treatment is time-consuming, emotional and costly, so we are proud to be able to help couples through this process.”

Heinecke’s goal is to help more women become familiar with her program, since many women are unaware that specialized physical therapy can help resolve infertility. “We hope that this program will begin to be viewed as an early treatment option that women can try before starting medical fertility treatments,” Heinecke says. “It is much less invasive and costly, and it is often enough to lead to a successful outcome without needing fertility treatment.”

See ad on page 6.

17 Be sure to let our advertisers know you found them in | March 2023 PRACTITIONER PROFILE
Dr. Brenda Heinecke (R) helping a patient Web Buttons

First Honeybee Vaccine Approved

According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), more than 100 U.S. crops depend on pollination by honeybees and other insects. Safeguarding commercial honeybee colonies is critical to food production as there has been an alarming population decline in wild species due to habitat loss, pesticide use and the climate crisis.

Recently, the USDA granted a two-year conditional license for a vaccine that protects honeybees from American foulbrood disease (AFB), a widespread, destructive ailment. The non-GMO inoculation will initially be available to commercial beekeepers and can be used in organic agriculture.

Prior to this booster, the only treatment method for AFB required beekeepers to burn the infected hives and equipment. According to vaccine manufacturer Dalan Animal Health, their vaccination is incorporated into the royal jelly, which worker bees feed to the queen. Once ingested, fragments of the treatment are deposited in the queen’s ovaries, providing developing larvae AFB immunity as they hatch.

Nations Agree to Protect Biodiversity

Scientists have warned for years that as forests and grasslands are disappearing at unprecedented rates and oceans are pressured by pollution, humans are pushing Earth beyond tenable limits. In December 2022, nearly 200 countries agreed on a Global Biodiversity Framework at the United Nations 15th meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity. The historic agreement represents hope for real progress to halt the loss of biodiversity. Among its numerous provisions, the framework commits nations to protect 30 percent of the world’s lands, inland waters, coastal areas and oceans by 2030; increase financing for nature restoration and protection; halt human-induced extinction; and protect the rights of indigenous people. The protections will emphasize areas of particular importance for biodiversity and ecosystem functioning and services.

Throughout the talks there was division over the strength of the measures and how to finance them. In a statement released by the Wildlife Conservation Society, vice president of international policy Susan Lieberman said, “The [framework] is a compromise, and although it has several very good and hard-fought elements, it could have gone further to truly transform our destructive relationship with nature.” During negotiations, some countries called for a new fund to be set up to help preserve biodiversity, but this recommendation was not included in the final pact.

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cfhdesign/ fotoedgaras/ GLOBAL BRIEFS

Eco-Friendly Water Heating

When it comes time to replace the water heater, homeowners have an opportunity to save money and significantly lower their carbon footprint by choosing more efficient appliances. In the U.S., most homes are equipped with water heaters that require a large storage tank. The water has to be heated continually, leading to $400 to $600 water heating bills every year.

A tankless model requires less space, lasts longer and costs less to operate. Because it does not hold water, cold water flows into the unit and is heated only when needed. This can save energy because the unit does not need to heat gallons of water that aren’t being used.

One drawback is that tankless devices may require a gas line and may be a challenge for older homes because of the necessary permits and electrical upgrades. Whether it has a tank or not, choose an Energy Star-certified model, which is deemed to be more efficient and often comes with a rebate or tax credit. Visit for more information.

Some people may opt for a solar water heating system, which can cut annual hot water costs in half. Homes that generate their own power with solar panels may eliminate the annual cost altogether.

Another option is a heat pump water heater that uses 70 percent less energy than standard water heaters and is currently eligible for a $300 federal tax credit. According to Energy Saver, a U.S. Department of Energy consumer resource (, heat pump water heaters use electricity to move heat from one place to another instead of generating heat directly.

After installing a new unit, be sure to recycle the old water heater. Ask the retailer of the new appliance if they participate in a take-back program, or coordinate with the installer to arrange for proper recycling.

If the water heater doesn’t need replacement yet, consider that for every 10-degree decrease in the temperature setting on a conventional tank there is a corresponding 3 to 5 percent energy savings. Lower temperatures also reduce mineral buildup and corrosion in the tank and pipes.

Keep in mind that the easiest way to lower a household’s water heating is simply to use less hot water. Look for ways to decrease the family’s use of hot water by taking baths or shorter showers, washing laundry with cold water and running the dishwater on the energy-efficient setting.

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DNA Hemp Features

Three High Vibe Herbal Blends

Cannabis research is still in its infancy, but information currently available indicates four primary reasons why people seek out cannabidiol (CBD) products: to ease chronic pain; to reduce stress and anxiety; to improve sleep; and to ease inflammation.

DNA Hemp, a family hemp farm based in Slinger, Wisconsin, has three High Five Herbal Blends formulated to help support health. The Peace High Vibe Herbal Blend contains DNA Hemp’s Bubba Kush strain, along with mint, mullein, mugwort, St. John’s wort and sage. It was formulated to encourage balance, tranquility, patience and alignment.

The Love High Vibe Herbal Blend has DNA Hemp’s Goliath strain, along with lavender, mullein, mugwort, St. John’s wort and sage. It was formulated to promote passion, desire, attraction and connection.

Happiness High Vibe Herbal Blend, featuring DNA Hemp’s Sweet Rainbow strain, contains lemon balm, mullein, mugwort, St. John’s wort and sage. It was formulated to promote energy, spirit, inspiration, aspiration and clarity.

“All of the herbs used in our blends can drive and support health with available active constituents in the herbs. For a mind, body and soul experience, the versatility and useability are limitless,” says Ashley Shafer, co-owner of DNA Hemp. “All the herbs that we use are grown in the fertile soil of the Kettle Moraine on our DNA Hemp farm.”

The herbal blends can be burned as a smudge in an energy clearing ritual, smoked in one’s chosen vessel or steeped as a tea.

Through April 30, Natural Awakenings readers can buy one High Vibe Herbal Blend and get one High Vibe Herbal Blend at 50 percent off. Use promotional code HIGHVIBEBOGO at

For more information, visit

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Langlois’ Vital Nutrition Center Supporting Natural Health Since 1946

In 1946, Les and Bertha Langlois were doing what few people in Milwaukee did at that time—promoting natural and holistic lifestyles. Their stores, Langlois’ Health Food Marts, sold groceries and some supplements like dehydrated beet tablets, alfalfa pills and herbal teas. They hosted lectures by wellness pioneer Paul Bragg, of apple cider vinegar fame. Today, their grandson, Jeffrey Langlois, a clinical nutritionist and traditional naturopath, is continuing their vision of natural wellness through nutrition.

In 2018, Langlois’ Vital Nutrition Center moved from their long-time home in Wauwatosa to a spacious new location in Brookfield. The move allowed them to expand their nutritional counseling services, and add complementary modalities such as detoxifying footbaths and foot reflexology. Doctor of Chiropractic Pete Geary rents space at the center. A retail component offers supplement brands including Wisconsin’s own Standard Process, and CellCore Biosciences detoxification support.

Jeffrey studied nutrition through Trinity School of Natural Health, American Health Science University and Ulan Nutritional Systems. As a traditional naturopath, he consults clients on find ing root causes behind why they’re fatigued or have poor diges tion. “Often, the cause is going to be either nutritional deficien cies, or toxicity in the form of environmental toxins,” he explains. “Chemical toxicities are in everyone’s bodies these days. Most of us have been poisoned by mold, parasites, radiation, synthetic chemicals in processed food and other environmental toxins.”

Through tools such as quantum nutrition testing (a sys tem of muscle testing) and hair tissue mineral analysis, Jeffrey, along with senior nutritionist Drew Detzner, can help a client pinpoint where their health issues lie. Hair analysis testing can detect the presence of five heavy metals, along with the pres ence of 15 minerals.

“It’s an affordable way to have all those levels analyzed,” Jef frey notes. It can also detect thyroid function in the cells. “Blood work measures the thyroid hormone in the blood, but is it working inside the muscles in the body? You could have plenty of thyroid hormone, but it might not be getting delivered into the tissues.”

The IonCleanse detoxifying footbath is a therapeutic tool in which users soak their feet in a bath of ionized water. Jeffrey says that this can assist the body with releasing toxins through the pores of the feet. Foot reflexology, offered by Bethany Gariepy, is a massage to the bottom of the feet to stimulate the foot’s myriad reflexive nerves. Gariepy trained through the International Insti tute of Reflexology and is certified in hand and foot reflexology.

Using a variety of specialized chiropractor treatments, Geary combines chiropractic care with nutrition to help his patients with conditions such as back pain, neck pain, headaches, sciatica and other injuries. He graduated with cum laude honors from Palmer College of Chiropractic, in Iowa, and is a trained emergency medical technician.

With 40 years of nutritional training and experience, Jeffrey and his staff strive to help their clients restore their bodies’ natural ability to be well. “The body is designed to be healthy,” he affirms. “We need vitamins, minerals and good food, and in today’s world, detoxification does wonders to change people’s lives.”

Langlois’ Vital Nutrition Center is located at 16655 Wisconsin Ave., Brookfield. For more information, call 414-453-4070 or visit See ad on this page.

75 YEARS OF 75 YEARS OF improving health outcomes.


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Food-first programs Simple assessments Passionate health experts
build healthy results the natural way—think less pain, increased energy and improved mood—with tools that heal you from the inside out.
Drew Detzner, BA, CNC, MH, CFT Jeffrey Langlois, CN, CNC, NRT, GAPS Familyowned (414) 453-8289

Veggies for the Win


Many of us have come across the term “plant-based eating”. Perhaps the regimen was recommended to us by a medical or nutritional professional. We may have read about it in a magazine or seen a documentary on the subject. Scientists around the globe have studied this lifestyle choice, and persuasive evidence is mounting that eating a preponderance of foods from plant sources has health merits.

The concept is attributed to T. Colin Campbell, Ph.D., the Jacob Gould Schurman professor emeritus of nutritional biochemistry at Cornell University. Based on his extensive research, he has advocated a low-fat, whole food, plant-based diet since the 1980s, and his commentary appears in Forks Over Knives, an influential 2011 documentary on the subject that is still worth viewing.

Americans love their cheeseburgers and french fries, and breaking a habit that we thoroughly enjoy might be challenging at first. But we need not completely ban such delights from our menu, so long as our plates are brimming with vegetables, fruits, legumes, whole grains, beans, healthy oils, nuts and seeds most of the time. Gradually transitioning to a whole food, plant-based, low-fat diet is the winning formula for positive change and long-term compliance.

Here are five compelling reasons to make this promising dietary shift.


As so many Americans struggle with chronic health issues, including obesity, diabetes and heart disease, physicians are hard-pressed to find the right combination of treatments to help their patients lead healthier lives. At the same time, healthcare costs continue to skyrocket. In 2020, health spending rose to $4.1 trillion, or $12,530 per capita, according to the American Medical Association.

In a 2013 article published in The Permanente Journal, California physicians surveyed leading research and case studies and found that plant-based diets offer patients a low-risk, cost-effective intervention to regulate weight, blood pressure, blood sugar

and cholesterol levels. They also asserted that such eating regimens could reduce the number of medications patients would have to take for chronic disease, and that physicians should recommend such diets to all of their patients, especially those suffering from high blood pressure, diabetes, cardiovascular disease or obesity.

Besides saving money on drugs and medical procedures, a plant-based menu has never been easier or more affordable. According to recent data conducted by the UK nonprofit Veganuary, plant-based meals eaten at home cost 40 percent less than meat- or fish-based meals and take one-third less time to prepare.

“The most powerful tool I discovered while in practice for both preventing and treating chronic diseases such as diabetes, obesity, heart disease, high blood pressure and arthritis was the implementation of a plant-based nutritional plan to a patient’s life,” says Ted Crawford, a board-certified family physician featured in two inspiring documentaries about the life-changing benefits of a plant-based diet: Eating You Alive and PlantWise

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The latest food trend is a “burger” made entirely of plants. The race is on to see which one looks and tastes closest to a juicy, all-beef patty. Whether it’s mushrooms posing as “steak” or wheat-based seitan kneaded into “chicken”, recipes catering to carnivores have their audience. For some, these tasty alternatives may offer a path toward becoming a vegetarian or vegan.

Oven-roasted on a sheet pan, splashed with extra virgin olive oil and lemon juice, sprinkled with fresh herbs and spices, served with a creamy dip, slow-cooked in a crockpot, baked into a pie, frothed into a sweet smoothie or freshly pulled from the vine, consider the fact that whole, plant-based foods taste delicious on their own and deserve the spotlight.

They are good and good for us, packed with nutrition while low in fat and calories. The vibrant colors of fruits and vegetables—as varied as the rainbow—are evidence of the many healthful attributes they offer. Ditching animal fats, white flour and sugar in favor of fresh, whole plant foods found at a local farmers market ensures a rich intake of vitamins, minerals, trace elements, phytonutrients, fiber, antioxidants, flavonoids, protein, fiber and more—the building blocks of a robust, disease-fighting body.

Those that believe a plant-based diet is too limiting might be surprised to learn that there is a wealth of meat-free culinary possibilities. Garth Davis, M.D., author of Proteinaholic: How Our Obsession With Meat Is Killing Us and What We Can Do About It, notes, “Just 12 plants and five animals compose about 75 percent of the world’s food, and yet there are approximately 300,000 known edible plant species, only about 150 of which are used commonly around the world.”

There are so many plant-derived flavors and recipes yet to explore. Try a new plant-based recipe weekly. Let the kids select their favorite fruits and veggies to prepare. Enjoy reimagining old favorites like lasagna, enchiladas, chili and tacos. Simply swap out the meat in favor of beans, tofu, tempeh or faux meat products, which have become quite sophisticated in recent years.


Documentary Films championing plant-based diets

n PlantPure Nation

n Forks Over Knives

n Eating You Alive

n What the Health

Websites offering tips, recipes and advice for plant-prominent menus





Cookbooks that make whole, plant-based foods shine

n Oh She Glows Every Day, by Angela Lindon

n The Happy Herbivore Cookbook, by Lindsay S. Nixon

n The PlantPure Nation Cookbook, by Kim Campbell

n The China Study Cookbook, by LeAnne Campbell

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While acute inflammation is a protective bodily response to heal infections and repair tissues, metabolic inflammation—or metaflammation—refers to chronic, systemic inflammation. According to a 2020 study published in The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, metabolic inflammation is associated with increased risk of Type 2 diabetes, nonalcoholic fatty liver disease and cardiovascular disease.

Numerous studies have explored the inflammatory and anti-inflammatory effects of foods. According to a 2021 article in Harvard Health Publishing, the following foods cause inflammation: refined carbohydrates like white bread; fried foods like french fries; sodas and other sugary drinks; red meat; processed meat, including hot dogs, sausage and cold cuts; and margarine, shortening and lard. Conversely, the best anti-inflammatory foods are tomatoes; olive oil; leafy, green vegetables such as spinach, kale and collards; nuts like almonds, walnuts, pistachios and pecans; and fruit such as apples, strawberries, blueberries, cherries and oranges. Omega-3 fatty acid-rich fish like salmon, mackerel, tuna and sardines are also recommended for their anti-inflammatory properties.


According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, total greenhouse gas emissions from global livestock represents 14.5 percent of all greenhouse gas emissions worldwide. Cattle raised for both beef and milk are the animal species responsible for the most emissions, which include methane and represent about 65 percent of the livestock sector’s emissions.

Industrially produced meat is also a leading contributor of global deforestation and habitat loss as large swaths of the Amazon and other land masses are cleared for cattle ranching and to produce animal feed.

According to a new model developed by California scientists and published in the journal PLOS Climate, a global phase-out of animal agriculture and a shift to plant-based diets over the next 15 years would have the same effect as a 68 percent reduction of carbon dioxide emissions through the end of 2100, thereby boosting humanity’s chances of avoiding the projected devastation of climate change. Such benefits would result from a decline in the methane and nitrous oxide emissions associated with industrialized meat production, coupled with a recovery of natural ecosystems as fewer forests and land masses are cleared for animal feed production.


Sarah Thomsen Ferreira, an integrative registered dietician and manager of clinical nutrition at the Cleveland Clinic Center for Functional Medicine (CCCFM), notes, “Certain foods and nutrients help your brain to make chemicals that can impact your mood, attention and focus, while other foods can zap your energy.” The CCCFM recommends a diet that combines complex carbohydrates with lean proteins and colorful produce. While lean proteins may include white-fleshed fish and white-meat poultry, healthy, plant-based, lean proteins are also found in beans, peas, lentils and tofu.

Diet can support emotional well-being and perhaps even help ward off depression and anxiety. A 2017 clinical trial explored how a plant-based diet, daily exercise and mindfulness techniques would affect 500 adult men and women diagnosed with moderate to severe depression and anxiety. After 12 weeks, participants reported improvements in depression and anxiety, according to the study abstract published in the journal Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice

Eating a plant-based diet makes sense on many levels. Make the switch.

Kiki Powers is a health writer, blogger and national speaker specializing in plant-based nutrition and healthy green living. Learn more at

marilyn barbone/



1 head cauliflower, chopped (or 6 cups)

1 Tbsp extra-virgin olive oil

2 garlic cloves

¼ tsp pepper

¼ tsp salt

3 Tbsp fresh lime juice

¼ cup fresh cilantro, chopped

Rinse the cauliflower and pat dry. Chop into florets, then pulse in a food processor or blender. Alternatively, the cauliflower can be left whole and grated with a box grater.

In a large pan, heat the olive oil over medium heat. Sauté garlic for a few minutes until fragrant and lightly browned. Increase heat to medium high and add cauliflower. Sauté about 5 minutes.

Transfer to a bowl and toss with salt, pepper, lime juice and cilantro.

Excerpted from Multiple Sclerosis Diet

Plan and Cookbook. Copyright © 2019

Noelle Citarella. Used with permission from Rockridge Press, Emeryville, CA. All rights reserved.

Our work focuses on creating meaningful connections with each of our clients, helping them to move toward a healthier lifestyle. We assist each individual’s journey by helping to uncover root causes of their health concerns through holistic natural health and wellness advocacy.

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Food is symbolic of love when words are inadequate.
– Alan D. Wolfelt

Loving Your Kidneys


Our kidneys are prodigious multitaskers. Through the production of urine, they filter toxins, excrete waste and balance bodily fluids. They also produce certain hormones that regulate blood pressure and aid in other vital functions. While the kidneys don’t usually fail all at once, their effectiveness can deteriorate slowly over years, and chronic kidney disease (CKD) is most often the result of uncontrolled diabetes or high blood pressure.

Simple blood and urine tests help physicians evaluate kidney function and diagnose CKD, which is divided into five stages. The first three stages are mild or moderate, and can respond well to lifestyle modifications and alternative interventions, while the more severe, later stages

become increasingly more complex to treat and may require dialysis to mechanically perform the kidneys’ functions. In endstage CKD, many patients are relegated to dialysis treatments several times a month to prevent the accumulation of deadly toxins, while many wait and hope for a life-saving transplant.

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that one in seven adults are diagnosed annually. Most of these 37 million Americans do not feel ill or notice symptoms until they are in advanced stages of the disease, which is why people with diabetes and high blood pressure should be tested regularly and take steps to protect their kidneys. Managing CKD requires a multilevel approach,

including lifestyle and diet changes, use of prescribed medications, avoidance of kidney-harming toxins like alcohol and cigarettes, and close supervision by a doctor that specializes in kidney disease (nephrologist) to ensure that other prescribed medications and over-the-counter or herbal treatments are safe. Integrative and holistic approaches may be of help for those in earlier stages of kidney disease or for those striving to prevent it. “I have been really blessed to be connected with a global team of people who, like myself and everyone I work with, understand that kidney disease is treatable, and the recovery of kidney function is actually possible,” says Fiona Chin, an Australia-based naturopath and co-founder of Chin adds that she and her colleagues have witnessed significant patient improvement from tailored diet and lifestyle regimens during and after diagnosis, especially when root causes are addressed.


Promising research published last year in Frontiers of Pharmacology shows that combining Western treatments and Traditional Chinese Medicine can have a positive impact on even late-stage renal failure. Isaac Eliaz, M.D., an integrative medical doctor and founder of Amitabha Medical Clinic, in Santa Rosa, California, says, “Preventing

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and reducing chronic inflammation is a critical aspect of minimizing CKD risk. An anti-inflammatory diet, moderate exercise program and attention to stress reduction all work to decrease the pro-inflammatory milieu.” He also highlights the importance of protecting and boosting beneficial gut bacteria, which can be addressed with supplements or prebiotic foods like garlic, leeks, onions and jicama.

goodness onto our plates and embracing an alkaline diet are key measures in the prevention of CKD by lowering the risk for cardio vascular disease and diabetes. Mayo Clinic offers renal-supportive recipes with fruits, vegetables and grains like quinoa. It also rec ommends avoiding many packaged and processed foods that have phosphorus added to prolong shelf life and enhance taste, such as convenience foods, sodas and sports drinks, flavor-enhanced meats and processed cheeses.

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Terry Wahls, M.D., is a certified practitioner at the Institute for Functional Medicine, as well as clinical professor of medicine at the University of Iowa, where she conducts clinical trials testing the effect of therapeutic diet and lifestyle to treat multiple sclerosis (MS) symptoms. She is the author of The Wahls

Protocol: A Radical New Way to Treat All Chronic Autoimmune Conditions Using Paleo Principles, as well as an accompanying cookbook, The Wahls Protocol Cooking for Life

When Wahls was diagnosed with MS and later relegated to a tilt-recline wheelchair in the early 2000s, she decided to fight back. Drawing upon her medical background, she identified certain nutrients that were critical for brain health and started taking supplements. The disease’s progression slowed as a result, spurring her to dig deeper. Since then, through rigorous scientific study and numerous clinical trials, Wahls has developed groundbreaking dietary and lifestyle recommendations that alleviate autoimmune disease symptoms. No longer bound to a wheelchair, she bikes to work every day and stands as a living testament to the power of tenacity and strenuous scientific inquiry.

What are the key components of the Wahls Protocol?

The protocol is a lifestyle that supports the steadily improving health of everyone, not just MS patients. It focuses on eating more vegetables and fruits, and ensuring sufficient protein. It reduces or eliminates added sugars, ultra-processed foods, dairy and gluten-containing grains. While the diet may get more complex, a great place for anyone to start is including more non-starchy vegetables, less processed food and more meals cooked at home. The protocol also includes lifestyle interventions, such as time in nature, meditation, mindfulness and physical activity. Even for patients who are wheelchair-bound, going from chair to bed, exercise will improve their quality of life. It is a way of approaching living that creates a more healthy, nurturing environment.

What excites you most about your current MS study?

Seeing what happens with brain volume and quality of life. We hypothesize that lifestyle changes will get the rate of brain volume loss to match that of healthy aging. MS patients have brains that are shrinking three times faster than in healthy aging. This increases the risk for anxiety, depression and early cognitive decline. Our study will be the largest and longest dietary intervention study done in the setting of relapsing-remitting MS. We are recruiting people ages 18 to 70 diagnosed with MS. During the participants’ three visits, they will complete surveys, conduct functional tests, provide blood and saliva samples, and get an MRI. The participants will be divided into three groups. One will follow a modified paleo diet; the second an olive oil ketogenic, time-restricted diet; and the third will be the control group. We are optimistic that the first two groups will get to healthy aging, and the control arm will likely improve, as well.

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D. Sabin/

What is metabolic flexibility, and how do you improve it?

Fasting improves metabolic flexibility—the ability to switch between protein, fat and glucose for fuel. Fasting for two days increases stem cells. While periodic fasting is beneficial for metabolism and regenerative processes, it is hard to sustain because of our strong biologic drive to eat and dislike for being hungry. An easier dietary pattern to sustain long term is time-restricted eating in a window of six to eight hours. Our current clinical trial incorporates this eating pattern.

Is there anything you know now that you wish you knew when you were getting started?

How important managing stress is. When I was diagnosed with MS, I could tell that stress made my symptoms worse. I feel I would have done much better had I maintained my meditation. I am fond of hormetic stress, that “sweet spot” where stress could be beneficial. Without stress, our bones and muscles disappear. Without the stress of having to learn, our brain disappears. We just need an equal measure of relaxation and recovery.

What is your takeaway on lifestyle modifications and multiple sclerosis?

You can reverse symptoms of MS and restore function. You can have a great and meaningful life at your level of function. It is important to find joy, gratitude and purpose in life as it’s unfolding now, and doing so will help with the energy and commitment needed to do the work that can change the direction of your healing journey.

To learn more about Wahls’ studies, visit To participate, visit or contact the study team at MSDietStudy@healthcare.

Noelle Citarella is a registered dietitian specializing in neurological nutrition and autoimmune disease in the Buffalo, N.Y., area.

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INSPIRATION The Cellular Magic of Compassion



High-intensity interval training (HIIT) workouts may sound like a trendy buzzword reserved only for experienced athletes, but this versatile, short-form exercise is safe and effective for just about everybody, including beginners, as long as it is done properly. According to Bogdan Goia, fitness expert and founder of Far Hills Fitness, in New Jersey, “HIIT training can benefit almost any age demographic, from teenagers to clients in their 70s and 80s.”

“In a recent study, even menopausal women diagnosed with osteoporosis successfully completed 13 months of high-impact HIIT with a very high adherence rate, with no injuries and high satisfaction ratings,” shares Debra Atkinson, a medical exercise specialist, certified strength and conditioning coach, and founder of Flipping 50 (


A HIIT workout consists of a series of short bursts of intense activity interspersed with periods of rest or low-intensity movement called “active recovery”. A session is deemed to be high intensity when it is at or near peak effort, which translates to an eight or nine out of 10 on the exercise intensity scale, or 80 to 95 percent of an individual’s maximum heart rate. Such exertion is characterized by heavy sweating and an inability to say more than a few words without gasping for breath.

While HIIT workouts provide many of the same benefits as traditional, “steady state” exercise training, where the required amount of effort remains relatively consistent, HIIT sessions are typically shorter in duration, ranging anywhere from 10 to 30 minutes. HIIT is

the perfect solution for busy people that are short on time or those hesitant to commit to longer exercise routines.

The exercise format is easily adaptable to most types of physical activities, such as running, weightlifting, swimming or biking, as long as a high level of intensity can be maintained. Adding to the convenience factor, HIIT does not require a gym membership or access to specialized equipment.

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HIIT workouts have been the subject of numerous studies and have been shown to help with fat loss, improved metabolism and muscle gain. One study found that participants burned 25 to 30 percent more calories during a HIIT workout than in other forms of exercise. Because HIIT boosts metabolism, calorie burn has also been shown to last beyond the workout.

Researchers have discovered other health benefits, from reducing blood sugar levels, resting heart rate and blood pressure, to balancing hormones, slowing the rate of cellular aging and even increasing longevity.

The practice also reduces the wear and tear that chronic cardio can inflict on the body. While federal guidelines currently recommend 150 to 300 minutes per week of moderate exercise, only 75 minutes per week are recommended when the exercise is vigorous.


For those looking to improve aerobic fitness, intervals typically involve a one-to-one or one-to-two work-to-rest ratio. For example, in a one-to-one cardio workout, the person would exercise strenuously for 30 seconds and rest for 30 seconds.

If the goal is to gain strength, longer rest intervals are needed, with at least a one-to-five work-to-rest ratio. A person might exercise for 30 seconds, followed by 150 seconds of rest,

for example, allowing their targeted muscles to recover and heart rate to drop before the next exertion.

HIIT should not be performed daily or when energy levels are low, to avoid injury and give the body enough time between workouts to rest and repair. Atkinson cautions, “Injury rates increase considerably doing more than 50 minutes per week of HIIT, due to the additional stress and need for recovery between. The good news is, there’s no need to do more. Short sessions actually get the best results.”

According to Goia, “I believe the key is to have a fitness professional select the exercise, monitor form and function, adjust work-to-rest ratios and monitor heart rate variability. HIIT workouts give my clients a 60-minute workout in 30 minutes and, if done correctly, will greatly increase the vitality, longevity and strength of any client.”


For a flexible, efficient path to fitness, HIIT checks all the boxes. By starting small and slowly working up to a high level of intensity, a whole host of fitness gains and health benefits are possible without sacrificing time.


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Kirby Baldwin is an editor and writer for KnoWEwell, the Regenerative Whole Health Hub and parent company of Natural Awakenings Publishing Corp.

Dr. Meggie Graham

Doctor of Dental Surgery Meggie Graham grew up in a family of dentists in a health-centered, progressive community in Madison, Wisconsin. She studied dentistry at Marquette University School of Dentistry. She sought advanced training under the mentorship of Dr. Soroush Zaghi, founder of The Breathe Institute, where she polished her skills and techniques for optimizing breathing and oral health.


Untethered offers many different treatment options for dentistry, as well as for airway and tongue-tie issues. These include tongue tie surgery (frenectomy), myofunctional therapy, sleep studies, TMJ and facial pain treatments, diagnostic imaging, and infant feeding assessments and therapy.


“Oral health is crucial to overall health,” Graham emphasizes. “The mouth is the beginning of our gut and is vital to communication, breathing and nutrition.”

“Breathing, sleep disorders and subsequent problems are intertwined and multifactorial. We need to look at these things comprehensively. That’s why we look at function and structure and treat each patient individually. We have a sleep physician as well as an ear, nose and throat myofunctional therapist on our team to do skeletal expansion, tongue-tie releases and more in order to optimize function,” states Dr. Graham.

Graham’s patients range in age from newborns to people in their 80s. She stresses that prevention and early detection is key for tongue and airway issues, though it is never too late to intervene.

See ad on page 33.

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Untethered Airway Health and Tongue Tie Center 2524 E. Webster Pl., Ste. 201A, Milwaukee 414-935-8460 ·
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Sleep is essential for both survival and the ability to thrive, yet as children’s schedules get busier and they spend more time in front of screens, their average sleep time often decreases. While the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that kids between the ages of 6 and 12 get nine to 12 hours of sleep per night for optimal health, they’re regularly getting less, and about 15 to 25 percent of youngsters and adolescents have trouble falling and staying asleep.

In a recent study published in The Lancet, researchers at the University of Maryland School of Medicine found that children that get less than nine hours of sleep per night have notable differences in areas of the brain that influence memory, intelligence and well-being compared to those that sleep more than nine hours. According to researchers, such insufficiencies in early adolescence can lead to long-lasting neurocognitive consequences.


Anna Esparham, M.D., FAAP, an integrative medical expert with the American Academy of Pediatrics, recommends that parents look for clues as to why their children can’t sleep, including stress, increased screen time and less physical activity. However, there may be other underlying issues.

A lesser-known culprit that may contribute to a child’s compromised sleep is impaired mouth syndrome (IMS), a term coined by dentist Felix Liao, a certified airway-centered

mouth doctor and past-president of the International Academy of Biological Dentistry and Medicine. “ Most people, including many dentists, don’t realize the influence that the mouth has on the body,” he says. “The mouth is the portal to the inside. With impaired mouth syndrome, the child can still chew, smile and talk, but the body’s health can be compromised.”

While birth trauma, concussion and viruses can precipitate mouth breathing, and chronic allergies often exacerbate matters, immature swallowing can set off a cascade of problems. The mouth is a critical infrastructure for proper breathing, circulation, digestion, energy and sleep. IMS occurs when jaw development is insufficient, thereby giving rise to numerous difficulties, such as a narrower airway, which can cause hypoxia, or low levels of oxygen. Liao notes

34 Greater Milwaukee Support the Small Businesses that Advertise in Natural MKE fizkes/

that poor sleep quality can also lead to learning and behavioral problems.

“Breastfeeding stimulates bone growth and jaw development through the tongue’s instinctive action and ideally enables a child to have a mature swallow by age 2,” says Amy Dayries-Ling, DMD, FAIHM, a national spokesperson for the American Dental Association. In her book Solve Your Sleep: Get to the Core of Your Snore for Better Health, Dayries-Ling connects the dots between the vital role of the tongue during breastfeeding, balanced stimulation from the vagus nerve and beneficial spaces between milk teeth for a well-developed dental arch.


From a holistic perspective, improperly working muscles of the tongue, throat and face or a compromised jawbone can foster a predisposition to a number of seemingly unrelated conditions, including dental problems, teeth grinding, asthma, bedwetting, attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder,

poor growth, swollen tonsils and pediatric obstructive sleep apnea. Dayries-Ling recommends that parents seek out a myofunctional therapist that can help retrain muscles and free up the airway. Building an integrative team is vital, including a dentist trained to address structural issues.

As a certified, airway-centered mouth doctor, New Jersey-based holistic dentist Nemie Sirilan understands the link between sleep deprivation and airway obstructions. She uses 3D scans and thorough examinations to identify craniofacial abnormalities and customize treatments that correct structural anomalies.

“When I examine young patients, I want to see how baby teeth are forming, whether they have a tongue-tie and how their upper and lower jaws are positioned, to see if they have some kind of bad bite. These are all telltale signs of airway obstruction,” Sirilan explains, adding that another common indicator of breathing difficulties is the wearing down of tooth enamel that results from persistent teeth grinding.

Sirilan recommends that parents

consult an airway-centered mouth doctor as soon as possible before other complications arise, noting that these problems are often easily corrected with customized corrective appliances, as well as collaborative consultations with other practitioners, including functional doctors, nutritionists, chiropractors and physical therapists to treat the whole person.

Life seems to be a much brighter place after a good night’s sleep, and kids are our future. Digging deeper for their optimum, long-term well-being is a vital investment.

Local Resource: Untethered Tongue Tie Center. See pages 32-33.

Marlaina Donato is an author, painter and host of multimedia art exhibits intended for healing the community. Connect at

Kirby Baldwin is an editor and writer for KnoWEwell, the Regenerative Whole Health Hub and parent company of Natural Awakenings Publishing Corp.

Empower Natural Health By Mouth

“The Mouth Is To Humans What Roots Are To Plants”

Your Pain, Fatigue & Chronic Illness May Be Rooted in:

1.Crowded Teeth & Deficient Jaws

2.Pinched Airway

3.Clicking/Popping Jaw Joints

4.Teeth Grinding

5.Tongue-Tie & Abnormal Swallowing

6.Weak Chin, Double Chin

7.Sunken Mid-Face, Flat Cheekbones

8.Teeth Pulled & Spaces Closed For Braces.

Impaired Mouth Symptoms Short List:

1. Aches & Pains in Head, Jaws, Neck Shoulders & Back

2. Fatique, Brain Fog, Lack of Motivation

3. Post-Nasal Drip & Frequent Colds & Flu

4. Teeth Grinding & Jaw Joint Troubles

5. Snoring, Sleep

“Get your airway back, get your sleep back, get your life back” – Angela, patient “Impaired Mouth Diagnosis should have been the first course in dental school.”

Dr. J. Yelle, Monument, CO

An AMD’s Mission: To help you turn back illness and turn on wellness naturally through our evidence-based impaired Mouth diagnosis and Holistic Mouth solutions

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| March 2023
know you found them in
Join free Webinar to learn more. s
Dr. Felix Liao, DDS
Tank” From Adrenal Fatique,
Apnea, CPAP
6. Anxiety, Depression,
7. “Empty
PMS/ED 8. Food Cravings; Caffeine, Sugar, Chocolate, Energy Drinks

Natural Remedies for Pets


Natural remedies and healing therapies are not just for humans, they also help pets overcome illness and maintain optimal health. Used properly, plants, herbs, essential oils and other natural, non-toxic substances can complement and often replace drugs and other chemical agents. Here are seven healthful solutions.

CoConut oil is a source of medium-chain triglycerides, which benefit cognitive function. It is also rich in lauric acid, a powerful anti microbial agent for yeast infections, allergies and skin condi tions (when used topically). Feed dogs and cats one-quarter teaspoon of 100 percent organic, cold-pressed, human-grade coconut oil for every 10 pounds of the pet’s body weight twice daily.

Manuka honey is an all-natural, effective remedy. Clinical trials have shown that it can eradicate hundreds of strains of bacteria, including certain antibiotic-resistant varieties. A Unique Manuka Factor rating of 10 or higher is recommended for medicinal use. Manuka honey can be used to manage resistant ear and skin infections, as well as large, superficial wounds that cannot be closed surgically. Given orally, manuka honey is effective at addressing H. pylori, the bacteria that contributes to gastrointestinal irritation, small intestinal bacterial overgrowth and excessive E. coli blooms in animals with dysbiosis.

aloe vera has multiple applications. To reduce a dog’s discomfort from skin irritations, cuts or wounds, clean the affected area and apply the raw, inner gel of the plant to provide a soothing effect. For constipation, a small amount of whole leaf aloe vera juice, a natural laxative, can be added to a dog’s food. Inner leaf aloe juice, which doesn’t contain the skin, helps heal gastric ulcers, colitis and leaky gut.

36 Greater Milwaukee Support the Small Businesses that Advertise in Natural MKE Guzel Studio/
mates/ chandlervid85/ srekap/ NATURAL PET

Lavender oiL is used in aromatherapy to help calm nervous or anxious animals. For a dog with noise phobia, place a few drops on their collar or bedding before a stressor occurs, if possible, or diffuse the oil around the house for a calming effect. Lavender oil can also be beneficial for treating hot spots. Add a few drops to manuka honey or coconut oil and apply after disinfecting the wound twice daily.

oregano oil contains potent antibacterial and anti-parasitic properties. It can be used to calm itchy skin, soothe irritated gums and assist in balancing a dog’s gut flora. It is also a beneficial herb for dogs with kennel cough or recurrent infections.

Oregano oil should always be diluted before using it in or on pets.

ginger is a widely used, non-toxic, non-irritating remedy for soothing tummy troubles. It can be given orally or used in oil form by adding a few drops to a carrier oil, such as coconut or olive oil, and massaging the mixture into the skin on the pet’s belly. Alternatively, add small amounts of freshly grated ginger or the dry herb to a tasty meatball or other yummy treat. Use no more than one-sixteenth teaspoon for kitties, one-eighth teaspoon for small dogs under 10 pounds, one-quarter teaspoon for medium-sized dogs, one-half teaspoon for large dogs and three-quarter to one teaspoon for giant breeds. Give the ginger one to three times a day, as needed.

ChaMoMile is an effective calming agent that has analgesic and anti-spasmodic properties and is beneficial in soothing the central nervous system. Use a cool chamomile tea bag against a wound, irritation or bug bite on the dog’s or cat’s skin to provide

a soothing effect. Something else to consider is a soothing chamomile after-bath rinse. Add five chamomile tea bags to two quarts of very hot water and steep until the water is cool for up to three hours to allow the maximum amount of polyphenols to release into the water. Remove the tea bags and pour the rinse over a freshly bathed pet from the neck down. Massage into the skin and do not rinse.

Veterinarian Dr. Karen Shaw Becker has spent her career empowering animal guardians to make knowledgeable decisions to extend the life and well-being of their pets. To learn more, visit

Accelerate Healing with Energy.

Using light energy through distance healing, your healing process can move forward more smoothly.

“My knee was warm for about 3 full hours after I left. It seemed to heal further after I slept the first couple of nights. While my knee was not healed 100%, it was significantly better and I was able to go on my Montana ski trip the next week.

P.S. Another month after my ski trip my knee has continued to improve.”

Practicing by donation for nearly 10 years. Questions? Call Bill at 770-990-9191 or visit

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in | March 2023 solstizia/ Gummy Bear/ areeya_ann/ solstizia/
know you found them


Email for guidelines and to submit entries. We advise confirming in advance directly with the business or organization.


VIBE Aerial Yoga: 6-Week Intro Series – Thursdays, Mar 2-Apr 6. 6:45-7:45pm. Realign and flip your perspective. In this 6-wk beginner program, you will have the opportunity to explore the practice of Trapeze Aerial yoga. $100/series, $30/dropin. VIBE Yoga Health Fitness, 180 Kossow Rd, Waukesha. 262-788-9147. Register:


Heal Your Heartbreaks – 12pm. The biggest source of pain comes from heartbreaks. Healing your heartbreaks will increase your overall wellness and create a space for more love and creativity in your life. This course is called the Holy Womb Chakra process. Sign up today and begin to clear your heartbreaks. Free. Virtual.


Meditate Milwaukee – 2:30-3:30pm. A meditation and live music experience for everyone. Free. Sojourner Family Peace Center, 619 W Walnut St, Milwaukee. Register: 414-412-2473 or


Rooted Holistic Healing & Wellness Fair – 10am-5pm. Includes a variety of vendors as well as a Group Gallery mediumship event with Psychic Medium Debbie Strait and 4 free lectures. $5 Entry; $25 Optional Gallery. Brookfield Conference Center, 325 S Moorland Rd, Brookfield.


Thermography Information Session –10am-12pm. With Jenny Steger of the Longevity Center of Wisconsin. Thermography is a noninvasive diagnostic technique in which a camera or infrared detector senses and records hot and cold areas of the body. The Guild of Modern Wellness, 21415 W Greenfield Ave, New Berlin. 262-391-3876.


Reiki Level I Training – 9am-4:30pm. Also held May 28. With Amy Wilinski. Level I Reiki teaches you how to do reiki on yourself and others. It is very easy to learn, and you will be able to immediately incorporate this into your life. $215, lunch included. Golden Light Healing Retreat Center, 7102 Sundew Rd, Sobieski.



Meditate Milwaukee – 2:30-3:30pm. A meditation and live music experience for everyone. Free. Sojourner Family Peace Center, 619 W Walnut St, Milwaukee. Register: 414-412-2473 or


Naturopathic Clinical Assessment Skills Training – 9am-3pm. With Gigi Stafne. Acquire and practice gentle, non-intrusive assessments to help yourself, friends, family and clients. Learn tools and techniques that are ancient yet hold an important place in contemporary clinical CAM practices. Lodging options available. Golden Light Healing Retreat Center, 7102 Sundew Rd, Sobieski.

Dare to Be Aware Fair: “Dare Fair” –9am-5pm. Includes over 110 specialists in health and wellness: from life coaching, personal growth, astrology and tarot readings, massage therapists and chiropractors to crystal, jewelry, aroma and fun clothing vendors. Learn more about lifestyle decisions that enhance your health by attending any of our 17 free presentations. $15/advance, $20/at door; free parking. Brookfield Conference Center, 325 S Moorland Rd, Brookfield. 414-374-5433.


Whispers On the Wind Shamanic Program – Group 28: Apr 19-23, Jul 12-16, Oct 4-8, Jan 3-7, 2024; Group 29: Aug 2-6, Nov 8-12, Feb 7-11, May 1-5, 2024. With Amy Wilinski. Join us for an intensive training program in shamanism, energy medicine and self-transformation. Learn core energy healing techniques including power animal and soul retrieval, clearing of past-life and ancestral imprints, connecting with the forces of nature, ceremony and more. Lodging options available. Golden Light Healing Retreat Center, 7102 Sundew Rd, Sobieski.


Wellness, Body, Mind & Spirit Expo –10am-5pm. The latest in health awareness, fitness, nutrition, natural healing, organic products, psychology, psychic readings, healthy home advice, and much more. Connect with gifted astrologers, clairvoyants, tarot readers, psychics, mediums and more. $7, free/Veterans & kids under 12. Holiday Inn Milwaukee River Front, 4700 N Port Washington Rd, Milwaukee. For appts: 414-349-4932.


Mediumship Training – June 24-25. 9am4pm. With Amy Wilinski. During this highly experiential class learn to make those connections with the spirit world and how to give an evidential mediumship reading. Lodging options available. $425, lunch included. Golden Light Healing Retreat Center, 7102 Sundew Rd, Sobieski.

38 Greater Milwaukee Support the Small Businesses that Advertise in Natural MKE SAVE THE DATE SAVE THE DATE SAVE THE DATE
HEALING WAYS in the Healing Ways section at Thriving With Multiple Sclerosis H OW TO REDUCE INFLAMMATION AND PROMOTE NEUROREGENERATION



Receive Ongoing Healings – Thru July 31. 12pm. 4th Sun-Sat. Receive Divine Blessings each month. Be in tune with the energy cycles of 2023 so that you can prepare, upgrade and be a source of blessing for yourself, family and community. Free. Virtual.


A.C.I.M. Study Group – A Course in Miracles study group, following Fellowship. Love offering accepted. Fireside Room, Unity Center in Milwaukee, 1717 N 73rd St, Wauwatosa. Joann Baumann: 414-745-7377.

Sunday Celebrations at Unity Center in Milwaukee – 10am. Onsite (observing COVID-19 recommendations for face masks, social distancing and taking temperatures). Unity Center in Milwaukee, 1717 N 73rd St, Wauwatosa. 414-475-0105. Streaming live:

Satsung Sundays – Thru Apr 30. 3pm. A gathering for the purpose of exploring sacred teachings and meditations. Free. In-person or online. More info:


Hatha Yoga – 8-9am. We make getting on your yoga mat as easy as possible with multiple ways to practice. Specials for news students and referrals. In-studio or virtually via Livestream. Everyday Bliss, 1930 W Bluemound Rd, Waukesha. 262-781-8102.

Massage Therapy School – 10am, Mon, Wed, Thurs thru July. If helping people is your passion, why not turn it into a profession? Become a massage therapist. Receive the best-in-class education to successfully prepare you for the rapidly expanding field of Massage. Everyday Bliss, 1930 W Bluemound Rd, Waukesha. 262-781-8102.

Vinyasa Flow – 12-1pm. Focus on the dynamic sequence of flowing yoga postures built around the Sun Salutations with continued attention to technique and alignment. All levels. Invivo Wellness, 2060 N Humboldt Ave, Ste 300, Milwaukee. 414-265-5606.

Life Journey Group – 6:15-8pm. 2nd & 4th Mon. Come with an open mind and kind heart to support others and self in spiritual growth through daily living. Love offering. Unity Center in Milwaukee, 1717 N 73rd St, Wauwatosa. 414-475-0105.


VIBE Fitness: HIIT Class – 6-6:45pm. Class will focus on keeping your heart rate up while still focusing on resistance training. VIBE Yoga Health Fitness, 180 Kossow Rd, Waukesha. 262-788-9147. Register: or using the MINDBODY app.


VIBE Virtual 30-Min Yoga Flow – 12pm. Class is created with the intention to connect with breath, move the body and clear the mind. Great for doing when time is limited, but when a break is needed to flow and breathe. Zoom. Register: or using the MINDBODY app.


VIBE Sunrise Yoga Flow-45 – 6-6:45am. Virtual & In-Person Options. Connect with breath, move the body and clear the mind. All levels welcome. For the virtual class option, the Zoom link will be emailed to you prior to the start of class. VIBE Yoga Health Fitness, 180 Kossow Rd, Waukesha. 262-788-9147. Register: or using the MINDBODY app.


VIBE Fitness-SHRED – 6-6:45am. Class is all about building lean muscle through resistance training. Weight training-based movements that will help boost that metabolism to get you feeling stronger and leaner than ever. VIBE Yoga Health Fitness, 180 Kossow Rd, Waukesha. 262-7889147. Register: or use the MINDBODY app.


Yoga Basics: Free Community Class –11:30am-12:30pm. Come to learn, play, and move in a supportive, welcoming environment. We focus on developing clear and safe alignment in foundational yoga pose. Invivo Wellness, 2060 N Humboldt Ave, Ste 300, Milwaukee. 414-265-5606.

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We’ve got your Back. 2060 N. Humboldt Ave., Third Floor, Milwaukee, WI 53212 414-265-5606 • • @invivowellness Better results Physical Therapy. Specializing in Muscle and Joint Care Solutions. Massage Therapy | Yoga & Fitness Classes | Personal Training | Gym | Memberships Downtown Milwaukee


$20 for up to 20 words, then $1 extra per word. Email content to Deadline is the 10th.

Leasing Space

LEASING SPACE AVAILABLE – At Trinergy Health to experienced massage therapist or profitable massage spa business owner. Call 262-955-6600. See ad on page 2.

LEASING SPACE – Quality office space starting at $250/month. Convenient Mequon or Pewaukee location, flexible terms, awesome landlords. To learn more: Visit 262-834-6214 or

Now Hiring

BROOKFIELD CHIROPRACTIC – Looking to hire an experienced, full-time chiropractor. Excellent career-building opportunity, option to be part owner. Call to speak with Dr. Matt Christiansen: 262-754-5500. See ad on page 25.

ECO HARMONY LANDSCAPE & DESIGN is excited to start its 11th year. We are a sustainably minded company offering competitive pay, creative proj-

ects and a dynamic work environment. We provide a relaxed, family-oriented atmosphere and focus on work/life balance. Call 414-810-5858. See ad on page 18.


Now hiring motivated and passionate individuals looking to pursue a career in natural health care. Call 414-453-8289. See ad on page 21.


Join our team of holistic health practitioners and help improve the health and well-being of those we serve. Send resume to Clinic@ See ad on page 25.

TRINERGY HEALTH – Hiring massage therapist/Ayurvedic body work therapist to serve our loyal and growing client base. Call 262-955-6600 or email resume and references to See ad on page 2.

VIBE YOGA, HEALTH & FITNESS – Is looking to hire a part-time certified group fitness and yoga instructor. If you or anyone you know is looking to grow their per-

sonal career and enhance the lives of others through their passion of yoga, health and fitness, please apply. Starting pay: $25/hr. To apply, submit your resume to See ad on page 31.

VIVA WELLNESS is hiring full-time front desk and colon hydrotherapist. We’re a growing business with many perks! Organized and self-sufficient team players send resume to See ad on page 4.


COLLAGEN – Glow from the inside out with liquid hydrolized collagen. Helps reduce inflammation, improve gut and skin health. Use Code 10off252629 for 10% off for first-time customers.

ORGANIC HERBAL INFUSION TEAS – Get targeted herbal teas for the liver, kidney, lymph/blood, pancreas, prostate, appendix & more. 954-459-1134.

SEA MOSS – Organic, natural, contains 92 of the 102 essential minerals; anti-inflammatory, nourishes the skin, boosts immune system, aids in healthy weight management. 414-644-6795.

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GROW YOUR BUSINESS Secure this ad spot! Contact us for special ad rates. 262-623-7948





Dr. Mizuno, DAOM, L.Ac, has a passion for helping clients regain their beautiful and happy smiles while transforming to a healthier version of themselves. She doesn’t treat symptoms or diseases. She treats patients. See ad on page 15.

Airway Health & Tongue Tie


414-935-8460 •

Sleep, breathing, and a healthy mouth are intertwined. Dr. Meggie Graham and team offer sleep studies, ENT services, orofacial myo-functional therapy, tongue tie release and preventive preorthodontic treatment to promote optimal oral health for all ages. See ad on page 33.

Akashic Records


Jennifer Shaw

11516 N Spring Ave, Mequon 920-475-7109

Soul Meets Body offers intuitive Akashic record Sessions, mediumship readings, Holy Fire® Reiki, transformational spiritual guidance and energy healing.



2445 N Farwell Ave, Milwaukee 414-915-7100

We make available the best possible supportive Pilates experience for all humans. To create a unique health and fitness boutique to strengthen and empower individuals. We have the best team of instructors. And it’s pretty!



414-531-8129 |

Farm fresh. Sun-grown in Wisconsin. Third-party lab tested, all-natural, organic, CBD plant goodness. That is what we cultivate at DNA Hemp! Live your best life, from our family to yours. Explore our offerings online. See ad on page 27.



Dr. Ann M Bell

W227N16855 Tillie Lake Ct, Jackson, WI 262-644-7050

Dr. Ann’s specialty is helping clients redirect their life compass, guiding them to newfound purpose. Reach new possibilities with The Brain Activation Method program and ZeronaZ6 Laser for Fat Loss.


Dr. Matt Christiansen

15010 W Greenfield Ave, Ste 100, Brookfield 262-754-5500

Committed to providing cutting-edge chiropractic and wellness services. Treatment for headaches, neck and back pain, disc herniation and sports rehabilitation. As well as spinal decompression, intersegmental traction, electric muscle stimulation, custom foot orthotics and more. See ad on page 25.



Elizabeth Lynch


Using evidence-based techniques, the certified coaches at Dew Health Coaching provide talkbased and whole-person support for individuals looking to optimize their well-being. See ad on page 8.


Caregiver/Grief Coaching

8018 W Capitol Dr, Milwaukee 414-644-6795

Do you care for a loved one while juggling career or family, feel anxious, uncertain or overwhelmed? We offer mental wellness services such as therapy, coaching, yoga and reiki from a creative and integrative approach to help you move from surviving to thriving. Call to learn more today.

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you to the leaders in natural health care and green living in our community. To find out how you can be included in the Community Resource Guide, email to request our media kit.
This magical, marvelous food on our plate, this sustenance we absorb, has a story to tell. It has a journey. It leaves a footprint. It leaves a legacy. To eat with reckless abandon, without conscience, without knowledge; folks, this ain’t normal.
– Joel Salatin

Colon Hydrotherapy


Chandra Houser, LMT, CCH

11203 N Buntrock Rd, Mequon, WI 53092


At Natural Escape, we believe colon cleansing is the key to optimal health. We offer a one-of-a-kind approach to whole-body cleansing for long term wellness. Priority services include open-system colonic hydrotherapy with ozone and red light plus infrared therapy. Our focus is opening the body’s pathways to naturally detoxify the liver, bloodstream and kidneys while providing a release for mind, body and soul.


12625 W Burleigh Rd, Brookfield

262-777-8482 (VIVA)

Boutique Medical Weight Loss blended with holistic wellness treatments to help you become the best. See ad on page 4.

Compost Service



For organic compost & soil blends in bulk, by bag or delivered straight to your yard, grow in Blue Ribbon Organics this spring. See ad on page 19.

Compounding Pharmacy


136 N Main St, Thiensville


Your neighborhood compound pharmacy puts you first, every time. We provide specialty custom-made medications, unique compounded medications, high-quality vitamins & supplements and consultations. Call today to speak with our pharmacist and wellness team for all your health needs or ask your doctor about Welltopia Compound Pharmacy. See ad on page 7.



1749 Barton Ave, West Bend 920-946-3504

We have a wide variety of unusual, hand-picked rocks and crystals, handmade jewelry, crafts and artwork. Come in today to support local business and find something special for yourself or a friend.


13000 Watertown Plank Rd, Elm Grove 262-787-3001 |

Experience over 20,000 amazing crystals, rocks, gemstones, natural stone jewelry and metaphysical supplies—at affordable prices. Angel Light also offers great workshops, intuitive readings and personal healing sessions.


4763 N 124 St, Butler 262-790-0748

Besides selling beautiful stones and crystals, we offer a variety of healing sessions, crystal healing classes, reiki, astrology, tarot readings and spiritual counseling. See ad on page 13.


13425 Watertown Plank Rd, Elm Grove 262-307-8892

We provide a diverse assortment of crystals, minerals and stones. Locally made jewelry, spiritual items, sage, candles, cleansing sprays, CBD and essential oils are available along with intuitive readings, crystal healing and massage therapy.



2566 Sun Valley Dr, Delafield 262-337-9745

Come experience modern, comprehensive, biological dentistry for the health-conscious community. Dr. Udoka Holinbeck’s holistic approach will give you confidence in your smile and your health. See ad on page 5.


23770 Capitol Dr, Pewaukee 262-691-4555 •

“…Because a healthy Body, starts with a healthy Mouth.” Our office specializes in treating the cause of the problem and not just the symptoms; we offer the latest advances in dentistry. See ad on back cover.


125 W Wisconsin Ave, Ste 102, Pewaukee 262-737-4004

Dr. Schwartz is board certified in Biomimetic Dentistry, Integrative Biologic Dental Medicine and is a Board Certified Naturopathic Physician. We offer the best and healthiest dentistry for our patients.



School of Pharmacy

12800 N. Lake Shore Dr., Mequon, WI

Earn your Master’s in Natural Product Sciences with our 30-credit online program. This graduate degree can lead to jobs in healthcare, pharmacy research and development, manufacturing and business. See ad page 8.


Racine, WI and Skokie, IL 800-593-2320 •

Start your path to a more rewarding career as an acupuncturist! Earn a Bachelor of Science in Nutrition (TCM) combined with a Master of Science in Oriental Medicine. License available in 46 states. Call today to learn more. See ad page 2.

42 Greater Milwaukee Support the Small Businesses that Advertise in Natural MKE 42 Greater Milwaukee
It is spring again. The earth is like a child that knows poems by heart.
– Rainer Maria Rilke

Energy Healing


Dawn Coleman

Mind, Body and Soul Practitioner


I am a Life Transformation Coach. I am here to offer all who are open to co-creating a plan to put goals and dreams into action and make them a reality. Your goals and wellbeing are accessible to you! I offer the tools and the template to create a sustained and joyful life filled with purpose. Health and balance in life is obtainable. Join me as we create a guided path.



Support your healing from trauma, overcoming of anxiety, recovery from injury, or movement through grief with energy healing. Achieve balance of mindbody-spirit through shifting perception, loving who you are, and healing the energy that blocks joy, connection and physical ease.


Shanti Lleone

1821 N 2nd St, Milwaukee


All experiences of your physical existence begin in the subtle body. That’s where we begin. Shamanic, Sound, Angelic/Channeled, Sai Shakti, Oracle and Reiki sessions available for one on one or groups. Zoom or in-person.



Dawn Coleman

Mind, Body and Soul Practitioner

414-339-6688 •

I am a Life Transformation Coach. I am here to offer all who are open to co-creating a plan to put goals and dreams into action and make them a reality. Your goals and wellbeing are accessible to you! I offer the tools and the template to create a sustained and joyful life filled with purpose. Health and balance in life is obtainable. Join me as we create a guided path.


LaDonna Gladney


Donna’s passion is to help people live healthy lives through nutrition and fitness. Offering fitness training, nutrition counseling and meal planning, exercise programs and more. Virtual training available.


180 Kossow Rd, Waukesha 262-788-9147 •

VIBE Yoga, Health & Fitness is a lifestyle studio that specializes in functional movement, health and wellness. We believe in an all-encompassing lifestyle approach that focuses on mental and emotional well-being as well as physical. See ad on page 31.

Holistic Health


150 S Sunnyslope Rd, Ste 148, Brookfield 262-395-4023

Our passion is helping patients maximize their health, allowing you to live life to the absolute fullest. We approach each patient as an individual by assessing the body with state-of-the art, bio-energetic technology to identify underlying root cause issues. See ad on page 29.


16655 Wisconsin Ave, Ste 106, Brookfield 414-453-8289

In addition to targeted nutrition programs and quality supplements, our passionate team of experts offers an array of holistic and natural health services to help you feel your best every day. Boost mood. Increase energy. Decrease pain. Feel better. See ad on page 21.

Integrative Psychiatry


12800 W National Ave, New Berlin


Trinergy is a one-stop shop for mind-body wellness. Using functional medicine, ayurveda, therapies like Panchakarma detox, HBOT, BEMER; we help clients find wellness and vitality! See ad on page 2.

Lawncare/Landscape Service


Ecologically minded, full-service landscape company servicing SE Wisconsin. Specializing in sustainable ideas and low-maintenance solutions. Professional Craftsmanship Inspired by Nature. See ad on page 18.



The Green Team of Wisconsin provides thoughtful landscape design and installation, full property maintenance, and all-natural turf care and weed control. See ad on page 19.

Light Therapy


Trish Beckman, RN

21415 W Greenfield Ave, New Berlin 262-391-3876

Now offering Laser and Infrared Light Therapy. Call today and ask about a free demo! The Guild of Modern Wellness is a unique space of respite for the mind, body and soul. The inviting, beautiful place encourages all to unplug and turn inward to seek the answers needed for healing. See ad page 18.

43 Be sure to let our advertisers know you found them in | March 2023 43 Be sure to let our advertisers know you found them in | March 2023

Massage School


1930 W Bluemound Rd, Waukesha 262-781-8102

Medicine - Naturopathic


3510 N Oakland Ave, Shorewood 414-939-8748


316 E Silver Spring Dr, Ste 227, Whitefish Bay 414-301-3234


If helping people is your passion, why not turn it into a profession? You’ll receive the best-in-class education to successfully prepare you for the rapidly expanding field of Massage. See ad page 9.

Massage Therapy


Debbie Conklyn

850 Elm Grove Rd, Ste 16, Elm Grove 414-426-9697

Massage modalities offered: cupping, guasha, kineseotaping, prenatal, Yomassage and trigger point therapy. Helping you manage your pain or stress is my top priority.


4028 S Howell Ave, Milwaukee 7216 W North Ave, Wauwatosa 414-231-9326 |

Infinity offers medical massage, reiki and hypnotherapy to help you relax, stimulate the immune system and activate the body’s innate ability to heal. Open 7 days per week at two convenient locations, by appointment only.



Laurie Dunlop, LMT, RMT

850 Elm Grove Rd, Ste 14, Elm Grove 53122 414-469-9960

Live Better Holistics offers traditional Thai massage and Reiki to help you along your path toward healing and better health. We also specialize in animal Reiki for your furry friends.

Naturopathic doctors with a focus on autoimmune diseases, gastrointestinal disorders, hormone imbalance, weight loss and hypothyroidism. See ad on page 15.



John Hughes, Certified Resiliency Mentor Mequon, WI & Zoom

8-wk online meditation course. I am a certified resiliency mentor with The HeartMath Institute. Wonderful dynamics, humor, sharing and empathy arise amongst the participants. I help people unveil the radiance of their heart and spirit, in a manner which serves our collective thriving. I teach several meditation practices, learned over 27 yrs. There is a body scan, shadow work and tips on activism. To sign up, message me. Free; donations of $250 accepted.


Ben Katt East Side/Shorewood

Learn a simple, effortless meditation technique you can practice anywhere. Stress less. Sleep better. Deepen your purpose. A non-religious approach, perfect if you’ve never meditated or think you’re too restless to meditate. Coaching and corporate offerings available. Visit website for details.

Mental Health


Holistic Health Practitioner, AADP N4147 W Water St, Sullivan 920-650-7674

Jack Cincotta, Holistic Health Practitioner (AADP), M.S. Psychology, specializes in helping others overcome anxiety, depression and related issues through holistic and natural approaches.

At ERA Wellness, we know you deserve to see a therapist that gets it and can help you heal. And we can help! We specialize in pregnancy, postpartum, trauma, anxiety and couples. See ad page 20.


Anne P Desellier, LPC, SAC, YTT-200, TCYM 155 E Silver Spring Dr, Ste 211, Whitefish Bay 262-586-9779

An alternative approach to counseling that integrates nature, yoga and reiki with Contemplative Buddhist Principles and Traditional Psychotherapy Practices. WETS offers individual sessions, trauma yoga classes, standalone reiki and complementary services to clients who have a primary therapist. Visit website for details.

Myofascial Release


890 Elm Grove Rd, Ste 1-1, Elm Grove 414-778-1341

Specialized Therapy Services began in 2002 providing comprehensive MFR treatment programs. Currently it is the only private MFR clinic accepting multiple insurance plans including Medicare. See ad on page 29.


4406 S 68th St, #102, Greenfield 414-543-0855

Tony Grimm, LMT since 2007; expert-level JFB Myofascial Release therapist. MFR is the most effective treatment to eliminate or reduce pain using gentle pressure to get lasting results.

44 Greater Milwaukee Support the Small Businesses that Advertise in Natural MKE 44 Greater Milwaukee
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Natural Cleaning


Roxanne Reichert


Roxy’s natural cleaning is committed to getting the job done without the use of harmful chemicals. Call/text/email today to schedule your walk through. See ad on page 17.



16655 Wisconsin Ave, Ste 106, Brookfield


In addition to targeted nutrition programs and quality supplements, our passionate team of experts offers an array of holistic and natural health services to help you feel your best every day. Boost mood. Increase energy. Decrease pain. Feel better. See ad on page 21.

Nutrition Supplements


Superfood and Protein Powders

Locally made, 100 percent organic superfood powders to keep you feeling alive and vibrant no matter what your health history. Use code NATAWA online for 12 percent off for NA readers. See ad on page 27.


Standard Process is a Wisconsin-based, family-owned, whole-food-based nutritional supplement company that partners with healthcare practitioners to address issues related to health conditions. See ad on page 11.

Physical Therapy



2060 N Humboldt Ave, Ste 300, Milwaukee

Discover orthopedic and therapeutic healing solutions to reduce pain and improve daily movement. INVIVO offers physical therapy, massage therapy (relaxation, deep tissue, Thai, prenatal and hot stone), yoga and fitness classes, personal training and a gym. See ad on page 39.


Hales Corners & Wauwatosa


We specialize in helping women from preconception, pregnancy, postpartum, menopause, and everything in between to resolve common pelvic floor issues through a hands-on, personalized, cohesive approach to live healthy and active lives. See ad on page 6.



Jesse Masche

2445 N Farwell Ave, Milwaukee 414-915-7100

Real Estate


Cierra Burmeister


Buyer and seller consultations available. Trust and communication from our first meeting to closing. Clients can expect a relationship beyond the closing table to ensure their home needs are always met. See ad on page 17.



6789 N Green Bay Rd, Ste U4, Glendale 414-852-7870

Stress Less! Reflexology applies direct stimulation to your areas of your feet which reflect the organs of the body to help reduce stress and tension in the body. Call for an appointment.



121 E Silver Spring Dr, Ste 208, Whitefish Bay 414-758-0657

Reiki/energy healing is a powerful treatment that helps the body relax at a very deep level, allowing the body to activate its own ability to heal itself.



Collagen: Glow from the inside out with our liquid hydrolyzed collagen. Benefits of collagen include reduced inflammation, a healthier skin and gut. Use code 10off252629 for 10% off for first-time customers.



414-644-6795 •

Benefits of sea moss: organic, natural, contains 92 of the 102 essential minerals; anti-inflammatory, nourishes the skin, boosts immune system, aids in healthy weight management. Call today.

We make available the best possible supportive Pilates experience for all humans. To create a unique health and fitness boutique to strengthen and empower individuals. We have the best team of instructors. And it’s pretty!


4028 S Howell Ave, Milwaukee 7216 W North Ave, Wauwatosa 414-231-9326 |

Infinity offers medical massage, reiki and hypnotherapy to help you relax, stimulate the immune system and activate the body’s innate ability to heal. Open 7 days per week at two convenient locations, by appointment only.

45 Be sure to let our advertisers know you found them in | March 2023 45 Be sure to let our advertisers know you found them in | March 2023
Cooking is like love. It should be entered into with abandon or not at all.
– Harriet Van Horne

Retreat Center


Amy Wilinski



Offering workshops, sessions, group & personal retreats in shamanism, mediumship, reiki, psychic development and more.

Sauna Studio


15455 W Bluemound Rd, Ste 230, Brookfield


Our infrared sauna studio is equipped with medical-grade light therapy in a private room for you to detox, relax and re-energize. By safely eliminating the sun’s harmful UV rays, we provide a restorative sweat session that will leave you rejuvenated. See ad on page 31.

Skin Care, Spa


222 E Erie St, Ste 150, Milwaukee 414-331-8852

Aesthetically Well is a trending holistic skincare and nutrition spa in the Third Ward. The services range from basic to medical to offer every client a perfect skin treatment. See ad on page 4.

Sound Healing


Jordan Moon

Milwaukee, WI 262-955-5141

Providing both group and individual setting sound healing sessions, sound healing practitioner training, reiki sessions and training, guided journey work sessions, and custom EMF-protection sculptures.


Shanti Lleone

1821 N 2nd St, Milwaukee 917-885-3113

All experiences of your physical existence begin in the subtle body. That’s where we begin. Shamanic, Sound, Angelic/Channeled, Sai Shakti, Oracle and Reiki sessions available for one on one or groups. Zoom or in-person.



1717 N 73rd St, Wauwatosa 414-475-0105

A God-centered community, welcoming all to come and share the gifts of divine love, life, peace, joy and abundance. Join us Sundays, 10 am. See ad on page 9.

Our Mission:

Wellness Center


Dr. Ann M Bell

W227N16855 Tillie Lake Ct, Jackson, WI 262-644-7050

Dr. Ann’s specialty is helping clients redirect their life compass, guiding them to newfound purpose. Reach new possibilities with The Brain Activation Method program and ZeronaZ6 Laser for Fat Loss.


Trish Beckman, RN

21415 W Greenfield Ave, New Berlin 262-391-3876

Now offering Laser and Infrared Light Therapy. Call today and ask about a free demo! The Guild of Modern Wellness is a unique space of respite for the mind, body and soul. The inviting, beautiful place encourages all to unplug and turn inward to seek the answers needed for healing. See ad page 18.




1930 W Bluemound Rd, Waukesha 262-781-8102



individuals to live a healthier lifestyle on a healthier planet communities on the latest in natural health and sustainability readers with local wellness resources and events, inspiring them to lead more balanced lives.

New Student Special: 30 days for $30 Unlimited Yoga Classes! Call to learn about our 2023 Yoga Teacher Training. See ad page 9.


180 Kossow Rd, Waukesha 262-788-9147 •

VIBE Yoga, Health & Fitness is a lifestyle studio that specializes in functional movement, health and wellness. We believe in an all-encompassing lifestyle approach that focuses on mental and emotional well-being as well as physical. See ad on page 31.

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Creating Smiles for the PRESENT... Preserving them for the FUTURE! Biological, Holistic Dental Care For Your Family in a Comfortable & Caring Setting by Accredited SMART & Huggins Certified Dentists Here Are Just A Few Of The Comforts We Provide: • Headphones • Virtual Vision Movie Glasses • Warm Herbal Neck Wrap • Blankets • Virtually Painless Shots • Sedation Dentistry Dr. Supriya K Shetty Dr. Christine Fischer Our Services Include: • Mercury Removal • Bio-compatibility Testing • Safe Extractions with PRF/PRP • Pediatric Dentistry • Sleep Apnea/Snoring • CEREC Restorations • Ceramic Dental Implants • Cosmetic Dentistry • Invisalign Orthodontics $149 New Patient Special Offer includes all necesary x-rays, a complete biological dental exam and a 30-minute consultation 262-330-1805 23770 Capital Drive Pewaukee, WI 53072

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