The Nature of an O-Shot by Debbie Read
he O-Shot is a solution that can give one a healthier and more satisfying sex life. It’s an exciting, new, non-invasive treatment that helps one’s natural growth processes regenerate their vaginal system to increase their overall sexual health. The use of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) has grown tremendously in sexual medicine due to its proven regenerative potential and is a safe, natural and derived from patient’s own blood and not foreign substances.
The O-Shot Treatment
Research has shown that sexual dysfunction and urinary incontinence affect more than 60 percent of women and 58 percent of postmenopausal women experience vaginal dryness. Many women need to realize that they are not alone in this. As women go through normal aging, hormonal changes, and life events such as childbirth, their bodies change. Taking a longer time to achieve an orgasm, or experiencing less intense orgasms, are more common than previously realized. Women most likely also experience urinary leakage with common activities such as sneezing and laughing or have some vaginal dryness. There are now effective options available for these problems. 18
In female rejuvenation, Dr. Chris Pate uses the regenerative capabilities of PRP selectively to help the treatment of urinary incontinence, vaginal dryness (atrophic vaginitis) and certain gynecologic disorders such as lichen sclerosis. Decreased clitoral sensation/ability to achieve orgasm and pain during vaginal intercourse benefit from this procedure as well. Many post-menopausal women or patients with gynecological cancers with severe vaginal dryness are unable to have sexual intercourse due to the lack of lubrication or secondary to pain at the entrance of their vagina (introitus). These women can benefit from the healing capabilities of PRP and are able to engage in nonpainful sexual relations again. The use of laser technology such as Mona Lisa and PRP in combination has been highly promising and amplifies the results of each individual treatment alone in the approach to these common concerns. Many of our patients at BioSymmetry have had profound life-changing results from this combination treatment.
The Ideal Candidate for the O-Shot Treatment at BioSymmetry
The changes that come with aging and menopause are a part of life, but that does
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not mean they also have to spell the end of your sex life. Almost two-thirds of women experience vaginal dryness after menopause and about the same number suffers from urinary incontinence. Enjoying sex is a part of being human and that should not go away with the passing years because one’s vaginal lubrication and sensitivity have declined. For those that are experiencing increased vaginal dryness, have found their ability to achieve orgasm has decreased, are dealing with bladder leakage when one sneezes or coughs, or are experiencing pain at the entrance of one’s vagina, the O-Shot can be a great treatment option.
The O-Shot Procedure
1. First, blood is drawn from a vein to be processed to obtain the PRP. 2. A small amount of topical numbing ointment is placed on the treatment area. 3. A clitoral block (local anesthetic block) is performed, with the use of ice and numbing cream to help numb the area. 4. The PRP is mixed with several ingredients to activate the platelets and to reduce the discomfort during the injection. 5. PRP is injected to specific areas to help treat your area of concern.