“What kind of peace do we seek? Not a Pax Americana enforced on the world by American weapons of war. Not the peace of the grave or the security of the slave. I am talking about genuine peace, the kind of peace that makes life on earth worth living, the kind that enables men and nations to grow and to hope and to build a better life for their children . . . not merely peace in our time but peace for all time.’’ ~ John F. Kennedy
Editor’s Letter
Ode to Juno By: Cynthia Piano
An Alternative Method of Peace By Julia Griffin
The Wall – The Mermaid Altar By Jo Mooy
Codes of Light Activator By Peggy Black and the 'team'
The Aetherium A Hathor Planetary Message Through Tom Kenyon
Sound Shaman: Sound Healing By Norma Gentile
Apple Tree By Carl Franz
Online Showcase
Editor’s Letter
Happy Fall Everyone! This issue is a mix of different topics – but I chose the title of the issue to be “Alternative Ways to Peace” – simply because we seem to be on the verge of monumental change change, that could take this world in very distinct directions depending on the choices made. I looked for a quote that would sum up the way I was feeling and as I was reading this one by John F. Kennedy came up…. “What kind of peace do we seek? Not a Pax Americana enforced on the world by American weapons of war. Not the peace of the grave or the security of the slave. I am talking about genuine peace, the kind of peace that makes life on earth worth living, the kind that enables men and nations to grow and to hope and to build a better life for their children . . . not merely peace in our time but peace for all time.’’ ~ John F. Kennedy
Peace for all time… it made chill bumbs go up my spine…. The task seems daunting as we are asked to include all people, all behaviors in our personal quests for peace. Some of what we hear is just horrendous, yet we are told that the only way to change is to come from our heart. “Hatred paralyzes life; love releases it. Hatred confuses life; love harmonizes it. Hatred darkens life; love illuminates it.” ~ Martin Luther King, Jr. What more can I say. The masters of the past have said it all. It’s up to us to embody the teachings of those that have gone before. Wisdom exists always. It’s up to us to carry on… Blessings ~ Ever Onward Diane
Diane M. Cooper has more than 25 years experience with endeavors related to consciousness and healing. She brings to Spirit of Ma'at, a first person familiarity with the world and its peoples having traveled widely as well as creating conferences and seminars through her company, One Heart Productions, LLC. She lives in Sedona, Arizona with her Partner Dani and their furfaces Obiwan, Kitty Softpaws, Bunny Chompers and Edgar Allen Pugglesworth.
Ode to Juno By: Cynthia Piano She turns her face To the vast expanse of the Secret ball of gas and history Jupiter Three winged flight Panels of light Shielded by titanium Her wise inner core Guides her to The yet unknown 6
Fueled by human thirst Planned for years Thoughts and tears Arriving on the United States of America Day of Freedom How appropriate In the Blackness Of New Moon Lilith To BE discovered And uncovered All truth Is finally revealed Unfounded beliefs Inaccurate Assumptions Aided by the blindness And distortion That makes up the past 7
A New Home A New Country Of Integrity Blossoms forth Like the perfect lotus From the depths of the mud Of the reptilian human brain Transformed Into bright daylight Of the spirit Arisen July 5, 2016, Cynthia G. Piano
Cynthia G. Piano composes her living music with writing, teaching classes, mentoring, and consulting. She cocreates with a unique divine energy field to assist others in awakening, developing and expressing their individual essence; physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Experiencing with people, animals, plants, and various energies on the New Earth, she embodies a new way of Being that enables full freedom in alignment with one's true essence. All life is energy, and she shares her gifts to explore choices in every aspect of life. To contact her for spiritual sessions, CreationShops, interviews or presentations, please write her at onenesshouse@hawaiilink.net. For further information, please go to her dream website, ONENESS HOUSE A Spiritual Spa. Note: The Kauai site is in transition, and she is now with her mother on the mainland, available by request. If you would like to team with her to build a network of Oneness Houses she invites you IN! Endre Balogh is an internationally known concert violinist, an artist of sacred geometry, an awardwinning photographer, an author, and mystic. He composes his talents and gifts in a graceful and moving symphony to awaken the senses and provide an environment of bliss. A devoted family man, he maintains a strong bond with his wife, three daughters, and his son, who is now in Heaven. Whether through his music or his visual art, his unique contributions embody harmony with all. With too many outstanding performances and photographic awards to list, he has brightened the world with his love and strong presence. You may find out more, and view his work at: www.endresart.com
An Alternative Method of Peace By Julia Griffin
Barbara Marciniak said, “You must learn to end the wars in your world by ending them in your mind.� It feels logical to proceed by embracing peace within our mind and heart. Thought and emotion are known to impact the energetic field, and they are measurable in quantum science. (Everyone has been affected positively and negatively by another 10
person’s emotions or thoughts.) Peace is a state of mind, which occurs within the stillness of the inner self. It is a higher frequency—a set of vibrations emitted by the inner self. In general, it is accompanied by a set of feelings, sensations, and a specific visual. When we connect with the inner self, there is an absence of conflicting thought. It is the state associated with stillness—an alignment with the heart. In this space of connection, we encounter universal concepts such as peace, love, harmony, and joy. In general, the concepts are similar for everyone, but we color them with individual sensations and visualizations. From a place of stillness, it is possible to project a personal vision of peace into the world around us. In alchemy, it’s said that every particle of matter is composed of light. Matter responds to higher frequencies and changes its shape. (This is seen in cymatics as well as Masaru Emoto’s work with water.) At any rate, mind over matter has been demonstrated many times. Harmonious vibrations—which are free from duality—can affect physical matter. These vibrations could be described as higher frequencies, which are generated and received by people who are capable of perceiving and projecting them. When a “higher” visualization or feeling is received and repeated throughout many energy field, it is naturally amplified. When many of us focus on our personal sensation of peace repeatedly, it eventually affects the overall energyas well as the conceivable future. Mahatma Ghandi thought a concept or movement was much more powerful when it promoted what it stood for rather than fighting against what it opposed. It is a nondualistic view, based on a simple focus on a higher concept. (When we are connected to our inner self, there is no duality—only wholeness, which provides sensations, which flow from this place of being. By projecting those thoughts and feelings strongly, we affect the matter or physical world around us.) 11
Coming from a place of wholeness does not mean closing our eyes to the darkness in the world. But it does involve limiting judgement and refraining from deep discussions about wrongness on earth. That’s because negative people and places thrive on negative energy. It’s the best way of creating more of what we don’t want. 12
The Age of Aquarius focuses on group endeavors, collective consciousness, higher thought, and the quantum field. Higher thought comes when the mind is connected with the heart. It’s easy to identify those thoughts because they are clear, align with universal concepts, and often bring a feeling of softness and relief. More importantly, it’s possible to project those thoughts to others and to the worldatlarge. It’s how the quantum field works. Tips: 1) Meditating on a personal feeling of peace is easier than seeing peace for the world. From place of connection, it is easily expanded and sent to others as well as geographical locations. 2) When we identify a strong sensation of peace for ourselves, we automatically vibrate it outward. (Change begins within personal world.) 3) It’s helpful to choose a color, symbol, or identify a specific energy as peace. The soul often reads energy in symbols. It can be sent to others. 4) Spend 5 or 10 minutes each day in meditation. In this place, there is no movement between polarities. There is only love and peace. Everyone can contribute to the effort in this way. 5) Avoid television, violence, and lower vibrations. Try to keep discussions focused on the positive and good changes within the world. (When something causes a strong upset or emotion, try Ho’oponopono or seeing the opposite of the situation.) 6) Work on eliminating personal judgement, particularly of friends, co workers, and loved ones. It’s better to see the “good” in them and accept their place of being. And it’s more positive to work on personal peace. (Judgement causes movement between the higher and lower self.) 7) Create a personal vision of peace in the future and dwell on it 13
occasionally.. 8) With all metaphysical activity, we have to operate partially on faith while believing in the universe and our power to bring about change.
Here’s a brief meditation for feeling personal peace. Click here for recording
Julia Griffin is a much loved authority on intuitive and spiritual practices to increase one’s happiness and wellÂbeing, distinctive in that much of what she practices she learned from her interaction with wolves. For more information, visit her website onetrueself.com
The Wall – The Mermaid Altar By Jo Mooy
The Wall juts out into the Gulf at the north end of the beach. It's the end point of a mile or more beach walk. There's no way around it other than to swim at high tide, or wade through the crisscrossing currents at low tide. It's six feet high and about two feet thick. It's a concrete bulkhead to hold the tides back from swallowing the expensive home that sits hidden on the ridge away from the water. It's also a barrier to the beach walkers who might infringe on the property rights of the owners. The Wall is plain. The concrete is duncolored. It's been there for many years with nothing to distinguish it other than two sets of large black stenciled “Private Property No Trespassing” letters prominent on the 15
beach side. But no matter the intentions of the owners, time has taken its measure. With the rising of the sea level, the higher tides have brought in sand raising the beach and reducing the height of the wall to just under five feet. Reducing it from six feet made it more approachable to the walkers who considered The Wall, the end of their beach walk before they had to turn around and walk back. But one day something happened. The walkers began to see The Wall, not as an obstacle to overcome, but one to embrace. The changes started spontaneously. Now that the top was reachable, one or two walkers brought a shell, (or several) leaving them on the top of the wall. Other walkers, seeing the shells, began to add their own. Then the biggest change came. No one knew who did it, or when it was done, but one day an artist decided to paint The Wall. She began by painting two wildÂhair mermaids. The blue one with big eyes waved to the walkers. The lime green one was positioned swimming towards the sea. The mermaids were accompanied by eight blue fish swimming in
different directions. A thin green palm tree, and a couple of pink jelly fish floating off behind the swimming mermaid completed the mural. As soon as The Mermaids arrived the intention of The Wall as a barrier dissolved. While the Mermaids didn't obscure the “Private Property No Trespassing� signs, their appearance made it less in your face. The Mermaids were whimsical and invited interaction with the walkers. Soon the walkers responded in kind and The Wall became known as The Mermaid Altar. Beautiful shell offerings were left on top of the wall. Then came the symbols, reflecting the different religions, Hinduism, Judaism, Christianity and Buddhism, of the walkers. It was not unusual to see the OM symbol made out of seaweed on top of the wall next to a shell shaped peace symbol, or a Christian cross made out of sea beans. Many religions have houses of worship where the faithful can go on a Sunday morning. The original teachers of those religions taught about the majesty of nature and suggested there was much to learn about life by being in nature. The beach calls to many and in this area, it can be its own place of worship. That's evidenced by the many walkers who head 17
out early on a Sunday morning to commune with nature. They walk north on the beach towards The Wall. They stop enroute, picking up shells, or beachglass that will become an offering at The Mermaid Altar. When they reach The Wall, they place the offering on top. Sometimes they stop, bow their heads, and offer a prayer. Occasionally they bring a child, telling them about the altar and lifting the child to place a shell on the top. It's suggested when given a lemon, make lemonade. So it was, when an owner put up a wall hoping to detract others from their expensive beach property. The beach walkers and the artist took that lemon and made lemonade! The “Private Property No Trespassing” concrete bulkhead was transformed with a lovely mural. It's now a destination for Sunday morning walkers that they call The Wall or The Mermaid Altar! Jo Mooy
Jo Mooy Travels to Asia, the Middle East, Europe, and South American have expanded Jo Mooy's seminars, retreats and spiritual work. The mystical teachings of these cultures influences her work in guiding others to develop their own unique practices. She leads the Sarasota Women's Meditation Circle which was named "Best Meditation Group" for six years straight. Her soldout Women's Retreats and her Spiritual Seminars explore inspirational and cuttingedge advanced practices. Complex esoteric topics are made understandable and easy to assimilate into personal practices. Testimonials of attendees rate these seminars and and retreats with a 5Star rating. Jo has been a "Staff Writer" for Spirit of Maat for several years. She writes and publishes Spiritual Connections, a monthly e newsletter. Jo was honored with two achievement awards in Sarasota as 'favorite meditation leader' and another for 'higher calling.' Contact Jo on her website: www.starsoundings.com or jomooy@gmail.com.
Codes of Light Activator By Peggy Black and the 'team'
We are here, offering you our gratitude and deep respect as you continue to anchor consciousness of light into this dimension and timeframe. We are here also to offer our support, encouragement and the gentle reminder that you are a powerful transformer of misqualified energy. You could easily call yourself a code of light activator. As a multidimensional being of light frequencies and consciousness, you have the physical body that is required to interface with the dense frequencies of matter and this reality. We have observed that the physical experience often becomes your total focus. 19
We are aware that there is a certain amount of focus required to maintain and operate your physical form and existence. We continue to remind you that you are pure conscious light housed, so to speak, within your body. The time has come for you to remember yourself as this pure conscious light and to begin to understand just how the light can and does influence the reality of your experience. You are becoming aware that your body is only a vehicle for anchoring these divine light codes into this matrix and collective consciousness. The limited patterns and belief systems that are so prevalent on your planet are being exposed. Consciousness is manipulated through fear, hatred, prejudice, violence and all misqualified energies and emotions. These dense frequencies and lifeÂdiminishing energies can be contagious, communicable, and transmittable.
You are observing the chaos of violence that is occurring worldwide. This chaos that is observed activates any insecurities for your own well being and that of your loved ones. When any violence, unkind deed or word is expressed and witnessed, it triggers and touches you in the most sensitive place of your empathic sensitivity. The first reaction is to push back, to judge and to condemn. Yet this only adds energy to the very thing that triggered your emotions and point of view of the wrongness of what has occurred. We are not invalidating your reaction or your compassion for the horrific acts that occur. We know you as caring, loving, conscious being of light. Most of those embodied at this time are using their divine creative abilities upside down and backwards. They focus and push against the very things, actions and events that they are wanting to transform. Remember whatever focused energy is offered to the quantum field, the energy field of this planet, will manifest. So when fear, hatred or prejudice is expressed it will trigger the same frequencies or emotions of belief in others. Therefore, the misqualified energies and actions continue to expand and spread. Pushing against anything adds to its energetic power. These misqualified energies and actions have occurred on your planet for eons of time. Yet now, with all the new technologies, these terror breeding events and actions are broadcast immediately. The collective focus becomes one of horror, fear, deep sadness, grief, anger/rage and repression. All of these emotional frequencies are considered misqualified͞ they are emotions that keep humanity locked into a dilemma of limited expression of your divine creative abilities.
You are awake and aware of who you are as a multidimensional being. You are beginning to understand that you truly carry codes of light that can and will shift the dysfunction and misuse of emotional frequencies. You are here on this planet to transform the misqualified energy that you encounter or observe. Everyone is in vibrational communication with the collective consciousness and the energy frequencies of this planet Earth. You truly incarnated to do this work and to offer these uplifting light codes to all you encounter. Remember that light is information, light blesses the darkness with the gift of luminous understanding. You are a carrier of light. You are a being of light. 22
Begin to place your focus on any tragic event, misqualified energy or action as if you were a beam of conscious light, offering love, compassion, forgiveness, awareness and awakening. Seed these events with light consciousness. Surround the individuals, the action, with light, healing light. Read your newspapers, watch your media and use your awareness of who you are as a creator, as a carrier of light codes, and envision a reality that is lifeÂsustaining. Anchor your lightbody into this electromagnetic and geomagnetic energy field of your Earth. Realize that you can focus and send your light frequencies into the matrix and collective consciousness. You are powerful beyond measure. Begin to own that realization. You are not at the mercy of all that is occurring, you are here to transform the very things that trigger your emotions. You are here to assist in the birth of the consciousness of light within humanity. Every human carries codes of light as the multidimensional beings of divine consciousness that they are. Most humans take their first and last breath unaware of these codes of light consciousness within. Usually when one embodies into this dimension they empathically match the frequencies of the dense misqualified energy and emotions. However, when you are aware that you carry this frequency and these codes of light you can and will transmit this awareness to others. You will begin to activate, trigger and stimulate the personal awakening within others. Remember everything that exists is a frequency or vibration. So to shift or transform any experience you are required to shift the frequency or vibration that you are offering. Join together with other likeÂminded individuals and begin to send a focused beam of transforming light awareness and information codes to any collective misconceptions, limited beliefs and misqualified actions 23
or energy.
Be the inviter of the infinite assembly of nonÂphysical divine beings of light and love. Begin truly to work in partnership with these beings of light. We can only support and assist when invited by someone who is in physical form in this free will environment. So we are encouraging you continue to offer your uplifting, 24
transforming vision that will birth a new reality. We are encouraging you to recognize and own your personal power to offer and seed this dimension with your personal codes of light. It is your willingness and intention that carries these electrometric frequencies of light that will triggers the codes of light in others. We are honored that you heard our message. We acknowledge you once again for your courage and dedication to this work and service. We are always available to support you upon your invitation. Know that you are seen and appreciated with our deepest gratitude. the 'team' ©2016 Peggy Black All Rights Reserved. You may share this message and distribute as long as nothing is changed, you credit the author and include this copyright notice and web address www.morningmessages.com FREE 88 messages available Peggy Black Transducer, Scribe and Witness, is a world traveler and lecturer with thirtyfive years experience in the healing field. She has been featured internationally in television, radio and print media. Peggy is a Multidimensional Channel whose gifts as a clairsentient, clairvoyant and clairaudient intuitive allow her to assist individuals to live empowered and abundant lives. Peggy receives transmissions from her “celestial team” which she calls the Morning Messages. These messages invite us to honor our multidimensional Self. Peggy has presented at numerous events and conferences including Women of Vision and Action; Healing Our World; Kauai Wellness Expo; New England Sound Healing; World Sound Healing; and Global Sound. Peggy founded the International Sound Symposium. She offered sacred sounds for the Shamanic Journey tour in temples and the Great Pyramid in Egypt. She conducted morning forums at Tom Kenyon’s Sound Healer’s Trainings. She was Ceremonialist for the sacred water ceremony, Ocean of Gratitude Cruise with Dr. Masaru Emoto. She was featured in People magazine as “Fabulous over Sixty.” Peggy offers a variety of lectures and workshops: Miracles, Intentions and Manifestations; Allowing Prosperity; Sound Awareness; Sculpting Reality with Sound; The Power of Your Words and Intentions; The Creative You; and Engaging Celestial Support. www.morningmessages.com
The human heart is revered as a major organ of the body. When the heart stops pumping blood through the body’s intricate system of veins and arteries, the body dies. Most people are in awe of the human heart, at least those who have taken the time to contemplate it. They are in awe of its performance as a physical organ without which their loved ones or they themselves would cease to exist. Entire medical programs are devoted to the study of the human heart, training medical students in becoming doctors and surgeons who understand the mechanisms of the heart and how to treat it in remaining healthy or returning to good health. Menus in many restaurants list “heart healthy” meals. The importance of this organ is very visible in our culture. Each of us understands, at some level, the magnificence of this organ that resides in our chest cavity. At another level, most of us know of heartache. We have actually felt our heart ache when experiencing a love lost or damaged. We also know of the heart’s exhilaration when it expands with unfettered joy. The heart is affected and responds to all matters of love. With all that we know and appreciate about the human heart, we are still just touching the tip of the iceberg. We really know so little in comparison with what is really the heart’s true nature. In the early 2000’s, I came across some amazing information about the human heart: my heart, your heart. I attended a workshop presented by Drunvalo Melchizedek that actually blew my mind and opened my heart. This was such a good thing. In that workshop we experienced actually entering our heart and learning how to reside there.
When explaining this workshop to some, they have exclaimed, “ I think I am in my heart”. What I’ve come to understand is that they are experiencing being in their right brain, the part of the brain that experiences love. However, that part of the brain also experiences hate and fear and other emotions that are unlike love. I’ve come to know that while being in the heart, these negative experiences are impossible. But, we can easily confuse being in the heart with being in the right brain. 28
Why is it important and beneficial to be able to enter into the heart and begin living from there? And I do mean enter. I am talking here about an actual movement, moving from the brain to the heart. This requires quite a bit of explaining that I am not going to take the space to do here in this article. Let’s just say that most of us want to see a world in peace and most of us want to love better, thus ridding our planet of the toxic underpinnings of war and hate. Living in the heart is the way to do this. We can return to allowing our heart to lead the way with it’s own intelligence and let our brain be its servant. This was understood in early civilizations. If you would like to know how to enter your heart and live from there, the workshop entitled “Awakening the Illuminated Heart” is still available to you. I imagine that many of you who are reading this article have already taken the workshop, “Awakening the Illuminated Heart”. If you have and are still having trouble entering your heart, I would like to share something with you. I am a teacher of this workshop. I have been teaching it now for 5 years, having done my training with Drunvalo in 2011. I have experienced working with hundreds of students, some of whom struggled with entering their hearts.
We know that one of the blockages to entering the heart is emotional trauma. Being a psychologist and metaphysician and working with people on those levels I know that emotional trauma stems from childhood. Even if an event from the present time triggers the trauma, it is always related to an original trauma that occurred in childhood. I have discovered a way to help bring the inner child out of the trauma of the past into the present and enter the heart with you, the adult. It has been helpful with every person in my workshops for the past two years who has struggled with entering their heart due to emotional trauma.
If you are one of these students, don’t give up. There is a way and our world depends on you finding it. I would be happy to help you. If you are a teacher of “Awakening the Illuminated Heart” and would like to know more about this method, I would be happy to share it with you. Feel free to email me at drjudith@drjudithlong.com. Thank you for letting me be of service in sharing this article with you. With love from my heart to yours, Judith Dr. Judith Long is a renowned counselor and author. Dr. Long developed chakra essential oils and offers lines of aromatherapy and goddess jewelry. The oils express specific frequencies of the plants, which, in turn, are similar to characteristics of the person or chakra brought forth. Judith applies metaphysical principles in her healing work and life. “Energy vibration is my main interest. Everything is energy. When one understands the vibrational frequency of things, we can make appropriate adjustments and restorations as needed. Individual thoughts, particular diseases, wellness and each chakra have specific frequencies that affect the health of the body and mind." When energy is restored to its appropriate frequency, one lives from their essence in perfect health and happiness", says Dr. Long. Her practice includes working with the misconceptions and authenticity of the inner child along with clearing, balancing and energizing the chakras. She offers meditation and classes such as “Inner Sensitivity”, “Woman Awareness” and “Awakening the Illuminated Heart”, authored “Essence: Insights into the Energy of Homosexuality” (Joshua Books 2004) after working with many gay clients in Healing their Inner Child. Dr. Long currently practices in Sedona, Az. She earned a Bachelor’s degree in Special Education, a Master’s in Educational Psychology and a MsD in Metaphysics. You may contact Dr. Judith by email: drjudith@drjudithlong.com
The Aetherium A Hathor Planetary Message Through Tom Kenyon
Background From our perspective the destabilization of your world, which we mentioned in our last planetary message, is accelerating at an everÂfaster rate. This is producing immense stress upon your biological, mental and emotional realities. What we wish to offer in this message is a practical tool to bring your body/mind complex into a greater state of coherency in the midst of the everÂincreasing chaos around you. The shock waves of change that many of you are experiencing can be 32
likened to the repotting of a plant that has become rootbound. For many of you, your psychological and biological roots to your current perceived reality are bound up. With some exceptions most humans are finding the current transition that the world is passing through most difficult to contend with. Much of what you might have believed to be true is being revealed as lies. Many of the institutions you counted upon to protect you are increasingly being unveiled as insidious. Interpersonal relationships are strained due to the simple fact that so many of you are stressed by the complex changes around you, changes that you seemingly have no control over. This produces destructive patterns of response within your biology meaning how your body is responding to the stressors around you, including your mental and emotional faculties. Returning to our metaphor of the rootbound plant, all sentient beings have psychic roots that connect them to their perceived reality. When a plant becomes too rootbound it is unable to flourish. Yet the paradox here is that when you place a rootbound plant into a larger container, with more space to grow, the plant undergoes a period of shock and disorientation. It takes awhile for the plant to recognize that there is more space to spread out its roots. While our comment may seem implausible to some of you, you are actually in the midst of greater opportunities for accelerated growth due to the fact that the multi dimensional space you are in is expanding, i.e. your pot is getting bigger. And yet your visceral experience may be that you are feeling more confined than ever. Our position regarding this odd paradox is that human beings—with some exceptions—tend to be slow in recognizing new spaces for growth. They get used to being rootbound and confined by their perceived reality. There is an innate laziness in human nature when it comes to the task of stepping into a new reality that is greater than has been perceived before. If you are one of the few humans who is bold in the face of new realities, we salute you. But for most humans, there is a deep reticence in allowing their own psychic roots to expand beyond 33
perceived realities into new vistas. One of the great challenges in this period of global transition is that your difficulties are not just mental and emotional, they are physical in nature as well. By this we mean your physiology and neurology are deeply challenged by the rapid changes in your perceived reality.
The Aetherium The Aetherium is a sound tool for you to address these issues head足on. The sound codes that comprise this sound meditation come directly from the higher realms of light. They are emanations from the tenth, eleventh and twelfth dimensions of reality in a realm we call The Aethos. This vibratory field of light is self足aware as well as highly intelligent and resides in a state of consciousness you would call non足 duality. For our purposes, we will simply address practical suggestions for how to use this unique sound pattern. When you listen to The Aetherium you will hear a continuous drone足 sound in the background. This is The Aethos sound meditation that we presented in 2012. Emerging from this sound field are complex descending sound codes that bring the comfort, nurturing and healing energies of The Aethos into the cells of your physical body. This is a downloading of light through the agency of sound into your physical body to assist you through this immense transition the world is passing through. There are two means of listening to this sound meditation.
Passive Listening There may be some days when you are so stressed, depleted and exhausted that you are unable to hold a mental focus. At these times simply listen to the sounds. When your mind wanders, simply bring your relaxed focus back to the music. There is nothing else to do in this form of listening.
Focused Listening In this method your focus is on your physical body while you listen to the sounds. This way of listening will produce the greatest effects, in that subtle energy follows awareness. What we mean by this is that subtle energies tend to move where you hold your focused attention. If you rest your awareness in your physical body while listening to The Aetherium, the subtle energies of calmness, nurturing and healing will 35
enter more deeply into your physiology and into the cells of your body.
For those of you who are aware of your inner realities you may notice complex geometries swirling within your body. Allow these to move according to their own volition. They have awareness and intelligence. Some of these fields of moving energy will be counterÂrotating, and there may be many patterns of rotating energies moving through your body while listening. This phenomenon is a signature of deep transformation. Allow these patterns of rotating energy to emerge and move according to their own will, without intervention. It is possible to extend your listening time by simply repeating the sound meditation. For those of you prepared to enter into a deeper state of transformation this will be a very effective way to work with The Aetherium. 36
If you feel discomfort, disharmony or distress in any part of your body focus your attention there and when you mind wanders, as it will, simply bring it back to that area of your body. Another way to conceive of The Aetherium is as a kind of metaphorical life raft that you can ride through the tempestuous waves of change that are upon you. If you feel a connection, a resonance, to this sound meditation we encourage you to use it regularly. It is a highly effective sonic aid for your body and mind. The Hathors June 26, 2016
Tom’s Thoughts and Observations I have personally found this latest Hathor sound meditation (The Aetherium) to be highly beneficial both at a physical level of wellbeing and as a means to adjust to the ever quickening energetic shifts that our Earth is undergoing. In their last message, Destabilization, the Hathors offered the suggestion to listen to an earlier sound meditation they gave called A Bridge Between the Worlds. While this has a definite calming influence for most people, thus helping to reduce the effects of stress, in my opinion the Hathors’ latest sonic piece creates a profound healing response at the cellular level. By the word “healing” I am referring to a sense of harmony and balance at the cellular level that arises out of the complex sound codes that make up The Aetherium. Note: The Aetherium is a form of body/mind reeducation. It is not a medical treatment and should not be used as such. If you are suffering from the symptoms of an illness consult with a health professional. As you listen to The Aetherium, you will no doubt hear a continuous sound in the background, which is actually The Aethos sound meditation the Hathors gave in their September 20th 2012 message titled The Aethos and Nondual States of Consciousness. I strongly suggest reading this message if you are interested in the Hathors’ perspective regarding 37
nonÂduality and higher dimensional realities. The Aethos sound meditation is the root vibration (i.e., the base layer) of The Aetherium. The other voices you hear are rather choirÂlike and were created to move the calming energy from The Aethos using sound codes, which can then be utilized by biological systems (i.e., your body/mind) to receive comfort, sustenance and nurturing from a higher vibratory realm of existence. There are no electronically generated sounds in The Aetherium sound meditation, just multilayered vocal tracks, sung by me, as directed by the Hathors. When I listen to The Aetherium for extended sessions (i.e., by just hitting the repeat button) I find that the sound codes enter more deeply into my body including my meridian system, various organs, as needed, my cells and interestingly enough, into a complex system of subtle energy pathways called nadis by yogis and yoginis.
Sometimes I experience these pathways and organs filled with white light and sometimes gold. My expectation is that you will experience the color of light that is needed for you at the time, since the effects of The Aetherium are a result of a synergy between the higher harmonics of the sound codes and your own energy system. Do note that there is no need to “see” light in your mind’s eye during the sound meditation for it to be effective, but light is the language that is being used here. This language of light that emanates from The Aetherium has been translated, if you will, into the language of sound codes, and they will affect your body/mind system in ways unique to you. As one of my aunts used to say: “The proof is in the pudding.” So listen to The Aetherium to see if it resonates with you. If you feel a kinship with this unusual harmonic, then I would say to experiment with it freely and incorporate it into your daily or weekly private times to see what it will unfold for you. If you don’t connect with it, don’t give it a second thought. This kind of sonic tool is not for everyone. I can honestly say that The Aetherium is a harmonic of light and sound that keeps revealing everdeeper levels of sustenance and healing for me. A link to The Aetherium sound meditation appears below. When you click on the link you will be taken to the Listening Section’s Terms and Conditions. After agreeing to the Terms and Conditions, you will be given open access to all of the sound meditations and lectures in the Listening section. There is no charge for this. But please do be aware that this is copyrighted material; it is for your personal use only and may not be posted or used elsewhere. Click here to listen to and/or download The Aetherium. ©2016 Tom Kenyon All Rights Reserved www.tomkenyon.com You may make copies of this message and distribute it in any media you wish so long as you do not charge for it, do not alter its content in any way, credit the author and include this entire copyright notice. Do note 39
that The Aetheium, as well as all sound meditations and lectures on our website, may not be replicated in any form or be posted on the Internet, which includes all social media sites such as Facebook™ or on shared media sites such as YouTube™.
Tom Kenyon Musician, researcher, author and therapist, Tom Kenyon, M.A., holds a masters degree in psychological counseling and has over seventeen years of experience in private practice. In the course of his psychotherapeutic work he began to use sound and music to accelerate the therapeutic process. Recognizing the power of sound as a healing modality, Tom founded Acoustic Brain Research in 1983 to scientifically document the effects of sound and music on consciousness. Through his scientific explorations, Tom became fascinated with the use of sound as a means to access altered states of consciousness and the more creative aspects of the brain/mind. In addition, Tom has developed a system of "catalytic sound" using his nearly four octave range voice to assist others in entering deeply altered states of awareness. A large portion of Tom's current work is in the synthesis of internal alchemy as a means to heighten awareness and to develop spiritual illumination. For more information on Tom's work go to www.tomkenyon.com
Sound Shaman: Sound Healing
Using her experience as a healer and musician, Norma crafts for us each month a unique offering from the realm of Spirit. Listen to Sound Healing
Norma Gentile (BM, MM Voice, University of Michigan) embraces the worlds of classical Western singing, Eastern shamanism and channeling. She has produced over 45 hourÂlong channeled teachings and meditations, four solo albums of healing songs, and numerous articles, podcasts and videos. She is a channel for Mary, Archangel Michael and the Hathors. She trained as both a professional singer and energy worker. She maintains a private healing practice, offering sessions in English and Spanish, as well as singing healing concerts and teaching workshops. Her CD of live sound healings, Songs of Spirit, is available in the Maat Shop. Norma's CD Songs of Spirit, is available in the Ma'at Shop or together with her other recordings at www.healingchants.com
Apple Tree By Carl Franz
The first thing the Jacksons did when they bought Cathleen's house next door was to cut the huge sprawling hedge down. Steve was surprised but quite relaxed about it, grateful even. 42
It was so big it stole the light from his veg plot. He always wanted to ask Cathleen about it but every time he saw her she looked even more ill, and it didn't feel right to bother her with it. So as far as he was concerned the new owners were really doing him a favour by getting rid of it. A mini digger tractor appeared a few days later and levelled the entire front garden. Steve was shocked to see all of Cathleen's colourful, lovingly tended bedding plants and bushes being ruthlessly bulldozed and dumped into a hired rubbish skip. Nothing was spared, even her dainty little Ted's pond (as she called it) was unceremoniously filled in. Steve felt a pang of grief when he saw that. He had helped her put the pond in after her husband, Ted died. He was a good man. Cathleen never got over it. She spent a lot of time sitting by that pond. And then a couple of years later she was gone too. They had been his neighbours for over twenty years and never a bad word. Steve wondered what Cathleen would have to say about all of this. A lorry with a crane arm bolted to it arrived next and deposited a pile of building materials on the drive ready for the fencing contractors. Steve leaned against his old apple tree and marvelled at the precision of the operation. Within a few hours they had completed the job, leaving a solid barrier of six foot wooden panels in place. They sliced through the land in a perfectly straight line, keeping exactly to the meticulously surveyed boundary. He recalled a story he heard of two neighbours who feuded for decades over just three or four inches of land. Hell, that was hardly the thickness of the fence itself, he thought. The legal costs were reported to have been astronomic. Steve wondered what the personal costs might have been. He fondly patted his old apple treeÍž a moving in gift from sweet natured Cathleen over twenty years ago. The recent flurry of delicate white blossom on the branches was already attracting the bumble bees' attention. He noted wryly how the insects and birds paid no attention at all to any demarcations on the town planning map. They visited the flowers and trees regardless of any walls or fences. This was just as well, after all they had an important part to play in transferring the 43
necessary pollenÍž quietly insuring continued fertility and fruitfulness just as Mother Nature intended. It warmed Steve's heart to see them flitting to and fro over the fence from his tree the one Cathleen planted in her garden. Without them he would have no apples to make his delicious pies and of course the birds always got their share of windfall to keep them through the cold winter months. There were few if any other apple trees nearÂby, save Cathleen's next door, which was almost certainly the main pollinator and perhaps the only one available for miles. Steve suddenly had a disquieting thought. Surely the new neighbours hadn't cut her apple tree down too? There was only one way to find out. It wasn't easy balancing on the wooden stool. The legs sank into the soft ground making a slippery slanting deck for his muddy boots.
He hoped the Jacksons weren’t looking at that moment. It wouldn't make a very good first impression when his head popped over, hands gripping white knuckled on the new fence either side of his old gasping face like a living Kilroy cartoon. The stool held just long enough for him to get a glimpse of the flattened bare earth where Cathleen's apple tree had once stood. Then the stool collapsed in sympathy with his knees and he sprawled into the unkempt grass where the mower somehow never reached. The stool flopped over on its side, mimicking his hapless position. He wasn't hurt, just nettle stung on the tender part under his forearm. It would itch for a while that's all, but the loss of Cathleen's apple tree, now that was something else altogether.
Why, he thought, as he trudged back to the house, dragging the stool behind him, should anyone want to cut down a perfectly good apple tree? It just didn't make any sense. There was plenty of room for it and everyone liked apples didn't they? The foolish Jacksons could have had fruit free for the taking from their very own tree and no nasty pesticides to worry about either! Those shortÂsighted people had, in their egotistical efforts to create a useless barren lawn, succeeded in not only destroying their own apple tree, but without a pollinator, they had effectively ruined his too. The Jacksons began moving in that day, and when they saw him, they waved amiably. Steve didn't see any sense in aggravating the situation further and dutifully waved back but his heart wasn't in it. If they noticed anything in his demeanour then they didn't show it as they trekked back and forth carrying boxes from their removal truck to the house. The truck had a logo on the side of someone carrying a huge palm tree in a pot.This gave Steve an idea. Why didn't he just plant another tree in his own garden! There was just enough room if he got one of those dwarf varieties and then he would not only have his very own pollinator but also more apples for him and the birds to enjoy. The ignorant Jacksons wouldn't get any though, they could go and buy their own. (Reap what you sow.) There was a confusing proliferation of choice In the catalogue but Steve had done his homework. He chose a small tree with good tasty fruit which stored well. Going by the picture it was a little beauty. A real asset to the garden. It only took a day to arrive and when it did Steve was alarmed to find it bound up in a tight tubular package. He unwrapped the sapling carefully and took it in its little pot over to the place he had carefully chosen for it. Setting it down he immediately noticed something wasn't quite right. What if the branches spread out too far and whipped against the greenhouse in winter? He picked up the sapling again and set it down a few yards further away. Stepping back he tried to imagine it grown to the size stated in the catalogue. No, that was too near the veg patchÍž the 46
roots would spread into it. He could put it even further away but then it would hang over the path and he would have to prune it lopsided. Frustrated, he picked the pot up again wishing Cathleen was still around to give him advice. His concentration was broken by someone calling him. There was a woman at the gate. It was Mrs Jackson; his new (and unwelcome) neighbour. He wandered over hugging the tree protectively in his arms. “Hi, I'm Maggie,” said the smiling young woman. She glanced over to where her husband was carrying yet another box into the house. “That's George. We are moving in today and I thought I'd come over just to say hi.”
Steve wrestled the pot over into one arm and they shook hands. “Steve. Glad to meet you,” he answered, noticing for the first time her fruitful rounded belly. An idea sprouted in his mind. “Would you like this little apple tree?” he offered. “It won't take much room and the apples will make lovely pies.”
I am a retired engineer living in the beautiful countryside of Yorkshire England. Often to be found striding along the country paths along side the rivers or ambling through the local woods, lost in my thoughts and happy as a lark. I enjoy painting and writing. Through them, I try to describe the spiritual experiences encountered during my daily and nocturnal travels. These experiences have always heavily influenced my life and now I have time to explore them and perhaps share my deep interest in all peaceful spiritual practises, which celebrate and respect nature. Carl Franz
Everyone has their version of the ‘way that it is’. We all find a way to define our world or reality. Once that is accomplished, we form belief systems that support our own version of the ‘way that it is’. All of our life experiences pass through the fine mesh filters of our own beliefs to emerge on the other side as our truths. Yet our truths are not the truths of anyone else. This factor alone causes friction in our world. Finding our own truth of the ‘way that it is’, can often take a lifetime. We embark on the journey of discovery and questioning: Who Am I? 49
How did I get here? Why am I here? What is my purpose? This becomes the classic quest of our own eternal soul. And so our journey begins. The only challenge occurs when – through no fault of anyone – we question everything and everyone outside ourselves, in search of our answers. We may even think we find ‘the way that it is’ in a particular spiritual path, or different spiritual teachers. Then our belief says we have found the ‘way that it is’ and it is perfect. That usually works – until we realize that we are not ‘at peace’ with ourselves or with many others. We are still searching, still finding something not complete. We begin to question – our family, friends, teachers, others around us – even our own path. We even question our own questions. Once we discover that we are unable to find the answers outside of ourselves, we can begin to create a reality that works. This can become the framework of our conscious mind. We will perfect this ‘way that it is’ to make sure that everything fits, that all our questions are answered and that our life seems to work. We relax, feel secure in this reality and just know that we have this whole thing called ‘LIFE’ figured out. Now we have arrived – we can feel in control of ourselves and proud of our accomplishments. We then begin to judge others who are not in the same space – or have the same ideals, goals or belief system.
When we become attached to our own reality, believing that it is the only ‘way that it is’, we become rigid in our own thoughts and ideas. Rather than feeling free and liberated, we become trapped in self righteousness and often spiritual arrogance. If this occurs, it may be quite a while before we realize that we are not experiencing any new growth, new insights, new creations – we are stuck in the reality of our fixed self. We are not ‘at peace’. The reality of this new life circumstance then begins our search for the space of knowing and not knowing – the simultaneous existence of being in the moment and remaining flexible for change and choice. When this happens, we are reminded to become spiritually fluid. Being spiritually fluid requires us to have compassion – acceptance without opinion or judgment, of ourselves and of others. We can’t grow, expand into the vastness of our soul’s vision, discover who we are as multidimensional Divine beings, and use that discovery to serve our planet and its’ inhabitants until we have compassion, and become spiritually fluid. Yet, how can we remain in the old version of the ‘way that it is’ when everything around us is constantly changing and moving? And – how do we even recognize that we are stuck in our own reality? The first indicator comes when we find we have the need to be right. Being right has been important in some arenas, because it ensures us a position of power and approval. The need for approval based on some of our old programs translates to our feeling accepted and loved; which in turn means that we are not alone. This is how important being right can be for some. This is also how we can get stuck in the energy of our old ‘way’. The second issue for us is our need to stay in control. We will use control to create a predictable life with no surprises or negative unknowns. It goes hand in hand with the need to be right, both producing a sense of power and security. We will know that we are 51
stuck in our ‘way that it is’, when we have the need to prove or justify our truth. The key word is, need. We will find ourselves defending our thoughts and position around our beliefs. We may become frustrated or angry when someone doesn’t understand us. We then feel unsupported, which makes us react even more. We are not ‘at peace’ with ourselves or with anyone else.
If we are attached to our beliefs and truths, seeing them as the only ‘way that it is’, we will limit the infinite possibilities that can come to us and therefore limit our experiences. Moving past the need to be at the center of our own universe, we discover the balance between knowing and not knowing, which allows us to be spirituality fluid. There are ways to finding this peaceful balance. We can begin by cultivating peaceful compassion. Everyone has their version of the ‘way that it is’ and for many people, they have needed it just to survive. We 52
can have unconditional compassion for where they are, for their own creations. They are Creators, just like us. One of the easiest ways to finding our balance and to maintain a clearer vibration is to think of ourselves as Liquid Light. Remember, water does not stop its movement or flow. Even when faced with a boulder in the river, water goes over or around the obstacle without hesitation. As the research of Dr. Masaru Emoto has proven, our thoughts, emotions, feelings, or ideas have a resultant effect on the structure of water. As our bodies are mostly water, liquid vibration, our multidimensional cells are directly affected by our thoughts, emotions, feelings and ideas. Liquid Light™ is the same feeling that one feels when they connect with God/Spirit/Source/the Divine.
First, we experience ourselves as Liquid Light, fluid and adaptable. Then we can add a color to that light, (a color that represents what we feel as our essence). By thinking of ourselves as Liquid Light combined 53
with our chosen spiritual color, we can change how we perceive ourselves. We also change the ways in which others perceive us. In this way, we can begin unconditional acceptance of ourselves and everything within creation in our world. Being Liquid Light – spiritually fluid – moves us easily into the flowing waters of our world where peaceful compassion can exist.
Ken Page Founder and director of the Institute of Multidimensional Cellular Healing™ and the Third Eye of Horus Mystery School™, Ken is the author of the bestselling technique book: 'The Way It Works', together with 'The Heart of Soul Healing' and 'The End of Time'. He is coauthor with Dr. Nancy Nester of 'Heart & Soul Healing Energy Techniques for Spirit Releasement', 'In Quest of Why? A philosophy and applications Manual', 'The Art of Transference Healing through Compassion" 'How to Release Old Energy and Feel Free', 'HSH Energy Dynamics, Volume One'. and their newest book: 'Teachings of the Red School'.
Online Showcase Michael Tellinger the Sumerian Origins of Money 2016 https://youtu.be/pVoO1b_k9b8 Sacred Science – The Movie http://www.thesacredscience.com/fr eescreeninghd/ Shambhala Presents "Awake in the World" with Oscar Miro Quesada https://youtu.be/8H9vjmisCc4 Underground Cave of the Crystals http://atlanteangardens.blogspot.com/2016/04/secretsubterranean worldsof.html Crop Circles, Atlantis & Catastrophe Drunvalo Melchizedek https://youtu.be/kiPXW8L0Wvg A Great Change is on the Horizon Gregg Braden 2016 https://youtu.be/vA9Z8TyAjV8 Eckhart Tolle The Awakening of Consciousness https://youtu.be/sl_q0533sHg Dying to be me! Anita Moorjani at TEDxBayArea https://youtu.be/rhcJNJbRJ6U
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