November 2016 - 'Personal Choice'

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“I won't tell you that the world matters nothing, or the world's voice, or the voice of society. They matter a good deal. They matter far too much. But there are moments when one has to choose between living one's own life, fully, entirely, completely—or dragging out some false, shallow, degrading existence that the world in its hypocrisy demands. You have that moment now. Choose!” ― Oscar Wilde


Editor’s Letter


The Power of Conscious Choice By Julia Griffin


The Calling By Jo Mooy


Express Your Divine Self By Peggy Black and the 'team'




Jupiter in Libra: Journeys of Justice By: Astrologer Salvador Russo


Sound Shaman: Sound Healing By Norma Gentile


Jack in the Fog By Carl Franz


Choices for our Future By Ken Page & Rev. Dr. Nancy Nester


Online Showcase



Editor’s Letter

Fall Greetings Everyone! I made the “theme” of this issue “Personal Choice”, I guess because we here in the U.S. are soon to be faced with one of the most important political decisions we have had to make recently. I keep looking for signs as to who will be the best “choice” (if you can call it that). It has been forcing me to really “feel” deeply to attempt to understand what lies beneath all the rhetoric. Recently I felt that what I was watching was definitely the age­old paradigm playing out between the masculine and feminine energies – the old ways battling for supremacy and recognition. And I keep asking myself – what will I choose. Even the question of “what is the lesser of two evils” isn’t a choice at all. Yet we are faced with this at a crucial point in our world history – each direction harboring a bag load of consequences, none of which are truly favorable when I think of the “new world” that is supposed to be on the horizon. Something’s got to give if we are to move forward as the sages have 44

predicted that’s for sure… but I still have no clue how to do my part in moving things forward other than to keep my senses aware and watching for the next sign…. Keeping the faith so to speak… Maybe something unexpected will arise that will make the path clear – something that will show us that we have been effective in keeping the light of awareness shining. May we choose well in all that we do… Many Blessings Diane

Diane M. Cooper has more than 25 years experience with endeavors related to consciousness and healing. She brings to Spirit of Ma'at, a first person familiarity with the world and its peoples having traveled widely as well as creating conferences and seminars through her company, One Heart Productions, LLC. She lives in Sedona, Arizona with her Partner Dani and their fur­faces Obiwan, Kitty Softpaws, Bunny Chompers and Edgar Allen Pugglesworth.


The Power of Conscious Choice By Julia Griffin

Conscious choice is one of our greatest powers. It can bring freedom, alignment with the higher self, and greater awareness. It can also serve to support others, promote causes, and bring positive energies in the world. Overall, it’s basically a decision to choose opportunities that offer a higher frequency. A higher frequency simply means raising our vibrations in a particular 6

area of life. It’s possible to achieve through self­observation, meditation, support of an ecological cause, or positive thought and action. The idea is that we raise our frequency by choosing a more positive emotional, mental, or physical action. Conscious choices eventually accumulate. Small kindnesses, positive thinking, boundaries, or the refusal to move into agitation are conscious choices. We actually have the opportunity for conscious choice every day through observation of our habits and practices. On a higher level, conscious choice extends to our spiritual nature and the desire for evolution. We may decide to meditate on our awakened presence, a mantra, or the mysteries of the universe. All of these acts bring results, including greater awakening and understanding of the inner self.


It’s interesting to note how conscious consciousness involves the use of time. We apply minutes and hours to the pursuit of consciousness and “higher” energies. After making these type of decision, we usually can’t remember what we did in the past. (The interesting part of the equation is that we simply feel happier—and often feel there is more time with these pursuits.) Over time, conscious choice brings power,, an inner knowing that the universe aligns with us when we make the right choice. There are many types of conscious choice ranging from self­ observation, an act of will to commit to alter a habit or pattern, or a deeper choice to follow the spiritual path of the inner self. All of these decisions involve conscious thought, the combination of mind and heart, which provide inner guidance. On the highest level, conscious choice alters the direction of life through spiritual understanding, which leads to light and love. At this frequency, life often changes its course, flowing into opportunities, new people, and an entirely different way of perceiving life. It can occur in a gestalt moment of recognition of great truth when we are changed profoundly by meditation on a single thought, and it can also occurs in small ways, which accumulate and shape our character. It may begin through a small kindness, compassion for another person’s agitation, or a desire to improve the fabric of our life. The choice may come as a decision to see more of the “positive” in the world, to take responsibility as the creator or participant in particular cycles of life, or to add exercise as a daily practice. We may make a conscious choice about expending too much energy with particular friends, altering the direction of our work, or simply meditate—but all of these choices converge, expand, and transform the quality of life.


The practice of conscious choice involves the heart and the will. The heart speaks, and we listen. An inner decision is made and acted on by the higher mind, which involves willpower. The right use of the will is linked to the heart. We can work on decisions through ego, the lower self, or follow them through the heart, which leads to loving feelings and deeper, spiritual connection. (Many people come to spirituality for various reasons—some for power and others for love. Love is one of the most important aspects of spiritual work; it acts like a plumb­line, telling us when our being is aligned with the Divine.) Identifying Conscious Choice • Conscious choice comes from listening to the inner voice and the 9

universe—and a decision to act on that guidance. The inner voice speaks through Intuition is the sixth sense, and it identifies the “next” step through symbols, feelings, sensations, or words. It is opposite to the ego’s voice or negative internal dialog. It can speak softly and lovingly—or very intently in a clear voice. • In the beginning, meditation is the best way to sense intuition. When we are in a place of connection, it’s easiest to hear it. We also develop our ability to sense the inner voice by acting on it consistently and seeing the outcome. (Hearing or seeing in meditation is not indicative of the right direction for conscious choice. Often, we have to act consistently on our intuitive leads to develop discernment and accurate interpretation.) • A pause often accompanies the right directive. It’s called Ksana in Sanskrit and refers to the moment when we move out of lower or “normal” consciousness into a higher state. (There is also a pause between the inhale/exhale of breath when the universe is said to breathe into us.) This pause may occur in the middle of an argument when we change our behavior. It can appear as a strong desire to act in a kind, compassionate way or as a strong directive from the universe. It can also occur when we observe repetitive, personal behavior. By looking for the pause, we can determine the moment of universal presence. • Conscious choice can refer to many small actions or a single, determined action. Either way, the motion is prompted by the inner self. • All conscious choices require perseverance, will power, and repetition. A conscious choice is a commitment. We must move into a state of love often to experience love. It takes a great deal of awareness to break a pattern of procrastination, anger, or sadness. It takes time to alter our speech. Aspects of Conscious Change 1) Choice is either conscious, semi­conscious, or unconscious. On the lower level of consciousness, there is the influence of media, mass consciousness, and lack of higher thought. On a semi­conscious level, we are aware of the need to alter an aspect of life, but we override the desire. We make a decision to move into higher consciousness, which 10

lifts and improves our perception of life. 2) Our perception of life changes when we’re willing to examine our words, thoughts, and actions. Thoughts, words, and actions contain energy that vibrate into the outer world. “Reality” reflects them back to us. (Obviously, reality changes when we send positive thoughts and visuals to uncomfortable aspects of our life. It may take time, but positivity does alter reality.)

3) Making conscious choices helps in realizing our capacity to create change. For example, many people experience physical healing and finding the desired relationship, or a wonderful job as part of alignment with the inner self. (Higher thought and belief in the positive is a conscious decision, which lifts consciousness.) 4) Conscious choice is evolution. It is how we evolve into a higher state of being—and how we escape the prison of repetitive and unhappy thoughts. 11

5) It may mean pausing to observe or realizing Conscious change always includes new perception, placement of consciousness, and openness to new information. We learn to see the world in a new way, which is linked to universal truth and connection. 6) Universal truth includes love, light, and boundaries. Love and light are energy, and it’s important to learn how. Ultimately, conscious choice leads to a higher frequency, which accompanies universal direction. It is not always logical because it comes from the soul. It is not always comfortable as it tends to lead away from the acceptable state of stability. But it does lead to awakening, and, eventually, it does change everything in a beautiful way. INTENTION, ASCENSION, ACTIVATION, INTEGRATION, ACCELERATION • Opportunity often follows right action. We may meet and encounter new people and/or feel ready to seek opportunity. We may find the right teacher or notice negative patterns dropping away. At any rate, life expands. (Right action can involve many small actions such as meditation, exercise, diet, or life habits. It can also refer to a single, determined action.)


In short, conscious choice means listening to the Divine and making a decision to apply it to the course of our life. Over time, conscious choice brings greater awakening and the right use of will and inner power. We push ourselves into conscious choice by disciplined use of the will. Conscious choice is the result of listening to the words, thoughts, or feelings shared by the inner voice. It’s also known as intuition, and it is generally preceded by a pause in our inner dialog and/or the motion of events in life. Everything becomes quieter as understanding from the inner self is revealed. This pause is known in Sanskrit as Ksana, literally meaning pause or moment—both of which are experienced when the inner speaks. It may occur in the heat of an argument, reaction, or wrong decision. It may simply come as direction, but the pause is also found between the inhale and exhale of the breath as the space when the universe breathes life into us. On the highest level, conscious choice alters the direction of life through spiritual understanding and by moving into a mysterious, unknown part of the universe where we navigate through feelings, imagery, and sensation. Consciously choosing this aspect of the universe leads to fascinating connections with others, opportunities, and exploration of personal gifts. We may make a conscious choice about expending too much energy with particular friends, make decision about the direction of our work, or simply meditate—but all of these choices converge, expand, and transform the quality of life. The coolest part of conscious choice lies in how it leads us into a better state of being. One conscious choice leads to another.


Conscious choice is the result of listening to the words, thoughts, or feelings shared by the inner voice. We can choose to listen or disregard the information, which leads to conscious or unconscious thought. It’s also known as intuition, and it is generally preceded by a pause in our inner dialog and/or the motion of events in life. Everything may seem to “stop” or slow down, and we receive a very, different thought, which may range from seeing our part in our disagreement to the sudden comprehension of a spiritual truth. The choice occurs as a result of listening or discarding the information shared by the inner voice. —a pause that occurs when listening to inner guidance. 14

Julia Griffin is a much loved authority on intuitive and spiritual practices to increase one’s happiness and well­being, distinctive in that much of what she practices she learned from her interaction with wolves. For more information, visit her website


The Calling By Jo Mooy

She was a Rosicrucian and my first spiritual mentor. Her name was Gloria. She introduced me to meditation, numerology, color and frequency, psychic experiences, rituals and sacred ceremonies. She taught me the importance of remembering and interpreting dreams and how to consciously walk shamanic pathways into alternate realities. And she guided me well in the early days of my spiritual journey. I remember many of her pronouncements regarding the direction my life would take. She'd lean back in her chair, her eyes would glaze, her voice deepened with a husky edge, and she'd tell me what she saw. Gloria said I would never be rich, but would always be comfortable. She said my job would take me far and support me well. She predicted three extraordinary experiences that would propel me into alternate­realities. One of those experiences where I consciously observed myself entering 16

an immense fluid energy field while driving my car is as vivid today as when it occurred in the 1970's. However, the most compelling prediction she made and one that stuck in my mind was the major directional change my life would take when I entered my 60's. She saw me teaching the spiritual path to others accompanied by an “equally dedicated spiritual partner.” At the time of the prediction I felt she'd made her first mistake. I had no “dedicated spiritual partner” in my life, and I couldn't conceive of a scenario where I'd be teaching others about the spiritual path, being new to it myself. What I failed to realize was that “The Calling” to do just that had been planted in my being long before she told me when it would flower.


What I've come to know is that The Calling is a journey of spiritual awakening that can come like a bolt out of the heavens or it creeps into your consciousness like a feather falling softly from a pillow. It can arrive at any time in your life as it did when I met Gloria. When you become conscious of it, you know on a deep inner level that your life is going to change in dramatic ways. It's a subtle spiritual force that permeates your being and all you can do is respond to its direction. It influences the books you read, the music you listen to, the TV you watch, and the places you visit. It causes you to seek out teachers who can identify and explain it in ways that soothe your spirit. It doesn't have to, but many times it shatters your old life patterns, leaving it in tatters. Because you're changing, old friends and even family members will often fall away from your sphere of contacts. They tell you they don't know who you are, or worse, they don't like the person you've become. When you try to explain your new interests or behavior, they want no part of it. Or you. It can be a painful and lonely time. Yet you persevere. That's when you realize that the “new you� no longer has the same interests that were prevalent in your old life. Everything about you has changed and you want to follow that singular path though you have no idea where it will lead. It's then that the spiritual teacher becomes your best guide. And if the teacher is good, they will direct you to your own inner guide.


Gloria's prediction of “teaching the spiritual path in your sixties” has happened. You said that the material we teach at the women's meditations or retreats had a profound effect on your lives. You said, the practices and exercises caused seismic changes to happen. While old relationships came unglued new ones emerged and ignited. These changes are The Calling sounding from the depths of your being. When you hear it then cross that threshold, only you can pick up the light offered and carry it on. You will do this with a lightness in your heart, and a smile on your face. The awakening of spiritual knowing is the soul's essential quest in living a human incarnation. What a symphony it creates! Jo Mooy

Jo Mooy Travels to Asia, the Middle East, Europe, and South American have expanded Jo Mooy's seminars, retreats and spiritual work. The mystical teachings of these cultures influences her work in guiding others to develop their own unique practices. She leads the Sarasota Women's Meditation Circle which was named "Best Meditation Group" for six years straight. Her sold­out Women's Retreats and her Spiritual Seminars explore inspirational and cutting­edge advanced practices. Complex esoteric topics are made understandable and easy to assimilate into personal practices. Testimonials of attendees rate these seminars and and retreats with a 5­Star rating. Jo has been a "Staff Writer" for Spirit of Maat for several years. She writes and publishes Spiritual Connections, a monthly e­ newsletter. Jo was honored with two achievement awards in Sarasota as 'favorite meditation leader' and another for 'higher calling.' Contact Jo on her website: or


Express Your Divine Self By Peggy Black and the 'team'

We are here to offer you some clarity as well as insight to the unfolding chaos you are observing. This is truly a time of transformation, for it is out of energetic and collective chaos that new realities are brought forth or birthed. We realize that you are observing world events from a place of disbelief and concern. We hope these words will assure you of your powerful role in this transformation and invite your focused attention and intentions in a way that will create and anchor the birth of a life sustaining reality for all. This is your assignment. If you are reading our words, you are aware 20

of this as an opportunity to express your divine self. The misqualified energies that are being invoked, stoked and empowered are rising up to be cleared. We realize when you observe these misqualified or negative energies and emotions being stirred up and then acted out from the collective consciousness, there is great alarm and disbelief. Be aware that you are witnessing what has been called the shadow, the aspect of the human subconscious in which many dark impulses are repressed. We are inviting you to do your best to stay centered and again focused on a reality that you desire. This truly is your power and responsibility.


You have a physical body as well as an energy body and from the time you are birthed into this dimension and reality, it is your physical form that requires the most attention. As a child, when you begin to grow and experience the various emotional energies of discomfort, disappointment, anger, fear and any other misqualified emotions, you are not taught how to express, clear or shift these emotions. Many times these emotions are shut down so quickly that they are not even witnessed by others. Most of these painful emotions and experiences are suppressed or stored within the energy body. You parents did not understand how to clear these negative emotional energies. Therefore, you were not taught the importance of clearing these misqualified emotions, and therefore the cycle has continued. This is an aspect of human nature that is not addressed or resolved. We are not judging this behavior͞ it is a pattern that has engaged all humans for ages. When a negative or misqualified emotion or experience is felt and not expressed in a healthy way at that time, it then becomes stored in the physical form within the cells, tissues and organs of the body, your bio­computer. It is also energetically stored within the energy body. These dense vibrations and frequencies of negative misqualified emotions of fear, anger, hatred, guilt, abandonment, not being loved or seen etc. become what has energetically been called the shadow self, the part or aspect of oneself that is repressed or denied. You have been taught that it is not appropriate to express your anger or any other misqualified emotions. What you and others have done has been to control, inhibit, contain or bottle­up this anger or fear or other negative emotions and experiences.


Emotions that are repressed, denied or ignored can be triggered or activated easily by a similar emotional vibration or frequency. So when someone expresses anger, it often activates any repressed anger in the other. If fear is invoked by someone, any fear that is repressed will be activated in the individual and their personal shadow or the collective shadow. Consider the possibility that emotional frequencies can be contagious. Anger will more often invoke anger, fear will invite and stimulate more fear all because individuals have not been informed how to clear or transform these negative emotions or energies. You have not been taught that you are an alchemist. This awareness is a part of the unfolding evolution. This is a truth that you are here to anchor. You truly are here on this planet, at this time, to uplift these misqualified negative emotions and vibrations that have held humanity in the limited belief of being 23

powerless. These dark and misqualified impulses are usually hidden and suppressed within the subconscious of each individual. As a multidimensional divine being of light, you are meant to transform them. You feel an emotion and if it is misqualified or is a low, dense negative emotion, you are to shift that by expressing the emotion in a healthy manner, owning these feelings rather than suppressing or constraining them. You can use sound to clear or express these dense frequencies, or use many of the other energy tools that are available, instead of storing these vibrations in the energy field and the physical body.


What you are observing in the collective action and chaos that is appearing around your planet is the activation of all the repressed hatred, anger, fear, judgment and such that has been repressed by generations. The collective shadow is apparent and available to transform. Be conscious when any of your own suppressed emotions are triggered by the media, or by others. Remember not to engage in the same negative emotions that are being expressed in the collective consciousness. Take the opportunity to clear any personal misqualified or negative feelings of resentment, aggression, jealousy, hatred, or fear and be aware of any judgment or righteousness you might have concerning your stance. Once you acknowledge the possibility that these feelings might be hidden from your awareness, it is much easier to transform them. The very act of observing, of recognizing and owning these emotions, weakens their power. Once any light is offered to a shadow manifestation, it disappears. It is light that causes the shadow to show up and be acted out and it is also the consciousness of light that can and will cause the collective shadow to dissipate. Be conscious when any of your own suppressed emotions are triggered by the media or by others. Remember not to engage in the same negative emotions that are being expressed in the collective consciousness. Remember, you are an alchemist. And an alchemist has the ability and the understanding to transform energy. Emotions are just energy.



Step into your personal power and understanding, knowing that you can focus on the light of awareness occurring wherever the shadow is reflected. Send loving blessings to those caught up in the expression of the shadow self. Hold the vision and reinforce the true magnificence in others. We are now simply sharing the importance to your evolution and the evolution of consciousness on your planet for you to step into your power as a conscious alchemist and begin to offer your light, to focus your light and to know without a doubt that it is making a difference. See yourself anchoring the vibrations and frequencies of love, compassion, understanding and life sustaining actions. See yourself anchoring cosmic light and imagine it spreading and gathering everyone in an embrace of wholeness and healing. Imagine this loving light energy, this divine energy, healing all wounds of the world, spiritual wounds, mental wounds, emotional wounds, and physical wounds.


Remember also to call upon all divine beings in the non­physical realms to support your efforts and your intentions toward the enlightenment of all sentient beings. We are with you in this action and this alchemical process of transformation. We embrace you with our love and deep gratitude for who you are and for the work and service that you are offering this dimension and timeframe. Know that you are supported and you are seen. the 'team' ©2016 Peggy Black All Rights Reserved. You may share this message and distribute as long as nothing is changed, you credit the author and include this copyright notice and web address FREE 88 messages available.

Peggy Black Transducer, Scribe and Witness, is a world traveler and lecturer with thirty­five years experience in the healing field. She has been featured internationally in television, radio and print media. Peggy is a Multidimensional Channel whose gifts as a clairsentient, clairvoyant and clairaudient intuitive allow her to assist individuals to live empowered and abundant lives. Peggy receives transmissions from her “celestial team” which she calls the Morning Messages. These messages invite us to honor our multidimensional Self. Peggy has presented at numerous events and conferences including Women of Vision and Action; Healing Our World; Kauai Wellness Expo; New England Sound Healing; World Sound Healing; and Global Sound. Peggy founded the International Sound Symposium. She offered sacred sounds for the Shamanic Journey tour in temples and the Great Pyramid in Egypt. She conducted morning forums at Tom Kenyon’s Sound Healer’s Trainings. She was Ceremonialist for the sacred water ceremony, Ocean of Gratitude Cruise with Dr. Masaru Emoto. She was featured in People magazine as “Fabulous over Sixty.” Peggy offers a variety of lectures and workshops: Miracles, Intentions and Manifestations; Allowing Prosperity; Sound Awareness; Sculpting Reality with Sound; The Power of Your Words and Intentions; The Creative You; and Engaging Celestial Support.



In the early days of my professional life, I had the opportunity to teach children with behavior problems. Almost all of them had been eliminated from the mainstream classroom for one reason or another and we had to find a way to help them behave in a way that brought them self­authority and happiness and kept their behavior within the law (of the school or later of the land). Many students would say things like “That’s not fair”, “ You don’t trust me”, in response to supervision. I would respond, “Yes, I trust you. I trust you to do exactly what you have been doing until you do something else. Then, I’ll trust you to do that”. This type of dialogue suggests that the students had a choice and they always do. They would continue when hearing this with “I don’t have a 29

choice. I have to come to school”. To that I would respond, “Yes you do have a choice. You could be dropped off at the front door of the school and choose to immediately leave by the back door”. They would seem to understand then that they are making a conscious choice to stay in school. A lot of their choices involved consequences and if we think about it so do ours. The explanation that I was giving them comes from a teaching called “Choice Theory” by Dr. William Glasser. All of the teachers and counselors in the school where I taught were trained in “Choice Theory”, previously called “Reality Therapy”. The following is more on Choice Theory: Dr. Glasser says that we need a New Psychology. Suppose you could ask all the people in the world who are not hungry, sick, or poor, people who seem to have a lot to live for, to give you an honest answer to the question “How are you?” Millions would say, “I’m miserable.” If asked why, almost all of them would blame someone else for their misery – lovers, wives, husbands, exes, children, parents, teachers, students, or people they work with. There is hardly a person alive who hasn’t been heard saying, “You’re driving me crazy…That really upsets me…Don’t you have any consideration for how I feel? You make me so mad I can’t see straight.” It never crosses their minds that they are choosing the misery they are complaining about.


Choice Theory explains that, for all practical purposes, we choose everything we do including the misery we feel. Other people can neither make us miserable nor make us happy. All we can get from them or give to them is information. But by itself, information cannot make us do or feel anything. It goes into our brains where we process it and then decide what to do. As is explained in great detail, we choose all our actions and thoughts and indirectly almost all our feelings and much of our physiology. As bad as you may feel, much of what goes on in your body when you are in pain or sick is the indirect result of the actions and thoughts you chose or have chosen every day of your life. Choice Theory teaches that we are much more in control of our lives than we realize. The Ten Axioms of Choice Theory 1 ­ The only person whose behavior we can control is our own. In practice, if we are willing to suffer the alternative – (almost always severe punishment or death) – no one can make us do anything we don’t want to do. And, when we are threatened with punishment whatever we do we rarely do well.


2 ­ When we actually begin to realize that we can control only our own behavior, we immediately start to redefine our personal freedom and find, in many instances, that we have much more freedom than we realize. If we don’t do what we are told, we can decide how much personal freedom we are willing to give up. For example, when a wife says to her husband… “Unless you treat me better I am going to leave you”, she is in the process of redefining her freedom. It’s always her choice to leave; what she has to choose now is how much freedom she is willing to give up if she stays. In terms of taking control of our own lives, which is always possible, we have to continually decide how important freedom is to us. 3 ­ All we can give or get from other people is information. How we deal with that information is our or their choice. 4 ­ All long­lasting psychological problems are relationship problems. A partial cause of many other problems such as pain, fatigue, weakness, and some chronic diseases – commonly called autoimmune diseases – are relationship problems. There is no sense wasting time looking at all aspects of our lives for why we are choosing misery. The cause of the misery is always our way of dealing with an important relationship that is not working out the way we want it to. Until we face that fact, we have no freedom; we have locked ourselves into an endless impossible task. There is no guarantee that we can solve this problem, but there is an absolute guarantee that if we don’t face it, we will never solve it.


Dr. Judith Long is a renowned counselor and author. Dr. Long developed chakra essential oils and offers lines of aromatherapy and goddess jewelry. The oils express specific frequencies of the plants, which, in turn, are similar to characteristics of the person or chakra brought forth. Judith applies metaphysical principles in her healing work and life. “Energy vibration is my main interest. Everything is energy. When one understands the vibrational frequency of things, we can make appropriate adjustments and restorations as needed. Individual thoughts, particular diseases, wellness and each chakra have specific frequencies that affect the health of the body and mind." When energy is restored to its appropriate frequency, one lives from their essence in perfect health and happiness", says Dr. Long. Her practice includes working with the misconceptions and authenticity of the inner child along with clearing, balancing and energizing the chakras. She offers meditation and classes such as “Inner Sensitivity”, “Woman Awareness” and “Awakening the Illuminated Heart”, authored “Essence: Insights into the Energy of Homosexuality” (Joshua Books 2004) after working with many gay clients in Healing their Inner Child. Dr. Long currently practices in Sedona, Az. She earned a Bachelor’s degree in Special Education, a Master’s in Educational Psychology and a MsD in Metaphysics. You may contact Dr. Judith by email:


Jupiter in Libra: Journeys of Justice By: Astrologer Salvador Russo

Great journeys of justice will begin with the entrance of Jupiter into the house of Libra! This momentous astrological transit begins on September 9th of 2016, a date which reverberates with profound numerological meaning because it equates to “999.” Pythagoras would tell us that this number foretells of epic closures and endings that must precede the divine forms of genesis that heaven has in store for us. The signs are given by star and by number. Jupiter’s transit of Libra will have God tipping every scale on Earth through the enforcement actions of certain heavenly hosts. What comes next will be for the history books! Prepare to witness divine intervention on a massive scale! I predict the following themes and events to manifest within our lives and world ‘til October 10th of 2017 when Jupiter enters Scorpio: • profound displays of divine orchestration within our relationship lives • the conversion of old enemies into new allies 34

• the establishment of historic treaties, trade agreements, and peace accords • a two­year long cleansing of the world’s judicial systems • the appointment of excellent new judges and magistrates • the dismantling of the insidious Trans Pacific Partnership • open clashes between industry titans • a dramatic and just rebalancing of the global scales of power • blessed connections with soul mates, twin flames, and true loves • a blossoming of our relationships with God • the issuance of divine treasure and reward for demonstrated trust in God • mystical experiences with God’s angel of justice, Raguel • the fortunate entrance of super power advocates, friends, and allies • cultural purification wherever it must be done • the blessing of all noble friendships, marriages, and partnerships • the attainment of unprecedented levels of inner peace • the attainment of great wisdom through human and spiritual relationships • extraordinary opportunities to win security and prosperity through partnerships 35

• the clearing away of open enemies and spiritually undesirable relationships • unusually wonderful fortunes with contracts, deals, trades, terms, and negotiations • fair closures to longstanding lawsuits, claims, disputes, and other legal contests • the attraction and creation of miracles through sustained spiritual commitments


Raguel and Themis There is a great power partnership that has been fixed to the transit of Jupiter in Libra. This is the partnership between the holy angel of justice, Raguel, and the ancient goddess of justice, Themis. Together they will serve as ambassadors of God’s justice as they work through the timing and frequency of Jupiter in Libra. Their work will be phased with a prolific portion of phase one to be completed prior to February 6th of 2017 when Jupiter will enter retrograde in Libra. Prior to this retrograde Raguel and Themis will cover great earthly territory as Jupiter will rapidly advance to the 23rd degree of Libra, nearly rounding out the house before entering the 2017 retrograde. God knows we need help and these two will waste no time. Phase Two Between February 6th and June 8th of 2017 Jupiter will be retrograde in Libra. In lay terms this means that the full benevolence and power of Jupiter will be restrained during this time. Jupiter synchronicities during the retrograde will be concentrated upon rectification of past breeches of trust, justice, harmony, love, and commitment. This is when the great work of rebalancing must be done so that beyond the retrograde we can enjoy a more peaceful and orderly world. Retrogrades signal times when inner alchemical work should be prioritized. This one will be no different. Call upon God to assist with inner peace, relationship healing, just outcomes, perfect balancing, and the honoring of important commitments. Follow Jupiter Fortunes can swing wildly for the better when we align our actions to Jupiter’s transit. I hope that all of you begin this epic season with your horoscopes in hand so that you are able to follow and see Jupiter’s divine influence at work in your life. By doing this you can open yourselves to the highest possible benefits and future. In general terms it is wise for us to accept, engage, and develop in accordance with the 37

people and opportunities that Jupiter syncs with. The Vedics know Jupiter as “Ganesha,� the great remover of obstacles. I agree with the Vedics that the Jupiter energy certainly enables us to overcome great obstacles. If you have obstacles to clear be sure to follow the path of Jupiter through your horoscopes.


Power Scales I began writing this article in prayer, as I always do. Shortly thereafter I received a vision of a golden scale that symbolized the balance of earthly power. On the left side the scale was totally weighed down with power concentrated completely on the left side. Through a flash of gnosis I understood that Satan’s terrestrial power was being portrayed by this gross imbalance. Then I sensed Jupiter’s entry into Libra and I saw the scale completely reversed so that the right side had all the weight and all the power concentrated upon it. If my vision is true then we will see such a transference of power on Earth during Jupiter’s transits of Libra and Scorpio, when power will be stripped from the wicked and granted to the virtuous. Raguel whispers that Satan dreads Jupiter’s transit of Libra… Magic Words Heaven’s light permeates every aspect of our earthly lives. Jupiter’s transit of Libra will be inspiring Libran language into our minds, interactions, and mediascape. Here are many of the magic words that will be inspired by the Jupiter in Libra energy: peace, justice, commitment, contract, equality, compromise, negotiation, fair, trade, balance, equilibrium, partners, allies, diplomacy, treaty, truce, accord, marriage, trust, dispute, divorce, adversaries, friendship, harmony, mutual, cooperation, liaison, fidelity, vows, deal, settlement, culture, judgement, ambassador, pact, agreement, spouse, terms, and scales. I share these words to prove a point: that language itself is organized by the zodiac. Certain words belong to certain signs, that's just the way it is. Now watch as Libra’s language dominates the mediascape… Divine Relationships Libra is the celestial domain that presides over all earthly relationships. Jupiter’s entry into Libra signals the beginning of a golden year with regards to relationship potentials. Enter this year with the clear awareness that divine grace will be entering our lives through 39

relationships existing and yet to come. Jupiter’s energy will also help to resurrect and restore failed or stagnant relationships that still have hope for the future. From friends to spouses to family members to business partners, the Jupiter vibe will help to make our relationships much more divine. It will also help to harmoniously end relationships that have run their course. If you are looking for your soulmate or twin flame know this: Jupiter’s transit of Libra will be fantastically supportive of making that dream come true.

Cosmic Justice The essence of Jupiter in Libra is cosmic justice, for each of us and for the world at large. Expect to see justice working marvelously in the near future. Expect to experience justice in the most divine and profound ways imaginable during this transit. I am elated to declare that the time 40

of great cosmic justice has finally come! The entirety of our karmic past has been perfectly judged by God. Jupiter’s transit of Libra brings the rulings to the judgements that have already been made above us, beyond us, and for us. If there is one word to take from this article let it be justice. Embrace, employ, and practice justice in all that you do and you will ascend with Jupiter in Libra. Be trustworthy, create peace when you can, honor commitments, and keep justice centered in your mind to ensure your spiritual ascent. Balancing Act Billions of people are living lives that are terribly out of balance. The good news is that this is about to change for the better. The energy of Jupiter in Libra will be working against the greatest causes of imbalance on Earth, to include on the political, governmental, and economic levels. There will be wild and historic swings of wealth, power, status, and influence among the nations over the next few years. Some nations will rise as others fall. When you see these things happening take comfort in knowing that God is creating a new balance and order on Earth that perfectly counters the Satanic globalist agenda. As a matter of fact, God’s intervention through Jupiter in Libra will be smashing the “globalist” vision to pieces. Wait and see, it’s going to be thrilling! Marriage Upgrades It’s common knowledge that divorce rates are incredibly high and marriages, for the most part, are not what they used to be. The universe has an antidote and yes, it’s Jupiter in Libra. For those who don’t yet know marriages also have a cosmic life. When the vows are taken and the wedding ceremony is completed the stars of that moment are forever sealed into the futures of the newlyweds. This can be a blessing or a curse depending upon the astrological timing of the marriage. That being said, Jupiter in Libra will be bringing magical transmutations of cosmic energy to worthy couples who need new stars to thrive. Marital miracles are real and Jupiter will be bringing them. And for anyone who is planning to wed in the near future, be sure that you don’t wed while 41

Jupiter is retrograde in Libra‌


Ascension Keys In service of the highest good for all people I offer the following ascension keys to assist with your spiritual ascent during Jupiter’s transit of Libra, as follows: • maintain reciprocity with all whom you deal with • recover, develop, and leverage trust • partner up when you obviously should • honor your commitments and be true to your word • use the new energies to restore lost balance • be a great friend when called upon • avoid being biased like the plague • develop and utilize diplomatic ability • be watchful for “Jupiter grade” contracts • marry at a wise time if it’s on your agenda • evolve your social and cultural circles • support fair trade business practices • be cooperative, not competitive • be discerning of open enemies, they’re out there • make important introductions to help other people 43

• strive to master the balance between above and below • work in harmony and order with the cosmos • and most importantly, develop your relationship with God


Musings Jove brings in heaven’s court, Satan’s time is growing short. I rhyme at last for fun and sport, as Vulcan leaves his Cancer port. Saturn is the cosmic teacher, priceless wisdom is his feature. In my sign but I’m no preacher, Soros is a ghastly creature. Justice journeys for us all, perfect rulings big and small. Partner up and have a ball, God leave’s ladders at the wall. Raguel is my new friend, his angel sword is sure to rend. Pluto failed to make me bend, Sag and Aries that’s my blend. So here it comes, the sacred hour. Egypt knew the sacred flower. Learn the stars and tap their power, my soul is strong I’ll never cower. Full of light and full of fire, freedom is my main desire. I climb the order ever higher, my spirit guides all call me sire. To your infinite success, Astrologer Salvador Russo

Salvador Russo is a professional astrologer and a co­creator of the internationally recognized Starseed Astrology. A devout Christian mystic, Salvador’s philosophy is centered upon the teachings of Jesus Christ, Biblical wisdom, and the mysteries of the ancient world. He believes that astrology is divine and that it can be used to enlighten and unite the world. Salvador is self­taught, relying on observation and inspiration to advance his knowledge of the heavens. He offers astrological services through his site.


Sound Shaman: Sound Healing

Using her experience as a healer and musician, Norma crafts for us each month a unique offering from the realm of Spirit. Listen to Sound Healing

Norma Gentile (BM, MM Voice, University of Michigan) embraces the worlds of classical Western singing, Eastern shamanism and channeling. She has produced over 45 hour­long channeled teachings and meditations, four solo albums of healing songs, and numerous articles, podcasts and videos. She is a channel for Mary, Archangel Michael and the Hathors. She trained as both a professional singer and energy worker. She maintains a private healing practice, offering sessions in English and Spanish, as well as singing healing concerts and teaching workshops. Her CD of live sound healings, Songs of Spirit, is available in the Maat Shop. Norma's CD Songs of Spirit, is available in the Ma'at Shop or together with her other recordings at


Jack in the Fog By Carl Franz

Steve glanced back at his trail of shallow footprints left sunk into the sandy path behind him. They reached away back in time to the garden gate of what was home a few minutes ago. The sun had risen just high enough to begin burning off the morning mist. In another hour or two the fine Lincolnshire sand would dry out. Then the breeze would blow away his tracks forever. He adjusted the strap on the small rucksack he carried. It was digging in to his bony shoulder, nagging at him all ready. Not that it weighed all that much. All he had packed that morning was a change of clothes before he slipped out. His parents and his younger sister wouldn't rouse for another couple of hours yet. He could hear the chickens begin their morning squabbles in the back yard. The usual trouble makers (Matilda and Dot) would flap around enough to get over the fence before long. A pang of guilt surprised him. That was one of 47

his choresÍž to keep them in. They wouldn't go far, they'd be all right he told himself, and took one last look back at the small pan tiled cottage hunkering down behind the old lilac tree. It seemed even smaller than before, as if it had closed its old damp walls around the remaining family members to keep them from escaping into the surrounding fields too.

He couldn't see the fields through the mist but he could sense them flowing out unhindered in all directions. They spread rapidly over the level ground on an ever expanding saucer of peaty earth, carrying all the rectangular rafts of unripe barley and tender leaved young sugar beet right up to, and then over the horizon. At that point they spilled away without a sound into the neighbouring counties, into the unknown. Steve resumed walking, searching ahead into the wispy veil to where the path hardened into a gravel track. Another mile on it joined up with 48

a narrow tarmac road. From there it was only a couple more miles to the bus stop. He might not even have to walk all the way. A passing car (there would be a three or four at least) might give him a ride to one of the nearest towns. To the west was the coal mining town laying at the foot of its self made hills of dark spoil from the pits. And to the north the steel works crowned a real hill made of its sustaining fortuneÍž iron ore. Beneath it a notorious urban sprawl skirted its base. There wasn't much to choose between the two. Both were equally hard places for a scrawny fifteen year old country boy. But he had enough money to rent a room, at least for a while. He was sure to find work before it ran out.

As he passed by the last of the old cottages lining the path, dogs barked half heartedly from behind their gates. It was more of a hello than any kind of warning. They all knew it was just that kid. The straggly haired one, a tad too thin, wandering around in a dream. By the time he had reached the gravel road they had stopped yapping. Instead they waited with their tails slowly wagging, ready to pick up the beat again on his 49

return. Sorry to disappoint you on that one, thought Steve, allowing himself a wry smile. But in the next moment his heart sank at the sight of a figure emerging out of the creamy vapour ahead. It was Jack; his neighbour. He was pushing his old bicycle home from the night shift. The girly wicker basket on the front hung lopsided under the weight of his work coat and bag. Over the seat hung a bulky sack. Steve guessed it was stuffed with kindling wood gleaned from the old crates at the brickyards where he worked. Times were hard but Jack always had something good to say, something funny most times. Once as he was passing by, Jack had stopped to look down at his own torn gardening trousers. “See these trousers, boy?” he'd said, “They's Russian trousers. Yes Russian. You know why they're Russian?” he pointed to a large rip at the knee, “Coz the air rushes in here,” then he indicated to another flapping tear on the other leg, “and rushes out there!” He'd gone on his way then, wheezing out his long rusty bellow laugh and slapping Steve's back as he went. Steve hadn’t reckoned on bumping into Jack. An awkward feeling came over him. A guilty feeling as if he had been caught red handed. But he wasn't doing anything wrong, not really. Not yet. He was just out for a stroll as far as anyone was concerned. Later on though when he was missed, Jack would say he'd seen him walking towards the road that morning. Seen him carrying his stuffed full rucksack, on his way somewhere. Steve didn't look up but he was acutely aware of Jack studying him curiously as he approached. When they drew level Jack stopped. “Well boy what have you got to tell me this fine misty morning?” Steve wasn't really expecting him to ask anything like that. He hurriedly opened every single empty draw in his head except for the one with the truth in it. Bankrupt he shrugged. 50

Jack leaned against his old bone shaker in silence for a moment before saying, “See this mist, boy?” He's going to tell another of his jokes, thought Steve with a sense of relief. He put down his rucksack and settled in to listen.

“You see this mist?” Jack continued without waiting for an answer, “This mist is nothing. There was real fog down here a few years ago, a real pea­souper. You couldn't see your hand in front of your face that morning, boy”. He held out his hand at arm’s length to demonstrate. “Not even your own hand in front of your face”, he repeated. Steve nodded, “Wow”, to indicate how impressed he was. “Well I sets off, see. I sets off to work in the fog for the bus stop anyway. Couldn't see the road, mind, just the grass verge. So I followed it. I did 51

well too. I got about half way to the bus stop but then you know what? I fell off. I was going so slow I fell right off my bike into the road. Well that didn't stop me. I just picked myself up and carried on through the fog. Couldn't see a thing, not a thing, mind. Just the grass verge. Nothing else but fog”. He paused, staring away at the scene playing out in his head until his eyes unexpectedly darted across, catching Steve eye to eye. Unable to break jack's intense gaze, Steve froze. He was being analysed, not judged though. There was nothing critical in Jack's manner. It was more of a yearning to understand. The sharpness in Jack's polished jet eyes softened. Steve felt he had been released from scrutiny. He wondered what Jack had seen. Whatever it was, if anything, he didn't mention it and just continued with his tale. “You know what, boy? You know what then? Instead of the bus stop I saw my own house. My own bloody house! You know what I'd done? I'd got back on my bike and ridden home again!”


He wheezed out his laugh and slapped Steve on the shoulder. Steve swung his rucksack up onto his shoulder and walked back along with him towards the string of cosy little cottages hunkering down into the fertile Lincolnshire land. The dogs were still waiting expectantly behind their gates and Steve knew the chickens would be over the fence and scratching around all over the path when he got back.

I am a retired engineer living in the beautiful countryside of Yorkshire England. Often to be found striding along the country paths along side the rivers or ambling through the local woods, lost in my thoughts and happy as a lark. I enjoy painting and writing. Through them, I try to describe the spiritual experiences encountered during my daily and nocturnal travels. These experiences have always heavily influenced my life and now I have time to explore them and perhaps share my deep interest in all peaceful spiritual practises, which celebrate and respect nature. Carl Franz


Choices for our Future By Ken Page & Rev. Dr. Nancy Nester

Over the years, we have explored the past in many different ways. It appears everyone has the same questions about an experience: Why Me, Why This and Why Now? Most people attempt to move away from their past, yet still find themselves re­living the same feelings and all the emotional details͞ which only serves to bring their past into their present moment. Often, they get caught up in past experiences without ever reaching any type of understanding. By default, they can remain in those same patterns of energy for years. Over the years, our clients have shown us that the purpose of life is to 54

experience all Creation and to have compassion for everything and everyone. The more experiences we have, the more compassion we have for others and ourselves. When we become conscious of our emotional past and understand our choices on every level: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual ­ we have the ability to change not only ourselves but the Consciousness of the emotions that we have experienced. It unwinds the fiber of what we might consider Karma or Dharma. Because we now have the wisdom and understanding of our experience, there is no longer a need to have a past and the energy of Karma is changed. The future also changes because we no longer need time to be reflected in a linear fashion. If we no longer have to define ourselves by our past, we open ourselves to many different possibilities. The more a person can be accepting ­ compassionate ­ with who he or she really is, and no longer needs to find their identity from outside, that person's relationships will completely change. The energetics of the planet will also change because another emotional energy pattern ­ a consciousness ­ has changed and shifted. Many people are beginning to feel they have no past whatsoever. They have looked at everything and find there is nothing from the past that has any remaining emotional 'charge'. They have come to 55

terms with their own humanity by integrating their experiences with compassion. They have become "knowing­aware." Being in the place of knowing, we become conscious — an endless and timeless place where we actually occupy many different spaces simultaneously. Our awareness changes. It also means that we can then have many simultaneous experiences. Perhaps that is when we truly recognize we are a part of Creator. Is that what Creator is doing? Does Creator have multiple simultaneous experiences?


When we understand our past experiences, we reach a level of compassion for ourselves that resonates to an acceptance of everyone and everything in creation. This is what we call Oneness. Having compassion ­ without judgment or opinion. Our future can be different than our past as we gain the understanding for our choices. We are now free to become conscious creators rather than continuing the past by default. Acceptance of 'what is' within each moment, we can reach a level of compassion that resonates and allows the soul to vibrate within us. This allows Creator to be a part of us. This is happening to many of us as we start to make that connection. The compassion and love we have for ourselves becomes the compassion and love we have for all.

Ken Page Founder and director of the Institute of Multidimensional Cellular Healing™ and the Third Eye of Horus Mystery School™, Ken is the author of the best­selling technique book: 'The Way It Works', together with 'The Heart of Soul Healing' and 'The End of Time'. He is co­author with Dr. Nancy Nester of 'Heart & Soul Healing ­ Energy Techniques for Spirit Releasement', 'In Quest of Why? A philosophy and applications Manual', 'The Art of Transference ­ Healing through Compassion" 'How to Release Old Energy and Feel Free', 'HSH ­ Energy Dynamics, Volume One'. and their newest book: 'Teachings of the Red School'.


Online Showcase

Deva Premal and Miten: Live in Concert (Gayatri Mantra, The Essence) The Great Bell Chant (The End Of Suffering) Wisdom Film ­ Thich Nhat Hanh ­ "The End of Suffering" Deekpak Chopra ­ "The Stillness is You" Lorna Byrne: The Lady Who Sees Angels Documentary Master Graham Hancock and Lorna Byrne in conversation

58 58

David Icke 2016 predictions David Icke Do You REALLY Want to Know This How is one to know if the gurus are speaking the truth? Gangaji 足 Stop Trusting Your Thoughts Tom Kenyon on Channeling the Hathors Part 1: 足 A Shift in Consciousness Part 2:足pNFM Part 3:足TpfaAwGfY

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