'Spirit of Ma’at' 10 2015

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“When we listen and hear the small, still voice within our hearts, we can access our greatest potential, joy and desire. This is the heart’s vision-the personal dream that will allow the individual to accomplish the things that bring happiness and fulfillment.” “When we hear the heart’s voice and fling our deepest longings and desires toward that heart vision, the body and senses merely follow the heartstrings that are made from our faith.” “This is the magic of personal creation and manifestation that marks the wholehearted seeker who knows that miracles are real.” “This individual creates the miracle of cooperation through the faith and willingness to be a partner with the Great Mystery, allowing personal desire to manifest in its own way.” ~ Jamie Sims

3 Editor’s Letter


HeartMath Corner Solar Cycle News: DNA, Magnetic Fields and Biological Information Transfer


The Voice of Your Heart - by Daniel Mitel


Wayne Dyer and Getting in the Gap - by Julia Griffin


Sound Shaman: Sound Healing - by Norma Gentile


A Silent Healer - by Jo Mooy


Sustaining the Galactic Blueprint - by Peggy Black and the ‘team’


Scarborough - by Carl Franz


Lucid Dreaming - by Ken Page


The Art of Listening to the Still, Small Voice Within by Dr. Gail Brenner


Learning to Listen to the Voice Within - by Liat Nava Aliya


Online Showcase



Editor’s Letter Greetings, First, I want to take this opportunity to thank Noriko Sasaki for the excellent job over the past years… she gave a fresh perspective and view to the Spirit of Ma’at content. It’s my turn again after several years and as we move forward I will attempt to provide continuing excellent content with a bit of the Cooper-Lodes flair. Years ago when I lived in South Florida, I had the One Heart Magazine there for many years. I still have those issues and at that time they were printed in a physical magazine – without the convenience of the digital world as we know it today. I remember interviewing some of the great teachers in the beginning of their careers such as Dr. Wayne Dyer, Marianne Williamson, Deepak, Drunvalo, Gregg Braden, Tom Kenyon etc. and it has been amazing to see the growth and success of each of these great master teachers. I’ve been thinking that what they shared in those days is still very relevant today and sometimes I ask the question, “have we really changed as humans” or, are we still headed down the tenuous road? When I look at the successes in awareness, equality, our food supply, health, environment, etc.,

5 I also observe what those teachers spoke of occurring more and more – the gap between the conscious and the unconscious, the issues that are being pushed to the surface out of the darkness into the light – and how important it is to be in connection with, awareness of, communion with… the highest part of our selves. My friend and teacher Ken Page, says – “Love yourself… and have compassion for others”, and in these days it is ever more important to keep this in mind as we see some of the great blessings and the most disturbing revelations come forth. So welcome to the October issue of the Spirit of Ma’at entitled “Listening to the Voice Within”. There is much wisdom to be had and gentle reminders from our authors to stay aware and commune with that all-knowing source within our souls as we continue to spin along in our solar system towards the future. Oh and by the way – those of you who are on Facebook – we do have a Facebook page so join us there will ya? My best to you from my heart, Diane ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Diane M. Cooper has more than 25 years experience with endeavors related to consciousness and healing. She brings to Spirit of Ma'at, a first person familiarity with the world and its peoples having traveled widely as well as creating conferences and seminars through her company, One Heart Productions, LLC. She lives in Sedona, Arizona with her Partner Dani and their fur-faces Obiwan, Kitty Softpaws, Bunny Chompers and Edgar Allen Pugglesworth.


HeartMath Corner Solar Cycle News; DNA, Magnetic Fields and Biological Information Transfer

The Recent Flip of Solar Poles’ Recent Flip Sometime around the end of 2013, the sun’s north and south magnetic poles completed a flip. This reversal of the sun’s magnetic field occurs about every 11 years, at the peak/midway point of a solar cycle. Despite the current solar cycle now having begun its wane, the first few months of 2014 saw the unleashing of several large solar flares. The biggest was an X5-class flare on Feb. 24. X-class solar flares are classified as the most powerful flares; a video from NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory shows the explosion:


Effects of Solar and Geomagnetic Activity on Humans As we have reported in previous commentaries, solar and geomagnetic activity can affect human health and behavior, including social behavior and unrest around the world. There is strong and convincing evidence supporting this. For example, we witnessed an increase in social unrest, revolutions, insurrections and uprisings during the upswing of the current solar cycle. The most prominent example is the Arab Spring, which started in December 2010. By December 2013, rulers had been forced from power in Tunisia, Egypt, Libya and Yemen. Civil uprisings erupted in Bahrain and Syria, and there were major protests in Algeria, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Morocco and Sudan. NASA has speculated that the sun reached its peak around the end of 2013 and the downswing of the cycle is now under way. As observed by Russian scientist Alexander Chizhevsky, also known as A.L. Tchijevsky, most of a solar cycle’s effect on human health and behavior occurs within about five years of the cycle’s peak. His observation appears to be consistent with some current events in the world.

8 Notable among these are recent events in Ukraine and Venezuela: Tensions between Ukraine and Russia boiled over in November 2013, culminating with violent clashes in the streets, the president’s ouster and finally the Russian annexation of Crimea. In Venezuela, violent demonstrations began on Feb. 4 and rocked Venezuela for weeks. Further indications of the turmoil that can occur around a solar cycle’s peak may be extreme weather events of 2013 and early 2014: Intense drought persisted in California and other U.S. states, while record snowfall was recorded in the central and northeastern states; there were record highs in Australia, extreme drought in New Zealand and exceptional rain in Spain and China. With continued social unrest in so many areas of the world and abnormal weather patterns around the planet, the question arises: Do humans have any input in or control over what is happening? GCI hypothesizes that geomagnetic and solar activity not only affect human health and behavior, but also that Earth’s magnetic field is a carrier of biologically relevant information connecting all living systems. GCI also hypothesizes that every individual affects the global information field.

9 Information Transfer Via Electromagnetic Signals HeartMath’s research shows that animals and the nervous systems of people in close proximity can detect the heart’s electromagnetic field and that a bioelectromagnetic field such as that radiated by the human heart and brain can affect other individuals and the global information field environment. Research conducted in our laboratory has confirmed the hypothesis that when an individual is in a state of heart coherence, the heart radiates a more coherent electromagnetic signal into the environment. Additionally, when we are in a coherent state we are more sensitive to detecting the information in the fields radiated by others. Recent scientific studies involving DNA, water, the environment and magnetic fields, lend support to the hypothesis that magnetic fields can carry biologically relevant information. The authors of a 2011 study conducted by Nobel laureate Luc Montagnier et al., say DNA in their experiments teleported itself to distant cells through electromagnetic signals. Furthermore, they indicated that this information could instruct the re-creation of DNA when the basic constituents of DNA are present and coupled with extremely low electromagnetic frequency fields. Such low electromagnetic frequency fields, ones that are able to stimulate DNA information transfer, could come from sources such as Schuman resonances, which occur naturally in the earth’s electromagnetic field spectrum, starting at 7.83 hertz. Thus, some scientists surmise, solar and geomagnetic activity could affect human health and behavior – down to the level of the DNA. If DNA signaling can be stimulated by the Schuman resonances and brain and heart frequencies overlap with those frequencies, it raises interesting questions about how we all are interconnected with each other through solar and geomagnetic frequencies.

10 Other scientific research has explored the nature and interaction of ecosystems, water molecules and electromagnetic fields.

In Conclusion and Looking Ahead It remains uncertain when humans finally will move away from the current global unrest and instability to a more stable and peaceful planet. There clearly is an urgency, however, among millions of people to discard old structures that do not serve all sentient beings and the planetary environment. We are in the midst of a paradigm shift in consciousness and on the threshold of a new era of personal and global harmony. Solar activity not only has been correlated with social unrest, destructive climatic conditions and other adverse events, but also with periods of great human achievement, including in architecture, arts and science and positive social change.

11 We can learn from past mistakes and consciously choose to harness such energetic influences for human flourishing and advancement and humanitarian efforts. The Global Coherence Initiative employs multiple strategies for increasing personal, social and global coherence. Through GCI’s internet-based global network, a rich array of people around the world are connecting daily to radiate heart consciousness around the planet to shift global consciousness toward a more harmonious and peaceful future. It is with gratitude and appreciation that all of us at GCI thank you for your continued support as together we seek to increase global coherence. Annette Deyhle, Ph.D. and the GCI Research Team

Media Contact: Gabriella Boehmer (831) 338-8710 or gboehmer@heartmath.com Copyright Š 2004 HeartMath. Since 1991 HeartMath has been dedicated to decoding the underlying mechanics of stress. HeartMath is internationally recognized for their solutions to transform the stress of change and uncertainty, and bring coherence and renewed energy into people’s lives. HeartMath Inc. is a cutting-edge performance company providing a range of unique services, products, and technology to improve health and well-being, while dramatically reducing stress and boosting performance and productivity. For more than 20 years HeartMath and its sister nonprofit research organization, the Institute of HeartMath, have demonstrated through clinical studies the critical link between emotions, heart function, and cognitive performance. The HeartMath System is an ecosystem of compelling solutions for stress relief have been published in numerous peer-reviewed journals, such as such as American Journal of Cardiology, Stress Medicine, and Preventive Cardiology. HeartMath organizational clients include Duke Medicine, Stanford Business School, Stanford Hospital, Blue Cross Blue Shield, Sutter Health, the Gottman Institute, Scripps Center for Integrative Medicine, Kaiser Permanente, Cisco Systems, and Boeing. Dozens of school systems and thousands of health professionals around the world are also utilizing these solutions for stress and overwhelm.


The Voice of Your Heart Story by: Daniel Mitel

More than 20 years ago, I was lost in the north of Tibet surrounded by an ocean of white snow. After almost two days of walking when I was thinking that I had literally exhausted all chances to survive, two things happened almost simultaneously. The first one was a totally absence of thoughts - a complete silence. No mind. The second one was a subtle voice within that told me exactly what to do in order to survive. There was no sound, just a warm and delicate voice. Later on, my friends told me that “my mind was silent�. Of course that is not true: mind cannot be silent. Mind is the absence of silence and silence is absence of mind. When the silence struck me, the mind disappeared.

13 But something else happened during that time that I never wrote about in any of my books. After I heard that inner voice guiding me, I started to chant slowly. I started to intone a sound. Anyone standing near me probably would not have heard it. It was a quiet sound, a quiet chant that I could hear inside of me, inside of my heart. Later when I spoke with the monks they told me that they could hear a chant very clearly going around the monastery. All of the monks that were able to hear my quiet chant were in meditation, in their hearts. So, when you are in your heart and start chanting a sound, anybody who is in their heart can hear you. You basically are tuned to the same frequency. Later, while sitting in meditation with the Tibetan masters, I noticed that visitors were not allowed in the temple or in the meditation and prayer rooms. For Tibetans, their temple was a private place, not a public place. The masters created this space and filled it with specific vibrations and specific sounds. They told me that my chant was reaching this space created by the temple like a sort of GPS. It was receiving the signal from outside. That wasn’t the only time when they used their “GPS� to help somebody lost in the Tibetan eternal snows.

14 A famous visitor found by monks using similar methods was the British army colonel that met Peter Kelder in 1930 in southern California. He shared with him The Five Tibetan Rites, also known as "The Five Rites of Rejuvenation”. Actually there are seven rites, and after the masters showed them to me I described them in my second book, “Heart Imagery: A Path To Enlightenment”. After practicing the rites, many people claimed positive medical effects such as improved eyesight, memory, potency, hair growth, restoration of full color to completely gray hair, and anti-aging. According to the masters, it is possible to build a similar meditation room as the Tibetans have in their temples but you need to meditate each day for seven years in the same place for at least an hour. The location, the room, is irrelevant if you don’t meditate and listen to the voice within. Once you connect with your inner voice, or heart voice as some people call it, you will be able to fill the space around you with a particular vibration and anybody who passes by your meditation room will be able to feel the vibration. Remember that you cannot use the meditation room for any other purpose. After you are able to hear your inner voice, try to chant it. If you choose the same room every day, it will be charged with your chant, with your inner voice. In India, the inner most centre room of the Hindu temples is known as “the womb” (“garbha”). This central meditation room has just one little door, just like a womb, and it is made similar to the womb of the mother: round-shaped, almost closed, with only one opening. If you are in this meditation room and start to intone a sound that you love, you will suddenly feel that something warm begins enveloping you. If you continue chanting that sound, the same warmth that is in the womb of the mother is created. So try to create your own space, and find your own sound. When you are chanting it, you will feel love around you, because your heart will start vibrating. Use this method to reconnect with your Inner Self. Use the room meditation to reconnect with the Universe, use the limited to go to the unlimited. Use your inner voice to reconnect with the Divinity, use the finite to go toward the infinite.


Daniel Mitel is a world traveler Master helping people understand their intimate connection to their Inner Selves. He is the first person in the world (in modern times) to explain and define the origin of the ancient Heart Imagery system. Daniel is a prominent Master of Meditations and teaches worldwide. He is showing the inner power what you can achieve using your Heart’s unconditional love. Daniel’s books “This Now Is Eternity” and “Heart Imagery: A Path To Enlightenment” are highly regarded as some of the best meditation and spiritual guide books all over the world. For information or to contact Daniel go to http://danielmitel.com/ or by email: daniel@danielmitel.com


Wayne Dyer and Getting in the Gap Story by: Julia Griffin Reprinted courtesy of Aquarius Metaphysical Magazine

Wayne Dyer

Julia: Getting in the Gap is about experiencing the space between our thoughts through the use of meditation and Japa or sound. How does this happen? What happens as we move into that space? Wayne: Everyone experiences approximately 60,000 thoughts each day and tends to have the same patterns of thoughts over and over each day. These repetitive thoughts are projected or created by the ego. The ego creates patterns of concepts in the material world that simulate the idea of safety and love, but we are really trapped by the ego. Usually we stay with one thought until the next thought takes over. This process limits us and keeps from experiencing the Source that is in the Gap between these strands or patterns of thought.

17 To create, we need a pause or gap between the thoughts. The gap or this space is the place that allows us to build, create, and manifest. We can all experience the gap through meditation. In Getting in the Gap, I use the Lord's Prayer and the sound 'ah' or one of the names of God. The sound of 'ah' is not only within the name of God; it is also in the sound of Allah, Krishna, Jehovah, and Ra. When repeated in a mantra while in the Gap, it keeps us in a prolonged state of consciousness with our Source. Staying in the Gap helps us to experience the benefits of less stress, more peace, less fatigue, more energy. We also look younger and happier. We move into a creative place in which we can use Japa to attract what we want into our lives. Most significantly, we make conscious contact with God, the source of all energy.


Julia: In Yoga, one lies in sivasana (or corpse pose), a receptive pose at the end of practice to balance activity. Is the place that you describe as the Gap similar to this and other states experienced in esotericism? Wayne: Yes, it is the same type of practice, the point of which is to merge with the Source, the highest consciousness level where we realign our inner intention to the creative force of which we are all a part. Julia: Japa is similar to intentional languages, such as Sanskrit, in which the vibrations of the sounds can actually manifest as shapes in sand or salt (yantras). How do the intentional sounds used in the Gap affect the meditation? Wayne: Sound accesses the dimension between the spiritual and the physical. The Source of Energy can be accessed through the use of sound. Everything vibrates at a certain frequency – this is a law of physics. These

19 frequencies are not good or bad, right or wrong, but the vibratory rate of the frequency can be said to be high or low. The sounds used in Japa bring about high energy that vibrates at a rapid speed. When our energy vibrates rapidly, we feel good, peaceful, receptive, and creative. Japa is a way of magnetizing the vibration of love and manifesting with this wave. Japa can act as a shield for the lower emotions of others. It deflects the negativity of those around you. We can go into meditation and be free of any response to negative emotion. Negativity is eliminated from our energy field, and we not only feel good, but we become capable of transmuting the negative energy fields of others. Scientific studies based on the measurement of serotonin, a neurotransmitter that indicates the level of peace and harmony, have shown that exposure to the energy field of those who meditate raises the serotonin levels of the people around them. High energy actually changes hatred, anger, and sadness by elevating it into love.

Julia: The ego creates projections on its need to feel safe and loved. We experience these projections in 3D or physical reality. I have noticed that many people feel their lives are falling apart when they begin to meditate and manifest. What advice would you give to them?


Wayne: There is no question that many people experience what I call a 'somersault' into an inconceivable reality and face the possibility that what you thought wasn't possible, now is possible. The ego has difficulty letting go of its concept that you can focus on all things that are good, or that you can truly become a magician with real magic. The ego starts to say that none of this can really happen – you aren't intended to be this way. Some of the thoughts of the ego are, “It will never happen. It's too hard. I can't do it.� If you can continue to go to a higher vibration, then you can move through this resistance by becoming in harmony or one with the Source. In this state, you experience the least amount of resistance to all things.

21 Another issue for many people is worthiness. Learning to feel worthy and deserving of abundance is one of the steps of manifestation. You also need to realize that good and God are synonymous. The five most important words that you can repeat or say to yourself are, “I want to feel good.” People ask, “How can you focus on good--and feeling good--with the war in Iraq or all of the other things that are happening in the world today?” My answer is that it is still essential to focus on the Source, the feeling that the world within and without is good. When your focus is on that thought, you project it to everyone, and the energy of peace, goodness, and wholeness is transmitted to the world through the antenna of your mind. Julia: In the book, there is a list of guidelines for those who have not practiced meditation previously. I think that they are important to have a sense of success when utilizing Japa. Would you tell us about them? Wayne: There is no such thing as a bad meditation. Even if your inner voice is persistent or loud, the time spent in silence is important. Just observe the inner voice and use it as a reminder to go back into the gap. With time, the inner dialogue ceases. Meditation is like all disciplines in that it requires practice. Mastery occurs through time, and the practice of meditation eventually becomes joyful. There is no right or wrong time. It is important to create your own schedule that fits best for you, as well as using the time at a traffic light or a pause in a meeting. There is no correct meditation length. Approximately 20 minutes on a twice-daily basis works best for me, but I do meditate a lot. As I said before, even a two-minute meditation is useful. There is no correct posture or place for meditation. Find what is best for you and trust your inner knowledge. Sitting, lying down, or kneeling are all correct postures. Any place is fine. I'm not particular about location, but some people prefer the same posture, chair, and location each day.

22 Julia: You also list spiritual principles that are used as a focus of awareness during meditation. What are the principles? Wayne: 1) Become aware of your highest self. This awareness helps you know that you are more than merely a physical creation. 2) Trust yourself so that you trust the wisdom that created you. This principle establishes you as one and the same with the God-force. 3) Realize that you are more than an organism in an environment. You are an environorganism. This principle establishes your power to attract that which you are already connected to. 4) Know that you can attract to yourself what you desire. This principle establishes your power to attract that which you are already connected to. 5) Honor your worthiness to receive. This principle affirms that you are worthy of all that is attracted to your life. 6) Connect to the divine Source with unconditional love. This principle creates an awareness of the significance of accepting your manifestations with absolute love. 7) Meditate to the sound of creation. This principle gives you the tools for vibrating to the sounds that are in the world of creation. 8) Patiently detach from the outcome. This principle emphasizes the need to remove demands and become infinitely patient. 9) Receive your manifestations with gratitude and generosity. This principle teaches you the value of taming the ego while being thankful and serving others with your manifestations.

23 Julia: To practice achieving the gap, your instructions focus on feeling centered in God, then placing one's inner attention on what is desired, detaching, having faith and saying the name of God. There are many different ways of focusing the inner attention. Do you mean to do this by visualizing what one wants in detail or simply on the feeling of the desire? Wayne: You shouldn't hold a visual image. Focus instead on the feeling of wellbeing that you will have when you achieve what you are intending. In other words, how would you feel if what you wanted manifested? Take that feeling and combine it with the intention. The key to Japa and manifesting is repeating the sound of 'ah' or name of the sound of God while holding the intention. The energy should be felt so strongly that you negotiate the presence of your desire by being at one with the same force that you perceive is missing from your life. The first secret of success is to have a mind that is open to everything and attached to nothing. In other words, you may think you want to live in Georgia, but the best place for you to live may be in Texas. Your happiness or success can't be dependent on an attachment to a person, place, or thing. Intention is not something that you do, but it is an energy of which you are a part. It is a force in the Universe that allows the act of creation to take place. In The Power of Intention, I write about intention as a force in the universe that allows the act of creation to take place. Intention is actually a field that can be accessed for co-creation. Julia: There are some remarkable testimonials from your readers related in Getting in the Gap about their manifestations. I assume the changes in their lives occurred from the change from a place of ego to the place of the Source? Wayne: The ego creates all of the impairments and blocks to the divine plan of the Source. Problems exist as beliefs of the ego, which cannot conceptualize the spiritual mind. Our belief in separation from God creates the attitudes that we label a problem. When we can let go of attachments and blocks, the Source creates whatever is needed in our lives. It is also

24 important to create a state of self-worthiness, to know that you are deserving of whatever you ask.

Julia: Why is it important not to tell others what we hope to attract? Wayne: We disconnect from the Source energy when we begin to tell others about what we desire. The energy frequency diminishes during discussion because the ego becomes involved. The attraction and manifestation should come through spirit, and it is easy to lose the connection through discussion. Julia: In conclusion, I wanted to ask about a quote in your book, “We can choose the ego when needed and can choose the power of our Source.� What exactly do you mean by this? Wayne: We can be in the ego state, and that state is finite. The ego state is one of limitation, of hatred, bitterness, sadness. When we die, all of the elements in our body return to the earth. The water in our body returns to the oceans, the minerals return to the earth. What is created in a night perishes within a night. What is finite is limited, and our ego reflects the physical state. The Source is infinite.

25 We can make a choice to be connected to the Source, and, in that space or Gap, we can encounter all Creation. The Source created not one but millions of Universes. It does not stop with one creation or one manifestation, and its energy is infinite. When we tap into the Source through the void or the gap, we can become an antenna or a focus point for the infinite. We immediately become receptive, open, loving, and free. There is peace and patience in that space. We immediately know that there is no conflict; everything is in divine order. It seems that these are the only two choices that we can truly make. We can choose the ego with its hatred, bitterness, and fear, or the Source of all creation that lies in the gap between the thoughts and assertions of the ego.


Julia Griffin is a much loved authority on intuitive and spiritual practices to increase one’s happiness and well-being, distinctive in that much of what she practices she learned from her interaction with wolves. For more information, visit her website onetrueself.com


Sound Shaman: Sound Healing Using her experience as a healer and musician, Norma crafts for us each month a unique offering from the realm of Spirit. Listen to Sound Healing ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Norma Gentile Sound shaman, is a natural intuitive and channel for Mary, Archangel Michael and the Hathors. She trained as both a professional singer and energy worker. She maintains a private healing practice, offering sessions in English and Spanish, as well as singing healing concerts and teaching workshops. Her CD of live sound healings, Songs of Spirit, is available in the Maat Shop. Norma's CD Songs of Spirit, is available in the Ma'at Shop or together with her other recordings at www.healingchants.com


A Silent Healer Story by: Jo Mooy

After several months of travel it's hard to get back into the swing of writing. The act of traveling or experiencing new things always inspires topics. As I looked back on the past five months, I wondered what should I write about. Then quite spontaneously, an idea floated in from a familiar place. While on the road, I was aware that a current was running just under the surface of all our movements. It wasn't loud nor did it demand attention. It was gentle and very subtle, pinging up through the various activities. Though it never overrode any activities. It was always there nonetheless. The current was “Silence� and it became a great friend.

28 In the summer of 2015 the US Supreme Court ruled on several landmark decisions. They said a Muslim woman could wear her head-scarf at her place of employment and in another ruling, Muslim prisoners could grow beards. They said the State of Texas could ban the Confederate flag on license plates. They upheld subsidy provisions of Obamacare. They approved same-sex marriage in the U.S. Needless to say these decisions polarized the country further. The Supreme Court rulings had a direct affect on our experiences while traveling. Standing at the barriers on the streets of Charleston after the murders of nine people in a Bible class, it surfaced. I could have expressed sorrow to those standing near. It would have been the normal thing to do. But “Silence” said say nothing. Everyone knows and shares the same emotions as you. Waiting in the lobby of a restaurant in the south, a large screen TV blared the news of same-sex marriage. A young couple in their thirties listened to the announcer. They began to expound on what they heard. HE: That's it for this country! It's against God. SHE: We should think about moving somewhere else. HE: Yeah, we should leave the country. It's not ours anymore. Both of them looked at me, expecting my agreement. Thousands of one-liners floated in for a retort. Then “Silence” said say nothing. Move away. I stared at them for a moment, swallowing the one-liners that begged to be let loose, and left. On one of the hottest days in the North Georgia Mountains we visited Tallulah Falls planning to hike to the bottom of the canyon. At the first turn of the trail we stopped. Heat and exhaustion were taking a toll. We went back to the visitor's center to rest. An Indian woman in full length sari and robes was brought in by her friend. Her face was bright splotchy red and she was heavily panting. Through gasps she complained that her heart was racing. Her friend looked frantic. Silence said help her. Without knowing

29 what we were doing, we told her to run cold water from the water fountains across her wrists to cool the blood. Within fifteen minutes her color returned and her heart slowed down.

Every experience and every person we meet has a direct purpose on our path. Each can be a tool for growth or one that keeps us bound to where we are. It's often difficult to remember that, much less act in accordance with it. Training in spiritual practices can enhance our awareness of events. But it takes a real commitment and a strong desire to interrupt the “normal� responses and act differently. Treating each of these experiences or people

30 as a potential ladder on the journey changes our response as well as the outcome. When we listen to the voice within, we develop a direct way of raising our personal level of consciousness. It takes great diligence and constant practice. But when we do, Silence becomes the Healer. It heals us by changing how we react to things. And in turn, changes the situations we encounter. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Jo Mooy Travels to Asia, the Middle East, Europe, and South American have expanded Jo Mooy's seminars, retreats and spiritual work. The mystical teachings of these cultures influences her work in guiding others to develop their own unique practices. She leads the Sarasota Women's Meditation Circle which was named "Best Meditation Group" for six years straight. Her sold-out Women's Retreats and her Spiritual Seminars explore inspirational and cutting-edge advanced practices. Complex esoteric topics are made understandable and easy to assimilate into personal practices. Testimonials of attendees rate these seminars and retreats with a 5-Star rating. Jo has been a "Staff Writer" for Spirit of Maat for several years. She writes and publishes Spiritual Connections, a monthly e-newsletter. Jo was honored with two achievement awards in Sarasota as 'favorite meditation leader' and another for 'higher calling.' Contact Jo on her website: www.starsoundings.com or jomooy@gmail.com


Sustaining the Galactic Blueprint Peggy Black and the 'team'

We are here embracing you with our gratitude and deep respect for your willingness once again to be the change agent of your reality. We acknowledge the intensity of your interface with this dimension and the dense vibrations and frequencies that you continually encounter. Humanity is in the midst of an unprecedented transmutation. This shift, this evolution, this ascension into the higher dimensions has been gradually occurring for decades. Many individuals are totally unaware that this is taking place. They continue to sleep, embraced in the dense frequencies of mass consciousness.

32 However, there are energy frequencies and vibrations being offered by the zero point galactic center that are rapidly increasing and stimulating the electromagnetic field and energy of your planet as well as every human. These new powerful vibrations are activating your dormant multidimensional awareness and understanding. Your very DNA is undergoing a recalibration. Dormant abilities are being quickened and the misqualified programs or patterns in your system are gently being eliminated.

33 This is the process of evolution and ascension. You are being triggered to accept and join your rightful place as the star seed being that you are. Consider yourself as a true galactic citizen, here playing and anchoring this collective awakening and transmutation in the quantum field. This 3D reality in which you are focused is only one small aspect of the many divine dimensional realities available. However, we know and observe your dedicated focus to what you are experiencing in your daily life with your family, your job, the pleasures and challenges of being in dense physical form. But remember, you are a star seed here in this dense third and fourth dimension reality to anchor divine consciousness. In this reality of polarities and free will, the manner in which a transformation can take place requires a star being to fully embody and experience the very dense dysfunctional energies as their own. Once these experiences have been felt, endured, observed and anchored in your personal electromagnetic mental and emotional field, they are yours to transform and uplift. Remember you are an alchemist, here to transform and uplift dense dysfunctional energies. The profound galactic vibrations being offered are activating and triggering your true understanding of this assignment. We are not invalidating your personal physical experience; we are here to remind you that your purpose is much bigger than you are allowing yourself to accept. This is a dysfunctional planet; there has been a misuse of the divine creative ability of the star beings who came here to anchor the galactic heritage. When you observe all the incredible life forms that are manifest here on your planet, ask yourself where did the blueprint for such an awesome variety of unique life forms come from? These life forms were seeded from your galaxy into the quantum field of this dimension. You are becoming aware that you are the true seneschal of all living beings. You are the seneschal of the galactic heritage.


Your expanded consciousness truly is shifting the misqualified creations in your quantum field. You are waking up and as an awakened multidimensional star being of divine consciousness you carry the ability as well as the mastery to shift what is a determent to life. These new powerful vibrations that are expanding and recalibrating your dormant DNA are expanding your divine consciousness. The expanded consciousness of humanity begins to offer the keys, the solutions, the methods and the inspirations to clear your air, clean your water, take care of the other living sentient beings and restore your planet to the true garden of galactic seeded heritage. We are observing that this is slowly taking place at this very moment. You can observe this as well. We invite you focus on what is occurring that is truly making a difference, the positive life sustaining changes that are coming about. Remember you are entangled with all other living beings. What you hold as a vision, what you anchor, what personal limitation or dysfunction you willingly transform, truly ripples out to the entire field.

35 Begin to welcome and allow yourself willingly to incorporate these frequencies and vibrations that are bathing humanity. Invite them; spend personal time in practices that enhance your physical, emotional, mental and etheric energy fields that contribute to your own magnificent and unique energy signature. Step into your personal knowing and power that you are truly making a difference. Own it. Spend dedicated time envisioning a new reality for your planet. Spend time with other like-minded awake individuals envisioning together. Find many reasons each moment to be in your joy, your gratitude and appreciation. Amplify these frequencies, these thoughts and emotions.

Remember to state each morning upon arising from your slumber, I am fully embodied, I am anchored to the electromagnetic and geomagnetic field of this planet, I am connected to my divine source. This statement is extremely elegant in its simplicity. This intention honors both your physical and your star seed divine self, forming a conscious partnership and then anchoring

36 that partnership to the energy of your planet, while acknowledging that you are always connected to divine conscious source. Understand that this is the form of the trinity.

You will become aware at some point that it is your multidimensional divine consciousness looking out your physical eyes. You will see this reality from that perspective. You will begin to notice that you are easily shifting from one dimension to another. You will be open and receptive to divine inspiration and ideas for solutions to uplift and transform what is occurring on your planet. This is the cutting edge of transmutation. You are the change agent, you are the alchemist. Be gentle with yourself and others. Honor your physical body; realize as you anchor these shifts and changes in your cells and DNA that you will often feel discomfort in various forms. Relax into the discomfort or disturbing manifestations of these changes. Resistance often intensifies these physical sensations. Be connected with your body, use energy tools to release any resistance or discomfort. In your imagination envision and create an alchemist healing

37 chamber, sense yourself reclining in the beautiful space before you fall asleep or when you are in some form of physical discomfort. Call upon divine healing energy and non-physical beings of love and light to assist you in integrating the new frequencies. We celebrate what is occurring in the entanglement of humanity. We honor and celebrate your own transformation, expansion and awareness as a member of the star seed family. We join you in the service and dedication of uplifting dysfunctional and misqualified energies and anchoring the new life sustaining galactic blueprint. Divine Consciousness of love and light in all its myriad forms is ever available to support and assist upon request. We offer our support as well as our gratitude for who you are in embodiment. the 'team' --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Peggy Black Transducer, Scribe and Witness, is a world traveler and lecturer with thirty-five years experience in the healing field. She has been featured internationally in television, radio and print media. Peggy is a Multidimensional Channel whose gifts as a clairsentient, clairvoyant and clairaudient intuitive allow her to assist individuals to live empowered and abundant lives. Peggy receives transmissions from her “celestial team” which she calls the Morning Messages. These messages invite us to honor our multidimensional Self. Peggy has presented at numerous events and conferences including Women of Vision and Action; Healing Our World; Kauai Wellness Expo; New England Sound Healing; World Sound Healing; and Global Sound. Peggy founded the International Sound Symposium. She offered sacred sounds for the Shamanic Journey tour in temples and the Great Pyramid in Egypt. She conducted morning forums at Tom Kenyon’s Sound Healer’s Trainings. She was Ceremonialist for the sacred water ceremony, Ocean of Gratitude Cruise with Dr. Masaru Emoto. She was featured in People magazine as “Fabulous over Sixty.” Peggy offers a variety of lectures and workshops: Miracles, Intentions and Manifestations; Allowing Prosperity; Sound Awareness; Sculpting Reality with Sound; The Power of Your Words and Intentions; The Creative You; and Engaging Celestial Support. www.morningmessages.com


Scarborough By Carl Franz

39 When the moon over Scarborough rests out there, where the ocean curves away to Lay beneath tomorrow's promise, she calls upon the tide to join her on the far eastern horizon. And though she beckons with nothing more than the steady gaze of her silver eye, The cold North Sea, for all her ruthless lore, never refuses the Goddess. She meekly lets slip the secret sickle-shaped blade of sand from under her trailing gown, to follow the moon without question. All summer, the waves, white with young eager milk teeth, rush to cross the flat, inviting, ochre curve, left open and bare, only to flop down exhausted before they reach the far, (too far) edge. The wind lives there too, and for Yule she invites all her squalling children to come visit her. And they come! They rush, howling to the castle, squatting on the headland, and hurl all the oceans' blizzard-capped mountains, screaming and scratching at his bare, hunched, stone shoulders. In all, nine hundred winters have hammered on the old castle's back, but he was still stubbornly standing over his chosen rock when I arrived. The wind, that day, was wearing her trailing veil summer-mellowed dress, and all her wild children were thankfully far away in their bitter north Atlantic garden. I paused to watch her powerful hand, kindly stroking down the short June grass around my favourite parking place. It was just a small car park. Little more than a puddle of tarmac, not far from the mock medieval keep-styled shopping mall. Stepping out of the car, I breathed deep, greedy draughts of the wind's seacleansed breath into my travel-musty lungs.

40 Remembering to be grateful, I silently reached out from my dream to consciousness and took a moment to be still. It was the nearby tree which first called to me. My attention was drawn to the slim trunk pointing out from the asphalt, not a foot from the wheel of the car. I saw how the surface lapped rudely right up to it, omitting the usual courtesy island around the base. Perhaps they thought it wouldn't matter when it was spread so thinly. The problem with that was, it afforded little protection from the bruising weight of the vehicles, constantly parking over the roots. I followed those roots down through a layer of rubble, and on until the neighbouring buildings' foundations drove a buttress of concrete across our path. We, the tree and I, leaned into it and were deflected down at an unnatural vertical angle, until we could spread out again. Then we began filtering into finer, and still finer hair whiskers, mingling into the damp, comforting soil. There was goodness here, nourishment from our mother who had not forgotten us. I felt a burst of joy, I was like a child looking up from my game in startled recognition.

41 I savoured the dark, moist soil for the life it shared; in the knowing that we were one and the same. I swam on down as free and careless as a falling seashell, swooping in arcs from the surface to briefly halt by the bones of a man. He was still sleeping in the bed his flesh had hollowed out for him in the earth. I would have swam by and let him rest, but his spirit, which ignored me, chose to rise up at that moment, with a buoyant urgency he had no need of. I followed him as curious as a baby dolphin. He must have been a guard or perhaps a solder from the twelfth century. He could even have been part of the castle garrison. His grey-blue eyes, were set like decorative gems either side of the helmet's nose guard. They were wide with intelligent wonder, which turned to growing confusion as he surfaced into the car park. His gaze searched the unexpected landscape, and fastened on the only familiar form he could find; it was the shopping centre. He anchored himself there, taking in the building's resemblance to the castle, and marvelled at the pallid yellow light in the windows. It seemed to him, every chamber of the red brick keep, burned a camp fire, simply for the comfort of the fortunate inhabitants. His wonder was palpable, and there was understandable confusion and fear. He was used to facing uncertainties though, such is the life of a solder, and so he continued on his natural path. I watched him travel on upwards, and I wished him well on his birth. My own confusion now came to call me back to the cold concrete monuments. The windows were no wonder to me, they simply smiled weakly down from their badly borrowed historical faces. I glanced at my watch, my measured chain of minutes. I could still quickly move the car to

42 another bay some distance from the tree. Of course, someone else would roll their thoughtless wheels over the poor alder's toes, but they cannot be blamed for where they wander in their sleep. Before I left, I stuck a neat little linear-timed parking ticket on the windscreen, and wondered witlessly why the twelfth century man had waited so long to return home?


I am a retired engineer living in the beautiful countryside of Yorkshire England. Often to be found striding along the country paths along side the rivers or ambling through the local woods, lost in my thoughts and happy as a lark. I enjoy painting and writing. Through them, I try to describe the spiritual experiences encountered during my daily and nocturnal travels. These experiences have always heavily influenced my life and now I have time to explore them and perhaps share my deep interest in all peaceful spiritual practises, which celebrate and respect nature. Carl Franz


Lucid Dreaming By Ken Page One thing we hear often - where can I go for answers? A certain place always comes to mind: Our dreams can give us our answers. We can ask anything and receive the information from this quiet inner voice. The dream state, in our opinion, is another dimensional aspect of our own reality. From this place we are creating new realities and testing how they feel. We are living them, experiencing how we can change and whether change will take us to where we want to go. We are pre-testing in our dream state, testing ourselves for a new dimension of awareness, a different level in our own consciousness. We then can re-create our dream in our physical lives to see how everything plays out. Lucid dreaming is a powerful method of creating. It is probably one of the most important things to practice every day. Research at Stanford University indicates lucid dreaming occurs during REM (rapid eye movement) periods

44 and since most REM sleep takes place in the later part of a night's sleep, morning is likely to be the most favorable time for lucid dreaming. Exercise: The purpose of this exercise is to find out if anything in our subconscious is keeping us from creating our wishes, hopes, desires - our 'dreams'. Is there some type of program or fixed idea that could be playing on in our subconscious mind that we do not understand or that we are not fully aware of? If this is the case, is it our subconscious mind that is keeping us from having what we desire/dream? This is what we will find out through the following lucid dreaming technique. To practice lucid dreaming, first think of a question or something you would like to understand about your life. Maybe your question has to do with a very special relationship or maybe it has to do with being very popular or famous. Maybe it has to do with your health or your job. Whatever it is, write it down. Keep your questions very simple. Use as few words as possible. The more words you use in your question the more information you will receive and the more confusing your dreams will become. For example, in Ken's case he wanted to know what was interfering with his becoming one of the best known healers in the world. Ken's question, as he started his lucid dreaming process, was 'How could I become the best healer in the world?' Through his lucid dreaming he found out his subconscious mind was holding onto one thought or idea - if he became extremely popular he would lose his freedom, would not be able to go out and be in public and would have to hide or confine himself. Very surprising information indeed. While his freedom has always been important, Ken did not think that could be interfering with being famous or successful. In actuality, his subconscious mind was doing everything it could to keep him from being popular because it did not want him to lose his freedom. By becoming aware of this thought/idea within his subconscious, Ken was able to understand this old program and consciously change it. By exploring the dimension of lucid dreaming, by listening closely to the

45 answers he received from his dream state, Ken was able to become aware of a hidden subconscious program that had been affecting him. An excellent way to explore the dimension of lucid dreaming is to set your alarm clock for half an hour earlier than you normally get up in the morning. Frame whatever question you have the evening before, when you set the alarm. Put a pad and pencil/pen next to your bed near the alarm. Use any type of clock that has the ability to let you ' snooze' every ten minutes. When the alarm goes off it does not mean you are going to get up. When the alarm goes off ask your question, press the snooze alarm and fall back to sleep. You are going to start dreaming and getting answers. Your subconscious mind will tell you stories so you can start understanding some of your thoughts or whatever reasons there maybe for keeping you from having what you want. Let ten minutes go by. The alarm clock will go off again. In this new wake sleep state you will have glimpses of what you were

46 dreaming. Then ask the same question again and fall back to sleep. Continue to do this until your thirty minutes are up. As soon as you get up, write down the information you received. You do not have to write down the complete dream, just write down the ideas and the main words. Don't read it immediately. Within a week to ten days you should uncover any subconscious resistance to what you want to physically create. The more you practice lucid dreaming, the easier it becomes. Keep asking the same question until you get a clear answer, and then ask another question. Pretty soon you will be able to check in and ask your Higher Self questions at different times and places to be sure your subconscious mind fully supports your conscious mind and what you are choosing to create. This is one of the most important exercises one can ever do. It allows you to get an understanding of your life. In this way, you really are listening to that voice within! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Ken Page Founder and director of the Institute of Multidimensional Cellular Healing™ and the Third Eye of Horus Mystery School™, Ken is the author of the bestselling technique book: 'The Way It Works', together with 'The Heart of Soul Healing' and 'The End of Time'. He is co-author with Dr. Nancy Nester of 'Heart & Soul Healing - Energy Techniques for Spirit Releasement', 'In Quest of Why? A philosophy and applications Manual', 'The Art of Transference - Healing through Compassion" 'How to Release Old Energy and Feel Free', 'HSH - Energy Dynamics, Volume One'. and their newest book: 'Teachings of the Red School'. Ken teaches classes and workshops throughout the United States, Canada, Australia and Europe, offering ongoing workshops, private Heart & Soul Healing Sessions and Life Coaching. Together with Rev. Dr. Nancy Nester, Ken currently offers certified Heart & Soul Healing-The Art of Transference™ 9-day intensive and training courses, through Clear Light Arts, ADL, a 501 (c)(3) not for profit organization. Through his varied life experiences and one-on-one sessions, Ken has gained a unique and valuable insight to living life and cfreating choices. His expertise includes corporate business, entrepreneural enterprise, natural disasters, financial bankruptcies, litigation both personal and corporate and much more. Both Ken and Nancy are experts at 'starting over'. www.kenpage.com


The Art of Listening to the Still, Small Voice Within By Dr. Gail Brenner

“Every time you don’t follow your inner guidance, you feel a loss of energy, loss of power, a sense of spiritual deadness.” Shakti Gawain I saw the film “Crazy Heart” yesterday. Jeff Bridges plays an alcoholic country singer who connects with Jean, the lovely mother of a 4-year-old son. At the climax of the story, Jeff Bridges’ character loses the little boy in a mall while he is at a bar having a drink. In the aftermath once the boy is recovered, Jean screams something like, “I knew in every bone of my body not to get involved with you, but I did.”

48 This got me thinking. How is it that we know in our bones the best course of action for ourselves, yet we take another path? And how often does it come back to bite us? We even have a phrase for it – against our better judgment. If our judgment is so good, why are we going against it? The “Yes!” Let’s begin our exploration of this important topic by looking at what it is like to know something in your bones. For me, I just know it. There is a definitiveness, an undeniable truth, a “yes!” This knowing does not arise from the logical and rational mind. It is not caused by emotions. It is clarity, pure and simple, that seems to just appear in my consciousness. I was recently speaking to someone who was deliberating about a decision. I asked her if she ever had the experience of “yes,” of knowing something was absolutely true for her. She brightened, and told me about her clarity in deciding to marry her husband and in choosing a fulfilling career. Isn’t this something we all know – this deep inner certainty? Listening and Turning Away Spiritual teacher Adyashanti says that truth is always speaking to us. The voice might be quiet, but it is ever present, guiding us to navigate the river of our lives with perfect intelligence. Are we listening, or is the inner cacophony too deafening to hear? We can make our way to that still, small voice of truth by recognizing what makes us turn away from it.  It is not the voice in our heads telling us what we should or shouldn’t do.  It is not a story justifying our actions.  It may not look logical.  It is not what we are propelled to do out of fear.  Or out of neediness.  It cannot be discerned when we are clouded by strong emotions.

49 When our internal experience is crowded with stories, opinions, doubt, justifications, fear and other emotions, we aren’t quiet enough to allow the truth to be heard. And this is where we get into trouble. Consider Jean from “Crazy Heart.” She knew in her bones not to continue the relationship but was misled by desire, inadequacy, and romantic ideals. I know I have made similar choices in my life. How about you? If we make life decisions by listening to the noise – and not the silence – these decisions come from fear and unconsciousness. And we eventually suffer the consequences. As we all know, the pull of the “noise” can be very strong. So strong that we don’t even consider stopping, pausing, inquiring into what is best or right. We blindly choose, or we opt for what seems logical or appropriate. We take the path that fits our ideas of how things are supposed to be. We are swayed by intense emotions. We ignore the gentle tap on the shoulder that could show us the way. Discover the Still, Small Voice How do we know when truth is talking?  It moves us toward love – for ourselves and others.  It ultimately brings enjoyment.  There is no sinking feeling that something is wrong.  The body unclenches.  There is a sense of clarity, excitement, or relief, an undeniable knowing. It’s fascinating to become familiar with your inner wisdom, and here are some ways to experiment.  Go to the grocery store without a list. Bring your attention inside, and listen to where you are directed to go.  Rather than doing an automatic behavior, such as turning on the TV after dinner, sit quietly and see what you feel moved to do.  Let go of your morning routine. Stay in bed, and wait for the inner signal to do the next thing, and the next. (At first, you may want to wait for the weekend for this one.)

50 The true path for our lives cannot be figured out or created. Our job is simply to listen, and in the listening, we will be given all the guidance we need to do exactly the right thing. When we listen, life unfolds mysteriously. We get out of our own way and allow the still, small voice to be heard. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Gail Brenner, Ph.D. is a psychologist and author who joyfully shares insights about discovering that suffering is optional. She is the author of The End of Self-Help: Discovering Peace and Happiness Right at the Heart of Your Messy, Scary, Brilliant Life now available on Amazon. [link: http://www.amazon.com/End-Self-Help-Discovering-HappinessBrilliant/dp/0986428205/] Gail has special expertise working with older adults and their families, bringing clear seeing and compassion to the transitions of aging, death, and dying. Her work offers a bridge between everyday human challenges and the deepest spiritual understanding that can set you free. Find Gail at GailBrenner.com, [link: www.GailBrenner.com] where she offers articles, conversation, and free guided audio meditations.[link: http://gailbrenner.com/audio/ Sign up for her mailing list [link: http://gailbrenner.com/email-signup/] to receive key insights from her book, The End of Self Help, and connect with her on Twitter {link: https://twitter.com/GBGailBrenner] and Facebook, [link: https://www.facebook.com/GailBrennerdotcom] where she posts daily inspirations.



Have you ever felt uncomfortable being in a particular place or with people where your stomach is tense and you get that “I feel I should not be here” This is your inner voices’ way of telling you to move on or get out or it’s not the right time to be here. For me it had a lot to do with self doubt. Doubt

52 the self and the inner feelings and you are likely to find that there is a valuable lesson coming up in listening to your inner voice. NEVER DOUBT YOURSELF. I recently got all my 10 fingers and 10 toes burnt for not following my own inner voice and divine guidance. Your seat of clairsentience (divine feeling) is in the solar plexus area, your seat of power area. When this knots up and you feel tense, more than likely you are coming into contact with beings that are negative or an area or person or persons that is sucking your energy or power from you and by you being there is just what happens. Learning to listen to your inner voice includes knowing what is going on in your energetic field. This is an easy process once you know how. Just don’t let the head get in the way and tell you that “you are being silly”. Your inner voice and clairsentience is your higher self communicating to you loud and clear and trying desperately to get your attention which the head is desperately trying to avoid. Part of the awakening process is learning to listen to the inner guidance that IS NEVER WRONG, not for you. All the advice from your friends is just not going to do it. Oh you can talk about it, but the very best advice is going to come from you to you. Sit quietly in a place where you can connect firstly with your heart to the core of mother earths heart, and through your crown to father sky, and surround yourself with the Elohims golden shaft of light. Call in your angels who are assisting you, call in the Ascended Master or any being of light that is able to assist you with your particular problem or request, and they willingly assist with unconditional love, but most important, call in your higher self to assist you. And for once just sit and listen, clear your mind. Ask that the answer come to you in the most perfect divine way just for you and ask for signs along the way that the answer is coming. Be open to the receiving of this guidance. I always ask for feathers. And they come. NEVER BE AFRAID TO ASK SPIRIT FOR ANYTHING, they love assisting. Do not be surprised if the answer comes in an indirect way, for spirit has vision and the answer or guidance needed just for you can come in the form

53 of being guided to a particular book, or movie, or you may find someone may just come up to you and say that “I just have to tell you this”.

So do not short change yourself in receiving the guidance. Be open and attentive to the voice of spirit for it comes in wonderful ways for spirit is never boring and always full of passion. The earth is a changing place, changing into a wonderful place of light and it is through our hearts that we have to learn to listen to ourselves. Always ask the question; WHAT IS MY HEART SAYING, and you will find that it is never wrong, for the heart is the place of divine guidance. The head is the place of human reasoning and always challenges divine guidance until you have worked out the issues that need healing over that which you need guidance. “Follow your heart and it will take you on a journey to a star” Liat Nava Aliya ©


I am Liat Nava Aliya. I am here among other things to assist humanity and the earth in the ascension process. This equates to raising your vibration. I am what is known as a walk-in. I walked in on the 08-12-2005. One of my life purposes is to assist others in opening the heart and reconnecting the grids of light to the new earth. In doing this you will be able to connect with them. I live and work in Cape Town, South Africa. I have been given what is called "The Scroll of Light" to channel by one of the Cities of Light-Andromeda. They work under the umbrella of The Council of Light and come forward to help humanity in great joy at this time of new earth energy.

For more information on Liat Nava Aliya check out her website athttp://www.abouttheheart.org.za/ or by email at liatnavaaliya@abouttheheart.org.za


Online Showcase Dr. Wayne Dyer interview with Tony Robbins| Power Talk! | Part 1 of 2 https://youtu.be/JBYO4M_c9UY Marianne Williamson's Tribute to Wayne Dyer https://youtu.be/ZO86KngKdYc Alan Watts: Metaphysical Theories (Mythologising) https://youtu.be/CcXstUEpivo Drunvalo Melchizedek - The Shifting Of Our Hearts – Part 1 https://youtu.be/XWwKiDuVGSo

56 Drunvalo Melchizedek - (The Shifting Of Our Hearts, Part 2) https://youtu.be/12V_sx23SLo From Chaos to Coherence Webinar with Howard Martin and Gregg Braden https://youtu.be/H8w8KBf-Wzo Tom Kenyon: In the Company of Angels & Channeling the Hathors https://youtu.be/Xk8uVka2GQc Tom Kenyon - Passage into the Heart of the Great Earth Mother Meditation https://youtu.be/cqfOli3-Cis Bob Stevens - Conscious Language Introduction https://youtu.be/o8g5OsD6zhA

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