Islamic architecture literature review and question

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Muhammad Nabeel Ali Joomun 0320583 APA Citation





Mustafa F.A., & Hassan A.S. (Dec 2013). Mosque layout design: An analytical study of mosque layouts in the early Ottoman period. Retrieved from article/pii/S2095263 513000502

Literature review

Mosque layout design: An analytical study of mosque layouts in the early Ottoman period

-Mosque layout design - Ottoman architecture -Spatial configuration -Functional efficiency

Starting with the size and form of the mosque which depends on the number of Muslims in the region. The main spatial law, in any country or region, is the orientation of the mosque in the direction of the Ka’ba. The analysis of a mosque should include its physical/spiritual elements and most importantly; the spatial types and social practices. The functional efficiency consists of psychology and physic. The psychological efficiency is how the user is “invited” to the mosque. These includes a clear entrance, good transition and circulation and spatial-functional orientation. The physical efficiency is how easily someone can move through the space. Space syntax shows that symmetry/asymmetr y and proportion are part of the spatial organization.


Muhammad Nabeel Ali Joomun 0320583 Ardhiati Y. (Sept 2013). The new architecture of mosque design to express the modernity of Moslems. GARJAH.

Literature review

The new architecture of mosque design to express the modernity of Moslems

-Modern Islamic architecture -Beauty -Indonesia Sheik Zayed grand mosque center: Theory and implementation. Retrieved 11 Jun 2016 from http://www.szgmc.a e/en/theory-andimplementation


Theory and implementation

-Sheik Zayed Grand mosque -Diversity -Quranic verses and Islamic ornamentation

Mosques are designed in different shapes and sizes according to the population of Muslims in the region. All mosques have a mihrab, a niche in the wall that shows the direction of the Ka’aba. There is also the mimbar; a small structure with steps where the Imam gives sermon/speech. Another notable structure is the minaret which are quite tall and indentifies a mosque. Even in hot countries, mosques designed to have a good thermal comfort and give a serene feeling to the worshippers. The mosque consist of 42 domes and 8 minaret, which represents different Islamic styles which supports the Islamic principle of Tawhid(Unity). This also shows the sincere religious concepts and values. The mosque can accommodate more than 40,000 worshippers. The use of different materials and design shows the diversity in the architecture. It also features ornamentation and Quranic verses carvings.


Muhammad Nabeel Ali Joomun 0320583 Links 1. 2. sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=5&ved=0ahUKEwjE2pSsjKLNAhUjTI8KHfugCK4QFgg 6MAQ& %3Ddownload&usg=AFQjCNEdyimf0zSBu69x1tKmCIi9lgxAPA&sig2=WghybW_ibbx9s4Xnl1bmw&cad=rja 3.

Questions 1. What do you feel when entering and circulating through the mosque? -When entering the Masjid, it comes to my mind that I am going in a pure and respectable place. This gives a feeling of the spirituality inside the masjid. When I walk around through the masjid, I can feel how open the spaces 2. Is there any spaces that makes you feel closer to Allah s.w.t? -Yes, there are actually two places. The first one is in the interior prayer hall. The second place is the space between the prayer hall and the pool. This place is open and I can appreciate the nature 3. What spaces of the mosque makes you feel united with other Muslims? How? The prayer hall. Standing next to each other when praying there makes me feel closer to other Muslims. 4. In your understanding of Tawhid does the overall design of the mosque reflect Islam? Yes it does. The overall design shows unity and uniquity.

5. What are the elements and spaces that symbolizes the power and uniquity of Allah s.w.t? The minaret is one important part of the mosque. Since there is only one, this represents the oneness of Allah s.w.t. 6. Do you think modern mosques should keep design elements from older mosques? In my opinion, modern mosques should keep some few design elements from older mosque because these form part of the history and the identity of Islam. But I also think that having some completely new design is not a bad thing either. 7. Do you think the ornamentations reflect the beauty and principles of Islam? These geometrical pattern are part of Islamic art. It helps in making the mosque more beautiful. The calligraphy on the walls brings more beauty to the mosque and shows the importance of knowledge with important verses from the Quran.


Muhammad Nabeel Ali Joomun 0320583 8. How does the mosque help to bring the community closer through the use of architecture? There are spaces designed to accommodate the community for events. By bringing them together during events, they become more united. The mosque also provides facilities, like library, that helps the community. 9. Do you think the natural light in the mosque is important for spirituality? How? The use of natural light is quite important as these illuminate the interior spaces. 10. Does the mosque fit well in the surrounding context? The mosque is surrounded by nature, with a lot of trees. It was designed to be in harmony with nature. I also fit well in the style of Malaysian architecture in KL.

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