Building science 2: Integration

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BUILDING SIENCE 2 [BLD 61303 / ARC 3413]


NAME: Muhammad Nabeel Ali Joomun ID: 0320583 TUTOR: Mr. Sivaraman Kuppusamy


Daylight calculation Daylight factor (MS1525)

Zone Very bright

Daylight factor (%) >6

Bright Average Dark

3-6 1-3 0-1

Distribution Too bright with thermal and glare problem Good Fair Poor

Required daylight factor for the community space = 4% External illumination in Malaysia= 18000 lm

Daylight factor=

Internal illuminanc e  100 External illuminanc e 4=

Internal illuminanc e 18000

 100

Therefore, required internal illuminance = 720 lux

Area of space

45.1 m2

Area of openings

36 m2

Exposed façade and skylight area to floor area ratio, Daylight factor =(


Area of openings Area of space

36  100 45.1

) x 0.1

 100

) x 0.1

= 7.9%

Daylight factor=

7.9 =

Internal illumnianc e ď‚´ 100 External illuminanc e

Internal illumnianc e 18000

ď‚´ 100

Internal illuminance = 1422 lm

Artificial light calculation Light fixture type

Recessed LED luminaire

PowerBalance gen2, RC461B G2 LED34S




0.6m x 0.6m

Luminous flux (lm)


Input power

25 W

Light source colour

840 neutral white

Area of space

45.1 m2

Reflection coefficient

Ceiling:0.8 Wall:0.5

Mounting height


Working plane height = 0.65m

Mounting height of light fixture= 3.3m Mounted height above working plane, Hm = 2.65 Room index =

7.3 x 6.1 2.65 x (7.3  6.1)

= 1.25

Reflectance for ceiling, wall and working plane = 0.8, 0.5 and 0.1 Utilization factor= 0.52

Area of space= 44.53 m2 Luminous flux of light fixtures = 3400 lux

Number of light fixtures needed =

E xA F x UF x MF


300 x 7.3 x 6.1 3400 x 0.52 x 0.8

=9.4 Therefore, number of lights= 10

Maximum spacing between lights = 1.5 x Hm = 1.5 x 2.65 = 3.97 m

Light position and PSALI

The luminaires are positioned as shown. They are distributed along the ceiling, equally, so as to provide enough light to the space. The distance between each luminaire (in row) is 2m. The distance between each luminaire (in column) is 1.2m. The luminaires in blues are turned on permanently because, during the day, the daylight is not sufficient at this area. This allows the illumination to reach 300 lm as required by IES standards.


Daylight calculation Daylight factor (MS1525)

Zone Very bright

Daylight factor (%) >6

Bright Average Dark

3-6 1-3 0-1

Required daylight factor for the community space = 4% External illumination in Malaysia= 18000 lm

Daylight factor=

Internal illuminanc e  100 External illuminanc e


Internal illuminanc e 18000

 100

Therefore, required internal illuminance = 720 lux

Distribution Too bright with thermal and glare problem Good Fair Poor

Area of space

37 m2

Area of openings

20 m2

Exposed façade and skylight area to floor area ratio, Daylight factor =(


Area of openings Area of space

20 37

) x 0.1

 100

) x 0.1

 100

= 5.4% Daylight factor=


Internal illumnianc e  100 External illuminanc e

Internal illumnianc e 18000

 100

Internal illuminance = 972 lm

Artificial light calculation Light fixture type

Recessed LED luminaire

PowerBalance gen2, RC461B G2 LED34S




0.6m x 0.6m

Luminous flux (lm)


Input power

25 W

Light source colour

840 neutral white

Area of space

37 m2

Reflection coefficient

Ceiling:0.8 Wall:0.5

Mounting height


Working plane height = 0.70m Mounting height of light fixture, Hm = 3.3m Mounted height above working plane, Hm = 2.6m

Room index =

6.6 x 5.3 2.6 x (6.6  5.3)

= 1.13

Reflectance for ceiling, wall and working plane = 0.8, 0.5 and 0.1 Utilization factor= 0.50

Area of space= 34.98 m2 Luminous flux of light fixtures = 3400 lux

Number of light fixtures needed =

E xA F x UF x MF


300 x 34.98 3400 x 0.50 x 0.8

=7.7 Therefore, number of lights= 8

Maximum spacing between lights = 1.5 x Hm = 1.5 x 2.60 = 3.9 m

Light position and PSALI

The luminaires are positioned as shown. They are distributed along the ceiling, equally, so as to provide enough light to the space. The distance between each luminaire (in row) is 2.67m. The distance between each luminaire (in column) is 1.66m. The luminaires in blues are turned on permanently because, during the day, the daylight is not sufficient at this area. This allows the illumination to reach 300 lm as required by IES standards.



Philips.(n.d). PowerBalance gen2 recessed LED light. Retrieved from


Malaysian Standard.(2007). MS1525: Code of practice on energy efficiency and use of renewable energy for non-residential buildings. First revision.


Pioneer lighting. (n.d). Room illumination level. Retrieved from

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