11 minute read
from DBK Boost Bar
by NAC Europe
tory defaults. An outline of the variable room limits can be found below. Buttons to change the limit by the indicated
The current value for amount.
the selected limit.
cancel the changes press the cross. Remember that the reset button on the settings page will restore all room limits to the facINSTRUKTIONSMANUAL BOOST BARtory defaults. An outline of the variable room limits can be found below. Buttons to change the limit by the indicated
The current value for amount. the selected limit.
tory defaults. An outline of the variable room limits can be found below.
The current value for the selected limit. Buttons to change the limit by the indicated amount.
The current value for the selected limit. Buttons to change the limit by the indicated amount.
Accept the changes Cancel changes and and continue. close the window. Max Temp - This is the maximum temperature the room can reach, higher temperatures should speed up the drying process. Please note that by default on some machines this is limited to 40°C (104°F) however can be increased to up to 50°C (140°F) depending on how the machine is used. Max RH - This is the maximum relative humidity the room can reach, when in recirculation mode the machine will aim to increase the humidity by extracting water from the room and into the air before exhausting it out of the building. Reducing this limit will cause the machine to switch mode more frequently however may not be extracting as much moisture as it possibly could each cycle. Higher values will generally correspond to faster drying. Min RH - This is the minimum relative humidity the room can reach, effectively a limit on how ’dry’ you want the room to get. Once this target has been reached the machine will mainly run in exhaust mode with the aim to keep this humidity constant. Exhaust Mode exchanging with outside air. Recirculation Mode - heating room.
The Machine Status Ribbon:
The machine status ribbon shows the machines current operating state, operating mode and the heater power level. This table shows most possible situations. (note that fans are always running when machine is running).
Machine Status: Description: Mode: Description: Heater Level: Description:
Machine running Full Power as normal. Machine on hold, press play 66% Power to resume. A duct has become blocked, 50% Power remove the blockage to restart machine. 33% Power Room limits have been Machine not in (none)reached, machine will stay in operation. Heater off exhaust mode to equalise.
Accept the changes Cancel changes and and continue. close the window. Max Temp - This is the maximum temperature the room can reach, higher temperatures should speed up the drying process. Please note that by default on some machines this is limited to 40°C (104°F) however can be increased to up to 50°C (140°F) depending on how the machine is used. Max RH - This is the maximum relative humidity the room can reach, when in recirculation mode the machine will aim to increase the humidity by extracting water from the room and into the air before exhausting it out of the building. Reducing this limit will cause the machine to switch mode more frequently however may not be extracting as much moisture as it possibly could each cycle. Higher values will generally correspond to faster drying. Min RH - This is the minimum relative humidity the room can reach, effectively a limit on how ’dry’ you want the room to get. Once this target has been reached the machine will mainly run in exhaust mode with the aim to keep this humidity constant. Exhaust Mode exchanging with outside air. Recirculation Mode - heating room.
Om hukommelsen - Drymatic Boost Bar har en indbygget hukommelse, der giver den mulighed for at fortsætte og genstarte opgaver, selvom strømmen svigter eller fjernes. Dette sikrer, at maskinen ikke glemmer kWh og timedata og fortsætter med de samme indstillinger, som blev programmeret af teknikeren.
Jobhukommelse - holder styr på samtlige kWh/timedata samt hvilke maskinindstillinger, som blev programmeret af teknikeren. Disse data skal nulstilles enten ved start af en ny opgave eller ved afslutningen af den foregående opgave for at sikre, at der startes op helt på ny med den næste opgave. Accept the changes Cancel changes and
Dette kan nulstilles fra hoveddisplayet; ved undladelse heraf kan der forekomme forveksling af data. close the window.and continue. Max Temp - This is the maximum temperature the room can reach, higher temperatures should speed up the drying process. Please note that by default on some machines this is limited to 40°C (104°F) however can be increased to up to 50°C Bemærk - den maksimale temperaturindstilling vil træde i kraft, når temperaturen på den udgående luft overstiger tempera (140°F) depending on how the machine is used. turen, der er valgt af brugeren. Boost Bar vil nedskalere varmeapparatets effekt for at holde temperaturen på den udgående Max RH - This is the maximum relative humidity the room can reach, when in recirculation mode the machine will aim to inluft under det ønskede niveau.crease the humidity by extracting water from the room and into the air before exhausting it out of the building. Reducing this limit will cause the machine to switch mode more frequently however may not be extracting as much moisture as it possibly could each cycle. Higher values will generally correspond to faster drying. Maskinstatus-bjælke Maskinstatus-bjælken viser maskinens akutelle driftstilstand, betjeningstilstand og varmeapparatets effektniveau. Denne tabel Min RH - This is the minimum relative humidity the room can reach, effectively a limit on how ’dry’ you want the room to get. Once this target has been reached the machine will mainly run in exhaust mode with the aim to keep this huviser samtlige mulige situationer. midity constant.
The Machine Status Ribbon:
The machine status ribbon shows the machines current operating state, operating mode and the heater power level. This table Maskinstatus Beskrivelse Varmeenhedens niveau Beskrivelse shows most possible situations. (note that fans are always running when machine is running).
Machine Status: Description: Mode: Description: Heater Level: Description:
Maskinen kører normalt. Machine running Full Power as normal. Exhaust Mode Machine on hold, press play Maskine i venteposition, tryk exchanging with 66% Power to resume.Play for at genetablere funktion. outside air. A duct has become blocked, Recirculation 50% Power remove the blockage to re- Mode - heating start machine. room. 33% Power Room limits have been Machine not in (none)reached, machine will stay in operation. Heater off exhaust mode to equalise.
The Machine Status Ribbon:
The machine status ribbon shows the machines current operating state, operating mode and the heater power level. This table shows most possible situations. (note that fans are always running when machine is running).
Machine Status: Description: Mode: Description: Heater Level: Description:
Machine running Full Power as normal. Machine on hold, press play 66% Power to resume. A duct has become blocked, 50% Power remove the blockage to restart machine. 33% Power Room limits have been Machine not in (none) 8 reached, machine will stay in exhaust mode to equalise. operation. Heater off8
Accept the changes Cancel changes and and continue. close the window. Max Temp - This is the maximum temperature the room can reach, higher temperatures should speed up the drying process. Please note that by default on some machines this is limited to 40°C (104°F) however can be increased to up to 50°C (140°F) depending on how the machine is used. Max RH - This is the maximum relative humidity the room can reach, when in recirculation mode the machine will aim to increase the humidity by extracting water from the room and into the air before exhausting it out of the building. Reducing this limit will cause the machine to switch mode more frequently however may not be extracting as much moisture as it possibly could each cycle. Higher values will generally correspond to faster drying. Min RH - This is the minimum relative humidity the room can reach, effectively a limit on how ’dry’ you want the room to get. Once this target has been reached the machine will mainly run in exhaust mode with the aim to keep this humidity constant. Exhaust Mode exchanging with outside air. Recirculation Mode - heating room.
The Machine Status Ribbon:
The machine status ribbon shows the machines current operating state, operating mode and the heater power level. This table shows most possible situations. (note that fans are always running when machine is running).
Machine Status: Description: Mode: Description: Heater Level: Description:
Machine running Full Power as normal. Machine on hold, press play 66% Power to resume. A duct has become blocked, 50% Power remove the blockage to restart machine. 33% Power Room limits have been Machine not in (none)reached, machine will stay in operation. Heater off 8 exhaust mode to equalise. 8
Accept the changes Cancel changes and and continue. close the window. Max Temp - This is the maximum temperature the room can reach, higher temperatures should speed up the drying process. Please note that by default on some machines this is limited to 40°C (104°F) however can be increased to up to 50°C (140°F) depending on how the machine is used. Max RH - This is the maximum relative humidity the room can reach, when in recirculation mode the machine will aim to increase the humidity by extracting water from the room and into the air before exhausting it out of the building. Reducing this limit will cause the machine to switch mode more frequently however may not be extracting as much moisture as it possibly could each cycle. Higher values will generally correspond to faster drying. Min RH - This is the minimum relative humidity the room can reach, effectively a limit on how ’dry’ you want the room to get. Once this target has been reached the machine will mainly run in exhaust mode with the aim to keep this humidity constant. Exhaust Mode exchanging with outside air. Recirculation Mode - heating room.
The Machine Status Ribbon:
The machine status ribbon shows the machines current operating state, operating mode and the heater power level. This table shows most possible situations. (note that fans are always running when machine is running).
Machine Status: Description: Mode: Description: Heater Level: Description:
Machine running Full Power as normal. Machine on hold, press play 66% Power to resume. A duct has become blocked, 50% Power remove the blockage to restart machine. 33% Power Room limits have been Machine not in (none)reached, machine will stay in exhaust mode to equalise. 8 operation. Heater off
Accept the changes Cancel changes and and continue. close the window. Max Temp - This is the maximum temperature the room can reach, higher temperatures should speed up the drying process. Please note that by default on some machines this is limited to 40°C (104°F) however can be increased to up to 50°C (140°F) depending on how the machine is used. Max RH - This is the maximum relative humidity the room can reach, when in recirculation mode the machine will aim to increase the humidity by extracting water from the room and into the air before exhausting it out of the building. Reducing this limit will cause the machine to switch mode more frequently however may not be extracting as much moisture as it possibly could each cycle. Higher values will generally correspond to faster drying. Min RH - This is the minimum relative humidity the room can reach, effectively a limit on how ’dry’ you want the room to get. Once this target has been reached the machine will mainly run in exhaust mode with the aim to keep this humidity constant. Exhaust Mode exchanging with outside air. Recirculation Mode - heating room.
The Machine Status Ribbon:
The machine status ribbon shows the machines current operating state, operating mode and the heater power level. This table shows most possible situations. (note that fans are always running when machine is running).
Machine Status: Description: Mode: Description: Heater Level: Description:
Machine running Full Power as normal. Machine on hold, press play 66% Power to resume. A duct has become blocked, 50% Power remove the blockage to restart machine. 33% Power Room limits have been Machine not in (none)reached, machine will stay in operation. Heater off exhaust mode to equalise.
Fuld kraft 66% effekt af varmeapparat for FGPH106 2,2kW og 80% for FGPH108 1,8kW 33% effekt af varmeapparat for FGPH106 2,2kW og 40% for FGPH108 1,8kW Varmeenhed slukket
ADVARSEL! Enheden skal være koblet fra, inden der udføres nogen form for vedligeholdelse eller rengøring.
Før hver brug: Inspicér strømledningen for tegn på skader. Hvis ledningen ser brudt, fl osset eller slidt ud, skal du ikke bruge produktet. Ledninger må kun udskiftes af producenten; hvis ledningen er beskadiget, skal du kontakte NAC Europe.
Rengøring: Boksen kan rengøres med et mildt rengøringsmiddel og varmt vand. Brug ikke væsker på riste og metalplader, disse kan rengøres med en blød klud. Brug aldrig en vandslange til rengøring, og sørg for, at enheden er helt tør før brug.
Udskiftning af sikringen: Den indbyggede sikring kan udskiftes ved at: 1) Isolere enheden fra forsyningsnettet. 2) Bruge en fl ad skruetrækker til at åbne sikringsholderen. 3) Fjerne den gamle sikring og udskifte den med en ny. 4) Lukke sikringsholderen med en skruetrækker. De udskiftede sikringer skal være 15A, 250V eller 500V keramiktyper med hurtigt slag (DBK reservedelsnummer: EC308). I tilfælde af skader, reparationer eller andre krav til vedligeholdelse, skal du kontakte NAC Europe. Der må ikke udføres nogen reparationer på dette produkt af brugeren.