Technique 2: Color Visualizations This technique may be partnered with healing music or used on its own. Simply visualize each chakra lighting up and spinning clockwise. Each chakra has a specific color associated with it, as shown here.
Grounding our Roots Technique 3: Distance Healing Many Energy Healers offer distance healing services. From the comfort of your home, you may work with an Energy Healer to clear and balance your chakras. Many will work with you over the phone, or by utilizing services such as Skype, Zoom, and Facetime.
Technique 4: Grounding Spending time in nature and connecting to the earth provides a multitude of health benefits. We can take it a step further by using this time to clear our chakras. Visualize a column of light running along your spine and through your chakras, clearing them and balancing them. Laura Baker is an intuitive energy healer and reiki master in the Indianapolis area. Connect with her at See ad on page 22.
by Laura Baker
ithin our body resides multiple energy fields called chakras. Although each chakra has its own unique purpose, together they play an important role in the body’s energetic system. When chakras are open and clear, the mind, body, and spirit will feel harmonious and in balance. When the chakras are disrupted by daily stress, toxins, or illness, we may feel fatigue, anxious, depressed, and/or general dis-ease. The first chakra is called the root or muladhara. It sits at the base of our spine and is connected to our sense of instinct, security, and stability. It is the foundation of who we are and is impacted by childhood experiences, basic survival needs, and our connectedness to the earth and those around us. When the root chakra is blocked, we may experience a lack of love, attention, abundance, support, etc. We may feel unworthy, fearful, materialistic, and unsafe. When the root chakra is open and balanced, we will feel connected, complete, abundant, empowered, and fulfilled by life. Exercise to Balance and Restore the Root Chakra
Grounding is vital to the health and wellbeing of the root chakra. It connects us to nature, calms the busy mind, and brings us back to the present moment.
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Pick a quiet spot outside.
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Close your eyes.
Remove your shoes and socks. Let your bare toes connect to the earth. Settle in by taking 3 deep, cleansing breaths.
n Visualize roots growing from the bottom of your feet and deep into the soil. Observe your roots anchoring to the core of the earth. n
Allow your roots to soak up the healing core energy and bring it back to your body.
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Let it fill your entire body.
Sit for a moment or two. Notice your connectedness to the earth.
Express gratitude for the healing energy you have received.
When you are ready, you may open your eyes. Laura Baker is an intuitive energy healer and reiki master in the Indianapolis area. Connect with her at See ad on page 22. April/May 2020