Campus Dining Today - Fall/Winter 2017

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FALL / W INTER 2 0 17

ALSO INSIDE: Flexitarians What’s Hot: Halal & Kosher Research & Trends Chef Features

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STAY CONNECTED WITH NACUFS! For nearly 60 years, the National Association of College & University Food Services has supported the collegiate foodservice industry by providing our members with the programs and resources they need to excel—from benchmarking to educational programming and professional networking.

the PLACE This is the association where campus dining professionals are recruited, educated, and developed as leaders in our profession. NACUFS will prepare you and your team to build your program and make you a leader on your campus. NACUFS will prepare the next generation of leaders as we anticipate succession in our field.

the SOURCE We are the source for data, information, and tools to succeed in your career. NACUFS will provide you with the benchmarking surveys, college and university research/trend data, operational tools, and resources to empower you to manage a robust program that is a respected asset and contributor to your institution’s mission. As our institutions struggle with the rising cost of education, NACUFS will save you time and money through collaborative resource development and sharing to help you do your job more effectively.

the VOICE NACUFS advocates for the college and university food segment, therefore elevating and promoting the image of foodservice on campuses and publicly. NACUFS will be the voice that speaks for our segment. We will help you tell your story about the value of dining services to support the mission of your institution as you contribute to student recruitment, academic success, retention, and revenue generation on campus.

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The magazine of the National Association of College & University Food Services

Advertising Information and Article Submission Advertising of a product or service in this publication does not imply endorsement. Advertisers assume responsibility and liability for the content of any advertising. The National Association of College & University Food Services is exempt from any liability resulting from publication of articles. Editorial mention of commercial interests is intended entirely as an information service to readers and should not be construed as an endorsement, actual or implied, by NACUFS. The opinions expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect the official opinions of NACUFS. ©2017 The National Association of College & University Food Services. All rights reserved. No part of this publication shall be reproduced, stored in a retrievable system, or transmitted in any form, by any means, which includes but is not limited to, electronic, mechanical photocopying, recording, or otherwise without the prior written consent of NACUFS.

Editor in Chief

Rochelle Rizzi, director of marketing & communications

Associate Editor

Kortney Pitts, marketing coordinator


Patti Klos, Tufts University


Robert Holden, University of Georgia

Immediate Past President

Amy Beckstrom, University of Colorado Boulder


Jeff Yawn, Georgia Southern University

Industry Trustee

Jon Garrett, Premier REACH

Chief Executive Officer

Gretchen Couraud, NACUFS

At-large Trustees

Ken Toong, University of Massachusetts – Amherst Sam Samaan, Azusa Pacific University Smitha Haneef, Princeton University Tim Backes, University of New Mexico Kristina Patridge, University of Alabama Orlynn Rosaasen, University of North Dakota Steve Mangan, University of Michigan Nancy Monteer, University of Missouri

Guest Trustee

Pam Schreiber, University of Washington

For advertising information, email or call (517) 827-1111.

CORRECTIONS: “Campus Dining Today” strives to provide accurate journalism and fair reporting. It is our policy to correct substantive errors of fact. If you think we may have published incorrect information, please call (517) 827-1111 or email



20 WHAT’S HOT: HALAL Making Yale a Culinary Destination of Halal. Yale University Dining walks through the important definitions and lessons learned in implementing a Halal program.



22 WHAT’S HOT: KOSHER Kosher Comfort in Douglass Dining Center.University of Rochester demonstrates a successful Kosher program based on 3300 years of tradition and biblical origin.

13 FEATURE: FLEXITARIANS Fle x - U p Yo ur Me n u s ! For those who want their meat but may not want to eat it too, a Flexitarian approach to eating is a perfect solution. Numerous campaigns—from Meatless Mondays to Vegan Before 6—appeal to Flexitarians by encouraging the adoption of plant-based meals without requiring the total abandonment of meat.

25 NUTRITION C h a n g i n g D ie t s , C h a n g i n g L i ve s . I t s ee m s mo re a n d mo re you n g p eo p le a re on s p e c ia l i z ed d ie t s a nd have in c rea s in g l y lon g l i s t s o f fo o d a l le rg ie s a nd s e n s i t iv i t ie s . A s the number two gluten-friendly campus in the countr y, a relatively large portion of students come to SUNY Geneseo with either Celiac disease, or gluten sensitivity. With these and other dietar y restrictions coming to the forefront, Geneseo (like many other campuses), is finding unique ways to adapt.

17 FEATURE: BALANCED PLATE Promoting Balanced Eating using a Non-Diet Approach in University Food Service. Boston College shares their Balanced Plate Model and best practices to educate dining services staff and to engage students.



Fa ll / W inter

2017 29 CAMPUS DINING BY DESIGN & FOOD In this month’s B y Desi g n and Food section, CDT hi ghli ghts fou r c re a t i ve, re s ource f ul a p p ro a che s a t U n i ve rs i t y o f Ne w M e x i co, G e o rg e town U n i ve rs i t y, S t . No rb e r t C ol le g e, a n d P urdu e U ni ve rs i t y. E a ch d i n i n g p ro g ra m ta k e s s p e c ia l ca re to i nco r p o ra te s p e c i a l d i e t choi ce s i n to the i r me n u mi x to meet needs of customers who must have these choices and of c u s tom e rs who j u s t wa n t to t r y d i f fe re n t— a n d d el i c iou s — m e nu o p t ion s .


30 Fre sh Food C om p a ny a t L eo O ’D o n ova n Ha ll, George town U n i ve rs i t y; C he f Fea t u re : Te n ek a D o u g l a s

33 L a Pos a d a D i n i n g Ha l l , U n i ve rs i t y o f Ne w Me x ico ; C he f Fea t u re : Ha s s a n A b a s s a r y

36 C he f Feat ure: Heath Browning , P urdue Universit y 37 C he f Fea t u re : Da n F ro el ich , S t . Norb e r t C olle ge 40 FEATURE: H OLISTICALLY ASSESSING A MEAL PLAN PETITION. W i l l i a m & M a r y U n i ve r s i t y d e ve l o p e d a u n i q u e a n d s u cc e s s f u l m e a l p e t i t i o n p ro c e s s . C a n y o u re p l i c a te th i s o r a s i m i l a r p ro c e s s o n y o u r c a m p u s ?

45 RESEARCH & TRENDS: DEBUNKING MYTHS & PROP OSING CREATIVITY G l u te n I n t o l e ra n c e G ro u p , Na t i o n a l Pe a n u t B o a rd , T h e Na t i o n a l P ro c e s s e d R a s p b e r r y C o u n c i l , a n d th e Na t i o n a l Wa te r m e l l o n P ro m o t i o n B o a rd o f fe r c re a t i ve s o l u t i o n s , re s e a rc h - b a s e d m y th - b u s t i n g , a n d re c i p e s t o e d u c a te y o u r te a m a n d t a k e y o u r s e r v i c e s t o th e n e x t l e ve l .

51 FEATURE: STUDENT NEEDS AND THE INFLUENCE OF BUSINESS DECISIONS Liberty University, walks you through various ways to be as clear as possible about food contents, making it easier for customers to decipher decisions, in an age of information overload.








NACUFS president

On our campuses, we routinely seek ways to elevate our game, demonstrating excellence to exceed the expectations of our customers and campus community. While major facility renovations may occur every 5 to 10 years, we can more regularly make adjustments to our menu concepts, service excellence, and catering experience. Customer input drives most of these changes, allowing us to meet the needs of our students, faculty, and other customers.

As a community and through a strategic business lens, NACUFS continues to focus forward on excellence and enhancing member value. A few recent examples demonstrate how we’re upping our game in response to member input to bring all our members value and create excellence in collegiate food service. 1.) The NACUFS Culinary Challenge is a well-known national competition, recognizing the best chefs in the college and university setting. Culinary Challenge competitors can now expect a more consistent experience that elevates excellence—creating an elevated award and distinction for the best chefs in the country. In 2018, applications will be reviewed by a team of six culinary challenge experts. All entries will be stripped of school or entrant details, and participants will be selected based on the quality of the application, classical cooking techniques, creativity, and presentation. Further, the onsite experience will become more consistent with standard equipment and eventually all regional competitions will have burners identical to those used in the national competition. These improvements are intended to provide a consistent member experience and opportunity throughout the country. Doing so will ensure that we are selecting chefs based on excellence above all else. 2.) Other improvements include changes made to our Institute Selection Process. Because the participant selection process for the NACUFS professional development institutes remains competitive due to limited seating, the association took several steps in 2017 to ensure alignment of the selection process with NACUFS’ mission and strategic

agenda plan. First, because volunteers on the education (learning) committee are now selected based on a set of competencies, and represent the geographic diversity of NACUFS membership, the board delegated institute selections fully to the committee for the 2017 institutes and forward. Second, the education (learning) committee developed three selection guidelines: Excellence. The application form is complete and clearly written, and the applicant makes a clear case for how participation will benefit his/her professional development and campus. Member Value – Institution. Institute rosters will include a balance of institutions represented to ensure, to the extent possible, reasonable access to professional development for all member institutions across all regions. Member Value – Individual Participant. While an applicant can submit more than one application form, he/she can be selected and participate in only one institute annually. Furthermore, prior year institute acceptance and participation should never give an applicant preference over another. This ensures that these valuable member experiences are accessible to all today, within the existing constraints of our business model which is under review by the board. 3.) Subject-Matter-Expert Training Recognizing that most NACUFS presenters (subjectmatter-experts) are not professional speakers and likely experience public speaking anxiety, a new initiative in underway to provide conference presenters with training on developing and delivering effective presentations. The goal is to provide audiences with a more enriching learning experience while also providing presenters with greater confidence and the appropriate skills to make business presentations at a conference and back on campus. The new initiative is scheduled to rollout this coming spring for presenters selected for the 2018 national conference interest sessions in Providence, Rhode Island. In summary, there are small, but impactful changes we are making within our organizational processes to assure that we increase the quality, accessibility, and opportunities for our members. We are over the halfway point of our strategic plan, and have excelled at using this as a decision-making tool. Our member survey data also continues to guide our efforts in best serving the membership. NACUFS’ leadership is excited for what’s ahead! There are important business and operational steps to be made, and the small improvements mentioned above are stepping stones to what is bound to be a very successful 2018!






“Walking in someone else’s shoes” is an integral part of life in order to gain an enhanced understanding of something. Doing so can be intimidating, exhilarating, or a combination of the two, but it is worth it in the end, as the takeaway can be life-altering. It is an idiom that will ring true for the NACUFS team, as GRETCHEN COURAUD this past August we had chief executive officer the privilege of walking in the shoes of those who are a part of a university dining services team at Michigan State University. Our participation was eye-opening in the most positive way. Autumn is a time of considerable hustle and bustle. School is back in session, and for students attending at the college level, they will be awakened by a significantly different educational and communal atmosphere. What better way to introduce students to the university lifestyle than a time set aside to welcome them before classes begin? Food is a central piece of this transition into college life, and dining services teams always want to ensure that the students they serve are happy, healthy, and never leave hungry. The NACUFS team volunteered to assist the dining services team for two days during Michigan State University’s 2017 Fall Welcome. Schools know that this is an exceptionally busy time of year that requires all hands on deck! We were looking forward to supporting their team with our fullest potential and discovering what it would be like to be a part of a dining services team. We sought out to build trust and connect with those whom we would be working with, and to be able to relate better to NACUFS’ members by assisting with the everyday duties of the MSU dining staff. There is a first time for everything; and for NACUFS, working side by side with a dining services team was just that. We were all eager novices who did not know what to anticipate. Akers Hall dining services manager, Yu-Chien Chang, led our team throughout our involvement. She provided us with our responsibilities and created a very enjoyable experience for us all. It was visible that she takes pride in what she does, as does the dining staff as a whole. Having well-trained staff like those whom we worked with, a school’s dining program will ultimately be successful and respected. This also adds value to the school as a whole.

Minute by minute, we experienced the pressure, the pace, and the exhilaration that our members experience every new school year, and every day of the week. The work is intense so it is challenging for beginners to keep up until truly feeling the flow. Our team had the opportunity to perform tasks such as serving food, working in the dish room, sorting silverware, and cleaning tables, just to name a few. We ended our shifts with a meal count of 5,412 on Sunday, 5,499 on Monday, and hearts full of appreciation for those who we worked alongside.

While independently debriefing our time at MSU, the NACUFS team shared comparable thoughts about our involvement. We were astounded by how incredibly efficient the staff is, the number of moving parts, the cohesiveness, the technique and attention to detail, the well-mannered students and their display of respect, and far more. Furthermore, it was unanimous that receiving prompt service and eating food that is high-quality are just two out of a plethora of factors that add to the significance of campus dining. We had an extraordinary time “walking in someone else’s shoes”, and it ultimately provided something greater—an abundance of gratitude and admiration for every task, big or small, that a dining team performs. A student’s time in college is about how to advance as a person, and whether it be by making healthy meal choices or learning how food effects cognizance, a dining services team is encouraging of their growth as people. Your job encompasses passion, and the NACUFS team was able to observe that firsthand. NACUFS is honored to support our members and we relish experiencing your world so we can continue to be the Place, the Source, and the Voice for your dining team.

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10 C A M P U S D I N I N G T O DAY


editor in chief

The beginning of this quarter kept me hopping! In preparing for 2018, I attended the Public Relations Society of America’s International Conference in Boston, Massachusetts. My intention was to gather some new ideas for NACUFS in order to best tell members’ stories. I’m excited to begin implementing and testing some new PR tactics and methodologies in order to continue elevating the professions of collegiate dining.

On the last day in Boston, I was able to take my enthusiasm to Boston College where I met with Megan O’Neill, assistant director of restaurant operations. A BIG THANK YOU to

Boston College students in a late lunch rush between classes. Efficient layouts, digital displays, and menu customization make decisions quick and easy—so many delicious options!

Chef Paul Houle, director of campus dining services at University of Colorado Boulder is shown here leading the IFEC tour and sharing his enthusiasm about the menu, ambiance, and multi-purpose space plans.

Megan for her time and energy. I was able to tour several dining facilities and talk over a cup of coffee. In a quick hour and a half, Megan entertained my questions about staffing, menu choices, operations, success metrics, and technology. This was a wonderful opportunity for me, as an association staffer, to see first-hand the innovative problem solving and programming that happens every day in the world of collegiate dining. Boston College Dining Services was very impressive. I left the campus with vigor and excitement, and partially because Megan’s enthusiasm for NACUFS and her career were so evident. She was contagious! Later in the month of October, I traveled to Boulder, Colorado. Here, I attended the International Foodservice Editorial Council’s (IFEC’s) annual conference. During this time, I spent much of two days interviewing publicists and looking for great educational content for Campus Dining Today. Additionally, I was able to rub elbows with other trade publications and continue conversations about how to leverage this network to again, share your stories. The conference included several food demonstrations, editorial interviews, and other food educational experiences. The college and university market segment is a HOT topic. There are many opportunities to explore!

Megan O’Neill (left) and me on the campus of Boston College after she graciously showed me around several beautiful dining facilities, explaining some exciting new projects like the demonstration station to increase student engagement and educational opportunities.

Picturesque windows allow for natural light to flood the dining room and for minimal artificial light, providing a more LEED-qualified space and a beautiful scene of Boulder’s mountain view.

While in Boulder, I took the opportunity to participate in IFEC’s food tours and chose the tour which included University of Colorado Boulder. What a beautiful experience. I’m a sucker for mountain scenery, but the views were over the top. The architecture incorporated the surrounding landscape by including large picture windows, rivaling any view from any of the best restaurants in the city. Chef Paul Houle, CEC, director of campus dining services, led us on a tour of the facilities (many on campus are Platinum LEED-certified) where we experienced a variety of food stations, dining areas for every mood, and bicycles that blended smoothies! Thank you, Chef Paul for being an awesome tour guide! Everywhere I go, I continue to look for unique connections to build-up NACUFS as the VOICE of collegiate dining. From my short excursions, and a lot of focused conversations with leadership, I hope to leverage some strategic relationships in order to share more, relevant stories to the public. You are leaders in the hospitality world, and setting amazing standards for food expectations for the next generation. Your talents and enthusiasm are unprecedented. Everyone should know.


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Flex-Up Your Menus! by David Grotto, MS, RDN, LDN, Kellogg Nutrition Manager


For those who want their meat but may not want to eat it too, a Flexitarian approach to eating is a perfect solution. Numerous campaigns—from Meatless Mondays to Vegan Before 6—appeal to Flexitarians by encouraging the adoption of plant-based meals without requiring the total abandonment of meat.


lant-based meals are becoming commonplace— even among meat eaters. More people today value personalization with food—making it their own. They want to define healthy lifestyles on their terms, and they want to feel good about their food choices. According to the 2017 Annual Food and Health Survey by the International Food Information Council, 72 percent of consumers recognize protein from plant sources as healthful. Mirroring these sentiments, 2016 Nielsen data found that 75 percent of consumers are open to eating veggie foods with over one-third of those consumers actively reducing their meat intake.

BUT WHY LESS MEAT? The earth isn’t getting any bigger, but the challenge of feeding a growing population is. So it’s not surprising that drivers for plant-based eating include concerns about the

environment and sustainability, animal welfare, the financial cost of meat, as well as health and nutrition. Ultimately, people will only make a plant-based diet a habit if they enjoy what they eat.

YOUR MILLENNIAL AND GEN Z CUSTOMERS ARE PASSIONATE ABOUT SUSTAINABILITY, HUMAN-KIND AND THE EARTH. Dietary choices are incredibly personal, as are the reasons that motivate us to choose certain foods over others. Millennials and GenZ want to know that their purchase decisions make a difference in the world whether supporting social causes or positively impacting the environment. That may explain why 72 percent of millennials and 62 percent of GenZ are trying to eat a more plant-based diet.2





Promote your veggie cuisine via “facted-up” menu boards and table tents including these inspiring factoids/ infographics that are sure to sway any fence-sitters: • Choosing a veggie meal over one with meat just once a week for a year, could save enough water for more than 200 showers.3

• A veggie lunch requires 81 percent less water, 79 percent less land, and 74 percent fewer greenhouse gas emissions than one made with meat.4

PLANT IN SOME GREAT FLAVOR AND GOOD NUTRITION! Flexitarians are celebrating vegetables and moving them to the center of the plate—a place previously reserved for meat. Global and ethnic flavors and ingredients are central to the flexitarian’s way of eating. Consumers are looking to cultures where there is an inherent knowledge in vegetable preparation (i.e., Asia, Italy, France, India) for inspiration. Today’s plant-based options, ranging in flavor profiles from chipotle black bean to garlic roasted quinoa, meet today’s students’ demands for great tasting foods and exciting ethnic flavors available in food formats they can feel good about. Recipes incorporating emerging and on-trend flavor profiles are now readily available and provide all-day choices in the plant-based meal category. There is also a growing focus on protein, and consumers are concerned about not getting enough when switching

36,200 to a plant-focused diet. Plant-based proteins such as lentils, whole grains, and soy products can provide an adequate amount of protein for daily needs. In fact, of all of the plant proteins, soy has the highest protein content at 18g of protein per cup, with lentils coming in close at second place at 14g per cup.5 Additionally, plant-based meals tend to be lower in cholesterol and saturated fat than meat-based meals.6





Average calories of feed required to produce 1,000 calories of food. INCENTIVIZE CUSTOMERS TO “MAKE THE FLIP” AND SHARE THEIR CHOICE WITH THE WORLD! Serve burgers that students will love so much that they will want to share them with the rest of the campus and beyond! Encourage customers to share on social media that they “made the flip” to delicious veggie burgers at your operation!

• 76 percent of internet-using adults and 90 percent of millennials use social media. • Social media can help you stay connected with guests and keep you top of mind. • Facebook & Instagram are the most widely-used social media platforms. • Images boost post results and reactions to break through cluttered feeds. By offering easy and delicious plant-based solutions, operators can help their customers feel good about their choices and give them more of what they want, deliciously. A diet containing more plant proteins doesn’t have to be hard, and giving customers convenient ways to incorporate more veggies into their daily lives helps “plant in” habits that are good for people and the planet. For more information, visit 1. Stahler, C. (2012) How Often Do Americans Eat Vegetarian Meals? And How Many Adults in the U.S. Are Vegetarian? 2. IFMA/Datassentials CPP 2016 3. Veg Effect Calculator™ @ what_the_world_ordered/what-we-do 4. A Comparative Life Cycle Assessment of Plant-Based Foods and meat Foods Summary (Quantis, MorningStar Farms® 2016) 5. US Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, Nutrient Data Laboratory. (2014) USDA national Nutrient Database for Standard Reference, Release 27. 6. Position of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics: Vegetarian Diets. J Acad Nutr Diet, 2016.

15 C A M P U S D I N I N G T O DAY


It’s Academic!

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Promoting Balanced Eating using a Non-Diet Approach in University Dining Services by Kate Sweeney, MS, RD, LDN, Administrative Dietitian Boston College Dining Services, Boston College



ollege is a time when lifelong habits around eating are solidified (Lee, 2013). College students require significant overall calories from macronutrients, as well as micronutrients such as calcium, iron, and potassium. Unfortunately, most college students do not meet recommended nutritional needs. Research shows college students eat fewer fruits and vegetables and more foods high in fat and calories than recommended (Lee, et al 2013). And, certain eating habits like skipping meals are concerning habit-forming behaviors. College students experience many barriers to balanced eating, including workload, poor sleep, social pressures, and stress. Unhealthy weight loss methods are also common among college students. Between the myth of the “Freshman 15” and weight stigma prevalent in our society, it is easy to see why. In fact, weight gain is normal from ages 16 to 20 years old, and research shows a normal weight gain

of about 2.5-3.5 pounds during freshman year (Zagorsky, 2011). Further, individuals in large bodies who practice healthful lifestyle behaviors live just as long as their smaller counterparts (Bacon and Aphramor, 2011). Restrictive dieting leads to inadequate energy intake, which impacts ability to function. It also incurs a variety of medical, social, and psychological consequences. One concerning side effect of dieting is eating disorders. It is estimated that eating disorders affect about 25-32 percent of college students (White, 2011). The challenge for University Dining Services is to provide and educate students about balanced food options, while empowering students to use internal, rather than external, eating cues.

THE SOLUTION: THE BALANCED PLATE MODEL Boston College’s Balanced Plate Model was made to communicate with students and dining staff with a comprehensive diagram of balanced eating that depicts adequacy, moderation, and variety. Further, the model combats diet culture with Intuitive Eating principles.



One study surveyed 2,287 college-age students and found that students who trusted their bodies and responded to signals of hunger and fullness had lower body mass index measurements, less disordered eating behavior, and less chronic dieting than their counterparts who did not use Intuitive Eating (Denny et al, 2013). Other studies show that students who eat intuitively have better body acceptance, weight management, lower risk for chronic disease, and improved self-esteem versus students who do eat for external factors (Tylka, 2013).

and vegan meals—about 20 to 30 grams per meal. This was done over a one-hour training and brainstorming session Spring 2017. The new “Garden Party” concept at Hillside Café, which includes a vegan salad with edamame and chickpeas, is an example of what came from brainstorming. Other examples of balanced meals created using the model include the Grilling Grains, Holy Grain, and Bibimbap concepts; which incorporate whole grains, vegetables, and lean protein. This fall, Boston College Dining Services created more than 10 new menu items that fit the Balanced Plate Model.

Highlights of the Balanced Plate Model: • Moderate portions of food give unconditional permission to eat. All foods are part of a balanced diet, even ‘fun’ foods. • Incorporates dietary fats throughout the plate to promote thinking about diet in context, rather than as stand-alone nutrients. • Encourages mindfulness of appetite signals and awareness of sensory pleasures of food to promote moderation and variety. • Celebrates eating for cultural and social enjoyment and promotes balance. • Students who do physical activity for one hour or more per day need more than plate carbohydrates.

Ba la n



Intuitive Eating is an approach that includes eating for physical rather than emotional reasons; eating when hungry; and giving full permission to eat all foods (Resch & Tribole, 2012).

at Boston C oll ting a eg E d e ce In all-you-care-to-eat university dining, the Balanced Plate Model can be adapted by placing vegetables next to proteins in appropriate portions and grains or starches that have appropriate-portioned serving utensils. Education in the dining hall should also eliminate messages of “avoid this” or “limit that”.

ENGAGING STUDENTS The Balanced Plate Model is used to educate, empower, and engage students through discussions and handouts, information on the Boston College Dining website, and collaborative programming.


Dietary Fats are part of a balanced plate

** This plate is meant for a moderate eater. If doing one or more hours of exercise most days, an individual needs to consume more grains & starchy vegetables.

EDUCATING DINING SERVICES STAFF As an à la carte dining model, Boston College Dining has a unique opportunity to create and serve balanced meals that positively impact student health; and, staff are integral in developing menu items. All dining staff are trained on the Balanced Plate Model to inform their own health and empower them to assist students. One example of how training staff influences menu items, included teaching staff about adequate protein in vegetarian

One example of utilizing the model among students is the “Guess the Balanced Meal” tabling activity, developed in collaboration with the Office of Health Promotion. In this activity, peer health coaches from the Health Coach Institute, who are trained by the Administrative Dietitian on the model, engage students in guessing which meal is most balanced from a choice of three displayed meals. During Healthapalooza, a festival highlighting resources for health and wellness at Boston College, about 300 students completed the ‘Guess the Balanced Meal’ activity. Two-thirds of students did not guess the correct balanced meal, often citing the correct answer could not be balanced since a cookie was incorporated. This result emphasizes diet culture and stigma of certain foods. The “Guess the Balanced Meal” tabling activity allows peers to educate students about the importance of carbohydrates and research that shows decreased chance of binge eating

KEY TAKEAWAYS • The Balanced Plate Model meets the challenge of educating students about their nutritional needs, while also promoting a non-diet message.

An American tradition since 1920, super-premium Yuengling’s Ice Cream is now available for campus dining halls, student unions, food courts, and concession stands. Go super-premium and your customers will know the difference— and so will your profit margins.

19 C A M P U S D I N I N G T O DAY

• Successful implementation of the model at Boston College has increased balanced menu options and reframed students’ misconceptions about nutrition and dieting. Tracking sales and measuring student response will continue to inform efficacy of the model. • Empowering and training staff, encouraging peer-to-peer interactions, and collaborating with campus partners have improved engagement and buy-in from students and staff. • Every University Dining Service is suited to promote the Balanced Plate Model’s messages. If there is a registered dietitian (RD) on staff, he/she is exceptionally suited to bridge gaps in knowledge among students and staff, formulate and enact interventions, and collect data. Even without a RD, the model can still be promoted among staff and students in ways that fit the unique environment and culture of the University. References: Bacon, Linda and Aphramor, Lucy. Weight science: Evaluating the evidence for a paradigm shift. 2011; 10:9. Bruce, Lauren and Ricciardelli, Lina. A systematic review of the psychosocial correlates of intuitive eating among adult women. Appetite. 2016;96:454-472. Denny, K., Loth, K., Eisenberg, M., and Neumark-Sztainer, D. Intuitive eating in young adults. Who is doing it, and how is it related to disordered eating behaviors? Appetite 2013;60:13-19.

Available in 29 Unforgettable Flavors!

Galloway, A., Farrow, C., Martz, D. Retrospective reports of child feeding practices, current eating behaviors, and BMI in college students. Obesity. 2010; 18:1330-1335. Lee, S., Fowler, D., and Yuan, J. Characteristics of healthy foods as perceived by college students utilizing university foodservice. J of Foodservice Business Research. 2013; 16:169-182. Tribole, Evelyn and Resch, Elyse. 2012. Intuitive Eating: A revolutionary program that works. St Martin’s Griffin: New York, NY. Tylka, Tracy and Kroon Van Diest, Ashley. The Intuitive Eating Scale-2: Item Refinement and Psychometric Evaluation with College Women and Men. J of Counseling Psychology. 2013;60(1):137-153. White, S., Reynolds-Malear, J., Cordero, E. Disordered eating and the use of unhealthy weight control methods I college students: 1995, 2002 and 2008. Eating Disorders- Journal of treatment and prevention. 2011;19(4). Yahia, N., Brown, C. , Rapley, M. and Chung, M. Level of nutrition knowledge is associated with fat consumption among college students. BMC Public Health 2016;16:1047. Zagorsky, J. and Smith, P. The Freshman 15: A critical time for obesity intervention or media myth? Social Science Quarterly. 2011;92(5):1389-1407.


Go Super-Premium & They’ll Never Go Anywhere Else


and psychological distress when students allow themselves permission to eat any food (Tylka, 2013). The ‘Dining Made Easy’ handout provided during the activity highlights balanced meal options that adhere to the model in the three major dining halls.

For information on flavors, pricing, and delivery, visit or call 570-968-4352, ext. 110.

What’s Hot on Campus HALAL

Making Yale a Culinary Destination of Halal


by Robert Sullivan, Director of Operations, Yale University Dining; and Alexei Rudolf, Principal, Foodservice Connections LLC The Solution/Keys to Success at Yale: • Aligned with our core philosophy of excellence in hospitality, culinary, and wellness, we source the highest quality, sustainable, and nutritious foods. Our vendors understand the value we place on the quality of our ingredients. • Think of halal as another special dietary need, no different than vegan, vegetarian, or gluten free.

20 C A M P U S D I N I N G T O DAY

• Students looking for halal want to feel welcome, and not singled out or segregated. • Earning trust is everything, from the source to the customer. • Engage stakeholders, like the Muslim Student Association or other local Islamic groups. • Start small—we celebrate Eid (a major Muslim holiday) on campus with halal meats and regional foods, as well as a banquet dinner for almost 600; we began by giving the option to students to request halal chicken at the grill and then evolved into offering halal chicken to all students, so our Muslim students don’t have to make a special request. • Identify supplier partners that can help you—in Yale’s case, Aussie Beef & Lamb and our chicken supplier, Harvestland Chicken.

Halal 101

• •

Opportunity: Yale Hospitality offers an inclusive dining experience to support our diverse community, honoring and celebrating religious diversity. The Opportunity Nationally: Connecting with and serving an influx of Muslim students • Over 1 million international students are enrolled in US colleges and universities. • 7 of the top 25 countries of origin for international students are Muslim majority. • As many as 43 percent of Muslims on campus are US Nationals. • Imagine coming to college in a foreign country—everything is new and different, and the food that you’ve taken for granted as halal your whole life is suddenly suspect.

Halal means “permissible” in Arabic. Foods that are halal follow a few basic principles similar to kosher, but NOT equivalent. • The opposite is “haram”—forbidden. • These things are forbidden: • Pork • Blood • Carrion • Alcohol Halal basics for animal protein: • Slaughter must be conducted by a Muslim while • • using a very sharp knife; and • reciting a Muslim prayer. Key learnings from Meat & Livestock Australia, one of the world’s largest exporters of halal meat around the world: 1. Be patient, trust isn’t earned overnight. 2. Use a credible Muslim face and voice in your outreach. 3. Lean on the religious authorities—stay in your lane. 4. Muslims are a diverse group—from Indonesia, Nigeria, or the Middle East, there are lots of cultural differences.

Halal is more than a slaughter method. Connect the dots for your guests about animal welfare and quality—these things matter to everyone, not just the halal student. Rob Williams International Business Manager Meat & Livestock Australia

Sourcing and serving halal foods fits into a bigger picture of how we source everything for Yale dining. From sustainability, to health and wellness, to lifestyle (where halal fits in), they are all factors in determining what we buy, and we have specific standards we look for in each category. Our greatest measure of success is: “Seeing the reaction of our students when they learn that all of the chicken, beef, and lamb we serve is ‘permissible’ for them is priceless. You can see this great weight lifted.” Robert Sullivan Director of Operations Yale University Since Yale Hospitality’s supply chain strategy includes aligning ourselves with supply partners that share similar values, our switch to halal meats was seamless. The producers we partnered with already met the appropriate standards or only had to make simple modifications to be able to provide certified halal meats. Islamic standards for halal that require that an animal be treated well during and at the end of its life cycle, and that it should be fed clean food and water, never to include another animal or animal by-products are very closely aligned with Yale Hospitality protein standards of only sourcing animal proteins that are humanely raised, and vegetarian fed without antibiotics and hormones. Geraldine Remer Director of Supply Chain and Sustainability Yale University I’m incredibly impressed and deeply appreciative of Yale Dining’s decision to offer quality halal meals! It has had an extraordinary impact on the Yale Muslim community because, amongst other things, Yale has shown its Muslim community that it cares about their concerns and well-being. As a chaplain, I often talk about the critical importance of self-care, especially through healthy eating and sleeping habits, and having access to halal meals has allowed our students to make better and healthier eating choices. Additionally, when new and prospective students and faculty visit Yale, they are blown away when they hear that Yale regularly serves halal meat and they’re delighted to eat in the dining halls. Omer Bajwa Director of Muslim Life Yale University Chaplain’s Office


Zeshan Gondal, Yale University, Trumbull College, 2019

21 C A M P U S D I N I N G T O DAY

Coming to Yale from a large New York City public school, I was used to skipping meals because of the lack of halal options. In college, I was extremely impressed that not only was all the chicken, beef, and lamb in the dining halls halal, the food was also very high in quality and tasted great. Many of my friends from high school still can’t eat the meat in their college dining halls, but at Yale I feel secure knowing that there is always a delicious meal with halal meat waiting for me in the dining halls.

Kosher Comfort in Douglass Dining Center.



by Cam Schauf, Director of Campus Dining Services & Auxiliary Operations University of Rochester, Rochester, NY



What is Kosher?

The University of Rochester kosher station means that the campus community has a focal point for cultural experience and embracing diversity.” Rabbi Chaim Hisiger

“Kosher is an ancient diet dating back some 3300 years and is Biblical in origin. Kosher is a discipline, which enhances the practitioners’ sensitivity to the relationship of the world we live in and connection to the source of all blessings-G-d. Furthermore it unites its adherents and elevates the mundane act of eating into a spiritual exercise.” –Rabbi Chaim Hisiger


n order to create a certified Kosher environment, we have the constant supervision of our mashgiach. We also have a wonderful collaboration between our campus dining team, Hillel and Rochester Kosher Services. When designing this space, we felt it important that the kosher station be highly visible. On many campuses, we noticed the Kosher areas were tucked away or in secluded areas where only dedicated guests were going to seek that option out. Our Kosher Comfort station is the very first service area seen when anyone walks into Douglass Dining Center and

we feel that helps bring a very inclusive environment for our kosher students. By involving Rochester Kosher Services, we have also established a bond with many people from the Rochester Jewish Community. Challenge & Opportunity: The University of Rochester has a significant Jewish population on campus who had been asking for many years for a dedicated kosher option. The University also had the desire to create a more welcoming atmosphere

for prospective students of the Jewish faith. We had done a decent job of providing prepackaged kosher foods in our C-Store, but this clearly did not include freshly made, hot entrees. We also had a small area in one of our resident dining facilities, Douglass Dining, that offered a kosher-style deli and some hot entrees. While it was under some supervision by Hillel, it was not orthodox kosher. Solution and Measures of Success: As we started to plan the building of a new Douglass Dining Center, moving the dining facility from the second floor to the first floor of Douglass Commons, we knew that we wanted

Before the establishment of the Kosher station in Douglass, I had to eat each of my meals in my dorm room. My diet consisted mostly of reheating frozen kosher meals that I had to buy off campus. The kosher station did a lot more for me than allowing me to eat fresh food. Once I was able to start eating in Douglass, I could begin having lunch with friends, meeting with professors for lunch, and making new friends or connections. A considerable part of the college environment and experience is interacting and collaborating with others. A lot of this interaction happens over a meal. Without the Kosher station, every meal of mine would be alone in my dorm, and hundreds of my experiences as a student here would have been impossible. Jacob Niebloom University of Rochester Senior Computer Science BS and Business BA

Photo by J. Adam Fenster/ University of Rochester.

We are currently serving approximately 450 guests per meal at Kosher Comfort and we are producing approximately 500 kosher grab & go

Cost for the project: We do not have a separate cost for the Kosher Comfort station. It was part of the $10 million Douglass Dining Center project. Timeline for completion: We closed the former Douglass Dining Center in April of 2016 and opened the new Douglass Dining Center in August of 2016. Outcome: We have seen a tremendous response since opening the Kosher Comfort station. Our guest count has continued to rise as we move into our second full year of the new dining center. Another success has been the kosher grab & go, and we are now in discussions on how to further expand this program to facilities outside of campus who are seeing a need for this type of product.


University of New Hampshire Offers Convenience, Options, and Passion for the Students’ Success by Rochelle L’Italien, MS, RDS, LD; Registered Dietitian; University of New Hampshire Hospitality Services


e’re committed to providing quality food, great service, and exceptional value. We offer a variety of delicious and healthy foods in three dining halls and seven café and retail store locations. Our primary motivation is ensuring every guest is fed, nourished, and fueled for success. Many of our guests have specialized nutrition concerns including severe food allergies or celiac disease and require this same great food and service to be clear of allergen cross-contact (when one food comes into contact with another food and their proteins mix). Multiple accommodation options are in place to bypass the self-serve food stations and shared ingredient/preparation areas; presented as Priority First and Supplemental (see box at right). The chefs are passionate about food, flavor, and service and have taken focused steps to mainstream more items to be allergen and gluten-friendly (made without the top 8 food allergen or gluten ingredients). For instance, many products have been switched from purchased to house-made recipes such as the 15 different house-made salad dressings; all of these are made without gluten ingredients and 10 allergen-friendly). Four house-made stir fry sauces available every day are made without gluten ingredients as is the House-Made Veggie Burger and a multitude of other house-made menu items. Additionally, we have an online meal ordering service for any dining hall primarily to avoid the risk of allergen cross-contact from the self-serve environment. After review with the registered dietitian, meal orders for allergen/ gluten-friendly and other individualized concerns are placed by the guest ahead of time using a standard online order form. Each meal order is assembled in the main kitchen using

separate ingredients and separate pans and utensils on clean surfaces away from the self-serve food stations. These meals are ready at the time noted by the guest for their meal. We strive to meet all of our guests’ needs by providing as much information as possible about the foods we use and how our facilities accommodate specific nutrition needs.

We Have Options! PRIORITY FIRST • Online meal ordering service • Separate pans/utensils available • Backup supply food items • Allergen-Friendly food station: Philbrook Dining Hall (academic year) • Registered Dietitian, Executive Chefs • Emergency epinephrine policy – dining halls • Special event menu needs SUPPLEMENTAL • Online menus and ingredients, Analyze Menu, Set Filters • UNH Mobile app – Dining • Product Ingredient Inquiries • Menu tags – dining halls • Standardized recipes • Gluten-Friendly self-serve stations

Full clarification can be provided by the registered dietitian, any manager or chef. Please inquire further for full details.


items per week, which are distributed to satellite locations across campus.


All aspects of this station are self-contained to prevent any cross-contamination, and we serve all meals on disposable plates. To further expand upon our kosher options, we began a line of kosher grab & go items that are produced at the Kosher Comfort station. This has allowed us to expand our reach and to offer a Kosher meal to many people on campus who are not able to make it to Douglass Dining Center for lunch or dinner. In partnership with Hillel, we are now able to provide Friday night Shabbat dinners for our students. The food is prepared at the Kosher Comfort station and served across the hall for our guests. We are also planning to provide Passover meals from this station.

23 C A M P U S D I N I N G T O DAY

to include a kosher station. While we had a strong relationship with Hillel and some interested students to help guide our planning, we wanted to get a community agency to help us with the planning and certification. Early in the planning process, we reached out to Rochester Kosher Services and started working with Rabbi Chaim Hisiger. He helped us work through our planning process and provided oversight as we became certified and began operations. We were also blessed to find an experienced kosher chef who can also serve as a mashgiach. In the fall of 2016, we opened the newly renovated Douglass Dining Center. Within this dining center, we opened the Kosher Comfort station. This station contains both a hot entrée option as well as a full Kosher deli. The Kosher Comfort station is supervised by our on-campus mashgiach, supplemented by Rochester Kosher Services to provide Orthodox oversight and comply with kashrut laws.




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Changing Diets, Changing Lives:

HOW TO MEET STUDENTS’ ach year at SUNY Geneseo, it seems more and more young people are on specialized diets and have increasingly long lists of food allergies and sensitivities. Celiac disease, food allergies, and multiple food sensitivities are on the rise; as are the number of students requiring specialized diets such as low FODMAP, low Glycemic Index, Kosher, and additive and dye-free

many students now carefully consider the quality of campus dining when choosing schools, meeting these needs becomes even more crucial. From a clinical nutrition perspective, the changing food environment is the root of many complex health issues. Society has moved away from what humans evolved to eat: fresh, whole, unprocessed foods filled with vitamins and minerals that the body needs to function optimally. But tastes are shifting back towards our ancestral roots. A recent survey showed that young consumers are trending towards a more plant-based style of eating. “People in the 18-24 age group are most likely to eat more products containing protein that is not meat (30 percent), mirroring the fact that it is also the age group with most respondents trying to eat less meat (26 percent), though this particular category was spread more evenly, indicating overall interest to move

away from eating meat”. While plant-based eating is on the rise in younger age groups, another trend is emerging across all demographics: reducing sugar consumption. This same survey showed that reducing sugar consumption was the leading dietary habit change among every age group polled. For these reasons SUNY Geneseo is focused on driving a larger portion of menu options towards plant-based, naturally gluten-free, and minimally processed selections. But dietary needs are as unique as the students who come to campus. There is no one-size-fits-all menu track. Students build customizable, made-to-order menu selections to fit their unique dietary needs and preferences, whether they are vegan, vegetarian, gluten-free, dairy free, or have a sensitivity to one of the top 8 food allergens. To prioritize plant-based eating at Geneseo, vegan protein options are readily available at each station.

Nabali, the kosher food station, is currently working with a Rabbi to obtain kosher certification.

plans. Additionally, according to the American College Health Association, the percent of overweight and obese American college students increased from 27.4 percent in 2006 to 29.2 percent in 2011 . With rising obesity rates comes an increase in disorders related to obesity such as type 2 diabetes, hypertension, and high cholesterol. Students are requiring diets that not only support their efforts to maintain a healthy weight, manage their chronic illnesses and their food sensitivities, but also to help support their minds and bodies while they’re at school studying and participating in sports. University food services are tasked with the unique challenge of meeting all of these needs, while still serving delicious food that the students enjoy eating. Considering that

A mixture of fresh fruit, vegetables and salads are offered daily in Food Studio North’s all you care to eat dining facility.

25 C A M P U S D I N I N G T O DAY


by Heather Carrera, MS, CNS; SUNY Geneseo


Dietary Needs and Preferences



Tofu, beans, quinoa, and seeds rank among the most popular plant-based protein options on campus. In fall of 2016, Max Market responded to the needs of students by introducing customizable grain and broth bowls. Students start with a base of quinoa or greens, build their choice of vegetable and protein options, and have the option of adding a vegetable or chicken broth. In Fusion, Lotus’ stir fry station allows students to create a meal that can include both gluten and non-gluten containing grains; a selection of vegetables; and proteins that include chicken, pork, shrimp, and tofu. Last year saw the start of a series of vegan dinners hosted by University dining services for students. Dining services received both suggestions for future menu concepts, and positive feedback on the efforts already being made on campus to provide more plant-based options. The dinners revealed that students don’t just want plant-based options when they sit down, but on-the-go as well. So, a grain shaker cup with veggies and a dressing was added to grab-and-go locations. As the number two gluten-friendly campus in the country, a relatively large portion of students come to Geneseo with either Celiac disease, or gluten sensitivity. Consequently, there are now three fully designated gluten-friendly stations on campus, and all deli and grill locations have gluten free buns and sandwiches available. Designated gluten-free

fryers allow students to enjoy comfort food staples such as French fries without worrying about cross-contamination. Naturally gluten-free grains are incorporated into as many menu concepts as possible, so that students following gluten free diets have plenty of options. It is also standard on campus to only use certain condiments, such as gluten-free soy sauce, to avoid cross-contamination, and to ensure meals remain gluten-friendly. Transparency is crucial in order to gain students’ trust. Incoming students are increasingly interested in knowing what is in their food, and where it comes from, both because of health concerns and from an environmentally conscious standpoint. Top eight food allergens are designated on online menus to enable students with dietary restrictions to make better choices for their health. Whenever possible, food is sourced locally or from New York State. The less distance a food has to travel, the fresher and more nutritious it will be. Students and dining services team members alike take pride in supporting local businesses and farms. Transparency also means that in many cases food is prepared in an open kitchen, right in front of customers’ eyes. Geneseo’s dining services team is also aware of the beginning of a trend towards lower sugar options. Though desserts are still very much in-demand, the team is always

Kasha, one of Geneseo’s dedicated Gluten-friendly stations, offers students a rotating daily menu that includes both creative ingredients such as cauliflower rice pilaf, as well as familiar staples such as gluten-free mac-and-cheese.

striving to provide students with healthier options and anticipate their needs. An example is when the team received student feedback about making one of the dessert parfaits healthier. A conversation between the campus nutritionist and the chef who created the parfait revealed that by substituting cream cheese with Greek yogurt, the nutrition profile of this dessert could be optimized. This is an example of the commitment the dining team has to responding quickly and creatively to students’ needs and preferences. This emerging Campus Auxiliary Services has a major focus on increasing the amount of local foods served in the on-campus restaurants and cafes. Produce is purchased from a local distributer, and all milk and most other dairy products are purchased from a local dairy co-op.

NUTRITION These pictures were taken at an outdoor event put on by Campus Auxiliary Services.

dietary trend is already confirming the survey’s finding that reduced sugar consumption is the number one dietary habit change in the country. The more complex the health issues that students face become, the more flexible their options need to be. The days when everyone ate from the same few options on the cafeteria line are long gone. The era of food

being customizable, environmentally conscious, healthy, and fresh is here. Needless to say, students want these options available all day, on the go, and to be globally influenced. Meeting

these expectations is no small feat. Constantly seeking feedback from students, and responsively putting this feedback into action, is the best way to rise to the challenge.

1 Carter, S. (2012, July 25). The Freshman 15. Chicago Tribune. 2 Menayang, A. (2017, July 3). Nearly Half of US Consumers are Trying to Reduce the Sugar they Eat, According to Survey. Retrieved September 27, 2017, from Trends/Sugar-reduction/Leatherhead-Survey-Sugar-reduction-a-top-priority-amongUS-consumers

UNIVERSIT Y OF MIAMI by Ashley Blust, Miami University


iami University is expanding new initiatives to create a safer and more inclusive dining experience for students with special dietary needs and lifestyles. Students on the Oxford campus can now enjoy made-to-order vegan meals and those with a nut allergy will enjoy dining in a “nut-friendly” environment.

artichoke and potato casserole, three sisters vegetable stew, and a quinoa bowl with mixed vegetables. While this option was piloted at one buffet location, Miami plans to expand to more locations in the coming school year.

Chefs at Miami developed several vegan options that are cryovaced and frozen in individual portions. The goal is to offer students vegan options that are available any time of the day, are fresh, and don’t generate waste. Students can choose from four options including spicy roasted cauliflower,

The six-month process began with reviewing all recipes and making the appropriate changes to eliminate nuts. These enhancements are at any location that is preparing meals for students. Campus C-stores will continue to sell packaged products that contain nuts. .

According to Geno Svec, senior director of food and beverage, the decision to move toward a nut-friendly campus was a simple one to make. “With each meal we strive to provide a safe environment for all of our students,” said Svec. “This includes opening up more offerings to guests that do have a nut allergy.”



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by Donna Boss




Customers with all diet preferences find seasonal, local greens, and vegetables at Produce Market, Georgetown University.


ever before have college dining customers enjoyed such a rich plethora of special diet choices. In this month’s By Design and Food sections, CDT highlights four creative, resourceful approaches at University of New Mexico, Georgetown University, St. Norbert College, and Purdue University. Each dining program takes special care to incorporate special diet choices into their menu mix to meet the needs of customers who must have these choices, and of customers who just want to try different—and delicious—menu options. Each program’s culinary crew also pays sharp attention to preparing foods so there is no cross-contamination, clearly labeling ingredients, and offering customers dietary information and guidance. After receiving positive feedback for their special diet programs, it’s no wonder these institutions express such strong enthusiasm for charting new territory.






FRESH FOOD COMPANY AT LEO O’DONOVAN HALL Georgetown University in Washington, D.C. Photos courtesy of Georgetown University; photography by Paul Jones


e want to provide a modern, fun, and welcoming food operation that is heavily used by first-year students as they transition to college life,” says Joelle Wiese, associate vice president of Auxiliary Business Services. The renovated, all-you-care-to-eat Fresh Food Company in Leo O’Donovan Hall does just that. Occupying a thoroughly renovated level of the stand-alone, LEED silver-certified dining hall, this dining hall was one piece of the campus’s dining transformation. The lively operation, featuring 11 food stations, including Allergen Station and Harvest with vegan and vegetarian options sit on a level beneath a retail-formatted food hall. Both provide beautiful views of the Potomic River. “Modeled after an open marketplace, chefs craft dishes to order in front of guests,” says Wiese says. This approach allows us to creatively deliver a great, fresh experience.


• The building renovation, one floor for Fresh Food

Company and the other floor for Leo Market food hall with six restaurants, was completed in three months over the summer.

• The summer camp and conference business was relocated to a tent while the building was under construction.

• Fresh Food Company’s 10 stations include: • Harvest. Chefs use seasonal and local ingredients to

prepare vegan cuisine such as Korean BBQ tofu with raisin jasmine rice, Moroccan vegetable stew with couscous, Thai coconut curry, and sweet potatoes topped with an edamame vegetable stir-fry.

• Allergen Station. With dedicated storage and prep areas and designated utensils, this station provides full-meal solutions without the top eight food allergens (wheat, soy, fish, peanuts, tree nuts, seafood, eggs, and dairy).

• Breakfast. In addition to a made-to-order waffle and

cereal bar offered all day, other breakfast options available until 10 a.m. include warm and toasty sandwiches; light and crisp pancakes made with fruit-enriched batters; and omelets, strata, and frittata, all prepared with fillings and fresh cage-free eggs.

• Produce Market. Fresh, seasonal, local greens, and

vegetables with dressings and oils complement composed salads and whole grain- and legume-based salads.

• Deli. Custom-crafted sandwiches feature fresh meats sliced daily. On-the-go customers select pre-made sandwich selections.

• Comfort. Chefs finish off classic and globally

inspired entrées such as asiago crusted chicken, honey baked ham, roast turkey dinner, country-style meatloaf, and seasoned roast beef with gravy to suit customers’ desires.

• Smoked. Featuring smoking, grilling, and barbecuing,

and flavors of southern cuisine, this station’s smoker and rotisserie oven offers brisket, ribs, pork shoulder, and chicken slow-smoked with hickory, oak, and apple.

• Grill. Menu fare includes freshly made burgers and

myriad toppings, as well as signature sandwiches such as southwest grilled chicken, roast pork and broccoli rabe, and Philly cheesesteaks.

• Oven. This menu includes flatbread, lasagna, chicken parmesan, calzones, pizza, and stromboli.

• Sauté. Small plates are prepared with authentic, global, bold, clean flavors from local and seasonal products. • Sweets. This area specializes in made-to-order

strawberry shortcakes, crème brûlée, house-made granola bars, brownie sundaes, signature cookie bars, ice cream, root beer floats, cupcakes, creamsicle cupcakes, and hot out-of-the-oven chocolate chip cookies, seasonal warm cobblers, and molten chocolate cake.

• Dining options include larger community tables, tables

for small groups, counter seating for solo guests; high and low tables, and various forms of soft seating in the lounge area.

• New designs feature improved lighting and use of natural light.

• Sustainability highlights: • Sustainable to-go program using reusable containers

that students bring back for washing in the dining hall;

• LED lights with motion sensors;

• Energy Star-rated equipment; • A hydration station allowing students to refill reusable water bottles in lieu of disposable helped eliminate waste from 11,956 plastic bottles in September.

Grill’s menu includes burgers and sandwiches. Smoked features smoking, grilling, and barbecuing, and flavors of southern cuisine.

Oven includes flatbread, lasagna, chicken parmesan, calzones, pizza, and stromboli, while Comfort features chef-finished honey baked ham and country-style meatloaf.


Allergen Station offers menu fare free of the top eight food allergens.

Opened: August 27, 2017 Hours of Operation: M-F 7 a.m. to 8 p.m.; Sat/Sun 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. Daily Traffic: Average of 3,100 customers Payment Accepted: Meal Plan, Cash, Credit, Apple Pay, Android Pay, Flex Dollars and GOCard dollars Annual Sales Volume: $11 million projected Total Project Cost: Approximately $8 million (for Fresh Food Company, which is one level of a multi-level renovation) Staff: Approximately 100 dedicated to Fresh Food Company Seats: 495

PROJECT SIZE Total: 18,000 sq. ft.

KEY PLAYERS Georgetown University: Joelle Wiese, associate vice president of Auxiliary Business Services Aramark: Laura Vocino, resident district manager; Matt Webber, project manager Architect: WD Partners Interior Designer: WD Partners Foodservice Consultant and Designers: WD Partners and Aramark Equipment Dealer: Wasserstrom

Fresh Food Company features lounge seating and stations such as Produce Market.

C H E F F E AT UR E: G EOR G E TO W N UNI V E R SI T Y IN WA SHINGTON , D.C . Photos courtesy of Aramark; photographs by Kristan Cole


Teneka Douglas’ Brazilian Black Bean Roasted Pork and Grilled Spicy Lemon Chicken FOOD BY DESIGN CHEF FEATURES

TENEKA DOUGLAS SOUS CHEF, ARAMARK FRESH FOOD COMPANY AT LEO DONOVAN HALL, GEORGETOWN UNIVERSITY Since becoming chef manager at Fresh Food Company here four years ago, Teneka Douglas is responsible for food execution, recipe adherence, and food safety, and overseeing customers’ dietary needs. She joined the Aramark Georgetown University foodservice team six years ago.



Prior to Georgetown University, Douglas worked at the University of Fresh lemon on a bed of basmati rice and harissa An orange slice and fresh cilantro served with lime Maryland for 13 years as executive sauce perks up Grilled Spicy Lemon Chicken. cilantro rice adds fresh colors and color contrast to chef at Ellicott Dining Hall. Here she created menus, worked with students the Brazilian Black Bean Roasted Pork. with dietary needs, and helped create a One of 11 new stations at the renovated Fresh Food Company dining station in a dining hall. She created a vegan/vegetarian at Leo Donovan Hall at Georgetown University, Allergen line called Sprouts in 2003. provides full meal solutions without the top eight food Douglas’ performance has received accolades, including allergens (wheat, soy, fish, peanuts, tree nuts, seafood, eggs, Aramark Service Awards recognizing her for selling and and dairy). Chef Manager of Fresh Food Company Teneka serving with passion and putting the front line first. She Douglas selected Brazilian Black Bean Roasted Pork and regularly participates in pre-service meetings that recognize Grilled Spicy Lemon Chicken to “showcase our ability to create staff who “wow” customers. innovative dishes even with many ingredient restrictions.” With an associate of arts degree in culinary arts and Though this station attracts customers with allergies, it also certification in ServSafe, Douglas emphasizes food integrity attracts people without allergies because of the delicious, in the culinary arts. “There are a lot of new cuisines, but healthy menu items featured here. “This has become one of the many lack natural quality,” she says. “We must serve the best more popular stations at Fresh Food Company,” Douglas says. sustainable foods using local and seasonal foods whenever “We want all of our guests to feel nourished and satisfied after possible to maintain food integrity.” they dine with us, regardless of their dietary needs.” Douglas is emphatic about “loving to teach and encouraging Brazilian Black Bean Roasted Pork combines the popular others about food and how to produce it with love and care Latin flavors of cilantro, bacon, red onion, green bell so everyone can enjoy and be happy when eating.” peppers, ham, smoked paprika, cumin, and coriander with fresh oranges and black beans, giving this dish bright flavors and a savory texture. Comforting Grilled Spicy Lemon Chicken is a hearty, healthful dish that is satisfying and wholesome. Harissa, a zesty marinade, provides a spicy, savory flavor to the mild-flavored tender cutlets, turning this comfort food into a dish with an ethnic flair. Keeping the dishes flavorful and consistent, the culinary team pays attention to the correct blend and amount of seasonings for each dish. “Too much marinade and the chicken becomes too hot to eat, and too much orange flavor in the pork and the dish becomes too sweet and less hearty,” says Douglas. “The culinary team is trained to follow the recipe to the letter each time it is made. This ensures the dishes are both consistent in flavor and allergen-free.” Because the culinary team prepares the entrees and serves them immediately to the customers, no special holding is necessary.

Teneka Douglas presents Brazilian Black Bean Roasted Pork and Grilled Spicy Lemon Chicken, two favorites at Allergen station.

LA POSADA DINING HALL University of New Mexico Photos courtesy of University of New Mexico; photographs by Rachel Stone

Students, staff, and faculty with special diet needs can select cuisine at Chef Innovation, G8 and Rooted. Offering creative recipes at these stations, chefs also attract customers without special needs.


• This dining hall, which serves eight student residence

buildings and 2,695 students living on campus, creates a new, inviting main entrance that provides improved accessibility, more security, and enhanced usage of outdoor space.

• Working within a 1969 building, architects corrected and upgraded the building utilities that had degraded over time. They also worked within tight time and budget constraints.

• Approximately 15,000 square feet of the nearly

50,000-square-foot facility was renovated over three summer months to provide improved accessibility and more functional space both indoors and outdoors.

• 350 seats with community tables and single seating. • Stations include: • Chef Innovation. The centerpiece of the dining room

atrium features cuisine created by chefs who interact with customers as they customize their menu orders. The station contains a ventless electric fryer, induction cookers, microwave/convection ovens, and hot/cold wells. One well is used only for dishes with none of the big eight allergens.

• G8. This revitalized station offers choices for diners who avoid the big 8 allergens and sensitivities.

• Rooted.

Cuisine here features variety of colorful vegetarian entrees and side dishes.

• Salad Bar. “Super foods” nourish the UNM community. • The Kitchen. Guests can experience their favorite


comfort foods and make recommendations for dishes they’d like dining staff to prepare.



multi-million-dollar renovation of La Posada transforms an all-you-care-to-eat residential dining facility into a destination venue contributing to student, staff and faculty recruitment and retention. “This nearly 50-year-old building accommodates an enormous influx of students campus-wide,” says Tim Backes, associate director of UNM Dining & Food Services. “The changes to LaPo are a result of collaborative input. Everyone wanted fresh, display-cooked food. The new dining operation features new dining options served around the clock, a more collaborative dining area, a safer, well-lit entrance, and more natural light with more visibility throughout the space.”




• ¿Red or Green?. Athentic New Mexican cuisine features fresh, local ingredients.

• Other LaPo favorites include: Grill Nation, Papa John’s

Pizza, Einstein Bros. Bagels, Red Mango smoothies, a dessert station with bakery desserts and soft serve ice cream, and Create station for sub sandwiches and paninis.

• Electronic menu boards will provide detailed nutritional information that will influence healthier food choices.

• Eating, learning, and living are combined in imaginative ways to create a studio-like platform for events such as student recipe competitions, cooking classes, dining etiquette, home-cooked meals from family recipes, and exposure to culturally rich meals.

• La Posada’s main service area, measuring 14,639 sq. ft., contains renovated soffits and ceilings to allow the addition of digital menu boards.

• The project changed the dining areas by removing the central atrium and incorporating it into the main dining room.

• The building features upgraded LED lighting with

dimming controls, low VOC and recycled content in the new flooring, casework and finishes, and upgraded HVAC controls optimized for energy efficiency. Upgrades may offset energy consumption by as much as 20 percent. Natural daylight and high-performance glazing add to the go-green benefits.



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At Chef Innovation, customers select from myriad ingredients that chefs combine into finished dishes.


At G8, customers are alerted to allergens that aren’t used in menu preparation. Purple handles alert customers that dishes do not contain the allergens.

Bright colors contribute to the dining room’s cheerful ambiance. Photo courtesy of University of New Mexico.

PROJECT DETAILS Opened: August 2017 Hours of Operation: 24 hours a day/seven days a week Meals Served/Day: Approximately 3,138; customers mostly on board plans with 70 to 100 walk-ins Seats: 350 Payment Accepted: LoboCash, Dining Dollars, Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Cash Average Check: $8.25 Annual Sales Volume: $7.1 million Total Project Cost: $2.4 million (budgeted) Cost of Foodservice Component, Including Equipment: $2.8 million Staff: 10 full-time hourly; 70 full-time union; 5 part-time union; 41 students

PROJECT SIZE Total Foodservice: 14,639 sq. ft. of the 49,472 sq. ft. La Posada building Servery: 969 sq. ft. Seating: 10,063 sq. ft. Kitchen: 6,303 sq. ft.

KEY PLAYERS University of New Mexico: Timothy Backes, UNM associate director of Dining & Food Services; Chanel Wiese, operations specialist; Sharon Rodgers, project manager, UNM Planning, Design & Construction Chartwells, a division of Compass Group, based in London, England: Kevin Chafins, director of Dining Services Architect: Vigil and Associates Architectural Group, Albuquerque, New Mexico Interior Designer: Frankie O’Leary with Vigil and Associates Architectural Group, with assistance from Kim Sylvester, interior environments design manager, and Amy Coburn, university architect/ director, both with UNM’s Planning, Design & Construction Foodservice Consultant and Designer: Arthur Oudmayer, design principal, Vision Builders, Charlotte, North Carolina Equipment Dealer: National Restaurant Supply, Albuquerque, New Mexico

Tim Backes discusses Rooted’s menu fare with Hassan Abassary, Chartwell’s executive chef.

C H E F F E AT U R E : L A P O S A DA DI N I N G H A L L AT T H E U N I V E R S I T Y OF N E W M E X I C O Photos by Rachel Stone


Hassan Abassary’s Apple Fennel Roast Pork Tenderloin with Roasted Butternut Squash and Eggplant Promodoro Pasta Three stations at La Posada Dining Hall feature options for customers who are carefully monitoring their diets.


One of La Posada’s revitalized stations, G8, provides menu choices to diners who avoid the “Big 8” allergens and sensitivities, including milk, eggs, fish, crustacean shellfish, tree nuts, peanuts, wheat, and soybeans. Other stations, Chef Innovation station and Rooted provide meatless options. Hassan Abassary, Chartwell’s executive chef who oversees all culinary operations for The University of New Mexico, applies culinary ingenuity to menu development to attract diners avoiding the “Big 8” as well as other customers who want a taste adventure.



Apple Fennel Roast Pork Tenderloin with Roasted Butternut Squash appears once a month at G8. Both the fennel and butternut squash are locally sourced. The recipe combines apples, fennel, red onions, and apple cider vinegar with pork tenderloin, giving a sweet and sour flavor. The roasted butternut squash contributes a beautiful orange color evoking a taste of autumn. Simple to prepare, this variation on a classic Eggplant Promodoro Pasta recipe, prepared at Chef Innovation station, adds a colorful gluten-free selection to the menu mix. Diced eggplant turns tender after soaking in salted water and sautéed with garlic and olive oil. The recipe includes green olives, red wine vinegar, capers, and red chili pepper flakes, which gives the dish a variety of flavors to excite the palate. Abassary advises cooking the pasta until just tender. The parsley garnish adds a fresh, green splash of color.

Roasted Butternut Squash adds a touch of autumn to Apple Fennel Roast Pork Tenderloin.

Abassary uses menu engineering and menu structure to help students and staff try new cuisines. “I take into consideration students’ taste, food preferences, and their needs,” he says.

“In addition, menu mix helps the flow of service in the kitchen from production to speed of service, and allows us to set high quality standards, and respond to nutritional concerns.”

SNAPSHOT: HASSAN ABASSARY Hassan Abassary became Chartwell’s executive chef overseeing all culinary operations for The University of New Mexico in August 2017. A native of Morocco, he combines culinary traditions, techniques, and flavors into his recipes. He enjoys creating unique menus and provides learning opportunities for his staff to increase their skills. For example, supervisor training programs are offered to staff members who have been identified as sous chefs, but who need support in learning kitchen operations, developing unique and interesting menus for students, and leading teams. In addition, at a recent barbecue sauce competition, Abassary asked his sous chefs to create flavorful sauces. Students voted to select their favorites. “This kind of culinary challenge helps our sous chefs to be creative and inventive while increasing their skills,” he says. “They also have the opportunity to engage with and learn from UNM students.” Prior to his current job position, Abassary served Chartwells for eight years as executive chef at the New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology. Classically trained in Washington, D.C., Abassary was named Chartwells “Be a Star” Best Chef of the Western region in 2013.

Abassary displays Eggplant Promodoro Pasta at Chef Innovation station.

When he’s not working, Abassary hikes in New Mexico with his wife. His philosophy, “Whatever you do, do it from your heart”, guides him in all facets of his life.

C H E F F E AT UR E: PU R D U E U N I V E R SI T Y, W E S T L A FAY E T T E , INDI A NA Photographs courtesy of Purdue Dining & Catering; photographs by Heath Browning and Charlotte Kalish

Heath Browning’s Thai Chicken Coconut Curry Soup and Fall Harvest Salad



In response to a growing number of students requesting allergen-free menu items, Hillenbrand Dining Court launched an entirely nut-free menu along with “flourless Friday” events each week beginning this fall. This initiative complements Purdue Dining & Catering’s practices to work individually with each allergic student on campus and hold an annual Allergy Fair before the start of fall classes to allow students to learn more about allergen and special dietary needs programs on campus. A dedicated email address provides a direct, always-open line for students—— to seek assistance with food and dining concerns. Allergic Boiler also provides a brochure for incoming students and a student organization launched in 2016.



Heath Browning, executive sous chef, Residential Dining, selected Thai Chicken Coconut Curry Soup and Fall Harvest Salad to illustrate the popular dishes offered at Hillenbrand Dining Court. “With the rise and concern for nut allergies, our goal is to develop recipes that are nut-free and still deliver on texture, flavor, and color,” says Browning.” The recipe for the flavorful soup, offered once every two weeks at the Heartland Station, calls for boneless skinless

chicken thighs diced into one-half-inch slices combined with sesame oil, garlic, ginger, and lemongrass, hot chili paste, chicken stock, coconut milk, shredded carrots, and cooked rice. The garnish of cilantro, lime zest, and lime slices adds a splash of green color. “This soup encompasses what Purdue Dining & Catering represents,” says Browning. “From the freshness of ingredients to the soul warming flavor, we feel it speaks to students who miss their homes, no matter how close or far away they may be, and makes Hillenbrand feel more like home away from home.” First appearing on the Thanksgiving menu, Fall Harvest Salad became a regular rotating item on the salad bar. “This is treated more like a slaw than a true salad,” says Browning. “The mix of Brussels sprouts, fresh pears, dried cranberries, and juicy pomegranate seeds brings a bright crunch to the dish. The addition of fried onions brings on a different complexity in sweetness. When it is finished with a maple vinaigrette the salad brings the flavors together for a well-rounded flavor profile.”

Fall Harvest Salad’s dressing with Balsamic vinegar, Dijon mustard and maple syrup compliment the quintessential autumn ingredients.

Browning’s Thai Chicken Coconut Curry Soup brings together myriad flavors and colors to tempt all types of customers and give them a feeling of being at home away from home.


Browning prepares pears for the Fall Harvest Salad in the main kitchen area.


As the executive sous chef, residential dining, Heath Browning is responsible for the food operations at Hillenbrand Dining Hall. He manages and drives a high volume dining operation with a staff of more than 40 individuals. Providing operational and culinary expertise for the administrative and culinary team, he takes the lead in setting and maintaining the high standards of quality food, service, cleanliness, and overall staff performance. He coordinates food production, recipe management, products movement, and quality control; and assists with inventories, stock rotation, receipt of goods, storage, and documentation. He also ensures proper compliance with protocols and standards including ordering foods and teaching culinary classes; as well as training, hiring, and scheduling staff.


Browning also ensures Purdue Dining & Catering’s High Standards are met in regards to allergies, food safety, and personal safety. He continually works with his staff to develop new recipes in order to keep the menu items exciting for guests. Browning joined the Purdue University culinary team in August 2017. Before taking this position he co-owned and operated a farm-to-table bistro and handmade chocolate shop with his wife. He spent the previous six years supervising private chefs in collegiate Greek housing. “What I love about the culinary world is the taking raw ingredients and transforming them into wonderful meals,” Browning says. “I am able to connect with people from countries across the world by making dishes that make them feel at home no matter how far away they may be.” Outside of the kitchen Browning brings an intense level of passion to watching the Chicago Blackhawks hockey games and restoring old hot rods. Most of the year he drives a 1941 Chevy. He and his wife of 12 years have two children.

CHEF FEATURE: ST. NORBERT COLLEGE , DE PERE , WISCONSIN Photographs courtesy of St. Norbert College; photographs by John Devroy

Dan Froelich’s Gluten-Free Falafel with Tahini Sauce and Greek Country Salad and Red Bean and Cheese Pupusa with Curtido A new station in the all-you-care-to-eat Ruth’s Marketplace brings a broader dimension to foodservices at St. Norbert College. Named Allergen Friendly Fare, this area, which was carved out of an underutilized space that held condiments, is completely free of gluten, tree-nuts, peanuts, fish, and shellfish. Considerate use of dairy and eggs also allows this space to be heavily used by vegans, as well. Selecting the menu was a team effort. “The marketplace supervisor, Melissa DaPra, RD, met with students to discover what they like to eat so we could make similar dishes at this station that meet their dietary needs,” says Dan Froelich, executive chef. “We wanted to create a station that reflected what the students were asking for—the same offerings as everyone else orders at other stations, prepared in a safe manner with safe ingredients. Ingredients are controlled from dock-to-plate to prevent



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cross-contact and are prepared and served by full-time professional staff.” Open for breakfast (self-service), lunch and dinner, Allergen Friendly Station features a wide variety of menu options, including gluten-free vegan pancakes and waffles, gluten-free pasta and muscle proteins with sauces, and Froelich’s array of gluten-free baked goods. “Baking our own gluten-free/vegan breakfast pastries and desserts has been very successful,” Froelich says. Staff can also make most menu items dairy free as requested. Every fourth week, Froelich and his culinary team feature Gluten-Free Falafel with Tahini Sauce on this menu. Falafel ingredients include canned chickpeas, garlic, celery, yellow onion, tahini, cumin, turmeric, cayenne, salt, pepper, and gluten-free flour. All the ingredients are mixed in a food processor, refrigerated for two hours, then fried in a dedicated gluten-free deep fryer.





The tahini sauce also contains chickpeas, tahini, coconut oil, garlic herb seasoning, onion powdered, rice milk, vegetable base, salt, and pepper. The sauce is placed over the falafel next to a colorful Greek Country Salad.


The Weekday Wellness Station also offers made-to-order bowls and plates, many of which are customizable for vegans and vegetarians. All the menu items here meet nutritional criteria set by DaPra: lean proteins, whole kernel grains and beans, and lots of veggies, tossed with low-fat sauces.


Red Bean and Cheese Pupusa with Curtido remains popular at Weekday Wellness. This traditional Salvadoran dish features a thick corn tortilla stuffed with red beans and locally sourced Wisconsin cheese. Pupusas can be prepared a day in advance of service, covered to prevent drying out and refrigerated. They are cooked on a griddle two minutes on each side until cooked through and just starting to brown. This red bean mixture combines tomatoes with green chilies, tomato sauce, red beans, ground cumin, dried oregano, salt, and pepper to make a flavorful, slightly spicy filling.

38 C A M P U S D I N I N G T O DAY

Curtido, a spicy cabbage slaw, accompanies the pupusa. This recipe calls for cabbage, carrots, yellow onion, red pepper flakes, oregano, canola oil, salt, brown sugar, and white vinegar. This can also be prepared in advance, covered, and refrigerated overnight.

David DeRoche, Allergen Friendly Fare lead chef, and Melissa DaPra, R.D., Marketplace manager, work with ingredients for Gluten-Free Falafel with Tahini Sauce and Greek Country Salad served at Allergen Friendly Fare.

“At Allergen Friendly and Wellness Station, we try to make complete plate meals with a center-of-the-plate item with sides for students,” Froelich says. “We give our guests all the nutritional information that goes with their meals.”

DAN FROELICH EXECUTIVE CHEF ST. NORBERT COLLEGE Working at St. Norbert College for 29 years, Dan Froelich, executive chef, oversees all food production on campus other than the cash operations. This includes Ruth’s Marketplace, a student dining room, and Michel’s Ballroom, a catering dining venue that seats 300 guests. The main kitchen in Michel’s Commons also serves as a central commissary supplying food production for Bemis Conference Center, which seats 200 guests in the dining room. Dining also purchases food for Kress Inn, the hotel on campus. “Food invokes memories, so we need to give our guests a fantastic memory they can take with them when they leave our dining rooms,” says Froelich. The experience Froelich refers to is captured in the dining motto, Radical Hospitality. “We strive daily to go above and beyond to give our guests an amazing dining experience and a fantastic memory they can take with them when they leave our dining rooms. People take that memory and share it with their friends and family. Like the old adage says, ‘Word of mouth is your best advertising.’”

Froelich (at left) and Brian Kerwin, sous chef in charge of Weekday Wellness afternoon/ evening shift, display Red Bean and Cheese Pupusa with Curtido. When he’s not at work, Froelich spends time with his wife, children and grandchildren at their cottage in Door County. He enjoys home brewing beer as a hobby and is a passionate fan of the Green Bay Packers.

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Extraordinary Circumstances: Holistically Assessing a Meal Plan Petition

by Eden Harris, Associate Director of Marketing and Communications Auxiliary Services, William & Mary

Students submit a petition when they feel that their dining needs are not met

Students filing a medical petition must provide a medical diagnosis outlining their medically prescriptive diet, which is reviewed by the medical review committee (MRC). The MRC comprises of physicians, therapists, and other health professionals who review student health-related requests, and

Student provides documentation to explain petition justification

+ $

Documentation of prescribed medical diet




Financial documentation demonstrating need


Description of religious dietary requirements

Financial petitions are reviewed by the Office of Financial Aid, which conducts a comprehensive summary of the students’ financial need utilizing the financial records on file with the school. Based on this

Applications reviewed by committees and subject area experts at the College of William and Mary



“Having a restricted diet is very complicated, but luckily the meal plan petition through William & Mary is a very direct, easy petition to complete. Meeting with a dietitian was helpful because it connected me with a person who could take my very specific dietary needs into consideration when it came to evaluate the petition,” said one student who met with the campus dietitian as part of the meal plan petition process.

Decision and recommendations are made and communicated to student by Auxiliary Services


+ Student meets with dietitian to discuss dietary needs


Application documentation is reviewed by Medical Review Committee (MRC)

$ Reviewed by Financial Aid that may, or may not, include FAFSA details

Application documentation reviewed by the Office of Student Diversity

Dietition and MRC make final decision


$ Recommedation made by Financial Aid office

Collaborative recommedation made by the Office of Student Diversity and dietitian Graphic by Carrie Kelley, Marketing Coordinator


subject-matter fluency, and “loopholes”; but after taking a deep-dive of the process, the auxiliary services assistant director for business operations, along with the campus dietitian, identified three areas on campus better suited to review the documentation presented with each petition while better identifying potentially at-risk students. “Realizing we were not experts in the fields of financial need, medical conditions, or religion, we needed to find these subject matter experts in departments on campus who could help us better evaluate these cases,” said Anna Coy, the assistant director for business operations.

The 4,500 residential undergraduate students at William & Mary (Williamsburg, VA) are required to select a meal plan based on their William & Mary Dining “social class”, or introduced Vegan Bowls number of years in residential dining this after college entry. year to provide students However, students with a custom-made with dietary needs vegan option. Students beyond what pick their rice or grain blend, a mix of vegetables W&M Dining can and a homemade sauce. accommodate are able to request an exemption, or reduction, to the meal plan requirement. Typically, these requests fall into one of three categories: medical, financial, or religious. It is the student’s responsibility to provide supporting documentation and to “build their case” as to why an exemption should be granted. Historically, the meal plan petition committee has struggled with inconsistent documentation,

have the tools to handle secure and sensitive documentation. In conjunction with the medical documentation review, the student is required to meet with the campus dietitian and—depending on the severity of the restriction— an executive chef, to determine if their accommodations can be met. During this consultation, the campus dietitian discusses the students prescribed dietary need, and reviews it in conjunction with available menus to determine if an accommodation is possible. If an accommodation is possible, the details are outlined in writing and a copy given to the student for their records. A final decision is then made by the campus dietitian in consultation with the MRC review, and communicated to the student.

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very diet is unique. Whether you drink black coffee in the morning, fruit that is harvested locally, or adhere to a strict “fast food diet”, your diet is as unique as the color of your eyes or your binge-watching preferences. Diets can get particularly complex when attempting to assess which elements of a person’s prescribed diet falls beyond what a university-sponsored dining program can provide, and what additional support a student may need to be successful. For William & Mary, the Meal Plan Petition Committee has worked diligently to develop a transparent and verifiable way to review requests from students who feel as though their dietary needs cannot be met by W&M Dining Services.


Campus Dietitian Julie Nance, MS, RDN, CDE, BC-ADM meets with students to discuss their special dietary needs. The Simple Servings station provides meal options for students who require food absent of the EDA’s Top 8 allergens or gluten.



review, the Office of Financial Aid makes a recommendation based on the situation as to whether there is an extraordinary circumstance; and in some situations, have offered additional financial aid to the student. If the student does not have a file with the Office of Financial Aid, they must provide detailed financial records demonstrating an extraordinary or recent circumstance that has affected their financial status. Religious petitions are reviewed by the Center for Student Diversity, who is best equipped to understand a student’s dietary need based on their religious affiliations. This process is much more fluid than medical or financial petitions because religious requirements can be quite individualistic. For instance, William & Mary Dining is able to support a vegetarian or vegan diet, but is unable to support a halal or kosher diet. This is where Student Diversity is best able to assess the student’s dietary needs from their faith perspective. Then, in a collaborative effort with the campus dietitian, Student Diversity is able to determine if the diet can be accommodated. Also taken into consideration, is the student’s ability to shop and prepare food for themself and if they are able to support a healthy or balanced diet outside of the meal plan.

The new process was launched in 2016 and has impacted the Meal Plan Petition process in three main ways. 1. Involving these key areas on campus has created a greater sense of autonomy in the meal plan program as well as created an opportunity to educate others about the abilities of Dining Services. 2. The standardized petition has allowed the meal plan petition committee to establish a consistent set of guidelines and policies that are followed across campus, resulting in a more impartial review. It has also allowed Auxiliary Services to more accurately assess trends that can initiate change such as allowing students living in facilities with full kitchens (apartment-style living) to have a wider variety of meal plan options versus students in traditional residence halls. 3. The new process has allowed the committee to engage with students and have a comprehensive conversation about the purpose behind their request. This comprehensive process has also allowed the meal plan petition committee to better identify at-risk cases and refer them to the Student Health Center, counseling services, or other campus resources that can provide the support they need. By liaising with a campus-wide team, it also helps bring together various pieces of a puzzle which is ultimately in the best interest of the student. The first year of the full meal plan requirement, Auxiliary Services received 71 meal plan petitions, and 70 the following year. After the new petition structure was implemented in 2016-17 and moved to a Qualtrics-based survey, petitions could be easily and securely routed directly to the pertinent areas. The Qualtrics-based survey also allowed for qualifying questions that helped students understand the process as they worked through the petition, so if a document was not uploaded, the petition cannot be completed. After just the first year of implementation, submissions were reduced to 49 petitions, 30 of which were accepted.

The new format also allows Auxiliary Services and Dining to track the data year over year for continuous analysis. William & Mary carries a significant responsibility to support our students in their quest to be successful both in and out of the classroom. Through these newly formed partnerships, a stronger petition process, as well as a continuously evolving dining program, Auxiliary Services has made great strides to support this responsibility and our students. Said a student who was released from the meal plan requirement after submitting a petition, “The peace of mind, when it comes to eating, is well worth the effort.”

Gluten Intolerance Group • National Peanut Board The National Processed Raspberry Council • National Watermelon Promotion Board



45 C A M P U S D I N I N G T O DAY

Research &



MAKING IT A GLUTEN-FREE FOOD CAMPUS Seven Things to Consider by Lindsey Yeakle, GFFS Quality Control Manager, Gluten Intolerance Group


or campus food service operations thinking about how to incorporate gluten-free dining options, here are seven important considerations to keep in mind:

1. The FDA defines “gluten-free” (GF) as a food containing less than 20 parts per million of gluten. Food items labeled “gluten-friendly”, “gluten removed”, and the like are held to the FDA standard, so labels such as these do not relax the requirements for a food service. 2. When planning GF menus, the GF status of all ingredients and garnishes used in the dish must be verified. Many food products have enlisted the services of a third-party GF certification program, which will display its symbol on the food packaging. However, it is important to note that not all programs certify the GF status of the product itself. Some only certify that the manufacturer’s processes meet the certifier’s GF standards. Moreover, as soon as the package is opened, the efficacy of the GF certification ends. 3. Once the food service is certain all ingredients are GF, careful attention must be paid to ensure that the preparation of the dish is not subject to cross-contamination from elements containing gluten. Cross-contamination can occur if gluten-containing and gluten-free preparations are both made using certain utensils (such as pizza

cutters, graters, ice cream scoops, etc.), because even if those utensils have been washed, they are hard to fully clean to the point that no food particles remain on the utensil. 4. Precautions are also required for the processes used in preparing the GF dish itself. For example, the same water used to cook ordinary pasta cannot be used to cook GF vegetables or GF pasta. 5. Storage methods for ingredients and equipment are also an essential consideration in avoiding cross-contamination. Many of the necessary safeguards are simple, such as not storing pans or bowls used for gluten-containing preparations above pans used for GF dishes. 6. Additionally, a campus dining facility serving GF options will need to conduct ongoing staff training on how to properly prepare, handle and serve food to prevent cross-contamination as well as how to accurately answer guest questions about GF menu items. Menu items are either GF according to FDA or even more stringent standards or they are not GF. Diners deserve to know that food will be safe for them to eat. Wait staff need to take customer GF inquiries seriously and answer them accurately. 7. An option for your food service to design and ensure successful GF food service is to work with a third-party GF certification program that can help establish

procedures to keep GF food items safe. Certification is one way to provide the highest assurance to diners of the food service’s ability to meet their needs. The benefits of providing gluten-free options on campus was summed up by a Kent State University food service dietitian this way: “Knowing that any of the gluten-free students I work with can visit our certified gluten-free dining hall and eat anything they want safely and with a wide variety of meal offerings every day is something that is not measurable but goes a long way in student and parent satisfaction.” Lindsey Yeakle is the Gluten-Free Food Service (GFFS) Quality Control Manager for the Gluten Intolerance Group (GIG). As a trained chef diagnosed with celiac disease, Yeakle left her personal chef business to follow her true passion of ensuring those with celiac can safely and confidently eat at restaurants. GFFS has been a recognized leader in the gluten-free community for more than 20 years. For more information, visit


anaging food allergies and special dietary needs in college and university dining has become a hot topic, with plenty of confusion to fuel the fire. However, with facts and best-practices in hand, foodservice professionals can confidently serve any of the Big 8 (milk, eggs, peanuts, tree nuts, fish, shellfish, soy and wheat) and beyond to meet the demands of increasingly sophisticated customers. Busting common myths by understanding food allergy facts is a first step. Here are some of the most common to consider: ■ Myth: Peanut allergic individuals can’t even be near peanuts. Fact: Airborne reactions to peanut are unlikely to cause serious reactions or anaphylaxis. Research shows that peanut protein is heavy and quickly settles out of the air, so airborne reactions are unlikely. Moreover, odor is caused by volatile compounds, not proteins.

■ Myth: Food allergies are easily diagnosed using a blood test. Fact: Diagnosing a food allergy requires working with an experienced healthcare professional. Board-certified allergists are experts. Blood and skin tests can be helpful, but should be guided by history of reactions. Oral food challenges are the gold standard for diagnosis.

■ Myth: Peanut allergies are the most common food allergy. Fact: We don’t actually have great research on the numbers of individuals with food allergies. However, research shows that most common food allergies among children are milk and egg; shellfish is most common for adults. Less than one percent of Americans is estimated to have a peanut allergy.

■ Myth: Peanut proteins are difficult to remove in dining and serving areas. Fact: Peanut proteins can be removed from surfaces using common household cleaners and with soap and water from hands. Sanitizer alone is inadequate to remove allergenic proteins.

Fact: Using designated preparation surfaces and serving areas and/ or utensils can help prevent cross-contact of potentially allergenic proteins. Cleaning between the preparation of common allergens and those foods that do not contain these allergens is also effective.

■ Myth: Our operation is “peanut-free”. Fact: Claiming that an environment is free from allergens may create a false sense of security for those with food allergies. The fact is that it’s impossible to ensure that food allergens are never in an environment due to changes in manufacturer formulations, substitutions, and outside foods being brought in. A comprehensive approach involving preparedness and caution is recommended instead. The fact is that managing any food allergen in college and university dining, and any foodservice operation, requires regular training, thoughtful preparation, and clear communication with customers. To learn more about peanuts and peanut allergies, visit and

Keith Toffling, UMass. Photo

Southern Peanut Growers Photo

National Peanut Board Photo


by Sherry Coleman Collins, MS, RDN, LD

■ Myth: We can’t safely serve peanuts because they will contaminate our kitchen or serving line.

47 C A M P U S D I N I N G T O DAY






by McKenzie Hall Jones, RDN on behalf of The National Processed Raspberry Council


oodservice professionals are in a powerful position to arm our next generation with habits to keep their brains sharp and bodies healthy long after they’ve graduated from college. It’s so important for college students to learn healthful eating habits now, if they haven’t already, for lifelong health,” says Megan Coats, Registered Dietitian & Sustainability Coordinator of Cal Poly Campus Dining, San Luis Obispo.

While it’s not ground-breaking news that a diet rich in fruits and vegetables is important for supporting optimal health, many Americans are still falling short in reaching their daily recommended intakes. According to the 2015-2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans, more than 3/4 of the American population is eating less than the recommended intake of fruits while exceeding recommendations for added sugars, saturated fat, and sodium. “Students are so on the pulse when it comes to health trends and those of us in foodservice can influence their future health and foster their healthy habits,” says Lindsey Pine MS, RDN, CSSD, CLT, Registered Dietitian for USC Hospitality, who also notes that students are requesting more “creative, yet simple plant-forward dishes.” At the same time, students’ knowledge of research based information “isn’t as widespread as their interest in fad diets,” adds Coats. “This provides me with an opportunity to “myth bust” and educate students about the importance of developing sustainable eating habits that centers on eating more fruits and vegetables.” An economical and convenient way to fill-in the fruit gap is to turn to frozen produce for providing students a nutrient-rich dining experience. While the intense summer raspberry harvest, for example, only lasts only a few weeks during the

peak of the summertime season, growing, harvesting, and freezing this fragile gem-of-a-berry is a 12-month-operation that requires an incredible attention to detail. Because frozen raspberries are available year-round, chefs have the opportunity to add this coveted flavor to their menus even in the depths of winter. Not easily duplicated with artificial ingredients, the unique perfume, depth of sweet-tart berry flavor, and a vibrant fruit acidity in frozen raspberries makes them versatile from a culinary standpoint. Equally delicious partnered with smoky, sweet, and umami favors, raspberry’s sweet-tart flavor makes it a compliment for today’s seafood, grain, and vegetable-based meals as well as fruit-centric desserts. Here are 5 ways you can incorporate frozen raspberries into your menu items: 1. House-made Dressings. Whether it’s a light vinaigrette or tangy raspberry ranch—a variation on a classic concept with thawed and crushed frozen raspberries— house-made dressings can make simple salads or vegetables that much more appealing.

2. Taco Tuesdays. Raspberry’s natural brightness makes a perfect partner to the umami notes in tomatoes and the heat in chilies and Sriracha. A raspberry salsa adds an exciting element to a taco bar. 3. Hand-Crafted Beverages. Let all-natural red raspberries differentiate and elevate scratch-made artisan sodas, agua frescas, lemonades, iced coffees, teas, smoothies, and punch. 4. The Cure. The salt and smoke of cured meats pairs with both the bright and the sweet side of raspberry. A layer of raspberry flavor elevates classic, old school-style pizzas, or an artisan BLT. “I love seeing frozen raspberries artfully incorporated into sauces for smoked and grilled meats, such as a chipotle raspberry BBQ sauce,” says Pine. 5. Fruit-Filled Desserts. Create treats with a health halo by incorporating whole, unsweetened frozen raspberries in pies, cobblers, or whole fruit sorbets. Gluten-free desserts shine with red raspberry’s deep satisfying flavor, such as in pavlova, meringue, or parfaits. Kitchen Hack: Razz Crush. Defrost red raspberries, gently mash (keep the juice and the seeds!) and you’ve got a sauce, filling, topping, or stir-in with real fruit integrity and natural sweetness (NO added sugar)!

The familiar and beloved raspberry inspires imagination for innovation and amazes the senses—all year and all across the menu.

Fresh watermelon fits perfectly with UMass Dining’s commitment to providing healthy, sustainable and delicious options for our customers. It’s juicy, refreshing and full of nutrients. Ken Toong, Executive Director of Auxiliary Enterprises, UMass; Amherst, Massachusetts

TASTY TIDBITS AND TRUTHS ABOUT WATERMELON by Megan McKenna, Director of Foodservice and Marketing, National Watermelon Promotion Board


very fruit has a story. The origin of watermelon has been traced back to the deserts of southern Africa some 5,000 years ago, where it still grows wild today. This ancestor of the modern watermelon is a tough, drought-tolerant fruit prized for its ability to store water for tribes crossing the Kalahari Desert. Today watermelon is grown around the world and enjoyed for its refreshing taste, crisp texture, delicate aroma, beautiful color, and nutritional value.

1. Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate – At 92 percent water, watermelon is the ideal workout buddy for rehydrating, refueling, and recovering. Watermelon Agua Fresca provides on-the-go refreshment. 2. Combat Germs – Vitamin C in watermelon is an antioxidant that can help boost immunity against viruses. When you’ve got a lot of watermelon, make ice cubes. 3. Sun Protection – Watermelon is the lycopene leader among fresh produce, and is studied for its protection from harmful UV rays. Watermelon Gazpacho offers a savory pick-me up. 4. Recover Quickly – Watermelon is a source of citrulline – an amino acid being studied to prove its effectiveness in reducing muscle

soreness. Pop Watermelon Protein Bites to refuel. 5. Don’t Cramp – A 2-cup serving of watermelon is a source of potassium that may help with water balance and avoid muscle cramps. Watermelon and fresh vegetables deliver on juice menus. 6. The Varieties – More than 300 varieties of watermelon are cultivated in the U.S. and countries that export watermelon to the U.S. Watermelon varieties fall into one of these four types: seeded, seedless, mini, yellow/orange. 7. Seeds or No Seeds – Seedless watermelons were invented 50 years ago and today make up 85 percent of the supply. Use seedless slices in Watermelon Pancake Sandwiches. 8. Not just for summer! – Consumer demand for watermelon is year-round, and the supply from North and Central American growing regions satisfy that desire. Feature Watermelon Poke Bowls on year-round sushi menus. 9. Watermelon is 100% Usable – Use the flesh in savory and sweet dishes, the rind for pickles, stir fry or slaw, and the peel for carving and garnish. Watermelon Rind Pickles add a spark of flavor to burgers. 10. Global Flavors – Grown around the world, global cuisines adapt watermelon to their culinary traditions. Burmese Watermelon Salad with Peanuts appeals to vegans and flavor seekers.

Watermelon is essential to our summer time seasonal events. We have a large event on the field every fall serving over six thousand meals in which we use four pallets of fresh watermelon for our guests! It’s cool tender refreshing texture brings a smile to most every face! I guess I’d call it Mother Nature’s Popsicle! Josh Martin Executive Chef University of California, Santa Cruz; Santa Cruz, California As Campus Dining is continually evolving we are looking at ways to keep up with current trends and dietary needs. Using fresh fruits and plant based options as the center of the plate we can provide a healthier more sustainable meal while continuing to provide meat as more of a condiment. This helps reduce our carbon footprint and maintains overall customer satisfaction within the campus. Chad Tiboni CEC General Manager University Towers Kitchen San Diego State University; San Diego, California For full recipes of the bolded, please visit:


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Student Needs and The Influence of Business Decisions

estimates that 1 in 13 children now have food allergies. There are eight common foods that cause most food allergic reactions, but there are a reported 170 foods that can cause a significant reaction. Coupled with our country’s alarming rate of obesity and behavior—based chronic diseases, like heart disease and diabetes, it’s no wonder college food service operations need the expertise of an on-staff campus dietitian to properly feed students with growing health concerns. In addition, Generation Z is more interested than previous generations of where their foods come from, how it is prepared, and the carbon foot print of their dietary choices. All variables considered, these can make feeding college students a taunting task!

A food service operation has the tremendous challenge of making dining services exciting and inviting while providing adequate options for students with food allergies and chronic disease management. Our

residential dining hall has stations set up throughout the physical space to accommodate all needs. Our stations are no longer based on cuisine types specifically. We have a station that eliminates seven of the eight

most common allergens, a vegan/ vegetarian bar, and a station that serves well-balanced, nutrient dense foods only. All menu boards denote which options are healthy with a symbol to make choosing easier for the student. In the age of information overload, we try to be as clear as possible about what foods may contain for our customers. Residential students are faced with a unique circumstance that sometimes requires the assistance of a registered dietitian to navigate. Never before has a student had access to so many options. They are also consuming every meal away from home, for sometimes months on end. We all know that eating away from home often leads to an overconsumption

51 C A M P U S D I N I N G T O DAY



by Rachel Sanders, MPH, RD, Campus Dietitian; Liberty University Dining Services

of calories. Now we’re asking students to eat away from home consistently and maintain good eating habits to prevent chronic diseases and manage a healthy weight. Some students can do these without problems, but others fall victim to too many choices and gain excessive weight or eat quarter pound hamburgers for a week straight, just because they can. In either situation, an on-campus dietitian is available to help guide students to good health and wellness through the avenue of food service.


The complexity of dietary needs in a university-based food service operation has to be evaluated via a business lens, as well. We strive to never become complacent in having limited options to accommodate our students with specific dietary needs but always trying to incorporate more options for them. Just because it’s hard or never been done before, doesn’t mean it’s not worth exploring. For example, our operation realized we were strong in residential dining with gluten-free options, but seriously lacking on the retail side of our program. Therefore, in fall 2017, 20 of 22 retail platforms will have gluten intolerant meal options available for students. It’s all about continuing to be innovative and pushing the box a little farther each year to keep students interested and excited about on campus dining. Today’s university dining service programs look drastically different than the single line, mystery meat offerings of the past. Let’s celebrate the success as an industry and accept the challenge to push forward even more to provide students and their parents’ meal options that align with their health goals!

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Financials and Operations

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CALL FOR PROPOSALS Sales, Marketing, and Communication


Share your passion and expertise with your association friends and colleagues by presenting an interest session at the 2018 National Conference in Providence, Rhode Island. To submit your proposal and review program acceptance criteria visit:

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RECOGNIZE EXCELLENCE in COLLEGIATE DINING for YOU and YOUR INSTITUTION Market an award-winning dining program to your customers, showcase your success, and share your ideas with your industry peers. Winning an award for your dining program not only gains national recognition, but also instills a sense of pride and team spirit with your staff! Become recognized as a leader in the foodservice industry. Each year, NACUFS honors individuals and organizations for their outstanding service to the association and its membership with several national recognition awards.

Apply TODAY at

I cannot think of a better platform than NACUFS, where college and university professionals can come together to recognize each other, share ideas, and come up with the next best innovation — not only for our market segment, but for the whole foodservice industry. Zia Ahmed Senior Director of Dining Services The Ohio State University


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CONNECTIONS the SOURCE For more information on how awards and other member benefits can help you elevate dining on your campus, please call the NACUFS office at 517.332.2494 or email

REGIONAL CONFERENCES Midwest Region March 25 - 27 Madison, WI

Mid-Atlantic/Northeast Region April 4 - 6 Binghamton, NY

Continental/Pacfic Region March 20 - 22 Salt Lake City, UT

Southern Region March 6 - 8 Denton, TX

Four NACUFS 2018 Regional Conferences will connect like-minded professionals from around North America to fulfill our mission: to support and promote excellence in collegiate dining. NACUFS is the place, the source, and the voice for college and university foodservice professionals. Attend any one of the regional conferences and mark your calendar for NACUFS 2018 National Conference in Providence, Rhode Island. Stay connected throughout the year with these events and other educational opportunities. For more information, please visit

2018 Regional Conference Call for Proposals Is there something your school does particularly well? Please share it with your association, friends, and colleagues by presenting an interest session at a regional conference!

Submit your proposal by December 31 •

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Dec. 11-15, 2017

Customer Service Institute St. Louis, MO

April 20

Deadline: Ad Materials for National Conference Program Guide

Dec. 12, 2017

Deadline: NACUFS 2018 National Conference Interest Session Proposals

May 4

Deadline: Call for Articles for Summer Campus Dining Today

Dec. 20, 2017

Deadline: 2018 Membership Renewals

May 20

Dec. 29, 2017

Deadline: Insertion Orders for 2018 Membership Directory

National Restaurant Association Show NACUFS Reception

May 25

Deadline: Ad materials for 2018 Membership Directory

Deadline: NACUFS 2018 National Conference Early Bird Registration

June 4-8

Deadline: Call for Articles for Spring Campus Dining Today

Foodservice Management Institute Buffalo, NY

June 8

Deadline: Insertion Orders for Summer Issue of Campus Dining Today

June 10-15

Leadership Institute Solon, OH

January 5 January 6 January 23-26

Operator Roundtables and Foodservice Directors Symposium Charleston, SC

January 31

Deadline: National Individual Recognition Award Nominations

June 25-29

Facilities Management Institute Troy, OH

Febuary 1

Deadline: National Officer Nominations

June 29

Febuary 9

Deadline: Insertion Orders for Spring issue of Campus Dining Today

Deadline: Ad Materials for Summer issue of Campus Dining Today

July 11-14

NACUFS 2018 National Conference Providence, RI

August 18

Deadline: Call for Articles for Fall/Winter issue of Campus Dining Today

August 24

Deadline: Insertion Orders for Fall/Winter issue of Campus Dining Today

September 7

Deadline: Winter Institute Applications

September 7

Deadline: Insertion Orders for 2018 National Conference Program Guide

2019 National Conference booth application available (Deadline: September 28)

September 14

March 25-27

Midwest Regional Conference Madison, WI

Deadline: Ad Materials for Fall/Winter issue of Campus Dining Today

September 18

March 30

Deadline: Loyal E. Horton Dining Awards, Sustainability, & Nutrition Award Entries October 4

Deadline: Customer Service Benchmarking Survey

April 4-6

Mid-Atlantic-Northeast Regional Conference Binghamton, NY

April 13

Deadline: Operating Performance Benchmarking Survey

March 2

Deadline: Summer Institute Applications

March 2

Deadline: Ad Materials for Spring issue of Campus Dining Today

March 6-8

Southern Regional Conference Denton, TX

March 20-22

Continental-Pacific Regional Conference Salt Lake City, UT

March 23

Exhibitor 2019 National Conference online Booth Selection

October 16-17

Engaging People Workshop East Lansing, MI

December 4-6

Marketing Institute Atlanta, GA

For a full calendar of events and more information on NACUFS programs and professional development opportunities, visit

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