Entrepreneur Characteristics
Nader Rabie
Nader Rabie is a successful entrepreneur in retail fashion, oil and gas , health care, law, music, real estate and more.
There are 5 entrepreneur characteristics that are common among anyone who strives to start and run his or her own business
The 5 “c” s for successful business
Confidence Commitment Creativity Courage Collaboration
ď ś Commitment : An entrepreneur has to be 100% committed to his or her idea, vision, product or service, and business strategy to achieve his or her goals. ď ś Confidence : Entrepreneurs have to believe in themselves and believe in what they're doing. It enables them to strive under pressure and be a strong leader. ď ś Creativity : Entrepreneurs are creative by nature. Creativity is one of the innate entrepreneur characteristics that causes them to see the brick and imagine the building.
ď ś Courage: An entrepreneur has to be courageous. It gives them the grit and conviction that success is possible if they never stop working towards their goals.
ď ś Collaboration: Entrepreneurs are born leaders, but they also know they can't do everything themselves. It enable them to beat their competition because everyone works as a team to achieve a specific goal.
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