Chapter ii

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CHAPTER II REGIONAL FOOD IDENTITY. REGIONAL AND CULTURAL EATING HABITS PART 1 Obiceiuri culinare româneşti Bucătăria românească este denumirea pe care o poartă rezultatul sintetizării, în timp, a gusturilor ș i obiceiurilor gastronomice specifice poporului roman. Ea este diversă, cuprinde nenumărate obiceiuri ș i tradiț ii culinare, mâncăruri specifice, împreună cu obiceiuri provenite prin intersectarea culturii romanesti cu tradiț ii ale altor popoare, cu care poporul roman a intrat în contact dealungul istoriei. Bucătăria românească cuprinde atât bucate de zi cu zi cât ș i preparate specifice de sărbătoare. Poporul roman fiind creș tin încă de la începuturile formării sale, Bucătăria românească cuprinde numeroase bucate de praznic rânduite în funcț ie de anotimpul ș i sărbătoarea pomenită. Bucatele româneș ti sunt alcătuite atât din legume, cereale, uleiuri vegetale, lapte, produse lactate cât ș i din carne ș i subproduse din carne. Un loc aparte în Bucătăria românească îl au dulciurile, plăcintele, dulceț urile. Unul dintre feluri de mâncare tipic româneș ti este mămăliga. Aceasta este o fiertură de făină de porumb, cu sare ș i uneori poate avea adaosuri ca zer, unt, brânză în funcț ie de preparatul final obț inut. Ea era folosită foarte des în alimentaț ia ț ăranilor agricultori ș i a crescătorilor de animale ș i înlocuia pâinea care în perioada istorică preindustrială era obț inută în gospodărie prin prelucrarea manuala. Foarte des în bucătăria românească se foloseș te carnea de porc, dar se consumă ș i carnea de vită, pui, oaie sau miel, precum ș i carne de vânat. Praznicele rânduite de Biserică au adus un aport deosebit în cultura gastronomica românească, aducând o gamă foarte bogată de bucate de sărbătoare. Specifice praznicelor sunt mâncăruri precum cârnaț i, caltaboș i, piftia, cozonacul, sarmale. Mesele principale sunt micul dejun, prânzul ș i cina. Micul dejun poate fi alcătuit din produse lactate: lapte, brânză, iaurturi, brânzeturi proaspete sau fermentate, cereale sau pâine; produse din carne: salam, ș uncă, slănină; ouă preparate fierte, omletă, ochiuri sau în diverse combinaț ii cu legumeș i carne, fructe proaspete sau preparate sub formă de gemuri sau dulceț uri. Pentru persoanele care lucrează până târziu după ora 17 micul dejun este necesar să fie mai consistent, renunț ânduse deseori la masa de prânz care se poate înlocui cu o gustare. Prânzul obiș nuit este alcătuit din trei feluri de mâncare: ciorbă sau supă, din carne ș i legume, sau numai din legume mai ales pentru zilele de post, sau salate de legume, carne; felul doi mâncare alcătuit din legume, sau legume ș i carne în diferite moduri de preparare, soteuri, mâncăruri, fripturi, etc.; felul trei, desertul, alcătuit din prăjituri, plăcinte, fructe, tarte sau 10

preparate din aluaturi ș i fructe. Pentru zilele de sărbătoare, duminica sau praznicele creș tine, se adaugă la masa de prânz aperitive cum ar fi salate de legume sau carne însoț ite de diverse sosuri, mezeluri, pateuri de carne, brânzeturi sau preparate cu brânză, plăcinte, merdenele, pateuri, ș i se adaugă un desert mai bogat, cum ar fi cozonaci, prăjituri, torturi, brânzeturi cu fructe. Pentru copii în perioada de creș tere (1-10 ani), adolescenț i (14-17 ani) ș i persoanele în vârstă (60-100 plus) conț inutul meselor de peste zi se suplimentează cu o gustare la ora 10 dimineaț a, constând dintr-un pahar cu lapte, un iaurt mic, un pahar de suc de fructe, un fruct sau o felie de pâine cu carne sau brânză, ș i se adaugă încă o gustare la ora 17 alcătuită dintr-un ceai sau un pahar cu lapte, 1-2 felii de pâine cu unt, gem, cu preparate uș oare din aluaturi, lapte, carne sau fructe. Pentru creș tinii care respecta posturile rânduite de religia organizată, o atenț ie deosebită trebuie acordată aportului zilnic de calorii ș i vitamine, raportat la munca prestată ș i atenț ie deosebită pentru a înainta în răbdare ș i înfrânare, însoț iț i de sfaturile medicului. Bucătăria românească oferă o gamă bogată ș i variată de mâncăruri ș i produse de post. Cina are aceeaș i compunere ca ș i prânzul, însă se exclud în general alimentele a căror digestie presupune un effort îndelungat pentru stomac, cum ar fi cele preparate cu maioneză, ouă sau icre. Una dintre cele mai importante băutură este vinul, România având o bogată tradiț ie în prepararea lui. România este al nouălea mare producător mondial de vinuri, iar recent piaț a de export a început să crească. Se produc o mare gamă de soiuri locale (Fetească, Grasă, Tamâioasă) dar ș i Feteasca (Riesling, Merlot, Sauvignon blanc, Cabernet Sauvignon, Chardonnay, Muscat Ottonel). Berea este ș i ea consumată cu plăcere de către români, însoț ind adeseori alimente din bucătăria tradiț ională germană sau românească. O altă băutură preferată de români este ț uica(rachiul de prune, pălinca, obț inute prin distilare), România fiind al doilea mare producător mondial de prune.

Mâncăruri specifice româneș ti de Crăciun Sărbătoarea Naș terii Domnului Iisus Hristos sau Crăciunul, reprezintă pentru poporul roman (în special cel Creș tin Ortodox) un prilej de mare bucurie.


După postul Crăciunului, perioadă de înfrânare atât trupească cât ș i spirituala dezlegarea la mâncarea de dulce aducand după sine numeroase obiceiuri ș i un potpuriu de preparate din carne de porc ș i dulciuri de sărbătoare. Tăierea porcului se face în ziua de Ignat. Din carne de porc, pentru praznicul Crăciunului, se prepară slănină, cârnaț i, cartaboș i, tobă, sarmale, friptură de porc, ciorbă de oase. Dulciurile care sfârș esc masa de sărbătoare, sau cu care sunt omeniț i oaspeț ii care calcă pragul casei ș i colindătorii, sunt: cozonacul, plăcintaș i lipiile. Toate aceste preparate prezintă diversificări în funcț ie de zona etnografică ș i sunt însoț ite de băuturi specifice fiecărei zone: ț uică, palincă, diverse vinuri.

Mâncăruri specifice româneș ti de Bobotează (Botezul Domnului) Sărbătoare mare pentru întreaga creș tinătate, Botezul Domnului (Boboteaza), aducand după sine un arsenal de obiceiuri ș i bucate tradiț ionale care să bucure trupeș te ș i sufleteș te pe cei omeniț i. Amintind de îngheț urile Bobotezei, când temperaturile reci culminează în perioada de iarnă, se prepară mai întâi piftiile. Acestea preparate din picioare de porc, urechi, guș ă, muș chi ș i aromante cu usturoi trebuiesc pregătite ș i aș ezate pe foc în ziua în care intră Preotul cu Botezul ca să sfinț ească cu Sfânta Aghiazmă Mare întreaga gospodărie. Nu lipsesc sarmaleleș i carnea friptă cu cârnaț i. Dulciurile obiș nuite sunt lipiile, preparate cu aluat de cozonacș i unse cu ou ș i smântână. Lipiile altfel obț inute se servesc tradiț ional la mesele de botez ale creș tinilor, amintind de turtele făcute pentru Domnul Iisus Hristos de Maica Precista în timpul Fugii în Egipt. Alături de ele se pot mânca prăjituri ș i cozonaci. Mâncăruri traditionale româneș ti de Paș ti Masa tradiț ională pentru Paș ti este alcătuită la creș tinii români din: drob de miel, ciorbă de miel, friptură de miel, ca dulciuri se mănâncă cozonacul cu diverse umpluturi ș i pasca cu brânză. Alături de aceste bucate se pregătesc ouă roș ii. Tradiț ia populara spune că, la răstignirea lui Iisus Hristos, Maica Domnului a adus un coș cu ouă pe care a vrut să le dea paznicilor. Aceș tia au refuzat darul, batjocorindu-L ș i mai mult pe Iisus. Plângând în hohote, Maica Domnului a 12

lăsat coș ul la picioarele Răstignitului. Sângele, ș iroind din trup, a împestriț at ouăle. Uitânduse la ele, Iisus Hristos a ș optit că din acea zi toț i creș tinii vor vopsi ouă roș ii. În felul acesta, ouăle roș ii au devenit un simbol al învierii. Postul Paș telui, cel mai lung ș i cel mai aspru post de peste an, presupune ca trecerea la mâncăruri de dulce să fie cumpătată ș i cu chibzuială.


Romanian food habits Romanian cuisine is the name given to the result of synthesis, throughout time, of specific culinary tastes and habits of the Romanian people. It is diverse and contains many customs and traditions, culinary dishes , along with habits from the intersection of gastronomic culture with traditions of other peoples with whom Romanian people came in contact throughout history . Romanian cuisine includes both daily dishes and special celebration dishes. As the Romanians have been Christian since their beginnings, Romanian cuisine contains many feast dishes according to the season and the celebration. Romanian dishes are made with vegetables, grains, vegetable oils, milk, dairy products, meat and meat products . A special place in Romanian cuisine is reserved to sweets, pies and jams. One typical Romanian dishes is corn bread or polenta. This is a corn meal gruel, with salt, and sometimes whey, butter or cheese may be added according to the final dish. It was used frequently in the diet of peasant farmers and breeders and replaced the bread which in pre-industrial historical period was obtained in the households by manual processing. Romanian cuisine uses pork very often, butalso beef, chicken, mutton or lamb and venison. The feasts established by the Church have brought a major input in Romanian culinary culture, involving a wide range of festive dishes . Specific feast dishes are sausages, black pudding, jelly , cozonac ( a sort of cake ), sarmale(stuffed cabbage or vines). The main meals are breakfast, lunch and dinner .

Breakfast can consist of dairy products: milk, cheese, yoghurts, fresh or fermented cheeses,cereals or bread; meat products: sausages, ham, bacon, eggs – boiled, scrambled, poached or in various combinations with vegetables and meat; fruit: fresh or prepared as jam or preserves . For people working late after 17 o’clock breakfast should be more consistent , often giving lunch up and replacing it with a snack. 13

Usual lunch consists of three courses : ciorba (sour soup) or soup, made with meat and vegetables or just vegetables especially for fast days , or vegetable and /or meat salads; main course is made with vegetables, meat and vegetables prepared in different ways: sautéed dishes, steaks, etc.;the dessert consists of cakes, pies, fruit tarts and pastries. For holidays, Sundays and Christian feasts at lunch there are added appetizers such as vegetable/meat salads accompanied by various sauces, sausages, meat pastry, cheese or cheese dishes, pies, merdenele, and also a richer dessert such as cozonac, cookies, cakes, cheese with fruit. For children in their growing period ( 1-10 years ), adolescents ( 14-17 years) and elderly ( 60-100 plus) the three meals of the day are supplemented with a snack at 10 am, consisting of a glass milk, a little yogurt, a glass of fruit juice, a fruit or a slice of bread with meat or cheese, and another snack at 17.00 consisting of tea or a glass of milk, 1-2 slices of bread with butter, jam, light dishes of pastry, milk, meat or fruit. For Christians who fast according to their religion rules, particular attention should be paid to the daily intake of calories and vitamins in relation to their work andspecial attention to enhance their patience and restraint, accompanied by medical advice. Romanian cuisine offers a rich and varied range of dishes and fasting products. Dinner is similar to lunch, but generally it excludes dishes which involve a lengthy digestion such as those prepared with mayonnaise, eggs or roe. One of the most important drinks is wine, Romania having a rich tradition in its preparation. Romania is the ninth largest producer of wine, and recently the export market has started to grow. We produce a wide range of local varieties (Fetească, Grasă,Tămaioasă) and universal (Riesling, Merlot, Sauvignon Blanc, Cabernet Sauvignon, Chardonnay, Muscat Ottonel). The beer is also enjoyed by the Romanians, often accompanying dishes from traditional Romanian or German cuisines. Another Romanian favorite drink is tuica or pălinca (a sort of brandy) obtained through distillation). Romania is the second largest producer of plums in the world.


Romanian Christmas Dishes The Holiday of Jesus Christ’s Birth or Christmas, is an occasion of great joy for the Romanian people (especially the Orthodox Christians) . After Advent, a period of both body and spirit abstinence, permission to get back to normal eating entails numerous habits and a medley of pork dishes and sweets to celebrate. Butchering is done on the day of Ignat(20th December). From pork, for the Christmas feast, people prepare bacon, sausages, caltaboşi (a sort of black pudding), tobă, sarmale( stuffed cabbage or vines), roast pork, bone sour soup. The sweets for the holiday dessert, that are served to the guests and carolers are: cozonac, cakes and pies. All these dishes are varied according to the ethnographic area and are accompanied by specific beverages: tuică, pălincă, various wines.

Romanian Dishes for Epiphany ( Theophany )

An important celebration for the whole Christendom , Theophany ( Epiphany ) entails an arsenal of customs and traditional dishes to enjoy both the bodies and souls of the people. Reminding of the Epiphany frosts when cold temperatures culminate in winter, piftia ( a sort of jelly ) is prepared first. This dish made of the pig’s feet, ears, goiter, muscles and flavoured with garlic must be prepared and placed on the fire on the day the priest enters the household to purify it with the Holy Water. Stuffed cabbage, sausages and roast meat do not miss form the table . The traditional sweets are lipiile (a type of flat bread) prepared with cozonac dough and smeared with beaten egg and cream. Lipiile are traditionally served after the Baptism of a Christian, reminding of the cakes made by saint Mary for Jesus Christ during the escape to Egypt . People can also eat cookies and cozonac.

Romanian Easter Dishes

Traditional Easter Meali consists of: haggis, lamb stew, roast lamb. The desserts include cozonac with various fillings and pască ( a special Easter cake made with cozonac dough and cheese). 15

Besides these dishes, hard boiled egges are dyed in red . Popular tradition says that at the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, Virgin Mary brought a basket of eggs she wanted to give the guards . They refused the gift , and taunting Jesus more. Sobbing, Our Lady left the basket at the feet of the Crucified . The blood dripping from the flesh speckled the eggs . Looking at them, Jesus whispered that from that day on all Christians will dye red eggs. Thus, red eggs have become a symbol of resurrection. Lent , the longest and the toughest fasting period of the year, means that switching to meat, egg and cheese dishes to be sober and thoughtfulness .





Ochiuri ca la ţară

Country Fried Eggs

Ingrediente: 8 ouă, 150 g slănină 4 roşii 150 g brînză nesărată dată prin răzătoare sare piper negru măcinat 1 lingură de verdeaţă tăiată Mod de preparare: Slănina se curăţă de sare şi se taie cubuleţe mici, se prăjeşte puţin. Apoi se toarnă ouăle şi se prăjesc ochiuri pe o parte şi pe alta. Se pun în farfurii cu gălbenuşurile în sus. Se servesc cu brînza şi roşii, presărate cu verdeaţă.

Ingredients: • 8 eggs • 150 g bacon • 4 tomatoes, • 150 g unsalted cheese grated • salt • ground black pepper • 1 tablespoon chopped green

Method: The bacon is desalted and cut into small cubes, and then it is slightly fried. Then the eggs are added and fried on stove on both sides. They are put on the plates with the yolks up. This dish is served with cheese and tomatoes sprinkled with greenery.



Dejun ţărănesc

Ingrediente: 6-8 ouă 150 g slănină ½ pahar smîntînă ½ lingură făină de grîu 2 linguri lapte sare piper negru măcinat 4 roşii 2 linguri de unt Mod de preparare: Laptele, faina, ouăle, smîntîna, sarea şi piperul se amestecă şi se bat pînă la obţinerea unei mase omogene. Într-o tigaie călită se pune slănina sau şunca tăiată felii mari, se prăjeşte puţin, apoi se toarnă amestecul şi se coace la cuptor pînă este gata. Se serveşte cu mămăligă.

Country Breakfast

Ingredients: • 6-8 eggs • 150 g bacon • ½ cup sour cream • ½ tablespoon of wheat flour • 2 tablespoons milk • salt • ground black pepper • 4 tomatoes • 2 tablespoons butter Method: Mix the milk, flour, eggs, butter, salt and pepper until homogenous. In a pan with hot oil put bacon or ham largely sliced, fry a little, then pour the mixture and bake in the oven until ready. Serve with polenta.

Drob de miel

Ingrediente: 18ffinity18 de la un miel (splina, ficatul, rinichii, inima)


Ingredients : • lamb organs ( spleen , liver, kidney , heart) • 5-7 onions 18

5-7 fire de ceapa verde 4 fire de usturoi verde 3-4 oua 1 legatura de patrunjel 1 legatura marar 1 prapure de la miel sau pesmet sare si piper 2-3 oua fierte, tari formă dreptunghiulară metalică pentru copt

• 4 sprigs of green garlic • 3-4 eggs • 1 bunch of parsley • 1 bunch of dill • 1 lobe of lamb or breadcrumbs • salt and pepper • 2-3 hard boiled eggs • rectangular metal baking tray .

Mod de preparare: Se spala bine organele in apa rece. Se taie in bucati de 3-5 cm, se curata de pielite, cheaguri de sange etc. Se lasa 10-15 minute in 3 parti apa si 1 parte otet sa iasa orice eventual miros. Se pun la fiert in apa rece (fara sare).

Method: Wash well the organs in cold water. Cut into pieces of 3-5 cm , remove skin , blood clots , etc. . Allow 10-15 minutes in 3 parts water and 1 part vinegar to escape any possible smell . Boil in cold water ( no salt ) .

Se ia spuma si se fierb circa 20-30 de minute. Se arunca apa. Se lasa sa se raceasca putin (cat sa le puteti lua cu mana).

Take the foam and boil for 20-30 minutes . Throw the water away. Allow to cool slightly ( till you can take them with bare hand ) .

Se dau organele fierte prin masina de tocat laolalta cu toate ingredientele (fara oua). Se gusta de sare si piper. Se pun ouale batute cu furculita si se amesteca bine.

Grind the boiled organs together with all the ingredients (except eggs) . Taste to see if there is enough salt and pepper. Add the eggs beaten with a fork and mix well .

Arata ca o pasta inchegata, nu mai este faramicioasa. Daca cumva mai este faramicioasa se poate pune smantana, 2-3 linguri sau, de ce nu, inca un ou. Daca nu aveti prapure se unge tava cu ulei si se tapeteaza cu pesmet.

It looks like a congealed paste , not crumbly . In case it is somewhat crumbly, you can padd sour cream, 2-3 tablespoons or , why not , another egg. If you do not have lobe, grease the pan with oil and coat with breadcrumbs .

Prapurele se spala in cateva ape. Daca vi se pare prea multa grasime puteti s-o inlaturati cu un cutit sau pur si simplu cu mana. Se pune prapurele pe fundul tavii cu marginile in afara, se pune carnea, iar cu prapurele ramas in afara se acopera.

Wash the lobe several times. If it seems too fatty, you can remove it with a knife or simply by hand. Put the lobe on the pan bottom, edges out , then put the meat and cover with the lobe edges .

Se da la cuptor aproximativ 50 de minute pana se rumeneste frumos, in cuptorul preincalzit la 350°F. Se lasa sa se raceasca si apoi se scoate din tava. Se pastreaza in frigider invelit in folie de plastic.

Bake for about 50 minutes until nicely browned in the oven preheated to 350 ° F. Allow to cool and then remove from pan. Keep it in the refrigerator wrapped in plastic .


Ardei umpluţi cu brînză

Ingrediente: 4 ardei medii (de preferinţă de culoare roşie sau portocalie) pătrunjel verde Pentru umplutură: 1½ pahare brânză dată prin răzătoare 100 g unt 3-4 căţei de usturoi 2 linguri verdeaţă tăiată mărunt 10-15 măsline fără sâmburi (la dorinț ă) piper negru măcinat Mod de preparare: Ardeii se spală, se taie partea de sus împreună cu pedunculul şi seminţele. Timp de 1-2 minute se opăresc, apoi se scurg prin strecurătoare şi se lasă să se răcească. Se pune umplutura, în mijlocul ardeilor umpluţi se pun măslinele, totul se pune în frigider. Prepararea umpluturii: Untul refrigerat se dă prin răzătoare, se amestecă cu brânza, usturoiul pisat, piperul şi verdeaţa. Înainte de a se servi, ardeii se taie felii, se pun pe farfurie şi se garnisesc cu verdeaţă.

Cheese-Stuffed Peppers

Ingredients: • 4 medium peppers (preferably red or orange) • parsley. For the filling: • 1 ½ cups of grated cheese • 100 g butter • 3-4 cloves of garlic • 2 tablespoons finely chopped greens • 10 to 15 olives without seeds (if desired) • ground black pepper Method: Wash the peppers and remove the top of the stalk and seeds. Blanch for 1-2 minutes, then drain through a sieve and leave to cool. Add the filling, in the middle put the olives and then put them in the refrigerator.

Filling: Grate the chilled butter gives, mix it with cheese, garlic, pepper and greens. Before serving, slice the peppers, put them on a plate and garnish with greens.


Ciuperci umplute

Stuffed Mushrooms

Ingrediente: 8 ciuperci champignon medii 1 lingură unt 1 lingură brînză nesărată

Ingredients: • 8 medium mushrooms • 1 tablespoon butter • 1 tablespoon unsalted cheese

Pentru umplutură: 1 ceapă 1 lingură unt sare piper negru măcinat

For the filling: • 1 onion • 1 tablespoon of butter • salt • ground black pepper

Mod de preparare: Pălăriile ciupercilor se umplu, se presară cu brînză şi se coc la cuptor. Se servesc şi reci şi calde.

Method: Fill the mushroom round tops, sprinkle with cheese and bake in the oven. Serve hot or cold.

Preparation of filling: Chop finely the Prepararea umpluturii: Picioruşele ciupercilor se mărunţesc şi se înăbuşă în unt, se mushroom stems, smother them in butter, add fried onions, salt, pepper and mix. adaugă ceapa prăjită, sarea, piperul, se amestecă.


Outlaw’s Snack

Gustarea haiducului

Ingrediente: 200 g de brînză de oi 200 g de piept de porc afumat 100 g de slănină afumată sărată un mănunchi de ceapă verde verdeaţă pentru garnisire

Ingredients: • 200 g sheep cheese • 200 g smoked pork breast • 100 g smoked bacon salt • a bunch of spring onions • greens for garnish

Mod de preparare: Curăţaţi şi spălaţi ceapa. Tăiaţi toate ingredientele felii. Garnisiţi înainte de a o servi.

Method: Clean and wash the onions. Slice all ingredients. Garnish before serving.

Roşii umplute cu vinete

Ingrediente: 4-6 roşii cărnoase sare

Eggplant-Stuffed Tomatoes

Ingredients: • 4-6 red fleshy tomatoes • salt 22

1 lingură de verdeaţă tocată mărunt

• 1 tablespoon of finely chopped greens.

Pentru umplutură: Salata din 8-10 linguri de vinete tocate, cu sare, piper şi ulei.

For the filling: Salad of 8-10 tablespoons of chopped eggplant with salt, pepper and oil

Mod de preparare: Tăiaț i „capacul” roşiilor sau faceţi cate „o floare”, cu ajutorul linguriţei scoateţi pulpa şi seminţele roşiilor, umpleţi cu vinete. Înainte de a servi, presăraţi cu verdeaţa tocată

Method: Cut the tomatoes tops or make a “flower” with a spoon, then remove the pulp and seeds, fill with eggplant salad. Before serving, sprinkle with chopped herbs.

Ruladă din carne de pui cu ardei copt

Chicken Roulade with Baked Peppers

Ingrediente: • piept de pui • 2-3 ardei roşii • 10-15 crenguţe de pătrunjel • 0,5 pahar caşcaval tare dat prin răzătoare • piper negru măcinat

Ingredients: • chicken • 2-3 red peppers • 10 to 15 sprigs of parsley • 0.5 cup grated cheese • ground black pepper

Mod de preparare: Se bate pieptul de pui uşor prin peliculă, se presară cu sare şi piper, se lasă să se marineze pentru 1-2 ore. Ardeii se coc la cuptor, se curăţă de pieliţă şi seminţe, se taie felii măşcate. Se distribuie pe carnea de pui împreună cu pătrunjelul spălat.

Method: Slightly beats the chicken, sprinkle with salt and pepper and leave to marinate for 1-2 hours. Bake the peppers in the oven, peel the skin and seeds, and slice them. Distribute them together with the washed parsley on the chicken.

Then roll the meat tightly, bind with a rope, Carnea se rulează strîns, se leagă cu o sfoară, wrap in vine leaves or aluminum foil and bake 23

se înfăşoară în foi de viţă-de-vie sau folie de in the oven at 1800 for 35-40 minutes. aluminiu, se dă la cuptor pe 35-40 minute la temperatura de 180 de grade. The roulade is ready then, when the piercing a Rulada este gata atunci, cînd la străpungere se colourless juice is released. elimină un suc incolor. After this remove the leaves (aluminum foil) După aceasta se îndepărtează frunzele (folia de and leave for 3-5 minutes in the oven at 200 aluminiu) şi se mai lasă pentru 3-5 minute la degrees to brown. cuptor la temperatura de 200 de grade pentru ca să se rumenească.

Gustare moldovenească

Ingrediente: 4 castraveţi 4 roşii 3 ardei graşi 100 g ceapă verde 200 g brînză 40 g unt pătrunjel verde Mod de preparare: Ardeii se curăţă de peduncul şi seminţe. Legumele se pun în farfurie, lîngă ele – brînza şi untul, tăiate feliuţe. Se garniseşte cu verdeaţă.

Moldavian Snack

Ingredients: • 4 cucumbers • 4 tomatoes • 3 sweet peppers • 100 g onions • 200 g cheese • 40 g of butter • parsle. Method: Remove the stalks and seeds from the peppers. Put the vegetables on the plate – cheese and butter sliced beside them. Garnish with fresh herbs.


Învîrtită cu ou şi ceapă verde

Egg and Green Onion Pie

Ingrediente: 1 pachet foi de placinta Pentru umplutură: 500 g ceapă verde 3 ouă 1 lingură verdeaţă tăiată 2 linguri unt topit 5 linguri ulei sare piper negru măcinat

Ingredients: 1 package pie sheet For the filling: • 500 g onions • 3 eggs • 1 tablespoon of chopped greens • 2 tablespoons of melted butter • 5 tbsp of oil • salt • ground black pepper

Mod de preparare: Pe foile subţiri, foi care se stropesc cu unt topit şi se pun cate 2-3 împreună, se pune umplutura, se răsucesc rulade, se formează spirale, se pun în tăvi unse cu ulei, se străpung în cîteva locuri şi se ung cu ou. Se coc la temperatura de 240-250 °C.

Method: On the thin sheets sprinkled with melted butter and put 2-3 together, put the filling, twist the rolls by forming spirals, place in greased pans, pierce in several places and brush with egg . Bake at 240-250 ° C.

Prepararea umpluturii: Сeapa verde se taie mărunt, se prăjeşte uşor în unt, se răceşte, se adaugă ouăle fierte şi mărunţite, sarea, piperul, verdeaţa şi se amestecă.

Preparation of the filling: Chop the green onion, fry gently in butter, cool, add chopped boiled eggs, salt, pepper, and fresh herbs and mix.



Country Sour Soup

Ingredients: • 6 cups water • 500 g sheep • 1 cup of white beans • 2 potatoes • 2 onions • 1 carrot • 1 parsley root • ½ celery root • 3 tomatoes • 2 cups of borsch and a little salt, lemon • salt • 1 hot pepper • 1 tablespoon of freshly cut lovage • 1 tablespoon of chopped herbs (dill and parsley).

Ingrediente: 6 pahare apă 500 g carne de oi 1 pahar fasole albe 2 cartofi 2 cepe 1 morcov 1 rădăcină de pătrunjel ½ rădăcină de ţelină 3 roşii 2 pahare borş acru sau un pic de sare de lămâie sare 1 ardei iute 1 lingură leuştean verde tăiat 1 lingură verdeaţă (mărar şi pătrunjel) tăiată

Method: Cook bean until it is half done. Cut the meat Mod de preparare: into small pieces, add cold water and boil Fasolea se fierbe până este pe jumătate gata. Carnea se taie bucăţi mici, se pune în apă rece şi until ready. Sieve the tomato sauce slips, add se fierbe până este gata. Bulionul se strecoară, în the beans, finely chopped vegetables and the 26

27ffinit se pune fasolea, rădăcinile, tăiate fidea, cartofii tăiaţi felii. Cu 5-7 minute înainte de a lua de pe foc, se adaugă roşiile mărunţite, leuşteanul, borşul, se dă în clocot, se sărează, se presară cu verdeaţă, se pune ardei iute. Ciorba se serveşte în castroane de 27ffinit.

sliced potatoes. 5-7 minutes before turning the heat off, add the chopped tomatoes, lovage , borsch, bring to the boil, add salt, sprinkle with herbs and finely chopped hot pepper. The sour soup is served in ceramic bowls.

Ciorbă de viţel cu ciuperci

Veal Sour Soup with Mushrooms

Ingrediente: 500 g carne de viţel de la piept 6 pahare apă 1½ pahar tăieţei de casă 4-5 ciuperci uscate sau 400 g proaspete 1 morcov 1 rădăcină pătrunjel ½ rădăcină ţelină 2 cepe 3 linguri ulei 1 ou ½ pahar smântân, 2 pahare borş (un pic de acid citric) sare piper negru boabe cimbru verde 1 lingură verdeaţă tăiată de mărar şi pătrunjel Pentru tăieţei: 1½ pahare făină de grâu 2 ouă 1/3 pahar apă sare

Ingredients : • 500 g veal breast • 6 cups of water • 1 ½ cup of noodles • 4-5 dried mushrooms or 400 g fresh • 1 carrot • 1 parsley root • ½ celery root • 2 onions • 3 tablespoons oil • 1 egg • ½ cup cream • 2 cups of borsch ( a little citric acid ) • salt • black pepper grains • fresh thyme • 1 tablespoon of chopped dill and parsley

Mod de preparare: Carnea se taie bucăţi, se pune în apă rece şi se fierbe la foc mic până este gata. Ciupercile uscate se spală şi se lasă pentru 3-4 ore la

Method: Cut the meat into pieces , add cold water and simmer until ready . Wash the dried mushroom and leave to soak for 3-4 hours ,

For the noodles : • 1 ½ cups of flour • 2 eggs • 1/3 cup of water • salt


înmuiat, apoi se fierb 28ffinity. Ceapa, morcovul, rădăcinile de pătrunjel şi ţelina se taie fidea şi se calesc. Din făină şi ouă se prepară tăieţeii de casă. În bulionul de carne se pun ciupercile fierte, tăiate fidea, împreună cu bulionul în care au fiert, apoi se pun tăieţeii, legumele prăjite şi se mai fierbe timp de 10-15 min. Cu 5 minute înainte de a o lua de pe foc, se toarnă borşul fiert şi strecurat, se condimentează cu piper negru boabe, cimbru, sare. Se serveşte cu carne, smântână şi cu verdeaţa presărată. Prepararea tăieţeilor: În făină se adaugă ouăle şi sarea, diluată cu apă. Se face un aluat tare, se acoperă cu o pânză pentru 20-30 minute,pentru ca aluatul să fie mai uşor de întins. Pe o masă, presărată cu făină, se întinde aluatul într-un strat subţire, se lasă să se usuce pe 10-20 minute. Se taie fâşii de 4-5 cm lăţime, care, la rândul lor, se taie fidea subţire.

then boil separately. Finely chop the onions , carrots , parsley and celery roots and fry . Make home-made noodles from the flour and eggs. Add the boiled mushrooms finely sliced in the meat and tomato sauce , then put the noodles, the fried vegetables and simmer for 10-15 minutes. 5 minutes before taking it off the heat , pour the the boiled and strained borsch, season with black pepper grains , thyme, salt. Serve with meat , cream and sprinkled with greenery . Preparation of noodles : In the flour add eggs and salt diluted with water. Make a hard dough , cover with a cloth for 20 to 30 minutes for the dough to be easier to spread . On a table sprinkled with flour, roll the dough into a thin layer , let it dry on for 10-20 minutes. Then cut pieces of 4-5 cm in width, which, in turn, are finely cut.

Supă de găină cu orez

Chicken Soup with Rice

Ingrediente: 6 pahare apă ½ pui 2 /3 pahar orez 3 morcovi 1 rădăcină pătrunjel

Ingredients: • 6 cups of water • ½ chicken • 2/3 cup of rice • 3 carrots • 1 parsley root 28

• 3 onions • 3 tablespoons oil • 2 cups broth and a little salt, lemon • salt • black pepper grains • fresh thyme • 2 tablespoons of chopped fresh herbs

3 cepe 3 linguri ulei 2 pahare borş sau un pic de sare de lămâie sare piper negru boabe cimbru verde 2 linguri verdeaţă tăiată Mod de preparare: Găina se pune în apă rece şi se fierbe până este gata, îndepărtând spuma şi grăsimea. Cu o jumătate de oră înainte de a fi gata, în bulion se pun sarea şi legumele (tăiate de-a lungul şi rumenite puţin în tigaie fără ulei). Găina fiartă se scoate şi se taie bucăţi, bulionul se strecoară. Orezul spălat se adaugă în bulion, se dă în clocot, apoi se pun condimentele şi legumele tăiate cuburi şi prăjite uşor. Cu 20 minute înainte de a se lua de pe foc, se toarnă borşul fiert, se pune cimbrul, care apoi se scoate. Zeama se serveşte cu bucăţi de găină, presărată cu verdeaţă.

Method: Put chicken in cold water and boil until it is ready, removing the foam and fat.Half an hour before being ready, add the salt and vegetables (cut across and slightly browned in a pan without oil). Take the chicken and portion it and strain the broth. Wash the rice and add it to the broth, bring to the boil, then put spices and diced vegetables and slightly fried. 20 minutes before turning off the heat, add the boiled borsch, then the thyme which is removed after a while. The soup is served with pieces of chicken, sprinkled with greenery.



Cheese dumplings

Ingrediente: • 1½ pahar făină de grîu • ½ pahar apă • 1 ou • 4 linguri smîntînă • 2 căţei de usturoi (optional) • sare • 1 lingură de verdeaţă de mărar şi pătrunjel tocate

Ingredients : • 1 ½ cup wheat flour • ½ cup water • 1 egg • 4 tablespoons butter • 2 cloves of garlic (optional ) • salt • 1 tablespoon chopped green dill and parsley

Pentru umplutură: • 3 pahare de brînză nesărată dată prin răzătoare • 1 ou • sare • 1 lingură de mărar şi pătrunjel tocate

For the filling : • 3 cups of unsalted grated cheese • 1 egg • salt • 1 tablespoon of finely chopped dill and parsley leaves

Mod de preparare: Pe masă se pune grămăjoară făina, în mijloc se face o adîncitură, acolo se toarnă apa şi oul, se pune sarea, se frămîntă un aluat tare şi se lasă

Method: On the table put a small pile of flour pile, make a hole in the middle and there pour water and egg , add some salt, knead the 30

pentru 30 minute. Se întinde o foaie de 1,5 mm grosime. Se taie pătrăţele, în fiecare pătrăţel se pune umplutura, iar marginile se lipesc. În apă fierbîndă cu puţină sare, se pun colţunaşii şi se fierb pînă sunt gata. Colţunaşii se servesc presăraţi cu usturoi pisat (la dorinţă), se ung cu smîntînă şi se garnisesc cu verdeaţă. Prepararea umpluturii: Se amestecă bine brînza dată prin răzătoare, oul crud, sarea (la dorinţă) şi verdeaţa tăiată.

dough hard and leave it for 30 minutes . Spread a sheet of 1.5 mm thick . Cut the dough into squares and put some filling in each small square and then stick the edges. Put the dumplings in boiling water in which you added a little salt and cook until ready. Dumplings are served sprinkled with garlic ( if desired ) or sour cream and garnished with greens . Preparation of the filling : Mix the well-grated cheese ,a raw egg , salt ( if desired ) and chopped greens.

Învîrtită cu brînză

Cheese Rolled Pie



Pentru aluat: 1½ pahare faină de grîu 1 ou ½ pahar unt topit 8 linguri margarină topită 1 linguriţă ulei 2 /3 pahar apă sare

For the dough: • 1 ½ cups of wheat flour • 1 egg • ½ cup of melted butter • 8 tablespoons of melted margarine • 1 teaspoon of oil • 2/3 cup of water • salt

Pentru umplutură: 2 pahare brînză dată prin răzătoare 3 linguriţe unt topit 1 lingură mărar verde tăiat

For the filling: • 2 cups of grated cheese • 3 tablespoons of melted butter • 1 tablespoon of chopped fresh dill


Mod de preparare: Se amestecă apa, oul, uleiul şi sarea. Făina se cerne, se pune pe masă grămăjoară, în centru se face o adîncitură în formă de pîlnie, în ea se toarnă amestecul, apoi se frămîntă aluatul pînă devine elastic, se formează o bilă, se acoperă cu un şerveţel umed şi se lasă pentru 30 minute. Apoi aluatul se împarte în bucăţi nu prea mari, se întinde în foi subţiri, foile se stropesc cu unt topit sau cu margarina, se presară cu brînză şi mărar şi se răsucesc rulade. Din rulade se formează spirale, se pun în tăvi unse cu ulei şi se ung cu ou. Se coc la 32ffinity32te de 240-250 °C.

Method: Mix water, egg, oil and salt. Sift flour, make a heap in the center of the table,then make a funnel whole in the middle, pour the mixture into it, then knead the dough until it becomes elastic, shape it into a ball, cover with a damp towel and leave it for for 30 minutes. Then divide the dough into not too large pieces, stretche it in thin sheets, drizzle with melted butter or margarine, sprinkle with cheese and dill and twist rolls. Make spirals from the rolls, put them in greased trays and brush with egg. Bake at 240-250 ° C.

Chec ţărănesc cu mere

Rustic apple cake

Ingrediente: 150 g de făină 100 g margarină 1 /3 pahar de zahăr 50 ml de lapte 2 mere medii 1 linguriţă de scorţişoară 1 lingură nucşoară 1 lingură de zahăr tos 1 lingură de ulei vegetal

Ingredients: • 150 g of flour • 100 g margarine • 1/3 cup of sugar • 50 ml of milk • 2 medium apples • 1 teaspoon of cinnamon • 1 teaspoon of nutmeg • 1 tablespoon granulated sugar • 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil

Mod de preparare: Se amestecă cu mîinile margarina moale, zahărul tos, făina, astfel ca să se obţină fărîmituri, se adaugă laptele, scorţişoara, nucşoara şi se frămîntă aluatul pînă devine

Method: Mix with hands the soft margarine, granulated sugar, flour, so as to obtain crumbs, add milk, cinnamon, nutmeg and knead the dough until it becomes elastic.Peel the apples, remove the 32

elastic. Merele se curăţă de coajă şi de cotorul cu seminţe, se taie plăcuţe mici şi subţiri. Aluatul se pune în forma unsă cu ulei ca un blat, lăsîndu-se marginile. Merele se pun deasupra. Se dau la cuptor la temperatura de 220 de grade pentru 25-30 minute. Se lasă să se răcească, apoi se taie.

seeds and the spine, cut small and and divide it into small thin plates. The dough is put into an oiled tray, leaving the edges. Put over the apples. Bake at 2200C for 25 to 30 minutes. Allow to cool, and then cut into pieces.

Noodle Pudding

Budinca de taitei

Ingrediente: 2 pahare de tăieţei 10 ouă 1 pahar de zahăr ½ linguriţă de sare 2 g de vanilină ½ pahar de stafide 3 linguri de unt 2 linguri de ulei vegetal

Ingredients: • 2 cups of noodles • 10 eggs • one cup of sugar • ½ teaspoon of salt • 2 g of vanillin • ½ cup of raisins • 3 tablespoons of butter • 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil

Mod de preparare: Tăieţeii se fierb în apă nesărată cu 33ffin de ulei vegetal. Se strecoară. Se opăresc stafidele, se topeşte untul. Se amestecă ouăle cu zahăr şi sare, se adăugă vanilina. Uniţi amestecul cu tăieţeii şi stafidele, amestecaţi. Tava de copt sau tigaia cu margini înalte se unge cu unt, se toarnă masa. Se dă la cuptor (încălzit, în prealabil) şi se coace 10 minute la temperatura de 250 grade, 40 de minute la temperatura de 150 de grade.

Method: Boil noodles in unsalted water in which you added vegetable oil. Strain. Scald the raisins, melt the butter. Mix the eggs with sugar and salt, add vanilla. Add the noodles and raisins to the mixture, then stir. Grease with butter a high-edged baking tray or pan and pour the final mixture. Bake in the oven (heated in advance) for 10 minutes at 2500, and 40 minutes at 1500.



Fried Chicken with Green Beans and Zucchini

Ingrediente: • 1 pui • 3 linguri unt • 1 lingură făină de porumb • 1 lingură făină de grîu • 4 linguri vin • 2 dovlecei • 3 pahare fasole păstăi • 2-3 roşii • 2-3 căţei de usturoi • sare • piper negru măcinat • ½ pahar de sos mujdei după gust

Ingredients : • 1 chicken • 3 tablespoons of butter • 1 tbsp of corn flour • 1 tablespoon of wheat flour • 4 tablespoons of wine • 2 zucchini • 3 cups of green beans • 2-3 tomatoes • 2-3 cloves of garlic • salt • ground black pepper • ½ cup of garlic sauce

Mod de preparare: Puiul se taie în 4 părţi, se bate pînă se face plat, se presară cu sare şi piper, se trece prin faină şi se rumeneşte. Apoi se toarnă vin şi

Method: Cut the chicken into 4 parts , beat until flat , sprinkle with salt and pepper, flour and brown it. Then pour the wine and the tomato sauce , 34

35ffinit, se acoperă cu capac şi se dă la cuptor. Periodic carnea se udă cu sosul care se formează în procesul înăbuşirii. Când este gata, puiul se mută în alt vas, sosul se strecoară într-o cratiţă. În sos se adaugă 2-3 linguri de apă şi usturoi pisat cu sare. Sosul se dă în clocot şi se strecoară. Dovleceii se curăţă de codiţă, se taie rondele de 1,5-2 cm. Rondelele de dovleac se trec prin faină şi se prăjesc. Păstăile se curăţă de aţe, se spală, se taie în 2-4 părţi, se pun în cratiţă, se adaugă puţin bulion, sare şi unt şi se fierb pînă păstăile sunt gata.Într-o farfurie se pune carnea de pui, dovlecei prăjiţi, fasolea fiartă şi feliile de roşii proaspete. Mujdeiul se serveşte separat.

cover with a lid and bake . From time to time, water the meat with the sauce that forms during simmering. When ready , move the chicken into another bowl, strain the sauce into a saucepan . In the sauce add 2-3 tablespoons of water and pressed garlic with salt . Boil the sauce and strain it. Remove the tails from the zucchini , cut them into disks of 1.5-2 cm . Pass the disks through flour and fry . Remove the threads from the green beans, wash them, cut into 2-4 parts , put them in the saucepan , add a little tomato sauce , salt and butter and cook until the green beans are ready . On a plate, put the chicken,the fried zucchini, the baked beans and some fresh tomato slices . The garlic sauce is served separately.

Tocană de pui cu mămăligă

Chicken Stew with Polenta

Ingrediente: piept de pui 2 cepe 2 roşii 3-4 linguri ulei 3-4 căţei de usturoi sare piper negru măcinat 1 lingură verdeaţă tăiată

Ingredients: • chicken breast • 2 onions • 2 tomatoes • 3-4 tablespoons of oil • 3-4 cloves of garlic • salt • ground black pepper • 1 tablespoon of chopped fresh herbs


Mod de preparare: Pieptul se taie feliuţe, se prăjeşte cu ceapă tăiată semiinele, se adaugă roşiile curăţate de pieliţă, de seminţe şi tăiate cuburi. Cu 5 minute înainte de a fi gata se presară cu sare, piper, usturoi pisat şi verdeaţă. Tocana se serveşte cu mămăligă, brînză şi smantană.

Method: Slice the breast, fry it with the Julienne chopped onion, add the peeled tomatoes cut into dice. 5 minutes before ready sprinkle with salt, pepper, garlic and fresh herbs. Serve the stew with polenta, cheese and butter.

Sarmale cu carne

Ingrediente: • 50-60 bucăţi de frunză de vie • 500 g de carne de porc • 2-3 ceapă • 2-3 linguri de orez • 3 linguri de ulei vegetal • 1 lingură de pireu de ardei dulce • ½ pahar de borş acru de casă sau un vîrf de linguriţă de sare de lămîie • 1 lingură de pireu de roşii • 2-3 roşii • 1 pahar de smîntînă • sare

Meat-Stuffed Vine Leaves Rolls

Ingredients : • 50-60 pieces of vine leaf • 500 g pork • 2-3 onions • 2-3 tablespoons of rice • 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil • 1 tablespoon of mashed sweet pepper • ½ cup of home-made borsch or a teaspoon tip of powdered citric acid • 1 tablespoon of tomato puree • 2-3 tomatoes • 1 cup of butter • salt • ground black pepper • bay leaves 36

• piper negru măcinat • foi de dafin • 1 lingură de verdeaţă tocată Mod de preparare: Spălaţi şi opăriţi frunzele tinere de viţă-de-vie. Prepararea umpluturii: Carnea de porc cu straturi de slănină se taie cubuleţe mărunte. Alegeţi orezul, spălaţi-l şi fierbeţi-l timp de 3-5 minute într-o cantitate mare de apă, strecuraţi-l şi răciţi-l. Puneţi carnea în orez, adăugaţi ceapa prăjită, sare, piper negru măcinat, verdeaţa tocată mărunt, roşiile decojite, tăiate cubuleţe, un pic de 37ffinit pentru ca să fie mai suculente şi amestecaţi bine. Puneţi pe frunzele de viţă-de-vie umplutura şi învîrtiţi-le astfel ca să obţineţi conuri (pliculeţe), puneţi-le în ceaun sau într-un vas cu fundul gros rînduri, turnaţi bulionul, puneţi piure de ardei dulce, acoperiţi cu frunze şi fierbeţi înăbuşit cu capac, pînă sunt aproape gata, apoi turnaţi borş acru de casă, piureul de roşii, care a fost prăjit un pic, diluîndu-l cu bulionul rămas după fierberea sarmalelor, mai lăsaţi puţin pe foc. La o porţie revin 10-15 sarmale (de mărimea unei nuci). Se servesc cu smîntînă.

• 1 tablespoon of chopped fresh herbs Method: Wash and scald young leaves of grape- vines . Preparation of filling : Chop the pork with layers of bacon into small cubes . Wash the rice and boil it for 3-5 minutes in a large amount of water , strain it and cool it . Mix the meat with the rice , add fried onions , salt, ground black pepper , chopped herbs , peeled tomatoes cut into dice, a little tomato sauce to be more juicy and mix well . Put the filling on the vine leaves, spin them so to get cones ( sachets ), put them in a pot or in a thick-bottomed pot in layers, pour the tomato sauce, add mashed sweet peppers, cover with leaves and simmer until just cooked , then pour home-madesour soup, tomato puree , which was fried a little , diluting it with the tomato sauce remained after boiling the stuffed vine. Let on the stove at a small fire for a little longer. A portion means 10-15 ( the size of a walnut ) . Serve with sour cream .

Tocană ca la ţară

Country Stew


Ingrediente: 1 kg măruntaie de porc (ficat, plămîni, inimă) 2 cepe 100 g slănină afumată ½ pahar ulei 3-4 căţei de usturoi sare piper negru măcinat foi de dafin 1 lingură de verdeaţă tăiată

Ingredients: • 1 kg of pork organs (liver, lungs, heart) • 2 onions • 100 g smoked bacon • ½ cup of oil • 3-4 cloves of garlic • salt • ground black pepper • bay leaves • 1 tablespoon of chopped fresh herbs

Mod de preparare: Măruntaiele se fierb cu foi de dafin şi piper, apoi se scot din bulion, se răcesc şi se taie cuburi. Ceapa tăiată semiinele şi usturoiul mărunţit se rumenesc într-o tigaie cu ulei călit, apoi se adaugă măruntaiele, slănina tăiată cuburi şi se prăjesc pînă sunt gata. Se sărează, se piperează, se presară verdeaţa tăiată. Tocana se serveşte cu mămăligă, brînză şi smîntînă.

Method: The entrails are boiled with bay leaves and pepper, then removed from the broth, cooled and cut into cubes. The Julienne chopped onion and the garlic are browned in a pan with hot oil, then the bowels and the diced bacon are added and fried until ready. Then salt and pepperare added, and the dish is finally sprinkled with chopped green. The stew is served with polenta, cheese and butter.

Frigărui cu ciuperci proaspete la grătar

Grilled Skewers with Fresh Mushrooms


Ingrediente: 800 g ciuperci albe 2 cepe 100 g şuncă 100 g slănină sare piper negru măcinat sare de lămîie

Ingredients : • 800 g white mushrooms • 2 onions • 100 g ham • 100 g bacon • salt • ground black pepper • powdered citric acid

Mod de preparare: Mai întîi ciupercile se pun pentru puţin timp în apă rece, în care s-a dizolvat un pic sare de lămîie, se înlătură pulpa ciupercilor mai măşcate (ciupercile mai mărunte si folosesc întregi), apoi se fierb 5-10 minute în apă cu puţină sare, se strecoară. Ceapa se taie inele, şunca şi slănina se taie felii subţiri. Ciupercile fierte, ceapa, şunca şi slănina se pun pe 39ffi pe un beţişor de lemn şi se prăjesc la grătar. Îndată după prăjire se piperează (nu se recomandă să se pipereze champignons, pentru că piperul le ia din gustul fin). Puteţi prăji frigăruile şi în tigaie, pentru aceasta beţişoarele de lemn trebuie să nu depăşească în lungime diametrul tigăii. Se servesc cu legume proaspete.

Method: First put the mushrooms for a short while in cold water, in which a liitle powdered citric acid has been dissolved, remove the stem of bigger mushrooms ( the smaller ones can be used entirely) then boil them for 5-10 minutes in water with a little salt ,then strain. Chop onion into rings, finely slice the ham and bacon. Put on skewers the boiled mushrooms, onions, ham and bacon and grill them . Shortly after grilling season them with pepper (not recommended to spice the mushrooms because the pepper alters their fine taste). You can also fry the skewers in a pan ensuring that the sticks would not exceed in length the diameter of the pan .Serve with fresh vegetables .




Ingrediente: 800 g carne 30 g slănină 4-5 căţei de usturoi ½ linguriţă bicarbonat de sodiu 4-5 linguri apă 3-4 linguri mujdei sare piper negru și roșu măcinat

Ingredients : • 800 g meat • 30 g ham • 4-5 cloves of garlic • ½ teaspoon of baking soda • 4-5 tablespoons of water • 3-4 tablespoons of sauce • salt • ground black and red pepper

Mod de preparare: Carnea se taie bucăţele cate 30-50 g, se sărează, se lasă într-un vas la temperatura camerei pentru 2-3 ore, apoi se acoperă cu un capac şi se pune la rece pentru 24 ore. Carnea se dă prin maşina de tocat, apoi slănina şi usturoiul. În tocătură se adaugă piperul, ardeiul, bicarbonatul de sodiu, apa sau bulionul rece, se amestecă bine şi se pune la rece pentru 3-4 ore. Se demontează cuţitul şi reţeaua maşinii de tocat si se montează tubul în formă de pîlnie. Pentru ca mititeii să nu se lipească, tubul şi mîinile se ung cu ulei. Tocătura se dă prin maşina de tocat, formîndu-se nişte cîrnăciori nu prea mari, care se pun într-o tavă unsă cu ulei, iar pînă la prăjire se ţin la rece. Mititeii se prăjesc la grătar, întorcîndu-se periodic ca să se rumenească bine pe toate părţile. Mujdeiul se serveşte separat.

Method: Cut the meat into pieces of 30-50 g , add salt , put in a pan at room temperature for 2-3 hours , then cover it with a lid and put it in the fridge for 24 h. Mince the mea, then the ham and garlic. Then add the pepper, baking soda, water or cold tomato sauce, mix well and put in the fridge for another 3-4 hours. Remove the knife and the chopping machine network andfix the funnel –shaped tube . In order not to stick, grease the tube and your hands. Pass the composition through the mincer and form some not too big sausages and put them in an oiled tray and keep cold until frying. Grill the small sausages, rolling them periodically to brown well on all sides. The garlic sauce is served separately.

Biftec la grătar

Grilled Steak


Ingrediente: • 700 g de file de carne de vită • 1 lingură de ulei vegetal • 2 linguri de vin sec de masă • 4 linguri de mujdei • sare • piper negru măcinat

Ingredients: • 700 g of beef fillet • 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil • 2 tablespoons of dry wine • 4 tablespoons of garlic sauce • salt • ground black pepper

Mod de preparare: Spălaţi şi curăţaţi de pelicule fileul de vită, tăiaţi (din partea mai groasă), transversal pe fibre, ţinînd cuţitul sub unghi drept, cate o bucată la o porţie, bateţi un pic (pînă la grosimea de 1,5-2 cm) dîndu-le o formă rotundă. Ungeţi carnea cu ulei vegetal şi stropiţi-o cu vin. Prăjiţi biftecurile pe ambele părţi pe reţeaua grătarului unsă cu slănină afumată şi încinsă, după ce o scoateţi de pe grătar presăraţi-o cu sare şi piper proaspăt măcinat. Mujdeiul se serveşte separat.

Method: Wash and peel the beef fillet, cut portion-sized pieces(from the thickest part) transversally on the fibers, holding the knife at a right angle, tap a little (up to 1.5-2 cm thick) giving them a round shape. Coat the meat with vegetable oil and sprinkle with wine. Fry the steaks on both sides on the grill (greased with smoked bacon and hot). After removing it from the grill, sprinkle it with salt and freshly ground pepper. The garlic sauce is served separately.

Peşte înăbuşit

Ingrediente: 800 g fileu de peşte (crap, biban) 4 cepe 4 roşii 2 linguri de făină de porumb

Simmered Fish

Ingredients: • 800 g fillet of fish (carp, perch) • 4 onions • 4 tomatoes • 2 tablespoons corn flour • ½ cup fish broth 41

½ pahar bulion de peşte 3 căţei de usturoi sare piper negru măcinat cuişoare englezeşti boabe pătrunjel şi cimbru verde Mod de preparare: Fileul (cu piele) se taie felii, se presară cu sare şi piper, se trece prin faină şi se prăjeşte. Ceapa se taie semiinele şi se prăjeşte. Ceapa şi peştele se pun în ceaun straturi, se adaugă cuişoare englezeşti, se acoperă cu bulion şi se înăbuşă la foc domol 35-40 minute. Roşiile se curăţă de pieliţă, se taie în două şi se pun în ceaun cu 5 minute înainte de a se lua de pe foc. Înainte de a fi gata se adaugă usturoiul pisat şi cimbrul. Se serveşte cu mămăligă cu unt şi roşii proaspete, se garniseşte cu pătrunjel verde

• 3 cloves of garlic • salt • ground black pepper • pimento • fresh parsley and thyme

Method: Slice the fillet (with skin), sprinkle it with salt and pepper, pass it through flour and fry it. Slice the onion into half-rings and fry. Onions and fish are placed in layers in a pot, add pimento, cover with broth and slowly simmer for 35-40 minutes. Peel the tomatoes, cut them in half and add them in the pot 5 minutes before turning off the heat. Before being ready, add the garlic and thyme. Serve with polenta with butter and fresh tomatoes seasoned with fresh parsley.

Iahnie de fasole cu sos de roşii

Ingrediente: 2 pahare de fasole albă 2-3 cepe 2 linguri de ulei 2-3 roşii (sau 1 lingură de pastă de rosii) 3-4 căţei de usturoi

Baked Beans in Tomato Sauce

Ingredients: • 2 cups of white beans • 2-3 onions • 2 tablespoons of oil • 2-3 tomatoes (or 1 tablespoon of tomato paste) • 3-4 cloves of garlic • salt 42

sare piper negru măcinat 1 lingură de verdeaţă tăiată

• ground black pepper • 1 tablespoon of chopped fresh herbs

Mod de preparare: Fasolea se alege şi se spală în cîteva ape. Se pune la muiat în apă rece pentru cîteva ore (de la 3 până la 8). Apoi se pune la foc şi se fierbe până este gata. Ceapa se taie cubuleţe mici şi se rumeneşte. Roşiile se curăţă de pieliţă şi se dau prin răzătoare. Fasolea se amestecă cu ceapa prăjită, sosul de roşii se toarnă deasupra. Se adaugă sare, piper şi se înăbuşă. La urmă se adaugă verdeaţa şi usturoiul pisat. Fasolea nu trebuie să fie fiartă prea tare. Dacă s-a folosit ulei, fasolea se serveşte rece, iar dacă ceapa s-a prăjit cu slănină, atunci se serveşte fierbinte.

Method: Separate the beans from impurities and wash several times. Put it to soak in cold water for several hours (up to 8 hours). Then boil it until ready. Chop the onion into small cubes and brown it. Peel the tomatoes and grate them. Mix the beans with the fried onions, then pour the tomato sauceov er. Add salt, pepper and simmer. Finally add greenery and garlic. The beans should not be cooked too much. If you used oil, then the beans can be served cold, and if the onion was fried in pork grease, then serve it hot.

Peşte prăjit cu mujdei

Fried Fish with Garlic Sauce

Ingrediente: 1 peşte proaspăt mare de 1,5-2 kg (sau 4 mici) 2 linguri de făină de porumb 4 linguri de ulei sare

Ingredients: • 1 large fresh fish 1.5-2 kg (or 4 small) • 2 tablespoons of corn flour • 4 tablespoons of oil • salt

Pentru mujdei: ½ pahar bulion concentrat

For the sauce: • 1/2 cup with concentrated broth 43

8-10 căţei de usturoi sare piper negru măcinat ½ lingură verdeaţă tocată ½lingură ardei gras tăiat foarte mărunt

8-10 cloves of garlic • salt • ground black pepper • ½ tablespoon of chopped greens • ½ teaspoon of ver finely cut chilli

Mod de preparare: Pentru acest fel de mâncare se potriveşte orice peşte proaspăt. Se taie, capul, coada şi aripile (toate acestea pot fi folosite pentru prepararea bulionului) peştelui curăţat de solzi şi măruntaie, apoi peştele se taie în părţi egale, se sărează, se trece prin faină şi se rumeneşte în tigaie (peştele mic se prăjeşte întreg). Se coace la cuptor până este gata. Se pune pe talger, mujdeiul se serveşte separat. Acest fel de mâncare poate fi servit şi rece, şi cald.

Method: For this dish any fresh fish is suitable. Remove the head, tail and wings (all these can be used for making the broth), then remove the fish scales and innards. Cut the fish into equal parts, salt them, pass them through the flour and brown them in a pan (small fish fry whole). Bake in the oven until ready.Put it on a tray. The garlic sauce is served separately. This dish can be served cold or hot.

Prepararea mujdeiului: Usturoiul se pisează cu sare şi piper. Se adaugă verdeaţa, ardeiul, se toarnă bulion rece de peşte, se amestecă.

Preparation of garlic sauce: crush garlic with salt and pepper. Add greens, pepper, cold broth and mix.


Türk Beslenme Alışkanlıkları Günlük Yemekler Günün ilk yemek kahvaltı. Tipik bir Türk kahvaltısı, taze domates, beyaz peynir, siyah zeytin, bal ve reçel ile ekmek ve bazen yıllık yumurta. Öğle Genellikle pirinç pilavı veya Bulgar tabak, kuzu ya da biber ve patlıcan ile pişmiş tavuk ve limon ile ızgara taze balık yer alacak. Popüler bir kuzu pirzola kesim olduğunu. Bu ekstra ince kesilmiş kuzu pirzola Hangi, kekik ile tatlandırılmış ve hızlı ızgara var. Sık sucuk, baharatlı sosis ve pastırma dahil, güneş çemen kimyon kaplı korunmuş sığır kurutulur. Bu çok ince dilimlenmiş pastırma gibi. Öğle veya akşam yemeği için, çorbalar Türk mutfağında merkezi.Ünlü kırmızı mercimek çorbası ek olarak, yıllık yumurta suyu içinde kuzu Shanks ile yapılan Düğün Çorbası egzotik adı ile bilinen bir çorba vardır. Yemekleri en yaygın mezeler ile başlayacak [tekil: meze] veya appetizers.Mezeler bir restoranın özgünlük ve beceri gösteren, Türk spesiyaliteleri vardır. Patlıcan püresi, ince doğranmış salatalar, Mantı denilen minyatür doldurulmuş makarna, biber ve şalgam turşu, pilav ile doldurulmuş uskumru kavrulmuş, sardalya üzüm yaprağı devirdi ve “köfte” baharatlı kuzu köfte, tüm diner vermemek. Türk mutfağının benzersiz bir uzmanlık zeytinağlı kurs veya zeytinyağı. Böyle biber veya domates gibi gıdalar zeytinyağı ile hazırlanır. Bu Genellikle oda sıcaklığında servis edilir. Tatlı yaygın kavun ve taze meyve. Yufka ile yapılan tatlılar, gül suyu ve safran pudingler, tercih edilir. Başka bir favori, şerbetli sırılsıklam kuru kayısı manda sütü peyniri ile doldurulmuş ve şam fıstığı ile süslenmiş. Tüm tatlılar genellikle Türk kahvesi ile servis edilir. Türkler Onların imparatorluğun boyunca kahve yayılması ve daha Avrupa ile yatırılmaktadır. Günün SIRASINDA içecek çay, lale biçimli bardaklarda servis. Kahvehaneler şehirlerde genç modernler Doğru hitap ederken çay evleri, köy erkekler arasında. İki kış içecekler: tarçın aromalı salep, toz iris kökünden yapılan bir içki ve Boza, bir fermente arpa içki. Rakı, yıl anason likör Türkiye’nin ulusal içecektir. Vişne suyu, şalgam suyu, çay gül ve elma Cay, elma çayı tüm 45ffinit. Restoranlarda, garson ekmek ve her zaman kullanılabilir zeytin, gezgin bir yemek seçmenize yardımcı olacak.Restoranın eline akşam yemeği koymak ve hayal kırıklığına olmayacak. Türkiye’nin güneyinde, Adana kebap, bir baharatlı kıyma için ünlüdür. İstanbul Midyat veya pilav midye dolma meze tanınır. İzmir yakınlarındaki Ege bölgesi, ITS incir, balık, ve şeftali için bilinir. Bazı restoranlarda, limon Köln ferahlatıcı bir temizleyici olarak ellerini üzerine dökmek için yemek 45ffin kullanılabilir. Türk mutfağının eşsiz uzmanlık geziden hediyelik eşya yapmak. Delight – Genellikle fındık veya antep fıstığı ile karışık jölelenmişti tatlı, küpler halinde kesilmiş ve pudra şekeri sarılır.Amerika Birleşik Devletleri’nde yaygın Türk lokumu denir. Gül, muz likörü ve patlıcan savored. Sıcak tatlı kırmızı biber salçası Muhammara, Arapça Etkisi notları. Petal reçel veya ekşi vişne kiraz, incir ve ayva korur yükseldi. Pulverize Türk kahve, siyah çay veya Çay Rize, ve rakı açık havada akşam yemekleri mutlu hatırlatmaları. Yufka denilen filo hamur, kalın bir versiyonu Ortadoğu pazarlarında bulunabilir. Geleneksel Türk yemekleri: Ailede-Yemek 45

Konukların-Yemek Kollektör yemek -Özel yemek -Düğün ve sünnet yemeği -Ramazan meal -Muharem yemek (takviminde ilk ay) -Hamam yemek Sarayı-Yemek Gıda plakalar üzerinde servis edilir.Düz etrafında sağ kol biraz daha yakın yaslanmış ile sitede yastık aile var.Su sürahisi masa örtüsü düz dışında. İlk çanak GeneRally, çorba boy kase yıl görev vardır.Yemek Nisan sadece babasının namazından 46ffin başlar.Yemek insanlar çok fazla konuşmak ÖNERİ ve kahkaha Sakıncalı ise onlar çok gıda sevmiyorum SIRASINDA Onlar Say That Will Never. Ekmek adet yenir. Yemekler aynı plaka servis edilir.Geçmişte hiçbir çatal ve bıçaklar var mıydı; Reastauration döneminde Onlar Onları kullanmaya başladı. Çorba SONRA et ve pilav tabağı, zeytinyağı ile SONRA soğuk bir yemek veya kızartma et parçası, bir tatlı ya da meyve tarafından takip edilir. Yemek sonunda, baba prandiolithany diyor. Tüm aile bireyleri yemek hazırladık Olanlar teşekkür Onların ağzına tuz bir tane atmak. Kahve Ritüel Kahve hiçbir yiyecek madde, her yemekten servis edilir ve yollamıştı asla. Kahve gündelik hayatında özel bir öneme sahiptir ve özel anekdotlar, deyimler ve gelenekleri vardır: kahve moda, kahve tüccar, kahve falcı, kahve fincanı ve ayrıca atasözü: “. Bir fincan kahvenin kırk yıl Affinity ima” Kahve çeşitleri: siyah, kahve, tatlı kahve, tatlı ya 46ffinit-tatlı tüm kahve. Kahve hazırlama günün saatine, farklıydı. Bazen de süt kullanın.

Turkish Eating Habits The Daily Meals The first meal of the day is breakfast. A typical Turkish breakfast is fresh tomatoes, white cheese, black olives, bread with honey and preserves, and sometimes an egg. Lunch often will include a rice or bulgar pilaf dish, lamb or chicken baked with peppers and eggplant, and fresh fish grilled with lemon. A popular lamb cut is pirzola. These are extra thin cut lamb chops which are seasoned with sumac, thyme, and quickly grilled. Favorites include sucuk, a spicy sausage, and pastirma, a sun dried cumin-fenugreek coated preserved beef. It is sliced thin much like pastrami. For lunch or dinner, soups are central in Turkish 46

cuisine. In addition to the famous red lentil soup, there is a well-known soup with the exotic name of Wedding Soup made with lamb shanks in an egg broth. Dinners will most commonly start with mezeler [singular: meze] or appetizers.Mezeler are Turkish specialties, showing off the originality and skill of a restaurant. Roasted pureed eggplant, fine chopped salads, miniature filled pasta called manti, pepper and turnip pickles, mackerel stuffed with pilaf, sardines rolled in grape leaves, and “köfte”, spiced lamb meatballs, all tantalize the diner. One unique specialty of Turkish cuisine is the zeytinağlı or olive oil course. Foods such as peppers or tomatoes are prepared with olive oil. These are typically served at room temperature. Dessert is commonly melon and fresh fruit. Desserts made with filo dough, puddings of rose water and saffron, are favored. Another favorite is dried apricots drenched in syrup, stuffed with buffalo milk cheese and garnished with pistachio nuts. All sweets are usually served with Turkish coffee. Turks are credited with the spread of coffee throughout their empire and later Europe. During the day the popular drink is tea, served in crystal tulip shaped glasses. Tea houses are popular among the village men, while coffee houses cater towards the young moderns in cities. Two popular winter drinks are: cinnamon flavored sahlep, a drink made from powdered iris root, and boza, a fermented barley drink. Raki, an anise liqueur is the national drink of Turkey. Sour cherry juice, turnip juice, rose tea and elma çay, apple tea are all popular. In restaurants, the waiter will help the 47ffinity select a meal, with breads and olives always available. Put your dinner into the hands of the restaurant and you will not be disappointed. In southern Turkey, Adana is famous for Adana kebab a spiced minced meat. Istanbul is known for midye or pilaf stuffed mussel meze. The Aegean region near Izmir, is known for its figs, fish, and peaches. In some restaurants, lemon cologne is available after dining to pour over hands as a refreshing cleanser. Unique specialties of Turkish cuisine make souvenirs from a trip. Lokum – a gelled sweet often mixed with hazelnuts or pistachios, is cut into cubes and rolled in powdered sugar. In the United States it is commonly called Turkish delight. Rose, banana, and eggplant liqueur are savored. Sweet hot red pepper paste, Muhammara, notes the Arabic influence. Rose petal or sour morello cherry jam, fig and quince preserves are popular. Pulverized Turkish coffee, black Rize çay or tea, and raki are happy reminders of alfresco dinners. A thicker version of filo dough, called yufka can be found in middle eastern markets.

Turkish traditional meals: -meal in the family -meal of the guests -collective meal 47

-special meal -wedding and circumcision meal -Ramadan meal -Muharem meal (the first month in the calendar) -Hammam meal -meal at the Palace Food is served on plates. Around the plate there are pillows on which the family 48ffinit sit slightly leaning with the right arm closer to the table. The water jug is out of the plate, on the tablecloth. The first dish is, generally, soup served in an oversized bowl. The meal may begin only after the father’s prayer. During the meal people should not talk too much, laughter is inappropriate and if they do not like the food too much, they will never say that. Bread is eaten in 48ffin pieces. The dishes are served from the same plate. In the past there were no forks and knives; during the Reastauration Period they started to use them. The soup is followed by a meat and pilaf dish, then a cold dish with olive oil or a piece of roast meat, then a dessert or fruit. At the end of the meal, the father says prandiolithany. All family members throw a grain of salt into their mouths, thanking to those who have prepared the meal. The Coffee Ritual Coffee is served after each meal, no matter the food, and it is never 48ffinit. Coffee has a special importance in everyday life and there are specific anecdotes, phrases and traditions: coffee fad, coffee merchant, coffee fortune teller, coffe cup and also the proverb: “A cup of coffee implies forty years of 48ffinity.” Types of coffee: black coffee, sweet coffee,medium-sweet or all-sweet coffee. The preparation of coffee was different, according to the time of the day. They sometimes use milk.



Turkish Traditional Recipes

Breakfast Grape Tomato Frittata

(Kiraz-Ceri Domatesli Italyan Omleti)

1 Tbsp extra-virgin olive oil 2-3 green onions, thinly chopped 1 cup grape tomatoes ½ tsp sea salt 4-5 eggs, lightly beaten 1 Tbsp fresh basil leaves or ½ tsp dried basil ½ cup cheddar, grated

1 yemek kasigi sizma zeytinyagi 2-3 yesil sogan, ince dogranmis 1 su bardagi kiraz/ceri domates 1 cay kasigi deniz tuzu 4-5 yumurta, cirpilmis 1 yemek kasigi taze feslegen yapragi/1 cay kasigi kuru feslegen ½ su bardagi cedar peyniri, rendelenmis

Take olive oil in a 8-10-inch ovenproof Zeytinyagini firina dayanikli yapismaz bir nonstick skillet, sauté onions and tomatoes, tavaya alin; sogan ve domatesleri orta ateste add salt and cook about 4-5 minutes over low yaklasik 4-5 dakika sote edin. medium heat. Tuzu ilave edin. Firini 220C (425F)’ye isitin. Preheat oven to 425F (220C). Add eggs and Yumurta, cedar peyniri ve feslegen cheese, season with basil leaves and stir to yapraklarini ilave edin ve guzelce karistirin. combine. Yaklasik iki dakika boyunca hic dokunmadan Cook undisturbed, until edges are set (about 2 kenarlari sertlesene dek kisik ateste pisirin. minutes). Then, transfer skillet to oven and Sonra, onceden isittiginiz firinda yaklasik 8-10 49

bake until top of frittata is just set, 8- to 10 minutes. Slide or invert frittata onto a serving plate and cut into 6 wedges. Serve warm.

dakika yada yumurta pisip omlet iyice sertlesene dek pisirin. Omleti ister ters cevirerek isterseniz de siyirarak servis tabagina alin. Pasta dilimi sekline 6’ya kesin ve sicak/ilik servis yapin.

Red Pepper Walnut Dip

1-1 ½ cup roasted red peppers, drained 1/2 cup fresh bread crumbs 1/3 cup walnuts, finely chopped 2-3 cloves of garlic, minced 1 Tbsp fresh lemon juice 1 Tbsp pomegranate molasses ½-1 tsp ground cumin ½ tsp hot red pepper flakes (optional) 2-3 Tbsp extra virgin olive oil ½ tsp salt to taste Blend all the ingredients but the olive oil in a food processor blend until mixture is smooth. You may also leave it a little chunky if you like it that way. Stir in oil gradually. Transfer muhammara to a serving bowl and if desired, garnish with fresh parsley/mint. Serve it with crudities, pita triangles or fresh bread. May be refrigerated for up to 24 hours. Serve at room temperature. Muhammara is also very good at breakfasts.


1 su bardagi kozlenmis kirmizi biber, suzulmus 1/3 su bardagi ceviz ici, ufalanmis 2-3 dis sarimsak, dovulmus 1 yemek kasigi taze limon suyu 1 yemek kasigi nar eksisi ½-1 tatli kasigi kimyon 1 cay kasigi aci kirmizi pul biber (istege bagli) 2-3 yemek kasigi sizma zeytinyagi 1 cay kasigi tuz Zeytinyagi haric butun malzemeleri mutfak robotunda puruzsuz hale gelene dek pure haline getirin. Istege bagli olarak iri parcali da birakabilirsiniz.Zeytinyagini da yavas yavas karistirin. Servis tabagina alin ve arzu ederseniz taze maydanoz/nane ile susleyin. Taze ekmek, pitaucgenleri ya da sebze ile servis edebilirsiniz. Buzdolabinda 24 saate kadar saklayabilirsiniz. Oda sicakliginda servis edin. Muhammara kahvalti sofralariniza da cok iyi yakisacaktir.


Turkish Panini

Sucuklu-Sebzeli Tost

1 long sandwich bread 4 slices of sujuk ½ cup spinach, washed ¼ onion, julienne cut 2-3 slices of Mozzarella/Swiss Cheese (any amount) 2-3 slices of tomato 1-2 Tbps olive oil Salt to taste

1 tane uzun sandivic ekmegi 4 dilim sucuk ½ su bardagi ispanak, yikanmis ¼ sogan, uzun dilimlenmis 2-3 dilim kasar peyniri/Mozzarella (isteginiz miktarda) 2-3 dilim domates 1-2 yemek kasigi zeytinyagi Tuz

Cut the sandwich bread in half and brush both inner sides with olive oil. Stuff with Mozzarella/ Swiss cheese, onion, tomatoes, sujuk and spinach. Sprinkle with salt to taste. Heat the gridler/Panini maker up. Then, press gently the Panini until the cheese is melted or 2-3 minutes (do not press hard). Serve hot.

Sandivic ekmegini ortadan ikiye ayirin ve zeytinyagi ile her iki tarafini da yaglayin. Uzerine sucuk, domates, kasar peyniri , ispanak ve sogani yerlestirin. Tuz serpistirin. Bu sirada tost makinesini isitip kullanima hazir konuma getirin. Hazirladiginiz tostu tost makinasina alin ve uzerinden hafifce bastirarak (cok bastirilmayacak) kasar peynir eriyene dek 2-3 dakika pisirin.Sicak servis yapin.

Breakfast Casserole

Breakfast Casserole

This fabulous recipe is made by my skillful husband for a Sunday Breakfast. It is a really unique and wonderful flavor. You should try it!

Bu harika tarifi marifetli kocam Pazar Kahvaltisi icin hazirladi. Gercekten essiz ve cok lezzetli bir tad. Mutlaka denemelisiniz!

3 slices of bread, cut into cubes

3 dilim ekmek, kup seklinde kesilmis 51

1 tomato, chopped

1 domates, dogranmis

1 green onion, chopped 4 eggs, beaten 1 cup cheddar cheese, grated 1 cup milk ½ cup red/green/yellow pepper, cut in stripes 1 tsp salt to taste ¼ tsp thyme/mint (optional)

1 yesil sogan, dogranmis 4 yumurta, cirpilmis 1 su bardagi cheddar/kasar peyniri, rendelenmis 1 su bardagi sut 1 cay bardagi kirmizi/yesil/sari biber, seritler halinde kesilmis 1 tatli kasigi tuz ½ cay kasigi kekik/nane (istege bagli)

Preheat oven to 350°F (180 C). Beat the eggs in a large bowl. Then, mix in the milk and cheese. Add the bread cubes and carefully stir until all pieces of bread are moistened (don't over mix or the bread may disintegrate). Add all the remaining ingredients. Grease a 13 x 9 inch casserole dish. Pour mix into casserole dish. Bake in oven for 40-45 minutes, until the top is browned and the center springs back when touched. Remove from oven and let cool for 10 minutes before serving.

Firini 180 C (350 F)’a isitin. Buyuk bir kasede yumurtalari cirpin ve sutle peyniri ilave edin. Sonra, ekmek parcalarini ilave edin ve islanana kadar karistirin, fakat fazla karistirip ekmek parcalarini dagitmayin. Geri kalan malzemeleri de ilave edip karistirin. 30x22 cm buyuklugunde bir borcam tepsiyi yaglayin ve karisimi dokun. Firinda yaklasik 40-45 dakika pisirin. Uzeri kahverengiye donunce ve ortasina dokununca eski seklini aliyorsa pismis demektir. Firindan cikarin ve 10 dakika kadar sogumasini bekleyin ve servis yapin.

Eggs with Sujuk 2-3 eggs 8-10 slices of sujuk/summer beef sausage, skin removed A pinch of salt to taste A pinch of paprika

Sucuklu Yumurta 2-3 yumurta 8-10 dilim sucuk/ summer beef sausage, soyulmus Bir tutam tuz Bir tutam kirmizi toz biber 52

In a skillet or frying pan cook sujuk/summer beef sausage slices over low heat, till they release the fat and turn a little golden brown. Turn each side with a fork, do not overcook (23 minutes is sufficient). Make some room for the eggs and then crack the eggs. Sprinkle some salt and paprika. Cook till the whites are cooked. Serve warm. Eggs with Sujuk is good to go at breakfast and brunch. ENJOY!

Teflon bir tavada sucuk dilimleri yagini salip hafif kizarana dek kisik ateste pisirin (2-3 dakika). Her iki tarafinin da kizarmasi icin bir catal yardimiyla cevirin. Fazla pisirirseniz kururlar. Sonra yumurtalar icin biraz yer acin ve yumurtalari duzgunce kirin. Sarilarinin dagilmamasi icin dikkat edin. Uzerine tuz ve kirmizi biber serpin ve beyazlari pisene dek kisik ateste pisirin. Sicak servis yapin. Sucuklu Yumurta kahvalti icin cok guzel bir alternatiftir. AFIYET OLSUN!


(Meze Tarifleri) Triangle Borek

Muska Boregi 1 yufka 100 gram lor peyniri/beyaz peynir 1 yumurta 1 tatli kasigi tereyag, oda sicakliginda Kizartmak icin 1 su bardagi kanola yagi

1 yufka (Turkish pastry) Âź lb (100 gr) ricotta/feta cheese 1 egg 1tsp butter, at room temperature 1 cup canola oil for frying


Whisk the egg in a small bowl and add butter and cheese. Mix well. Cut the yufka in half and place them on top of each other. Then, starting from the wide part cut 1 ½ inch strips in width. Place one tsp of the cheese filling on the wide side of each strip. Then, fold from side to side to form a triangle. Keep folding until the end of the strip. Then, wet the edge with water and stick to the triangle. Fold all the pieces the same way. Heat the oil in a frying pan and fry both sides of the triangle boreks.

Yumurtayi kucuk bir kaseye alin ve cirpin. Tereyagi ve peyniri ilave edin, guzelce karistirin. Yufkayi ortadan ikiye kesin ve ust uste koyun. Enine dogru yaklasik 4 parmak genisliginde seritler kesin. Her parcanin genis kismina peynirli icten yaklasik 1 tatli kasigi kadar koyun ve ucgen seklinde saga sola dogru katlayarak muska seklinde katlayin. Son kismini suya batirin ve borege yapistirin. Butun parcalari bu sekilde katlayin. Kizgin yagda her iki taraflari kizarana kadar kizartin. AFIYET OLSUN!



2 domates 1 kirmizi biber 1 kucuk sogan

2 tomatoes 1 red pepper 1 small onion 54

2 cloves garlic 1-2 Tbsp parsley, chopped finely ½ lemon’s juice 1 tsp tomato paste 1 tsp red pepper paste ½ tsp or more chili pepper (optional) 1 tsp fresh mint (optional), chopped finely 1-2 Tbsp olive oil Salt to taste

2 dis sarimsak 1-2 yemek kasigi maydanoz, ince dogranmis ½ limonun suyu 1 tatli kasigi domates salcasi 1 tatli kasigi biber salcasi 1 cay kasigi yada daha fazla aci pul biber (istege bagli) 1 tatli kasigi taze nane (istege bagli), ince dogranmis 1-2 yemek kasigi zeytinyagi

Limon suyu ve zeytinyagini kucuk bir kapta karistirin. Icine domates ve biber salcasini ilave edin ve iyice karistirin.

Mix lemon juice, olive oil, tomato and red pepper paste in a small bowl. Chop all the other ingredients very finely or use a chopper.

Diger butun malzemeleri minik minik dograyin ya da mutfak robotu kullanarak iyice parcalayin.

Add salt to the olive oil and tomato paste mixture. Mix all the ingredients all together. Serve fresh.

Zeytinyagi ve salca karisimina tuzu da ilave edin diger malzemeye ilave edin. Hepsini guzelce karistirin. Bekletmeden servis yapin.

Cig Kofte

Cig Kofte

I'd like to thank to Tarik, the master of cig kofte, for this delicious recipe.

Bu harika cig kofte tarifi icin ustamiz Tarik'a tesekkur ediyorum.

3-4 big onions ¼ cup lemon juice 1 lb lean ground beef 2 tomatoes 5-6 cloves garlic

3-4 buyuk sogan ¼ su bardagi limon suyu ½ kg yagsiz dana kiymasi 2 domates 5-6 dis sarimsak 55

Âź cup canola oil 2 lb fine bulgur (cracked wheat) 2-3 Tbsp salt 5-6 Tbsp isot (crushed hot pepper) 1-2 Tbsp cumin 750 gr red hot pepper paste/ tomato and pepper paste mix

Âź su bardagi kanola yagi 1 kg ince bulgur 2-3 yemek kasigi tuz 5-6 yemek kasigi isot 1-2 yemek kasigi kimyon 750 gr aci biber salcasi/ biber ve domates karisik Sogani mutfak robotunda guzelce pure haline getirin. Bulgur ile sogani genis bir kaba alin ve iki avucununuzun arasina alip ovalayarak guzelce birbirlerine yedirin. (Yaklasik 10 dakika). Biber ya da karisik salca, tuz, isot ve kimyonu ilave edin. Bir sure daha iki avucunuzun arasinda doverek malzemeleri yedirin. Kiymayi da ilave ettikten sonra butun gucunuzu kullanarak elinizin tabaniyla kabin dibine iyice bastirarak yogurun. Arada elinizi buzlu su dolu bir kaba daldirip cikarin. Yaklasik yarim saat kadar yogurarak bulgurun yumusamasini saglayin. Bu sirada domates ve sarimsaklari mutfak robotundan gecirin ve kiymaya ilave edin. Limon suyu ve kanola yagini da ekledikten sonra bir kac dakika daha yogurun. Ceviz buyuklugunde ya da arzuye gore daha buyuk parcalar alin ve avunucuzun icinde sikarak cig kofte seklini verin. Yaninda limon ve marul yapragi ile servis yapin. Bu tariften yaklasik 120-130 cig kofte cikar. Tarif 14-16 kisiliktir.

Process the onions in food processor. Then, take it along with bulgur in a large mixing bowl. Rub the mixture in between your palms, to give bulgur a full onion flavor (about 10 minutes). Add pepper paste/ pepper and tomato mix paste, salt, isot and cumin. Keep rubbing all the ingredients in between your palms pressing hard. Then, add the ground beef and push the mixture through the bottom of the bowl strongly. Dip your hands in cold/ ice water occasionally to ease the process. Keep kneading for about 30 minutes and make sure the bulgur is softens enough. Meanwhile, crush tomato and garlic in the food processor, and then add into the bulgur mixture. Add lemon juice and canola oil as well. Knead for a couple of minutes and grab walnut size pieces or bigger if desired. Place them right inside your palm and squeeze gently to give the right shape as seen in the picture. Serve with lemon wedges and lettuce leaves. This recipe yields to 120-130 pieces of cig kofte. Serving size: 6-8 pieces




1 lb fresh/frozen/dry fava beans, peeled 1 onion, chopped 1 carrot, chopped ½ tsp sugar 2 tbsp olive oil 1 tsp salt to taste

½ kg taze/kuru ya da dondurulmus bakla ici 1 sogan, dogranmis 1 havuc, dogranmis 1 cay kasigi seker 2 yemek kasigi zeytinyagi 1 tatli kasigi tuz

Garnish: 3-4 tbsp extra virgin olive oil ½ lemon’s juice 1/3 cup fresh dill, chopped

Uzerine: 3-4 yemek kasigi sizma zeytinyagi ½ limon suyu 1/3 su bardagi dereotu, dogranmis

If you are using dry fava beans soak them in water and leave overnight. Place all the ingredients in a pot and bring to a boil. Then simmer until fava beans get soft (15-20 minutes for frozen/fresh fava beans and 60-80 minutes for dry fava beans). Drain and mix with a blender until forming a smooth paste like mixture. Adjust the salt amount as you like. Transfer to a 1-2 inch deep serving dish or bowl. Flatten the surface. Then cover and leave it in the fridge for 1 hour to cool. Then cut into square or diamond shapes. Drizzle with olive oil and lemon juice and put the dill all over. This is a vegetarian dish.

Kuru bakla ici kullaniyorsaniz bir gece onceden suda islatin ve gece boyunca bekletin. Butun malzemeleri bir tencerede kaynatin ve kaynayinca hafif atese alip, baklalar yumusayana dek pisirin (kuru bakla icin 60-80 dakika, taze ve dondurulmus bakla icin 15-20 dakika). Suyunu suzun ve blendir ile pure haline getirin. Tuz miktarini isteginize gore ayarlayin. 4-5 cm derinliginde bir servis tepsisine ya da kasesine aktarin uzerini duzlestirin ve buzdolabinda 1 saat kadar sogutun. Sonra kare ya da baklava dilimi seklinde dilimleyin. Uzerine sizma zeytinyagi ve limon suyu dokun. Son olarak dere otunu yayin ve servis yapin.


Turkish Salad Recipes (Salata Tarifleri) Turkish Style Pasta

Turk Usuku Makarna Salatasi

½ lb elbow pasta ¾ cup carrot, diced ¾ cup sweet peas ¾ cup corn ½ cup pickles, diced 1 Tbsp canola oil 3-4 Tbsp mayonnaise 3 Tbsp yoghurt Cook the elbow pasta with 1 Tbsp canola oil in salty water as directed in the package. Rinse and drain. Meanwhile boil carrots and sweet peas for about 3-4 minutes. Immediately rinse under cold water and drain. Mix yogurt and mayonnaise in a bowl and stir in carrots, sweet peas, corns and pickles. Mix them all. Combine with drained pasta. Garnish with fresh parsley if desired. Serve immediately, otherwise it dries out. ENJOY!


250 gr dirsek makarna ¾ su bardagi havuc, kup seklinde dogranmis ¾ su bardagi bezelye ¾ su bardagi misir ½ su bardagi kornison tursu, kup seklinde dogranmis 3-4 yemek kasigi mayonez 3 yemek kasigi yogurt 1 yemek kasigi kanola yagi Dirsek makarnayi paketin uzerindeki talimatlara gore 1 yemek kasigi kanola yagi ilave ederek tuzlu suda pisirin. Soguk su altinda yikayin ve suzun. Bu sirada, havuc ve bezelyeyi yaklasik 3-4 dakika haslayin. Hemen soguk su altina tutun ve suyunu suzun. Bir kasede, mayonez ve yogurdu karistirin. Makarnayla beraber geri kalan malzemeyi ilave edin, hepsini karistirin. Istege gore maydanoz ile susleyebilirsiniz. Hemen servis edin, yoksa makarna salatasi kuruyarak tazeligini kaybedecektir. AFIYET OLSUN!

Coleslaw Salad

Beyaz Lahan a Salatasi

2 cups of white cabbage (¼ head of cabbage), shredded finely 1 carrot, peeled and shredded 2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil 1 tsp vinegar ½ tsp salt ½ tsp celery seeds (optional)

Radish slices for garnish Place the finely shredded white cabbage, carrot and all the other ingredients in a plate. Mix them all and you can garnish with radish slices. ENJOY!


2 su bardagi ince dogranmis beyaz lahana (1/4 bas lahana) 1 havuc, soyulup rendelenmis 2 yemek kasigi sizma zeytinyagi 2 cay kasigi sirke 1 cay kasigi tuz 1 cay kasigi kereviz tohumu (istege bagli) Suslemek icin kucuk kirmizi turp dilimleri

Butun malzemeleri bir tabaga alin ve guzelce karistirin. Kucuk kirmiz turp dilimleri ile susleyebilirsiniz. AFIYET OLSUN!

Turkish Chicken & Turkey Recipes (Tavuk ve Hindi Yemek Tarifleri) Leeks with Chicken Liver

Tavuk Cigerli Pirasa

½ kg tavuk cigeri ½ kg pirasa 2 yemek kasigi zeytinyagi 1 su bardagi domates, kucuk dogranmis ¼ su bardagi sicak su ½ cay kasigi aci pul biber 1 tatli kasigi tuz 1 cay kasigi taze ogutulmus karabiber

1 lb chicken liver 1 lb leeks 2 Tbsp olive oil 1 cup tomatoes, petite diced ¼ cup hot water ¼ tsp crushed red pepper 1 tsp salt to taste ½ tsp fresh black pepper

Cigerleri yikayin ve suyu suzulunce irice dograyin. Zeytinyagini tencereye alin ve dogranmis cigerleri tencereye ilave edin. Orta ateste cigerler kahverengi olana dek sote edin. Bu sirada pirasalari yikayin ve dograyin. Tencereye ilave edin ve yaklasik 3-4 dakika daha sote edin. Sonra, domates, pul biber ve tuzu ilave edin. Sicak suyu ilave edin, karistirin ve kapagi kapali olarak yaklasik 2030 dakika kisik ateste pisirin. Uzerine karabiber serpin ve sicak servis yapin.

Wash and drain chicken livers and cut them in bite sizes. Heat the olive oil in a pot and then add the chicken livers. Saute over medium heat until they turn brown. Meanwhile clean and chop the leeks. Add the leeks and continue sautéing over medium heat for about 3-4 minutes. Then, add the tomatoes, crushed red pepper and salt to taste. Add the hot water, give a stir and cook over low medium heat with the lid on. After 20-30 minutes add black pepper and turn the heat off.



Turkey with White-Sour Sauce

Eksili-Beyaz Soslu Hindi

2 turkey thighs 4 small potatoes 2 carrots, chopped round 1 egg ½ lemon’s juice 2-3 cloves of garlic, finely chopped 1 tbsp salt to taste ½ tsp black pepper to taste 4-5 cups water

2 tane hindi incik 4 kucuk boy patates 2 havuc, yuvarlak kesilmis 1 yumurta ½ limon suyu 2-3 dis sarimsak, ince dogranmis 1 yemek kasigi tuz 1 cay kasigi karabiber 4-5 su bardagi su Buyuk bir tencereye suyu ve hindi inciklerini Take water and turkey thighs in a big pot and alin. Yuksek ateste kaynamaya birakin. bring to a boil over high heat. Then, close the Kaynadiktan sonra, kapagi hafif aralik olarak lid halfway and simmer over low heat till kisik ateste hindiler pisene dek pisirin turkey gets tender (about 20 minutes). Take the (yaklasik 20 dakika). Hindi incikleri bir tabaga cooked turkey thighs over a plate and let them alin ve sogumaya birakin.Patatesleri soyun ve cool for a while. uzunlamasina 4 ya da 6 parcaya elma dilimi Peel the potatoes and cut them in 4 or 6 seklinde kesin. Yuvarlak kesilmis havuclarla lengthwise like apple slices. Add potatoes, birlikte patatesleri ve sarimsagi hindiyi carrots and garlic into the pot where you pisirdiginiz suya atin.Tuzu ilave edin ve cooked turkey. Also add salt and cook for about yaklasik 10 dakika kadar haslayin. Hindi 10 minutes. Turn the heat off. incikleri kucuk parcalara ayirin ve tencereye Chop turkey thighs into small pieces and add ilave edin. Yaklasik 5 dakika kadar daha into the pot. Cook for another 5 minutes and pisirin ve ocagin altini kapatin. turn the heat off. Bir kasede limon suyu ve yumurtayi guzelce In a small bowl, beat the egg and lemon juice. cirpin. Bir kepce yardimiyla yemegin Then, take a ladle from the pot and slowly stir suyundan alip yumurtali sosa yavasca ilave into the sauce. Add the sauce slowly into the ederek karistirin ve corba ile sosun sicakligini pot and stir well. yaklasik olarak esitlemeye calisin. Sonra, sosu Sprinkle the black pepper and serve hot. yavasca corbaya karistirarak ilave edin. Uzerine karabiber serpin ve sicak servis yapin. 61

Turkish Beef & Lamb Recipes (Etli Yemek Tarifleri) Turkish Butcher's Meatballs

2 lb ground beef 1 tsp salt to taste 1 onion, grated 2-3 cloves of garlic, smashed ½ cup fresh parsley, finely chopped ½ tsp thyme ½ tsp cumin ½ tsp black pepper ½ tsp crushed red pepper Combine all the ingredients in a mixing bowl. Knead until the ground beef absorbs the ingredients. Grab egg size or bigger pieces and make balls rolling them in between your palms. Then, flatten the meat balls as seen in the picture. Cook both sides over the grill until they get browned. Serve with salad and/or greens. ENJOY!

Kasap Kofte

kg dana kiyma 1 tatli kasigi tuz 1 sogan, rendelenmis 2-3 dis sarimsak, ezilmis ½ su bardagi maydanoz, ince dogranmis (istege bagli) 1 cay kasigi kekik 1 cay kasigi kimyon 1 cay kasigi karabiber 1 cay kasigi kirmizi pul biber Butun malzemeleri genis bir karistirma kabinda guzelce karistirin. Elinizle guzelce yogurarak baharatlarin kiyma ile ozdeslesmesini saglayin. Yumurta buyuklugunde ya da daha buyuk parcalar koparin ve avuc iclerinizde yuvarlayarak esimde gorulen kofte seklini verin. Her iki taraflari da kizarana dek izgarada pisirin. Yaninda yesil salata ile servis edin. AFIYET OLSUN! 62

) 4 beef shanks 1 onion, chopped ½ cup celery, chopped 1 carrot, chopped 4-5 bay leaves 2 Tbsp canola oil Salt and pepper to taste For baking: 1-2 carrots, chopped round 1 big potato, chopped ½ cup sweet peas

4 tane dana incik, 1 sogan, dogranmis ½ su bardagi kereviz sapi, dogranmis 1 havuc, dogranmis 4-5 defne yapragi 2 yemek kasigi kanola yagi Tuz ve karabiber Firinlamak icin: 1-2 havuc, yuvarlak dogranmis 1 buyuk boy patates, dogranmis ½ su bardagi bezelye

Kanola yagini buyuk bir tencereye alin ve her Place canola oil in a braising pot and sear each bir dana incigini hafifce kizartin (iki tarafini da beef shank 3-4 minutes each side. Place all the 3-4 dakika olacak sekilde). Sonra, diger malzemeleri ilave edin ve sicak su ile doldurun. remaining ingredients in and fill with hot water. Bring to a boil and simmer for 60 to 75 Kaynadiktan sonra kisik ateste yaklasik 60-75 dakika kadar kapagi kapali olarak pisirin. minutes, or until the beef gets tender. Etlerin yumusayip yumusamadigi kontol edin. Then, take each beef shank over a piece of Pistikten sonra, her bir kuzu incigini genisce aluminum foil and divide the raw vegetables you prepared for baking in four and transfer to birer aluminyum folyo uzerine alin ve onceden firinlamak icin hazirladiginiz cig sebzeleri each aluminum foil. If desired remove the dorde paylastirarak etlerin yanina koyun. Arzu cooked vegetables from the braising pot and add them as well. Wrap up the foil around the ederseniz, tenceredeki pismis sebzeleri de etlerin yanina paylastirabilirsiniz. Folyoyu beef shanks and place over an oven tray. Preheat the oven to 400 F (200 C) and bake for guzelce bohca gibi kapatin ve firin tepsisine yerlestirin. Onceden isitilmis 200 C (400 F) about 45-60 minutes. firinda yaklasik 45-60 dakika pisirin. Serve either hot or warm. Sicak veya ilik olarak servis yapin.


Turkish Butcher's Meatballs

2 lb ground beef 1 tsp salt to taste 1 onion, grated 2-3 cloves of garlic, smashed ½ cup fresh parsley, finely chopped ½ tsp thyme ½ tsp cumin ½ tsp black pepper ½ tsp crushed red pepper Combine all the ingredients in a mixing bowl. Knead until the ground beef absorbs the ingredients. Grab egg size or bigger pieces and make balls rolling them in between your palms. Then, flatten the meat balls as seen in the picture. Cook both sides over the grill until they get browned. Serve with salad and/or greens. ENJOY!

(Kasap Kofte)

2 lb ground beef 4 tane dana incik, 1 sogan, dogranmis ½ su bardagi kereviz sapi, dogranmis 1 havuc, dogranmis 4-5 defne yapragi 2 yemek kasigi kanola yagi Tuz ve karabiber Firinlamak icin: 1-2 havuc, yuvarlak dogranmis 1 buyuk boy patates, dogranmis ½ su bardagi bezelye Kanola yagini buyuk bir tencereye alin ve her bir dana incigini hafifce kizartin (iki tarafini da 3-4 dakika olacak sekilde). Sonra, diger malzemeleri ilave edin ve sicak su ile doldurun. Kaynadiktan sonra kisik ateste yaklasik 60-75 dakika kadar kapagi kapali olarak pisirin. Etlerin yumusayip yumusamadigi kontol edin. Pistikten sonra, her bir kuzu incigini genisce birer aluminyum folyo uzerine alin ve onceden firinlamak icin hazirladiginiz cig sebzeleri dorde paylastirarak etlerin yanina koyun. Arzu ederseniz, tenceredeki pismis sebzeleri de 64

etlerin yanina paylastirabilirsiniz. Folyoyu guzelce bohca gibi kapatin ve firin tepsisine yerlestirin. Onceden isitilmis 200 C (400 F) firinda yaklasik 45-60 dakika pisirin. Sicak veya ilik olarak servis yapin.

Eggplant Mousaka with Mushrooms

Mantarli Patlican Musakka

2 eggplants, peeled and cut into chunks 1 big onion, chopped ½ lb (200 gr) ground beef ½ lb mushrooms, cut in quarters 2 tomatoes, diced 1 cup oil for frying the eggplant 1 green pepper, chopped 1 tsp salt ½ tsp black pepper 2 cloves of garlic, sliced thin (optional) ½ cup hot or warm water

2 tane buyuk patlican, soyulmus 1 buyuk sogan, dogranmis 200 gr kiyma 250 gr mantar, dorde bolunmus 2 domates, dogranmis 1 su bardagi sivi yag( patlicanlari kizartmak icin) 1 yesil biber, dogranmis 2 cay kasigi tuz 1 cay kasigi karabiber 2 dis sarimsak, dogranmis (istege bagli) ½ su bardagi sicak su

Peel the whole eggplant and chop in chunks. Then, place them in a bowl and cover the eggplants with water. Let them stand for 30 minutes in water. Then, drain and wipe the eggplants with a paper towel. In a large skillet place the oil and lightly fry the eggplants until they change in color. Do not over fry. Place the fried eggplant pieces in a Pyrex dish and sprinkle salt on them. Place the ground beef and 1 tbsp oil and cook until the meat changes in color. You can use

Patlicanlari yikayip, soyun. Buyuk buyuk dograyin ve buyuk bir kaseye koyup uzerine cikana dek su doldurun. Patlicanin acimsi tadinin suya gecmesi icin yaklasik 30 dakika suda bekletin. Sonra patlicanlari suzup, kurulayin. Genis bir tavaya yagi koyup patlicanlari renk degistirene dek kizartin. Fazla kizartirsaniz, patlicanlarin sekli bozulur. Kizarmis patlicanlari borcam bir tepsiye alin ve uzerine tuz serpin. Ayni tavada bir yemek kasigi sivi yagi ve 65

the same skillet or a smaller one. Then, add chopped onions and sauté for 2 minutes. Add chopped peppers, garlic (optional) and mushrooms. Cook for 2-3 minutes. Stir in tomatoes and salt to taste. Sauté for 5 minutes. Finally add black pepper and give a stir. Spread this mixture evenly on the fried eggplants and add the hot water. Preheat the oven to 375 F (190 C) and cook for about 20-25 minutes. You can serve this dish with pilaf and yogurt. ENJOY!

kiymayi renk degistirene dek kavurun. Sonra soganlari ilave edip 1-2 dakika sote edin. Biberleri, sarimsak ve mantari ilave edin. Yaklasik 3 dakika kavurun. Sonra, tuz ve domatesi ekleyin, 5 dakika kisik ateste pisirin. Son olarak karabiberi ilave edin. Kiymali karisimi kizarmis patlicanlarin uzerine esit olarak yayin ve sicak suyu ilave edin. Onceden isitilmis 190 C (375) firinda yaklasik 30 dakika pisirin. Yaninda pilav ve yogurt ile servis edebilirsiniz. AFIYET OLSUN!

Stuffed Collard Greens

(Kiymali Kara Lahana Sarmasi)

2 bunch collard green 2 onions, chopped 1 ½ cup rice, washed and drained ½ lb ground beef 1 tsp tomato paste 1 tsp dried mint ½ cup fresh parsley, finely chopped ½ tsp pepper 1/3 cup canola oil 1 tsp salt to taste Hot water

2 demet kara lahana 2 sogan, dogranmis 1 ½ su bardagi pirinc, yikanmis ve suzulmus 250 gr kiyma 1 tatli kasigi domates salcasi 1 tatli kasigi nane ½ su bardagi maydanoz, ince dogranmis 1 cay kasigi karabiber 1/3 su bardagi kanola yagi 1 tatli kasigi tuz Sicak su

Wash the leaves several times to make sure they are all clean. Remove the center stalks from the leaves and cut the large leaves into three triangular pieces. Cut the smaller leaves into two pieces. Take the collard greens in a pot and boil for 2

Lahana yapraklarini iyice yikayin. Ortadaki kalin kismini kesip atin. Buyuk yapraklari uce, kucukleri iki esit parcaya bolun. Tuzlu su dolu tencerede yapraklari 2 dakika kadar kaynatin. Suyunu suzun ve sogumaya birakin. 66

minutes in salty water. Then, drain and let them cool for a while. Combine all the other ingredients, but the water in a big bowl. Take one piece of leave and place one Tbsp of filling on the larger side. Then, fold the sides inside and roll it as seen in the picture. Repeat the same procedure for all off the pieces. Place all the rolls side-by-side in a large pot. Add hot water just to cover the rolls. Bring to a boil over medium heat. Then, turn the heat down and cover the lid. Simmer for about 40 minutes or until the rolls are tender. Serve it warm preferably with yogurt or cacik. ENJOY!

Adana Kebab

Diger geri kalan butun malzemeleri buyuk bir kaba alin ve iyice karistirin. Bir parca lahana yapragi alin ve genis kismina 1 yemek kasigi ic malzeme koyun. Yanlarindan ice dogru katlayin ve resimde goruldugu gibi sarma seklinde sarin. Diger lahana yapraklarini da ayni sekilde sarin. Sarmalari genis bir tencereye yan yana dizin. Uzerlerini kapatacak kadar sicak su ilave edin. Orta atese alin ve kaynadiktan sonra altini kisip kapagini kapatin. Yaklasik 40 dakika ya da pirincler pisene dek pisirin. Tercihen yogurt ya da cacik ile servis yapin. AFIYET OLSUN!

(Adana Kebabi)

1 lb lean ground mutton 50 gr fat from lamb tail, finely chopped 1 tsp crushed red pepper ½ tsp black pepper ½ tsp cumin 1 tsp salt to taste Skewers or chop sticks

500 gr yagsiz koyun kiymasi 50 gr kuyruk yagi, cok ince kiyilmis 1 tatli kasigi pul biber 1 cay kasigi karabiber 1 cay kasigi kimyon 1 tatli kasigi tuz Metal ya da cop sis

Leave the crushed red pepper in ½ cup of water for about 2-3 hours, to get them softened. Then drain. Mix all the ingredients with your hands. Grab a fist size mixture and skewer it. Squeeze it on the skewer until it gets smooth and lengthens

Kirmizi pul biber yarim su bardagi su icinde yaklasik 2-3 saat bekletin. Boylece pul biber yumusayacak ve pisirisken yanmayacaktir. Butun malzemeleri cukur bir kabin icinde iyice yogurun. Yumruk buyuklugunde bir parca alip, 67

to acquire the shape shown in the picture. Cook on a grill or oven. You can grill some vegetables as well on the side. Refrigerate the skewered Adana Kebab overnight to get a better flavor.

sise gecirin. Avucunuzla sikarak, asagi yukari hareket ettirerek resimdeki sekile benzer kebaplar yapin. Bir aksam boyunca buzdolabinda bekletin. Mangal/izgara ya da firinda pisirin. Yaninda cesitli sebzeleri de izgara yapip kebap ile ikram edebilirsiniz. Serve with warm pita bread and Side Salad for Adana kebabi sicak lavas ya da pide (pita) ve Kebap Salatasi ileservis yapin. Kebabs ENJOY! Afiyet Olsun!

Roasted Lamb

(Firinda Kizarmis Kuzu)

2 lbs lamb leg 2 Tbsp canola oil 1 tsp paprika 1 tsp salt to taste ½ tsp thyme 3-4 potatoes, cut into wedges Cut the lamb leg into pieces or use the whole leg (it will take longer to cook). Salt the lamb rubbing with your hands. Mix canola oil, thyme and paprika in a small bowl. Then, cover all the lamb with this mixture. Preheat the oven to 400 F (200 C) and grease an oven tray. Place all the potatoes and lamb. Bake for about 45-60 minutes or until the lamb is cooked. ENJOY!

1 kg kuzu bacagi 2 yemek kasigi kanola yagi 1 tatli kasigi kirmizi toz biber 1 tatli kasigi tuz ½ tatli kasigi kekik 3-4 patates, dorde bolunmus Kuzu etini istediginiz sekilde parcalayin ya da butun olarak da pisirebilirsiniz, fakat pisirme suresi uzayabilir. Elinizle etlere tuzu yedirin. Sonra bir kapta kanola yagi, kirmizi toz biber ve kekigi karistirin. Karisimi etlerin her yerine surun. Onceden isitmis oldugunuz 200 C (400 F) firinda etler pisene dek veya 45-60 dakika arasi pisirin. Sicak servis yapin. AFIYET OLSUN! 68

Roasted Lamb (Firinda Kizarmis Roasted Lamb (Firinda Kizarmis Kuzu) Kuzu) 2 lbs lamb leg 2 Tbsp canola oil 1 tsp paprika 1 tsp salt to taste ½ tsp thyme 3-4 potatoes, cut into wedges

2 lbs lamb leg 2 Tbsp canola oil 1 tsp paprika 1 tsp salt to taste ½ tsp thyme 3-4 potatoes, cut into wedges

Cut the lamb leg into pieces or use the whole leg (it will take longer to cook). Salt the lamb rubbing with your hands. Mix canola oil, thyme and paprika in a small bowl. Then, cover all the lamb with this mixture. Preheat the oven to 400 F (200 C) and grease an oven tray. Place all the potatoes and lamb. Bake for about 45-60 minutes or until the lamb is cooked. ENJOY!

Cut the lamb leg into pieces or use the whole leg (it will take longer to cook). Salt the lamb rubbing with your hands. Mix canola oil, thyme and paprika in a small bowl. Then, cover all the lamb with this mixture. Preheat the oven to 400 F (200 C) and grease an oven tray. Place all the potatoes and lamb. Bake for about 45-60 minutes or until the lamb is cooked. ENJOY!

Turkish Seafood Recipes (Deniz Urunleri Tarifleri) 69

Blackened Halibut

Tavada Kizarmis Halibut

1 lb halibut steaks/fillets ½ tsp paprika ¼ tsp cumin 1 clove of garlic, minced ¼ tsp dried thyme ½ tsp salt to taste 2 Tbsp canola oil, for frying

½ kg halibut dilim/fileto 1 cay kasigi kirmizi toz biber ½ cay kasigi kimyon 1 dis sarimsak, rendelenmis ½ cay kasigi kekik 1 cay kasigi tuz 2 yemek kasigi kanola yagi, kizartmak icin

To prepare fish, combine paprika, cumin, thyme and salt. Rub with minced garlic. Sprinkle fish evenly with seasoning mixture. Heat oil in a large nonstick skillet over medium high heat. Add fish to pan; sauté 4-6 minutes on each side or until fish flakes easily when tested with a fork or until desired degree of doneness. Serve with lemon. ENJOY!

Oncelikle toz biber, kekik, tuz ve kimyonu karistirin. Halibut baligi parcalarini sarimsak ile ovun. Sonra da karistirdiginiz baharatlarla kaplayin. Kanola yagini yuksek ateste kizdirin ve baliklari tavaya alin.

Her tarafini yaklasik 4-6 dakika ya da baliklara catal batirinca kolayca ayrilana dek iyice pisirin. Limon ile servis yapin. AFIYET OLSUN!


Broiled Sardines (Firinda Kizarmis Sardalya)

1 lb (~450gr) sardines 1 tbsp salt 3 tbsp olive oil ½ tsp paprika ½ tsp thyme Juice of ½ lemon 1 clove garlic, minced Cut the heads off and gut the sardines. Wash them under cold water and drain. If you like you can take the bones out and form sardine fillets. Then, mix all the ingredients with sardines in a bowl and leave them for marinating in the fridge at least 1 hour. Preheat the oven at 400F (200C) and place sardines on a baking tray. I like the grill stripes on fish, so I placed a cooling rack on a tray and broiled sardines on it(Fats of sarnines will drop on the tray). Bake for 10 minutes and then switch to broil. Broil both sides for 5-7 minutes until they are golden brown. Broiled sardines are good to go with arugula, radish, Turkish coleslaw, onion salad and lemon. ENJOY!

Broiled Sardines (Firinda Kizarmis Sardalya)

½ kg sardalya 1 yemek kasigi tuz 3 yemek kasigi zeytinyagi 1cay kasigi kirmizi toz biber 1 cay kasigi kekik ½ limon suyu 1 sarimsak, dovulmus/rendelenmis Sardalyalari kafalarini ve karinlarini keserek temizleyin ve soguk su ile guzelce yikayin.Isterseniz kilciklarini temizleyip, fileto olarak pisirebilirsiniz. Suyu suzuldukten sonra bir kasede butun malzemeler ile karistirin ve buzdolabinda en az 1 saat marine edin. Firini onceden 200 C (400F) isitin ve baliklari firin tepsisine dizin. Ben baliklarin uzerinde izgara cizgilerini sevdigim icin, firin tepsisinin uzerine tel izgara koydum ve onun uzerinde baliklari pisirdim ve 5-7 dakika arasi damak zevkinize gore uzerleri kizarana dek kizartin, sonra baliklari ters cevirip tekrar 5-7 dakika boyunca ustten kizartin. Firinda kizarmis sardalyalari yaninda, roka, turp, sogan salatasi ya da beyaz lahana salatasi ve limon ile servis yapabilirsiniz. AFIYET OLSUN!


Shrimp Kebab

1 lb shrimp, cleaned and deveined ¼ cup olive oil 1 tbsp garlic, minced 2 tbsp lemon juice ¼ tsp black pepper 2 tbsp soy sauce A pinch of parsley, finely chopped (optional) ½ tsp salt to taste Metal or wooden skewers

Karides Kebabi

½ kg karides, temizlenmis ¼ su bardagi zeytinyagi 1 yemek kasigi sarimsak, dovulmus 2 yemek kasigi limon suyu ½ cay kasigi karabiber 2 yemek kasigi soya sosu Bir tutam taze maydanoz, kucuk dogranmis (istege bagli) 1 cay kasigi tuz Metal ya da tahta sis

2 hours prior to cooking, prepare the marinade. Mix olive oil, lemon juice, black pepper, soy sauce, parsley, salt and garlic. Dip the fish into it and marinate in the fridge for at least 2 hours. Remove shrimp from marinade and discard the marinade. If you are using metal or steel skewers, lightly coat them with oil. Place shrimp on skewers (about 5 shrimps per skewer) and then cook them over grill 3 minutes each side.

Karidesleri pisirmeden en az 2 saat once marine sosunu hazirlayin. Zeytinyagi, limon suyu, sarimsak, karabiber, tuz, soya sosu ve maydanozu karistirin. Karidesleri bu sosa bulayin ve sosa yatirarak en az 2 saat buzdolabinda marine edin. Daha sonra karidesleri sislere araliklarla dizin (bir sise 5-6 tane) ve marine sosunu atin. Eger metal sis kullaniyorsaniz karidesleri dizmeden once sisleri hafifce yaglayin. Izgara ya da mangalda her iki tarafini da 3'er dakika pisirin. Do not overcook. You can also cook them in the oven 8-10 minutes or until they get pink at Fazla pisirmeyin. Karides kebabini firinda 180 C (350 F)' de 350 F (400 F). yaklasik 8-10 dakika karidesler pembelesene You can serve shrimp kebabs over a bed of rice dek pisirebilirsiniz. or pilaf with fresh lemon wedges. Karides Kebabini pirinc ya da pilav uzerinde ENJOY! taze limon dilimleriyle servis edebilirsiniz. AFIYET OLSUN!


Pan Seared Mahi Mahi (Tavada Lambuka Baligi)

1 lb mahi mahi fillets, skinned and boned 2-3 Tbsp butter 2 Tbsp Balsamic vinegar 2 gloves of garlic, finely diced ½ tsp salt to taste ¼ tsp black pepper 1 lb spinach, washed and chopped ½ medium onion, chopped Take one Tbsp of butter and onions. Saute over medium heat and stir in spinach. Saute them for about 3-5 minutes. Wash Mahi Mahi fillets under cold water and dry with paper towel. Sprinkle with salt and pepper. Rub with your hands. Sizzle the remaining butter in the frying pan and fry Mahi fillets pouring balsamic vinegar over. Once they are fried, turn upside down and sprinkle with garlic. Fry both sides. Take sautéed spinach over the serving plates and place the fried Mahi Mahi on top. Serve hot/warm.

Pan Seared Mahi Mahi (Tavada Lambuka Baligi)

½ kg Lambuka baligi fileto, derisi ve kemikleri alinmis 2-3 yemek kasigi tereyag 2 yemek kasigi balsamik sirke 2 dis sarimsak, kucuk dogranmis 1 cay kasigi tuz ½ cay kasigi karabiber ½ kg ispanak, yikanmis ve dogranmis ½ orta boy sogan, dogranmis Tavaya bir yemek kasigi tereyagini ve soganlari alin ve soteleyin. Ispanagi ilave edin ve iyice sonup, renkleri koyulasana dek sote edin (3-5 dakika). Lambuka baligini soguk su altinda yikayin ve kagit havlu ile kurulayin. Tuz ve karabiber serperek elinizle ovalayarak balik filetolarina yedirin.. Bir taraflari kizardiktan sonra diger tarafini cevirin ve uzerlerine sarimsaklari serpin. Her iki tarafini da guzelce kizartin. Servis tabagina sotelenmis ispanagi alin ve uzerine kizarmis lambuka filetoyu yerlestirin. Sicak servis yapin. AFIYET OLSUN!


Turkish Specialty Recipes (Ozgun Yemek Tarifleri) Stuffed Kadaifi (Kadayif Dolmasi)

Stuffed Kadaifi (Kadayif Dolmasi)

1 lb kadaifi 150 grams butter 1 cup walnuts/pecans, in chunks

½ kg tel kadayif 150 gr tereyagi 1 su bardagi ceviz ici, ufalalanmis

For the Syrup: 3 cups water 2 ½ -3 cups sugar 1 tsp lemon juice

Surubu icin: 3 su bardagi seker 2 ½ -3 su bardagi seker 1 tatli kasigi limon suyu

First mix sugar and water in a pot and boil the syrup for about 5 minutes. Stir in lemon juice and let it cool. Melt butter and drizzle all over the kadaifi. Using your hands, try to mix the butter with kadaifi evenly. If the kadaifi pieces are too long, break them into smaller pieces with your hands. After tossing the kadaifi, take a small Turkish coffee cup and fill half of it with kadaifi and make a hole in the middle. Place about 1 tsp walnuts/pecans inside and fill the rest of the cup with more kadaifi. Gently press on top of the cup. Grease an oven tray and flip the cup upside down on the tray. Make sure to press on top of the kadaifi before flipping, otherwise the shape won’t come out well. Use the same procedure for all

Once surubu hazirlayin. Su ve sekeri karistirarak genis bir tencerede yaklasik 5 dakika kadar kaynatin. Icine limon suyunu ilave edin ve sogumaya birakin. Tereyagini eritin ve tel kadayifin uzerinde gezdirin. Ellerinizi kullanarak, tereyagini kadayifin her yerine yedirmek sartiyla guzelce harmanlayin. Eger kadayifin telleri uzunsa, elinizle kopararak daha ufak parcalara ayirin. Ufak bir kahve fincaninin yarisina kadar kadayiftan doldurun ve orta kismini cukurlastirin. Cukur kismina sigdirabildiginiz kadar ceviz koyun (yaklasik 1 tatli kasigi kadar). Bol cevizli olunca daha lezzetli oluyor. Sonra uzerine tekrar finacin agiz kismina kadar kadayif 74

the kadaifi left. Bake it at 350 F (180 C) preheated oven until they get light brown. Pour the cold syrup over the hot stuffed kadaifi right after taking out of oven. Let it absorb the syrup for at least 3-5 hours. ENJOY!

koyarak, ustten hafifce bastirin. Yaglanmis firin tepsisine fincani ters cevirin. Eger fincanin icindeki malzemeyi ustten hafifce bastirmazsaniz tepsiye ters cevirdiginizde sekli bozuk cikacaktir. Butun kadayif malzemesini ayni sekilde yaparak sekil verin. Onceden isitilmis 180 C (350 F) firinda uzeri kizarana dek pisirin. Firindan cikan sicak kadayifin uzerine soguk serbeti dokun. Yaklasik 3-5 saat boyunca surubun emilmesini bekleyin. AFIYET OLSUN!

Turkish Ground Beef Pide (Kiymali Pide)

5 cups all purpose flour 2 cups lukewarm milk ½ cup lukewarm water 1 Tbsp active yeast ½ tsp sugar 1 tsp salt For the filling: 2 lbs ground beef 1 big onion, finely chopped 1-2 banana peppers, finely chopped 2 cups of tomatoes, finely diced ½ bunch parsley, finely chopped 1 Tbsp pepper/tomato paste

Turkish Ground Beef Pide (Kiymali Pide)

5 su bardagi un 2 su bardagi ilik sut ½ su baradgi ilik su 1 yemek kasigi kuru toz maya 1 cay kasigi seker 1 tatli kasigi tuz Ic malzemesi: 1 kg kiyma 1 buyuk boy sogan, kucuk dogranmis 1-2 yesil biber, kucuk dogranmis 2 su bardagi domates, kucuk dogranmis ½ demek maydanoz, ince dogranmis 1 yemek kasigi biber/domates salcasi ½ su bardagi su 75

½ cup water 1 tsp salt to taste ½ tsp cumin Take the filling ingredients in a big bowl and mix them all. Keep it in the refrigerator prior to use. Add yeast and sugar into 1 cup of milk in a bowl. Leave for 5 minutes; stir to dissolve. Then mix in the other ingredients and flour. Knead until the dough becomes elastic and a little sticky, about 8-10 minutes.

1 tatli kasigi tuz 1 cay kasigi kimyon Ic malzemeyi buyuk bir kapta karistirin ve buzdolabinda bekletin. Maya, seker ve 1 su bardagi ilik sutu bir kaseye alin, sekerle maya cozunene kadar 5 dakika bekletin. Sonra, un ve diger malzemeleri ilave ederek, 10 dakika hamur elastik ve ele yapisacak kivama gelene dek yogurun.

Uzerini seffaf film ya da temiz bir bez ile ortun (resime bakiniz) ve sicak bir Put dough in a clean bowl and cover with a ortamda, hamur iki kati kabarana dek, towel or cloth ((.). Let rise for 2 hours in a yaklasik 2 saat bekleyin (resime bakiniz). warm place. Punch down, cover and let Hamuru tezgahin uzerine alin ve havasini dough rise again until doubled in size about indirmek icin uzerinden bastirin. Uzerini 45 minutes (.). ortun ve kabarmasi icin yaklasik 45 dakika Cut it into 18-20 pieces and roll them in ball bekletin. shape. Cover them to prevent drying out. Hamuru 18-20 parcaya ayirin ve her birini Meanwhile take one piece and over the yuvarlayip top sekli verin. Uzerinin lightly floured counter roll it out with a roller. kurumasini engellemek icin nemli bir bez Make a boat shape for about the shape of a ile ortun. loaf of bread (or any size you like). Place 2-3 Toplarin birini alin ve hafif unlanmis sert Tbsp of ground beef filling and spread it all bir zemin uzerinde oklava ile kayak sekli over. Then, flip the sides ½ inch over the pide vererek acin. Ic malzemeden 2-3 yemek and to make a boat shape squeeze the ends kasigi alin ve her yerine yayin. Kenarlari 1 and make sure to stick together (.). cm kadar ice dogru kivirin. Uc kisimlarini If desired brush the flipped edges with olive birlestirerek sikistirin (resime bakiniz). oil and bake in a 400 F (200 C) oven for Arzu ederseniz kivirdiginiz kenarlara about 15-20 minutes or until the edges turn zeytinyagi surebilirsiniz. light brown. Onceden isitilmis 200C (400 F) firinda Bake all pides the same way. yaklasik 15-20 dakika pisirin. Butun Serve warm with lemon wedges and kebab pideleri ayni sekilde hazirlayin ve pisirin. salad if desired. Yaninda limon ve istege gore kebap salatasi This recipe makes about 17-20 pieces. ile sicak servis yapiniz. P.S: If desired pour some beaten eggs over the pides prior baking in the oven. Bu tariften yaklasik 17-20 pide cikiyor. ENJOY! NOT: Pideleri firina vermeden once arzu ederseniz uzerlerine cirpilmis yumurta ilave edebilirsiniz. AFIYET OLSUN!




500 gr (~1lb) shredded dough 4 Tbsp butter 300 gr unsalted cecil cheese (mozzarella works too) 3 cups sugar 3 cups water Ground pistachio for garnish

500 gr (~1lb) shredded dough 500 gr tel kadayif 4 yemek kasigi tereyag 300 gr tuzsuz cecil peyniri 3 su bardagi seker 3 su bardagi su Ogutulmus antep fistigi (uzeri icin)

Bir tencerede, 3 su bardagi seker ve suyu kaynatin, sogumaya birakin. Tereyagini eritin ve tel kadayifin uzerinde In a pot, prepare the syrup mixing 3 cups of gezdirin. Elinizi kullanarak tereyaginin sugar and 3 cups of water. Bring to a boil. kadayif icinde guzelce karismasini saglayin. Then turn the heat off and let it cool. Bu sirada, elinizle tel kadayiflari cekerek Melt the butter and pour all over the shredded mumkun oldugunca kucuk parcalara bolun. dough. Mix it using your hands and make Orta boy bir tepsiyi yaglayin ve tel sure they get mixed up well. Meanwhile, split kadayifin yarisini tepsinin dibine doseyin. the shredded dough into small pieces by Elinizle ustten bastirarak tel kadayiflari pulling them apart with your fingers. Grease a iyice sikistirin. Dilimlediginiz tuzsuz cecil middle size oven tray or Pyrex. Then, spread peynirini (yaklasik ½ cm kalinliginda) half of the shredded dough and press down tepsideki tel kadayifin uzerine esit sekilde using your hands. Slice unsalted cecil cheese doseyin. Son olarak tel kadayifin diger or Mozzarella (about Ÿ inch thick). Place yarisini peynirlerin uzerine yayin ve yine sliced cheese over the shredded dough evenly uzerinden elinizle bastirarak sikistirin. and then, cover with the remaining half of the Onceden isitilmis 200 C (400 F) firinda shredded dough. Again press down to uzeri kizarana dek pisirin. Uzeri kizardiktan compress using your hands. sonra firindan cikarin ve duz bir tepsi Preheat the oven to 400 F (200 C) and bake yardimiyla kunefeyi alt ust edin. Tekrar Kunefe until the top turns light brown. Then, firina verin ve ters cevirdiginiz yuzu de take it out of the oven and turn upside down kizarana dek pisirin. Firindan cikardiginiz with the help of a flat tray. Again bake until sicak kunefenin uzerine soguk serbeti the other side turns light brown. Pour the gezdirerek dokun. Yaklasik 5-7 dakika cooled syrup all over the hot Kunefe and set sonra suyunu cekecektir. Istediginiz sekilde 77

aside for 5-7 minutes before serving. dilimleyin ve uzerine cekilmis antep fistigi After the syrup is absorbed slice the Kunefe serperek servis yapin. as you like and garnish with ground pistachio. AFIYET OLSUN! ENJOY!

Turkish Dumpling (Manti)

Manti is very popular and common in Turkey. It takes time to prepare, but it’s really worth of your time! You should try it to taste a real Turkish flavor. Preparing manti is very fun and easy if you make it a team work. 3-3 ½ cups flour 1 egg 2/3 cup lukewarm water 1 tsp salt to taste Filling:½ lb ground beef 1 onion, finely chopped/shredded ½ tsp salt to taste ½ tsp black pepper

Turkish Dumpling (Manti)

Manti, Turkiye’de cok sevilen ve yaygin olan ve benim de cok sevdigim geleneksel bir lezzettir. Hazirlamasi her ne kadar zahmetli ve zaman alici olsa dahi, manti icin deger! Eger gercek bir Turk Lezzeti denemek istiyorsaniz, mantiyi denemenizi tavsiye ederim. Manti toplu olarak yapilirsa, hem kolay olur hem de eglenceli hale gelebilir. 3-3 ½ su bardagi un 1 yumurta 2/3 su bardagi ilik su 1 tatli kasigi tuz

For cooking: 8 cups water 1 tsp salt

Ic Malzeme: 250 gr kiyma 1 sogan, ince dogranmis/rendelenmis 1 cay kasigi tuz 1 cay kasigi karabiber

Sauce:2 cups yogurt 3-4 cloves of garlic, minced ¼ tsp salt to taste

Pisirmek icin: 8 su bardagi su 1 tatli kasigi tuz 78

3-4 tbsp butter/oil 1 tbsp tomato paste/2/3 tsp paprika 2-3 tbsp water Dried mint Sumac In a bowl place the flour, crack the egg and add the salt and water. Then knead till you get a firm and smooth dough. Knead for about 8-10 minutes. Make sure to make it firm to flatten easily later. Cover it with a damp towel or cloth and leave for a rest (1530 minutes). Meanwhile in a plate mix all the filling ingredients and set aside. Divide the dough into 2-3 pieces, take one piece and place on the floured counter. Cover the rest of the dough. Then with a rolling pin flatten the dough as thin as you can (as thick as the ridge of a knife). Then, cut it with a knife or roulette into ¾ inch (1 ½-2 cm) square pieces (.). Then place ¼ tsp filling over each square (.). Then stick the both traverse edges diagonally, by pressing with your finger tips (.). Do the same procedure for the remaining dough. For cooking, boil the water in a big pot and add salt. Then add all the manti into the boiling water. Stir occasionally with a wooden spoon to prevent them sticking to each other. Make sure not to close the lid. Cook over medium heat till manti gets soft (for about 10-15 minutes). Meanwhile prepare the sauce. In a bowl mix yogurt, salt and garlic. In a small pan; melt the butter/oil and stir in tomato paste and water. Cook for 2 minutes over low heat. If you prefer using paprika, just add paprika into melted butter/oil and turn the heat off after one minute. Do not add water while using paprika. Drain the cooked manti and transfer it into serving plates. Let it cool for a while and pour the yogurt sauce over. Finally pour about one tbsp of butter/oil mixture all over (adjust the amount as you like). And if

Sos icin: 2 su bardagi yogurt 3-4 dis sarimsak, dovulmus/rendelenmis ½ cay kasigi tuz 3-4 yemek kasigi tereyag/sivi yag 1 yemek kasigi domates salcasi YA DA 2/3 tatli kasigi kirmizi toz biber 2-3 yemek kasigi su Kuru nane Sumak Buyuk bir kaseye unu koyun ve uzerine yumurtayi kirin, ilik su ve tuzu ilave edip yogurun. Sert ve puruzsuz bir hamur elde edene dek yaklasik 8-10 dakika yogurun. Hamur yumusak olursa sonra acmaniz zor olur. Hamuru nemli bir havlu ya da bez ile ortun ve 15-30 dakika dinlenmeye birakin. Bu sirada ic malzemelerinin hepsini karistin ve bir kenara ayirin. Hamuru 2-3 parcaya ayirin, bir parcasini alin ve geri kalanin uzerini tekrar ortun. Unladiginiz yuzey uzerinde oklava ile hamuru acabildiginiz kadar ince acin (bicak sirti kalinligi kadar). Sonra actiginiz yufkayi 1.5-2 cm kalinliginda esit kare parcalara bolun (resime bakiniz). Sonra hepsinin uzerine yaklasik bir cay kasigi ic malzeme koyun (resime bakiniz). Her parcanin karsilikli capraz koselerini ortada birlestirerek parmak uclarinizla yapistirin (resime bakiniz). Bu islemi geri kalan hamur bitene kadar uygulayin. Mantiyi pisirmek icin buyuk bir tencerede suyu kaynatin, tuzu ilave edip mantilari icine atin. Arada tahta bir kasik ile karistirarak mantilarin birbirine yapismani onleyin. Kapagini kapatmadan orta ateste mantilar pisene dek yaklasik 10-15 dakika pisirin. Bu sirada sosunu hazirlayin. Bir kasede yogurt, tuz ve sarimsagi karistirin. Kucuk bir tavada tereyagini/sivi yag eritin. Domates salcasi ile suyu ilave edip yaklasik 2-3 dakika kisik ateste pisirin. Eger kirmizi 79

desired sprinkle some dried mint and sumac over the Turkish Dumplings. This recipe makes 6-7 servings.ENJOY!

Turkish Sesame Bagel (Simit)

1 ½ cup lukewarm water 7 gr instant yeast 3 egg whites 1 tbsp sugar 1 tbsp salt 100 gr (7 tbsp) butter/margarine, soft in room temperature 3 ½ or 4 cups of all purpose flour For topping: ½ cup sesame seeds 1/4 cup oil In a bowl mix all the ingredients except flour.

biber kullanamayi tercih ederseniz tereyagi/siviyagina direk kirmizi toz biberi ilave edin, karistirin ve yaklasik bir dakika sonra atesten alin. Kirmizi biber kullanirken su ilave etmeyin. Pismis mantiyi suzun ve servis tabaklarina alin. Biraz sogumasini bekleyin. Uzerine yogurt sosundan dokun ve son olarak tereyag/siviyag karisimindan bir kasik kadar dokun (miktari isteginize gore ayarlayin). Arzu ederseniz uzerine kuru nane ve sumak serpin. Bu tariften yaklasik 6-7 porsiyon manti cikiyor. AFIYET OLSUN!

Turkish Sesame Bagel (Simit)

1 ½ su bardagi ilik su 7 gr instant maya/ 30 gr yas maya 3 yumurta beyazi 1 yemek kasigi tuz 1 yemek kasigi seker 100 gr (7 yemek kasigi) tereyagi/margarine, oda sicakliginda yumusak 3 ½ ya da 4 su bardagi un Uzeri icin: ½ su bardagi susam ½ cay bardagi sivi yag Genis bir kasede un haricindeki butun malzemeleri karistirin. Sonra azar azar unu 80

Then slowly add flour and knead for about 10 minutes. Form soft, elastic and sticky dough, then cover it with a clean cloth or plastic wrap (.). Leave for 1 hour in a warm place (.). Place the dough on the counter and punch to release the air in it and cut into 8-10 pieces. With your palms round them and form little balls (.). Then with each ball make 30-40 cm long strips and form a ring shape by sticking the ends (.). Place some water in a wide plate (also you can add 1 tbsp of grape molasses) and sesame seeds in another plate. Dip one side of them into water and then to the sesame seed (.). Place them on a baking tray with baking paper, making some room between each other and cover. Leave them for about 2 hours till the rings puff up and double in size. Preheat the oven to 450 F (230C) and bake for 7-8 minutes, then reduce the heat to 400 F (So they will be soft inside, crunchy outside) and bake for 18-20 minutes until they are golden brown. When you take them out of the oven you can brush the top surfaces of Simits with some oil. Serve warm with cream cheese or feta cheese, black olives andTurkish Tea. Simit is good to go at breakfasts or lunch. Simit is a traditional and favorite pastry in Turkey. ENJOY! P.S: Do not use metal container when kneading or resting the dough. Metal spoils the texture of dough.

ilave ederek, 10 dakika kadar yogurun. Yumusak, elastik ve hafif yapiskan bir hamur elde edin. Hamuru temiz bir bez ya da plastik film ile ortun (resime bakiniz) ve 1 saat ilik ortamda dinlendirerek kabarmasini saglayin (resime bakiniz). Hamuru tezgaha alin ve havasini indirmek icin biraz bastirarak yogurun ve 8-10 parcaya bolun ve elinizle yuvarlayarak kucuk toplar elde edin (resime bakiniz). Her toptan 30-40 cm uzunlugunda cubuklar yapin ve kenarlarini yapistirarak halka seklini verin (resime bakiniz). Genis bir tabaga su koyun (icine 1 yemek kasigi uzum pekmezi de ilave edebilirsiniz), baska bir tabaga da susamlari koyun. Onceden isitilmis 230 C (450F) firinda 7-8 dakika pisirin ve isiyi 220 C (400F) dusurun (boylece simitlerin ici yumusak, dislari citir citir olacaktir). Sonra 18-20 dakika daha uzerleri kizarana dek pisirin. Firindan cikarinca simitlerin uzerine sivi yag surun ve sicak servis yapin. Simitlerin yaninda krem peynir, beyaz peynir, zeytin ve cay ile ikram edebilirsiniz. Simit, Turkiye’de cok sevilen geleneksel bir hamur isidir. AFIYET OLSUN! NOT: Hamuru yogurmak ya da dinlendirmek icin metal kap kullanmayin. Metal hamurun yapisina zarar verir.

Tarhana Soup (Tarhana Corbasi)

Tarhana Soup (Tarhana Corbasi)


3 tbsp tarhana 2 tbsp crushed/grated tomatoes 2 tbsp butter 3-4 cups chicken broth/water+bouillon 1 tsp salt to taste Croutons/feta cheese for garnish Place the tarhana and 1/2 cup of water in a bowl. Leave it alone for 1-2 hours for tarhana to dissolve a bit stirring occasionally. In a pot, take butter and tomatoes. Saute over medium heat. Then, add in the rest of the ingredients. Cook over low-medium heat stirring constantly. Adjust consistency of the soup as you like by adding more water if you prefer.You can serve Tarhana Soup with crumbled feta cheese or croutons on top. ENJOY!

3 yemek kasigi tarhana 2 yemek kasigi domates, ezilmis/rendelenmis 2 yemek kasigi tereyagi 3-4 su bardagi tavuk suyu/su+bulyon 1 tatli kasigi tuz Uzeri icin, kizarmis ekmek/beyaz peynir

Tarhanayi ½ su bardagi su ile birlikte bir kaseye alin. Ara sira karistirarak cozulmesi icin en az 1-2 saat bekletin. Bir tencerede tereyagi ile domatesi orta ateste kavurun. Sonra, geri kalan malzemeleri ilave edin ve kisik ateste surekli karistirarak pisirin. Corbanin kivamini arzu ettiginiz gibi su ekleyerek ayarlayabilirsiniz. Tarhana Corbasi’ni uzerinde kizarmis ekmek parcalari ya da beyaz peynir rendesi ile servis edebilirsiniz. AFIYET OLSUN!



Gözleme is a savory traditional Turkish hand made and hand rolled pastry. Fresh pastry is rolled out, filled and sealed, then cooked over a griddle (sac). The name derives from the Turkish word “göz” meaning “eye”. It has several fillings such as; feta cheese, spinachfeta cheese, feta cheese-parsley, potatoes, minced meat and mushrooms.

3 yufka 2 su bardagi beyaz peynir/lor, ufalanmis 1/3 su bardagi taze dere otu/maydanoz, ince dogranmis (istege bagli) 6 yemek kasigi sivi yag (tercihen kanola) 2 tatli kasigi yumusak tereyagi (istege bagli) Tuz ve karabiber


3 yufka (Turkish phyllo pastry) 2 cups feta/ricotta/crumbling cheese 1/3 cup fresh dill/parsley, finely chopped (optional) 6 tbsp canola oil for frying 2 tsp soft butter (optional) Salt and black pepper to taste Mix the feta/ricotta/crumbling cheese and dill/parsley in a bowl. Add salt if the cheese is not salty also, sprinkle black pepper if desired. This filling will make 6 piece of Gozleme, so divide it into 6. Place the Turkish phyllo pastry on the counter or table and cut it from the middle to make two equal pieces. Then, sprinkle the filling all over. Fold the wide edges and close meeting each other. Fold the short edges and close the same way meeting the ends. You will form about a 6 inch length rectangle. Fold it in two. (Click to .the process) If desired you may spread butter between the layers. Use the same process for the remaining pastries. Use 1 tbsp of canola oil for every piece of Gozleme and fry the both sizes. Serve warm. Gozlemes are good to go at breakfast, brunch or lunch. ENJOY!

Peynir/lor ve dere otu/maydanozu bir kasede karistirin. Eger peynir tuzsuz ise tuz ve arzuya gore karabiber ilave edin. Bu malzemeden toplam 6 tane gozleme yapilacagi icin malzemeyi goz karari altiya bolun. Yufkayi tezgah ya da masanin uzerine yayin ve ortasindan keserek iki esit parca elde edin. Sonra, orta kisimlarina ic malzemeyi yayin. Once genis kenarlarini ust uste gelecek sekilde ortaya dogru kapatin. Ardindan kisa kenarlarini ortada bulusturarak ve yine hafif ust uste gelecek sekilde katlayin. Yaklasik 2 karis boyunda bir dikdortgen elde edin ve son olarak bunu da ikiye katlayin (yapilisini gormek icin tiklayin). Arzu ederseniz katlarken ara katlarina tereyagi surebilirsiniz. Geri kalan iki yufkaya da ayni islemi uygulayin. Kizartma tavasina her gozleme icin 1 yemek kasigi sivi yag koyarak gozlemelerin her iki tarafini da kizartin. Sicak servis yapin. AFIYET OLSUN!

Semolina Halvah (Irmik Helvasi)

Semolina Halvah (Irmik Helvasi)


2 cups semolina 1 ½ cup sugar 4 cups boiling water/milk 125 gr (1 stick) butter/margarine 50 gr pine nut 1 tsp vanilla extract/1 package vanilla 2 tbsp oil

2 su bardagi irmik 1 ½ su bardagi seker 4 su bardagi kaynar su/sut 125 gr margarin/tereyag 50 gr cam fistigi 1 tatli kasigi/1 paket vanilya 2 yemek kasigi sivi yag

Place semolina and butter/margarine in a pot and sauté over medium heat. They will turn to light brown. Then, turn the heat off. Stir in boiling water/milk and close the lid. Set aside for 10 minutes, so that semolina will absorb the water. Stir in sugar and vanilla, close the lid and leave for 5 minutes. In a small pan, sauté pine nuts with oil until they turn to golden brown. Stir in semolina. Let the Semolina Halvah cool and serve with cinnamon on top if desired. ENJOY!

Bir tencerede irmik ile tereyagi/margarini orta ateste kavurun ve atesten alin. Uzerine kaynar su/sut ilave edin ve karistirip kapagini kapatin. 10 dakika kadar cekmesini bekleyin. Daha sonra seker ve vanilyayi ilave edin, karistirin. Kapagini kapatin ve 5 dakika kadar demlendirin. Bir tavada sivi yag ile cam fistiklarini kavurun. Helvaya ilave edin ve karistirin. Irmik Helvasi’ni soguduktan sonra servis tabaklarina alin ve arzuya gore uzerinde tarcin ile servis yapin. AFIYET OLSUN!

Tulumba Dessert (Tulumba Tatlisi)

Tulumba Dessert (Tulumba Tatlisi)

Dough:1½ cup flour 1½ cup water 2 tbsp margarine/butter 2 tbsp starch 1½ tbsp semolina 3 eggs ½ tsp sugar ¼ tsp salt

Dough:1½ cup flour Hamur:1½ su bardagi un 1½ su bardagi su 2 yemek kasigi margarin/tereyag 2 yemek kasigi nisasta 1½ yemek kasigi irmik 3 yumurta 84

1 cay kasigi seker ½ cay kasigi tuz Syrup:2 ½ cup sugar 2½ cup water 1 tsp lemon juice Canola oil for frying To prepare the syrup, place sugar and water in a pot. Bring to a boil and stir in lemon juice. Boil for about 5 minutes and let it cool. In a pot, put water, sugar, salt and margarine/butter. Let the margarine/butter melt over medium heat. Stir in flour and stir continuously to form thick dough. Cook for 5-6 minutes over low heat such as cooking halvah. Transfer the dough in a wide bowl and let it cool down. And then, add semolina and starch. Knead with your hands. Add the eggs one by one and knead until forming a lump of sticky and creamy dough. Fill the dough into a pastry bag with a ½ inch diameter star tip. Fill a frying pan with canola oil and make one inch dough pieces, cut the ends with scissors and place them in the oil. Let them double in size over medium heat by shaking the pan lightly (make sure oil is not that hot, otherwise the tulumba will be raw inside). Once they rise, increase the heat and fry all sides of tulumba pieces. Place the fried tulumba over a paper towel and then place them into the cooled syrup immediately. Take the out and place over a serving plate. Serve Tulumba Dessert plain or with thickened cream. ENJOY!

Serbet icin: 2 ½ su bardagi seker 2½ su bardagi su 1 tatli kasigi limon suyu Kizartmak icin sivi yag (tercihen kanola) Serbeti hazirlamak icin, bir tencereye su ve sekeri alin. Kaynayinca limon suyunu ilave edin. 5 dakika kadar kaynatin ve ocaktan alip sogumaya birakin. Margarin/tereyagini ve suyu bir tencereye alin ve icine sekerle tuzu ilave edin. Orta ateste yag eriyene dek bekleyin. Unu ilave edin ve hizlica karistirarak sert bir hamur elde edin. Helva yapar gibi dusuk ateste 5-6 dakika karistirarak pisirin. Hamuru genis bir kaseye alin ve sogumasini bekleyin. Sonra, icine irmik ve nisastayi ilave edin. Elinizle yogurarak yumurtalari teker teker kirin ve hamura yedirin. Ele yapisan krema kivaminda bir hamur elde edin. Ucu tirtikli bir krema torbasina hamuru doldurun. Kizgin olmayan sivi yag ile doldurdugunuz kizartma tavasina hamurdan 3 cm uzunlugunda hamurlar sikip makasla keserek tavaya atin (yag soguk olmalidir ki, hamurlarin disi birden kizarip ici cig kalmasin). Orta ateste tavayi sallayarak hamurlarin kabarmasini bekleyin. Kabarinca atesi yukseltin ve hamurlarin her tarafini kizartin. Kizaran hamurlari kagit havlu uzerine alin ve bekletmeden hemen soguk serbetin icine koyun. Serbetin icinden alin ve servis tabagina alarak sade veya kaymak ile servis yapin. AFIYET OLSUN! 85

Turkish Baklava (Baklava)

Turkish Baklava (Baklava)

Baklava is a traditional and authentic Turkish desert. It is especially being made on religious holidays to serve the guests.

Baklava asirlardir sure gelen geleneksellesmis, otantik bir Turk tatlisidir. Ozellikle bayramlarda her evde bulunan ve gelen misafirlere ikram edilen sevilen ve vazgecilmez bir lezzettir. ½ kg Phyllo Dough, cozunmus 250 gr tereyag, eritilmis 1 ½ su bardagi ceviz/ antep fistigi (orat buyuklukte ogutulmus) Surup: 1 ¼ -1 1/3 su bardagi su 1 ½ -1 ¾ su bardagi seker 1 tatli kasigi limon suyu

1 lb Phyllo Dough, thawed 250 gr butter, melted 1 ½ cup walnuts/pistachios (coarsely ground) Syrup: 1 ¼ -1 1/3 cup water 1 ½ -1 ¾ cup sugar 1 tsp lemon juice For the syrup; boil the sugar and water until the sugar is melted. Then stir in lemon juice. Simmer for about 2-3 minutes and let it cool. Preheat oven to 375 F (190 C). Grease the bottom and sides of a 9x14 inch Pyrex dish/tray. Unroll Phyllo dough. Cover Phyllo Dough Sheets with a dampened cloth to keep from drying out as you work. Place two sheets of dough in the Pyrex dish/tray and butter their top thoroughly. Repeat this process until you have 14 layered sheets. Then sprinkle and spread evenly half of the walnuts/pistachios on top. Continue to add two sheets of dough and butter brushing as you go for another 14 sheets. Then spread the

Once surubunu hazirlamak icin seker ve suyu bir tencerede kaynatin. Kaynayinca limon suyunu ilave edin ve 2-3 dakika kaynatip, sogumaya birakin. Firini 190 C (375 F) isitin. 23x35 cm’lik bir tepsinin dibini ve kenarlarini yaglayin. Phyllo yufka rulosunu acin ve baklavayi yaparken kurumalarini onlemek icin uzerine nemli bir bez ortun. Iki tane yufka alin ve tepsinin dibine yayin. Uzerini tereyagi ile guzelce yaglayin ve bu islemi 14 tane yufka olana dek tekrarlayin. Ceviz/antep fistiginin yarisini uzerine serpin ve esit olarak dagitin. Tekrar 14 yufka icin ayni yaglama islemini tekrarlayin. Geri kalan ceviz/antep fisitigini 86

remaining nuts and layer the last 12 sheets with 2 sheets of dough at a time and buttering as you did before. At the end, butter the top. Dip a sharp knife into hot water and cut into diamond or square shapes all the way to the bottom of the pan. You may cut into 4 long rows the make diagonal cuts. Bake for about 25 minutes at 375 F (190 C), then turn down to 325 F (165 C) and bake for additional 30 minutes until baklava is golden and crisp. Remove baklava from oven and again dip the knife in hot water and cut the baklava all the way down from the same cut lines. Then immediately spoon syrup evenly along the cut lines. Let it cool at least 3-4 hours before serving. Sprinkle some pistachios or walnuts on top before serving. Leave it uncovered as it gets soggy if it is wrapped up. ENJOY!

uzerine yayin ve son 12 yufkayi da ayni sekilde yaglayarak islemi tamamlayin. En ustune geri kalan tereyagini surun. Sonra, keskin bir bicagi sicak suya batirin ve baklavaya son seklini vermek uzere kare ya da baklava dilimleri seklinde kesin. 25 dakika 190C (375 F) de pisirin ve sonra firini 165 C (325 F) ye ayarlayip, 30 dakika daha uzeri kizarana dek pisirin. Firindan cikarinca, tekrar ayni bicagi sicak suda bekletip kesik yerlerden bir daha kesin. Sonra zaman kaybetmeden sicak baklavanin uzerine soguk surubu dokun. Surubu baklavanin kesik yerlerinden dokmeye dikkat edin. En az 3-4 saat bekleyip surubu emmesini bekleyin. Baklavayi servis yapmadan once uzerine ogutulmus ceviz/antepfistigi serpebilirsiniz. Baklavanin uzerini kapatmadan saklayin, yoksa hamurlasir. AFIYET OLSUN!

Turkish Coffee (Turk Kahvesi) Turkish Coffee (Turk Kahvesi)

1 tsp Turkish coffee 1 tsp sugar 1 Turkish coffee cup of purified water (.)

2 cay kasigi Turk Kahvesi 2 cay kasigi seker 1 kahve fincani olcusu icme suyu

Put the coffee and sugar in the coffeepot 87

(cezve, . ) and stir. Fill the Turkish coffee cup with water, leaving some room at the top. Then pour it to the cezve. Depending on how many cups of coffee you want, repeat the previous process. Put cezve on high heat and stir with a spoon to let the sugar dissolve and coffee to mix with the water. When it starts being foamy on the surface, take some of the foam with a spoon and put into the coffee cup.( It is for a foamy Turkish coffee) When bubbles form on top and starts rising, take the cezve off the stove and pour the coffee into the cup. There would be grinds at the bottom of the cup, do not drink this part. You can serve the Turkish coffee with a glass of water and a piece of chocolate. ENJOY! Turkish Coffee has been an important part of Turkish Culture. There is an old saying about it. “ Bir fincan kahvenin kirk yil hatiri vardir”(A cup of Turkish coffee will be remembered for forty years.”) It means that the person who offers the coffee is to be respected and remembered for a long time for the sake of his offering. For many people, the most enjoyable side of Turkish coffee is when another person reads the coffee grains, which is a kind of fortune telling.

Turkish Tea (Turk Cayi)

Seker ve kahveyi cezveye koyup, karistirin. Kahve fincani ile suyu olcup cezveye ilave edin. Yuksek ateste , sekerin erimesi ve kave ile suyun butunlesmesi icin biraz karistirin. Cezvenin uzerine kopuklenmeye basladigi zaman, kasik yardimiyla biraz kopuk alip, kahve fincanlarina paylastirin. (Kahvenin bol kopuklu olmasi icin) Yuzeyi kaynamaya ve kabarmaya basladigi zaman, cezveyi ocaktan alin ve kahve fincanlarina paylastirin. Fincanin dibinde kahvenin telvesi birikecektir, bu kisim icilmez. Turk kahvesini bir bardak su ve bir parca cikolata ile servis edebilirsiniz. AFIYET OLSUN! Turk kahvesi, Turk Kulturunun onemli bir parcasi haline gelmistir. Bununla ilgili eski bir soz de vardir. “Bir fincan kahvenin kirk yil hatiri vardir” Turk kahvesini ikram eden kisiye uzun zaman boyunca saygi duyuldugu ve ikramindan dolayi uzun zaman hatirlandigi anlamina gelir. Cogu kisiye gore, Turk kahvesinin en eglenceli yani, birinin kahvenin telvesinden fal bakmasidir.

Turkish Tea (Turk Cayi) 1 yemek kasigi Turk Cayi 3 su bardagi icme suyu 1 tutam seker Demlik ile Turk Cayi Yapmak Caydanlik iki bolumden olusur. Ustteki kucuk olan, cayi icine koydugumuz demliktir ve alttaki de suyu kaynattigimiz bolumdur. Oncelikle cayi demlige koyun. Daha berrak, parlak ve saglikli bir cay elde etmek icin cayi yikayip suzun. Cay yapraklarinin 88

1 tbsp Turkish Tea leaves 3 cups purified water 1 cup purified water (to wash the tea leaves) A pinch of sugar

kaynamis sui le ani temasi , caydaki C vitaminini yok eder ve icindeki mineral degerlerini azaltir. Ayni zamanda kaynamis su , cayin icindeki tanen maddesini parcalar, yok eder ve bu da kansizliga yol acar. Bunu onlemek icin demlige koydugumuz cayi Fixing Turkish Tea With Caydanlik Caydanlik (.picture) consists of two kettles. temiz su ile yikiyoruz ya da 1-2 kasik soguk The small one is the brewer (demlik), to put su ile islatiyoruz. Aciligi onlemek icin bir the tea in and the larger is to boil the water. miktar seker ilave edi Caydanligin alt First place the Turkish Tea leaves into the kismina 3 su bardagi suyu koyup uzerine brewer and in order to obtain a clear, bright demligi koyun. Caydanligi orta ateste and healthy tea, wash them with purified kaynamaya birakin. Su kaynayinca, yarisini water and then drain. Otherwise the demlige , yikanmis cay yapraklarinin immediate contact of the tea leaves with uzerine dokun. Eger su yeterli degilse, boiled water would result in the lost of the caydanligin altina biraz daha su ilave edip Vitamin C and affect the minerals in it. Also kaynatabilirsiniz. Dusuk ateste cayi 5-8 boiled water damages the tannin (tanen) dakika demleyin. material and it causes anaemia(kansizlik). Cay suzgeci kullanarak, cayi cay Add a pinch of sugar to adjust the strongness bardaklarina dokun. Bardagin 1/3 unu dem, of the tea. geri kalanini sicak sui le doldurun. Cayin Put the 3 cups of water in the larger kettle and demine isteginize gore ayarlayabilirsiniz. put the brewer on top of it. Then place the Daha hafif bir tad icin bir kac damla limon caydanlik over medium heat and let the water suyu ilave edebilirsiniz. Isterseniz seker ile boil. Pour the half of the boiled water into the tatlandirabilirsiniz. brewer over the washed tea leaves. You can Aromatik ve kokulu bir cay icin; demlige 1 add some more water in the bottom kettle and cay kasigi bergamot, suya 2-3 tane karanfil boil it (if the water seems not enough). Let ilave edebilirsiniz. the tea brew for about 5-8 minutes over low heat. Kahve Makinesi ile Turk Cayi Yapmak Using a tea strainer, pour the tea to the tea Eger caydanliginiz yok ise, kahve makinesi glasses. Fill 1/3 of the glasses with tea and ile cay yapmayi deneyebilirsiniz. Caydanlik the rest with boiled water. You can adjust the ile yapilan cay gibi lezzetli olmayabilir, ama brew amount as you like. You can use a few bir alternative olabilir. drops of lemon juice, for a lighter taste. Also Kahveyi koydugunuz bolume Turk Cayi you can add some sugar to taste. yapraklarini koyun ve su haznesine 4 su To obtain aromatic taste you can add 1 tsp of bardagi su koyun. Makineyi calistirin. Bu bergamot to the brewer and 2-3 cloves to the sirada cayin demin ayarlayabilmek icin ayri water. bir yerde biraz su kaynatin. Cay hazir oldugunda; cayin dem oranini kaynattiginiz suyu istediginiz oranda ilave ederek Fixing Turkish Tea With Coffee Machine If you do not have caydanlik, you can try the ayarlayabilirsiniz. coffee machine to make Turkish Tea. It will AFIYET OLSUN! not be as delicious as the tea made with caydanlik, but it is an option. Just place the Turkish Tea Leaves where you normally put the coffee and use 4 cups of water. And start 89

the machine. Meanwhile boil some water to adjust the lightness of the tea. When it is done you can adjust the tea with adding some boiled water. Pour the tea to the tea glasses or cups ENJOY!



2 cups of plain yogurt ½ or 1 cup purified water 1 tsp salt (optional)

2 su bardagi yogurt ½ ya da 1 su bardagi icme suyu 1 cay kasigi tuz (istege bagli)

Place the yogurt in a bowl and whisk it by hand or with mixer until it is smooth. Then add water and salt (optional). If you .the bubbles after whisking, that means you have done your best to make the ayran. Then pour the ayran to the glasses. Drink ayran as quick as possible after you prepare since after a while yogurt would descend at the bottom. Ayran goes well with chicken, meat or vegetable dishes. ENJOY!

Yogurdu bir kaseye alin ve cirpici ya da mikser ile putursuz bir hale gelene dek karistirin. Sonra suyu ve tuzu (istege bagli) ilave edin. Karistirmaya devam edin. Yuzeyde baloncuklar olustugu zaman, ayran yapmak icin elinizden geleni yapmissinizdir. Son olarak ayrani bardaklara dokun.Ayrani bir an once tuketin. Cunku bir sure sonra yogurt dibe cokecektir.Ayran; et, tavuk ve sebze yemekleri ile iyi gider. AFIYET OLSUN!

Pickle (Tursu)



1lt glass jar or plastic container 1/3 cup distilled white vinegar or apple cider vinegar (%5 acidity) 10-12 baby carrots or 2 carrots, sliced in bite sizes or larger (as you like) Âź bunch of cauliflower, separated in small pieces (as you like) Âź cabbage, cut into bite sizes or larger (as you like) 1-2 green tomatoes, sliced (cut a tomato in 68 slices) 2 cloves garlic 1 tbsp salt 6-8 coriander to taste 8-10 ungrounded whole black pepper to taste 1-2 slice celery heart for taste and to be firm 1lt purified water

Put all the vegetables including the garlic and celery, in the glass jar or container. Try to fill as much as you can by pushing from the top. Add the salt, coriander and black pepper and vinegar. Finally add the water till it covers the vegetables. Close the cap tightly and turn the jar or container upside down for a while to let the salt dissolve and mix the water and vinegar. You can use the same procedure for pickled gherkins and pickled chili peppers. You can make it less spicy by adding 1-2 tsp sugar.

1lt lik cam ya da plastic kavanoz 1/3 su bardagi uzum/ elma sirkesi ( %5 asit orani) 10-12 minik havuc ya da 2 tane buyuk havuc, istenilen boyutta dogranmis Âź bas karnabahar, kucuk parcalara ayirilmis Âź bas lahana, istenilen buyuklukte dogranmis 1-2 yesil domates, dogranmis (bir domatesten6-8 dilim elde edin) 2 dis sarimsak 1 yemek kasigi tuz 6-8 tane kisnis aroma icin 8-10 tane karabiber 1-2 dal kereviz, aroma ve siki olmasi icin 1 lt icme suyu

Sarimsak ve kereviz de dahil olmak uzere, butun sebzeleri cam/plastic kavanoza koyun.Ustunden bastirarak iyice sikistirin.Tuz, kisnis, karabiber ve sirkeyi ilave edin. Uzerine cikana dek su ile doldurun. Kapagini sikica kapatip, tuz ve sirkenin sui le iyice karismasi icin kavanozu bir kac defa alt ust edin. Ayni islemleri salatalik tursusu, biber ya da aci biber tursusu yapmak icin de kullanabilirsiniz. Tursu biberlerin aciligini azaltmak icin 1-2 tatli kasigi seker ilave edebilirsiniz. Hazirladiginiz tursulari, serin ve karanlik bir yere koyup, 2-3 hafta fermente olmalari icin 91

Place them in a dark and cool place. Leave for fermentation for about 2-3 weeks. When it’s done, the vegetables will change in color, they will be crispy. Tursu goes well with the meat dishes and especially kidney beans (kuru fasulye). ENJOY!

bekleyin. Hazir olduklarinda, sebzelerin rengi degisecek ve yediginiz zaman sert, kitir kitir oldugunu farkedeceksiniz. Tursu ozellikle kisin, kuru fasulye ile iyi gider ve butun et yemeklerine yakisir.


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