Program and activities 1. Sunday, March 22nd : ARRIVAL OF THE PARTNERS All the European partners arrived in Policoro at Hermes hotel and were welcomed by the Italian coordinator, teacher Maria Antonietta Violante, the Greek teacher Patrizia Silvano, all the students and their families. The guest students were taken to the houses by the home students, the teachers and an English student were accommodated at “Hermes� hotel. Spain arrived at the bus station in Policoro, welcomed by the Italian coordinator, the families and the Italian students, the host students were taken by the home students and their families, the two Spanish colleagues were driven by Maria Antonietta Violante to the hotel, where they stayed for four nights, while the Austrian, English, French, Polish, Romanian, Swedish and Turkish partners stayed for five nights. 2. Monday, March 23rd 07:30 A coach picked the teachers and the students up and taken them to Liceo Classico in Nova Siri. 08:00 – 08:30 The plenary meeting was held in the High school assembly hall. The Italian coordinator, Maria Antonietta Violante welcomed all the teachers and the students, introduced the timetable of the activities, giving the news of the Sundial opening ceremony, after that, she introduced the main coordinator of the project, Francisco Luque Ruiz .
Francisco Luque Ruiz welcomed everyone and thanked to the Italian school for a warm welcome, then the vice Headmaster Carucci emphasized the value of the European cooperation, reminding us the importance of our culture especially that one comes from our forefathers of the ancient world. Letizia Orlando read a short Latin extract, and stressed the majesty and the significance of the Ancient Rome and of the Latin civilization.
08:30 – 09:30
The European students introduced themselves and presented the activites of their works : “ Statistical Study of Investigation” and the Institutions involved in the project.
09:30 – 10:30 Sundial Ceremony ( outdoor )
The Headmistress, Teacher Maria Amorigi introduced the opening ceremony of the sundial in the presence of the city authorities, all the European partners, the students and the members of the school. After her speech the Headmistress invited the Science teacher, Michele Scarano to show us how the sundial has been carried out, the teacher explains us it is made of the typical Trani stone, with carved Roman numbers
and zodiacal signs, placed on the upper part of the external wall of the school . Mrs Filomena Buccello, the Nova Siri vice Mayor congratulated all the members of the school and the participants involved in the project, honoured to take part in this remarkable and interesting Comenius Project that permits to European young people to cooperate and face side by side.
The vertical sundial was projected and realized by the students of ISIS “Pitagora” under the teacher Scarano’s direction.
10:30 - 11:00 Coffee break
11:00 Departure for the visit the National Research Centre in Rotondella (Trisaia), for all the students and the teachers. Doctor Maurizio Matera welcomed us in the assembly hall, where two researchers introduced us their tasks concerning with research, technology innovation and advanced services in the fields of energy, research was extended to renewable energy sources ( biomass and biofuels), the environment and sustainable development. Trisaia research centre is devoted to the development of agro-food industry too.
About 12:15 after the meeting in the assembly hall, the whole group of the students was split into two groups to visit the laboratories guided by the two researchers to show us the processes of the activities of research. ENEA acts in close collaboration with the Italian Government, Regions, local administrations.
The steam explotion pilot plant can treat 300Kg/h of biomass, developing and demonstrating the production of liquid biofuels from fermentation processes (ethanol). Link : www.enea.it/
At 13:30 we thanked the researchers and Doctor Maurzio Matera and left for Policoro, where at Gusti Lucani� restaurant we had lunch,tasting delicious meals, teachers and students all together.
15:30 About 15:30 departure for Sant’Arcangelo to visit the ancient monastery “Orsoleo” . We visited “Orsoleo” monastery, the chapel of St. Virgin Mary and the famous Orsoleo Museum, inaugurated by Dalay Lama in December, 2014. The old monumental complex of Santa Maria d’Orsoleo, in the area of S. Arcangelo, overlooks the villages in the Agri Valley. The Monastery was revised in 1600,its cloister shows several frescos dating from 1500; amongst them there is a composition representing the ‘Pietà del Cristo’. In the Church, in one of the sides of the Monastery, there are a carved altar and a wooden polychrome ceiling. Link : http://www.orsoleo.org/
After having visited the monastery and the museum, about 19: 00 p.m the partecipants came back home. In the evening the students had dinner at home and spent time with the families.
At 20:00 teachers had dinner at Hermes restaurant, tasting enjoyable italian dishes.
At midnight the teachers wento to the hotel.
3. Tuesday, March 24th
07:45 Mrs Maria Antonietta Violante picked the teachers up at Hermes hotel and then the students at the bus station in Policoro and left to vist the ASI (Italian Space Agency ) “ Giuseppe Colombo� in Matera. Abou 10:15 and more we arrived in Matera, a bit late because of the farmers strike were driving their agrimotors. At the Space Station we were welcomed by Mr Garramone, the manager, in the assembly hall, who presented the main activities located at the CGS (Space Geodesy Centre) -, the joint effort of
four authorities : the Italian National Space Plan of the National Research Council, the Region of Basilicata, the Italian Sapce Agency and Telespazio.
CGS provides a satellite monitoring service of the Mediterranean Sea – for the control of the marine pollution by – hydrocarbons - to the Italian Ministry of the Environment, and its instrumentation has made possible for the first time the determination of a 6 cm displacement of the earth’s axis, caused by the earthquaker and by the tsunami.
The gravimeter operating at the CGS is used for the experimental determination of the accelaration of gravity and for the calibration of the national gravimeter network. ASI/CGS Is a member of International Laser Ranging Service as observation station and data analysis centre for the interpretation of earth.
The Italian Space Agency dedicates to experimentation with institutional users of earth observation techniques, in support to the management of natural and anthropic disasters : floodins, landslides, fires, marine pollution by hydrocarbons, seismic and volcanic risks, air qualities issue. At 11:30 the partecipants had a short break, after that, they were guided by Mr Garramone to vist the laboratories of earth observation data, a set of radar satellites.
Matera Laser Ranging Observatory (MLRO) is capabable to measure the distance to the Moon with mathematical precision, moreover the radio astronomy antenna receives from natural sources the radio waves which makes possible to measure earth’s rotation.
Thanks to the space Geodesy, today it is possible to measure, with astonishing accuracy, and monitor the crustal deformation ,the postglacial bounce, the rotation of the Earth and its gravity.
As a result of cloudy and bad weather the group of Comenius visitors din not have the possibilty to oberseve through the telescope.
After the visit to the laboratories Comenius group returned to the assembly hall with Mr Garramone to continue their meeting. Link : www.asi.it
At 13:30 Comenius group moved to “PICO” restaurant located in the typical area of “SASSI”, where enjoyed the traditional local “cousine”.
At 14:30 the group met the two guides to visit the park of the Rupestrian Churches of Matera. The partecipants were split into two groups and stareted the excursion. An amazing tour for exploring the beauties of the European Capital of Culture, declared a UNESCO WORLD HERITAGE in 1993. Lnik : www.basilicataturistica.net
Matera is home to those cave dwellings called “Sassi”, it spans two natural amphitheatres, the Sasso Caveoso and the Sasso Barisano,at whose centre lies the lovely Civita spur. Link: www.sassimatera.net/
At 19:00 Comenius partners came back home, the students had dinner with the families, the teachers wento to “Tana del Blasco” – Pizzeria, in Policoro.
4. Wednesday,March25th 07:30 - Mrs Maria Antonietta Violante picked the teachers up at Hermes hotel, then the students at the bus station in Policoro and left to vist the ”CNR” - IMAA Research Institute in Potenza. The comunication manager of the Institute of Methodologies for Environmental Analysis, Doctor Licia Fanti led the Comenius group in the assembly all to get the presentation of studying environmental and geophysical processes. In here two researchers alternated with the presentation of their works, the researcher Fabio Madonna, who presented his project : CIAO CNR – IMAA : Atmospheric Observation, by Fabio Madonna and CIAO STAFF The main fields of CIAO scientific mission are : -
Monitoring climate Monitoring Air quality Modelling evaluation Study of atmospheric processes Certification and test of commercial devices
CIAO STAFF carried out studies on Radiation - Atmosphere interactions.
monitoring ETNA eruption November 2002) and Ceilometers for aerosol profiling potential world.
To make a significant impact on students and to warm the atmosphere Fabio Madonna involved them in a scientific quiz that made the meeting more pleasant.
At 11:30 the partecipants had a break and subsequently the work continued with the introduction of Micro and Biominerals in Environmental and Human Health Issues focused on the micro minerals (including clay minerals) in environmental processes as well as their impact on human health, led by Claudia Belviso – researcher CNR-IMAA.
The researcher presented the following activities : -
Speciation of metals in the presence of clay minerals in contaminated areas; Experimental alteration of chrysolite and termolite, development of models for the assessment of asbestos risks; Mineralogical and chemical characterization of atmospheric particulate; Analysis of the mineralogical factors in land degradation phenomena ( erosion, salinisation, ladslides).
After the last presentation the partecipants were divided into two groups guided by the two researchers and visited the laboratories.
Link : www.imaa.cnr.it
At 13:30 we left the the building and everyone had free lunch in a shopping centre, about 15:00 Luigi, the driver of the coach drove us to Lyceum in Nova Siri for our meeting and family party. At school the students accompanied by Patrizia Silvano and Nadia Circus in computer room to fill in the on-line form the evaluation of the stay, the teachers joined to have their meeting. The French partner, Alain Giacometti informed us of having received the inspector for the commission of evaluation in February, he stressed that the most important things about the report are the date of the mobilities of arrival and departure. The coordinator of the project, Francisco Luque Ruiz, remembered us : -
At the end of the project we need the report and all the materials have to be uploaded on twin space, every kind of material. In Zonguldak we decided to have to have a list of all investigation centres (send Paco the list of investigation centres used in the project). Send Paco an e-mail telling him to hanivg uploaded the list of investigation centres. About the mobilty in Poland in May, we have to send Angelika at the end of April 27 th 30th the results of the experiment and the video (the result, the average of the accelaration of gravity, the description, the method used).
Angelika told us that the best airport to get off for everyone, is Katowice, she suggested to ask our students if they can go underground 320 metre deep. Prof. Nietta Violante will try to get a special authorization from Italian responsible for education to be present at the meeting in England. The definitive dates of the meeting are arrival 16 th June departure 21st June 2015. Furthermore the coordinator proposed to prepare the Gold book with five photos for each country : -
Photos of students involved in the project. Photos of all the teachers. Photos of the families received the host students, or a photo “family dinner� with explanation. Photos of the Institutions involved in. Photo of the sundial. The coordinators will have to prepare a digital page for each photo, FORMAT. Meanwhile the teachers were holding the meeting the students after the evaluation, accompanied by the teacher Patrizia Silvano, visited the school rooms, the laboratoires and then they played volleyball outdoor. At 20:00 the families arrived for the final party in the assembly room, a big and full table was laid with tasty and enjoyable food prepared by the host families. The party started!!!! Enjoy your meal!! Before leaving away the coordinator , Mrs Maria Antonietta Violante and the coordinator of the project Francisco Luque Ruiz gave the certificates to the partecipants, students and teachers.
The party goes on……..
The final party finished at 23:00 , the students left the school with the host families and also the teachers went home.
5. Thursday,March 26th 07:45 - Mrs Maria Antonietta Violante picked the teachers up at Hermes hotel, then the students at the bus station in Policoro and left to vist the baroque city of Lecce. The sightseeing started at 10:00, a guide accompanied us during all the vist. The tour starts from Porta Napoli
Porta Napoli is the most beautiful of the entrances to the city. Also known as the Arch of Triumph of Charles V, the gate rises majestically in the square. It was designed by Gian Giacomo of and erected in 1548, on the spot where once stood the ancient port of San Giusto. The arch, one of the highest in Italy, is in Corinthian style and is flanked by two columns on each side, with composite capitals, which support a triangular pediment. On the latter they are carved trophies of war and the double-headed eagle, emblem of the Austro-Spani.
The cathedral
In Roman times the square, propbably, corresponded to the forum of the city, placed at the intersection of the Cardo and the Decumanus Maximus. The first Cathedral was built in the early Christian period providing the place with a sacred as well as a civic connotation. It maintains its central position under the Normans: center of the major civil and religious functions, kept in the two neighbouring areas whose space still today appears divided. In the first large square the Bishop’s fair was established in 1452, which attracted merchants and purchasers from all over the region. The square, surrounded by a defensive enclosure and guarded by the extremely high Bell Tower, used before as a watchtower, fulfilled as well the role of a fortified citadel protecting the population in case of danger.
Lecce Cathedral, located in the square is the Cathedral of the city, dedicated to Our Lady of the Assumption. It was first built in 1144, then in 1230, Lecce Baroque style.
Discovered during excavations at the beginning of the twentieth century, the Roman amphitheater is one of the oldest monuments in the heart of Lecce. In fact, it dates back to the second century A.D. and you can view it by going on the central Piazza Sant'Oronzo.
For a long time the amphitheater remained buried under its own rubble because it was only discovered by chance in 1901 during the construction of the building of the Bank of Italy. Brought to light thanks to the considerable efforts of the archaeologist Salento Cosimo De Giorgi, the amphitheater was declared a National Monument.
The Basilica of Santa Croce, in the place and in the aspect that we admire dates back to 1548, but its history, together with the annexed Convent of the Celestini is far more articulate. The first phase of construction, which began in 1549, ended in 1582 and saw the construction of the lower part of the front, to the huge balcony supported by telamons depicting men and animals. The dome was completed in 1590.
At 12:30 we met in St. Oronzio square and moved to “Loisi� restaurant. After lunch our driver , Luigi, who accompanied us during our tour, drove us to Otranto.
Located on the Adriatic coast of Salento peninsula, it is the easternmost town of Italy: the head of the same name, also called Punta PalascĂŹa, south of town, is the geographic point to the east of the Italian peninsula. Greek-messapico center and Roman, then Byzantine and later Aragonese, is built around the imposing castle and its Norman cathedral. Archbishop's residence and major tourist center, has given its name to the Strait of Otranto, which separates Italy from Albania, and the Terra d'Otranto, an ancient district of the Kingdom of Naples. In 2010, the old town has been recognized as World Heritage Site.
Otranto is the most eastern point of Italy. According to the conventions at sea, this place is the point of separation between the Ionian and the Adriatic Sea.
At 17:30 we came back home, about 20:30 the students had dinner at “Tunnel!” pub, the teachers enjoyed their meal at “Hermes” restaurant.
At midnight the two groups , teachers and students went home.
6. Friday, March 27th
The following day all the partners left for Bari airport to come back their own countries, Maria Antonietta Violante drove the Spanish partners to the bus station,they took the coach at 00:15 a.m. to Rome. France left Hermes hotel by shuttle to Bari airport, all the others left at 08:30 a.m.
Spain Austria
Poland UK Sweden Turkey Romania
Fr ance
Arrival Roma Ciampino 09,10 Bari 22nd 17:30
departure Roma Ciampino 11,00
Bari 22th 10:25 Bari 22nd 20:30 Bari 22nd 10,25 Bari22nd 20,45 Bari 22nd 15.25
Bari 27th 18:25 Bari 27th 12:10 Bari 27th at 11,50
Bari 22 march at 22:35
Bari 27 march at 8:00
27th 18:25
Bari 27th 12,10 27th March Bari - 15.55
7. Communication The local TV “Blutv Basilicata” interview on you tube : Blu TV – LICEO CLASSICO DO NOVA SIRI : “PROGETTO COMENIUS”
8.Conclusion of the meeting The project got an integral part of curriculum of our school and allowed to our students to widen their horizons blending well with the European partners and to be only one face : Europe. Thanks to the families, the school members as well as all the partners that with their support made the successful project.
AUSTRIA Students
Sonja Drakler
Schmid Karina
Andrea Lamp
Strunz Marion
Teachers Alain Giacometti Patrick Serein
FRANCE Students Sylvain Dane Jordan ouissenia Bastien Croizet
POLAND Teachers Students Jankowski Igor Angelika Jochemczyk Agnieszka Bylica Nowak Kamil Gaweł Michał
SPAIN Students
Francisco Luque Ruiz
Mª Victoria Hernández Maestre
Mª Victoria Cerezo Morales
Pedro A González Alcántara Helena Hidalgo López
Teachers Nadja Circu
ROMANIA Students Alexia Avrinte
Ionela Morarita Leonard Vacaru
Teachers Sofia Fondelius
SWEDEN Students Gustafsson Astrid Andersson Helen Ekblad Joha Chehab Eddine Sirin
Teachers Servete Kefeli Güner Yaşkan
TURKEY Students Sağlam Melek Nur Altay Cans
UNITED KINGDOM Teachers Students David Auker - Howlett Liam Taylor Steven Lewis Liam Hill Steven Payne Hannah Burke
List of the Italian Teachers and Students
Teachers Maria Antonietta Violante Letizia Labriola Michele Scarano Giuseppina Salerno Patrizia Silvano Raffaele Carucci
Students Sonia Cipollino Cinzia Guglielmucci Federico Casarano Antonella Marinaro Chiara D’alessndro Maurizio Puzzovivo Letizia Orlando Arcuri Vincenzo Mariamelia Bruno Serena De Luca Francesca Desantis Palmieri Roberta Armando Loisi Valentina Giampietro Maria Bruna Forostiere Katrin Varasno Francesco Affuso Rosa Pontrandolfi Giuseppe Pregnolato Francesco Affuso Paola Latronico Angel Marrone Maria Antonietta Sollazzo Lucia Santercole
TIMETABLE OF THE ACTIVITIES 23nd -27th March 2015 Monday 23/03/15
-07:30 Pick the teachers up at Hermes hotel -07:45 Pick the students up at the bus station - Policoro - 08:15 Meeting at school with the Headmistress and school members - 08:30 Presentation of the students/ activities - 09:30 Sundial Opening Ceremony - 10:30 coffee break - 11:00 Visit The National Research Council –Trisaia of Rotondella - 13:30 Lunch at local cousine restaurant “Gusti Lucani” of Policoro -14:30 Departure for Sant’Arcangelo -15:30 Visit to the “Orsoleo” museum of Sant’Arcangelo
- 17:00 Back to the hotel and free time
Tuesday 24/03/15
Wednesday 25/03/15
- 07:45 Departure for Matera
- 07:30 Pick the teachers up at Hermes hotel
- 07:45 Departure for Lecce and Otranto
-07:45 Pick the students up at the bus station Departure for Potenza
- 9:30 Sightseeing of the baroque city(gui ded)
–09:30 Visit to the ASI ( Space Station) - 13:00 Lunch at ” PICO”, local cuisine restaurant - Sassi - 14:30 Guided Visit to : The Sassi and the park of the Rupestrian Churches of Matera - 18:00 Back to the hotel
- 10:00 Visit to the “CNR – IMAA” Research Institute - 13:00 Free Lunch at the shopping centre -14:00 Back to Nova Siri school - 16:00 Meeting at school, Evaluation and receiving certificate - 17:30 free time - 19:30 Dinner at school prepared by parents
Thursday 26/03/15
- 13:00 lunch at the Local cousine Restaurant”Loisi” - 14:30 Departure for Otranto( the Norman town)
18:00 Back to Policoro
Friday 27/03/15
- Departure : -00:15 Spain at the bus station - 04:30 France at Hermes hotel -08:45/09:00 Austria, UK, Romania, Poland, Turkey, Sweden