portfolio|Kassara Nadia

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curiculum vitae diploma project social hab for creative arts


final thesis urban transformation in Athens’ historical center

academic projects 24 28 32 36 40 44 3

xanthi’s city museum xanthi’s museum sign theater lab for children thermal spa & hotel theatrical scenography indoor art instalation

curiculum vitae




diploma project



hub for creative arts [social ] athens|psiri

This project presents an architectural aproach for a multi-purpose theater, a theater school and the redesign of a public open space in the center of Athens, in the neighborhood of Psirris. The way that Greek cities are structured often leads to spatial and social problems. In most cases, the built up private spaces overcome the amount of public ones. To make matters worse the rapidly changing of socio-economic context leads to the deprivation of many areas and has a great impact on people and their everyday life. The first thing that we mention in Psiris area was the abandoned ground floor spaces. this destabilizing “phenomenon”, reflects a general abandonment of the city. taking into account the region’s historical and industrial character, we focused on restoring the past vitality. This proposal emphasises on the reuse and reactivation of empty ground floors, in a way that will create a public-spaces network for creative arts. 9

urban analysis 1. creative arts “network” Reuse of abandoned spaces which are up to 2 floors, in a good condition 2. “emros” building Restoration and redesign of that building and transform it into a multifuncional theater. 3. little park Redesign of the car park near “empros”, and make it an open air public space. 4. pedestrian line Make the R. Palamidi and Katsikogianni streets as pedestrian lines.

position of the area on the city map In order to understand its spatial and social characteristics, there is an analysis of the existing urban context. Psiris is located in the Athens’ historical center and is defined by the roads Ermou, Athinas, Euripidou and Sarri. It is one of the oldest neighborhoods of Athens that maintains its urban design from the 19th century, where narrow and labyrinthine roads lead from the central square to the perimeter axes. It used to be a densely-built and industrial neighborhood. Free spaces are in low percentage and non organised as public spaces. Moreover there are buildings with more than 5 floors, and in combination with the narrow streets, create a sense of imprisonment. The main uses on ground level are commercial uses perimetrically, entertainment uses on the centre and the main axes. There are also, too many abandoned places spread all over the area, the majority of them are in a good condition. ground floor uses

without use

buildings’ condition

in a good


buildings’ height

up to 2 flo




designing procedure



stage lighting

movable seats


section a-a’ sc. 1:100 13

section g-g’ sc. 1:100


section e-e’ sc. 1:100


section st-st’ sc. 1:100




final thesis academic projects Theoritical Research Project



[ urban transformations: ] athens historical center


https://issuu.com/nadiakass/docs/ pdfdialexi_vretakakoy_kassara2

City centers are constantly changing and transforming. After spreading to the suburbs and abandoning historic centers, interest is again directed to the central areas of cities, where rapid changes in production, economy, politics and culture create an upsurge in social phenomena and a restructuring of the scale of production. This scale of production acquires metropolitan features and aims to make the city competitive at international level. New consumer and cultural standards, needs and financial requirements are the conditions that the city has to deal with. In this context, a class redistribution of the population is attempted by replacing the lower social classes, with newer ones, which brings high rates of profitability to the private and public sectors. One of the urban sprawl strategies with such characteristics is gentrification. This issue is also of particular concern over the last years in Greece due to the looming intention of transforming Athens into a metropolis. More specific the areas of Athens are of great interest are these at the city center , since in recent years there has been a tendency to redefine both their social group and their urban space. Thus, starting from the theoretical study of the phenomenon, we are attempting to evaluate the processes that have been carried out in Greece in recent years with regard to their refinement trends. By focusing our research on 3 central areas of Athens (Plaka, Psyrri, Metaxourgeio), our aim is to understand the transformations that have taken place and to draw conclusions about the actors and the objectives of each process. Finally, a general evaluation of the phenomenon of gentrification and its correlation with the developments in recent years in Greece is attempted. 21


academic projects


4th year of studies team project(group of 4) AUTOCAD | PHOTOSHOP| SKETCH-UP | INDESIGN 24

[museum ] xanthi city

the museum is located in Xanthi’s central square . It is a very important point, of the city life because of its position between the residential zone and the park’s limits. Moreover in this place are collected all the government buildings like the town hall, the court and a church. In order to eliminate this limit, and connect these two parts of the city we set as basic designing purpose the creation of a building,in which the public space fits. So there is a public route, that crosses through the museum and is surrounded by its functions.




4th year of studies team project (group of 2) AUTOCAD | PHOTOSHOP| SKETCH-UP | INDESIGN 28



xanthi’s museum

The aim of this project is to design a sign for the previews project named, ‘Xanthi’s city museum’. It is an installation where all the events and the temporary exhibitions of the museum can be published in order to communicate them to the public. As we can see in the procedure diagram, if we take the basic form of the plan, transform it and rotate it vertically, we can have the installation’s form. Moreover on the top there is a projector which projects on the entrance facade all the museum’s advertisements. 29



3rd year of studies team project( group of 2) AUTOCAD | ARCHICAD | PHOTOSHOP | INDESIGN 32


theater lab for children


This project’ s purpose is the interior design of a theatrical laboratory for children. The space is separated in two parts. One for the reception and another one where the courses are taking place. Moreover in the second part there is also a small auditorium for the theater plays. Finally there is a backyard in order to be used both for rest and breaks, summer courses and some theatrical plays during summertime




5th year of studies team project (group of 3) AUTOCAD | PHOTOSHOP 36


thermal spa &hotel


this building complex contains hamam, spa, interior and extererior pools, restaurant, library,cafeteria six double rooms and single rooms. The designing procedure aims at integration to the landscape with harmony. That’s why all the materials and the building structure react with the nature respectfully




3rd year of studies personal project PHOTOSHOP 40

[“monogramma” ] set & costume design

Odyseas Elytis, in 1971 composed ‘Monogramma’, a poem about love and created a contemporary love tragedy. The basic point is the difficult situations that the couple faces, which the woman can not overcome and lead her to death. This death is obviously reporting a same character with the commonly known Ophilia in order to combine the poem’s story with famous love tragedies, where lovers must face all the social and family objections. The monologue is a very intense characteristic of this poem. The theatrical play supposed to be the woman’s monolog to her lover about all her feelings. The death in the play is not a real one, but it is a reference to the hard separation of these two people 41



1st year of studies team project 1:1 scaled construction 44



indoor art instalation





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