Diwali Description

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India is the 2nd most populous country in the world which has over 1.2 billion people.


It is bounded by Arab Sea on the south-west, Indian Ocean on the south, and the Bay of Bengal on the south-east. It shares land borders with Pakistan to the west, China and Nepal to the north-east.


India has some various religion, most of them are Hinduism, the other one is Islam, Chris, Sikhism, Buddha, and Jainism.


Hinduism has several celebrations, one of the most popular one is Diwali.


Diwali, which known as the festival of light is a festival about the victory of light over darkness, knowledge over ignorance, good over evil, and hope over despair.




Characters: Rama, Sita, Rahwana, Hanoman, Laksman, Golden Deer, and Monkey Troops


Rama and Sita, his wife, was live happily. But one of the king’s wife was jealous with it. The king ask Rama to go to the forest accompanied by Sita and Laksman (younger brother of Rama). Rahwana looked at Sita and falling in adore her beauty. To kidnap Sita, Rahwana send the golden deer to attract Rama and Laksman attention. While both of them got busy on searching the golden deer, Rahwana kidnapped Sita. Rama and Laksman came back and suddenly got shocked.


While trying to find Sita, Rama and Laksman met Hanoman and the monkey troops and they got confused what was going on. Rama told Hanoman the story and with a humble heart of Hanoman, he definitely wants to help Rama. Hanoman, the monkey with a super power, finally found Sita and told her that Rama would come to save her. Hanoman came back to Rama, and want to help fighting with the evil, with his monkey troops. They suddenly went to Lanka to have a fight betweet good and evil.


Rama met Rahwana, and gave him a last chance, but Rahwana still did not want to, so Rama killed him. And finally, he got Sita back on his arm.


Step of Diwali




Dhanteras is a day to remind the birthday of Laksmi: the Goddest of wealth and prosperity, and Dhavantari: the Goddest of health and healing.

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