WEEK 2 | HOMEWORK | Exercise 4
READER’S DIGEST | page 46-47 Strength •
Have an interesting content about 40 restaurant’s facts that you don’t know. Because the title is really making the readers curious to know something that we don’t know.
Not use too much colour, it makes the article more simpler and not confusing. The readers can easily know where is the sub topic, and what are the details. (it uses red colour on the number, so we can easily know when the paragraph will end)
The beginning of the article can easily seen because the first letter is bigger then others. So, it grabs people attention what to read for the first time.
Informative folios.
Weakness •
Too bad, the interesting topic doesn’t support by any interesting image. The article looks boring because there are too much sentences.
More than 60% of the readers are women, which come from A–B social economic grouping with the age of 25-40. And for the people around 35-40, maybe the text’s size is too small. On that age, people started to have the eyes problem and don’t like to read small texts.
The range between one to another column is too tight. It makes the text looks full.
Opportunity •
Has an interesting topic that many people don’t know and don’t care about. It could be an asset to sell this magazine.
Threat •
There are another magazine spreads that have not really interesting topic but have good design, so it much more attracting than the plain ones.
READER’S DIGEST | page 124-125 Strength •
The articles have moral stories. Because it tells about some inspirational stories that comes from the animal.
The division of the stories can easily see because first, it uses different colour. Secondly, the title of the article uses a bigger text size.
The stories are more alive because there are some photos.
WEEK 2 | HOMEWORK | Exercise 4 Weakness •
The layout of this spread is not interesting. Less exploration of layout.
There is a widow text (page 125, Burung Pengusir Maling, paragraph 1)
The white text on the image is not clearly seen.
The texts are too much, it makes the spread looks so full.
Opportunity •
The interesting stories about Hewan Hewan Heroik should be good for attracting people to buy this magazine. Because the stories are inspiring and there are some moral values that we could get from these stories.
It could be an additional point that Reader’s Digest could get. Because the magazine has another story rather than just only a magazine about healthy life.
Threat •
This spread has interesting topics but the layout is not interesting. Because it just using the ordinary layout (using 4 column).
NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC KIDS | page 6-7 Strength •
It uses many colours that could make kids interested (the target audience of this magazine is for kids).
The layout is playful, not too serious because it is for kids.
The photographs are clear and nice because the angle taken for the photo is not usual and informative for the texts (especially on page 7).
We are being able to see the headline for the first time, because it uses bigger type size than others. So we can easily see what is the text about.
Informative, because not only text that had been shown, but there are also some images.
Consistent typeface between one to another page.
Weakness •
The type size is too small for kids.
The article is not straight forward, too much text. Some kids tend to be lazy to read the article.
Page 7’s body is risky. Because it uses white colour and the background is an image. It’s hard to read.
Seems like the text on the Tips box is too tight. The margin between the text and the box is too close.
WEEK 2 | HOMEWORK | Exercise 4
This magazine gives benefits to kids. Because it makes the kids know about the world that they’re live in and increase the knowledge.
The magazine make the article looks fun so it will attract kids.
Threat •
Not all of the kids love to read. Maybe some of them are not interested on reading the article, only seeing the images.
GO GIRL! | page 76-77 Strength •
It tells us the stories about young generations who already have their own enterprise. Those are inspiring story that everyone should know.
The story could be motivating the other young generations.
The other people could learn from their experiences. And to not to be afraid of failure.
Weakness •
I was tent to be lazy to read the article. It’s really confusing that they put the white text above the image.
The text is hard too read, too bad.
On the page 76, I was confused, which part that I should read first. The Restaurateurs headline grabs my attention for the first time than the main point of this article (which is Munchie’s Masters).
I think the caption text on The Restaurateurs looks too long because it uses many lines.
Opportunity •
Has an inspiring story that gives benefit to young generations.
Threat •
People tend to be lazy to read the article because the text is not clearly seen.
GO GIRL! | page 50-51 Strength •
Good photograph because attract people’s appetite.
Informative because it gives the clear procedures on making the cakes.
The steps are easy to understand and practical.
We can see the headline directly.
Weakness •
Some texts are unreadable because the background distracts it.
The body text on page 51 looks too long.
No page number.
WEEK 2 | HOMEWORK | Exercise 4 Opportunity •
This article should be fun, because it’s about cooking. And maybe some teenager would be interested with the article. It shows a good photograph of food, and it’s tempting.
Threat •
People tend to be interested on the food photographs not the steps.
WEEK 2 | HOMEWORK | Exercise 4 GOOD
INSTYLE | page 112-113 Strength •
Good photographs.
Can see the headline directly.
Can handle the text above the background well. It’s still readable.
Not use too much colour.
Weakness •
The caption on the right image has a widow text.
Not consistent sub headline. Because some of the sub headlines are separated with the body text, but some of the sub headlines are one line with the body text.
Opportunity •
Good photograph attracts reader to read the text.
The body text is not too much but explains the content.
Threat •
People not interested to read the article because just focusing on the image.
ELLE DÉCOR |page 120-121 Strength •
The typefaces are fit with the target audience (women). Because it uses a thin typeface and the italic ones looks beautiful.
The headline uses the same colour tone with the picture.
The text box is not distracting the background’s image.
Weakness •
Page 120 and page 121 is not one topic but it looks like one topic.
The caption for the image is unreadable because it uses a thin typeface with a small size and white as the colour.
The difference between one paragraph to another paragraph is not clear. The indent is too small. So it is hard to know when the paragraph is over.
The folio on the top is not readable. The text looks interrupted.
Opportunity •
Curry is identic with not so beautiful appearance but on this article, it looks good. So people are interested to read. Especially it uses a bright volour that is not identic with curry.
Threat •
People would expect the other thing rather than a curry
WEEK 2 | HOMEWORK | Exercise 4 KARE |page 94-95 Strength •
The spread is one tone: bright colours.
Unique object to be sold. It attracts people’s attention.
The products’ information is clear. It is not only showing the price, but also informative by showing the size, code, and extra information.
Consistent typeface between one product to another product.
Weakness •
The 4 owls position on the bottom-left is a bit awkward because it is a bit not consistent layout.
Opportunity •
In my opinion, bright colours are more attracting people’s attention. Because it is contrast. It makes the spread looks interesting. People would be curious about the content of the spread.
Threat •
A bit small information could make older people (adult) have constrains on reading.
ELLE DÉCOR | page 126-127 Strength •
Many options of styles.
Informative because it shows the caption of the image.
The layout looks neat although it has many images
Could handle the text above the image because it is still readable.
Weakness •
Hard to find the ‘red thread’ what is the spread about. I think the furniture style is not one category or one tone. Because there is one image shows the woody furniture and the other one is minimalist.
Opportunity •
Because it provides some style of furniture (or interior design), it could attract more people who absolutely have different interest.
Threat •
Because the spread is about the glimpse of the new shop, it should be attracting petyople to buy or come.
GO GIRL! | page 64-65 Strength •
Clean. Represents the green life
WEEK 2 | HOMEWORK | Exercise 4
Consistent layout
Page 65 = Consistent image style (single image + white background)
Use bright colour that also represent health
Full of benefits article to have a healthier life
Explain in a fun way with informal
Weakness •
Not consistent image style on page 64
Widow text on Lidah mertua sub headline
There is one different type style on page 64, which is Buy local products body text.
Different style on sub heading (page 64), which is 1. Ear less meat.
Opportunity •
The article has benefits, so people will interested
Threat •
Some people doesn’t want to read too light typestyle