Tambora Survival Game Creative Brief

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Project Design Implementation | Term 4 Tambora Survival Game

BACKGROUND SUMMARY Tambora is one of the other 183 regencies in Indonesia that has some potential things but has been forgotten. People still do not really know about things in Tambora, especially people in Indonesia. The Tambora Survival Game helps to introduce Tambora’s stunning culture to people in Indonesia in a fun way. The participant will have some missions to complete the game so they would learn Tambora’s culture with fun. The aims are to make people learn, know, and care about their nation’s culture. Some of the cultures are food, dance, story, traditional game, clothes, house, and many more. Who is the client? Gerakan Daerah Terbarukan What is the service? • Survival challenges • Map of the game • The missions’ card • Game schedule • Signage • Card: information of Tambora • Name tag SWOT Strength • Learn to know Tambora’s culture in a fun way • Make the forgotten area known in this country • The game will be held in Tambora, so people can see the beautiful Tambora directly • Everything there is cheaper Weakness • Not many people know about Tambora • The facilities in Tambora are still minimum • Need extra time to reach the place • Not familiar with the place Opportunity • Because Tambora is a new thing to people, it could grab people’s attention • Tambora has an interesting story which is the biggest mountain explosion in the world Threat • People do not really know about Tambora, they could not be interested • Minimum facility could hamper the event • External threats?? OBJECTIVES Mission

Week 4: Wednesday, July 9th 2014 Creative Brief

To make young generation know about their own country until its deepest part and be able to take care of what our God has given us. After that, the young generations be careful not to destruct the environment this hidden treasure’s asset and ability. Vission To show that Indonesia really has a potential to be exposed and make people realized about Indonesia’s wealth.

OVERVIEW The project is to show Tambora’s hidden treasure that has not been exposed. The event let people to have an experience directly in Tambora and see the wonderful Tambora by their own eyes. And the project wants people to have fun on learning Tambora’s culture.

DRIVERS The goals for this project are... • To make people interested in Tambpra and help on developing Tambora as a better place, not slumped anymore. • The target is young generation that could help Tambora becoming a developed place. • To learn with fun. The purpose • To help people in Tambora • To prove the hidden places in Indonesia that rarely explored also has amazing things rather than the usual places like Bali, Lombok, Raja Ampat, and many more. • To utilize the hidden place in Indonesia as a potential to make Indonesia more developing. How to achieve • Video • Registration form • Social media: Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram • Game schedule • Map • Poster • Bus ads • Airport ads 3 objectives • To know • To care • To develop


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