The cornerstones of the study of organizational dynamics

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NSE -2017

The cornerstones of the study of organizational dynamics. Excerpt from The Psychodynamic View on Organizational Behavior Frans Cilliers and Pieter Koortzen University of South Africa

The Basic Assumptions in The Psychodynamics of the Organization Bion (1961) identified three basic assumptions to be studied in the individual (a micro system), the group, department or division (the meso system), and the organization (the macro system). These assumptions have since been accepted as the cornerstones of the study of organizational dynamics. Dependency. The assumption is that the worker, in the same way as a child, unconsciously experiences dependency from an imaginative parental figure or system. Because these needs are not met, the worker experiences frustration, helplessness, powerlessness, and dis-empowerment. Typical remarks in this regard are, Why is the boss not giving us more attention? and What do you want me/us to do? These expressions are projections of the workers own anxiety and insecurity, and indicate work and emotional immaturity. Organizationally, it manifests in the need for structure in remarks like We need a committee to investigate or We need to structure this department more. This defense against anxiety can also be seen as a manipulation of authority out of its role, for example from supervisor to parent figure, according to the fantasy that then We will be safe/cared for. Fight/flight. The assumption is that the here-and-now of organizational life is filled with anxiety and in trying to get away from this, the worker unconsciously uses fight or flight as defense mechanisms. Fight reactions manifest in aggression against the self, peers (with envy, jealousy, competition, elimination, boycotting, sibling rivalry, fighting for a position in the group, and privileged relationships with authority figures) or authority itself. Flight reactions manifest physically in, for example, avoidance of others, being ill, or resignation. Psychological flight reactions would include the defense mechanisms such as avoidance of threatening situations or emotions in the here-and-now, rationalization, and intellectualization. In a meeting, for example, this would mean talking about them and out there issues and avoiding looking at what this behavior says about me/us. Pairing. The assumption is that in order to cope with anxiety, alienation, and loneliness, the individual or group tries to pair with perceived powerful individuals and/or subgroups. The unconscious need is to feel secure and to createthe unconscious fantasy is that creation will take place in pairs. Pairing also implies splitting up. This happens when anxiety is experienced because of diversity. Then the individual or group tries to split up the whole and build a smaller system, in which he/she can belong and feel secure. It also manifests in ganging up against the perceived aggressor or authority figure. Intra- and intergroup conflict may, for example, result from pairings. Other Relevant Concepts Being Studied Other relevant concepts studied in the Tavistock approach include anxiety, boundaries, role, representation, authority, leadership (and followership), relationship and relatedness, and group as a whole.

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