Carta a una madre

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Liebe Mama, Dear Mum, Escuela Oficial de Idiomas de Marbella 08/03/2015





Liebe Mama, Ich habe viel von dir gelernt, deshalb schreibe ich dir, um dir zu berichten, dass ich dankbar für deine Liebe bin. Ich danke dir für deine Geduld. Ich danke dir, dass du mich erzogen hast, für deine Ratschläge. Ich bin glücklich, weil ich dich habe und immer mit dir rechnen kann. Du verdienst das Beste! Ich liebe dich, Deine Zaida und Ana (2ºNB-A)

Liebe Mutter, ich bin zufrieden, weil ich deinen Rat verstehen kann. Du bist die beste Mutter, weil du immer Recht hast. Ich möchte deine Sicherheit haben. Du hast mir immer geholfen in meinen Ideen. Obwohl ich deine Wörter nicht immer verstehe, hat die Zeit dir immer Recht gegeben. Danke für deine Liebe Ich liebe dich Mama Jesús R. und Anaber (2ºNB-A)


Liebe Mama, du arbeitest immer viel: kochen, aufräumen, die Wohnung putzen, und so weiter. Du bist eine sehr fleißige Mutter! Dank dir, wir bestehen die Prüfungen, weil du uns hilfst zu lernen. Danke, dass du uns liebst, dass du uns stützt und uns verhätschelst. Wir lieben dich! Viele Küsse, Melany und Laura (2ºNB-A)

Liebe Mutter, ich bin deine Tochter Carmen und ich wollte dir Danke sagen. Danke für deine Liebe. Danke, dass du alle Nächte bei mir warst, wenn ich krank war. Danke, dass du immer so geduldig bist. Du bist die beste Mutter, die man sich wünschen kann. Ich möchte eine bessere Tochter für dich sein, In Liebe Carmen

(Carmen und Álvaro) (2ºNB-A)


Liebe Mama, Ich schreibe einen Brief, weil ich dich sehr liebe. Danke für deine Geduld, deine Küsse, deine Zeit, deine Umarmungen. Danke für dein Essen. Ich habe viele Gründe, um mich bei dir zu bedanken, alles, was du für mich gemacht hast. Du bist die beste Mutter auf der Erde, Alberto und Susana (2ºNB-A)

Liebe Mutter, danke für das Essen, das du mir jeden Tag gibst, dass du mich erziehst, dass du meine Ärztin bist, dass du geduldig bist, dass du so viel arbeitest, dass du mich Haustiere haben lässt. Für mich bist du die beste Mutter. Ich liebe dich so viel, obwohl wir uns manchmal streiten. Ich weiß, dass du mir immer hilfst. Du bist meine Lieblingsheldin, Esteban und Paula (2ºNB-A)

Liebe Mama, ich bin dir dankbar für deine Geduld. Danke für deine Liebe und deine Zärtlichkeit. Du bist die beste Mutter. Es gibt keine süßere Person als dich. Ich liebe dich. Ángela und Raquel (2ºNB-A)


Liebe Mama, du hast mich immer gut erzogen. Du hast mich immer gut beraten. Du gibst mir Zuneigung. Danke für alle kurzen Nächte, dass du dich immer um mich kümmerst und mich verstehst. Du bist immer bei mir. Danke für deine Geduld. Für alles, was du mir gibst. Du hilfst mir, wenn ich auf den Boden falle. Danke, dass du die beste Mutter auf der Welt bist. Celia und Mónica (2ºNB-A)

Liebe Mama, Ich schreibe dir diesen Brief, weil ich dir danken möchte. Danke, dass du mir alles gibst. Ich habe viele gute Momente mit dir verbracht. Du hast mir viel Liebe gegeben, und ich möchte sie dir zurückgeben. Deshalb habe ich dir ein neues Handy gekauft, weil ich mit dir jeden Tag sprechen möchte. Ich liebe dich, Iván und Antonio (2ºNB-A)


Liebe Mutter, ich schreibe dir, um mich bei dir zu bedanken, weil du dich immer um mich gekümmert hast. Du bist sehr stark und mutig, und du hast mir immer geholfen, wenn ich Probleme hatte. Dein Job ist der wichtigste, obwohl er nicht zu bezahlen ist. Du arbeitest 24 Stunden pro Tag, sieben Tage pro Woche und zwölf Monate pro Jahr. Du hast keinen Urlaub, weil die Familie von dir abhängt. Du bist sehr geduldig mit uns und lehrst uns, besser zu warden. Du kümmerst dich täglich um uns und du bist eine Superfrau, Dein Sergio Deine Claudia (NI)

Liebe Mutter, ich schreibe dir diesen Brief, um mich für alles zu bedanken, was du für mich gemacht hast. Du hast mich nicht nur zur Welt gebracht, sondern du hast mir auch eine gute Erziehung gegeben. Obwohl wir nicht immer die gleiche Meinung haben, höre ich alles, was du sagst. Du glaubst, dass du immer Recht hast, aber du hast es nicht immer. Trotzdem liebe ich dich. Ich mage s sehr gern, wenn ich nach Hause komme und es gut riecht. Du sorgst dich immer um uns. Du hilfst uns immer. Deine Maite + Luz (NI)


Liebe Mutter, ich würde gern bei dir bleiben. Mir gefallen besonders die Monate, die wir zusammen verbringen. Ich mag es, wenn du mit mir spielst, wenn du mir empfiehlst, wenn du mir hilfst. Als Kind hast du mir oft vorgelesen. Ich habe das dann auch mit meinen Kindern gemacht. Ich finde es gut, wenn man mit seiner Mutter über alles reden kann. Ich freue mich, dass du mich liebst. Ich würde dir gern alles sagen, was ich für dich fühle, aber das ist unmöglich. Du bist für mich ALLES, die wichtigste Person in meinem Leben, deshalb versuche ich, mich immer um dich zu kümmern. Deine Viktoria + Iñaki (NI)

Liebe Mama, heute ist der Tag der Frau. Ich möchte dir für deine Liebe gratulieren. Wenn ich krank war, kümmertest du dich um mich. Immer bist du hier, um mir zu helfen. Du hast sehr hart gearbeitet, damit ich in der Universität studieren konnte. Heutzutage habe ich eine gute Arbeit und eine Familie. Jetzt weiβ ich, was es bedeutet, eine gute Mutter zu sein. Und diese bist du! Ich liebe dich sehr. Deine Maria + Angeles (NI)


Liebe Mama, Jetzt schreibe ich dir und ich will dir sagen, dass du sehr wichtig für mich bist. Du hast mir erzählt, wie das Leben ist. Wir hatten auch Streit. Trotzdem bist du mit mir und du hilfst mir immer. Du bist eine Person, die das Beste für mich will. Als ich ein Kind war, hast du wenig geschlafen, weil ich krank war oder viel geweint habe. Ohne dich kann ich nicht leben, obwohl ich es dir nie sage. Du bist die beste Mutter! Ich liebe dich. Deine Tochter / Dein Sohn (Lilia und Álvaro) (NI)

Liebe Mama, Heute ist der Tag der Frau und deshalb möchte ich mich gerne bei dir für alles bedanken. Zuerst bedanke ich mich für deine Geduld, wenn ich mein Zimmer nicht aufräume und wenn du das machst, obwohl du ganz müde nach der Arbeit bist. Danke auch für deine Hilfe, wenn ich meine Hausaufgaben nicht gut verstehe, obwohl du ganz viele Sachen tun must. Wenn ich krank werde, dann kümmerst du dich sehr um mich, und du kochst mir leckeres Essen, vor allem meine Lieblingsspeise. Danach möchte ich mich bei dir dafür entschuldigen, sehr faul und sehr undordentlich zu sein. Ich verspreche dir, dass ich ab diesem Moment fleiβiger und ordentlicher werde. So arbeitest du nicht so viel. Ich liebe dich. Dein Álvaro, Alejandra, José Luis (NI)




A LETTER TO A MOTHER Mother, I would like to thank you for your advice, your affection and your breath. I want to let you know that I am in debt for all the sacrifice you have made to make me the person I am today. No matter how busy you were, you always found time to give me some tender loving care. No matter how far you might be now, I would only need to close my eyes to feel the thousands of kisses and the hundreds of embraces you gave me on my skin. In short, I love you. NA 1 English - Semipresencial

Dear mum, I always bear in mind your name I smile because you are the best person for my in the world. First, it’s time to say to you that I love you and I’ll never taken you for granted. I remember a lot of situations when you gave me good advice although I didn’t understand you. I recall all the things that we did together when I was a child. I hope that I live up to your expectations as a good daughter and the person that you wanted. A big hug, Love Ann. 11

Dear Mum: I'm writing to you because I'm very grateful for bringing me up as good as you could. You've been working all your life so that I could have everything I needed. I hadn't a lack of anything. I had a nice childhood because you were always there for me. I could study the degree I chose. You taught me great valves such as kindness, generosity, to be patient and to be respectful and responsible for my actions. Besides, I've learnt to reach goals by myself, to solve difficult problems and appreciate my efforts. However, you've been strict whit me when I've deserved it. It's time to tell you, I'm really proud of you and I'd like to say to you that I love you Lots of love Your daughter


Dear mum: We´re writing to you because in few days time it´ll be the International Women´s Day. We´d like to tell you that this special day should be celebrated everyday but it isn’t possible. We´d like to thank you for being unconditionally by our side whenever we´ve needed you in our lives. We can´t forget the loving mother we´ve had, when we´ve been ill, when we´ve had some problems and when we needed some advice. Furthermore, you´ve taught us values and you ´ve helped us to be good people. As soon as we can, we shall visit you and tell you all about this. Best wishes. Patricia y Chema.


María Pérez León Málaga - Spain Marta Ferruzola León 11 North Street Barnton Ne6 2BT England

Dear Marta, I hope you are well. I am writing this letter because today I am alone at home and I miss you. In spite of the fact that you sometimes take me for granted, I realize that I can´t live without you. I have good memories about all the things we have done together such as cooking, going shopping, etc.... Yesterday it was Dad´s birthday. If you had been there we would have organized a family party, but don´t worry, we will do it when you are coming back. I hope we meet soon. All my love Mum


MY MOTHER She was the best mother and the best person I have ever met in my life. She changed her beautiful figure for a big belly. She changed her purse for a diaper. She changed her quiet nights for long and sleepless ones. She changed her makeup for large bags under her eyes. I do believe that she is the perfect woman for me. I still remember your smile and great character to educate. We miss you but your presence is always with us. THANKS mum for everything Juana De Talavera Bernal 2Âş Cal InglĂŠs


Dear daughter: We remember think of you a lot because Women ́s Day will be celebrated next Sunday and we are very proud of you.

Since you are studying your first year at the Medicine College, we ve ́ remembered that the first time a woman got a PHD in Spain, it was in Medicine. Her name was Martina Castells, who was born in Lérida in the fifties in the 19th century.

We wish you faced this challenge with the same attitude as Martina had in her life, as we know that this degree you have chosen is hard and long.

We are looking forward to seeing you soon.

Lots of love.

Mummy and Daddy

P.S. Please, save money! Javier V.


Dear Mum, I’d write this letter every day but I want to do it today to






Unfortunately it’s necessary to finish with gendergap. I’d like to thank you for forgetting about yourself, to worry about me, so many nights taking care of me every time I needed your help. You have given everything for me without asking me for anything. You are so generous and I’m so selfish that I want to apologise for it Love Your son Pepe, Juan y Carmen (4º CAL)


Dear Mum, I am writing this letter to tell you how important you have been and are to me. Your unconditional love, your dedication, your happy character, your optimism .... they have made of me a happy, optimistic and confident person. Losing your mother when you were a little girl didn't make your childhood easy. That's why I appreciate you even more. Before, women were very selfless and strong. I thank you for having created this wonderful family. I love my brothers. I am happy for belonging to such a large and close family. Also, you have become a grandmother, your grandchildren adore you, for your generosity, your understanding and your unconditional love for them. It is difficult to describe in words all the feelings I have towards you. I will summarize in one: Gratitude. I love you. Raquel Moo


Dear Mother How are you? We have not spoken for a long time and this is the reason why I am sending you this letter. I’m very well here in Marbella, but I remember very much when I was living in Granada. The children are very well, growing bigger and pretty. Martina is very happy at school and she has many friends. Carlos has learned to walk and goes to nursery every day. We are visiting you in Granada as soon as possible. Now we are very busy at work. A very big kiss mum. I love you very much Carlos Ortega

Dear mum, I would like to tell you that you are the most important person in my life and I want you to remember that the next 8th of March is the International Women's Day, and I want to celebrate it with you. Mum, thanks for your along, because you've nowadays.

behavior towards me taught me all what

all I'm

I am a brave person because with you I learnt to take care myself. Also, you've taught me to be an independent person And to fight for my dream. Mum, I would like to express how much I love you. You are definitely the one of my life. Best wishes, your daughter.


Dear mum, I want to write a letter to tell you how great a mum you are. Although you couldnツエt study very much when you were young, you always said to me, my sister and my brother that we must study and work hard to get a better future. With your example, you taught us the importance of daily work and to accept the things that we canツエt change. Also, you were always with us when we needed advice or one kiss, you took care of us carefully and the most important: you always trust us. Now you can enjoy with your grandson and granddaughter, and you can do whatever you like! I love you very much, テ]geles Medina


To my beautiful Mum I think the word thank you is not enough to tell you how grateful I feel. You have always given me more than I have ever expected. When I gave birth to Hugo, your grandson, I realized too many things that I wasn’t really aware of before. The rules of being a mother, the fears, worries, patience, but also the wonderful feelings such as affection, playfulness, and the unconditional love. I have grown up with happiness around me, the best gift I could ever have had. I hope I can be as good a mother as you have been to me. Ana Rioja Dear Mary, How are you? I hope you´re fine. I´ve been thinking of writing you about something important for a long time and I need your advice. Since you are studying abroad, my relationship with your father has got worse. We have been having arguments almost every day and we are thinking of having a break, and I´d like to know your opinion about our situation. Anyway, I´d like to know how your studies are going. It´s been too long without news from you. I hope to hear from you soon. Give my regards to your flatmates. Love Mum (Andrea)


Hi mum! You know that today is International Women's Day, so happy day mum! You are the best woman in the world, the woman who gave life to me. You taught me a lot of things, but the best thing was the love you gave me. Time goes very quickly, now I am a mother too, so I am thankful for everything you taught me. Now I understand the hard work it is to be a mother, and I appreciate the way you organized your own life as a teacher, with meetings and homework to read and mark, but you were also always here when I needed you the most. You taught me a bunch of things, but the one I always remember and I try to do my best about is to be happy. You are a very happy woman, and this is the best gift you gave me. Thank you mum, you are the best! Claudia Ghittoni

Dear Mum, How are you? I tried to send you a letter many weeks ago but I couldn’t because it was a very busy season at the hotel. Today it’s my day off so I have plenty of time to write you this letter. I have to tell you some good news because I’ve been promoted, so now I’m the reception manager. I’m very happy with this because I’ll earn more Money and I’ll be able to visit you more often. I would like to give you a surprise during the next visit. I’ve known a girl, her name is Mary, and I’m very hopeful with her. I would like to introduce her to you. Finally I’m having holidays in two months so I think that will be the best moment to travel with her to Spain. Lots of love, your son. 22

Dear daughter, How are you? I hope you re ́ doing well. I ve ́ been thinking a lot about you lately. You see an important day for all women around the world is coming and I really miss you, now I ve ́ definitely noticed how important you re ́ for me. I m ́ so proud of all things you ve ́ achieved, yours efforts have been awarded in the huge challenge you were in and you re ́ for us a great example of struggling and improvement. Now you re ́ living your life, in your own way and that makes me feel the happiest woman in the world. That ś why I thank you for everything you ve ́ done on your own since the first day you left home. Hoping to see you soon. Lots of love


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