! S N E E Hi T Berangkat dari kerinduan para remaja yang melayani di Nafiri untuk ikut menjangkau para kaum muda GKY BSD melalui media publikasi dan komunikasi, Nafiri Teen edisi perdana ini pun lahir. Seiring bertambahnya pembaca Nafiri di kalangan muda, redaksi memutuskan untuk menerbitkan suatu wadah di mana remaja bisa ikut juga berkontribusi dan berkreasi lebih banyak di buletin Nafiri GKY BSD.
Tidak hanya media komunikasi dan publikasi, Nafiri Teen ada buat kamu semua yang ingin berkontribusi lewat ekspresi dan talenta kamu masing-masing. Oleh karena itu, Nafiri Teen terbuka untuk hasil karya berupa Cerpen (Short Story), Puisi (Poem), ataupun gambar dan komik!
Selamat menikmati Nafiri Teen edisi pertama, teens! Kalau karya-karya kamu ingin diterbitkan di sini, ayo kirim email ke dengan subject NAFIRI TEEN – (judul karya kamu)!
N A H T E R MO H ENOUG More Than Enough ialah single dari album JPCC Worship terbaru dengan judul yang sama. Diantara lagu-lagu baru segar yang ditawarkan, simak track Sing A New Song, lagu worship nan megah dengan nada yang mengangkat semangat memuji Tuhan. Lagu ini juga spesial karena Ben Fielding, worship leader dan penulis lagu dari Hillsong ikut mengkontribusikan talentanya untuk aransemen musik dan lirik Bahasa Inggris lagu ini!
Chris Pratt is not just an ordinary Hollywood actor. He is a devoted Christian and he values his family more than his job and fame. The dead bugs collector will never film sex scenes or nudity due to his commitment in being a Christ follower.
! S N E E Hi T Berangkat dari kerinduan para remaja yang melayani di Nafiri untuk ikut menjangkau para kaum muda GKY BSD melalui media publikasi dan komunikasi, Nafiri Teen edisi perdana ini pun lahir. Seiring bertambahnya pembaca Nafiri di kalangan muda, redaksi memutuskan untuk menerbitkan suatu wadah di mana remaja bisa ikut juga berkontribusi dan berkreasi lebih banyak di buletin Nafiri GKY BSD.
Tidak hanya media komunikasi dan publikasi, Nafiri Teen ada buat kamu semua yang ingin berkontribusi lewat ekspresi dan talenta kamu masing-masing. Oleh karena itu, Nafiri Teen terbuka untuk hasil karya berupa Cerpen (Short Story), Puisi (Poem), ataupun gambar dan komik!
Selamat menikmati Nafiri Teen edisi pertama, teens! Kalau karya-karya kamu ingin diterbitkan di sini, ayo kirim email ke dengan subject NAFIRI TEEN – (judul karya kamu)!
N A H T E R MO H ENOUG More Than Enough ialah single dari album JPCC Worship terbaru dengan judul yang sama. Diantara lagu-lagu baru segar yang ditawarkan, simak track Sing A New Song, lagu worship nan megah dengan nada yang mengangkat semangat memuji Tuhan. Lagu ini juga spesial karena Ben Fielding, worship leader dan penulis lagu dari Hillsong ikut mengkontribusikan talentanya untuk aransemen musik dan lirik Bahasa Inggris lagu ini!
Chris Pratt is not just an ordinary Hollywood actor. He is a devoted Christian and he values his family more than his job and fame. The dead bugs collector will never film sex scenes or nudity due to his commitment in being a Christ follower.
M CAMPING SIRd E Laugh Live, Love, an
idahu avo, C 5 r B p 201 Cam 4 Juni 22 - 2 : Laoshi Edy ara g Pembic erta: 99 oran es Total p
M CAMPING SIRd E Laugh Live, Love, an
idahu avo, C 5 r B p 201 Cam 4 Juni 22 - 2 : Laoshi Edy ara g Pembic erta: 99 oran es Total p
“Gue bertekad untuk pergi ke seminari setelah lulus SMA!”
Ya Tuhan, bila Engkau benar memanggilku, terimalah aku di Seminari Alkitab Asia Tenggara (SAAT), tetapi kalau bukan panggilanku untuk menjadi seorang hamba Tuhan fulltime, kiranya SAAT tidak terima aku.
Itulah doa gue selama 2 tahun sebelum lulus SMA. Enam bulan sebelum tes masuk, gue mengumpulkan formulir pendaftaran. Tetapi, 3 bulan sebelum tes, secara tiba-tiba iman gue redup. Gue jadi ragu apakah benar Tuhan itu ada. Kalo emang bener Tuhan ada, Tuhan sekarang di mana? Bagaimana dengan kekacauan-kekacauan yang terjadi? Apakah dengan gue menjadi seorang hamba Tuhan, gue bisa berkontribusi secara nyata untuk dunia? Omong kosong ah ... akhirnya gue datang ke gereja dan pelayanan hanya untuk formalitas.
aktu hari tes masuk SAAT tiba, gue mau gak mau dateng. Yaaa gak enaklah udah dipanggil tes masa gak dateng. Akhirnya gue coba kerjain tes dengan sebaik mungkin. Tapi, pas wawancara gue berusaha untuk menjelek-jelekkan diri di depan pak Irwan Pranoto dan bu Mega. Gue bilang gue itu orangnya maleslah ... gak komitlah ... susah diaturlah ... dan lain-lain yang buruk-buruk, dengan harapan mereka gak mau nerima gue masuk SAAT. Oh ya! Gue waktu itu daftar bareng 4 orang temen dan satu sepupu gue. Nahhh 2 minggu setelah tes, temen-temen dan sepupu gue udah dapet hasilnya. Satu temen gue dan sepupu gue diterima, tapi dua temen gue yang lain ditolak. Tapi ... kok gue gak dapet kabar hasil tesnya ya? Gue bingung dong gue diterima atau enggak. Emang pada dasarnya gak pengen diterima, jadi gue berasumsi aja kalo gue ditolak. Tapi ... ya udahlah gue coba telpon SAAT beberapa kali, tapi gak diangkat ... mungkin karena lagi jam makan siang jadi gak ada yang angkat. Terus gue email SAAT, gue nanya gue diterima atau enggak. Eh! Gak dibales juga! Ya udahlah gue anggep gue gak diterima karena gak dikabarin.
Akhirnya 2 minggu kemudian gue daftar di Universitas Pelita Harapan (UPH) Karawaci. Eh … gak disangka.. satu hari sebelum deadline pembayaran uang pangkal UPH, SAAT telpon gue dan bilang: “Selamat siang Andika, ini saya dari SAAT mau ngasih tau kalau kamu diterima sebagai mahasiswa. Selamat ya!” Waktu gue denger itu, gue speechless! gue gak bisa ngomong apa-apa ... akhirnya gue cuman bilang terima kasih dan gue tutup telponnya. Gue gak mau keterima! Tuhan! Kenapa gue yang diterima? Kenapa gak dua temen gue yang gak diterima itu? Padahal mereka sangat baik hidupnya! Mereka itu lebih baik! Akhirnya gue gak jadi masuk SAAT dan gue masuk UPH.
“Selamat siang Andika, ini saya dari SAAT mau ngasih tau kalau kamu diterima sebagai mahasiswa. Selamat ya!” 6
“Gue bertekad untuk pergi ke seminari setelah lulus SMA!”
Ya Tuhan, bila Engkau benar memanggilku, terimalah aku di Seminari Alkitab Asia Tenggara (SAAT), tetapi kalau bukan panggilanku untuk menjadi seorang hamba Tuhan fulltime, kiranya SAAT tidak terima aku.
Itulah doa gue selama 2 tahun sebelum lulus SMA. Enam bulan sebelum tes masuk, gue mengumpulkan formulir pendaftaran. Tetapi, 3 bulan sebelum tes, secara tiba-tiba iman gue redup. Gue jadi ragu apakah benar Tuhan itu ada. Kalo emang bener Tuhan ada, Tuhan sekarang di mana? Bagaimana dengan kekacauan-kekacauan yang terjadi? Apakah dengan gue menjadi seorang hamba Tuhan, gue bisa berkontribusi secara nyata untuk dunia? Omong kosong ah ... akhirnya gue datang ke gereja dan pelayanan hanya untuk formalitas.
aktu hari tes masuk SAAT tiba, gue mau gak mau dateng. Yaaa gak enaklah udah dipanggil tes masa gak dateng. Akhirnya gue coba kerjain tes dengan sebaik mungkin. Tapi, pas wawancara gue berusaha untuk menjelek-jelekkan diri di depan pak Irwan Pranoto dan bu Mega. Gue bilang gue itu orangnya maleslah ... gak komitlah ... susah diaturlah ... dan lain-lain yang buruk-buruk, dengan harapan mereka gak mau nerima gue masuk SAAT. Oh ya! Gue waktu itu daftar bareng 4 orang temen dan satu sepupu gue. Nahhh 2 minggu setelah tes, temen-temen dan sepupu gue udah dapet hasilnya. Satu temen gue dan sepupu gue diterima, tapi dua temen gue yang lain ditolak. Tapi ... kok gue gak dapet kabar hasil tesnya ya? Gue bingung dong gue diterima atau enggak. Emang pada dasarnya gak pengen diterima, jadi gue berasumsi aja kalo gue ditolak. Tapi ... ya udahlah gue coba telpon SAAT beberapa kali, tapi gak diangkat ... mungkin karena lagi jam makan siang jadi gak ada yang angkat. Terus gue email SAAT, gue nanya gue diterima atau enggak. Eh! Gak dibales juga! Ya udahlah gue anggep gue gak diterima karena gak dikabarin.
Akhirnya 2 minggu kemudian gue daftar di Universitas Pelita Harapan (UPH) Karawaci. Eh … gak disangka.. satu hari sebelum deadline pembayaran uang pangkal UPH, SAAT telpon gue dan bilang: “Selamat siang Andika, ini saya dari SAAT mau ngasih tau kalau kamu diterima sebagai mahasiswa. Selamat ya!” Waktu gue denger itu, gue speechless! gue gak bisa ngomong apa-apa ... akhirnya gue cuman bilang terima kasih dan gue tutup telponnya. Gue gak mau keterima! Tuhan! Kenapa gue yang diterima? Kenapa gak dua temen gue yang gak diterima itu? Padahal mereka sangat baik hidupnya! Mereka itu lebih baik! Akhirnya gue gak jadi masuk SAAT dan gue masuk UPH.
“Selamat siang Andika, ini saya dari SAAT mau ngasih tau kalau kamu diterima sebagai mahasiswa. Selamat ya!” 6
Satu semester pertama di UPH, gue menjalaninya dengan sangat bahagia dan bersikap masa bodo. Gue gak pernah sekalipun digelisahkan karena udah menolak panggilan. Sampe suatu hari gue abis belajar buat ujian, gue ngeliat satu buku yang entah kenapa menarik perhatian dari antara banyak buku di dalem rak buku. Buku itu judulnya Menjadi Pelayan yang Memperkenan Hati Tuhan karangan Pdt. Benny Solihin. Gue coba iseng baca buku itu. Di halaman yang ketiga buku itu memaparkan berbagai macam respons dari para nabi yang Tuhan panggil. Musa mengatakan, “Siapa aku ini, maka aku yang menghadap Firaun dan membawa orang Israel keluar dari Mesir?” Gideon mengatakan, “Ah, Tuhan, dengan apakah aku selamatkan orang Israel …?” Yang lebih buruk lagi adalah respons yang dilakukan oleh Yunus. Ia melarikan dirinya jauh-jauh dari hadapan Tuhan ketimbang menaati panggilan Tuhan. Ketika membaca tulisan-tulisan itu, gue merasa tertampar karena gue sudah sama seperti Yunus yang lari dari panggilan Tuhan. Lalu gue kembali baca buku itu sampai bab kedua. Di bab kedua ini diceritakan sebuah ilustrasi yang sangat menarik. Ilustrasinya begini:
Ada seorang anak laki-laki, umurnya delapan tahun. Suatu hari ia pergi ke pasar burung. Sesampainya di pasar burung, matanya mulai mencari-cari burung apa yang hendak dibelinya. Tiba-tiba matanya tertumbuk pada seekor burung yang ada di dalam sebuah sangkar bersama burung-burung lainnya. Saat menanyakan harga burung itu, anak itu baru menyadari bahwa uangnya tidak cukup. Meskipun ia telah menawar berkali-kali, tetap harga burung itu tidak bisa turun. Akhirnya, tukang burung itu berkata dengan kesal kepadanya, “Pulang saja dulu, nak! Minta uang lagi sama mamamu!” Anak laki-laki itu menyahut, “Ya, aku pulang dulu, nanti balik lagi.” Sebelum anak itu pergi, tukang burung itu berkata, “Jangan lama-lama! Burung-burung di sini cepat laku.” Anak itu berkata dengan mantap, “Pak, burung pilihanku pasti masih ada waktu aku balik.” Dua jam kemudian anak itu balik lagi ke pasar burung. Melihat anak itu datang, tukang burung itu berkata, “Wah, lama sekali! Burung-burung itu sudah habis, Cuma tinggal seekor. Besok saja datang lagi!” Anak laki-laki itu berjongkok, mendekati kandang burung itu. Tak lama kemudian, ia meminta tukang burung itu mengambil burung yang satu-satunya itu, Namun, tukang burung itu berkata, “Jangan nak! Itu burung jelek. Matanya buta, kakinya pincang, dan
enggak bisa berkicau. Makanya, enggak ada yang mau memilihnya.” Tapi anak itu menjawab, “Enggak apa-apa, pak! Justru, burung itulah yang saya pilih sedari tadi.” Dalam perjalanan pulang ke rumah, anak itu berkata kepada burung itu, “Burung kecil, aku tahu tidak ada seorang pun yang mau memilihmu. Karena itu, aku datang untuk membelimu. Jangan sedih lagi, ya. Sekarang engkau menjadi milikku; aku akan memelihara dan mengasihi kamu.” Setelah membaca ilustrasi itu, gue tersadar, gue merasa hati gue hancur dan melihat bahwa gue adalah burung yang jelek itu: yang buta, yang pincang, dan yang tidak bisa berkicau tersebut. Dari situ gue belajar bahwa cara Tuhan memanggil itu unik dan gue gak boleh menyalahkan Tuhan kenapa temen gue yang lebih baik gak diterima tapi gue diterima. Di situ gue menangis, belajar untuk mengatakan seperti apa yang Maria katakan, “Be it unto me according to Your Word.”
Setelah menjalani tiga semester di UPH, gue justru bersyukur ketika gue tidak jadi masuk seminari, ada begitu banyak orang yang secara langsung atau tidak langsung membimbing gue dan membentuk gue untuk menjadi lebih firmed dengan panggilan gue. Dan sekarang gue dimentor oleh Pdt. Hendra G. Mulia dan Ivan Simeon Halim, mahasiswa SAAT. Gue melihat bahwa ketika Tuhan memanggil, Ia juga mempersiapkan orang yang dipanggil-Nya.
ng ada di dalam Hargailah panggilan ya memakai dirimu, Tuhan bisa saja nggil segala cara untuk mema hamba-Nya. ng Be it unto me accordi rd. Wo to Your
Satu semester pertama di UPH, gue menjalaninya dengan sangat bahagia dan bersikap masa bodo. Gue gak pernah sekalipun digelisahkan karena udah menolak panggilan. Sampe suatu hari gue abis belajar buat ujian, gue ngeliat satu buku yang entah kenapa menarik perhatian dari antara banyak buku di dalem rak buku. Buku itu judulnya Menjadi Pelayan yang Memperkenan Hati Tuhan karangan Pdt. Benny Solihin. Gue coba iseng baca buku itu. Di halaman yang ketiga buku itu memaparkan berbagai macam respons dari para nabi yang Tuhan panggil. Musa mengatakan, “Siapa aku ini, maka aku yang menghadap Firaun dan membawa orang Israel keluar dari Mesir?” Gideon mengatakan, “Ah, Tuhan, dengan apakah aku selamatkan orang Israel …?” Yang lebih buruk lagi adalah respons yang dilakukan oleh Yunus. Ia melarikan dirinya jauh-jauh dari hadapan Tuhan ketimbang menaati panggilan Tuhan. Ketika membaca tulisan-tulisan itu, gue merasa tertampar karena gue sudah sama seperti Yunus yang lari dari panggilan Tuhan. Lalu gue kembali baca buku itu sampai bab kedua. Di bab kedua ini diceritakan sebuah ilustrasi yang sangat menarik. Ilustrasinya begini:
Ada seorang anak laki-laki, umurnya delapan tahun. Suatu hari ia pergi ke pasar burung. Sesampainya di pasar burung, matanya mulai mencari-cari burung apa yang hendak dibelinya. Tiba-tiba matanya tertumbuk pada seekor burung yang ada di dalam sebuah sangkar bersama burung-burung lainnya. Saat menanyakan harga burung itu, anak itu baru menyadari bahwa uangnya tidak cukup. Meskipun ia telah menawar berkali-kali, tetap harga burung itu tidak bisa turun. Akhirnya, tukang burung itu berkata dengan kesal kepadanya, “Pulang saja dulu, nak! Minta uang lagi sama mamamu!” Anak laki-laki itu menyahut, “Ya, aku pulang dulu, nanti balik lagi.” Sebelum anak itu pergi, tukang burung itu berkata, “Jangan lama-lama! Burung-burung di sini cepat laku.” Anak itu berkata dengan mantap, “Pak, burung pilihanku pasti masih ada waktu aku balik.” Dua jam kemudian anak itu balik lagi ke pasar burung. Melihat anak itu datang, tukang burung itu berkata, “Wah, lama sekali! Burung-burung itu sudah habis, Cuma tinggal seekor. Besok saja datang lagi!” Anak laki-laki itu berjongkok, mendekati kandang burung itu. Tak lama kemudian, ia meminta tukang burung itu mengambil burung yang satu-satunya itu, Namun, tukang burung itu berkata, “Jangan nak! Itu burung jelek. Matanya buta, kakinya pincang, dan
enggak bisa berkicau. Makanya, enggak ada yang mau memilihnya.” Tapi anak itu menjawab, “Enggak apa-apa, pak! Justru, burung itulah yang saya pilih sedari tadi.” Dalam perjalanan pulang ke rumah, anak itu berkata kepada burung itu, “Burung kecil, aku tahu tidak ada seorang pun yang mau memilihmu. Karena itu, aku datang untuk membelimu. Jangan sedih lagi, ya. Sekarang engkau menjadi milikku; aku akan memelihara dan mengasihi kamu.” Setelah membaca ilustrasi itu, gue tersadar, gue merasa hati gue hancur dan melihat bahwa gue adalah burung yang jelek itu: yang buta, yang pincang, dan yang tidak bisa berkicau tersebut. Dari situ gue belajar bahwa cara Tuhan memanggil itu unik dan gue gak boleh menyalahkan Tuhan kenapa temen gue yang lebih baik gak diterima tapi gue diterima. Di situ gue menangis, belajar untuk mengatakan seperti apa yang Maria katakan, “Be it unto me according to Your Word.”
Setelah menjalani tiga semester di UPH, gue justru bersyukur ketika gue tidak jadi masuk seminari, ada begitu banyak orang yang secara langsung atau tidak langsung membimbing gue dan membentuk gue untuk menjadi lebih firmed dengan panggilan gue. Dan sekarang gue dimentor oleh Pdt. Hendra G. Mulia dan Ivan Simeon Halim, mahasiswa SAAT. Gue melihat bahwa ketika Tuhan memanggil, Ia juga mempersiapkan orang yang dipanggil-Nya.
ng ada di dalam Hargailah panggilan ya memakai dirimu, Tuhan bisa saja nggil segala cara untuk mema hamba-Nya. ng Be it unto me accordi rd. Wo to Your
God has a Plan
As he held back his tears, Honesty tried to explain the matter to his pastor. “I’m so sorry for you, Honesty,” replied Pastor Wisdom. “Honestly speaking, I did experienced what you felt. But come to think of it, I was not hurt so much like you.”
After school time, Blessing walked toward his house with his best friend, Honesty. There, they were talking and laughing about so many topics until Blessing told Honesty something that really discomforted him.
Honesty in unbelief.
“How is that possible, Sir?” asked Honesty curiously.
“I’m sorry. But this is true. My dad got a new job in England, and within two weeks, he will be going to begin his job,” replied Blessing with heavier tears.
“Let me tell you something, Honesty. Every meeting has its own separation; they stick together with all kinds of relationship,” explained Pastor Wisdom slowly and softly.
He began, “Best friend, I need to tell you something.”
At that time, Honesty began to believe what Blessing had just said. Sadly, there is nothing he can do to prevent Blessing from leaving.As he sobbed, Honesty felt a deep sorrow inside his heart as if it was to break, for he loved his best friend so much as he loved himself.
“Sir, I know that’s right, but somehow, I feel losing him really makes me feel weak and cause me to lose my passion,” answered Honesty truthfully.
“Well, go on,” replied Honesty with a curious smile. “I want to say a big ‘thank you’ to you for being such an amazing friend in my life. I’m sorry that we may not be very close anymore in terms of meeting because I need to leave this city within a week,” said Blessing softly. “What? Are you serious? No! I’m sure this is not true. Please don’t fool me,” floored 10
“Oh, sure, Honesty,” answered Pastor Wisdom, “Please come in and take a seat.”
The next day, Honesty decided to visit his pastor to ask advice concerning the situation he was facing. “Sir, may I have some time with you?” said Honesty.
“But... I just don’t see what’s best for me from what’s happening right now,” replied Honesty. “Young man, you may not understand every single thing that happens to your life, but you need to believe that God has a beautiful plan for your life through all the things that happen,” said Pastor Wisdom. For a moment, Honesty seriously thought about Pastor Wisdom’s words. Suddenly, he felt that he had found the answer toward his problems. After that, Honesty thanked Pastor Wisdom for his time before he left. Two of them spent their last week together wisely. Sadly, their separation was unstoppable. Even though they are separated, Blessing and Honesty trusted God with their life, and they believed that God has a beautiful plan in every kind of situation, even at the hardest one. Remember, God has a plan.
“Honesty, I’m sure you won’t be able to do this by yourself. You’ll need someone to lean on that will help you to let your best friend go. His name is Jesus. He won’t leave you no matter what because He loves you so much. He knows what’s best for you,” explained Pastor Wisdom. by Ernest Manuel
God has a Plan
As he held back his tears, Honesty tried to explain the matter to his pastor. “I’m so sorry for you, Honesty,” replied Pastor Wisdom. “Honestly speaking, I did experienced what you felt. But come to think of it, I was not hurt so much like you.”
After school time, Blessing walked toward his house with his best friend, Honesty. There, they were talking and laughing about so many topics until Blessing told Honesty something that really discomforted him.
Honesty in unbelief.
“How is that possible, Sir?” asked Honesty curiously.
“I’m sorry. But this is true. My dad got a new job in England, and within two weeks, he will be going to begin his job,” replied Blessing with heavier tears.
“Let me tell you something, Honesty. Every meeting has its own separation; they stick together with all kinds of relationship,” explained Pastor Wisdom slowly and softly.
He began, “Best friend, I need to tell you something.”
At that time, Honesty began to believe what Blessing had just said. Sadly, there is nothing he can do to prevent Blessing from leaving.As he sobbed, Honesty felt a deep sorrow inside his heart as if it was to break, for he loved his best friend so much as he loved himself.
“Sir, I know that’s right, but somehow, I feel losing him really makes me feel weak and cause me to lose my passion,” answered Honesty truthfully.
“Well, go on,” replied Honesty with a curious smile. “I want to say a big ‘thank you’ to you for being such an amazing friend in my life. I’m sorry that we may not be very close anymore in terms of meeting because I need to leave this city within a week,” said Blessing softly. “What? Are you serious? No! I’m sure this is not true. Please don’t fool me,” floored 10
“Oh, sure, Honesty,” answered Pastor Wisdom, “Please come in and take a seat.”
The next day, Honesty decided to visit his pastor to ask advice concerning the situation he was facing. “Sir, may I have some time with you?” said Honesty.
“But... I just don’t see what’s best for me from what’s happening right now,” replied Honesty. “Young man, you may not understand every single thing that happens to your life, but you need to believe that God has a beautiful plan for your life through all the things that happen,” said Pastor Wisdom. For a moment, Honesty seriously thought about Pastor Wisdom’s words. Suddenly, he felt that he had found the answer toward his problems. After that, Honesty thanked Pastor Wisdom for his time before he left. Two of them spent their last week together wisely. Sadly, their separation was unstoppable. Even though they are separated, Blessing and Honesty trusted God with their life, and they believed that God has a beautiful plan in every kind of situation, even at the hardest one. Remember, God has a plan.
“Honesty, I’m sure you won’t be able to do this by yourself. You’ll need someone to lean on that will help you to let your best friend go. His name is Jesus. He won’t leave you no matter what because He loves you so much. He knows what’s best for you,” explained Pastor Wisdom. by Ernest Manuel
e c i o V
Sometimes you doubt Him, When you forgot He took the fall for you Lot’s of people left Him, Blinded by the black and blue You know how mean the world is To keep you far from Father in Heaven And hitting you down on your knees Making you the world’s bondservant Reviled, hurt, and crucified He died and there’s a life He sacrificed to set us free from the bondage of sin You’re in fight against the dickens Your fears, hunch, doubts, insecurities Are the invisible opponents That could drown you to mortalities A legion of voices shout Some are telling you to be faithful You’re reaching the point of looking out Because some are telling you it’s okay to be sinful When you decide, To turn your back On what’s comfortable, what’s safe You put your faith on Him, Like how Noah built an ark with people mocked and laughed at him The voice you’ve chosen to hear, is one of the defiance
By Emmanuela Miriam 12
There is no one like Jesus There is no love like His’ Hear and do His words, put faith Be thankful for you are always be blessed
The Scarcity of
Chivalry I can make the case that manners are the basis of our society. When I visit a country I have never been before, the first thing that tends to catch my attention will not be the flag or the food but the manners of the people. A developed nation does not seem to be completely developed when we can hardly find a smiley face on the street. Likewise, delicious food will not taste as good when it is served impolitely. Definition of Chivalry The term “chivalry” is not commonly used in Indonesia. When we look for its meaning in the dictionary, we may find chivalry related with “politeness” or “good attitudes” (red: kesopansantunan / sikap yang baik). However, those synonyms are not adequate enough to describe the essential meaning of “chivalry”. Chivalry is actually a code of conduct associated with the medieval of knighthood. Medieval period lasted from 5th to the 15th century. Within this period of time, some combinations of qualities were highly expected of an ideal knight, especially courage, honor, courtesy, justice, and a readiness to help the weak. A knight who was skillful at warfare but lack of any of these qualities was no noble knight. Back then, there were three types of chivalry. These included duties to countrymen, duties to God, and duties to women. Let me give you some practical examples of each type. • Warrior Chivalry (Duties to Countrymen) Serving the King and the lords, giving honor to fellow knights and every human being, protecting the poor, aiding orphans and widows, refusing bribes, completing any task or challenge that has been started, always speaking the truth, etc. • Religious Chivalry (Duties to God) Being faithful to God, being faithful to the church, always being proponent to good against evil, putting the worship of God above all others, etc. • Courtly Chivalry (Duties to Women) Honoring and respecting women, showing graciousness and gentleness towards women, always offering help to women, etc.
e c i o V
Sometimes you doubt Him, When you forgot He took the fall for you Lot’s of people left Him, Blinded by the black and blue You know how mean the world is To keep you far from Father in Heaven And hitting you down on your knees Making you the world’s bondservant Reviled, hurt, and crucified He died and there’s a life He sacrificed to set us free from the bondage of sin You’re in fight against the dickens Your fears, hunch, doubts, insecurities Are the invisible opponents That could drown you to mortalities A legion of voices shout Some are telling you to be faithful You’re reaching the point of looking out Because some are telling you it’s okay to be sinful When you decide, To turn your back On what’s comfortable, what’s safe You put your faith on Him, Like how Noah built an ark with people mocked and laughed at him The voice you’ve chosen to hear, is one of the defiance
By Emmanuela Miriam 12
There is no one like Jesus There is no love like His’ Hear and do His words, put faith Be thankful for you are always be blessed
The Scarcity of
Chivalry I can make the case that manners are the basis of our society. When I visit a country I have never been before, the first thing that tends to catch my attention will not be the flag or the food but the manners of the people. A developed nation does not seem to be completely developed when we can hardly find a smiley face on the street. Likewise, delicious food will not taste as good when it is served impolitely. Definition of Chivalry The term “chivalry” is not commonly used in Indonesia. When we look for its meaning in the dictionary, we may find chivalry related with “politeness” or “good attitudes” (red: kesopansantunan / sikap yang baik). However, those synonyms are not adequate enough to describe the essential meaning of “chivalry”. Chivalry is actually a code of conduct associated with the medieval of knighthood. Medieval period lasted from 5th to the 15th century. Within this period of time, some combinations of qualities were highly expected of an ideal knight, especially courage, honor, courtesy, justice, and a readiness to help the weak. A knight who was skillful at warfare but lack of any of these qualities was no noble knight. Back then, there were three types of chivalry. These included duties to countrymen, duties to God, and duties to women. Let me give you some practical examples of each type. • Warrior Chivalry (Duties to Countrymen) Serving the King and the lords, giving honor to fellow knights and every human being, protecting the poor, aiding orphans and widows, refusing bribes, completing any task or challenge that has been started, always speaking the truth, etc. • Religious Chivalry (Duties to God) Being faithful to God, being faithful to the church, always being proponent to good against evil, putting the worship of God above all others, etc. • Courtly Chivalry (Duties to Women) Honoring and respecting women, showing graciousness and gentleness towards women, always offering help to women, etc.
In the late Middle Ages, the wealthy merchant class began to be educated on chivalry and the ideals of the knights. This led to the publication of the courtesy book. Courtesy books were guides for gentlemen on how to behave. This indicates that men’s values and ideals after the Medieval era were shaped by the chivalric culture. Chivalry Nowadays Perhaps nowadays when we are talking about chivalry we do not necessarily mean to totally equate the kind of chivalry back in Medieval days. Who still works as a knight anyway? But we would still refer to the values held by historical noble knights. Honor, respect, loyalty, responsibility, honesty, humility, courtesy, justice, mercy, and bravery are still very much applicable and needed nowadays. In modern chivalry, there is no longer division to whom it should be practiced at. Yet people tend to generate chivalry as a gentle and gallant act towards women.When walking with a woman for instance, a gentleman should automatically walk on the outside nearest the road. He would protect the woman from a car splashing water puddle, if there was any. Or simply to protect the women from getting hit by a random careless driver. A gentleman would also always hold a door open for anyone, especially when they are carrying heavy things or as not as physically fit as he is (injured, pregnant, elderly, etc.). Another example is walk or drive a woman home after dating. A gentleman should make sure if she gets home safely. When riding a public transport like a bus or train, a chivalrous man is expected to give up his seat for any women, pregnant ladies, or elderlies. As well as when seeinga lady around him who is about to take a seat, he should instantly help her pulling out the chair and pushing it in as she sits down. Society nowadays also expects a gentleman to treat waiters or cleaners nicely. He should not treat them as if they are his servants. To say a simple thing like “thank you” after taking order and being served is completely courteous. Even adding a sincere smile to that phrase will make it even gentler. Respecting any human being shows what kind of man you truly are. In dating situations, I might say the rule of “men must pay for women” can be up to the debate. Certain societies have different cultures. This can be discussed and arranged between you and your partner. However, during first dates, I would highly suggest the men to pay for the bills. As men need to show if they are willing and serious enough to ask the women for a date. Whereas otherthings like offering his jacket when a girl gets cold, sharing his umbrella when it rains (even that means to get wet for a few seconds),taking his hat off when enters a room, being punctual as planned, keeping his body clean and his appearance neat, making sure the breath smells fresh all the time, and avoiding the use of bad words while talking, these are all the most basic things gentlemen need to practice these days.
Chivalry Gets Scarcer and Scarcer Is chivalry dead? We cannot generalize it. But I have to say that it is getting harder and harder to find chivalrous men these days, particularly around the place where I live. I always observe
people’s gestures every time I go outside the house. During my trips on trains, I often find men would not give up their seats for any old lad, woman, – William Horman or even pregnant. They step into the train, grab a seat, and if there is anyone else coming in later who seems to be more in need to have a seat, they pretend not to notice by falling asleep or getting busy with their smartphones. Smart move. Awful chivalry. When I see some couples fighting on the street, I can still find how the men would talk down the women with disrespectful words and gestures. Some female friends of mine also often share their experiences when they have to argue with their boyfriends. I am very concern to hear that there are still so many men out there who would not think twice when they have to express their disappointment. All these cases will most probably lead to domestic violence if they decide to get married. I also often hear men swearing in public places, aloud, innocently with pride. Other case such as women struggling so much with carrying their stuffs while men would do nothing but look has also become more and more common. These may happen because people are no longer used to being old-fashioned,since most of younger generations do not receive education about being chivalrous. On the other hand, the raising of feminism might be one of the reasons why only a few men still practice chivalry. The extreme feminists believe that they should no longer be treated differently than men in any way. Well, maybe that is not quantitatively significant. But how about seeing chivalrous acts as patronizing? Every time men sincerely offer some helps,they are being second-guessed with having second agenda. That is just sad. Preserving Chivalry You can plant trees, recycle papers, and use electricity efficiently. Yet you can also start acting chivalrous way to save the world. Knowing that chivalry gets scarce, let all of us start preaching it out through our actions. Do it not only to women, but towards everybody, anytime, anywhere! It costs you nothing anyway. Do not take feminist’s argument as an excuse. Do not worry to be suspected or judged by being old-fashioned. Do not hesitate and just do it sincerely. And once you get used to doing it, you might want to take it to the next level, which is adopt chivalry as a lifestyle. At the end of the day, you will not need to think to do chivalrous things. It just happens. I am quite optimistic that the spirit of chivalry is contagious. People will start to “compete” being a modern knight, who cannot stand to see chivalry getting extinct. And this kind of spirit will hopefully start to rise again, being inherited to people from generation to generation.
“Manners maketh men”
By Nico Tanles Tjhin
In the late Middle Ages, the wealthy merchant class began to be educated on chivalry and the ideals of the knights. This led to the publication of the courtesy book. Courtesy books were guides for gentlemen on how to behave. This indicates that men’s values and ideals after the Medieval era were shaped by the chivalric culture. Chivalry Nowadays Perhaps nowadays when we are talking about chivalry we do not necessarily mean to totally equate the kind of chivalry back in Medieval days. Who still works as a knight anyway? But we would still refer to the values held by historical noble knights. Honor, respect, loyalty, responsibility, honesty, humility, courtesy, justice, mercy, and bravery are still very much applicable and needed nowadays. In modern chivalry, there is no longer division to whom it should be practiced at. Yet people tend to generate chivalry as a gentle and gallant act towards women.When walking with a woman for instance, a gentleman should automatically walk on the outside nearest the road. He would protect the woman from a car splashing water puddle, if there was any. Or simply to protect the women from getting hit by a random careless driver. A gentleman would also always hold a door open for anyone, especially when they are carrying heavy things or as not as physically fit as he is (injured, pregnant, elderly, etc.). Another example is walk or drive a woman home after dating. A gentleman should make sure if she gets home safely. When riding a public transport like a bus or train, a chivalrous man is expected to give up his seat for any women, pregnant ladies, or elderlies. As well as when seeinga lady around him who is about to take a seat, he should instantly help her pulling out the chair and pushing it in as she sits down. Society nowadays also expects a gentleman to treat waiters or cleaners nicely. He should not treat them as if they are his servants. To say a simple thing like “thank you” after taking order and being served is completely courteous. Even adding a sincere smile to that phrase will make it even gentler. Respecting any human being shows what kind of man you truly are. In dating situations, I might say the rule of “men must pay for women” can be up to the debate. Certain societies have different cultures. This can be discussed and arranged between you and your partner. However, during first dates, I would highly suggest the men to pay for the bills. As men need to show if they are willing and serious enough to ask the women for a date. Whereas otherthings like offering his jacket when a girl gets cold, sharing his umbrella when it rains (even that means to get wet for a few seconds),taking his hat off when enters a room, being punctual as planned, keeping his body clean and his appearance neat, making sure the breath smells fresh all the time, and avoiding the use of bad words while talking, these are all the most basic things gentlemen need to practice these days.
Chivalry Gets Scarcer and Scarcer Is chivalry dead? We cannot generalize it. But I have to say that it is getting harder and harder to find chivalrous men these days, particularly around the place where I live. I always observe
people’s gestures every time I go outside the house. During my trips on trains, I often find men would not give up their seats for any old lad, woman, – William Horman or even pregnant. They step into the train, grab a seat, and if there is anyone else coming in later who seems to be more in need to have a seat, they pretend not to notice by falling asleep or getting busy with their smartphones. Smart move. Awful chivalry. When I see some couples fighting on the street, I can still find how the men would talk down the women with disrespectful words and gestures. Some female friends of mine also often share their experiences when they have to argue with their boyfriends. I am very concern to hear that there are still so many men out there who would not think twice when they have to express their disappointment. All these cases will most probably lead to domestic violence if they decide to get married. I also often hear men swearing in public places, aloud, innocently with pride. Other case such as women struggling so much with carrying their stuffs while men would do nothing but look has also become more and more common. These may happen because people are no longer used to being old-fashioned,since most of younger generations do not receive education about being chivalrous. On the other hand, the raising of feminism might be one of the reasons why only a few men still practice chivalry. The extreme feminists believe that they should no longer be treated differently than men in any way. Well, maybe that is not quantitatively significant. But how about seeing chivalrous acts as patronizing? Every time men sincerely offer some helps,they are being second-guessed with having second agenda. That is just sad. Preserving Chivalry You can plant trees, recycle papers, and use electricity efficiently. Yet you can also start acting chivalrous way to save the world. Knowing that chivalry gets scarce, let all of us start preaching it out through our actions. Do it not only to women, but towards everybody, anytime, anywhere! It costs you nothing anyway. Do not take feminist’s argument as an excuse. Do not worry to be suspected or judged by being old-fashioned. Do not hesitate and just do it sincerely. And once you get used to doing it, you might want to take it to the next level, which is adopt chivalry as a lifestyle. At the end of the day, you will not need to think to do chivalrous things. It just happens. I am quite optimistic that the spirit of chivalry is contagious. People will start to “compete” being a modern knight, who cannot stand to see chivalry getting extinct. And this kind of spirit will hopefully start to rise again, being inherited to people from generation to generation.
“Manners maketh men”
By Nico Tanles Tjhin