Clean tap water for all by 2024: Jacob
Staff ReporterDIMAPUR, SEP 28 (NPN): All rural and urban households in the State are targeted to be cov ered through functional household tap connection (FHTC)---- potable water supply by 2024 under Jal Jeevan Mission (JJM), as en visioned by Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
This was informed by Minister of Public Health Engineering Department (PHED) Jacob Zhimomi after a closed-door, threehour review meeting of implementation of JJM and Swachh Bharat Mission (G) at Tourist Lodge here on Wednesday.
Briefing media persons on the implementation of JJM in the State, Jacob said JJM under the Union Min istry of Jal Shakti’s Depart ment of Drinking Water & Sanitation aimed to provide drinking water supply to rural and urban households
NCD inducts eight new councillors
Staff ReporterDIMAPUR, SEP 28 (NPN): Naga Council Di mapur (NCD) inducted eight new councillors during an oath taking ceremony programme held in the of fice conference hall of NCD here on Wednesday. The new councillors were nomi nated by six Dimapur-based tribal hohos/unions.

Delivering presidential address at the programme, NCD president Etsungmo mo Kikon said that in spite of obstacles and challenges during the past two years, NCD had been actively participating and working towards the welfare of the people.
With the objective to further strengthen the unity among the units of NCD, he said that five tribal presidents of Eastern Naga People Union Dimapur (ENPUD) approached the NCD to take up a peace mission so as to bring all af filiated tribal bodies, which were not represented in the NCD.
Kikon said that in view of the upcoming NCD Plat inum Jubilee in 2024, the NCD agreed to the proposal of the six presidents of EN PUD to go ahead with their “noble peace mission.”
Following untiring ex ercises undertaken by the peace committee, NCD president said an oath tak ing ceremony of eight new representatives from five tribal bodies have been in ducted as councillors of NCD.
across the country through FHTC by 2024. He added that the Mission had been announced by Modi on the occasion of 73rd Indepen dence Day in 2019.
Jacob informed that Wednesday’s meeting was held to discuss on how to achieve the target, as well as the challenges and require ments, in the State. He said, based on the requirements given by PHED engineers, a proposal would be sent to Jal Shakti for achieving the target by 2024, adding that urban FHTC would be dealt by Urban Development De partment.
He mentioned that
JJM was being implemented in Nagaland by PHED, while admitting that it was a huge challenge as the State was hilly. Although the challenges were huge, he however claimed that the de partment had been perform ing well by reaching 50.29% of targeted total household connection with piped water supply (PWS) till September 27, 2022 out of 60% targeted to be covered by December this year.
On the technical chal lenges faced on the ground in rural areas, the minister cited hurdles like telecom munication and transport bottlenecks as the depart
ment required to upload the geotagging. He also pointed out that only 60 percent of the population in the State had Aadhaar cards, while the remaining 40% were yet to obtain one, which deprived them from avail ing certain schemes and benefits.
The minister He also said that Nagaland has de clared itself as Open Def ecation Free (ODF) much before the national timeline.
He mentioned that sanitation in urban areas was handled by municipal councils, while in rural areas it was PHED’s respon sibility.
Regarding 15thFinance Commission grant for water supply and sanitation, Jacob explained that the commis sion was under Rural Devel opment (RD) Department and that RD had taken the responsibility to implement the tender given to it for sanitation and water supply.
Govt extends free ration scheme
Spl. Correspondent
NEW DELHI, SEP 28 (NPN): Union Cabinet has approved the extension for the Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan Anna Yojana (PMGKAY-Phase VII) for a further period of three months (October to De cember 2022).
Under PMGKAY scheme, 5 kg of food grain per person per month is provided free of cost for all the beneficiaries cov ered under the National Food Security Act (NFSA) [Antodaya Anna Yojana & Priority Households] including those covered under Direct Benefit Trans fer (DBT). The decision will ensure that poor and vulnerable sections of so ciety are supported for the forthcoming major festivals
Financial implication for the Government of In dia has been about Rs. 3.45 lakh crore upto Phase-VI of PMGKAY.
APO cautions NHIDCL, contractors over slow progress of 4-lane
DIMAPUR, SEP 28 (NPN): Angami Public Or ganisation (APO) has ex pressed discontentment at the “snail-paced progress” of the ongoing construc tion of four-lane NH-29 from Dimapur to Kohima under the aegis pf National Highways& Infrastructure Development Corporation Ltd (NHIDCL).
In a statement, APO president Razouvotuo Chat su and assistant general secretary Lhousito Khro, lamented that the deplor able condition of the road, especially from Piphema to Jotsoma (Package-III), has become hazardous and

endangering lives of all commuters besides regularly causing traffic snarls.

APO said it was it was a matter of serious concern that despite claiming to have engaged multiple contract ing firms, there was still no sign of progress and that the condition of the road has only worsened further with the onslaught of monsoon.
APO said it was also very disheartening that little or no repair works had been initiated to ease the plight of people.
APO said it questioned the sincerity and compe tency of NHIDCL and the contracting firms engaged
for the project especially for the stretch under PackageIII, in the interest of public safety.
As the patience of the public was running thin, APO warned that further delay of work on flimsy grounds would only invite hostility as it was high time the corporation (NHIDCL) ensured completion of the project as per schedule.
With monsoon sea son set to end, APO asked NHIDCL to make all efforts to expedite completion of the vital road project which serves as lifeline of Naga land and the neighbouring States. Also with festive
season approaching, that at tracts thousands of tourists to the State, APO said it was a crucial time for the local tourism industry, specifi cally the local entrepreneurs who had invested much for their livelihoods.
However due to the present deplorable road con dition, APO said the road would only become a deter rent for tourists, thereby ad versely affecting the State’s economy. Further APO also urged NHIDCL to make all out efforts to complete the four-lane road project with out further delay in view of the high stakes involved.
Lt Gen Anil Chauhan (retired) is India’s new Chief of Defence Staff
NEW DELHI, SEP 28 (AGENCIES): Lt General Anil Chauhan (retd) was on Wednesday appointed as the new Chief of Defence Staff (CDS), more than nine months a fter the post fell vacant following the death of Gen Bipin Rawat.
“The Government has decided to appoint Lt Gen eral Anil Chauhan (Retired) as the next Chief of Defence Staff (CDS) who shall also function as Secretary to Government of India, De partment of Military Affairs with effect from the date of his assumption of charge and until further orders,” defence ministry said.
Lt Gen Chauhan (retd) will assume the rank of the four-star General once he takes charge as India’s sec ond Chief of Defence Staff. He will be the first retired three-star officer to return to service in four-star rank.
While the age-limit for the
three service chiefs is 62 years of age or three years of service, whichever is earlier, the age limit for the CDS is 65 years of age with no fixed tenure defined.
Born on May 18, 1961, Lt Gen Anil Chauhan was commissioned into the 11 Gorkha Rifles in 1981. He is an alumnus of the National Defence Academy, Khada kwasla and Indian Military Academy, Dehradun. In a career spanning over nearly 40 years, Chauhan had held

several command, staff and instrumental appointments and had extensive experi ence in counter-insurgency operations in Jammu & Kashmir and North-East India. He also served as the GOC 3 Corps based in Dimapur, General Officer Commanding-in-Chief of the Eastern Command.
A decorated Army of ficer and a China expert, 61-year-old Chauhan was the Director General of Mil itary Operations (DGMO) of the Army during the Bal akot air strikes in 2019 when Indian airplanes pounded a Jaish-e-Mohammed terrorist training camp deep inside Pakistan in response to the Pulwama terror strike.
After his retirement as the eastern Army Com mander last year, he has been serving as the military adviser in the National Se curity Council Secretariat headed by NSA Ajit Doval.
RPP backs ANATG’s regularization demand
DIMAPUR, SEP 28 (NPN): Rising People’s Party (RPP) has affirmed support to the All Nagaland Ad hoc Teachers Group-2015 batch (ANATG-2015) demand for service regularization.
Accusing School Edu cation department of “giving all sorts of excuses”, RPP said the principal director school education should not mislead the cabinet without knowing the facts. Accord ing to RPP, the grade-III Ad hoc teachers were not impleaded in the ACAUT/ PSAN litigation filed before the High Court, case no. 145 (K) 2017. RPP said that the litigation pertained only to
those posts falling under the purview of NPSC, which it claimed were filled up through “backdoor”.

Further, RPP stated that teachers were appointed under a separate recruitment policy (with requisite quali fication), which was not under the purview of NPSC exam. Therefore, it said that to label all agitating teachers as “backdoor appointees” was “unfair, and hurtful.”
RPP stated that the “contradictory stand” of NDPP-BJP coalition on mat ters of regularization only showed “lack of good coun sel and indecisiveness of the Cabinet.” It pointed out that

recently, 2290 RMSA and SSA teachers of 2010 and 2013 batches were absorbed/ regularized-- meaning that their salary was now wholly paid by the state government.
In this regard, RPP questioned whether the school education department should have two separate reg ularization policies? It also asked if the advisor school education would publicly address the contradictions?
Asking the NDPP-BJP coalition to stop victimiz ing the 1166 teachers, RPP urged the agitating teachers to stand their ground till the state government assured that justice will be served.
ACAUT supports NNQF; questions DoSE on ANATG issue
Naga Tribal Union Chü moukedima Town (NTUCT) has strongly condemned the illegal tax collection alleged ly by “certain Naga political groups”, organization and some vested interest individ uals within Chümoukedima jurisdiction.
In a press release, NTUCT president Lhousito Khro and general secretary Longshi Kikon stated that such act was “questionable” and not acceptable in the society especially at a time when the Nagas were yearn ing for early political settle
ment. The union lamented that despite multiple warn ings some of the Naga politi cal groups had been “consis tently trying to disturb the peaceful atmosphere”.
NTUCT alleged that the contractors and compa nies working on railways, national highway projects and business communities were being harassed and intimidated, which it said was “a threat to the Naga society.”
In this regard, the union has strongly warned that the perpetrators to im mediately stop and refrain
from “this illegal practise”. NTUCT stated that the “act of terrorism” would not be entertained within the juris diction of Chümoukedima. Asserting that it would no longer tolerate such act, the union affirmed to initi ate legal action as per the customary and the law of the land. Reaffirming to uphold “one govt one tax” resolu tion of the general Naga pub lic, NTUCT has appealed to every right-thinking Naga to extend cooperation and support “to save the future and the younger generation of Nagaland.”
Ex-minister Hewoto Awomi passes away
DIMAPUR, SEP 28 (NPN): Two-time MLA and former minister Y Hewoto Awomi passed away at a private hospital here on Wednesday following a brief illness. He was 62 and is sur vived by his wife, four sons and three daughters.

According to family sources, late Hewoto’s fu neral will be held at his pri vate residence at Thahekhu village on September 29 at 11 a.m.
Born on November 29, 1959 at Thahekhu village, Hewoto, son of late Yehokhu Awomi, entered politics in 1987 and rose to become Congress youth president of 2 Dimapur II assembly con stituency. Late Hewoto was described as the giant-killer
in politics, when he defeated two political heavyweights-SI Jamir of the Congress in 2003 assembly elections as NPF candidate for 2 Dima pur-II constituency. He later joined the Congress in 2008 and defeated another vet eran Khekiho Zhimomi of the NPF from 4 Ghaspani-I constituency. Late Hewoto was min
ister CAWD, labour & em ployment from 2003-2004, parliamentary secretary urban development from 2004-2005 and parliamen tary secretary veterinary & animal husbandry from 2006-2007. Late Hewoto was also a member of Di mapur Municipal Council (DMC) from 1995 to 2002.
Dy.CM: State deputy chief minister and BLP leader Y. Patton condoled the demise of former min ister Y. Hewoto Awomi. In a condolence note, Patton described late Hewoto as a compassionate leader, who always put the welfare of the people above all other things.
DIMAPUR, SEP 28 (NPN): ACAUT Nagaland has expressed support to Na galand NET Qualified Fo rum (NNQF) over writ pe titions (WP)no.12(K)/2019 and 62(K)/2019, and the representation to Minister of Higher Education Imna Along.
In a statement, ACAUT maintained that appointment to public post should be based on public advertisement to ensure equal opportunities to all qualified aspirants.
ACAUT recalled that in response to its Public Interest Litigation (PIL) in 2015 against the menace of
backdoor appointments, the State government issued an Office Memorandum (OM) on June 6, 2016 banning appointment on contract basis and thus the PIL was disposed.
ACAUT again filed a WP in 2017 challeng ing Office Memorandums (OMs) of August 4, 2008 and August 11, 2016, and in response, the court through an interim order of July 28, 2017 prevented regularisa tion of those contractual or ad hoc appointees after three years of service.
Then the court by an order on August 3, 2018, declared OMs of August
4, 2008 and August 11, 2016 as “unconstitutional” and directed the State gov ernment not to regularise any contractual or ad hoc appointee’s service, while giving relaxation that the government could take re course under the cover of para 53 of Umadevi (3) case.
ACAUT said the State government interestingly, filed a Writ Appeal (WA) challenging the order, but a Division Bench on February 7, 2019 upheld the earlier judgement and dismissed the appeal.
It also mentioned that the court on June 6, 2022 dismissed the WPs filed by
NNQF without taking into cognizance the merit of the case on the grounds of maintainability and locus standi, while giving liberty to the petitioners “ make challenge the illegal or ir regular action/actions by filing appropriate petition, as would be required under law.”
At the recent assembly session, ACAUT said it was “totally uncalled for” that NPF legislator Kuzholuzo (Azo) Nienu, knowing fully well that “more than 200 assistant professors, who were made respondents in the WPs, were appointed
NSF urges RD and Power deptts to send requisition
SHILLONG, SEP 28: The Na tional Commission for Women (NCW) Chairperson, Rekha Sharma on Wednesday said young girls from the North East ern States are being lured to big cities with fake job opportunities and then pushed into flesh trade.
Speaking at a regional level consultation on “Com bating Human Trafficking in NER”, organised in collabora tion with the Meghalaya State Women Commission, Sharma said girls from the northeast are being lured to places such as New Delhi, Karnataka, Goa and Maharashtra with false promises of lucrative jobs.
However, many of these
girls land up in parlours and other shady places and are pushed into flesh trade, she said. Sharma said the women’s commission of these states needs to collaborate with their counterparts so that such traf ficking could be stopped.

“Some of these traffickers have good networking skills and are digitally well con nected. To outsmart these traf fickers, steps need to be taken together with all the stakehold ers involved in this fight against human trafficking,” the NCW Chairperson asserted.
Outlining some of the steps, Sharma said some of the police are not sensitive about human trafficking which needs to be addressed.
DIMAPUR, SEP 28 (NPN): Following its earlier to appeal to all departments to send the available posts to the Nagaland Staff Selection Board (NSSB) for fair recruitment, Naga Students’ Federation (NSF) has written to the departments of rural development and power to send requisition to NSSB for filling posts.
In a letter to RD director, NSF president Keg wayhun Tep pointed out 22 posts of LDA-cum- com puter assistant (district level) advertised dated Feb 10, 2020, fell under the purview of NSSB. In this regard, NSF appealed to RD director for immediate requi sition of those posts for recruitment under NSSB.
In another letter to engineer-in-chief Power department, NSF said the department notification advertising one post of LDA-cum-computer asst (directorate) and 16 posts of LDA- cum-computer asst (district) dated September 11, 2019, fell under the purview of NSSB. NSF appealed to the department for immediate requisition of those posts under NSSB.
It also requested both the departments to reim burse the application fee to all the applicants who have already applied for the same.
Young girls from NE lured to big cities with fake job: NCW chiefLate Hewoto Awomi Lt Gen Anil Chauhan (retd) Jacob Zhimomi with officials during the review meeting, Wednesday.
WRD: AH&VS deptt organises anti-rabies vaccination camps across Nagaland

were vaccinated and more than 150 were provided with free vitamins mineral mixture, deworming and shampoos. Earlier, during a short programme, chief veterinary officer (CVO) Dimapur, Dr. Kelesekho Tsukru delivered the key note address, short speeches were delivered by Duncan Basti council chairman, VCC and deputy CVO Dr. Veswulhu.
Facts about rabies was presented by VAS Dr. Viki she Sumi and a PowerPoint presentation on zoonotic importance on rabies was delivered by VAS Dr. Lang nyei Phom.
KOHIMA : Office of the CVO observed “World Ra bies Day” at Veterinary Hospital premises, wherein, 133 pets including dogs and cats were administered with

SKK lauds DoSE crackdown on proxy teachers
DIMAPUR: Sumi Ki phimi Kuqhakulu (All Sumi Students Union) has lauded the department of school education (DoSE)’s directive to the school heads and department of ficers to check proxy teach ing in the state.

In a press release, SKK president Katho P. Awomi and education & statistical Ngukato L Aye urged upon government teachers to conduct their duties sincerely as the fu ture of students depended on them.
The union has also ac knowledged genuine teach ers who have been tirelessly rendering their duties.
Further, SKK ex pressed gratitude to advi sor school education & SCERT, KT Sukhalu for “listening to the long cry” of the union and organisa tions to initiate the removal of proxy teachers.
The union has also appealed to the depart ment for timely release of pending teachers’ salaries and provide maximum facilities.
Meanwhile, SKK has asked all the units, subunits and sub-ordinates affiliated under SKK to collaborate with the order from DoSE and to check such practices.
DC Dmu informs beneficiaries on SDR fund
DIMAPUR : Deputy commissioner (DC) and DDMA chairman, Sachin Jaiswal has informed all concerned that the Naga land State Disaster Man agement Authority (NS DMA) has released State Disaster Response Fund (SDRF) 2018-2021.
In a press release, DC informed that the approved list of beneficiaries list is displayed in the DDMA cell of the DC office Di mapur.
In this regard, the dis bursement will commence from September 29-Octo ber 21 on all working days, 9:30 am-4:30 pm.
Beneficiaries in the approved list have been asked to mandatorily ap pear in person in the office of the DC & chairman DDMA, Dimapur to claim the sanctioned amount.
Claimants are to bring Aadhar card (in original) along with one photocopy of the same and two re cent passport photos while claiming the relief.
The area-wise sched ules for disbursement of the SDRF are as follows—
September 29-October 30 (Chümoukedima); October 1-3 (Niuland) and October 6-12 (Dimapur).
anti-rabies vaccination. The drive was con ducted by a team of vet erinarians led by veteri nary surgeon, Dr. Elizabeth Yhome.
DIMAPUR: In Dimapur a free anti rabies vaccination and health camp was or ganised at Duncan Council Hall. A total of 315 pets
The programme was chaired by DLDO Dr. KN Zubemo Humtsoe and vote of thanks was proposed by VS Dr. Kenalo Khath.
DC Kohima informs villages, wards: DC Kohima has informed concerned villages, ward panchayats and colonies under Kohima town that the Assam Rifles will be conducting small arms fir ing from October 1-31 at Firing Range Kohima Garrison. In this regard, DC has informed all concerned to not enter the Firing Range or take their cattle grazing near the Firing Range during the said period.
FCK informs on spelling bee com petition: Fountain Club Kohima in collaboration with State Council of Educational Research & Training is organising the 9th edition of “Na galand Spelling Bee Championship 2022” on the theme “The Learning Edge” at RCEMPA Jotsoma, October 13-14. FCk has informed that students of classes VI-IX will be eligible for the competition. Rules & Regulations and entry forms may be downloaded at
MEMORY OF, www.morungex or Hard copies are also available in all DIET Centres. Entry forms can be mailed to and hardcopies may be submitted on ar rival. Last date for submission of forms is October 8.
NPF MW greets: Naga Peoples Front (NPF) Minority Wing (MW) has extended Durga Puja and Navaratri Greetings to the people of Nagaland and neighbouring area. NPF MW said Navaratri, Durga Puja and Dashera are not only a festival but also it is a major socio-cultural event celebrated in all corner of the country and abroad with great enthusiasm, solidarity and gaiety. It hoped that the celebrations would bring greater peace and happi ness to one and all, and strengthen the prevailing social and cultural harmony in Nagaland and the nation as a whole.
With each passing day, the void of your death becomes more unbearable. It was heartbreaking to have to bid goodbye and no amount of time can make the pain go away. But there is solace in knowing that someday we will meet again.
CHÜMOUKEDIMA : ADC Chümoukedima and CTC administrator Dr. Kuzo Vadeo flagged off “World Rabies Day” pro gramme at Chümouke dima Town Council (CTC) hall.
According to a DIPR
report, Dr. Kuzo Vadeo de livered a speech while CVO Chümoukedima, Dr. E. Kepfoh emphasised on the importance of anti-rabies vaccination.
Altogether, 150 pets received the anti-rabies vac cination.

WOKHA: In Wokha, the programme was held at Veterinary Hospital Wokha wherein, deputy director, V&AH Wokha, Dr. E. Mhonlumi Lotha delivered
the keynote address.
According to a DIPR report, around 250 pet dogs were administered with free anti-rabies vac cination.
DYO, DVC conducts surprise checking
DIMAPUR: Extending its support to Darogapathar Youth Organisation (DYO), Darogapathar Village Council (DVC) conducted surprise check ing of illegal commer cial activities including the sale of illicit liquor, lottery, gambling and il legal consumable prod ucts or substance within Darogapathar village on September 27.
In a press release, DVC chairman K Ado Bizo, DVC secretary I
Akum Jamir and Da rogapathar village head GB Yashimeren Ao stated that the culprits were made to close the shops with immediate effect and was warned not to continue the illegal activity within the village jurisdiction.
DVC has informed the public that the property where the activity was car ried out will be sealed and taken over by the village council.
In this regard, all the landlords have been asked
“He who believes in me will live,
We, the family of Lt. Lanuakum Imchen would like to extend our gratitude and appreciation to each and everyone who stood by us during his prolonged illness till the time he left for his Heavenly abode. We offer our heartfelt thanks to all individuals, families, relatives, friends, neighbours, churches and well wishers for supporting us spiritually, financially and physically during the time of his illness and till his final journey on this earth.
Our utmost gratitude goes to:
to check that illegal activi ties are not carried out in their (leased) premises.
DVC acknowledged Chekiye Youth Front (CYF) for joining the team
in eradicating the illegal activities along the areas of the two villages.
It also expressed grati tude to DYO for its effort in safeguarding the village.
1st DEATH ANNIVERSARY Late Dr. Lanuchuba 29/09/2021
Late Lanuakum Imchen

Date of Birth: 30th January 1986
Date of Death: 24th Sept. 2022
1. Doctors, Staff and Nurses of IMDH Mokokchung, Lemjem Hospital Mokokchung and Woodland Nursing Home Mokokchung.
2. Dr. Limayanger, Yongpang Medical Centre, Mokokchung

3. Dr. Kilang, IMDH, Mokokchung

4. Mokokchung Town Baptist Arogo
5. Arkong Youth Fellowship, MTBA
6. Greatons Club, Mokokchung
7. Settsu Baptist Arogo
8. Mangmetong Senso Telongjem, Mokokchung
9. Chairman and Executive members from different Wards, Mokokchung
We sincerely regret our inability to address each and every individual personally, but it is in our prayers that God Almighty blesses you all abundantly.
Loving family members
Days will pass and turn into years. But we will always remember you with silent tears. Missing you.
Loving wife, son and relatives
We regret our inability to mention and thank each and every individual but it is our
20th Feb. 1969
Loving husband,
Sept. 2022
We the family members of Late Vitsongol Khrieo convey our heartfelt gratitude to friends, neighbours, church members, near and dear ones who stood by us spiritually, physically, emotionally, and financially. Your kindness towards us will remain forever grateful.
Loving family members

Stakeholders’ meet discusses potential export products
and handloom by man aging director, Nagaland Handloom & Handicrafts Development Corporation (NHHDC) Dimapur.

Other presentation also included briefing on MSME initiatives by MSME joint director. Feedbacks were taken from stakeholders for onward submission to DGFT while obstacles in promoting export in the state were also discussed.
NACF appeals DoSE to deploy teachers at GHS Zuheshe
DIMAPUR: Tak ing serious note of the shortage of teachers at Government High School (GHS) Zuheshe, Niuland Area Citizens Forum (NACF) has appealed to the Department of School Education (DoSE) to deploy teachers at the earliest.
In a press release, NACF president Kakishe Shikh and press secretary Saul Sema stated that the school has been running with insufficient teach ing staff.
intervene by teaching the students which it stated, was at the expense of their responsibilities.

Expressing concern and commitment towards the welfare of the people, NACF has asked the re sponsible department to intervene and do the need ful since class X students would sit for their final exams by first quarter of 2023
Staff Reporter


District Level Export Pro motion Committee, Dima pur, under the aegis of Di rectorate General of Foreign Trade (DGFT) organised a district level stakeholders consultation meeting in the conference hall of the deputy commissioner (DC), here, on Wednesday.
The meeting was held with the objective to design a roadmap on promotion of potential exports in Di mapur, wherein, various feedbacks were noted from
stakeholders and sugges tions from departments on exports of local products, with emphasis on pineapple, handloom and Nagaland coffee.
At the meeting, DGFT assistant director, Krishna Prasad presented a brief note through a video conference call, on the roles and func tions of DGFT and how it has been promoting foreign trade through regulation.
He informed that the DGFT was an organisation attached to office of the ministry of Commerce and Industry, headed by director
general of Foreign Trade.

Keeping in line with liberalization, globalisation and overall objective of in creasing exports, he stated that the DGFT has since been assigned the role of “facilitator”.
Krishna Prasad also added that the organizsation was now into promotion and facilitation of exports/im ports. Presentations on sta tus of export and potential of pineapple was delivered by district horticulture offi cer (DHO); coffee by district project officer (DPO), de partment of Land Resources
Governor visits Noklak; interacts with organisations
Earlier, the programme was chaired and keynote address delivered by DC Dimapur, Sachin Jaiswal.
The meeting was at tended by various stakehold ers, exporters, entrepreneurs, representatives from state government departments and officials and members from APEDA and Coffee Board of India via video conference. It may be men tioned that the final District Export Action Plan would be adopted based on the discussion and compilation of various data on exports and entrepreneurs.

NACF stated that till date, there has been no math teacher and the limited subject teachers have been appointed/deputed by DoSE since the upgradation of school to GHS in 2011.

While appreciating ini tiatives being undertaken by the department to streamline teachers’ deployment for better performance, NACF stated that the “ground reality” was differ ent, since there was shortage of important subject teachers.
NACF also stated that the school infrastructure was dilapidated which it said, con travened the principles and objectives of RTE Act 2009. NACF disclosed that recently, DC Niuland Sara S Jamir and SDEO Bohovi Ye ptho had to
According to a DIPR report, Prof. Mukhi visited Assam Rifles COB at ITC Dan and interacted with Assam Rifles officers and jawans.
He also interacted with the heads of offices under the Noklak district.
The governor held a brief interaction with Khiamniun gan Tribal Council (KTC),
Later, Prof. Mukhi held a separate meeting with political parties of NDPP, BJP, NPF and INC and convened a meet ing with Noklak Chamber of Commerce & Industry.
Elder Line Nagaland celebrates 1st anniv

DIMAPUR: Elder Line Nagaland, the national helpline for senior citi zens celebrated its first anniversary in the building hall of Angami Women Organisation office, Ko hima on Wednesday.
According to a DIPR report, special guest, advisor of Urban Development & Municipal Af fairs, Dr. Neikiesalie Nicky Kire acknowledged Elder Line Nagaland for taking a good initiative for senior citizens in the state. He stated that Nagas had close attachment with grandparents, however, many elders were left alone at home, especially at villages.
In this regard, he urged upon the agency to spread awareness, so that better treatment could be provided by dropping elders at Old Age Homes and picking them up in the evening.
Guest of honour, Social Wel fare department, joint secretary Mhathung Tsanglao encouraged Elder Line Nagaland by saying that the journey had just begun and to work with dedication to give meaningful lives to senior citizens in the state. Elder Line program manager Neithonuo Liegise gave a brief history of Elder Line and said it was not easy to come up with the initiative during the pandemic. Neithonuo expressed gratitude to all the staff and stakeholders for their cooperation.Senior Citizens Association Nagaland president also delivered a short speech.
Earlier, the programme was chaired by Elder Line quality leader, Bendangmeren, welcome address was delivered by Elder Line con nect leader Kevitsonuo Shüya and vote of thanks was proposed by Elder Line coordinator (GSWS) Kevinourheno Seyie.
DIMAPUR: Nagaland gov ernor, Prof. Jagdish Mukhi visited Noklak district and held a series of meetings with organisations on Wednesday. Khiamniungan Menyiu Hoi kam, Khiamniungan Students Union, Pangsha Public Or ganisation and village council chairmen of Dan village, New Pangsha village, Old Pangsha village, and Wonthoi Village. He also held a separate interaction with the security agencies. Prof. Jagdish Mukhi joining the cultural troupe during his visit to new Pangsha village on Wednesday. (DIPR) DGFT assistant director Krishna Prasad speaking at the meeting on Wednesday. (NP)Rajnath Singh visits forward areas in Arunachal

Biplab Kumar Deb takes oath as RS MP
NEW DELHI, SEP 28 (AGENCIES): Former Tri pura Chief Minister Biplab Kumar Deb and Bharatiya Janata Party’s Gulam Ali on Wednesday took oath as MPs of Rajya Sabha in the presence of Vice President Jagdeep Dhankhar, who is also the chairperson of the Upper House, reports ANI.
Terming the NorthEastern states as “Asht Lax mi”, Biplab Kumar Deb said that he would follow up on the work already begun by PM Narendra Modi for the development of Tripura.

Tripura CM likely to take steps for solving retrenched teachers’ problems
(PTI): Defence Minister Rajnath Singh visited the country’s easternmost Army formation at Dinjan in As sam’s Tinsukia district on Wednesday and reviewed its operational readiness, a Defence communique said.
Singh, who is on a two day visit to Arunachal Pradesh, was accompanied by Army Chief General Manoj Pande, Commander
of Eastern Command Lieu tenant General R P Kalita along with other senior of ficers, it said. The defence minister was briefed on infra structure development along the Line of Actual Control, capability development and operational preparedness by Lieutenant General R C Tiwari, general officer com manding of 3 Corps and other senior officers.
Singh’s visit takes place
at a time when China is upgrading its infrastructure along the border. China re fuses to accept Indi’a sover eignty in Arunachal Pradesh and calls it South Tibet.
During the visit the defence minister was also briefed on employment of cutting edge military equipment and technology to enhance operational efficiency of the troops deployed in the bor der, the communique said.
Assam CM welcomes ban on PFI
GUWAHATI, SEP 28 (PTI): Assam Chief Min ister Himanta Biswa Sarma on Wednesday welcomed the Centre’s decision to ban the Popular Front of India (PFI) for their alleged ter ror activities and said the country under the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi is “bold and decisive”.

The union home min istry, in a notification on Tuesday night, banned the PFI and several of its associ ate organisations.
“The government is firm in its resolve to ensure that anyone with a diaboli cal, divisive, or disruptive design against India shall be dealt with iron fist,” the chief minister wrote on Twitter. “India of Modi Era is decisive and bold,” he added. Sarma had earlier said that his government was consistently asking the Centre to outlaw the
The action of the cen tral government came days after a countrywide crack down on the 16-year-old PFI, arrest of over a hun dred of its activities and seizure of several dozen properties.
Altogether 36 PFI ac tivists have been arrested so far by the Assam Police from different parts of the state and New Delhi.
The police had appre hended 25 activists of the
organisation from eight dis tricts of Assam on Tuesday, while 11 others were held on September 22-23, following the crackdown against the outfit by multiple agencies headed by the National Investigation Agency (NIA).
More than 170 people with links to the PFI were arrested from seven states on Tuesday, while 106 lead ers and members of it were held in the earlier raids five days ago.
“My priority would be to speed up the state’s development that began in 2018 under PM Modi’s lead ership. He himself brings to the table demands for the northeast and asks what is needed. I would like to tell Tripura that I would follow up on development works for Tripura and to speed them up,” Deb said.
Gujjar leader from Kashmir Gulam Ali also took oath as a member of the Rajya Sabha.
President Droupadi Murmu appointed Gulam Ali to the Rajya Sabha on September 10. Meanwhile, the Bharatiya Janata Party

had lauded the appointment saying that now people from Jammu and Kashmir are being recognised after the abrogation of Article 370.
Deb had won the Ra jya Sabha bypolls from the state. In the Rajya Sabha by-elections in Tripura, Bi plab Kumar Deb got 43 votes while the opposition candidate Bhunulal Saha got 15 votes. Very recently, Deb was made Haryana state BJP in charge. Biplab Deb’s popularity had earlier helped BJP to clean sweep the northeastern state mark ing a thumping victory in 2018. The 2018 victory overtook the Left’s rule of 25 years in Tripura.
After taking oath as the 10th Chief Minister of Tripura on March 9, 2018, he stepped down from the state CM post on May 14 this year.
AGARTALA, SEP 28 (PTI): Representatives of over 10,323 retrenched teachers of Tripura on Wednesday said Chief Min ister Manik Saha assured them that he would convene an ‘extended forum meet ing’ involving legal experts after the Durga puja to find an amicable solution to their problem.
Sarkar met a delegation of the retrenched teachers two days after their march to the assembly demand ing jobs in the government sector was stopped by the police. Several protesters were injured in the melee.
Leader of the Opposi tion Manik Sarkar and the lone Congress MLA Sudip Roy Barman condemned the police action and urged
the chief minister to meet the agitating teachers. Ac cordingly, their representa tives called on Sarkar on Wednesday.
“We had a meeting with the chief minister in his office and told him our prob lems elaborately. He sought some papers related to our case to examine the demand for alternative jobs,” Bijoy Krishna Saha, one of the terminated teachers, told
reporters. Advocate General Siddhartha Sankar Dey and Law Secretary Biswajit Palit were present at the meeting.
Another leader of the agitating teachers, Dalia Das, said the CM assured them to convene a meet ing of ‘an extended forum’ involving legal experts to discuss their problems and find a possible way out after the Durga puja.
The government has not made any statement on the meeting till the filing of this news report.
The assembly election is due in the Northeastern state early next year.
The Tripura High Court terminated a total of 10,323 school teachers due to their faulty recruitment process in 2014.
Rail-cum-road bridge approved for Guwahati: Gadkari
NEW DELHI, SEP 28 (PTI): Union Minister Nitin Gadkari on Wednesday said the project for a rail-cum-road bridge across Brahmaputra river near the existing Saraighat bridge at Guwahati has been approved. The project has been approved at a cost of Rs 996.75 crore. The cost will will be shared by NHAI and the Ministry
of Railways. In a series of tweets, the road transport and highways minister said the cost of approaches/viaducts is Rs 322 crore, and it will be entirely built by the National Highways Authority of India (NHAI).
Gadkari said the “bridge would connect north bank of Assam to south bank, that is, Guwahati across Brahmaputra river”.
Mnp CM makes maiden visit to interior Henglep sub-division
IMPHAL, SEP 28: Ma nipur chief minister N Bi ren Singh on Wednesday stressed on the need to keep aside all differences and en mity and work together for inclusive development, in a speech during his maiden visit to interior Henglep subdivision of Churachandpur district.
During the visit, the chief minister laid founda tion stones for an amuse ment cum children park to be constructed at Songpi village with an estimated cost of Rs 4.8 crore and upgradation of HenglepThingkeu-Tipaimukh Road (31.782 Km) with a work order amount of Rs 75.94 crore. He also inaugurated a six classroom new building of Henglep High School at Henglep with a project cost

of Rs 57.28 lakh and a tran sit quarter (for medical and education staff) constructed at a cost of Rs 73.67 lakh, both under Backward Block Development Fund, North Eastern Council.
Addressing the gather ing, Singh stated that the “Go to Hills” mission was launched to bridge the de

velopmental gaps between hill and valley regions after he became the chief minister in 2017.
As a part of the mis sion, even cabinet meetings were held at different district headquarters to review the progress of developmental works taken up in the areas.
He said he was im
Mizoram financial crunch due to poor fiscal management: Cong youth wing
The youth wing of the Mizoram Congress has alleged that the state under the MNF rule is witnessing a financial crunch due to “poor fiscal management” as its liabilities have in creased by 71.59 per cent in the last four years.

The state’s total li abilities have risen by Rs 5,217.53 crore since the Zoramthanga-led govern ment came to power in
December 2018, it claimed.
A statement issued by the youth Congress said “Mizoram is now reel ing under acute financial crunch due to poor fiscal management”.
The state’s total debt is estimated to be Rs 12,553 crore, it said.
MNF leaders and gov ernment officials could not be contacted for comment on the matter.
However, the govern ment had earlier said it was facing financial crunch
than a year. An investiga tion has been launched, police said.
As per experts, orang utans are great apes native to the rainforests of Indonesia and Malaysia, but are now found only in parts of Bor neo and Sumatra.
Two baby orangutans have been recovered from a re mote area along the AssamMizoram border, a forest official said on Wednesday.
The animals were found at the checkgate in Lailapur area of Assam’s Cachar district late on Mon day, he said.

Cachar Divisional For est Officer (DFO) Tejas Mariswamy told PTI that the orangutans were found abandoned at the check gate, and are suspected to have been brought from Myanmar.
Mariswamy said the animals are likely aged less
owing to “several reasons, including the Covid-19 pandemic and non-receipt of state’s share of taxes and grants from the Cen tre, amounting to over Rs 2,630 crore from 2019-20 to 2020-21”.
Chief Minister Zoramthanga, who also holds the finance portfolio, informed the state assem bly in early September that the government has availed loans amounting to Rs
Before tHe marriage offiCer
Dimapur : NagalaND
Marriage Regd. No. 78/2022 Dated Dimapur, the 22/8/2022
Notice of iNteNded Marriage
I, Marriage Officer, Dimapur, Nagaland hereby give notice Under Section 8 of the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955, that a petition for intended marriage has been filed by Mr. Pradip Saha, aged about 35 years, S/o Shri. Sankar Saha, resident of H/No. 109 Westyard Colony and Miss Dipika Dey, aged about 33 years, D/o Shri. Dilip Kumar Dey resident of H/No. 565, Railway Colony before me on 22nd day of August 2022 and whereas 22/09/2022 has been fixed for solemnizing their Marriage. Objections, if any, are to be furnished on or before the aforementioned fixed date.
addl. Deputy Commissioner Cum marriage officer Dimapur : Nagalanddp-4676/22
Regd. No. 4313/22
Date 26/09/2022
I Shri. Hokugha H. Chophy, S/o of Late Hozukhe K. Chophy presently a resident of South Point East Colony Zunheboto, Nagaland is hereby solemnly declaring on this very day 10th Sept 2022, that I disowned my daughter Ms. Kitoholi H. Chophy aged 20 (Twenty) years from my personal and the family affairs. Anybody dealing with her will be doing so at his/her own risk.
Henceforth, I declared this with sound mind and body that not to interfere/inclusion of me of her activities and affairs in future.
Declarant (Hokugha H. Chophy) South Point East Colony Zunheboto, Nagaland
256.396 crore as ‘overdraft’ for six times during the July 21- August 2 period in the current fiscal.
Besides, the govern ment also availed of loans through a special draw ing facility and ways and means advances on several occasions, official sources said.
The Ways and Means Advances are temporary advances given by the RBI to governments to tide over
any mismatch in receipts and payments.
The state government will again avail of loans amounting to Rs 100 crore through open market bor rowing, the sources said.
During his two-week long visit to New Delhi recently, Zoramthanga had held meetings with Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman over the state’s financial condition and sought the Centre’s help.
Whereas application under Section 278 of the Indian Succession Act. 1925 has been filed by Shri. Subhendu Deb, S/o Late Sunil Ch. Deb@ Sunil Deb, R/o Westyard Colony, Dimapur, Nagaland for grant of Letter of Administration in respect of landed property of his Mother Late Gayatri Deb, covered by : Patta No. 358, Dag No. 393, Mouza No.2, Block No./Ward: 7, Measuring an area of 00B-00K-08Ls, Dimapur, Nagaland before this court.
Notice is hereby given that any person having interest in the administration of the property of the said deceased may if she/he so desire appear in this court on or before within a period of 30 days from the date of publication.
Given under my hand and seal of the Court on this 27.09.2022.
Principal District Judge Dimapur, Nagalanddp-4708/22

pressed with Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s way of governance based on hu manity and to work for the welfare of people.
He further termed Churachandpur district as the luckiest district as it has a medical college with 100 seats of MBBS. The medical college was set up in the district recognizing the potential of the people of the district, he added.
The chief minister also appealed to the public to re frain from bandh and strike to express their grievance and rather come up for talks to solve the issue.
He also urged the pub lic to render support for the government’s initiatives to take up different projects for the development of the district.
Also highlighting road connectivity, he said that he had consulted with NHID
CL to prepare a proposal for widening Tipaimukh Road (NH-150) into double lane.
He informed that own ers of the lands to be affected by the work had agreed not to take land compensation.
The chief minister fur ther assured of setting up an Eklavya Model Residential School (EMRS) at Henglep sub-divisional headquarters citing its backwardness.
Informing that Chura chandpur district is also included among the seven districts where the gov ernment was constructing amusement parks, he asked the people of the district to plan well and keep some lands reserved for taking up development works.
He appealed to the pub lic not to carry out deforesta tion for poppy plantations, citing that it not only affects the environment but makes youths addicted to drugs.
With immense pride and honor, We the Litem Union Tuensang Town would like to extend our heartiest congratulations to
to N
Mr. N. Aojongshi and Mrs. Nokshanglemla,
Clearing the NPSC1/CTSE/2021, and securing the post of SDO (Civil Engg.) under Works & Housing Department. The Union further wishes him all the very best for his future endeavors.
N. Nemjemsangba tiaba o (president) (general Secretary) litem union tuensang town litem union tuensang town K-2295/22
General Secretary
offiCe of tHe
Zapami Village goVerNmeNt emploYeeS’ uNioN pHeK, NagalaND motto : ‘empoWereD to SerVe feLicitatioN

The Zapami Village Government Employees’ Union heartily congratulates:
1. miss Kele-ü Wetsah, D/o Dipelo Wetsah for securing the post of Nursing Officer through NORCET all India Common AIIMS Exam 2020.
2. er. Wetho Wetsah, S/o Kedounyi Wetsah for securing the post of Probationary Officer, Bank of India, Govt. of India undertaking through Institute of Banking Personnel Selection Exam.
3. Smti. Keweche- ü Khalo Kreo , W/o Tekulo Kreo on her promotion to Assistant Horticulture Officer, Department of Horticulture Govt. of Nagaland.
Wawe- ü Wetsah, D/o Wepekha Wetsah for securing the post of Junior Engineer under

PFI and its associates banned for 5 years
polarise our society, that misuse religion to spread prejudice, hate, bigotry and violence,” he said in a statement.
NEW DELHI, SEP 28 (PTI): With the government banning the Popular Front of India for five years, the BJP on Wednesday hailed the decision as “strong and timely” and accused the Congress of standing with anti-India forces, even as several opposition leaders called for similar action against the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS).
The government on Wednesday banned the PFI and several of its associates for five years under a stringent anti-terror law, accusing them of having “links” with global terror groups like ISIS.
The BJP praised it as a “strong and timely” action and attacked the opposition parties, particularly the Congress, saying it is unfortunate that some are looking at their political profit and loss even in this.
Senior BJP leader
Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi said strict action has been taken against those “acting as proxies of anti-India forces” that were against democracy and part of a violent conspiracy.
“It is unfortunate that some political parties and some people associated with various governments were giving protection to such forces. Such people are seen standing with such forces now,” he said.
These are the same people who sometimes raise questions about the country’s security, about surgical strikes, and raise a hue and cry when terrorists are killed, Naqvi said.
‘’The government has taken action with its commitment to the security of the country and its people but it is unfortunate that even in this, some are looking at their political profit and loss,’’ Naqvi said.
Amanatullah Khan granted bail in Delhi Waqf Board case
NEW DELHI, SEP 28 (IANS): A Delhi court on Wednesday granted bail to Aam Admi Party MLA Amanatullah Khan in connection with a case of alleged irregularities at the Delhi Waqf Board, being investigated by the AntiCorruption Branch (ACB).

Special Judge Vikas Dhull of Rouse Avenue Court on Tuesday had set Wednesday for pronouncing the order on Khan’s bail application after hearing the submissions of parties.
A detailed order is expected to be made available later.
On Monday, the court sent Khan, who was arrested on Spetember 16, to 14 days’ judicial custody.
According to ACB sources, the first FIR into the case was registered in January 2020 under section 7 of the Prevention of Corruption Act read with section 120 B of the Indian Penal Code. Later Section 13 of the Prevention of Corruption Act as well as
section 409 of the IPC were added into the case.
Following the twoyear-old case, the ACZB had summoned the legislator, on September 16 while it parallely conducted raids at four locations connected to him and found incriminating material at multiple places.
As per officials, Khan has also allegedly misappropriated the funds of the Delhi Waqf Board comprising grants in aid from the Delhi Government.
During the ACB’s raids at four locations, Rs 24 lakh cash was recovered and two illegal and unlicensed weapons, cartridges and ammunition were also seized.
The action taken by the government against forces acting as proxies for militant groups is in the interest of the country and people, he added. Congratulating Union Home Minister Amit Shah for the move, BJP General Secretary CT Ravi alleged that “the PFI was nurtured by Congress.”
He alleged that the PFI is nothing but “an avatar of SIMI, it has links with many terror fronts and creates social unrest in the country”.
The Congress asserted that it has always been and
will continue to be against all forms and types of communalism - majority or minority.
All India Congress Committee general secretary communications Jairam Ramesh said, “The Congress has always been and will continue to be against all forms and types of communalism - majority or minority makes no difference.”
“The Congress’ policy has always been to uncompromisingly fight all ideologies and institutions that abuse religion to
Ramesh said this fight is of utmost priority to preserve, protect and celebrate the secular and composite construct of society and nationhood.
Taking a slightly divergent view, the Kerala Congress and its coalition partner Indian Union Muslim League (IUML) welcomed the Centre’s decision to ban the PFI for its alleged terror activities but said that RSS, the BJP’s ideological fountainhead, should also be similarly outlawed.
Senior Congress leader and former state home minister Ramesh Chennithala said the Centre’s decision to ban PFI was a “good thing”. “RSS should also be banned like this. In Kerala, both majority communalism and minority communalism should be equally opposed. Both the outfits have flared
up communal hatred and thus tried to create division in the society,” he said.
Strongly condemning the activities of the PFI, senior IUML leader M K Muneer said the radical outfit had misinterpreted the Quran and persuaded the community members to adopt the path of violence.
Replying to queries from journalists about the ban on PFI, RJD president Lalu Prasad called the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh a “Hindu extremist organisation” that deserved to be banned.
“They keep raising the bogey of PFI. It is the RSS which is all about Hindu extremism which deserves to be banned first,” he told reporters in Delhi.
The CPI(M) said it opposes the extremist views of the PFI, but does not support the way the government is tackling it by banning the outfit under the anti-terror law UAPA. It said bans on RSS and Maoists have been ineffective in the past.
RSS should have been banned before PFI: Lalu
about Hindu extremism (‘kattarpanth’), that deserves to be banned first,” said the septuagenarian, after filing nomination papers for election to his party’s top post in Delhi.
PATNA/NEW DELHI, SEP 28 (PTI): RJD chief Lalu Prasad on Wednesday called the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh a “Hindu extremist organisation” that deserved to be banned, drawing a sharp retort from the BJP, which charged the former Bihar CM with pursuing a politics of “vote bank” and “pseudo secularism”.

Prasad made the remark replying to queries from journalists about the Union Home Ministry’s ban on Popular Front of India and several of its associates under a stringent anti-terror law. “They keep raising the bogey of PFI.
It is the RSS, which is all
Prasad, who has been heading the RJD since he founded it in 1997, is likely to be re-elected next month. His remarks drew a sharp reaction from the BJP, the political offshoot of the RSS. “Lalu ji is aiming at consolidation of his Muslim support base by supporting the PFI. For this very reason he is hostile towards the RSS and its ideal of cultural nationalism,” Bihar BJP spokesman Nikhil Anand said in a statement.
The former Bihar chief minister, who had stopped L K Advani”s “rath yatra” in 1990 and got the veteran BJP leader arrested, also claimed that the 2024 Lok Sabha polls will see a “wipe out” (‘safaya ho jayega’) of the saffron party, which is ruling at the Centre for the second consecutive term.
9 held for Auraiya violence after 15-yr-old boy’s death
AURAIYA (UTTAR PRADESH), SEP 28 (IANS): Nine persons have been arrested so far in connection with the violence that erupted in Uttar Pradesh’s Auraiya district, following the death of a 15-year-old Dalit school boy being beaten to death by a teacher, police said.
The police arrested nine persons of the 35 named and 250 unknown people booked for the violence.
“A case has been registered at Achhalda police station. We have

arrested nine persons accused of protesting with the dead body of the student on the road and burning and damaging government
vehicles,” said Auraiya Superintendent of Police, Charu Nigam.
Meanwhile, the teacher accused of beating the
रा�ीय �ौ�ोिगकी सं�थान नागाल�ड
NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY NAGALAND (An Institute of National Importance under MoE, Govt of India) Chumukedima, Nagaland 797103

Expression of Interest for Hiring of Building For Hostel Accommodation with Dining Facility near NIT Nagaland
boy who later died, is still absconding.
The family members of the deceased boy agreed to cremate his body on Tuesday after the district administration officials assured them about adequate compensation and strict action against the accused.
The body of the boy was cremated outside his Baisauli village.
The village had witnessed violent protests when the deceased, Nikhit’s body arrived. Bhim Army activists visited the boy’s home.

Local residents, led by the boy’s family, staged a
massive protest keeping his body on the road.
The mob also set a police vehicle on fire and damaged the car of the District Magistrate, who had reached the site to pacify the protesters, the police said, adding that additional police personnel had to be called in to control the protestors.
Institute of National Importance under MoE, Govt of India) Chümoukedima, Dimapur, Nagaland 797103
Expression of Interest for Mess Catering Service at NIT Nagaland
Expression of Interest for Mess Catering Service at NIT Nagaland
The Mess Committee, NIT Nagaland invites Expression of Interest (EOI) for catering services on fixed cost basis for its Hostels student, faculty members, staff, and guests (for Breakfast, Lunch, Evening Snacks, and Dinner).
The Mess Committee, NIT Nagaland invites Expression of Interest (EOI) for catering services on fixed cost basis for its Hostels student, faculty members, staff, and guests (for Breakfast, Lunch, Evening Snacks, and Dinner)
Expression of Interest for Hiring of Building For Hostel Accommodation with Dining Facility near NIT Nagaland
Patkai Hostel Mess– Capacity 150 ± 30 (EOI/NIT-N/MCS/Hostel/2022/09-01/01 Dated: 26-09-2022)
Patkai Hostel Mess Capacity 150 ± 30 (EOI/NIT N/MCS/Hostel/2022/09 01/01 Dated: 26 09 2022)
The Mess Committee, NIT Nagaland reserves the right to award and/or reject the contract assigning any reason thereto. The last date for submission of the EOI documents along with supporting documents is October 17, 2022. The Detailed (EOI) tender document can be downloaded from the Institute website
The Mess Committee, NIT Nagaland reserves the right to award and/or reject the contract assigning any reason thereto. The last date for submission of the EOI doc uments along with supporting documents is October 17, 2022. The Detailed (EOI) tender document can be downloaded from the Institute website
The Building Hiring Committee, NIT Nagaland invites Expression of Interest (EOI) for hiring suitable building/buildings on fixed per square feet rate basis for its undergraduate student. The building must have dining facility within boundary.
The Building Hiring Committee, NIT Nagaland invites Expression of Interest (EOI) for hiring suitable building/buildings on fixed per square feet rate basis for its undergraduate student. The building mu st have dining facility within boundary.

First Year Hostel– Capacity 60 ± 30 (EOI/NIT-N/HAH/Hostel/2022/0509/01 Dated: 29-09-2022)
Chairman, Mess Committeedc-1131/22
Anyone from AAP could now be arrested: Kejriwal
Slamming the BJPled Centre over Nair’s arrest, Kejriwal charged, “They are extremely rattled and have gone crazy as the (popularity) graph of the Aam Aadmi Party in Gujarat is rising each day at a very fast pace. People of Gujarat are coming out in the streets and openly criticising them (BJP).”
NEW DELHI, SEP 28 (PTI): Anyone from the AAP could be jailed on false charges as the BJP is making all out efforts to “crush” the party fearing defeat in the upcoming Gujarat assembly polls, Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal said on Wednesday.
Kejriwal’s comments come a day after the CBI arrested AAP’s communications in-charge Vijay Nair in connection with the Delhi excise policy case in which Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia is also an accused.
In a digital address, Kejriwal claimed that Nair was arrested by the CBI following several rounds of questioning after he refused to buckle under the agency’s pressure to give a false statement against Sisodia to implicate him in the excise policy “scam”.

Nair was arrested for his alleged role in “cartelisation” and “conspiracy” related to alleged irregularities in the allocation of liquor licenses in the capital, according to sources.
The AAP national convenor claimed that Nair had nothing to do with the alleged liquor policy scam but was arrested by the CBI as he refused to give in to their pressure to give a false statement against Sisodia in order to implicate him in the case.
First, Delhi Health Minister Satyendar Jain was arrested, then AAP MLA Amanatullah Khan and now Nair on “completely false” charges, Kejriwal said.
“Next week, they are going to arrest Sisodia. If they can arrest a small party worker like Nair, they can arrest anybody,” he said.
Kejriwal accused the BJP-led Centre of “hatching a conspiracy 24X7” to frame AAP leaders in false cases, fearing their defeat in the upcoming Gujarat assembly elections.
The BJP-led government at the Centre is engaged in playing “dirty politics” and wasting their time, instead of providing relief to the people of the country from the problems like price rise and unemployment, he added.
First Year Hostel Capacity 60 ± 30 (EOI/NIT N/HAH/Hostel/2022/05 09/01 Dated: 29 09 2022)
The Hiring Committee, NIT Nagaland reserves the right to award and/or reject the contract assigning any reason thereto. The last date for submission of the EOI documents along with supporting documents is October 14, 2022. The Detailed (EOI) tender document can be downloaded from the Institute website Registrardc-1136/22
The Hiring Committee, NIT Nagaland reserves the right to award and/or reject the contract assigning any reason thereto. The last date for submission of the EOI documents along with supporting documents is October 14, 2022. The Detailed (EOI) tender documen t can be downloaded from the Institute website
October 2022
NO. F.A.238/Estt-I/Vol-II/2013-2714
Date: 27/09/2022
U/S 17 (2) (a) of the Nagaland Lokayukta Act 2017. Dated. 28th Sept 2022
To, John Avizo, dIET, ScERT
Whereas it appears to me that you are acquainted with the facts and circumstances of the case pertaining to allegation against some officials under the directorate of ScERT Nagaland. In this connection, you are directed to appear before the undersigned within 15 working days from the date of issue of this summons for certain clarifications.
(T. HOLTOH YEPTHO) director & deputy Inspector General of Police, Nagaland Lokayukta, Kohima
NAGALAND POST, DIMAPUR THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 2022 NATIONAL 5 GOVERNMENT OF NAGALAND DIRECTORATE OF SCHOOL EDUCATION NAGALAND :: KOHIMA NOTIFICATION Kohima Dated the th Sept’ 2022 NO. ED/EST/GR-IV/APPT/SDEO-BNDRI/2012-13 :: In pursuance of the Hon’ble High Court’s Judgement and Order Dated 01-07-2022 passed in W.P (C) NO. 144 (K) 2015, the under mentioned applicants who have submitted their applications prior to 04-08-2014 are hereby invited for interview to the post (one) of Peon in Pay Matrix Level-1 at Government Middle School Rachan under the establishment of SubDivisional Education Officer, Bhandari. S. NO. NAME 1. Shri. Lawrence Humstoe 2. Smt. T Angel 3. Shri. Ekonthung Kithan 4. Shri. Mhonjan Humstoe 5. Smt. Chumbeni Kithan 6. Shri S Khudemo Odyuo Terms and Conditions:1. Documents required: Photocopy of Academic Records, ST, Indigenous, Birth Certificate, Aadhaar, 2 Nos of recent passport photos. 2. Age Limit: The candidate should not be less than 18 years or more than 35 years of age as on 04-08-2014. 3. The application Kejriwal (PTI)should be addressed to the Principal Director, Directorate of School Education, Kohima-797001.
4. Last date of receipt of application shall be 15th October 2022
5. Interview shall be conducted on 21st October 2022 from 10 A.M onwards at the Directorate of School Education, Kohima.
6. Admit card shall be issued on 18th October 2022
Mess Committee Registrar Police personnel deployed at PFI office building, at Shaheen Bagh in New Delhi, Wednesday. (PTI) Lalu Prasad Amantullah Khan Mortal remains of a Dalit boy, who died days after he was allegedly thrashed by his school teacher being taken for cremation.Magical solution
When the term of the current 13th Nagaland Legislative Assembly (NLA) ends, election to constitute the 14th Nagaland Legislative Assembly (NLA) is scheduled to be conducted by February-March 2023. The present political sce nario invokes memories of 1998 when organisations and major political parties, barring Indian National Congress(INC) demanded that solution of the Naga political issue ought to take precedence over election. In the run up to the 1998 assembly election, parties such as Nagaland People’s Council (NPC) and BJP and Nationalist Democratic Movement (NDM) de cided not to participate in heeding to the call given by various NGOs such as Naga Hoho for solution to the Naga political issue. In 43 of the constituencies, the INC candidates were uncontested and therefore by default declared. The Independents managed to win seven of these seats. Solution came nowhere near in 1998 and neither showed any signs even in the fifth year in 2003. By then, some of the Congress leaders rebelled and joined the party without MLAs, the NPC to form the Nagaland People’s Front (NPF) which later was re-named as Naga People’s Front (NPF) to spread its wings to Naga inhabited areas of Manipur and Arunachal Pradesh. In the campaign for the as sembly elections in 2003 the leaders of the nascent NPF used the Naga issue to hilt. The Congress was painted as the villain and the nascent party promised solution within three months of being voted to power. Three months passed and even by 2008 there was no solution. However despite failing to secure solu tion by whatever means, the 2008 election began with the parroting of the promise for early solution. Again, five years passed and in 2013 the NPF prom ised to remain committed to secure solution to the Naga political issue. Despite growing sceptics who saw the issue being used as a camouflage, yet voters preferred to choose their representatives on the basis of what the NBCC had vainly tried to cleanse from electoral politics. The most testing time for the NPF and its offshoot the nascent Nationalist Democratic Progressive Party (NDPP) came in 2018. The NGOs again came up with a similar resolution as in 1998 abstain from taking part in the assembly election. Both NPF and NDPP were caught in a dilemma in 1998 as well as other political parties including Con gress. The core committee of various NGOs wanted to press for solution as holding election would mean putting the issue on the backburner. Populist slogan on ‘Naga solution’ may have won some parties elec tions in the past but people are already sceptical. The people have realised that winning election has cer tainly not brought about any such solution. Thus, the BJP was the first political party to blink in 1998 when its national general secretary in-charge of Nagaland promised ‘Election for Solution’. The party candidates filed their nominations and this triggered a rush by other parties to do likewise. The scenario ahead of the scheduled election in 2023 has again reheated with the demand for solution. This time, there is no clarity on either solution or even election. While the WC, of NNPGs have decided to ‘prevent election’ for solution, the BJP has asked units against initiating any election-related matter. Added to election is the decision of ENPO to boycott election in support of its demand for creation of a Frontier Nagaland State. The solution vrs election has come full circle 25 years on and 2023 could be a year of reckoning.
The “Go” of Unconditional Identification

Jesus…said to him, “One thing you lack: Go your way, sell whatever you have and give to the poor…and come, take up the cross, and follow Me.” —Mark 10:21
The rich young ruler had the controlling passion to be perfect. When he saw Jesus Christ, he wanted to be like Him. Our Lord never places anyone’s personal holiness above everything else when He calls a disciple. Jesus’ primary consideration is my absolute annihilation of my right to myself and my identification with Him, which means having a relationship with Him in which there are no other relationships. Luke 14:26 has nothing to do with salvation or sanctification, but deals solely with unconditional identification with Jesus Christ. Very few of us truly know what is meant by the absolute “go” of unconditional identification with, and abandonment and surrender to, Jesus.
“Then Jesus, looking at him, loved him…” (Mark 10:21). This look of Jesus will require breaking your heart away forever from allegiance to any other person or thing. Has Jesus ever looked in this way at you? This look of Jesus transforms, penetrates, and captivates. Where you are soft and pliable with God is where the Lord has looked at you. If you are hard and vindictive, insistent on having your own way, and always certain that the other person is more likely to be in the wrong than you are, then there are whole areas of your nature that have never been transformed by His gaze.
“One thing you lack….” From Jesus Christ’s perspec tive, oneness with Him, with nothing between, is the only good thing.
“…sell whatever you have….” I must humble myself until I am merely a living person. I must essentially re nounce possessions of all kinds, not for salvation (for only one thing saves a person and that is absolute reliance in faith upon Jesus Christ), but to follow Jesus. “…come… and follow Me.” And the road is the way He went.
Nagaland came to lime light in the world of sports when Dr T. Ao captained the first Olympic football team of independent India. But it took 64 years for Nagaland to produce another Olympian in the person of archer Ms. Chekrovolü.
While our neighboring states are making leaps and bounds in the field of sports, Nagaland, which hitherto had dominated games and sports in the region, appears to be in a quagmire. It is an undeniable fact that the games and sports scenario in Na galand demands an honest and a thorough introspection both by the sports persons and the officials manning the sports affairs in the state. What ails games and sports in Nagaland? Who should take responsibility for the lack of performance, motivation and sports promoting activities in the state? Do we have adequate facilities to encourage and train our youngsters? Do we have a sports policy for the state? If the state has one, is it adequate and befitting to the changing time? And why not let the public, particularly the sport lovers know the policy? What are the initiatives taken by the State government to develop sports as an industry in Nagaland? These are some pertaining issues which stands to challenge all people con cerned with the growth and promotion of games and sports in Nagaland. Unless these is sues are sincerely and honestly examined it appears sports in Nagaland will continue to go downhill.
It is sad to observe that 59 years after achieving State hood, Nagaland could not make any progress in the field of games and sports. It is even more pathetic that the medal hauls of our neighbouring states and the laurels their sports persons have brought to India has failed to stir the mind of the sports bodies in
What ails Nagaland sports?
Nagaland. This conspicuous absence of concern might have prompted Mr L. Dikho, a Minister from Manipur to say “It is high time Nagaland should learn from its closest neighbour, Manipur”, while gracing the 21st NSF Martyrs Trophy at the Kohima IG stadium. On the occasion, the Minister also went to inform that Manipur has around 5000 registered football players in the international and national circuit and has also got an MP in the Rajya Sabha through sports. Nagaland appears to be oblivious of the sporting activities in the neighborhood and has become so contented with mere participation.
The Annual Administra tive Report 2021-22 of the State Department of Youth Resources and Sports has claimed to have 23 coaches in 13 sports disciplines and 6 PIS with 24 associations affiliated to the Nagaland Olympic As sociation (NOA). The Depart ment is also said to have ten top most priority disciplines with special emphasis on Football, Archery, Sepaktakraw, Boxing, Wrestling, Athletics, Badmin ton and Cricket. But where is the “special emphasis” action and its achievements? Has the department allocated ad equate fund to these priority disciplines? Does the fund spent on these disciplines in anyway commensurate the achievements?
The report of the Parlia mentary Standing Committee for the preparation of Olympic Games 2021 highlighted the shortage of coaches, sports equipment, human and tech nical support, funding, invest ment and the need to recognize sports as an industry. These requirements are in fact the preamble for any sports de velopment body. The state government, the Nagaland Olympic Association and all officials concerned with the development of sports and games in the state are much
Speech of Rh. Raising, kilo kilonser on ‘Agony Day’
His Excellency the Ya ruiwo and Kedallo, Honourable Ato Ki lonser, dear comrades-inarms and fellow countrymen, I share my deepest grief and sorrow with you all on this Agony Day.
I give my revolutionary salute to all those martyred for the good cause of the Naga nation.
“Greater love hath no man than this that a man lay down his life for his friends.” John 15:13
The Shillong Accord that was signed on the 11th November, 1975 divided the Nagas into two camps: Those who stood firm for the Naga national principle and those who ac cepted the Indian constitution.
Kindled by misinformation and disinformation on the burning issue, the pro Shillong Accord workers staged a military coup d’état on 30th April 1978 where Mr. Isak Chishi Swu, the Vice President of NNC, Mr. Th. Muivah, the General Secre tary of NNC, Kilonser Mr. Khasui Longvah, Kilonser Mr. Lorho, Brig. Vedai, Naga Army Commanderin-Chief and Maj. Pruning Shadang were arrested on account of condemning the Shillong Accord and other false and fabricated grounds. They were arrested and kept in the military custody to be executed. They thereafter declared Mar tial Law in Nagalim stating that the offices of Federal Govern ment of Nagalim and the NNC were captured by the military government. The consequences that followed resulted in heavy fightings, bloodsheds and loss of lives between the two camps.
The pro Shillong Accord ele ments in connivance with the Burmese and Indian armed forces attacked the Naga Army operation camp at Langnok where more than 70 Naga national workers including prominent revolutionary lead ers Mr. Khasui Longvah, Chap lee Kilonser, Brig. Thungbo, Commander-in-Chief, Col. Ningon, GSO Naga army, Maj. Shongshen, Maj. Shatnam were killed. In other incidents Capt. Nihokhu a school teacher at Thingniungan village was butchered. Mr. Wume, Tatar and Lt. Johnny, Naga Army along with their family mem bers were wiped out. These were followed by many other incidents. In another tragic event in our history, Mr. SS. Khaplang with a view to cap
ture the state power from the legitimate authorities, staged a coup d’état on 30th April 1988 in collusion with enemies of all hues, where more than 200 Naga patriots were killed. fightings and killings among the Nagas in which many precious lives were lost from National workers were further divided on account of that coup. There are many other fightings and killings among the Nagas in which many precious lives were lost from both sides. The policy of the enemies was to subdue the Nagas through their ruth less armed forces, but failed. They later changed strategy under their neo-colonial policy. Enemies came to the battle fields in the persons of Nagas. The enemies fight the Nagas through the Nagas and kill the Nagas through the Nagas. They feel comfortable with this policy and continue doing it.
Our martyrs were Nazarites because they died for the cause of Nagalim for Christ; they spoke for the cause; they fought for the cause and indeed, they gave their lives for the cause to set their footprints on the sand of history. Nagas of all genera tions will ever remember them.
Every member of NSCN is also a Nazarite. We NSCN fight the enemies forces in the military front for the good cause; we speak to the world communi ties and nations for the cause in the diplomatic front; we suffer at the hands of the enemies for the cause; we talk with the Government of India for the cause in the political front; we mobilize funds in the economic front for the cause; we pray for the cause and we are resolved to die for the cause. If anyone among NSCN does not pos sess the spirit of a Nazarite, he or she must inculcate that spirit. We cannot and must not imagine of building a village, a society, an organization, a church and a state without Nazarites. We cannot imagine of freedom without Nazarites; we cannot imagine of peace and progress in our land with out Nazarites. Peoples and nations are doomed to perish when there are no Nazarites in their lands. Naga people are blessed because NSCN is manned by a good number of Nazarites.
Kuknalimaware of this. Unfortunately, we have chosen to turn a deaf ear to the recommendations of the Parliamentary Committee with no action taken.
That the Nagas are ob sessed with the game of foot ball is amply evident when way back in 1938 a team represent ing Kohima village captained by Late Rev Pehielie, with his son Samuel Mezhür as the goal keeper, Late Dr T. Ao and his brother Late Noksangyuba, Late Zopianga (former Chief Secretary) and others par ticipated in Sir Chura Chand Shield at Imphal and brought, perhaps, the first away from home championship trophy. Twenty years later, the same team led by Late Z. Obed, (another former Chief Secre tary) brought home the trophy again. The outstanding perfor mances in the Subroto Cup beginning from 1967 and the dominance of football in the region during 1970s till late 1980s speak of the in-built potential of the Nagas in the game. Ironically, as the game emerged to greater heights de manding better infrastructure, more funding, better technical training and other inputs, foot ball in Nagaland began to go decline. If the present state of affair is any indication, there is not much we can expect.
In a gesture to promote the game of football and to honour the legendry footballer, a foundation stone for Dr T. Ao Regional Football Acad emy was laid on 8th of June 2018, at Dimapur. Ironically, today, to the eyes of many football and sports lovers, the foundation stone stands as a symbol of negligence.
During the early days of Taekwondo in India, Naga land once again came to lime light with Mr P. Shilas winning the Gold and Mr Pfüleikhrie Keretsü winning the bronze medal in the National Games 2007. The State Taekwondo team had an unflinching re cord in the National Junior
and Sub-Junior, National School games. We even had Heutingyi Zeliang represent ing India in the World Junior Taekwondo Championship and Keyingchigongbe secur ing 8/9 medals at national recognized Championships. But all these are now history. As the next Asian Games draw near, we await to see if the state governing body can restore Teakwondo to its former glory.
Sepaktakraw is a relative ly new discipline of sports in the Nagaland. When the game was first introduced in the state, our players not only par ticipated in many national and international tournaments but also made significant achieve ments. Just the other month, three players from Nagaland, Mr Viseyie Koso, Ms Akumtila and Ms Sezevolü represented the national team in the 35th Kings World Sepaktakraw Championship in Bangkok and brought laurel to the na tion. Earlier Viseyie Koso, the present captain of Indian Sepaktakraw team, became the first Naga sportsman to represent India in the 2010 Asian Games. Mr Koso and Ms Keneileno Nakhro again represented India in the 2014 Asian Games with Mr Holshe Khrieo as the national coach. Having come this far, one wonders what will be the fate of Sepaktakraw in Nagaland when such performances could not even arouse the mind of our people in power to provide an exclusive indoor stadium for the game.
The people of Nagaland were extremely delighted when Olympian Chekrovolü, Hon ezo Thisa (Gold medalist the National Games 1994 and Kilenmeren (Gold Medalist in the World Police Meet) brought fame to the state in Archery. The outstanding achievement of Chekrovolü, Honezo and Kilenmeren has motivated thousands of our youngsters and their interest in the game. But what have
we done to facilitate the young archers and to further the glory brought by these trend setting sports persons?
A cursory glance in the other sports discipline such as boxing, wrestling, badmin ton, table tennis and athlet ics clearly reveal that our youngsters have a great deal on inbuilt potential but the mechanism to channelize these potentials are conspicuously missing. A glaring evidence is how our Women Table Ten nis Team was able to win the Bronze Medal in the North East festival commemorating Azadi Ka Amrit Mohotsav at Imphal in May 2022 although Nagaland has not had a Table Tennis Coach for almost three decades. The sickness of sports and games in Nagaland is not only in the failure to prepare and equip our sports persons but is also seen in the utter lack of motivation and incentive to our sports persons. Visiyie Koso the captain of Indian Sepaktakraw team is a havildar in Nagaland Police. Of the two Naga women who were in the National Sepaktakraw team, Jwensile is a constable in the BSF while Keneileno Nakhro is now a cultivator.
Having no opportunity pro vided by the state, Heutinyi and Keyingchigongbe joined the Indian army as sepoys. In contrast, during the recent exhibition football match be tween Kohima Town Club XI and Manipur ISL XI at Kohima it was observed that players from Manipur came driving their own private ve hicles in a convoy of Range Rovers, Fortuners and Ford Endeavors. It is no surprise that Manipur has so many young people committed to sports.
The writing on the wall is all clear and loud. There is an urgent need for our sporting bodies and sports administra tor to wake up from their slum ber. The state is in dire need of a comprehensive sp orts
policy. Sending delegations of ministers and government officials to witness Olympics, World Cup etc. is not going to serve the purpose of sports and games in the state. If sending contingent of ministers and of ficials to such events could fur ther sports in the state in any way, the status of games and sports in Nagaland should be, by now, the envy of everyone.
People who cannot deliv er need to pave way for new dy namism to take over. It may be noted that the Supreme Court and more recently the Madras High Court has ordered that henceforth, the position of the President, Vice President and Secretary of all Sports Clubs, Association and Federation in the state must be held only by a sportsperson and not by politician and business people.
The Nagaland Olympic Association and its subsid iary governing bodies for the different disciplines must be characterised by proper com position capable of ethical and responsible decision making and in keeping themselves accountable to the people and the state. Sporting bodies must prepare annual sports calendar and implement a vision and strategic plan for its sports and determine how it will be imple mented locally, regionally and at the state level. They must encourage and grow participa tion. They must organise and host competition at various level. And above all, provide facilities and equipment to the sports person, provide techni cal support – both in terms of material and manpower, and provide incentives and motiva tions for the young people to commit themselves to sports and games.
The purpose of this write up is not to malign any indi vidual or group but simply to rejuvenate games and sports in the land of a people who hold games and sports very close to their heart and life.
Royal Club, KohimaNaga Club writes to Kohima Village Council over Naga Club building
(From previous issue)
In view of such and other similar farcical statements, the Naga Club was compelled to issue response for the Naga people, especially the younger generation to understand the factual history, factual evidences and the stand of the Naga Club in the right perspective. The Public Statement of NSF dt 24.07.2022 and our Response are enclosed marked as Annex ures “F4” to “F10”. While it was antici pated that they would express regrets for their wild and baseless allegations made in the local media on 25.07.2022, but to our shock and surprise they stated that they stand by those statements made in the media, and these might have been the reasons for which they had refused to vacate the Naga Club Building in spite of non-payment of the house rent for all these years since 1983.
8. (2) Illegal/Unauthorized Com mercialization of the Naga Club Building by NSF: Naga Club Building prior to the World War II was situated below the Mission Compound, Kohima which was used as a Morung as well as free-of-allcost Guest House with cooking facilities for travelers coming from remote villages. The citizens of Kohima Headquarters would go to the Naga Club Morung, make friends/brothers with those trav elers coming from remotest villages thereby promoting Naga brotherhood, unity and Naga Nationalism, they also read newspapers or play carrom boards or Ludo etc. in the Morung and that was how the Naga Club played a vital role in uniting the Nagas as a people and a Nation without any factionalism apart from submitting a Memorandum to the Simon Commission on 10th January, 1929. However, during the 2nd World War the Naga Club Building below the Mission Compound was completely destroyed and the Naga Club Building in its current location near Old Secretariat Complex Kohima was reconstructed in 1946 again on the land provided through the benevolent goodwill of Kohima Vil lage. Enclosed herewith is the letter dt 05.12.2019 by Dr Neiphi Kire, the then Chairman, Kohima Village Council reaffirming the allotment of land to the Naga Club by Kohima Village marked as Annexure “G”. Which condemned the NSF’s action pushing the Naga Club Centenary Celebration Monolith to Pulie Badze, Jotsoma by the use of violence and brute force, the referred letter said “the Centenary Jubilee Celebration Monolith of the Naga Club should be erected at the proper site that is the Naga Club Building at Khuochiezie”.
9. That the new Naga Club Build ing then near Old Secretariat Complex Kohima would have been used in a similar way as the old one below Mis sion Compound Kohima to promote Naga brotherhood and unity through
the provision of free Guest House and Morung had the Naga Political Move ment not been partially sabotaged by the Indian Armed Forces in a barbaric manner. However, Naga Club Building was used for NNC’s Office catering all the activities of the Naga Nation till it came to be occupied by the Directorate of Forest Department and later by the then NSF as tenant of the Naga Club.
The sad reality is that the NSF has been attempting to distort the distinguished principles and prudent policies of the Naga Club in toto by illegally encroach ing the whole Naga Club Building when they were allotted only a part of Naga Club Building rooms, who then converted the Naga Club Building into a commer cial establishment by illegally renting the building to businessmen and women who set up hotels, printing press, pan-shops in the said Naga Club Building today solely for their selfish commercial interest rather than promoting Naga brotherhood and unity. It must be reiterated what is clearly stated in the demi order note dt 04.04.1918 as enclosed that allowed only “a part of the Naga Club rooms” and not the whole building “on rental basis” to the NSF then. However, the NSF had not only encroached upon the whole build ing without authorization for its own commercial interest, but even though as a tenant had begun illegally sub-letting and renting, and also refused to vacate the building when the legitimate owner wants to reconstruct the dilapidated building. Such behavior of the NSF transcends all norms of grateful civility and decency of harmonious living. This commercial interest of NSF for selfish gain might have been the reason as to why they refused to have formal meetings with us till date in spite of so many requests and proposals since 2018.
10. It would not be too preposter ous to state that the Naga Society today is under threat by misguided people in positions of leadership who would not admit or accept the possibility of their being wrong pertaining to historical facts, factual evidences and events that took place when they were not even born and despite being corrected by the responsible elders of the society with historical facts and evidences. People with vested interest in chairs of leadership have done much harm to the Naga society and such people will continue to do so if conscientious people do not take the right stand at the right time on pertinent issues.
11. Kohima Village had been at the forefront during the formative years of the Naga Club and its Building not only by the donation of land on which to build the Naga Club building that went on to foster unity, brotherhood and understanding amongst the Nagas, but also its people that had played a vital role in the sustenance of the Naga Club
and its Building by continuing to provide patronage across the years and still does so and it is sincerely hoped that it would continue to do so. When the Naga Club went hiatus due to political compelling circumstances during the turbulent Naga political movement, the Naga Elders’ Conference under the Chairmanship of Peselie Suokhrie of Kohima Village took over the responsibilities of Naga Club. You would be aware that when the new office bearers of the Naga Club were rein stated on 7th Jan. 1982, the event then was again rightfully held at Kohima Village Panchayat wherein Azüto Rengma was elected as the Chairman, Vilavor Liegise as the General Secretary and Kewezü Mero as Joint Secretary among others. 12. It is because of such vital role that Kohima Village played in the past that the Naga Club today in honor and respect for the authority of the Kohima Village that demonstrated great leader ship with vision in the hour of need, feels duty-bound to approach the Kohima Village Council with regard to the res toration of the Naga Club Building and the Land to its legitimate owner which is the Naga Club so that the illustrious legacy that has been passed down shall be given its proper place. So as to deal with the ugly manner in which the NSF had been posing to obstruct the noble vision of the Naga Club to preserve and promote the rich legacy of the Nagas in its proper perspective, it is only appropri ate that due honor and place is given to traditional customs and values that we as a Naga community uphold and it is in this respect that the Naga Club today beseech upon the Kohima Village Coun cil to exercise its wisdom and traditional virtues in the matter that confronts the Naga Club today.
The Naga Club therefore earnestly pray that your honor would consider the facts of history in its proper and rightful perspective and take necessary actions your honor may deemed fit and proper in the restoration of the Naga Club property to the Naga Club so that it may be allowed to rebuild the Naga Club Building to honor, protect, promote and preserve the illustrious legacy of our pioneer leaders and forefathers with a vision to promote Naga brotherhood and unity for the betterment of the Naga Society and for the interest of posterity. (Concluded)
Naga Club president Kuolachalie Seyie, Naga Club working commit tee chairman Khriedi Theünuo, Naga Club vice presidents Y. Vandanshan Lotha, K. John Lohe, Er. Talitoba Ao, Visa Meru Zeliang, Naga Club treasurer Hoshito Asumi, Naga Club working committee secretary Dr Vike toulie Pienyü, Naga club secretaries K. Gwanilo Himb and Thosiepa Katiry
Reader’s note: Articles or letters published in any of the columns do not reflect the view of this newspaper nor that of the Editor in any manner.
The love of heaven makes one heavenly.
~ William Shakespeare
Demolition destroyed evidence: U’khand Ex-DGP
(PTI): Former Uttarakhand DGP Aloke B Lal has said the hurry in the demolition of the resort in question in the Ankita Bhandari murder case must have destroyed crucial evidence.
There have been allega tions from various quarters about the destruction of evi dence in the murder case by an overnight razing of parts of the resort at Bhogpur in Pauri district.
“It seems to me that the proper procedure of a demolition of the so-called illegal resort was not fol lowed in this case. Usually, a show-cause notice is issued before any such exercise is undertaken,” Lal told PTI in an exclusive interview on Tuesday.

“However, in this case, bulldozers razed portions of the resort in the dead of night without any prior notice. The sudden action must have destroyed crucial evidence in the case,” he added.
The main purpose be hind the late-night action
could be seen as the admin istration’s over zealousness to project itself as effec tive. The action seems to have been aimed at gaining brownie points for quick action against the accused, Lal said. He also wondered if the demolition was carried out by the accused persons themselves. He said the in vestigation would establish who actually carried out the demolition and on whose orders.
On the Pauri district administration’s claim that
videography of the resort had been done on Septem ber 22 itself, two days before a bulldozer razed parts of it and that all evidence was intact in the video foot age, the former DGP said videography cannot record such forensic evidence like strands of hair, sweat, sa liva or semen drops which would have been crucial to establish relevant facts.

The doubts about pos sible destruction of evidence are only deepened by news reports that the mattresses
Two South Korean naval ships reach Chennai on friendly visit
Brass Band will display a cultural performance to In dian audience at the Hindu stan Institute of Technology and Science.
of rooms put on fire alleg edly by an angry mob of lo cals were found floating in a pool in the resort, he added.
“Mattresses in such cases may contain vital evi dence like strands of hair or semen drops,” the former DGP said.
He wondered where was the footage recorded on the CCTV cameras of the resort. That will have vital evidence to establish what happened before the alleged scuffle took place.
Another factor that
makes things look murky is the delay in transferring the case from revenue police to regular police. People may see in it a deliberate attempt to protect the guilty, Lal said.
“Revenue police is both untrained and unequipped to handle murder cases. Why was the case allowed to lie with it for four days? Murder cases are time sen sitive. Delay leads to loss of evidence and the case becomes more difficult to unravel,” he said.
“During my tenure in the Police HQ in 2001-2002, I had written to the govern ment seeking an end to the stone age revenue police system but, unfortunately, it still continues in Uttara khand,” he said.

Lal stressed that it must immediately be replaced by regular police everywhere in the state.
However, the former DGP said he hoped that the SIT headed by DIG P Re nuka Devi would examine the case from all angles and bring out the truth.
Sonia meets Antony; Cong sources say Digvijay may run for AICC president post
CHENNAI, SEP 28 (IANS): Two South Korean naval ships - ROKS Hansan do and ROKS Daecheong - are on a friendly visit to Chennai from Wednesday to Saturday. A total of 470 sailors, including 164 final year cadets of Korean Naval Academy, are on board, said a statement from the South Korean Consulate General here.
This is the third visit of ROKN Cruise Training Task Group to Chennai fol
lowing their earlier visits in 2014 and 2015.
The Korean Navy Cruise Training Task Group, led by Rear Admiral Kang Dong-goo, is formed as midshipmen training pro gramme for the fourth year of Korean Naval Academy to foster their adaptability to real maritime environment.
During their stay in Chennai, the Korean Navy will be part of various activi ties like Marina Beach clean up and the Korean Navy
The Korean ships were made in Korea with state-ofthe-art technology. ROKS Hansando, commissioned in 2020, is Korea’s first training ship with full capac ity of 300 personnel. ROKS Daecheong, commissioned in 1997, is a multipurpose fast combat support ship capable of supplying am munition, fuel, fresh water, and other logistic support to combat ships in naval operations.
The Korean Naval Ships began their 110-daylong voyage on September 2 that will cover 9 countries and 10 ports around the Indo-Pacific region.

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(PTI): With the Rajasthan crisis casting a shadow on the Congress’ presidential polls, party chief Sonia Gandhi on Wednesday met senior party leader A K Antony even as party sources indicated that for mer Madhya Pradesh chief minister Digvijaya Singh could be in the race for the presidency.
The meeting with Antony comes days after an open rebellion by Rajas than Chief Minister Ashok
Gehlot loyalists on a pos sible leadership change in the state after indications that Gehlot was backed by the party’s top leadership as Gandhi’s successor.
However, the action by Gehlot’s loyalists has clouded his chances of run ning for the presidency.
It is learnt that Gandhi has discussed the probable candidates for the Con gress’ president, nomina tion for which will end on September 30. Polling for the post will take place on
October 17 while the result will be announced on Oc tober 19.
Meanwhile, sources said senior party leader Digvijaya Singh could also throw his hat into the presi dential polls contest and is likely to arrive in Delhi.
It is learnt that Singh is likely to file his nomination for the top post. Sources close to him said this is his personal decision to contest and he has not discussed the issue with the party leader ship.
Chhattisgarh minster Singh Deo slams Gehlot loyalists
RAIPUR, SEP 28 (PTI): Chhattisgarh minister TS Singh Deo on Wednesday slammed Congress MLAs loyal to Rajasthan Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot for indiscipline and “disobey ing” the observers sent by the party high command, which was “inappropri ate”.
He also wondered how a senior leader like Gehlot could not control the MLAs and such a situation sur faced.
“The way some min isters and MLAs (in Rajast han) crossed every limit of discipline was inappropri ate..It is not acceptable that they boycotted observers sent by the party high com mand and skipped the meet ing (of Congress legislature party),” Singh Deo told reporters here.

The Congress unit in Rajasthan plunged into a
crisis after 82 MLAs partici pated in a parallel meeting held at the Jaipur residence of a minister loyal to Gehlot laying down conditions for the party.
They did not attend the official legislature party meeting convened for pass ing a resolution authorising the Congress chief to ap point a successor to Gehlot, who was to contest the Con gress presidential election.
“Instead of speak ing before the media, they should present their opinion or whatever condition they wanted to put in the meet ing of the legislature party. It has been the tradition of Congress that the final call on any issue is taken by the party’s high command. We have seen that the opinion of every MLA is sought independently (by party observers) but they (rebel
MLAs) wanted to supersede this process and meet in the group which is against the transparent and demo cratic system of the party,” said Singh Deo, who holds health and family welfare portfolios.
Singh Deo said he was surprised that such a situ ation surfaced despite the senior leader like Gehlot being there.
“It was his account ability (to keep them in order). He had been meeting
the party’s high command. Then how did the situation go out of control (in Rajas than)? How did 92 MLAs reach the Speaker’s house tendering their resignations and refusing to go before party observers? It is sad, surprising and unaccept able,” he said.
Queried if he doubted the ability of Gehlot, Singh Deo said, “such things come to mind when a person is in pain”.
“We were seeing him (Gehlot) as the front run ner for the post of the party president as a lot of discus sions over its possibilities were going on. He served the prominent positions within the party.

“If someone is unable to keep his house in order, then the question will come to mind if, in Rajasthan, Gehlot ji is not able to de
liver then what will happen to me (as a Congress leader). What will happen to my family (Congress) at the national level...If those who are supposed to deliver their responsibilities at that level fail, then who will suffer loss? It is the Congress party leader and workers and the party will suffer,” he said.
In July, Singh Deo, locked in a turf war with Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel, had resigned from the Panchayat and Rural Development department, hinting that he was sidelined in the government though he continued to hold the other four portfolios.
The development was seen as the fallout of an old political rivalry between Baghel and Singh Deo, who was seeking the chief minis ter’s post under a purported power-sharing agreement.
Master's degree in Counselling, Life Skill Education or Psychology.

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9. Skill based courses viz. Food and Beverage under Tourism and Hospitality and Information Technology Enabled Services (ITES) are offered and additionally Financial Literacy at class 9 and 10
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12. Two power generator providing a total of 32 KV power back up.
size photo
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S. Chubayanger Lemtur. BA (Hons) B.Ed. & PG Montessori (Bangalore)
Chairman & Education Facilitator MSHSS & Retd. Jnt. Director School Education, Govt. of Nagaland.
Yeejleer³e GÐeefcelee mebmLeeve Vanantra Resort that was demolished at night. (Inset Uttarakhand Ex-DGP Aloke B Lal) Former defence minister and Congress leader AK Antony leaves after meeting Congress interim President Sonia Gandhi at her residence, in New Delhi, Wednesday. (PTI) The ships- ROKS Hasando and ROKS Daecheong dock in Chennai. TS Singh DeoRupee slides to all-time low at `81.93 against US dollar
The Indian rupee has depre ciated to trade at an all-time low of 81.93 against the US dollar after the surge in dol lar index, dealers said.
At the interbank for eign exchange, the rupee opened at 81.90 against the dollar, then fell to 81.93, against the 81.58 close in the previous trading ses sion.
“The dollar index at a 20-year high had led to sharp depreciation in the Indian rupee over the last week. Despite that, INR has outperformed other global currencies, as RBI has been actively support ing the domestic currency by selling the US dollars,” said Aishvarya Dadheech,
Fund Manager, Ambit As set Management.
Dadheech also said that in the short term, due to global risk-off sentiment, we can expect more pres sure on the Indian rupee.
It will be difficult for the RBI to continue sell ing the US dollars aggres sively any further, as the remaining forex reserves are around 9-10 months of import cover only.
Most likely, RBI will have to increase repo rates (post the recent FED out comes) to defend against further pressure on INR.
Nevertheless, in the me dium term, the outperfor mance of the Indian rupee will be supported by lower external debt (below 20 per
cent as of March 2022), robust inflows (FDI+FII), a resilient economy, and ad equate forex reserve ($540 billion). The dollar index, which gauges the green back’s strength against a basket of six currencies, advanced 0.16 per cent to 114.235.
The Brent crude oil prices were trading at $85.26 per barrel. Going forward, the investors are eying RBI monetary policy scheduled on Friday and the dollar index for the short-term directional trend.
Meanwhile, bench mark indices are trading marginally lower during the afternoon trade, with Sensex falling 112.02 points and Nifty by 38.30 points.
Clean tap water for all by 2024: Jacob
(From p-1)
He stated that RD de partment was carrying out the work with an additional responsibility to oversee the physical work by PHED, which was also in touch with the former to ensure that this was properly done.
He remarked “We are having the additional pack age of RD Department and I would like to remind the RD Department that these are time-bound and mission-
mode project.” He disclosed that fund was being released in tranches and not at one go, adding that it did not come to PHED.
PHED principal secre tary Mhabemo Patton, who too was present, informed the media that the 15th FC grant had been awarded to Nagaland in different fields and one of them was wa ter and sanitation, adding that the responsibility to implement was given to RD
3 policemen held with drugs in Kma
KOHIMA, SEP 28 (NPN): Three police personnel of DEF Ko hima were arrested after they were caught selling drugs on September 27 in Kohima.
According to reports, the three were reportedly caught by the youths and police with Sunflower drugs and other items. When con tacted, police confirmed that the three accused were all personnel of the DEF and have been remanded to police custody for further inter rogation. Besides the drugs seized in tobacco containers, several items including a pistol, six .22 ammuni tion, mobile phones etc. were also recovered from their possession. Further details were awaited.
department and PHED was assisting and coordinating with the former. He said it was PHE’s responsibility to provide water connection to around 33,000 households. And as far as fund of JJM was concerned, he said the entire process was moni tored by the Ministry, which provided fund. The ministry monitored right from prepa ration of DPR till the execu tion of the plan by sending teams to the State, he added.
Ex-minister Hewoto Awomi passes away
(From p-1)
His passing away is a great loss for the Nagas, but he will be remembered and his good deeds will be an inspiration to others, Patton said.
Meanwhile, on behalf of the State BJP legislators, the deputy chief minister conveyed deepest condo lences to the bereaved fam ily members and prayed for the departed to rest in peace.
Tovihoto: Advisor power H. Tovihoto Ayemi has expressed sorrow over the demise of Y Hewoto Awomi, former minister.
In a condolence mes sage, Tovihoto Ayemi described late Hewoto Awomi as a man with “charismatic personality”, who treated all people with equality and in the spirit of humanity.
Advisor also said that late Hewoto Awomi was a man of compassion and integrity, who at all times stood upright for the wel fare of the people.
In his death, Tovihoto said the Naga people have lost a true leader, adding that the loss created by his passing will be irreplace able.
Advisor also conveyed condolences to the be reaved family members and prayed that the Almighty
give eternal peace to the departed soul.
WSBAK: Western Sümi Baptist Akukuhou Küqhakulu (WSBAK) ex pressed deep grief and pain over the demise of late Y. Hewoto Awomi, ex-minister.
In a condolence mes sage, Western Sümi Bap tist Akukuhou Küqhakulu executive secretary Rev. Dr.Phughoto Sema said that late Hewoto womi, who was a prominent leader among the Nagas, selflessly served the Naga society in general and Sü mis in particular.
Apart from being a tall leader among the Nagas and Sümis, Rev. Dr.Phughoto said he was an impeccable man with a big heart and “most impor tantly he was a God-fearing person.”
He said that Sümis and the Nagas as a whole have lost a great leader, a mentor and a father figure, adding that the vacuum created by his demise will be difficult to fill.
Western Sümi Baptist Akukuhou Küqhakulu con veyed deepest and heartfelt empathy to the bereaved family members in this hour of grief and prayed that Almighty God grant them comfort and strength to bear the irreparable loss.
APO cautions NHIDCL, contractors over slow progress of 4-lane
(From p-1)
APO also asked the State gov ernment to “aggressively negotiate” and take NHIDCL and contracting firms to task since daily commuters and Naga public were getting impa tient with the slow pace of works. It also requested the State government to strongly support the recent repre sentation by Southern Angami Pub lic Organisation (SAPO) to Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sithara man, during her maiden visit to the State through chief minister Neiphiu Rio on development package-1, NH39 (now NH-2/A-1) length-- 26.79 km from Lerie CHN 185.540--and Nagaland-Manipur boundary. APO said that this particular stretch of NH, although just a fraction of the entire length, was a vital route that
connected two States and beyond for trade and commerce. APO cau tioned that unless this stretch was taken up along with others at the same time and standard at par with any other NH of the country, the idea of Act East Policy, as conceived by the Centre would remain only a distant dream.
It mentioned that the NH from Kohima to Mao gate served as one of the main arteries of trade and commerce and transport for devel opment of two neighbouring States.
APO appealed to both Nagaland and Manipur to earnestly request the Central government and the ministry involved to accord top priority on SAPO’s appeal.
As the apex body of Angami tribe and through whose territory
the NH passed, APO said it was pre pared to render any logistics support for unhindered progress of the work.
Meanwhile, APO also asked NHIDCL to reveal if there was any disturbance caused by public of the area or whether any organisation or group was responsible for slow pace of development. APO said it was always ready to exercise its influence to remove such lacunae for timely completion of the project.
APO however said that if NHIDCL or any contractor was found intentionally slowing the work progress on flimsy excuses to buy time for their personal gain at the cost of public conveniences, it would seriously deal with such nefarious de signs through litigation and any other option available at their disposal.
(From p-1) through backdoor with more than 100 not having adequate qualifications”, had raised the issue by questioning minister Imna Along as to why those as sistant professors had not been regularised.
ACAUT also ques tioned the ‘dubious claim’ made by Along that the respondent assistant profes sors’ had won the case by misinterpreting the court or der. ACAUT said this could invite contempt of court.
Therefore, ACAUT said the “staged gimmick” was obvious since election was knocking at the door and so, appeasement for elec toral gains cannot be ruled out. ACAUT disclosed that NNQF aspirants were taking appropriate steps to challenge the illegal/ irregular appointments by filing appropriate petition. It cautioned that any action on the part of the Depart ment of Higher Education to regularise the services of those who were initially appointed without adver tisement through Nagaland
Public Service Commission (NPSC) would amount to defiance of Supreme Court’s landmark judge ment in Umadevi’s case and its WP.
ANATG issue: ACAUT said it also found it amusing at the double stan dard of the Department of School Education (DoSE) on the issue of non-regula risation of All Nagaland Ad hoc Teachers Group-2015 (ANATG-2015). ACAUT said on one hand, DoSE quoted ACAUT’s writ pe tition and its inability to regularise the ad hoc teach ers, but on the other hand, it continues with rampant backdoor appointments.
ACAUT therefore, de manded that DoSE make it public as to how many appointments had been made without advertise ment till date since the July 28, 2017 order. ACAUT demanded to know as to whether the Department of Higher Education was applying the same yardstick as DoSE without fear or fa vour. ACAUT also clarified that ANATG-2015 issue

had not been impleaded in the court case.
ACAUT said it was a well-known fact that pol itician-bureaucrat nexus resulted in backdoor ap pointments in almost all departments even after the landmark judgements of Supreme Court and High Court.
ACAUT claimed that as per the High Court or der of August 3, 2018 any qualified aspirant was the aggrieved petitioner with locus standi to take any State department to court for redressal of backdoor appointment menace. It said the Department of Higher Education was looked upon by citizens as an intellec tual institution and as a benchmark for quality and excellence with impartial ity for selecting the most competent and qualified assistant professors through open competitions.
ACAUT asserted that it stood for appointments through due process of law based on fair competition and meritocracy in the in terest of future generation.
NCD inducts eight new councillors
(From p-1)
The councillors com prised of A Anthony Kholi and Khoi Dolf from Mao tribe; James SH Leo and Ramai Kono Hralie Pou from Puomai tribe; Er Njlo Kem from Rengma Public Organization Dimapur (RPOD), NA Kasar and Phungreiyp Vashum from Tangkhul Union Dimapur (TUD) and V Avise Anar from Sangtam Union Di mapur (SUD).
Currently, Kikon said that NCD has 39 council
lors with two associate members from Dimapur Urban Colony Chairman Federation (DUCCF) and two members from GB (Sadar) Dimapur.
On the occasion, DABA pastor Imnatoshi said dedicatory prayer for the new councillors. Short speech was also delivered by CUD president and peace committee convener C Bendang Chang.
The programme was chaired by NCD vice president (admn) Holuto
Aye, invocation prayer was given by DBIL Di mapur youth ministry delegate Reverend Fr Dr Peter Salew Sdb and vote of thanks was proposed by vice president (CB) GK Rengma.
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Iranian drone attack kills at least 9 in Iraq
(AP): An Iranian drone bombing campaign target ing the bases of an IranianKurdish opposition group in northern Iraq Wednes day has killed at least nine people and wounded 32 others, the Kurdish Regional Government’s Health Min istry said.
The strikes took place as demonstrations contin ued to engulf the Islamic Republic after the death of Mahsa Amini, a 22-yearold Iranian Kurdish woman who was detained by the Iranian morality police.
Iran’s attacks targeted Koya, some 65 kilometers east of Irbil, said Soran Nuri, a member of the Dem ocratic Party of Iranian Kurdistan.
The group, known by the acronym KDPI, is a left ist armed opposition force banned in Iran.
Iraq’s Foreign Minis
try and the Kurdistan Re gional Government have condemned the strikes.
Iran’s state-run IRNA news agency and broad caster said the country’s Revolutionary Guard tar geted bases of a separatist group in the north of Iraq with “precision missiles”
and “suicide drones.”
rioters broke the skull of one of the Basij members. He added that five Basijis are hospitalised in intensive care.
The Iranian drone strikes targeted a military camp, homes, offices and other areas around Koya, Nuri said. Nuri described the attack as ongoing.
Iraq’s Foreign Min istry spokesman said the government in Baghdad is expected to summon the Ira nian ambassador to deliver a diplomatic complaint over the strikes.
racing through Koya af ter the strikes. Smoke rose from the site of one appar ent strike as security forces closed off the area.
On Saturday and Mon day, Iran’s paramilitary Rev olutionary Guard unleashed a wave of drone and artillery strikes targeting Kurdish positions.
The attacks appear to be a response to the ongoing protests roiling Iran over the death of a 22-year-old Ira nian Kurdish woman who was detained by the nation’s morality police.
Russians cross Georgian border fleeing Putin’s military mobilization order
TBILISI (GEORGIA), SEP 28 (AGENCIES): Peo ple from various Russian re gions could be seen arriving at Georgia’s mountainous Lars border crossing.
Nikita, who came from St Petersburg, said that he had decided to leave Rus sia after he received a draft notice.
NAGALAND POST, DIMAPUR THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 2022 INTERNATIONAL 9 But there were also signs that Russian authori ties were clamping down on the route.
Gen. Hasan Hasanza deh of the Revolutionary Guard said 185 Basijis, a volunteer force, were injured by “machete and knife” in the unrest, state-run IRNA news agency reported Wednesday.
Following the first se ries of strikes, Iran then shelled seven positions in Koya’s stronghold in Qala, a KDPI official told The As sociated Press on the condi tion of anonymity in order to speak publicly.
The United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq said in a tweet that the coun try cannot be treated as “the region’s “backyard” where neighbours routinely, and with impunity, violate its sovereignty.”
“I have escaped the mobilization,” he told Re uters. “I don’t want to die for the regime. I don’t think it’s legal. Basically it’s crimi nal.” Many drove to the bor der, but some had traveled by bicycle or even on foot.
Volunteers could be seen giving away free food and drinks to travelers wea ried by their long journey.
Fleeing Russian queue on the border of Russia and Georgia. gia through the (Russian republics of) KabardinoBalkaria, (Northern) Os setia,” said Belarusian vol unteer Alexander. “They are exhausted from all the endless requests for bribes, threats and humiliation in Ossetia. We understand the Ossetian customs com pletely.”
from 5,000-6,000 before the mobilization announce ment.
Hasanzadeh also said

(AP): At least four Pales tinians were killed and 44 others wounded during an Israeli military raid in the occupied West Bank town of Jenin on Wednesday, the Palestinian Health Minis try reported, the latest in a series of deadly Israeli operations in the occupied territory.
Israeli forces said they fatally shot two Palestinians they had been sent to arrest in the Jenin refugee camp over their suspected involve ment in recent shooting attacks.

When soldiers sur rounded a house in the camp, an explosive device detonated, a gunfight en sued and Israeli troops killed the two Palestinians, the
Indian rights activist wins award at UN SDG Action
During the raid, armed clashes broke out in the camp as militants hurled rocks and opened fire at ar riving troops. The violence killed another two Palestin ians and wounded at least 44 others, the Palestinian Health Ministry said.
The Qala area includes the party’s politburo.
An Associated Press journalist saw ambulances
At least 4 killed in Israeli raid in West Bank: Palestinians
UNITED NATIONS, SEP 28 (PTI): A women’s rights activist from India, who traveled 3,800km through the length of the country in less than a year to raise awareness on gender-based violence and inequality, has won a prestigious hon our at the UN SDG Ac tion Awards. Srishti Bakshi, marketer-turned-women’srights-activist, was hon oured with the ‘Change maker’ award at the UN SDG Action Awards for “confronting gender-based violence and advocating for safe access to public spaces.”
The Awards – a flag ship of the UN SDG Action Campaign – sought initia tives that ‘Mobilise, Inspire and Connect’ people to drive action towards a more sus tainable future on a healthy planet and those that are flipping the script and re thinking “how we live”, the SDG Action Campaign said in a statement. The finalists were selected from over 3,000 applications from 150 countries.
The other award win ners are ‘SUPvivors say NO MORE’ in the Mobil ise category for “empow ering sexual abuse survi vors in Ecuador to become ‘SUPER survivors’”, ‘The Masungi Story’ in the In spire category honouring youth rewriting the future of forgotten watersheds at Masungi Geosreserve in the Philippines and ‘Cy prusInno in the Connect category’.
Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas’ Fatah party identified one of the men killed in the clashes as a 24-year-old Palestinian intelligence officer named Ahmed Alawneh.
The party called for protests and a general strike in the West Bank over what
Dimapur Unger Senso Telongjem would like to congratulate Smt. T. Apokla (D/o Lt. Tulumeren) Assistant Teacher St. Mary Higher Secondary School Dimapur for receiving State Level Teacher’s Award 2022 in recognition of her valuable service to the community as a teacher of outstanding merit. May our Almighty God bless and grant success in her future endeavours.
Er. Tongpang Longkumer
it described as a “dangerous escalation.”
Jenin in the northern West Bank — long consid ered a bastion of Palestin ian militancy and frequent flashpoint for violence — is governed by the Palestinian Authority like most other Palestinian urban centers, even though the Israeli mili tary routinely carries out arrest raids in the area.
Nabil Abu Rudeineh, a spokesman for Abbas, de nounced the raid, saying Is rael’s “policy of escalation” will not deliver “legitimacy, security or stability, whether in the Islamic and Christian holy sites or in Jenin.”
Israel’s stepped-up mil itary activities in the West Bank follow a surge in Pal estinian attacks inside Israel last spring.
“Rocket diplomacy is a reckless act with devastat ing consequences,” the U.N. agency said.
“We are handing out free humanitarian aid to people who are exhausted from the last few days’ trav elling from Russia to Geor
On Tuesday, the head of the Georgian interior ministry said that about 10,000 Russians were enter ing Georgia every day, up

Agree with Modi, not the era of war: Antony Blinken
WASHINGTON, SEP 28 (AGENCIES): The United States was quick to back In dia’s recent and more explic it expression of disdain for Russian President Vladimir Putin’s attack on Ukraine, and Secretary of State Ant ony Blinken was the latest U.S. official to echo Prime Minister Modi’s message to Mr. Putin that now was not the time for war.
“We could not agree more,” Blinken said, dur ing a joint press event with External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar, held at the State Department on Tuesday, fol lowing U.S.-India bilateral talks. The Secretary was re ferring to Modi telling Putin in Samarkand, Uzbekistan, on September 16, that this was not the era for war.
“One person has the ability to stop this aggres
We, the Pongitong Village Council would like to convey our heartiest Congratulations to Dr. Tumbenthung Y Humtsoe for securing the Post of Economics & Statistical Officer, (Cl-I Gazetted) under Economics & Statistics Department, Govt. of Nagaland through NPSC CTSE 2021
The Council wishes him very best for his future endeavours.
Sd/- Sd/-
VDB Secretary Chairman VCC Pongidong Village Pongidong VillageWC-227/22
Y. Elithung Ovung R. Khonchamo Tsopoe
sion tomorrow,” Blinken said. “And that’s Vladimir Putin.” The Secretary went on to repeat his message from his address to the U.N. Security Council last week. “And as I said last week, if Russia stops fighting, the war ends, if Ukraine stops fighting Ukraine ends.”
“I think it’s very im portant though that voices as consequential as India’s make themselves heard,” Blinken said, adding that it was for this reason that he thought Modi’s comments were “so significant” as was Jaishankar’s “strong, clear” support for the U.N. Charter articulated during his UNGA speech last week.
Jaishankar indicated during the press conference
on Tuesday that there were several ways in which India was involved in trying to help the conflict situation.
The Minister said he was in touch with his G20 and Security Council counter parts. He indicated that
India had been approached to “weigh in with Russia” at a “particularly delicate moment” about the Black Sea Grain initiative (a UNfacilitated program in July to get Ukrainian food grains out to the world).
Engineer Nagaland Pollution Control Board. We further wish the best in all their future endeavours. Hotoi Kiho Ngukavi Swu President Secretary dp-4700/22
The Kohima phiro Ekhüng takes immense pride in extending our heartiest congratulations to the following members:
1. Mr. Wonchio Odyuo promoted to Addl. Sect. to the Govt. of Nagaland
2. Dr. Motsuthung Patton promoted to Addl. director. Health & Family Welfare
3. Mr. Tsuren M. Odyuo promoted to Joint director, Treasury & Accounts
4. Dr. Phyangtsuthung Patton promoted to Joint director. Health & Family Welfare

5. Mr. Thungdemo Lotha promoted to SdEO Sanis, dept. of Education
6. Mr. Tsalamo Lotha promoted to UBSI, Kohima dEF
7. Mr. Phyobemo Archer Tungoe promoted to ABSI. INT pHQ Kohima
8. Mr. Ronsdath Ovung promoted to Junior Section Officer (JSO), Home
9. Mr. Myanthung Tungu for bagging 2nd position in the "1st" North East Region Indian Aeropress Championship 2022" The Ekhüng appreciates all promote e s and achievers and wishes you all good health, wisdom and success in your future endeavours.
C. SORENBEMO OdYUO MYINGTHUNGO OdYUO Chairman General Secretary Kohima phiro Ekhüng Kohima phiro EkhüngK-2301/22

8 Floor, NBCC Center, Plot No. 2, Community Center, Okhla Phase-I, New Delhi-110020 Phone : +91-011-66616800, 66616821, 66616822
Filling up the post of one each post of Deputy Secretary (nursing), Deputy Secretary (admin), Under Secretary (nursing) and Under secretary (admin) on Deputation.
Applications are invited for filling up the following posts in the Indian Nursing Council on Deputation basis.

S. no. Post Scale of pay no. of Vacancies
1 Deputy Secretary (admin) Level 11 of the Pay Matrix (Rs. 67700-208700) (corresponding to PB-3 Rs. 15600-39100+GP Rs. 6600)

2 Deputy Secretary (nursing)
4 Under Secretary (nursing) 1
3 Under Secretary (admin) Level 10 of the Pay Matrix (Rs. 56100-177500) (corresponding to PB-3 Rs. 15600-39100 + GP Rs. 5400)
For application format, eligibility conditions, requisite qualifications pay and allowances and other details. Log on to Indian Nursing Council’s website
Application duly prepared in the filled/prescribed proforma should reach Secretary, Indian Nursing Council, 8th Floor, NBCC Centre, Plot No. 2 Community Centre, Okhla Phase-I, New Delhi-110020 within 60 days from the date of publication of this advertisement.
The last date of receipt of application is 30.11.2022.
Sd/- SecretaryCbC 17111/12/0002/2223
OFFICE OF THE Ungma S E n SO T E l O ngj E m KOHIma : nagalanD Regd. No. H/RS-1140 Dt. 17-10-2000

With immense pride and joy, the Ungma Senso Telongjem Kohima (USTK), would like to extend our heartiest congratulations to the following under mentioned union members and bonafide citizens of Ungma village for their great achievements.
1. Shri. Imtingangshi longkumer, S/o Lt. Pangerkumzuk Longkumer, on being promoted to Inspector General of Prison, Nagaland.
2. Smti. Imkongzenla jamir, W/o Lt. O. Imtikumzuk Longkumer, on being promoted to Deputy Director, Department of Social Welfare, Nagaland.
3. Shri. limasunep longkumer, S/o Shri. Imsulemba Longkumer, on being promoted to Joint Director, Department of Soil & Water Conservation, Nagaland.
4. Er. Sungkumlemba jamir, S/o Shri. Takameren Jamir, on being appointed through NPSC-CTSE Exam 2021 to the Post of SDO (Electrical) under the Deptt. of Power, Nagaland.
NIE Authorities in the local region of North Ossetia, part of Russia, announced they were setting up a tem porary draft office on the border, and that reservists attempting to leave Russia would be given draft papers on the spot.
5. Er. Imlitemjen jamir, S/o Shri. Rongsenlemba Jamir, on being appointed through NPSC-CTSE Exam 2021 to the Post of JE (Civil) under the Deptt. of Works & Housing, Nagaland.
6. Dr. Esther jamir, D/o Lt. Ngangshimongba Jamir, on being conferred Ph.D on her Topic “Computational Design of Therapeutic for Viral Infectious Disease” .Department of Advance Computational and Data Science, CSIR North East Institute of Science and Technology, Jorhat.

7. Dr. Tiakala jamir, D/o Shri. Imnagangshi Jamir, on being conferred D.Th on her Topic “Mission from the Margins:Reclaiming the Agency of Women in Mission in Nagaland” from United Theological College Bangalore under the Senate of Serampore University.
8. Dr. Piyongsola longkumer, D/o Shri. Aliwaba Longkumer, on being conferred Ph.D on her Topic “Repurposing B2-Adrenoreceptor Agonists as Anti-Parkinson Agents” from JSS College of Pharmacology, Ooty under JSS Academy of Higher Education and Research.
The Ungma Senso Telongjem Kohima wishes you all the best in future endeavours.

Sd/- Sd/-
Chubamayang jamir
President, USTK General Secretary, USTK
Srishti BakshiL. Sanenba Imsong President General Secretary DUST DUSTMembers of exiled Komala Party inspect aftermath of bombing in the village of Zrgoiz, near Sulaimaniyah, Iraq. (AP) A Palestinian hurls a stone at an Israeli army vehicle during clashes in Jenin, September 28. (Reuters) military said.
Countrymen experienced Lord Rama through songs of Lata Mangeshkar: PM
P rime Minister Narendra Modi on Wednesday remembered legendary singer Lata Mangeshkar on her birth anniversary, and said the familiar sweetness of her voice mesmerised him every time he spoke to her.

In a recorded message, the prime minister congratulated the Uttar Pradesh government for naming an intersection here after the singer.
The prime minister recalled that after the ‘bhoomi pujan’ of the Ram Temple was conducted here, he got a call from Lata didi who expressed great happiness at the development.
“Lord Rama is about to arrive in the grand temple of Ayodhya,” he said, referring to the construction of the temple here.
The prime minister referred to a hymn sung by the singer ‘Mann ki Ayodhya tab tak sooni, jab tak Ram na aaye’, and said the name of Lata didi is now permanently associated with the holy city of Ayodhya.
Quoting the Ram Charit Manas, the prime minister recited “Ram te
adhik, Ram kar dasa”, which means that devotees of Lord Rama arrive before the Lord’s arrival.
The Lata Mangeshkar Chowk built in her memory has come up before the completion of the grand temple, he noted.
Earlier in the day, Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath inaugurated the intersection named after Mangeshkar in the presence of Union Tourism Minister G Kishan Reddy.
A 40-ft-long and 12-metre-high veena weighing 14 tonnes has been installed at the intersection.
Underlining that the veena of Goddess Saraswati installed at the chowk will become a symbol of music practice, the prime minister said 92 white lotuses made of marble in the flowing waters of the lake in the chowk complex represent the life span of the singer.
“Lata Ji was one such seeker of Maa Saraswati, who stunned the whole world with her divine voice.
Lata Ji did ‘sadhana’, we all got the boon!”, he said, adding the mantras recited by her echoed her faith, spirituality and purity.
“I pray to Lord Shri Rama that the blessings we got from her life should continue to leave a mark on the coming generations through her melodious songs”, he said.
Recalling several affectionate memories he has of the singer, the prime minister said, “Didi often used to tell me: ‘Man is not known by age but by deeds, and the more he does for the country, the bigger he is! I believe that the Lata Mangeshkar Chowk of Ayodhya and all such memories associated with her will enable us to feel a sense of duty towards the nation.”
Highlighting the new dawn of development in the city, the prime minister said Lord Rama is the symbol of our civilisation and is the living ideal of our morality, values, dignity and duty.
“From Ayodhya to Rameshwaram, Lord Rama is absorbed in every particle of India”, Modi said, adding the entire country is thrilled to see the rapid pace of construction of the temple with the blessings of the Lord.
Referring to the location of the chowk near Ram ki Paidi and in the
vicinity of the Saryu river, he remarked, “What better place to build a chowk named after Lata Didi”.
The prime minister said the hymns of Lata didi have kept our conscience immersed in Lord Rama.
Be it ‘Shri Ramchandra Kripalu Bhaj Mann, Haran Bhava Bhaya Darunam’ mantra, or be it hymns like ‘Payo Ji Maine Ram Ratan Dhan Payo’ of Meerabai; be it Bapu’s favourite ‘Vaishnav Jan’, or be it sweet melodies like ‘Tum Asha Vishwas Hamare Ram’ that has occupied a place in the minds of the people, Modi said many countrymen have experienced Lord Rama through the songs of Lata Mangeshkar.
“We have experienced the supernatural melody of Lord Rama through the divine voice of Lata didi”, Modi added.
The prime minister highlighted that the vast form of Mother India starts appearing in front of our eyes as we listen to the call
of ‘Vande Mataram’ in Lata didi’s voice.
“Just as Lata didi was always very conscious about civic duties, similarly this chowk will also inspire the people living in Ayodhya and the people who come to Ayodhya to be devoted to their duty,” he said.
“This chowk, this veena will further resonate with the development of Ayodhya,” he said, underlining that this chowk will act as a place of inspiration for the people associated with the world of art. It will remind everyone to take the art and culture of India to every nook and corner of the world while moving towards modernity and staying connected to its roots.
“It is our duty to take the art and culture of India to every nook and corner of the world”, he said.
The intersection, ‘Lata Mangeshkar Chauraha’, at the banks of the Saryu river has been developed at an estimated cost of Rs 7.9 crore, according to officials. (PTI)
Diabetes and High Blood Pressure

High blood pressure (hypertension) can lead to many complications of diabetes, including diabetic eye disease and kidney disease, or make them worse. Most people with diabetes will eventually have high blood pressure, along with other heart and circulation problems.
Diabetes damages arteries and makes them targets for hardening, called atherosclerosis. That can cause high blood pressure, which if not treated, can lead to trouble including blood vessel damage, heart attack, and kidney failure.
Compared to those with normal blood pressure readings, people with hypertension more often have:
Coronary artery disease or heart disease
Peripheral vascular disease, hardening of the
Nimrat Kaur begins filming for ‘Happy Teachers’ Day’
Actor Nimrat Kaur on Wednesday started shooting for the social-thriller “Happy Teachers’ Day” here.
Also starring Radhika Madan, the upcoming movie is directed by Mikhil Musale, known for the National Award-winning Gujarati film “Wrong Side Raju” and Hindi movie “Made in China”.
Nimrat said she is excited to shoot the film in the city where she did her initial schooling.
“I was in Holloway Primary School College of Military Engineering Pune here in my first standard.

“So it’s very interesting coming back here with a theme like ‘Happy Teachers’ Day’ which is a story that revolves around the education world. I am very excited to be here, it’s really wonderful. I am looking forward to the journey as it begins,” “The Lunchbox” star said in a statement.
Musale has co-written the story and screenplay of “Happy Teachers’ Day” with Parinda Joshi. Anu Singh Chaudhary and Kshitij Patwardhan are credited with additional screenplay and dialogues.
The film will hit the screens on Teachers’ Day 2023. (PTI)
arteries in the legs and feet
Heart failure
Even blood pressure that’s at the higher end of normal (120/80 to 129/80), called elevated, impacts your health. Studies show that you have a two to three times greater chance of getting heart disease over 10 years.
What Should Your Blood Pressure Be?
Readings vary, but
most people with diabetes should have a blood pressure of no more than 130/80.
The first, or top, number is the “systolic pressure,” or the pressure in your arteries when your heart squeezes and fills the vessels with blood.
The secon d, or bottom, number is the “diastolic pressure,” or the pressure in your arteries when your
heart rests between beats, filling itself with blood for the next contraction.
When it comes to preventing diabetes complications, normal blood pressure is as important as good control of your blood sugar levels.
Symptoms of High Blood Pressure Usually, high blood pressure has no symptoms. That’s why you need to check your blood pressure regularly. Your doctor will probably measure it at every visit, and you may need to check it at home, too.

What Can You Do?
Many of the things you do for your diabetes will also help with high blood pressure:
Control your blood sugar.
Stop smoking. Eat healthy. Exercise most days. Keep your weight in a healthy range.
Don’t drink a lot of alcohol.
Limit how much salt you eat. Visit your doctor regularly.
Treatment Most doctors use ACE inhibitors (angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors) and ARBs (angiotensin II receptor blockers) first. Although other medications treat high blood pressure, these also prevent or slow kidney disease in people with diabetes.

Indian cyber agency warns WhatsApp users of critical bugs
The Indian cyber agency CERTIn on Wednesday warned WhatsApp users of multiple bugs which could be exploited by a remote attacker to execute arbitrary code on the targeted system.
In an advisory, CERTIn, under the IT Ministry, described two remote code execution vulnerabilities in Meta-owned WhatsApp in both Android and iOS versions.
The first vulnerability exists in WhatsApp due to integer overflow. “A remote attacker could exploit this vulnerability to execute remote code in an established video call,” warned the cyber agency.
Successful exploitation of this vulnerability could allow a remote attacker to execute arbitrary code on the targeted system, said CERT-In.

Hackers can also exploit a second vulnerability in WhatsApp by sending a specially-crafted video file that can put users’ information at risk.
CERT-In advised WhatsApp users to install latest security updates.
WhatsApp has nearly 500 million users in the country, according the thirdparty reports. (IANS)
Salman says he hasn’t got ` 1,000 crore for ‘Bigg Boss 16’

Salman Khan candidly answered questions about the many rumours that are circulating about him, starting with nixing the theory that he wasn]t going to host ‘Bigg Boss 16’ and that his fees have touched Rs 1,000 crore.
Speaking to journalists at the virtual media briefing, Salman said: “Well, I am often asked if I am doing the show or not, so I get irritated sometimes and tell these people that I don’t want to do the show. But these people are helpless as they feel if not me, then who else. So, they have no choice.” By ‘they’, the star obviously meant the producers of the show.
On the rumour that his fees added up to Rs 1,000 crore, he said: “I would never get this much and if in reality I get this amount, I don’t think I’d be working.
I have a lot of expenses like on lawyers and because of these rumours, income-tax people will start noticing me.”
When asked why he has returned to the show as host, he said: “I learn a lot on this show and get to meet so many people, and whenever they go off track, I bring them back in the right direction. I protect the bullied and bully the
ones who bully. In the four months when this show goes on, we bond like a family.”
On whether he would like to invite a Bollywood couple on the show, Salman said: “No one. I don’t think anyone can play the game inside. It’s a different thing. I would not take the names but I would like to have a few contestants who would go inside single but come out from the house together.”
Salman then talked about his mother’s diminishing love for the show. He revealed: “She used to watch it religiously. Now, she also watches other shows. This might be because she feels that she has had too much of ‘Bigg Boss’.”
On being asked about a piece of advice given to him by his mother, he mentioned jokingly: “She tells me to go and teach them a lesson. That is why I get so charged up.” ‘Bigg Boss 16’ is all set to start from October 1 at 9:30 p.m. on Colors. (IANS)
Some blood pressure drugs may make your blood sugar and lipid levels worse. Blood pressure medicines can also cause erectile dysfunction. Find out from your doctor what your prescribed medicines might do.
Other drugs known commonly as “water pills” or diuretics help your body get rid of extra fluid.
Written by WebMD Editorial Contributors Medically Reviewed by Michael Dansinger, MD
With much happiness, the Nakshou Village Staff Union extends hearty congratulations to Er. Wellensangli CA , S/o Lt. Chullen Chang & Mrs. Sedongla for securing the post of Junior Engineer (Power Department) through NPSC, Combined Technical Services Examination 2021.

The recognition and achievement of your hard works exalts the morale and confidence of our upcoming youngsters.

The Union extremely proud of your achievement and further wishes you bright and prosperous future.
(S. KEIBA) (S Elem)
President General Secretary

1st T20I: India beat South Africa by 8 wickets

Vice-captain K.L Rahul and Suryakumar Yadav slammed unbeaten fifties to give India an eight-wicket win over South Africa in the T20I series opener at the Greenfield Internation al Stadium on Wednesday.
On a pitch which was made for fast bowlers to make merry, as seen from the five-wicket burst pro vided by Arshdeep Singh and Deepak Chahar earlier in the match, South Africa bowlers too were able to take out Rohit Sharma and Virat Kohli early.
With the required run rate not much high, Rahul hung in and with Suryaku mar in stellar touch, they put on an unbeaten stand of 93 off 63 balls to chase down 107 with 18 balls remaining, giving India 1-0 lead in the three-match series.
The hosts’ were dealt an early blow when a peach from Kagiso Rabada in the second over lured Rohit Sharma into playing at it and thick edge went behind to Quinton de Kock, who dived to his right to send the Indian skipper back for a two-ball duck.
Post power-play, where India made only 17/1, their lowest score in the six overs phase, Virat Kohli tried to cut a short and wide ball from Anrich Nortje, only for the extra bounce to take the edge behind to de Kock. After hopping and fending on
his first ball, Suryakumar slammed back-to-back sixes - a top-edge on pull went over third man and a nonchalant flick went over backward square leg.
Rahul, who was kept quiet by a slew of out swingers and inswingers apart from surviving close
lbw shouts off Parnell and Rabada, opened up by flicking off his wrists over long-on for six off Nortje, followed by Suryakumar slapping through point for four off Keshav Maharaj.
Rahul then pulled Ta braiz Shamsi over back ward square leg for six and
27th Late N.D. football trophy from Oct last week
DIMAPUR, SEP 28 (NPN): Dimapur Lotha Students Union will be organizing the 27th edition of late Nyamo and late Daniel Lotha Football running trophy tentatively from last week of October till November 7 on the theme, “together we are stronger”. In terested Lotha football teams or clubs have been requested to collect the form from Lotha Hoho ki near DC Court junc tion, Dimapur. The last date of collection of form will be October 20 and last date of submission will be October 23. Further details can be con tacted at 7630975493.

Submission of application for National Sports Awards extended
NEW DELHI, SEP 28 (PTI): The Sports Min istry on Wednesday ex tended the last date of sub mission of applications for this year’s National Sports Awards by three days to October 1.
Earlier, the ministry had set September 27 as the last date for online sub mission of applications.
This year onwards, applications are being in vited only in online mode through a dedicated por tal.
“The last date for re ceipt of applications has been extended from 27th September, 2022 to 1st October 2022 (Saturday),” the ministry said in a state ment.
“The applications from the eligible sportsper sons /coaches/entities/ universities are invited for the award. They are re quired to self apply online at dedicated Portal
“Indian Olympics As sociation/Sports Author ity of India/recognised National Sports Federa
tions/Sports Promotion Boards/State and UTs Governments etc are also intimated accordingly.
Nominations received after 1st October, 2022 (Saturday) will not be con sidered,” it added.
Sports Awards are given every year to recog nise and reward excellence in sports.
Suryakumar ended the over by flicking hard off his wrists through deep midwicket for four.
Suryakumar en thralled the crowd with his trademark shot when he lofted inside-out with the turn over wide long-off off Maharaj.
A pacy full toss from Nortje was lofted over cover by Rahul for six while Suryakumar placed a slower ball through point for four as India started to coast towards victory.
Suryakumar contin ued to collect fours with ease against Rabada and reached his second con secutive fifty in 33 balls in the next over. On the very next ball, Rahul slog-swept Shamsi over backward square leg to reach his fifty in 56 balls and complete the chase in style.
Brief Scores: South Africa 106/8 in 20 overs (Keshav Maharaj 41, Aid en Markram 25; Arshdeep Singh 3/32, Deepak Cha har 2/24) lost to India 110/2 in 16.4 overs (KL Rahul 51 not out, Suryaku mar Yadav 50 not out; Kagiso Rabada 1/16, An rich Nortje 1/32) by eight wickets
FIFA honours Sunil Chhetri; releases three-episode series on his career
NEW DELHI, SEP 28 (IANS): FIFA, the govern ing body of world football, has honoured Indian foot ball team captain Sunil Chhetri with releasing a three-part series on his life and career.
One of the most pro lific footballers in India, Chhetri is the country’s all-time top goal scorer and most-capped player. He has scored 84 goals in 131 of ficial international appear ances since his debut on June 12 2005 against Paki stan. Chhetri has bagged 84 goals for India, behind Messi’s tally of 90, and Ronaldo’s 117 goals.

“You know all about Ronaldo and Messi. Now get the definitive story of the third highest scoring active men’s international.
Sunil Chhetri, Captain Fantastic is available on FIFA+ now,” FIFA tweeted from its World Cup handle.
The 38-year-old is cur rently the third-highest ac tive international goalscor er, just behind legends of the game Lionel Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo. The first episode of the series will look back at Chhetri’s debut and early days of his
footballing career.
“The first episode takes us back to where it all started...all leading up to his India debut at the age of 20. Close associates, loved ones, and footballing colleagues help tell the tale -- apart from the man him self, the man affectionately dubbed, ‘Captain, Leader, Legend’,” the synopsis of the first episode said.
The second episode
consists of Chhetri’s ear ly days with the national team, realising his dream of playing professional football. Third and final episode shows how Chhetri reaches the heights of his professional and personal life.
FIFA had also released a documentary on Brazil and Barcelona legend Ron aldinho and English legend Gary Lineker.
Nations League: Spain upset Portugal, Czech relegated
Spain won the UEFA Na tions League Group A2 on Tuesday as Alvaro Morata’s late goal edged out Portu gal 1-0, while the Czech Republic were relegated after losing to Switzerland in the last round of group matches.
In a duel in Portugal’s Braga, the hosts almost opened the scoring in the 32nd minute through Diogo Jota, who received a long pass from Bruno Fernandes and unleashed a shot to wards the top right corner that Unai Simon kept out with a brilliant one-handed save.
The Portuguese were in total control during most of the game but Spain stayed in the contest and took the lead in the 88th minute. A long ball into the box from Dani Carvajal was headed by Nico Williams across to Alvaro Morata, who lashed it into the goal, reports Xinhua.
In that match, Morata shot three on target out of his four attempts. So far, the Atletico Madrid forward has scored 13 goals under Luis Enrique -- no Spanish
player has bagged more for the current head coach.
It was the Spaniards’ first competitive win away against Portugal since 1934. They joined Croatia, Italy and the Netherlands in Na tions League finals tourna ment in June 2023.
Elsewhere, during the clash between Switzerland and the Czech Republic, the
ward Julian Alvarez put the Albiceleste ahead in the 13th minute at Red Bull Arena in New Jersey when he tapped in from close range after Lautaro Marti nez’s fine run and cut-back.
Argentina controlled possession but struggled for scoring opportunities against Jamaica’s wellorganised defence. That changed following the in troduction of Messi from the bench in the 56th min ute. The two-time world champions immediately looked more threatening and Messi capitalised on poor defending to dou ble their advantage with a long-range effort in the 86th minute.
Like Federer’s, Djokovic wants biggest rivals at his farewell
PARIS/ SANTA CLARA, SEP 28 (IANS/ AGENCIES): Raphinha scored twice and Neymar converted a penalty as Bra zil cruised past Tunisia 5-1, while Lionel Messi helped Argentina beat Jamaica 3-0 in pre-World Cup in ternational friendlies on Tuesday.

In Paris, Brazil took
the lead in the 10th minute with a header from Barce lona forward Raphinha, as sisted by Casemiro. Seven minutes later, Montassar Talbi’s header equalised for Tunisia.
However, Richarlison helped Brazil restore their lead in the 18th minute and Neymar extended the advantage with a penalty
on the half-hour. Before the halftime break, Raphinha slotted home to register his second goal to make it 4-1, Xinhua reports. Brazil kept up their domination in the second half. In the 74th minute, Pedro sealed the win for the Selecao with a powerful volley. Brazil, the world No. 1 side in the latest FIFA rankings, have
been drawn in World Cup Group G with Serbia, Swit zerland and Cameroon. Against Jamaica, Ar gentina opened the scoring through Manchester City striker Julian Alvarez. In the second half, Lionel Messi came in from the bench and scored a brace.
Argentina have been drawn in Group C with Mexico,
Poland and Saudi Arabia. In other warm-up games, 2022 World Cup hosts Qatar drew with Chile 2-2, Uruguay beat Canada 2-0, and Saudi Arabia held the United States to a goalless draw.
Messi struck two late goals as Argentina earned a 3-0 victory over Jamaica. Manchester City for

The Paris Saint-Ger main veteran made it 3-0 three minutes later with a low free-kick from the edge of the 18-yard box that caught goalkeeper Andre Blake off guard.
The South Ameri can outfit will have one more chance to test their squad before the World Cup when they meet the United Arab Emirates on November 16. Jamaica did not qualify for the tourna ment, to be played in Qatar from November 20 to De cember 18.
LONDON, SEP 28 (AGENCIES): Novak Djokovic said he wants his biggest rivals to be by his side when he brings the curtain down on his career, much like Roger Federer’s emotional goodbye to the game last week.
Images of Federer and Rafael Nadal - who shared one of tennis’s most en thralling rivalries - sitting together and crying after combining in a Laver Cup doubles defeat at London’s O2 Arena on Friday went viral on social media.
Djokovic and Andy Murray - two of Federer’s other main rivals - were also present for the 41-year-old’s final bow.

“It was just a very touching, very emotional moment,” Djokovic told reporters on Tuesday in Tel Aviv, where he will play an ATP 250 event this week.
“Seeing his kids and his family, it got me emo tional as well. I also must say I was thinking about how it would look for me when I say goodbye to tennis.
The 35-year-old, who is one major title behind Nadal’s men’s record of 22, said felt no issues with his wrist, which had been both ering him during the Laver Cup in London last week.
Djokovic said the Spaniard remains his big gest rival.
Argentina forward Lionel Messi plays the ball against Jamaica forward Dameon Lowe during the second half of the match. (Reuters) Brazil’s Neymar celebrates scoring their third goal with Raphinha. (Reuters) The Nagaland Sepaktakraw sub-junior team will be participating in the 25th Sub-Junior National Sepaktakraw Championship at Belagati (Karnataka) from October 3 to 7. hosts’ Remo Freuler scored the opener in the 29th min ute with a clever short-range header and Breel Embolo extended the lead one min ute later. Seconds before the halftime break, the visitors reduced the deficit as Patrik Schick scored with a leftfooted finish from David Zima’s low cross. In the second half, Czech’s Tomas Soucek saw his penalty saved by Yann Sommer, making the final score 2-1. Thus, Spain topped Group 2 with three wins, two draws and one defeat, one point above secondplaced Portugal. Switzer land held third place while the Czech Republic were relegated to League B. Spain’s Alvaro Morata celebrates scoring their first goal with Nico Williams. (Reuters) Andy Murray, Novak Djokovic, Roger Federer and Rafael Nadal. Sunil Chhetri MYK C MYK C Printed, Published and Edited by Geoffrey Yaden at G.M. Printers, Circular Rd. Dimapur-797112. Ph: Desk 248489, Adm.& Advertisement :248267,8798162009, R.N. 40978/90 RN/NE 707 SPORTS12 NAGALAND POST, DIMAPUR THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 2022 Indian players wait for the third umpires decision during the 1st T20 cricket match between India and South Africa in Thiruvananthapuram, Wednesday. (PTI)