ENSF walkathon for Frontier Nagaland
Following a call for “Mass Public Walkathon” un der the aegis of Eastern Naga Students’ Federation (ENSF), several hundreds on Friday– both young and old – from across six districts of Eastern Nagaland took part in the walkathons held in their respective districts/ areas to press for their de mand to create separate Frontier Nagaland state.

According to ENSF, the walkathon was the first phase of agitation as per Eastern Nagaland People’s Organisation’s (ENPO) de mand for a separate State.
When contacted, ENSF president Chingmak K Chang informed Naga land Post that the next phase of protest would be an nounced after consultation with ENPO. Led by ENSF, seven federating units–Chang Wedoshi Setshang (CWS), Konyak Students’ Union (KSU), Khiamniun gan Students’ Union (KSU),
Govt proposes tweaks in BH series rules

NEW DELHI, OCT 7 (PTI): Ministry of Road Transport and Highways (MoRTH) has proposed to allow conversion of regular vehicle registrations into Bharat Series (BH) numbers as part of measures to widen the scope of the BH series ecosystem. At present, only new vehicles can opt for BH series mark.
In a draft notification, the MoRTH informed about the proposed amendments in the rules governing Bharat (BH) series registration mark which was launched for peo ple who are in transferable jobs. Among other changes, the transfer of vehicles with BH series registration mark to other persons, who are eligible or ineligible for BH series, has been facilitated, according to the notification.
“Vehicles currently hav ing regular registration mark can also be converted to BH series registration mark sub ject to payment of requisite tax, to facilitate persons who subsequently become eligible for BH series regis tration mark,” it said. The ministry has also proposed the amendment in rule 48 to provide flexibility to submit application for BH series ei ther at the place of residence or place of work with a view to providing further ease of life to citizen.
It also said that the Working Certificate to be submitted by private sector employees has been fur ther strengthened to prevent misuse.
Phom Students’ Conference (PSC), Tikhir Students union (TSU), United Sangtam Stu dents’ Conference (USSC) and Yimkhiung Akherü Ari hako (YAA)– and 63 clusters comprising of 451 subordi nate student bodies took part in the walkathon.
Seven apex tribal bodies under ENPO – Chang Khu lei Setshang (CKS), Yimkhi ung Tribal Council (YTC), Konyak (KU), Khiamniun gan Tribal Council (KTC), Tikhir Tribal Council (TTC),
United Sangtam Likhum Pumji (USSP) and Phom People’s Council (PTC)– and ENPO leaders also took part in the walkathon and ad dressed the public.
Many were seen with banners and placards some of which that read “Dear GON, where is your prom ise of ‘Change is Com ing’?”, “Free our wings to fly higher”, “Frontier Nagaland for employment justice”, “No more false promise” etc. Business establishments
and schools remained shut during the walkathon.
Later, a representation by ENSF/respective stu dents’ union was submitted to Prime Minister Narendra Modi through the respective deputy commissioners. (Full text on p-6)
Meanwhile, ENSF press, information & pub licity secretary Keyoung khum K Yimkhiung in a statement informed that the walkathon was peaceful and democratic as denizens
from different walks of life joined it, including leaders of civil society organisa tions (CSOs), church, vil lage elders, students and general public of six districts of Eastern Nagaland.
He said chronology and background on the de mand for Frontier Nagaland were shared in respective tribal vernacular languages that were initiated by leaders of seven tribal apex student bodies in 63 orchestrated clusters. Speeches on impor tance of Frontier Nagaland were given by ENSF leaders. The walkathon is believed to be the largest public move ment in the history of East ern Nagaland and revived the decade-old quest for a separate State, he said.
In his speech, the ENSF president stressed socio-economic, develop mental and political aspects of Eastern Nagaland as he alleged a “colossal depriva tion” of the eastern people under different leaders and governments.
RTI Act being misused by some for personal gain: CIC Nagaland
DIMAPUR, OCT 7 (NPN): Chief Information Com missioner (CIC) Nagaland, I Meyionen Jamir, has ex pressed concern over the mis use of Right to Information (RTI) Act, 2005 in the state by a few, who he said used it for personal gain, and has become a lucrative business.

Speaking at the weeklong celebration of RTI Week, 2022 at Kohima Col lege Auditorium, Kohima on October 7, 2022, Mey ionen said RTI Act, 2005 has been one of the most empowering legislations for the people of India and has allowed them to meaning fully participate in democ racy, stated a DIPR report.
Meyionen, however, stated that the Act should not be misused or abused, or become a tool to obstruct the development of the State or to destroy the peace and tranquillity of the society.
He said that RTI black mailers threaten the depart ments with exposure and
Nagaland Tribes Council concern over NSDZ and Indigenous issues
Asks govt to revoke Cab decision and NLA resolution on NSDZs
Says RIIN cut-off date should be Dec 1, 1963
DIMAPUR, OCT 7 (NPN): Nagaland Tribes Council (NTC) has highlighted two core issues--Nagaland Spe cial Development Zones (NSDZ) and Register of In digenous Inhabitants of Na galand (RIIN) over which it has raised serious concerns.

Media Cell of NTC recalled that the state gov
ernment had passed the resolution in the assembly on March 24, 2014 for NS DZs under which foothills from Tizit in Mon district to Khelma in Peren district now covering eight districtsMon, Longleng, Mokok chung, Wokha, Niuland, Chümoukedima, Dimapur and Peren but bereft any blueprint or project report.
The proposed NSDZs was preceded by a directive from the chief secretary in 2013 to commissioner & sec retary Industries Nagaland to circulate the concept note to all Deputy Commissioners for negotiations with civil
societies for identification for potential areas for NSDZ.
According to NTC, the concept note consisted of five clauses and among which was clause (v)which spelt out that in these SDZs the ILP system will be re laxed. NTC also maintained that there were provisions under various clauses of the concept note that would make the earmarked areas for NSDZs without the cover of ILP and the Nagaland Land (Amendment) Act of 1978. NTC said this means the NSDZ will remain be yond the purview of Art 371A to enable “strangers
for permanent settlement” in the vast foothill area.
NTC, therefore, asked the government to revoke the Cabinet decision on NS DZs and repeal the Assem bly resolution of March 24, 2014 as the earmarked areas for NSDZs would become a buffer zone for subjugating land and gullible population into secondary citizens to the intruders.
NTC raised another concern over RIIN, which was necessitated to imple ment ILP in Dimapur as per public demand. The government constituted the RIIN on July 10, 2019 to
ANATG calls off agitation; HPC to be set up within 15 days
& SCERT Kevileno An gami, ANATG-2015 Batch central and core committee members, in the presence of All Nagaland School Teach ers’ Association (ANSTA) members.
recommend cut-off date to determine indigenous status with effect from December 1, 1963 when Nagaland attained statehood. The Commission on RIIN was constituted on July 28,2019 headed by former chief sec retary Banuo Z. Jamir.
Despite the RIIN Com mission having submitted the report by end of 2019, the government undertook a U-turn, said NTC. NTC reasserted that as and when RIIN is implemented, the cut off year to determine the indigenous status has to be December 1,1963.
I Meyionen Jamir (DIPR)thereby extorting money to the tune of several lakhs.
CIC cautioned that regular information seekers, who indulge in corrupt practices, would be dealt with through appropriate provisions of the law. He also called upon the various public authori ties to voluntarily disclose all information held by them related to welfare schemes to educate the general public.
Meyionen also called for putting in place various mechanisms for online fil ing of applications so as to facilitate people’s right to information even during dif
ficult times. CIC Nagaland appealed to the people to make use of the provisions of the RTI Act to benefit the public, expose the wrongdo ers in the government depart ments and bring about trans parency and accountability in the governance system.
On the occasion, CIC Nagaland also gave away the prizes to the winners of the college-level essay com petition during the function.
Kikhosou Rume of Kohima College was adjudged the winner while Imtimenla Longchar of St. Joseph’s College and Tsureto Y Yim chunger bagged the second and third places respectively.
Earlier, NIC deputy secretary, Worhonthung Ezung delivered welcome address and shared various features and provisions of RTI Act, 2005. A film on
RTI titled, “My Right, My Voice” was screened during the event. NIC secretary Obangla Jamir proposed the vote of thanks.
Hindu body demands abolition of Minority Affairs Ministry
NEW DELHI, OCT 7 (PTI): Top body of Hindu seers Akhil Bharatiya Sant Samiti Friday passed a reso lution demanding abolition of the Ministry of Minority Affairs and Waqf Board.
The demand was made in a meeting organised by the seers body here which was attended by various or ganisations, including Vish wa Hindu Parishad (VHP) and Akhara Parishad.
“A resolution was passed in the meeting, de manding that Waqf Board and Ministry of Minor
ity Affairs should be abol ished,” VHP general secre tary Ashok Tiwari said.

In the meeting, the seers reiterated that they would pursue the issues of Gyanvyapi mosque in Varanasi and Shri Krishna Janmabhoomi in Mathura, All India Sant Samiti gen eral secretary Jitendranand Saraswati said.
They also discussed “inappropriate” portrayal of Hindu deities and religious leaders in Bollywood films and expressed strong objec tion to it.
Human rights advocates share Nobel Peace Prize
vice extension will continue till the matter is resolved. However, this dispensation will not apply to proxy and untrained teachers.
KOHIMA, OCT 7 (NPN): All Nagaland Adhoc Teach ers Group (ANATG)-2015 on Friday night decided to call of the ongoing agitation with immediate effect after their meeting with senior
state government officials, held at the conference hall of IT&C department.
The meeting which went on for over five hours was attended by principal secretary to chief minister KD Vizo, commissioner and secretary School Education
A five-point resolution was adopted at the meeting, which included setting up of High Powered Commit tee (HPC) within 15 days. The HPC will be headed by principal secretary or com missioner secretary, which will submit its recommen dation by June 2023, and thereafter take up the issue to resolve the matter of ANATG-2015 batch within December 2023. It was also resolved that the issue of ser
The meeting also agreed on granting of 7th Revision of Pay based on the recommendation of HPC.
Further, ANATG-2015 batch and ANSTA members will be given the opportu nity to present their case before the HPC. It was also decided that the HPC will hold review meeting every two months.
The resolution was jointly signed by principal secretary KD Vizo, commis sioner & secretary Kevileno Angami,
OSLO, OCT 7 (AGEN CIES): A Belarusian rights activists, a Ukrainian civil liberties NGO, and a Rus sian rights group have been declared as joint winners of 2022 Nobel Peace Prize.
The Norwegian No bel Committee on Friday declared Belarusian activist Ales Bialiatski, Russian hu man rights organisation Me morial, and the Ukrainian NGO Center for Civil Liber ties (CLL) as the winners of the 2022 Nobel Peace Prize.
Berit Reiss-Andersen, chair of the Norwegian Nobel Committee, said the panel was honoring “three outstanding champions of

Congress launches toll-free helpline ‘STREE’ for women
Nagaland Pradesh Mahila Congress (NPMC) launched a toll-free helpline number called STREE (Support Team for Relief, Emergency & Empowerment) 1800-2030589 at Congress Bhavan here on Friday.
Speaking at the launch ing programme, Nagaland Pradesh Congress Commit tee (NPCC) president, K Therie, stated that the tollfree number was launched to purely assist women in distress all over the country.
It may be mentioned that All India Mahila Con gress (AIMC) to assist
women in distress all over the country launched the toll-free number on August 20 commemorating the birth anniversary of former prime minister, Rajiv Gandhi.

Therie stated never once, in over 70 years of India’s independence when
Congress was in power for around 60 years, a women helpline number required.
He, however, stated that STREE was bound to be launched because women were being mistreated after BJP same to power in India.
Taking a dig at NDDP’s

last assembly election slogan “Change is coming”, Therie said that after NDPP and BJP came to power, the state had only gone from bad to worse. He asked what have the Nagas achieved after electing NDPP and BJP?
Reacting to last month speech of RSS Chief, Mo han Bhagwat in Meghalaya that all people living in India were Hindus in terms of identity, NPCC president questioned how could Bhag wat claim Nagas were also Hindus when he did not know about Naga history.
Stating that all state legislatures were silent on RSS chief’s statement, The rie questioned whether there

was any BJP leader would defend Nagas. Maintain ing that Nagas want “antiChristian party to rule us”, state Congress chief that if Nagas continued to give power to BJP alliance for the next two three tenures, Nagas would lose their land rights. He also claimed that the identity of Nagas and secularism would be lost.
Therie warned that all those candidates seeking BJP ticket would only be harming the state.
“India is divided be tween secular and Hindutva, and question remains which one would Nagas choose,” Therie stated.

human rights, democracy and peaceful coexistence.”
“We are in the midst of a war and we are talking about two authoritarian re gimes and one nation fight ing a war and we would like to highlight the importance of civil society,” she said.
Belarus’s activist Ales
Bialiatski is a leading Belaru sian human rights activist, who founded the non-gov ernmental organization Hu man Rights Center Viasna. He was detained following protests in 2020 against the re-election of Belarusian President Alexander Lukash enko.
CYF appeals for safety of children
Reacting to the purported “viral circulation of possible operation of child traffick ing and kidnapping”, the Chakhesang Youth Front (CYF) has appealed to all its bona fide members and subordinate units to “main tain awareness and exercise cautionary measures to en sure the safety, especially of children.”
In a press release, CYF president Vezhoduyi Nakro and vice president Nyitso Therie also advised all the like-minded citizens to be vigilant of any suspicious individuals or groups arriv ing in their localities. CYF
stated that if necessity rose, one should report the mat ter to the law enforcement authorities and the admin istrative department(s) con cerned without any delay.
Assuring to extend its cooperation to the general public, CYF has also sought cooperation of the admin istrative department(s) in helping maintain peace, comfort and safety of the people.
It may be mentioned that following reports of purported child lifting cas es in the state, the school education department re cently issued directives to all schools for strict adherence.
W’shop to promote entrepreneurship

(NPN): Agriculture Produc tion Commissioner (ACP), Y. Kikheto Sema on Friday opined that young entrepre neurs had the potential to transform the economy of Nagaland.

In this regard, he en couraged them to focus on creating a chain between farmers’ community and markets.
Speaking at the “work shop to promote entrepre neurship culture in Naga land” organised by Agri & Allied department, and sponsored by Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) at Rhododendron hall, police complex, Chümoukedima, APC lamented that employ ment in government jobs had reached a saturation point. He stated that one way to address unemploy ment was to avail schemes and policies provided by the government of India.
Kikheto stressed that it was high time to plan for a new Nagaland where people realise the importance of entrepreneurship and selfsustenance.
He stated that the con cept of entrepreneurship culture has been increasing
in Nagaland after the pan demic and now it was time to provide all logistics sup port to them.
APC said there was less scope in large and mediumscale industries in Nagaland and the only hope was Agri & Allied activities.
Stating that Nagaland was blessed with varied agro-climatic zone, he point ed out that there was huge potential when it came to Agro-based industries.
He suggested the young entrepreneurs to take expen ditures into account while importing. In this regard, he disclosed that Nagaland spent about 1250 crore on meat and meat products, 550 crore on fruits, veg etables and others in a year, followed by expenditure on education outside the state which amounted to around

Süngratsü Officers Forum celebrates silver jubilee
1200 crore. He stressed on the need for young entre preneurs to connect farmers’ community and markets, and act as a chain to pro mote local products.
In the keynote address, MSME, Mercy Epao high lighted the objective of the MSME which was to pro mote untapped creativity and adoption of latest tech nologies in MSMEs that seek validation of ideas.
She disclosed that 45% of national manufacturing output were contributed through MSMEs towards economic development of the nation, with 49% of total exports, 30% contri bution in GDP, 11 crore people were employed in the MSME sector, 6.3 crore en terprises were registered and more than 6000 products were contributed through
Earlier, welcome ad dress was delivered by Ag riculture department ad ditional secretary, Senti wapang Aier and vote of thanks was proposed by Industries & Commerce, commissioner & secretary, Kekhrievor Kevichusa.
Success stories of en trepreneurs were presented by M/S Aero-Bio produc tion unit Dimapur, Wati Jamir, founder & director Arieltis Health care Pvt. Ltd, Dr. Esha Roy, founder & director Bluepine Foods Pvt. Ltd Aditi Madan and founder of Jaong Everyday Express Transport & Logis tics, Dimapur, Limanung sang.
The workshop in cluded overview session on MSME sector, credit facili tation, capacity linkage and competitiveness, and market linkage and competitive ness.
Resources persons in cluded joint director O/o DC (MSME) Delhi, Pawan Kumar Singh, joint director MSME DFO Dimapur, Tali Longchar, KVIC, Dimapur, Sani Pongen, zonal head NSIC/NISSH Guwahati, Vijay Prakash, NSSHO, Guwahati Peter T and assis tant director MSME DFO, Dimapur, Selwin Samraj.
Two years have passed since you left us on this day, but your love and memories are still in our hearts, ‘Dad’. Your are deeply missed “Dearest Dad”.

Loving Wife & Daughters
DIMAPUR: Tikhir tribe on Sep tember 30, became affiliated to the Eastern Nagaland Peoples’ Union Mokokchung (ENPUM) during an affiliation programme at ENPUM treasurer’s residence.
In a press release, ENPUM stated the event was attended by all the leaders of the six federat ing units of ENPUM, its students’ wing ENSUM, ENWO Mokok chung, ENCF Mokokchung and representatives from Tikhir tribe.
In the welcome address, EN PUM president Y. Among Yimkh iung remarked that the affiliation was an added strength to achieve the noble causes, which the union had remained constantly commit ted to. He also encouraged the gathering to work in unison and in the true spirit of brotherhood.
Short speeches were also de livered by ENWO Mokokchung president Mendang Mokokchung Chang Union president Chu bakhumba and Apong Thongliu, representative from the Tikhir tribe.

Earlier, the programme was chaired by ENPUM general sec retary Kushem, invocation was offered by Konyak Baptist Church Mokokchung youth director Moba Wanlang while pastor and president of ENCF Mokokchung, Jeeseha offered a dedicatory prayer for the new affiliate.
26 Aonglenden A/C holds meeting
Correspondent MOKOKCHUNG, OCT 7 (NPN): Nation alist Democratic Pro gressive Party (NDPP) Mokokchung, 26 Aon glenden Assembly Con stituency held a “party workers general meet ing” at Marepkong Community Hall in the presence of speaker of Nagaland Legislative Assembly, Sharingain Longkumer, here, on Friday. Addressing the party workers, Sharin
gain stated that politics was all about propagan da and urged upon the workers not to easily fall prey to rumours.
He said that the seat sharing (NDPP-40 & BJP-20) alliance with Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) was a “fact” which required no further clari fication.
The speaker stated that NDPP stood for so lution to the Naga issue which he claimed, was nearing a conclusion.
Earlier, short
speeches were delivered by NDPP Mokokc hung region president N. Bendang Jamir, re gional women wing vice president Sulemtola and youth wing president Bendang Walling.
The meeting was chaired by NDPP 26 Aonglenden A/C Sutsu ang, welcome note was delivered by NDPP 26 Aonglenden A/C vice president Kikumsungba and invocation was of fered by MBC, deacon Bendangliba.
NPP Nagaland holds consultative meet with district leaders
DIMAPUR: National People’s Party (NPP) Nagaland state executives held a consultative meeting with the Dis trict Presidents and General Secretar ies on October 6 in Dimapur.
In a press release, NPP Naga land stated that the meeting which mainly focused on the upcoming party convention and assembly and ULB elections was attended by officials of the state frontal organisations includ ing state women wing and National People’s Youth Front (NPYF).
In the presidential address, NPP state president, Dr. Andrew Ahoto
Sema lauded the proactive role of the district units and informed that the party has been constituted in 12 dis tricts of Nagaland with very efficient and able party workers.
He further called upon all the district units to work in close coordina tion with the state team and to choose capable leaders, while also asking them to be loyal to the party’s ethics and principles. The district represen tatives also presented brief reports of their respective districts while other NPP Nagaland leaders also addressed the meeting.
We, the family members of Lt. Prem Chetri express our profound gratitude to the doctors and nurses CIHSR, friends, relatives and well wishers who stood and supported us physically, financially, materially and through prayers during the prolonged illness and till his demise on 4th Oct' 2022.
May God bless you all abundantly.
Loving, Wife and Family Members
MOKOKCHUNG, OCT 7 (NPN): Süngratsü Officers Forum celebrated its silver jubilee at Senden Salang, Sungratsu village, under Mokokchung district, on the theme “Khutong”, here, on Friday, with Principal, Discipleship Bible college Dimapur, Rev. S. Wati Aier as theme speaker.
In his address, Rev. S. Wati Aier translated the theme “Khutong” to a “leader” and informed that “Khutong” in the past reference were exceptional leaders who contributed to the welfare of the society and whom the officers had replaced in the present con text. He said that jubilee was a time to retrospect and introspect on the achieve ments and works of the forum.

Rev. Wati reminded that the village community has not forgotten the many works the forum had done
for the village and that their contributions have made remarkable changes.
He also encouraged the officers to not only focus on the social and political aspects of the society but also give due importance to the religious aspects.
He concluded by say ing that every officer should be a “Khutong” in the so ciety.
Dr. Imtiwapang Aier, MLA, Toshitsüngba Aier IPS (Retd.), Dr. Daniel Longchar IAS (Retd.), first forum president M. Taka Longchar, village council chairman and Temsünaro Aier, IAS also delivered short speeches in the pro gramme.
Earlier, the jubilee sou venir was released by L. Bendang Lemtur, IPS (Retd) while Süngratsü Students’ Union and the Süngratsü Watsü Telen presented a song each. Later, Rev. T. Mapu Walling offered a spe cial prayer for the officers.
DIMAPUR: Deputy com missioner (DC) Tseminyu, Dr. Zasekuolie Chusi has informed the public of Tseminyu district that any cases of unlawful activities such as organised extor tion, collection of illegal taxes, possession and car rying of illegal arms and ammunition, etc., would be prosecuted as per pro visions of the National Security Act 1980 of sec tion 3 (3), In a notification, the deputy commissioner stat ed that “unlawful activi ties” which have the poten tial to seriously impact the security of the state and maintenance of peace and public order could be de tained and prosecuted as per the Act.
Dr. Zasekuolie Chusi further informed that this section has remained in force with retrospective effect from September 1, 2022 till extended by the state government from time to time.
Born : 02.01.1992 Died : 04.10.2022
and every individual but
always be remembered by the family.
ENSF mass public walkathon in ENPO areas

FGAN celebrates ‘Wildlife Week 2022’
DIMAPUR: Commemo rating Forestry Graduates’ Association of Nagaland (FGAN) 25 years, the asso ciation celebrated “Wildlife Week 2022” on the theme, “recovering key species for ecosystem restoration” on Friday at Kohima Mini Zoo, Kohima.

In a press release, FGAN informed that Ko hima Mini zoo formally known as “R. Belho Wildlife Breeding Home” was started 20 years ago. At a brief pro gramme, owner of the zoo, Theja Belho informed that the zoo currently has 20-30 different types of wildlife, which was mostly donated or rescued. Belho said the primary objective of the zoo was to breed, populate and release the animals back into their natural habitat.
Earlier, welcome ad dress was delivered by FGAN vice president, Im suwapang Pongen. The programme attended by students and teachers of Government High School New Market, Kohima was followed by a tour of the zoo.
KIPHIRE, OCT 7 (NPN): Thousands participated in the Eastern Naga Stu dents’ Federation (ENSF) call for a “mass public walkathon movement”, which was held on Friday, across all the administrative headquarters in Eastern Nagaland. The walkathon is part of the first phase of agitation to press for “Fron tier Nagaland” statehood
USSC: United Sang tam Students’ Conference (USSC), the federating unit of Eastern Naga Students’ Federation (ENSF) organ ised a walkathon at Kiphire headquarters.

The formal pro gramme was held at Public Ground Kiphire where the walk to deputy commis sioner’s (DC’s) office Kip hire commenced, to submit the memorandum to the
prime minister of India.
In his speech ENSF deputy speaker Chumtsase Sangtam stated that the people of Eastern Naga land has suffered enough without proper develop ment and job opportuni ties.
Thus, he said, they were compelled to demand for a separate statehood as God has given equal share for the people.
He asserted that dis
RYPD slams ‘insensitive’ book by Kolkata-based author
DIMAPUR: Rising Youth of Phek district (RYPD) has taken strong exception to a Kolkata-based author for the insensitive and criminal misrepresentation pertaining to a particular Naga tribe of Phek district in her book “Bhoj”.
RYPD president Kulu poyi Vadeo in a press release said he was totally aghast at the insensitive and criminal misrepresentation of a par ticular Naga tribe of Phek district, for which she could be booked under relevant sections of law for statements or publishing that created enmity, hatred or ill-will between different religions, race, language or regional groups or communities.
He said Debarati Muk hopadhyay from Kolkata in her fictional novel “Bhoj” had narrated that a certain tribe called Jeshumi (earlier stated as Chizami) in Phek
district still practised the bone-chilling tradition of cannibalism wherein the son killed his mother upon she getting old and ate her flesh to give her peace. The mother, who brought her son to earth through her belly, ended up in the same son’s belly, which was considered pious in their tradition, as per the novel.
He noted that the au thor had with utmost in sensitivity dismissed all the criticisms by justifying it as an imaginary story based on an imaginary community and asserted that there was no question of hurting the sentiments of any commu nity or defaming Nagaland.
“Authors often write stories based on a State or a region. Suppose I write that a person in Kolkata mur dered someone. Does that mean I am defaming Kol kata?” Mukhopadhyay had
countered. But the RYPD president questioned how this logic was applicable in this case when she had spe cifically cited Nagaland and Phek district where cannibal ism was practised by present ing it as a truth statement.
He said the youth body was irked by the complete lack of respect shown by the author, who was supposedly an educated person. He cau tioned that such stereotypical presentations (irrespective of imaginary or not in the guise of a story) perpetu ated the cycle of racism against the tribal people of the Northeast.
The author could have easily named a fictional loca tion and clan for her book, but that she chose to target a specific tribal State of the Northeast only portrayed her ulterior motive to sensa tionalise her book and create enmity, he added.
Assistive aids distributed to PwDs in Mkg
DIMAPUR: Assistive aids were distributed to Persons with Disabilities (PwDs) under Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) with the initiative of Mokokchung dis trict administration and Ocwen Financial Corporation, Bangalore on Friday, in the conference hall of the deputy commissioner (DC) Mokokchung office.
According to a DIPR report, Nagaland Legislative Assembly (NLA) speaker Shar ingain Longkumer underscored the need to address issues of PwDs rather than merely discussing them.
Seminar & training for dental surgeons held in Kohima
DIMAPUR: A seminar cum training under the aegis of National Oral Health Programme for Dental Sur geon under state, National Health Mission (NHM) and National Oral Health Programme (NOHP) was held on October 7 at IDSP Conference Hall, Director ate of Health & Family Welfare (DHFW), Kohima.
In a press release, H&FW department IEC bu reau informed that the chief guest of the programme, principal director, Dr. K. Vikato Kinimi asserted that dental was equally an im portant aspect of health just as the rest of practices are important. He appreciated the dental doctors coming from near and far and giving importance to the profes sion, which was noble.
Kinimi also gave awards to Sr. dental surgeon District Hospital (DH) Kiphire, Dr. N Moa Jamir, in recogni tion of his sincere service
beyond the call of duty and Sr. Dental Surgeon DH Peren, Dr. Sabino Kuotso in acknowledgement of her achievement for being the first female dental surgeon of Nagaland.
The inaugural function of seminar cum training was chaired by joint director dental & SPO (NOHP), Dr. Meribeni Odyuo.
The topics covered un der the seminar and training includes, Medical Emer gencies in Dental OPD, Oral Cancer Screening, Or thodontics: an overview & Management of Childhood Dental Diseases.
The resource persons were Sr. dental surgeon, DH Phek, Dr. Nichukholie Vupru, Jr. dental surgeon, IMDH, Dr. Sentirenla R Jamir, dental surgeon 32 Dental Clinic Kohima, Dr. Keneisenuo Kire and dental surgeon Advance Dental Clinic Kohima, Dr. Imy angluba.
Tuensang DPDB meeting on Oct 11
DIMAPUR: Tuensang District Planning and Develop ment Board (DPDB) monthly meeting has been con vened on October 11, 11 am, in the conference hall of the deputy commissioner Tuensang. All members have been requested to attend the meeting.
Sharingain lauded DC Mokokchung Shashank Pratap Singh and his team for all their initiatives and thanked the Ocwen Financial Corporation, Banglore for their noble deeds.
At the programme, a keynote ad dress was delivered by DC Mokokchung Shashank Pratap Singh, short speech was delivered by a representative of Ocwen Financial Corporation, special number was presented by Imwapangla Ozukum while vote of thanks was delivered by SDO (Civil), Mokokchung, Sentilong Ozukum.
crimination has led to the demand for Frontier Naga land and that the demand was echoed throughout the country.

Chumtsase Sangtam disclosed that several letters were forwarded by the state government to the govern ment of India on numerous occasions, however, they were rejected by Eastern Nagaland People’s Orgain sation (ENPO) as they “just needed a separate state.”

Chümou DPDB meet postponed: Chümouke dima DPDB monthly meeting scheduled on October 11 has been postponed to October 19, 10 am, in the con ference hall of the DC Chümoukedima. All members have been requested to attend the meeting.
DCC elects office bearers: Dimapur Chakhesang Council held a general session on October 5 at Ho ho’s Conference Hall, Dimapur and elected Kewengulo Kapfo (Avi) as chairman and Wetsote K. Swuro as general secretary for the tenure 2023-25.
DLSU informs HSSLC students: Dimapur Lo tha Students’ Union will be felicitating all Lotha students within its jurisdiction who have secured 85% and above in the 2022 HSSLC examination (Arts & Science). In this regard, Dimapur Lotha Students’ Union has in formed all eligible stu dents to submit names, contact numbers and address along with pho tocopy of marksheet to 9366751942 before October 12.
Earlier, the pro gramme was chaired by Kiphire Area Students’ Union (KASU) vice presi dent, Lumpiba M while welcome address was de livered by KASU president Tersesh.
Head GB Kiphire Town Throngseli Sangtam, representatives from USLP, KASU, AST and USSC also spoke in support of the demand.
The walkathon was
also carried out at Seyoc hung Town, Sitimi Town, Longmatra Town, Ama hator Town, Longkhim Town, etc.
MHSU: Mopong Hongkong Students’ Union (MHSU) initiated a public walkathon covering about 11 kilometres on foot till Mopong EAC headquar ters.
In a press release, MHSU president L. Kholee stated that the government
of India and Nagaland should retrospect the past history and the genuine demand of the Eastern Naga people.
YAA: Along with the rest of Eastern Nagaland, Yimkhiung Akherü Ariha ko (YAA) hosted a peaceful walkathon programme in the Yimkhiung jurisdiction from Shamator, Chessore to Pungro Khungsa, led by YAA president Achung at Shamator headquarters.

12th SBAK children conference underway
AICHI SAGHEMI, OCT 7 (NPN): The 12th Sümi Bap tist Akukuhou Küqhakulu (SBAK, Nito Mount) chil dren conference got un derway at Aichi Saghemi Village on the theme “In Jesus’ footsteps”, here, on Friday evening.
M&E coordinator, Rev. Hukavi Zhimo led the congregation in declar
ing the commencement of the three-day conference, while NTC lecturer To libo Achumi attended the inaugural programme as speaker.
The programme was chaired by APC, SBCZ, Vika while Yehokhu Nu rumi of Aichi Saghemi welcomed the delegates on behalf of the host village.
Highlights of the inau gural programme included
NPGN/NNC appoints
DIMAPUR: NPGN/NNC under the collective leadership of ato kilonser and co-convener Working Committee, Hozheto Z. Chophi has appointed Kahoto Aye deputy kilonser as UT-1 chairman till further notice. The group through its MIP informed business establishments within its jurisdiction not to entertain any person for tax, donation or assistance without the knowledge of the newly assigned chairman. The newly assigned UT-1 chairman has informed that an emergency meeting will be held on October 11, 10 am. In this regard, all UT staff have been asked to attend the meeting. For any queries one could contact 8798386851.
praise and worship led by Aghunato Town Baptist Church, choir presentation by Centre Church, SBAK and choreography by chil dren of Asukhomi Baptist Church.
Later, APW, SBC Kip hire Town, Holika offered benediction. The three-day conference is being attended by delegates from various units affiliated to SBAK (Nito Mount).
Agri-credit societies to benefit NE: Shah in Sikkim
Shah was received on his arrival at Libing helipad by Chief Minister Prem Singh Tamang.

He will leave for Gu wahati later in the day.
9 held in Gangtok for trying to show black flag to Amit Shah
GANGTOK, OCT 7 (PTI): Union Home and Cooperation Minister Amit Shah on Friday said that primary agricultural credit societies (PACS) will be set up in all panchayats of the country to boost various activities over the next five years, such as marketing of dairy products, and people of northeast will largely benefit from the move.
The minister noted that there are only 65,000 active PACS in the country at present, and it is im perative that all panchayats must have one such body by 2027 to promote farm ing and dairy activities at the grassroots level.
“The co-operation ministry is working on a plan to set up multi-pur
AGARTALA, OCT 7 (PTI): President Drou padi Murmu is likely to visit Tripura for two days from October 13 to inau gurate various development projects in the northeastern state, an official said on Friday.
During the day, DGP Amitabh Ranjan held a high-level meeting on se curity arrangements for the President’s proposed visit, he said. “We have a preparatory meeting on the President’s visit. Security ar rangements will be finalised after receiving details of her tour programme,” the official said.
This will be her first visit to Tripura as the Presi dent of India. Murmu is likely to arrive at Maharaja Bir Bikram Airport here on October 13, he said.
A civic reception has been planned by Agartala
pose PACS in panchayats over the next five years in order to promote various cooperative activities at the grassroots level,” he said, inaugurating the ‘East ern and North-Eastern Zones Dairy Cooperative Conclave- 2022’ at Manan Kendra.
Such PACS will carry out activities like sale of gas and petrol and storage and marketing of dairy and farm products. with an aim to alleviate poverty and empower women, Shah, who arrived here around noon, maintained.
Shah also pointed out that the eastern and northeastern states will benefit the most from the establishment of the PACS as its farm and dairy
products will be efficiently marketed, thus generating optimum financial benefits for people engaged in ani mal husbandry and allied sectors.
Alleging that the pre vious governments had ne glected the cooperative sec tor, Shah said that Prime Minister Narendra Modi had the vision to identify the role that the segment could play in poverty al leviation and women em powerment and decided to set up a separate ministry.
The Union Minister also emphasised the need to double milk production in the country over the next five years, not just to meet the demand in domestic market, but also those of neighbouring countries.
Shah said various stakeholders of the coop erative sectors must strive hard to cater to the de mands of the huge dairy market of India and neigh bours.
The minister asserted that the PM was committed to ushering in development in the northeast, and all states in the region are being linked via air and rail links and road infra structure.
By 2034, the results of the ongoing efforts of the Modi government for de velopment of the northeast states will be visible to one and all, Shah said.
Earlier in the day, Shah unveiled a bust of Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel at Raj Bhavan here.
Nine people were held in Gangtok for attempting to show black flags to Union Home Minister Amit Shah who was on a day-long visit to Sikkim, police said.
Those detained were members of the Sikkim Suraksha Samiti (SSS) who have been on a hunger strike for the last 26 days outside the district administrative office here, demanding in ner line permit (ILP) for the state.

They were held under Section 151 of the CRPC, police said.
The SSS members led by their president Madan Tamang were nabbed with black flags when they were on the way to Manan Ken dra where the Cooperative Dairy Conclave, which was attended by Shah, was held, police said.

They were later re leased on personal bond.
GUWAHATI, OCT 7 (PTI): Union Home Min ister Amit Shah and BJP president JP Nadda arrived in Guwahati on Friday eve ning to attend different pro grammes in the Northeast ern state over the weekend. Shah and Nadda ar rived on separate flights. They were received at the Guwahati airport by Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma and his cabinet col leagues, Union Minister Sarbananda Sonowal, state BJP president Bhabesh Ka lita, and party MPs from the state. Shah is scheduled to chair a high-level offi
Mayor Dipak Majumder at Town Hall here, the of ficial said, adding that Chief Minister Manik Saha and his cabinet colleagues are expected to be present in the programme.
The President is likely to visit Udaipur to offer prayer to Maa Tripureswari on October 14.
Murmu is expected to inaugurate some develop ment projects, including Tripura Judicial Academy.
cial meeting on the annual floods in Assam, and also hold discussions with the BJP’s Assam core commit tee at the state guest house later in the evening.
On Saturday, Shah along with the BJP presi dent will inaugurate the party’s newly-constructed state office at Beltola, and also address a rally of party workers at the Khanapara Veterinary Ground.
Nadda will then depart from the state, while Shah will proceed to hold a meet ing on narcotics with the chief ministers, chief secre taries and director-generals

of police of Northeastern states. He will also chair a review meeting on the North Eastern Space Application Centre (NESAC) on Satur day evening.
Shah will offer prayers at Kamakhya Temple on Sunday morning, and ad dress the plenary session of the North East Council (NEC) at the Administrative Staff College. He will leave for Dergaon in Golaghat district to inaugurate the state-level superintendents of police conference on Sunday afternoon. He will then leave for New Delhi from Jorhat airport.
Meghalaya contractual teachers call off protest
SHILLONG, OCT 7 : Agi tating contractual schools teachers on Friday called off protest after the state government agreed to give them another opportunity to appear for Meghalaya Teachers’ Eligibility Test (MTET).
This decision was taken following a meeting between the protesting teachers and Education Minister, Lahk men Rymbui.
“We have called of our protest after the government gave us another chance to appear for MTET exams,” Birbor Riangtem, who is the President of the Meghalaya Government Lower Primary School Contractual Teach ers’ Association (MGLP SCTA), said.
“We heard from our lawyers that the Supreme Court had ordered the state government to allow all
contractual schools teachers to reappear for the MTET exams with some cut-off marks,” he added.
When reporters sought further details on the Su preme Court order, Ri angtem said that he is yet to receive the copy of the court order.
The protesting teachers camped near the secretariat since last night
Reiterating that the government’s stance that it will not comply to the de mand of agitating teachers for reinstatement or regu larisation, the Education Minister, however, informed that “age condonation” will be given to agitating teachers so they can reappear for the MTET examination.
“I have made it very clear to them that regular ap pointment can be made only after following the process as per the NCTE (National Council for Teacher Educa
Imphal under section 144 CrPC amid protests against prohibition policy
IMPHAL, OCT 7: Amid protests against legalization of liquor, entire Imphal West, one of twin capital districts of Manipur has been placed under section 144 of CrPC.
The order imposing section 144 of CrPC banned rallies or processions for socio-political, customary, religious objectives or en tertainment involving the assembly of five or more persons within the district without prior permission.
The order also banned carrying sticks, stones, fire arms without valid license, weapons or objects of any description which can be used as offensive weapons.
The order passed by
Imphal West district mag istrate Th Kirankumar will be effective for two months with effect from October 4.
The district magistrate mandated prior permission for taking out rallies or pro cessions for socio-political, customary, religious objec tives or for entertainment involving the assembly of five or more persons within the district.
The prohibitory order was imposed to prevent any untoward incident that is likely to cause breach of public peace and tranquility in the district and endanger the safety of public life and property, the order stated.
The district magistrate imposed the prohibition based on a report furnished by the district police express
IED explosion outside exMLA’s residence in Mnp
A medium-intensity IED exploded outside the resi dence of former MLA Kh Loken Singh in Imphal West district, partially damaging the gate, along with a street lamp next to it and a portion of the road, the police said.
Soon after the explo sion on Thursday evening in Kwakeithel Takhellam bam Leikai area, teams of Manipur Police and bomb experts arrived at the scene and conducted an inquiry.
No arrest has been
made in connection with the incident thus far.
Local people claimed that the IED went off short ly after Singh was seen entering his residence.
Singh, who had unsuc cessfully contested assembly elections earlier this year from Sagolband seat on a JD(U) ticket, told reporters that he had no enmity with anybody and demanded an immediate probe into the matter. No one has so far claimed responsibility for the blast.
ing apprehension of serious breach of peace, disturbance to the public tranquility and grave danger to human lives or properties.
There is also informa tion of threats to business community in Imphal area by underground elements by way of extortion demand, the order stated.
The prohibitory order was, however, imposed at a time protests in the state started gaining its momen tum in the last few days.
Various CSOs, particu larly women based bodies, have been demonstrating against the government’s decision. Womenfolk have been holding sit-in-protest demanding revocation of the decision in their respec tive localities.
All Manipur Women’s Social Reformation and Development Samaj (Nupi Samaj) has been pressing the state government to declare the government’s stand on –whether the decision will be rolled back on not – on or before October 10.
While setting the dead line, the apex body of local women bodies had also threatened to intensify their campaign from October 11.
Meanwhile, the cam paign for scheduled tribe status demand for Meetei/ Meetei by the Scheduled Tribe Demand Committee of Manipur (STDCM) has also been gaining momen tum with sit-in demonstra tions held at various places of the state under the aegis of the STDCM.
tion) norms adopted by the state government which includes passing D. El. Ed. and MTET examination,” Rymbui said, adding that the government is “conscious” and “empathise” with the sentiments of the agitating teachers.
Meghalaya HM seeks report on use of tear gas on schoolteachers
Meghalaya Home Minister Lahkmen Rymbuion Friday said that he has sought a report from the district administration on the excessive use of force and lobbing of tear gas shells by police on the agi tating contractual schools teachers on Thursday. “I have sought a re port from the district au thorities on the excessive use of force and lobbing of tear gas shells on the agitating teachers and the government will take ac tion based on the report,”
Rymbui said.
The Home Minister said that the district ad ministration has clamped Section 144 CrPC in and around the secretariat pro hibiting assembly of more than five people and the teachers did not seek prior permission from the district authorities to march to wards the state secretariat.
On Thursday , Megha laya police lobbed tear gas shells and used fo rce to disperse the agitating lower
primary contractual teach ers and their family mem bers who were marching towards the state secretariat to mount pressure on the government to be reinstated in their jobs.
The incident took place in the afternoon when the group of teach ers under the banner of Meghalaya Government Lower Primary School Contractual Teachers’ As sociation (MGLPSCTA) together with their family, including pregnant women and children, began their march from the Kiang Nangbah monument to the secretariat.
District police chief of East Khasi Hills, Syl vester Nongtnger had said the police had to fire tear gas because they turned violent. “The police were left with no option to fire tear gas as the teachers suddenly turned violent,”
That, my name
is true and correct to the best of my Knowledge and nothing has been concealed therein. And I signed this affidavit on this the 28th day of September, 2022.
Solemnly affirmed and declare before me by the deponent on this the 28th day of September, 2022 at Mokokchung.

Kharge rubbishes talk of being ‘Sonia’s remote control’
Govt asks CJI Lalit to recommend successor
‘Shinde quit Sena, can’t claim bow and arrow’: Uddhav to poll panel on symbol
(PTI): Senior Congress leader and candidate for the party’s presidential polls Mallikarjun Kharge on Fri day said there is no such thing as “remote control” in his party unlike the Bharati ya Janata Party, where every president is selected through a “consensus”.
In the city to campaign for the election to the party’s top post, Kharge asserted that if becomes the head of the grand old party, the remote control would be with him.

He was replying to a query about the BJP’s claim that he would act as the “re mote control” and “proxy” of Sonia Gandhi after being elected to the post.
“A lot of people say I am a remote control and work from behind. They say I will do what Sonia Gandhi will say. There is no such thing as remote control in Congress, people take decisions together. It is
your thinking. A few peo ple are creating this idea,” Kharge said. Attacking the BJP, he said, “How many times has the prime minis ter held (party president’s) election? All the presidents were selected through con sensus, and you are teach ing me? Where is the re mote control in the BJP? When I become president, the remote control will stay with me.”
Decisions would be taken by “our committee, elected members, working committee and parliamen tary board”, he said, add ing that he would try his best to ensure 50 per cent of organisational posts are reserved for those below 50
years of age.
Hailing Sonia Gandhi, Kharge said she had made a renowned economist the country’s prime minister (Manmohan Singh) rather than taking up the post herself or considering her son for it.
She hails from a fam ily that has sacrificed its members for this nation and has even spoken of pardoning the killers of her husband, Kharge said.
He said if he becomes the party president, he would try to give represen tation to women, youth, Dalits, backward classes at every level of the party, and also appeal to state units to fight polls unitedly.
Two Army personnel killed in field firing exercise in Madhya Pradesh
The tank was manned by a crew of three personnel. The crew was provided immediate medical aid and evacuated to military hospital in Babina,” said an official.
“The commander and the gunner unfortunately succumbed to burn injuries.
The driver is out of danger and under treat ment,” the official said.
It is learnt that the commander was a JCO (ju nior commissioned officer).
“I have jumped into the fray to save the ideology of my party, the ideology of Gandhi, Nehru and to strengthen the call for unity given by Sardar Patel,” he said.
Asked about his com petitor Shashi Tharoor, the veteran Karnataka leader said he was contesting the polls after colleagues and workers asked him to do so.
“When our workers, delegates and youth say you have to take leadership, then should I run away?” he asked.
He said the Congress faces many challenges, but has the capacity to face and overcome them bravely.
Kharge also recalled that after the flash floods in Kedarnath, Narendra Modi, who was then the chief min ister of Gujarat, had called him seeking a special train to bring back the people from his state stuck in the Uttarakhand town.
“At that time, we had tried our best to help them and send them home at the government level. If we work together, then the country will progress,” he asserted.
NEW DELHI, OCT 7 (PTI): Setting in motion the process of appointing the next head of the Indian judiciary, the government on Friday wrote to Chief Jus tice of India Uday Umesh Lalit to recommend his successor.

Justice Lalit will retire as the CJI on November 8 after a brief tenure of 74 days.
“As per the MoP on ap pointment of Chief Justice of India and Supreme Court Judges, today the Hon’ble Minister of Law and Justice sent a letter to the Hon’ble Chief Justice of India for sending his recommenda tions for appointment of his successor,” the Ministry of Law and Justice said in a tweet.
This is perhaps the first time that the ministry has tweeted about it.
According to the Memorandum of Procedure (MoP), the CJI names the senior-most judge as his or her successor.
The MoP is a docu ment which guides the ap pointment and transfer of Supreme Court and high court judges.
Justice D Y Chand rachud is the senior-most judge after the CJI.
NEW DELHI, OCT 7 (AGENCIES): In the fight for who gets the Shiv Sena — party name, symbol and all — former Maharashtra chief minister Uddhav Thackeray today told the Election Commission that the faction led by Eknath Shinde cannot claim the bow-an-arrow symbol as he and other MLAs in his camp had “voluntarily quit the party”.
The commission had asked Team Thackeray to respond to the claim by Eknath Shinde on the symbol for the upcoming assembly bypoll in Andheri East segment, the first such contest since Thackeray government was unseated in June.
Eknath Shinde, who became Chief Minister af ter the Sena mutiny backed by the BJP, has majority of the party’s legislators on his side in the assembly and Parliament. His faction has even managed to get its members recognised as the Shiv Sena leaders.

But Uddhav Thac keray, who technically remains the party chief, has told the panel that the Shinde camp’s legislators should not be counted be cause a disqualification
plea against them is before the Supreme Court.
He is now gathering affidavits of support from party members — the tar get is over 5 lakh — to hold on to the party his father, Bal Thackeray, founded over 50 years ago. Shinde, too, claims Bal Thackeray’s “true legacy of Hindutva”.
A court battle is on over whether the antidefection law can unseat Shinde and his MLAs. On the face of it, they have the two-third strength among party legislators to avoid disqualification.
But the Election Com mission looks at the sup port of party units, too — hence, the affidavits.
The Shinde faction’s claim to the symbol was primarily seen as a bid to
deny it to the Thackeray group, and thus keep it in abeyance until a final deci sion on the “real” Sena is taken.
Its immediate target is the November 3 bypoll, for which Team Thackeray has fielded Rutuja Latke, widow of Ramesh Latke whose death necessitated the election.
Team Shinde is back ing the candidate of ally BJP, Murji Patel, a munici pal corporator.
The Congress and the NCP have decided to sup port the candidate of the Thackeray faction, their partner in the Maha Vikas Aghadi that had come into being after Thackeray broke up with the BJP “over leadership issues” after the 2018 polls.
Human rights of people of Xinjiang should be respected: India
NEW DELHI, OCT 7 (PTI): For the first time, India on Friday clearly com mented on the situation in China’s Xinjiang and said rights of people of the au tonomous region should be “respected and guaranteed”.
The remarks by Exter nal Affairs Ministry Spokes person Arindam Bagchi came a day after India ab stained from voting on a resolution at the UN High Commission that called for a debate on concerns over the human rights situation in Xinjiang.
NEW DELHI, OCT 7 (PTI): Two Indian Army personnel were killed and another sustained injuries when the barrel of a T-90 tank burst during a field firing exercise in Madhya Pradesh’s Babina, officials
(From p-1)
joint mission director Samagra Shiksha Dr Kev izakie Rio, ANATG-2015 president Ruguotsolie, AN STA president Kasheto Sumi and ANSTA advi sory committee chairman Visato Koso.
PTI adds: ANATG-2015 Batch spokesperson Bendang temsu Ozukum interact ing with media persons said that after the meeting with government officials, ANATG leaders came back to their members and dis closed the outcome of the meeting, which was unani mously accepted by them.
Accordingly, ANATG-2015 Batch had agreed to call off the agita tion with immediate effect, he said.
It may be mentioned that the ANATG had ear
said on Friday.
The incident took place on Thursday evening, they said.
“During the annual firing at Babina Field Fir ing Ranges on October 6, a tank barrel burst took place.
The Army has ordered an investigation into the incident.
“The Indian Army expresses deep condolences to the bereaved families of the soldiers who lost their lives in the accident,” said a senior Army officer.

When asked about the abstention, he said it was in line with the long-held practice of not voting on country-specific resolutions.
“The human rights of the people of Xinjiang Uy ghur Autonomous Region should be respected and guaranteed. We hope that
the relevant party will ad dress the situation objec tively and properly,” Bagchi said.
The comments came amid the continuing bor der row between India and China in eastern Ladakh.

“India remains com mitted to upholding all hu man rights. India’s vote is in line with its long held posi tion that country specific resolutions are never help ful. India favours a dialogue
to deal with such issues,” he said.
Bagchi said India has taken note of assessment of human rights concerns in Xinjiang by the UN Of fice of the High Commis sioner on Human Rights (OHCHR)
“We have taken note of the OHCHR Assessment of human rights concerns in the Xinjiang Uyghur Au tonomous Region, People’s Republic of China,” he said.
The draft resolution was pushed by a group com prising Canada, Denmark, Finland, the UK, the US, Iceland, Norway and Swe den, and was co-sponsored by some other countries.
OppnslamsgovernmentoverIndia’s UNHRCmoveonChina’sXinjiangOpposition leaders on Friday criticised the govern ment for abstaining from voting on a draft resolution in the UN Human Rights Council on holding a debate on the human rights situation in China’s restive Xinjiang region, saying India should speak for what is right and should not be afraid of its neighbour.
Senior Congress leader and Lok Sabha member Manish Tewari wondered why there was “so much dif fidence on China”. “The Government of India will not agree to a Parliamentary debate on Chinese incursions. India will abstain at UNHRC on a resolution for debate on human rights in Xinjiang,” he tweeted. He alleged that the Ministry of External Affairs does not accord political clearance to Parliamentarians to visit Taiwan. Trinamool Congress spokesperson Saket Gokhale tweeted, “Giving them our land and abstaining on holding them to account. What exactly is it that makes (Prime Minister Narendra) Modi so afraid of China?”
lier rejected the state gov ernment’s offer to set up a High Powered Committee (HPC) and reaffirmed their demand for immediate reg ularisation of their service.
They had also sub mitted a representation to chief minister seeking his intervention to resolve the matter.
The meeting held on Tuesday, with the fourmember government team led by advisor for School Education K T Sukhalu, also remained deadlock with both sides not budging from their stand.
The government has been maintaining that it was not in a position to regularise services of the adhoc teachers because of the standing order of the Supreme Court and High Court not to regularise adhoc appointees.
Mkg trans division informs on power shutdown

DIMAPUR, OCT 7 (NPN): Power department Mo kokchung transmission division has informed that con tinuous shutdown of 220kV D/C Mariani-Mokokchung transmission line was scheduled from October 10-28, 2022 for swapping of lines and bay exchange for 220kV New Kohima-Mokokchung Line under NERPSIP.
In a press release, Mokokchung transmission divi sion executive engineer Hekaito Assumi informed that during the shutdown period, power supply to Mokok chung load centre would be fed from Doyang Hydro Project via 132kV Mokokchung-Doyang Transmission Line and from Likimro Hydro Project via 66kV KiphireTuensang-Mokokchung Transmission Line. The depart ment has appealed to all public to extend cooperation and bear the inconvenience that may arise during the shutdown period.
CHENNAI, OCT 7 (PTI): DMK president and Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M K Stalin is all set to be elected unanimously again as party chief, while he filed his nomination papers on Friday to contest organisa tional election for the top position.

Stalin, who visited Anna Arivalayam, the party headquarters here, submitted his papers for the key position. He would be elected unopposed at the party’s general council meeting here on October 9, party sources said.
Senior leaders including party’s general secretary and State Water Resources Minister Duraimurugan, treasurer T R Baalu were present when Stalin submitted his papers.
As part of the DMK’s 15th organisational polls, party president, general secretary, treasurer and 4 members to the party’s audit panel are set to elected at the party’s newly constituted general council, following elections to party posts, at various levels, across the state.
Stalin set to be elected again as DMK chief
M K Stalin
Call for electoral reforms
Union Law minister Kiren Rijiju has announced that the government will undertake steps for major electoral reforms after due consulta tions with the Election Commission of India(ECI). Opposition parties have been critical of the way the ECI has been functioning with some even calling it as the BJP Election Commission. The minister’s an nouncement comes against the backdrop of the ECI raising red flag on the declarations made by political parties about financial ramifications of the freebies during election campaigns. The ECI has proposed to relook into the Model Code of Conduct(MCC) so that political parties have to inform voters about the financial ramifications of their freebies. Freebies have become the mother official allurement during poll campaigns and even the BJP is as guilty as other parties for indulging in it. Freebies announced under the guise of welfare schemes are nothing short of allurements to induce voters. There should be de marcation between policy and freebies. In December 2021 during the winter session of parliament, Rijiju’s proposal to link Aadhar with voter’s identity card came under flak from the opposition. In particular, Congress MP Sashi Tharoor said the proposal would nullify privacy as well as enable non-citizens to vote. He said Aadhar card was only address proof and was not proof of citizenship. The objective of elector al reforms as understood spread over a larger area. It is about tackling and ending the influence of money power and cap expenses of candidates and taking stringent action against those violating the rule. An other cousin of money power is muscle power or use of anti-social elements for booth capturing, violence and intimidation. If democracy allows law breakers to become law makers then it only legitimises crimi nalisation of the process. Candidates who have been convicted of crimes should be automatically barred from contesting; while those named in criminal cases should be barred from contesting till their names are cleared by the court(s). The tragedy in India is that political parties set up candidates with criminal records based on their winability and ability to donate huge campaign funds for the parties. Another is the issue of ruling party misusing government machiner ies, constitutional position or government agencies for election. Issues such as caste or communal po larisation during election should be tackled without any consideration. These are like cancer eating into the vitals of democracy and unfortunately, Indian politics seem to be reluctant to get rid of these extra baggage. Non-serious candidates entering electoral fray also negatively affect the system. Serious can didates float non-serious candidates in elections to cut a good portion of the votes that would otherwise have gone to rival candidates. Of course, every citi zen has the right to contest freely but non-serious candidates only end up hijacking votes that could have gone to genuine candidates. In 2013, the ECI decided to expand the ambit of postal ballot voting in the country. Previously, only Indian staff in missions abroad and defence personnel in a limited way, could vote via postal ballots. Today, any person, who claims to be unable to be present or who can provide credible reasons for wanting to use postal ballot may be permitted. All in all, if the government is genuinely interested in electoral reforms, it needs to be willing to listen and arriving at a consensus for remedies and most importantly, willing to walk the talk.
Nature Reconciliationof
He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him. —2 Cor inthians 5:21
Sin is a fundamental relationship— it is not wrong doing, but wrong being— it is deliberate and determined independence from God. The Christian faith bases every thing on the extreme, self-confident nature of sin. Other faiths deal with sins— the Bible alone deals with sin. The first thing Jesus Christ confronted in people was the he redity of sin, and it is because we have ignored this in our presentation of the gospel that the message of the gospel has lost its sting and its explosive power.
The revealed truth of the Bible is not that Jesus Christ took on Himself our fleshly sins, but that He took on Himself the heredity of sin that no man can even touch. God made His own Son “to be sin” that He might make the sinner into a saint. It is revealed throughout the Bible that our Lord took on Himself the sin of the world through identification with us, not through sympathy for us. He deliberately took on His own shoulders, and endured in His own body, the complete, cumulative sin of the human race. “He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us…” and by so doing He placed salvation for the entire hu man race solely on the basis of redemption. Jesus Christ reconciled the human race, putting it back to where God designed it to be. And now anyone can experience that reconciliation, being brought into oneness with God, on the basis of what our Lord has done on the cross.
A man cannot redeem himself— redemption is the work of God, and is absolutely finished and complete. And its application to individual people is a matter of their own individual action or response to it. A distinction must always be made between the revealed truth of redemp tion and the actual conscious experience of salvation in a person’s life.
NTC concerned over NSDZs, RIIN issue
The Nagaland Tribes Council (NTC) has serious concern on the Nagaland Special Development Zones (NS DZs) which objective is found detrimental to the very interest of the State of Naga land. The proposed plan is to earmark the whole area of the foothills from Tizit in Mon District to Khelma in Peren District now covering 8 Districts, namely, Mon, Longleng, Mokokchung, Wokha, Niuland, Chümoukedima, Dimapur and Peren to be the so called Special Development Zones without any blueprint project report.
In order to start t he NSDZs, the Chief Secretary of Nagaland directed the Commissioner & Secretary, Industries, Nagaland to circulate the concept note to all the concerned Deputy Commissioners to have negotiation with the civil societies for identification of the areas for NSDZs vide Order No.CSO/1/GEN/2013 dated, the 25th November, 2013. Accordingly, the then Commissioner & Secretary, Industries & Commerce forwarded the concept note to those Deputy Commissioners vide letter No.I&C/C-SEZ/12-2/2013 dated, January 6, 2014.
Whereas, under Serial No.10 of the Concept Note Clause (i): The first aspect will be to restructure the land tenure system through intensive cadastral survey identify ing the ownership.
Clause (ii): Such an exer cise will be followed by the introduction of title and ownership deeds and its registration to give legal coverage and sanctity. Clause (iii): Such a process is intended to regulate the land tenure system to facilitate legal ownership and transfer of land and thereby facilitate investment and industrialisation. Clause (iv): This will entail the relaxation of the existing systems of land ownership and tenure systems that are largely tribal in nature. Clause (v): In such SDZs the ILP system based on the BEFR (Bengal Frontier Regulation of 1873) will need to be relaxed.
The aforementioned clauses have made it clear that within the earmarked areas of NSDZs will be bereft of the enforcements of ILP and the Nagaland Land (Amend ment) Act of 1978. Virtually the areas under NSDZs will remain outside the purview of the Art 371-A whereby the vast plain foothill sectors will be offered to strangers for permanent settlement.
The Concept Note was duly approved by the State Cabinet as stated in the said
former Chief Secretary’s order issued to Commissioner & Secretary, Industries. Whereas, the said Cabinet decision on NSDZ remains and as had been adopted by the Nagaland Legislative Assembly on 24th March, 2014 no one has ever heard of the revocation of the very resolution. Realizing that the NSDZs, when imple mented and enforced, will convert the Na galand’s limited plains into no man’s land, the NTC in its Public Rally at Wokha on 30.9.2014 adopted two resolutions: 1. The Rally unequivocally resolved to nullify the No Objection Certificates (NOC) obtained by Government from the individual land owners within Lotha territory in the guise of development and translated as secured documents for the NSDZs. 2. Resolved to authorize the NTC to pursue the matters till the above demands are made. To our utter surprise, the State Government stealth ily obtained the NOCs from the private landowners in the foothill area in Wokha District and those landowners came forward to nullify the NOCs publicly on their own volition in the rally. The same resolutions were adopted earlier in Zunheboto Rally on 9.9.2014.
In the light of the above, the NTC urges the State Government to revoke the Cabinet decision on NSDZs and repeal the Nagaland Legislative assembly Resolution of 24th march, 2014 on NSDZs as such would create the earmarked areas to become the buffer zone for subjugating our land and our gullible population into secondary citizens to the intruders.
The second major concern is the Reg ister of Indigenous Inhabitants of Nagaland (RIIN) which was rightly mooted by the State Government. No nation on earth can neither be oblivious nor be complacent of its citizenship. It is therefore pertinent for the Government of Nagaland to have sincerely perused the same by means of constituting a Commission headed by Mrs. Banuo Z Jamir whose team completed its assignment and eventually submitted the report to the Government. However, it was disappointing to observe that the Government made a Uturn in its pursuance of the issue as it has kept the report in cold storage for more than two years since it has received the report.
The NTC urges upon the Government of Nagaland to peruse the given report without inhibition as the RIIN is as indis
ENSF & federating units memo to PM
While taking delight in con veying our warmest greet ings, the apex Students’ Union under Eastern Nagaland is constrained to petition this memo randum to your esteemed office in regard the Frontier Nagaland Statehood demand.
1. That, the Eastern Nagaland which occupies 8154 sq.kms and a population of approximately 48 percent of the total population of Nagaland is inhabited by the seven major tribes; ever since the inception of the colonial rule in India, the east ern most region remained free from any colonial rule and it was only in 1948 the seven tribes were merged under the banner of North East Frontier Agency (NEFA) known as Tuensang Frontier Division under the Ministry of External Affairs. With the formation of Nagaland state on 1st December 1963, in amalgamation of NEFA and Naga Hills district of Assam amalgamated to form full-fledged state.
2. That, the Six Eastern dis tricts (Tuensang, Mon, Longleng, Kiphire, Noklak and Shamator) bordering Myanmar are the remot est region in the country. Successive Nagaland state government has neglected the region for the past 59 years since the attainment of Nagaland state in the year 1963. The region has been deprived from basic necessities of life such as Educa tion, Health services and Economy
which is no doubt a direct threat to the security of the Nation.
3. That, the people of East ern Nagaland has faced ineffable discrimination in the hands of the biased and prejudice leaders since time immemorial. The under standing vouched between the two entities were never implemented in letter and in spirit. The 59th years of existence of the state, the eastern most region still remains as one of the most neglected area in every aspect of social and economic life and the jurisprudence of Article 371 A of the Constitution of India is highly challenged.
4. That, in the larger interest of the public of Eastern Nagaland and to protect the rights of its people, the Union will remain constituent and steadfast in the pursuit of Frontier Nagaland/statehood demand till the aspiration is materialized.
5. That, the Union hereby beseeches the Government of India under the erudite leadership of our Hon’ble Prime Minister of India to immediately and proactively look into the long cherished dream of the people of Eastern Nagaland over the legitimate demand for Fron tier Nagaland/statehood demand of people living in the Myanmar Border of India. In good faith, the Union anticipate for your positive and prompt response which may be communicated or intimated through the Hon’ble Governor of Nagaland.
pensable as food is to animate elements as for the survival of Nagaland is concerned. And as and when the RIIN is implemented, the cut-off year has to be the 1.12.1963.
Under no circumstances the faulty method of registration can be incorporated or the cut-off year can be neither relaxed. Improper registration of citizenship will endanger the very existence of the bona fide indigenous inhabitants of Nagaland. The exercise of the RIIN has to be done without fear or favour.
The Register of Indigenous Inhabitants of Nagaland (RIIN) comprises of four parts: Part A – Findings. Part B – Comments of the Commission on the findings. Part C –Eligibility, and Part D – Recommendations.
With the creation of Nagaland as the 16th State of Indian Union out of Political Agreement w.e.f. 1-12-1963 for the purpose of identifying its Indigenous Inhabitants there is laid down cut-off date and year maintaining as “1-12-1963” vide the State Government standing Notification No. AR8/8/76 dated Kohima the 28th April 1978 as referred to in the Commission report vide Para 1 of P/5.
Everyone is also aware of the fact that the serial 16 of the 16-Point Agree ment empowers the state to enforce the BEFR Act 1873/ Inner Line Permit (ILP).
Quote: “The rules embodied in the Bengal Eastern Frontier Regulation 1873 shall remain in force in Nagaland” unquote. The two afore mentioned Notification and Orders have been d elegated by the Constitution of India and has the Consti tutional status. The BEFR Act 1873/ILP and RIIN are synonymous and cannot be separated. Several times existence of this document was incorporated in the RIIN Commission Findings and Eligibility of the constitutionally delegated Notification No. AR-8/8/76 dated Kohima the 28th April 1978 maintaining cut-off date and year as “1-12-1963” for the purpose of identification of Indigenous Inhabitants in the state. However, it is not included in the Recommendation portion.
The whole Nagaland state is a tribal state. However, making the matter more worst and complicating the whole issue the state government has issued another Notification against the wishes of the aboriginal people in the name of Tribal Belt notification vide Land Revenue De partment Notification NO. LR/2-118/76
dated 21/11/1979 as referred do at P/32 of the report bifurcating the Hill Sections and the Plain Sector of the State whereby a person settled in the state prior to 21st November 1979 are eligible for Indigenous Inhabitants status.
How could there be two different cut-off date and year for identification of Indigenous Inhabitants as “1-121963” for the Hill People and another as “21/11/1979” for the Plain Sector ?

Whereas the Land Revenue Department Notification NO. LR/2-118/76 dated 21/11/1979 is not in any way a provi sion within the 16-Point agreement as such, the state cannot be divided into two enforcement zones. In order to make the discrepancy rectified to constitution ally delegated Notification cut-off date and year of 1-12-1963 Tribal bodies and Civil Society Organizations have been appealing, through representations to the state government umpteen times but no comeback have been accorded till date.
Another enormous error which is recommended by the RIIN Commission at Para P/58 E. Proof of permanency of residence, is; Quote:- “(1) Electoral Roll from 1963 -2019 with a personal declara tion of not having been enrolled in any other state” unquote.
Whatever may be the case, at the con cluding day of the decision only what is recommended will be taken into consider ation for enforcement of RIIN. Therefore, the Nagaland Tribes Council (NTC) urges upon the government to incorporate the constitutionally delegated Notification No. AR-8/8/76 dated Kohima the 28th April 1978 for maintaining cut-off date and year as “1-12-1963” for the purposes of identification of Indigenous Inhabitants in the state as “Recommendation No. 1”. Further, erroneous recommendation of Proof of permanency of residence at P/58 as referred to above be deleted from the recommendation. At the same time the government’s Tribal Belt Notification No. LR/2-118/76 Dated 21stNov/1979 be revoked immediately. If RIIN is not to act in accordance with the constitutionally del egated Notification No. AR-8/8/76 dated Kohima the 28th April 1978 for maintaining cut-off date and year as “1-12-1963” then it is absolutely preposterous.
Media Cell
Dr. E. W. Clark’s Torch
Recently from 3-9 Sep tember 2022, we have witnessed the Dr. E. W. Clark’s gospel relay torch initi ated by ‘Vision India’. The torch was lit at Sibsagar/Sivasagar, Assam and entered Nagaland through Molungkimong (The First Church in Nagaland) and journeyed through differ ent places in Nagaland before passing on to join four other torches from different parts of the country that will be culminated at the inaugural ceremony of the National Youth Festival, a week long program to be held in Delhi from 24-29 October 2022. The National Youth Festival’s Vision is to bring Missionary torches from five corners of India, celebrating the lives of Torchbearers of the Gospel along the way in differ ent regions/cities and churches, gather the Youth and unite them cross- culturally to build and spread inter-denominational brotherhood in our country.
We know that Christianity came to India about 2000 years ago through Jesus’ own Disciple Thomas, who was killed in Chennai (Madras) in 72 A.D. However, even today only about 3% of the population of India is Christians. The organizers of ‘Vision India’ envision en couraging Church leaders and especially Christian youths all
over India to re-dedicate and revive the reaching out of the Gospel all over India.Through this event they hope to ignite the yearning to spread the Gospel of Jesus to the whole world. This program is also more special for the Nagas because it coincides with the celebration of 150 years of Christianity in Nagaland.
The five torches represent five servants of God who have sacrificed their lives for spread ing the gospel in India. They were St. Thomas (Chennai), Pandita Ramabai (Pune), Sadhu Sundar Singh (Ludhiana), Wil liam Carey (Serampore) and Dr. E.W. Clark (Nagaland). These five torches have all been lighted and are on the way to Delhi. The torches will reach Delhi on the 24th of October 2022 and will culminate into a single torch that will burn forth throughout the event. The program is organized under the theme ‘Need Nation Builders’ with an estimated 6000 people expected to participate in the program. I had the privilege of the Vision India team coming over to my home during their stay here in Dimapur and in the conversation that followed their vision, commitment and dedi cation to Jesus was a source of inspiration and blessing to me. On being asked why this event was not organized in South
India which was more forbear ing to such Christian events, they replied that it was God’s intention that this program be held in Delhi, the capital of the country. With at least 6000 people expected to participate, the budget for logistics arrange ments of such an event is about 4 crores. They plan to raise the fund with faith that God will provide all their needs. They recapped the words of William Carey “Attempt great things for God and Expect great things from God”.
This was an important lesson for me and for all Naga Christians as we celebrate 150 years coming of Christianity to our land. In order to keep the torch of Dr. E. W. Clark burn ing, we need to broaden our vision and recommit ourselves to the preaching of the Gospel and have faith that God will lead and provide our needs. We need to produce nation build ers and missionaries who will venture beyond our state and country preaching the gospel of Christ, reaching out to Myan mar (Burma) and China, the Celestial Empire which was the original goal of the American Foreign Baptist Mission Society (AFBMS) and Dr. E. W. Clark.
How to care less about what other people think, according to an expert
If you’ve ever thought twice about posting an Instagram photo for fear of how many likes it’ll get or second-guessed the contexts of a message just in case you seem ‘too keen’, you’ll know how frustrating it can be to care about what other people think.
While caring about what other people think isn’t always a bad thing – it’s only natural to take the thoughts and feelings of those closest to us into account, after all – having the views of complete strangers direct your day-to-day decisions can quickly become problematic.
“Why am I so quick to assume what other people think of me?”
However, while most of us would like to adopt a more carefree attitude, getting to a point where you care less about what
other people think isn’t always easy. So, to help you get started, we asked Luke Kennedy, a mo tivational speaker, mental health advocate and author of the new book Sex, Drugs And A Buddhist Monk: A Stepping Stone Towards A Silent Mind to share his top tips. Here’s what he had to say.
1. Do some ‘inner-work’
Getting to know yourself better will help you to feel more confident in your decisions and ignore the opinions of others.
One of the most valuable things you can do to help yourself care less about what other people think is get to know yourself a bit better. This doesn’t need to be some massive journey of selfdiscovery – simply spending some time developing self-awareness will help you to feel more confi dent in what you think and your decisions.
“By building your selfawareness and doing work to understand your behaviours, labels, limitations and beliefs, you’ll feel stronger in who you are and reduce your need to try and impress others,” Kennedy explains.
“The only time you doubt your worth is when you’re trying to be someone you’re not because the mind’s idea of who you are is so fragile that a single word could make it crumble, leaving you feeling like you’re under attack.”
2. Flex your discomfort muscle
Forcing yourself to get out of your comfort zone will help you become more resilient in the long-run. If you tend to care a lot about what other people think, chances are you try to avoid being in uncomfortable or challenging situations, for fear of making a
mistake. However, while this may make you feel more comfortable in the short-term, in the long-term it’ll only make you more fearful about what other people think.
“If you haven’t made a mis take recently, embarrassed your self or felt awkward, you’re play ing life too safe,” Kennedy says.
The new hobby dilemma: why are so many of us afraid to be beginners?
“Playing things too safe drops your resilience and results in the anxiety of trying to not ‘slip up’ in front of other people,” he continues.
“Build this resilience by making it a weekly practice to do one of the above – make a mistake that other people see, embarrass yourself, and lean into situations which make you a little nervous.”
3. Reflect on your people
Spending time with people who lift you up will stop you from feeling judged.
Being around judgemental people will exacerbate any feel ings of insecurity and self-doubt you might be feeling, so try to avoid spending time with those who make you feel this way.
“When you reflect on who you’re spending most of your time with, are they bringing you up or bringing you down?” Ken nedy says.
“Do they leave you happy and inspired or drained and angry? Who we spend time with can dictate our behaviours and thoughts. “If you are hanging out with judgemental people, you’re going to feel judged, and if you feel judged all the time, you’ll be in your head and concerned about what other people think.”
Lauren Geall
India has potential to lead fourth industrial revolution: PM Modi
OCT 7 (PTI): Prime Min ister Narendra Modi on Friday said India has the potential to lead the fourth industrial revolution and the government has worked on reforms to make the country a manufacturing hub of the world.

He said that the fourth industrial revolution is as much about new technol ogy, as it is about innovative thinking.
“Due to various fac tors, India may have missed being a part of earlier indus trial revolutions. But India has the potential to lead Industry 4.0, because, for the first time in recent his tory, we have many different factors like demography, demand and decisive gover nance coming together,” he said through a message.
The Prime Minister’s message was read by a Joint secretary of the Ministry of Heavy Industries here at the
conference on Industry 4.0.
Mo di added that the industry and entrepreneurs play a key role in making India a vital link in global value chains.
“We have worked on reforms and incentives to make India a tech-powered manufacturing hub of the world,” he added.
Speaking at the event, Heavy Industries Minister Mahendra Nath Pandey said that the government is taking a series of steps to boost manufacturing through industrial revolu tion 4.0.
CBI files charge sheet against Lalu, Rabri in land-for-jobs scam
NEW DELHI, OCT 7 (PTI): The CBI has filed a charge sheet against for mer railway minister Lalu Prasad, his wife Rabri Devi and 14 others in connection with an alleged land-for-jobs scam during his tenure in the Railways, officials said on Friday.
Prasad’s daughter Misa Bharti and a former general manager of the Railways have also been named as accused in the charge sheet filed before a special CBI court recently, they said.
The central agency had registered a preliminary en quiry on September 23, 2021 related to the alleged landfor-jobs scam in the Rail ways which was converted
Antilia bomb scare: HC dismisses exMumbai cop’s plea
into an FIR on May 18.
Candidates were alleg edly appointed as substitutes in group D positions within three days of applying in “undue haste” by Railway officials and were later, regularised when the “indi viduals themselves or their family members transferred their land”, according to the agency.
The transfers were made through deeds in the name of Rabri Devi and daughters Misa Bharti and Hema Yadav, it alleged. The agency has alleged that land measuring about 1.05 lakh square feet in Patna was acquired by Prasad’s family members by making pay ments to the sellers in cash.
“India is moving to wards becoming a hub of global manufacturing... 3D printing, machine learning, data analytics and IoT are key to promoting industrial growth,” Pandey said.
He added that the production-linked incen tive scheme for advanced chemistry cell (ACC) bat tery storage will help India in cutting down its imports and become an exporter in the coming years.
Companies selected under the scheme will re ceive incentives under Rs 18,100-crore programme to boost local battery cell production.
The government has approved the ProductionLinked Incentive (PLI) Scheme for ‘National Pro gramme on ACC Battery Storage’ for achieving man ufacturing capacity of 50 Giga Watt Hour (GWh).
The minister also flagged off 175 EV buses for
Gujarat (75) and Karnataka (100).
He also inaugurated a Centre for Industry 4.0 (C4i4) Lab in Pune.
In 2019, Faster Adop tion and Manufacturing of Electric Vehicles in In dia Phase II (FAME India Phase II)’ for promotion of Electric Mobility in the country was approved.
Through the scheme, it is planned to support 10 Lakhs e-two wheelers, 5 lakh e-3 wheelers, 55,000 4-wheelers and 7,000 e-buses.
With the advent of In dustry 4.0, the new digital industrial technology, busi nesses are poised to benefit from the next generation of technological breakthroughs to improve quality, efficien cy and productivity.
The Ministry of Heavy Industries has been making concerted efforts to generate awareness and to take for ward Smart Manufacturing and Industry 4.0.
6 Indian prisoners died in Pak is last 9 months: India
NE W DELHI, OCT 7 (PTI): Six Indian prison ers, who completed their jail terms, died in Pakistan in the last nine months and India has raised the “alarm ing” issue with Islamabad, the MEA said on Friday.
MEA spokesperson Arindam Bagchi said five of the six Indians were fish ermen and asserted that Pakistan is “duty-bound” to ensure safety and security of all Indian prisoners.
“Six Indians, five of them fishermen, died in Pakistani custody in the last nine months or so,” he said.
“All the six, interesting ly, had completed their sen tences, but what we would say, were illegally detained by Pakistan despite complet ing their sentences and in spite of multiple demands by the Indian side for their release and repatriation,” Bagchi added. The spokes person said there has been an increasing number of deaths of Indian fishermen in Pakistan in recent times.
National Herald case: ED questions Karnataka Congress chief, his brother
NEW DELHI, OCT 7 (PTI): The Enforcement Directorate on Friday re corded the statement of Karnataka Congress presi dent D K Shivakumar and his MP-brother D K Suresh for over four hours in the National Herald money laundering case, officials said. As he left the agency office at the A P J Abdul Kalam Road in central Delhi, Shivakumar (60) told reporters he was asked “a lot of questions” about Young Indian (the com pany that owns National Herald), about his family members and institutions linked to him.

“I have not carried all those papers...I have agreed to send them (to ED authorities) over e-mail as soon as possible...,” he said.

Earlier, while entering the ED office he had told mediapesons he was a “lawabiding citizen” and hence he was deposing before the agency despite not knowing why he was called for.

“I have respect for the law...I had requested for time (deferring the October 7 summons) but they said no you have to come. I have come today...let me see, let me hear them, let me an swer whatever I know...,” Shivakumar said.
The senior Congress leader who is walking with other leaders in the Bharat Jodo Yatra, which is cur rently in his state Karnata ka, left the march to appear before the agency in Delhi.
Shivakumar had walked along with party leaders Sonia Gandhi and her son Rahul Gandhi on Thursday during the yatra.
His brother and Con
gress MP from Bangalore Rural Lok Sabha seat D K Suresh too deposed before the agency in the same case. He also told reporters that he will be submitting the required documents to the agency in the coming days.
Shivakumar had ap peared before the ED last on September 19 in Delhi where he was questioned with regard to another mon ey laundering case linked to alleged possession of disproportionate assets.

The latest round of questioning pertains to Shi vakumar and Suresh donat ing an unspecified amount of money in the past to Young Indian. The agency wants to know the details of these transactions, sources said.
Working President of Telangana Congress J Geeta Reddy and few other party leaders have also been questioned by the agency with regard to similar trans actions made by them in the past.
Mob barges into heritage madrasa site in Karnataka, performs puja
7 (PTI): A mob barged into a 15th Century heritage site here, that houses a madrasa and mosque, and performed puja during Dasara festivi ties, police sources said on Friday.
Nine people have been booked and four of them arrested in connection with the incident, they said add ing it reportedly took place during the early hours of Thursday. Karnataka Home Minister Araga Jnanendra, however, said there was no law and order situation as devotees went inside to per form certain rituals at a spot where a “Shami” tree stood years ago. They had been following this custom for ages. The Shami tree (Proso pis cineraria) is considered
holy and worshipped during Dasara festivities.
According to the com plainant, Mohammed Shafi uddin, a mosque committee member, the incident took place when a procession to immerse a Durga idol was passing near the place of worship and the unruly group comprised about 60 people. After a video clip, purportedly of the incident went viral on social media, tension prevailed in parts of the city for a while and a section of Muslims staged a protest demanding action against those responsible for it.
Madrasa-e-Mahmad Gawan or the madrasa of Mohamud Gawan is an ancient Islamic i nstitute in Bidar. The heritage site
also houses a mosque. Kh waja Muhammad Gilani (Mahmud Gawan) built this madrasa at Bidar in 1472 AD. A group of people is said to have performed the puja after entering the prem ises, allegedly by threaten ing the security personnel during the ‘Bhavani Devi’ procession. Following the incident, adequate police
personnel have been de ployed around the site in the old city area to prevent any untoward incidents, officials said. The protest ers alleged that the group forcibly entered into the heritage building complex and performed puja with an intention to “disturb com munal harmony.”
Speaking to report
ers in Bengaluru, Araga Jnanendra said there was a Shami tree inside the ma drasa complex for many years. That tree is not there anymore as it was cut for some reasons. “During Dasara, people used to go there and worship. This time
also the same thing hap pened. Earlier the number of people worshipping the tree was less but this time it increased. Earlier five to six people used to go and worship but this time 25 to 30 people went there,” Jnanendra said.
NEW DELHI, OCT 7 (PTI): The Delhi High Court on Friday dismissed a plea filed by former Mumbai Police officer Sachin Waze, seeking to quash the sanction granted to prosecute him under the Unlawful Activities (Pre vention) Act (UAPA) in connection with the Antilia bomb scare case.
A bench of justices Mukta Gupta and Anish Dayal said there is no reason to “clothe” the high court here with the territorial jurisdiction to adjudicate the relief sought in Waze’s peti tion, when “the alleged offence, the subsequent complaint and investiga tion, the FIRs and the, fil ing of the chargesheet and all proceedings relating thereto, including custody of the accused, have all taken place in Mumbai”.
“Courts at Mumbai would have the natural and logical jurisdiction to decide issues challenged in this writ petition.... The writ petition is therefore dismissed for lack of ter ritorial jurisdiction to ad judicate the relief sought,” the court said in its 15-page order.
The court said the mere fact that the author ity that awarded the sanc tion for prosecution under UAPA -- the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) -- is located in Delhi would not give it the jurisdiction to deal with the case.
Students with Backlog / Repeaters in B.A. & B.Sc. 1st, 3rd & 5th Semester are informed to fill-up the forms for Nov 2022 NU exams on or before 15th October along with the original Mark-sheet & Admit card of relevant Semester.
Students appeared in the HSSLC exam 2022 as regular candidate but not qualified the exam are directed to contact the college office on or before 25th October 2022 along with the original Mark-sheet & Admit card and a coloured passport photo.

exam form fill-up after the last date.
details, contact : 9856668992

World could lose $4 tn in economic output: IMF
Dr. Nicky Kire inaugurates Mama and Baby boutique
Reliance digital announces Dusshera offer
Growth of bank deposits
The global eco nomic outlook is darkening and the risks of recession are quickly rising as per the In ternational Monetary Fund, which said it will once again lower its growth projections, CNN reported.
“We estimate that countries accounting for about one-third of the world economy will experience at least two consecutive quar ters of contraction this or next year,” said IMF man aging director Kristalina Georgieva during a speech at Georgetown University. “And, even when growth is positive, it will feel like a recession because of shrink ing real incomes and rising prices.”
The IMF anticipates that the world could lose $4 trillion in economic output between now and 2026.
“This is the size of the German economy - a mas sive setback for the world economy,” she said, CNN reported.
Kristalina GeorgievaAfter global growth hit a 6.1 per cent annualized rate in October 2021 amid a strong recovery from the pandemic, estimates have since been regularly down graded by the IMF. The global financial institution now anticipates growth to total 3.2 per cent this year and 2.9 per cent next year.
Those will be lowered again when the IMF releases its latest World Economic Outlook report next week, Georgieva said.

Georgieva described the world as being in a pe riod of “historic fragility”, traversing crises, including

a pandemic, a monthslong war in Ukraine and harsh waves of extreme weather events that have combined to drive a dramatic and devastating surge in prices.
“In less than three years, we lived through shock, after shock, after shock,” the Bulgarian econ omist said, CNN reported.
She urged policymak ers to stay the course on fighting inflation, but cau tioned that tightening mon etary policy too much could hurl the globe into a pro longed recessionary period.
She also encouraged the governments to respond with targeted and temporary fiscal policies to help prop up their most vulnerable citizens while not adding to overall inflation, CNN reported.
“It is more likely to get worse than to get better,” she said. “Uncertainty remains extremely high in the con text of war and pandemic. There could be even more economic shocks.”

Staff Reporter
DIMAPUR, OCT 7 (NPN): Advisor Urban Development and Munici pal Affairs, Dr. Nicky Kire inaugurated Lees’s M & B (Mama and Baby boutique) clothing store, opposite subjail here on Friday.

At the inaugural pro gramme, the advisor ad vised the employees of the shop to be presentable, inculcate good manners and attitude, so that it will attract the customers. He lauded the proprietor for the initiative in made in opening a new store meant for the benefit of the people

and extended best wishes in her endeavor.
On the sideline, pro prietor, Alila Pongener said that the idea of opening the shop was in a pursuit of pro viding fashionable, trendy, better quality clothing items for those in the age group between 3 to 25 years.
She said that the cloth ing items were imported from Hongkong and Shen zen and comparatively bet ter in quality and unique.
She said that they the clothing items were unique and will not be restocked again once it was sold out so as to keep up with changing fashion trends.
Hero MotoCorp launches electric scooter
NEW DELHI, OCT 7 (AGENCIES): The coun try’s largest two-wheeler maker Hero MotoCorp Fri day launched its first electric scooter Vida V1 in two variants priced at Rs 1.45 lakh and Rs 1.59 lakh (exshowroom).
The Vida V1 Plus and Pro will offer top speed of 80 km/hr and a range of 143 km and 165 km respectively, ET reported. The scooter has a removable battery and also with a portable charger, for ease of charging. The company additionally is setting up a network of fastcharger with facility to top up charge at 1.2 km/minute.
Hero MotoCorp Chair man and Managing Director Pawan Munjal said Vida V1 is “not just an electric
scooter but an ecosystem that can power change (in mobility)”. The Vida V1 has been developed at the company Centre for Innova tion and Technology (CIT), Jaipur in collaboration with engineers at the Tech Centre in Germany.
“Hero will show the world that India can now set a trail ablaze for the future”, said Munjal, adding, Vida V1 will play a crucial role in reducing tailpipe emissions and make a conscious shift in consumption patterns. Bookings for the scooter will open on Oct 10 for custom ers in Delhi, Bengaluru and Jaipur. Deliveries will com mence in the second week of December, around which time sales will start in the rest of the country.
DIMAPUR, OCT 7 (NPN):Reliance Digital the largest electronics retailer in India, has announced Dussher offer where the customer can pick from their nearest Reliance Digital stores, My Jio Stores or shop online at reliancedigital.in.

In addition to exciting offers, customer can avail a 10% instant discount on leading bank cards along with easy EMI options.
The customer can choose from the widest range of electronics, right from TVs and domestic ap pliances, to audio devices, mobile phones, laptops and more. For all the gaming enthusiasts, Reliance Digital will be offering a gaming mouse, headphones and mat bundle worth Rs. 4999 completely free with every gaming laptop purchase and exciting benefits up to Rs. 15,990/- too.
To make the shopping experience even more re warding and comfortable this year, customers can choose from the wide range of finance options and EMIs with leading banks too.
CHENNAI, OCT 7 (IANS): The growth of bank deposits across the market have slowed down to 10 per cent year-on-year (YoY) as per the Reserve Bank of India’s (RBI) data, said Kotak Securities Ltd in a report.
According to the re port, there is a perceptible slowdown in the bank de posit growth in metropoli tan, semi-urban and rural India with household sav ings being relatively weak.
Further the bank branch expansion has slowed down mainly by the public sector banks.
The report said pri vate banks continue to gain market share but their domi nance is much more in urban markets as compared to ru ral and semi-urban markets.
The current account, savings account (CASA) deposits has slowed although the ratio has moved up higher to approximately 45 per cent led by higher savings ratio in recent years.
The private banks have increased their market share in current account and in the corporate segment while
public banks have been los ing share steadily in the household and government sectors, Kotak Securities said.
As per the report, the duration of term deposits continues to fall, especially post Covid and the share of non-individuals is quite high at 45 per cent of the overall term deposits.
Given the nature of deposits where non-individ uals have a higher share in term deposits, the duration of these deposits has de clined but it raises concern as it is likely to be sensitive as interest rate reverses, Ko tak Securities said.
The growth of CASA deposits is at a much faster pace than term deposits partly driven by slower de mand for deposits as loan growth has been slow or probably due to excess sav ings during the Covid pe riod.
“As loan growth recov ers, we are likely to see a greater push towards mobil ising deposits, which implies that the competition would shift from CASA deposits to term,” Kotak Securities said.
Gold rises Rs 37; silver gains Rs 311
NEW DELHI, OCT 7 (PTI): Gold price in the na tional capital rose Rs 37 to Rs 52,300 per 10 grams on Friday amid depreciation in rupee, according to HDFC Securities.
In the previous trade, the precious metal had touched Rs 52,263 per 10 grams.
Silver also gained Rs 311 to Rs 62,022 per kg from Rs 61,711 per kg.
The rupee depreciated 16 paise to an all-time low of 82.33 against the US dollar
in early trade on Friday as a firm American currency and risk-averse sentiment among investors weighed on the local unit.
In the international market, gold was quoting lower at USD 1,711.16 per ounce while silver was up at USD 20.73 per ounce.
“Spot COMEX Gold last quoted at USD 1,711.16 per ounce, while the In dian gold prices trade higher amid a weaker rupee and strong physical gold de mand,” said Dilip Parmar,
Suspect in killing of Indian family in US arrested
(IANS): The suspect in the kidnapping and murders of a Punjab-origin Sikh family of four, including an eight-month-old infant, in California had worked for the victims’ trucking busi ness and had a longstanding feud with them, police said.
“This (Thursday) eve ning, Jesus Manuel Salgado, the suspect in the kidnap ping and murder of Aroohi Dheri, Jasleen Kaur, Jas deep Singh, and Amandeep Singh, was booked into the Merced County Jail,” the Merced County Sheriff’s Office said in a statement.
He was arrested on four counts of murder and four counts of kidnapping.
“Our Detectives, alongside investigators from assisting agencies, will con tinue to follow up on any leads of additional people who may have been involved in this horrific incident,” the statement added.
Merced County Sheriff Vern Warnke told the media the brutal killing spree was one of the worst crimes he’s
investigated in his 43 years in law enforcement. He said the longstanding dispute between Salgado and the victims “got pretty nasty”.
He said the family was likely killed within an hour of being kidnapped on Mon day morning when they were taken at gunpoint from their trucking business trail er. Salgado was captured on surveillance video lead ing the brothers, who had their hands zip-tied behind their backs, into the back of Amandeep Singh’s pickup truck and then drove off.
According to Warnke, Salgado was convicted in 2005 in a case involving armed robbery and false imprisonment. He was pa
Jacinda Ardern invites PM Modi to visit New Zealand
roled in 2015 and knew the victims. The family, from Hoshiarpur in Punjab, was kidnapped on October 3.
Investigators are still following up on leads of any potential accomplice of interest in the slayings who is believed to have acted as Salgado’s accomplice.

Earlier, Merced Coun ty Sheriff’s Office in a state ment said the detectives received information that one of the victim’s ATM cards was used at a machine located at a bank in the city of Atwater.
“Investigators obtained the surveillance photo of a subject making a bank trans action where the person is similar in appearance to the surveillance photo from the original kidnapping scene.
“At approximately noon, working in conjunc tion with our local law enforcement partners, the Sheriff’s Office received information that identi fied Jesus Manuel Salgado (48-years-old) as a person of interest in this investiga tion.
DUBAI, OCT 7 (AP): The mother of a 16-year-old Iranian girl on Friday dis puted official claims that her daughter fell to her death from a high building, saying the teen was killed by blows to the head as part of the crackdown on anti-hijab protests roiling the country.
Nasreen Shakarami also said authorities kept her daughter Nika’s death a secret for nine days and then snatched the body from a morgue to bury her in a remote area, against the family’s wishes.
The bereaved mother spoke in a video message on Thursday to Radio Farda, the Persian-language arm of the US-funded station Radio Farda.
Nika Shakarami has become the latest icon of the

protests, seen as the gravest threat to Iran’s ruling elites in years.
Attempts by authorities in recent days to portray the teen’s death as an accident could signal concern that the incident could further fuel anger against the gov ernment.
The protests, which enter their fourth week on Saturday, were sparked by the death of 22-year-old Mahsa Amini in the custody of the morality police.
They had detained Amini for alleged viola tions of the country’s strict Islamic dress code.
Young women have of ten been leading the protests, tearing off and defiantly waving their headscarves as they call for toppling the government.
The protests quickly spread to communities across Iran and have been met by a harsh government crackdown, including beat ings, arrests and killings of demonstrators, as well as internet disruptions.
Human rights groups estimate that dozens of pro testers have been killed over the past three weeks.
Sri Lanka’s top court allows economic crisis case against Rajapaksas
COLOMBO, OCT 7 (PTI): Sri Lanka’s Supreme Court on Friday allowed proceedings of a case filed by a rights group against the Rajapaksa clan, alleging that the members of the erst while powerful family were directly responsible for the country’s foreign debt and the worst economic crisis.
Transparency Interna tional Sri Lanka on June 17 filed a public interest petition, claiming that for mer President Gotabaya Rajapaksa, his brothers Ma hinda Rajapaksa and Basil Rajapaksa, former central bank governor Ajith Nivard Cabraal and top finance ministry bureaucrat S R At tygalle were directly respon sible for the economic crisis.
The rights group claimed that the respon dents named in the petition were directly responsible for the unsustainability of Sri Lanka’s foreign debt, its debt default and the current economic crisis.
The lawyers for the petitioner had argued that the failure to take timely action by the Rajapaksa
Congress launches toll-free helpline ‘STREE’ for women
(From p-1) Therie also lamented Nagas only question how much money intending candidates have and not see whether they were ca pable or not.
ance will conquer moun tains,” Chishi stated.
WELLINGTON, OCT 7 (IANS): New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has extended an in vitation to her Indian coun terpart Narendra Modi to visit her country.

She extended this invi tation while participating in Vishwa Sadbhavana’ event which was a part of the Kiwi Indian Hall of Fame awards, jointly organised by the NID Foundation and the Indian Weekender in Auckland, where two books
depicting Prime Minister Modi’s unique and hugely successful governance were also unveiled, in the pres ence of External Affairs Minister S. Jaishankar. In her address as the chief guest, Ardern said that New Zealand and In dia share a lot of things among them, and that the relationship between two countries has been growing stronger and there is a mas sive potential for the growth in the times to come.
If elections were to be held next year, Therie said the Congress party would not allow any as sembly constituencies to win uncontested. He said the party would try to field at least 40-45 candidates.
NPCC president also congratulated the Mahila Congress for not giving up and doing exemplary works for the party.
Also, speaking at the programme, former chief minister, KL Chishi, stated that Congress was slowly picking up the pace across the country and the state and requested all to have patience and perseverance.
“Patience and persever
Stating that one should be proud to be a member of the grand old party, the former chief minister said that Indian National Congress (INC) was the only political party that had kept India united since its inception. “India is united in diversity be cause of the philosophy and ideas of the Indian National Congress,” Chi shi stated.
He, however, stated that the BJP was now breaking India into pieces through Hindutva and the philosophy of RSS.
Chishi later an nounced his intentions to contest the upcoming assembly election. If elec tions were to be held, Chi shi said he would contest from 32 Atoizu A/C on Congress party ticket.
Chishi claimed that “other” political parties in the state wanted him to contest on their party tick ets, but rejected the offer, saying Congress was the only party for Nagas and Secularism.
He added that if he wins the election, he was willing to be the only op position MLA.
Meanwhile, NPCC vice president Captain GK Zhimomi, in his brief speech, stated that even though Congress was at the lowest level in the state, it was very encouraging to see enthusiasm and sacri fices made by Mahila for the party.
On the 33% reserva tion in the Urban Local Body (ULB) election, he said Congress has always been in support of the 33% reservation for women in ULB. Zhimomi said
implementation of 33% reservation was the vision of Congress and president INC, Sonia Gandhi.
He assured that if Congress comes to power, the 33% reservation would see the light of the day.
Delivering a brief message on STREE, NPMC president N Lucy, sta ted that the toll-free number was purely to as sist women in distress all over the country. She said that assistance would be provided through empan elled lawyers, doctors and volunteers.
Earlier, the pro gramme was chaired by Dimapur District Mahila Congress president, Sentila Imchen and invocation was given by NPMC vice presi dent Neojila Yimchung and vote of thanks was proposed by NPMC vice president Akheli Sumi.
Another video of former Pak PM Imran Khan surfaces trying to buy lawmakers
ISLAMABAD, OCT 7 (PTI): Another alleged au dio of former prime minis ter Imran Khan surfaced on Friday, featuring him trying to buy the loyalties of law makers and also justifying his action before he was ousted in a no-confidence vote in Parliament in April.

This is the third audio of Khan after two earlier this week showed he was talking about the cypher message sent by Pakistan’s
ambassador to Washington in March this year which became the centre of “cy pher controversy”.
In the latest recording, a voice believed to be that of the cricketer-turnedpolitician says: “You have a misunderstanding that now the number game is complete [...] don’t think this is over.”
“You see, 48 hours is a long long time. Big things are happening. I am mak
ing my own moves that we can’t make public,” Khan said, adding that he was “buying five” lawmakers.
Missiles, drones hit Zaporizhzhia again as death toll rises

dressing President Putin, not for his birthday or in any other sense, except that his government, as the government in Belarus, is representing an authori tarian government that is suppressing human rights activists,” Reiss-Andersen said.
“I have given the mes sage that those five are very important. And tell them that if they secure these five [...] and if he secures 10, then the game will be in our hands. The nation at this moment is alarmed.
Across the board, people want us to win somehow,” said 69-year-old Khan.
“Hence, don’t worry about whether this is right or wrong [...] even if they break one, it would create a
huge difference,” the Paki stan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) chief said in the audio.
Khan, who was re moved from the post of prime minister on April 10 this year, is the first sitting prime minister in the his tory of Pakistan to be re moved from office through a no-confidence motion.
A coalition led by ruling Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) under Prime Minister She
hbaz Sharif took charge of the prime minister’s office after Khan’s removal.
Senior PTI leader
Asad Umar, rejecting the clip as concocted, said the audio was a compilation of talks given on different occasions.
“It is a cocktail of dis jointed voices,” he said.
Another PTI leader, Fawad Chaudhry, said “everyone knows where and how the audios are being made”.
leadership caused Sri Lanka to go bankrupt and declare that the country was unable to meet its international debt commitments.
The Rajapaksa family had dominated Sri Lanka’s political scene for nearly two decades before all the brothers were forced to quit following unprecedented anti-government protests.

The top court’s permis sion came a day after the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva incorporated Sri Lanka’s economic crimes and corruption in its lat est resolution calling for accountability for alleged rights abuses coming from 2009. The resolution has
called to investigate the ongoing economic crisis and prosecute those responsible.
It also “calls upon the government of Sri Lanka to address the ongoing eco nomic crisis including by investigating and where warranted prosecuting cor ruption including where committed by public and former public officials and stands ready to assist and support independent impar tial and transparent efforts in this regard”.
India abstained on the draft resolution on promot ing reconciliation, account ability and human rights in Sri Lanka which was adopted.
Human rights advocates share ...
(Form p-1)
He remains in jail without trial and faces up to 12 years in prison if convicted.
Russian organisation Memorial is one of the oldest civil rights organ isations in Russia. The Memorial has been active since the days of Soviet Union, where it uncovered the abuses during the re gime of Stalin and the vic tim of Gulgags, the labour camps in the Soviet Union.
The Memorial was set up in 1987 and was led in initial years by led by Andrei Sakharov, himself a Nobel Peace Prize laureate.
The Memorial was shut down in 2021 at the orders of Russian Supreme Court. Prior to its shut down, it was declared as a “foreign agent”.
Ukrainian NGO
Center for Civil Liberties (CLL) was set up in 2007 to promote human rights in Ukraine. “The estab lishment of human rights, democracy, and solidarity in Ukraine and the OSCE region for the affirmation of human dignity,” says CLL of its mission.
OSCE stands for Or ganization for Security and Co-operation in Europe. It addresses issues such as “security-related concerns, including arms control, confidence- and securitybuilding measures, human rights, national minorities, democratization, policing strategies, counter-terror ism and economic and environmental activities”.
There were 343 nomi nees for the Nobel Peace Prize 2022, out of which 251 were individuals and 92 were organisations.
ENSF walkathon for Frontier Nagaland
(From p-1)
He said the people of the Eastern Nagaland were never embraced as the brethren, and rather treated as second class citizens of the State, adding that the east ernmost region of Nagaland today remained povertystricken with no sign of development.
He claimed that the region had highest number of educated unemployed youth, while the roads were pathetic, human resource development was nil, infra structure was abysmal, etc, even after attainment of Statehood.
Chang appreciated all the seven federating units and subordinates for their proactiveness and for show ing steadfastness and the general public for their active participation.
He appealed to all to maintain the same zeal and remain conscientious against all odds as the movement and the demand was a responsibility of all citizens of Eastern Nagaland.
Public Notice

This is to notify to the general public that I and anyone of our family will not be responsible for debts of any character contracted by my son, Amar Dev Gurung (Longli Lenden w ard, Tuli). Anyone allowing him credits will be doing so at their own risk.
Sher Bahadur GurungFELICITATION
KYIV, OCT 7 (AP): The death toll from a missile attack on apartment build ings in a southern Ukrai nian city rose to 11 as more Russian missiles and — for the first time — explosive packed drones targeted Ukrainian-held Zapor izhzhia on Friday.
As the war sparked by Russia’s February invasion of its neighbour ground on, the Norwegian Nobel Committee awarded the Nobel Peace Prize to hu man rights organisations
in Russia and Ukraine, and an activist jailed in Russian ally Belarus.
Asked by a reporter whether the prize shared by Belarus rights activist Ales Bialiatski, the Russian group Memorial and the Ukrainian organization Center for Civil Liber ties should be seen as a “birthday gift” to Russian President Vladimir Putin, who turned 70 on Friday, committee chair Berit Re iss-Andersen said no.
“The prize is not ad
Putin this week ille gally claimed four regions of Ukraine as Russian ter ritory, including the Zapor izhzhia region that is home to a sprawling nuclear pow er plant under Russian occupation; the city of the same name remains under Ukrainian control.
With its army losing ground to a Ukrainian counteroffensive in the country’s south and east, Russia has deployed Irani an-made drones to attack Ukrainian targets. The un manned, disposable “kami kaze drones” are cheaper and less sophisticated than missiles but have proved effective at causing damage to targets on the ground.
The Southern Angami Women Organization (SAWO) cordially invite its sister members (Tuoüpfüko) married beyond Southern Angami Villages and tribes to the joyous celebration of its Silver Jubilee on the 13th October (Thursday), 2022 at 10.00 am, at the Main Arena, Naga Heritage Village, Kisama. Mrs.Chozhüle Kikhi, General Secretary, AWO & Rtd. Deputy Director, Horticulture Department, Government of Nagaland on the theme “Pass on the good traditions of our forefathers” Er. Zale Neikha and Mr. Medo Yhokha, Hon’ble MLA’s Government of Nagaland will be the Guests of Honor.
Mrs. Khriesino Rikha Mrs. Ako S Sale ConvenerAngami Women Organization Silver Jubilee Steering Committee
With immense pride, the Yikhum Ekhung Wokha Town and the Yikhum Eloe Mmyanta Okho Wokha Town extends its heartiest congratulations to the following members.
1. Miss Meribeni L Jungi, D/o Mr & Mrs. Lichumo Jungi on being selected to the post of Assistant Drilling Engineer through NPSC (Technical) 2021.
2. Mr. R. Lichanbemo Kikon, S/o Mr & Mrs. Late Rabenthung Kikon on being promoted to the post of Office Superintendent (OS) DC office Wokha.
The Ekhung wishes them more success in their future endeavours.
T. Chichanbemo Kikon Rajano KithanPrince Harry, Elton John and Elizabeth sue media company for illicit spying
The Duke of Sussex, Prince Harry has filed another lawsuit against media company Associated Newspapers, the publisher of British tabloids the Daily Mail and the Mail, recently.

Also suing the media company are musician Elton John and his husband, pro ducer David Furnish, actresses Elizabeth Hurley and Sadie Frost, and campaigner Bar oness Doreen Lawrence of Clarendon, reports ‘Variety’.
The group claim they have been “the victims of abhorrent criminal activity and gross breaches of privacy by Associated Newspapers,” according to a press release from law firm Hamlins, which is representing Prince Harry and Frost. As per ‘Variety’, court records show three sepa rate lawsuits citing “misuse of private information” were filed against Associated Newspa pers in London’s High Court by Gunnercooke on behalf of its clients. Prince Harry and Frost’s lawsuits have yet to
appear in court records but Hamlins said that legal action has been launched.
Amongst the allegations, the group claims that Associ ated Newspapers hired private investigators to bug their cars and homes, hired people to listen into their telephone conversations, paid police for inside information, imperson ated staff at hospitals and clinics to obtain information and accessed bank accounts and financial transactions
whom have already
“through illicit means and manipulation.”
A spokesperson for As sociated Newspapers told ‘Variety’, “We utterly and unambiguously refute these preposterous smears which appear to be nothing more than a pre-planned and orchestrated attempt to drag the Mail titles into the phone hacking scandal concerning articles up to 30 years old. These unsubstanti ated and highly defamatory claims - based on no credible evidence - appear to be simply a fishing expedition by claim ants and their lawyers, some of
Chiranjeevi-starrer ‘Godfather’ collects Rs 69 crore worldwide in two days

Director Mohan Ra ja’s ‘GodFather’, featuring superstar Chiranjeevi in the lead, has grossed an impressive Rs 69 crore worldwide in two days.
Sources in the industry say that the lavishly-made political action thriller, which took a grand open ing for Dussehra, dominated the box office on day two as well. The movie is expected to record massive numbers during the extended week end. The film, which has Salman Khan appearing in a brief but powerful role, seems to be performing reasonably well, with posi tive reports coming in from almost everywhere.
‘GodFather’, which
collected a worldwide gross of Rs 38 crore on its open ing day, has raked in Rs 31 crore on its second day. The total amount it has grossed worldwide after two days stands at Rs 69 crore.
The makers believe that as the Dussehra holidays are still on, the numbers will continue to be massive even during the weekend. The
film’s story is quite gripping as it revolves around the power struggle in a political party soon after the death of the state’s Chief Minister. While the Chief Minister’s daughter (Nayanthara) is not interested, his son-inlaw (Satya Dev), and a few others in the party are at the heart of a power grab.

Senior actor Arun Bali, who has done many impressive roles in movies and shows such as ‘3 Idiots’, ‘Kedarnath’ and ‘Shaktimaan’, left for his heavenly abode on Friday at 4:30 a.m., in Mumbai. He was 79 years old.

The actor was suffering from a rare neuromuscular disease known as Myasthe nia Gravis. He was recently seen in the Aamir Khan and Kareena Kapoor star rer - ‘Laal Singh Chaddha’, which was an official remake of the 1994 Tom Hanks classic ‘Forrest Gump’. He played one of Aamir’s titular character’s co-passenger in the train.
Arun impressed every one with his acting in Hindi, Telugu, Punjabi films as well as several TV shows. He portrayed King Porus in the 1991 historical drama ‘Chanakya’. He then played the character of Kunwar Singh in Doordarshan’s very popular show ‘Swabhimaan’. Arun Bali rose to fame in the 2000s for his grandfatherly roles such as Harshvardhan Wadhwa in ‘Kumkum’. He was seen in ‘Doosra Kewal’ which also starred Shah Rukh Khan. (IANS)

Taylor Swift’s ‘Midnights’ is inspired by her relationship

Singer Taylor Swift has put a little extra ‘may hem’ in ‘Midnights Mayhem with Me’, the TikTok series in which she reveals the names of each of the songs on her upcom ing album ‘Midnights’ one at a time.
On Thursday night, at the stroke of midnight (Pacific Standard Time), the singer shared the title of yet another track on the album, which is set to drop October 21, reports ‘People’ magazine.
“The tension is palpa ble,” the 32-year-old singer said, spinning the cage of numbered ping-pong balls until one - which she revealed to be the album’s first track - pops out.

“Track one is called ‘Lavender Haze’,” the singer announced, quoted by ‘People’.
Following the an nouncement, the ‘Bad Blood’ singer took to Ins tagram, where she shared a reel explaining the inspi ration behind Midnights’ opening song.
“I happened upon the phrase ‘Lavender Haze’ when I was watching Mad Men, and I looked it up be cause I thought it sounded cool,” Swift said in the post. “And it turns out that it’s a common phrase used in the ‘50s, where they would just describe being in love.”
She then explained, “If you were in the laven der haze, then that meant
that you were in that allencompassing love glow, and I thought that was really beautiful.”
“I think a lot of people have to deal with this now, not just like ‘public figures,’ because we live in the era of social media,” she ex plained. “And if the world finds out that you’re in love with somebody, they’re gonna weigh in on it.”
‘People’ further states that the ‘All Too Well’ singer got a little more specific, hinting that ‘Lav ender Haze’ is specifically inspired by her relationship
with longtime boyfriend, actor Joe Alwyn.
“Like my relationship for six years, we’ve had to dodge weird rumours, tabloid stuff, and we just ignore it,” Swift said. “And so this song is sort of about the act of ignoring that stuff to protect the real stuff.”
Swift hinted that there would be more to come, writing in her Instagram caption, “Tonight we may hem till the morning. AND release vinyls with pics I signed in them on my site! Gonna be a wild ride (sic)”.
Mani Ratnam’s ‘PS1’ grosses over Rs 300 crore worldwide in a week
Continuing its fan tastic run in the atres, director Mani Ratnam’s magnum opus ‘Ponniyin Selvan 1’, which is based on eminent writer Kalki’s literary classic of the same name, has grossed over Rs 300 crore world wide in a week, its makers announced on Friday.
Lyca Productions, which has jointly produced the critically acclaimed superhit film along with director Mani Ratnam’s Madras Talkies, on Friday tweeted, “Success beyond boundaries! Thank you for this tremendous response” and posted a motion poster that claimed that the film had grossed over Rs 300 crore worldwide.”
‘Ponniyin Selvan 1’,
which has already entered history books by becom ing the film with the big gest ever opening in Tamil cinema, has been drawing huge crowds to the theatres, where it is having a strong run.
The film grossed Rs 80 crore on its very first day of release. In three days, that sum touched the Rs 200 crore mark. Now, the film has gone past the Rs 300 crore mark in a week’s time.
‘Ponniyin Selvan 1’, which had triggered huge expectations, released last Friday much to the delight of the fans and received a thunderous welcome from audiences. The film seems to have struck a chord with audiences of all age
Blue light from cell phones and other devices can potentially harm eyes
were exposed to blue light they also died.
No change was seen when either blue light or retinal were used alone.
The team also exposed various cells throughout the body to green, yellow, and red light — and inter estingly, no results were seen.
“The retinal-generated toxicity by blue light is universal. It can kill any cell type,” said Karunarathne.
Part of this phenomenon may be because blue light has a shorter wavelength in comparison to other colors, and as a result, has more energy. The extra energy can be the reason for this chemical change causing retinal-generated toxicity.
According to the BrightFocus Foundation, as many as 11 million U.S. people currently have some form of age-related macular degeneration. This number is expected to reach 22 million by 2050.
Worldwide, they expect it to affect almost 288 million people by 2040.
Protecting yourself may seem as easy as avoiding blue light — but it may not be that straightforward.
Not only does blue light come from our digital devices, it also comes from natural sunlight.
the muscle of the eye and reduce unnecessary strain.
Although this study is good information for those who are at risk of degenerative eye conditions, it’s yet another reason for everyone else to consider limiting their exposure to the screens — especially after sunset.
Blue light, which is emitted from smartphones, computers, and bright lights, may inhibit your sleep if you’re exposed to it at night.
Smart phones, laptops, and other handheld de vices all transmit light. However, the blue light in particular may be toxic for your eyes.
Scientists at the University of Toledo may have discovered how blue light emitted from your technol ogy has a potential to lead to macular degeneration — one of the leading causes of vision loss in the United States.
“It’s no secret that blue light harms our vision by damaging the eye’s retina” said Ajith Karunara thne, PhD, assistant professor at the University of Toledo’s department of chemistry and biochemistry in a released statement.
Macular degeneration is the result of photorecep tor cell death in the retina.
The function of the photoreceptor cells is to capture visual images and signal them to the brain using a molecule called retinal.
Retinal, which is produced by the eye, is triggered by blue light and causes various chemical reactions. These reactions within the eye can be poisonous to the photoreceptor cell molecules rendering them damaged.
When these photoreceptor cells die, there’s no regeneration.
What did the study find?
Karunarathne and his team also introduced retinal to other cells in the body including heart cells, cancer cells, and neurons. When these retinal-infused cells
“Blue light appears to damage retinal cells. It is still unclear how much blue light and for how long it’s necessary to damage these sight-seeing cells. We do know the damage is irreversible,” said Dr. Mark Fromer, ophthalmologist at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York City.
Don’t freak out just yet
Despite the discovery that the combination of blue light and retinal can damage cells, the experi ments were conducted in a laboratory setting, not on eyes themselves.
Karunarathne and his team conducted the study to understand the mechanism and ability to which blue light causes cell death — they’re unsure if this occurs in the eye itself.
In a statement on his university web site, Ka runarathne states, “We caution the public that our study does not show that light from mobile devises or other digital screens cause blindness.”
He continues, “Whether blue light from mobile devises and digital screens induces similar toxicity levels is an unanswered question and is currently under investigation.”
Although age-related macular degeneration af fects people of all ages, it’s most likely to occur after age 60Trusted Source. However, experts suspect this may come sooner with the increased use of blue light technologies.
Also, certain situations such as using your tech nology at night can intensify the blue light as well. Transmitted blue light, especially in the dark, channels the light into a very small area inside of your eye.
One study author relates this phenomenon to using a magnifying glass in the sun — the light can be come so intense and focused that it can burn your eye.
The blue light from these screened devices can also lead to dry eyes.
“Studies have found that with the increased usage of smart phones, iPads, and laptops, there has been an increase in the development of dry eyes due to a decreased blink rate,” explains Angela Bevels, OD, founder and owner of Elite Dry Eye Spa in Tucson, Arizona.
Over time, the more someone engages with their devices the less they blink.
“This in effect causes the tears to evaporate faster, leaving the cornea to dry out,” says Bevels.
To help fight this phenomenon, several technology companies have already created potential solutions.
Apple currently offers the “night shift” setting and Samsung offers a “blue light filter” to decrease the amount of blue light that’s displayed on the screen of the device.
Fromer recommends that people should “consider decreasing your time on these devices” and to “give your eyes a rest if performing extensive tasks on the computer.”
He recommends simply closing one’s eyes for a short time or gazing into the distance to help relax
If you have a history of sleeping problems, try reducing your exposure to blue light during the evenings.
With immense pride and joy, the office of the undersigned through this column extends our heartiest congratulations to Ar. Thejasetuo Sote, son of Mr. Abou Sote & Mrs. Neichütuonuo Sote for securing the post of Assistant Architect (Class-I Gazetted) under Works & Housing Department.

We also congratulate Mr. Viphrehulie Charles Sote, son of Mr. Neise Felix Sote & Mrs. Khrievotsonuo Sote for securing the post of Cameraman (Grade-III) (Senior) under Art and Culture Department.
The office wishes them the best in their future endeavours.
Sote’s Union Education Promotion Committee,
Dijanglung clinches TT men’s title for 5th time
Sub junior girls singles under 13 1st position: Sangmaitola (Tuensang); 2nd: Niepusi Dzüvichu (Kohima)
Sub junior boys singles under 13 1st position: David Hingak (Peren); 2nd : Toinoto Z Assumi (Zunheboto)
Junior girls singles under 17 1st position: Vichaduonuo Rame (Kohima); 2nd : Ke sinuo Dzüvichu (Kohima)
Junior girls doubles under 17
Officials and winners of the NTTA in Kohima on Friday. (NP)

(NPN): Dijanglung Ka mson from Peren retained the men’s single title for the fifth time by defeating Ricky Hinglak of Chü moukedima in the final of the 25th Inter-district and State Table Tennis Cham pionship here on Friday.

The for-day long tour nament was organised by Nagaland Table Tennis Association (NTTA) at
Indoor TT Stadium, Ko hima.
In men’s team event, Chümoukedima district emerged as the champions and Kohima as runnersup.
Kohima district won the women’s team title and Chümoukedima district finished as runners-up.
Letsonuo Kire won the best sportsmanship award.
Speaking as the spe cial guest, NTTA first
general secretary, Zaputo Khezhie maintained that since the inception of NTTA in Nagaland for 50 years, the sport of table tennis had come a long way and encouraged the gathering to strive hard and give their best.
He urged the players, winners and champions of the tournament to remem ber that achievement was only the beginning.
Mokokchung district will host the next edition.
1st position: Kesinuo Dzüvichu & Vichaduonuo
Rame (Kohima); 2nd : Pe kruseno Yiese & Letsonuo Kire (Kohima)
Junior boys singles under 17
1st position: Ricky Hinglak (Chümoukedima); 2nd: Shreyans Sethi (Dimapur)
Junior boys doubles under 17
1st position: Vilavotuo Linyü & Mhasivi Miac hieo (Kohima); 2nd : Tharito Y Kussen & Toi noto Z Assumi (Zunhe boto)
Women’s Singles
1st position: Kesinuo Dzüv ichu (Kohima); 2nd: Avitoli K Yepthomi (Nuiland)
Women’s doubles 1st position: Kesinuo Dzüv ichu & Zelhouneinuo Rame (Kohima); 2nd : Letsonuo Kire & Vichaduonuo Rame (Kohima)
Men’s doubles 1st position: Seyievilie Seyie & Kelhouravi Viv ian Rutsa (Kohima); 2nd : Chonbenthung Ovung & Toshiakum L Imchen (Chü moukedima)
Under 40plus singles, 1st position: Kevirielie Dzüv ichu (Kohima); 2nd: Visasier Kevichusa (Dimapur)
Under 50plus singles, 1st position: Dr Juthsutho Phoji(Phek); 2nd: Oinam Bhopen Singh(dimapur)
Under 40plus doubles 1st position: Chonbenthung Ovung & Toshiakum L Imchen (Chümoukedima); 2nd : James Liezietsu & Lhoulievi Belho (Kohima) Mixed doubles, 1st position: Meyinukshi Longkumer & Avitoli K Yepthomi; 2nd: Kevichatuo Liezietsu & Sharon Kire
National Games: Boxers Kaur, Shiva cruise into quarterfinals

five-time Asian medallist maintained a safe distance against the taller home boxer and used his welldirected counterattacks.
“It’s a perfect plat
form to assess talent. Many boxers have come up from 63.5kg and many from higher weights have come down, so the competition level has gone up,” said
Pochury Black Day memorial cup
RAJKOT, OCT 7 (AGEN CIES): Olympians Simran jit Kaur and Shiva Thapa gave commanding perfor mances to cruise into the quarterfinals at the box ing arena of the National Games here on Friday.
While Simranjit got the better of a gritty Rinky Sharma 5-0 in a 60kg first round bout, Shiva trounced home state’s Aniket Pan dey 5-0 in a men’s 67kg clash, Sportstar reported.
A 2018 World cham

Department of Youth Re sources and Sports in col laboration with Nagaland Chess Association will be or ganising free coaching campcum-1st Tseminyu District Chess championship 2022 from October 12 to 15 at Bap tist Higher Secondary School Tseminyu.
Chess instructor, Youth
pionships bronze medal list, Simranjit breached her rival’s defence to land some clean head shots in the first round before delivering good combinations on the counter in the second.
She attacked with more intensity in the third to record a convincing vic tory.
Shiva used his expe rience to tackle Aniket’s raw aggression. The for mer World championships bronze medallist and a
Worlds medallist
Saweety Boora (75kg) and World youth champion Sa chin Siwach Jr. (57kg) also made it to the last-eight.
Gymnast-turned-diver Medhali wins diving gold
Gymnast-turned-diver Medhali Red kar bagged the gold medal in the 1M Spring board contest at the National Games, here on Friday. Once a gymnast, Medhali made a switch to diving after her coaches suggested that she try her hand in the sport as both require similar core strength and acrobatic abilities.
Though unsure, Medhali decided to give it a try. Seven years later, the Mum baikar ended state-mate Hrutika Shriram’s stranglehold on the gold medals with a total of 171.50 points.
“I had made the team in only one event, and since it was the last event, the fa tigue of waiting was setting in. But I worked on that with my psychologist and came close to my best ever to win the medal,” said Medhali in a release. Incidentally, Medhali had bagged a bronze medal in the 3M Springboard event at the just concluded Senior Nationals in Guwahati and had finished fifth in the 1M Springboard event.
“I had complete confidence in my abilities. Yes, there was some anxiety in
Resources and Sports and sec retary, Nagaland Chess Asso ciation and joint secretary All India Chess Federation, Mu ghaho Awomi informed that during the tournament, the Nagaland Chess Association will setup Tseminyu District Chess Association. Therefore, all chess enthusiastic have been requested to attend the coaching-cum-tournament.
my mind going into the competition. But I worked on focusing only on my routine today,” added Medhali, who is also a prac tising physiotherapist.
The 24-year-old, who had won multi ple national-level medals in gymnastics, has been successfully balancing her academics and sports over the years.
“I never wanted to restrict myself just to academics or sports. It means I need to work extra hard and my social life and friendships suffer. But I am happy with the way things are,” said Medhali, who spends about three hours on diving practice and also works with a local sports clinic.
Speaking about her transition from gymnastics to diving, Redkar said she ini tially used to practice both sports when she joined coach Tushar Gitaye in the Prabod hankar Thackeray Swimming Pool back in 2015. “Though gymnastics and diving need similar abilities, the techniques are quite different. In diving you go head first in the water while in gymnastics you have to land on your feet.
Organisers, guests and players before the match.
DIMAPUR, OCT 7 (NPN): The 9th edition of Pochury Black Day Memo rial Cup 2022 organised by the Pochury Students’ Union (PSU) kick started on October 7 with presi dent Pochury Hoho, Chon pa Jurry as special guest.
In the first match, Immortals FC beat United Brothers Club 3-1 while Shining Star FC defeated Shilloi Sporting Club 2-1.
Earlier, the brief in
augural programme was chaired by Lotsiavi C Ka jiri and began with an invocation by Sieketho Nyusou, associate pastor BCMT.
PSU president, Müphatho Nyuthe de livered the welcome ad
dress and finance secre tary Chakhesang Students’ Union, Povozo extended solidarity note.
The oath to the play ers was administrated by PSU games and sports secretary, Ngoushutho Ngouri.
Wieküzü FC vs. Jeichüghu FC Phor (8:00 am)
St. Xavier FC vs. United Brothers Club (9:40 am)
Shilloi Sporting Club vs. Lephori (1:00 pm)
Khumiasü FC vs. Wieküzü FC (2:40 pm)
European Club Cup: Anand and Carlsen register wins
NEW DELHI, OCT 7 (AGENCIES): Five-time chess world champion Viswanathan Anand defeat ed Shakhriyar Mamedyarov in Round 4 of the European Club Cup and is back in the top 10.

Reigning world cham pion Magnus Carlsen, too, scored a second win in a row, taking down India’s P Harikrishna.
According to Indian Express, Anand’s two draws so far had seen him drop out of the Top 10 spot in the rating list, but a comfortable win over Shakhriyar Mam edyarov helped him to move to World no 9.
“The main stroke of luck was that this morning while preparing I noticed Rxa2, so I decided to enter it and make a few moves. I didn’t go very far, because it seemed to me it wasn’t the main line… and then he plays it! So what might be normally a big surprise
actually just bounced off harmlessly,” said Anand after win.
The legendary Grand
master admitted that he was shocked when Mamedyarov offered him a draw.
“He offered me a draw with Nc4, on the 30th move, which shocked me a little bit, because of all the posi tions to offer a draw. ,” he said.
In the other matches, 16-year-old Indian prodigy Gukesh fell to defeat against Ukrainian GM Sergey Fe dorchuk. Vidit Gujrati reg istered his 4th win in a row as he defeated Aryan Tari.
Kerala beat EB in ISL season opener

The 12th man -- fans -- returned to the stadium as sentimental favourites Kerala Blasters beat East Bengal 3-1 in the lung opener of Indian Su per League (ISL) 2022-23 season in front of a packed house at the Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium in Kochi on an exciting Friday night. The season 9 of ISL will welcomed backed the fans to the stadiums who come back to cheer their teams at the stadiums, mykhel reported.
After two years in a bubble, the top-tier league in Indian football returned to a home-and-away for mat, with fans thonging the ISL season opener at the Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium in Kochi.
Two quick-fire goals by Ivan Kaliuzhnyi handed the home side the win against East Bengal as the opening fixture of season 9 of ISL got off to a rous ing start.
After a goalless first half, Luna broke the dead lock afte r getting a long ball from Harmanjot Khab
ra, in the penalty box to toss the ball over Kamajlit Singh to give Blasters the lead in the 72ns minute. Ivan took a corner

East Bengal reduced the deficit in the 87th from a set-piece as Alex who got the ball following a failed headed clearance from the corner kick and shot it into the net.
Two minutes later, Ivan was at it again as he took a corner kick to hit on the volley into the net to help Blasters seal the con test. Having reached the final of last season, Blasters coach Ivan Vukomanovic had forewarned his play ers not to take East Bengal lightly while also deeming them as a potential surprise package for the season ahead and his wards did exactly that.
Man City fined $293,000 for final day pitch invasion
LONDON, OCT 7 (AFP): Manchester City have been fined 260,000 pounds ($293,000) and given a warning over the pitch invasion which followed their Premier League title win in May. Fans flooded onto the pitch after City dramatically fought back from 2-0 down against Aston Villa to win 3-2 and pip Liverpool to the title by a point. Villa goalkeeper Robin Olsen was assaulted during the disorder, while the crossbar at one end col lapsed under the weight of supporters.
NSF Trophy: Head Hunters beat Tholevi

kick in the 89th minute after a headed clearance outside the box and to hits on the volley into the net to get the comfort goal for
The Yellow Brigade, relied heavily on the un wavering support of their Yellow Army -- Manjap pada -- after a gap of two years at the Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium in Kochi, with the fans spicing up the atmosphere during the match.
NorthEast United Vs Bengaluru 7:30 pm
Nagaland Futsal Championship begins

cation and live a healthy lifestyle. Sharing greetings, president, Nagaland Foot ball Association, K Neibou Sekhose expressed happi ness at the event organised by Kohima District Football Association (KDFA).
He informed that NFA would be focusing on the development of football by nurturing students in over 800 schools across the State.
City admitted a Foot ball Association charge that they “failed to ensure spectators... conducted themselves in an orderly fashion and refrained from using threatening and vio lent behaviour while en croaching onto the pitch after the final whistle”.

The final weeks of the 2021/22 season were marred by a series of pitch invasions at Premier League and English Foot ball League grounds.
The 22nd edition of NSF Martyrs’ Trophy kicked off at Indira Gandhi Stadium, here on Friday.
In the opening match, defending champions Head Hunters FC thrashed Tholevi FC 3-0.
Haotingmang Thom son, captain of Head Hunt ers FC was named man of the match.
A total of 35 teams including two from Mani pur and one from Megha laya, are participating in this year’s edition.
The champions of the will receive Rs 2,00,000, while the runner up team will pocket Rs 1,20,000.
Losing semi-finalists will each receive Rs 30,000, and losing quarter finalists Rs 15,000 each.
Earlier, the inaugural ceremony was graced by leader of the Naga Peo ple’s Front Legislative Party (NPFLP) and co-chairman of the United Democratic Alliance (UDA), Kuzholuzo Nienu, as chief guest.
In his speech, Azo highlighted on the sports scenario in Nagaland, which has been regressing from bad to worse and needed immediate attention.
He pointed out that it was a matter of shame that even after more than 58 years of attaining state hood Nagaland was yet to produce any sportsperson
apart from Dr. T. Ao and Chekrovolü Swuro, who were both Olympians.
He observed that there was a lot of things Nagaland could learn from neighbour ing state of Manipur and high time for the State to wake up and get to work if it wants to be anywhere in the sports scene. Azo also urged the need for players to have the power of consistency.
On that note, he ad vised players to take sports and games seriously and live a healthy sports life.
He further said sports was one of the biggest in dustry in the world and for which development of games and sports in the state could improve the economy of the State.
MH-10 win Luke Sasong memorial tournament
organized by the Mokok chung District Volleyball Association.
Also Rs. 10000 each were given to the two semi finalists. The prizes were given away by SP Mokok chung, Aotula T Imchen and ADC Mokokchung, Chumlamo Humtsoe.
Shanavas with NFA, KDFA officials and the two opening match teams. (NP)

The Second Nagaland State Futsal Championship 2022 kick started at Reiphinyü Badze, Vürie, some 5 kms away from state capital on Friday. The championship is hosted by Kohima Dis trict Football Association (KDFA) under the aegis of Nagaland Football Associa tion (NFA).
A total of eight teams, one each from Kohima, Dimapur, Chümoukedima,
Tseminyü, Mon, Zunhe boto, Phek and Peren are vying for the title.
Speaking as special guest at the inaugural, deputy commissioner and chairman, Kohima, District Sports Council, Shanavas C, said players from the North east region has potential to contribute to the football as people from the region, including Nagaland has an advantage for endurance games like football, badmin ton, table tennis and so on.
He added that with
such potentials, he said play ers should not sit back and relax with the thought that there was no possibility of making it to the national or international level but work towards it.
In this regard, he said that the district administra tion and the state govern ment along with the various sports bodies, should collec tively work to produce quali fied players from the state.
He encouraged the players to maintain disci pline and keep their dedi
PDFL: Barak FA upset Native Feathers; Lekie Mtei thrash NASA
He also said with the new team of All India Football Federation (AIFF) executives under Kalyan Chaubey were working ac tively for the welfare and development of football in the country.
He said football in the country was headed towards tremendous development.
Earlier the inaugural programme chaired by Med olenuo Ambrocia Loucü began with an invocation by Vimegokho Chüsi, Youth Pastor, Minister’s Hill Bap tist Church, Kohima.
MOKOKCHUNG, OCT 7 (NPN): MH-10 Kohima emerged as the champions of the 12th edition of Luke Sasong Memorial Volley ball trophy after trouncing Changtongya Volleyball As sociation A in the final here on Friday.

In a thrilling final, MH10 proved its mettle as they destroyed the opponent 2518, 25-19, 20-25, 25-21.
The winner walked away with a cash prize of Rs. 70,000 along with tro phy and certificates while the runner up pocketed Rs 40,000 with certificates.
In the individual prizes:
Tongpangsunep (MH-10) won the best setter award, Reshitemjen (MH-10) as the best spiker and Imkong sanen (CVA) was named man of the tournament.
It may be noted that the MH-10 team were the champions in the recently concluded Imchaba Master Memorial Volleyball Trophy
Earlier, a brief closing programme was held with NLA speaker, Sharingain Longkumer as the guest of honor.
Speaking at the pro gram, Longkumer initiated a minute of silence obser vance in honor of late Luke Sasong in whose memory the trophy was played. He reminded the players that they should try to emulate the achievements of the late leader who dedicated him self for the people and for Christ. He also congratulat ed the Luke Sasong Sporting Association for organization the trophy and also the two finalists.
Barak Football Academy, Le kie Mtei FC, Puiteing FC and Northern Zeme Sports As sociation (NZSA) won their respective matches at the ongo ing first Peren District Football League 2022 at Jalukie ‘B’ vil lage ground on Friday.
In the first match, Barak FA the top contender and sea son favorites blanked Native Feathers 2-0. The first goal was scored by Barak captain Ke numdi in the 5th minute and the second goal came through the boots of Namdaunbo Panmei in the 83rd minute. Puiteing FC defeated Prime FC 1-0 in the second match. The lone goal was scored by Emsolung in the 3rd minute. Lekie Mtei FC thrashed Nsong Area Sports Association (NASA) 4-1 in the third match.
Captain of Lekie Mtei FC Haileuyibe Iranggau scored the first hat-trick of the season. He scored four goals in the 9th, 12th, 65th and 76th minutes.
A solitary goal for NASA came from the boot of Hezied ing. Haileuyibe, who played for
Madhya Bharat in 2017-18 and Fateh Hyderabad in 2018-19 in the second division I-League, has became the talk of the football fans, and all eyes are on him, due to his skill and playing style. He is also considered as the most dangerous striker of the season with his speed and accuracy. He is currently the highest goal scorer of the league with 5 goals in two matches.
He is currently a profes sional football coach at Hope Academy, Dimapur. In the fourth match, NZSA came from behind to beat Benreu FC 4-3 in seven goals thriller.
The first half was dominat ed by Benreu. Samlamgumlung of Benreu secured the second hat-trick of ths season in the 11th, 18th and 48th minutes. NZSA came back stronger in the second half and their spir ited effort was rewarded when Ilungrai opened the account in the 65th minute. A minute later K. Azik doubled the scoreline. Kekielungzeung added the third in the 82nd minute and Hopeson made it 4-3 in the dy ing minute.