NEW DELHI, AUG 29 (PTI): The tussle between the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) and Delhi Lieuten ant Governor VK Saxena took a turn for the worse on Monday as the party MLAs decided to stay overnight at the Delhi Assembly prem ises, demanding a probe against the LG for allegedly changing banned currency notes during his term as the KVIC chairman in 2016. BJP said its MLAs would also spend the night in the Assembly, staging a dharna against the AAP government. There was no immediate reaction from Saxena to AAP’s allega tions.AAP legislator Du regesh Pathak alleged in the Delhi Assembly that Saxena had pressured his employees to exchange de monetised notes worth Rs. 1,400 crore in 2016 when he was working as the chair man of DuringKVIC. the House proceedings on Monday, the ruling party legislators trooped to the Well, alleging that the “scam” was worth Rs 1,400 crore and demand ing Saxena’s resignation, besides a probe by both CBI and ED.The development came days after Saxena recom mended a CBI probe into alleged corruption in the implementation of Delhi Excise Policy 2021-22 and the AAP’s accusations that he was “interfering” in the city government’s work. Based on LG’s recom mendations, the CBI regis tered an FIR in connection
CNTC, NTC plea to GoI for early solution
Declare CGWA notice ‘unconstitutional’: KVC to govtNaga woman clears CBI PP exam
DIMAPUR, AUG 29 (NPN): Nagaland Legisla tive Assembly (NLA) secre tariat has clarified that the meeting of the Assembly’s Select Committee to Exam ine the Nagaland-Assam Border Issue with the Select Committee members and members of the local com mittee in the border districts would be held on September 1 and not September 15, at CM’s Office, CMRC Ko hima at 10 a.m. All members have been requested to attend the meeting.
This is it! “Everywhere there are rallies against government. Even government may respond with a rally against all rallies.”
NTC said it was aware that the only remedy to all these is Naga political solution but was apprehensive that the consequence of further delay will beNTCdisastrous.hasalso hit out at both the government of India and the ruling UDA in Nagaland for their “apathet ic and lackadaisical attitude towards sincere conclusion of the peace process thought the official negotiations were completed by 31st October 2019.” It said even the prime minister Narendra Modi’s promise to resolve the Naga political issue within 18 months, during his visit to the state on December 1,2015 , has passed into oblivion. NTC accused the UDA government of scut tling and causing premature demise to the four-point resolution adopted by its own Political Core Commit tee on Naga Political issue (PCCoNPI) on July 16,2022 on securing early solution. It also said the chief minister was superimposing holding of elections as noth ing but a ploy to demean the politicalNTCprocess.cautioned that people were “ever ready to have solution” and also ever prepared to handle any con sequences that may arise. (Full text on p-6)
Kohima citizens urged to adopt carpooling DIMAPUR, AUG 29 (NPN): District administration, Kohima has requested all the citizens of Kohima town to adopt and prac tice the system of carpooling. In an appeal letter, Deputy Commissioner (DC) Kohima Shanavas C observed that there has been an exponential increase in usage of private vehicles in and around Kohima town creating immense pressure on the existing road network and traffic management. DC also observed that due to increased traffic congestion, there was not only an increase in air pollution leading to health hazards but loss of productivity as well.
DIMAPUR, AUG 29 (NPN): With the expiry of its 30-day ultimatum served on the state government, the central unit of All Na galand Ad hoc Teachers’ Group—2015 Batch has threatened to resume its suspended agitation “to express our resentment in a democratic form against the government for deny ing our rights”. On July 21, 2022, the ANATG 2015 had served an ultimatum on the government for regularisa tion of ad hoc teachers. In a press release, ANATG 2015 batch president Rüguotsolie said that the group, during the period of ultimatum, undertook several follow ups and other necessary pe rusals by obtaining advices and suggestions from the dif ferent stakeholders involved. However, it said the regularization matter was yet to be addressed despite serving an ultimatum and the expiry of the same. ANATG 2015 Batch has therefore directed all the dis trict unit executives and gen eral members to be prepared as the all members “may have to gather” at Kohima within a 48-hour notice. Nagaland Post Vol XXXII No. 265 DIMAPUR, TUESDAY, AUGUST 30, 2022 Pages 12 ` 5.00 China shuts down world’s largest electronic mkt INTERNATIONAL, PAGE 9 FOLLOW US ON @Nagaland_Postnagalandpostofficial Nagaland observes National Sports Day SPORTS, PAGE 12
NTC drew the attention of the government of India to the prevailing environment as the bane for Nagas who are suffering in misery do to the inordinate delay of political solution. It mentioned that the Parliamentary Standing Committee report tabled in both houses of parliament on July 19,2018 had strongly recommended that the gov ernment of India “should conclude the peace talks at the earliest, based on a broad based understanding over the most contentious issues”. NTC expressed regrets that even during the last five years, the Naga political is sue had not been discussed in parliament and even Na galand MPs and members of the state assembly took “little interest to pursue the long cherished solution to the Naga political issue.” NTC asked what was causing stagnation and backwardness of Nagaland despite colossal funds being provided by the government of India ? According to NTC, during the past 25 years of political negotiations, “un scrupulous elements” from within the state government and armed elements have reduced Nagaland as “their private goldmines” by taking undue advantage of the gull ibility of the Naga public.
GUWAHATI, AUG 29 (PTI): National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) has sought an action taken report (ATR) from Assam’s Sivasagar district police over the custodial death of a person from Nagaland, an official said on Monday. NHRC sent the notice for the ATR to Sivasagar superintendent of police on Friday and gave four weeks’ time for the response, the officialThesaid.notice followed the filing of a complaint to it by Indigenous Lawyers Association of India, a nongovernmental organisation, in Delhi on August 25 on the death of E Henveih Phom, due to alleged tor ture in custody at Geleky Police Station, Sivasagar district, Tejang Chakma, the programme coordinator of ILAI, said. According to the complaint filed by ILAI, Phom was arrested along with a woman on August 16 by Assam Police while traveling to Geleky. The 35-year-old resi dent of Anaki-C village of Mokokchung district was sent to judicial custody after his arrest. He died in “suspicious circumstances” five days later, the complaint said.
batch threatens to resume stir
Financial Arrangement FundingAgency Approximate Cost tionAlloca(%) Crore INR Million USD World(IBRD)Bank 517 69.8649 80 Govt. Nagalandof 130 17.5676 20 Grand Total 647 87.4325 100 Year Wise Allocation Year Approximate Cost Allocation(%) Crore INR Million USD Year 1 65 8.7838 10 Year 2 150 20.2703 23 Year 3 200 27.027 31 Year 4 170 22.973 26 Year 5 62 8.3784 10 Grand Total 647 87.4325 100 Correspondent KOHIMA, AUG 29 (NPN): Amidst the growing concern over climate change, World Bank has teamed up with the State government to launch Enhancing Landscape and Ecosystem Management (EL EMENT) Project with the aim to conserving ecosystem and improving landscape. The Rs 647-crore project will be funded both by World Bank (IBRD) Rs 517 crore and the State government Rs 130 crore.Inan introductory programme on the project held here at Hotel Vivor on Monday, a representative from World Bank-- senior environmental specialist Py ush Dogra, while projecting the strategy of the funding agency, stressed on guiding principles and approaches like landscape approach for forests with integrated wa ter approach, biodiversity; promotion of sustainable livelihoods, itsconceptpreparationofandcapacityled,participation;collaborativestrengtheningcommunitycommunity-ownedandmanaged/buildingforplanningconvergenceandleverageexistingprogrammes.Itwasinformedthatthefortheprojectnote(PCN)wasatinitialstage. Rs
DIMAPUR, AUG 29 (NPN): Central Nagaland Tribes Council (CNTC) the forum of Ao, Sumi and Lotha tribes and Nagaland Tribes Council (NTC) have sought urgent attention for early solution to the Naga political issue in view of prevailing situation in the state.In a separate release, CNTC media cell said it expects the government of India to appreciate the pa tience shown by people of Nagaland for ‘Solution Be fore Election’ for 25 years and their yearning for genu ine peace through political solution.CNTC recalled that in the 2018 assembly elec tion, when all civil soci eties and political parties including BJP, “unequivo cally demanded solution before election”, the “BJP breached the trust” when its candidates filed nomi nations under the plea “ Election For Solution.” It said the breach of trust was against the wishes and will of the people and “is still fresh in our CNTCmemory.”reminded the government of India that “unending political process has adversely affected the lives of every individual in the state and has taken a huge toll of the entire system of governance”. It main tained that the uncertainty also “heralded an unimagi nable cycle of corruption at all levels” that had left education and overall in frastructural development in shambles, when funds were brazenly siphoned off from government projects through “percentage cuts and shares” while private businesses were “grossly extorted by armed groups in the name of political issue.” CNTC said the ulti mate victims of these were the unemployed youth and students, whose futures have been ruined due to the unre solved Naga issue. CNTC appealed to the prime minister to address contentious issues between negotiating parties at the earliest since economic well being of every Naga family has completely collapsed due to the absence of “eq uitable welfare formula and governance”. NTC: Meanwhile, media cell of Nagaland Tribes Council (NTC) said it was perturbed by the “thick cloud of uncertainties being cast over the fate of the po litical negotiations” between the government of India and two political groups- NSCN (I-M) and the WC of the 7-member NNPGs despite 25 years of peace process.
AAP MLAs stage a protest against Lt Governor Vinai Saxena near the Gandhi statue in the Assembly complex, Monday, New Delhi. (PTI) with the alleged excise pol icy scam and raided deputy chief minister Manish Siso dia’s residence earlier this month. Sisodia is one of the accused in the Defendingmatter.Saxena, the BJP on Monday said AAP leaders are levelling these al legations “to take revenge”. The House witnessed a rocky session on Monday, forcing four happened.Houseandatshalledalleged.ofRsenathenandcashlessness,countrycountedtoenaPathakcialtillBirlaing,callingenaraisingislatorsadjournments,back-to-backasAAPlegtroopedtotheWellslogansagainstSaxandholdingupplacardsforhis“arrest”.AmidthesloganshoutDeputySpeakerRakhiadjournedtheHouse11am.SpeakingduringaspesessionoftheAssembly,said,“In2016,SaxforcedKhadi’scashiersexchangehisoldunacbanknotesforhim.“Whenthewholewassufferingfromlakhslostjobsseveralslepthungry,theKVICchairmanSaxcommittedascamof1,400croreinthenameMahatmaGandhi,”heBJPMLAsweremaroutoftheAssemblythestartofthesessionwerenotpresentinthewhenthedisruption 647 cr ‘ELEMENT’ project for Nagaland
ANATG-2015 NHRC seeks ATR on custodial death of Naga youth AAP demands probe against Delhi LG
DIMAPUR, AUG 29 (NPN): Kohima Village Council (KVC) has demand ed that the state government declare as “unconstitutional and not acceptable” the CG WA’s public notice, which notified the public to obtain its permission for groundwa ter withdrawal.Inapress release, KVC chairman Helievi-o Solo and general secretary Vizonyü Kelio pointed out that when Nagaland attained statehood on December 1, 1963, a spe cial provision was given to the Nagas under Article 371(A). KVC stated that Ar ticle 371 (A) section (a) (i-iv) “clearly specify and safe guard the birth right of the Nagas with regard to Naga customary laws, land and its resources.”However, KVC stated that the CGWA’s public no tice was in total contravention of Article 371 (A). Further, KVC demand ed that the state government delete Article 215-220 of the Nagaland Municipal Act (NMA) 2001, which it said were also in total contraven tion of Article 371 (A). Meanwhile, KVC de manded that the state gov ernment immediately delete section 120(1) (A) of part IV chapter 1 “A tax on land and buildings” along with rel evant sections that appear in NMA 2001 “because this part of the act is detrimental to the Naga society and directly in fringes Article 371 (A) of the Indian constitution.”
DIMAPUR, AUG 29 (NPN): Vinika Kiho was among 43 candidates who recently cleared the com bined recruitment exam conducted by the Union Public Service Commission, for the post of Public Pros ecutor in the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI), de partment of Personnel and Training, Ministry of Per sonnel, Public Grievances and Pension.Vinika, daughter of Kisheto Kiho from Ph ulesheto village, Aghunato range is a resident of Purana Bazaar, Dimapur. NLA border panel to meet on Sept 1

Members of Eastern Nagaland Peoples’ Organisation (ENPO) on Monday, visited the parents of late E. Henveih Phom at Anaki C Village. The team also met Anaki C village council and informed that the issue has been taken up at government level. It also requested the village and family members to cooperate with the state government during the course of investigation. (NP) Dimapur Peren
Rev. Kevesü Rhakho 1929 – 2022 “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith”. 2 Tim. 4:7 Through this column, we the family of Rev. Kevesü Rhakho, who went to be with the Lord on the 16th August, 2022 at Dimapur, would like to express our profound gratitude to all the churches, leaders of the CBCC, institutions, political/public leaders and all other well wishers who have graciously expressed your love and condolences by your presence and prayers at Dimapur, Kohima, Chetheba and at Thipüzu, and for your generous gifts in cash and kind. Also to the management and staff of Zion Hospital Dimapur for their care and generosity and to the Agarwal Mahasabha for giving ambulance service gratis. We especially thank the Thipüzu Baptist Church and all Thipüzumi for their love and care to our father, and more so during his final departure. We pray for God’s blessings to all !
Lt. VIKEDUOÜ PIENYÜ the family of Late Vikeduoü Pienyü, would like to express our sincere thanks and profound gratitude to everyone who stood by us spiritually, physically, materially and financially during the time of her illness till she left for her heavenly abode on 22nd August, 2022. convey our sincere thanks to: 1. Baptist Revival Church, Kohima 2. Baptist Revival Church, Kuda 3. Dr. Neithongulie Pienyü & staff of Zion Hospital, Dimapur 4. Doctors & staff of Referral Hospital, Dimapur 5. Doctors & staff of Bethesda Hospital, Kohima 6. Doctors & staff of KOHIMAS Hospital, Kohima 7. Doctors & staff of Apollo Hospital, Guwahati 8. Naga Christian Fellowship (NCF), Guwahati 9. Angami Students' Union (ASU), Guwahati 10. Govt. Middle School, P. Khel, Kohima Village 11. Üsoumia Youth Organisation, P. Khel, Kohima Village 12. Pienyünuomia Mechü Krotho, P. Khel, Kohima Village 13. All blood donors deeply regret our inability to thank every person individually for your kind gestures, but it is our earnest prayer that your love and valuable sacrifice will be richly blessed by our Almighty God. Loving Children and Family Members and have helped us immensely as we pass through this time of bereavement. It is our sincere prayer that our Almighty God bless you richly in return. With Love and Prayers, Family Members and Relatives For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain. - Philippians 1:21 MKC-311/22
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT “Well done, thou good and faithful servant…enter thou into the joy of thy Lord,” Matthew 25:21 K-1962/22 Born : 24:04:1933 – Died : 23:08:2022 We, the family members of Lt. Alumongba (Ungma) would like to express our heartfelt gratitude and appreciation to every individuals, families, churches, organizations and well wishers who have shown thoughtful gestures towards us through their kind words, prayers, physical presence, financial and material support. Your deeds have been a great source of comfort for us
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT We, the bereaved family of Lt. Korayongdang Jamir (Mopungchuket) would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to each and every one who stood by us during his prolonged illness and till the final journey of our beloved father on 14th Aug 2022. We are truly touched and humbled by your kind gestures of love, sympathy, prayers, physical presence and gifts. Though we are unable to thank you personally, it is our prayer that Almighty God bless you all abundantly.
DC Kohima convenes DISHA meeting: DC & DISHA member secretary Shanavas C has informed that the District Development Coordination and Monitoring Committee meeting of Kohima will be held on Septem ber 1, 11 am at DPDB Hall. In this regard, all concerned officers have been asked to prepare presentations on activities carried out under their departments and to present the same. NBSE notifies on awareness campaigns: Nagaland Board of School Education has informed heads of all registered institutions under NBSE to organise aware ness campaigns to eliminate identified single-use plastics (SUPs) and effective implementation of Plastic Waste Management Rules, 2016. In this regard, all registered institutions have been directed to apprise students, par ents and community on the awareness campaigns and to take measures in practicing plastic free environment and advocate elimination of SUPs. Akato-led NSCN terminates two members: Akato-led NSCN has terminated kilonser Ithito Aye, former PRO to ato kilonser Michael Yeptho from both active and primary membership of NSCN/GPRN. Meanwhile, the group through its MIP informed that one Khekugha Sumi (rajou peyu) has been terminated for “misconduct in contravention against Article D part 4 of the Yezha bo.” All concerned have been requested to take note that both Ithito and Khekugha are no longer connected with the group and hence, will neither bear any liability nor responsibilities to any of their conducts whatsoever.
DIMAPUR: A weeklong training on “demand driven skill onwaySocietywith(ESD&E)mentployment,bystructionofprogramme”developmentfortheyouthDimapurdistrictinconsectororganisedthedepartmentofEmSkillDevelop&EntrepreneurshipincollaborationZynoriqueInitiatives(ZIS),gotunderatDimapurtownhallMonday.
Clarification DIMAPUR, AUG 29 (NPN): Apropos to the news item “DGP inaugurates Nagaland Police referral hospital ex tension, 850 LMP oxygen plant”, published on August 27, it should be read as “the plant was fully sponsored by Oil India Limited” and not as published. DIMAPUR: A four-day training on “office pro cedures & accounts”
According to a DIPR report, while addressing the inaugural programme, ESD&E joint director, Er. K. Wati said the training was being imparted based on the demand to ensure more employment oppor tunities for the Naga youth to beIntroducingself-reliant. the train ing programme, ZIS chair man, Richard Belho high lighted the importance of skill training for the youth to be self-dependent. He said unemployment was on the rise and that the government cannot pro vide jobs to everyone. At the programme, Nagaland Tool Room & Training Centre Dimapur, principal, Er. Petehetuo Miasalhou delivered a motivational speech. The programme was chaired by district employ ment officer Dimapur, Gideon L. Altogether,Sumi.62 youth are participating at the training on plumbing and electrical heldofofshipmenttrainingprogrammePeren:works.Culminationofthefive-dayonskilldevelopandentrepreneurincommemorationthe75thanniversaryPerentownshipwasatPerentownhallon
Loving Wife, Children, Grandchildren and In-laws
“Memories are a gift to treasure; ours of you will last forever” MKC-314/22 IN BRIEF
DIMAPUR: Gorkha Public Panchayat Kohi ma (GPPK) held its an nual general body meeting (AGBM) at its multi utility hall, Chandmari, Kohima, on August 28. In a press release, GPPK publicity committee informed that special invi tees at the meeting included Nagaland Gorkha Asso ciation (NGA) president Nobin Pradhan and gen eral secretary Prem Kumar Thapa, who exhorted the Gorkhas to remain united and to support each other. The meeting deliberat ed various issues pertaining to the welfare of the com munity in Kohima district. GPPK advisor & former president Gayatri Devi and senior member of the community Bhim Rai spoke on “social reform in present context for the progress of the Gorkha community” and “issues confronting the community–remedialGorkhamea sures”
berselectionwasKumargeneralpresident2022-25officenewjeetselectionsion,audithanandpresentedtarywhilpresidentwastoforPradhanhatra,licitatedgatheringChetriGBrespectively.KamalBahaduralsoexhortedthewhileGPPKfeDevBahadurMaAshokSingh,PremandRomitRanarenderingtheirservicesthecommunity.ThegeneralmeetingchairedbyGPPKvicePrabhuGurungeGPPKgeneralsecreSureshKumarLamasecretarialreportwelfaresecretaryMoGurunghighlightedreportofthetreasurer.Duringthesecondsesconvenorofelection/committeeRanLamaannouncedtheteamoftheGPPKbearersforthetenurewithincumbentSantuThapaandsecretarySureshLama.Later,voteofthanksproposedbyelection/committeememMeghrajLama. for Tseminyu district concluded on August 26, at Tseminyu town hall with resource per sons Economic & Statistics undersecretary, Andreas Lotha, senior accounts of ficer (Retd.) Khinyi Woch and ATI guest faculty ac companied by ATI lecturer (computer), Peter Konyak and ATI programme.districtmentsbersMACP.calvarioussionAllowanceWochmatters.serviceAPARdraftingingcommunication,filereport,MezhuzoliestenographerYiese.AccordingtoaDIPRAndreasspokeonmanagement,formsoffilenot&drafting,noting&ofcommunication,&maintenanceofbookandserviceMeanwhile,KhinyibriefedonTransfer(TA)Rules,penrules,GPF,NPS,CPF,leaverules,mediattendancerulesandAltogether,78memfromvariousdepartunderTseminyuparticipatedattheAtthevaledictorypro deptt organises skill development trainings Public Panchayat Kohima holds annual general meeting gramme, deputy commis sioner (DC) Tseminyu, Dr. Zasekuolie Chusi reminded the participants not to forget about the office procedures and accounts matters. He also presented cer tificates to all the partici pants. The programme was chaired by EAC Tsongi Tumben P. Tsanglao and vote of thanks was pro posed by ATI stenographer Mezhuzolie Yiese. on office procedures held in Tseminyu
Loving Wife, Children and Family
AugustAccording27. to a DIPR report, the programme was graced by deputy di rector ESD&E, Zubemo Tsanglao who delivered a short speech on behalf of the chairedZIShalfwasdepartment.AshortpresentationalsodeliveredonbeofthetrainingpartnerbyEr.ShreyasVijayan.TheprogrammewasbyNamnaheiNza, while additional deputy commissioner (ADC) & administrator PTC, Key irangding Hegui delivered the concluding Certificatesremarks.along with various construction tools were distributed to the participants by the department. The training was organised by ESD&E department in collabora tion with ZIS as training partner.
With profound gratitude, we the bereaved family of LT. I. SAKULEMZUNG PHOM would like to acknowledge and express our deepest appreciation for everyone’s sympathy and gestures of kindness shown to us following the sad loss of my beloved husband, and our father and grandfather.Wewish to offer our heartfelt thanks to every individual, churches, friends, neighbours, associations, societies and well wishers from far and near who stood by us and extended unconditional support by various means through the prolonged illness till the burial rites. We also thank those who travelled long and short distances to attend the funeral service. To those who helped us in anyway, your contribution made our loss more bearable. As it would be impossible to thank everyone individually, we can’t find the words to thank you enough for the service and care you gave. In our hardest moments you provided a light amongst the dark. May God’s richest blessings rest upon each and everyone is our prayers.

In a press release, IIE informed that while speak ing at the concluding pro gramme, IIE director Dr. Lailt Sharma said setting up of EDC would help pro mote entrepreneurship and enhance the entrepreneurial ecosystem.Healso informed that this would create a robust roadmap for growth of en trepreneurs in Nagaland. With industry and subject matter experts as resource persons, the ToT programme was attended by 19 participants from var ied backgrounds and field of work from Nagaland. The five-day training for trainers consisted of an intensive curriculum devel oped by TheIIE.participants also visited the Northeast Cane and Bamboo Development Council (NECBDC) and Indian Institute of Food Processing Technology (IIFPT) as a part of the programme.Itmay be mentioned that the EDC will be estab lished in BOT model where the centre will be built, oper ated and transferred to the stakeholder.
The students were also apprised about friendships, which were important during adoles cence and throughout life. In his speech, ANPSA Chümoukedima president, Bendangchuba emphasised on the motto of ANPSA “towards excellence”, which he said, constantly pushes people to remain up-to-date with changing times.He quoted Robert Ebel, “knowledge is built out of information by thinking” and exhorted that knowledge must be constructed from informa tion by each individual learner.The programme was chaired by Godwin Higher Secondary School prin cipal Mhasino Kuotsu,
PSC also appealed to the state government, state Human Rights Com mission and law enforcing agencies to leave no stone unturned to ensure that perpetrators of such a crime be brought to jus tice without any delay.
MYK C MYK C 3STATENAGALAND POST, DIMAPUR TUESDAY, AUGUST 30, 2022 Q.: Is the state govt taking steps to ensure expansion of Dimapur railway station? A Yes. 16% B No. 79% C Can’t Say. 5% 100%90%80%70%60%50%40%30%20%10%0% Poll A B C NEXT POLL Q: Is the resignation of Ghulam Nabi Azad from Congress a huge blow to the party? Yes. No. Can’t Say. (Temperature in ºC) Max Min Agartala Cloudy with a stray t-storm 34 26 Aizawl A thunderstorm in spots 28 20 Guwahati Mostly cloudy with a t-storm 33 26 Imphal A t-storm around in the p.m. 30 21 Itanagar A thunderstorm in spots 31 25 Shillong A stray thunderstorm 24 19 Kohima A shower and thunderstorm 26 19 Dimapur A stray afternoon t-storm 33 25 Mkg Rather cloudy with a t-storm 28 21 Tuensang A thunderstorm in spots 22 17 Wokha A stray afternoon t-storm 28 22 Zunheboto Mostly cloudy with a t-storm 25 19 FORECASTWEATHERAUGUST30 DIMAPUR: Satakha Range Students’ Union (SRSU) held an inaugural pro gramme of its library-cuminter school tournament at Satakha local ground on the theme “intensifying readingnurturingand athletes” from August 25-26, with minister for Agriculture & Cooperation, G Kaito Aye as special guest. In a press release, SRSU informed that after the unveiling of SRSU li brary, G Kaito Aye in his speech, encouraged the school proprietors under Satakha to extend their sup port and to take the initiative in organising a programme by relooking activities such as sports in the field of education.Hewas of the view that this would help develop the competitive spirit among students and simultaneously gain good results, promoting an all-round development. The minister also as sured to provide the require ments as per his capabilities for upgradation of school infrastructures of Govern ment Higher Secondary SchoolLater,Satakha.hedeclared the inter-school tournament open.In his welcome address, SRSU president Angukavi Zhimo stressed on how edu cation should be provided from a holistic perspective and that the people should instil in the minds of young people and adults, how to embrace the value of arts, sports, science and other aspects of
IIE conducts ToT for Naga entrepreneurs
DIMAPUR: Indian Insti tute of Entrepreneurship (IIE), an autonomous organ isation under the ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship which is setting up an Entrepreneur ship Development Centre (EDC) in Kohima under Sankalp scheme, conducted a five-day Training of Train ers (ToT) programme at IIE Campus Guwahati from AugustThe22-26.programme was sponsored by directorate of Employment, Skill Develop ment and governmentEntrepreneurship,ofNagaland.
DIMAPUR: Chukitong Range Students’ Union (CRSU) has condemned the “dramatic act” commit ted by certain individuals with “vested interests”, who erected billboards and ban ners in the name of CRSU and its affiliated village units without official consent. In a press release, CRSU president Bipenthung Ngullie and general secre tary Yantsow N. Ezung said the union was anguished to learn that some volunteers who were engaged in putting up unauthorised election slogans were paid to do the same.In this regard, CRSU stated that it would “mag nanimously” support any constructive activities for the upliftment of the student community and the public in general “but not in the manner such as displayed with ulterior motives.” CRSU said it had no objection in removing the billboards and banners as it was put up coinciding with the historic celebration day of a “particular clan” in the community which has “deeply hurt the senti ments of the clan members.” CRSU has warned individu als provoking trouble in so cial media by spreading false information that they would be held responsible for incit ing trouble in its jurisdiction.
G Kaito Aye at the inaugural programme of SRSU library-cum-inter school tournament at Satakha.
Winners of the quiz competition included–Manchem Chang & Sha hida Sultana from SMHSS (first); Elijah Ronren Kikon & Debashree Hazarika from Pilgrim higher Sec ondary School (second) while winners of extempo re competition were–Nom rita Mech from SMHSS (first); Amina Begum from MGM Higher Second ary School (second) and Imrongtula Jamir from Pilgrim Higher Secondary School (third). Chümoukedima: ANPSA Chümoukedima unit organised its first dis trict level literary competi tion (quiz & extempore) on August 27, at Great Com mission Higher Secondary School, Naga United Vil lage, with ANPSA central president Nini Sekhose as special guest. In a press release, ANPSA Chümoukedima informed that Nini Sekhose in her speech, spoke on women empowerment and social media, the main top ics of the extempore speech competition.
CRSU flays putting up of billboards,unauthorisedbanners
ANPSA organises literary competitions in different districts
The last session highlighted the topic “growing up and adolescence reproductive and sexual health” which was explained in a presenta tion by senior programme manager, Planning, National Health Mission (NHM) Nagaland, Puni Kokho. He stressed on the importance of making adolescents aware of physi cal, emotional and social changes that they undergo during the adolescent years and the crucial role of teachers in their formative years. He also informed about sani tary napkins made available free in schools or at subsidised rates through Accredited Social Health Activists (ASHAs).Onthe second day, session on life skills for HIV prevention was imparted by AD/MM, IEC, NSACS, Chongkoi Khaming, who discussed the importance of life skill approach and goals for adolescents and understanding the 10 core life skills and use of box techniques that would help students address queries anonymously.Onthetopic of mental health and substance abuse, senior medical officer, State Mental Health Institute Dr. Viketoulie Pienyu highlighted the importance of mental health and how it affected adolescents and the abuse of substance at young age. He encouraged the teachers to understand and guide students as they are the right persons who could nip the problem in the bud. The last session was presented by IEC, NSACS joint director, Metevinuo Sakhrie, who spoke on implementation of 16-hour curricu lum in Sheschools.saidAEP was to equip every adolescent (10-19 years) with information, knowledge and life-skills to protect themselves from HIV in fections and manage their concerns pertaining to reproductive and sexual health and that the methodology of AEP was interactive, participatory and based on life-skills. She encouraged the teachers to conduct sessions on AEP for at least a minimum of 16 hours in one academicLater,year.K. Puthenhenmei pro posed vote of thanks. It may be mentioned that the training was conducted with an aim to enhance the understanding and skills of teachers to effectively address adolescents at schools and empower them to make healthy choices. It was conducted for the teachers of high schools and higher second ary schools from all the districts registered under NBSE. Altogether, 847 participants reg istered for the training, while a total of 548 participated on the first day and 411 on the second day. School level activities would be conducted after this training in coordination with NBSE.
Dimapur Chümoukedima Zunheboto
State CIC calls on DoPT secretary I. Meyionen Jamir with S. Radha Chauhan at the meeting in New Delhi on Monday.
Organisations condemn custodial death of Naga youth
CYF: Chakhesang Youth Front has vehe mently condemned the repulsive nature of Assam police, “who tortured to death” the Naga youth under its
ANPSA Dimapur unit informed that during the programme, Holy Cross Higher Secondary School principal, Rev. Fr. Philip Y delivered welcome ad dress as convenor, ANPSA treasurer and principal of St. Mary’s Higher Second ary School, Neena Dutta proposed vote of thanks. The programme was attended by more than 700 students, teacher represen tatives and board members.
WCH: Condemn ing the custodial death, Western Chakhesang said the law enforcing agen cies were to protect the citizens and take actions whenever found guilty ac cording to the law of the land, however, it stated that they have become agents who “murder the citizen.” WCH president Z. Kepfelhou Koza and press secretary Abel stated that the act of the police on late Henveih was highly condemnable and has no place in a civilised society. The Hoho demanded that strict action be befit ted upon erring personnel and justice be delivered to the bereaved family at the earliest.
DIMAPUR: Nagaland State AIDS Control Society (NSACS) and the Nagaland Board of School Education (NBSE), Kohima jointly organised a two-day online training for teachers on Adolescence Education Pro gramme (AEP) on August 25 and 26 in the conference hall of NBSE Kohima.According to a DIPR report, the two-day sessions comprised of topics including aims and objectives, HIV&AIDS and STI, growing up and adolescence reproductive sexual health, mental health and substance abuse, life skills for HIV prevention and implementation of 16-hour cur riculum of AEP. On the first day, NBSE academic officer Dziesevolie spoke on the need for appropriate information of adolescence education among teachers and efforts from all sections in combating against HIV&AIDS. The training commenced with the topic on aims and objectives by AD (YA), NSACS K. Puthenhenmei and highlighting the evolution of AEP, methodology and importance of AEP.DD (IEC), NSACS Thejan gunuo Theunuo talked about the basics, transmission and preventive measures in combating HIV&AIDS and myths and misconceptions. She briefed on the importance of Antiretroviral Therapy (ART) and Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI).
Kaito inaugurates SRSU library at Satakha
NPP state unit: Con demning the custodial death of Henveih Phom, National People’s Party Nagaland state unit said it was utterly shocked and infuriated at the cruel and unimaginable manner in which the personnel of Assam police “tortured and allegedly killed” late Henveih Phom. The NPP state unit said such cold-blooded killing of a Naga civilian by the Assam police will not be tolerated at any cost and that NPP would not remain a mute spectator. It demanded both the state and Assam gov ernments to immediately book everyone respon sible “for this villainous act” and requested the responsible authorities to give befitting punishment at the earliest. NPP state unit questioned as to why the state government as to why it has been maintain ing a “surprising silence” over this issue and why it had not been discussed at the chief minister’s level till date.Conveying its con dolence to the bereaved family members and rela tives, the state unit also called upon the central and state governments of Assam and Nagaland to “immediately compensate the family members of the deceased with adequate ex-gratia.”
DIMAPUR: State chief information commissioner I. Meyionen Jamir on Mon day, called on secretary, per sonnel & training, govern ment of India, New Delhi, S. Radha Chauhan and discussed issues with regard to effective implementation of Right to Information (RTI)AccordingAct. to deputy director & PRO Delhi, dur ing the meeting, misuse of the Act by the RTI ap plicants “for their personal benefits” and the absence of any punitive provisions to tackle such cases in the Act wereMeyionendiscussed.requested for amendment of the Act to incorporate appropri ate measures to check the criminal activities by infor mation seekers. S. Radha Chauhan appreciated the chief information commis sioner for bringing notice to the aforementioned issues and assured to look into the matter.
DIMAPUR: Phom Stu dents’ Conference (PSC), Chakesang Youth Front (CYF), Western Chakhe sang Hoho (WCH) and National People’s Party (NPP) state unit have condemned the custodial death of E. Henveih Phom, a retired Nagaland police personnel from Anaki vil lage under Mokokchung district while in the cus tody of Assam police.
DIMAPUR: District units of All Nagaland Private Schools’ Association (ANPSA) organised liter ary competitions (quiz and extempore) across the state on August 26 and 27. ANPSA informed that winners of the competition will be participating at the state level literary competi tion which will be held in Kohima. Dimapur: ANPSA Dimapur unit organised a district level literary com petition (quiz & extem pore) on August 26, where 18 schools participated. In a press release
PSC: Condemning the custodial death, Phom Students’ Conference has expressed deep concern over the deteriorating cir cumstances in which such lawlessness exists. PSC said this, under mined the fundamental rights of citizens as en shrined in the Indian Con stitution and International Human Rights Law.
Nayak of Agape Higher Secondary School Chü moukedima bagged the first prize under quiz com petition while Shapong Konyak & Helena Maria of Little Flower High School Chümoukedima bagged the second prize and Ann Maria P.S. & Lodeno Yan than of St. John’s School, Diphupar-B were declared thirdWinnersrunner-up.under the extempore speech were— Likumsu Yeptho, Rincho Academy, 5th Mile (first), Sneha Das, Little Flower High School Chümouke dima (second) and Inalito Achumi, Rincho Academy (third).Consolation prizes were also presented to Lan yami Kasar, Patkai Higher Secondary School, Chü moukedima and Mheth owe-u Khutso, St. John’s School, Diphupar-B. Zunheboto: ANPSA Zunheboto unit organised the district level literary competition (quiz and ex tempore speech) on August 27, which was participated by students from several schools under Zunheboto town, at Olympic Higher Secondary School. In a press release, ANPSA Zunheboto unit informed that during the programme, ANPSA Zun heboto unit president Vin cent H. Sukhalu delivered the welcome speech while vote of thanks was pro posed by ANPSA Zunhe boto unit general secretary Bliss K. TheAchumi.event was at tended by students, teach ers and representatives of various schools under Zunheboto.Thequiz competition winners include—Heroka Yeptho & Nani Angela Chauhan of Woodland Higher Secondary School (first); Alomica M. Aye & Lika A. Rochill of Betha ny School (second) while winners under extempore speech include—Kilini P. Zhimo of Cornerstone Higher Secondary School (first); Merytoli Kinny of Bethany School (second) and Kupuka H. Zhimomi of Bloomfield Hill higher Secondary School (third).
CYF also conveyed condolences to the be reaved family and prayed that God grant solace at this time of grief.
Pointing out that the inhuman and irresponsible act by law-abiding forces may trigger disharmony between the two states of Nagaland and Assam, it demanded that the ac cused person(s) be dealt with an iron hand and befitting punishment be given.
invocation by Naga United Ao Baptist Church pastor Sadem Lemtur and vote of thanks was proposed by Rincho Academy head mistress Benisha Keppen while benediction was of fered by GCHSS principal ElizabethHighlightsDozo.of the pro gramme included song by Gwasinle Thyu, group song by Rincho Acad emy choir team and a Tae kwondo demonstration by Nagaland Police Central School prizes.withpetitionswhereparticipatedAltogetherChümoukedima.18schoolsintheevent,winnersofthecomwereawardedcertificatesandcashAnshSingh&Santosh
Further, the conference extended its solidarity to the bereaved family and prayed that God would provide comfort at this hour of sorrow.

Correspondent IMPHAL, AUG 29: Ma nipur Rifles on Monday seized five Kgs of hasrestedainternationalworthlarlyMethamphetaminesCrystal(popuknownasIcedrug)aroundRs.5croreinmarketfrombakeryinImphalandaroneperson.ThearrestedpersonbeenidentifiedasBish
Manipur lawyers protest against felling of aged old tree
1ST CLASS MAGISTRATEDB-943/22(A) DECLARATION OF AFFIDAVIT I, Shri. MOATOSHI, son of Ngangshi Ao, resident of Longcham Village, P.O & P.S - Longchem, in the district of Mokokchung, Nagaland do hereby solemnly declare on oath as under 1. That I am a citizen of India by birth and a resident of the aforesaid locality. 2. That presently am working as Rfn/GD bearing No. 2502147K under 25 Assam Rifles, Jalukie where my children name has been mistakenly entered/recorded as ASANGLA AO and IMKONG AO in service records as Nominee Daughter and Son, whereas in their Aadhaar Card and all their other relevant documents the names has been entered/recorded as WAPANGSANGLA AND IMKONGTONGzuK. 3. That henceforth, my daughter and son's name i.e. WAPANGSANGLA and IMKONGTONGzuK shall be used in all their future official use and correspondences and further it will be corrected in my service records as nominee daughter and son. 4. That this affidavit shall be used as a piece of documentary evidence to authenticate the actual names of my daughter and son i.e. WAPANGSANGLA and IMKONGTONGzuK and further this Declaration on affidavit shall produce before any competent authority as and when required.
AFFIDAVIT Regd. No. 4875/22 Date 25/8/22 I, No. 15474712X, DFR, THINUOKHRIELIE ZATSU, 88 ARMD Regt. C/o 56 APO do hereby solemnly declare on oath as follows:
AGARTALA, AUG 29 (PTI): Virtually kicking off the Assembly campaign in Tripura, BJP national president J P Nadda said here on Monday that all round development has taken place in the state dur ing the past four years under the party’s rule and if it is voted back to power in 2023, the state’s economic growth will “touch new heights”. Tripura attracted huge infrastructure investment and industrialization gained pace under the BJP regime, Nadda, who is on a two-day visit to Tripura, said. “The double engine government of BJP both at the state and the Centre will spur double growth in Tripura. It will touch new heights,” he told newsmen here.The 60-member Tri pura Assembly goes to the poll early next year. In the last edition of the poll in 2018 BJP had won 36 seats. Nadda claimed that political violence had been put to an end in the state. “There were no po litical skirmishes in Tripura under the BJP ... We are confident that the people of the state will bless BJP to form the government for the second straight term with two-third majority,” he said exudingTheconfidence.BJPpresident, who is on a two-day visit to Tripura, said the state’s per capita income has grown by 30 per cent to reach Rs 1,30,000 per annum, “which is an indicator that the state is marching ahead”. “The state’s annual budget has increased from Rs 12,600 crore to Rs 27000 crore,” he Highlightingstated. the BJPled government’s perfor mance in the state, Nadda said it farmers’ income has increased from Rs 6500 to Rs 11,000 per month due to paddy procurement at subsidized rate and suc cessful implementation of PM Kisan Samman Nidhi scheme.Calling the 35-yearlong Leftist regime in the state as its “dark days”, he said the tribals were ig nored, youths exploited and no welfare step was initiated for women’s empowerment. The erstwhile government of the Congress in the state had allowed terrorism, in filtration and corruption in the northeastern state, Nadda“Bandhsaid. and blockade were then the order of day in this small northeastern state,” he Naddasaid.said he had detailed meetings with party leaders, ministers, MLAs and also leaders of the al liance partner IPFT during his visit. ofBJPisthespokesmanthepeopleofBengal
2. That henceforth, I herewith rectified the same and declares that my father's and my mother's correct Date of Birth is 1st April 1956 and 15th June 1956 respectively for all official purposes and references. k-1960/22
5. That this affidavit is made for the sole purpose of declaring that both the names “Yanbemo Kikon” and “Yenbemo Kikon” belongs to my name and is of one and the single person and to declare my correct name as “Yanbemo Kikon” and to make necessary correction in my above said documents and to produce this affidavit as a clarification/ evidence about my correct name where ever require. I further declare that the statements made by me herein above are true to the best of my knowledge and belief and nothing has been concealed therein. DEPONENT Sworn and declared before on this 13th day of August, 2022. NOTARy PUBLICDP-4053/22
GUWAHATI, AUG 29 (PTI): Assam Chief Min ister Himanta Biswa Sarma on Monday proposed five national capitals, one for each zone, to end regional disparity in the country. The senior BJP leader, in a series of tweets, contin ued his tirade against Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Ke jriwal, with whom he has been engaged in a war of words on “HavingTwitter.been engaged in a dialogue with Delhi CM Shri @ArvindKejri wal, who’s by now in habit of mocking at other states, I’m of the view that we should work on curing the disease of disparity, and not mock poor states. Can we have 5 Capitals of India, one in every zone?” Sarma tweeted.“This will ensure, govts like Delhi do not have huge wealth at their disposal vis a vis North East and states from East. And of course what we’ve been doing in health, edu cation, communication with blessings of our PM Shri @narendramodi Ji was unheard of in last 75 years,” he said in another Twitter post. He claimed the pro cess of “mainstreaming” of Northeast began in 2014 and the region has been progressing at an unrelent ing pace since then. “Finally, after seven decades of denial & neg ligence, process of main streaming of the North East started in 2014 by Hon PM, and the pace of progress is unrelenting. North East does not need sympathy & ridicule, we need what’s due to us - respect, resources and regeneration,” he tweeted. Sarma and Kejriwal have been engaged in a Twitter war since last week, which began when the Del hi CM criticised the Assam government’s decision to amalgamate schools which will lead to the closure of several educational institu tions.The Assam CM re taliated saying Kejriwal, as usual, commented without doing his homework and that he was ignorant about the good work done by the Assam government since Sarma was the state educa tion minister.TheAAP leader replied by saying he would like to visit Assam to see for him self the “good work” done by the state government, to which Sarma mockingly said that an “invitation” has already been sent to Delhi’s Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia, referring to a summons issued to him by a local court over a defamation case filed by Sarma.
Principal District & Sessions Judge Mokokchung : NagalandmkC-312/22
DIMAPUR, AUG 29 (NPN): The 91st Martyr dom Anniversary of Haipou Jadonang was organised by Zeliangrong Civil Organisa tions (ZCOs) at Langthabal Chingkha Village, Imphal West District, Manipur on AugustAccording29. to media and publicity cell of ZCOs, on the occasion, Ph. Lung puiga, Khullak of Langtha bal Chingkha village lit the candle to mark the day. Peter Panmei, secretary, Ze liangrong Students’ Union (ZSUM) and Thonribou Pamai, president, Zelian grong Youth Front Manipur (ZYFM) delivered welcome address and vote thanks respectively. Village elders, senior leaders, women’s societies, youths and stu dents’ leaders attended the programme.AllZeliangrong Stu dents’ Union AZSU (As sam, Manipur & Nagaland) president, T. Henry Cha wang; Zeliangrong Youth Front ZYF (Assam, Ma nipur & Nagaland) presi dent, M. Lunglailung; All Zeliangrong Arts and Cul ture president, Poudongai Kamson; Zeliangrong Baudi ZB (Manipur) president, Poupoklung Kamei; Ze liangrong Baudi (Assam, Manipur & Nagaland) VicePresident, Titus Kamei spoke on the occassion. The speakers mainly dwelt on the philosophy and ideology of the great leader Jadonang who had a strong determination moblised the people and launched a strong resistance people movement against the co lonial rule in order to free his people from the oppres sion and suppression of the colonial rule.
As per reports, the incident allegedly took place on the night of Aug 22 though it was not re ported until the evening of Aug 25, a day after the new superintendent of po lice, Shailendra Bamaniya, took charge. The reason for the delay in reporting was mainly due to members of the Church attending a convention in the town of Tura.
1. That my father's name NEIZELIE ZATSU Correct Date of Birth is 1st April 1956 and my mother's namely NUHEU Correct Date of Birth is 15th June 1956 however, in my Service Records my father's Date of Birth has been recorded as 45 years and my mother's Date of Birth has been recorded as 40 years which is an error.
Arunachal Himanta Biswa
Jadonang Daram Church vandalized, statues desecrated in NGH BSF lodge protest with BGB on assault Mountaineer
Army missingpersonnelinboatcapsize TEZPUR, AUG 29 (PTI): An army personnel is re ported to be missing when the boat in which he was in capsized in River Brahma putra in Assam’s Sonitpur district, Defence official said here on men were rowing a country boat in the river at Solmara area of the district when it suddenly capsized on Sunday evening. Two of them swam to safety and the third is still miss ing, the official said. A search operation has been launched by the National Disaster Re sponse Force, he said. The missing Army personnel has been identified as Anil Kumar, a clerk with the Gajraj Corps here, he added.
nu Banik (32) son of Deepak Banik of Muslim Nagar (Moreh ward no. 5), police said. The raid was conduct ed acting on reliable infor mation and the state security personnel were assisted by volunteers of Youth Athletic Development Association (YADA), a CSO actively involved in the drive against illegal drugs in the state, the
DEclaraNT Solemnly affirm and declared before me on this day the 29th of August 2022.
Manipur lawyers at a protest outside the court complex on Monday. (NP)
IN THE COURT OF PRINCIPAL DISTRICT & SESSIONS JUDGE MOKOKCHUNG : NAGALAND S/C NO. 122/2022 NOTICE NOTICE INVITING CLAIMS/OBJECTIONS OF OTHER CLAIMANT(S) FOR ISSUE OF SUCCESSION CERTIFICATE UNDER PART-I OF INDIAN SUCCESSION ACT 1925 Whereas application under Succession Act 1925 for grant of Succession Certificate for the estate/pension benefits of Late Mongtisangba has been applied by Shri. Imtisowa, cousin brother of Lt. Mongtisangba, R/o H.No. 269 Mokokchung Village, Mokokchung, Nagaland for possession of: 1. Gratuity & other service related beneficiaries. Notice is hereby given that any person having interest in the administration of the estate/pension benefits of the said deceased may if she/ he so desire to appear in this court on or before the said day of 29.09.2022.Givenunder the hand and seal of the court on this day, the 29.08.2022.
VERIFICATION I, hereby verify that the contents made in paragraph No. 1 to 4 are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and nothing material is concealed therein. DEclaraNT Solemnly sworn before me on this the 29th day of August 2022 at Dimapur.
AffidAvit I, Shri. Namlungbe, S/o Rhambe of Heningkunglwa village, Peren District, Nagaland, do hereby solemnly affirm and declare before the Magistrate. That my actual name is Shri. Namlungbe, whereas it was erroneously entered in some of my documents as Shri. Namlongbe zeliang. Therefore, on this day onwards, I shall be known as Shri. Namlungbe and shall be used in all my official documents.
Notice Whereas application under Succession Act 1925 for grant of Succession Certificate for the estate/pension benefits of Late A. Chubanungkum has been applied by Smti Marlemla, W/o Late A. Chubanungkum, R/o H.No.96 Yimlang Sector, Chuchuyimpang village, Mokokchung, Nagaland for possession of : 1. Closing of SBI Life Insurance Policy 2. Closing of Regd. No. NBOCW/Mkg/20/0466 3. Closing of A/c Notice is hereby given that any person having interest in the administration of the estate/pension benefits of the said deceased may, if she/he so desire to appear in this court on or before the said day of 29.09.2022. Given under the hand and seal of the Court on this day, the 29.08.2022 Sd/Principal District & Sessions Judge Mokokchung: NagalandmkC-313/22 AffidAvit Regd. No. 2761/2022 Date 13/08/2022 I, MR . YANBeMO KIKON, son of ROBIN KIKON, resident of H/No. 88, eKHYOYAN (DOMOKHIA), PuRANA BAzAR B, DIMAPuR , NAGALAND do hereby swear on oath and declare as follows: 1. That I am a bonafide and law abiding citizen of India and a resident of the above mentioned address. 2. That my correct official name which used in my documents like my Aadhaar Card bearing No. 895254417520 is “ YANBeMO KIKON”.
3. That in my Service Identity Card bearing Card No. 14706451Y, and Serial No. G157614, and in my Service Appointment letter and all related documents, my name has been entered and recorded as “Yenbemo Kikon” instead of my correct official name i.e “Yanbemo Kikon” due to clerical mistake. 4. That both the names “Yanbemo Kikon” and “Yenbemo Kikon” belongs to my name and is of one and the single person.
Correspondent SHILLONG, AUG 29: The Border Security Force has lodged a protest with Border Guards Bangladesh (BGB) after two BSF of ficials were assaulted by Bangladeshis inside Indian territory at Rongara in Meghalaya’s South Garo Hills district on Saturday last. BSF officials Bipul R Sangma and Dinanath Rai from Shillong sector were assaulted by Bangladeshis.
BJP national president J P Nadda on Monday as serted that the party has become the “spokesman” of the people of West Bengal and will continue to raise its voice against corruption and lawlessness in the state. BJP has been protest ing strongly against corrup tion, atrocities and misman agement by the ruling Trin amool Congress in Bengal, he told reporters violence“Everybodyhere.knowshastakenplace
in Bengal after the Assem bly elections there. TMC have been disobeying the rule of law, while CPI (M) and Congress remain silent spectators ... BJP has be come the spokesman of the people of Bengal,” Nadda, who is on a two-day visit to Tripura, said during a press conference at the party headquarters.“IfBJPcould increase its vote share from 3 per cent to 38 per cent in Bengal in three years, the party can secure 40 per cent vote share in five years. The steep increase in BJP’s vote share in Bengal is a record of the support by its people,” he said. Coming down heav ily on TMC, Nadda said, “We all should be ashamed of what has happened in Bengal’s education and healthcare“Bengalsectors.tops in hu man trafficking despite hav ing a lady chief minister (Mamata Banerjee there,” he alleged.BJPis the only po litical force which will fight against TMC in Bengal, Nadda added.
Himanta proposes five national capitals to end regional disparity ZCOs
J Nadda
AffidAvit I, Shri. Wangdi Sherpa, S/o Lt. Salu Sherpa, presently residing at Chandmari Colony, Kohima, Nagaland, do hereby solemnly affirm and declare that I am a bonafide citizen of India. That my correct and original name is Wangdi Sherpa, S/o Lt. Salu Sherpa. That in my Service Book my name has been inadvertently/incorrectly entered as Lal Bahadur, S/o P.U. Thapa instead of Wangdi Sherpa, S/o Lt. Salu Sherpa. However, both Lal Bahadur, S/o P.U. Thapa and Wangdi Sherpa, S/o Lt. Salu Sherpa, is the same and one person i,e myself. Henceforth, my original name Wangdi Sherpa, S/o Lt. Salu Sherpa shall be used for all official purpose in future through Affidavit Regd. No. 432/16, Date: 25/02/16. First Class Magistrate Deponent -1965/22
Haipou Jadonang
RESUBELPARA, AUG 29 (AGENCIES): In a shocker, one of the oldest Churches in Garo Hills in the village of Daram in North Garo Hills (NGH) was vandalized with the statues of Jesus, Mother Mary, St Joseph as well as the statue of a baby Jesus beingThedesecrated.attackers also tried to damage the holy crucifix placed on the up per portion of the Church wall above the altar where the holy Eucharistic is celebrated, but ended up destroying the leg of the idol, TST reported.
All round progress in Tripura under BJP: Nadda
The two officials are out of danger, BSF officials added.“We have lodged a protest note with the BGB and lodged an FIR with the Meghalaya police,” BSF Inspector General Megha laya frontier, Inderjit Singh Rana, said on Monday. He said whenever such incidents happen on the in ternational border, there is a laid down policy on dealing such unpleasant situations. “It’s a matter of inves tigation and that is why we have lodged a protest with the BGB. We are not sure who has assaulted them,” Rana added.
Drug worth Rs.5 cr seized in Imphal sourceWhensaid.the team rushed to the bakery, Bishnu Banik was found alone and upon questioning and thorough checking, the personnel intercepted two packets of ice drug.Further search led to the recovery of three more packets of the contraband drug, the police source said. The source alleged that the arrested drug smug gler received the Ice drug consignment from one of his partners Karim from Imphal East and was about to deliver the same to one person outside the state. The arrested alleged drug peddler along with the seized drug was handed over to Imphal police station after lodging a case, the source said. person with security persons. (NP)
Asked how Bangla deshis could intrude into Indian territory, assault BSF officials and return to Bangladesh, Rana said there are a lot of gaps on the international border with StatingBangladesh.that only 80 per cent of the border with Bangladesh is fenced and in many portions the areas have remain unfenced due to the terrain and other factors, Rana said, “Smug glers and traffickers try to sneak in through these gaps. However, we are ensuring that we plug these gaps with active “Wepolicing.”don’t have a shortage of manpower and we are actively managing the border with various electronic gadgets,” the BSF IG said.Asked if Jihadi ele ments can sneak also sneak, Rana said, the BSF is ac tively working with the state police and coordinating to foil ay such attempt. “We have lot of coor dination meetings with the state police and other agen cies on this matter,” the BSF official said while refusing to divulge further. observe 91st of goes missing in Sarma
NOTARy PUBLIC DIMAPUR NAGALANDDP-4069/22 Regd. No. 1786/2022 Date : 29/08/2022
ITANAGAR, AUG 29 (PTI): Tapi Mra, the first Arunachalee to conquer Mount Everest has report edly been missing for the past seven days when he was on an official mission to explore the snow-capped Mount Kyarisatam, one of the highest peaks of ArunachalMountaineeringPradesh. and paragliding associations Monday urged Chief Minis ter Pema Khandu for help to trace the 37-year-old Ever ester. Paragliding Associa tion of Arunachal Pradesh president, Vijoy Sonam and Mountaineering Associa tion of Arunachal Pradesh president, Sika Gapak con firmed that Mra has gone missing and are making efforts to trace hi, Mra is also the secretary general of Mountaineering Asso ciation. He had climbed the highest peak of the world on May 21, “This2009.was Mra’s fourth attempt to scale Kyarisa tam,” Gapak Sonam,said.who has rushed to East Kameng district headquarters Seppa in search of Mra told PTI over telephone that a person from the Puroik tribe had accompanied Mra for sum miting Mount Kyarisatam , while his five porters are waiting in the base camp. The news about his going missing was given by two Puroik porters, a father and son, who had returned to Seppa on Sunday.
Correspondent IMPHAL, AUG 29: Irked by felling of a more than 50-year-old tree grown inside a court complex in Imphal, lawyers ceased their duties and held a protest outside the court complex here on Monday. A big bottle brush tree inside Imphal’s Cheirap court, the oldest court complex in the state, was found cut down recently. The lawyers alleged that it was chopped on Au gust 27, the day the court observed a holiday for being the fourth Saturday. The lawyers under the aegis of the All Manipur Bar Association (AMBA) ceased their work of the day and staged a sit-inprotest outside the Cheirap Court“Savecomplex.trees, save en vironment and save life,” “Save the priceless gift of mother nature,” other placards displayed at the protest site read. “The chopping of the old tree is a senseless act. Inquire into the matter and initiate legal action,” AMBA president Tomcha MeiteiTalkingdemanded.toreporters, the president alleged that the tree was chopped with out informing any of the authorities of the court. The court authorities were not informed about the cutting of the tree. The state forest department also has no knowledge, he said.He added that AMBA has also decided to con duct an independent en quiry into the matter.

Cong taking medicines from compounders: Azad
NAGALAND POST, DIMAPUR TUESDAY, AUGUST 30, 2022 NATIONAL 5 OFFICE OF THE NAGALAND APEX WEAVERS & ARTISANS COOPERATIVE FEDERATION Ltd. (WEAFED) Undertaking by the Government of Nagaland Opposite Fire Brigade, DIMAPUR-797112 : NAGALAND LIST OF SELECTED PARTICIPANTS FOR STATE HANDLOOM EXPO AT TSEMINYU, KOHIMA. W.E.F 01st TO 14th SEPTEMBER’2022. 1. Bidyut Mech Assam 2. Runole Tep Tseminyu 3. Bhanu Ingjal Assam 4. Khweni Tsela Tseminyu 5. Kenyusha Tsela Kohima 6. Rituraj Saika Assam 7. Nyehile Tsela Tseminyu 8. Rahel Lotha Dimapur 9. Nirada Doley Assam 10. M.Pheangmeth Kohima 11. Kesinle Tsela Tseminyu 12. Nilamani Metei Manipur 13. Ngipngam Konyak Mon 14. Alyon Kent Tseminyu 15. Kazungtula Mokokchung 16. Nyathiang K Dimapur 17. Sonyegi Kent Tseminyu 18. Imtikokla Changtongya 19. Mutum Jugindro Manipur 20. Sanale Tep Tseminyu 21. Merenjungla Kohima 22. Hilole Kent Dimapur 23. Abigail Semp Tseminyu 24. Y.Yeiwang Konyak Diphupar 25. Nangshezungla Ozukum Dimapur 26. Kenisha Kath Niuland Town 27. Deepa Gogoi Assam 28. Grace Tsela Tseminyu 29. Tayongmar Kohima 30. Watisola Phek 31. Hilole Tep Tseminyu 32. T.Moichila Phom Dimapur 33. T.Nonngam Mon 34. Logule Seb Tseminyu 35. Shahile Tep Tseminyu 36. Mayanglambam Manipur 37. Imsumongla Longkumer Mokokchung 38. Ruchuhile Kent Tseminyu 39. Wapangtila Jamir Dimapur 40. Yatoli Chumukedima 41. Ayhunle Kent Tseminyu 42. Hitile Jemu Tseminyu 43. Y.Manda Phom Longleng 44. Akanginla Changtongya 45. Marsena Kent Tseminyu 46. Asenla Imsong Dimapur 47. Sherhunlo Ras Tseminyu 48. Arentula Mokokchung 49. Aienla Ao Dimapur 50. Rolile Tseminyu 51. S.Alemla Dimapur 52. Khuvili Tseminyu 53. Moinla Dimapur 54. Gwasule Khing Tseminyu 55. Temjensangla Dimapur 56. Rongmangnaro Mokokchung 57. Chubasangla Changtongya 58. Eunice Tseminyu 59. Yumei Dimapur 60. Kenyusinle Thong Tseminyu N.B.1. The selected participants are directed to report to the exhibition venue on 01st of September’ 2022 at 8:00 AM. 2. The participants are directed to keep their exhibits in their respective stall. The office will not be responsible in case of theft. 3. The participants are informed to strictly adhere to COVID SOP and reach venue in time. Managing(GwarunoSd/-Khing)DirectorDC-984/22
NEW DELHI, AUG 29 (PTI): A new mechanism for the listing of matters will be devised soon, Chief Justice of India U U Lalit said on Monday, his first working day in the Supreme Court as the CJI.He asked lawyers to mention cases for urgent hearings before the registrar rather than requesting the first court to entertain such pleas.“We will have a new mechanism by Thursday. Till then, we will look at it in chamber and if urgent we will list it… For mentioning, we will go back to the original practice of mentioning before the registrar,” the CJI said. The observation came after Solicitor General Tushar Mehta sought to know about the mechanism of mentioning the matters before the bench. As the bench headed by the chief justice of India commenced proceedings for the day, Mehta welcomed CJI Lalit and assured him of full support from the government. Senior advocate Dushyant Dave also wished the CJI on behalf of the entireOverbar. 900 petitions, including 60 PILs, were listed before the top court on Monday along with pleas against the Karnataka High Court verdict that wearing hijab by women doesn’t form an essential part of religious practice in Islam. CJI Lalit, who was holding the bench along with Justice S Ravindra Bhat, heard 62 petitions out of which 10 were Public Interest Litigations.Justice Uday Umesh Lalit, the senior-most judge in the Supreme Court, was sworn in as the 49th Chief Justice of India (CJI) on Saturday.AsCJI, Justice Lalit will have a short tenure of 74 days and demit office on November 8 on attaining the age of 65 years. Justice D Y Chandrachud, the seniormost judge after Justice Lalit, is next in line to be the country’s top judge. Justice S M Sikri, who became the 13th CJI in January 1971, was the first lawyer to be elevated directly to the top court in March 1964.Justice Lalit, who was a senior advocate before being appointed a judge of the apex court on August 13, 2014, has been part of several landmark verdicts including the one which held the practice of divorce through instant ‘triple talaq’ among Muslims illegal and unconstitutional.Hewasappointed a special public prosecutor for the CBI to conduct the trial in the 2G spectrum allocation case.Justice Lalit will be the sixth chief justice of India to have a tenure of less than 100 days. Justice Kamal Narain Singh, who was the CJI between November 25, 1991, and December 12, 1991, had a tenure of 18 days. While Justice S Rajendra Babu had a tenure of 30 days between May 2 and May 31, 2004, Justice J C Shah was the CJI for 36 days between December 17, 1970, and January 21, 1971. Justice G B Patnaik had a 41-day tenure from November 8 to December 18, 2002, and Justice L M Sharma had a tenure of 86 days between November 18, 1992, and February 11, 1993.
NEW DELHI, AUG 29 (PTI): In a fresh attack on the Congress, former leader Ghulam Nabi Azad Monday said the “ailing” party needs medicines which are being provided by compounders instead of doctors.Days after quitting the party, he claimed its foundation has turned very weak and the organisation can fall anytime but the Congress leadership doesn’t have the time to set things right.The former Congress leader also alleged that Rahul Gandhi does not have the aptitude or interest in politics.Speaking to reporters at his residence, Azad claimed that the leadership being projected in states is making party members leave instead of unitingAssertingthem. that he belonged to the Congress ideology and never wanted to quit the organisation with which he grew from his student days, Azad claimed that he was “forced out” of the party.He stressed that he will not join the BJP as it will not help his politics in Jammu and Kashmir. The former Congress leader said that he would soon set up a new party in Jammu and Kashmir as the assembly elections could be announced anytime. “I can only give my best wishes to the Congress, but it needs medicines more than my wishes. And, these medicines are being provided by compounders instead of doctors and there is a need for specialists,” Azad told reporters. “The leadership has no time for setting things right in the party. The Congress is providing such leaders in states and promoting those who are making people quit rather than uniting them with the party,” he alleged. The party’s foundation has turned very weak and the organisation can fall anytime, Azad claimed while citing it as a reason why he and some leaders quit the Congress now. “There are people who do clerical work in the Congress and do plants against leaders,” he said while attacking those who have attacked him in the organisation. “I have been forced to leave my home as we were not heard within.” Azad took a swipe at Rahul Gandhi, saying it was the former Congress chief who hugged Modi in Parliament and thus it was he who was “entangled” with the prime minister. “The BJP cannot help me in politics in Jammu and Kashmir. The BJP has a separate constituency. Those spreading such misinformation are playing into the BJP’s hands and this is Congress propaganda against me,” he claimed. On post-poll alliance, Azad said there are other parties also and the new organisation can align with themContinuingtoo. his attack on Rahul Gandhi, he said, “It seems he does not have the aptitude for politics. We tried to make him a leader and made many efforts in this regard.”Azadalso said he used to think Prime Minister Narendra Modi is a “crude man” as he had no children but he displayed humanity while recalling a terrorrelated incident during his speech in Rajya Sabha when he turnedRecallingemotional.Modi in tears in the Rajya Sabha during the former Congress MP’s farewell, he said the prime minister broke down on remembering the tragic incident and not for each other.But that speech during his retirement was given a different twist by some “illiterate” Congressmen, Azad claimed. “One should understand the context of Modi’s speech. He did not speak about me, he was talking about an incident.” Azad said Modi is merely an excuse and they were riling ever since he and 22 other Congressmen wrote to Sonia Gandhi in August 2020. After that letter, there have been many meetings and “we put forth our views before Sonia Gandhi but none of our suggestions was implemented”.Healsoquestioned the DNA of those who put question marks on him and accused those leaders in the Congress of conspiring and “planting news” against party leaders and thus weakening the organisation. Hitting back, the Congress accused Azad of indulging in “treachery” and said he was “diminishing himself”“Afterfurther.such a long career, courtesy entirely the party, he’s been tasked to slander by giving interviews indiscriminately. Mr Azad diminishes himself further”. “What’s he afraid of that he’s justifying his treachery every minute? He can be easily exposed but why stoop to his level,” Congress general Rameshcommunications,secretary,Jairamtweeted.
New mechanism for listing of matters in SC soon: CJI Lalit U U Lalit NOIDA, AUG 29 (PTI): Top officials along with the Noida police commissioner inspected the twin tower demolition site Monday as the issue of debris management remained a concern for them as well as residents of nearby societies. Edifice Engineering said it would take 90 days to clear the debris, estimated to be around 80,000 tonnes of concrete, steel and iron. A meeting with residents was held at the Emerald Court society in the afternoon by officials of Edifice Engineering, Jet Demolitions, Central Building Research Institute and the Noida Authority while Police Commissioner Alok Singh and Joint Commissioner Love Kumar were also Edificepresent.Engineering was hired for the demolition job and it had roped in South African firm Jet Demolitions as a collaborator. The CBRI was appointed as technical expert by the Supreme Court while real estate developer Supertech bore the cost and the Noida Authority oversaw the whole exercise. “The police commissioner has also inspected the site where the implosion was carried out yesterday. Residents are happy with the demolition. Now Edifice is looking after the debris management. They are now looking to carry out the secondary breaking of the debris before sending it for recycling,” Joe Brinkkman, the managing director of South African Jet Demolitions, told reporters after the meeting. He said the Mumbaibased Edifice Engineering looked at all best possible plans for debris management and also consulted Jet Demolitions, which has to its name, among other projects, the successful demolition of 108-metre-tall Bank of Lisbon building in Johannesburg, South Africa in November 2019. “Edifice has consulted debris management widely to look at all the best options first. The most important thing is that it (debris) does not go to waste, is recycled and reused,” Brinkkman said. “After the Bank of Lisbon building demolition, we had also done the same thing. We made sure that everything was recycled and reused and up to world standards,” said the Jet Demolitions MD, who was part of the seven-member detonation team for Noida twin towers demolition.
Mayur Mehta, project manager for Edifice Engineering, said the debris management plan has been submitted to the Noida Authority and accepted by them. “It would take 90 days to clear the debris from the site in a safe manner,” Mehta told poppingthetonnesoraroundpartnerEdificePTI.EngineeringUtkarshMehtasaid35,000cubicmetresapproximately80,000ofdebriswasleftinaftermathoftheeye-event.
Former Congress leader Ghulam Nabi Azad interacts with the media, at his residence in New Delhi, Monday. (PTI)
Demolition of twin towers: Removal of debris to take 90 days, says firm
Jay Shah refuses to hold national flag after Asia Cup match
Opposition leaders slam Jay Shah over tricolour video
NEW DELHI, AUG 29 (PTI): Video footage of BCCI secretary Jay Shah appearing to turn down an offer to wave the national flag after India beat Pakistan in a thrilling cricket match at the Asia Cup in Dubai on Sunday has sparked a controversy, with Opposition leaders taking a dig at him. Several Congress leaders shared the video footage on social media and slammed Shah, who is Union Home Minister Amit Shah’s son. Tagging the footage of the Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) secretary appearing to turn down an offer to wave the flag, Congress general secretary Jairam Ramesh tweeted in Hindi: “I have papa, keep the tricolour with Congressyou.” leader Ajoy Kumar also tweeted the footage and wrote in Hindi: “Looks like the tricolour was of ‘Khadi’... not of ‘polyester’!”Congress’s Karnataka MLA Priyank Kharge asked why would Jay Shah refuse to wave the tricolour after India’s victory against Pakistan. “Any Indian would have done so reflexively. Did he want the Bhagwa Dhwaja or BJP flag?” he asked. The Congress has been strongly criticising an amendment of the flag code under which the national flag can now be made of polyester and with the help of machines.ShivSena’s Rajya Sabha MP Priyanka Chaturvedi said “staying neutral as ACC (Asian Cricket Council) president doesn’t at any point mean being disrespectful to any nation’s flag, especially your own....” In another tweet, Chaturvedi said the tricolour in hand is a symbol of the resolve and loyalty to the nation and to “dismiss” it in this way is an “insult” to the country’s 133 crore population.Tagging the video, Trinamool Congress (TMC) general secretary Abhishek Banerjee tweeted: “The prodigal prince knows not of national pride. Jay Shah not wanting to hold the national flag is symptomatic of the larger hypocrisy of the ruling dispensation. They indulge in theatrics, lack values. Excel in jumlas, lack patriotism.”Commenting on the video, TMC leader Derek O’Brien said: “Dear Amit Shah, please tell the nation whether this act infuriates you? Whether the act hurts your nationalistic sentiments? Or, will this act be forgiven only because he’s your son?”

What the demolition on Sunday, of the Twin towers of the firm Supertech at Noida, UP has proved is that the law can be applied only if there is a political will. The entire national media especially the electronic media, kept the nation glued to the demolition of the twin towers with some 3500 kgs of explosives. The demolition carried out by the reality firm as per the order of the Supreme Court lasted around nine seconds and ended a nine-year-long legal battle. Realty firm Supertech maintained that the twin towers were constructed as per the building plan approved by Noida development authorities and no deviations were made, the towers- Ceyane (29 floors) and Apex (32 floors) - were part of the Emerald Court project of Supertech Ltd and were found to be in vio lation of multiple regulations regarding construction. They were demolished via a ‘controlled implosion’ to ensure minimal damage to the surroundings.
NTC urges GoI to resolve Naga political issue at earliest a few thoughts on the way forward
Common sense is the collection of prejudices acquired by age eighteen.
The IntimacyUnsurpassedofTestedFaith
Power recharge woes of the common man T he NTC is badly perturbed by the thick cloud of un certainties being cast over the fate of the political negotiations between the GoI and the two groups of the Naga political negotia tors, namely, NSCN(IM) and the WC, 7 NNPGs despite the peace process being in its 25th year. As for the NSCN(IM), the cease fire was signed with the GoI in 1997 followed by the Framework Agree ment signed on August 3, 2015, it has been in its Silver Jubilee year as in 2022. And as for the WC, 7 NNPGs, the negotiation began in October, 2017 and signed the Agreed Po sition with the GoI on the 17.11.2017 and now it is in its 5th year. Against this backdrop, though the GoI may or may not consider it to be a serious concern, the quarter of a century ‘peace process’ has im mense toll on the life of the citizens in Nagaland. The Parliamentary Standing Committee re port on both the Houses of Parliament vide Report No. 213 quote: “TWO HUNDRED THIRTEEN REPORT, ONJULYJYA(PRESENTEDSTATESNORTHSITUATIONSECURITYINTHEEASTERNOFINDIATORASABHAON19TH2018),(LAIDTHETABLEOF LOK SABHA ON 19TH JULY 2018)”
The Twin Towers violated several building codes as observed by the Supreme Court. Accord ing to reports, the Noida Authority was complicit in sanctioning the building plan. Initially, the plan was to build 14 towers which of 9 floors. Later, around 2012, the new plan suggested twin towers with a height of 40 floors. The space that was supposed to have a park for the towers was converted into build ing space and the two towers were also constructed very close to each other. Certainly, the builders as with most in various cities, have been flouting build ing norms as they have been facilitated by corrupt housing authorities. The government of UP chief minister Yogi Adityanath, has made an example of the twin tower demolition. Much of the political will of the BJP government in UP stems from the fact that the towers were given the clearance from the previ ous Samajwadi Party government under Akhilesh Yadav. There are also many builders in Haryana and Delhi who have also flouted building laws but there has been no action taken. It is only when there are litigations then there could be some response from the court. The worst victims of such building offences in the past were buyers who had to wait for decades after paying hefty sums as advance and most of it in black. The buyers cannot disclose the amount of black money paid and so are caught in very tricky situations. It is incumbent upon the courts to direct the metro development authorities to form inspection teams to check various buildings in the metro cities. The laws can be effected only if there is a will to ensure that they are not flouted instead of acting only based on complaints. Quotes
The sub ject matter pertains to early conclusion of the peace talks. Quote: “... The Committee therefore, strongly recommends that the Government should conclude the peace talks, at the earliest, based on a broad understanding over the most conten tious issues...” However, during the last five years, the Naga Political issues could not come up for discussion in the Parlia ment. The Elected rep resentatives, particularly from Nagaland in both the Houses of Parliament and in the State Assembly did take little interest to pursue the long cherished solution to the Naga po liticalOnceissue.again, the NTC is urged to draw the atten tion of the GoI to the pre vailing environment in the State of Nagaland that the inordinate delay of politi cal solution has become the bane of the miseries of the common man in Nagaland. The general public in Nagaland have been the ultimate vic tim of the unabated and multiple illegal taxations, all kinds of suppressive and anti-people activities of the selfish authorities and the armed elements alike under the signed ceasefires during the last 25 years have virtually de stroyed everything both in public and private sectors. The worst victims are the educated youth and the tens of thousands of the school dropouts. In fact, the State of Nagaland, the second oldest State in the NE India has gone backward by 25 years in terms of progress and prosperity as proved by the progress of the other 9 years younger States in the NE have developed to become quotable model States in WhyIndia.thisstagnation and backwardness despite being funded lavishly by the Union Government? Because particularly all through these 25 years pe riod of political negotia tions, the unscrupulous el ements have transformed the State of Nagaland into their private goldmines. These elements, both state authorities and armed ele ments have taken undue advantages on the gullible general public and their facilities with vengeance. Thus, Nagaland was made to be the safest haven for the exploiters in India. The above being the background, and knowing the plight of the people of the State well, the NTC has been vocal for the deliverance of Nagaland from total perishment. The NTC is aware that the sole remedial measure for the existing ailment of Nagaland is the Naga Political Solution. The NTC is apprehensive that the consequences of the further delay of solution or the fiasco will be di sastrous.Despite, the NTC observes that both the GoI and the UDA Govt. in Nagaland have apathetic and lackadaisical attitude towards sincere conclu sion of the peace process though the official nego tiations were completed by the 31st October, 2019. As a matter of fact, the Prime Minister of India, Sri. Narendra Modi, dur ing his maiden visit to Na galand on 1.12.2015 made the promise that the Naga Political Issue would be resolved within 18 months time has gone into obliv ion. It is observed that the GoI has tendencies to be overwhelmed by the concocted assessments and disinformation fed by its agencies with ulterior motives. Secondly, no matter how BJP tries to be evasive about pacification of the public in Nagaland by the then BJP Secretary Sri. Ram Madhav in 2018 that the State election would be for solution has become a shameful betrayal. Indeed, the GoI had officially invited both the NSCN(IM) and the WC, NNPGs to negoti ating tables. The Naga negotiators believed in the determination and sincer ity of the GoI and thus the processes of negotiations had already been success fully completed under the Interlocutor-ship of Sri. RN Ravi. Thus, definitely the ball is now in the court of the GoI, and it is time for the Union Govt. to make it or unmake it with out keeping the people of Nagaland in suspense any longer.In the meantime, the NTC feels aghast at the way the UDA Govt. has been facilitating the peace process all through these years. Quoting the statement of Mr. Ch ingwang Konyak, Presi dent of NDPP which appeared in local papers dated 11.8.2022 “….de clared that they (MLAs) would not stand on the way for solution of the problem.” (from the con cluding para) is vitiated. The proof is that on the 16th July, 2022, the Po litical Core Committee on Naga Political Issue (PCCoNPI) adopted 4 points resolution which was widely circulated and published in the local me dia was found scuttled and allowed it to die a prema ture death. The reason for such sabotage was better known to the PCCoNPI. It is obvious that the UDA is hell bent against solu tion and the very resolu tion was too positive to pursue and therefore had to be shelved lest should it be furnished to GoI, it would be considered to be a vital material for solution. Nevertheless, the UDA knows that lest its anti-solution stance be camouflaged with theo retical and theatrical in nuendos for solution, it would be costly in the long run. Secondly, the Chief Minister of Nagaland focussing the next Assem bly election to superim pose the urgent political solution is nothing but the ploy to demean the peaceful process. Thirdly, the opinion of the NDPP President that the MLAs are to resign post the at tainment of the agreement implies that the MLAs have refused to pave the way. Thus, the activities of UDA remained obvious that it frantically hobnobs with those forces- both armed and civil elements to derail solution is the greatest sabotage of peace and betrayal of the people in Nagaland.Whatever the circum stances it may be, the NTC urges upon the GoI to resolve the issue at the earliest without inhibi tion. The NTC assures that the people are ever ready to have the solution and also ever prepared to handle should there be any consequences. Media Cell, NTC
I n the recent past the Power Department attempted to explain the lengthy Recharge Code for the new meter system in response to some complaints. I don’t exactly remember the contents, but the department threw the re sponsibility on the system manufacturer. With the commotion we hoped the problem would soon be resolved. I recently recharged (1st Au gust 2022) a domestic phase and was pleasantly surprised to find the status quo maintained. I first recharged my new meter system on 27th April 2021. It had a 20-digit Recharge Code, which was bad. Compare this with the mobile users of India. The country probably has more than a billion mobile numbers in use and all the mobiles have 10-digit numbers. One Time Passwords (OTP) for various purposes range from 4 to 8 digits. Millions of people must be receiving OTP’s every day. The ante has been upped. We now have 120 numbers, 6 asterisks [*], and 6 number symbols [#] (132 in all) to punch every time to update the balance after recharge. A relative informed me that one mistake and we have to start the process all over again. To add to our woes, a slight delay in punching the next button sends one back to the starting point. Even a 100-meter runner tripping midway is not sent back to the start line. Moreover, these are not bank trans actions where hackers are patiently waiting for any delay to loot an account. It looks like the Meter System manufacturer has the Government of Nagaland (GoN) in a stranglehold. Why did the GoN opt for this company? Is it the only company in India? Did the Government of India dump it on us? It is obvious this company has some of the most inept engineers on its rolls. Instead of an 8- or 10-digit number (at the most) these people have given us a 132-button-punching exercise. Most people must be going through this ordeal every month.The reason for the new meter system, as explained by the Power Department, was to check power theft, non-payment of bills, etc. I am not sure if power pilferage will stop, even with the new system, unless areas are raided without warning. As long as the department grandly announces dates-for-raids for illegal connections in specified zones, matters will not improve. An illegal user would remove all con nections early morning of the announced date, and hook on after the inspection team leaves. Yes, they would suffer a few hours inconvenience of non-availability of power. But don’t we all, due to load-shedding, during heavy rains and strong winds, etc.? This is the reason power pilferers are the happiest lot in Nagaland. As for the non-payment of electricity bills by vari ous government departments, establishments, individuals, etc. within the stipulated period, why does the department not cut off the power supply? Believe me, they will come running to clear up their dues, of course if one has the grit to resolve such matters. But if we are intimidated by guns and business suits, then the matter ends there. If this 132-digit punching torture, akin to the exercise schedule of Mike Tyson is to remain, dear Power Department, please give us back our humble old meter boxes. Prof. GT Thong, Lower Agri Colony, Kohima, (
Jesus said to her, “Did I not say to you that if you would believe you would see the glory of —JohnGod?”11:40
The builders, on the Supreme Court orders, had to demolish the 40-storey twin towers at their own expense. According to reports the Towers cost around Rs.800 crore and the builders who have filed for insolvency are still not absolved of refunding the amount to the buyers. For many, the colossal cost of the buildings should have been considered by the court since the builders will not be in a position to refund the amount. However, the court ruled that any firm violating the building laws have to face the consequences and not be given a long rope and get away. If the law cannot be enforced then it becomes useless.
A s we observe from various statements made in the print media, social media and the opinions expressed by various organizations, civil societies, NGOs and even individuals, we see a so ciety that is hopelessly di vided and drifting along in utter confusion with no clear direction or vision. Development and progress has taken a back seat with the elected Government not providing any credible Governance and the writ of parallel Governments having tremendous impact particularly on the economy of the State and the people at large. The tag of the “worst performing state“ in SDG( Sustainable Develop ment Goals) as classified by Niti Ayog of Government of India is a matter of shame and disgrace. In the recently held CWG (Commonwealth Games), the performance of India is not something to be really proud of though many of the sports persons from India have done well. We are proud of our neigh bors, Manipur, Mizoram, Assam and also those from other states but Nagaland has drawn a blank- What a shame for all of us belong ing to the sixteenth state of the Union of India- Is it not time for us to get our act together? Whether it is on political, economic, social, intellectual front, we are not able to make any worth while progress- Why ?- The reasons are not far to seek. An example that we all can acknowledge- As you cross Nagaland gate on Golaghat road in Dimapur or Doboka road clearly indicates that as you touch Nagaland, the roads are not smooth (or rather full of pot holes) whereas other states includ ing the immediate neighbors appear to be from a differ ent planet. Travel through Assam to Dirhang/Tawang in Arunachal Pradesh , to Shillong/ Cherrapunji in Meghalaya or even the roads in Diphu in Karbi Anglong not to talk of other highways 1. Political : Nagas have been yearning for peace for decades but it seems to be elusive and today it seems to be further away as things are moving. Election to the State assembly is just six months away as per the normal term. There have been many pronouncements about solution to the vexed Naga political problem, which is the oldest in Asia. Slogans have been raised “Election for Solution” in 2018 before the Hustings and even before that in 2013 and even in 2008 and 2003. In fact since 1997, after ceasefire agreement between IM and GOI, talks have been going on, supposedly in the right direction. One wonders what is the right direction? In 2001 another ceasefire agreement with K group (now NNPGs) by GOI. It is already time for silver jubilee of the ceasefire and talks. Nagas are indeed patient but how long should our people suffer? What is the way forward? There must be sincerity and com mitment from the leaders in the Underground set up, the leaders in the state and most importantly leaders in the Centre. Solution must be accorded top most Priority instead of having election.
3. Widen the base for State’s own revenue: a) Start the process of production of Oil and Natural gas: Oil or gas is perishable and at the rate it is being extracted by our immediate neighbor Assam, especially in the disputed ar eas bordering Assam where atleast 8 locations are identi fied as brought out by our Hon’ble MP, Shri Tokheho Yepthomi in the Parliament during this monsoon ses sion. The reply given by the Union Minister was that the revenue earned by Assam over a period of five years is a whopping Rs 9500 crores. Has our Government even protested about the extrac tion in the disputed area and claimed for our share of revenue even though the case is pending in the Supreme court since 1988. The question is- When the matter is sub-judice how is one of the contending parties extracting in the dis puted area utterly excluding the other contending party. I hope the Government of the day in the state is taking up the matter. This could be one of the main ways to increase our own revenue base. Nagaland must start production of oil and natu ral gas immediately at least in the districts where there are no disputes. b) Review the NLTP 1989 Act immediately: Drinking liquor is one of the oldest habits known to mankind and cannot be forcibly stopped though it can be regulated by the Gov ernment. Prohibition has not been successful in almost all parts of the World. In the 1920s it failed in America and gave rise to Mafia. It failed in Bombay Province, Tamil Nadu, Gujarat and in any other state in the coun try, even in the Northeast, all states are free of prohibition of liquor because many have tried to impose prohibition and failed. In fact our neigh bor Manipur has decided to lift prohibition. In Nagaland on the pretext of prohibition, almost every shop is clan destinely retailing spurious liquor in every district and the trading is controlled by syndicates operating under various Godfathers, both Underground as well as over ground. The NLTP ACT 1989 and its implementa tion in the state has been a complete failure. It is up to the Government of the day to decide and not for the NBCC or other NGOs to take the decision. Once total prohibition is lifted, it can be regulated by the Govern ment and in turn this lead to creation of more employ ment and also increase the base of State’s own revenue which will be substantial and in turn the revenue so earned can be ploughed back to vital areas such as health care, education, power and maintenance of roads etc.. c) Levy property tax in urban areas: The old system of levying household tax in rural areas is not at all logical. In fact the poor people in the rural areas are taxed whereas the rich in urban areas constructing palatial buildings both com mercial and residential are not paying any tax. d) There must be eq uitable distribution of funds received by the state Gov ernment for development and conscious effort must be made to stop dividing Nagas on tribal lines. Employment in the Government sector has crossed the saturation point and all out efforts must be made to promote the private sector. The recent effort of the CSR conclave though late, is perhaps a step in the right direction. Bank ing coverage must improve and the State must ensure to legislate laws that can en able the entrepreneurs and start ups to avail loans. And make the private sector more dynamic and contribute to the economy of the state e) Act on Act east policy: The State Govern ment must consciously work and ensure that the Act East policy of GOI is really implemented on ground. As sam has taken a good initia tive by having a department of Act east policy. It used to be Look East policy during the UPA Government, and the present Government has christened it as “Act East policy” to give it more impetus and perhaps prior ity. Our state needs to gear up and access all possible benefits. Perhaps the future of our economy lies in the east especially because of the proximity to the ASEAN market. H. Khekuto Khulu, IAS (Rtd), Akukau, Naghu tomi & Former Addl Chief Secretary
Flaws in the laws
Every time you venture out in your life of faith, you will find something in your circumstances that, from a commonsense standpoint, will flatly contradict your faith. But common sense is not faith, and faith is not com mon sense. In fact, they are as different as the natural life and the spiritual. Can you trust Jesus Christ where your common sense cannot trust Him? Can you venture out with courage on the words of Jesus Christ, while the realities of your commonsense life continue to shout, “It’s all a lie”? When you are on the mountaintop, it’s easy to say, “Oh yes, I believe God can do it,” but you have to come down from the mountain to the demon-possessed valley and face the realities that scoff at your Mount-ofTransfiguration belief (see Luke 9:28-42). Every time my theology becomes clear to my own mind, I encounter something that contradicts it. As soon as I say, “I believe ‘God shall supply all [my] need,’ ” the testing of my faith begins (Philippians 4:19). When my strength runs dry and my vision is blinded, will I endure this trial of my faith victoriously or will I turn back in defeat? Faith must be tested, because it can only become your intimate possession through conflict. What is chal lenging your faith right now? The test will either prove your faith right, or it will kill it. Jesus said, “Blessed is he who is not offended because of Me” Matthew 11:6). The ultimate thing is confidence in Jesus. “We have become partakers of Christ if we hold the beginning of our confidence steadfast to the end…” (Hebrews 3:14). Believe steadfastly on Him and everything that chal lenges you will strengthen your faith. There is continual testing in the life of faith up to the point of our physical death, which is the last great test. Faith is absolute trust in God— trust that could never imagine that He would forsake us (see Hebrews 13:5-6).
2. Finance and econ omy: Nagaland appears to be saddled with a huge debt burden of over Rs 16500 crores and the accumulated annual deficit has crossed Rs 2200 crores as per the current budget whereas the State’s own revenue has re mained at Rs 650 crores. As things stand now, even the salaries of the Government employees are not being paid on time not to talk of main tenance of assets already created and new projects that can take the state and its people to a higher levels at par with other states and in tune the changing times. For example, Nagaland is the only state without a Medical college in the entire country. Wherever we look in the state, there is noth ing happening that we can look forward or up to. The common man is absolutely frustrated and feel helpless. Surely the State Govern ment can do better than this? A few thoughts in the form of constructive suggestion can be offered.
Reader’s note: Articles or letters published in any of the columns do not reflect the view of this newspaper nor that of the Editor in any manner. Post-mortem OPINION/EDITORIAL6 Nagaland Post VOL. XXXII NO. 265 DIMAPUR, TUESDAY, AUGUST 30, 2022 NAGALAND POST, DIMAPUR TUESDAY, AUGUST 30, 2022
~ Albert Einstein

The Bharatiya Janata Party’s agenda is to keep smaller parties away from power, Pawar claimed. “Efforts are underway at the national level to bring non-BJP parties together and bring about a public opinion against the BJP,” he said.Pawar, 81, said he didn’t want to take up any responsibility at this age. “I will only help bring together non-BJP parties to generate a public opinion against the BJP,” he said. “The Union govern ment made several promises since the 2014 general elec tions, but it never fulfilled a single promise. The prime minister ha d promised a house to every person in the country, but the govern ment failed to keep its word. Now the new promise is of creating a USD 5 trillion economy by 2024,” Pawar said. The NCP chief further criticised the BJP, claiming it uses Central probe agencies to come to power in states. “What BJP is doing against its opponents is nothing but an attack on parliamentary democracy which is a matter of serious concern. In all the nonBJP-ruled states, the saffron party is trying to split leg islators and capture power. Maharashtra is the latest example,” Pawar said, add ing that the BJP has failed in Kerala and Andhra Pradesh. In June, Eknath Shinde and 39 other Shiv Sena MLAs rebelled against the party leadership, leading to the collapse of the Uddhav Thackeray-led MVA govern ment, which comprised the Sena, NCP and Congress. Shinde became the CM on June 30 with the BJP’s support.Pawar said the BJP was misusing the Enforcement Directorate, Central Bureau of Investigation, and the Income Tax, to scare Op positionTwoleaders.senior NCP lead ers - Anil Deshmukh and Nawab Malik - are currently in jail after being arrested by the ED in different money laundering cases. “Can you imagine a record 110 raids by the CBI, ED and IT on Anil Deshmukh and his kin”? Pawar asked.
Congress holds pressers in 22 cities I dare BJP to arrest me; allegations of rise in assets baseless: Mamata Efforts underway in national level to unite non-BJP parties: Pawar Sharad Pawar Won’t join any alliance of which uncle Paras is a part: Chirag Chirag Paswan CBI to bankManishexamineSisodia’slockertoday Manish Sisodia Pawan Khera Gourav Vallabh Mamata Banerjee
PATNA, AUG 29 (PTI): Former LJP president Chi rag Paswan on Monday asserted that he will not be part of any coalition which included Pashupati Kumar Paras, his rebellious uncle who is enjoying a cabinet berth at the Centre. Pas wan made the comment in response to queries about speculations that he might “return” to the NDA follow ing the exit of his bete noire, Bihar CM Nitish Kumar. The young leader who is fighting to retain the lega cy of late father Ram Vilas Paswan, however, crypti cally added that he was not ruling out the possibility of siding with the RJD which has now aligned with Ku mar since “alliances have lost their sanctity in Bihar. You can tie up with one party before polls and join hands with another after elections”.“One thing is clear that I can never be part of any coalition that has my uncle in it”, Paswan told PTIBhasha over phone when his comments were sought on speculations in a section of media following the exit of Kumar, BJP might try to woo back the young leader. Paswan has been a self-confessed admirer of PM Modi and had rebelled against JD(U) in the 2020 assembly polls in the state, claiming that he wanted to dislodge Kumar from power and help the BJP form its own government.
THANE/MUMBAI, AUG 29 (PTI): Nationalist Con gress Party (NCP) president Sharad Pawar on Monday said efforts are underway at the national level to bring non-BJP parties together to create a public opinion and he was not keen to take up any responsibility due to his age.Speaking to reporters in Thane, Pawar accused the Narendra Modi govern ment of failing to fulfil any of the promises made by it since 2014 including bring ing “acche din, connecting villages through the internet, and providing toilets, water, and power to every house hold”.
k-1966/22 dc-983/22 db-933/22 MOUNT MARY COLLEGE (B. Ed.)CHÜMOUKEdIMA : NAGALANd VACANCY Interested and eligible applicants may either mail their detailed CV with colour academic documents at or submit in person on or before 2nd Sept. 2022. PG Subject Prof. Deg. Min. Criteria His, Pol.Sc, Eco. Geog, Socio M. Ed. NET or Ph.D. Math, Chem, Phy, Zoo/Bot M. Ed. NET or Ph.D. M. P.Ed., MFA/MVA NA NET Candidates without M.Ed. Need Not Apply. Preference will be given to those with Ph.D. ManagingSd/-Directordb-944/22 db-924/22 k-1877/22 4th Mile, Opp. Diphupar Police Station Class 10, 12 (Arts & Com.) Hostel Attached both Boys and Girls Free Computer Course : DCA with Certificate Limited Seats. For further info. # 7629842409, 8731961913 Fill Up CoaChing Centre P-3828/22d VJ'S COACHING CENTRE & HOSTEL D.C. COURT ROAD, DUNCAN, DIMAPUR ADMISSION GOING ON * Offer Intensive Coaching for the REPEATERS of * Class-X & XII (Science / Arts) * Hostel Attached for both BOYS & GIRLS (Separately) * SPECIAL HIGHLIGHTS : Hygienic food/Clean & Sanitized Room / 24x7 Power Backup Contact : 03862-248394/9436600530/8257880984 -3903/22Pd dP-4059/22 NAGALAND POST, DIMAPUR TUESDAY, AUGUST 30, 2022 NATIONAL 7 Slams Centre over rising prices NEW DELHI/MUMBAI, AUG 29 (PTI): The Con gress on Monday stepped up its attack on the BJP-led Centre over rising prices and accused the government of diverting attention from real issues of the Congresspeople.leaders held press conferences in 22 cit ies across the country and gave a “Dilli Chalo” call for its ‘Mehangai Par Halla Bol rally’ in New Delhi’s Ram lila Maidan on September 4. The rally will be addressed by senior Congress leaders, including Rahul Centreessentialandagainstcontinueposition”ED”beenlabhspokespersonconferenceAddressingGandhi.apresshere,CongressGouravValsaidtheCentrehas“misusingtheCBIandto“silencetheOpbutthepartywilltoraiseitsvoicetherisinginflationimpositionofGSTonfooditems.“Thedoesn’tcareabout the common man because they only focus on misus ing the ED and CBI. They can arrest any leader, they can harass anyone using C BI and ED, but we will continue to raise our voice,” he said.“Fuel prices skyrock eted after the BJP govern ment came to power. Not just fuel, but even the prices of essential food items are sky high. This is Vikas for the BJP,” he Speakingalleged.about GST on essential items, Vallabh said, “This is the first gov ernment that imposed taxes on wheat flour. Petrol and diesel became unaffordable for the common man.”
NEW DELHI, AUG 29 (IANS): In a latest develop ment in connection with the excise policy row involving Delhi’s Deputy Chief Minis ter Manish Sisodia, the Cen tral Bureau of Investigation (CBI) is all set to examine his bank locker on Tuesday. Sisodia on Monday said that on Tuesday, the probe agency will visit the branch of his bank to exam ine his account details and locker.“Tomorrow, they are coming to examine locker. During the day-long raid too, they did not find any thing. They would not find anything in lockers too. Ready for it and will give full support to the CBI,” Sisodia tweeted. The CBI has not commented on the matter as of now. The examination of bank lockers is a process of the investigation. They will have to mention in the chargesheet about it. The CBI has made Sisodia ac cused number one in its FIR. The CBI’s FIR has been lodged under sections 120-B (Criminal Conspira cy) and 477-A (Falsification of accounts) of the IPC. The allegations against Sisodia is that liquor busi nessmen were allegedly giv en exemption of Rs 30 crore. The licence holders were allegedly given extension according to their own will. The policy rules were made by violating excise rules.
KOLKATA, AUG 29 (PTI): West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee on Monday dared the BJP to have her arrested, even as she dubbed the allegations of a rise in assets of her and her relatives exponentially in the last few years as “base less”.Claiming that central agencies and “ill-gotten money of the BJP” are be ing used to dislodge elected state governments run by parties opposed to the saf fron camp, the Trinamool Congress supremo vowed to defeat the BJP in the next Lok Sabha polls. She slammed the oppo sition for allegedly unleash ing a malicious campaign against her and her party leaders following the arrest of two senior leaders by the ED and CBI in different cases, Banerjee said had she not been in politics, she would have asked her people to tear off the tongues of thoseAddressingliars. a rally of her party’s student wing, Banerjee said a malicious campaign has been un leashed against senior TMC leaders such as Abhishek Banerjee, Firhad Hakim and herself.“Someone told me they have filed a case against me, saying the assets of Mamata Banerjee and her family members have ex ponentially increased in the past few years. All my rela tives have nuclear families, and we only celebrate fes tivals together. My mother was my only responsibility,” she said.Alleging an exponen tial rise in the assets of rela tives of West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee in recent years, a PIL filed before the Calcutta High Court on Monday sought an investigation into it by a central“Whyagency.are they lodg ing a case here? I would urge them to approach the international court as the BJP might interfere in the cases,” she said adding that she earns her living by writ ing books.“For the past 12 years, I have forfeited a monthly pension of Rs 1 lakh as a former parliamentarian. Even as a chief minister, I have given up the monthly remuneration. I pay for my own cup of tea and rarely use government vehicles. I stay at my own place, which was given to me by my fa ther,” she Allegingsaid.that the BJP is trying to smear her image and dragging her name in every matter, she dared the party to have her arrested.
Addressing a presser in Mumbai, Congress’ media department head Pawan Khera slammed the Naren dra Modi-led Centre over inflation, and claimed the ruling BJP was trying to divert the attention from real issues. He said that during the previous Congress-led United Progressive Alli ance (UPA) government, the price of crude oil was USD 106 per barrel, still the price of petrol was Rs 71 per litre and that of diesel was Rs 55. Since 2014, the BJP-led Centre has been constantly increasing the excise duty on fuel, he “Butsaid.every week there is a controversy to deflect the attention from real is sues. They are dividing so ciety in the name of reli gion, language, t he attire people wear. Everyday there is a new controversy,” Khera said. Be it demonetisation or rolling of the Goods and Service Tax (GST) regime, everything was done hur riedly, he said. Addressing reporters in Ahmedabad, Congress leader Yashomati Thakur also slammed the BJP government at the Cen tre for inflation and unem ployment and said her party would continue to raise its voice for the country’s dis tressedThakur,citizens.aformer min ister in Maharashtra’s previ ous Maha Vikas Aghadi government, also alleged the Centre was granting massive amounts of money to industrialist friends even as the common citizen was finding it difficult to make ends “Wemeet.(Congress) are not scared of the central govern ment. You are going towards dictatorship, and you believe that we can be silenced by threats. However, we are from the Congress, we can get our heads chopped off but will never bow,” Thakur asserted. The Congress will continue to raise the truth before the public who feel the heat of inflation and un employment, she said. Taking a swipe at the central government, she said, “Our respected Prime Minister Narendra Modiji has two brothers, one is un employment and the other is inflation. He never talks about them, nor does he turn back to look at them.” Slamming the BJP gov ernment in Gujarat on the Bilkis Bano case, Thakur said the 11 convicts were released on the same day when the people celebrated ‘Har Ghar Tiranga’ (August 15). Thakur said Union Minister Smriti Irani used to stridently protest while in the opposition when prices of gas cylinders touched Rs 400, but was silent when it had risen to Rs 1,000 per cylinder now.

(From p-1) The project will oper ate in all 16 districts over a period of five years and the coverage will be completed phase-wise. The proposed project duration will be from July 2022 to June 2027. Coordination meeting is scheduled with Agriculture and allied departments on Tuesday, which would be followed by visits to Naga Model Integrated Settled Farming (NISF), jhum fields, Khonoma, etc in the follow ing days.Arepresentative on be half of the State government gave a brief presentation of the project and men tioned that for restoring and strengthening landscapes in Nagaland, communities needed to be empowered to take scientific and informed decisions in addressing cli mate change, ownership, local economy, biodiver sity and improve ecosystem services. The pillars of the project are adopting climate smart model, supporting green growth and sustain able livelihood and provi sioning ecosystem services. Activities such as community livelihood, ir rigation, mechanisation and marketing infrastructure along with landscape man agement plans would be included to provide outputs such as capacity building, increase in green cover, value chains and development for market linkages. In his keynote ad dress, agriculture produc tion commissioner (APC) Y Kikheto Sema disclosed that ELEMENT would be the first Work Bank project in Nagaland for agri and allied sectors, claiming that it took only seven to eight months to approve the proj ect, excluding the Covid-19 pandemic period. Further, he stated that about 1,300 villages existed in the State, out of which about 350-400 villages (25%) could be tar geted through ELEMENT, adding that about one lakh people in the farming com munity could be targeted. To also provide profit to the farming community and double the farmers’ income, Kikheto urged all agri and allied departments to work hand-in-hand, including agriculture, horticulture, water resources, livestock, etc. departments so that forests could be preserved and a totally holistic ecosys
MUMBAI, AUG 29 (PTI): After hitting all-time low, the rupee recovered some of its losses to settle 10 paise down at 79.94 (provisional) against the US dollar on Monday, tracking the strength of the American currency and firm crude oil prices. At the interbank for eign exchange market, the local currency opened at 80.10 and fell to its all-time low of 80.15 against the US dollar in intra-day trade. The local unit finally settled at 79.94 a dollar, down 10 paise over its pre vious close of 79.84.
ACROSS 8 Photograph (7) 9 Ring (9) 13 Vegetable (5) 14 Precise (5) 15 Right (7) 16 Hold (7) 17 Limber (5) 18 Bush (5) 20 Swift (5) 22 Fairness (6) 23 Light (6) 25 Competition (7) 27 Hide (7) 30 Considered (6) 31 Engrossed (6) 32 Old-fashioned (5) 35 Stick (5) 36 Obvious (5) 37 Wrestle (7) 39 Nonsense (7) 41 Lift (5) 42 Colour (5) 43 Unwilling (9) 44 Discourse (7) DOWN 1 Sight (6) 2 Level (8) 3 Casual (4,3,4) 4 Penniless (9) 5 Instructor (7) 6 Myopia (5,5) 7 Formerly (4) 10 Agree (6) 11 Quarrel (4,3) 12 Outhouse (6) 19 Clothing (7) 21 Claim (7) 24 Meeting (3-8) 26 Great (10) 28 Sly (9) 29 Chorus (7) 30 Vice (6) 32 Game (8) 33 Chaperon (6) 34 Takes (7) 38 Verse (6) 40 Tip (4) Crossword No. 10378 Yesterday’s solution No. 10377 Su doku No. 5000 Yesterday’s solution No. 4999 KAKURO No. 4024 Yesterday’s solution No. 4023 8 NAGALAND POST, DIMAPUR TUESDAY, AUGUST 30, 2022BUSINESS/STATE # 195, Bishop’s House Bldg. Circular Road, Dimapur Nagaland 797112 Ph:,GOLDAUCTIONNOTICE The Gold articles pledged under the following number/s at bank’s branch at Dimapur which are not cleared by payment of bank’s dues even after serving registered notice and the gold articles pledged under the same number against which registered notices have been served/returned, undelivered, will be sold in public auction or by private treaty at the branch premises as under or any other convenient date and time without further notice at the risk and responsibility of the pawners,if they are not released from the branch. Auction of following gold loan ornaments pledged under the following accounts will be held at Dimapur Branch on 06-09-2022 at 2:40 PM. Bidders are requested to register their participation by 2:30 PM with valid copy of ID/Address/Firm Regn Proof. 29-08-2022Contact:Manager06866530000004389859320457 dc-982/22 Lost Notice I, Miss Ngipwang, am applying for duplicate copy of HSLc 10 Admit card as I have lost it. F/Name: Khamwang Roll. No. : 1241604 -1961/22K Swimming leSSonS for beginnerS at Aiko Pool, Aiko PuranaGreens,Bazar Junior Program : 7-17 years Adult Program : 18 years and above Limited slots available! contact : 9089440443 dp-4063/22 POST VACANCY 1. driver. Light & Heavy 2. Household Helper TEACHERS VACANCY 3. physics M.Sc 4. chemistry M.Sc 5. Maths B.Sc pcM 6. Hindi Graduate & B.Ed Sl.No. 1 = Rs. 10000/Sl.No. 2 = Rs. 5000/Sl.No. 3 & 4 = Rs. 17000/Sl.No. 5 = Rs. 16000/Sl.No. 6 = Rs. 13000/Sl.No. 1, 2 & 5 for immediate Sl.No.appointment3,4& 6 to be appointed from 1st Oct' 22 Preferably Experienced School at 5th Mile CallChumoukedimaArea:8798572597 dp-4064/22 Sakipheto area StudentS’ union Lottery Draw resuLt 1st : 0991, 2nd : 0387, 3rd : 0074 Consolations : 0702, 0471, 0817 -4060/22dp l and for Sale Near 4 Lane Second Row 90 Bighas (22½ Puras) Rs. 130 Per Sq. Ft. (Slightly School/College,SuitableDryNegotiable)LandforanytypeofIndustry,Hospital,ResidentialandFarmingSite. Contact : +91-9362359493 -4056/22dp l and for Sale Area : 100 Puras Price : Rs. 3.2 Cr Location : Niuland Dist. Contact : 6909809994 -4047/22dp l and for Sale Near Viola DimapurColony Area / Plots available as per Budget Contact : 8732002080 952/22dc--4043/22dp Land For SaLe at Old Showuba residential area, roads attached. Plots of various sizes available, @ Rs. 220/- per sq. ft. (Slightly Negotiable). Contact Nos. : 96128298727005431345 B-932/22d NEW DELHI, AUG 29 (IANS): Mukesh Ambani, Chairman and Managing Director, Reliance Indus tries, on Monday announced that Reliance Jio will roll out standalone 5G services in select cities in the country by Diwali, which falls on October 24. To build panIndia true 5G network, Jio has committed a total invest ment of Rs 2 lakh crore. To begin with, Jio an nounced the launch of 5G services in four metro cities -- Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata and Chennai.Thesewill be expanded to other cities and towns in phases rapidly to cover the entire country by December 2023. At the ‘Reliance AGM 2022’, Mukesh Ambani said it will be ‘world’s largest’, ‘standalone’ Jio 5G services. “Jio 5G services will connect everyone, every place and everything with the highest quality and af fordability. We are com mitted to making India a data-powered economy even ahead of China and the US,” said Muksesh Ambani. Jio 5G will be the world’s largest and most advanced 5G network. Un like other operators, Jio’s 5G network will be stand alone with zero dependency on 4G network.Thethree-fold advan tage of standalone 5G archi tecture, largest and best mix of spectrum and Carrier Ag gregation technology means that Jio 5G will be able to offer an unparalleled combi nation of coverage, capacity, quality and affordability. With standalone 5G, Jio can deliver new and powerful services like low latency, massive machineto-machine communication, 5G voice, Edge computing and network slicing, and metaverse.Jiohas indigenously developed an end-to-end 5G stack, which is fully cloud native, software defined, digitally managed with sup port for even advanced fea tures like Quantum Security. With 5G, Jio will launch billions of smart sensors with connected in telligence that will trigger Internet of Things (IoT) and fuel the Fourth Industrial Revolution. It will connect every-one, every-place and every-thing with the highest quality and most affordable data. Akash Ambani, Chair man, Reliance Jio Info comm, said that Jio true 5G will deliver breakthrough in creases in broadband speed and drastically lowers la tency. The announcement is in line with the government which expects affordable 5G services to be rolled out in the country by October 12.
NEW DELHI, AUG 29 (IANS): Global passenger electric vehicle (EV) sales grew 61 per cent (on-year) to reach 2.18 million units in the second quarter this year, a new report said on Monday, as for the first time, China’s BYD Auto became the top-selling EV brand, dethroning Elon Musk-runDuringTesla.Q2, BYD Auto shipped more than 354,000 EV units, an in crease of 266 per cent YoY. Tesla’s global sales grew 27 per cent YoY to over 254,000 units, falling short of in the US increased, Tesla’s China business was affect ed by Covid-19 shutdowns. In total EV sales, battery electric vehicles (BEVs) accounted for al most 72 per cent and plugin hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs) for the rest, ac cording to Counterpoint Research.China remained the market leader in EV sales, followed by Europe and the US. China’s EV sales increased by almost 92 per cent YoY to reach 1.24 million units from just 0.64 million units in Q2 2021. “As the global semi conductor shortage has eased a bit, automakers are able to cater to the in creasing demand for EVs. Moreover, EV sales would have been higher if China had not experienced fresh Covid-19 outbreaks during March,” said senior analyst Soumen Mandal. The second half of 2022 is expected to deliver better results, but economic downturns, energy crisis, supply chain bottlenecks and rising geopolitical tensions may hinder the growth of China’s automo tive market, especially EVs, he mentioned.BMW’sEV sales dur ing Q2 increased by 18 per cent YoY. The BMW X3 and i-series models are spearheading the com pany’s push in the BEV seg ment, while the 5-Series, 3-Series and X5 models are doing the same in the PHEV“Incentivessegment. play a cru cial role in increasing EV adoption.
Jio to roll out 5G services by Diwali: Ambani BYD Auto pips Tesla to become top-selling EV brand globally
Mukesh Ambani
Rupee falls 10 paise to close at 79.94 against dollar Gold declines Rs 365 amid weak global trends
NEW DELHI, AUG 29 (PTI): Gold price in the national capital fell Rs 365 to Rs 51,385 per 10 grams on Monday reflecting a decline in international precious metal prices along with rupee depreciation, according to HDFC Securi ties. The yellow metal had closed at Rs 51,750 per 10 grams in the previous trade. Silver also plunged by Rs 1,027 to Rs 55,301 per kg from Rs 56,328 per kg in the previous trade. The rupee depreci ated 31 paise to an all-time low of 80.15 against the US dollar in early trade on Monday, tracking the strength of the American currency and firm crude oil prices.
NEW DELHI, AUG 29 (PTI): States’ borrowing cost fell for the second con secutive week on Monday, with the weighted average cut-off easing by 4 bps to 7.67 per cent from 7.71 per cent in the last auction when it slid by 7 bps. The yield on the benchmark 10year G-secs also declined in the week by 4 bps to 7.23 per cent from 7.27 per cent last Tuesday, Icra Ratings said on TheMonday.weighted aver age cut-off of the 10-year state debt also eased to 7.61 per cent at Monday’s auctions from 7.66 per cent last week. Accordingly, the spread between the weighted average 10-year state debt and new 10-year G-secs yield mildly fell to 38 bps from 39 bps, the agency said. At Monday’s auction, six states (Andhra, Bihar, Haryana, Kerala, Punjab and Tamil Nadu) raised Rs 14,000 crore, 43 per cent lower than Rs 24,500 crore initially indicated for t his week. This was the third consecutive week of lower-than-indicated issu ance since the release of the double tranche of tax devolution on August 10, (Rs 1.2 lakh crore) relative to the amount released in July 2022.Gujarat, Maharash tra, Rajasthan, Telanga na, Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh and Bengal did not participate in the auction, even though they had indi cated to borrow Rs 13,500 crore for this week. In contrast, Kerala, Punjab, and Tamil Nadu issued Rs 3,000 crore more than what they had indi cated.The cumulative state debt issuance of Rs 2.2 lakh crore by 22 states so far is 12 per cent lower than the year-ago level when it was Rs 2.5 lakh crore. Moreover, the actual issuance so far in FY23 is 33 per cent below the indicated level of Rs 3.3 lakh crore.
States’ borrowing cost continue to fall
tem could be
On July 20, the rupee for the first time closed below the 80-mark at 80.05 against the American cur rency.Meanwhile, the dol lar index, which gauges the greenback’s strength against a basket of six cur rencies, was trading 0.28 per cent higher at 109.10, after Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell adopted a hawkish tone to battle inflation.According to Anuj Choudhary - Research Analyst at Sharekhan by BNP Paribas, the rupee depreciated and touched an all-time low on a strong dollar and deteriorating global risk fell sharply by more than 2 per cent amid a hawkish speech by US Fed Chair Jerome“WePowell.expect the Ru pee to trade on a negative note on the strong Dollar and weak global market sentiments. Concerns over global economic slowdown and inflation worries may also put pressure on Ru pee,” Choudhary said. Choudhary further noted that markets may also remain cautious ahead of India’s GDP, manu facturing PMI and trade deficit data later this week. Traders may also re main alert ahead of US consumer confidence, ISM Manufacturing PMI and non-farm payrolls data this week, Choudhary said. “USD/INR spot price is expected to trade in a range of Rs 79.20 to Rs 80.80 in the next couple of sessions,” Choudhary added.Brent crude futures, the global oil benchmark, rose by 0.64 per cent to USD 101.64 per barrel. On the domestic eq uity market front, the BSE Sensex ended 861.25 points or 1.46 per cent lower at 57,972.62, while the broad er NSE Nifty declined 246.00 points or 1.4 per cent to data.crore,sharesFridayininvestorsForeign17,312.90.institutionalwerenetsellersthecapitalmarketonastheyoffloadedworthRs51.12asperstockexchange
Rs 647 cr ‘ELEMENT’ project for Nagaland

tender • Copy
CAPE CANAVERAL, AUG 29 (AP): A fuel leak and then an engine problem during final liftoff prepara tions led NASA to call off the launch of its mighty new moon rocket Monday on its debut flight with three test dummies aboard. The next launch at tempt will not take place until Friday at the earliest and could be off until next month. The flight, when it happens, will be the first launch in NASA’s Artemis project, a quest to put astro nauts back on the moon for the time since the Apollo program ended 50 years ago.
• Rate
Public NotificatioN Date : 29.08.2022
Sri Lanka to privatise national carrier as it runs out of money Engine problem leads NASA to scrub launch of rocketUK’s China slams US warships passage through Taiwan
biggest aircraft carrier breaks down on way to US HMS Prince of Wales. (File) Representational image.
Iraqi Shiite cleric plans to resign; sparks fear of unrest
which Chinese President Xi Jinping was widely expected to get nominated for an un precedented third term was expected to be held in the next few Unlikemonths.his predeces sors who retired after twofive-year-terms, Xi, 69, was expected to continue in power for another term and perhaps for life. The closure of the elec tronic hub was declared as a Chinese think-tank has called for change of the country’s zero COVID-19 policy saying it is causing widespread disruption of trade and business. In a rare public criti cism of the ‘zero-COVID’ policy pursued by Xi, a Chi nese think tank on Sunday said the virus curbs resulting in periodic shutdowns of cities disrupting trade, travel and industry must change to prevent an economic slowdown.The Anbound Re search Centre said the gov ernment needs to focus on shoring up shrinking growth noting that the US, Europe and Japan are recovering economically after easing anti-disease curbs.
In the dispute between Mezoma Village and Medziphema Village/ Sirhi Angami Village, since we are not party to the dispute, we do not know the details of the Court deliberations and proceedings. However it is learnt that certain historical landmarks which are unquestionably within our village territory has been mentioned by the disputing parties as their territorial border demarcation. Whether such landmarks were mentioned knowingly or in ignorance, we are constrained to reiterate and state that the landmarks especially Miasanokesialierü, Kijümeyhathi, Thekrecha, Chatherü, Ketsiepikhe, Rakhachüzierü and Phetsorü are well within the territory of New Socünoma Village land. A Title suit between Miasanuokesialierü and Phetsorü involving New Socünoma Village Vs Sirhi Angami Village Vs Medziphema Village still lay pending in the First Class Magistrate Court under the office of the DC Dimapur. According to existing law, one and the same matter of dispute or an area under dispute cannot be deliberated or contested in two courts simultaneously.Itisalsolearnt that the aforementioned landmarks within our village are to be sworn in an oath by the disputing parties. Neither in a Court of Law, nor does a traditional Customary Court allows two disputing parties to swear unto themselves the land of a third party who is not involved in the dispute. Any Oath therefore pertaining to the said landmarks is perverse and unacceptable and shall be viewed as null and void by the Village of New Socünoma. in Health Care Services in TB related The following are to be duly enclosed with the of PAN Card, GST Registration No. (if required), Registration Certificate. Certificate of similar nature of works taken up during last 3 years. quoted shall include all statutory taxes as per current Govt. Rules in the State. rates should be quoted both in figure and words. Terms & Conditions interested Service are requested to collect details and submit the tender to the O/o or the undersigned on or before 14th of Sep • The undersigned reserves the right to accept or reject any tender without assigning any reason. • The undersigned are not bind to accept the lowest or any other rates. • The decision of the SHS NTEP -------, will be final in all cases. • The Quotation will be opened on the same date at 1:00 PM • The price should be quoted in unit price per patient for every service. • The services under every head/ different heads will /can be bundled. For any queries, kindly contact this Office: -sdDR. TIASUNUP PONGENER, State TB Officer – NTEP, Directorate of Health & Family Welfare, Nagaland, Kohimadc-981/22
ordered to follow a “closedloop” system for a week that restricted movement of employees, while keeping their production schedules on track.The new virus cluster has emerged as Hong Kong, which is close to Shenzhen, has reported a big spike in cases. Hong Kong on Mon day recorded 8,488 new cases, the second such big spread of the COVID-19 in recentThemonths.cases could peak at 20,000 next month, a gov ernment pandemic adviser warned on Monday, the reportThesaid.former British col ony has witnessed the worst outbreak a few months ago causing extensive deaths. Hong Kong so far re corded 1,522,460 cases and 9,668Recentlyfatalities.thousands of tourists were stranded for days when China shut down the biggest summer resort Sanya in Hainan cancelling flights and transport services to contain the spread of the Omicron variant, which Beijing continues to find difficult to Shenzhencontain.China’s most modern industrial city itself faced several shutdowns in the recent past to deal with sudden spikes of the virus.
BAGHDAD, AUG 29 (AP): A hugely influential Shiite cleric announced he would resign from Iraqi politics on Monday and his angry followers stormed the government palace in response, sparking fears that violence could erupt in a country already beset by its worst political crisis in years. Iraq’s government has been deadlocked since cleric Muqtada al-Sadr’s party won the largest share of seats in October parlia mentary elections but not enough to secure a majority government. He refused to negotiate with Iran-backed Shiite rivals to form a con sensus amidleverageanotherdismissedfromannouncedsolutionearlyal-Sadr,resignedfouroutsidehaveformingtobrokeIngovernment.July,hissupportersintotheparliamentdeteral-Sadr’srivalsfromagovernmentandbeenstagingasit-inthebuildingforoverweeks.Hisblochasalsofromparliament.Thisisnotthefirsttimewhohascalledforelectionsandthedisofparliament,hashisretirementpolitics—andmanythelatestmoveasblufftogaingreateragainsthisrivalsaworseningstalemate.
P-4061/22d NATIONAL TUBERCULOSIS ELIMINATION PROGRAMME DIRECTORATE OF HEALTH & FAMILY WELFARE GOVERNMENT OF NAGALAND Below Civil Secretariate Complex, Rüziezou Kohima - 797001, Nagaland Tel/Fax+91 3702270473 NHM/NL/15/NTEP/30/2020-21 Dated Kohima, the 29th Aug 2022 NOTICE INVITING TENDER Along with Sealed tender affixing non-refundable court fee stamp of Rs. 8.25 is hereby invited from the intending Service Providers (Non-Government Organization /Private Health Institutions) for providing of following services:Sl Services Unit of cost Area of Operation/District i. Specimen Management: a. Collection of sputum Rate per sample collected: 1. Tizit Area (Mon) 2. Weziho Area(Phek) 3. Tamlu Area ( Longleng) 4. Aghunato Area (Zunheboto ) b. Transportation of specimen Rate per pick up x frequency = 1. Tizit Area (Mon) 2. Weziho Area(Phek) 3. Tamlu Area ( Longleng) 4. Aghunato Area (Zunheboto ) ii. Advocacy, Communication and Social Mobilisation a. Community Meetings b. Sensitizations/ Advocacy Meetings Rate per meeting = Rate Sensitizationsper = 1. Tizit Area (Mon) 2. Weziho Area(Phek) 3. Tamlu Area ( Longleng) 4. Aghunato Area (Zunheboto ) 5. Kohima Area 1. Eligibility Criteria & Preferred Qualification for Proposal: • Service provider/ Organisation should be a registered from government authority. • Should have relevant licenses from state bodies/other relevant authorities. • Should have qualified and required Doctors/ technicians/staffs. • Should have adequate infrastructure and necessary equipment. • Preference will be given prior experience
BEIJING, AUG 29 (IANS): The Chinese For eign Ministry on Monday denounced the passage of two US Navy warships through the Taiwan Strait, calling it a “provocation” aimed at “sabotaging re gional peace and stability”. Foreign Ministry spokesperson Zhao Lijian said Washington must ob serve the “One China” poli cy, which is the position that there is only one Chinese government, reports dpa news agency. Taiwan has had an independent govern ment since 1949, but China considers the democratic is land part of its territory and opposes any form of official contacts between Taiwan and others. On Sunday, the guided-missile cruisers USS Antietam and USS Chancellorsville made a “routine” mission through international waters, the US Navy’s 7th Fleet said. “The ship’s transit through the Taiwan Strait demonstrates the US’ com mitment to a free and open Indo-Pacific. The United States military flies, sails, and operates anywhere in ternational law allows,” the statement said.
• The
COLOMBO, AUG 29 (PTI): Sri Lanka on Mon day said it will privatise the country’s loss-making national carrier as the cashstrapped government “can no longer afford to inject money” into running the airline. The government is looking to sell a 49 per cent stake each of the Sri Lankan Airlines’ catering and ground-handling units in efforts to restructure the state-run carrier, while 51 per cent will be retained under state hold, Aviation Minister Nimal Siripala de Silva told reporters here. “This restructuring is essential as the government can no longer afford to inject money into running the air line,” he said. “Annually the government has been pro viding the airline between USD 80 billion to USD 200 billion to run its operations,” de SilvaThesaid.minister said the revenue from the sale of the catering operation can be used to pay off debt amount ing to USD 80 million that was obtained by mortgaging its shares, as well as some other loans. The airline’s debt currently amounts to USD 1.226 billion (LKR 401 billion), he said. The airline, formed in 1979 as Air Lanka, was re branded Srilankan Airlines under the management con trol of Emirates in 1998. In 2007, the government took back control of it from the Emirates. Srilankan Airlines is among over 190 stateowned enterprises that are making huge losses. Without retaining a 51 per cent stake in the airline, Sri Lanka might lose owner ship of the companies to be sold, Economy Next news website quoted minister de Silva as “Butsaying.ifthe investors are Sri Lankan nationals, we can go for more. There are many rich people in Sri Lanka, they can come to gether as a syndicate or with airlines and offer a bid,” he said. Sri Lankan President Ranil Wickremesinghe has called for much needed reforms for the loss-making nationalAccordingcarrier. to Colom bo-based think tank Advo cata, SriLankanAirlines has, on numerous occasions, re quired treasury guaranteed loans to stay afloat, and has amassed over LKR 53.6 bil lion in guarantees as of Au gust 2021, the report said. Sri Lanka, a country of 22 million people, is under the grip of unprecedented economic turmoil, the worst in seven decades. The crisis that has left millions strug gling to buy food, medicine, fuel and other essentials. The island nation is currently scrambling to chalk out a staff-level agree ment with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) for a bailout programme, which could be the antidote for the country’s current economic travails.
BEIJING, AUG 29 (PTI): China’s technology hub Shenzhen on Monday or dered the closure of the world’s largest electronics wholesale market to contain a recent spike in coronavirus cases in the southern city, amidst a call by a lead ing Chinese think tank for a change in the country’s ‘zero-COVID’ policy that it said was causing widespread disruption of TechnologyAppleingSemiconductorCo,giantcommunicationsenterprises,World.tors,theMorningKong-basedacidthetocontainbenoticemarket,world’siangbeiMerchantsbusiness.intheHuaqdistrict,hometothelargestelectronicsreceivedanofficialthatthemarketwillclosedtillThursdaytotheCOVIDspread.Alltenantsarerequiredworkfromhomeduringperiodandtakeanucleictesteveryday,HongSouthChinaPostquotedoneofdistrict’sbiggestoperaHuaqiangElectronicsKeymanufacturingincludingteleequipmentHuaweiTechnologiesChina’stopchipmakerManufacturInternationalCorpandsupplierFoxconnGroup,were
• Experience
Nimal Siripala de Silva Apology In the ensuing discussion about Tening to Leikie road construction in Nagaland Zeliang People Organization WhatsApp group on the night of 17th June, 2022 I had erroneously mentioned about withdrawal of 30 plus crs by the contractor against the work. I had no intention to malign the contractor M/s Nagaami Tech, and I commented just on hearsay without any factual proof. I sincerely apologize to the contractor for the remarks in social media sans factual proof. Dr. Tomda db-943/22(b)
On Sunday China re ported 301 locally transmit ted confirmed COVID-19 cases in the country, of which 161 were in Sich uan Province, the National Health Commission report ed onAltogetherMonday. 1,255 local asymptomatic carriers were newly identified on Sunday, including 570 in Tibet and 98 in Hainan, said the com mission in its report. So far 5,226 people so far have died of the virus in China. The periodic CO VID-19 lockdowns, includ ing the shutting of China’s biggest city Shanghai a few months ago, have seriously affected supply chains of the industrialised goods in the world’s second largest economy.InBeijing, all the resi dents currently undergo mandatory testing three days a week to ensure prop er checks on the periodic spikes.The zero COVID-19 policy was expected to con tinue until the once-in-fiveyear congress of the ruling Communist Party of China (CPC) is Theheld.meeting during
China shuts down world’s largest electronic mkt ing to pinpoint the source of the problem after the launch postponement was announced.“This is a very com plicated machine, a very complicated system, and all those things have to work, and you don’t want to light the candle until it’s ready to go,” said NASA Adminis trator Bill Nelson.
• The
services. 2.
As precious minutes ticked away Monday morn ing, NASA repeatedly stopped and started the fu elling of the Space Launch System rocket with nearly 1 million gallons of supercold hydrogen and oxygen because of a leak of highly explosive hydrogen. The leak happened in the same place that saw seepage dur ing a dress rehearsal back in the spring.Then, NASA ran into new trouble when it was unable to properly chill one of the rocket’s four main engines, officials said. En gineers continued work
LONDON, AUG 29 (PTI): The UK’s biggest aircraft carrier, HMS Prince of Wales, has broken down off the south coast of England after setting sail from Ports mouth Naval Base for the US on what the Royal Navy has described as a “land mark” aviation trial mission. The warship was said to be experiencing an “emerg ing mechanical issue” and the problem is being inves tigated. The GBP 3 billion carrier, which became fully operational last year, is re portedly anchored southeast of the Isle of Wight while the investigation is carried out. “HMS Prince of Wales remains in the South Coast Exercise Area while con ducting investigations into an emerging mechanical issue,” a Royal Navy spokes personThesaid.problem was first reported by ‘UK Defence Journal’, an online news site focused on defence issues, which cited unconfirmed reports about damage to the starboard propeller shaft. On Saturday, the Roy al Navy announced the warship’s departure for the US to “shape the future of stealth jet and drone opera tions” off the coast of North America and in the Carib bean. “Taking the HMS Prince of Wales task group across the Atlantic for the rest of this year will not only push the boundaries of UK carrier operations, but will reinforce our close working relationship with our clos est ally,” said Commanding Officer, Captain Richard Hewitt. “From operating the F35 Lightnings and drones to hosting the At lantic Future Forum, none of this would be possible without the efforts of the amazing sailors on board, many of which are on their first deployment with the Royal Navy,” he said. The 65,000-tonne warship was to deploy initially alongside frigate HMS Richmond, tanker RFA Tideforce and an air group of helicopters and drones, before F-35B stealth fighters join the de ployment once the ship ar rives in North America for the Westlant 22 worldquicklyisalliance’supship,tion’sNorthtoinesswasNavy,Accordingdeployment.totheRoyalHMSPrinceofWalestoremainathigh-readthroughoutitsmissionAmericainherroleasAtlanticOrganisa(NATO)commandwhichseesherheadthenavalelementoftheresponseforcethatcapableofbeingdeployedanywhereinthetoreacttocrises.

in US, set on going
Ozzy paranoid about staying back to
PeppersBlack Summer Artist of the Year:
Fan installs Big B’s statue outside New Jersey home
Veteran Bengali actor Pradip Mukherjee dies in Kolkata
MYK C MYK C 10 INFOTAINMENT NAGALAND POST, DIMAPUR TUESDAY, AUGUST 30, 2022 k-1964/22 dc-986/22 All NAgAlANd PrivAte SchoolS’ ASSociAtioN (ANPSA) ANPSA, Dimapur Unit organised District level Literary Competition (Quiz & Extempore) on 26th August 2022 where 18 Schools participated Quiz competition winners were –1st Position Manchem Chang & Shahida Sultana (St. Mary’s Hr. Sec. School, Dimapur) 2nd Position Elijah Ronren Kikon & Debashree Hazarika (Pilgrim Hr. Sec. School) Extempore Competition winners were –1st Position Nomrita Mech (St. Mary’s Hr. Sec. School, Dimapur) 2nd Position Amina Begum (MGM Hr. Sec. School) 3rd Position Imrongtula Jamir (Pilgrim Hr. Sec. School) The winners for the competition were awarded with Trophies & Certificates and will participate in the State Level at Kohima. P-4066/22d With immense pride and honour, the Ghukiye Ghami Kuqhakulu Dimapur would like to express our appreciation and extend our heartiest congratulations to Shri. V. Ka V ito Zhimomi on being promoted to the post of Additional Director under the Department of Women Resource Development, Govt. of Nagaland. The union further extends best wishes in his future endeavours.Sd/- Sd/(obeto Zhimo) (t. KiSheho Zhimo) Secretary, GGKD Chairman, GGKD Ghukiye Ghami kuQhakulu Dimapur : FelicitatioNagalaNDN P-4067/22d Ntulun Aruang, extends its heartiest congratulations and felicitates Er. Kewizun Zeliang , NPS. Addl. SP (Comm.) NPTO on being awarded Governor’s Gold Medal on the occasion of Independence Day, 15 th August 2022. Ntulun Aruang further congratulates him on being awarded the DGP Commendation Disc (Silver) for outstanding performance for the year 2021-22. Ntulun Aruang Nagaland expresses gratitude to Er. Kewizun Zeliang for bringing laurels to Ntu Village and conveys best wishes and success in his career (Neiba Newmai) (Er. Volie Rentta) President General Secretary Ntulun Aruang Nagaland Ntulun Aruang Nagaland FELICITATION Ntulun Aruang : Ntaubam Ntu Nagaland. -4052/22Pd T he 2022 MTV VMA conclud ed at the Prudential Centre in New Jersey. In addition to the awards, host Nicki Minaj was honoured during the show with the Video Vanguard Award, while the Global Icon Award was given to the Red Hot Chili Peppers, reports Variety.Nominees throughout the cat egories include Madonna, who is the most-awarded artiste in VMAs history with 20 wins, Beyonce, Harry Styles, Bad Bunny, Adele and more. According to Variety, performers for the show included Rap icons Eminem, Snoop Dogg, K-pop sensation Blackpink, Bad Bunny, Anitta, Jack Harlow, Kane Brown and others. Taylor Swift’s ‘10 Minute Ver sion’ of ‘All Too Well’ bagged the video of the year award and also named the best long-form video. Billie Eilish was feted with Song of the Year for ‘Hap rock band Red Hot Chili Peppers were awarded in the Best Rock category for ‘Black Summer’ with Artist of the year being conferred upon Bad Bunny. Jack Harlow won the Song of the Summer for his ‘First Class’ as Nicki Minaj ft. Lil Baby bagged the Best Hip-Hop award for ‘Do We Have A Problem?’. Korean girl band Blackpink created history as Lisa won Best K-Pop at the 2022 VMA’s for her song ‘Lalisa’. Harry Styles walked away with the trophy for Best Album for ‘Harry’s House’. The roster of winners also included: Lil Nas X and Jack Har low for ‘Industry Baby’ in the Best Collaboration category; Seventeen’s December 2021 performance of ‘Rock With You’ for Push Perfor mance of the Year; Blackpink The Virtual and PUBG for Best Meta verse performance; Best Pop for Harry Styles’ viral track ‘As It Was’; Best R&B for The Weeknd’s ‘Out Of Time’; and Best New Artist
While talking about the recognition that the film is receiving constantly, Jude shared: “Right from the time of writing/planning of the film production, I had international film awards in my mind.”“I’mhappy about the recognition from so many international film festivals, but, honestly, I’m slightly disappointed that the film was not able to enter the Academy Awards compe tition. I hope I’ll be able to make a film in the near future that gets nominated for the competition sections of the Academy Awards and Cannes Festival.” For Jude, who did a course in film direction, ‘Shashthi’ is his first cre ation. While it took Jude a year to think about the story and screenplay, he managed to complete the shooting of the film in less than a week. The cast includes Semmalar Annam, Jeffrey James, Lissie Antony, S.K. Gayathri and Herries Moo sa. (IANS) I t seems like the rock legend Ozzy Osbourne isn’t too pleased with staying in the US as the Black Sabbath frontman is set to permanently return to the UK with wife Sharon after several years living in Los Angeles, reports Mirror. The Black Sabbath rocker, 73, is set to up sticks and return to his homeland after spending the best of the last two decades in Califor nia with his three children; Aimee, 38, Kelly, 37, and Jack,According36. to Mirror., Ozzy and Sharon, who recently celebrated their 40th wedding anniver sary last month, own a huge Grade II listed mansion in Buckinghamshire where they previously divided their time alongside their Califor nian home. However, the family have been concerned by the increasing number of mass shootings in the country and have opted to return home. Speaking to The Metro, Ozzy said: “Ev erything’s f****** ridiculous there. I’m fed up with people getting killed every day. God knows how many people have been shot in school shootings. And there was that mass shooting in Vegas at that concert...It’s f****** crazy.” (IANS)
First Class Best Hip-Hop:
F rom a career in char tered accountancy to winning accolades in international film fes tivals, it may seem like a long shot. But producer and director Jude Peter Damian has done just that with ‘Shashthi’, his first shortFeaturedfilm. in 59 film festivals, ‘Shasthi’, which digs into the world of a girl and her journey, has already won 25 awards. As a director, Jude always wanted to make movies projecting “good characters” who can be examples for developing nations and ‘Shashthi’societies.narrates the interesting tale about Devi, a woman from an economi cally weaker background, who changes society to the extent that she is equated with ‘Shashthi’, the goddess of children. It is about how ordinary people (particu larly women) can do ‘great’ things and about how per ceptions change in different circumstances.
Taylor Swift, Harry Styles, Billie Eilish win in big at MTV VMAs 2022 Taylor Swift accepts the award for Best Long Form Video at the 2022 MTV VMAs in Newark, New Jersey, August 28. Complete list of winners Video of the Year: Taylor Swift - All Too Well (10 Minute Version) (Taylor’s Version) Best New Artist: Dove Cameron Best Rock:
Song of Summer: Jack
V eteran actor of the Bengali silver screen, Pradip Mukherjee, who became legendary after his iconic role of Som nath in Satyajit Ray’s ‘Jana Aranya’, died in a hospital here on Monday. He was 76. He also received crit ics’ accolades for his role of Dr Maiti in the Vidya Balan and Arjun Rampal starrer, ‘Kahaani 2: Durga RaniMukherjeeSingh’. was hos pitalised on August 22 fol lowing a lung infection. His condition started deteriorat ing from Sunday and he had to be given ventilator support. He was tested Co vid-19 positive twice in the last twoBesidesyears. acting, Mukherjee was also a prac tising tax consultant. He is survived by his wife, son and Mukherjeedaughter.wasborn on August 11, 1946 and after graduating from City College in Kolkata, he also received a degree in law. (IANS) Red Hot Chili Bad Bunny Harlow Nicki Minaj Baby - Do Have a Anitta - Envolver Lizzo - About Damn K-Pop: Lisa - Lalisa Album of the Year: Harry StylesHarry’s House Best Longform Video: Taylor Swift - All Too Well (10 Minute Version) (Taylor’s Version) Best Collaboration: Lil Nas X & Jack Harlow - Industry Baby Push Performance of the Year: December 2021: Seventeen - Rock With You Metaverse Performance: Black pink the Virtual - PUBG Best Alternative: Måneskin - I Wanna Be Your Slave Song of the Year: Billie Eilish - Hap pier Than Ever Best Pop: Harry Styles - As It Was Best R&B: The Weeknd - Out Of Time Best Group: BTS Cinematography: Harry Styles – “As It Was” Best Direction: Taylor Swift - All Too Well (10 Minute Version) (Taylor’s Version) Best Art Direction: Lil Nas X & Jack Harlow - Industry Baby Best Visual Effects: Lil Nas X & Jack Harlow - Industry Baby Best Choreography: Doja CatWoman Best Editing: Rosalía - Saoko
Featuring Lil
Problem? Best Latin:
Video for Good:
Time Best
Tamil short film ‘Shashthi’ wins 25 film fest awards
A n Indian American has installed a lifesize statue of film star Amitabh Bachchan outside his home in New JerseyThestate.statue is a glass en closure and it was installed on Saturday amidst much celebration.GopiSheth, the New Jersey resident, announced the installation in a tweet which noted that lots of Amitabh fans gathered for the inauguration ceremony. Sheth also posted pic tures of the statue, flanked by hisThefamily.statue was de signed in Rajasthan and cost Sheth $75,000, according to reports. Sheth is an internet security engineer and came to the US from Gujarat in the 1990s. He lives in Edi son, a city that is home to lots of Indian Americans and had a thriving one-street market with only Indian cuisine restaurants and ap parel stores. Sheth is a huge Amitabh Bachchan fan and says the film star is “like God” to him. “The biggest thing that inspires me about him is not only his reel life, but also the real life a how he manages himself in public, how he conveys and com municates everything you know,” he said, according to a report.

The Disciplinary and Ethics Committee of the Asian 11.Salt2-1matchrestrictedteam’sspectatoronimposedConfederation’sFootball(AFC)USD8,000finetheAIFFafteronehomeinvadedIndiatechnicalbench--aarea--duringtheagainstAfghanistan.IndiabeatAfghanistaninthematchplayedatLakeStadiumonJuneTheAFC’sDisciplinary and Ethics Committee considered the fan invasion as “an act of improper conduct” on the part of the AIFF. It said India failed to fulfill its obligations on two counts -- “take every safety precaution demanded by the circumstances during the match” and “ensure that law and order was maintained in the stadium and its surroundings”.immediate of the day, registering a double with wins in both the junior men’s and youth men’s 10m air rifle T6 trials. In the juniors, he beat Rudrankksh 17-7 in the final while in the youth section he overcame Andhra’s Maddineni Umamahesh with a tighter 17-15 scoreline.Atthe Dr Karni Singh Shooting Range in Delhi, Kashish Mehra of Haryana won the men’s 25m centre fire pistol T5 trials with an aggregate score of 587.
Spain thump Japan to lift U20 WC
Robert Lewandowski scores a spectacular backheel goal in the 64th minute.
NEW DELHI, AUG 29 (PTI): All India Football Federation (AIFF) was on Monday fined USD 18,000 by the continental governing body for spectator invasion during its national team’s Asian Cup qualifying round matches against Afghanistan and Hong Kong in Kolkata in June.But, the bulk of the amount -- USD 13,500 -- is a suspended fine to be paid in case of repeat offence within two years.
MYK C MYK C NAGALAND POST, DIMAPUR TUESDAY, AUGUST 30, 2022 SPORTS 11 FUNERAL SERVICE OF MR LN SASHI, AONOKPU Time: 9:00 AM, 30th August 2022 Venue : DABA Multi-purpose Hall, Duncan Basti, Dimapurdb-945/22 L TENUTOSHI Born : 01/04/1959 – Died on : 25/08/2022 We, the bereaved family members of Late L Tenutoshi, express our heartfelt gratitude and indebtedness to all those who stood with us at the demise of our father, on the fateful evening of August 25. We want to convey our special thanks to: 1. Borlengri Ao Baptist Arogo. 2. Meküli Ao Baptist Arogo. 3. Meküli Senso Telongjem. 4. Dimapur Meküli Senso Telongjem. 5. Borlengri Ao Tribal Council. 6. Dimapur Meküli Shisashir Telongjem. 7. Doctors and staff of Eden Hospital. We regret our inability to thank each and everyone individually, but it is our humble prayer that God the Almighty bless each and everyone abundantly. Loving son, daughters and family members ACKNOWLEDGEMENT dp-4058/22 LT. THEPISE SANGTAM (LIEUTENANT) 22/11/1989 – 25/08/2022 With sudden demise of Lt. Thepise Sangtam the family members would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to :1. Hon'ble Kilo Kilonser, NSCN/GPRN 2. United Sangtam Region NSCN/GPRN 3. T.T Among, Member, Collective Leadership NSCN/GPRN 4. I. Bitong, State Executive Member BJP Nagaland State 5. Sangtam Baptist Lithro Dimapur 6. R. Sentila Yeptho, Women Leader CHQ Church Hebron NSCN/GPRN 7. Chimonger Union Dimapur 8. Yambamo Brigade NSCN/GPRN 9. Chimonger Union Longkhim 10. Akoh-B Ward Longkhim 11. Chimonger Baptist Lithro We sincerely regret our inability to mention and thank every individual but may our good God bless you all. Families ACKNOWLEDGEMENT dp-4055/22 dp-4062/22 dp-4054/22 “My Handloom My Pride” State Handloom Expo Date : 01st Sept. to 14th Sept. 2022 Time : 10:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. Venue : Town Hall, Tseminyu, Kohima, Nagaland NAGALAND APEX WEAVERS & ARTISANS FEDERATIONCO-OPERATIVELTD.DIMAPUR (WEAFED) (UNDERTAKING BY THE GOVT. OF NAGALAND) Organised by: Sponsored by: OFFICE OF THE DEVELOPMENT COMMISSIONER FOR HANDLOOMS MINISTRY OF TEXTILES, GOVT. OF INDIA, NEW DELHI N.B. Entry only for fully Covid Vaccinated/Negetive Covid Test Report persons. Free Entry - Free Entry - Free Entry dc-985/22 MADRID, AUG 29 (AGENCIES): Barcelona frontman Robert Lewandowski maintained his prolific form after arriving in Catalonia by scoring a second consecutive brace to lead his side to a 4-0 victory over Valladolid on Sunday. Real Madrid, on the other hand, relied on Karim Benzema, its trustworthy striker for years, to maintain a perfect start with its third straight away victory. Benzema scored in the 88th minute and deep into stoppage time to give the defending champion a 3-1 win at Espanyol, dailysabah reported.Itwas the third league goal for Benzema, while Lewandowski took his tally to four. The Poland striker had also scored a double in the 4-1 victory at Real Sociedad last weekend. He was also twice denied by the woodwork at the Camp Nou on
Players of Spain celebrate with the trophy after defeating Japan in the final match of the U-20 Women’s World Cup at the National Stadium in San Jose, Costa Rica, Sunday. (AP/PTI)
Karim Benzema shoots to score in a La Liga Match against Espanyol, Cornella de Llobregat, Spain, Sunday. (AFP)
againstawhichscoredandbeennaturalLewandowski.HernándezBarcelona“HeSunday.isextraordinary,”coachXavisaidof“Heisaleaderwhohashelpingusgreatly.”PedriGonzálezSergiRobertoalsoforBarcelona,hadopenedwithdisappointing0-0drawRayoVallecanoat home.The defendernewlyofinRobertobackheelupDembele,annearleadplayingnewanotherainmillion,fromLewandowski,34-year-oldsignedBayernfornearly$50gotontheboardthe24thbycompletingnicepassbyRaphinha,oneofBarcelona’ssigningswhohasbeenwell.Pedriaddedtotheinthe43rdfromthepenaltyspotafterassistbyOusmanewhoalsosetLewandowski’ssuperbgoalinthe64th.closedthescoringstoppagetime.“Weknewwhatkindplayerwehadsigned,”signedBarcelonaJulesKoundesaid of Lewandowski. “He is a top striker and he shows it with his goals and with how he helps the team.” Barcelona finally could count on Kounde, who had not been registered ahead of the first two rounds because the club wasn’t able to abide with the league’s fair play regulations. The former Sevilla defender started in the right back position and impressed in his Valladolid,debut.owned by former Brazil and Barcelona great Ronaldo, is back in the first division after a one-year absence. It was coming off a home loss against Villarreal and a draw at Sevilla.
SAN JOSE, AUG 29 (AGENCIES): Spain clinched the FIFA U20 Women’s World Cup 2022 trophy as they beat Japan 3-1 in the thrilling final here at Estadio Nacional de Costa Rica on Sunday. Pedro Lopez’s side defeated the same opponents by the same score to avenge their loss to Japan in the 2018 final. With the win, Spain ended Japan’s undefeated streak for the last nine matches in the U20 Women’s World Cup. Salma Paralluelo starred for Spain with double strikes before Inma Gabarro scored the opening goal in the first 15 minutes putting Spain in a 3-0 lead within the first 30 minutes of theJapan,game. on the other hand, remained persistent as they fought back in the second half with Suzu Amano scoring in the 47th minute. Spanish defence, however, skilfully resisted any further damage to their lead. “I’m in shock. I can’t believe what we achieved. We are an incredible team. I have no words to describe what we did.” said Gabarro who finished her campaign on a high note as she scored eight goals to become the leading scorer of the tournament.“Ican’t believe it. I don’t understand what just happened. I have the medal hanging around my neck and I’m still in shock. It’s going to take me a few days to believe that I’m world champion,” she said in utter joy. Meanwhile, Brazil outclassed Netherlands 4-1 to claim the third spot in the tournament.
DIMAPUR, AUG 29 (NPN): Dimapur District Football Referee Association (DDFRA), the organizer of the 2nd Open Football Tournament in Dimapur, has extended the last date of submission of registration forms till September 3 till 12 noon. The decision to extend the last date was taken at the meeting of the organizing committee as many players were engaged in the recently concluded Nagaland Olympic and Paralympic Games 2022.
AIFF fined by AFC for fan invasionPatil shocks Tomar to top men’s 10m air rifle trials
Aishwary Pratap Singh Tomar, champion Rudrankksh Patil and Yash Vardhan at the National shooting trials in Bhopal on Monday.
Madrid was a few minutes away from losing its perfect record when Benzema came through with two late goals against Espanyol.Madrid was far from its best but Benzema helped to salvage the win with a nice close-range touch to complete a well-placed cross by BenzemaRodrygo.then easily converted a free kick after Espanyol defender Leandro Cabrera had to play in goal because goalkeeper Benjamin Lecomte was sent off and all substitutions had been made.Vinicius Junior had put Madrid ahead in the 12th and Joselu equalized for the hosts in the 43rd. It was the third match in a row on the road for Madrid, which asked to start away from home because of renovation work at its Santiago Bernabeu Stadium.The team will be back at the venue for its match against Real Betis on Saturday.Madrid beat Almeria and Celta Vigo in its first two games. Espanyol stayed winless after having drawn at Celta before losing to Rayo Vallecano at home.Elsewhere, Villarreal ended its perfect record with a 0-0 draw at Getafe, which was yet to win a point this season. open football: Forms extendedsubmissiontillSep3
FIH happy with new draft of constitutionHI
Lewandowski, Benzema fashion win for Barca, Real
edgedWorldsilverJuniormedalthemselvesandstage,infinishedhereNationalthePratapTokyoRudrankkshEighteen-year-oldPatilupsetOlympianAishwarySinghTomartowinmen’s10mAirRifleT6ShootingtrialsonMonday.PatilandTomarfirstandsecondtheeight-mansemi-finalwithscoresof261.9261.3respectively,tosetupforthegolddecider.Inthefinal,Patil,aWorldChampionshipmedallistandjuniorCupgoldmedallist,outTomarwitha 16-6 victory at the MP State Shooting Academy Range. Earlier, in the 392-strong qualifying field, Rudrankksh shot 630.2 to finish second behind the Air Force’s Ravi Kumar, who shot a round of 630.7. Aishwary shot 629.4 to finishRajasthan’sfourth. Yash Vardhan was the other star
NEW DELHI, AUG 29 (PTI): The International Hockey Federation on Monday cleared the air over Hockey India elections, saying the revised draft constitution sent by Committee of Administrators (CoA) running the sport in the country is fully compliant with the world body’s statues.The FIH also stated that the draw of the Men’s Hockey World Cup, to be hosted jointly by Bhubaneswar and Rourkela from January 13 to 29 next year, will take place as per schedule on September 8. “The latest correspondence received from the CoA today comply with the talks held between the CoA and the FIH in India on 17 August,” FIH Senior Manager Communications, Nicolas Maingot told PTI.

AFI President Adille Sumariwalla along with HSBC India CEO Hitendra Dave and athletes Priyanka Goswami, Annu Rani, Anju Bobby George and Hima Das, Monday. (PTI)
On the occasion of National Sports Day, Nagaland chief minister, Neiphiu Rio has extended greetings to the sportspersons.Inhisspeech, Rio said National Sports Day has been observed on August 29 every year to commemorate the birthday of Indian Hockey legend Major Dhyan Chand, who won medals in the Olympics for India in 1928, 1932 and “ the Day when tributes are made to all the sportsmen and women of the State for bringing laurels to the State, and a Day to encourage about the importance of Sports and being physically active in daily life”, Rio said. He said Nagas have proven that sports was a part and parcel of life, and if taken up seriously as a profession as evident from the recently concluded Nagaland Olympics and Paralympics Games-cumInter District Tournaments, many promising athletes would be identified.
MUMBAI, AUG 29 (PTI): Athletics Federation of India (AFI) on Monday announced its partnership with HSBC India to support women athletes of the country, especially the youngsters.Under the partnership, promising girls will be picked from the National Inter disciplinesvariouswomen’sdevelop,HSBCpartnership.atAdillecaretheirthecampsglobalnurturedcategoriesUnder-14ChampionshipsDistrictforandUnder-16andwouldbetoperformonthestage.“Specialcoachingwouldbesetupforselectedathletesandallneedswouldbetakenof,”AFIPresidentSumariwallasaidthelaunchofthe“Thepartnershipwithwillnotonlyhelpgrowandsupportparticipationintrackandfieldbutalsoraise their performance levels in international events,” he added.HSBC India General Manager and CEO Hitendra Dave said, “We look forward to supporting our women athletes. We want to bolster their efforts by enabling access to training and equipment of international standard.” India’s first medallist in World themparentsforfacilitieswillpartnerlikemoney.sportsvillagesdifficultpresent(400m)Games(javelinwalk)GoswamimedallistsCommonwealthBobbyChampionshipsAthleticsAnjuGeorge,BirminghamGamesPriyanka(10,000mraceandAnnuRanithrow)andAsiansilverwinnerHimaDaswerealsoontheoccasion.Ranisaiditwasforathletesfromtomakeacareerinbecauseoflackof“WithcorporatesHSBCsteppinguptowithAFI,athletesgetmoremoneyandanditwillbeeasierthemtoconvincetheirandelderstoallowtoplaysport.” Vinesh Phogat on Monday defeated Antim Panghal, the World U-20 Championships gold in the women’s selected World wrestlers,squad.thecontingentCWGoneSportstartoyoungstertrialsfromfacedchampionCommonwealthmedallistSeptemberinChampionships,WrestlingstartingBelgrade,Serbia,on10.Worldsbronzeandthree-timeGamesVinesh–whoatoughchallengeAntimintheCWGinMay–beatthe7-0inLucknowtakethe53kgslot,reported.VineshwastheonlyofIndia’ssix-memberwomen’swrestlingtomakeittoWorldChampionshipsTheremainingincluding Olympic bronze medallist Sakshi Malik, skipped the trials due to injuries. Sarita Mor - a Worlds bronze medallist and the world no.1 in 59kg - began her quest for a place in the Paris Olympics by switching to 57kg. She got the better of Lalita with a 4-0 win in the trials. Mansi Ahlawat, meanwhile, upset Worlds bronze medallist Pooja Dhanda 2-0 to secure the 59kg spot. Olympian Sonam Malik, who recently bagged a silver medal at the World U-20 Championships, beat Manisha 2-1 to claim the 62kgAsianslot.
for the
Printed, Published and Edited by Geoffrey Yaden at G.M. Printers, Circular Rd. Dimapur-797112. Ph: Desk 248489, Adm.& Advertisement :248267, 8798162009, R.N. 40978/90 RN/NE 707 MYK C MYK C SPORTS12 NAGALAND POST, DIMAPUR TUESDAY, AUGUST 30, 2022
Nagaland observes National Sports Day
wasEducationfootballYRStheJakhamamatchacademyfightsuchvariousStudentsprogramWhilecoaches.aday-longwasheldforI.Gbyconductingindigenousgamesastugofwar,cockandsackraceforthestudents.AhockeyfriendlywasplayedatKICandconcludingday,departmentofplayedafriendlymatchwithSchoolDepartment.TheexhibitionmatchgracedbyZaleNeikha and in the match YRS dept defeated School Education dept.It4-1.maybe mentioned National Sports Day is celebrated on 29th August to commemorate the birth anniversary of hockey legend, Major Dhyan Chand. The day is also dedicated to the nations’ sports heroes and champions, honouring their contribution and dedication towards bringing laurels to the country.With the aim to raise awareness about the values of sports: discipline, perseverance, sportsman
example of Rupa Rani Tirkey, Pinki, Nayanmoni Saikia and Lovely Choubey, who won a historic gold in the women’s four lawn bowl event at the blogginghockeyadded.‘sportsplayingtoourletthistriumphbreakingbillion,statement.Tendulkar-stoodtowithknowntogetherbeginnings,Choubeyaaplayer,Tirkeyforearnedsportintroducedhope.andLovely,toCommonwealthBirminghamGames,putforwardhismessage.“ThestoryofRupa,NayanmoniPinkiisastoryofTheynotonlyret-alesser-knowntous,butalsoduerecognitionthemselves.RupaRaniwasonceakabaddiNayanmoniSaikiaweightlifter,PinkiSinghcricketer,whileLovelywasasprinter.“Despitetheirhumbletheycameforasportnottomany.Andnowsuchahistoricgoldtheirnames,theyhavetallfortheoldadage‘Ageisjustanumber’,”wroteina“Inacountryof1.3whatstopsusfromthehurdlesandinsports?OnNationalSportsDay,usthencontinuewithcollectiveendeavourmakeIndiaa‘sportsnation’fromalovingnation’,”heChoprahonouredthegeniusonhismicro-site.
trials to get
spirit, teamwork, and to encourage public in large to take up sports and make it an integral part of their lives while emphasizing on the importance of being fit and healthy. sportspersonsCMgreets
Modi pays tribute to Major Dhyan; greets sportspersons on Sports Day
Durand Cup: Mumbai City FC thrash Rajasthan
NEW DELHI, AUG 29 (PTI): Prime Minister Narendra Modi paid tribute to hockey great Major Dhyan Chand on his birth anniversary and led a host of politicians and sportspersons in wishing the country on the occasion of National Sports Day on Monday.The National Sports Day is celebrated on August 29 every year to mark the birth anniversary of the legendary hockey Rajnathtwitternation,”toIndia.thededicated,#NationalSportsDay2022OnonMajortoIndiatoNisithIndia,”gainingcontinue.sports.yearsanniversary.ChandtributesNational“Greetingsplayer.onSportsDayandtoMajorDhyanJionhisbirthTherecenthavebeengreatforMaythistrendMaysportskeeppopularityacrossModitweeted.JuniorSportsMinisterPramanikpledgedworktogethertomakeasportingnation.“Myhumbletributesthewizardofhockey,DhyanChandJihisbirthanniversary.theoccasionofIthankeveryonewhohastheirlifetowardsupliftmentofsportsinLet’sworktogethermakeIndiaasportinghewroteonhishandle.DefenceMinisterSinghwrote: “Tributes to Major Dhyan Chand, who made exemplary contribution to Indian Hockey, on National Sports Day. Also, greetings to all sportspersons who have made the country proud with their dedication and wishes.fraternityNeerajchampionTendulkarcricketforfortheHockey’.‘ThehumbleDhyanbirth#NationalSportsDayKirenUnionMinisterupcomingthemperformances.remarkableWishingverybestfortheirendeavours.”FormerSportsandcurrentLawMinisterRijijuadded:“On&theanniversaryofMajorChand,IpaymytributetolegendaryWizardofIndianIalsosaluteallathleteswhohadplayedIndia&broughtlaurelsourcountry!”AmongsportspersonsgreatSachinandOlympicjavelinthrowerChopraledtheinextendingtheirTendulkarcitedthe
Indian elite cyclist Ronaldo Laitonjam bagged a silver medal in the Men’s Elite 200m Sprint race at the Internationales Meeting For Sprint u. Omnium, Dudenhofen on Sunday. The 28-year-old Ronaldo finished with 180 points to end second behind Marc Jurczyk of Germany, who ended with the gold medal with 200.00 points in the elite competition conducted by Union Cycliste Internationale (UCI), the international cycling federation. Tijmen van Loon of the Netherlands took the bronze medal with 160.00 points, in the field that comprised 22 cyclists, according to information available on the UCI website. partners with HSBC India to support young women athletes India’s Ronaldo wins silver medal in elite race Ronaldo Laitonjam Action in the match between Mumbai City FC and Rajasthan United FC.
DIMAPUR, AUG 29 (NPN): Joining the rest of the country, department of Youth Resources and Sports organised various activities in Kohima on the occasion of National Sports Day, in Kohima on NationalMonday.Sports Day is observed every year on August 29 to commemorate the birth anniversary of hockey legend, Major DhyanOnChand.the occasion, advisor for Youth Resources and Sports, Er. Zale Neikha expressed gratitude to the sportspersons of Nagaland, who brought many laurels to create a statement of what they can do with sportsHediscipline.saidthe day aims to create awareness about physical activities, sports, and overall health and lauds the supports of coaches, trainees, families towards the upliftment of athletes and “Wethealsoobservedspeaking(YRS),Resourcesdepartmenthealthysportspersonsofinterestedopportunitysportssportspersons.Headdednationaldaywasaperfecttogetselfintheworldsportsandurgedthetoadoptaandfitlifestyle.SecretarytoofYouthandSportsWezopeKenyeontheoccasionthatNagalandwasperforminginparwithotherstatesofIndia.justwitnessedfew days ago athletes coming together from all corners of Nagaland in the spirit of sports” he said. With more than 2000 athletes participated from 16 districts and taking away 347 medals back home, he said “we have shown impeccable passion towards sports and I wish all the athletes the best for their endeavour in their journey”. In celebration with the Sports Day, the department of Youth Resources and Sports conducted various activities. The department started with a fitness regime at I.G Stadium in the morning with participants from branches of DYRS department officials, I.G student and
championships bronze medallist Sushma Shokeen was the last one to secure a berth in 55kg as she defeated Pinky. Both wrestlers were level at 3-3, but Sushma got the berth for winning the last point of theThebout.squad: Ankush (50kg), Vinesh Phogat (53kg), Sushma Shokeen (55kg), Sarita Mor (57kg), Mansi Ahlawat (59kg), Sonam Malik (62kg), Shefali (65kg), Nisha Dahiya (68kg), Reetika (72kg) and Priyanka (76kg).
Academy students taking part in fitness regime at IG Stadium Kohima.
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Narendra Modi Vinesh Phogat KOLKATA AUG 29 (IANS): Mumbai City FC (MCFC) registered a 5-1 win over Rajasthan United FC (RUFC), in a Group B game at the Kishore Bharati Krirangan (KBK), here on GregMonday.Stewart opened the scoring for the Islanders in the 10th minute, with Lallianzuala Chhangte doubling the advantage in the 18th and Mehtab Singh adding a third in the 35th, to put the issue beyond RUFC in the first half itself.Inthe second half, Ahmed Jahouh converted a penalty won by substitute Vikram Pratap Singh, before Gyanmar Nikum got one back for RUFC with his second of the tournament. Vikram Pratap then nailed one in himself in the second minute of stoppage time to make it a five-star performance from the Islanders.RUFC looked a far cry from the spirited side of their first two games with MCFC snuffing out whatever challenge they would have provided in the first half itself, with some eye-catching football. The first MCFC goal gave an indication of things to come whe n Argentine Pereyra Diaz, with a lovely body turn in midfield, found Scotsman Greg Stewart’s run in between two defenders, who made no mistake with a clinical finish. This was after RUFC had got the game’s first corner for themselves in the very first minuteMCFCitself. continued to attack and Lallianzuala Chhangte, who had had a few runs before that, received the ball on the right flank and cut inside, to let go a left-footer which took an unfortunate deflection from RUFC defender Aidar Mambetaliev’s head to wrong foot keeper Niraj Kumar and go in. In the 35th minute, Greg Stewart took a freekick from the right, floating the ball across goal. Mehtab Singh, who had come in from his position in deep defence, met it on the halfvolley and found the back of the net. The game was well beyond RUFC now and with the kind of form MCFC were in. To their credit however, they came out with positive intent in the second-half and did create more chances to score than they did in the first. MCFC were also not letting up and after Vikram Pratap was deemed to have been brought down in the box, Jahouh converted from the spot calmly to make it 4-0 for the Islanders in the 63rd RUFCminute.then got a consolation goal from 17-year-old Gyanmar Nikum, who had been brought on a few minutes back. The scorer of the winning goal against ATK Mohun Bagan, got the ball on the edge of the box on the right and burst through two defenders to curl it with his left into the back of the MCFC net. Not to be left behind in the goal feast, Vikram Pratap got at the end of a through from midfield by Stewart, to slot in a fifth for MCFC in the second minute of stoppage time. United (IANS):(GERMANY),DUDENHOFENAUG29
5-1 World Wrestling C’ships: Vinesh, Sarita, Sonam win trials; heartbreak for Antim