Reporting on Assent to Bills etc.,would be taken up dur ing the Session.
Meghalaya government has assured full cooperation and support in laying of foundation stone and commencement of construction of Patient House at Shillong. This was conveyed by Meghalaya’s Urban Affairs min
Therie also urged NSCN (I-M) to stand by the commitment of Octo ber 31, 2019 so that Nagas could march towards peace and progress in develop ment activities, employ ment of unemployed youth and make a better place for children. He mentioned that people could not continue to suffer without hope.
amount might vary blockwise, they said the gist of the complaint was the extortion aspect that the Crime Branch was more than competent to inves tigate.They mentioned that they were filing the com plaint on the firm belief that the State Crime Police Station would investigate the matter in all serious ness regardless of political pressure that would surely be exerted upon it.
For any further complaint, RPP provid ed names of individuals along with their phone numbers-- Rising Youth vide-president Hekito Sema (7005159255), Ris ing Youth general sec retary Tokato Chishi (9366957822), Rising Youth secretary Khithemu Kath (6909027052), Ris ing Youth Phek district president Kulupoyi Vadeo (9862847736) and Ris ing Youth Dim-Chumu-
goes the summer wear and cupboard’s bare. It’s time to open your wallet for winter wear.”
In a press note, NPCC president K. Therie said that the outcome of CCoNPI’s meeting with Amit Shah appeared to be almost nil.
NSF demands scrapping of
Staff Reporter
The government noted that organised extortion, col lection of illegal taxes, pos session and carrying of ille gal arms and ammunitions, etc, continued, and was of the view that prevalence of such unlawful activities had the potential to seriously im pact the security of the State and maintenance of peace.
DIMAPUR, SEP 13 (NPN): A day after Union Home minister Amit Shah had put the ball back in the court of the Core Commit tee on Naga Political Issue (CCoNPI) to convince the NSCN (I-M) to ink the final solution to the protracted Naga political issue, Na galand Pradesh Congress Committee (NPCC) said Government of India should not shift responsibilities.
The ADC said inun dation at urban areas was entirely manmade and

(NPN): Following con tinuous downpour, several colonies such as Vilhume Colony and SM Colony were inundated affecting more than 100 families.
ADC, however, said that it requires “collective respon sibility” to ensure that the plastic ban was successfully implemented.Shesaid that citizens also need to behave respon sibly and ensure that plastic bags or single-use plastic items were not thrown in the open or in drains.
the scheme not to give in to the threats of the RD department, stressing that they should not return the money that rightfully belonged to them.
DIMAPUR, SEP 13 (NPN): Rising People’s Party (RPP) has filed a complaint with State Crime Police Station at Police Headquarters (PHQ), Kohima regard ing complaint that the Rural Development (RD) Department was threaten ing beneficiary villagers of Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana - Gramin (PMAYG) scheme.Theparty termed the department’s pres sure tactics as nothing but extortion.While the State Crime Branch investigates the matter, RPP appealed to all the beneficiaries of

Kegwayhun Tep addressing the media in Kohima. (NP)
September 2019, volunteers of the Pub lic Action Committee, set up under the aegis of the Naga Council Dimapur thwarted illegal and multiple collec tions at check mannedinter-stateofderledstateMukhiGovernorEventuallygates.NagalandProf.JagdishprevaileduponthegovernmentwhichtoissuanceofanoronMay19forclosureallcheckgates,exceptgateswhilethosebystategovernment
As the Nagaland Staff Selec tion Board (NSSB) begins the process of recruitment for several posts (pay ma trix level 4 to 7) in various departments, the Naga Stu dents’ Federation (NSF) has demanded that NSSB should either scrap inter view system or minimise the marks allotted to viva voce.
should be the priority, NSF said the interview system should be Laudingscrapped.thestate gov ernment for making NSSB functional, NSF has, how ever, said that there should not be any discrepancies while conducting the exam.
NSF has, therefore, appealed to all the depart ments to cooperate with the board and send the avail able posts to NSSB for fair recruitment.Responding to a query on alleged backdoor ap pointments that was cir Nagaland Post MYK C MYK C Vol XXXII No. 280 DIMAPUR, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 2022 Pages 12 ` 5.00 Queen’s coffin leaves for London INTERNATIONAL, PAGE 9 Subroto Cup: Manipur beat Nagaland 2-0 in SFs SPORTS, PAGE 12 (Cont’d on p-8) FOLLOW US ON @Nagaland_Postnagalandpostofficial This is it!

Zhimomi, Akukau Nivishe village, at Thilixu Block IV. TTKD has demanded that the law enforcing agen cies “meticulously carry out the investigation” and bring those perpetrators to book at the earliest. It also demanded that strict punitive action be initiated against those involved in the act.Expressing shock and angry at the action of those responsible, the TTKD warned that it would not remain silent to miscre ant’s behaviour that cre ated “fear psychosis” and endangered the life and security of the peace-loving citizen.
In accordance with Section 3(3) of NSA, the government, through a no tification dated August 30, 2022, empowered thoseactionandzonehaveCSOsDimapurhadChümoukedima,ofvemberfectperiodtheofmCommissionermissionersMagistrates/DeputyDistrictComintheStateandofPoliceDiapurtoactundertheambittheActintheinterestofStateandpeopleforaof3monthswitheffromSeptember1toNo30.ForthedistrictsDimapur,NiulandandthispowerbeendelegatedtoCPuntilfurtherorders.Meanwhile,variousofseveraldistrictsdeclaredano-extortionintheirrespectiveareahavewarnedthatsternwillbetakenagainstinvolved.Itmaybe

top) AR personnel carrying out rescue operation and Supermarket road inundated after heavy downpour. (43 AR/NP) Meghalaya assures support to construct Patient House Tongpang with Sniawbhalang Dhar in Delhi on Monday.

High Court Kohima Bench had in a landmark judgment on June 3, 2014 had banned on collections in any form by CSOs. In 2012 ACAUT Na galand had organised a rally calling on the government to implement the ban orders by the state government besides a massive rally was organ ised in 2013 against all forms of collection. Even the High Power Committee (HPC) set up by the government in 2014 to look into illegal col lections submitted its report in 2015 but it has been kept underDuringwraps.
Later in the evening, a meeting-cum-dinner will be hosted by chief minister Neiphiu Rio at his official residence.
culating on social media recently, Tep said NSF does not intervene without evi dence. He, however, said that NSF pursued the matter with the state government as to whether the circulation was genuine.Further, with regard to line Central Staff Selec tion Commission (SSC), the ministry had issued directive many years back not to conduct interview or viva voce for grade III. Therefore, he said that since the modalities of NSSB was framed on the basis of SSC, to recruit any grade III posi tion, viva voce or interview was not required.
Inundation affects over 100 families in Dimapur

Speaking to Nagaland Post, the Additional Deputy Commissioner (ADC) Di mapur Mhalo Humtsoe informed that more than 100 families were affected due toSheinundation.saidthat the ad ministration including the district disaster management authority visited the affected sites. ADC said the admin istration and DDMA also coordinated with the 43 As sam Rifles (AR) personnel.
It may be noted that ACAUT Nagaland in its 10-point charter of demand in May this year demanded that police should be given more teeth and power by the State by legislating an Act like the ‘Maharashtra Crime Control Act’ and ‘Ut tar Pradesh Goondas Act’ to act as a reports, it is not only extortion/illegal taxations but the syndicates that have monopolized the market. In February this year, GB Union Dimapur (S) and Dimapur Urban Council Chairmen Federa tion had also said that the “Naga society has been bur dened too much and pushed to its acceptable limit due to multiple taxation; menace of syndicate system; and busi ness monopolies, leading to skyrocketing price rise.”
(NPN): With increasing number of organized extor tions, illegal taxation and antisocial elements in the State, the government has empowered district magis trates and commissioner of police, Dimapur to detain certain persons to prevent them from acting in any manner prejudicial to secu rity of the State and mainte nance of public order as per provisions of the National Security Act (NSA), 1980.
single-use plastic items, Humtsoe said that the ad ministration has been con ducting checking and im posing fines on defaulters.
pointed out to poorly main tained drainage system, drains clogged by plastic, shrinking open spaces and climate change have con
Rain likely to continue India
(NPN): BJP national presi dent J.P. Nadda, will be ar riving Nagaland on Septem ber 15 on a two-day tour and hold a public rally at Wokha. Nadda was earlier scheduled to hold a public rally in Dimapur but was cancelled due to time constraint, BJP sourcesNaddasaid.will land at Di mapur airport on Septem ber 15 morning and head straight to Wokha by chop per where he will address a public rally at GMS ground, Old Riphyim.Hewillreturn to Ko hima the same day and ad dress BJP leaders at Capital Cultural Centre, Kohima and later hold another meet ing with BJP legislators and Rajya Sabha MP.
cy, NSF said NSSB should bring the right person for the right Tojob.ensure all the avail able post vacancies be requi sitioned to NSSB, NSF said it had filed RTI in almost all the departments. It, how ever, expressed dismay that only about 40 departments responded and number of vacancies and post requisi tioned did not tally.
DIMAPUR, SEP 13 (NPN): Tsükoto Tokukujo Kuposhokulu Dimapur (TTKD) and Dimapur District Citizens Forum (DDCF) have in separate statements, condemned the September 10 incident at Thilixu village area, where some miscreants lobbed an explosive device inside the compound of a Naga businessman.Inapress statement, TTKD chairman Kakheho Yepthomi and secretary Hoshumu Awomi stated that “unknown miscreant with a malicious intent” carried out “barbarous ex plosive attack” at the pri vate residence of Mughavi
The AR team rescued and evacuated around eight persons trapped in their homes. It was reported that 43 AR also provided food to the affected people.
Humtsoe also said that citizen should not depend on government alone, but should create awareness so as to achieve the larger goal of cleanliness.
ister Sniawbhalang Dhar to State PWD (Housing & Mechanical) minister Tongpang Ozukum dur ing their meeting at Meghalaya House in New Delhi on Monday. Ozukum emphasised that Patient House was a much-need ed and essential infrastructure in order to provide assistance to Nagas who visited North Eastern Indira Gandhi Regional Institute of Health and Medical Sciences , Shillong for treatment. He also thanked Meghalaya government on behalf of the state government and the people for allotting a fresh plot of land measuring 2.4 acres in Maw diangdiang area Shillong for construction of Patient House.
ment of India and the Naga national workers, Therie said it was the responsibil ity of the Centre to sit with NSCN (I-M) and work out the detailed arrangements as agreed in the Framework AgreementPointing. out that the signatories had signed the agreement on behalf of the Centre, people of India and Nagas, Therie said they cannot be allowed to betray the people. “We are only demanding that solution should be implemented. Both parties are afraid to withdraw from the agree ment but also do not want to implement. We demand solution should be imple
Niuland secretary Nigel Sangtam bythattionNDPP-BJPciariesharassingthebeneficiarymentStateplaintstheyPolicein-chargecomplaintAkumChingkhugeneralMeanwhile,(7005618400).RPPsecretaryAmaiandsecretaryLongkumerintheirtotheofficerofStateCrimeStationstatedthathadreceivedcomfromalloverthethattheRDDepartwasthreateningthevillagers.TheysaidthefactthatdepartmentwasnowthepoorbenefiatthebehestoftherulingcoaliwasaseriousissuecouldnotbeignoredtheCrimeBranch.
recalled that the state gov ernment had issued notifi cations twice– on June 22, 2009 and reaffirmed on June 12, 2012-banning collections in any form at check gates and
However, despite several measures initiated to combat illegal collection at the check gates and other locations in the state, there has been no respite as the menace still continues to haunt the busi ness community.Thesame was also pointed out by Dimapur Chamber of Commerce & Industry in May this year-that Dimapur-based trans porters were still facing the brunt of illegal taxation and harassment from various groups and anti-social ele ments. “These groups and elements are indulging in ‘dalali’ practices and pres sure tactics on transporters including force-closure of transport offices and sub tle threats through SMSs,” DCCI stated.

mented before election,” he insisted. Therie, however, cautioned the CCoNPI that since it had accepted the responsibility of convinc ing NSCN (I-M) instead of pressuring Centre to carry out their responsibility, the entire blame would be on the Committee if it failed.
tributed to accumulation of water on roads after a heavy downpour.When asked about the status of recent ban on
GoI should not shift responsibilities: Therie
NSSB interview system RPP files complaint against RD dept with State Crime PS TTKD, DDCF condemn Sept 10 grenade attack Nadda to hold public rally in Wokha on Sep 15
DIMAPUR, SEP 13 (NPN): Business Advisory Commit tee (BAC) of the Nagaland Legislative Assembly has finalised the provisional programme for the Twelfth Session of the 13th NLA at its sitting held on September 12, 2022 in at the committee room under the Chairman ship of NLA Speaker Shar ingainAccordingLongkumer.tothe NLA secretariat, the committee discussed the business to be transacted during the forthcoming Session to be held from September 2022, 2022. The following Business like Introduction of the Government Bills, Discussion on Matters of Urgent Public Importance

Expressed apprehen sion that the 12.5 % marking for vice voce would create room for manipulation, the federation said it strongly objected the Claimingmove.that the state government has excess em ployees but without efficien
DCs and empoweredCPtodetainindividualsunderNSA
has wished speedy recovery to the injured and prayed for peace to all the trauma tized victims of the recent incidents.

Staff Reporter
They pointed out that the complaint was in public interest and there fore demanded that action taken report be intimated to the party without delay.
DDCF maintained that the coward actions and uncivilized acts by all those perpetrators would disrupt the peace and law and order of has, there fore, appealed to the re sponsible authorities to bring the culprits to book and deliver justice at the earliest. DDCF also de manded that the authority make an all-out effort to ensure that such incidents did not happen Meanwhile,again.DDCF
Addressing a press con ference at the federation’s office here Tuesday, NSF president Kegwayhun Tep said the interview system has the possibility of ma nipulation. Asserting that meritocracy and fairness
State govt to crack whip on extortion, taxation
They recalled that years back thousands of beneficiaries were identi fied and a first instalment of Rs 22,000 approximate ly was deposited into the beneficiary bank accounts for construction of houses underMuchPMAY-G.later, after the release of the second in stalment of Rs 88,000 into the bank accounts of the beneficiaries, the duo alleged that department of ficials were now demand ing that the beneficiaries withdraw the amount of Rs 78,000 and hand over the cash to the respective BDOs.While the instalment
DDCF: Dimapur District Citizens Forum (DDCF) has expressed deep shock and dismay over the “sudden rise” of incidences of physical harm to traders, which have erupted after many years of peace in the district. DDCF through its media cell “strongly” con demned the two recent incidents that happened in Dimapur on September 10, 2022—hurling of explosive device at the residence of a local businessman at Thil ixu village and shooting at a non-Naga businessman by an unknown miscreant at his shop at United colony, Dimapur.
departments were asked to close down by May 31.
3-day NLA session from Sept 20
While pointing out that since negotiations have been between the Govern
We, the family members of Late L. Ayangla, wife of Late Nungsangwati wish to acknowledge the many expressions of sympathy and gestures of kindness shown to us following the sad loss of our mother on 2nd September 2022. Our heartfelt gratitude to the people of Sungratsu village, neighbours and wellwishers, who have helped us from the time of her illness till her last breathe, providing emotional and practical support for us at these difficult times. And to those who helped in any way, your contributions made our loss bearable and pray that our precious Heavenly Father reward your gestures and acts.
rüpreo14th sept. 2021 K-2085/22 28.08.1991 – 22.08.2022 We, the bereaved family members of Lt. Shasenle Kent would like to sincerely express our heartfelt gratitude to everyone who has shown their love and support during her many years of sickness and till her last journey in this world. As it will be impossible to thank all those concerned individually, please accept this press acknowledgement as a token of our heartfelt appreciation. Special thanks to : 1. Rengma Baptist Church Kohima. 2. Rengma Baptist Church Kohima Youth Department. 3. Rengma Baptist Church Kohima Women Department. 4. Rengma Baptist Church Kohima High School Sector Fellowship. 5. Rengma Baptist Church Kohima High School Sector Youth Fellowship. 6. Sendenyu Baptist Church. 7. Sendenyu Baptist Church Youth Department. 8. Sendenyu Baptist Church Women Department. 9. Sendenyu Prayer Group. 10. Sendenyu Village Council. 11. 4th N.A.P C.Coy Baptist Fellowship 12. 4th N.A.P C.Coy Baptist Youth Department. 13. Nazareth Prayer & Healing Centre K.Station. 14. Grace Fellowship High School Kohima. 15. Gospel Riders Ministry. 16. Director & Staff of SCERT Kohima. 17. Doctors, Nurses & Staff of NHAK, Bethesda, KOHIMAS. 18. Dr. Albert Pochury. 19. Dr. C. Wathsutho Nyuthe & wife. 20. Zienuobadze Women Organisation. 21. Zienuobadze Youth Organisation. 22. Tsogin Fellowship Kohima. 23. Bethel Higher Secondary School 2006 & 2008 Batch. 24. Chandmari Higher Secondary School Kohima . 25. Sazolie College Batchmates (Bullmark). 26. USTM Guwahati & Imitty (2014) 27. RSUK Kohima. 28. ILARIA group. 29. Staff of Universal Power Solutions. 30. Relatives from Meluri. 31. Blood Donors. 32. Neighbours. 33. Friends of Njilo Kent. Loving Mom, Brother & ACKNOWLEDGEMENTRelativesK-2087/22 Lt. VIKHOZOLIE(14-09-2021)CHÜCHA A year has passed since you left us on this day, it was the most difficult year for us. But your memories have been our strength and we celebrate your life thanking God for all the blessings you were to us. We will hold you dear till we meet again. Wife, Daughters and Family 1st DEATH ANNIVERSARY K-2078/22 Died on : 14/09/2021 The sands of time will never wash away the love that we have for you. Your sweet memories will remain forever in our hearts. Loving Family Members 1st DEATH ANNIVERSARY of Late Rev. Pikhato Kath dp-4305/22 Born on : 04/09/1974 – Died on : 31/08/2022 We, the family of Late Lirise Sangtam would like to most sincerely extend our gratitude to the many expressions of sympathy and gestures of kindness shown to us following our sad loss. Our special thanks to : 1. Commissioner of Police Dimapur and its Staff. 2. OC Chumoukedima and its Staff. 3. ENPO Police Families, Diphupar. 4. Chungliyimti Village and its associated organisations Dimapur. 5.
Down on earth we mourn
malnourishment and the existence of this cycle needs to be broken,” he said.
FGN suspends one: The “Federal Government of Nagaland” (FGN) has suspended “col.” Khriehie Angami, “commander, 2nd Bde, W/C, Naga Army” from active service for a period of six months with effect from September 13, 2022 “on the charges of financial embezzlement.” In a statement, FGN Rali Wali min istry, deputy secretary Thonkiubui Zeliang informed that “all government entrustments and assignment” given to him “become null and void with immediate ef fect.” FGN has informed “all concerned department or individuals” not to deal with “this suspended person” and warned that anyone dealing with him “in the name of the government shall be doing so at their own risk.”

Mrs. Keripile Thapru 1931 – 2022 (06/08/2022)
Loving wife & children
Loving Parents, Sisters, In-Laws, Nephews and Niece
DIMAPUR: Mongsenyimti Baptist Church (MBC) or ganises its first “Family School” from September 5 to 11. The programme was led by pastor Linukyanger and a host of church ministers. Altogether, 37 families with children from 0-13 years of age were enrolled for the pro gramme. Concepts including types of parenting, family patterns, family communication, socio-cultural relation ships and spirituality were imparted in the school.
Loving Children & Grandchildren
Earlier, DPO Zunhe boto, David Sema reviewed previous meeting minutes.
A glowing ember that never stilled
Died on 04.09.2022
For the arms that wrapped us strong
NSSAATTA convenes emergency meeting: Nagaland Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan Adhoc Trained Teachers Asso ciation has convened an emergency meeting of newly formed members on September 16, 9 am, at Hotel Saramati Dimapur. All adhoc trained teachers have been requested to attend the meeting.
MBC organises ‘family school’
Till we join your glorious flight We will carry you with us.
Loving Wife, Children and Grandchildren
May the Almighty God continue to bless you all abundantly for being with us spiritually, physically and also for your financial and material help.
Loved Ones
2nd DEATH ANNIVERSARY Mhiesihulie (Sihu) Bizo dp-4322/22

Our life has not been the same since you left us. We cherish your love and the good memories you created with us. You’re always loved. "Till our paths cross again."

1st Death anniversary of our beloved father Pfusovi Sangtam Baptist Church and its associated organisations Chumoukedima and Dimapur. Sangtam Union Chumoukedima. New Tsadang Baptist Lithro and Union Ward-10 Committee Chumukedima Town.
(NPN): Bhartiya Janata Party (BJP) Dimapur district organised a welcoming pro gramme for former minister and NPF leader Lt. Col. (Retd) Doshehe Y. Sema, ex-NPP state general sec retary Tohovi Achumi, exNPP state mahila president Yashila and ex-NPP state mahila working president Ruth Pochury at BJP Dima pur district office, here, on Tuesday.Inhis speech, Doshehe Y. Sema said he did not join the BJP party for self-benefit but to work hard towards the party ideologies. He said the party invites all like-minded citizens of India, irrespective of caste and religion looking in order to work for overall

DIMAPUR: In view of the twelfth session of the 13th Nagaland Legislative Assembly (NLA) to be held on September 20 and 22, car passes and official gal lery passes will be issued on September 17 and 19 during regular askedKhruohituonuoNLAam-3:30office-hours—10:30pm.Inapressrelease,secretaryin-charge,Riohasallministers,advisors
National TB Elimination Programme (NTEP) initi ated to free India of TB by 2025.He said that the pro gramme provides free di agnosis and medicines and that the patients also need to be“Itnourished.hasbeen discovered and proven that there is significant cause and rise in TB if a patient is malnour ished and when a person is diagnosed with TB, there is a certain possibility of
The DPDB meeting of Zunheboto district in progress on Tuesday. (DIPR)
As it would be impossible to thank every one individually, please accept this acknowledgement as an expression of our deepest gratitude.
Neho.Later, vote of thanks was proposed by BJP Dima pur district general secretary, Lanu S Walling.
Of Lt.
1st DEATH ANNIVERSARY of Yanthungshio Tsopoe (14th Sept 2021)

The prayer love and care that you invested will always be cherished and reverberate in our lives. We are forever thankful and proud to be your children.
Has departed to lit heaven bright.
BJP Dimapur welcomes new members
NTWTA Dimapur elects office bearers: Nagaland Two Wheeler Taxi Association Dimapur district conducted its change of guard programme at its office on September 13 where Benjamin Swu and Honko Konyak were inducted as president and general secre tary for the tenure 2022-24.

and AHoDs to collect car passes and gallery passes from the special secretary (Home), Civil Secretariat, Nagaland, Kohima; All MLAs, PS/PA to the mem bers to collect from the re ception counter gate No-II, NLAMeanwhile,secretariat. all HoDs, IPR and media persons are to collect their car passes from the reception counter, gate no-I, NLA secretariat.
We, the bereaved family of Lt. Khehoshe Sangtam would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to every individual, families, churches, villages, friends and well wishers who stood by us spiritually, materially, financially and physically during the prolonged
illness of our beloved father who passed away on 9th Sept’2022. We sincerely convey our special thanks to : 1. Sangtam Baptist Church Diphupar. 2. Sangtamlarü Thsingmüjang Liyong, Diphupar. 3. Jingkhu Welfare Society, Dimapur. 4. Yangzitong Union Dimapur. 5. H Khel, Welfare Forum, 4th Mile Dimapur. 6. Water Resources Department – Dimapur, Kohima, Kiphire. 7. Sangtam Baptist Lithro, Kohima. 8. Sangtam Union Kohima. 9. Seyochung Area Union Kohima. 10. Kiphire Town Baptist Lithro. 11. Yangzitong Union Kiphire Town. 12. Sumi Community Kiphire Town. 13. Thongrü Hung Union, Kiphire Town. 14. Yangzitong Village Students' Union 15. GHSS ThoughStaff.weare unable to thank each one of you individually, it is our prayer that our Almighty God shower His blessings upon each and everyone of you abundantly. Loving Wife, Sons, Daughters, In-laws & Relatives. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT If we live, we live to the Lord ; and if we die, we die to the Lord. So, whether we live or die, we belong to the Lord. (Romans 14:8) db-1003/22
In an agenda on Huku thu Self Help Group regis tration, the board approved for higher authorities. On bifurcation of Asukhomi village to Asukhomi New and Asukhomi old, SDO (C) Zunheboto Athrong said legalities were thor oughly scrutinised and ev ery requirement was met. This was approved by board members for further procedures.DCalso apprised the board on blood bank by informing that the equip ment have safely reached the district and could be in augurated by the next week.
DIMAPUR: The monthly District Planning and De velopment Board (DPDB) meeting in Zunheboto dis trict, was held on Tuesday, in the conference hall of the deputy commissioner (DC), under the chairmanship of DC and vice-chairman DPDB, Rahul Bhanudas Mali.According to a DIPR report, district tuberculosis officer (DTO), Dr. Aron briefed the members on Nikshay, a programme under
We would not have been able to make it this far without your kind support, prayers, generosity and sympathy.Asitwill be impossible to thank all concerned individually, please accept this press acknowledgement as a token of our heartfelt appreciation to each and everyone.Thank you all very much and God bless you all abundantly.
DC congratulating athletes who participated in the Na galand Olympic and Para lympics 2022. He lauded the podium finishers and other participants headed by District Sports Council Zunheboto for their efforts.
development of the country.
Tohovi Achumi, Doshehe Y. Sema and others at the programme on Tuesday. (NP)
(Died on 14-09-2020)
We, the family of Late Mr. Imtisunep (Mangmetong) would like to express our sincere gratitude to all our extended families, relatives, neighbours, friends, various official bodies, churches and hospital staff who helped and supported us in so many different ways especially during the course of his sickness, prior to and after the funeral, during our period of grief and mourning.
To those who helped in any way, your kindness and prayers made our loss more bearable.
Throughout the end of time
Staff Reporter
In this regard, Dr. Aron appealed to the board to contribute to the cause which was also endorsed by theRahulDC.
A year without you is almost too much to bear, our hearts ache for you dear Dad. Yet we are comforted that you are in a better place with Lord.
chaired by district secretary Erenbeni Ngullie, invoca tion was offered by district secretary Sentile Tep and welcome address was deliv ered by BJP Dimapur district president Tokuho Suhoi
Most Loving Mother, Wife, Children, Grandchild and In-laws
A sorrow too immense to bear
Loving Family Members and Relativesdb-999/22 IN BRIEF
We, the bereaved members of Lt. Keripile Thapru would like to sincerely thank each and every individual who stood by us during our darkest hour when we lost our beloved mother
Bhanudas Mali said it was a noble deed to contribute towards the nourishment of TB patients and signed to contribute on behalf of the district admin istration.Atthe meeting, the
The programme culminated with family dinner for all the participants.
All of you safely tucked in our hearts
Born : 09/09/1963 Died : 09/09/2022
Car passes for ensuing NLA session
Zbto DPDB discusses TB elimination
He also claimed that the party was devoid of any corruptFurther,practices.Doshehe said the noble cause for nation building inspired him to join the party.Short speeches were also delivered by BJP state officials, Tohovi Achumi, Yashila and others, who spoke on the ideologies of the party.The pr ogramme was
DDFPSU annual meet: Dimapur District Fair Price Shop Union has convened an annual meeting on September 21, 10 am, in the office of the Nagaland Contractor and Suppliers’ Union, Dimapur near PWD office. In this regard, all fair price shop dealers of Dima pur district have been requested to attend the meeting.
Oh! What memories you left in us.
Nagaland Athletics said the sports fraternity had lost a dedicated disciple and the ath letics community had lost one of its strongest pillars.
While acknowledging her contributions and sacrifices to wards sports and sportspersons, NOA conveyed condolences to the members of the bereaved family.
ments under ADIP scheme documents required in clude—passport size photo (2×); copy of age and ad dress proof (aadhaar card/ voter ID) or any valid govt ID card; income certificate (equal to or below Rs. 22500/month) issued by appropriate authority and disability certificate having disability 40% or above.
Sports fraternity mourns demise of athletics coach
According to a DIPR report, the programme was funded by the ministry of Electronic & Information Technology and implement ed by National Institute of Electronic & Information Technology (NIELIT), in collaboration with Wokha district administration, Wokha District Skill Com mittee (DSC) & Nagaland Forest Management Project (NFMP)ResourcesWokha.persons for
The programme was attended by government of ficials and beneficiaries of Bhumnyu village Longleng and will be conducted in other villages till September 29 under Longleng district.
He said the module and contents of the book
target groups for SHG for mation, NRLM is also fo cused on bringing various categories of vulnerable individuals such as elderly, persons with disabilities (PwDs) and other vulner able groups into the fold.
Nagaland Athletics: Na galand Athletics has expressed shock at the sudden demise of athletics coach, Awala Walling.
According to a DIPR report, DC informed that required documents under RVY scheme for senior citizens (age 60 years & above) include—passport size photo (2×); copy of age & address proof (aad har card/voter ID) or any valid govt ID card; income certificate (equal or below Rs. 15000/ month) issued by appropriate authority and photocopy of BPL card or proof of receiv ing old age pension under IGNOAPS or state gov ernment pension for BPL categories.Forrequired docu
Staff Reporter
DIMAPUR: The sports frater nity in Nagaland has expressed deep grief at the demise of athletics coach, department of Youth Resources & Sports, Awala Walling, who passed away in Dimapur on Tuesday.
In a condolence message, Nagaland Athletics president Abu Metha described late Awa la as a dedicated and disciplined person, who was responsible for training and grooming several champion sportspersons during her career as an athletics coach.
Officials and resource persons along with participants at the training programme. (DIPR)
NOA: Nagaland Olympic Association (NOA) has ex pressed deep grief at the demise of Awala Walling.
In a condolence message, NOA assistant secretary general Neivikuolie Khatsu described late Awala Walling made many positive contributions towards the development of sports, es pecially in the field of athletics.
Numerical aptitude and reasoning abilities have be come significant subjects of the syllabus and the trend has necessitated aspirants to enhance the range of understanding the subject area, he informed.
Free eye screening camp from Sep 18

Out of a total target of 2,07,253 households since inception of the State Mission in 2013, the NSRLM has mobilised a total of 1,11,294 house holds to the SHG fold and has a target of reach ing out to 95,959 left-out households within a year.
“As we all yearn for an early Naga solution, we would like to encourage our people not to create a bitter or unwarranted situation but rather pro mote peace and harmony among ourselves”, DYO stated.
DIMAPUR: Kohima Sümi Totimi Hoho (KSTH) launched a booklet published by Sümi Totimi Hoho (STH) on “Sümi Tiphi Mini: Ajutho Kaku” (Sümi Traditional Attires: Photo Gallery) on September 12, at Red Cross Building, Kohima.
NSRLM informed that intensified social mo bilisation is also being car ried out through support of the respective village coun cils, VDBs, CBOs, NGOs and religious leaders.
marketing, A. Morimenba Amer spoke on different ben eficial schemes introduced by the centre for farmers. He advised them to keep themselves updated about the schemes and avail the benefits.Morimenba said digital marketing was a means of advertising and selling prod ucts by taking advantage of the technologies available such as internet, mobile devices, social media and otherHeplatforms.encouraged farmers to put effort using technolo gies in uploading their pro duces and products which, he said, would help them sell productsSpeakingonline.on benefits of digital marketing, he said it carried a lower cost and more control over choice of audience and allows them to gather customer data in a way that offline marketing cannot.
DIMAPUR: Lions Club of Dimapur will be organising a free eye screening camp in association with Jorhat Lions Eye Hospital on September 17 and 18, 7 am onwards at Lions Centre, Midland, Dimapur. Patients will provided with free medicines and consul tations and operation for IOL surgery (cataract) will be conducted at Jorhat Lions Eye Hospital sponsored by Lions Club of Dimapur.
“She was a disciplined person who gave her best ef forts towards grooming young talents and turning them into champions”, NOA said.
Farmers sensitised on use of ICT
While women are
ing the network of SHG organisations to form into Village Facilitation Teams (VFTs) to undertake the task of reaching out to every eligible household.
DIMAPUR: State Bank of India (SBI) Longleng branch along with bank of ficials from Jorhat headed by deputy general man ager Jorhat, Jitendra Kant Thakur, chief manager FI RBO Mokokchung, Kreho Athili, Hatneikim Gangte Imsong (LDM) and team from Mokokchung, district administration Longleng and RD department con ducted the first special credit outreach programme on PM-Kisan Samman Nidhi on September 10, at Bhum nyu village under Longleng district.According to a DIPR report, SDO (C) Trongdipa Tongpi Sangtam urged upon the genuine beneficiaries to avail the loans and to recover the amount and interest on time. This, he said also built a healthy relationship between the bank and the beneficiaries. He also re quested the educated youth and council members to help beneficiaries in filling up forms to avail the loan.
DIMAPUR, SEP 13 (NPN): A comprehensive Civil Service Aptitude Test (CSAT) book for Nagaland Public Service Commis sion (NPSC), Nagaland Staff Selection Board (NSSB) and allied services, published by Active Learn ers Academy Dimapur (ALAD), was launched at Active Learners’ Academy Institute, Naharbari, here, on Tuesday.Highlighting the fea tures of the book, ALAD proprietor Apem Hongvah said the type of questions in the book were based on trending patterns, ranging from low to high levels with solutions for each question.

DC Longleng informs on assistance to PwDs and senior citizens
In this regard, DC has informed that the required documents from intended beneficiaries are to be fur nished to the office of the undersigned on or before September 19, in order to avail the benefits.
were protected by copy right, trademark and other laws of ApemIndia.Hongvah also expressed hope that the book will help aspirants in Nagaland and serve its purpose.Itwas also informed that an open orientation programme was also held. The same would be held in Kohima district on September 14, 11 am, at Hotel Aura, next to red cross building, Raj Bhavan road.The book will be avail able in the institute and one could contact 7629015229 or 7085619969). For other districts, Hongvah informed that the book would be dispatched within this week.Itmay be mentioned that the book is a complete practice book with solved problems and exercises in numerical aptitude, general mental ability, reasoning and computer number sys tem with answer keys and solutions.
MYK C MYK C 3STATENAGALAND POST, DIMAPUR WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 2022 Q.: Is China over reacting to visits by US delegates by trying to ignite a war in Taiwan? A Yes. 72% B No. 18% C Can’t Say. 10% 100%90%80%70%60%50%40%30%20%10%0% Poll A B C NEXT POLL Q: Is the state govt enlightening people about reversing climate change locally? Yes. No. Can’t Say. (Temperature in ºC) Max Min Agartala Some rain and a thunderstorm 27 25 Aizawl An afternoon thundershower 24 19 Guwahati A thunderstorm in spots 31 25 Imphal An afternoon thunderstorm 28 20 Itanagar Overcast with a stray t-storm 30 23 Shillong Mostly cloudy with a t-storm 22 18 Kohima Mostly cloudy with a t-storm 24 18 Dimapur A t-storm around in the a.m. 31 24 Mkg Mostly cloudy with a t-storm 27 20 Tuensang A t-storm around in the p.m. 20 17 Wokha A thunderstorm in spots 26 21 Zunheboto Couple of thunderstorms 23 18 SEPTEMBERFORECASTWEATHER14 ALSO AVAILABLE IN CSD. /NissanIndia /Nissan_India /Nissan_India INSPIRED BY INDIA ENGINEERED IN JAPAN FINANCENISSANTerms & Conditions apply. All prices ex-showroom Delhi. Assured delivery applicable on selected models/variants only and delivery period may di�er by models/variants. Features may vary from model to model. Colours are indicative only and may vary due to printing constraints. Accessories shown may not be part of standard �tment. The scheme is applicable on vehicles booked on or before 30th September’22. Please visit your nearest Nissan dealer for more information. NILI NISSAN - 9731154402, KOHIMA: NILI NISSAN- 9731154701, ORISSA: BHUBANESWAR: JAHNAVI NISSAN- 9731150801, ARUNACHAL PRADESH: NIGLA NISSAN- 9731088042, ASSAM: BONGAIGAON: BINOD NISSAN- 9731153578, GUWAHATI: BINOD NISSAN- 9731153603, GUWAHATI: SSB NISSAN NAGAON: KHUTIKATIA NEAR 2ND PETROL PUMP: DHAANVI NISSAN- 9731148591, SIBSAGAR: FAREAST NISSAN- 9731148814, SILCHAR: SRB NISSANTINSUKIA: FAREAST NISSAN- 9731149218, MANIPUR: IMPHAL: ILAND NISSAN- 9731149307, MIZORAM: AIZWAL: RAFAEL NISSAN- 9731150947, TITAN NISSAN- 9731154914, RANCHI: ORMANJHI TITAN NISSAN- 9731155287, MAIN ROAD: TITAN NISSAN- 9731156139, WEST BENGAL: AUTORELLI NISSAN- 9731152180, KALYANI: AUTORELLI NISSAN- 9731152405, SILIGURI: NAMAN NISSAN- 9731149714, BIHAR: PATNA: GOBERDHAN NISSAN - 9731154247. MAGNITE CLASS-LEADING FEATURES AroundBest-in-classView Monitor 4 Star Safety Rating By Global NCAP NISSAN MAGNITE `5.97*L AKH RANGE STARTS @
DIMAPUR: Deputy com missioner (DC) Longleng has informed all concerned that under the Assistance to Disabled Persons (ADIP) & Rashtriya Vayoshri Yo jana (RVY) scheme, Long leng district administration and the department of Social Welfare, Longleng, in coordination with Arti ficial Limbs citizensficationandwithficationducting(ALIMCO)CorporationManufacturingofIndianwillbeconadisabilityidenticampforpersonsdisabilities(PwDs)beneficiariesidenticampforsenioronSeptember22.
Patients have been requested to register at— Lions Health Centre, Midland (9862828240 or 9862264870); Inder Automo biles, opposite Reliance Trends (9436063035); Sheetal Saree Near Durga Mandir (9436003532) or Mahabir Stationery Dhobinala (9436007399).
DPO NCD, Dr. Mhonchan along with participants at the NCD health camp conducted by VHC Luvishe New under NHP on September 10 at Luvishe New village, Aghunato block, under Zunheboto district.

During the campaign period, benefits that can be availed as members of SHGs under NRLM will be showcased through tes timonies and case studies and door-to-door drives.
Outreach prog on SammanPM-KisanNidhi
The 15-day campaign which will culminate on September 20, will accel erate the pace of satura tion drive to reach 10 crore households across the country for every willing and eligible non-member within the time frame.
Nagaland Athletics con
An elderly SHG from Wakching block, under Mon formed at the campaign.
In a press release, KSTH president Kavitoli Jakhalu informed during the programme, Kohima Sümi Totimi Hoho advisor Ghovili Achumi in her speech said
Campaign to bring rural households under SHG fold

At the programme, Ji tendra Kant Thakur also gave a brief highlight on PM-Kisan loan.
DIMAPUR: Under the project “capacity building in IECT” including train ing in digital skill-sets and current industry demand ing technologies in North East states, an awareness programme for farmers on use of Information Commu nication Technology (ICT) technologies for effective farming & marketing was held in Wokha on Tuesday, in the conference hall of the deputy commissioner (DC).
DIMAPUR: Under the aegis of the ministry of Rural Development, the “Deendayal staffthe(NSRLM)Ruralgard,informedKhriezovonuoNSRLMSPM-SISD/KMC,(SHG)underhouseholdsthatSeptemberbilisationnationwide(DAY-NRLM)LivelihoodsYojna”-NationalAntyodayaRuralMissionbegunasocialmocampaignfrom7,toensurealltheleft-outruralwerebroughttheSelf-HelpGroupfold.Inapressrelease,Kohima,LhounguthatinthisretheNagalandStateLivelihoodsMissionalsokickedoffcampaignthroughitsandcadresfacilitat
In a press release, DYO president Sumika K Murumi and general secretary Along Pongen warned that carrying out any activities against or targeted at any residents of Darogapathar would be dealt accordingly as deemed fit by the organ isation.DYO said any activi ties which threaten the peace and sanctity of the village by any organisa tions would not be toler ated and DYO would take it as openly defying the au thority of the organisation.
veyed deepest condolences to the members of the bereaved family.
DIMAPUR: Darogapathar Youth Organisation (DYO) has warned organisations not affiliated with DYO, to notify to its office before organising or carrying out any activities within the village jurisdiction.
KSTH launches booklet on traditional attires
the training E-wallet.paymentsSystemAadhartaryastransactionsutiliseencouragedbusinesses.ICTanyketingworld,sales.targetofclientsvidesBentiICTBentiengineermenbaNIELIT,included—jointprogrammedirectorKohima,A.MoriAmerandassistantNIELITKohima,Wanth.Dwellingonthetopic&Digitalpayment,WanthsaidICTprosupporttobusinessbycreatinganetworkagentsthatcannotcoverterritoryanddevelopsHesaidintoday’stherightdigitalmarwaskeytosuccessofbusinessandaddedthatwasthebestoptionforFurther,BentiWanththefarmerstovariousmodesofavailablesuchUnstructuredSupplemenServiceData(USSD),EnabledPayment(AEPS),Unifiedinterface(UPI)Emphasisingondigital
DYO warns against activities

ALAD comprehensivelaunchesCSAT book
the booklet highlighted the rich traditional attires. She also said it gave insight to spe cific wears and rounding up the attires to give a lowdown on Sümi Tiphi Mini, with photoEarlier,gallery.the programme was chaired by Kohima Sümi Totimi Hoho president Piholi Swunetho while the booklet was dedicated by associate pastor (F) SBCK Lujeka Assumi.
He further stressed the importance of senior offi cers to groom their juniors in order to make them fit to perform their jobs, while getting promoted to higher offices.The application aims to facilitate the electronic filling of ACR in a way that is not only user friendly but also allows filling from anywhere anytime as per convenience.Thesystem will re duce delays in submission and completion of ACRs. With the electronic system in place, the recording and movement of ACRs forms become seamless, quick and convenient due to inbuilt alert mechanisms through different modes at appropri ate stages.State chief secretary Dr Rajesh Kumar, DGP P Doungel, additional chief secretary MH Khan and other senior civil and police officers attended the launch ing event.
(Likok Longkumer)
Shri Velhusa Phesao, S/o Lt. Chiekhwuyi Phesao, aged about 54 yrs, permanent resident of Chozuba Village PS & PO Chozuba 797104, District Phek, Nagaland, solemnly declare an oath as under:
2. That my biological legal name is Velhüsa Phesao.
Murry Clan or its mother organization “Murrytsu Ekhung” of Wokha Village under whose fold Murry Clan comes under has no knowledge of any such Clan organization as mentioned in the press release with Convenor, Co-Convenor and Secretary selected/ elected by the general Murry Clan. While Murry Clan or its mother organization do not have any objection for any of its members supporting any candidate from the village or outside but, individual members taking an exaggerated figure for cheap political gain in support of a particular candidate is objectionable to the Murry Clan. Murry Clan has the largest number of households in the village however, it has never taken advantage of our numbers and has never exhibited arrogance but endeavoured for coexistence with mutual respect even with smaller clan like the Humtsoe Clan which has only 43 households in the Village.The press release also talks about unity, peaceful atmosphere and free and fair election, but in fact, the release reeks of partisan attitude and the intention is obviously confrontational. It is also intriguing to observe that five church deacons of the village are also seen in the picture. Shri. Y. M. Humtsoe, a prospecting political leader should dissuade himself and his supporters from exhibiting such cheap gimmicks which wanes faster than the momentum it can gain.

SHILLONG, SEP 13: The Vice-Chancellor of the North-Eastern Hill Uni versity (NEHU), Shillong, Professor Prabha Shankar Shukla called on President Droupadi Murmu, who is also the Visitor of the Uni versity last week at Rash trapati Bhawan and invited her to visit the University, a statement issued by the NEHU on Tuesday said.
of the applications, screening and written tests, viva voce, personal interview and then selection of eligible candidates. The Chief Minister further informed that steps are being taken to reform the MPSC with better use of technology, establishing more examination centers, clubbing of posts and holding common examination tests.

The undersigned under Rule 52 of the said Rules do hereby invites Claims/Objections concerning to the said land if any & should there be any, should submit to this court on or before 1(one) month from the date of publication in local newspaper.
Himanta Biswa Sarma of Assam Land Revenue Regulation 1886 have applied for Mutation of land described in the schedule below :-

This rejoinder is in consultation with all sub-clans of Murry Clan signed by:
4 That as per my service book record in appointment order NO.AGR/ ESTT-18/87/4621-30 dated 20-01-1994, my name has been inadvertently entered/recorded as Velhüsa Chakhesang and also in my promotion order No.AGR/DPC/2014-15 (Vol.11) Kohima dated 08-03-2021, my name has been inadvertently entered/recorded as Velhüsa, however in the service book my name has been correctly entered /recorded as Velhüsa Phesao.
Currently, there are 1301 vacant posts that have to be filled through the MPSC, the Chief Minister said. He said the COVID period has also caused delay in filling these vacant posts and also formulating the roster system that needs to be followed, which different departments are preparing.
6 That the above mentioned declaration is sworn and made which shall be use for any clarification, verification, rectification in connection with my official name and this affidavit shall be used as piece of proof and evidence at all time for all purposes.
Chungliyimsen, P.O Mokokchung – 798601
Phom General Secretary, YNA DB-1000/22 OFFICE OF THE KOHIMA PHIRO EKHÜNG Kohima : Nagaland Regd. No. FELICITATIONHOME/SRC-6980 The Kohima Phiro Ekhüng takes immense pride in congratulating Mr. T. Chanthungo Ovüng, S/o L. Tsolow Ovüng for securing Junior Architect (Class-II Gazetted) in the recently declared NPSC exam and Mr. Lichanthung Lotha, UBSI, S/o Chandemo Odyuo for receiving DGP Commendation Disc (Silver) Award. The Kohima Phiro Ekhüng wishes them all the very best in all the days toSd/-come. Sd/C.SORENBEMO ODYUO MYINGTHUNGO ODYUO Chairman General Secretary Kohima Phiro Ekhüng Kohima Phiro Ekhüng K-2099/22 CBC 45103/12/0012/2223
hereby given that Shri/Smti. A. Itova Awomi Vrs Kughashi R/o Notun Basti Town/Village in the District of Dimapur, Nagaland under Rule 50 & 51 of Assam Land Revenue Regulation Act 1886 have applied for Mutation of Land described in the schedule below : The undersigned under Rule 52 of the said Rules do hereby invite Claims/Objections concerning to the
Dt. Dimapur
President, Chingloi
senger and Twitter”. The Assam police under the Cy berdrome Project monitored social media platforms and found 990 “objectionable posts” by such brainwashed youth during 2021-2022. Sarma said that on the basis of such posts, the police have registered around 100 cases across the state and 85 people were arrested while 581 others were counselled in the presence of their par ents and Aroundguardians.400social me dia posts were removed from different platforms, he told the House. Replying to an other question, Sarma said that since 2016, the police have arrested 84 suspects for their alleged involvement in ‘jihadi’ activities, and 10 of them were engaged as teachers at various private madrasas.
discrimination among their subordinates during perfor mance appraisal, forgetting their personal enmities with them if any.
member by the government.
President (Asst. Gen. Secretary) DNST DNST DP-4321/22

Through this column, the N. Longidang Union Wokha Town (NLUWT), with immense pride and honour extend our heartiest congratulations to following individuals on their promotions and

3. That I am presently serving as SDAO, Phek under the Directorate of Agriculture, Government of Nagaland.
“The Vice-Chancellor in his meeting with the President congratulated her on being appointed as the President of the coun try on behalf of the staff, students, teachers and the
Manipur CM N. Biren Singh at the launching function of ‘SPARROW’ app in Imphal on Tuesday. (NP)
Union Minister Niranjan Jyoti arrives in Mizoram
IN THE COURT OF DEPUTY COMMISSIONER DIMAPUR DISTRICT DIMAPUR : NAGALAND NOTICE NO.M-551/22/6087 Dt. Dimapur the 08 Sept 2022 Notice is hereby given that Smti. Sangalu Rongmei Vrs Shri Gaingamlung Rongmei resident of Burma Camp in the District of Dimapur, Nagaland under Rule 50 & 51
national Affairs, MOOCs Centre, Design Innovation Centre, Office of Intellectual Property Rights and recently opened Dr. Ambedkar Cen tre for Excellence which provides free coaching to UPSC aspirants belonging to Scheduled Caste category. “The President con gratulated the Vice-Chan cellor on all the work done in the University. At the end of the meeting, the Vice-Chancellor invited the President to visit NEHU to inaugurate the NEICOD (North East India Centre of Diversity) building which houses all the newly estab lished centres and offices,” the NEHU release read.
Notice is hereby given that Shri T.L. Namfuilungbe Hoi Vrs Smti. Maheigumle Liegise
Dr.Sd/-Phongshak Phom
7. That the statements made in the above paragraphs are true and correct and nothing material has been stated or concealed
Name of Patta Holder : Shri A. Itova Awomi, Village/Block No : Kuchiabill, Patta No : 945, Dag No : 64/1109, Area : 00-02-13½, North : Marla, South : Vihoto Labo East : Dipun Mech, West : Husheto Assumi Sd/- Sachin Jaiswal, IAS DeputyDimapurCommissioner,:NagalandDP-4330/22
The Office of the Dimapur Nokpu Senso Telongjem with immense joy and pride would like to extend our heartiest congratulations to Mr. Tinuwati Longkumer, S/o Mr. & Mrs. Chuba Longkumer, for securing the post of SDO (Civil Engg.) under Works & Housing Department, Government of Nagaland and Mr. Wapangtoshi Longkumer, S/o Mr. & Mrs. Rongsen Longkumer for securing the post of Assistant Programmer under Election Department, Government of Nagaland in the recently declared NPSC Examination.
Name of Patta Holder : Smti. Sangalu Rongmei Block No. 11(Eleven) Patta No. 1167 Dag No. 26/1323 Area. 00B-00K-17½Ls
resident of Burma Camp in the District of Dimapur, Nagaland under Rule 50 & 51 of Assam Land Revenue Regulation 1886 have applied for Mutation of land described in the schedule below :The undersigned under Rule 52 of the said Rules do hereby invites Claims/Objections concerning to the said land if any & should there be any, should submit to this court on or before 1(one) month from the date of publication in local newspaper. SCHEDULE OF LAND AND BOUNDARY Name of Patta Holder : Shri T.L Namfuilungbe Hoi Block No. 11(Eleven) Patta No. 1698 Dag No. 926/1880 Area. 00B-00K-14Ls North : Approach Road East : Mahaigumlie South : A.B Akhang West : Sangalu Rongmei SD/-SACHIN JAISWAL, IAS Deputy Commissioner, DimapurDP-4307/22
The Union further wishes them success in their new assignments.Sd/-(L.TinuImchen)
The Chungliyimsen Students’ Union with immense pride and honor would like to extend its heartiest congratulation to Mr. Tsüktilong Jamir, S/o Mr. Alemwati Jamir of Chungliyimsen village and a resident of Aoyimti Dimapur for his success in the NPSC (CTSE) examination to the post of Junior Engineer (Mechanical) Class II Gazetted under Works and Housing Department.
Sd/Karibong Sademrenla Kichu President, CSU General Secretary, CSU
You will always be an inspiration to the younger generation and our people. We wish you happy long life and may the Almighty God guide you through as you embark on new journey with assignments and responsibilities.
10. Shri. Yenchumo Lotha, promoted to Agriculture Officer. 11. Shri. Likonthung Murry, promoted to JSO (NSS). 12. Shri. Yanpungrhomo Ngullie , promoted to Inspector, Excise. 13. Shri. Y. Avungthung Ngullie , promoted to Inspector, Horticulture. 14. Shri. L. Yiben Kikon , promoted to Inspector The(NPTO).Union further wishes them a very bright future endeavours. Sd/-Chairman, NLUWTWC-200/22
MPSC to be reformed: Conrad Sangma
Sadhvi Niranjan Jyoti

The Students’ Union further wishes him success and satisfaction in the newSd/-assignment.
SPARROW app for MCS and MPS launched in Manipur
Extremist outfits luring youth using social media: Sarma President Murmu invited to NEHU
IMPHAL, SEP 13: Mani pur chief minister N Biren Singh on Tuesday launched Smart Performance Ap praisal Report Recording Online Window (SPAR ROW) for Manipur Civil Services (MCS) and Mani pur Police Services (MPS) at Chief Minister’s Secretariat in Imphal.SPARROW is an on line system for assessment and record keeping of An nual Confidential Report (ACRs) of officers based on the comprehensive per formance appraisal dossier that is maintained for each
the 13/09/2022
Notice is said land if any & should there be any, should submit to this Court on or before 1 (one) month from the date of publication in local newspaper.

The Union Minister also paid a visit to a veg etable market at Vaivakawn locality in the western part of the state capital Aizawl, where all the vendors are women.The Union Minister also called on state governor Dr Hari Babu Kambhampati in the evening.
Shri. Y. Yichothung Ngullie, S/o Late E.Y. Ngullie for securing SDO (Civil Engg) Class-1 Gazetted under Works & Housing Department in the recently declared NPSC exam. Shri. E. John Mozhui , promoted to Director, Geological Survey of India. Dr. Khumdemo Ezung , promoted to Chief Technical Officer, KVK. Shri. Renbomo Ezung, promoted to ADC (NCS). Smti. Lemlila Sangtam, promoted to ADC (NCS). Shri. Rabenthung Ezung, promoted to Principal, GHSS. Smti. Renbeni Ezung, promoted to Vice Principal, GHSS. Shri. K. Phyodemo Ngullie, promoted to SDEO. Shri. Yanthungbemo Ngullie , promoted to Agriculture Officer.
Union Minister of State for Rural Development, Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution Sad hvi Niranjan Jyoti arrived in Mizoram on Tuesday on a three-day visit to the northeastern state, official sourcesSoonsaid.after her arrival at the airport, the union minister minister had a
Murry Clan members of ‘A’, ‘B’ and ‘C’ Khels of Wokha Village are compelled to issue this rejoinder to the press release made by some vested interested group from within its fold that appeared in some local dailies on 11 th Sept. 2022. The unsigned press release is apparently in support of Shri. Y. M. Humtsoe, an intending candidate from the village with an event that will happen in 09/09/2023 (sic).
The office of the Young Namsang Association through this column extend our heartiest congratulations to Shri. L. Ongpa. Yanpai , on his promotion to the post of Registrar, Class 1 Gazzeted, under the Department of Printing and Stationery, Govt of Nagaland. The association acknowledges your well deserved promotion through your hard work, sincerity and dedication.
Dt. Dimapur the 08 Sept 2022
5. That this offidavit is made to declare that my correct legal name is Velhüsa Phesao and further declare that the oforesaid names Velhüsa Phesao, Velhüsa Chakhesang and Velhüsa are one and same person and belong to me.
entire University fraternity,” the statementAccordingsaid. to the NEHU release, on being asked about the status of the University by the President, the Vice-Chancellor updated her about various works car ried out in the last one year. The Vice-Chancellor brought to the knowledge of the president about the vari ous MoUs that NEHU had signed with different univer sities, research institutes and industries both nationally and internationally.Healsoupdated the president about the various centres and offices opened in the University in the last one year like Office of the Inter
The DNST acknowledges their hard work and perseverance in clearing this prestigious Exam and bringing laurels to the Village.

(IANS): Lured by militant outfits campaigns on various social media platforms, the youth in Assam continue to join extremist groups despite a slew of peace agreements signed by the government with such outfits since 2014.
1. That, am a bonafide citizen of India belonging to Chakhesang Naga Tribe.
While replying to a series of questions on the floor of the Assembly on Tuesday, Assam Chief Min ister Himanta Biswa Sarma said that 1,561 young men and women have joined at least five extremist out fits since 2016. Accord ing to the Chief Minister, who also holds the home portfolio, the extremists groups include the National Democratic Front of Bodol and (NDFB), the People’s Democratic Council of Karbi Longri (PDCK), the United People’s Revolution ary Front besides the United Liberation Front of Asom (Independent).Replyingto opposition leader Debabrata Saikia, Sarma said that the ex tremist outfits, especially the ULFA (I) headed by Paresh Baruah, have been “brainwashing young men and women with misinfor mation via Facebook, Mes
North : Approach Road East : Mahaigumlie South : Ilule West : Khakiye Sema SD/-SACHIN JAISWAL, IAS Deputy Commissioner, DimapurDP-4308/22
SHILLONG, SEP 13: Meghalaya Chief Minister Conrad Sangma on Tuesday told the assembly that the government was committed to reform the Meghalaya Public Service Commission (MPSC) on an a query raised by sus pended Congress legislator, Process T. Sawkmie during question hour as to why there was delay to call candidates for interview by the MPSC, Sangma said the process to call candidates for interview includes steps like advertisement, scrutiny
brief interaction with Chief Minister Zoramthanga, who was heading for Delhi, the sourcesJyotisaid.said that Prime Minister Narendra Modi gives priority to the develop ment of Northeast region and this time she visited Mizoram on the Prime Min ister’sThedirective.union minister as sured that she would take ef fort to address and solve the problem faced by consumers if they approach her.
Regd. No. 688 Date 12/09/2022
The system is being implemented in the state for MCS and MPS in the first phase.Theapplication was developed by the National Informatics Centre in con sultation with the ACR cell and department of infor mation & technology, gov ernment of Manipur. The URL for the application officersministerandbecomemovementplace,“WiththissystemintherecordingandofACRwillseamless,quickconvenient,thechiefsaid.Hesaidseniorshouldn’tmakeany
The second orbital test flight will take the Gaga nyaan crew capsule to a higher altitude and undergo a similar abort scenario to perfect the system.
“They did nothing in the last 27 years and have no programme for the next five years. I would like to ask the BJP why they oppose it when I say I want to provide free electricity to people in Gujarat?” Kejriwal further asked. The AAP will contest all 182 Assembly seats in Gujarat where elections are due by December, he said.

BJP national vice-pres ident Dilip Ghosh, who led the protesters near Howrah bridge, left the site in the midst of a lathicharge on his party’s“Oursupporters.fightagainst this jungle raj will continue,” Ghosh said. BJP state youth wing president Saumitra Khan said “days of the TMC is numbered” and BJP will surely give a reply to all the atrocities committed on partyThemen. TMC, in a tweet, said, “BJP4Bengal karyakartas or hooligans?”
The undersigned is pleased to inform that the department of Posts has launched the digital version of the Postal Life Insurance policy bonds and inaugurated the ‘ePLI bond’ in the digital format which is now available to eligible policy holders through digiLocker. By securely logging in to the digiLocker using Aadhaar authentication, the user can download the digital copy of the Policy bond on their mobile phone.

ers, pensioners, social workers, doctors, person nel from the armed forces, journalists, researchers, bankers, academicians, film makers, writers, law yers, retired civil servants and business Accordingpersons.tothe sig natories, the statement is titled “In Solidarity with Us” because, “even though the income tax raids are currently directed at only a few of us — those few who are working, despite daunting challenges, to keep not just the govern ment, but also all of us awake and aware of our rights in a argued.allthemselves,thatmoreourweAlltheernment.—currentlyondemocracy.”constitutional“They—theoneswhomtheraidsarebeingconductedarenotagainstthegovTheyareFORnation.Justasweare.ofus.Andthemoreremindourselvesandgovernmentofthis,thetheywillremembertheyareherenotforbutforus.Forofus,”thesignatories
“Everyone got to see how the partisan police tried scuttling a leader of opposi tion’s democratic right to protest outside Nabanna. I was manhandled by a wom an constable, people saw that too,” Adhikari told re porters before being whisked away in a prison van.
NAGALAND: KOHIMA NO. DTE/ ESTT-2/NEET/01/2021-22/ /Dt. Kohima, the th Sept, 2022.
Addressing a press conference at the AICC headquarters here, Con gress leader Ajoy Kumar said the AAP should be called the “Arvind Ad vertisement Party, Arvind Actors Party and Arvind Aish Party” for indulging in advertisement politics and corruption.“In2015, the AAP spent Rs 81 crore on ad vertisement through TV and print. In 2017-18, Rs 117 crore; in 2019, Rs 200 crore; in 21-22, about Rs 490 crore. Under Sheila Dikshit’s Delhi govern ment, the advertisement budget was Rs 11 crore,” KumarDikshitsaid. was the lon gest-serving woman chief minister of Delhi who steered the Congress to vic tory for three consecutive terms in 1998, 2003 and 2008. She died in 2019 at the age of 81.
Leader of Opposition in Bengal Assembly Su vendu Adhikari, the party’s Hooghly MP Locket Chat terjee and senior leader Rahul Sinha were among those detained during the march, taken out by the saf fron party to protest against the TMC regime’s alleged
Issuance of Digital copy of Postal Life Insurance (PLI)/ Rural Postal Life Insurance Policies (RPLI) through DigiLocker digiLocker is an initiative under digital India Programme by the Government of India where citizens can get authentic documents/certificates in digital format from original issuers of these certificates. department of Posts intends to minimize the use of physical documents that will enhance effectiveness of service delivery, making hassle free and friendly service for the citizens.
First test-flight of Gaganyaan this year, says Jitendra Singh

The statement refers to the IT department con ducting ‘surveys’ on the think-tank Centre for Poli cy Research, the NGO Ox fam India and the media funding body Independent and Public Spirited Media Foundation on September 7. All three organisations have denied any wrongdo ing and have reaffirmed their commitment to their goals.The signatories in clude teachers, homemak
For any queries, email us at or contact 7005166478 during office hours.
basic training in Russia.
BJP activists clash with cops during protest march in WB; several injured
Officials said during the test mission, the spacecraft will be launched to an alti tude of 15 km during which space scientists will simulate an abort scenario to ensure the return crew capsule to the Earth using parachutes.
“People who sell dreams will never get elec toral success in Gujarat. I know the people of Gujarat. Those in the business of selling dreams can never get success in Gujarat because the people support only those who believe in doing work. That is why people remain by the BJP’s side. The BJP is on its way to achieving a thumping vic tory,” Shah said while ad dressing a function held in Gandhinagar to mark one year of Bhupendra Patel’s chief “Iministership.wanttotell Bhupen drabhai that the people of Gujarat are with the BJP. I can see very clearly that under the leadership of PM Modi, and you, the BJP will once again form a gov ernment with a two-thirds majority in the upcoming elections,” Shah said.
‘Recent IT raids are an attack on all citizens of India’
‘Dream sellers’ won’t win in Guj: Shah to Kejriwal
SuperintendentSd/- Posts Nagaland : Kohima 797001dc-1062/22

(PTI): India’s maiden hu man space-flight mission Gaganyaan is expected to be launched in 2024, Union Minister Jitendra Singh said here on reporters on the sidelines of an event, Singh said the government had planned the human space flight for 2022, the year of India’s 75th anniver sary of Independence, but the schedule went awry on account of the COVID-19 pandemic. “The COVID-19 pandemic took a toll on the training of astronauts in Russia as well as India,” Singh said, adding the first test-flight of the Gaganyaan mission is scheduled to take place later this year.
(AGENCIES): The recent series of income tax raids on Indian and global think tanks, independent me dia promoters and other non-profit organisations is “alarming and unfound ed”, said more than 600 Indian citizens from 25 states and UTs while con demning the government action.In a solidarity state ment, they noted that “in the not-too-distant future they will come for us, each one of us. Not just for civil society. Or civil servants. Or any other group.”
BJP is losing in Gujarat, Cong is finished, says Kejriwal
damaged as the demonstra tors were stopped from mov ing forward.Similar scenes were witnessed in Howrah, Kol kata’s Lalbazar and MG Road areas where violent protesters engaged in a scuf fle with the police.
Cong’s dig at AAP over ads in Gujarat by Punjab govt
into chaos. BJP state presi dent Sukanta Majumdar staged a sit-in in Howrah after being stopped from car rying forward the rally.
AHMEDABAD, SEP 13 (PTI): Union Home Min ister Amit Shah on Tues day took a veiled swipe at Arvind Kejriwal-led Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) and said the people who “sell dreams” will never win in Gujarat, where Assembly polls are due in December this year. Speaking virtu ally, Shah also said the rul ing Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) will once again form a government in Gujarat, his home state, with a twothirds majority and hailed the leadership of Chief Min ister Bhupendra Patel.
(Er. M. NAKRO ) Director
“This autocratic Ma mata Banerjee government does not believe in giving space to opposition parties,” he said.Majumdar also claimed that it was a shame that the police were acting in a partisan manner, further claiming that “some of them have turned into puppets of ruling TMC”. The BJP state chief and senior leader Agnimitra Paul were later detained from a protest site at Howrah Maidan.
The first test-flight will be followed by sending a female-looking spacefaring humanoid robot -- Vyom Mitra -- in outer space likely next year, Singh said. The Indian Air Force had identi fied four fighter pilots as the potential crew for the human space flight mission. The po tential crew had undergone
corruptThepractices.police used tear gas and water cannons to disperse the agitators, who tried to go past the barri cades that were put in place at several points in the city and its adjoining areas.
them my question. I under stand that you will feel afraid (of asking it). At the next press conference, ask them that Kejriwal has alleged that you’re making Sonia Gandhi Modi ji’s successor and PM candidate and what do you have to say,” he said.
In continuation of this office notification of even Number Dated 28th July, 2022, NEET(UG) 2022, the candidates are hereby informed that the “Last Date” for submission of filled NEET Form by hand to the undersigned along with all necessary documents is on or before 30th Sept, 2022, 4PM. No application form will be accepted thereafter.
A Kolkata Police offi cer said “there was no report of any serious injury to any protestors though several police personnel have suf feredNormalinjuries”.life was dis rupted in the city amid the protests, with common people facing huge inconve nience on the thoroughfares, many of which had plunged
The electronic copy of PLI policy bonds having a digital signature in the digiLocker platform is valid proof as per the IT Act 2000. It shall be treated at par with the original policy bond issued by the department of Posts for processing all types of Financial & Non financial request related to PLI/RPLI.
Seven trains were hired by the BJP to bring its sup porters from north and south Bengal on Monday for the protest march to ‘Nabanna’.
AHMEDABAD, SEP 13 (PTI): Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Tuesday claimed that the BJP was going to lose the coming As sembly elections in Gujarat while the Congress was “fin ished”, and the AAP would be theHewinner.wasreplying to a re porter’s question here about the ruling BJP accusing his Aam Aadmi Party of giving backdoor entry to activist Medha Patkar in Gujarat politics.“BJP is getting defeat ed. They’ll raise the name of Medha Patkar or someone else. Tell them the public wants to know what they did in the last 27 years and what they plan to do in the next five years,” he said.
“I have heard that BJP is making Sonia Gandhi its PM candidate after (Nar endra) Modi ji. Dare to ask
Jitendra Singh
NEW DELHI, SEP 13 (PTI): The Congress on Tuesday accused the Ar vind Kejriwal-led AAP of getting its Punjab govern ment to spend on advertise ments in poll-bound Guja rat, calling it the “Arvind Advertisement Party”.
The Congress alleged that the Bhagwant Mannled Punjab government is unable to pay salaries of employees but spent Rs 36 crore in two months on advertisements in Gujarat.
Patkar, whom the AAP had given ticket in the 2014 Lok Sabha polls, has been accused by the BJP of harm ing the interests of Gujarati people by opposing the Nar mada dam project.
Arvind Kejriwal
In Lalbazar, a police vehicle was set on fire.

Parts of Bengal turned into a battlefield on Tuesday as BJP activists clashed with the police during a protest march to the state secre tariat.Several police officers and saffron camp mem bers, including leaders Mina Devi Purohit and Swapan Dasgupta, were reportedly injured in the melee.
The Indian Space Re search Organisation (ISRO) will send at least two astro nauts into a low earth orbit in 2024 after assessing the outcome of the two orbital test flights, Singh said.
In Santragachhi, the police were pelted with stones as they chased away the protesters.Apolice kiosk was
Gujarat does not have a proper chief minister and the state is being run from Delhi, he alleged.“Who made Vijay Ru pani CM? Who made Bhu pendra Patel CM? The pub lic did not make them CM. They were made CM by Delhi (the BJP leadership). This is not how our govern ment will run. We will do what the six crore people of Gujarat tell us to do,” he said when asked about the AAP’s CM candidate.OnaCongress leader alleging that the AAP gov ernment in Punjab has no money to pay salaries but it is wasting crores of rupees on advertisements in Guja rat, Kejriwal retorted that “Congress is finished”, and journalists should not “both er about their questions.”
A police vehicle set on fire by some miscreants near Nakhoda Mosque in Kolkata. (PTI)
dc-1063/22 dc-1064/22
NAGALAND : KOHIMA – 797 001 No: A-1/Misc-corr/PLI-RPLI/22-23 dated at Kohima the 13-09-2022
significant effects on crime rates. This important problem is poverty.Poverty directly puts perspective for people wad ing through it, as the easiest way for survival is to commit small crimes to get by. These often result in bigger ones and because there are no means to hide it, crimes by people below the poverty line get reported and closed by law enforcement agencies easily. Compare this to crimes by people of a higher social and educational strata – they have much better means to hide a crime, get corrupt authorities on their side and get away with immoral Educationacts.may be the single largest cause of the crime menace in third world countries, but it is certainly not the only reason. Take villages as an example. India, being a primarily rural coun try, a major chunk of it lives in suburban or rural areas.
The policy document states that all communities and educational institu tions – schools, colleges, universities, and public libraries – will be strength ened and modernized to ensure an adequate sup ply of books that cater to the needs and interests of all students, including persons with disabilities and other differently-abled persons.Other steps men tioned in NEP 2020 in clude strengthening all existing libraries, setting up rural libraries, and reading rooms in disad vantaged regions, making reading material in Indian languages attractive look ing and widely available, opening children’s libraries and mobile libraries, estab lishing book clubs across India across subjects, and fostering greater collabora tions between education institutions and libraries.
Education for adults In the past, the NLM and the Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA) have been the primary vehicles of the government for achieving universal literacy rates. The NEP is also tackling the challenge of lack of access to opportunities for education across the age spectrum—for young children as well as for youth and adults.
Only 65 percent of rural women in this age group are literate, relative to 81.5 percent or rural men and over 92 percent of urban men.
Centres (AECs) etc. will be ICT-equipped and will be used for community engagement and enrich ment orbequalitymentsdeveloped.librariesbooks,basedcourses/modules,ingoptionsTechnology-basedactivities.foradultlearnsuchasapps,onlinesatellite-TVchannels,onlineandICT-equippedandAECs,willbeTheseenhancewillalsoenableadulteducationtoconductedinanonlineblendedmode.
on to say that all efforts will be undertaken to ensure the participation of community members in adult education. So cial workers/ counsellors travelling through their communities to track and ensure participation of non-enrolled students and school dropouts will be requested to also gather data of parents, adoles cents, and others inter ested in adult education opportunities, as learn ers and as teachers/tu tors, during their travels. They will then connect these aspirants with local Adult Education Centres (AECs). Opportunities for adult education will also be widely publicised, through advertisements and announcements and events and initiatives of NGOs and other local organisations.Acentral aspect of NEP implementation is the work that is currently underway on creating new National Curricu lum Frameworks (NCF). Of the four curriculum frameworks that are being prepared, one of them is an outstanding adult edu cation curriculum frame work.The NEP 2020 docu ment states that the cur riculum framework for adult education will in clude at least five types of programmes, each with clearly defined outcomes: (a) foundational literacy and numeracy; (b) criti cal life skills (including financial literacy, digital literacy, commercial skills, health care and awareness, child care and education, and family welfare); (c) vocational skills develop ment (with a view towards obtaining local employ ment); (d) basic education (including preparatory, middle, and secondary stage equivalency); and (e) continuing education (in cluding engaging holistic adult education courses in arts, sciences, technol ogy, culture, sports, and recreation, as well as other
Political parties have promised a holy land tour to please the religious
Leena Chandran Wa dia is Senior Fellow at ORF’s Mumbai Centre (As published in Observer Research Foundation)
We almost make an in stant connection of illiteracy with crime and vice versa but there are two sides to this coin: 1) Not all crimi nals are uneducated – take Suresh Kalmadi, Vijay Mal lya, and the Unabomber etc. So there is obviously no reason to brand all criminals as uneducated barbarians. 2) Lack of education results in a bigger problem and that has
world”—an understanding that is also espoused by NEPA2020.working definition of literacy in the Indian Census as of 1991 has been the count of the number of literate persons above the age of seven as a per centage of the population above the same age.
Naro Aier, Kohima
Nagaland Post
As stated in NEP 2020, extensive field stud ies and analyses, both in India and across the world, clearly demonstrate that volunteerism and com munity involvement and mobilisation are key success factors of adult literacy programmes, in conjunction with political will, organisational struc ture, proper planning, ad equate financial support, and high-quality capacity building of educators and volunteers.Thedocument goes
National Literacy Mission
~ E. O. Wilson
ndia is a secular democratic coun try and the Constitution affirms freedom and liberty for all. Di versity and Unity are accepted as the hallmark of Indian society. But today, ‘secular democracy’ is under threat due to Hindutva ideology. Against democratic principles, Hindutva, an ideology of the fundamentalist, has become a reality Etymologically,today.Hindutva is a derivative word from Hindu, which is more closely related to the expression Hinduness or possibly “Hinduhood” of religious, cultural, linguistic, social, and political aspects of the life of the Hindus. It is an ideology opposed to the tradition of tolerance and af firmation of the richness of Indian tradition. V. D. Savarkar used another term Hindudom. He claimed that the Indian nation has to be necessar ily a Hindu nation, and the Hindus alone are the true sons of the soil.
The National Sample Survey 75th round (July 2017- June 2018), in which only persons in the age group of 7 to 35 years have been surveyed, estimates the average literacy rate in this age group to be 77.7 percent.There is a large ruralurban divide with the aver age rates being 73.5 per cent and 87.7 percent re spectively, and an equally large divide between men and women, the gap being as large as 16.5 percent in rural areas and nearly 10 percent in urban areas.
the Editor
Surrender for Deliverance. “Come to Me…and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28). It is only after we have begun to experience what salvation really means that we surrender our will to Jesus for rest. Whatever is causing us a sense of uncertainty is actually a call to our will— “Come to Me.” And it is a voluntary coming.
topics of interest or use to local learners, such as more advanced material on critical life skills). The framework is expected to be ready within the next year.The NEP 2020 rec ommends that the adult education curriculum framework be prepared to keep in mind the fact that adults will require different teaching-learning methods and materials than those designed for children as will instructors/ educa tors who will be specially trained for the purpose. The instructors/ edu cators will be recruited and trained by the national, state, and district-level re source support institutions to organise and lead learn ing activities at specially created Adult Education Centres (AECs), as well as coordinate with volunteer instructors. Qualified com munity members including some from HEIs, as part of each HEI’s mission to engage with their local communities, will be en couraged and welcomed to take a short training course and volunteer to serve as adult literacy instructors or as one-on-one tutors. They will be recog nised for their critical ser vice to the nation. The steep increase in literacy rates during the NLM owed a lot to the participation of large numbers of volunteers and the support of the people. State governments are also expected to work with NGOs and other community organisations to enhance efforts toward literacy and adult educa tion.The stage has been set by NEP 2020 for closing the gap toward universal literacy. It remains to be seen if the implementation can leverage its provisions to deliver on the promise.
As is well known, there are also fundamentalopportunityacy2022,Internationalpandemic.malmightbemillionlearnersability.withwritingstillofaroundmillionthereLiteracyebrationnouncementcasteruraleducationaldueandgeographicalconsiderablevariationsthesearenotonlytoalackofaccesstofacilitiesinareasbutalsoduetoandotherdisparities.UNESCO’sanforthecelofInternationalDay2022,notesareasmanyas771illiteratepeopletheworld,mostwhomarewomen,wholackbasicreadingandskillsandarefacedincreasedvulnerNearly24millionoutofwhich11areprojectedtogirlsandyoungwomenneverreturntoforeducation,duetotheThethemechosenforLiteracyDay‘TransformingLiterLearningSpaces’,isantorethinktheimportance
Savarkar’s ideology of Hindutva and the definition of ‘Hindu’ divided the people into Hindus and non-Hindus. His definition of Hindutva demanded four things: Birth and growth in Indian territory; Belonging to the Indian race, having Hindu blood; An appreciation for all the customs and traditions of Hindus, acceptance of India alone as one’s fatherland (Pitribhoomi) and holy land (Punyabhoomi) and its heroes as persons of veneration, as well as acceptance of Sanskrit as the common language; treating religious tradition emerged from India like Buddhism, Jainism, and Sikhism as offshoots of Hinduism. The spirit Sarvarkar injected into the Hindus ‘that they alone are the true sons of the soil’ enabled the Hindus to unite as one community and defend their religion, establishing a Hindu rashtra.
or any educated per son, opening a news paper on a given day acquaints them with the news around and about. Interest ingly, as many of us must have noticed, a lot of this is bad news, which is over whelmingly more than good news. Reports about crime, unfortunate events and losses make up most of the newspa per’s ink and the same is the case online. AS to the curious mind who says, why does this happen, the answer is rather counter-intuitive – there are a lot of normal, peaceful events happening around us but crime makes up for the news fodder. But where does this crime originate? Are we living in the worst time yet, where riots, rapes and murders make up theYessociety?andno.
All shared spaces— schools, school complexes, public libraries, special purpose Adult Education
a little more bearable and a little happier. Education drives out poverty and ba sic living standards will do the trick. There is indeed a long way between us and a Universal Basic Income to feed all mouths, but till then, the marriage of literacy with ethics is what the need of the hour
Surrender for Death. “…another will gird you…” (John 21:18; also see John 21:19). Have you learned what it means to be girded for death? Beware of some surrender that you make to God in an ecstatic moment in your life, because you are apt to take it back again. True surrender is a matter of being “united together [with Jesus] in the likeness of His death” (Romans 6:5) until nothing ever appeals to you that did not appeal to Him.
One of the key rec ommendations of NEP 2020 is to create school complexes, spaces that are well-resourced and can be shared by several schools, and then make these same spaces and resources avail able to youth and adults after school hours.
Increase in education numbers is a step closer to a near perfect society, like the first world peaceful nations of the amazing Scandinavian countries.Asadeveloping nation, we are fighting everyday to make the place a little safer,
The effect of education on crime
NEP 2020: India’s portal to achieve universal literacy
leaders. It is to be seen as a double stan dard game to confuse people. We must understand that Hindutva ideology is built on ‘Holy land’ and ‘father land’. Religions for whom holy land and father land are in India can be called Indians. This claim has to be contested in every possible way to challenge Hindutva as it opposes constitutional laws on who an Indian citizen is. While all branches of Sangh Parivar, through their social and cultural engagements, disseminate and impart fundamentalist values in the civil society and create rifts between the communities, the Church needs to formulate a counter-narrative. The growing popularity of Holy land tours creates an immersion that the holy land for Christians is somewhere else and not India, and BJP was ready to sponsor them as an election promise. As Fr. Cedric pointed out, we must develop incarnational spirituality. We must affirm that all land, the whole created order is holy. In asserting that the Christian holy land is somewhere else, we are playing into the hands of Hindutva forces. We are materializing their agenda. For Christians living in India, India is our holy land. We love India.Hindutva is a political doctrine representing the majoritarian ethos of the Hindu majority vis-a-vis other minorities. It is intolerant, confined to narrow nationalism, and represents the interest of a section of the Hindu political elite. The first essential of Hindutva is securing the Hindustan/ Hindu Rashtra/Hindu nation or the land of Hindus. This ideology is very dangerous in a pluralistic context like India. Nobody should be treated like second-class citizens. It is saddening to see that without knowing the fun damentalist ideology, Naga leaders are blindly supporting the Hindutva ideology. It is time to stand together to protect secular democracy.
Dr. S. Akatoli
Childrenis. can be easily influenced, making it highly important for them to have positivity around them, but the education system in India pushes them into working small jobs where they could come across agents of ex ploitation who use them for illegalEducationpurposes. increases work opportunities and there fore discourages criminal activity. Going to school or college has a direct inca pacitation consequence and the opportunity cost from imprisonment increases with higher educational attain ment. Think of a person with a PhD, who spent years to get the degree, or a young man who finished his engineering and is now working with a reputed IT firm. The risk of them following the path of crime is not as high as that of somebody who has a his tory of being excluded from school.Lack of education push es people into crime, however, does not mean that people with higher educational at tainment have other charac teristics that turn them less criminal-minded. They are just at a lower risk of becom ing an offender.
newspaper nor
I have finished the work which You have given Me to do. — John 17:4
of literacy learning spaces to build resilience and en sure quality, equitable, and inclusive education for all.
The UNESCO an nouncement also says that in order to ensure that no one is left behind, we need to “enrich and trans form the existing learn ing spaces through an integrated approach and enable literacy learning in the perspective of lifelong learning”.These observations by UNESCO tie in exceed ingly well with NEP 2020 which makes ‘equitable and inclusive access to quality education for all’ the central theme, and the attainment of universal lit eracy an aspirational goal.
These small villages have tight communities and they all respect each other’s space, lives and property. Even though agrarian societ ies do not boast of high edu cation statistics, their crimes rates are miraculously lower than any given city! What stresses out the city mentality so much that it turns to the ultimate mode of survival?
After Surrender— Then What?
As per the mission document, to be “func tionally literate” implies (i) self-reliance in the 3 R’s (reading, writing, and arithmetic), (ii) awareness of the causes of depriva tion and the ability to move towards ameliora tion of their condition by participating in the process of development, (iii) acquiring skills to improve economic status and general well-being, and (iv) imbibing values such as national integra tion, conservation of the environment, women’s equality, observance of small family UNESCOnorms.has also gone beyond the conven tional definition and lit eracy is now understood as “a means of identifi cation, richmediated,increasinglyandinterpretation,understanding,creation,communicationinandigital,text-information-andfast-changing

Reader’s note: Articles or letters published in any of the columns do not reflect the view of this that of in any
When you have seen one ant, one bird, one tree, you have not seen them all.
Although the rate of crimes has his torically dropped over time in human civilization and we live in the most peaceful times in history (with fewest wars and casualties), there are still unjust amounts of thiev ery, cheating and scandals happening despite having stringent laws for all these. And this, not surprisingly, is related to education.
recent weeks, public in different parts of Naga land felt compelled to raise their voices and also observed rallies or bandhs as an expression of protest with the message to the state government, to respond . Recently people of Mon district as well as other districts have expressed outrage against ex tortion. Extortion in Nagaland has spawned a Fran kenstein-like sub culture. Extortion, as commented earlier, is the fastest and biggest criminal cottage industry in Nagaland. Thousands of dependents, who have extorted money under various pleas and whose criminal activities have unchallenged, today believe this is their right. Any move to check extortion is seen as denial of the right to collect tax. Despite hue and cry, governance in Nagaland is under siege to the whims and fancies of politics and therefore, crime prevention is not the objective but ensuring that goodwill prevails. Frankly, prevention means targeting some particular sections who have made it as their ‘agriculture business’. The issue of taxation needs no redefinition ; it is either authorised by a government run by an elected political party mandated under the constitution of India and there fore, deemed ‘legal’ or, deemed “illegal” but imposed by any other groups that run parallel authorities not answerable to the people but only to themselves. Some have gone by the description of ‘unabated taxes’ ; to suggest as if the main problem was due to too many taxes thrown around. A majority, however described these as “illegal taxes and extortions” . It is therefore time for the people of Nagaland to de cide if there can be grey zones in describing these on technical, legal and literal term. In this regard, the reasons why anti-extortion move is unpleasant and unpopular in Nagaland is because of vested inter ests. Why the state has consistently failed to check extortion and anti-social activities is because - the first involves the ability of criminal law enforcement to make citizens law-abiding by deterring potential offenders and preventing further lawbreaking by apprehending criminals. The second refers to the efforts to correct fundamental social conditions and personal maladjustments which are assumed to be the “seed bed” of crime. Many authorities in the field of criminal justice say that poverty is a major cause of crime. This is not of course to say that it follows that a person who wallows in wealth cannot be a criminal. Many crimes are committed even by the rich. What is also worrisome is that many offences go unreported for the simple reason, that offenders are granted bail and take revenge on the victims, blaming the latter for being arrested. Various tribal organisations, need to serious ponder over this is sue and contemplate effective response to crimes committed by their fellow members. On the other hand, it must also be pointed out that various armed outfits also have a responsibility to deal with errant cadre members. Illegal immigrants or migrations from other parts are also matters that need serious review. If the apex tribe bodies choose to remain mute, then there is something wrong. If they are silent then it is clear that people cannot expect these apex bodies to call a spade a spade so as to allevi ate their suffering from the burden of all the ‘taxes’ passed on by business and trade.
And after you surrender— then what? Your entire life should be characterized by an eagerness to maintain unbro ken fellowship and oneness with God.
Indian secularism at threat
nternational Literacy Day 2022 is an apt time to review the provi sions that the National Ed ucation Policy (NEP) 2020 has made towards building on past efforts into achiev ing universal literacy in India. The National Lit eracy Mission launched in 1988, now known as the Saakshar Bharat Pro gramme (SBP) and run by the National Literacy Mis sion Authority, has made creditable progress. The average literacy rate since independence has grown from a pitifully small 18.33 percent in 1951 to 74.04 percent as per the 2011 Census. Despite this, India still remains the country with the largest number of illiterates, with the Census 2011 putting the count to be approximately 287 million.
Hindutva derogatively distinguished Hindus from Christians and Muslims and placed them second to Hindus.
For instance, it is bringing children between the ages of 3-6 into the fold of formal education and is putting considerable emphasis on every child attaining foundational literacy and numeracy (FLN) by the age of eight. It has an equally strong emphasis on early child hood care and education (ECCE), and many pre scriptions for ensuring that all children remain in school until Class 12 so that the scourge of school dropouts is overcome com pletely. In this article, we focus on adult education.
Explaining offences
Surrender for Devotion. “If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself…” (Matthew 16:24). The surrender here is of my self to Jesus, with His rest at the heart of my being. He says, “If you want to be My disciple, you must give up your right to yourself to Me.” And once this is done, the remainder of your life will exhibit nothing but the evidence of this surrender, and you never need to be concerned again with what the future may hold for you. Whatever your cir cumstances may be, Jesus is totally sufficient (see 2 Corin thians 12:9 and Philippians 4:19).
The National Litera cy Mission (NLM) defines literacy as “acquiring the skills of reading, writing and arithmetic and the ability to apply them to one’s day-to-day life”.
True surrender is not simply surrender of our external life but surrender of our will— and once that is done, sur render is complete. The greatest crisis we ever face is the surrender of our will. Yet God never forces a person’s will into surrender, and He never begs. He patiently waits until that person willingly yields to Him. And once that battle has been fought, it never needs to be fought again.
Rahul Gandhi Mark Suzman
Gandhi, who has em barked on the 3,500 tam,yapuramaroundyatra,loaded#BharatJodoYatra,”WearetheGandhiing.umbrellaalongincludingdayatris.Gandhirainsupcampaignblistersparticipantsfootmarch,Kanyakumari-Kashmirkmsaidthoughthesufferedfromontheirfeet,thewouldgoon.Scoresofpeoplelinedontheroadsidesdespiteinthecity,togreetandtheotherpaTheCongressleaders,Gandhi,walkedthestreetswithoutwhenitwasrainInaFacebookpost,said,“eventhoughfeethaveblisters,Weouttounitethecountry,arenotgoingtostop.anduparelatedvideoclip.Thethirddayofthewhichcommenced7.15amfromKaninearKazhakoosawanencouraging
Blisters will not stop us, we will unite India, says Rahul
Talking about the knock-on effects of the pan demic, he also referred to a broader set of interventions across health, education, financial access and other tools to deal with the chal lenges, and complimented India’s CoWin digital vac cination platform.

The yatra is scheduled to resume at 5 pm and end for the day at Kallambalam junction here.
Fire in Hyderabad kills 8; PM, T’gana govt announce ex-gratia
(PTI): Eight people, includ ing a woman staying in a ho tel, were killed in a fire that reportedly originated from an electric bike showroom in Secunderabad here.

located above the show room.“It appears there are 23 rooms on all the four floors in the hotel. The smoke spread through the staircase from the bottom to the top floor and engulfed all the floors. Some people sleeping on the first and second floors came to the corridor through the thick smoke and died of asphyxiation,” Hyderabad Police Commissioner CV Anand who visited the spot told reporters.Theexact reason for the blaze would be known after the Fire Department’s investigation, he said.
Suzman also cited In dia’s leadership in manufac turing of vaccines includ ing by the Serum Institute and Bharat Biotech and said the Foundation has been having longstanding partnerships with the two companies.“Ithink in the context of India, which has already shown great global leader
turnout of people like the previous two days of the Kerala leg of the foot march, which is set to cover 3,570 kilometres from Kanyaku mari to Kashmir over a 150day period.When the yatra reached its first halt point of the day at Attingal here, AICC general secretary incharge of communications Jairam Ramesh tweeted, “The padayatra has just reached the morning break point at Mamom near At tingal, where there will be a number of interactions with different groups.”
“The cellar which usu ally should be used for park ing -- obviously they are doing something else. That is a matter of inquiry,” the officialTheadded.police said there were 25 people staying in the hotel at the time of the incident.“It is suspected that either an e-bike or generator placed in the bike showroom
On Monday evening, the yatra had covered 100 kilometres when it reached Kazhakootam.
The e-bike showroom is being run illegally in the cellar for the past one year.
NEW DELHI, SEP 13 (PTI): India is a test case and a model for smartly us ing digital tools to improve development and if there was a UN-mandated sus tainable development goal for the COVID-19 manage ment, the country would have shown tremendous success, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation CEO Mark Suzman said on Tues day.
ship in health and in the re sponse to COVID directly, it’s both an opportunity to continue the focus the gov ernment has been making on accelerating progress domestically on the SDGs, but also really supporting some broader global lead ership, especially as India moves into chairing the G20 next year, about trying to advance some of these priorities globally,” he said. The G-20 is one of the most powerful group ings globally and India will assume its Presidency for one year from December 1, 2022 to November 30, 2023. The Foundation CEO also listed the “dramatic progress” made by India and some other countries in various development pa rameters including poverty reduction and slashing the child mortality rate.

Rescue operation underway after a fire broke out in an electric bike showroom in Secundrabad, Monday. (PTI)
CARDIOLOGIST FROM EXCEL CARE HOSPITAL GUWAHATI AVAILABLE FOR CONSULTATION Dr. Neil Bardoloi MD DM (Cardiology) – 17th Sept. 2022 dp-4312/22 NagalaNd Multispeciality HealtH & ReseaRcH ceNtRe MidlaNd : diMapuR Ph: 8416097640 / 9856006026 / 03862-248302 Admission Still Open Class-10 & 12 (Arts) Repeaters Hostel attached for both boys & girls in separate building with parental care & guidance. Contact : 9856857778 (or) 9862700227 RaiNbow coacHiNg ceNtRe Lengrijan H/No. 749, Dimapur : 797113, Nagaland. (Near Immanuel College) Estd – 2006 Class started Classes Mon - Friday Saturdays Unit test. Perfect place for overall development. Limited Hostel Seats-4204/22dp DREAM CATCHER COACHING AND TRAINING INSTITUTE (DCCTI), KOHIMA Presents you the best possible option to clear NSSB exam 2022 MOCK TEST SERIES FOR NSSB EXAM 2022 Daily Mock Test-(Online only) : Daily 10 Questions from 10 subjects. 100 Questions x 45 Working days = 4500 Questions Registration Fee @ ` 4500/One time Registration (Per day) @ ` 100/Weekly Mock Test (Both Offline & Online) –Exclusive NSSB Syllabus (Paper-I & Paper-II) every Saturday till NSSB exam (a total of weekly tests) Registration Fee @ ` 2500/One time Registration (Per Mock Test) @ ` 300/TWO (2) MONTHS CRASH COURSE (OFFLINE ONLY) Crash course for NSSB exam 2022 will be taken up on War footing. There will be a total of 3 classes in a day for 45 working days including Saturdays i.e 3X45 =135 Classes. Aspirants can also register for a specific subject on need basis. Classes starts from 16th Sept 2022 Registration Fee @ ` 12,000/- (Inclusive of Daily Mock Test and weekly Mock Test) Specific Subject Registration @ ` 1500/One time Registration (Per Mock Test) @ ` 300/(Aspirants opting for both Daily and Weekly mock test series will be given 15% discount on Registration Fee) NPSC MONTHLY MOCK TEST (BOTH ONLINE & OFFLINE) Registration Fee = ` 1800/One time Registration (Per Mock Test) @ ` 300/One time Registration (Per Mock Test) @ ` 300/For more information, Visit Office -DCCTI office, Vilas Plaza, Below Domino’s Pizza, High School Junction, Kohima, Nagaland797001 e-mail Instagram dream_catcher_Kohima Facebook Dream Catcher Coaching and Training Institute Mobile numbers - 96128187579774579128/9856772500 REGISTRATION FOR ALL COURSES OPEN NOW k-2080/22 ADMISSION OPEN 2022 - 2023 COURSES OFFERED: UG, PG and Ph.D. GNMNURSING&BSc(NSG) OCCUPATIONALPHYSIOTHERAPYTHERAPY MEDICAL FOODTECHNOLOGYLABANDNUTRITIONOPTOMETRY ALLIED HEALTH SCIENCES OPERATION IMAGINGTECHNOLOGYTHEATREMEDICALTECHNOLOGY Quality Education at Affordable Fees SEPARATE HOSTEL FOR BOYS AND GIRLS Contact us: Campus@: Kuda (Half Nagarjan), Dimapur Admin ANCHORCampusCOMPLEXEASTBLOCK,BURMA CAMP, DIMAPUR, NAGALAND – 797112 NORTH EAST CHRISTIAN UNIVERSITY Estd. Under the Government of Nagaland Act 2012 (Act No.4 of 2013) UGC Recognised and Accredited as PrCB for TCHPs by NABCB under ISO/IEC, 17024; 2012 dc-996/22 k-2023/22b k-2068/22 INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR MONTESSORI TEACHERS TRAINING. IIMTT An ISO 9001 : 2008 Certified Organization. Kohima Centre, ‘D’ Block Sector – B, Below J.N Hotel, Kohima ADMISSION NOTICE Course Duration Requirement Advance diploma 1 year 12 pass or Equivalent diploma 6 months 12 pass or Equivalent certificate course 3 months 10 pass Ph:+91 8414043274/ +91 7005845405 /+91 8794864647 k-2067/22 k-2068/22(b dp-4203/22 dp-4287/22 PINNACLE SKILLS ADMISSION OPEN Course Duration Qualification Fees Diploma ApplicationComputerIn 6 months All (One6000/-TimePayment) Diploma ManagementHospitalityin 3 months classroom Training & 3 months on the Job Training – (Stipend will be paid during on the Job Training) 10th Pass Aboveand (payable9000/installments)in inDiplomaFashionDesigning 6 months 10th Pass and Above with basic knowledge on Cutting (Monthly)2500/CourseCertificateInCutting&Tailoring 3 months 8 Pass & Above (One3500/-TimePayment) For enquiry, contact : 9366482559 / 8731804648 (Dimapur) : 8794668242 / 7005693419 (Kohima) Visit: Pinnacle Skills, West City Building, DC Court Junction, Duncan Basti- Dimapur. dp-4328/22 VISITING CONSULTANTS Dr. Amit Agarwal, Director & HOD, Medical Oncology, BLK Hospital, Delhi will be available for consultation at Eden Medical Centre on 17th Sep 2022 from 2.00 PM to 5.00 PM Dr. Deva Kumar Borgohain, MCH Neurosurgery (AIIMS) Consultant Neurosurgeon, EXCELCARE HOSPITAL, PASCHIM BORAGOAN, NH: 37, Guwahati, Assam will be available for consultation on the 17th Sep 2022 from 2:00 PM to 5:00 PM. He is specialized in all neurological conditions. For further details and appointments, kindly call the Reception at 03862-248288 / 296600 dp-4329/22(A) VISITING CONSULTANTS Dr. Puneet Girdhar , Senior Director & HOD-Ortho Spine Surgery BAL-Max Centre for Orthopaedics Spine Surgery, will be available for consultation at Eden Medical Centre on 17th Sep 2022 from 2.00 PM to 5.00 PM. Dr. Bikas Gurung, Consultant-Surgical Oncology & Robotic Surgery BLK-Max Cancer Centre, will be available for consultation on the 17th Sep 2022 from 2:00 PM to 5:00 PM For further details and appointments, kindly call the Reception at 03862-248288 / 296600 dp-4329/22(b) NAGALAND POST, DIMAPUR WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 2022 NATIONAL 7
every indicator of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is off track at the halfway point for achieving them by 2030.
exploded, leading to the fire,” they said.
If there was SDG on COVID management, India would’ve shown tremendous success
Ten others were injured and rushed to various hospi tals, police said on Monday. Most of the victims were asphyxiated.According to one of the occupants of the ho tel who later lodged a po lice complaint, he noticed smoke and fire coming out of theHe,cellar.along with four others, escaped from the fifth floor to the next build ing and later called “100” for help.Prime Minister Nar endra Modi and Telangana Minister K T Ramarao con doled the loss of lives and announced ex-gratia on behalf of the Centre and the StateThegovernment.fireand smoke from the showroom en gulfed the hotel Ruby Pride

“While there isn’t an SDG on Covid, India’s suc cess in getting over 2 billion doses and reaching 90 per cent vaccination rate was a real demonstration to the world of the kind of action that can be taken,” he said.
The police booked cases under Sections 304 Part-II (having knowledge that death may be caused by the act), 324 (voluntarily causing hurt by dangerous weapons or means) of IPC and Section B of the Explo sives Act against the owners of the hotel and injured,”deceased;toPMNRFrecoverfamilies.CondolencesSecunderabad,lossNRF).Nationalunderanddenedaoutsometobuilding.sevenFirefightersshowroom.rescuedgueststrappedintheTheywereshiftedhospitals.TVvisualsshowedpeopletryingtojumpofthehotelwindowsinbidtoescapethefire.ModisaidhewassadbythelossoflivesannouncedRstwolakhthePrimeMinister’sReliefFund(PM“SaddenedbytheoflivesduetoafireinTelangana.tothebereavedMaytheinjuredsoon.Rs2lakhfromwouldbepaidthenextofkinofeachRs.50,000forthehetweeted.

Amid intermittent rains and swelling public turnout, Rahul Gandhi’s Bharat Jodo Yatra entered the third day in Kerala on Tuesday, with the Congress l eader and scores of supporters march ing along the streets without umbrella when it rained.
In an interview to PTI, Suzman said India has shown great examples on how to continue its own development portannualdationcamecanofdemonstrationvaccinationanddosesinprogresstheandthechallengesnotwithstandingtrajectoryvariousincludingthatofpandemic,andlessonsmodelsdevelopedincountrycanaccelerateglobally.HesaidIndia’ssuccessgettingovertwobillionofCOVID-19vaccinereaching90percentratewasarealtotheworldthekindofactionthatbetaken.Suzman’scommentsonadaytheFounreleaseditssixth‘Goalkeepers’rethatnotedthatnearly


Lost notice I, Kikho Yanthan, am applying for duplicate copy of HSLC Marksheet as I have lost it.
crore in the last financial year.
NEW DELHI, SEP 13 (IANS): As retail inflation rose to 7% in August from 6.71% in July, the Finance Ministry said late on Monday that consumer price index (CPI) based inflation “recorded a moderate increase”, adding that it could be attributed to “both an adverse base effect and an increase in food and fuel prices - the transient components of CPI inflation”.Itadded through a series of tweets that core inflation calculated by excluding the transient components of CPI like “food and beverages” and “fuel and light” was

He was responding to a query about the supply situation for the upcoming Rabi sowing season that would start from October.
P&K fertilisers for the Rabi season, he said it will be done shortly after analysing international prices.
The minister also said that Nutrient Based Policy (NBS) for Phosphatic and Potassic (P&K) fertilisers for the Rabi season (October 2022 to March 2023) will be announced“Thereshortly.isnoshortage of fertilisers in the country,” Mandaviya told reporters on the sidelines of the International Dairy Federation (IDF) World Dairy Summit here.
In July, Mandaviya said that India would not need to import urea by 2025-end as the domestic production of conventional urea and nano liquid urea is expected to be sufficient to meet the country’s annual demand.At present, the country’s urea (conventional) production is 260 lakh tonnes while around 90 lakh tonnes are imported to meet the local demand. The government is making available urea and 25 grades of P&K fertilisers to farmers at subsidised prices through fertiliser manufacturers/ importers.
recorded at 5.9% in August, and thus remained below the tolerance limit of 6 per cent set by RBI for the fourth consecutive month.
future“Decisionstechnologies. and investments made here in India now shape global discussions on how technology can deliver more economic opportunity and better outcomes for people,” he noted.This initiative will help shape the ecosystem for Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) in the Accordingcountry.toa recent study by the Analysis Group, the metaverse is estimated to add $240 billion or 4.6 per cent to India’s GDP by 2031.
“Young Indian startups, especially from tier 2 and 3 cities, will play a significant role in emerging tech areas like Web 3.0, blockchain, AI, metaverse etc. and will shape the future of Technology
Mandaviya also said that farmers are increasingly adopting nano liquid urea, which is good for soil health as compared to the conventional urea.
On when the government would announce the NBS policy for
NEW DELHI, SEP 13 (AGENCIES): The Reserve Bank of India may raise interest rates by another 50 basis points this month after data showed inflation rose further above the central bank’s tolerance limit in August, analysts said.
India’s retail inflation rate rose to 7.0% in August from 6.71% in the previous month, data released on Monday showed. The August reading was a tad above the 6.9% expected by economists polled by Reuters. Higher food inflation contributed to the increase in headline rate.
(From p-1)
NSF demands scrapping of NSSB interview...
Rise in retail inflation due to high food prices, adverse base effect: Centre
Name : Kikho Yanthan HSLC Roll No: 1561157 Year NBSE2015Kohima. dB-1007/22
MeitY, Meta join hands to nurture 40 Indian startups
ResultNamedRollRegdF/NameMoamongla-Rev.I.LongsaNo-1569of1981-1982No-13998,Year-1994oB-15.01.1964ofCollege-SaltChristianCollege,dimapur–passedMKC-340/22 LotteRY ResULts RAFFLe DRAWN DAte 10tH sePteMBeR 2022 1st prize Ramhuilung S/N - 1189 2nd prize Mahlong Konyak, S/N- 1130 3rd prize Keyi putlang,. S/N - 0595 Consolation Prizes : 1. Solomon, dmp, S/N - 1175 2. Isilu Kauring, S/N - 0380 3. Lungtaheibi, S/N - 1550 All the winners have been informed to submit their lottery ticket to claim the prize money. (MeDiA ceLL tsU)dB-1004/22 Land For SaLe 1. Near St. John School Area : 5000 Sq. Ft 2. Indisen Village Area : 5000 Sq. Ft Contact : 9612292806 8798858580 -4297/22(B)dp Land For SaLe In dImapur 1. 4 Lane Touched, Area : 4 Bighas 2. Kushiabill Sec-IV1Bigha with House 3. Indisen (Ao’s only) Area – 5500 Sq. Ft. Contact No. : 7005424879 -4311/22dp LaNd For SaLe at Chümukedima Town Ward-10 Near St. Joseph School area : 10179 Sq. Ft. with Fencing Wall + Steel Gate, R/Well+B/ Latrine Room + Farm House Price : Rs. 45 Lakhs (Negotiable) Contact : 9862106684 -4310/22dp WaNTed For a Private Agency in Kohima. Field executive - 2 Posts Qualification- 12+ Criteria- Hardworking, good communication skills, prefer two wheeler owner. Starting salary - ` 6000 Interested candidates can send their resume beforeesakohima@gmail.comvia16thSeptember2022.K-2089/22 For SaLe LaNd WITH HoUSe AT TENYIPHEWITHVILLAGE FULL BOUNDARY WALL NO BROKERS CoNTaCT: 9383308710 K-2090/22 JoB VaCanCY Want to start your career in Multinational organisation we are hiring 35 energtic and hardworking M/F for higher official post at Kohima Qualification : 10 and above, age below : 28 yrs, income 6 k to 35 k + bonus no experience required contact: 7063989993 (Kohima) K-2039/22 Land For SaLe 1. Near ADC Court Dimapur (area available as per Budget) 2. Near Viola Colony (area available as per Budget) Contact : 8732002080 -4297/22(A)dp Land For SaLe at Purana Bazar, Dimapur between National Highway and dimapur Hospital Ideal for both Commercial and Apartment Building. Total Area : 15,106 Sq. Ft Contact : 9612170131-4301/22dp LaNd aNd BUILdING For IMMedIaTe SaLe AT SUGar MILL 5TH MILe dIMaPUr RCC BUILDING HAVING 3 STOREY BUILDING TOTAL AREA -22,769 SQ. FT. NO BROKERS INVOLVEMENT CoNTaCT : 9930891886 -978/22Bd Land For SaLe 1. Khehokhu Near Baptist College Rs. 90 per sq. ft. 2. Tzudikong (Paper Mill) 10th Mile Near Railway Station Contact : 89749321449862086218 -4118/22(A)dp Land For SaLe Near Vihokhu Rs. 37 Per Sq. Ft. Contact No. : 7085747979,9862086218-4118/22(B) dp-4045/22 LaNd For SaLe Near 4 Lane Second Row 90 Bighas (22½ Puras) Rs. 130 Per Sq. Ft. (Slightly Negotiable) Dry Land Suitable for any type of School, College, Industry, Hospital, Residential and Farming Site. Contact : 9362359493 -4272/22dp ACROSS 8 Odd (7) 9 Curse (9) 13 Customary (5) 14 Material (5) 15 Feline (7) 16 Great (7) 17 Angered (5) 18 Mark (5) 20 Fly (5) 22 Rebellion (6) 23 Fight (6) 25 Dish (7) 27 Sanguine (7) 30 Rattled (6) 31 Obstinate (6) 32 Snake (5) 35 Name (5) 36 Praise (5) 37 Uncommitted (7) 39 Wash (7) 41 Cook (5) 42 Evade (5) 43 Lovely (9) 44 Nationality (7) DOWN 1 Month (6) 2 Plane (8) 3 Dog (4,7) 4 Instant (9) 5 Waterfall (7) 6 Lottery (10) 7 Run (4) 10 Penalise (6) 11 Strip (7) 12 Opportunity (6) 19 Amaze (7) 21 Brave (7) 24 Easy (7,2,2) 26 Great (10) 28 Flower (9) 29 Deceive (7) 30 Fix (6) 32 Plentiful (8) 33 Wave (6) 34 Chorus (7) 38 Vegetable (6) 40 Accustomed (4) Crossword No. 10393 Yesterday’s solution No. 10392 Su doku No. 5015 Yesterday’s solution No. 5014 KAKURO No. 4038 Yesterday’s solution No. 4037 8 NAGALAND POST, DIMAPUR WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 2022BUSINESS/STATE
Unlike gold, silver price in the national capital jumped Rs 760 to Rs 57,974 per kg. On Monday, the level was Rs 57,214 per kg.
With global inflation pressures, itbelowexpectations5.17%bySurveyInflationOne-yearsaidcoreanchoredexpectationsinflationaryremaininIndiawithstableinflation,theministryonanoptimisticnote.“IIM-Ahmedabad’sAheadBusinessExpectationsinJulyhasdeclined34bpsto4.83%frominJune.Inflationhavefallen5%after17months,”saidinanothertweet.
No shortage of fertilisers in the country: Mandaviya
NEW DELHI, SEP 13 (IANS): The IT Ministry’s MeitY Startup Hub (MSH) and Meta (formerly Facebook) on Tuesday launched a startup Programme to help 40 early-stage startups in India -- with a grant of Rs 20 lakh each -- create products and solutions based on Extended Reality (XR) technologiesamonglearningsectorsinnovationtheemergingchallengeanProgramme’mixedvirtualaugmentedtechnologies.XRencompassesreality(AR),reality(VR)andreality(MR).The‘XRStartupwillincludeacceleratorandagrandtoboostthetechecosystemincountryandencourageinavarietyofsuchaseducation,andhealthcare,others.“ImmersivelikeXRhave
Name -

Nano urea has been launched in the country by cooperative major IFFCO.
SEP 13 (PTI): Union Chemicals and Fertilizers
Lost Notice
Mansukh Mandaviya
The relatively resilient growth outlook, coupled with robust credit growth and sticky core inflation, will keep the RBI’s focus
The grand challenge will shortlist 80 innovators and select 16 for further support contributing to the advancement of the XR technology ecosystem in the country.JoelKaplan, Vice President, Global Policy, Meta said that India will play a pivotal role in defining
On Tuesday, the Comex spot price of silver was USD 19.80 per ounce compared to USD 19.77 per ounce on Monday.
However, he said that as far as the practicality of the state of Nagaland is concerned, many of the departments expressed the view that to recruit, physical test and verification would be required in order to see the efficiency of the individual. Therefore, he said that if so required, certain marks can be allotted for viva voce or physicalHowever,interview.despite its repeated demand, Tep said NSSB came up with 12.5 marks for interview, which he said was “too
Despite erratic monsoon and negative seasonality in vegetable prices, food inflation in August was still lower than
the power to transform the digital landscape and can have significant economic benefits for the country,” said Rajeev Chandrasekhar, Minister of State for Electronics & IT.
firmly on managing inflation, Bajoria said in a note. Core CPI rose 6.17% in August, per Barclays’ calculations.“It’sclear that inflation remains uncomfortably high and (the August) data will do little to ease the concerns of several MPC members, who continue to strike a relatively hawkish tone,” Shilan Shah, senior India economist at Capital Economics, said in a note.
Asserting that NSSB would be conducting interview for more than 500 posts, Tep said that since the upcoming exam would be the first, if things go wrong, it would lead to confusion and misunderstanding leading to even collapse the board, which he maintained NSF did not wish to see happen.
I, Moamongla am applying for duplicate copies of BA Admit card and mark sheet of NEHU as I have lost them.

“Prices of major inputs like iron ore and steel have sobered in the global markets. This coupled with the measures taken by the government to rationalise tariff structures of inputs to augment domestic supply has helped to keep cost push inflation in consumer items under control,” the ministry said.
A new fuel outlet MS MARCOFED Mokokchung was inaugurated by chairman MACROFED, Dr. M. Chuba Longkumer on Tuesday. (NP)

“I look forward to the collaboration with Meta and I hope it provides the necessary impetus towards fuelling the growth of investments in future technologies in line with the government vision for making India a trillion dollar economy by 2025,” the minister added.
“From a policy perspective, another month of above-target inflation clears the path for further monetary tightening at the next MPC (Monetary Policy Committee) meeting on 30 September,” said Rahul Bajoria, chief India economist at Barclays Bank.
NEW DELHI, SEP 13 (PTI): Gold price in the national capital declined by Rs 314 to Rs 50,905 per 10 grams on Tuesday amid rupee appreciation, according to HDFC Securities.Theprice of the yellow metal touched Rs 51,219 per 10 grams on However,Monday. the COMEX spot price of gold was marginally lower at USD 1,723.60 per ounce compared to USD 1,723.70 per ounce on Monday.
and the internet for India and the world,” said Chandrasekhar.Atfirst,80 innovators will be shortlisted to attend a bootcamp, out of which, a total of 16 innovators will be provided grants of Rs 20 lakh each and further support to help them develop Minimum Viable Product (MVP)/ prototypes.AjitMohan, Vice President and Managing Director, Facebook India (Meta), said that for the future to be equitable, it will require active participation from all stakeholders, including developers, businesses, creators, policymakers and entrepreneurs.The MeitY programme is supported by Meta’s XR Programs and Research Fund, a two-year $50 million investment.
president assured to cooperate in the conduct of the exam, but said that the federation would however, ensure that interview was not held.
RBI may hike rates by 50 bps this month
Gold falls Rs 314; silver jumps Rs 760
Shah expects RBI to switch to 25 basis points hikes in the two meetings that follow the September meet, taking the repo rate to 6.40% in the first quarter of nextTheyear.uneven monsoon rainfall has led to food prices trending higher in the first two weeks of September, IDFC First Bank pointed out. As a result, the preliminary estimate for September CPI inflation is tracking an “uncomfortable” 7.3%, it said. The bank expects inflation to average 6.7% for this fiscal year.
“We will not allow any increase in retail prices of DAP fiscalRssubsidygovernment’sprojectedprices.thegovernmentsaid,ureaPhosphate)(Di-ammoniumandothernon-fertilisers,”MandaviyaaddingthatthewouldabsorbburdenofhighglobalEarlier,theministerthatthefertiliserwouldbebetween2.25-2.5lakhcrorethisasagainstRs1.62lakh
Minister Mansukh Mandaviya on Tuesday said there is no shortage of crop nutrients in the country and asserted that there will be no hike in the prices of non-urea products.
the April peak of the current year.

EDINBURGH, SEP 13 (AP): The coffin of Queen Elizabeth II was carried Tuesday from an Edinburgh cathedral as the late mon arch began a final journey from her beloved Scotland to London, where she will lie inHerstate.son, King Charles III, headed back to Lon don from Northern Ireland, where his visit drew a rare moment of unity from poli ticians in a region with a contested British and Irish identity that is deeply di vided over the monarchy.

funeral. Earlier, hundreds of people lined the street leading to Hillsborough Castle near Belfast, the royal family’s official residence in Northern Ireland, in the lat est outpouring of affection following the queen’s death.
Shanyu Chingshak Paülong Phom Manphe K. Phom
Moscow, which de ployed about 2,000 troops to the region to serve as peace
May God's favour be with you in all your endeavours. (Tsaroli Thonger) (Longtila sangtam)
President, YVSU General Secy., YVSU
Ukraine claims downing Iran drone used by Russia
The Valley View Colony Council on behalf of the colony people takes immense pleasure to congratulate Er. Aghakali K. Zhimomi, D/o Er. K. Kuhoi Sema who qualified for the post of Junior Engineer in PHE Department and Dr. Hinotoli A. Kiba, D/o Aghovi Kiba who was selected for the post of Medical Officer-AHWC in Nagaland State Ayush Mission. The council conveys our sincere and best wishes for their future endeavours. Chairman Secretary Shri. Kakheho Chishi, VVCC Samuel Swu, VVCC
S. Phom I.
Tehran planned to send hundreds of the bombcarrying drones to Russia to aid its war on Ukraine.
ages of the wreckage of the drone. It resembled a triangle, or delta-shaped, drone flown by Iran known as the Shahed, or “Wit ness” in TheFarsi.military official and the website both said Ukrainian troops encoun tered the drone near Kupi ansk amid Kyiv’s offensive that has punched through Russian lines around Kharkiv on the eastern

The Office of the Kangching Bühü Union Dimapur (KBUD) conveys its heartiest congratulations to the following for successfully clearing the NPSC-1/CTSE 2022.
KYIV, SEP 13 (AP):
49 soldiers killed in attacks by Azerbaijan: Armenia
touched personally by the vi olence: Lord Louis Mount batten, a cousin of the queen and a much-loved mentor to Charles, was killed by an Irish Republican Army bomb in 1979.
The YVSU takes immense pride and honour to congratulate Mr. Khumlise Anar, S/o Er. Chopongse Anar for his tremendous achievement in the recently declared NPSC (CTSE) exam, to the post of Junior Engineer (IT/ Communication) under Power department.
On a visit to Northern Ireland in 2012, she shook hands with Sinn Fein deputy leader Martin McGuinness, a former IRA commander –a once-unthinkable moment of reconciliation.AlexMaskey, a Sinn Fein politician who is speak er of the Northern Ireland Assembly, said the queen had “demonstrated how individual acts of positive leadership can help break down barriers and encour age reconciliation.”Inasignofhow far Northern Ireland has come on the road to peace, rep resentatives of Sinn Fein attended commemorative events for the queen and meeting the king on Tues day. Maskey expressed con dolences to the king at an event in Hillsborough Castle attended by leaders from all the main political parties in Northern Ireland.
While Iran initially denied it, the head of its paramilitary Revolution ary Guard has boasted in recent days about arming the world’s top powers.
Mr. Ade Koza, S/o Terelhou Koza for clearing the NPSC CTSE & securing the post of Junior Soil Conservation Officer (Class II Gazetted) under Soil & Water Conservation Department.
For some Irish nation alists, the British monarch represents an oppressive foreign power. But others acknowledge the queen’s role in forging peace.
2. Mr. I. Chingshak Paülong Phom, S/o T. Lungshak Phom, Retired Jt. GM SDO Class-1 Gazetted (Agri/Civil Engg) under Water Resource Department.
We appreciate your achievements which will serve as an inspiration to our Community. The Union further wishes three of you good health and wisdom in exercising your duties for the welfare and upliftment of the people of our society. Sd/-
YEREVAN (ARMENIA), SEP 13 (AP): Azerbaijani forces shelled Armenia’s territory on Tuesday and killed at least 49 Armenian soldiers, Armenia’s prime minister said, a large-scale attack that fuelled fears of broader hostilities breaking out between the longtime adversaries.Thehostilities erupted minutes after midnight, with Azerbaijani forces unleash ing an artillery barrage and drone attacks in many sec tions of Armenian territory, according to the Armenian DefenceTheMinistry.ministry said fight ing continued during the day despite Russia’s attempt
Dhansiripar, Chümoukedima : Nagaland Regd. No. GEN-21/CR/2014-D/11752/58
Pfutsudulo Meche Mechielo-o Ladu President, KSU Press Secy, KSU -2091/22k
We are delighted with your achievement for bringing laurels to the Union and Village.
Vetho Lohe Shehulu Vadeo President Union Editor Sakraba Students' Union Sakraba Students' Union -2096/22k
The Union with immense pride and honour takes this opportunity to convey its heartiest congratulations to Miss W. Shikna Konyak, D/o Lt. Wekuh Konyak on being selected to the post of an Archivist (Class-ll (senior) (Gazetted) under Art & Culture Department in the recently declared NPSC result 2022.

Charles left Belfast to receive his mother’s coffin in London, where it will stay overnight at Bucking ham Palace. The coffin will be taken Wednesday to the Houses of Parliament, where it will lie in state for four days before Monday’s
Date Dimapur, the 23rd Oct/2015
As a bagpiper played, the flag-draped oak coffin was carried from St. Giles’ Cathedral. Crowds lining the Royal Mile through the historic heart of Edinburgh broke into applause as the coffin, accompanied by the queen’s daughter, Princess Anne, was driven to Edin burghOverAirport.thepast 24 hours, thousands of people filed silently past the coffin after it was brought to Edinburgh from the queen’s beloved Balmoral Estate, where she died Thursday at age 96, ending her 70-year reign.

Er. Tewotso Koza, S/o S. Kodokha Koza for clearing the NPSC CTSE & securing the post of Junior Engineer (Class II Gazetted) under Works & Housing Department.

Ukraine’s military claimed on Tuesday for the first time that it encountered an Iranian-supplied suicide drone used by Russia on the battlefield, showing the deepening ties between Moscow and Tehran as the Islamic Republic’s tattered nuclear deal with world powers hangs in the bal ance.US intelligence public ly warned back in July that
The area in front of the gates to the castle was carpeted with hundreds of floralCharlestributes. and his wife Camilla, the Queen Con sort, got out of their car to wave to the crowd and sometimes used both hands to reach out to villagers, including schoolchildren in bright blue uniforms. Charles even petted a corgi — famously his late moth er’s favourite breed of dog — held up by one person, and some chanted “God save the “Todayking!”means so much to me and my family, just to be present in my home
A deep sectarian divide remains, a quarter century after Northern Ireland’s 1998 peace agreement.
The Baluki Colony Dhansiripar Headquarter hereby declare that Shri. Arlong Longchar has been appointed as the New G.B of Baluki Colony by the Govt. of Nagaland under S.D.O (Civil) Dhansiripar Sub-Division w.e.f 13th September 2022.

Ongtick Konyak Chingten Konyak President General Secy. Naginimora Students' Union Naginimora Students' Union -2094/22k
to broker a quick cease-fire. It noted that the shelling grew less intense but said Azerbaijani troops still were trying to advance into Ar menianTheterritory.ministry added that the Azerbaijani shell ing damaged civilian infra structure and also wounded an unspecified number of people.Azerbaijan charged that its forces returned fire in response to “large-scale provocations” by the Ar menian military, claiming that the Armenian troops planted mines and repeat edly fired on Azerbaijani military positions, resulting in unspecified casualties
The union further wishes her good health and success in her future endeavours.
NAGALAND POST, DIMAPUR WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 2022 INTERNATIONAL 9 mkc-341/22 OFFICE OF THE ALL SÜMI STUDENTS’ UNION (SKK) H.Q. Zunheboto - 798620 : Nagaland Post Box -16, Regd. No. 50 “To Progress with the changes of Time”. Ref. No.............. Date 13/09/2022 FELICITATION The All Sümi Students’ Union (SKK) is immensely privileged to felicitate all the Sümi candidates who has successfully cleared the recent NPSC examination 2021 in numerous categories to various departments. The Union wishes them good health and more achievements in their future endeavours. Following are the successful candidates :1. Medical Officer (Class I Gazetted) Health and Family Welfare Department i. K. Pulopu Wilson Zhimomi ii. Inovi Sumi iii Ameka I. Sumi 2. SDO Civil Engg. (Class I Gazetted) Works and Housing Department i. Hotoito A Sumi ii. Nikavi K Tsuipu iii. Antony Inato Z Sumi 3. JE Civil. Engg (Class II Gazetted) Works and Housing Department i. Kitoka V Chishi ii. Hokhuvi Achumi iii. Hito G Chishi iv. Hekato Assumi v. Kughali Zhimomi vi. Alika K Achumi vii. Inoka Swu viii. Anthea N Chishi ix. Kaboto H Sumi 4. SDO (Class 1 Gazetted) Agri/Civil Engg. Water Resources Department i. Ghunavi 5. JE (Class II Gazetted) Transport i. Toinoto H Ayemi 6. JE ( Electrical Engg) Group B. Power Department. i. Vinivi P Awomi ii. Manato S Chophy iii. Tsaikha K Shohe iv. Tonilo Aye 7. Assistant Conservator of Forest (Class I Gazetted) Environment, Forest and Climate Change Department i. Vino N Tuccu 8. Forest Ranger (Class II Gazetted) Environment, Forest and Climate Change Department i. H Olivi Awomi ii. Vinoli K Awomi 9. SDO (Civil Engg) (Class 1 Gazetted) PHE Department i. Yekiho Sumi ii. Kumugha K Shohe iii. Heoka H Sumi 10. JE (Civil Engg) (Class II Gazetted) PHE Department i. Aghakali K Zhimomi 11. Assistant Geologist (Class 1 Gazetted) Geology and Mining Department i. Khekuto Kiho 12. Assistant Mining Engineer (Class 1 Gazetted) Geology and Mining Department i. Pitoshe Sumi 13. Veterinary Assistant Surgeon (Class 1 Gazetted) Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Department i. Enavi P Kiho 14. Ranger (Class II Gazetted) Soil and Water Conservation Department i. Otoka I Sumi 15. JE (Civil Engg) NPWD Department i. Andrew Abovi Sumi 16. Demonstrator ( Chemistry) Higher & Technical Education Department i. Abel G. Achumi NGUKATO L. AYE Secretary Education & Statisticaldp-4320/22 OFFICE OF THE RENTHAN VILLAGE COUNCIL SUB. DIV. BHANDARI, B.P.O. YANMHON DIST. WOKHA (797111), NAGALAND With Immense Joy and p ride, the Renthan Village c ouncil congratulates both the following c andidates for securing class 1 Gazetted Officers in the recently declared NpSc exam results. 1. Mr. Renathung A. Tsanglao, SdO civil Engg, Under pHE dept. 2. Ms. Chonbeni Oren Patton, Economics & Statistical Officer under Economics and Statistical dept. The council further thank them for bringing laurels to Renthan Village through their hard work and wishes them even more success in their future endeavours. Sd/RenthanChairmanVillageCouncildb-1005/22
The Sakraba Students' Union with immense pride and joy,convey our heartiest congratulations to Dr. Nusa Lohe, son of Mr. Taverü Lohe for his success in recent NPSC Combined Technical Exam, Veterinary Assistant Surgeon (Class 1 Gazetted) under Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Department, Government of Nagaland We are delighted and proud of the achievements you have made, and bringing laurels to the village community and inspirations to the student community to emulate. The Union wishes you growth and success in your future endeavours.
C. Longau Phom President, KBUD General Secy., KBUD
Queen’s coffin leaves for London
With immense pride and honour, we the Khezhakeno Students' Union would like to extend our heartiest congratulations to the following individuals for their tremendous achievement and for bringing laurels to the Union:
3. Miss Manphe K. Phom, Daughter of Dr. O. Kongyan Phom, Retired CMO Junior Engineer (Civil Engg) (Class-II Gazetted) under Works and Housing Department.
front.The image suggested the Shahed drone had been shot down by Ukrainian forces and hadn’t detonat ed on impact as designed, though little other informa tion was immediately re leased by Kyiv. An inscrip tion on the drone identified it as an “M214 Geran-2,” which didn’t immediately correspond to known Rus sian weaponry.
A Ukrainian military official, as well as a proUkrainian army website closely associated with the military, published im
The Union prays that Almighty God bless them with good health and wishes them greater success even in the near future.
Er. Daniel Kevie, S/o Lhoupenyi Kevie on his promotion to Executive Engineer under CE PWD (R&B) Kohima, Nagaland.

FELICITATION Er. Aghakali K. Zhimomi Hinotoli A. Kiba
village with my children to witness the arrival of the new king is a truly historic moment for us all,” said Hillsborough resident Robin Campbell as he waited for Charles, who is on a tour of the four parts of the United Kingdom.While there was a warm welcome in Hillsbor ough, the British monarchy draws mixed emotions in Northern Ireland, where there are two main com munities: mostly Protes tant unionists who con sider themselves British and largely Roman Catholic nationalists who see them selves as ThatIrish.split fuelled three decades of violence known as “the Troubles” involv ing paramilitary groups on both sides and U.K. secu rity forces, in which 3,600 peopleThedied.royal family was
and damage to military in frastructure.Azerbaijan and Ar menia have been locked in a decades-old conflict over Nagorno-Karabakh, which is part of Azerbaijan but has been under the control of ethnic Armenian forces backed by Armenia since a separatist war there ended in 1994.Azerbaijan reclaimed broad swaths of NagornoKarabakh in a six-week war in 2020 that killed more than 6,600 people and ended with a Russia-brokered peace deal.
The late Queen Elizabeth II’s coffin is carried from St Giles Church in Edinburgh, Scotland, on September 13. (Reuters)
keepers under the deal, has sought to maintain friendly ties with both ex-Soviet na tions.Azerbaijan’s president, Ilham Aliyev, held a meet ing with military officials to discuss the situation. “It was noted that the responsibility for the current tension rests squarely with the political leadership of Armenia,” his officeTurkey,said. an ally of Azerbaijan, also placed the blame for the violence on Armenia.
Er. O Thokphen
1. Mr. Shanyu S. Phom, D/o O. Shijang Phom SDO (Civil Engg.) Class-1 Gazetted under Works and Housing Department.
The Union further wishes her the very best in her future endeavours.
Best Actor, Comedy: Jason Sudeikis, “Ted Lasso”
Best Actress, Limited Series or TV Movie: Amanda Seyfried, “The Dropout”
Writing for a Limited Series, Movie or Drama Special: Mike White, “The White Lotus”
he 74th annual Emmy Awards hosted by Kenan Thompson at the Microsoft Theater saw several repeat winners, along with quite a few surprising upsets.
Strides in diversity were made in non-acting categories when ‘Squid Game’ maker Hwang Dong-hyuk became the first Asian director to win

Best Drama: “Succession” (HBO)
Outstanding Writing for a Variety Series: “Last Week Tonight With John Oliver” (HBO)
The Union with utmost sincerity acknowledge her for bringing laurels to the community through her success and also wishes her the very best for her future endeavours.
LUINGEM KHATE HEUTWATEUNG N. HAU President General Secretary

Documentary Or Nonfiction Series: “The
Supporting Actress, Drama: Julia Garner, “Ozark”

With immense pride and honour, the TSAPHIMI STUDENTS' UNION conveys its heartiest congratulations to MR HEKATO ASSUMI, S/o IVULHO ASSUMI on been selected to the post of JE (Civil) (Class 2 Gazetted) under Works and Housing Dept. in recently declared NPSC (Combine Technical Exam) 2021. The union further wishes him more success in his future endeavours.
During the ceremony, ‘Ted Lasso’ won best comedy series for the second year in a row, ‘The White Lotus’ took top limited series and ‘Succession’ grabbed the highest honor of the night with outstanding drama series, reports ‘Variety’.
Best Limited Series: “The White Lotus” (HBO)
Directing for a Comedy Series: MJ Delaney, “Ted Lasso” (“No Weddings and a Funeral”)
Directing for a Drama Series: Hwang Dong-hyuk, “Squid Game” (“Red Light, Green Light”)
Best Actor, Limited Series or TV Movie: Michael Keaton, “Dopesick”
Outstanding Variety Special (Live): “The Super Bowl LVI Halftime Show” (NBC)
Supporting Actress, Limited Series or a Movie: Jennifer Coolidge, “The White Lotus” Supporting Actor, Limited Series or Movie: Murray Bartlett, “The White Lotus”
Complete list of EmmyBestwinnersComedy: “Ted Lasso” (Apple TV+)
Drama: Matthew Macfadyen, “Succession”
Khukivi Assumi Aghali Awomi President General Secretary
Best Actor, Drama: Lee Jung-jae, “Squid Game”
Directing for a Limited Series or Movie: Mike White, “The White Lotus”
Outstanding Variety Special, Pre-Recorded: “Adele One Night Only” (CBS)
The office of the Poimi Students' Union with immense pride and joy extends its heartiest congratulations to Miss Adwalie Rao D/o Lt. Puilungbe Rao, on clearing the combined Technical Service Examination 2022 conducted by NPSC to the post of Assistant Soil Survey Officers (Class-II Gazetted) under the Department of Soil and Water Conservation, Government of Nagaland.The Union also extends its appreciation and gratitude to Miss Adwalie Rao for bringing laurels to the Union and the Poimi Community and motivating the younger generations through her success.
Seyfried garnered lead actress in a limited series for her portrayal of Theranos founder Elizabeth Holmes in ‘The Dropout’, and fanfavourite ‘The White Lotus’ actress Jennifer Coolidge won for supporting actress in a limited series.
Office the MukALIMI kupOshukuLu kOhIMA
On the acting side the honors were given to Michael Keaton for lead actor in a limited series for ‘Dopesick’ and Murray Bartlett for the supporting honor in that category for
Emmys 2022: Jason Sudeikis, Lee Jung-jae & Zendaya win big

history as the second Black winner in the history of the supporting actress in a comedy series category, the first since Jackee Harry for ‘227’ in 1987. On the actor side, ‘Ted Lasso’s’ Brett Goldstein won for the second year in a row, the award’s first back-to-back winner since Jeremy Piven for ‘Entourage’ in 2007.
Lee Jung-jae, Zendaya and Jason Sudeikis with their awards.
Supporting Actor,
Best Actress, Drama: Zendaya, “Euphoria”
‘The White MatthewLotus’.Macfadyen was honored for his supporting role in ‘Succession’, for which he was previously nominated in 2020 but did not land the win.Then Julia Garner took the award in the corresponding actress role for the final season of ‘Ozark’, on which she played Ruth Langmore, marking her third Emmy win for the ‘Abbottpart.Elementary’ star Sheryl Lee Ralph made

The Poimi Students’ Union Kohima with profound delight and pride extends its heartiest congratulations to Miss Adwalie Rao , D/o Lt. Puilungbe Rao for clearing the Combined Technical Service Examination, 2022 conducted by the Nagaland Public Service Commission,to the post of Assistant Soil Survey Officer (Class - II Gazetted) under the Department of Soil and Water Conservation, Government of Nagaland.
Supporting Actress, Comedy: Sheryl Lee Ralph, “Abbott Elementary”
Variety Sketch Series: “Saturday Night Live” Reality Competition Program: “Lizzo’s Watch Out for the Big Grrrls” Writing for a Comedy Series: Quinta Brunson, “Abbott Elementary” (“Pilot”)
Best Actress, Comedy: Jean Smart, “Hacks”
Writing for a Drama Series: Jesse Armstrong, “Succession” (“All the Bells Say”)
Supporting Actor, Comedy: Brett Goldstein, “Ted Lasso”
MYK C MYK C 10 INFOTAINMENT NAGALAND POST, DIMAPUR WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 2022k-2088/22dc-1065/22 k-2097/22a With immense pride and joy, the KIPHIRE AREA SANGTAM UNION DIMAPUR extends our heartiest congratulations to :1. Miss A. Lumtsala Sangtam D/o Akum of Phelungre Village SDO Class-1 Gazetted Under Works and Housing Deptt. 2. S. Thsaliba Sangtam S/o Lt. Sepithong Kiphire Village. Junior Engineer Electrical 3. Sulipa T. Sangtam S/o C. Tsalito of Langkok Village. Asst. Programmer, Election Office The union wishes them success in all their future endeavours.Thsikiulo Sangtam Setsacho Sangtam President Gen. Secretary Kiphire Area Sangtam Union Kiphire Area Sangtam Union Dimapur Dimapur FELICITATION P-4314/22d The Akhoya Nunger Bendanglir Reju (ANBR) congratulates Er. IMTISUNEP, son of Mr. c. Temjen Jamir and Mrs. N. Amongla Longkumer for bringing laurels to the association by securing 1st rank of SdO (civil Engg.) under Works & Housing department in the cTSE examination, 2021 conducted by the NPSc The Association wishes him the very best in all his future endeavours.Sd/- Sd/(AkUM JAMIR) (S. ONEN LONGkUMER) President, ANBR General Secretary OFFICE OF THE AKHOYA NUNGER BENDANGLIR REJU Nukjidong: “Putepba Agi Terenlok” Camp: Mokokchung, Nagaland Ref. No. …………… Date: 13.09.2022 FELICITATION -338/22kcM

Pughoboto Sub-Division: Dist. Zunheboto FELICITATION
OFFICE OF THE POIMI STUDENTS’ UNION Govt. Regd. No. H/RS-4998 Headquarter – Poilwa, Dist-Peren FELICITATION

Outstanding Writing for a Variety Special: “Jerrod Carmichael: Rothaniel”
Earlier in the show, Netflix’s ‘Squid Game’ star Lee Jung-jae became the first Asian actor to ever win lead actor in a drama series, and the fourth Asian person ever to win an acting Emmy, while ‘Euphoria’ star Zendaya became the first Black woman to win lead actress in a drama series, and the youngest two-time winner of any Emmy in ‘Hacks’ Jean Smart won outstanding actress in a comedy series for the HBO Max show, and ‘Ted Lasso’ star Jason Sudeikis once again took top honor for actor in a

Beatles: Get Back” (Disney+) Documentary Or Nonfiction Special: “George Carlin’s American Dream” (HBO)
Variety Talk Series: “Last Week Tonight With John Oliver”
Mukalimi KuposhukuluKohimak-2086/22
the drama series category, and the first-ever director to win for a non-English language series, and ‘Abbott Elementary’ creator and star Quinta Brunson won for comedy series Davis.GovernorsEmmysAdditionally,writingthebestowedthe2022AwardonGeena
We, the Mukalimi Kuposhukulu Kohima extend our heartiest congratulations to e r. Pitoshe Sumi , son of Shri. Hevito Sumi for securing the post of Assistant Mining Engineer Class 1 Gazetted through NPSC under Department of Geology and Mining.
NEW DELHI, SEP 13 (PTI): After a string of impressive performances on tour, India’s star shut tler HS Prannoy climbed two places to reach the world number 16 in the lat est BWF World Ranking release on togainedduepionshipsskippedatplacedcontinuedspot,twoambiFinal.endingqualifierszhou’,intopan33pointspershipsatback-to-backPrannoy,Tuesday.whoreachedquarterfinalstheWorldChampionandJapanOpenSu750,nowhas64,330afterparticipatingintournaments.The30-year-oldIndihadrecentlybecometheplayerinmen’ssinglesthe‘RacetoGuangwhichdecidesthefortheseason-BWFWorldTourFellowIndianKidSrikanthalsojumpedplacestositatthe12thwhileLakshyaSentobethebest-Indianmaleshuttlerworldnumber9.PVSindhu,whohadtheworldchamandJapanOpentoaninjury,alsoapositiontoclimbtheseventhspot.
OffICE Of Natsami village suro (CitizeN) Kiphire-798611 Nagaland

STUDENTS' UNION Felicitation -2092/22k
Anthony Joshua has accepted WBC champion Tyson Fury’s terms for an all-British heavyweight fight in De cember and is awaiting a response, his management company has said.

OFFICE OF THE NDPP 37 TYUI A/C WOKHA : NAGALAND ****************** Pr E ss rELEA s E wc-202/22

mention be as follows: 1. Dr. Keduoneilhou Mere, S/o Sobou Mere Medical Officer (Class 1 Gazetted) 2. Siedzevituo Rutsa, S/o Duokie Rutsa, Junior Engineer (Electrical Engineer). The success you set today is not just an accomplishment alone, it is about what you inspire us to follow the dream goals. With all the warm wishes the Union invoke God's blessings and guidance upon their further endeavours. Godspeed. Letuozo Patrick Kiewhuo Dr. Shürhovolie Tsürho President General Secretary

French wrestler Koum ba Larroque, who was fight ing with a highly strapped knee, pinned Shafali with a technical superiority in the women’s 65kg.
Yanpothung Kikon Thunglamo Yanthan President, General Secretary, NDPP 37 Tyui A/C NDPP 37 Tyui A/C

What has been agreed are only initial terms and Joshua is yet to sign a contract, although one has been sent by Team Fury. Fury, 34, had said he was retiring after beating Dillian Whyte in April, and reiterated that claim last month, before challenging former world champion Joshua in a video posted on social media.
Mr. Civeyi Phesao Mrs. Thujongolu Shijoh President, CWUD President, CWWSD Mr. Cisato Ringa Mrs. Vetolu Ringa Gen. Secy., CWUD Gen. Secy., CWWSD
mer silver medallist Anshu Malik, Vinesh was a strong medal favourite as she also got a favourable draw af ter the pullout of reigning champion and Japanese sensation Akari Fujinami (injury). However, she was knocked out in the quali fications. India had more disappointment in store as Neelam Sirohi lost to twotime world silver medallist Emilia Alina Vuc of Roma nia 0-10 via technical supe riority in the women’s 50kg.
3rd last Friday.” The statement added: “Due to the Queen’s passing, it was agreed to halt all communication. We are awaiting a response.”
firm, on behalf of Anthony Joshua, that we accepted all terms presented to us by Fury’s team for a fight December
-4309/22dp Dr. Keduoneilhou
In a statement posted on Twitter and shared by Joshua, 258MGT said: “258 and Matchroom Boxing can con
The NDPP 37 Tyui Assembly Constituency under Wokha District, Nagaland held a coordination meeting on 13th September 2022 at the residence of Shri. Mhonthung Patton, Secretary, CEB, NDPP Nagaland and the house unanimously reaffirmed to keep on supporting the dynamic leaderships of Shri. Chingwang Konyak, President, NDPP Nagaland and Shri. Neiphiu Rio, Chief Minister, Government of Nagaland.
PHELUNgRE UNION DIMAPUR Felicitation Mere Siedzevituo Rutsa

Joshua, 32, was sent an offer by Team Fury, suggesting a 60-40 purse split to the champion and a December fight date, BBC reported.
The Office of the Chozubami Welfare Union Dimapur and Chozubami Women Welfare Society Dimapur takes pride to convey it's heartiest congratulations to Miss VEZOTOLU SHIJOH who is a member of the Union for Winning Miss Mega Model Hunt Nagaland 2022, 1st Runner's-Up Miss India Globe 2022 Season 9, Organised by Redwings Production held at Golden Blossom Imperial Resort, Lucknow. She also won Miss Talented and Miss Best Cat Walk. The two Union wishes her best in her future endeavours.

Joshua ‘accepts Fury’s terms’ for all-British December fight
FELICITATION dp-4306/22dp-4319/22dp-4313/22 db-998/22 With immense pride and honour, we Sumi Students' Union Ekranipathar heartily congratulates Er. Hekato Assumi, S/o Mr. Ivulho Assumi for clearing NPSC Combined Technical Service Exam and securing a post of JE under Works and Housing Department. The Union would like to thank him for bringing laurels to our community and further wishes him even more success in future. S.S.U.E S.S.U.E President General Secretary Ilivi. Zhimomi Totivi. Swu FELICITATION dp-4326/22 dp-4325/22

The union further wishes her good health and success in her futureThsikiuloendeavours.
Prannoy climbs to world no. 16 in BWF ranking
Anthony Joshua and Tyson Fury
Niuland district administration and district sports council felicitated the medal winners of the Nagaland Olympic and Paralympic Games on September 12. (DIPR)

The Natsami Village Suro (Citizen) would like to extend heartiest congratulations to Miss Moalila Y Sangtam, Daughter of P. Yanglise Sangtam of Natsami Village for clearing the recently declared NPSC Combined Technical Services Examination 2021 as SDO (Civil Engg) Class-I Gazetted under Works & Housing Department.

Sd/- (Tsapikyu Sangtam) Sd/- (Shihokhe Sangtam) Chairman Secretary
The Office of the Phelungre Union Dimapur (P.U.D) with immense pride extends its heartiest congratulations to Miss. A. Lumtsala Sangtam, D/o Mr. T. Akamba Sangtam and Mrs. Lolila of Phelungre Village for securing the post of SDO under Works & Housing Department in the recently declared NPSC Combined Technical Examination.

The NSU is deeply honoured to tender words of gratitude and hearty congratulations to two of our native finest lads for successfully cracking the reputed NPSC exam and bringing laurels to our native village as a whole.
(PTI): Triple Common wealth Games champion Vinesh Phogat failed to put up a fight and was knocked down by Mongolia’s Khulan Batkhuyag 0-7 in a major upset at the World Wrestling Championships here on Tuesday.Fresh from winning a gold in India’s stupendous 12-medal winning show at the CWG Birmingham, the 10th seeded Vinesh looked jaded and lost her balance in the final seconds to be pinned by the Asian silver medallist in the women’s freestyle 53kg. Batkhuyag took a 3-0 lead in the first period before slamming the former world bronze medal list backward to the mat in the final seconds to take four points and complete a domi nating win. Incidentally, In dian junior wrestler Antim, who was knocked out by Vinesh in the selection trials, had beaten the Mongolian at the U-23 Asian meet earlier last month.Inthe absence of for

Vinesh knocked out of World Wrestling Championships
Natsami Village Suro (Citizen) takes pride in her achievement and further express gratitude to her for being an inspiration to many and being the first from the Village to clear the NPSC. The Suro wishes her good health and more success in her future endeavours.
Vinesh Phogat
MYK C MYK C NAGALAND POST, DIMAPUR WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 2022 SPORTS 11 Mr. & Mrs. J. AREM AIER 1972 – 2022 God have brought us through mighty long ways. “For the Lord is good; His mercy is everlasting; and His truth endureth to all generations”. Psalm 100:5 Loving daughters, sons, grandchildren, in-laws and relatives 50 YEARS TOGETHER k-1953/22

Tsaliba President General Secretary Phelungre Union Dimapur Phelungre Union Dimapur
While the coach’s per spective was about eliminat ing the mistakes and the jitters, the players are all looking forward to redeem ing themselves for the last defeat against Nepal.
The other four partici pating teams will be placed in the lower pool (Pool B). Teams who are placed in lower pool (pool B) will have to play in the first round that will be played on a round robin single-leg league format, and only the top teams from each category will qualify to play in the final round along with the top 3 teams who are already placed in the upper pool (Pool A). In the second round, matches will be played on a single leg
Taekwondo players at the belt promotion exam.
NSF Martyrs’ trophy from Oct 7 Final call for football trial
For both categories, the top three teams from the 71st Senior Nationals Basketball Championship 2021(NE zonal qualifiers) held at Shillong in Decem ber 2021 will be placed in the upper pool (Pool A).
Subroto Cup: Manipur beat Nagaland 2-0 in SFs
long.Mizoram Basketball Association is providing live broadcasts of all the matches on the ZONET EMPAI app. Interested persons can download the app from google playstore and watch it live. Recorded matches will also be avail able in the app.
was held on September 10 at Faith in Action Tae kwondo headquarter, Y. Zhimo Colony, Dimapur under the guidelines of Kukkiwon, World Tae kwondo Headquarter, South Korea.
He said in the semifi nal, the team failed to score

at 8 am.The championship is held from September 13-16 and a total of 24 matches (12 men and 12 women) will be played on a single leg round robin league system.
Out of 155 players, 18 were awarded double pro motion. This was stated in a press release issued by founder coach, Faith in Ac tion Taekwondo Academy, Black Belt 5th Dan, South Korea, Deep Kumar.
DIMAPUR, SEP 13 (NPN): Diphupar War riors on Tuesday produced an astonishing late come back against Red Scars to set up a final clash against Detroit Tigers in the 2nd Open Football Tourna ment.
Forms will be available from September 15, onwards in Kohima at Sports Paradise Keziekie, Sports World(Main town) and ASU Office. In Medziphema, it will be available at Falcon Corner, Chümoukedima at G-Sports and in Dimapur at Kiran Sports. The last date for submis sion of forms will be on October 1. Further information can be contacted at 93781 24876 or 87944 95240.
The final match will be graced by president DDADU, Tito Yepthomi as guest of honour. The tournament is organized by Dimapur District Foot ball Referee Association in commemoration of its silver jubilee. 15 teams took part in the tournament.
Nagaland Basketball Asso ciation is sending both the men’s and women’s teams in a National Basketball Championship. The Naga land men’s team is featured in Pool A in this champion ship, as they were the 3rd best team of the last zonal championship held in Shil

155 taekwondo players promoted
He added that he was

Warriors will play De troit Tigers in the final on Wednesday at DDSC Sta dium at 2 pm.

played that day and how to be mentally prepared for the next game”, Limat hungHesaid.added that all the players were motivated and as the league game ended the team was well prepared when they faced Assam in the quaterLimathungfinals. continued that as they stepped into the ground they prayed to God seeking for victory.
round robin league system. The team with the highest number of points at the end of the second round will be the champion. They will represent the Northeast in the finals of the 72nd Senior Nationals Basketball Cham pionship, 2022 to be held at Udaipur,ThisRajasthan.isthefirst time
Nagaland team with the officials.
Players of the first semifinal being introduced to match patron.
dia persons, team captain, Limathung Lotha, thanked God for the opportunity and also the coach and manager for trusting him to lead the “Duringteam.the league games we all thought about reaching the top and worked hard accordingly.
He pointed out that throughout the tournament he felt the growing need for Nagaland State to give more priority to the young footballers and also more platforms that needed to be created for the upcoming generation and for the foot ball enthusiasts.Heobserved that there was also a marginal dif ference in terms of basic tactics and techniques be tween “our” State players and players from footballers producing States like Goa, Manipur, etc., which, he added, was the result of a lack of proper foundation thereby resulting in poor ba sic knowledge of the sport.
Limathung said al though the team lost the match they were happy to play a tough match against Manipur at the tourna ment. Team coach Kechi also thanked God for let ting the team all the way through to the semifinals.
(NPN): Altogether 155 Taekwondo players from various schools in Dima pur got promoted to their next colour belt after com pleting their course. The taekwondo exam

amazed and much humbled to see tons of experienced coaches holding AIFF ‘A’, AIFF ‘B’, AIFF ‘C’ licence guiding their young players.
KOHIMA, SEP 13 (NPN): Nagaland Football Associa tion (NFA) has called for the second and final trial for selection of football players to represent the State in the upcoming 2nd North East Olympic Games 2022 to be played at Shillong, Meghalaya, from October 30 to No vember 6, 2022. The trial will be held on September 17 at IG Stadium for both men and women teams. Players will be selected for U-21 men’s team while for the women’s team it will be an open category. According to the NFA Selection Committee, those who were selected in the first trial have been asked to be mandatorily present in the sec ond trial. Any fresh player registered with NFA can also attend the trial, it said. The trial will be held in morning from 7-9 a.m. and evening from 3-5 p.m.
KOHIMA, SEP 13 (NPN): Angami Students’ Union (ASU) will be organizing the 22nd edition of the NSF Martyrs’ Memorial Trophy under the theme “Goal for Peace” from October 7 to 29 at IG Stadium, Kohima. The Trophy is organized in honor and memory of late Kekuojalie Sachü of Kohima Village and late Vikhozo Yhoshü of Kigwema Village “who sacrificed their lives for the cause of the Nagas”, ASU said.
Open Football Tourney: Warriors to play Detroit Tigers in final
India U-17 geared up to take Nepal in SAFF final

“We were terribly upset after the loss to Nepal. We wanted a rematch, and it is our chance to prove our selves in the final,” said cap tain Vanlalpeka Guite. “We are completel” focused.”
Every night after dinner we used to gather in an open space close to the hotel we were staying and along with our coaches we dis cussed about the game we
He thanked the Indian Air Force for organizing a grand International Sub roto Tournament for the upliftment of young future footballers. “It is because of such tournaments that the players are able to realize and live their sport dreams”, he said.
DIMAPUR, SEP 13 (NPN): Nagaland women’s basketball team created his tory in the 72nd Senior National Basketball Cham pionship (NE-Zonal) by de feating Arunachal Pradesh 41-31 in their debut match at Aizawl, Nagaland6tively.scoredKenyuniandlatedinNagaland’sopponents.few16intheitsrightcagersmatch,ingsangdirector,AccordingMizoram.toexecutiveIMPACT,SentinLongkumer,inthetheNagawomenhadtheupperedgefromthestartandheldownuntiltheclosureofmatch.TheyuppedtheirgamethesecondquarterscoringpointsandgivingveryopportunitiesfortheirPeleturnedouttobetopperformerthematch.Sheaccumu8pointsinthegamewasablysupportedbyandAchetlawho7pointseachrespecReenachippedinwithpoints.OnWednesday,willplayTripura

MYK C MYK C Printed, Published and Edited by Geoffrey Yaden at G.M. Printers, Circular Rd. Dimapur-797112. Ph: Desk 248489, Adm.& Advertisement :248267,8798162009, R.N. 40978/90 RN/NE 707 SPORTS12 NAGALAND POST, DIMAPUR WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 2022
beat Red Scars 5-4 via tie breaker after the match ended in 1-1 draw. Red Scars took an early lead through Yhunshalo’s strike in the 1st minute. War riors came back strongly as Kekhrie scored the much needed equalizer in the 64th Likeminute.Diphupar War riors, Detroit Tigers which consists of mostly upcom ing players also fought back to progress into the final. They defeated Diphupar Football United 4-2 via shoot out after the match ended in 1-1 stalemate. Earlier, Lilen scored for Diphupar Football United in the 53rd minute and six minutes later, Devika scored the equalizer for Tigers. On Tuesday, the first semifinal was graced by president, Dimapur GB’s Association, Hokuto Zhimo as match patron.

on our weaknesses. I need to credit the boys for taking up this challenge,” he added. The Indian team had started its campaign with a victory against Bhutan but suffered a 1-3 loss at the hands of Nepal in their second group stage game before turn ing their fortunes around against Bangladesh with a 2-1 victory in the semifinal.
despite of all their efforts.
Futsal tournament postponed
Nagaland eves beat Arunachal in NE Zonal Basketball meet
He said it was an en riching experience which he considered as a good platform for an amateur coach like himself.

(IANS): The India U-17 boys football team is all focused on putting the mis takes behind them when they face Nepal in the SAFF U-17 Championship final at the Racecourse Interna tional Stadium in Colombo on Wednesday.TheIndian camp sounded confident on the eve of the match. “We start ed the tournament well. But it was a nervy start nonetheless. This is the first tournament that the boys are playing for the country, and that can always give you a few jitters,” said head coach Bibiano“TheFernandes.resultagainst Ne pal was a wake-up call for us. The boys reacted extremely well after the setback. We have identified and worked
DIMAPUR, SEP 13 (NPN): Western Sumi Sports Association (WSSA) has informed that the 1st Open Futsal Tournament proposed to be held at Junkyard turf Padumpukhuri on September 15-16 has been postponed to September 22-23 owing to technical reason.
KOHIMA, SEP 13 (NPN): Team Nagaland’s impressive run in the on going Under-14 Subroto Cup International Football Tournament came to an upsetting end after it lost to Manipur 0-2 in the semifinal played at New Delhi on Tuesday.Representing the State, Greenwood School from Dimapur failed to make any headway as Heirok Higher Secondary School Imphal, represent ing Manipur scored two goals.Manipur’s A. Devo scored in the 24 minute and L Bikramjit scored the second goal in the 45th minute.With Tuesday’s re sult, Manipur advanced to the final. In the other semifinal, Jharkhand beat Chandigarh 3-1 to set up a title clash with Manipur on SeptemberNagaland15. under-14 was led by Kechi as team coach and Kevilebei as manager.Interacting with me

Team Nagaland with their coach (L) and manager at New Delhi on Tuesday. (NP)
The results of both the semifinals matches were decided through penalty shootout.Diphupar Warriors