Staff Reporter DI MAPUR, AUG 28 (NPN): The State govern ment’s Rehabilitation Policy of 2016 is quite elaborate regarding surrender and rehabilitation of “militants/ insurgents” to make it more attractive for a person who wished to join the main stream. However, it was not known whether the state government has officially implemented the policy or kept it in cold storage. Though the policy (Full text on p-6) focuses on en couraging militants to sur render with standard pattern weapons, there was nothing to debar a cadre who did not hold a weapon from surren dering to authorities. The policy applied only to militantswouldbasis.weaponscadresrehabilitationforceswithernmenttionaltopackagewelcome,weaponsres.weaponsprecludearms”,cadres“UGs/militant/insurgentsurrenderingwiththoughitdidnotsurrenderwithoutofactiveUGcadWhilesurrenderwithoutispermissibleandtherehabilitationwouldnotapplythem.However,inexcepcases,theStategovinconsultationtheCentreandsecuritywoulddecideonthepackageofsurrenderingwithoutonacase-to-caseFurther,thepolicybeapplicableonlytowhowereIndian nationals, while surrender ing foreign militants or cad res would not be eligible. These cases would be treated as per relevant laws. All sur rendering
State logs nil Covid cases and deaths DIMAPUR, AUG 28 (NPN): No new Covid-19 cases, recoveries or deaths were reported in Nagaland on Sunday, a Health depart ment bulletin stated. As on August 28, the Covid-19 total caseload stood at 35,905 while the death toll remained un changed at 777 (including 5 non-Covid deaths but with positivity).Currently, the State has 17 active cases, all under home isolation and no Co vid hospitalization.Dimapurhas 3 active cases, Kiphire-4, Kohima-5, Longleng-3 and Mokokc hung-2.With 9,436 new CO VID-19 cases being reported in a day, India’s tally of in fections rose to 4,44,08,132, while the count of active cases has declined to 86,591, according to Union Health Ministry data updated on Sunday. The death toll due to the disease has climbed to 5,27,754 with 30 new fatali ties being recorded. In ad dition, 27 deaths have been reconciled by Kerala and 100 deaths by Goa, the data updated at 8 a.m. showed.
“Our overall loss is around Rs 500 crore, taking into account the amount we have spent on land and con struction cost, the charges paid to authorities for vari ous approvals, interest paid to banks over the years and the 12 per cent interest paid back to buyers of these two towers, among other costs,” Arora told PTI. (Read more on p-8)
Govt’s surrender-cum-rehabilitation policy
The meeting was chaired by CNWA presi dent Atoli Sema, wherein she highlighted about the formation and aims and objectives of CNWA. At the meeting, wom en pastors Amongla Aier of DABA, Meribeni Lotha of LBCD, Khetoni Shikhu of SBCD also prayed for the CNWA office bearers The meeting was attended by all the units from the three hohos. 28 (AGENCIES):
Group surrenders: The policy also proposed to encourage group surrenders. When a group surren der took place, the indi vidual members in the group would have to undergo the same procedure for “securi ty clearances and interroga tion” as might be applicable to an individual surrender. The government would provide additional incentives to leaders of the groups whenever group surrender took place. Also, a surrender would be considered a group surrender where the group consisted of at least five per sons. The group surrender policy would also apply to persons surrendering with arms and ammunitions. The leader of the group where specifically identified would be eligible for an extra cash incentive besides the nor mal rehabilitation package. Where the leader was not identifiable, the entire group could share the incentive amount equally. In case of a group sur render where some of the cadres were without weap ons, usually the stipend would not be paid to the cadres without weapons. However, such a stipend or rehabilitation package would only be paid once the identity and involvement of the cadres with the UG factions was established be yond doubt (within 30 days of the surrender).
N EW DELHI, AUG 28 (AGENCIES): Super tech’s twin towers in Uttar Pradesh’s Noida were finally demolished at 2.30 p.m. on Sunday, ending the nineyear saga. The demolition of the Apex (32 storeys) and Ceyane (29 storeys) towers would leave behind approximately 35,000 cubic metres of debris that would take at least three months to be cleared.Thedemolition was or dered by the Supreme Court after the SC found their construction on the Emerald Court society premises in vi olation of norms. The nearly 100-metre-high structures – taller than Delhi’s iconic Qutub Minar (73 metre) –were brought to the ground in seconds literally like a house of cards by the ‘wa terfall implosion’ technique, in a breathtaking spectacle of modern-day engineering. The controlled implo sions using 3,700 kilograms of explosives were India’s biggest demolition to date. Thousands of people, as well as stray dogs, had to be evacuated before the blast, including from neighbouring high-rises, one of which was reportedly just nine metres away. Realty firm Supertech on Sunday said the twin tow ers were constructed as per the building plan approved by Noida development au thorities and no deviations
Cong prez polls on October 17, counting of votes on October 19 Nagaland Post MYK C MYK C Vol XXXII No. 264 DIMAPUR, MONDAY, AUGUST 29, 2022 Pages 12 ` 5.00 Pakistan flood toll crosses 1,000 INTERNATIONAL, PAGE 9 FOLLOW US ON @Nagaland_Postnagalandpostofficial Pandya, Jadeja heroics help India defeat Pak by five wickets SPORTS, PAGE 12 This is it! “Many want to contest as our party candidates. We estimate there’ll be at least two cover candidates for 20 seats. If none withdraw, we’ll be in a big soup.”
DIMAPUR, AUG 28 (NPN): Central Naga land Women Association (CNWA) has resolved to support the Central Na galand Tribes Council (CNTC) demand for ‘solu tion before election’. In a statement, CNWA information and publicity secretary Angelina Ngullie said that the decision was made during the consulta tive meeting held with the Dimapur and Chümouked
NEW DELHI, AUG 28 (AGENCIES): The month of August which is the core month of the monsoon season is about to end in a few days. The distribution of rains in the month has been on regionalHowever,levels.the monsoon axis is now established over the foothills of Himalayas paving way for the moisture feeding southern winds from the Bay of Bengal to reach North East India. Over the upcoming week, a gradual increase in rainfall activities will be observed in the North East, Sikkim, Sub Himalayan West Bengal, Jharkhand and parts of WidespreadBihar. heavy to very heavy rains are ex pected to occur in Sikkim, Arunachal Pradesh, As sam, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, Tripura and Ma nipur from August 28 to September 3. Parts of Sub Himala yan West Bengal, Jharkhand and Bihar to experience scat tered to fairly widespread moderate to heavy rains during this Overallperiod.North East In dia will try to recover some of the deficiency during the upcoming week by register ing normal to above normal rains. India as a whole re corded a total of 721.2mm rainfall against the average of 672.1mm, a departure from normal stands at +7 per cent, it was at +8 per cent past Saturday.
(From top) Demolition of Supertech’s twin towers in Noida and people look at the debris of the demolished Supertech twin towers in Noida on Sunday. (PTI)
official concerned would im mediately inform the coun terpart in police/district ad ministration/security forces. The official before whom the initial surrender took place should also inform nodal officers of all agencies in his jurisdiction and the State Level Rehabilitation Office for further coordination. The District Level Screening Committee would conduct a preliminary ques tioning of the “surrenderee” and in particular recommend and comment specifically on whether an individual was an active insurgent/UG or not. After initial contact and once the local level agencies were informed, officials of district police and security forces would make arrangements to give protection to the individual and also transport him to a “State Level Rehab Centre” for “holding” the individual till the time the “background checks” were carried out and the surrender was accepted formally. A screening com mittee headed by IGP (Int) and comprising of nomi n ated stakeholders would conduct the background check before issuance of the ‘Surrender Certificate’. The cadre should promise “full disclosure” of antecedents at the time of surrender and interroga tion. In the event of agencies concluding that the indi vidual had provided false or incomplete information, the government and agencies could propose reduction/ discontinuation in stipend or the rehabilitation package. Once the surrender was formally accepted, the State government would issue a Surrender Certificate or “Certificate of Surrender”. And a person who had been issued Surrender Certificate after his release from the rehabilitation centre should report to the nearest police station once every three months for a period of 36 months. An entry to this ef fect would be made on the surrender certificate. The above processes would be completed within 30 days of the initial surrender, exclud ing the journey Meanwhile,time.inthe in tervening period of 30 days, the police and security forc es would, besides carrying out security and antecedent checks, also examine wheth er the weapons surrendered were “serviceable standard pattern weapons” and not country-made or spurious weapons.
India’s biggest demolition: Supertech twin towers razed to ground in seconds were made..There were no immediate reports of inju ries or damage to nearby buildings. Rs 500 crore lost: Re alty firm Supertech Ltd has incurred a loss of about Rs 500 crore, including con struction and interest costs, because of the demolition of its twin towers in Noida, the company’s chairman RK Arora said on Sunday.
NLA select panel to meet on Sep 15 DIMAPUR, AUG 28 (NPN): State chief minister Neiphiu Rio, who is also the convenor of the Assembly’s Select Committee to Exam ine the Nagaland-Assam Border Issue, has convened a meeting with the select committee members and the members of the local com mittee in the border districts on September 15, 2022 at 10 a.m. at Chief Minister’s Of fice, CMRC Kohima.
NE likely to receive heavy rainfall
ima Watsu Telongiem, Lo tha Eloe Ekhung Dimapur and Chümoukedima and Western Sumi Totimi Hoho at CNTC office Khermahal on AugustCentral27. Nagaland Women Association said the meeting discussed at length on the Naga political issue and strongly decided to support the stand of CNTC. Other pertinent is sues were also discussed at the meeting, it said.
Congress leaders KC Venugopal, Madhusudan Mistry and Jairam Ramesh address the media at AICC HQ in New Delhi, Sunday. (PTI)
CNWA backs demand for ‘solution before polls’
Govt to make forensic probe compulsory for some offences
GANDHINAGAR, AUG 28 (PTI): Union Home Minister Amit Shah on Sunday said the Centre has set a target of taking the conviction rate higher than even developed countries and integrate the criminal justice system with forensic scienceTheinvestigation.government aims to make forensic investiga tion “compulsory and legal” for offences attracting pun ishment of more than six years, Shah said addressing the graduating students of the National Forensic Sci ences University (NFSU), Gandhinagar, at its first convocation.Thegovernment will provide a forensic mobile investigation facility in each district of the country and create a legal structure to en sure that independence and partiality of the investiga tion is maintained, he said. “Under Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s leader ship, the central government is going to make changes in the Indian Penal Code (IPC), Criminal Procedure Code (CrPC) and the Evi dence Act, because nobody saw these laws from an Indian perspective after in dependence, he said. “These laws need to be reframed from the perspec tive of independent India. Therefore, we have been consulting a lot of people to change the IPC, CrPC and the Evidence Act,” he said while addressing the convo cation as its chief guest. “Under this, we are go ing to make the provision of forensic evidence compul sory and legal for offences attracting more than six years of punishment,” the Union minister said.
Earlier in the day, he dedicated ‘Smriti Van’ in Bhuj and ‘Veer Balak Sma rak’ in Anjar, in memory of those who died in the mas sive earthquake. The two memorials, he said, will put Kutch on the world map like Japan’s Hiroshima museum. Modi said he was in Delhi when the earthquake struck but rushed to Gujarat the very next day. Gujarat was the first state to intro duce Disaster Management Act, which later inspired the rest of the nation, he stated. On Sunday, he laid the foundation for new projects and dedicated them to the nation projects worth Rs 5,000 crore. PM said that Sarhad Dairy was inaugu rated when he was the chief minister of the state. Back then, its daily milk collec tion was 1,400 litres which has increased to 5 lakh litre a day. Milk producers are making Rs 800 crore by con tributing milk in the dairy. Self-reliant in energy sector in next 25 years: In an ambitious declaration, Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday said India aims to be self-reliant in the energy sector in the next 25 years and electric vehicle, which is leading a “silent revolution”, has a key role to play in achieving it. With a major part of energy consumption being in the transport sector, Modi said innovation in this sector should be a priority.
The BJP on Sunday termed the Congress’s claim of being the only party where internal polls occur a “joke” and mockingly asked if it is celebrating April Fool’s Day in October when the election is scheduled. “It’s a joke,” BJP IT department head Amit Malviya said. BJP nation al spokesperson Shehzad Poonawalla sarcastically asked, “Is April Fool’s Day being celebrated in October this year.”“This is nothing more than a selection or a Mughal sultanate-style coronation that’s made to look like an election,” Poonawalla al leged.He alleged the entire polling process in the Con gress is “rigged” as preferred delegates are placed by the Gandhi family to effect a result desired by it.
Ending speculation, the Congress on Sunday announced that elections for its president will be held on October 17 with the winner being declared two days later (Oc tober 19), asserting that it is the only party in the country which undertakes such a democratic exercise. The party, which last held the election for the post in November 2000, has often faced criticism from the BJP over dynastic politics due to the control of the Gandhi family over its affairs. Sonia Gandhi is the longest service party presi dent and has been at the helm since 1998 barring a two-year period between 2017-19 when Rahul Gandhi took over. The schedule of the election was approved unanimously at an online meeting of the Congress Working Committee (CWC). The online meeting was presided over by Sonia Gan dhi, who is abroad for medi cal checkups. She was seen flanked by former party chief Rahul Gandhi and Priyanka Gandhi Vadra, who are ac companying her abroad. The notification for the election will be issued on September 22, while the filing of nomination would begin on September 24 and continue till September 30, the party’s central election authority chairman Madhu sudan Mistry told reporters
BHUJ, AUG 28 (IANS): Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday pledged to make India a developed country by 2047. The Prime Minister, who is on a day-long visit to Kutch, said: “After the dev astating 2001 earthquake, I had assured to develop the district and in 2022, see how well it has developed. Today I am promising to make In dia a developed country by 2047 and will surely do it.”
after a nearly 30-minute meeting of the CWC. The date of scrutiny of the nomination papers would be October 1, while the last date of withdrawal of nominations would be Octo ber 8. The election, if there is more than one candidate, will take place on October 17, while counting of votes, if necessary and the declara tion of results would be on October 19, Mistry said. ‘Mughal-style’coronation,saysBJP
(Representational image)
India will become developed country by 2047, says Modi
Narendra Modi (PTI)
“It is our goal that India becomes Aatmnirbhar for its energy needs in the next 25 years of Amrit Kaal,” Modi said while speaking address ing a programme held to mark 40 years of Suzuki Motor Corporation in India at the Mahatma Mandir convention centre here. He further said, “As a major part of energy con sumption is in the transport sector, innovation and (re search) efforts in this sector should be our priority.

ICAR Nagaland
Each passing day makes us feel your absence more but the memories of time spent together continues to remind us of the love, joy and happiness that you brought into our lives. And these are the moments we will continue to cherish as we pray that you rest in eternal peace. Loving family
2. mr. Pilamo Ezung Lotha received his early education from Government Lower Primary School, Tsungiki Village and studied up to 2nd year PreUniversity (Arts) from Kohima Arts College, Kohima. 3. mr. Pilamo Ezung Lotha joined Nagaland Police Service as ASI through open recruitment in 1979 and retired from the post of Dy. SP (NPS) in 2014. During his 35 years of Government service, he received different awards including the President's Police Medal for Meritorious Service in the year 2010.
It's been two years since you left us for your heavenly abode. But not a single day passes without you being in our thoughts, now only memories of the sweet moment we shared remains, it's your memory "Dad" That gives us a reason to hold on, but behind that memory, we always shed silent tears because nothing can fill the gap that you left behind. We missed you in every walk of our life. Loving wife, children, grand-children & in-laws
4. After retirement from Government service, Mr. Pilamo Ezung Lotha held the posts of Chairman, Kohima Tsungiki Khümshüm from 2014 to 2016, and Chairman, Tsungiki Village Council from 2016 to 2020. Mr. Pilamo Ezung Lotha was also the Vice Chairman of Lotha Ezungtsü Khüngtsüta from 2011. 5. From amongst the Ezung Clan of Tsungiki Village, Mr. Pilamo Ezung Lotha was the first: Matriculate Gazetted Officer Chairman, Tsungiki Village Council A year has passed since you left us for your eternal home. But the time you gave us will always remain a mark in our humble hearts. Though you are not here with us no more, your presence will always be felt forever.
“For those who follow godly paths will rest in peace when they die." (Isaiah 57:2) DP-4033/22 29/08/2021 Our hearts still can't accept that you are not with us anymore. You were our strength. In this one year, there's not a single day that we didn't miss you. It's not easy for us to move on from this pain. We deeply miss you, we love you. Rest in peace oba. From your Loving Wife & Children
Loving wife, children & grandchildren
Resource persons along with farmers at field day on ‘biofortified maize’ at Ghokito Village
1. m r. Pilamo Ezung Lotha, son of Late Khyodemo Ezung and Yinkielo Kikonpvüi of Tsungiki Village under Wokha district, Nagaland was born in the early part of March, 1951.
RCCD informs: Rongmei Council Chümoukedima District (RCCD) has informed that it would be observ ing the “91st Martyr’s Day anniversary of Haipou Jadonang (a freedom fighter) on August 29, 3:30 p.m. at Diphupar, F Khel public ground no 2, Chümouke dima. RCCD has invited RCN and its federating units, frontal organisations, and all concerned Rongmei citizens of Nagaland to the programme.
DIMAPUR: The 37th Na tional Eye Donation Fort night under “Azadi ka Am rit Mahotsav” commenced on August 25 at District Hospital, Peren (DHP). The 15-day celebration of the gift of sight would culminate on September 8. A press release by Chief Medical Officer (CMO) Peren office stat ed that at the inaugural programme, DHP medi cal superintendent, Dr. K. Limatula Ao delivered the keynote address while SMO DHP, Dr. Y. Renbot hung Lotha exhorted the gathering.Thedoctors encour aged the general public to come forward for eye dona tion and raise awareness of the life changing impact of eye donation and the gift of sight.Resource person, Dr. Lydia Ndang (Ophthal mologist) spoke on the eligibility criteria, age, and indication for donor. She said only person with cor neal blindness are eligible for donor eye and the need to retrieve the cornea from the donor within 6 to 8 hours after death. The programme con cluded with signing of pledge card for eye dona tion.
DIMAPUR: In view of “deficient in poultry and piggery feed material”, In dian Council of Agricul tural Research (ICAR) Na galand Centre Medziphema said there was a need to enhance the production and productivity of maize in the state to suffice the feed demand for poultry and piggery.Inapress release, ICAR Nagaland Centre Medziphema said the popu larisation of location-spe cific suitable bio-fortified maize hybrids along with a package of practice among the farming community could play a vital role in boosting the production and productivity of maize in Nagaland.Keeping this in mind, ICAR Nagaland Centre Medziphema conducted a field day on “biofortified maize” under DBT maize project on August 26 at Ghokito Village, Dimapur to show the performance of “DMRH-1530” biofortified maize hybrid in Dimapur district for its Dr.ICARingment.theirvestingandtimelyasmanagementalsomaizeportanceLalNewMaizefromseniorpopularisation.Attheprogramme,scientist,AgronomyIndianInstituteofResearch(IIMR),Delhi,Dr.ShankarJathighlightedtheimofbio-fortifiedasfoodandfeed.Heemphasisedonvariouspracticessuchnutrientmanagement,weedmanagement,therighttimeofharthemaizecobsandpost-harvestmanageScientist,PlantBreed&Genetics(PBG),NagalandCentreHarendraVermaalso discussed the importance of quality seed material and encouraged the farmers to take up the quality seed production of DMRH 1530 bio-fortified maize hybrid variety to meet local seed demandSMStimely.(PBG), KVK Di mapur, Dr. Bendangla Im song highlighted the various management practices to be taken up in “Nagamese” while SMS (plant pathol ogy), KVK Dimapur, Dr. Lireni Kikon highlighted about plant protection mea sures to avoid insect pest damage in maize crop. As part of the pro gramme, 70 farmers from Ghokito, Kuhuboto and Lotovi along with scientists and SMS visited the dem onstrated field of DMRH1530 maize hybrid to see its performance with regard to yield and grain quality.
‘National eye donation fortnight’ underway at DHP
IEC awareness & training on waste management
Those who walk uprightly enter into peace, they find rest as they lie in death. Isaiah 57.2
Born on: 02/01/1922 – Died on: 29/08/2021
37th National Eye Donation Fortnight underway at District Hospital, Peren. to enhance & productivity
maize production
‘Those who are righteous will be long remembered.’Psalms112:6 It’s been one year since you left us for your eternal home but your loving memories are in our hearts. Loving Family Members 1st Death anniversary Late Shilukola Jamir Died: 29th August, 2021 -1937/22K
DIMAPUR: An Information Educa tion Communication (IEC) awareness programme-cum- training on waste seg regation and plastic waste management for Urban Local Bodies (ULBs) staff and stakeholders was conducted by Urban Development (UD) department on August 27 at Purana Bazaar Council Hall, East Dimapur.
AR battalions conduct various activities
DIMAPUR: Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) of Modern College (MC) conducted a faculty development programme (FDP) on “mental health of teachers” on August 26 at the Conference Hall of the college.Inapress note, college media cell informed that resource person, senior medical officer, State Men tal Health Institute, Dr. Viketoulie Peinyii stressed on the importance of men tal wellbeing of an indi vidual and its contribution towards personal and pro fessional growth.
Of our beloved father Late. Zapulhou Khoubve K-1955/22 29/08/2021
According to a DIPR report, while speaking at the training, Additional Depu ty Commissioner (ADC) Dimapur, Mhalo Humtsoe emphasised on waste segrega tion, stoppage of plastic bags, etc. ADC also urged upon every council member to practice proper waste management. The training was organised by NonGovernmental Organisation (NGO) LiFE.
DIMAPUR: Assam Rifles (AR) battalions under the aegis of IGAR-North con ducted various activities across Nagaland. Ghaspani Bn: AR Ghaspani battalion organ ised coordination meet ing with village council members on August 24 at Kukidolong, Piphema, Zubza and Jotsoma vil lages of Chümoukedima and Kohima districts. PRO said the interaction focused on prevailing security situa tion, social harmony, youth empowerment and various employment avenues in Armed forces. Mon Bn: AR Mon battalion conducted prerecruitment test for pro spective candidates for Agniveers and AR techni cal and tradesmen rally 2022-23. PRO said the pre-recruitment test was aimed to boost confidence of youths.
NZP receives Asian black bears: Nagaland Zoologi cal Park, animal rescue team on August 25 received two Asian black bear cubs from Signal Angami, Sec tor-A, Dimapur. NZP said due to timely intervention by CE PHED (sanitation & WSSO), Athriba Sangtam, the cubs were safely rescued and handed over to the animal rescue team for rehabilitation in the zoo. Residents repair road: Residents of Artang ward Mokokchung made voluntary collection and repaired a stretch of 1 ½ km approach road at Artang ward Mokokchung. Medical health camp at Molvom: A free medical health camp was organised by health centre man agement committee Molvom under the aegis of the Molvom Village Council on August 27 at Government Middle School, Molvom.
Born:- 02/10/1965 I Died:- 20/08/2022 We the bereaved family members of Lt. Er. H. Tokiho Sema would like to sincerely express our heartfelt gratitude and appreciation to each & every individual, groups, churches, medical staff, institution, village association, family, friends, neighbours and well wishers who stood by us spiritually, physically, morally, materially and financially during the prolonged illness of our beloved who passed away on 20th August 2022. We sincerely convey our special thanks to:1. Phishumi Baptist church 2. Phishumi Welfare Society, Kohima & Dimapur. 3. Phishumi Inalimi Kupushukulu. 4. Phishumi Women Society. 5. Valley View Sumi Baptist Church. 6. Valley View Sumi Baptist Dept. of Women Ministry. 7. Sumi Baptist Church Kohima. 8. H.B.S. Fellowship & Youth, Kohima. 9. S.E,MITC,EE, S.D.O. I, II, III, Dimapur. 10. Dimapur Electrical Division, Nagarjan. 11. Electrical Sub-Division-II Burma camp. 12. Purana Bazar Feeder staff. 13. Department of Higher Education, Officers & Ministerial staff. 14. Akulto V.K. Area Union, Kohima. 15. V.K. Area Union, Kohima. 16. V.K. Area G.B’s and well wishers 17. Doxeshe Kighiniki 18. Ngozubomi Baptists Akukuhou 19. Ngozubomi Women Society. 20. Litami relatives Dimapur. 21. J.E Sub-Division Burma camp. 22. Mr. & Ms Kazheto Kinimi MLA & Advisor 23. Mr. & Ms Khekaho Assumi Ex MLA 24. Mr. & Ms I. Kheto Kinimi Ex Minister 25. Mr. & Ms Kakheto Kinimi Ex Minister 26. Zion Hospital, doctors, nurses & staff. We regret our deepest inability to thank each & everyone personally but we pray that your love & valuable sacrifice will be richly blessed by our Almighty God. Loving wife and childrenDP-4049/22

Attendees of consultative meeting at IMDH Mokokchung.
Leshemi village: NSRLM, BMMU Pfüt sero with the support from DMMU Phek organised a Food Safety and Standard Authority of India (FS SAI) mela on August 25 at community hall, Leshemi Village.A press release by NSRLM Pfütsero informed that during the mela, re source person, food safety designated officer, Peterson Pongener underscored the importance of FSSAI licens ing andPetersonregistration.encouraged the participants to acquire the registration or license as per requirement as it gave more advantage to market the products in the local, na tional and online platforms. The mela concluded with a demonstration on how to register online at FoSCoS portal by resource person, Food Safety Officer, Zhohu Puro.Altogether, 140 par ticipants from Livelihoods Promotion Committee and leaders from SHGs across Pfütsero RD block attended the programme.
DIMAPUR: A consulta tive meeting on National Viral Hepatitis Control Programme (NVHCP) was held on August 25 at IDSP conference hall, Dr Imkongliba Memorial District Hospital (IMDH) Mokokchung.Inapress release, National Health Mission (NHM) Mokokchung in formed that during the meeting, deputy director, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (H&FW) Dr. Partha Rakshit gave a power point presentation on NVHCP, its background, and itsUnderscoringobjective. the im portance of creating public awareness, Dr. Rakshit said the common people should be made aware of free test ing and treatment facilities for Hepatitis patients. He emphasised on enhancing community awareness on hepatitis, its preventive measures, and early diagnosis and man agement of viral hepatitis at all levels of health care facilities to reduce the risk and mortality rate. Dr. Rakshit also in formed that Hepatitis B Immune Globuline (HBIg) would be made available for new born babies of Hepatitis B positive moth ers. He stated that trainings should be operationalised at laboratories and treat ment centres to develop ca pacities of functionaries in Community Health Centres (CHCs), Primary Health Centres (PHCs) and Health & Wellness Centres (HWCs) to implement diagnostic and treatmentChiefsupport.Medical Officer (CMO) Mokokchung, Dr. Limatula Aier also laid emphasis on the vision to reach and to achieve the objectives of viral Hepatitis elimination by 2030. The programme was attended by CMO, deputy CMO, medical superinten dent, programme officers, DAPCU, nurses and IEC staffs.
MYK C MYK C 3STATENAGALAND POST, DIMAPUR MONDAY, AUGUST 29, 2022 Q.: Is Nagaland seriously taking up the recent custodial death issue with Assam? A Yes. 25% B No. 67% C Can’t Say. 8% 100%90%80%70%60%50%40%30%20%10%0% Poll A B C NEXT POLL Q: Is the state govt taking steps to ensure expansion of Dimapur railway station? Yes. No. Can’t Say. (Temperature in ºC) Max Min Agartala A thunderstorm in spots 33 26 Aizawl An thunderstorm in spots 27 20 Guwahati A p.m. t-storm in spots 33 26 Imphal A t-storm around in the a.m. 29 21 Itanagar A t-storm around in the p.m. 31 24 Shillong A shower and thunderstorm 23 18 Kohima A shower and thunderstorm 25 19 Dimapur Mostly cloudy with a t-storm 32 25 Mkg A thunderstorm in spots 27 21 Tuensang Mostly cloudy with a t-storm 22 17 Wokha A morning t-storm in spots 28 22 Zunheboto Mostly cloudy with a t-storm 24 19 FORECASTWEATHERAUGUST29
DIMAPUR: Nagaland Pradesh Congress Commit tee (NPCC) has expressed dismay at the resignation of veteran Congress leader Ghulam Nabi Azad from Congress.NPCC president K Therie in a press release termed Azad’s resignation wrong as he had all the platforms to ventilate what he felt for the party and the nation, adding that he did so through what the media called G-23. He claimed that things were moving to wards correction in line with what they advised, while the ‘Chintan Shivir’ held at Udaipur deliberated on almost all the issues regard ing party election process. Therie said if the se nior Congress leader was really interested, he could have filed nomination for any post to serve the party, which he had nurtured for over 40 years. According to the NPCC chief, dumping Congress workers across the nation, who were looking up to his leadership to contrib ute in this difficult time, did not go down well and had hurt them. Moreover, resign ing at the age of over 70 after enjoying the benefits for over 40 years was perhaps too late, he added. “The age of retirement has approached all of us. We want to leave a peaceful and progres sive legacy for the younger generation, but the younger generation has to learn. He would have lost nothing by orchestrating what he considered was good for the nation within the party and still would have remained one of the tallest leaders in Congress,” the release stated. Therie stressed that the nation today required a change and Muslims and Christians particularly need ed to protect themselves from being barred from voting. He alleged that both the communities hardly had any representation in the Union Cabinet, adding that in most Central government agencies, they were not well represented to prevent social discriminations and attack on personal laws. He said no interest was higher than that of the community and nation. He acknowledged that in politics there were ups and downs. He said those who were not clear in their idea of a nation, did not worry about ethnic val ues, were looking for money through corruption and did not perceive the future, ran after comfort and powerin confusion, which they might regret. Therie claimed that Congress and BJP would re main inevitable. He recalled that BJP came back from just two MPs and claimed that so would Congress bounce back from 50 MPs. Until then, he assured that Congress leaders would continue to uphold the party that could accommodate citizens from all walks of life.
DIMAPUR: A district level programme on credit workshop on the theme, “Self Help Group (SHG) loan sanction day” was or ganised by Nagaland State Rural Livelihoods Mission (NSRLM) on August 26 in Niuland district. A press release by NSRLM Dimapur informed that special guest of the workshop, Deputy Com missioner (DC) Niuland, Sara S Jamir spoke on women empowerment and the advancement of socioeconomic status of women in the society. She extended support towards the bankers in nurturing the SHGs and asked SHGs to maintain good credit ratings to further their PDbusiness.DRDA Dimapur, Kethosituo Sekhose spoke on the importance of credit linkage and its utility for sustaining and improving livelihood by venturing into different business and en couraged the participants to take hold of every op portunity given by the banks for all round development in NiulandBranchdistrict.manager, NRB Niuland, Neipedeu and branch manager SBI Ni uland, Ramas Raimei en couraged the SHGs to in culcate the habit of savings and to avail various social security schemes promoted by theThebanks.workshop was attended by District Mis sion Management Unit (DMMU) staffs, Block Mission Management Unit (BMMU) staffs in-charge of financial inclusion from all the six blocks under Dimapur district with 137 participants from commu nity leaders, VLOs and SHG members from Niuland.
SASRD organises training for spice growers
CMO Mokokchung conducts training on HBYC Kohima DTF to ramp up COVID testing & vaccination on introduction to “Poshan Abhiyan” and HBYC, ad dressing social vulnerabil ity to improve coverage of children under Home Based Care for Young Child, orientation on new MCP card, etc.
Resource person Dr. Graceli I Yepthomi along with the trainees. K. D. Vizo presenting on e-governance initiatives in Nagaland at Kolkata.
Further, CMO Mo kokchung office has in formed that HBYC aims to improve nutritional status of young children, ensure proper growth, early child hood development, and prevent childhood illness.
NPGN/NNC (N/A) supports FA DIMAPUR: NPGN/ NNC (N/A) president, T. Ovung has extended its support to the resolutions passed reaffirming imple mentation of Framework Agreement during the Au gust 26 coordination meet ing held at Agri-Expo site, Dimapur Naga National workers of the NSCN (IM) ofInNagaland.apressnote, Ovung appreciated the Naga na tional workers from Naga land for showing their bold ness, unity and strength for the cause of Naga freedom. He said Nagas have sacrificed everything and suffered a lot for the cause of Naga nation. “So, so lution for Naga political problem should not be so simple and cheap as Gov ernment of India thinks,” he stated.Asserting that Nagas have the historical right to have its own flag and con stitution, he said “Nagas would not accept solution in any manner without separate flag and constitu tion”.Therefore, on behalf NPGN/NNC (N/A), Ovung has appealed to the Government of India once again to solve the Naga political problem at the earliest based on the Framework Agreement that would be acceptable to all Nagas.
Shanavas said the DTF would now have to focus on different categories of COVID vaccination in theFordistrict.strengthening and ramping up of Covid-19 testing and vacci nation activities in the district, the DTF deliberated on the increase of vaccination sites and to concentrate more on testing. The team also decided to come up with action plan involving all the line departments and stakeholders to create awareness and sensitise the eligible beneficiaries to get vaccinated.Briefing on COVID-19 vacci nation status of the district, chief medical officer (CMO) Kohima, Dr. Tumchobeni Kikon informed that the total population of the district was 2,70,236 as per 2011 census, however, as per head count it was 1,75,064 and the vaccine target was set as per the head count. Dr. Kikon said the district has 62 health units where first dose cov erage till date was recorded as - 18+ years and above - 73.26%, 15-18 years - 56.99%, 12-14 years - 17.51% and 44.93% of precautionary dose.
Correspondent KOHIMA, AUG 28 (NPN): Department of Information Technol ogy and Communication (IT&C) Nagaland received an “excellence award” in the category of “Enterprise Applications” from Indian Express Group and Express Computers.Theaward was re ceived by principal secre tary IT, power, K. D. Vizo on August 26 during the 32nd Technology Sabha 2022 organised by Indian Express Group and Express Computers at Hotel Oberoi Grand, Kolkata under the theme, “Taking the next digital leap by raising the bar for e-Governance”. At the ceremony, Vizo also gave a presentation on the e-Governance initia tives in Nagaland, as the key speaker. He highlighted IT&C department Naga land initiatives on State Data Centre and how the department was function ing with its own manpower since 2015. He also dwelled on how the state portal, with advanced features, act as a single source of data sharing for government systems.Vizo mentioned how various IT applications such as the Common Schol arship Portal, online system in Nagaland Public Service Commission (NPSC), the online Inner Line Permit (ILP) system, State Depart mental websites, Common Service Centres (CSC), eDistrict services and other citizen centric services and applications were improv ing the overall governance system in Nagaland. He also highlighted how the department of Administrative Reforms and Public Grievances (DARPG), government of India, New Delhi had in its National e-Gover nance Service Delivery As sessment (NeSDA)-2021, ranked Nagaland as the top among the hill states (Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand) and north eastern states of India. It may be noted that IT&C department Naga land was also awarded with “best performing states in north east region in eGovernance” by Computer Society of India in 2017; “Enterprise Application” (exclusively for north east ern region) by Indian Ex press Group during the North-East Tech Sabha 2018.In 2019 and 2021, the department topped in ser vice portal in the “North East and Hill States” cat egory in National e-Gover nance Delivery Assessment (NeSDA) conducted by government of India.
DIMAPUR: Kohima District Task Force (DTF) on COVID-19 during its meeting on August 26 decided to strengthen and ramp up COVID-19 testing and vaccination activities across the district despite low reported Accordingcases.toa DIPR report, Deputy Commissioner (DC) Ko hima, Shanavas C, while chairing the meeting at the Conference Hall, DC Kohima office, said that though COVID positive cases may be less in the district, the DTF should be prepared with action plan in order to tackle any situation that may occur in future.
FSSAI mela resource person along with participants at Leshemi village. HBYC block level training at Mokokchung.
NPCC dismayed at Azad’s resignation from Congress
DIMAPUR: All India Coordinated Research Project inpresentationthomiperson,atSASRD:NUVillagenomaontrainingUniversitymentencesSchooldepartment(AICRP-spices),ofhorticulture,ofAgriculturalSciandRuralDevelop(SASRD):Nagaland(NU)organisedforspicegrowersAugust24-25atSocuVillageandPunglwarespectively.Apressreleasebyinformedthatthetraining,resourceDr.GraceliIYepgaveapowerpointon“advancesproductiontechnology and storage of ginger seed rhizomes for next cropping season”.Dr.Yepthomi encour aged farmers to integrate traditional and scientific approaches to enhance production and productiv ity along with quality prod ucts to fetch good return. She also emphasised on how little importance were adhered to produce spice crops in the state despite being a very important cash theProf.Project-in-charge,crop.C.S.Maitiassuredbeneficiariestoextend help and assistance in the comingLater,days.the team along with the farmers visited the farmer’s field to identify problems and also visited Front Line Demonstration (FLD) of ginger for review of progress.During the training, 10 ginger growing families from each village were selected and were distrib uted farm tools and imple ments to uplift their liveli hood and upgrade their knowledge on advance technologies related with spice production.
State department wins ‘Enterprise Application Award’
DIMAPUR: A three-day training on Home Based Care for Young Child (HBYC) block level train ing of trainers for General Nursing and Midwifery (GNM), Community Health Officer (CHO), Block Asha Coordinator (BAC) and District Com munity Mobilizer (DCM) was held on August 23-25 at the Conference Hall of chief medical officer (CMO) Mokokchung of fice. In a press release, CMO Mokokchung office informed that while deliv ering a welcome address, CMO Mokokchung, Dr. Limatula Aier asked the participants to effectively implement the knowledge acquired from the training. In a power point pre sentation, resource per son, senior programme manager from director ate of Health and Family Welfare, Chubala Pongen highlighted the status of Home Based New Born Care (HBNBC) in Mokok chungOtherdistrict.resource per sons were programme manager H&FW Kohima, Benjungtoshi, consultant Sentirenla Longchar, and GNM Chubakatila from NUHM.During the training, participants were trained
The CMO also informed that covid vaccination sessions have been created as per demand genera tion at all Rural Health Units and Central Armed Forces till date. However, she said regular session site from Monday to Friday in the district at present are NHAK, UPHC Potterlane and UPHC Seikhazou.Dr.Kikon informed that Tseminyu district has been chosen for the Indian Social Responsibil ity Network (ISRN) team to work as the district shows the lowest performing block. She said that the ISRN team would assist in areas where medical team alone cannot do especially in creating awareness.

Clouded leopards
GUWAHATI, AUG 28 (PTI): Internet services across 27 districts of As sam were suspended for over four hours on Sunday for the second time this month to prevent possible malpractices during written examination for recruitment in various state government departments.Theauthorities decided to go ahead with its decision to suspend internet services during exam hours, after the Gauhati High Court refused to stay it following a writ petition against the order. Besides, prohibitory orders under Section 144 have also been clamped in all the 27 districts where the examinations are being conducted, a senior official said. More than 14.30 lakh candidates are expected to appear for recruitment of nearly 30,000 Grade-III and -IV posts of various government departments (on August 21, 28 and Sep temberWhile11). the Grade-IV tests were held on August 21 in two shifts, the Grade-III examinations are being held on Sunday. The tests for more posts under Grade-III are scheduled for September 11. All examinations are be ing conducted by the Board of Secondary Education, Assam“Last(SEBA).week, internet services were suspended in 26 districts. This time Barpeta has been added to the list,” a senior official of the Home and Political Department told PTI. According to a state government order, mobile internet services will be temporarily stopped from 10 am to 12 noon and from 2 pm to 4 pm, he said. On August 17, Assam Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma had said that internet services would be suspended during the ex amination hours to avoid possible malpractices during the recruitment process. Assam Police said Sec tion 144 of CrPC has been promulgated in and around the examination venues for all the three days in order to hold the examination in “free, fair and transpar ent manner”. Prohibitory orders have also been im posed within a radius of 100 metre of the SEBA office in Guwahati till the receiving, depositing and scrutinising process of the answer scripts is complete.
GUWAHATI, AUG 28 (PTI): In a fresh salvo at his Delhi counterpart Arvind Kejriwal, Assam Chief Min ister Himanta Biswa Sarma on Sunday claimed that the AAP chief was “comparing the national capital with smaller cities” after failing to fulfil his promise of giv ing the place a London- or Paris-likeSarma,makeover.takinga swipe at Kejriwal, also pointed out that Delhi CM has “ex pressed his desire to visit Assam” only now, not when the state going through cri ses such as floods. The two chief ministers had been engaging in verbal duels on Twitter over the last few days, each of them asking the other to visit their state and witness the devel opment work undertaken there. The spat started after Kejriwal, in response to a news item that claimed the Assam government closed 34 schools due to poor re sults, said shutting down the institutes was no solution. Taking on the Delhi CM, Sarma wrote, “You came to power with a prom ise to make Delhi look like London and Paris, don’t you remember @Arvind KejriwalImplyingji?” that Kejri wal has failed to meet his poll promise, Sarma added, “When you could not do anything, then you started comparing #Delhi with smaller cities of Assam and Northeast!” Sarma went on to claim that if BJP came to power in a city like Delhi, the saffron party will make it the “most prosperous city in the world”. In another tweet over reports claiming that Kejriwal is willing to visit this northeastern state, the Assam CM wrote, “I am sad and sorry that you didn’t have such a desire when the people of Assam were battling natural calamities like floods!”“Andyes, invitation has already been sent to your deputy chief minister @msisodia ji from Assam,” the BJP leader added. Sarma was apparently making a reference to the summons sent by a local court here to Manish Si sodia,
TEZPUR (ASSAM), AUG 28 (PTI): A wild elephant from the Kaziranga Na tional Park wreaked havoc in Tezpur city of Assam’s Sonitpur district, damaging scores of vehicles and other properties, officials said on Sunday.The elephant swam across the mighty Brahma putra river and entered Tez pur city on Saturday night, they said. According to Forest Department officials, the tusker crossed the Brah maputra from the southern bank and entered Tezpur on the northern banks. At first, the elephant entered a house in the Chan mari area and searched for food in the kitchen for a long time, creating panic among the people. Then the scared wild elephant entered the famous Chitralekha Park via Tezpur ship port. Amid a noisy scene, a huge number of people gathered to catch a glimpse of the jumbo. This was followed by the el ephant going to the Ganesh temple on the banks of the Brahmaputra. After that, the animal reached the Assam State Transport Corporation (ASTC) bus stand, where it damaged a parked car and smashed several twowheelers stationed there.
Chief Minister Saha and Deputy Chief Minister Jishnu Dev Varma held an important meeting in Guwahati last week with Assam Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma and central BJP leaders to chalk out the poll strategy.BJPGeneral Secretary B.L. Santosh, vice presi dent Baijayant Jay Panda, and central observer for Tripura, Phanindra Nath Sharma also attended the Guwahati meeting and discussed the strategies for the Assembly election, expected to be held in Feb ruary next year. BJP national general secretary and MP Dilip Saikia, the party’s cen tral observers for Tripura Vinod Sonkar and Phanin dra Nath Sharma are now camping in Tripura to make Nadda’s visit successful. In a major setback for the ruling BJP in Tripura earlier this week, top tribal leader Hangsha Kumar Tripura accompanied by around 6,500 tribals be longing to the BJP and its ally IPFT joined the Tip raha Indigenous Progres sive Region al Alliance, a major tribal-based opposi tion party.
A senior BJP leader said that Nadda during his two-day tour (SundayMonday), would hold more than half-a-dozen separate meetings and also address a public meeting at the TTAADC headquarters at Khwumlung, 20 km from Agartala, on Monday.
Manipur Governor La Ganesan at the Inspiration Episode 18 function in Imphal on Sunday.
J.P. Nadda arrives in Tripura on 2-day visit
SHILLONG, AUG 28 (IANS): The political sta tus of the Congress, which governed Meghalaya for many years and that of the BJP, which is a partner in the Meghalaya Democratic Alliance (MDA) govern ment, are very fragile due to various reasons. The Tri namool Congress (TMC), which dramatically became the states principal opposi tion force overnight, is now looking to grab the space left vacant by the Congress. After 12 of the 17 Con gress MLAs led by for mer Chief Minister Mukul Sangma (2010-2018) joined the TMC in November last year, the latter became the main opposition party in the 60-member assembly, elections to which are barely six months away. The five remaining Congress MLAs, led by Ampareen Lyngdoh, had earlier announced to join the National People’s Partyled MDA government. Even though the NPP, headed by Chief Minister Conrad K. Sangma, is an important constituent of the BJP-led North East Demo cratic Alliance (NEDA) and the National Demo cratic Alliance (NDA), it’s relations with the saffron party are gradually sour ing over various issues, specially after the arrest of BJP Meghalaya unit vice-president Bernard N. Marak, who was arrested from Uttar Pradesh on July 25 for allegedly running a brothel in the West Garo Hills Thedistrict.BJP has two MLAs in the Meghalaya assembly.BJPworkers and lead ers organised protests in Tura demanding a fair probe in Marak’s case, while the party workers in West Garo Hills organised a signature campaign demanding the removal of the Superinten dent of Police and Deputy Commissioner of the dis trict. In defence of Marak, BJP leaders claimed that the farmhouse in the brothel case has been operational since 2019, but the raid was carried out just six months prior to the Assembly elec tions in Meghalaya to ma lign Marak and to damage his political career. In the backdrop of the changing political situation in the hill state, NPP su premo Sangma announced that his party will not have a pre pre-poll alliance with any party and will contest next year’s assembly elec tions on its own, leading to confusion among the MDA allies -- UDP, PDF and HSPDP.“TheNPP has always contested polls on its own. We will not have a pre-poll alliance and this has been our stand in all elections and does not change this time too,” Sangma said in Shillong.Since party supremo and West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee formed a full-fledged state committee, the Trinamool Congress has become more proactive in the state’s poli tics, slamming the MDA government on many issues, including the inter-state border agreement with As sam, illegal coal mining and corruption.TheTMC’s legislature party leader Mukul Sang ma, state president Charles Pyngrope and other leaders are trying hard to dispel the notion that it is a “Bangla” party, in which everything will be controlled from Kol kata if it comes to power in Meghalaya, a Christian dominatedDuringstate.his visit to Meghalaya in June to in augurate the state party headquarters in Shillong, TMC’s national general sec retary Abhishek Banerjee had clarified: “Some people will try to project our party as a Bengali dominated party, but I want to an nounce firmly that Megha laya would be governed by the people of the state and not byMeghalayaoutsiders.”has three distinct regions -- Khasi Hills, Jaintia Hills and Garo Hills.Eight of the 12 Trin amool Congress MLAs hail from Garo Hills and four of them are close relatives of Mukul Sangma. The party has three MLAs from Khasi Hills and one from Jaintia Hills.Tribal dominated Meghalaya has 55 out of the 60 seats in the state Assembly reserved for the Scheduled Tribes confirm ing that the mountainous state is fully governed by the indigenous people. In another significant aspect, the entire state, ex cept the small area within Shillong, falls under the three powerful Tribal Au tonomous District Coun cils, constituted under the Sixth Schedule of the Con stitution that deals with grassroots and traditional governance and it empow ers democratically elected grassroots institutions. The ADCs deal with the matters of traditional customs, cultures, land, mineral resources, forest produce, traditional knowl edge, academic and socioeconomic issues under the autonomous council areas. To provide further pro tection, since the past four decades there has been a huge demand for the ex tension of the Inner Line Permit under the Bengal Frontier Regulation Act 1873 and ahead of the elec tions the demand might become louder.
Correspondent IMPHAL, AUG 28: Mani pur Governor La Ganesan said that unemployment among the youth and the resulting sense of frustration was the key problem faced in the country, especially in the northeast including Manipur, in a speech here in Imphal on notatomentthatCentre,Imphal’srationAddressingSunday.the‘InspiEpisode18’,heldinCityConventiontheGovernorsaidentrepreneurdevelopwasanimportantkeyeconomicdevelopmentofcountry.Entrepreneursonlyprovideself-em ployment but also provide job opportunities for others. Knowing the fact, he said, efforts were made to develop entrepreneurial skills so that sufficient skilled manpower is available in the country to manage scarce resources by developing cut ting edge enterprises. The new generations of entrepreneurs need techni cal, managerial, financial and marketing skills to meet the challenge of the new world order to be able to compete, he observed. He said serious efforts have been made to mitigate the unemployment prob lems in the region, adding that the initiatives will take time to show any tangible results on the ground. “There is a need for in novation and participatory approach to attract experts in this field,” he said. The Governor further said that in spite of many visible odds and limitations, a few women entrepreneurs in Manipur have shown their hidden talents in the form of perceptible scale of produc tion of a few competitive items.Every year Manipur bags Outstanding Entre preneur Award instituted by the Union ministry of micro, small and medium enterprises.“Itisour responsibility to encourage and carry them forward in a new environ ment and policy support,” he said.The Governor asked the state department of commerce and industries to prepare a roadmap for industrializing Manipur through a sound policy of structured, skill and entre preneurship development, particularly for women in modern Manipur.
“Besides gearing up the BJP organisation of all levels, priority of Nadda’s visit is to further strengthen the tribal front,” the BJP leader told IANS refusing to beOnnamed.Monday, Nadda, who is accompanied by his wife, will go to Udaipur in southern Tripura to of fer puja to Tripureshwari templeMeanwhile,there.
AFFIDAVIT I, Shri Kenneth Seb son of Shri Alozu Seb of Phenwhenyu Village under Tseminyu District, Nagaland do hereby solemnly affirm and declares as under:
Wild wreakselephanthavocinAssam’sTezpur
Assam: JE claims 85 lives in 2 months
27 Assam
GUWAHATI, AUG 28 (PTI): At least 85 people have died of Japanese En cephalitis (JE) in Assam in the last two months, a bulletin by the health depart mentTensaid.deaths were report ed over the last nine days, including one on Saturday. Since July this year, as many as 390 cases of the in fection have been detected, the bulletin said. JE is a viral brain infec tion that spreads through mosquito bites. The virus, found in pigs and birds, is passed to mosquitoes when they bite infected animals. Given the surge in JE cases over the past few months, a District Rapid Response Team was formed in July to deal with the situation.AllStandard Operating Procedures and guidelines communicated by National Health Mission, Assam, are being followed in the districts for case detection, management and referral, official sources said. Nine medical colleges and 10 district hospitals in the state, equipped with requisite facilities, have been designated as JE treatment centres, they added. districts face internet suspension during govt exam hours
Himanta reminds Kejriwal of Delhi’s London makeover vow Biswa Sarma
A police person checks aspirants as they enter an examination hall to appear in the Assam Recruitment Exam (PTI) M’laya in a flux: Cong surrenders ground to TMC; BJP-NPP ties strain
Das and his team, Pravin Agar wal, the chief wildlife war den of the state, said, “This is a huge success on their part. The cubs were handed over to zoo authorities in accordance with the rules. They are healthy and adjust ing well.”
Two clouded leopard cubs hand-reared in Tripura
BJP National President JP Nadda being greeted by Tripura CM Manik Saha at MBB International Aiport, in Agartala. (PTI)
Unemployment, resulting frustration key problem of NE: Manipur Governor
AGARTALA, AUG 28 (PTI): Efforts to protect and conserve clouded leopard, marked as ‘vulnerable’ on IUCN Red List, seemed to have borne some fruit in Tripura, as two cubs were successfully hand-reared over the past few months at a breeding centre and subsequently released in Sepahijala zoo. This was the “first suc cessful instance of handrearing clouded leopard in India”, claimed Biswajit Das, the wildlife warden of Sepahijala sanctuary, where the cubs were raised for three“Themonths.twocubs, one male and the other female, were born in the month of May. They were hand-reared with care and affection by the staff of the breeding centre at Sepajihala. It is the first such instance of handrearing of clouded leopard in India. We have fondly named the cubs ‘Antarip’ and ‘Julekha’,” Das said. Clouded leopard (Neo felis nebulosa), threatened by deforestation and com mercial poaching, has large dusky-grey blotches and irregular spots and stripes reminiscent of clouds. It rests in trees during the day and hunts by night on the forest “Mothersfloor.have the habit of devouring cubs immediately after giving birth. We had to segregate the newborns. Hand-rearing of such animals demands a lot of patience, especially for activities such as like nightfeeding. Dedicated care takers looked after the two all day long,” Das told PTI. Necessary arrange ments were made to provide the cubs a suitable envi ronment for their healthy growth, he explained. “We released the cubs in the zoo on August 4, marking International Clouded Leopard Day. Tourists are expected to flock to Sepahijala zoo later this year to catch a glimpse of ‘Antarip’ and ‘Julekha’,” the wildlife warden of the sanctuary said. Very little is known about these elusive cats as they are shy, agile and nocturnal in nature, with conservationists still seeking to learn more about their reproduction process and lifestyle.InIndia, clouded leop ards are largely restricted to the country’s northeastern region.Forest officials said India in 2018 added clouded leopard to its recovery pro gramme for critically endan gered species to aid more research and strengthen conservation efforts. Das said Sepahijala zoo currently houses 12 cloudedCongratulatingleopards.
1. That I am a citizen of India by birth and residing at the aforesaid address. 2. That both my names Kenneth Seb and the Keneth Seb is the name of one and the same person having single identity that is my-self. 3. That this affidavit shall be used as a piece of evidence to authenticate my actual name i.e. Kenneth Seb and shall produce before any competent authority as and when required. Deponent Solemnly sworn before me on this the 9th day of August 2022 at Tseminyu. Regd. No. 490 1st Class Magistrate Date: 09/08/2022 Office of the Deputy Commissioner Tseminyu, NagalandDP-4051/22 AGARTALA, AUG 28 (IANS): BJP president J.P. Nadda arrived here on Sunday on a two-day visit to Tripura to kick-start the saffron party’s preparations for the Assembly elections expected to held after six months.Soon after his arrival in Agartala, he held a series of meetings at the state guest house with the party’s office bearers, leaders of frontal organisations, min isters, Lok Sabha member, MLAs, BJP core commit tee members.Tripura Chief Min ister Manik Saha, state party president Rajiv Bhat tacharjee, Union Minister Pratima Bhowmik, former chief minister Biplab Ku mar Deb, central observers including Vinod Sonkar also attended these meet ings held one after another. To give special im petus to the vital tribal vote bank (the state has 20 tribal reserve seats of the 60 seats), Nadda would hold separate meetings with the elected members of the Tripura Tribal Areas Au tonomous District Council (TTAADC), tribal leaders and MLA and leaders of the BJP-ally Indigenous People’s Front of Tripura (IPFT), a solely tribal based organisation.Earlier,after landing at the Maharaja Bir Bikram airport in Agartala, the BJP president accompanied by Tripura Chief Minister, state party president and other leaders listened to Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s programme‘Mann-Ki-Baatattheairport.Naddawasaccorded a grand reception by the hundreds of BJP leaders and workers at the airport and on his way to the state guest house on the outskirts of the capital city.

Unmarried or queer part of family relationship: SC
As ED, CBI get active on Bengal scams, Trinamool trains its guns on Suvendu Suvendu Adhikari
Police personnel keep vigil as people gather to witness demolition of Supertech twin towers in Noida, Sunday. (PTI)
MUMBAI, AUG 28 (PTI): The Shiv Sena on Sunday questioned the silence of Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Union Home Minister Amit Shah on the release of 11 convicts in the Bilkis Bano case and also asked if felicitation of rap ists was “Hindu culture”. The comments were made in Rokhthok column of the Sena mouthpiece Saamana which carried the ‘Kadaknath Mumbai kar’ byline and not of the Marathi daily’s executive editor Sanjay Raut, who is currently in jail on money laundering charges. Bilkis Bano was five months pregnant when she was gang-raped while flee ing the riots which broke out after the Godhra train burn ing in 2002. Her three-yearold daughter was among the sevenThekilled.11 men convicted in the case walked out of the Godhra sub-jail on August 15 after the Gujarat govern ment allowed their release under its remission policy. They had completed more than 15 years in jail. Some reports had claimed that they were fe licitated by local leaders uponTherelease.column in Saama na said NCP president Sha rad Pawar says PM Modi does not practice what he preaches.“The Bilkis case has proven him right,” it said. It is surprising that the convicts were released when PM Modi spoke of women empowerment in his Inde pendence Day speech, the Marathi publication said. Why are PM Modi and Union Home Minister Amit Shah quiet on this issue? it asked.“Is felicitating rapists Hindu culture?” the Sena sought to know. Just because Bilkis Bano is a Muslim, the crime against her cannot be for given, it said. “It is not a Hindu-Mus lim issue, but a matter of the soul of Hindutva and pres tige of our great culture,” the Sena said.
File photo of Bilkis Bano’s rapists being felicitated.
Indo-US joint military exercise in Himachal Pradesh KOLKATA, AUG 28 (IANS): For the last one and a half months, West Bengal has been grabbing national attention because of the ongoing action by the Central Bureau of In vestigation and the Enforce ment Directorate on various scams like the West Bengal School Service Commission recruitment irregularities and cattle smuggling. As the political climate in the state has become extremely hot over these developments, the ruling Trinamool Congress in a counter-attack is targeting the Leader of the Opposi tion in the Assembly, rather than the BJP leadership in the state.Beit the administra tive initiative to prevent Suvendu Adhikari from attending any anti-state gov ernment event or reiterating the demand for his arrest in the Narada video scam, the focus of the Trinamool Congress is to go all-out against Adhikari adminis tratively and Suvendupolitically.Adhikari has his own logic to explain the Trinamool Congress’s attack on him. “Actually, chief minister Mamata Ba nerjee could not accept the defeat by a margin of 1,956 votes to me from Nandigram in the 2021 West Bengal elections. So, since the beginning of her third term, she and her party have made me the target. But I am not scared and I will continue to perform my duty as a responsible Leader of the Opposition against this corruption-driven state government,” he said. Senior Trinamool Congress MLA Tapas Roy, however, rubbished this theory of Adhikari. “Every one knows that his victory at Nandigram was the result of forgery taking advantage of a power cut during the final rounds of counting. Our contention is why are the central agencies silent on Suvendu, although he was named in the initial FIR filed by the CBI in the Narada video case where he was seen accepting cash in the video. We are objecting to the biased approach of the central agencies who are acting on behalf of the BJP and Suvendu is adding spice to that conspiracy,” he said. Political analyst Arundhati Mukherjee to an extent agreed with Ad hikari.
“The fact that the ap pellant’s spouse had two bio logical children from his first marriage would not impinge upon the entitlement of the appellant to avail maternity leave for her sole biological child. “The fact that she was granted child care leave in respect of the two biological children born to her spouse from an earlier marriage may be a matter on which a compassionate view was taken by the authorities at the relevant time”, it said. The bench said that gendered roles assigned to women and societal expec tations mean that women are always pressed upon to take a disproportionate bur den of childcare work. It referred to a ‘timeuse’ survey conducted by the Organisation for Eco nomic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and stated that women in India currently spend up to 352 minutes per day on unpaid work, 577 per cent more than the time spent by men and time spent in unpaid work includes childcare. “In this context, the support of care work through benefits such as maternity leave, paternity leave, or child care leave (availed by both parents) by the state and other employ ers’ is“Althoughessential. certain pro visions of the Rules of 1972 have enabled women to enter the paid workforce, women continue to bear the primary responsibility for child care. The grant of child care leave to the ap pellant cannot be used to disentitle her to maternity leave under Rule 43 of the Rules of 1972”, it said. The top court said that the facts of the present case, too, indi cate that the structure of the appellant’s family changed when she took on a paren tal role with respect to her spouse’s biological children from his previous marriage. “When the appellant applied to PGIMER for maternity leave, PGIMER was faced with facts that the law may not have envisaged or adequately accounted for. When courts are confronted with such situations, they would do well to attempt to give effect to the purpose of the law in question rather than to prevent its applica tion”, the bench said and set aside the Punjab and Haryana High Court order.
NEW DELHI, AUG 28 (PTI): As a series of con trolled explosions reduced the 100-metre tall twin tow ers in Noida to a pile of rubble, residents heaved a sigh of relief after officials declared that there appeared to be no damage to the buildings adjacent to the structures that were brought down.Shortly after the courtmandated demolition of the buildings, officials declared that there appeared to be no damage to the buildings adjacent to the Supertech twin towers but said a more detailed audit is underway.
Maldivian foreign minister arrives in India Maldivian Foreign Minister Abdulla Shahid in New Delhi.
The structures - taller than Delhi’s iconic Qutub Minar (73 metres) - were brought to the ground in seconds literally like a house of cards by the ‘waterfall implosion’ technique, in a breathtaking spectacle of modern day engineering. Sarita, a resident of Emerald court, shifted to Delhi temporarily on Sat urday night ahead of the demolition.“Imoved to Delhi for the demolition and we will return on Sunday night. Prima facie, it appears that there’s no damage to our buildings. We have been told that the authorities will check the area first and then, let us in,” Sarita said. Ekta Gupta, another resident of the society, said they have been informed by the authorities that there was no damage to their buildings following which they are planning return to their society after 6.30 pm. “I am relieved to know that there is no damage to our building. We will be going back in the evening after 6.30 pm on Sunday. We were provided accommoda tion at a nearby society,” she said.Another resident, Gauri Grover, who moved to the temporary accommo dation provided by the Silver City society, said she was in formed by the security staff that their buildings were not damaged.“Iam relieved. We cov ered our entire house and we kept our valuables inside. My husband is in merchant navy and son is away at his grandparents. I was alone at home. We saw the building collapse from the terrace of Silver City,” she expertpremewasResearchmolitionshiredtheEngineeringMumbai-basedsaid.Edificewastaskedwithdemolition.EdificehadSouthAfrica’sJetDeforitsexpertise.TheCentralBuildingInstitute(CBRI)appointedbytheSuCourtastechnicalfortheproject.
NEW DELHI, AUG 28 (PTI): The Aam Aadmi Party’s campaign in Guja rat has turned into a “mass movement” against the rul ing BJP in the run-up to the assembly polls in the state, Delhi Chief Minister Ar vind Kejriwal said Sunday. His assertion came after AAP leaders claimed on Twitter that drivers and conductors of the staterun buses were sharing a plan among themselves to persuade people to vote for the Kejriwal-led party while ferrying them back from the venue of an event in Bhuj attended by Prime Minister NarendraModiModi.helda roadshow in Bhuj town of Kutch dis trict on the second day of his visit to the state where the Assembly elections are due to be held later this year. He also addressed a rally after inaugurating and laying the foundation stone of development works in the Bhuj district. “At the prime minis ter’s public meeting today in Gujarat, 2,400 govern ment buses reached. In the drivers’ and conductors’ groups, a message is circu lating that while returning, they will tell the passengers that this (BJP) government only gives speeches and Kejriwal should be given a chance,” the AAP’s former Gujarat in-charge Gulab Singh Yadav said in a tweet in Hindi.Yadav is an MLA from Delhi’s Matilala Assembly constituency.TheAAP’s Gujarat unit president Gopal Italia also made a similar claim on the microblogging site, saying, “Gujarat is now demanding a change”. “In Gujarat today, 2,400 buses of the GSRTC have been deployed on duty for the prime minis ter’s programme. A mes sage is circulating in the group of the government (bus) conductors that while returning, they will con vince the passengers that a chance should be given to the AAP,” Italia tweeted. Replying to the post of his party’s Matiala MLA Gulab Singh Yadav on the microblogging site, Ke jriwal said in a tweet in Hindi, “That’s why these people are so nervous. This is the reason why so many false cases are happening in Delhi.”“The upcoming elec tions in Gujarat have be come a mass movement,” the AAP national convenor added.During his recent visit to Gujarat, Kejriwal had promised to hike the salary of the employees of the Gu jarat State Road Transport Corporation (GSRTC) if the AAP is voted to power in the“Transportstate. employ ees are protesting and sad as they are paid very low salaries. Within a week of forming a government in Gujarat, we will fulfil their demand. I request them to tell every passenger to vote for a change in Gujarat,” Kejriwal had said. The AAP is gearing to contest all seats in the upcoming Gujarat elec tions, projecting itself as an alternative to both the rul ing BJP and the Congress, which is the main opposi tion party in the state. To woo the voters in prime minister Modi’s home state, Kejriwal has made a host of pre-poll promises which includes free electricity up to 300 units per month, a job for every youth and a Rs 3,000 monthly allowance for the unemployed till they get a job and Rs 1,000 to all women above the age of 18 years.
Noida demolition: Residents relieved as no damage to other buildings
File photo of Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal addressing a gathering in Gujarat AAP rally in Gujarat movement against BJP: Kejriwal India, US carry out mega exercise in Himachal Pradesh
“It is quite possible that for the chief minister it was difficult to accept the fact that she was de feated in Nandigram and hence had to get elected through a by-election from Bhawanipur to retain her chief ministerial chair. But that cannot be the only or even the main reason be hind this focused attack on Suvendu Adhikari. In my opinion, the main reason lies in the aggressive manner in which Adhikari is using his Leader of Opposition post to spearhead political attacks against the ruling party unlike his predeces sors, which has prompted the Trinamool Congress to focus the counter-attack against him rather than the state unit of the BJP as a whole,” she said.
Words and actions of PM never match: Rahul on PM’s Khadi pitch Rahul Gandhi NEW DELHI, AUG 28 (PTI): Maldivian Foreign Minister and President of UN General Assembly, Ab dulla Shahid, arrived here on Sunday on an official visit. “A warm welcome to @UN_PGA and Maldives Foreign Minister @abdul la_shahid on his arrival in New Delhi,” External Af fairs Ministry Spokesperson Arindam Bagchi tweeted. Shahid is set to meet Vice President Jagdeep Dhankhar and Foreign Sec retary Vinay Kwatra among others.The Maldivian For eign Minister’s visit to India comes nearly a month af ter President Ibrahim Mo hamed Solih’s trip to New Delhi.During Solih’s visit, the two sides inked six agree ments to expand overall cooperation in a range of areas such as cyber security, housing and disaster man agement.The Maldives is one of India’s key maritime neigh bours in the Indian Ocean Region and the overall bilat eral ties including in areas of defence and security have been on an upward trajec tory in the last few years.
NEW DELHI, AUG 28 (PTI): Congress leader Ra hul Gandhi on Sunday at tacked Prime Minister Na rendra Modi over his pitch for Khadi, alleging that his words and actions “never match”.The prime minister on Saturday said Khadi can be come a source of inspiration for achieving the dream of a developed and Atmanirbhar Bharat.Attacking the prime minister, Gandhi said, “’Khadi for Nation’ but Chi nese Polyester for National flag! As always, the words and actions of the PM never match.” The Congress has strongly criticised the Centre for amending the flag code to state that the national flag shall be made of hand spun and hand woven or machine made, cotton/ polyester/ wool/ silk khadi bunting. Earlier machine made and polyester flags were not al lowed to be Speakingused.during ‘Kha di Utsav’ (Khadi festival) on Sabarmati Riverfront in Ahmedabad, Modi had on Saturday said once a symbol of self-respect, Khadi or the homespun was treated as an inferior product after Inde pendence.Heurged people to gift the products of only Khadi village industries during the coming festive season.
NEW DELHI, AUG 28 (PTI): The special forces of India and the US carried out a three-week mega ex ercise primarily focusing on counter-terror operations in Himachal Pradesh’s Bakloh. The Indian Army said the exercise ‘Vajra Prahar’ was “significant” in terms of security challenges faced by both nations in the back drop of the current global situation. vThe 13th edition joint special forces exercise culminated on Sunday. This annual exercise is hosted alternatively between India and the United States. The 12th edition was con ducted at Joint Base Lewis Mc Chord in Washington in October last year. The exercise saw both sides carrying out air-borne operations, special opera tions and counter-terror drills in a joint environment under the United Nations charter.The exercise was con ducted in two phases; the first phase involved combat conditioning and tactical level special missions train ing exercises and the second phase included 48 hours of validation of training re ceived by both contingents in the first phase. Both contingents “ex pressed immense satisfac tion with the outcomes of the exercise, in terms of the standards achieved and shar ing of best practices” when they undertook joint train ing, planning and execution of a series of mock opera tions in simulated conven tional and unconventional scenarios in mountainous terrain, the Army said in a statement.
NEW DELHI, AUG 28 (PTI): “Familial relation ships may take the form of domestic, unmarried part nerships or queer relation ships”, the Supreme Court has observed, while noting that an ‘’atypical” mani festation of a family unit is as real as its traditional counterpart and deserves protection under the law. The predominant un derstanding of the concept of a “family” both in the law and in society is that ‘’it consists of a single, un changing unit with a mother and a father (who remain constant over time) and their children.“This assumption ig nores both, the many cir cumstances which may lead to a change in one’s famil ial structure, and the fact that many families do not conform to this expecta tion to begin with. Familial relationships may take the form of domestic, unmar ried partnerships or queer relationships,” a bench of Justices DY Chandrachud and AS Bopanna said in an order uploaded on Sunday. The observations are significant as activists have been raising the issue of rec ognising LGBT marriages and civil unions as well as allowing live-in couples to adopt after the apex court decriminalised homosexual ity in 2018. The apex court made the remarks in its ver dict that held that a working woman cannot be denied her statutory right to mater nity leave for her biological child only because her hus band has two children from a previous marriage and she had availed the leave to take care of one of them. The bench said that a household may be a single parent household for any number of reasons, includ ing the death of a spouse, separation, or “Similarly,divorce.theguard ians and caretakers (who tra ditionally occupy the roles of the “mother” and the “father”) of children may change with remarriage, adoption, or fostering,’’ it said. It said that these manifestations of love and families may not be typical but they are as real as their traditional counterparts and such atypical manifesta tions of the family unit are equally deserving not only of protection under the law but also of the benefits avail able under social welfare legislation.“Theblack letter of the law must not be relied upon to disadvantage families which are different from traditional ones. The same undoubtedly holds true for women who take on the role of motherhood in ways that may not find a place in the popular imagination,” said Justice Chandrachud who penned down the verdict on behalf of the bench. The bench said that unless a purposive interpre tation were to be adopted in the present case, the object and intent of the grant of maternity leave would sim ply be“Thedefeated.grant of mater nity leave under Rules of 1972 is intended to facilitate the continuance of women in the workplace. It is a harsh reality that for such provisions, many women would be compelled by so cial circumstances to give up work on the birth of a child, if they are not granted leave and other facilitative measures” it said. It added that no em ployer can perceive child birth as detracting from the purpose of employment and childbirth has to be construed in the context of employment as a natural incident of life and hence, the provisions for maternity leave must be construed in that perspective.Itsaidthat the facts of the present case indicate that the spouse of the appel lant (a nurse by profession) had a prior marriage that had ended as a result of the death of his wife after which she married him.
Is felicitating Bilkis Bano rapists culture’? Shiv Sena

3. Animal Husbandry Depart ment — Piggery, Poultry.
…one of His disciples said to Him, “Lord, teach us to —Lukepray…”11:1 Prayer is not a normal part of the life of the natural man. We hear it said that a person’s life will suffer if he doesn’t pray, but I question that. What will suffer is the life of the Son of God in him, which is nourished not by food, but by prayer. When a person is born again from above, the life of the Son of God is born in him, and he can either starve or nourish that life. Prayer is the way that the life of God in us is nourished. Our common ideas regarding prayer are not found in the New Testament. We look upon prayer simply as a means of getting things for ourselves, but the biblical purpose of prayer is that we may get to know God Himself. “Ask, and you will receive…” (John 16:24). We com plain before God, and sometimes we are apologetic or indif ferent to Him, but we actually ask Him for very few things. Yet a child exhibits a magnificent boldness to ask! Our Lord said, “…unless you…become as little children…” (Matthew 18:3). Ask and God will do. Give Jesus Christ the opportunity and the room to work. The problem is that no one will ever do this until he is at his wits’ end. When a person is at his wits’ end, it no longer seems to be a cowardly thing to pray; in fact, it is the only way he can get in touch with the truth and the reality of God Himself. Be yourself before God and present Him with your problems— the very things that have brought you to your wits’ end. But as long as you think you are self-sufficient, you do not need to ask God for anything. To say that “prayer changes things” is not as close to the truth as saying, “Prayer changes me and then I change things.” God has established things so that prayer, on the ba sis of redemption, changes the way a person looks at things. Prayer is not a matter of changing things externally, but one of working miracles in a person’s inner nature.
1. Ordinarily, the new policy is to apply only to UGs/militant/insur gent cadres surrendering with arms. However, the policy does not preclude surrender without weapons of active UG cadres. While surrender without weapons is permissible and welcome, the rehabilitation package shall not apply to them. However, in exceptional cases the State Government shall, in consultation with the Central Govern ment and Security Forces, decide on the rehabilitation package of cadres surrendering without weapons on a case to case basis.
30. The surrendering cadres shall, for the period of compulsory stay in the JIRC be entitled to free food and ration at a scale laid down in the Annexure IV. The monthly stipend shall not be used to defray the food and ration expenses.
In 2014, business interests spent $1.1 billion on state candidates and commit tees compared to the $ 215 million that labour groups spent.That same year, busi ness political action com mittees (PACs), spent nearly $380 million in federal elec tions, while labour union PACs gave close to $60 mil lion. In 2016, it is estimated that $1 out of every $8 went to super PACs. They from corporate sources raised $ 1.8 billion for the 2016 elec tions. He found that $ 800 million of political spending were from obscure donors. Mackay apprehends that large political contribu tions will prevent Congress from tackling the important issues facing Americans today, like the economic crisis, rising energy costs, reforming health care, and global warming. Corpo rate lobbying is part of the UK politics and this helps change decisions in their favour. The corporate power has turned Britain into a less honest state, a Guardian re port says and are marked by government policy changes. A World Bank publica tion “Seize the State, Seize the Day” : State Capture, Corruption, and Influence in Transition, says some firms in transition economies have been able to shape the rules of the game to their own advantage, at considerable social cost, creating what it calls a “capture economy” where public officials and politicians privately sell “a range of rent generating advantages “a la carte” to individual firms. “The State capture, influence and ad ministrative corruption are all shown to have distinct causes and consequences”, the study says.
economy, raise prices: WB, us, India firms hit highest profits Shivaji Sarkar
per man (gms) (a) Atta/Rice 620 500/60 400/50 2020 (b) Dal 90 85 65 (c) Sugar 90 55 40 (d) Refined Oil 80 40 (e) Tea 09 09 09 04 (Twice in a week) (f) Salt 20 30 20 (g) TPM or 25 65v/ghee 50v/ghee 36 TPM for pure veg 600 50 (h) MM Food for pure veg 30 (i) LPG 125, 135 (j) Condiments (dry chilly and others) 16 15 15 Cut Meat 180 150 Pork 130 Pork 130 (k) Meat on Hoof 275 200 200 350ml (l) Eggs 2Nos 02 02 (m) Potato 110 110 90 (n) Onion (Fresh) 60 55 45 (o) Garlic (Once a week if demanded by troops) 20 (p) Fruits (Fresh) 230 (q) Vegetable fresh 170 250 170 Firewood 1.400 2000 1400 (r) Charcoal or 400 Steam coal or 700 Soft coke or 900 Condensed Milk Sl. No Weapons Incentives 1 AK 47/56/74 Rif 25,000 per weapon 2 RPG/SnipperUMG/GPMG/PIMCA/Rifle 35,000 per weapon 3 Pistol/Revolver 5,000 per weapon 4 Rockets 1,000 per weapon 5 Grenade/Hand Gre nade/Stick Grenade 250 per Grenade 6 Remote Control Device 3,000 each device 7 Ammunition all types 10 per round 8 IED 1,000 each 9 Mines 3,000 10 Explosive material 1,000 per kg 11 Wireless Set Short Range 1,000 12 Wireless Set Long Range 5,000 13 SAM Missiles 20,000 14 Satellite Phone 10,000 15 VHF/HF communica tion sets 5,000 16 Elect Detonator 50 17 Other Detonator 10
No.SL Size of Group Type of Group Quantum of Incentive 1 Upto 05 persons Where the num ber of insonsnumber60%surrenderedweaponsisofthetotalofpersurrenderingthegroup. Rs. 50,000/2 05-10 persons Rs. 75,000/3 10-15 persons Rs. 100,000/4 20-25 persons Rs. 125,000/5 50 persons or more Rs. 2,50,000/6 More than 100 Persons are sur rendering with arms and atleast 50 are with arms Government may decide on amountthe Procedure Upon Initial Surrender 17. A person/group may sur render before the Police, Security Forces or District Administration. He will be produced before the District Level Screening Committee headed by the Deputy Commissioner with the S.P. and Commander of the security forces of the area as members. 18. The District Level Screening Committee shall examine the case and thereafter send the surrenderee to the Joint Interrogation Centre with its recommendations.19.Inthecase of those which fall in the category beyond its powers (including but not limited to civilian cadres or cadres without arms), the person will be sent to the joint inter rogation centre and the relevant papers sent to the state level committee for its decision.20.Joint Interrogation Centre or Centres need to be notified by the State Government. A centrally located reha bilitation centre is also required. The Committee recommends the unused Sub-Jail at Jharnapani be immediately notified as the Joint Interrogationcum-Rehabilitation Centre (JIRC). The Director General of Prisons, Nagaland may also be notified as the State Level Rehabilitation Officer for the purpose.21.Since there are a number of UG factions in Nagaland, the rela tions among whom and their cadres are not always harmonious, the State Government may have to declare other facilities as JIRC so that cadres of dif ferent groups are housed separately in different centres. 22. A surrenderee shall remain at the rehabilitation centre for a mini mum period of 6 (six) months after his first arrival at the JIRC and joint interrogation at JIRC provided that the State Level Committee is satisfied that he has adjusted well with civil ian life, and that he would not pose a threat to the society or that his life is not endangered if he walks out of the rehab centre. In no case will the sur renderee remain in the rehabilitation centre beyond 36 (Thirty Six) months. 23. A standardized bio-data cum interrogation format shall be applicable throughout the State. The format would include columns for bio-data, educa tional qualifica tion, skill education / experience and any preference for rehabilitation etc so that the rehabilita tion process can be expedited. Rehabilitation of Militants 24. The rehabilitation package en visaged has the following components:i. Cash component (stipend) for surrender with weapons ii. Cash component for surrender without weapons (wherever approved) iii. Cash component for surrender of weapon (one time reward) iv. Cash component to be paid in lump sum v. Kind components under vari ous schemes of GoI and GoN vi. Cash incentives of the leader of the group in case of group surrender. 25. The cash component for surrender with weapons would include a stipend of Rs 5000/- (Rupees Five thousand only) per cadre per month for any cadre who surrenders with a serviceable standard pattern weapon. 26. In exceptional cases the GoI and GoN may consider a cash stipend for a cadre who surrenders without a weapon. This stipend would have to be concurred with by all Police, Central Security Agencies and SF/CPMF.
Mother of all confusions
3. All surrendering cadres/ militants/insurgents or civilians would have to undergo a detailed process of interrogation and questioning about their activities and antecedents before a surrender is formally accepted. The Government agencies will conduct separate and joint interrogations/ques tioning of the surrenderees. (Standard format for questioning).
~ Aldous Huxley
31. The period for which stipend is to be paid is for 36 months from the date of the issue of the surrender certificate.32.However, the stipend and any unpaid amount of the rehabilitation package will be stopped or discontin ued if the individual is found involved in illegal or criminal activity as per laws of the land in force at the time of his involvement in such an activity. For this purpose, a mere prima facie report of involvement in a criminal activity shall be sufficient and a conclusive evidence or conviction after trial is not a required parameter. All the sittings of the committee to formulate and recommend this poli cy were attended by representatives of IGAR (N) and SIB who fully concurred with the policy. The representative were Brig M.S Bains (IGAR) and R.R Verma (Jt. Director)/Shri. Rajendra Kumar, Joint Deputy Director, SIB respectively. SentiyangerSd/- Imchen, IAS, Commissioner Nagaland L. Singsit, IPS, Spl Secretary (Home) Rupin Sharma, IPS, Addl DGP Renchamo(L&O) P. Kikon, IPS, IGP (Int) Ngamjok Konyak, Addl. Secretary Justice &Law V. Kezo, OSD Finance Incentive for weapon.The fol lowing scale of incentives is Recom mended for surrendered weapons/ ammunitions:scale scale
7. After initial contact and once the local level agencies have been informed, the District officials of Police/SF shall make arrangements to give protection to the individual, and also transport him to a “State Level Rehab Centre” for ‘holding’ the indi vidual till the time the ‘background checks’ are carried out and “the surrender is accepted” formally. A screening committee headed by IGP (INT) and comprising of nominated Stake holders would conduct the background check before issuance of the Surrender Certificate.
he high inflationary trend that has gripped India is stated to be a global phenomenon of cor porate adventure to maxi mize profits through con trolling the political system even in times of economic distress. The western infla tion trends have severely impacted Indian economy forcing the government to squeeze expenditure, the RBI increasing interest rates, plummeting rupee and the society compromising on lifestyle.The US and UK stud ies are concerned about the corporate ingress into the governance structure in different countries. The US studies are specific that the corporate are raising prices, having increase in profits and transferring costs to consumers.Indian inflation has risen to 6.82 percent in July from 6.43 percent in June and 3.92 percent a year back. As per the wholesale index it is at 13.93 percent. Primary articles cost 15.04 percent more, food 9.41 percent, manufactured products 8.16 percent and fuel and power 43.75 percent. But Interna tional Monetary Fund puts India’s growth at 7.4 per, faster than the rest of the world though some others show different lower figures. In the US inflation remains at 8.7 percent, a bit lower than the highest reached in 40 years at 9.1 percent. Inflation in Britain is at the highest level since 1982. At the August week end, the UK hikes electricity and gas bills by 80 percent, in a dramatic worsening of the cost-of-living crisis. Overall consumer inflation is at 10.1 percent. It may head for a negative growth next year, the Citibank pre dicts, and prices are likely to rise by 18 percent. In contrast, Reserve Bank of India (RBI) Gov ernor Shaktikanta Das says that the apex bank is moving towards the four per cent inflation target in a steady manner, without much growth sacrifice. After hit ting its peak in April 2022, Das expects retail inflation to ease to four per cent by 2023-24. Assuming crude oil prices at $ 105 per bar rel, the RBI Governor stated that current account deficit (CAD) will be manageable and its financing to be done in a reasonably comfort able manner in 2022-23. Real gross domestic product (GDP) growth projection as per the August MPC is fixed at 5.4 percent though overall growth rate forecast remains unchanged at 7.2 percent. It looks brighter but the way the corporate are raising prices and main tains a profit trend that may hurt the people world over and Indian government in particular rushing through many infra projects. Rising prices has become a global trend for various reasons including that is attributed to Russia-Ukraine war that has changed lifestyle on both sides of Europe. In 2021, US companies logged their most profitable year since the 1950s, as many took advantage of economies of scale and other more Yet,processes.productionefficientfirmsincreasingly held on to the savings they gained from these reduced costs, rather than passing them on to customers in the form of lower prices, according to Alexander J Mackay. He says that between 2006 and 2019 the difference be tween prices charged and the marginal cost incurred by a company climbed about 25 percent. The new US commerce department data show corporate earnings jumped 35 percent in 2021, while workers got an 11 per cent bump. In 2017, Senator Sheldon Whitehouse notes that America faces a crisis of corporate capture of democratic government, where the economic power of corporations has been translated into political power with disastrous ef fects for people’s lives. He warns that “corporations of vast wealth and remorseless staying power have moved into our politics to seize for themselves advantages that can be seized only by control over government” through what he calls, the “immense pressure deployed by the corporate sector in our gov ernment.” Corporate inter ests can vastly outspend la bor or public interest groups on the heelections,USsays.
9. Once the surrender is formally accepted, the State Government will issue a “Surrender Certificate” or “Certificate of Surrender” in such format as the State Government may prescribe. A person who has been issued surrender certificate after his release from the rehabilitation centre shall report to the nearest Police Sta tion once every 3 (Three) months for a period of 36 (Thirty six) months. An entry to this effect shall be made on the surrender certificate.
Nagaland Government ‘Rehabilitation Policy’ 2016
27. The detailed plan for cash component or reward for surrender of various categories of arms and ammu nitions is placed as Annexure III. The cash reward will be a one time reward to be paid after surrender and release from the JIRC directly into the bank account of the person concerned. 28. All the persons who are issued a surrender certificate and who have spent 6 (Six) months in the JIRC shall be eligible for a ‘one-time grant cum rehabilitation package’ in cash to the tune of Rs 3,00,000 (Rupees three lakhs only) at the time of release from JIRC. The amount shall be remitted directly into the bank account of the person. An amount of Rs 50,000 (Rupees fifty thousand only) shall be paid at the time of the surrender certificate being issued. The balance shall be paid in 2 (Two) equal installments, one at the completion of 1 (one) year from the date of issue of surrender certificate and the other at the completion of 36 months after his release from JIRC. 29. The GoI and GoN may additionally offer or facilitate the surrendering cadres a rehabilitation package by way of other Government schemes dealing with self-employment or vocational training etc. For sur renderees staying in the JIRC beyond 6 (six) months, the expend vocational training shall be borne out of their stipend. The rehabilitation scheme for those opting for self employment can be dovetailed with the various schemes available under different Departments of the Government. Some of the schemes are listed below:-
4. PMKVY (Prime Minister Kushal Vikas Yojana) — Hospital ity, Tourism, Hardware, Masonry, Electronic Repairing, Automobile Mechanic Training, Security Guards.
A 1981 report in Eco nomic and Political Weekly says that dependence of the private economy in India has come to mean its de pendence on the political parties. For the last over two decades they are sup posed to have played roles in decision making. The top 20 companies continue to have 70 per cent profits, as per Mercilius Investment Managers, and higher prod uct prices in a supposedly subdued market. Unilever, Suzuki Motor, and JSW Steel all are in the game of raising prices. They also opt for reducing the pack sizes. The official mechanism only occasionally delves into their Indiaaffairs. has brought transparency into donations through electoral bonds in 2016, former minister Arun Jaitley mentioned in his 2017 budget speech. Election Commission tells Supreme Court in March 2019 in an affidavit that the electoral bonds wreck trans parency in political funding and with removal of cap on foreign funding, they invite corporate powers to impact IndianCorporatepolitics. are becom ing cleverer and know their ways. To counter big money, rebalancing of democracy and empowering people to engage politically as a coun tervailing force across the globe are necessary through rule changes. It sounds good but not easy so prices and profits may not be put in check for the consumers.
5. Upon surrender, the official concerned shall immediately inform the counterpart in the Police De partment / District administration/ Security Forces. The official before whom the initial surrender takes place shall inform the Nodal officers of all agencies in his juris is ion and also the State Level Rehabilitation Office for further coordination.
1. PMRY schemes under Indus tries & Commerce Department.
RATION ENTITLEMENT No.Sl. Standard item Daily scale per men (gms) NLScalePolice Proposed
Reader’s note: Articles or letters published in any of the columns do not reflect the view of this newspaper nor that of the Editor in any manner. Post-mortem OPINION/EDITORIAL6 Nagaland Post VOL. XXXII NO. 264 DIMAPUR, MONDAY, AUGUST 29, 2022 NAGALAND POST, DIMAPUR MONDAY, AUGUST 29, 2022
Everyone within and beyond Nagaland sin cerely want the Naga political issue to get resolved since it has been lingering on for de cades without any visible achievement, territorially, economically and politically. Even the biggest visible achievement, courtesy the mediators who became negotiators, that led to creation of Nagaland state; did not lead to closure of the chapter. The movement continued on even with ups and downs mostly due to the obstinacy of those who could not imagine giving up an ideology even if that had caused and created several splits in the movement since 1968 etc. Today there are over a dozen groups or Naga political groups and most of who have signed cease fire agreements with the government of India. That is a reality which was witnessed at the first cease fire agreement in 1964, barely a year after Nagaland statehood. The NNC held a series of negotiations with the then prime minister Indira Gandhi from 1967 onwards. She was the most powerful leader in India and also much respected internationally those days. As the dominant leader of a dominant ruling party, Indira was willing to go the extra mile with the NNC/FGN negotiators in order to close the turbulent chapter through signing of a broad-based agreement under the constitution of India. However, as fate would have, the talks failed in 1968 as there was no meeting ground between the two sides but mostly owing to some gap supposedly created by a hawkish bureaucracy. When the second cease fire was signed in 1997 with the NSCN (I-M) there were high hopes that the issue would get resolved as the latter was the most potent of all groups. Thus in 1998 people wanted solution and political leaders also joined in so as not to miss out and agreed to boycott the elections. It was clear that as state politi cal leaders they had somehow failed to gauge the situation in order to apply their minds as solution was easier said than done. Except Congress all other parties chose to not participate in the 1998 election including BJP. Then in 2018 scores of public leaders had repeated the slogan ‘Solution Not Election’ as coined by this newspaper in 1998. In 2018 the BJP and the NDPP indicated that winning elections was a solution half done when they went to the polls. The then ruling NPF had no choice but to follow. Now its almost five years after the series of negotiations and three years after official talks concluded on Oc tober 31,2019 but there is no hint of solution, except promises. The NNPGs have said they are ready to effect any solution in Nagaland while NSCN (I-M) is insisting on its interpretation of the competen cies. The waiting has been in vain since 1998 and even 2018 and despite the clear promises of prime minister Narendra Modi for an early solution. The waiting appears indefinite and rightly, Naga public have expressed their resentment at a huge rally in Dimapur on August 5. The cat is out of the bag and clearly the conjunction of the NDPP-BJP on the 2003 promise of solution within three months is unmistakably exposed as rhetoric, slogan and am biguity while the issue could evolve into something many may not have imagined. Quotes “Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored.”
P reamble: The existing policy of the Nagaland Government on the surrender and rehabilitation of militants/insurgents is sought to be revised to make it more attractive for a person who may wish to join the mainstream. Though the policy focuses on encouraging militant cadres to surrender with standard pattern weapons, however, there is nothing to debar a cadre who does not hold a weapon from surrendering to the Government authorities.
2. This policy shall be applicable only to militants who are Indian na tionals. Surrendering foreign militants or cadres will not be eligible under the scheme. These cases will be treated as per relevant laws.
6. The District Level Screening Committee shall conduct a prelimi nary questioning of the surrenderee in the format prescribed as Annexure-II. In particular this Committee shall recommend and comment specifically on whether an individual is an active insurgent/ UG or not.
2. Horticulture Department — Floriculture, Cardamon plantation, Vegetable plantation having short gestation period.
The Purpose of Prayer
4. The initial surrender can take place at any of the authorities which the State Government may decide. However, it is proposed that the initial surrender would be permissible at any SDO or Police station level, ADC or SDPO level or at the offices of the DC or SP/SrSP. Surrenders can also take place at the posts/offices of the Assam Rifles or Security Forces or Central Paramilitary Forces in the State. Surrender can also be accepted by any senior formation of Police or Assam Rifles/SF.
10. The process between Sr. No. 5 to Sr. No. 9 above shall be completed within 30 days of the initial surrender excluding the journey time. 11. Meanwhile, in the interven ing period of 30 (Thirty) days, the Police and Security Forces shall, besides carrying out security and antecedent checks, also examine whether the weapons surrendered are ‘Serviceable standard pattern weapons’ and not country-made or spurious weapons. Group Surrender 12. It is proposed to encourage “Group13.Surrenders”.Whena‘Group Surrender’ takes place, the individual members in the group shall have to undergo the same procedure for ‘security clear ances and interrogation’ as may be applicable to an individual surrender. 14. The Government will provide additional incentives to the leaders of the groups where “group surrenders” take place. A surrender will be consid ered as a “group surrender” where the group consists of at least 5 persons. The group surrender policy will also apply to persons surrendering with arms and ammunitions. The leader of the group where specifically identified shall be eligible for an extra cash incentive be sides the normal rehabilitation package. Where the leader is not identifiable, the entire group may share the incentive amount15.equally.Incase of a group surrender where some of the cadres are without weapons, usually the stipend will not be paid to the cadres without weapons. However, such a stipend or rehabilita tion package shall only be paid once the identity and involvement of the cadres with the UG factions is estab lished beyond doubt (within 30 days of the16.surrender).Itisproposed to incentivize group surrenders based on the number of persons surrendering in a group.
8. The cadre shall promise “full disclosure” of antecedents at the time of surrender and interrogation. In the event of agencies concluding that the individual had provided false or incomplete information, the Gov ernment and agencies may propose reduction/ discontinuation in stipend or the rehabilitation package.

Workers prepare stones for the construction of Shri Ram Janmbhoomi temple, at a workshop in Ayodhya, Monday. (PTI)
Main structure of new Parliament completed: Tata Projects CEO coping with the challenge of high inflationary pressure, Pai said there are definitely challenges which most of the industries are facing as they rely on a lot on commodities. “So, one thing which we have to constantly look at is procuring smart. So, we have long-term contracts on a lot of our bulk material purchases we do,” Pai said. The other thing by now, he said, many of the con tracts have matured where the procurement agreements have price variation clauses. “So, that gives us pro tection, it might not really give us the full nature of the increase, but a good part of it gets mitigated by those clauses where we get support for that,” Pai said.
recently said that constitu tional institutions “can be bought”, but “how does one purchase the support of commonObjectingpeople”.to CM’s statements, Shahi said, “Soren should clarify un der what circumstances did he take the mining lease in his name and whether the Constitution permitted it.” The BJP has sought Soren’s disqualification for allegedly violating Section 9 (A) of the Representation
More than 40 percent of Ram temple construction work complete in Ayodhya
There were conspiracies to defame Gujarat: Modi country and the world. Re peated attempts were made to stop investment coming to Gujarat,” Modi said. He said Gujarat ig nored all efforts to defame it, defied the conspiracies and the state charted a new industrial new path of progress.“After the 2001 Kutch earthquake, in the midst of the destruction, I had spo ken about redevelopment of Kutch and we worked hard for it. In that hour of chal lenge, we had proclaimed that we will turn disaster into an opportunity and we achieved it. Today, you are witnessing the results,” he said.There were many who said Kutch won’t be able to recover from the earth quake, but people there have changed the scenario, he said. “When I say from the ramparts of the Red Fort that India will be a developed country by 2047, though you may see many deficiencies now, I can clearly visualise it. What we resolve today, we will surely realise in 2047,” Modi said. He said Gujarat be came the first state in the country to enact the Disas ter Management Act. “After drawing inspira tion from this Act, a similar law was made for the whole country. This Act helped ev ery government in the coun try during the COVID-19 pandemic,” said. Highlighting the in credible work done since Kutch’s devastation in 2001, Modi said the Kran tiguru Shyamji Krishna Verma Kachch University was formed in 2003 and more than 35 new colleges have also been established. He also talked about earthquake-proof district hospitals and more than 200 functional clinics in the area, and said every household gets clean water of the holy Narmada river, a far cry from those days of scarcity.Speaking about devel opment of the area after the earthquake, Modi said Kutch has the largest ce ment plants in the world today. It is second in the world regarding welding pipe manufacturing. “The world’s second largest tex tile plant is in Kutch. Asia’s first Special Economic Zone (SEZ) came up in Kutch. The Kandla and Mundra ports handle 30 per cent of India’s cargo and Kutch produces 30 per cent salt of the country,” he said. Remembering one of the ‘Panch Pran’ (five re solves) of “pride in our heri tage” that he proclaimed from the ramparts of the Red Fort, the prime min ister highlighted the pros perity and rich heritage of Kutch.The Smriti Van Me morial in Bhuj and Veer Bal Smarak at Anjar are symbols of the shared pain of Kutch, Gujarat and the entire country, said Modi who earlier in the day inau gurated the two memorials dedicated to nearly 13,000 victims of the 2001 Kutch earthquake.“Many emotions went through my heart today at the time of inaugurating the memorial. With all humility I may say that in commemorating the de parted souls, the Smriti Van Memorial is at par with the 9/11 memorial in the US and the Hiroshima Memo rial in Japan,” he said.
Asked if the input cost of construction has risen due to the Russia-Ukraine conflict, he said that the steel prices have gone up, and there are some special ity items including special ity steel which is getting delayed. “The oil prices have gone up, we have a lot of mobility requirements within our project site. We use a lot of diesel generators and equipment. “So, yes the input costs have gone up to some extent,” he said. Russia started its military offensive against Ukraine on February 24. Western nations, includ ing the U.S., have imposed major economic and other sanctions on Russia follow ing the aggression.
AYODHYA (UP), AUG 28 (PTI): More than 40 per cent of the construction of the Ram temple in Ayod hya has been completed within two years of the groundbreaking ceremony conducted by Prime Min ister Narendra Modi, ac cording to officials of the trust entrusted with the responsibility.Devotees from all over the world could pay obei sance to the deity from De cember 2023, Champat Rai, general secretary, Shri Ram Janmabhoomi Trust, told PTI. Construction as well as demolition activities for improving the roads around the temple are also on in full swing, the trust officials said. “More than 40 per cent of the temple construction work is complete. More than 80 per cent of the plinth work is done. Darshan at the temple is likely to start from December 2023,” Rai said. The next general elec tion in the country is sched uled to be held in 2024. Rai, who is stationed in Ayodhya and resides in Karsewak Puram, oversees the construction work, holds meetings and reviews the progress on a daily basis. Asked about the source of the money used in the con struction, Rai said, “Bhag wan ke karya ke liye dhan ki kya kami. Bhagwan ke charno me lakshmi baithi rehti hai (There cannot be any dearth of money for the cause of Accordinggod).” to the trust officials, a huge foundation is being laid in the soil to ensure the temple’s longev ity and stability for at least a thousand years. Talking about other civic work, they said a rectangular, twostorey parikrama road will be constructed, enclosing a total of eight acres of land including the area of the ??temple and its courtyard, and in its eastern part, there will be an entrance made of sandstone. White marble from the Makrana hills in Rajasthan will be used in side the sanctum sanctorum of the temple, they said. The marble-carving work is in progress and some of the carved marble blocks have already been brought to Ayodhya, the officials added.The quantity of stones used for the project is -around eight to nine lakh cubic feet of carved sand stone for the “parkota” (rampart), 6.37 lakh cubic feet of uncarved granite for the plinth, about 4.7 lakh cubic feet of carved pink sandstone for the main temple, 13,300 cubic feet of Makrana white carved marble for the construc tion of the sanctum sancto rum and 95,300 square feet of Makrana white carved marble for the flooring and cladding, they said.
NEW DELHI, AUG 28 (AGENCIES): The main structure of the new Par liament building has been completed and now the in ternal finishing work is going on, Tata Projects CEO and managing director Vinayak Pai said on Sunday. Tata Projects Ltd is constructing the new Parlia ment building which will have a grand constitution hall to showcase India’s democratic heritage, a lounge for members of Par liament, a library, multiple committee rooms, dining ar eas and ample parking space. “The main structure (of the new Parliament building) has been completed. We are now at the stage where we are doing a lot of internal finishing work,” Pai told PTI in an“...interview.itisone of its kind, so the finishes are very well thought out by the architects, procuring that and doing all the finishing,” he added. The government has maintained that the winter session of Parliament will be held in the new building being built under the Narendra Modi government’s ambitious Central Vista redevelopment project. Replying to a ques tion on how Tata Projects is
National Emblem seen on top of the under construction Parliament building , in New Delhi. (File photo)
NAGALAND POST, DIMAPUR MONDAY, AUGUST 29, 2022 NATIONAL 7 dc-976/22 GALAXY COACHING CENTRE (L.Chase Complex, Above ICICI Bank, Midland, DIMApur) Admission open For Class X & XII (Arts) Repeaters. Classes Started Girls Hostel Attached (Limited Seats) Contact : 9436002701, 9862227758 dc-977/22 SPOKEN ENGLISH EDUCATION Admissions are going on for the new classes of Spoken English. There are no restrictions of age or qualification. Anyone can take admission and join for this class. Male, Female, Educated, Uneducated, Young, Old all are eligible. Any timing can be given to anyone. All the classes are taken on one to one basis. Come and just give it a try. We have been helping many people since 2003 and we will help you also. To know the details, call us at 7005864412 S POKEN E NGLISH E DUCATION, Khermahal, dimapur, Neisatuo colony, Near Neingulie Memorial High School dp-3941/22 Admission Going On Class-10 & 12 (Arts) Repeaters. Hostel attached for both boys & girls in separate building with parental care & guidance. Contact : 9856857778 (or) 9862700227 Rainbow CoaChing CentRe Lengrijan H/No. 749. Dimapur : 797113. Nagaland. (Near Immanuel College) Estd – 2006 Class started Classes Mon-Fri. Saturdays Unit test. Limited Hostel seats Perfect place for overall development.-3955/22dp VJ'S COACHING CENTRE & HOSTEL D.C. COURT ROAD, DUNCAN, DIMAPUR ADMISSION GOING ON * Offer Intensive Coaching for the REPEATERS of * Class-X & XII (Science / Arts) * Hostel Attached for both BOYS & GIRLS (Separately) * SPECIAL HIGHLIGHTS : Hygienic food/Clean & Sanitized Room / 24x7 Power Backup Contact : 03862-248394/9436600530/8257880984 dp-3903/22 k-1877/22A -294/22CkM
Modi said he remem bers that when the Kutch earthquake occurred, he reached here on the second day itself.“Iwas not the chief minister of Gujarat then, I was a simple (BJP) party worker. I didn’t know in what way, and how many people I would be able to help. But I decided that I will be here among you all in that hour of grief. And when I became the chief minister, the experience of the service helped me a lot,” he said. BJP lashes out at Soren over his boat ‘picnic’ with MLAs
Jharkhand CM Hemant Soren with Jharkhand Congress In-charge Avinash Pandey in Ranchi, Sunday. (PTI)
BHUJ (GUJARAT), AUG 28 (PTI): Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday said there have been con spiracies to defame Gujarat and stop investments to his home state, but Gujarat ignored them and charted a new path of progress. He was addressing a rally after inaugurating and laying the foundation stone of development works in Kutch district ahead of Gu jarat elections slated later this year.Modi said he can clearly visualise that in spite of many deficiencies now, India will be a developed nation by 2047. The PM inaugurated and laid the foundation stone of projects worth about Rs 4,400 crore in Bhuj, including Kutch branch canal of the Sardar Sarovar project, new auto matic milk processing and packing plant of Sarhad Dairy, Regional Science Centre at Bhuj, Dr Babasa heb Ambedkar Convention Centre at Gandhidham, Veer Bal Smarak at Anjar and Bhuj 2 substation at Nakhatrana.“While Gujarat was dealing with natural calami ties one after the other, there were conspiracies hatched to defame Gujarat in the Narendra Modi addresses a public programme at KSKV University Ground, in Bhuj, Sunday. (PTI) RANCHI, AUG 27 (PTI): As the suspense over the fate of Jharkhand Chief Minister Hemant Soren continues to raise the po litical temperatures in the state, the opposition BJP on Sunday lashed out at him over his “picnic” on a boat with MLAs at Latratu dam in Khunti district the day before.Senior BJP leader Ba bulal Marandi said the CM was “busy enjoying a pic nic”, while the entire state machinery has ground to a halt.His colleague and for mer minister Bhanu Pratap Shahi demanded Soren’s resignation ahead of any formal declaration of his disqualification as an MLA by theThegovernor.ECis believed to have sent a missive recom mending disqualification of Soren as a legislator in a mining lease case by Governor Ramesh Bais on Friday. However, no action has been initiated so far. The ruling UPA al liance, led by the JMM, has however ruled out any resignation at this stage and asserted that it has the strength in the Assembly to continue its rule. The ruling JMMCongress-RJD coalition, worried by what they see as moves by the BJP to poach their alliance, had moved MLAs in three buses towards the Chhattisgarh border on Saturday only to make a U-turn in the eve ning to return to the state capital, after having spent a few hours at Latratu. “We had a fun-filled boat ride and picnic,” a senior Congress leader had claimed.Ina tweet sharing a photo of Soren’s boat ride along side that of a woman who was allegedly set on fire by a man in Dumka, Marandi said, “Both these pictures are from the same day... The ruling dispensa tion has no time to take care of you. If possible, please forgive us, Formerdaughter.”BJPminister and legislator Bhanu Pratap Shahi hit out at Soren, stat ing that he should resign on his own instead of attacking constitutional bodies. The CM had in a tweet of the People Act, 1951, which deals with disqualifi cation for government con tracts, by extending himself a mining lease. The clause states that “a person shall be disquali fied if, and for so long as, there subsists a contract entered into by him in the course of his trade or busi ness with the appropriate government for the sup ply of goods to, or for the execution of any works undertaken by, that govern ment”.The issue was referred to the governor and by him to the EC, as Article 192 of the Constitution states that on rulings regarding an MLA’s disqualification, the question shall be referred to the governor who in turn “shall obtain the opinion of the Election Commission and shall act according to such Sourcesopinion”.in Raj Bhavan said the poll panel has rec ommended the chief min ister’s disqualification as an MLA, but there has been no official confirmation on the matter as yet. The JMM and the Congress have maintained that they would firmly stand behind Soren.
Nigerian national, his Nagaland-born wife arrested J’khand crisis:
BALASORE (ODISHA), AUG 27 (PTI): Two more members of a gang – a Nigerian national and his Nagaland-born wife – were arrested from Delhi by the cyber wing of Balasore po lice for allegedly duping a man in the district after befriending him by using a fake social media profile, the state police said on Saturday. The fresh arrests were made after taking another Nigerian Samson Emeke Alika (39) into custody in the case on August 6, 2022, the policeAlikasaid. was arrested from New Delhi for alleg edly extorting Rs 30 lakh from the man in Odisha’s Balasore district through honey trap. Based on the in formation provided by him, the couple – Emmanuel Na mani (35) and Suchim Tikhir (32) were apprehended, the policeThesaid.cyber police sta tion of Balasore had started investigation following ta complaint by the victim in January this year that he was duped by a foreigner through a honey trap. Speak ing on the couple’s modus operandi, a senior police officer said Namani used the name and photo of a woman reportedly from the UK and befriended the unsuspecting man through a fake Facebook profile. He would chat over Facebook and even offered the victim valuable gifts. After such conversations Tikhir would call up the person, identify herself as a customs officer and demand charges to dis patch the gifts. She also warned the victim that if he did not pay the charges, he would be penalized.Thepolice suspect that the couple had defrauded moreRspersons.sixlakh in cash, two laptops, passports, nine mo bile phones and gold chains have been seized from the couple, the police officer said. The couple were ar rested under various sections of the Indian Penal Code and the IT Act by Balasore police and brought here on transit remand on Saturday.

NEW DELHI, AUG 28 (IANS): Aviation regula tor Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) has received requests to deregister two more B737 aircraft leased to the carrier SpiceJet.The requests for dereg istration have been made by Irish lessor Horizon Avia tion. This is the third such instance in which the regu lator received deregistration requests of aircrafts in the past few weeks leased to SpiceJet. In the present case, the DGCA received the re quests of deregistration of aircrafts on August 25 and both the planes are stationed at NewTheDelhi.deregistration re quests of flights has been filed under DeregistrationIrrevocableandExport Request Authorisations (IDERA) and sources said that it is usually filed if a les sor and airline fail to reach a paymentEarlier,negotiation.thebudget car rier SpiceJet had said that it plans to replace all its older Boeing aircraft with the new Max model in a phased manner and till the next calendar year, it will induct around 20 new Max planes into its fleet. Deregistration process is generally allowed after the aviation regulator checks if the aircraft has any pending dues from tax authorities and airports. The government has taken measures to strength en the ecosystem for aircraft leasing and financing in India.
Asked about the de molition cost, Arora said Supertech is paying ` 17.5 crore to Edifice Engineer ing, which was tasked with safely pulling down the structures, including the premium amount for a `100-crore insurance cover. In addition, there are several other costs associated with the demolition.Edificehad roped in South African experts Jet Demolitions for the project. In August last year, the Supreme Court had ordered demolition of the twin tow ers and directed that the entire amount of homebuy ers has to be refunded with 12 per cent interest from the time of the booking. The Supreme Court has also ordered that the Residents Welfare Associa tion be paid `2 crore for the harassment caused due to the construction of the twin towers.The court had said the construction of Supertech’s twin 40-storey towers having 915 flats and 21 shops was done in collusion with the NoidaSeparately,Authority.Supertech said in a statement that the demolition would not impact its other projects, “We have completed and given delivery of more than 70,000 units to homebuy ers and are committed to give delivery to remaining homebuyers as per schedule time frame. We assure all our home buyers that the order of Supreme Court will not affect any other ongoing project and all other projects will continue,” it added.
Rs 500 cr lost in demolition of Noida Twin Towers: Supertech Bitcoinbelowplunges$20K Diesel export falls 11% in July on levy of windfall profit tax
Plot For Sale 1. Zeliangrong Village ‘B’ Dhobinala Area – 20/55 2. Burma Camp, North Block Sunrise Colony, Dimapur. Area 50/100 Price Negotiable 3. Both Road Attached. Only genuine customers may contact : 7005461409 DP-4048/22 Land For SaLe Area : 100 Puras Price : Rs. 3.2 Cr Location : Niuland Dist. Contact : 6909809994 DP-4047/22 Land For SaLe Near Viola DimapurColony Area / Plots available as per Budget Contact : 8732002080 DP-4043/22 Job Vacancy Shreya Tele Media Pvt Ltd is recruiting 10 Male & 7 Female for various official permanent post for expanding New Branches in major District of Nagaland. Selected candidate's will take 6-8 months Training. Post: Office Staff, Asst Manager & Branch Qualification:Manager.HSLC to Graduate. Free Accommodation for selected Timecandidates:9am to 2 Pm Walk in interview at Kohima: Tuensang:Chumukedima:879877218869096180099366848447 K-1959/22 Wanted B.SC NuRSiNG TuTOR FOR SCHOOL OF NuRSiNG Contact : 7010098137,6001447976 DP-4050/22 -4045/22DP LAND FOR SALE @ Dimapur Primeland Location : ½ kms away from Dimapur Government College Highway Size : 1) 40 x 50 (2000 sq. ft.) 2) 40 x 78.5 (3140 sq. ft.) 3) 80 x 121.5 (9720 sq. ft.) INTERESTED PERSONS CAN KINDLY CONTACT : 9362619411/ 8798439412 -3994/22DP Land For Urgent SaLe 1. Kushiabill Sec-iV -3 Bighas 2. Lengrijan (1 Plot of Land) 3. indisen (Ao’s only) (1 Plot of Land) Contact No. : 7005424879 DP-4008/22 952/22c-D land For Sale at Old Showuba residential area, roads attached. Plots of various sizes available, @ Rs. 220/- per sq. ft. (Slightly Negotiable). Contact Nos. : 96128298727005431345 DB-932/22 For Urgent SaLe Tata Yodha Pickup 8500 km only 9862483710Contact:/8794824462-941/22DB 1. MBBS/BDS/MDS/MD/VETERINARY (Direct admission in top medical & veterinary colleges in India with affordable package) 2. B.ED & M.ED (Available in Govt. University for both attending & Nonattending mode) Recognized & approved by UGc & NcTE 3. Other courses: Engineering all branches, Agri, Pharma. D B. Pharma, forestry, horticulture, Fishery, Nursing, Paramedical, BPT. 4. Distance Courses: BA, MA, B.Sc, M.Sc., & others ADMISSION OPEN 2022 EDUAIDE CAREER COUNSELING: 8700695549; 9718225382 -3166/22DP 8 NAGALAND POST, DIMAPUR MONDAY, AUGUST 29, 2022BUSINESS ACROSS 4 Group of seven (6) 7 Word for word (8) 8 Slumbering (6) 10 Pass on (5) 13 Squalid dwelling (4) 14 Inform (4) 15 Body powder (4) 16 Vehicle (3) 17 Prissy (4) 19 Fling (4) 21 Sausage (9) 23 Snatch (4) 24 Singlet (4) 26 Cook in oil (3) 27 Unruly child (4) 29 Heroic (4) 32 Fly high (4) 33 Conceit (5) 34 Stockings (6) 35 Fatherly (8) 36 Gems (6) DOWN 1 Prevent (5) 2 Cave-dweller (5) 3 Country’s warships (4) 4 Little (5) 5 Hand part (4) 6 Full view (6) 9 For example (4,2) 11 Fish (3) 12 Greek letter (5) 13 Tea urn (7) 15 Gratuity (3) 16 Underwear item (3) 18 Strip of fabric (6) 20 Complete (5) 21 Sob (3) 22 Permit (3) 23 Breakwater (6) 25 Concealed (3) 28 Coarse files (5) 30 Apron (5) 31 Musical instrument (5) 32 Painful (4) 33 Jetty (4) Crossword No. 10377 Yesterday’s solution No. 10376 Su doku No. 4999 Yesterday’s solution No. 4998
MUMBAI, AUG 28 (IANS): The bidders for Reliance Capital assets have to submit their financial bids by August 29 (Monday), as the final deadline for the submission of bids ends tomorrow.Thebidders will sub mit their final non-binding indicative bids under two options. Under option 1, bidders can bid for Reliance Capital as a Core Investment Company (CIC), while the second option gives the bid ders freedom to buy RCAP’s different business clusters, either individually or in combination.Thoughthe lenders are more keen to sell Reliance Capital as a company (CIC) than individual businesses separately.Thedeadline for the submission of bids has been extended five times in the past by the lenders. The timeline for the completion of Reliance Capital’s resolution process has also been extended twice by the lenders. Now, the fi nal deadline to complete the process is 1 November 2022. At the beginning of the resolution process of Reliance Capital, over 54 companies had submitted Expression of Interest (EOI) for its various assets, but now there are only a handful of bidders actively engaged with the AccordingAdministrator.tothebank ing sources, out of the 54 EOIs received initially, cur rently only four-five bidders including Piramal Group and Yes Bank are actively engaged in the resolution process of Reliance Capital. Due to the poor re
NEW DELHI AUG 28 (PTI): India’s diesel exports fell by 11 per cent in July and overseas shipment of petrol dropped by 4.5 per cent after the government slapped a windfall profit tax on such sales, official data showed. Diesel exports dropped to 2.18 million tonnes in July from 2.45 million tonnes a month back, data from the Oil Ministry’s Petroleum Planning and Analysis Cell (PPAC)Similarly,showed. petrol ex ports fell to 1.1 million tonnes from 1.16 million tonnes in IndiaJune.first imposed windfall profit taxes on July 1, joining a growing number of nations that taxes super normal profits of energy companies. Export duties of Rs 6 per litre were levied on petrol and aviation tur bine fuel and Rs 13 a litre on diesel.Theduties were partial ly adjusted in three rounds on July 20, August 2 and August 19, and have now been removed for petrol, with Rs 7 per litre and Rs 2 per litre remaining for diesel and ATF, respectively. The export levies helped ease the strain on domestic fuel supply. The levies were aimed at deter ring firms like Reliance Industries Ltd and Russia’s Rosneft-backed Nayara En ergy from choosing overseas markets for their fuel they make instead of supplying locally. With state-owned fuel retailers Indian Oil Corporation (IOC), Bharat Petroleum Corporation Ltd (BPCL) and Hindustan Pe troleum Corporation Ltd (HPCL), which control 90 per cent of the market, de ciding to sell petrol and diesel at substantial losses to help government curb in flation, private fuel retailers choose international market to sell fuel instead of selling locally at loss. This together with bulk buyers like state transport buses queuing up stateowned oil companies’ petrol pumps instead of paying a higher market price for direct purchase, led to retail outlets in several states run ning out of fuel. The export duties and regulation mandating pref erence to local supplies over exports brought normalcy at petrol pumps. International oil prices shot up following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in February, sending cracks or margins on fuels like petrol and diesel to record highs.In July, India exported 4.68 million tonnes of pe troleum products, 82 per cent of which was petrol, diesel and ATF. ATF exports were marginally down to 583,000 tonnes in July from 591,000 tonnes in the previ ous month, the PPAC data showed.Diesel exports in March touched the second highest level of 3.36 mil lion tonnes, before tapering to 2.7 million tonnes in the following month. They rose to 3.05 million tonnes in May and fell to 2.45 million tonnes in June. The highest ever amount of diesel was ex ported in April 2020 when 3.4 million tonnes of the fuel was shipped. Petrol exports peaked at 1.6 million tonnes in March.
sponse, the Committee of Creditors (COC) even waived off the condition of paying Rs. 75 Cr. Earnest Money Deposit (EMD), in the first submission date. The bidders major concerns have been regard ing the treatment of three important business clus ters of Reliance Capital i.e. Reliance Commercial Finance (RCF), Reliance Home Finance (RHF) and Reliance General Insurance Company (RGIC). Both RCF and RHF had gone through a sepa rate resolution process with Authum Investment and Infrastructure, much be fore RCAP was referred to NCLT. On the other hand, the shares of Reliance Gen eral Insurance, which is the most valuable asset in the entire business portfolio of RCAP, are held by IDBI Trusteeship on the behalf of Credit Suisse. IDBI Trustee ship has refused to release these shares for the ongo ing NCLT-led resolution process.To allay the concerns of the bidders regarding the RCF and RHF, the COC has proposed that both the entities will be held in a separate Trust for the Au thum Investment and Infra structure’s resolution. The combined debt of these two entities - RCF and RHF is around Rs. 25,000 Cr. The proposed Trust structure would ensure that the bid ders of RCAP do not have to deal with this debt. The debt of RCAP is around Rs. 20,000TheCr.Trust structure would ensure that out of Rs 45,000 crore debt, the Rs 25,000 crore debt of RCF and RHF is excluded from this resolution process.
Capital to be submitted today
Demolition of Supertech’s twin towers in Noida, Sunday.
4023 Yesterday’s solution No. 4022
DGCA receives deregistration requests of two SpiceJet aircrafts
NEW DELHI, AUG 28 (IANS): After showing some stabilisation in the last few weeks, world’s largest cryptocurrency Bitcoin has plunged once again below $20,000 after Federal Re serve Chair Jerome Powell’s keynote mediatocryptoniesture,optimismreachednascentleadingincurrenciesandingtobilised$68,000reachedue60coinaroundSunday,nosedivedPowell’sshowedBitcoinaddress.initiallylittlereactiontoremarks,butthensharplyandonitwashovering$19,975perdigitalwhichismorethatpercentdropinitsvalsincelastyearwhenitarecord-highofinNovember.Bitcoinpriceshadstaaroundthe$23,000$24,000levelafterplungbelow$20,000inJune.Thepricesofethereumotherleadingdigitalhavealsoralliedthepasttwomonths,tohopesthatthismarketmayhaveitsbottom.Butthecouldbepremaandfleeting.Compawithdirecttiestothelandscapecontinuestruggle,accordingtoreports.
Financial Bids for Reliance
NOIDA, AUG 28 Realty firm Super tech Ltd has incurred a loss of about ` 500 crore, including construction and interest costs, because of the demolition of its twin tow ers in Noida, the company’s chairman RK Arora said on Sunday, reports NDTV. The nearly 100-metretall twin towers -- Apex and Ceyane -- were demolished at 2.30 pm on Sunday as per a Supreme Court order that found their construc tion within Emerald Court premises in violation of norms. More than 3,700 kgs of explosives were used in this operation. The cost of the demolition itself is estimated at about `20 crore. “Our overall loss is around ` 500 crore, taking into account the amount we have spent on land and con struction cost, the charges paid to authorities for vari ous approvals, interest paid to banks over the years and the 12 per cent interest paid back to buyers of these two towers, among other costs,” Mr Arora told PTI. These twin towers were part of Supertech’s Emarald Court project at Sector 93 A on Noida Expressway. The current market value of over 900 apartments in the two towers is being estimated at over `700 Aroracrore.said the total built up area in these two towers was around 8 lakh square“Wefeet.constructed these towers as per the building plan approved by the Noida development authority,” he added.

BEIJING, AUG 28 (AGENCIES): China’s military said on Sunday it was monitoring U.S. Navy vessels sailing through the Taiwan Strait, maintain ing a high alert and ready to defeat any provocations.TheU.S. Navy said the guidedmissile cruisers USS Antietam and USS Chancellorsville conducted a “routine Taiwan Strait transit” on Sunday, in accordance with international law. The United States has no formal diplomatic relations with Taiwan but is bound by law to provide the island with the means to defend itself. China has never ruled out using force to bring Taiwan under its control. Taiwan says the People’s Repub lic of China has never ruled the island and so has no claim to it, and that only Taiwan’s 23 million people can decide their future.
UK PM Race: Rishi’s California references may impact chances Libya clashes death toll rises to 32, and 159 wounded
According to the re port, when the Queen ar rived in Scotland last month for a 10-week holiday she had hoped to make the journey south once the new prime minister is elected and her Windsor Castle resi dence in Berkshire had been earmarked for the tradition al constitutional ceremony. It is very rare for any British monarch not to anoint a new prime minister at Buckingham Palace or Windsor Castle. Back in 1952, the Queen conducted the ceremony with her first prime minister Winston Churchill at Heathrow after she flew back from Africa as a new monarch following her father King George VI’s death.Every other prime min ister since has travelled to Buckingham Palace.
Mohammad Yaqoob Mujahid II
LONDON, AUG 28 (PTI): Former UK Chan cellor and prime ministerial hopeful Rishi Sunak’s team feels his references to the Silicon Valley in California early on in the campaign to succeed Boris Johnson as British Prime Minister may have impacted his chances in the Conservative Party leadership contest. The Daily Telegraph’ quotes sources within Su nak’s Ready4Rishi cam paign team to claim that it was when he mentioned California for the third time in less than 10 minutes that they felt things were not going the right way. On stage at one of the early hustings at East bourne on August 5 to lure Tory members voting be tween Sunak and Foreign Secretary Liz Truss, the British Indian former min ister answered a question about the career he would choose as a young graduate by reflecting on the culture of enterprise he saw while living on the West Coast of the US between 2004 and 2006.Ithink it’s incredibly inspiring and empowering. If I was a young person, I’d want to go and do some thing like that, he replied. Staff back at his cam paign headquarters in cen tral London felt his fo cus on California showed he was out of touch and summed up his failure to win over grassroots Tory members as polls showed members backing Truss by more than two to one. People started to say that it wasn’t going to hap pen now and he wasn’t connecting with voters in the room, a source on the campaign told the news paper.
ISLAMABAD, AUG 28 (PTI): A five-judge bench of the Islamabad high court will hear the contempt case against Pakistan’s former prime minister Imran Khan for his controversial remarks threatening a female judge during a rally, a media report said on Sunday. The bench - headed by Is lamabad high court Chief Justice Athar Minallah - comprises Justice Mohsin Akhtar Kayani, Justice Miangul Hassan Aurangzeb, Jus tice Tariq Mehmood Jahangiri, and Justice Babar Sattar, the Dawn newspaper reported. Initially, the case was heard by a three-member bench. The court, however, for warded the matter to the IHC Chief Justice seeking the inclusion of more judges on the bench, the report said. The IHC on Tuesday issued a show-cause notice to Paki stan Tehreek-e-insaf (PTI) chair man Khan and summoned him in his personal capacity on August 31 in contempt proceedings for threatening the district and ses sions court judge Zeba Chaudhry. At a rally here in F-9 Park on August 20, Khan threatened to file cases against Islamabad’s inspec tor general of police and deputy inspector general of police and declared: “We won’t spare you.” He then warned the judiciary for its “biased” attitude towards his party, saying that it should brace itself for the consequences.
18 killed
The new death toll came a day after the prime minister, Shehbaz Sharif, asked for international help in battling deadly flood damage. More than 33 million people have been displaced.Theauthority’s report the previous day said 45 people were killed in floodrelated incidents from Fri day of Paki stan have become inac cessible, and rescuers are struggling to evacuate thousands of marooned people from flood-affect ed areas. Balochistan and Sindh provinces are the worst-affected areas.
ISLAMABAD, AUG 28 (AGENCIES): The ca sualties from monsoon flooding in Pakistan since June has reached 1,033, ac cording to figures released Sunday by the country’s National Disaster Manage ment Authority (NDMA). It said 119 people had died in the previous 24 hours as heavy rains con tinued to lash parts of the country.
Local media report ed late on Saturday that the Kach dam near Ziarat city, 80 miles from Quetta, Balochistan’s capital, had broken due to heavy flood
KIKWIT, DR CONGO, AUG 28 (AFP): Eighteen people were killed in clashes between two communi ties in western Democratic Republic of Congo earlier this month, according to a government report seen by AFP FightingSunday. broke out be tween the Yaka and Teke people following a dispute over taxes and land, people in Mai-Ndombe province told AFP. Members of the Teke community consider themselves the original in habitants of villages spread over 200 kilometres (124 miles) along the Congo River. In early August there was knifepoint fighting with the Yaka community, who settled afterwards, in the town of Kwamouth, about 100 kilometres from the capital“InKinshasa.theconflict be tween the Yaka and Teke in the province of MaiNdombe, 18 people were killed, including nine on the side of Yaka of Masia, including the chief of the land and his wife,” said Culture Minister Catherine Kathungu in the minutes of the Council of Ministers. She added: “175 hous es were burnt down and an AK47 weapon belong ing to an element of the Congolese National Police was taken away by the Teke assailants”. Rita Bola, the governor of Mai-Ndombe province, said Kwamouth was “calm now”. “The army is now de ployed all around to secure the population”, Bola said. Members of the Yaka community had refused to pay a “customary royalty” to traditional Teke chiefs, said Abbe Felicien Boduka, president of the Justice and Peace Commission of the diocese of Inongo in MaiNdombe. in western DR clashes: government
COLOMBO, AUG 28 (IANS): Prime Minister of Sri Lanka Dinesh Gunawar dena told an International Monetary Fund (IMF) team led by Peter Breuer and Masahiro Nozaki that the country’s social security net needs to be enhanced when an agreement is reached with the IMF. In a press statement re leased on Sunday, the Prime Minister’s Media Division said the country is facing the biggest economic and social crisis since independence, Xinhua news agency report ed. The Prime Minister told the IMF delegation that Sri Lanka has taken steps to cut down on imports and boost exports. “The poor are the most adversely affected by the crisis. We need to pro vide them social welfare dur ing the economic reforms,” Gunawardena told the IMF delegation. Prime Minister’s Media Division said IMF’s Masahiro Nozaki agreed that the welfare of vulner able groups is important when making plans for debt restructuring and economic revitalisation.
The Zaporizhzhia plant, Europe’s largest nuclear facility, has been occupied by Russian troops. (Reuters File)
Queen Elizabeth
ing – putting lives of local residents at risk. Other dams in the area have also reportedly been damaged. There were also re ports that protesters had blocked the Indus High way, the only safe pas sage between Hyderabad and Karachi and northern Sindh and the rest of Paki stan at Naseerabad. The protesters claim the local lawmakers have endan gered the population by diverting floodwater. The annual monsoon is essential for irrigating crops and replenishing lakes and dams across the Indian subcontinent, but each year it also brings a wave of Officialsdestruction.saythis year’s monsoon flooding has af fected more than 33 mil lion people -- one in seven Pakistanis -- destroying or badly damaging nearly a millionThehomes.NDMA said more than two million acres of cultivated crops have been wiped out, 3,451 kilometres (2,150 miles) of roads destroyed, and 149 bridges washed away.
A final decision on whether she stays on will be announced publicly next week because the outgoing and incoming prime minis ters need advance notice, the newspaper said. It would be the first time in living memory that the so-called “kissing of the hands” of the monarch by the leader of the majority party in Parliament happens outside London or Windsor. “The Queen has now been advised not to travel,” ‘The Sun’ quoted a source as saying.“But obviously no one tells the Queen what to do and ultimately it is her deci sion, and as we saw when she made a third appearance on the Buckingham Palace balcony at the Jubilee she likes surprises. There are some parts of her role that Prince Charles can do on her behalf but the Queen is adamant that she appoints the Prime Minister,” the source“Itsaid.may not be the best choice to make the Queen travel 1,000 miles there and back for a 48-hour visit when the prime ministers can easily get to Balmoral instead,” the source added.
In a historic first, Britain’s Queen Eliza beth II is likely to conduct the traditional ceremony to appoint a newly elected leader as the country’s prime minister at her Balmoral Castle residence in Scot land, according to a media report on Friday. The 96-year-old mon arch, who has been experi encing age-related mobility issues, is on her annual sum mer vacation in Scotland. ‘The Sun’ newspaper claims that secret plans have been drawn up for her to receive either former Chan cellor Rishi Sunak or foreign secretary Liz Truss at her Balmoral base rather than make the journey down to Buckingham Palace in London or Windsor Castle in south-east England.
Pakistan flood toll crosses 1,000
The new Conservative Party leader will be elected on September 5 and is then scheduled for an audience with the Queen the day after to be formally appointed as Boris Johnson’s successor at 10 Downing Street.
The PTI chairman also warned additional district and sessions judge Chaudhry, who had approved the two-day physical remand of Khan’s aide Shahbaz Gill on the request of the Islam abad police, that she would also face dire consequences. Gill was arrested a fortnight ago on charges of sedition. The show-cause notice to Khan mentioned that the state ment was made in a sub judice matter to get ‘favourable’ verdict and prima facie, this act was tan tamount to obstructing the course of justice and due process and undermining public confidence in the court of law.
People wade through a flooded area after heavy rains in Charsadda district, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province. (Arshad Arbab/EPA)
KABUL, AUG 28 (AGEN CIES): Afghan defence min ister Mohammad Yaqoob Mujahid accused Pakistan on Sunday of providing air space for US drones to enter his country, characterising the incursions as a continu ation of Washington’s “inva sion”.Mujahid’s comments came less than a month af ter US President Joe Biden announced the killing of Al-Qaeda chief Ayman alZawahiri in a drone strike in Kabul.USdrones continued to be seen flying over Kabul even now, Mujahid said. “Our information shows that they (US drones) are entering into Afghani stan from Pakistan, using the airspace of Pakistan,” Mujahid told reporters when asked where the drones were coming“Wefrom.demand that Paki stan should not allow its air space to be used against us.” There was no imme diate response to Muja hid’s comments from the Pakistani military, but it has previously denied allowing the country’s airspace to be used, most recently over the ZawahiriDeployingcase. these drones into Afghanistan is “still a clear invasion of Afghani stan and its airspace by the Americans”, Mujahid said. “They are doing this shamelessly. We condemn this illegal act and demand that the Americans put an end toTheit.”United States led an invasion of Afghanistan in 2001 that toppled the first Taliban government, after the hardline Islamist group refused to hand over the late Al-Qaeda founder Osama bin Laden following the 9/11 Theattacks.drone attack in July that killed Zawahiri, bin Laden’s successor, was the first known strike by the US on a target in Afghanistan since Washington withdrew its forces from the country on August 31 last year. Mujahid said the au thorities were investigating Biden’s claims of killing Zawahiri.“We will share the de tails when it is complete,” he said.Officials have neither confirmed Zawahiri’s pres ence in Afghanistan nor acknowledged his death. Border tensions be tween Pakistan and Af ghanistan have risen since the Taliban seized power on August 15 last year, with Islamabad claiming militant groups are carrying out regular attacks from the neighbouring country. The Taliban govern ment deny harbouring Paki stani militants, but are also infuriated by a fence Islam abad is erecting along their 2,700-kilometre (1,600-mile) border known as the Durand line, which was drawn up in colonial times.
TRIPOLI, AUG 28 (AFP): Clashes between backers of Libya’s rival governments killed at least 32 people, the health ministry said Sunday in a new toll, after a battle that sparked fears of major new conflict.Armed groups had exchanged fire that dam aged several hospitals and set buildings on fire starting Friday evening, the worst fighting in the Libyan capi tal since a landmark 2020 ceasefire.Acautious calm had set in by Saturday evening, an AFP correspondent said. The fighting came af ter months of mounting tensions between backers of Abdulhamid Dbeibah and Fathi Bashagha, whose rival administrations are vying for control of the North African country which has seen more than a decade of violence since a 2011 uprising.
Pak providing airspace for drones, accuses Afghan minister Ukraine on edge as Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant, nearby towns shelled shells fired by the Ukrainian artillery in two separate at tacks landed on the nuclear plant’s“Atgrounds.present, full-time technical personnel are monitoring the technical condition of the nuclear plant and ensuring its opera tion. The radiation situation in the area of the nuclear power plant remains nor mal,” he said in a statement. The United Nations and Kyiv have called for a withdrawal of military equipment and personnel from the plant to ensure it is not aKulebatarget. said that Rus sian forces had turned the plant into military base, putting the whole continent at risk, and had no busi ness being there. “Russian military must get out of the plant,” he said on Twitter. The U.N. nuclear watchdog IAEA is waiting for clearance for its officials to visit the plant, which its head said on Thursday should be “very, very close”. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy warned on Friday the situ ation at Zaporizhzhia re mained “very risky” a day after it took hours to recon nect two of its reactors to the grid after shelling cut themOnoff. Ukraine’s eastern front, Ukrainian forces halted the latest Russian attempt to advance on the town of Sloviansk, Kyiv’s military said in its daily report.
China says it is monitoring us navy in Taiwan strait
KYIV, AUG 28 (RE UTERS): Russian artillery fired at Ukrainian towns across the river from the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant overnight, local of fiicals said on Sunday, add ing to residents’ anguish as reports of shelling around the plant fuelled fears of a radiationRussia’sdisaster.defence min istry said on Sunday there was more Ukrainian shell ing of the plant over the past 24 hours, just a day after Moscow and Kyiv traded accusations of targeting Eu rope’s biggest nuclear plant, which has prompted grave international hotspotshaserntheruntroopsaboutitcompanyUkrainianconcern.nuclearEnergoatomsaidhadnonewinformationattacksontheplant.CapturedbyRussianinMarch,butstillbyUkrainianstaff,complexonthesouthfrontlineofthewarbeenoneofthemajorinthesix-monthold conflict.Regional governor Oleksandr Starukh said on Telegram on Sunday that Russian forces struck residential buildings in the region’s main city of Zapor izhzhia, about a two-hour drive from the plant, and the town of Orikhiv further east. On Saturday, Starukh told Ukrainian television residents were being taught how to use iodine in case of a radiationUkraine’sleak.military re ported shelling of nine more towns in the area on the opposite side of the Dnipro river from the plant in its daily report, while the RIA agency quoted the Russian defence ministry as saying its air force struck a Motor Sich plant in the region where helicopters were re paired. Reuters could not verify those KonashenkovMinistryRussianreports.DefencespokesmanIgorsaidnine
Military vehicles of the Libyan armed unit, 444 Brigade, prepare to enter Tripoli, Saturday. (REUTERS) Dbeibah’s adminis tration, installed in the capital as part of a United Nations-led peace process after the end of the last ma jor battle in 2020, has so far prevented Bashagha from taking office there, arguing that the next administra tion should be the product of elections.Bashagha was ap pointed by Libya’s easternbased parliament earlier this year and is backed by powerful eastern mili tary chief Khalifa Haftar, whose 2019 attempt to seize the capital by force turned into a year-long civil war.Bashagha, a former interior minister, had ini tially ruled out the use of violence to take power in Tripoli but had since hinted that he could resort to force.Libya plunged into chaos following the 2011 overthrow and killing of dictator Moamer Kadhafi in a Western-backed upris ing, with myriad armed groups and foreign powers moving to fill the power vacuum.Certain armed groups seen as neutral in the latest crisis had moved to back Dbeibah this weekend to push back Bashagha’s sec ond attempt to enter the capital.Both sides exchanged blame on Saturday while world powers appealed for calm. The UN’s Libya mission called for “an im mediate cessation of hos tilities”, citing “ongoing armed clashes including indiscriminate medium and heavy shelling in civil ian-populated neighbour hoods”.
Queen Elizabeth may appoint new PM in Scotland in historic first
Five-member Islamabad HC bench to try Imran for contempt proceedings: Report
SL PM stresses need to protect poor to IMF delegation

Diana’s Ford escort car sold at auction T
Shakti Kapoor says Shraddha, Ananya earned fame though hard work
he next album by The Beatles to get a remix and bonusfilled boxed-set treatment is Revolver.AppleCorps, not to be confused with Apple Inc, and Universal Music have confirmed that a deluxe cel ebration of the 1966 release -- which, like the Beatle boxes that have preceded it, will include a Giles Martin remix -- is in the pipeline for this fall, reports Variety’. An official announce ment is not expected to come until some time in September, at which point details about the deluxe package’s content and a release date will be an nounced.According to Variety’, Revolver’ had been widely speculated among fans as the next in the Previously,series.theboxed sets and remixes in the series started with 1967’s Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band’ and continued chronologically with 1968’s ‘White Album’, 1969’s Ab bey Road’ and, last year, 1970’s Let It Be’. Having reached the end of the Beatles’ road as a group with that last release, it made sense that the series might go back to Revolver,’ the album before Sgt. Pepper,’ and possibly work backward in time from there -- although the keepers of the Beatles’ catalogue always refrain from confirming plans for future years in advance.
B ollywood actor Shakti Kapoor reveals how his daughter Shrad dha Kapoor and Chunky Panday’s daughter Ananya Panday have to work tire lessly to establish them selves in the entertainment industry. He shares that to earn name and fame one need to work hard and there is no easy way to do so. He said: “I must say if you don’t work hard in your life, then you can’t become an inspiration for others. In fact, our daughters - Ananya and Shraddha, have become popular faces in the film industry all because of their hard work and struggle. It is not because they are daugh ters of Chunky Panday and ShaktiShaktiKapoor.”further recalls how Shraddha gave her best to do well in Remo D’Souza’s directorial film ‘ABCD“Remo2’. is sitting next to me, and he knows that it was not easy for anyone to do ‘ABCD 2’, but my daughter actually pulled it off. I remember she used to come back home with cuts and bruises on her foot, she used to have back pains after rehearsing for so many hours, so clearly, she has done a lot of hard work for her movies and has earned stardom and respect,” he adds.
The Beatles’ 1966 release ‘Revolver’ to be remixed, re-released
MYK C MYK C 10 INFOTAINMENT NAGALAND POST, DIMAPUR MONDAY, AUGUST 29, 2022 db-892/22 db-941/22 The Award intends to identify and felicitate the change makers who are making the community a better place Seek initiatives that mobilise inspire and connect people to drive action towards a more sustainable future Winners will be awarded cash prize of INR 50 000 memento and certificate @sdgccnagaland Economic Sustainability Social & Community Upliftment Environmental Sustainability Any individual/ organisation / institution contributing towards achievement of SDGs in the State Award Categories: Who can apply: For details & to apply: https://bit ly/ActionAward Contact us: Last date of application: 18 Sept 2022 SDG Coordination Centre, Planning & Coordination Department, Government of Nagaland presents NAGALAND SDG ACTION AWARDS 2022 Celebrating actions in making a better Nagaland dc-979/22 Here's a chance to win INR 4 Lakh and turn your idea into reality! 'The 4 most innovative projects will be selected' SDG INNOVATION PARTICIPATORY ACTION RESEARCH INITIATIVE 2.0 Do you have an innovative project to impact the SDGs in your community? For details & to apply: https://bit ly/SDGIPAR2 Last date of application: 18 Sept 2022 Contact us: @sdgccnagaland SDG Coordination Centre Planning & Coordination Department Government of Nagaland presents dc-980/22
P eople who nap fre quently have a 12% higher chance of having high blood pressure and a 24% higher chance of having a stroke than people who never or rarely nap, according to a study published in Hypertension, a journal of the American China studied information from UK Biobank, a biomedical database containing ge netic, lifestyle, and health information from half a million people between the ages of 40 and 69 who lived in the United Kingdom, the AHA said in a news release. Taking naps is not harmful in itself but may indicate people aren’t get ting enough sleep at night, a sleep expert who wasn’t involved in the study says in the news release.
“Poor sleep at night is associated with poorer health, and naps are not enough to make up for that,” said Michael Grand ner, director of the Behav ioral Sleep Medicine Clinic at the surestrokealcoholsmokedthattheorparedandmentheyofissues.”withincreasedmoregenerallyechoesson,MedicalBanner-UniversityCenterinTucArizona.“ThisstudyotherfindingsthatshowthattakingnapsseemstoreflectriskforproblemshearthealthandotherAhigherpercentageparticipantswhosaidusuallytooknapswerewithlowereducationincomelevelscomtopeoplewhoneversometimestooknaps,releasesaid.Thegroupusuallytooknapsalsocigarettes,drankdaily,andsnored.Peoplewhohadhadaorhighbloodpreswereexcludedfrom
Frequent Napping Linked to High Blood Pressure, Stroke 2019 and self-reported their napping frequency as “nev er/rarely,” “sometimes,” or “usually.”Lastmonth, the AHA added getting enough sleep to its checklist of things people need to do to have optimal cardiovascular health. The other seven lifestyle factors are nicotine exposure, physical activity, diet, weight, blood glucose, cholesterol, and blood pres sure.“From a clinical standpoint, I think (the new study) highlights the importance for health care providers to routinely ask patients about napping and excessive daytime sleepi ness and evaluate for other contributing conditions to potentially modify the risk for cardiovascular disease,” Phyllis Zee, MD, director of the Center for Circadian and Sleep Medicine at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medi cine in Chicago, told CNN. By Ralph Ellis the study, leaving about 360,00 participants. They provided blood, urine, and saliva samples as well as information about their lifestyles. They were asked about napping habits four times between 2006 and ‘H arry Potter’ au thor J.K. Rowl ing has respond ed to why she was absent from the Harry Potter re union, and the answer is pretty simple - she didn’t feel likeDuringit. her appearance on Virgin Radio Saturday (Pacific Standard Time), the author explained why she wasn’t featured in the Harry Potter 20th Anniver sary: Return to Hogwarts, which debuted on January 1 on HBO Max, reports People magazine. “I was asked to be on that, and I decided I didn’t want to do it,” she told the host, Graham Norton, quoted by People, via a clip uploaded to YouTube. “I thought it was about the films more than the books, quite rightly. That was what the anniversary was about.” “No one said don’t (do it)...I was asked to do it and I decided not to,” she added.According to People, elsewhere in the conver sation, Rowling, 57, also discussed her relationship with social media. Earlier this month, she received a death threat after ex pressing her concern about Salman Rushdie’s stabbing incident.“Itry to behave online as I would like others to behave... I’ve never threat ened anyone,” she told Gra ham during the interview. “I certainly wouldn’t want anyone to go to their houses or anything like that.” “Social media can be a lot of fun, and I do like the pub argument aspect of it. That can be a fun thing to do...,” she continued. “I sort of have a love-hate relationship with it now. I can happily go for a few days without getting into a (virtual) pub brawl.” People states that Rowling came under fire in June 2020 when she appeared to support antitransgender sentiments in a series of tweets.
A sporty Ford Escort that was once prin cess Diana’s run about sold at auction for £737,000 on Saturday, a few days before the 25th anniversary of her death. The modest car, with just 24,961 miles (40,000 km) on the clock, went under the hammer at Silver stone Auctions in Warwick shire in central England. Bidders from Dubai, the United States and Brit ain held a heated bidding war for the one-of-a-kind model, resulting in a sale to a buyer from Alderley Edge, an upmarket village in northern England that is home to many Premier LeagueThefootballers.saleprice equiva lent to around $866,000 comes as interest in Diana’s life remains huge, a quartercentury after her death, fuelled by the success of “The Crown” Netflix series. The auctioneers said the sale attracted “a su preme amount of global press and publicity inter est”. The car was sold with out a reserve price, with bids starting at £100,000. It sold for £650,000 plus buyer’sThepremium.blackFord Es cort RS Turbo S1 with a blue stripe was driven by Diana between 1985 and 1988, as she preferred to have her own car instead of the royal family’s stately Rolls-Royces and Daimlers, according to the lot descrip tion. The auctioneers said the unique Ford Escort remains the “most daring choice” of car by any mem ber of the Royal Family. The Escort was no luxury vehicle but one of UK’s best-selling cars of the era, totalling more than 4.1 million sales, according to Auto Express website. Similar cars with a less illustrious provenance can be found in classified ads in the UK for around £10,000. This car, however, was made by Ford according to Diana’s specifications and it is believed to be the only black-painted version of this model, according to the auctioneers.
Diana was frequently photographed at the wheel visiting shops and restau rants in London. Prince William was also photo graphed sitting in the back. The princess drove the car with a royal detective in the passenger seat and it was adapted with features such as a second rear view mirror and a radio in the gloveThebox.vehicle was previ ously owned by a collector of Ford cars. Last year another Ford Escort pre viously owned by Diana, a 1981 silver 1.6L Ghia saloon that was an engage ment present from Prince Charles, sold in London for £52,640 including sales tax and buyer’s premium. The car’s buyer was said to be a museum in South America. It was pre viously owned by a US museum.Saturday’s sale comes ahead of Wednesday’s anni versary of Diana’s death at 36 after a car crash in Paris.
Rowling finally explains why she skipped ‘Harry Potter’ reunion

TOWNSVILLE, AUG 28 (AP): Cameron Green claimed his maiden fivewicket haul before David Warner and Steve Smith made light work of the run chase to set up a five-wicket victory for Australia over Zimbabwe in the first oneday match of a three-match series, the African nation's first one-day international series in the country since 2004.After Zimbabwe were sent in by Australian skip per Aaron Finch on Sun day, Green, took 5-33 as the tourists lost its last six wickets for 15 runs and was bowled out for 200 in the tropical north Queensland city ofAustraliaTownsville.then made light work of the run chase, as Warner scored 57 off 66 balls and Steve Smith played the anchor role of the innings to make an un beaten 48 off 80 balls to set up the victory. Glenn Max well finished the match with consecutive sixes off Richard Ngarava in the 34th Green,over. who had only one ODI wicket prior to Sunday's match, removed Sikander Raza and standin skipper Regis Chakabva cheaply and then returned to clean up the tail as Zim babwe's hopes of posting a defendable total fell away in the final overs. "(We) just had a really clear gameplan, got a bit lucky at the end there, was just the right place at the right time trying to bowl back of a length on a wick Australia wrapped up a five-wicket win against Zimbabwe in the first ODI in Townsville. et that was kind of going up and down," Green said. “I was luckily the one who got the rewards, but I think the rest of the team bowled re ally well and basically gave me the opportunity to be in that
Navjeet Kaur Dhillon
DIMAPUR, AUG 28 (NPN): Advisor power H. Tovihoto Ayemi on Sunday morning flaggedoff the Cyclothon-- bicycle rally to commemorate the 117th birth anniversary of hockey legend Maj. Dhyan Chand and also to promote the use of bi cycles in everyday life for health and environmental benefits.The event which was flagged-off from Marwari Patti, was organized by Marwari Yuva Manch Dimapur Shikhar in as sociation with All India Marwari Yuva wizard.paiddiagreatesthotoeringAddressingManch.thegathasspecialguest,ToviremindedthatMaj.DhyanChandwasthehockeyplayerInhaseverproducedandtributestothehockey
Top thrower Navjeet banned for 3 years for failing dope test
Chen Qing Chen, left, and Jia Yi Fan of China celebrate their gold medals after defeating South Korea's Kim So-yeong and Kong Hee-yong in Tokyo, Japan, Sunday. (PTI)
Tovihoto Ayemi flags off cyclothon
U.S Open 2022: Serena and Venus receive doubles wild card NEW YORK, AUG 28 (IANS): Serena Williams and Venus Williams will reunite for doubles at the U.S Open after receiving a wild card for the tourna ment, which is set to begin on Monday.TheWilliam sisters are two-time champions at the U.S Open and will pair for the first time since 2018 Roland Garros. In addition to their 14 major doubles titles, the last of which came at 2016 Wimbledon, Serena and Venus have teamed to win three Olympic gold med als in doubles, winning in 2000, 2008, and 2012. Earlier this month, Serena confirmed the U.S Open would be her final tournament before evolv ing away from tennis. In singles, she is set to face Montenegro’s Danka Kovinic in the first round on Monday night. The doubles competi tion begins on Wednesday.
Warner and Green guide Australia to big win in 1st ODI
Advisor power H. Tovihoto Ayemi flagging-off the Cyclothon at Dimapur on Sunday.
tocombinedbeforeforquickquicklydelivery,StarcChakabvacaughtZampalia'swatchfully45nasherunsscoredposition."WesslyMadhevereacareer-high72andopenerTadiwaMarumaniaddedasZimbabwestartedagainstAustrabowlers.But,whenAdamgotMadhevereandbowledandwascaughtbyfollowingaGreenZimbabwe'stailcollapsedchasingruns.AustralialostFinch15intheeighthover,WarnerandSmithfor65-runstandhaveAustralia'schase looking comfortable. Alex Carey, Mitch Marsh and Marcus Stoinis all fell cheaply to spinner Ryan Burl (3-60) to stall the hosts' progress but Maxwell blast ed 32 off nine deliveries to seal the victory for Austra lia in their first of 17 ODIs before next year's World Cup in ZimbabweIndia.. is mak ing its first appearance for a one-day international series in the country since 2004 with the teams set to play three ODIs in seven days at the 10,000-seat Riverway Stadium. The second game of the three-match series is on Wednesday also at Towns ville.The match also held tributes for local hero and former Australia test player Andrew Symonds who died in an auto-accident in May near Fans,Townsville.players,family and friends stood in silence before the match before further tributes to the char ismatic allrounder were held at the innings break.
As India celebrates the National Sports Day to commemorate the birth anniversary of the hockey legend, Tovihoto extended greeting to all sportsper sons of Nagaland and across the country and honored their contribu tion and dedication to wards bringing laurels to the country.Morethan 500 cyclists participated in the really.
NEW DELHI, AUG 27 (PTI): Top Indian discus thrower Navjeet Kaur Dhil lon has been banned for three years after she failed an out-of-competition dope test conducted by Athletics Integrity Unit (AIU) in Kazakhstan in June. The 27-year-old Dhillon, who had won a bronze in the 2018 Com monwealth Games in Gold Coast but finished eighth in the recent Birmingham CWG, tested positive for a metabolite of the anabolic steroid Dehydrochloro methyl testosterone (DH CMT). The sample was collected from Dhillon on June 24 in Almaty, Ka zakhstan, a day before she won gold at the Qosanov Memorial Meet with a throw of 56.24m. The standard ban for a first time offender is four years but her ban was re duced by a year because she admitted the anti-dop ing rule violation and ac cepted the sanction.
"On 23 August 2022, the Athlete wrote to the AIU stating that she had used a supplement that, unknown to her, contained a prohibited substance," the AIU said in its ruling.
"The Athlete also re turned an Admission of Anti-Doping Rule Vio lations and Acceptance of Consequences Form signed to confirm that she admitted the Anti-Doping Rule Violations and ac cepted the Consequences specified in the Notice of Allegation."The Athlete shall therefore receive a one (1) year reduction in the asserted period of Ineli gibility pursuant to Rule 10.8.1 based on an early admission and acceptance of sanction."TheAIU said on the basis that Dhillon has ad mitted the Anti-Doping Rule Violations, she will get a period of Ineligibility of three years commencing August 11 (the date of Pro visional"DisqualificationSuspension). of the Athlete's results on and since 24 June 2022, with all resulting consequences, including the forfeiture of any titles, awards, medals, points prizes and appear ance money," the AIU said."The Athlete has ac cepted the above Conse quences for her Anti-Dop ing Rule Violations and has expressly waived her right to have those Conse quences determined by the Disciplinary Tribunal at a hearing."Dhillon had won gold in National dopingintegrityAthleticsdentachievedbestof53.51mupButKazakhstanMeetandinChampionshipsInter-State(55.67m)Chennaiinmid-JuneQosanovMemorial(56.24m)inAlmaty,onJune25.shecouldonlycomewithabestthrowofinBirmingham.Shehasaseason'sbest58.03mandpersonalof59.18mwhichshein2018.AIUistheindepenbodycreatedbyWorldtomanageallissues,includingmatters.

Pandya, Jadeja heroics help India defeat Pak by five wickets top-edge went over keeper's head for a six, Kohli's au thority was visible in his slash through cover and whipping over mid-wicket to collect two boundaries. Rohit Sharma, cau tious till then, opened up in eighth over when he slog-swept Mohammad Nawaz over long-on. But the left-arm spinner had the last laugh as Rohit holed out to long-off on the final ball of the over. In his next over, Nawaz had another big scalp as Kohli chipped straight to Jadejalong-off.started off his promotion at number four by smacking Nawaz down the ground for a 98m six. The 36-run stand was broken by Naseem, who knocked off Suryakumar's off-stump on the first ball of his second spell. With 41 needed off the last four overs, Jadeja and Hardik Pandya hanged in to bring the equation to 32 off the last three overs. Like India, Pakistan too were penalised for a slow over rate as one extra fielder came into the 30-year circle. By then, Pakistan were struggling as their pacers got cramps and Jadeja survived an lbw appeal off Naseem Shah clearly in pain after a review showed the ball pitching outside the legstump. On the very next ball, Jadeja lofted with a straight bat down the ground for six as India needed 21 runs off the last two overs. On the third ball of the 19th over, Pandya flat-bat ted Haris Rauf over extracover and got a boundary as Babar chased the 'all, but couldn't stop it from hitting the boundary rope. Pandya then swatted Rauf over wide long-on and brought out a short-arm jab on the last ball for a four splitting deep mid-wicket and longon forWithperfection.sevenneeded off the final over, Nawaz struck on the first ball as Jadeja was clean bowled while going for an expansive slog. Pandya finished off the match in style by clobbering Nawaz over long-on to win an absorbing contest. Ravindra Jadeja and Hardik Pandya during the Asia Cup 2022 at Dubai International Cricket Stadium, UAE. (PTI)
Ruchita wins gold in Women's 10m Air Pistol T5 trials NEW DELHI, AUG 28 (IANS): Ruchita Vinerkar of Railways claimed gold in the Women's 10m Air Pistol T5 national shoot ing trials after outclassing Divya T.S. of Karnataka at the Dr. Karni Singh Shoot ing Range, here on Sunday. Ruchita shot 16 while Divya only managed to shoot 14 in the selection tri als final. Ruchita finished fourth in the qualifiers in the 294-strong field with a score of 576 after the al locatedDivya60-shots.was seventh with 574 while Maharash tra's Sakshi Suryavanshi topped with a score of 580. In the semifinal stage, Ruchita topped with 251.1 while Divya was second with 248.7, elevating both to the gold medal shootout. Haryana's Rhythm Sang wan was fourth with 248.4. Haryana, however, claimed both the top spots in the Junior Women's T5 10m Air Pistol with Suruchi defeating Rhythm 17-15 in yet another close final. Suruchi had shot 568 to claim the seventh quali fying spot while Rhythm was second with a score of 579.In the Youth Women's 10m Air Pistol T5 category, it was Haryana's gold once again with Shikha Narwal getting the better of Chan digarh's Sainyam, 17-9 in the final.
Zheng Siwei and Huang Yaq iong of China won their third mixed doubles world title by beating two-time runners-up Yuta Watanabe and Arisa Higashino of Japan 21-13, 21-16. Chen Qingchen and Jia Yifan also landed their third gold medal in the women's doubles event at the world championships as the Chinese duo beat South Korea's Kim Soyeong and Kong Heeyong 22-20, 2114. Malaysia's Aaron Chia and Soh Wooi Yik triumphed in the men's doubles by defeating Mo hammad Ahsan and Hen dra Setiawan of Indonesia 21-19, 21-14.
:Denmark's Viktor Axelsen clinched the men's sin gles title at the 2022 BWF World Championships af ter beating Thailand's Kun lavut Vitidsarn 21-5, 21-16 in the final, here on Sunday. With his win, Axelsen now simultaneously holds the Olympic, World Cham pionships, BWF World Tour Finals, and the last three Super 1000 titles. He also claimed the world title in Glasgow in 2017. World number one was expected to prevail over Vitidsarn, and he did, but he was required to step up a level in the second game. The 21-year-old Vit idsarn, having been blown away in the opening game, exerted greater control in the second, mixing his shots and keeping Axelsen on edge.However, the phase didn't last as some aston ishing defensive returns from Axelsen had Vitid sarn shaking his head in disbelief. The momentum swung right back and the veteran closed it out even tually.On the other hand, the top seed Akane Yamaguchi of Japan defeated Olympic champion China's Chen Yufei to retain the women's singles title. Yamaguchi won the match 20-12, 1021, 21-14 in one hour and eightItminutes.was the fourth straight time that Chen lost to Yamaguchi since 2020. The Japanese shuttler has beaten Chen 14 times in their 22 Meanwhile,meetings.
* Final medals tally of the Nagaland Olympic & Paralym pic Games 2022 after final scrutiny. According to Nagaland Olympic Association (NOA) media team, the final list has been prepared based on the submissions of the respective organising associations. The medals of the mixed events in Archery are not included in the medals tally as players from different districts combined for the mixed events, NOA stated.
MYK C MYK C Printed, Published and Edited by Geoffrey Yaden at G.M. Printers, Circular Rd. Dimapur-797112. Ph: Desk 248489, Adm.& Advertisement :248267,8798162009, R.N. 40978/90 RN/NE 707
Axelsen wins men's singles title, Akane retains women's crown
NEW DELHI, AUG 28 (PTI): The re turning officer for the All India Football Federation (AIFF) elections, scheduled for September 2, on Sunday found all the 20 nomination papers to be in order after scrutiny.The 20 nomination papers pertain to two candidates each for the posts of presi dent, vice president and treasurer, and 14 for the executive committee members. "After conducting scrutiny of nomi nation forms for the posts of president, vice president, treasurer and executive com mittee members, all 20 nomination forms have been found correct," RO Umesh SinhaElectionssaid. are to be held for the posts of one president, one vice president, one trea surer and 14 executive committee members. Six former players -- four male and two women -- will be co-opted later as execu tive committee members with voting rights. Candidates can withdraw their nomi nation papers before 1pm on Tuesday. The top three top posts of the presi dent, vice president and treasurer could see straight fights between two candidates with the legendary Bhaichung Bhutia up against former goalkeeper and frontrunner Kalyan Chaubey as the presidential candidates. The electoral college of 34 represen tatives from the state associations have already been issued by the returning officer. Rajasthan association president Man vendra Singh, a Congress politician, en tered the fray on Saturday to contest against N A Haris for the lone vice-president's post. Haris is the president of Karnataka FA and a sitting Congress MLA from the state. Manvendra's state association had sec onded the candidature of Bhutia. Andhra Pradesh state association president Go palakrishna Kosaraju, who had proposed Bhutia as the presidential candidate, had on Friday written a letter to withdraw his candidature for the treasurer's post against Kipa Ajay of Arunachal Pradesh. But sources said he had not filled up a form to withdraw and hence, his candida ture is still there. It's not known whether he would withdraw or not before the Tuesday deadline.Hehad filed his nomination papers on Thursday, the same day when Bhutia and Chaubey also put up their candidature. All the 14 candidates who had filed nomination papers for the same number of executive committee members are expected to be elected unopposed. They are G P Palguna, Avijit Paul, P Anilkumar, Valanka Natasha Alemao, Maloji Raje Chhatrapati, Menla Ethenpa, Mohan Lal, Arif Ali, K Neibou Sekhose, Lalnghinglova Hmar, Deepak Sharma, Vijay Bali and Syed Im tiaz Husain.Football Delhi president Shaji Prabha karan, who had filed the nomination papers for the president's post when the polls were to be held under the aegis of the Supreme Court-appointed Committee of Adminis trators (CoA) on August 28, decided not to stand for elections this time. According to sources, Prabhakaran could become the general secretary of the AIFF if the Chaubey-led group wins the polls.In a verdict on August 22, the SC terminated the mandate of the CoA, disal lowed the inclusion of 36 former players in the electoral college and postponed the polls by a week in order to salvage the Women's U-17 World Cup whose hosting was jeopardised after FIFA suspended the AIFF.The FIFA though lifted the ban on Friday, clearing the decks for India to host the Women's U-17 World Cup in October.
KOLKATA, AUG 28 (IANS): ATK Mohun Bagan (ATKMB) won the famous Kolkata derby, courtesy a Sumit Passi own-goal, over their archrivals Emami East Bengal (EEB) in a Group B game of the Durand Cup at the Vivekananda Yuba Bharati Krirangan (VYBK), here on Sunday.Infront of a capac ity 60,000 plus crowd, ATKMB were the more dominating team in the match while EEB also had their chances, but remained goalless after three games in theATKMBtournament.gaffer Juan Ferrando fielded an un changed eleven from the derby while EEB coach Ste phen Constantine made as many as five, some forced, due to injuries to players like Ankit Mukherjee and V.P. Suhair. EEB were the home-side on the day wear ing their traditional Red & Gold while ATKMB were in their away white flannels.After a somewhat cau tious and understandably nervous start by both sides, it was ATKMB that got the first real chance of the game, when Ashique Kuruniyan broke through from the left in the 16th minute, displaying some sublime skills to weave in past a couple of EEB de fenders, but his effort from close on the left, lacked direction. It was then the turn of Liston Colaco who had a wayward effort from distance in the 26th. In the 34th, EEB's Spanish defender Ivan Gonzalez got hold of a loose ball just about 10-yards inside the AT KMB half and unleashed a pile-driver which made ATKMB keeper Vishal Kaith dive full-stretch, but it flew comfortably away fromAsgoal.the half looked to be headed towards a stale mate, ATKMB found their goal in the 2nd minute of injury-time, when a seem ingly harmless corner by Liston, bounced awkward ly in front of EEB keeper Kamaljit and hit Sumit Passi, to deflect inside. EEB began the second half with intent from the get go with coach Constan tine making three changes, bringing in Aniket Jadhav, Cleiton Silva and Himang hsu Jangra in place of An gousana, Eliandro and Jerry.Aniket immediately found an opening, but his volley from inside the box was off target. Then Sumit Passi got at the end of a free-header but he too missed the ATKMBtarget.hit back immediately in the 54th minute, with Liston and Ashique combining beauti fully in the middle and post a defensive lapse, the latter found himself in front of Kamaljeet. To the keeper's credit, he made himself big and brought off a fine save. the 57th, ATKMB won a free-kick which Hugo Boumous floated in and Florentine Pogba got behind the loose ball, but his shot was saved from the goal-line by Cypriot defender Charambalos Kyriacou, who had given away the free-kick in the first place.Atthe hour mark, both coaches made chang es. ATKMB rested Bou mous and brought on Man vir Singh in attack while EEB brought on Amarjit Kiyam in place of Souvik Chakrabarti. ATKMB then slowly but surely began taking control of the mid field with some fine play by Man of the Match Carl McHugh in particular. A goal however elud ed both teams and ATK MB picked up the points to the joy of their supporters. The Group however still stands open with all of the five teams, yet to con firm their knockout berths. ATKMB will be the first of the two rivals to come back on field, when they take on the Indian Navy in their final game on August 31 at the Kishore Bharati Kriran gan while EEB will be up against Mumbai City FC at the same venue on Sep tember 3.
The Kohima badminton team along with Y. Vikheho Swu and Nagaland Badminton Association (NBA) officials.
Max storms to Belgian GP win despite starting in 14th
DUBAI, AUG 29 (IANS): Hardik Pandya and Ravin dra Jadeja's heroics with the bat helped India defeat Pakistan by five wickets to win their first Group A match in Asia Cup 2022 at the Dubai International Stadium on Sunday. After Pakistan made 147 all out in 19.5 overs, India needed 59 off the last six overs on a two-pacedFrompitch.there, Pandya (33 not out) and Jadeja (35) shared a stand of 52 runs off just 29 balls. Even though the left-handed Jadeja fell in the final over, Pandya finished off things with a six over long-on to take India over the line and add an other thrilling chapter in the history of India-Pakistan clashes.Just like Pakistan, In dia had an eventful first over. Debutant pacer Nas eem Shah struck on just his second T20I ball, as K.L Rahul inside-edged to his stumps. Virat Kohli, play ing in his 100th T20I, was dropped by Fakhar Zaman at second slip while chas ing a wide one. Kohli was nervous in his start as many inside and outside edges came off his bat. He showed signs of his authoritative self when he pulled through mid-wicket off Shahnawaz Dahani in the second over. After a
AUGCHAMPSSPA-FRANCOR(BELGIUM),28(IANS): Defend ing champion Max Ver stappen extended his lead atop the Formula 1 driver's championship by cruising to victory in the Belgian Grand Prix here as team mate Sergio Perez com pleted a 1-2 for Red Bull on Sunday.Verstappen made light work of his grid penalties to win the 2022 Belgian Grand Prix starting from 15th position on the grid to win theTherace.Dutch driver is leading with 284 points with teammate Sergio Per ez at 191. Charles Leclerc of Ferrari is third with 186 points while former cham pion Lewis Hamilton of Mercedes is sixth with 148 points, after failing to finish Sunday's race following an incident with Alonso at the start of the Hamiltonrace.and Alonso tangled at Les Combes on Lap 1, leaving the Mer cedes driver out of the race before Valtteri Bottas spun out in avoidance of Nicho las Latifi and brought out a Safety Car on Lap 2. The restart saw Ver stappen line up eighth while Sainz led Perez -Leclerc having had to pit for mediums with a tear-off in his brake duct. Verstap pen made quick work of the cars ahead, sweeping into the third position by Lap 8 with only Perez and Sainz to Sainzbeat.pitted from softs to mediums on Lap 12, when Perez allowed Ver stappen past and into the lead. The Dutchman ex tended his lead until Lap 15 and clawed back the deficit to Sainz, taking the lead on Lap 19 - taking another free pit stop on Lap 31 - before going on to win over Perez by over 18 seconds in a dominant display, with the fastest lap to boot. Sainz completed the podium ahead of Mer cedes' George, who had previously passed Leclerc but lost out on the final podium place by just over two seconds. Leclerc made a late pit stop for soft tyres to take the fastest lap, but missed out on the bonus point and only just held on to P5 ahead of Alon so. However, after being caught for speeding in the pit lane, a five-second pen alty dropped him to P6. The two-time cham pion was re-passed by the Ferrari on the final lap but finished ahead of team mate Esteban Ocon, who overhauled Vettel (P8) and Gasly (P9) late in the race. Albon rounded out the top 10 for Williams, fending off Lance Stroll for the final point, said a report on the Formula 1 website. Norris caught up to a battling Albon and Stroll by the end of the race but the McLaren driver missed out and finished 12th, ahead of Tsunoda, who won a late-race battle against Alfa Romeo'sThatGuanyu.leftRicciardo in P15 ahead of the Haas pair - Magnussen 16th and Schumacher 17th - while Latifi finished 18th after taking three pit stops.
Durand Cup: ATK Mohun Bagan win over arch-rivals Emami East Bengal
AIFF Polls: RO finds all 20 nomination papers in order after scrutiny
Li-Ning Inter–District & State Open Badminton C’ship and NOPG conclude
DIMAPUR, AUG 28 (NPN): The Li-Ning 44th Inter – District & State Open Badminton Cham pionship and Nagaland Olympic & Paralympic Games 2022 held at Long leng from August 23 culmi nated on August 27. The valedictory cer emony was graced by Y. Vikheho Swu, MLA and former president Naga land Badminton Asso ciation (NBA) as special guest and B.S. Nganlang Phom, MLA and chairman DPDB, Longleng as the chief host, DPRO report stated.In his speech, Vikheho said that in order to take youth forward and achieve, it was the collective effort every one and not only the politicians and administra tors. While lamenting that there were many talented players indulging in alco hol and other substances that ruin their success and careers, Vikheho urged upon the players, winners and champions of the tournament to remember and keep in mind that this achievement was just the beginning of the many successes they would be achieving in the Encouragedfuture.tosee the participation of a 5-yearold girl in the tournament, Vikheho said his concern was how to take forward these youngsters to the level of achievement. In order to see the young sportsperson of the state shine in the field of games and sports, Vikheho called upon the parents to be more attentive and supportive so that their children can achieve. He also stressed on the need for more promoters and supporters, adding that it was not only the govern ment that shapes the state and country.Solidarity message was delivered by the chief host B.S. Nganlang Phom while Kesonyu Yhome, president NBA pronounced the concluding remarks. Earlier, Invocation was pronounced by associ ate pastor Women LTBC Nyemla followed by wel come and acknowledg ment by senior vice presi dent,TheLDBA.Highlights of the program include special presentation by Cross Road Ministry Longleng, final match and prize distribu tion followed by blessing and guidance by Tanlei, Pastor,KohimaLBC. district emerged as the team cham pions.