1 minute read
The Function

While children started exploring the affordance of cardboard, T found an inquiry in the relationship between sound and this hard material. He started to stroke the cardboard using his nails creating sounds. He created music using cardboard, pretending it was a drum. I asked him, “Are you having a concert?.”

“Yes! listen Ms. Liwa” He then made “money” using cardboard. He said I needed to pay him using this money so he will play music. I asked him to tell me the and he was able to name them
E finds independence and creativity in her relationship with cardboard. Her journey started with scissors as she noticed that the thick cardboard was hard to cut. As a solution to this challenge, she chose to work on the thinner boxes. She cut the thin cardboard into small pieces. I asked her what it was, and she replied, “Yuki!” (snow)