1 minute read
Time Meets Wood (almost…)
A had a clear idea to make a clock with wood. But at the beginning, she was afraid of using a hammer because it was heavy and first time using it. She could convey her feelings to the teacher. She tried to take a wait-and-see attitude around her for a while. She said to me,

“If Ms.Yoko help me to hold my nails, I want to make a clock. Please help me.” I could feel her passion. She listened to explanations carefully and followed them step by step. What I was inspired by her, was that safety felt like her priority to consider when running the production process and she looked at herself with an objective eye. She tried to make a rhythmic sound like “Ton ton ton” in Japanese, she concluded, “I need to put two sticks for my clock.” After she hammered a nail into a wood she was ready to write down numbers, however she realized that she didn’t know how to write the numbers from 1-12. She said “I can write 1,2, 3… not big numbers.” didn’t like to copy the numbers which Ms.Yoko wrote down. After being at a loss, she explained, “I can make a face with a hat. Because I can draw a face. I like to use a soft material for my hat, not wood.” She seemed to enjoy drawing a face and liked her hat very much. She made explorations into her material and ideas, and was very flexible. She was also able to clarify what specific materials she needed when she used the word soft, knowing now, that wood is hard, not soft.