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Difficulties with Wood
As the children started to explore wood. K stated, “I want to make a Rube Goldberg machine”. This could be complicated… There is a Japanese educational TV program that has been loved for over 20 years. It's called a Pyhtagora Switch, which in English is called a Rube Goldberg machine. Making the machine is a child’s dreams since I heard from many children that they wanted to make it. The moment K picked up the wood pieces, he remembered the program and wanted to make his own machine. He wanted to make a machine by arranging wood of various shapes, but it seemed that another idea came to his mind.

“I want to put this on this piece because this will be an airplane… I want this wing not to move” In his mind, he had a fixed image of the completed airplane so he carefully put it together using a hammer and nails. He looked so happy to make his ideal airplane with wood pieces. I wondered if he could try the machine he wanted to make at first because he already had an idea and a plan he could try.