From The Head of School

In this report, we navigate a year that encapsulated both challenge and opportunity for NIS. We celebrate the collective resilience and achievements that defined our school in a year in which we finally entered a transformative period emerging from the shadows of the pandemic, with the familiar rhythms of school life resonating once more. The resumption of domestic travel and community events became a beacon of hope. Students were able to rekindle co-curricular pursuits again, and some athletes needed to navigate a profound learning curve after an extended hiatus. The Halloween festival, followed by our Winter Carnival in December marked our first significant gatherings since 2019, offering a poignant blend of nostalgia and novelty. The symbolic turning of the corner was underscored by both the opening of the new field, a major capital project delayed by the pandemic’s constraints, and the return of our graduation ceremony to its traditional venue—the Gym—the home of the mighty dolphins!
In financial terms, the school embarked on its COVID recovery journey, overcoming the strain induced by the loss of so many students during the pandemic. As borders reopened, we welcomed families to Nagoya, resulting in a gradually growing enrollment that provides reassurance for our long-term sustainability. Confidence in the school’s future was boosted when we were accepted for the prestigious CIS/WASC “Pathway 2” accreditation process.
Schools are living communities shaped by the people and their experiences within them. This year fortified our collective spirit. It deepened our understanding of what makes NIS special and underscored the vital role of connection and partnership between school and home in nurturing the growth of every child. As we reflect on the journey, we emerge stronger and more united in our commitment to Inquire, Inspire, Impact – and Include.
本報告書では、挑戦と機会の両方が凝縮された1年を振り返ります。パンデミックの影からようやく抜け出し、慣れ親しんだ学 校生活のリズムが再び共鳴する変革期を迎えたこの年に、NISを特徴づける回復力と功績を称えます。
国内旅行や地域行事の再開は希望の光となり、生徒たちは再び課外活動を再開することができましたが、中には長い調整期 間を強いられてしまう選手もいました。ハロウィンに続き、12月に開催されたウィンターカーニバルは2019年以来の貴重な機会 となり、懐かしさと新しさの融合を印象づけました。新しいフィールドのオープン、そして、卒業式が従来通りドルフィンズの 本拠地である体育館で行われたことは、パンデミックからの”普通”が取り戻されつつあることを語る象徴的なイベントであ りました。
財政面では入国規制が緩和され、パンデミックに失った生徒を取り戻すべく入学者数は徐々に増加し、長期的な運営の見 通しが立ちました。さらにCIS/WASCの”Pathway2”認定プロセスに受け入れられたことで本校の自信が更に増すものと なりました。
学校は、そこで生活する人々とその経験により形成されます。この1年、私たちの団結力、NISが特別な場所であるという理 解を深め、子どもたち一人ひとりの成長を育む上で、学校と家庭の繋がりが重要な役割を果たすことを強く示されました。
この期間を振り返りながら、私たちはより強く、より団結し、Inquire, Inspire, ImpactそしてIncludeというコミットメント に取り組んでまいります。
Matthew Parr Head of SchoolThe new field was installed during the summer of 2022 and enjoyed by students and sports teams throughout the year!
2022年夏、フィールドの芝が新しくなり、 年間を通じて学生、スポーツチームが 活動できるようになりました。
After community meetings involving students, staff, parents and others, key strategies were created to guide NIS for future growth and improvement.
生徒、職員、保護者、 コミュニティに携わる皆様のご協力の元、 NISの今後の成長と改善を目指した主要戦略が 作成されました。
NIS students were actively engaged in a full year of activities for the first time since COVID, impacting our community through clubs, sports and impactful service.
NISの学生はCOVID以来初めて積極的にクラブ、 スポーツ、奉仕活動を年間通して行い、 地域社会に影響を与えました。
20 Sports Teams
196 students participated in at least one sport 196名の生徒が 少なくとも 1つのスポーツに参加
68 students participated in three or more sports 68名の生徒が 3つ以上の スポーツに参加
2 teams brought home championship trophies! 2チームが 優勝を収める
34 Nationalities
Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, India, Italy, Jamaica, Japan, Kenya, Lithuania, Mongolia, Nepal, New Zealand, Nigeria, Pakistan, Peru, Philippines, Poland, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Sri Lanka, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, UK, Ukraine, US, Uzbekistan, Vietnam
Home Languages
Assamese, Bengali, Chinese (Cantonese), Chinese (Mandarin), Dutch, English, French, German, Hindi, Italian, Japanese, Kannada, Korean, Malayalam, Mongolian, Nepali, Polish, Portuguese, Punjabi, Russian, Sinhala, Spanish, Swahili, Tagalog, Teluga, Thai, Tulu, Turkish, Ukrainian, Urdu, Uzbek, Vietnamese
Our Families
339 Families
• California Polytechnic State University, Pomona
• California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo
• Carnegie Mellon University
• Georgia Institute of Technology
• Harvey Mudd College
• Michigan State University
• Middle Tennessee State University
• Ohio State University
• Oregon State University
• San Jose State University
• Texas Tech University
• University of California Berkeley
• University of California Davis
• University of California Irvine (2)
• University of California Los Angeles
• University of California Riverside
• University of California San Diego (3)
• University of California Santa Barbara (2)
• University of California Santa Cruz (3)
• University of Colorado
• University of Illinois (2)
• University of Rochester
• University of San Diego
UK (Conditional)
• Goldsmiths-University of London
• Kings College London (2)
• London School of Economics and Political Science
• Newcastle University
• University of Edinburgh (2)
• University of Manchester
• University of Warwick
• University of Westminster
• University of Toronto
• Doshisha University
• Hosei University (2)
• International Christian University (5)
• Keio University (5)
• Nagoya University
• Rikkyo University
• Ritsumeikan University (3)
• Sophia University (10)
• University of Tokyo
• Waseda University (7)
• Shanghai Jiao Tong University (China)
As we exited COVID and the ensuing enrollment decline and loss of income, we are pleased to be able to report a modest surplus in our operations budget which helped the school to be able to invest in capital expenditures, including the opening of our wonderful new field. NIS continued to hold sufficient cash on hand to mitigate risks to the continuance of learning while keeping debt within the limits required by Aichi Prefecture.
The debt-to-equity ratio (D/E ratio) indicates how much debt is owed compared to assets held. Aichi Prefecture requires “gakkohojin” schools to have a D/E ratio lower than 33%.
The D/E ratio for NIS was 28.9% as of March 31, 2023, fully meeting this requirement.
2686 Minamihara, Nakashidami, Moriyama-ku, Nagoya, Japan 463-0002 学校法人名古屋国際学園 名古屋市守山区中志段味南原2686 〒463-0002
TEL: 052-736-2025
NIS is an International Baccalaureate Organization (IBO) World School and fully accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC) and the Council of International Schools (CIS)