Right from the start!
SUMMER 2015 $6.95US $7.95CAN
RECIPES Meat & Manliness The Sun, The Vitamin, & The Cancer Dilemma Dietary Guidelines For Which Americans?
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KNOW YOUR PHYTONUTRIENTS By The Hippocrates Health Institute
NAKED DIET Right From The Start! Plant-based Nutrition For Children By PCRM
NAKED HEALING The Sun, The Vitamin, & The Cancer Dilemma By John McDougall, MD
NAKED WISDOM Superbugs & Antibiotics In Meat By Michael Greger, MD
NAKED TRUTH Meat & Manliness By Howard Jacobson, PhD
NAKED WISDOM The Toxins That Threaten Our Brain By Margarita Restrepo, CPBN
NAKED COLUMN Dietary Guidelines For Which Americans? By David Katz, MD
NAKED LIFE 7 Reasons We Don't Need GM Food By Claire Robinson Mphil, Michael Antoniou PhD, & John Fagan, PhD
YOUR BUYING POWER I have been encouraging sustainability for a while, and the reason I find this so compelling is that everything we do has a direct correlation with nature; it is not only a worthy subject, but imperative. All of us are responsible for the life of the planet, and sometimes we believe that government, corporations, or other institutions are the only ones at whom we should be pointing fingers to.
Editor-in-Chief Copy Editors Public Relations Art Director Graphic Design & Branding
Money brings power, and power is a dangerous weapon, but money is not the only link to power. I believe that’s why it’s called the power of choice. This kind of power is achieved through knowledge, awareness, and education. Together, we are a million times more powerful than money and the corporations that feed from it. Starting with our thoughts, our actions and reactions, and expanding out from ourselves, we can choose with our buying power. It’s simply supply and demand. This is the simple journey to a more sustainable you: your body, your planet, and everything around you. Biodegradable, chemical free, gmo free, organic, or fair-trade, are some of the sustainable allies we will all benefit from. Have a happy and healthy summer!
Advisory Board
MARGARITA RESTREPO JUDITH MAGER DENISE DESERIO DIANE TILLEY LAUREN BUTTON MARK BUTTON MARGARITA RESTREPO BIG BRAND MACHINE T. COLIN CAMPBELL Ph.D. CALDWELL ESSELSTYN JR. M.D. JOHN ROBBINS John McDougall M.D. MICHAEL GREGER M.D. DAVID KATZ M.D. MICHAEL KLAPER M.D. Brian Clement Ph.D. ANNA MARIA CLEMENT PH.D. David Pereiras Villagrá Felix Renaud Elena Veselova Brent Hofacker Liliya Kandrashevich Tagstock Japan Valentina Razumova Peter Hermes Furian Svetlana Kolpakova Dmitry Kalinovsky Oleksandra Anschiz Stock Photo 123RF
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Naked Food Magazine is published quarterly by Naked Republic, Inc. ISSN 2373-4035. The known office of publication is 9041 Sunrise Lakes Blvd, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33322. POSTMASTER: Send all address changes to Naked Food Magazine PO Box 550551, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33355. SUBSCRIPTIONS: Basic Rate: $24.95 per year (4 issues); Canada: $34.95 per year; all other international orders: $44.95 per year (U.S. funds only). Naked Food Magazine is the whole food, plant-based nutrition approach to reversing and preventing disease.
Margarita Restrepo Founder and Editor-in-Chief
The editorial content of Naked Food Magazine is prepared in accordance with the standards of journalistic accuracy. Readers are cautioned, however, not to use information from the magazine as a substitute for regular professional health care.
14 NAKED KITCHEN All Recipes by The Naked Food Chefs
14 24
Blueberry Protein Snack
Qi Carrot Wraps
38 43
Farmer's Fabulous Bowl
52 58 64
Fresh Summer Tart
Enlightened Pizza Crust
Naked Almond Milk + Herb Spread
Classic Veggie Quiche Cell Regenerator & Cleanser
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Naked Food Magazine is committed to building a nonGMO food supply. We support the Non-GMO Project. Look for the butterfly and buy Non-GMO Project Verified!
OUR COVER Summer 2015
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Naked Food Magazine
Naked Food Magazine
Complete Nutrition for Children Plant-based diets provide excellent nutrition for all stages of childhood, from birth through adolescence. Of course, an infant’s nutritional needs are best met by his or her mother’s breast milk. It’s nature’s way of boosting the baby’s immunity as well as his or her psychological wellbeing. Doctors recommend introducing solid foods in the middle of the first year of life. The best weaning foods are soft plant foods such as ground, cooked cereals, mashed fruits, and wellcooked vegetables. Given a chance, toddlers and young children usually enjoy a wide variety of fruits, vegetables, grains, and legumes—even more so if they are involved in the preparation.
Eating habits are set in early childhood. Choosing a plant-based diet can give your child, and your whole family, the opportunity to learn to enjoy a variety of wonderful, nutritious foods. Children raised on fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes grow up to be slimmer and healthier and even live longer than their meat-eating friends. It is much easier to build a nutritious diet from plant foods than from animal products, which contain saturated fat, cholesterol, and other substances that growing children can do without. As for essential nutrients, plant foods are the preferred source because they provide protein
sufficient packaged
energy with
and other
health-promoting nutrients such as fiber, antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and phytochemicals.
School-aged children are often curious about where their food comes from and delight in learning how to cook, visiting farmers’ markets, and gardening. Adolescents raised on a plantbased diet often find they have an easy time maintaining a healthy weight and have fewer problems with acne, allergies, and gastrointestinal problems than their meat-eating peers. Some studies suggest that the growth of vegetarian children is more gradual than that of nonvegetarians—in other words, vegetarian children grow a bit more slowly at first, but they catch up later on. Final heights and weights for vegetarian children are comparable to those of meat-eating children. Interestingly, breast-fed babies also grow more slowly than bottle-fed babies. Somewhat less rapid growth during the early years is thought to decrease disease risk later in life.
Naked Food Magazine
NAKED DIET On the other hand, diets rich in
family, and it is probably the
life. Cultivating a taste for brown
animal protein, found in meat,
parental education, rather than
rice, whole wheat breads and
eggs, and dairy products, appear
a dietary effect, that was re-
pastas, rolled oats, and corn, as
to reduce the age of puberty, as
flected in their children’s mea-
well as the less common grains
shown in a 2000 study from the
sured intelligence. However, this
like barley, quinoa, millet, and
Harvard School of Public Health,
study should reassure vegetarian
others, will boost the fiber and
which found that girls who
parents who wonder whether
nutrient content of a child’s diet.
animal products contain some-
In addition, steering children
animal protein compared to
thing necessary for brain devel-
away from sweets, sugary drinks,
vegetable protein between 3
opment. Clearly, they do not.
highly processed baked prod-
ucts, and overly sweet cereals
and 8 years of age went through menarche earlier. Nature may
Perhaps the most important
will help them avoid overeating
well have designed the human
consideration for feeding chil-
and gaining unwanted weight.
body to grow up more gradu-
dren is this: Lifelong dietary
ally, to reach puberty later, and
habits are established at a
Children need protein to grow,
to last longer than most people
but they do not need high-
acquire a taste for chicken nug-
gets, roast beef, and French fries
Many people are unaware that a
today are the cancer patients,
varied menu of grains, beans,
In a 1980 study in Boston, re-
heart patients, and diabetes
vegetables, and fruits supplies
searchers measured the IQs of
patients of tomorrow. Children
plenty of protein. The “protein
vegetarian children. Some of
who are raised on whole grains,
deficiencies” that our parents
the children were following a
vegetables, fruits, and legumes
worried about in impoverished
macrobiotic diet, a few were
will have a lower risk of heart
countries were the result of
Seventh-day Adventists (many of
disease, stroke, diabetes, cancer,
starvation or diets restricted
whom follow a plant-based diet),
and many obesity-related ill-
to very few food items. Protein
and the rest were from families
nesses compared to their coun-
deficiency is extremely unlikely
that had simply decided to go
terparts raised on the average
on a diet drawn from a variety of
vegetarian. On intelligence test-
American diet. Because of this,
plant foods.
ing, the vegetarian kids were
they will also tend to live years
with a mean IQ of 116. Now,
Very young children may need a slightly higher fat intake than
the diet may have had noth-
Nutrient Needs
ing to do with their intelli-
include soybean products, avo-
gence. Rather, these vegetarian
found in whole grains, beans,
cados, and nut butters. Soy “hot
families were better educated
dogs,” almond butter and jelly
than the average meat-eating
ideal energy to fuel a child’s busy
sandwiches, seasoned veggie
Naked Food Magazine
complex vegetables
adults do. Healthier fat sources
burgers, and avocado chunks
Parents will want to make sure
or more micrograms per day.
in salads, for example, are very
their child’s diet includes a regu-
The body also requires vitamin D,
well accepted. However, the
lar source of vitamin B12, which
which children and parents are
need for fat in the diet should
is needed for healthy blood and
happy to know can be obtained
not be taken too far. American
nerve function. Deficiencies are
by simply playing outdoors in
children often have fatty streaks
rare, but when they happen,
the sun. Fifteen to twenty min-
in the arteries—the beginnings
they can be a bit hard to detect.
utes of daily sunlight on the
of heart disease—before they
Vitamin B12 is plentiful in many
hands and face is enough sun
finish high school. In contrast,
commercial cereals, fortified soy
exposure for the body’s skin
Japanese children traditionally
and rice milks, and nutritional
cells to produce the necessary
grow up on diets much lower
yeast. Check the labels for the
vitamin D. Children in latitudes
in fat and subsequently have
words cyanocobalamin or B12.
with diminished sunlight may
fewer problems with diabetes,
Children who do not eat these
need the vitamin D found in
heart disease, obesity, and other
supplemented products should
chronic diseases.
take a B12 supplement of three
fortified non-dairy milks.
Naked Food Magazine
NAKED DIET For calcium, beans, dried figs,
nutritionally adequate. There is
sweet potatoes, and green veg-
no need for infants to be raised
etables, including collards, kale,
on cow’s milk formulas. In addi-
vitamin D supplements may be
broccoli, mustard greens, and
tion to containing colic-inducing
Swiss chard, are excellent sourc-
proteins that bother many chil-
es. Fortified soymilk and rice
dren, cow’s milk is a common
At about 5 to 6 months of age,
milk and calcium-fortified juices
cause of allergies. Unfortunately,
or when baby’s weight has
provide a great deal of calcium
immune responses to milk pro-
doubled, other foods can be
as well. In addition, eating lots
teins are implicated in insulin-
added to the diet. Pediatricians
of fruits and vegetables, exclud-
dependent diabetes and even in
often recommend starting with
ing animal proteins, and limit-
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome.
an iron-fortified cereal because,
amounts these
at about 4 to 6 months, infants’
ing salt intake all help the body Soy formulas are commonly
iron stores, which are naturally
used in all hospital nurseries,
high at birth, begin to decrease.
Growing children also need
although they can occasionally
Add one simple new food at
iron found in a variety of beans
be allergenic as well. Soymilk
a time, at one to two week
and green, leafy vegetables.
sold in grocery stores for adults
The vitamin C in vegetables and
is not the same as soy baby
fruits enhances iron absorption,
formula, however, and is not
especially when eaten togeth-
adequate for infants.
retain calcium.
er with an iron-rich food. One
Adding foods to your baby’s diet
example is an iron-rich bean
burrito eaten with vitamin C-rich
nourishment other than breast
• Introduce iron-fortified infant
tomato salsa. Few people are
milk or soy formula for the first
cereal. Try rice cereal first, mixed
aware that cow’s milk is very low
half year of life, and they should
with a little breast milk or soy
in iron and can induce a mild,
continue to receive breast milk
formula, since it is the least likely
chronic blood loss in the diges-
or formula at least throughout
to cause allergies. Then, offer
tive tract, which can reduce iron
their first 12 months. Breast-fed
oat or barley cereals. Most
and cause an increased risk of
infants also need about two
pediatricians recommend hold-
hours a week of sun exposure to
ing off on introducing wheat
make vitamin D—a great moti-
until the child is at least 8
vator for Mom to get back into a
months old, as it tends to be
walking routine.
more allergenic.
is breast milk. When breast-
Some infants, especially those
6 to 8 Months
feeding is not possible, com-
who are dark-skinned or who
• Introduce vegetables.
live in cloudy climates, may not
Potatoes, green beans, carrots,
5 to 6 Months
The best food for newborns
Naked Food Magazine
and peas are all good choices.
lems for adolescents. Caloric
peas, navy beans, and chickpeas,
needs vary from child to child.
as well as soy products, such
as tofu, veggie burgers, soy
cooked and mashed. • Introduce fruits. Try mashed bananas,
General guidelines
and tempeh.
Food Groups
peaches, or applesauce.
“hot dogs” or sandwich slices,
• Introduce breads. By 8 months
• One serving of legumes equals 1/2 cup of beans, tofu, or other
of age, most babies can eat
Whole Grains
item (unless an amount is speci-
crackers, bread, and dry cereal.
• Whole grains include breads,
• Introduce protein-rich foods.
hot and cold cereals, pasta,
• Non-dairy milks include breast
Also by about 8 months, infants
cooked grains (such as rice and
milk and soy formula for infants
can begin to eat higher protein
barley), and crackers.
and toddlers, and rice, soy, and
foods like tofu or beans that are
• One serving equals 1/2 cup
well cooked and mashed.
of pasta, grains, or cooked
for children at least 1 year of
cereal, 3/4 to 1 cup of ready-to-
age. Choose fortified soymilk
eat cereal, 1/2 bun or bagel, or
whenever possible, or use other
1 slice of bread.
fortified vegetable-based milks.
Children and Teens
• One serving of non-dairy milk
Children have high calorie and nutrient needs, but their stom-
equals 1 cup.
achs are small. Offer your child
• Dark green vegetables include
• Nuts include whole or chopped
frequent snacks, and include
broccoli, kale, spinach, collard
nuts, nut butters, whole seeds,
some less “bulky” foods like
greens, turnip greens, mustard
and seed butters.
refined whole grains and fruit
greens, beet greens, bok choy,
• One to two servings of nuts
juices. Do limit juices, how-
and Swiss chard.
may be included in a healthy
ever, since children may fill
• Other vegetables refer to all
diet, but they are optional. One
up on them, preferring their
other vegetables, fresh or frozen,
serving of nuts or nut butters
sweetness to other foods.
raw or cooked.
equals 1 tablespoon.
• One serving of vegetables high-
equals 1/2 cup cooked or 1 cup
energy needs and busy sched-
raw (unless an amount is speci-
• Fruits include all fruits, fresh
ules. Keeping delicious, health-
or frozen, raw or cooked, and
fruit juices.
ful snack choices on hand and guiding teens to make lower-fat
Legumes, Nuts, Seeds, and
• One serving equals 1/2 cup
selections when eating out will
Non-Dairy Milks
cooked fruit, 1/2 cup fruit juice,
help to steer them away from
• Legumes include any cooked
1/4 cup dried fruit, or 1 piece
dining pitfalls that often cause
bean such as pinto, kidney,
of fruit (unless an amount is
weight gain and health prob-
lentils, split peas, black-eyed
specified). Naked Food Magazine
Daily Meal Planning for Children and Teens
1 to 4 YearS OLD
5 To 6 yearS OLD
7 to 12 Years old
13 to 19 YearS Old
Whole Grains, Breads, Cereals:
Whole Grains, Breads, Cereals:
Whole Grains, Breads, Cereals:
Whole Grains, Breads, Cereals:
4 servings
6 servings
7 servings
10 servings
2-4 tablespoons dark
1/4 cup dark green
1 serving dark green
1-2 servings dark green
green vegetables,
vegetables, 1/4 to 1/2
vegetables, 3 servings
vegetables, 3 servings
1/4 to 1/2 cup other
cup other vegetables
other vegetables
other vegetables
Legumes, Nuts, Seeds,
Legumes, Nuts, Seeds,
Legumes, Nuts, Seeds,
Legumes, Nuts, Seeds,
Non-Dairy Milks:
Non-Dairy Milks:
Non-Dairy Milks:
Non-Dairy Milks:
1/4 to 1/2 cup legumes,
1/2 to 1 cup legumes,
2 servings legumes,
3 servings legumes,
3 servings breast milk,
3 servings soymilk or
3 servings soymilk or
2-3 servings soymilk or
soy formula, soymilk,
other non-dairy milk
other non-dairy milk
other non-dairy milk
3/4 to 1 1/2 cups
1 to 2 cups
3 servings
4 servings
or other non-dairy milk
Medicine (PCRM) is a non-profit organization,
vitamin B12, such as any typical children’s
which promotes a vegan diet, preventive medicine,
multivitamin or vitamin-fortified cereals
alternatives to animal research, and encourages
or soymilk.
higher standards of ethics and effectiveness in research.
For more information visit
Naked Food Magazine
I'M A game changer. I'M A NAKED FOOD CHEF.
RASPBERRY PROTEIN SNACK Yield: 2 Servings. Recipe developed by the Naked Food Chefs. Recipe type: Naked. Low-Fat | Whole Food | Plant-based | Vegan | Organic | Sustainable Approved for: Diabetes | Cancer | Heart Disease | High Cholesterol | Weight Loss | Optimum Health | Fitness Free of: Animal, Dairy & Lactose | Sugar | Salt | Oil | Peanut | GMO | Gluten | Wheat | Alcohol | Chemical | Colorant | Additive | Preservative | Plastic | Metal
Naked Food Magazine
1 cup almond or coconut milk
2 cups fresh organic raspberries
1 handful fresh organic mint
1 organic kiwi with skin, chopped
3 Tbsp. chia seeds
1 cup coconut water or organic rice milk
In a food processor, blend rice milk or coconut water and 1 cup of raspberries. Pour into a large glass container and add chia seeds. Stir until combined. Let the mixture sit for 5 minutes and stir again. Let it sit for 20 minutes or longer in the refrigerator. Serve topped with whole raspberries, chopped kiwi, and mint leaves.
Naked Food Magazine
owever, there is a dilemma: we need this
form of radiant energy for good health –
appearance, feel
with severe bone deformities (rickets). Most
strengthened, and less nervous.1 Many people
recently, research has shown that without the
sun’s life-giving energy we are at thirty times
greater risk of death from cancer.
symptoms sleepiness,
in fact, without it our bodies become diseased
low-sunlight, of
winter lowered
weight gain, irritability, and decreased socia-
Everyone feels better when the sun comes out.
bility.2 Nicely summarized; sunshine is health
In addition to the cosmetic effects of tan-
and happiness.
Naked Food Magazine
Have you ever wondered how something as natural and omnipresent as sunlight could hurt you? Over eons of evolution (or by Divine creation, if you choose), people have been exposed to the sun’s radiation. You would think by now we would have adapted so as to live in harmony with this enveloping environment. Yet, expert doctors warn us to avoid almost any exposure to these potentially damaging rays – the sun’s radiation is known to suppress our immune system, give us cancer, and cause us premature aging. Naked Food Magazine
A POTENT, NON-PROFITABLE REMEDY For centuries, doctors and natural healers relied on medical treatment by sunlight, called Heliotherapy, to help heal many common ailments. Scientific research shows sunshine to be an effective treatment for rickets, osteomalacia, osteoporosis, acne, eczema, psoriasis, neonatal jaundice, and depression (Seasonal Affective Disorder).7-8 Most recently, solar energy has been found to prolong the life of people with our most common forms of cancer.6-7 All considered, when was the last time you heard of a doctor recommending an hour of afternoon sunning for a patient’s troubles? And which pharmaceutical company sells sunshine?
The Vitamin D Connection The main function of vitamin D is to maintain the body’s calcium concentrations at a precise level. This is accomplished by increasing the absorption of calcium from the intestines and the interaction with other hormones (like parathyroid hormone). Almost all tissues and cells in the body have receptors for this hormone, and therefore are affected by its presence. More than 90% of the vitamin D requirement of people is met by internal synthesis with the aid of sunlight, not from the diet.4 Very few foods naturally contain vitamin D. Examples are: fatty marine fish (salmon, cod liver oil, mackerel, and sardines); and a few foods are fortified with vitamin D, like cow’s milk sold in the United States, as well as some orange juices, cereals, and breads – the vitamin is added during manufacturing.
Naked Food Magazine
Vitamin supplements (pills) are also common sources of this active substance. In children, vitamin D deficiency will cause a disease
deformity called rickets. In adults, osteomalacia (a weakening of the bones) may develop along with muscle weakness, and aching bones and muscles. A role for vitamin D in cancer prevention has recently become a topic of much discussion. Since 1941 researchers have reported that common cancers, like breast, prostate, and colon, are less common where people get more intense sunlight, nearer the equator.
Consumption of
cow’s milk is believed to increase the risk of aggressive and advanced cancer, especially prostate cancer, by interfering with vitamin D activity.7 More specifically, the much-ravedabout calcium in milk suppresses circulating levels of this hormone, encouraging cancer growth. Anticancer effects of vitamin D include regulation of cell growth, helping older cells die when they are supposed to (apoptosis), inhibiting the formation of new blood vessels that feed cancers, stopping the spread of cancer (metastasis), and helping to prevent out-of-control cellular proliferation, a hallmark of cancer. The benefits are not just limited to prevention. There is good evidence that sunlight exposure can benefit those who have already been diagnosed with cancer.7
Explanations for the benefits of the sun’s energy have focused almost exclusively on vitamin D. The truth is the therapeutic effects from the sunlight are much broader than the simple synthesis of this important substance. For example, the connection between sunlight and our well-being is through the increased production of the feel-good brain chemical, serotonin.8 Motion of the sun, perceived through our eyes, from sunrise to sunset, sets our biological clock and determines our circadian rhythms.
definition, are not synthesized by our body,
The amount of this hormone needed by our
but are small organic substances, which must
bodies is very small. The exposure of skin
be acquired through our foods. Because we
sufficient to cause a slight pinkness produces
vitamin D levels equivalent to 20,000 IU (as
substance, it is by definition a hormone created
supplied by pills).
by the action of sunlight on plant-derived sterols
than the RDA for adults under 50 years old,
circulating through the exposed layers of our
recommendations for daily oral supplements. 3
Thus, it is commonly referred to as the
This is 100 times greater greater
“sunshine vitamin,” but more correctly it should be
Vitamin D toxicity is never caused by ex-
hormone only becomes a “vitamin” under the
unnatural living conditions of severe sunlight
with an SPF of 15 or greater can reduce
vitamin D production by 95%.4
In this case, the only available
source may be diet. Naked Food Magazine
NAKED HEALING Because vitamin D is fat soluble, it is effective-
ly stored in the body’s own fatty tissues where
I (John McDougall) am of Scotch-Irish decent
it serves as a “sunshine battery” for later use
and my skin is fair with a very low level of
during the darker days of winter. With obese
pigmentation (melanin) which allows the sun’s
people, this hormone is “sucked” so success-
vital radiation to easily penetrate its outer lay-
fully into the body fat that much of it becomes
ers. Because of this efficiency, I can make all the
essentially unavailable for future use – this is
vitamin D I need from as little as five minutes
proposed as one reason obese people have
of exposure to my face, hands, and arms (6% to
more risk of cancer.
10% of my body) at noon, two to three times a week, while living at a latitude similar to Detroit’s.
Harms from Overexposure Sunlight is a form of powerful radiation, so it
My sun exposure changed drastically in my early
should not be a surprise that there is a potential
twenties when I migrated from Michigan (42 N
for harm. This ultraviolet light suppresses our
latitude) to Hawaii (21 N latitude). As a result, I
cancer-fighting immune system and causes the
became a “white boy” living in an environment
formation of free radicals which damage our cells,
fitted for much darker-skinned people. I sunned
including their genetic materials (DNA).
my body on the beach, sailed on my boat, windsurfed, and hiked without a hat for 15 years,
Repeated, severe injuries to the skin’s elastic
often at high noon in the summer months. The
structures cause it to wrinkle, an unsightly sign
result was sun damage to my skin that I live with
of aging. Years of overexposure can lead to
to this day. I also ate a high-fat, low-plant food
precancerous, actinic keratosis, and then actual
diet during my early years in Hawaii.
cancers, basal cell, and squamous cell carcinomas. Ultraviolet light is one of only 60 agents
Darker-skinned people such as Africans, Middle-
designated by the World Health Organization as
Easterners, and some Asians, for example, can
a human carcinogen. More than 1 million cases
develop just the opposite problem by migration.
of skin cancer annually are attributed to sun
Living for eons in lands of intense sunshine, their
exposure.6 This represents 55% of all cancers in
skins became heavily pigmented (lots of melanin)
the USA. Fortunately, these forms of skin cancer
to block out the sun’s powerful radiation. Over
are rarely fatal. This dark side counters our love
the last 400 years, millions of these people have
of the sun and all the scientific evidence that
relocated to lands of limited sunshine, like cloudy
substantiates its benefits; so what went wrong?
London or to an office building in New York City.
Unnatural Causes
Dark skin requires as much as 10 to 50 times
Three changes in our natural condition now place us in harm’s way.
Naked Food Magazine
the solar energy to make the same amount of vitamin D as does fair skin.7 The consequence is too often vitamin D deficiency, which may be one
reason that African-Americans living in the USA
reversed the cancer-promoting effects of the
have so much more internal cancer than whites
high-fat diet.9 These findings suggested that
have. Deficiency in their children also causes
changing a person’s diet, even after exposure to UV
rickets. It is estimated that over 50% of African-
light, might prevent future skin cancers, and possi-
Americans in the USA are at risk of vitamin D
bly reverse the effects of the sun’s damage.
deficiency, compared to only 5% of caucasians.4,7 This may surprise you, but even more than animal SECOND MAN-MADE CHANGE: NUTRITION
(saturated) fat, polyunsaturated oils derived from
Animal experiments reported as early as 1939
vegetables (like corn and safflower oils) are found
provided the first clues about the influence of
to be the strongest promoters of skin cancers
our diet on the risk of skin damage from sunlight.
in people and experimental animals, of any food-
Researchers discovered a diet high in fat increased
stuffs that we eat.10 This danger only applies to
the numbers of ultraviolet (UV) radiation-induced
free oils, like those found in a bottle. When the oil
skin cancers in mice. In the 1980s, studies showed
is still in its natural state, as part of the
that switching from a high-fat to a low-fat diet
components of the fruit or vegetable, it is per-
immediately after the ultraviolet light exposure
fectly safe, and as you know, health-promoting.
Naked Food Magazine
NAKED HEALING times less in the low-fat group than the high fat dieters.15 THIRD MAN-MADE CHANGE: ATMOSPHERE The intensity of the sun’s radiation delivered to our skin is increasing because of industrial damage to our atmosphere. Of the types of radiation emitted by the sun, ultraviolet radiation is believed to be almost entirely responsible for the deleterious effects sunlight can have on our systems.
The most serious warning about the sun comes from the fear of developing the very deadly skin cancer, melanoma. This fear is unfounded. Research clearly shows that sun exposure has little to do with the cause of this kind of cancer. In fact, there is good evidence that sunshine can help prevent this vicious cancer and can even slow its growth by doubling a patient’s chances of surviving.11,12 Melanoma is believed to be due to a diet high in fat, especially vegetable oils, and low in fruit and vegetables.13 Even if you have skin damage, it is not too late to change your eating habits. An experiment published in 1994 in the New England Journal of Medicine reported that people with actinic keratosis (precancerous, dry, scaly, rough-textured patches) were able to reduce the chances of development of new actinic (sun damage) lesions, 3 to 6-fold, by switching from a high fat (38% of calories) to a relatively low-fat (21% of calories) diet. This diet was also more plentiful in plant foods.14 Furthermore, during the last 8 months of the study the incidence of skin cancers was 10
Naked Food Magazine
The amount of ultraviolet radiation that actually reaches the earth’s surface depends on elevation, latitude, altitude, weather conditions, and on the amount of ozone, water vapor, oxygen, and carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. However, the ozone layer is becoming chemically depleted because of the presence of chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) in the stratosphere. CFCs are used in air conditioners, and as cleaning and spraying agents in the chemical industry. In 1985, it was reported that there is a hole in the ozone layer over Antarctica, and there is additional evidence that ozone is being lost at nearly all latitudes outside of the tropics.
Taking Action My observations of the world affirm for me that Nature makes few (if any) mistakes, and all forms of life are supported by natural surroundings, which exist in delicate balances. Unfortunately, the equilibrium has been upset and in some ways sunshine has been turned from a friend to a potential foe. Your first response must be to take every step to put things back into balance by making adjustments to receive the proper
amount of sun you need based
to a low-fat, plant-based diet is
on your skin pigmentation. This
always recommended for bet-
may mean at one extreme hours
ter skin. The benefits are almost
of exposure for dark-skinned
limitless and there are no added
people living in low-light condi-
costs or adverse effects from
tions, and at the other extreme
this simple step. This kind of
great efforts to minimize expo-
eating is so powerful that it
sure in fair-skinned people living
actually provides some of the
near the equator.
same biochemical benefits as sunlight without any of the
Because of the recent worsening
especially if you are fair-skinned,
I do not recommend vitamin D
you may need to wear protec-
supplements, except in those
tive clothing, avoid sun exposure
extremely rare cases (such as
during peak hours of radiation,
confinement to a nursing home
and use sunscreens. Use of pro-
or exile to the Arctic) where you
tective agents is a must for areas
cannot get the most reliable and
of skin that have already been
beneficial source of vitamin D:
damaged, commonly, face, neck,
sunshine. The components of
shoulders, and hands. However,
life that provide radiant health
you can still choose to increase
for you are: clean air, water, and
sun exposure to undamaged
food, adequate rest, moderate
areas of skin such as legs, ab-
exercise, and sunshine.
domen, and back in order to
are cost-free, side-effect-free, but
obtain the health benefits of
also profit-free, so don’t expect
this radiant energy. The safest
much outside encouragement
way to benefit from the heal-
for their liberal use.
ing powers of sunlight may be to build your exposure slowly
John McDougall, MD is a board-
throughout the year and to
certified internist, author of 11
avoid burning from impulsive
national best-selling books, host
intense exposures.
of the nationally syndicated television show McDougall M.D., and
Regardless of skin tone, occupa-
medical director of the 10-day,
tion, present geographic loca-
live-in McDougall Program. Visit
tion, or current health, a change
1. Gambichler T, Bader A, Vojvodic M, Bechara FG, Sauermann K, Altmeyer P, Hoffmann K. Impact of UVA exposure on psychological parameters and circulating serotonin and melatonin. BMC Dermatol. 2002 Apr 12;2(1):6. 2. Magnusson A. Seasonal affective disorder: an overview. Chronobiol Int. 2003 Mar;20(2):189-207. 3. Holick MF. Vitamin D: importance in the prevention of cancers, type 1 diabetes, heart disease, and osteoporosis. Am J Clin Nutr. 2004 Mar;79(3):362-71. 4. Holick MF. Sunlight and vitamin D for bone health and prevention of autoimmune diseases, cancers, and cardiovascular disease. Am J Clin Nutr. 2004 Dec;80(6 Suppl):1678S88S. 5. McCarty MF. A moderately low phosphate intake may provide health benefits analogous to those conferred by UV light - a further advantage of vegan diets. Med Hypotheses. 2003 Nov-Dec; 61(5-6):543-60. 6. Egan KM, Sosman JA, Blot WJ. Sunlight and reduced risk of cancer: is the real story vitamin D? J Natl Cancer Inst. 2005 Feb 2;97(3):161-3. 7. Giovannucci E. The epidemiology of vitamin D and cancer incidence and mortality: A review (United States). Cancer Causes Control. 2005 Mar;16(2):83-95. 8. Hoekstra R. Effect of light therapy on biopterin, neopterin and tryptophan in patients with seasonal affective disorder. Psychiatry Res. 2003 Aug 30;120(1):37-42. 9. Black HS. Influence of dietary factors on actinically-induced skin cancer. Mutat Res. 1998 Nov 9;422(1):185-90. 10. Harris RB, Foote JA, Hakim IA, Bronson DL, Alberts DS. Fatty acid composition of red blood cell membranes and risk of squamous cell carcinoma of the skin. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 2005 Apr;14(4):906-12. 11. Berwick M, Armstrong BK, Ben-Porat L, Fine J, Kricker A, Eberle C, Barnhill R. Sun exposure and mortality from melanoma. J Natl Cancer Inst. 2005 Feb 2;97(3):195-9. 12. Christophers AJ. Melanoma is not caused by sunlight. Mutat Res. 1998 Nov 9;422(1):113-7. 13. Millen AE, Tucker MA, Hartge P, Halpern A, Elder DE, Guerry D 4th, Holly EA, Sagebiel RW, Potischman N. Diet and melanoma in a case-control study. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 2004 Jun;13(6):1042-51. 14. Black HS, Herd JA, Goldberg LH, Wolf JE Jr, Thornby JI, Rosen T, Bruce S, Tschen JA, Foreyt JP, Scott LW, et al. Effect of a low-fat diet on the incidence of actinic keratosis. N Engl J Med. 1994 May 5;330(18):1272-5. 15. Black HS. Influence of dietary factors on actinically-induced skin cancer. Mutat Res. 1998 Nov 9;422(1):185-90. 16. Burns CA, Brown MD. Imiquimod for the treatment of skin cancer. Dermatol Clin. 2005 Jan;23(1):151-64, vii.
Naked Food Magazine
ENLIGHTENED PIZZA CRUST Yield: 2 Pizza Crusts. Recipe developed by the Naked Food Chefs. Recipe type: Naked. Low-Fat | Whole Food | Plant-based | Vegan | Organic | Sustainable Approved for: Diabetes | Cancer | Heart Disease | High Cholesterol | Weight Loss | Optimum Health | Fitness Free of: Animal, Dairy & Lactose | Sugar | Salt | Oil | Peanut | GMO | Gluten | Wheat | Alcohol | Chemical | Colorant | Additive | Preservative | Plastic | Metal
Naked Food Magazine
1 lb. fresh organic cauliflower florets
3 Tbsp. ground chia seeds
6 Tbsp. water
½ cup almond meal
1 Tbsp. non-gmo miso paste
½ tsp. garlic powder
½ tsp. dried oregano
Sprinkle of nutritional yeast
METHOD Preheat oven to 350°F. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper or use a flat silicone sheet. In a food processor, mill 3 Tbsp. chia seeds until finely ground. Pour into a small container and add 6 tablespoons of water. Mix well and let stand for 5 minutes. Mix again and let stand for another 15 minutes. Place the cauliflower florets in the food processor and pulse until a rice-like texture is created. Transfer the cauliflower “rice” to the center of a thin dishtowel. Use your hands to squeeze the rice in the towel, removing all of the excess moisture. Place the drained cauliflower in a large bowl, and add the chia mixture, almond meal, miso, garlic, and dried oregano. Mix thoroughly. Press mixture against the parchment-lined baking sheet, and use your hands to shape the mixture into your desired size. Keep the crust to ¼-inch thick. Bake for 30-35 minutes, until the top is lightly golden and dry to the touch. For best results, use an additional piece of parchment paper to flip the entire pizza crust. Return it to the pan and bake for an additional 15 minutes. Once the crust is firm and dry, add your favorite pizza toppings and return to the oven briefly, about 5-10 additional minutes. We added marinara sauce, pesto, zucchini slices, and asparagus. We used fresh organic basil, sunflower sprouts, and nutritional yeast as toppings.
Naked Food Magazine
Naked Food Magazine
superbugs & antibiotics
Clostridium difficile, commonly known as C. diff, is one of our most urgent bacterial threats. It is sickening a quarter million Americans every year, killing thousands to the cost of a billion dollars a year, and it’s on the rise. Although uncomplicated cases have been traditionally managed with powerful antibiotics, recent reports suggest that hyper-virulent strains are increasingly resistant to medical management, requiring surgery to remove the entire colon. This surgery is so risky, the operation alone may kill in half the time.
Naked Food Magazine
here has also been a rise in the percentage
of cases that end up under the knife,
superbugs such as C. difficile and MRSA at the
which could be a marker of the emergence of
farm production level may be more important,
hyper-virulent strains. Historically, most cases
though, than at the slaughterhouse level. One
appeared in hospitals, but a landmark study
of the reasons sows and their piglets may
recently published in the New England Journal
have such high rates of C. diff is because of
of Medicine found that only about a third
cross-contamination of feces in the farrowing
of cases could be linked to contact with an
crate, which are metal cages used to confine
infected patient.
mother pigs.
Another potential source is our food supply. In
Could you just follow food safety guidelines
the US, the frequency of contamination of retail
and cook the meat thoroughly? Unfortunately,
chicken has been documented to be up to 1 in
current food safety guidelines are ineffective
6 packages off store shelves. Pig-derived C. diff,
against C. difficile. To date, most food safety
however, have garnered the greatest attention
guidelines recommend cooking to an internal
from public health personnel because the same
temperature as low as 145°F, which is the
human strain that’s increasingly emerging in
the community outside of hospitals is the major
Recent studies show that these C. diff spores
strain among pigs.
recommendation extended
for at
pork. 174°F,
therefore the guidelines should be raised to C. diff is now one of the most common causes
of intestinal infections in piglets in the United
Particular attention has been paid to
pigs because of high rates of C. diff shedding
The problem is that sources of C. diff food
into their waste, which can lead to the
contamination might include not only fecal
contamination of retail pork. The U.S. happens to
contamination on the meat, but transfer of
spores from the gut into the actual muscles
contamination tested in the world.
of the animal, inside the meat. Clostridia bacteria like C. diff comprise one of the main
Carcass contamination by gut contents at
groups of bacteria involved in natural carcass
slaughter probably contributes most to the
degradation, and so by colonizing muscle
presence of C. diff in meat and meat prod-
tissue before death, C. diff can not only
ucts. But, why is the situation so much worst in
transmit to new hosts that eat the muscles,
the U.S.?
like us, but give them a headstart on carcass
Slaughter techniques differ from
country-to-country, with those in the United States being what they call more of the “quick and dirty” variety.
Naked Food Magazine
break down.
thousands of turkeys or chickens. This may explain why in Europe, human MRSA infection has been tied to just living in a region with
When farm animals are fed antibiotics, they can
industrial pig production, whether or not people
develop antibiotic-resistant bacteria in their guts.
have direct contact with livestock.
The gut bacteria becomes manure on meat, which can spread to humans -even vegetarian humans,
These findings may not just be limited to Europe,
since drug resistant bacteria in the animal feces
though, where their factory farms pale in com-
can also spread to people through crops or the
parison to what we have here in the States, but
environment. Exhaust fans from pig or poultry
we didn’t know for sure, until now. Both,
operations can blow MRSA superbugs straight out
proximity to swine manure, application to crop
into the surrounding area.
fields and livestock operations, were associated with MRSA and skin and soft-tissue infections
Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus is a
in people here in the U.S. These findings
bacterium responsible for several difficult-to-
contribute to the growing concern about the
treat infections in humans. You can find MRSA
potential public health impacts of high-density
livestock production.
In December 2013, the FDA released a guide for industry where they recommend antibiotics no longer be used to just fatten animals for slaughter. They emphasize, however, that following these guidelines is voluntary and they are not legally enforceable.
Naked Food Magazine
NAKED WISDOM Achievements in modern medicine, such as
resistant bacterial pathogens.
surgery and the treatment of preterm babies, which we take for granted today, would not be
The USDA is even considering going backwards,
possible without access to effective treatment
and eliminating the requirement to test for Staph
for bacterial infections. Within just a few years,
aureus in the federal school lunch program.
we might be faced with dire setbacks, unless
They understand that school-aged children are
considered a “sensitive population,” hence, more
actions are immediately taken to protect these
stringent requirements, including sampling and
wonder drugs. The use of antibiotics solely to
testing, may be considered to help assure safety
promote the growth of farm animals to slaugh-
and public confidence. However, the cost of such
ter weights should be banned worldwide as
programs must be weighed against the cost of
has happened in the EU. Europe stopped
buying the food needed to support the program.
feeding pigs and chickens tetracycline and penicillin to promote growth about 40 years
As one University of Iowa epidemiologist said,
ago; something we continue to do to this day
“although human health should take priority
in the United States.
over farm animals, farmers will be reluctant to change until researchers can come up with safe
The Pew Commission recently published a 5-year
and cost-effective practices to replace the use
update on their landmark blue-ribbon commis-
of antibiotics.” How much are antibiotics really
sion report on current agricultural practices that
saving the industry? The net bottom line ben-
found “the present system of producing food
efit from the use of antibiotic feed additives may
only be about $0.25 per animal, which means
unacceptable level of risk to public health.” Their
number one recommendation was to ban the
antibiotics by the ton to farm animals would
non-therapeutic use of antibiotics, but agricul-
raise the price of meat less than a penny per
ture lobbies are not going to give up the use
of antibiotics without a fight. In December 2013, the FDA released a guide for
industry where they recommend antibiotics no
A founding member of the American College
longer be used to just fatten animals for
of Lifestyle Medicine, Michael Greger, MD, is a
slaughter. They
physician, author, and internationally recognized
following these guidelines is voluntary and
speaker on nutrition, food safety, and public health
they are not legally enforceable. This voluntary
issues. Currently Dr. Greger serves as the Director
approach has come under withering criticism
of Public Health and Animal Agriculture at The
from the public health and medical communi-
Humane Society of the United States. For more
ties concerned about the increase in antibiotic-
information visit
emphasize, however,
Naked Food Magazine
QI CARROTS WRAPS Yield: 16 Wraps. Recipe from Naked Food's Master Plants Cookbook Recipe type: Naked. Low-Fat | Whole Food | Plant-based | Vegan | Organic | Sustainable Approved for: Diabetes | Cancer | Heart Disease | High Cholesterol | Weight Loss | Optimum Health | Fitness Free of: Animal, Dairy & Lactose | Sugar | Salt | Oil | Peanut | GMO | Gluten | Wheat | Alcohol | Chemical | Colorant | Additive | Preservative | Plastic | Metal
Naked Food Magazine
INGREDIENTS For the wraps •
2 large organic carrots
2 Tbsp. pine nuts (aka pignoli)
Fresh organic sprouts
Pinch of paprika
For the hummus •
1 cup chickpeas, cooked
¼ cup hemp seeds
¼ cup non-dairy milk
1 tsp. tahini
1 tsp. non-gmo light miso
2 Tbsp. fresh squeezed lemon juice
Pinch of ground pepper
METHOD Making the hummus. Add all the ingredients to a food processor and grind until smooth. Making the wraps. Using an adjustable ceramic or BPA-free mandolin, slice carrots on the 0.5mm setting. Lay carrot slices on a flat surface and spread hummus and sprouts to about ½” from the edges. Roll carrots to form a cylinder. Top with extra sprouts, pine nuts and a pinch of paprika.
Naked Food Magazine
Phytonutrients have powerful health-promoting properties including antioxidant and antiinflammatory effects. Whenever you hear the word antioxidant, think “anti-aging.” This is because antioxidants neutralize free radicals in the body.
Naked Food Magazine
Naked Food Magazine
NAKED FOOD Free radicals contribute to chron-
immune system sends more
grow. Consequently, the plants
ic diseases from cancer to heart
blood to deliver those compo-
stop producing many of the an-
disease and Alzheimer’s disease
nents needed to recover.
tibodies needed to naturally deal
to vision loss. Free radicals also
with these challenges.
cause cellular damage that can
lead to wrinkles, and dry, sag-
Organic fruits and vegetables
Phytonutrients are also very sen-
ging skin. Free radicals come
have far more phytonutrients
sitive to heat and are destroyed
from alcohol, air pollution, radia-
than non-organic plants. This is
by the cooking process. There-
tion, toxins, and stress, to name a
because nonorganic plants be-
fore fresh, ripe, raw, organic,
few. Inflammation is part of the
come dependent upon the ar-
and whole fruits, vegetables,
body's immune response wher-
tificial, chemically synthesized
and sprouts are the best sourc-
ever there is infection or injury.
pesticides and fungicides farm-
es of these powerful defend-
The affected area swells as your
ers spray on them to help them
ers for your immune system.
Abundant evidence suggests that eating whole fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, all rich in networks of antioxiWe aren’t defenseless against free radicals. The body makes scads of mol-
dants and their helper molecules, provides protection against
ecules that quench free radicals as surely as water douses fire. We also
many of these scourges of aging.
extract free-radical fighters from food. These defenders are often lumped together as “antioxidants.” They work by generously giving electrons to free radicals without turning into electron-scavenging substances themselves.
Naked Food Magazine
Lycopene: Tomatoes, watermel-
Scientists have identified more
on, pink grapefruits, and apricots.
than 25,000 phytonutrients in
Good for boosting the immune
plant foods. Many phytonutri-
system and cancer of the mouth,
ents give plants their distinctive
esophagus, lung, stomach, intes-
colors such as the green, orange,
tines, prostate, cervix, and colon.
and red in spinach, carrots, and
Allyl Sulfides: Garlic, onions,
bell peppers.
and shallots. Strengthens the immune system, good for al-
Chlorophyll: Wheatgrass, spirulina,
lergies, colds, and flu.
chlorella, barley grass, and in all leafy greens. Good for healthy blood, brain, all bodily tissues, detox, lowers blood pressure, glowing skin.
Selenium: Brazil nuts and walnuts. Boosting the immune
Diindolylmethane: Cauliflower,
system especially for people
kale, broccoli, cabbage, Brus-
dealing with colds, flu, AIDS/HIV,
sels sprouts and collard greens.
and tuberculosis. Excellent for the
Strengthens the immune system.
thyroid and it is anti-aging.
Curcuminoids: Turmeric. This phytonutrient has been shown to have anti-inflammatory, prodigestive, and anti-infectious activities. The Hippocrates Health Institute, is a non-profit organization that offers nutritional counseling, nonBeta-carotene: Carrots, yams,
invasive remedial and youth-en-
and green leafy vegetables.
hancing therapies, spa services,
Good for healthy eyes, skin,
and enzyme-rich, organic meals.
hair, bones, teeth, and sex.
Visit Naked Food Magazine
FARMER'S FABulous Bowl Yield: 4 Servings. Recipe developed by the Naked Food Chefs. Recipe type: Naked. Low-Fat | Whole Food | Plant-based | Vegan | Organic | Sustainable Approved for: Diabetes | Cancer | Heart Disease | High Cholesterol | Weight Loss | Optimum Health | Fitness Free of: Animal, Dairy & Lactose | Sugar | Salt | Oil | Peanut | GMO | Gluten | Wheat | Alcohol | Chemical | Colorant | Additive | Preservative | Plastic | Metal
Naked Food Magazine
1 cup organic buckwheat, uncooked
1 cup organic lentils, uncooked
1 cup organic mushrooms, sliced
1 cup organic carrots, shredded
½ organic yellow pepper, chopped
1 medium size organic onion
1 sprig fresh organic dill
1 Tbsp. non-gmo, miso paste
1 tsp. nama shoyu or tahini
1 Tbsp. hemp seeds (optional)
Pinch black pepper
METHOD In a large pot, bring 4 ½ cups water to a boil. Add lentils, buckwheat, miso, onion, and a few (5 -6) dill leaves. Cook for 10 minutes and bring to medium heat until water is absorbed. In a saucepan, cook mushrooms in 1 cup of water over medium heat for about 5 minutes. Add pepper, nama shoyu or tahini, and carrots, and let simmer for another 10 minutes. Set aside. Add contents of saucepan to lentil/buckwheat mixture when ready. Add hemp seeds and stir well. Top with fresh dill leaves and serve.
Naked Food Magazine
hen I think of Father’s Day, I’m flooded
of animal products is linked to the Number 1 killer
with memories from my childhood.
in America: heart disease.
When we hosted a get-together, my
dad would don an apron (the only time I ever saw
That’s not what I want to talk about here, not
directly, anyway. The vast majority of heart disease
occurs when our arteries (the tubes that carry
ens of burgers, steaks, and chicken breasts.
richly oxygenated blood away from our hearts
The other dads would stand beside the grill,
and lungs) get so “gunked up,” the blood stops
offering commentary and advice. With a little
flowing smoothly. As Dr. Terry Mason, the Chicago
imagination, I saw them in bearskins, weapons set
physician featured in the documentary Forks Over
down behind the fire ring, celebrating their success
Knives, points out, if we have vascular disease
at the hunt. There was nothing I wanted more than
anywhere, we have it everywhere.
the and
to participate in this primal male-bonding ritual. One of the first parts of the body to fail as a result Grilling is, if anything, a bigger deal in 2015 than it
of this entire gunk is, shall we say, the very part that
was in the 1970s. Celebrity grill chefs, hometown
men use to become fathers. According to Dr. Mason,
cook-off shows, and an Internet marketplace for
erectile dysfunction is “the canary in the coal mine”
niche rubs, marinades, and even monogrammed
for heart disease. As a Physicians Committee for
branding irons, have encouraged many of us to
Responsible Medicine report put it, less poetically,
take the simple barbecue to new heights of culinary
“impotence should be viewed as a sign that other
ambition. Every Father’s Day, millions of American
cardiovascular problems may manifest in the future,
dads proudly and lovingly share millions of pounds
and that diet and lifestyle changes to help prevent
of meat with their families, though the consumption
these problems are essential.”
Naked Food Magazine
Naked Food Magazine
NAKED TRUTH It’s pretty ironic that the food that most men
the problem, in most cases, is a gunked-up
associate with “manliness” —meat—is actually one
cardiovascular system. Instead of correcting this
of the big enemies of manliness. The pharmaceutical
problem through diet (which has only positive
industry has solutions, of course. Eli Lilly made $1.2
side effects), Viagra and other drugs just delay the
billion in 2012 through sales of ED drug Cialis. Pfizer
natural outflowing of blood from the penis,
earned $1.1 billion from Viagra, and that’s just the
hence the “four-hour erection” danger. Going
tip of the, uh, iceberg. Levitra, Stendra, and several
back to the canary in the coalmine metaphor:
generic drugs also rack up the profits for big
ED drugs are like giving the canary a respirator.
pharma. Why not avail yourself of one of those pills
Now the canary can breathe, but the coal miners
if you suddenly find yourself, Bob Dole-like,
are in worse shape than before because the next
unable to “raise the flag?” Two big reasons, first,
symptom of that bad air might be quick death
side effects.
by carbon monoxide poisoning, or a deadly
lists mild to moderate
headache, flushing of the face, and stomach
methane explosion.
upset as “common” side effects. Uncommon ones include “temporary changes in color vision (such
My prescription for healthy dads is to lay off the
as trouble telling the difference between blue and
meat, and instead grill some inspirational veggies.
green objects or having a blue color tinge to them),
I’m sure asparagus, zucchini, peppers, parsnips,
eyes being more sensitive to light, or blurred
and carrots will help create both the mood and the
vision.” The rare ones include the famous “erection
means. Oh, and ladies, don’t think you’re going to
lasting more than four hours” which can cause
get a pass here. As plant-based octogenarian
permanent damage to the penis.
Common side effects of Cialis include headache,
reminds on
cardiovascular system.
indigestion, back pain, muscle ache, nasal congestion, flushing, and limb pain. The penis is work-
My dad passed in 1989, at the age of 71, from a
ing, but at the expense of pretty much everything
sudden heart attack. I dedicate this article, and the
else. Not exactly the picture of an ardent lover, is it?
veggies I will continue to grill on Father’s Day, to his
Side effects are not, in my view, the most serious
memory. May his “greatest” generation be among
drawback of a pharmaceutical approach to ED.
the last to have the fullness of their days denied
Rather, the bigger danger is that the drugs work
by our collective nutritional ignorance.
as advertised. They treat a symptom, not the cause. Viagra blocks a particular chemical, PDE5, that is
primarily used in the penis to remove the “get it
Howard Jacobson, PhD, runs
up” enzyme, cGMP. If you block PDE5, the cGMP
As a researcher, speaker, educator, and coach,
can build up to the point where the penile muscles
and contributing author to T. Colin Campbell’s
relax enough to let in the necessary blood to
WHOLE: Rethinking the Science of Nutrition and
maintain erection. Remember that the root of
Garth Davis, MD's upcoming Proteinaholic.
Naked Food Magazine
NAKED ALMOND MILK + HERB SPREAD Yield: 3 Cups +1 Spread. Recipe developed by the Naked Food Chefs. Recipe type: Naked. Low-Fat | Whole Food | Plant-based | Vegan | Organic | Sustainable Approved for: Diabetes | Cancer | Heart Disease | High Cholesterol | Weight Loss | Optimum Health | Fitness Free of: Animal, Dairy & Lactose | Sugar | Salt | Oil | Peanut | GMO | Gluten | Wheat | Alcohol | Chemical | Colorant | Additive | Preservative | Plastic | Metal
2 organic carrots
1 cup raw almonds
4 dates, pitted
1 tsp. alcohol-free vanilla extract
4 cups filtered water
METHOD Soak almonds overnight; drain and rinse. In a high-powered blender, mix the almonds, dates, vanilla, and water for about a minute or until mixture looks creamy and uniform. Over a large glass bottle or jar, drape a nut milk bag, or double-layered cheesecloth. Secure it with a rubber band. We use a teapot infuser or tea strainer to filter the almond pulp. Pour almond milk through your filter in increments. Gently push and remove the pulp that builds up and set aside. Store almond milk in an air-tight glass container in the refrigerator. Milk will last for 2 or 3 days. ALMOND HERB SPREAD INGREDIENTS •
1 cup almond milk pulp (left over)
½ cup any other seed (pumpkin, sesame, sunflower)
1 Tbsp. nama shoyu or tamari
1 Tbsp. fresh organic lemon juice
1 clove fresh organic garlic
3 Tbsp. of any fresh, organic chopped herbs (rosemary, basil, cilantro, sun-dried tomatoes, olives, or parsley)
METHOD In a food processor, mix all ingredients until smooth and spreadable.
Naked Food Magazine
Naked Food Magazine
the toxins
that threathen our
There are more than 1,000 brain-related diseases and disorders that affect nearly a billion people worldwide. Professor Colin Pritchard's latest research published in the journal, Public Health, has found that there has been a sharp rise of dementia and other neurological deaths in people under 74. The rise is due to a higher proportion of older people being affected by neurological conditions; and what is really alarming, it is starting earlier and affecting people under 55 years of age.
Naked Food Magazine
NAKED WELLNESS highly and acutely toxic to bees, wildlife, and
Neurological Disorders In Adults The research highlights that between 1979-2010 there is an alarming “hidden epidemic” of rises in neurological deaths of adults under 74 in Western countries. Total neurological deaths in both men and women rose significantly in 16 of the countries covered by the research, which is in sharp contrast to the major reductions in deaths from all other causes.
neurological deaths rose faster than men's in most countries.
not account for the earlier onset. Considering the changes over the last 30 years, such as the explosion in electronic devices, rises in background non-ionizing radiation (PCs, microwaves, TVs, mobile phones); and road and air transport increasing background petrochemical pollution, one of the biggest changes has been the massive introduction of neurotoxins in food and household products including pesticides, chemicals,
hormones, antibiotics, colorants, and genetically
delayed children,
pecially pregnant women, should eat organic produce. Grandjean estimates that there are about 45 organophosphate pesticides on the market, and “most have the potential to a
In a 2012 paper published by the National Institutes of Health, Bellinger, a professor of neurology at Harvard Medical School, compared intelligence quotients among children whose mothers had been exposed to these neurotoxins while pregnant to those who had not. Bellinger calculates a total loss of 16.9 million IQ points due to exposure to organophosphates. In the pages of a prestigious medical journal Philippe Grandjean, Bellinger’s Harvard colleague, and Philip Landrigan, dean for global health at Mount Sinai School
modified organisms to name a few.
of Medicine in Manhattan, announced to some
Neurological Diseases in Children
been damaging the brains of unborn children.
Leading scientists recently identified a dozen chemicals as being responsible for widespread behavioral and cognitive problems in children. Dr. David Bellinger determined American children have collectively produced lower IQ scores as a result of exposure to lead, mercury, and organophosphate pesticides. Organophosphates are the most common basis of many insecticides, herbicides, and nerve agents currently used in agriculture. The United States Environmental Protection Agency lists organophosphates as
Philippe Grandjean, a Danish-born researcher
While the elderly population has risen, it does
Naked Food Magazine
controversy that a “silent pandemic” of toxins has
The experts named commonly used chemicals—substances found in both the environment and everyday items like furniture and clothing— that they believed to be causing not just lower IQs but ADHD and autism spectrum disorder. Among the neurotoxins identified were methylmercury, polychlorinated biphenyls, ethanol, lead, arsenic, toluene, manganese, fluoride, chlorpyrifos, tetrachloroethylene, polybrominated diphenyl ethers, and dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane.
Organophosphates are the most common basis of many insecticides, herbicides, and nerve agents currently
The United States Environmental Protection Agency lists organophosphates as highly and acutely toxic to bees, wildlife, and humans.
How Toxins Destroy The Brain. About a quarter of the body’s metabolism goes toward operating and maintaining the brain. In order to process even basic information, billions of chemical signals are constantly being carried between neurons. The undertaking is so arduous that even though the brain is not moving (like,
line. The process is an intricate, fast-paced dance on a very tiny scale. Each nerve cell is about one hundredth of a millimeter wide, so it has to travel its own width 25,000 times just to move an inch. Neurotoxins have the potential to disrupt this journey, in a slight or serious fashion.
say, the powerful muscles in the legs), it uses
More Toxins Exposed.
around 10 times more calories per pound than
It's surprising to learn how little evidence there
the rest of the body. The brain's 86 billion
is for the safety of chemicals all around us, in
neurons are created in a matter of months and
our walls and furniture, in our water and air.
during the first few weeks of gestation.
Many consumers assume there is a rigorous testing process before a new chemical is allowed
For a brain to develop properly, neurons must
to be a part of a consumer product. “We still don’t
move to precise places in a precise sequence.
have any kind of decent law on the books that
They do so under the direction of hormones
requires that chemicals be tested for safety
and chemical neurotransmitters like acetylcho-
before they come to market,” Landrigan said. Naked Food Magazine
NAKED WELLNESS Although there is somewhat of
Lead interferes with a variety of
autoimmune disorders.
a process for approving a prod-
body processes and is toxic to
uct for mass consumption or
Exposure during pregnancy re-
many organs and tissues includ-
utilization, it is evident that it
tards the mental development
ing the heart, bones, intestines,
is not a thorough process. Once
of children, and most use in
kidneys, and reproductive and
homes has been banned since
nervous systems. It interferes
damage, while already approved
2001 in the United States. In
with the development of the
as safe and in the hands of the
agriculture, it remains "one of
nervous system and is, therefore,
the most widely used organo-
particularly toxic to children,
opt to do further testing. In
phosphate insecticides", accord-
causing potentially permanent
other cases, it simply takes
ing to the United States Environ-
learning and behavior disorders.
public inquiries and petitions
mental Protection Agency (EPA).
for the FDA or EPA to take action.
Neurotoxins Explained
Lead. The prob-
to improve oc-
substances is that
gasoline, toluene
their effects can
is also used to make nylon and
be insidious. Take the example
plastic soda bottles, and as a
of lead, a chemical that lin-
solvent in paints and adhesives.
a crystalline or-
gered in gasoline, house paints,
Like other solvents, toluene is
and children's toys for decades
sometimes also used as an in-
insecticide introduced in 1965
before scientists realized the
halant drug for its intoxicating
by Dow Chemical Company.
true extent of the damage.
has potential to cause severe
It is known by many trade
neurological harm.
names including Brodan, Chlo-
Lead and lead compounds have
been used in a wide variety of
Dowco 179, Dursban, Empire,
products found in and around
Toluene is found in cigarettes,
Eradex, Lorsban, Paqeant, Piri-
fingernail polish, rubber cement,
dane, Scout, Stipend and Tricel.
ceramics, pipes and plumb-
It acts on the nervous system
ing materials, solders, gasoline,
stain removers, fabric dyes, inks,
batteries, ammunition, cosmet-
adhesives, carburetor cleaners,
ics, painted toys, furniture, and
and lacquer thinners. Cigarette
toy jewelry. Food and liquids
smokers and people who work
This pesticide is currently used
stored or served in lead crystal or
with products containing tolu-
on food and non-food crops.
lead-glazed pottery or porce-
ene are exposed to about 300
Chlorpyrifos is toxic to humans,
lain can become contaminated
micrograms of toluene a day. A
and exposure has been linked to
microgram is one millionth of a
neurological effects, persistent
these containers into the food
gram. People who smoke a pack
developmental disorders, and
or liquid as well.
of cigarettes per day are exposed
Naked Food Magazine
to an additional 1,000 micro-
grams of toluene a day.
occupational of
analgesics, anti-diarrheals, and
cause an inflammatory response
Toluene contamination has also
in the lungs. It is important to
• Vaccines, such as Hepatitis A
been detected in the standing
note that whole foods are a
and B, Hib, DTaP (diphtheria,
water and soil. EPA reported in
natural source of manganese;
tetanus, pertussis), pneumococ-
1998 that toluene was found
cal vaccine, Gardasil (HPV), and
in well water or surface water
via the ingestion of whole
at 99% of the hazardous waste
foods has not been reported in
sites surveyed and in soil at 77%
aluminum chloride,
of the sites surveyed.
containing aluminum aluminum-
Aluminum. Alu-
zirconium compounds.
minum has been
• Toothpaste containing alumi-
Found in stainless
long known to be
num oxyhydroxide.
steel and soda
• Cosmetics and personal care
mounting evidence that chron-
products such as lotions, sun-
metal from corroding. Unlike
ic exposure is a factor in many
screens, and shampoos contain-
ingested manganese, inhaled
neurological diseases, including
ing aluminum chloride, aluminum
manganese is transported di-
dementia, autism, and Parkin-
rectly to the brain before it can
son's disease.
zirconium compounds.
• Aluminum cookware.
be metabolized in the liver. scientific
• Aluminum espresso makers.
Manganese toxicity may result
in multiple neurologic prob-
difficult to establish due to a
• Aluminum products, including
lems and is a well-recognized
lack of longitudinal studies, as
foil, cans, juice pouches, tins, and
health hazard for people who
well as pushback from indus-
water bottles.
inhale manganese dust, such as
tries that use aluminum in their
welders and smelters.
products. Despite the shortage
Food cooked in aluminum foil
of conclusive studies, mounting
introduces abundant contami-
Manganese toxicity symptoms
scientific evidence really leaves
nation. One investigation found
are similar to those of Parkin-
little room for doubt.
that cooking meats in aluminum foil increases their alumi-
son's disease, including tremors, difficulty walking, and facial
Aluminum is found in a shocking
num concentration. Red meats
muscle spasms. This syndrome,
number of foods and consumer
cooked in aluminum foil showed
products, including:
an increase in aluminum by 89
sometimes preceded by psychi-
• Foods, such as baking pow-
to 378 percent, and poultry in-
atric symptoms, such as irrita-
der, self rising flour, salt, baby
creased by 76 to 214 percent.
bility, aggressiveness, and even
formula, coffee creamers, baked
Aluminum levels increased with
goods and processed foods,
coloring and caking agents.
and longer cooking times.
Naked Food Magazine
crine-disrupting effects. 3 “The
Plastic Products.
chemicals have the same func-
BPA is a chemi-
tion as BPA, which usually means
cal widely used
they’re similar in structure, and
in plastic packaging and food
therefore have similar health
claim they are BPA-Free.
containers. Studies suggest it is
effects,” says Lindsay Dahl, dep-
BPA's replacements
toxic to the central nervous sys-
uty director of the organization
actually appear to
tem by interfering with a key
Safer Chemicals, Healthy Fami-
gene involved in the develop-
have similar, and
Product manufacturers often replace BPA with BPS or BPF plastics to
sometimes even
ment of nerve cells. Scientists have found that bisphenol A
(BPA), which is used in a variety
Biphenyls (PCBs).
of consumer products ranging
PCBs keep houses
from fizzy-drink cans to food
from catching on
disrupting effects.
fire. They are used particularly
of a gene called Kcc2 which is
in insulation, carbon copy paper,
in the human body, we pass
and engine coolant. Polychlo-
these toxins on to the next
neurons, or nerve cells, in the
rinated Biphenyls (PCBs) have
generation.4 Exposure to PCBs
brain and spinal cord.
been used extensively as cool-
ants and lubricants in transform-
logical, and endocrine systems
Studies have found that not only
ers and other industrial equip-
resulting in low immune sys-
the chemical bisphenol type A,
tem activity, increase in risk of
affects in
contains harmful compounds, it
Most human and animal expo-
plastic chemicals aren't much
sures occur through the food
disruption, fertility issues, and
different from one another. Their
supply. Fish, such as Atlantic-
increase in risk for Type II
effects on health remain unclear
farmed salmon, fatty meats,
at best, and scary at worst, ac-
and dairy products are common
cording to research released last
foods in the western diet that
year in Toxicological Sciences.
often contain PCBs. Another
exposure source is inhalation
of indoor air in older buildings
ring element that
replace BPA with BPS or BPF
that contain equipment that
is found in air, water, and soil.
plastics to claim they are BPA-
still uses PCBs.
turns out that BPA and BPA-free
methylmercury builds up in
Free. BPA's replacements, related
worse, endocrine-
compounds like bisphenol-S (BPS)
fish, shellfish, and animals that
or bisphenol-F (BPF), actually
which means they are stored
eat fish. Fish and shellfish are
appear to have similar, and
in the body fat and the fat
the main sources of methylmer-
sometimes even worse, endo-
of the animals we consume.
cury exposure to humans.
Naked Food Magazine
with reduced intelligence;
children, the primary health
• 32 animal studies reporting
Control (CDC) report roughly
effect of methylmercury is im-
that mice or rats ingesting fluo-
276 million Americans consume
ride have an impaired capacity to
ment. Methylmercury exposure
learn and/or remember;
largely as a result of the CDC’s
in the womb, which can result
• 12 studies (7 human, 5 animal)
vigorous advocacy to maintain
from a mother's consumption
linking fluoride with neurobe-
and elevate those consumption
of fish and shellfish that contain
havioral deficits (e.g., impaired
numbers. Yet the CDC’s own
methylmercury, can adversely
visual-spatial organization);
affect a baby's growing brain
• 3 human studies linking fluo-
already show symptoms of fluo-
and nervous system. Impacts
ride exposure with impaired fetal
ride-overexposure and reports
on cognitive thinking, memory,
brain development.
that 41 percent of American
attention, language, and fine
U.S. Centers for Disease
teenagers have dental fluorosis,
motor and visual spatial skills
Based on this accumulating body
a physical sign that they ingest-
have been seen in children ex-
of research, several prestigious
ed too much fluoride while their
posed to methylmercury in the
reviews — including a report
teeth were forming. Evidence
authored by the U.S. National
also indicates these markers in
Research Council and a meta-
the U.S. are not decreasing, but increasing over time.
analysis published by a team of
Harvard scientists — have raised
red flags about the potential for
paste and other
low levels of fluoride to harm
in plant-based nutrition, is the
products to prevent and heal
brain development in some
founder and editor-in-chief of
tooth decay. Fluoride’s ability
members of the population.
Naked Food Magazine.
to damage the brain is one of the most active areas of fluoride
“Fluoride seems to fit in with
research today. In the past
lead, mercury, and other poi-
three decades, over 100 studies
sons that cause chemical brain
have found that fluoride expo-
drain. The effect of each toxicant
sure can damage the brain. This
may seem small, but the com-
research includes:
bined damage on a population
• Over 100 animal studies show-
scale can be serious, especially
ing that prolonged exposure
because the brain power of the
to varying levels of fluoride can
next generation is crucial to all
damage the brain, particularly
of us,” says Dr. Philippe Grand-
when coupled with an iodine
deficiency, or aluminum excess;
scientist at the Harvard School
• 43 human studies linking mod-
of Public Health.
erately high fluoride exposures
She is
the author of the Naked Food Cookbook and co-author of the Master Plants Cookbook. Visit References: 1. "Basic Information". Clothianidin – Registration Status and Related Information. U.S. EPA. 27 July 2012. 2. "Reregistration Eligibility Decision for Chlorpyrifos" (PDF). 31 July 2006. 3. Most Plastic Products Release Estrogenic Chemicals: A Potential Health Problem That Can Be Solved Chun Z. Yang, Stuart I. Yaniger, V. Craig Jordan, Daniel J. Klein, and George D. Bittner 4. Environmental Medicine, Part 1: The Human Burden of Environmental Toxins and Their Common Health Effects (PDF) by Walter J. Crinnion, ND 5.
Naked Food Magazine
Yield: 1 Tart. Recipe developed by the Naked Food Chefs. Recipe type: Naked. Low-Fat | Whole Food | Plant-based | Vegan | Organic | Sustainable Approved for: Diabetes | Cancer | Heart Disease | High Cholesterol | Weight Loss | Optimum Health | Fitness Free of: Animal, Dairy & Lactose | Sugar | Salt | Oil | Peanut | GMO | Gluten | Wheat | Alcohol | Chemical | Colorant | Additive | Preservative | Plastic | Metal
Naked Food Magazine
INGREDIENTS For the filling. •
1 cup gluten-free old-fashioned rolled oats
1 cup cooked organic buckwheat
2 medium-sized organic carrots
½ cup organic dried figs
½ cup whole almonds
½ cup pecans
1 Tbsp. organic orange peel
1 banana
For topping. •
½ cup dried cranberries or your favorite frozen berries
METHOD If using berries, place one cup to two cups of your favorite berries into the freezer. In a large bowl, mix rolled oats and buckwheat. Add banana and orange peel. Blend well. In a food processor blend carrots, almonds, figs, and pecans until finely chopped. Add to oat/ buckwheat mixture and blend together evenly. Distribute mixture in 4-6 individual dishes or use a large serving dish for the entire tart. Refrigerate for 30 minutes. Serve and top with dried cranberries or the frozen berries. Chef’s Note: Orange peel must be organic and washed. Silicone, ceramic, or glass serving dishes are recommended. Do not use aluminum, metal, or plastic containers.
Naked Food Magazine
We received the report of the 2015 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee some time ago. In a few months from now, that science-based report, politics, and a whole lot of pestering will come together, and we will get the actual Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2015. That’s how the process works, which I presume most people in this country at least, already know. We have Marion Nestle to thank for first shining a spotlight on the potential dilutions, distortions, and adulterations of science-based guidance by political considerations. Independent, diverse scientists are convened to review the relevant literature and update what they think dietary guidance should be. The Department of Health and Human Services and the USDA have the final word on what the dietary guidelines are. 56
Naked Food Magazine
Naked Food Magazine
NAKED COLUMN That explains the politics; what of the pestering?
this particular sausage is being made. To be
Ever since the politically-modified beans of this
clear, the DGAC did not advise against eating
process were first spilled, it has all become
meat; they simply advised eating less meat, and
increasingly transparent and public. When they
more plants in general, for two reasons. The
announce the release of the official guidelines,
first is their conclusion that the weight of
the Secretaries of Health and Agriculture tend
evidence regarding diet and human health
to acknowledge openly that they start with
favors mostly plant-based diets quite decisively.
the work of scientists, but end with the
I have reviewed the literature as well, and reached
determinations of federal policy makers, sub-
the same conclusion.
ject to the usual influences. There is also this period in which we now find ourselves, with
guidance in hand but guidelines yet pending,
unconflicted, multidisciplinary scientists about
in which the work of the scientists is on
what the science says is certainly possible, but
display —an open casket comes to mind— and
something of an uphill battle for an obviously
public commentary is invited.
conflicted, less qualified special interest. So instead, the focus has been on the second
In a land where Citizens United is the law, it
reason for this recommendation: sustainability.
should come as no surprise that the “public”
This DGAC, in a departure from prior efforts,
inclined to comment is not just comprised of
loving parents and grandparents, weighing in
relevance of dietary pattern to the real-world
to defend the purity of public health science
sustainability of the sources of food populating
on behalf of their family’s health. Much of the
that pattern. Vested interests with profits at
public commentary is from large, well-organized,
stake are claiming this is overreaching. My
special interests, with various means at their
inclination is to say any of the following: Amen!
disposal to pester more influentially than the
Bravo! Duh? Or, what took you so long?
mere submission of a comment through an online portal.
Food is fuel for the human machine, and thinking more generically about fuel may inform
Comments, of course, are diverse, and often
this debate. We are all careful to put the “right”
conflicting, as one would expect given the
fuel in our cars, be it regular, premium, diesel,
varied constituencies prone to opine. At last
or other. The fuel to which an engine, be it
check, I believe the tally of comments was
mechanical or biological, is suited is the fuel on
roughly 6,000; and frankly, I was surprised not to
which it will run best.
find more. As for quantity, we tend to be unconcerned
Among the more noteworthy of feedback to
when making short trips with a full gas tank.
date is the already well-publicized position of
But how much fuel becomes a salient concern
the meat industry. Apparently the makers of,
either when the trip is long, or the gas gauge is
among other things, sausage, don’t like how
nearing the red line.
Naked Food Magazine
Prior DGAC reports were relatively silent on
"Having cancer is enough of an inspiration reason: there seemedto to stay be plenty of fuel in the tank. With on track. Myclimate diet ischange, most- water shortages, crop failures, and global population growth all ly whole foods based. It’s fixtures of life in 2015, we can readily see, perhaps for Ithe time,that the potential to run alkaline. eatfirst foods out of fuel for us all. To ignore that in the create alkalinity in my fueling of a population is as illogical, body, about and 70%cavalier alkaline, shortsighted, as it would be in fueling a vehicle with what a long way to go. 30% acid, is usually I go for." One important difference is that vehicles are the issue of sustainability for the same, flagrant
fueled through distance; people are fueled over time. Shortages in food induced by wanton disregard or willful neglect will be a problem not for progress along the interstate, but prospects across generations. In other words, when we use the term “sustainability,” the question implied is: will our kids and grandkids be able to do as we do? We might note in passing
associated with the longest lives and best health are just such traditional diets, practiced generation after generation. Ever shortsighted, and generally impervious to the wisdom of looking many generations ahead, when the answer was an easy “yes”,
At this point, the lid is off the box, and we know sustainability is a concern. We have only two choices: honor that concern, or dismiss it, and knowingly eat at the expense of those to follow us. If the latter, then these cannot be dietary guidelines for “Americans,” but rather dietary guidelines for some Americans at the expense of their children and grandchildren. So forget about sustainability, and let’s just address
guidelines are for which Americans, exactly?
it was business as usual. The answer is no longer an easy “yes”, and that changes things. As
sustainability as a relevant consideration in dietary guidelines when we can clearly see the threat of shortages looming is a willingness to eat our children’s food, and leave them to go hungry. I trust I may rely on my fellow parents to renounce that proposition.
David L. Katz MD, MPH, FACPM, FACP, is the founding
Prevention Research Center. He is a two-time diplomate of the American Board of Internal Medicine,
and the
a Yale
School of Medicine.
Naked Food Magazine
classic veggie QUICHE Yield: 1 Quiche. Recipe developed by the Naked Food Chefs. Recipe type: Naked. Low-Fat | Whole Food | Plant-based | Vegan | Organic | Sustainable Approved for: Diabetes | Cancer | Heart Disease | High Cholesterol | Weight Loss | Optimum Health | Fitness Free of: Animal, Dairy & Lactose | Sugar | Salt | Oil | Peanut | GMO | Gluten | Wheat | Alcohol | Chemical | Colorant | Additive | Preservative | Plastic | Metal
Naked Food Magazine
INGREDIENTS For the crust. • ½ cup dry millet • 1 ¼ cup low-sodium vegetable broth • 1 Tbsp. non-gmo miso paste • 2 cloves garlic, minced For the filling. • 1 medium organic onion, chopped or sliced into thin strips • 1 organic pepper, sliced into thin strips • 1 organic carrot, chopped or grated • 1 cup organic spinach or chard leaves, stems removed, chopped • 1 cup (700 g) firm or extra firm silken tofu, or soft tofu* • 2 Tbsp. non-gmo miso paste • 2 Tbsp. tahini METHOD Preheat oven to 350°F. Prepare a small glass, ceramic, or silicone baking dish, or line bakeware with parchment paper. Preparing the crust. Pour millet into a small pot and add the broth, miso paste, and garlic. Bring to boil over high heat, then lower heat to simmer, cover, and let simmer for 25 minutes, or until almost all the liquid is absorbed and the millet is soft and beginning to fall apart (if necessary, add extra stock until the millet reaches this consistency). Stir well, then immediately pour the millet into the pie pan and, using the back of a spoon, press the millet into the pie plate to create a “crust.” Dipping the spoon in water helps. Bake in preheated oven 10 minutes until slightly dry. Preparing the filling. Spread sliced onions, peppers, carrots, and leafy greens to the crust pie. In a food processor or blender, mix the tofu, miso, and tahini until very smooth. Pour into the piecrust on top of the veggies, and smooth the top. If desired, sprinkle with a little paprika or ground pepper. Bake in preheated oven for about 30 minutes, until the top is light golden brown. Remove from oven and let sit for a few minutes before serving. May be eaten hot, at room temperature, or cold. *Chef’s Note: Tofu can be substituted with 1 cup cashews, soaked overnight.
Naked Food Magazine
NAKED LIFE 1. GM CROPS DO NOT INCREASE YIELD POTENTIAL Genetically modified (GM) crops do not increase yield potential and sometimes decrease it. While the yields of major crops have increased over recent decades, this is due to conventional breeding, not GM.1 High yield is a complex genetic trait resulting from many genes working together in ways that are not fully understood by scientists. Good farming methods, such as maintaining soil fertility, are equally or more important to maximizing yields. A study comparing agricultural productivity in the United States and Western Europe over the last 50 years, focusing on the staple crops of maize, canola, and wheat, found that the US’s mostly GM production was lowering yields and increasing pesticide use compared to Western Europe’s mostly non-GM production. Contrary to claims that Europe’s reluctance to embrace GM is causing it to fall behind the US, the opposite is true: the US’s adoption of GM crops appears to be causing it to lag behind Europe in both productivity and sustainability. 2
2. GM CROPS INCREASE PESTICIDE USE GM herbicide-tolerant crops are engineered to survive being sprayed with herbicide, most often glyphosate-based herbicides such as Roundup. All plant life in the field is killed except for the GM herbicide-tolerant crop. Over 80% of all GM crops grown worldwide are engineered to tolerate one or more herbicides. Around 98% of commercialized GM crops are engineered to tolerate herbicides or to express Bt toxin insecticides. 3 Herbicides and insecticides are technically pesticides. GM herbicide-tolerant crops have led to massive increases in herbicide use.4,5,6,7,8,9 Data collected by the US Department of Agriculture shows that GM herbicide-tolerant crops have led to a 527 million pound increase in herbicide use in the United States between 1996 and 2011, swamping the small reduction in chemical insecticide sprays of 123 million pounds due to GM Bt insecticidal crops.
Naked Food Magazine
GM Bt crops are not even an efficient way of decreasing insecticide use in farming. In contrast with the small reduction in chemical insecticide sprays due to GM Bt crops, by 2007 France reduced both herbicide use (to 94% of 1995 levels) and chemical insecticide use (to 24% of 1995 levels). By 2009 herbicide use was down to 82% and insecticide use was down to 12% of 1995 levels. Similar trends have occurred in Germany and Switzerland. These benefits were achieved without the use of GM crops. 2 Even GM Bt crops do not reduce or eliminate insecticide use when it is considered that the plant itself becomes a pesticide. GMO proponents claim that the Bt toxin engineered into GM Bt crops is harmless to non-target organisms and to mammals. They base this claim on the assumption that natural Bt toxin, which is derived from a common soil bacterium, has a history of safe use when used as an insecticidal spray in chemically-based and organic farming. But the Bt toxin engineered into GM Bt crops is different from the natural Bt toxin, both in structure and mode of action.11,12,13 GM Bt crops have been found to harm butterflies14,15,16 and beneficial pest predator insects that are helpful to farmers, such as ladybirds17,18 and lacewings.18,19,20 GM Bt crops have been found to be toxic to mammals in laboratory and farm animal feeding experiments. 21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28
3. GM CROPS HAVE CREATED “SUPERWEEDS” The major cause of the increase in herbicide use on GM crops is the rapid spread of glyphosateresistant superweeds. 5 Over-use of Roundup and other glyphosate-based herbicides on GM herbicidetolerant crops4,29 has caused selection pressure, meaning that only those weeds that are resistant to the herbicide survive spraying and pass on their resistant genes to the next generation of weeds. Farmers have to spray more herbicide, or mixtures of herbicides, to try to control the weeds.
reasons we don't need gm food. BY CLAIRE ROBINSON, MPhil MICHAEL ANTONIOU, PhD & JOHN FAGAN, PhD Source
Naked Food Magazine
NAKED LIFE The area of US cropland infested with glyphosateresistant weeds expanded to a massive 61.2 million acres in 2012, according to an industry survey. Nearly half of all US farmers interviewed reported that glyphosate-resistant weeds were present on their farm in 2012, up from 34% of farmers in 2011. The survey also showed that the rate at which glyphosate-resistant weeds are spreading is gaining momentum, increasing 25% in 2011 and 51% in 2012. 30,31 When resistant weeds first appear, farmers often use more glyphosate herbicide to try to control them. As time passes, no amount of glyphosate herbicide is effective. 29,32 Farmers are forced to resort to potentially even more toxic herbicides and mixtures of herbicides, including 2,4-D (an ingredient of the Vietnam War toxic defoliant Agent Orange) and dicamba.4,33,34,35,36,37,38,39 Some US farmers are going back to more labourintensive methods like ploughing – and even pulling weeds by hand.40 In Georgia in 2007, 10,000 acres of farmland were abandoned after being overrun by glyphosate-resistant pigweed.41 One report said the resistant pigweed in the Southern United States was so tough that it broke farm machinery.42
4. GM CROPS HAVE TOXIC OR ALLERGENIC EFFECTS ON LABORATORY ANIMALS Feeding studies on laboratory animals and farm livestock have found that some GM crops, including those already commercialized, have toxic or allergenic effects. Effects, which may arise from the GM crop itself or from residues of the pesticides used on them, include: Liver and kidney toxicity12,22,21,28, Enlarged liver43, Disturbed liver, pancreas and testes function44,45,46, Accelerated liver ageing47, Disturbances in the functioning of the digestive system and cellular changes in liver and pancreas23, Less efficient feed utilization and digestive disturbance48, Altered gut
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bacteria49,50, Intestinal abnormalities24, Excessive growth in the lining of the gut, similar to a precancerous condition51,52, Altered blood biochemistry, multiple organ damage, and potential effects on male fertility26,25, Immune disturbances,27,53,54 immune responses,53,49 and allergic reactions55, Enzyme function disturbances in kidney and heart56, Stomach lesions and unexplained deaths57,58,59,60, Higher density of uterine lining61, Severe stomach inflammation and heavier uterus62, Differences in organ weights,50 which is a common sign of toxicity or disease. In the most detailed feeding study ever carried out on a GM food, severe damage to the liver, kidney, and pituitary gland was found in rats fed a commercialized GM maize and tiny amounts of the Roundup herbicide it is grown with over a longterm period. Additional observations were increased rates of large tumors and mortality in the rats fed GM maize and/or Roundup.63 GM maize that had not been treated with Roundup had similar toxic effects to the GM maize sprayed with Roundup and to Roundup on its own, indicating that the GM crop itself was toxic. This study came under heavy attack by pro-GM critics and was retracted by the journal that published it, over a year after it had passed peer review and appeared in print. However, the retraction was condemned as invalid by hundreds of scientists worldwide.64,65
5. GM AND NON-GM CROPS CANNOT “COEXIST” GM genes cannot be controlled, contained, or recalled. Once released into the environment, they can persist and proliferate through cross-pollination and self-seeding. In addition, GM crops can be mixed with non-GM crops during harvesting, in storage, or in transport. For these reasons, “coexistence” of GM with non-GM and organic crops inevitably results in GM contamination of the non-GM and organic crops. This removes choice from farmers and consumers, forcing everyone to produce and consume crops that are potentially GM-contaminated into the indefinite future.
Claims that farmers should have the “choice” to plant GM crops ring hollow when it is considered that the choice to plant GM crops removes the choice to eat GM-free and organic crops, a far more popular choice. Even one farmer’s “choice” to plant GMOs can create tremendous financial risk for growers and food manufacturers who wish to produce organic and non-GMO products. Also, research82 and on-the-ground experience83 shows that once GM crops are adopted by a country, seed choice decreases as non-GM varieties are withdrawn from the market. This situation is possible because of the monopolistic control of the seed market by a few large companies, which are heavily invested in GM and their accompanying agrochemicals.84
6. GM IS NOT NEEDED FOR GOOD NUTRITION GM proponents have long claimed that genetic engineering will deliver healthier and more nutritious “biofortified” crops. However, no such nutritionally enhanced GM foods are available in the marketplace. Some GM foods have been found to be less nutritious than their non-GM counterparts, due to unexpected effects of the genetic engineering process.85,86 The best-known attempt to nutritionally improve a crop by genetic engineering is beta-carotene-enriched GM “golden rice”.87,88 Beta-carotene can be converted by the human body to vitamin A. The crop is intended for use in poor
countries in the Global South, where vitamin A deficiency causes blindness, illness, and death. However, despite over a decade’s worth of headlines hyping golden rice as a miracle crop, it is still not available in the marketplace. GM proponents blame excessive regulation and anti-GM activists for delaying the commercialization of golden rice,89 though, the real reasons for the delay in deploying golden rice are basic research and development problems. The first golden rice variety had insufficient beta-carotene content and would have had to be consumed in kilogram quantities per day to provide the required daily vitamin A intake.87 As a result, a new GM rice variety had to be developed with higher beta-carotene content.88 Inexpensive and effective methods of combating vitamin A deficiency (VAD) have long been available and only require modest funding to roll out more widely. The World Health Organization’s (WHO) long-standing VAD program gives supplements where needed but also encourages mothers to breastfeed and teaches people how to grow carrots and leafy vegetables in home gardens, two inexpensive, effective, and widely available solutions.95,90
ulation is repeated everywhere. It is difficult to see how GM can contribute to solving world hunger when GM crops do not have higher intrinsic yields (see point 1), nor are there any GM crops that are better than non-GM crops at tolerating poor soils or challenging climate conditions. This is because, like high yield, tolerance to poor soils and extremes of weather are complex genetic traits involving many genes working together in ways that are not fully understood. Complex traits such as these cannot be genetically engineered into a crop. Virtually all of the currently available GM crops are engineered for herbicide tolerance or to contain a pesticide, or both. 3 The two major GM crops, soy and maize, mostly go into animal feed for intensive livestock operations, biofuels to power cars, and processed human food – products for wealthy nations that have nothing to do with meeting the basic food needs of the poor and hungry. GM corporations are answerable to their shareholders and are interested in profitable commodity markets, not in feeding the world. References found at
The Non-GMO Project, a non-profit organization, offers North America’s only third party verification and labeling for non-GMO food and products. Its
7. THERE ARE BETTER WAYS TO FEED THE WORLD The notion that GM crops are needed to feed the world’s growing pop-
mission is to preserve and build sources of non-GMO products, educate consumers, and provide verified non-GMO choices. Visit and its
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Yield: 3-4 Servings. Recipe developed by the Naked Food Chefs. Recipe type: Naked. Low-Fat | Whole Food | Plant-based | Vegan | Organic | Sustainable Approved for: Diabetes | Cancer | Heart Disease | High Cholesterol | Weight Loss | Optimum Health | Fitness Free of: Animal, Dairy & Lactose | Sugar | Salt | Oil | Peanut | GMO | Gluten | Wheat | Alcohol | Chemical | Colorant | Additive | Preservative | Plastic | Metal
1 handful organic leafy greens (collards, spinach, chard)
6 organic broccoli stems and heads
1 peeled avocado, seedless
1 banana
2 Tbsp. hemp seeds
1 Tbsp. chia seeds
1 cup filtered water
1 cup filtered ice
METHOD Blend all ingredients in high-powered blender and serve.
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The Ultimate Nutrition System Omega’s NC900HDC does more than just juice...
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