FCP Level 2 - Level Three Proposal

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level three proposal Nakina lamont n0615992

contents 03 preface 05 introduction 06 idea 1 - the modern day ‘celebrity’ influence within fashion 16 idea 2 - fashion industry x body image 26 illustrations 28 references 30 bibliography 33 appendix 2


In preparation for my third and final year of FCP I began by

reflecting on feedback from previous projects to see where my strengths and weaknesses lie. Looking at the skills that I have learnt and the projects I have enjoyed I also began to think about which area of the industry I would like to go into. From reflecting on previous feedback and my own thoughts I have identified that my strengths lie mainly within the execution stage of the FCP triangle. Self-reflecting I’ve always found that I am most confident when the big idea has been finalised and I begin working on the final outcome. Reflecting on my weaknesses I identified that this is probably within the creative concept element as I tend to get so caught up in the ‘Big Idea’ aspect, brainstorming ideas that I often forget to illustrate my thought process on paper making it hard for others to see how I got from the big idea to the execution. I also tend to struggle using a wide variety of sources within my research. As I prepare myself for level 3, I feel it is important for me to start gathering information for my subject from a vast array of sources and not just online articles. When it comes to potential job areas I am definitely most interested in the execution element and enjoy the prospect of working within PR, events and branding.



execution creative concept big idea context

fcp triangle




The purpose of this report is to provide you with an insight deep into my two potential topic ideas for my third year project.

The report will give a detailed explanation of the idea behind my chosen topics, how I intend to carry them forward and explain the research I have already conducted.


idea one

Fig 1 | Zoella -Online Image | 2017

Modern day ‘celebrities’ influence within fashion


overview When I began to research ideas for my third

Former casting director and head of D’Marie Archive claims that although the number of dedicated followers you have gets your foot in the door, it doesn’t make you successful. You need to ‘convey a sense of humour, a point of view, and present users with parts of the world or a culture that they don’t have access too’. (Independent, 2016)

year topic a lot of articles that I came across focused on the ‘modern day celebrity’, and how they influence younger generations social media and online shopping habits. Whilst years ago A-List celebrities such as Marilyn Monroe were considered to be the main influencers for consumers and fashion, it now looks like due to the rise of social media and reality TV it seems that todays youth culture have a different idea. You may be asking yourself, what is a social media influencer? Social media influencers are “comprised of everyone from micro influencers who have a few thousand followers but high engagement rates to today’s top celebrities with tens of millions of loyal fans and big name brand endorsements”. (IZEA, 2017) Brands can work alongside a social media influencer and gain large benefits from this, but it will only be achieved if the influencer they hire’s content and audience align with the brand’s marketing goals and aims. Over the past few years the term ‘celebrity’ has begun to diversify with generations Y and Z now tending to look towards Instagram, Facebook and Twitter in search of influence rather than flicking through the pages of a magazine. A ‘celebrity’ was once considered as a well-known film star, singer or high-end fashion model, but now it seems that all that it takes to become a ‘celebrity’ is how high your social media following is.

Fig 2 | Gigi, Cara & Kendall - Online Image | 2015

However, if a brand wishes to work alongside one of these influencers they need to be prepared to pay a large sum of money. It has been reported that the ‘super celebs’ such as Kendall Jenner, Gigi Hadid and Cara Delevinge can charge up to $300,000 per social media post. (Independent, 2016)


If you ask most 14-21 year old girls today they

will most likely have heard of YouTube star Zoella, otherwise known as Zoe Sugg. Forbes recently carried out an investigation and found that the 27-year-old British beauty blogger is the number one most influential social media star within the fashion and beauty sector. (Forbes, 2017) Zoe has over 11.6 million Youtube subscribers, 11 million Instagram followers, a beauty and home ware line and a list of bestselling books under her belt. A survey was carried out earlier this year asking children what they wanted to be when they grew up. Usually you would hear answers like: a princess, fire fighter and an astronaut. However, it was found that three quarters of children now want to “become social media stars like Zoella”. (The Sun, 2017) Social media has made the process of ‘stalking’ your favourite celebrities much easier in todays society, you can check what they’re wearing, who they’re listening to and where they hang out. Kim Kardashian West has around 100 million people following her on Instagram and taking inspiration from each of her posts – whether they be truly from her or simply a paid advertisement.

Fig 3 | Infographic - Online Image | 2017

Fig 4 | Zoella - Online Image | 2017

“It was inveitable that kids would start wanting to be YouTubers and vloggers. This generation is completely immersed in tech

These ‘celebrities’ may not realise the height of their influence but the fact is the power they have over creating trends is huge amongst the young consumer. Even when one of these celebrities receive negative comments for something they wear or promote they still receive press and influence those who aspire towards that celebrity – as they say ‘any press is good press’. Celebrities and those who follow them all have one thing in common, to be aware of current trends and have an appearance they are proud of. “We might not all have the same financial access but we all strive to have the admiration that celebrities have.” (Sunday News, 2016)

and social media” (Wheaton, 2017)


cartogram trend innovators

trend Drivers

Creating this carotgram has allowed me to gain a better understanding of how this trend begun, the stage it is currently at and how it could potentially develop within the fashion industry in the future, as well as identifing some key influencers. Over the past few years the influence that social media stars and reality TV personalities have over the young consumer have massively grown.

Stars from reality sh become wor “celebriti

Social media sites become a popular space for people to share their opinions on products

The future of this market is fast moving with these key influencers leading the way.

Rise in popularity of relaity television shows


Celebrity “squads� created - teenagers aim to be like them

these hows rldwide ies”

trend impact

trend consequences

Fashion brands collaborating with influencers on their own collections

trend future

More online “celebrities” will begin to release their own line of products & clothing

More people becoming ‘Instagram famous’ and making money from it

Online shopping becomes more popular with younger people preffering to search for products after they watch reviews Reality TV shows being created about social media influencers

Virtual reality used in-store showing influencers giving in-store reviews encourages teens to start shopping in-store

Fig 5 | Own Work - Cartogram 1 | 2017


research I carried out some primary research to find

out how many people my age are influenced by todays ‘celebrities’. 59% of the 22 people I asked followed celebrities/influencers on social media sites, with the Kardashians and Instagram famous Sarah Ashcroft proving to be the most popular. (See appendix) When asked where they got their fashion inspiration from 41% responded with the answer ‘celebrities or popular social media influencers’. (See appendix) The most popular brands amongst those I asked were: Topshop, ASOS and Missguided and when asked if they would feel influenced to purchase online from the brands if their favourite celebrity/social media influencer was endorsing it, 73% responded with either ‘yes’ or ‘maybe’. (See appendix)

Fig 6 | Sarah Ashcroft - Online Image | 2017

After Sarah Ashcroft was mentioned I decided to further look into her success. Starting off as a blogger she soon rocketed the fame, gaining 800k Instagram followers, a YouTube channel and campaigns working with ASOS, L’Oreal and Nars (Harpers Bazaar, 2017) and is now a successful social influencer. Starting off her blog, she would purchase outfits, wear them for the photographs and then return them, as she simply couldn’t afford to keep them. She soon racked up her followers and was able to turn her hobby into a full time job and started to receive messages from brands offering money for a sponsored photo. Sarah now has her own clothing collection with In The Style and claims her success is simply down to the fact that she ‘understands her followers and what they want better than anyone’. (Harpers Bazaar, 2017)

Fig 7 | Kim & Kourtney - Online Image | 2017


Fig 8 | Own Work - Consumer Profile 1 | 2017

I believe that young girls aged between 14-21 would be consumers for this trend. Being part of the Millennial generation they have grown up in a world obsessed with social media.

A 19-year-old female fashion student who is obsessed with all things fashion and beauty. Her main priority is making sure she has the perfect Instagram with each picture fitting her ‘theme’. in her free time she hangs out with her friends at Starbucks taking selfies and talking about their recent purchases. She always shops online after watching reviews from her favourite social media stars and never skips a video in her YouTube subscription box. She keeps up with the Kardashians and makes sure she’s first to get her hands on their products.

consumer profile 13

future/ possible outcomes Many brands such as NYX and Becca have worked alongside social

media influencers to help turn them into multimillion-dollar businesses. From February 2016 to February 2017 NYX saw its social media engagement grow by 97% (Forbes, 2017) with the help of sending their customers new products every month to try, customers then post reviews of the product to their social media reaching a wider range of people and potential consumers. YouTuber Jaclyn Hill has worked alongside cosmetic brand Becca, she started off just as a consumer of the brand posting videos using the products on her channel but after influencing her following Becca became a more popular brand and decided to collaborate with Hill on a make-up range. The YouTuber released her ‘Champagne Pop Collection’ which helped Sephora to hit a single-day sales record. (Forbes, 2017) A potential outcome for this idea could be to create a new brand, targeted at my ideal consumer, and create a marketing campaign that would incorporate the ideas behind the success of NYX and Becca the help from Social Media influencers. I enjoyed creating a perfume brand marketing plan in first year, as well as learning about consumer behaviour this year. I could apply everything I have learnt such as ‘hot states’ to ensure I could create something that would excite the consumer and get them back into shopping in-store.


Fig 9 | Online Image | 2017


idea two

Fig 10 | Online Image | 2015

fashion x body image


overview My initial reasoning behind choosing a topic

relating to body image was due to the fact that I’ve always had a strong interest in the topic and have also had a personal experience with the issue. Body image is something that has affected a vast majority of us, whether we truly realise it or not. A recent study found that 94% of teenage girls have been body shamed whilst 64% of males admitted to have been shamed for the way their body looks. (Yahoo, 2017) Many that have been victim to body shaming have said that it has led to other problems such as eating disorders and depression. The Tab online newspaper carried out an investigation into mental health at universities and discovered the universities that have the most students suffering from forms of anxiety and depression. It was revealed that at least one in three students suffer from a form of this with 37% of Nottingham Trent students admitting to it. (The Tab, 2017)

Fig 11 | Elle Magazine - Jennifer Lawrence | 2012

“In Hollywood, I’m obese. I’m considered a fat actress”

High profile celebrities have also admitted to feeling victimised from body shaming. Jennifer Lawrence has openly spoken about her experiences with body shaming as an actress stating “In Hollywood, I’m obese. I’m considered a fat actress.” (Elle magazine, 2012) Even though she receives this criticism, the actress always tries to stand against it and spread a better message to younger generations. Speaking out against popular E! show Fashion Police, Lawrence spoke her opinion saying, ‘shows like the ‘Fashion Police’ .. are just showing these generations of young people to judge people based on all the things that are wrong, and that it’s okay to just point at people and call them ugly, and call them fat.. They call it ‘fun’ and welcome to the ‘real world’, and that shouldn’t be the real world.’ (MTV, 2017)

(Lawrence, 2012)


Although I will be looking at the effects on

but they seem to be over shadowed by talk of photo-shopping of females and everything that’s wrong with the female fashion industry. But what about the men suffering, don’t they deserve a voice? One of my main aims is to look further into this issue and help bring it to the forefront.

body image from an array of sources my main interest is within the fashion industry. Only recently 20-year-old Danish model Ulrikke Louise Lahn Hoyer made an accusation towards fashion house Louis Vuitton. The model took to Facebook to write a post, alleging that she was fired from the fashion house’s most recent cruise show in Kyoto for being “too big”, despite only being a size 2. The model was told that she had “a very bloated stomach, bloated face” and was ‘urged to starve herself with this statement’ before being told that she had been removed from the show. ( Hoyer, 2017) I feel as though the female body image is more often seen being criticised and talked about within the media and fashion, but what about male body image issues? Famous actor Jamie Dornan recently commented on his own body issues saying “I don’t like my physique. Who does?” (Attitude, 2017) Many other known faces and everyday males suffer from these issues

Fig 12 | Ulrikke Louise Lahn Hoyer Facebook | 2017


cartogram trend innovators

trend Drivers

By creating this cartogram it has

helped me to identify some exciting trends that could appear in the future to help tackle the body image issues within the fashion industry. Within the past few years there has already been numerous advancements with this issue. Laws have been set to deal with the ongoing criticisms with runway model standards, body shaming adverts are beginning to be removed and people are slowly opening up to talking about male body image issues. However, although there already have been some improvements, there are still a number of potential gaps for the trend future as the industry needs to take a stand more for male issues as well as having a more transparent attitude with health.

more talk abou mental health social issues

body positive website founders

taryn brumďŹ tt body image movement founder


unhealthy / unrealistic model diets/lifestlye shed in bad light

trend impact

trend consequences

trend future

natural skincare products created to help with ‘body hangups’ laws being set to deal with model standards

ut h/ more public discussion and removal of body shaming

more brands receiving backlash for controversial products

talk of male body image slowly being introduced

‘plus size’ barbies become normalised

larger focus on the male body image

models being more open about thier diets - promote healthy life

Fig 13 | Own Work - Cartogram 2 | 2017



Poppy Cross carried out a four month study to find out what it’s like to be turned into an angel, she described the ‘hell’ of including “lifting more than you weigh, impossible diets, no liquid for 12 hours before show time and a £15k bill”. (Daily Mail, 2015) With the Victoria Secret model being considered to have the ‘perfect body’ with an average dress size of around 4-6 it’s no surprised that I discovered that 44% of those I asked feel as though they’ve been victimised to body shaming and that 21% of those blame the media for feeling this way.

When it comes to identifying the root of low self-esteem and body image the world of fashion has always been high up in the firing line. Whilst there are other areas that affect these issues, it is important that the fashion industry does consider how much effect an image has on both the public and models involved.

Shows like the Victoria Secret fashion show can also cause problems with eating amongst young people and even the models themselves. Past Victoria Secret angel, Erin Heatherton, recently opened up to say that at her ‘last two shows, she was told she had to lose weight’. (Harpers Bazaar, 2017) Within my own survey I discovered that 76% of those I asked always or sometimes let their body image affect what they eat or how much they eat. (See appendix)

Young people are constantly showered with images that could have an effect on their body image. It happens everywhere, in advertising, film and music; social media plays a large part in acting as sources where young people can see and be affected by these images. 36% of those who took part in my survey said that Instagram was their favourite form of social media (see appendix), however, a recent study suggest that Instagram may in fact have negative implications that put its users at risk of “suffering loneliness, depression and body image anxiety”. (Harpers Bazaar, 2017) About 90% of young people use social media, more than any other age group, (BBC, 2017) the report stated that “social media may be fuelling a mental health crisis” (BBC, 2017) I also found that within my own survey that 52% of those on social media or who read magazines often find themselves comparing their bodies with those they see online or in print, (see appendix) leading to 28% of these people feeling dissatisfied with their bodies, and 20% feel embarrassed. (See appendix) This is not the attitude that we want to see from the young people of today, so perhaps magazines and social media sites should introduce some new rules to enable them to be more transparent and promote a healthy lifestyle. Another factor could be the rise of the Victoria’s Secret angel, although these models have a more healthy and athletic image to the majority we see in editorials, they still lead a rather unattainable lifestyle. Fitness blogger

Fig 14 | Lily Aldridge - Victoria Secret | 2016


Fig 15 | Own Work - Consumer Profile 2 | 2017

The consumer for this idea would mainly be young females as well as a few males. They would be part of the generation that have grown up in a fast growing society alongside the innovative technology world and are met by digital content and social media wherever they go.

A 20-year-old female student who invests her free time and money into purchasing the latest fashion magazines to compare herself to who is walking on the latest catwalk. She tries to maintain a healthy lifestyle by working out and creating meals that she sees tagged on Instagram as #healthylife. Although she lives to a healthy standard she always worries about how she compares to others constantly worrying about her body and looks.

consumer profile 23

future/ possible outcomes Already we can see that there are a lot of changes being made within

the fashion industry to help deal with the effects that imagery can have on young people’s body image. France introduced a new law that “banned the use of unhealthily thin fashion models from magazines and the catwalk at Paris Fashion Week”. (Marie Claire, 2017) Models now need to provide doctor’s evidence that they’re healthy enough to work, ‘based on their weight, the age and body shape’. (Marie Claire, 2017) From October, any images that have been modified will have to be marked ‘photography retoucheé’ as France’s Minister of Social Affairs and Health said, ‘exposing young people to unrealistic images of bodies leads to sense of selfdepreciation and poor self-esteem that can impact health-related behaviour’. (Marie Claire, 2017) Anorexia affects 30,00 to 40,00 people in France, so by implanting this law they hope to reduce this number, if a company breaks this law they can be fined up to around £63,500 and face sixth months in prison. (Marie Claire, 2017) An outcome idea of mine is to further explore these new rules and inspect the quality of the regulations set in place, also I wish to look at how I could promote these laws to other countries. London Mayer Sadiq Khan has banned any body shaming adverts on the London underground, removing the running of adds that “demean people, particularly women”. (Harpers Bazaar, 2017) However, I have more of an interest in looking into the male side of body image and the effects these adverts have on them. A recent investigation found that there was a “27% increase in the number of men and boys being treated for eating disorders in the UK over the last three years”. (Attitude, 2017) This is double the rise recorded amongst women and girls, so how come it isn’t represented as well in the media? I-D Magazine suggest that male beauty may be the next step for body image, with Marc Jacobs being the latest figure to spark this interest, recently he’s taken to Instagram to share his ‘Mani Mondays’ (I-D/Vice, 2017) I would like my outcome to of course include the issues women face, but perhaps have a larger focus on the body issues that men also deal with. I have always had a strong interest in producing film, so I would really like my final outcome to have some sort of element of film within it. Director Jenny McQuaile is set to release a documentary titled ‘straight/ curve’ which will set out to prove that “this push for representative diversity is echoing throughout all corners of the fashion industry, and in turn, changing the culture at large” (I-D/Vice, 2017) I am truly excited for this documentary to be released and will make sure it’s at the top of my list of things to do over summer to further research into this topic.


Fig 16 | Online Image | 2017


illustrations MODERN DAY ‘CELEBRITY’ INFLUENCE WITHIN FASHION Front Cover: AMRIT PA, (2015), Number 3 Sign [ONLINE]. Available at: https://amritpaldesign.com/blog/awesome-signage-design [Accessed 26 May 2017]. Fig 1: ZOELLA, (2017), Zoe Sugg [ONLINE]. Available at: https://twitter.com/ Zoella/status/707164671976013825?s=09 [Accessed 26 May 2017]. Fig 2: CELEBMAFIA, (2015), Kendall Jenner, Cara Delevinge & Gigi Hadid [ONLINE]. Available at: http://celebmafia.com/kendall-jennercara-delevingne-gigi-hadid-out-in-west-hollywood-october-2015-413147/ [Accessed 26 May 2017]. Fig 3: IZEA, (2017), Social Media Influencers Infographic [ONLINE]. Available at: https://izea.com/2017/01/20/everything-you-wanted-toknow-about-social-media-influencers-infographic/ [Accessed 26 May 2017]. Fig 4: ZOELLA, (2017), Zoella - Apri Favourites Video [ONLINE]. Available at: https://twitter.com/Zoella/status/864512229093154817 [Accessed 26 May 2017]. Fig 5: OWN WORK, (2017), Cartogram – Modern Day ‘Celebrity’ [OWN IMAGE]. Fig 6: IN THE STYLE, (2017), Sarah Ashcroft Collection [ONLINE]. Available at: https://www.inthestyle.com/sarah [Accessed 26 May 2017]. Fig 7: CELEBMAFIA, (2017), Kim & Kourtney Kardashian [ONLINE]. Available at: http://celebmafia.com/khloe-kardashian-kourtneykardashian-kim-kardashian-going-dinner-costa-rica-128-2017-674531/ [Accessed 26 May 2017]. Fig 8: OWN WORK, (2107), Consumer Profile – Modern Day ‘Celebrity’ [OWN IMAGE]

Fig 9: UNKNOWN, (2017), It Doesn’t Matter Quote [ONLINE]. Available at: https://uk.pinterest.com/pin/207024914099120338/ [Accessed 26 May 2017].


FASHION X BODY IMAGE Fig 10: UNKNOWN, (2015), Don’t Label Me [ONLINE]. Available at: http://artatm.com/2011/07/60-outstanding-examples-of-conceptualphotography/ [Accessed 28 May 2017]. Fig 11: CARTER SMITH, (2012), Elle Magazine - Jennifer Lawrence Cover [ONLINE]. Available at: http://www.elle.com/culture/ celebrities/g5652/jennifer-lawrence-quotes-fashion-photos/?slide=4 [Accessed 28 May 2017]. Fig 12: UNKNOWN, (2017), Ulrikke Louise Lahn Høyer - Louis Vuitton [ONLINE]. Available at: https://www.facebook.com/ulrikkehoyer/ posts/10211363794962286 [Accessed 28 May 2017]. Fig 13: OWN WORK, (2017), Cartogram – Body Image [OWN IMAGE]. Fig 14: UNKNOWN, (2016), Lily Aldridge - Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show [ONLINE]. Available at: http://www.elle.com/beauty/makeupskin-care/tips/g49/victorias-secret-beauty-tips/?slide=17 [Accessed 28 May 2017]. Fig 15: OWN WORK, (2107), Consumer Profile – Body Image [OWN IMAGE] Fig 16: J.K. ROWLING, (2017), J.K. Rowling Quote [ONLINE]. Available at: http://dailylolpics.com/quotes-of-the-day-12-pics-46/ [Accessed 28 May 2017].


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FASHION X BODY IMAGE BOOKS The Media & Body Image. Maggie Wykes & Barrie Gunter. 2004 Media Representations of Female Body Images in Women’s Magazines. Karen Bale. 2011 OTHER SOURCES http://www.mtv.com/news/2224222/jennifer-lawrence-body-shaming/ http://www.elle.com/culture/celebrities/g5652/jennifer-lawrence-quotes-fashion-photos/ https://www.yahoo.com/beauty/the-shocking-results-of-yahoo-1332510105509942.html https://thetab.com/uk/2017/05/12/the-universities-most-depression-39925 http://ew.com/article/2012/11/09/jennifer-lawrence-weight/ http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-3980504/Why-embracing-body-DOES-NOT-promote-obesity.html http://www.teenvogue.com/story/louis-vuitton-allegedly-fired-this-model-for-being-too-fat

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Online survey - Social Media Influence

Provided me with some key information that I could further explore to try come up with some possible outcomes for my project - example, with people answering Sarah Ashcroft it led me to researching her and finding interesting and useful information.

Didn’t receive as many responses as the second online survey - small sample sizes may mean that the results are too generalised and don’t show a large enough variety.

22 Participants Purpose: to gain an understanding of whether people my age and older are influenced by social media ‘celebrities’, and if so who and why.

Online survey - Body Image 25 Participants Purpose: to gain an insight into the body image thoughts of those my age and older. Do they compare themselves to images and how do they feel about their own bodies?

Good number of participants with a mixture of male and females, giving me an idea into the different factors, if any, that affect the different genders. Participants could answer the questions anonymously - if their identities were revealed they may not have been as honest with their answers.

People weren’t fully able to explain their answers in detail due to the mainly closed question type that the survey offered.

People weren’t fully able to explain their answers in detail due to the mainly closed question type that the survey offered. Would be beneficial to hear more personal stories especially from males as I wish to further explore the aspect of male body image within my final year project and outcome.


FUTURE Carry out further research into this topic - not just online, try to find information else where. Create further surveys into the different areas that I have already indentified in-store shopping. Hold focus groups to get more opinions on social influencers and how to incorporate them in project. Perhaps over summer I could hold two focus groups - one with males and females who have experienced body shaming, and one with those who hadn’t - this could give me some key information that could be beneficial to my final outcome. Individual interviews with people to gain a more personal story to interpret.




execution creative concept big idea















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