FCP Level One - Perfume Promotional Plan

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Brand Promotional Plan

Contents ... Page 16-23 Creative Concept for Summer / Winter

Page 4 Introduction


Page 5-15 - Creative Concept

Page 24-25 Brand Onion

Page 26-27 Brand U.S.P

Page 38-39 Summary

Fig 2: Final Work Moodboard. Own Work. (2016)

Page 28-37 Executional Plan / Promotional Plan Timeline

Page 26-27 References


Introduction ... “While it’s obviously important to offer a quality product or service, effective branding is often at the heart of the companies that thrive.” (Jason DeMers, 2013) My Blend Fragrance is a brand that offers its consumers a unique way to express themselves and be creative through the use of scent. With our product we encourage personalisation and creative expression, attracting the creative mindset allowing them to become more than your typical mass-market consumer. My Blend Fragrance isn’t just about creating a product to generate a profit; it’s our insights, values, beliefs and meaning behind our brand that make us stand out in a competitive market.

Aim To create a successful product that meets the needs of the identified consumer.

Objective Truly understand the needs of the consumer and create a product that benefits their lifestyle. Use previously found research and main insights to develop a clear brand concept. Find appropriate communication tools and channels that will be effective towards our consumer.


Creative Concept Fig 3: Print Ad Photoshoot Image Group Work. (2016)

Big Idea...

Offer a kit of one dimensional scents for consumers to get creative and blend together their own personalised fragrance.

Consumers will be able to purchase a kit of five different one dimensional scents, giving them the opportunity to wear them alone or blend together to make their own personalised fragrance that’s just right for them. When consumers first purchase the kit they can take the time to test each individual scent out to see what ones they like and the ones they dislike. They can then take the scents they enjoy and blend them together until they find the mix that suits them and ends up their final fragrance. The scents will be applied to the consumers skin via a small paintbrush that is attached to the bottle - appealing to the creative mindset, which is who we are targeting. We value simplicity and transparency as a brand so the consumer will be provided with a small ‘recipe book’ which will give them hints and tips and suggested blends as well as space for them to write down their own created fragrance blends. We provide the tools for the consumer to unleash their creativity and design their identity. Overall the experience should be a personal, creative, innovative and fun way for the consumer to express themselves in a unique way.


Fig 4: Fragrance Bottles Sketch Group Work. (2016)

Fig 5: Final Print Ad 2. Group Work. (2016)

Inspiration Inspiration for our big idea came from the whole concept of simplicity. After finding out that a statistic of 89% of consumers are influenced when buying a product by knowing what exactly it contains (Own Survey, 2016), however more than 50% of consumers are put off by long ingredients lists. We knew that we wanted to create a product that was made of simple ingredients so that it would therefore be appealing to consumers who no longer wanted mixed scents.

Need Currently, there is a high demand in the market with consumers searching for more ‘one dimensional scents’ (Molten Brown, 2015) as a majority of them are uncertain as to what is involved in a mixed ‘floral’ or ‘citrus’ scent. We found that in our research consumers want more simplicity and transparency within branding, so that’s what we aim to provide with our product.

Benefits Within our brand the consumer gets both social and personal benefits. The consumer benefits personally, as unlike many other fragrance brands we provide the user with the ability to design and create their own personalised scent, separating them from standardised mass market consumers. Socially, consumers can benefit from the use of our Social Media accounts, where we aim to connect all of our consumers together, where they can share their blends and get inspiration from others.


Fig 6: Consumer Profiles. Group Work. (2016)

Creative Concept... For our creative concept we really wanted to create a brand that’s main essence was simplicity and transparency in order to build a strong connection with our consumers as if a consumer has ‘connected emotionally with a brand and want what is has to offer the hope is that they will remain loyal’ (Harriet Posner, 2015). Our main inspiration came from the idea of using simplistic one dimensional scents, the concept of blending and also from the idea of transparency in other industries such as the food industry (see fig 8).


The main aim of a brand is to ‘ensure that the brand offers something distinguishable from competitor brands’ (Harriet Posner, 2015), so inspired from the idea of blending in artwork we decided to give our brand a unique way of blending the scents together.

best ways to promote and sell our product in order to build up a loyal consumer base.

As well as taking into consideration what scents blended well together, we also valued the opinions of our consumers and asked them what scents they would like to see within our collection, adding a sense of personalisation.

Unlike many generic mass market fragrances that are aimed at a particular consumer, we have targeted our product for those with a We want our consumer to appreciate specific mind set rather than a certain the creative aspects of our product, age and lifestyle. so we would therefore want them to be interested in the arts and self As you can see from our consumer expression. profiles (see fig 6) we have however divided our ideal consumer into three separate categories in order to narrow down our research on the

Fig 7: Print Ad 1. Group Work. (2016)












Fig 8: Big Idea Mood Board. Group Work. (2016)


Fig 9: Photo Shoot Mood Board. Group Work. (2016)


Fig 10: Bottle & Packaging Mood Board. Group Work. (2016)

Summer Promotion... According to a study carried out in 2012, ‘business productivity declines by about 20 percent between the summer months of June and September’ (Shlomo Sprung, 2012). Throughout the summer months, we want to focus more on the creative individual and building up a loyal consumer base. Through a report from Mintel we discovered that “own label versions may be more appealing to those buying for themselves who can take personal preferences into account” (Mintel, 2015), this works in My Blend’s favour considering we are a niche brand who attract a specific minority, we know that we would struggle in the winter/gifting season against mass market brands. Within the summer period we want to fully get across our brand values and essence to our target consumer. Launching our brand in May 2017 we will focus on promoting our brand to the consumer through key areas.

Social Media Social media plays a big part in our day-to-day lives with Facebook having ‘1.5 billion users’ and Instagram welcoming ‘400 million monthly active users’ (Kit Smith, 2016). Through the use of the social mediums we can use sponsored advertisements to introduce My Blend to consumers of different ages and genders that share the same interests. We can also use social media accounts to connect our consumers together where they can interact with each other posting tips on how they blend their fragrance. Fig 11: Instagram Mock Up. Own Work. (2016)


Fig 12: Facebook Mock Up. Own Work. (2016)

Posters & Billboards


Due to our consumers being majority aged where they would be travelling to work every day we plan to place promotional posters in places they would see them on their way. One of the main places would be in underground tube stations in London, reaching ‘3.5 million passengers per day’ (Exterion Media, 2016). A study found that on average ‘people spend 3 minutes on the platform engaging with cross-track adverts’, ’13 minutes absorbing adverts inside the tube’ and tube users are ‘6 times more likely to remember an advert’ (Exterion Media, 2016).

Our main promotional tool will be our own website, which will also initially be the main place where consumers can purchase our product. When consumers see our promotional posters or adverts on social media where they will be prompted to then visit our website to find out more. The website will be a place where consumers can get directly in touch with us to find out any information they want to know. As transparency and simplicity are our main brand values we have created a clear website that is simple for consumers to navigate through. On the website the consumer can learn more about each individual scent and also receive short tutorials on blending options that we suggest.

Fig 13: Underground Advert Mock Up. Own Work. (2016)

Fig 15: Website Mock Up. Team Work. (2016)

Fig 14: Website Mock Up. Team Work. (2016)

Fig 16: Website Mock Up. Team Work. (2016)


Scent/Product Range


When it comes to the summertime we all want to find that perfect scent that reminds us of relaxing by the ocean in the sun. Often we tend to swap out our heavier scents for something a bit fresher; Parisian Mylène Arlan says that the ideal summer fragrance is “the perfect balance between light, fresh, sparkling, and elegant” (Mylène Arlan, 2016). After carrying out some research we discovered that some people believe that “Fruity perfumes are ideal for summer, they tend to be a bit lighter than floral fragrances” (Lyndsie Robinson, 2012), so we plan to extend our scent range the following summer after we build up a consumer base, introducing a range of fruity and fresh scents such as: lime, pear, cypress and lychee.

A huge part of our summer promotion will be securing an advertisement and article in a magazine for the creative, ideally one such as The Great Discontent. The Great Discontent is a magazine that features ‘candid interviews with those who create. Focusing on beginnings, creativity and risk (Creative Boom, 2015). We believe that this would be the perfect place to promote our product to our ideal consumer as it celebrates creative brands that took a risk, and focus on brands who are truly all about creativity.


Fig 17: Example of New Scent Range Mock Up. Own Work. (2016)

Fig 18: Magazine Mock Up 1. Own Work. (2016)

Fig 19: Magazine Mock Up 2. Own Work. (2016)


Winter Promotion... Winter promotion will begin in late October / early November just before the Christmas period. The Christmas period, otherwise known as gifting season, is a very popular time for fragrance sales with it being a popular gift to purchase for family and friends, so we want to heavily promote our product at this time to a larger consumer group by focusing on the unique and personal aspects of our brand. As well as introducing some new promotional activities, we will still continue to promote through social media and poster advertisements to continue to grab the attention of new consumers.

Events “Holding a live event gives you valuable ‘face time’ with potential customers and offers the opportunity for them to experience the look, feel and personality of your brand” (Bel Booker, 2015). A potential idea would be to hold a taster event at an art exhibition where we would display pieces of artwork from local independent artists as well having separate stalls where potential consumers could test out the fragrances and have a go at blending their own scent before purchasing the product. This event would hopefully appeal to the creative individual that we aim to attract to our brand. Fig 20: Blending Table Idea. (1993)


Fig 21: Gleb Goloubetski Art Exhibition. (2015)

Blogger Collaborations

Fig 22: Nick Gilbert Blog Mock Up. Own Work. (2016)

We believe that a good way to further promote our brand to potential consumers would be to collaborate with a well-known perfume blogger. Mintel reported that ‘The rise of online perfume blogs and communities has enabled small brands to flourish’ (Mintel, 2015). An ideal blogger for us to collaborate with would be Nick Gilbert, after 15 years of working in the perfume industry he is well respected and he was even named Cosmopolitan magazine’s Beauty and Fragrance Awards 2013 Fragrance Expert. Nick believes that “there’s no real way to explain fragrance, apart from the ingredients, which no one understands” (Nick Gilbert, 2016) but with our brand we’re all about the simplicity and transparency of our ingredients so hopefully this would encourage Nick to review us on his blog, getting our brand out to other industry professionals and perfume lovers.e ingredients, which no one understands” (Nick Gilbert, 2016) but with our brand we’re all about the simplicity and transparency of our ingredients so hopefully this would encourage Nick to review us on his blog, getting our brand out to other industry professionals and perfume lovers.

Special Edition Packaging ‘Product packaging has a strong influence on how we feel about products, and should be valued even more strongly during the holiday season’ (Humayun Khan, 2014). As a brand we plan to launch a special limited edition packaging that will only be available to consumers in the winter months. To further express our brand values of creativity and self-expression we aim to design an art kit which will contain the scents in small paint tubes, again with the paint brush applicator inside each bottle.

Fig 24: Limited Edition Bottles Sketch. Own Work. (2016)

Fig 23: Limited Edition Packaging Sketch. Own Work. (2016)


Brand Onion... Brand Values

Brand Personality

Brand in Action

As a brand the three main things that we value most are: self-expression, creativity and our consumers. We want our consumers to see us as a simplistic and fun brand that offers them transparency and a unique way to express themselves. We supply our consumer with the tools – the one-dimensional scents and the paintbrush applicator – for them to get creative.

A brand personality is something to which the consumer can relate to, for our brand personality it’s really all about having fun and getting creative. We want to create a simple and transparent brand so that consumers can connect easily with us and communicate with us using a fun and friendly tone of voice.

Our brand slogan is “unleash your creativity, design your identity” which summarises what our brand is about and our brand in action. We don’t confuse our consumers with industry jargon, instead we tell them exactly what our product is and the best way to use it for them to benefit from it.

‘Unleash Your Creativity’ Experimental Innovative Form of self expression

Display simplicity and transparency


Express yourself through scent




We provide the tools for the customer



Blending scents together as a form of expression



Innovative way to get creative

Interact and engage with the customers through social media

Personal Painting



Transparency Self-Expressive


‘Design Your Identiy’ Fig 25: Brand Onion. Own Work. (2016)

U S P ...

Incorporating the artistic use of a paintbrush to give you the opportunity to experiment with an exciting new way of applying fragrance. Enabling you to express yourself through your own personal blended scent.

Fig 26: Photo Shoot Image. Team Work. (2016)

Execution & Plan... A valuable part of being able to truly connect with our consumer is the ability to understand their daily lifestyle. A study found that ‘older millennials are less likely to be influenced by brand name (32% of 25-34s)…making them more likely to try out niche brands’ (Mintel, 2015), this is a positive finding for our brand as we would be described as a niche brand compared to other well established brand names. As a brand we would describe our consumer as having a ‘creative mind-set’. We would describe them in this way due to the fact that no matter what they do in life, they like to do it in a creative way; be that work or play. We would ideally want our consumer to appreciate the creativity and more artistic things in life, having an interest in arts and expressing themselves in creative ways. My Blend acts as a way for the consumer to express themselves in their daily lifestyle, we want our consumers to be open minded to experimenting with our form of self-expression through our scents.

A day in the life... 6.00am Wake Up


Eat Lunch


Check Social Media

Go To Work

Eat Breakfast

Check News

11.30pm Read Creative Mag


Home From Work

Dinner With Friends

Go To Sleep

Fig 27: A Day In The Life Timeline. Own Work (2016)

Media Diary... Phone


















Internet Print Television



Fig 28: Media Diary. Own Work (2016)


Communication Tools... Public Relations Communication with our consumers is a key factor for My Blend, due to this we rely heavily on effective publicity, as it is one of the most effective tools we can use. ‘In today’s competitive market, reputation can be a company’s biggest asset – the thing that makes you stand out from the crowd and gives you a competitive edge’ (CIPR, [UNKOWN]). My Blend will run our own PR in-house, as it will give us more control over how we are perceived by our consumers. We will have monthly press releases containing images, brand values and reviews of our products in order give the consumer full transparency of the brand.

Fig 29: Newspaper Mock Up. Own Work. (2016)

Events As mentioned in our winter promotion, My Blend will hold annual events, inviting both consumers and press. This will be a chance for consumers to come along, experience the scents, experiment with blending and ask the team any questions they have, getting to know our brand on a personal level. We hope to collaborate other artists at our events to fully display creativity in multiple ways. Fig 30: Nottingham Contempory. (2015)


Media Channels... Social Media As you can see from our media diary (see fig 27), our consumer spends a lot of their time on their phone and the Internet looking at social media channels. We previously talked about the use of our social media sites in our summer promotion, this helps to keep the consumer up to date with all the latest news from My Blend as well as getting involved with other consumers using #MyBlendFragrance. The use of ‘followers’ and ‘likes’ will help us to measure the popularity of our product as well as receive feedback from consumers.

Fig 31: Twitter Mock Up. Own Work. (2016)

Print Media Again from looking at our media diary we can spot that print media plays a part in our consumer’s daily lives. Therefore by getting articles published in creative magazines this will help to gain the interest of our consumer. Consumers are more likely to take time and carefully read through these print media articles due to them being a physical item. Often magazines have social media sites, so if we get a published article it is likely to be promoted on these sites, again reaching a wider audience.

Digital Media Due to our consumer spending time on the Internet our online website will be an effective mode of communication. The website is personalised to reflect our brand’s personality and values. It is easy to navigate, containing all the information consumers need to know, including links to all our social media.


Consumer Decision Process... Attention, Interest, Desire, Action When it came to the consumer decision process we looked at the AIDA model.





Fig 32: Consumer Decision Process. Own Work. (2016)


Promotioanl Timeline... MAY 2017 JUNE 2017

Launch Social Media Sites

JULY 2017

Launch Poster Advertisements in London Underground

AUGUST 2017 Launch Own Website


New Scent Launch & Magazine Article

NOVEMBER 2017 Consumer Taster Event

NOV/DEC 2017

Limited Edition Packaging Launch

Fragrance Blogger Collaboration & Christmas Ad release

Fig 33: Promotional Timeline. Own Work. (2016)



My Blend is an innovative, creative fragrance experience that steps outside of the generic mass-market. A fun, exciting new way to express yourself through scent, we value the simplicity of our product and the transparency between brand and consumer.


Fig 34: What’s Next Mood Board. Own Work. (2016)





Bibliography Books: Posner, Harriet. Marketing Fashion: Strategy Branding (2nd Edition) [2015] Ingledew, John. The A-Z of Visual Ideas: How to Solve any Creative Brief. Laurence King Publishing [2011] Cope, Jon. Fashion Promotion in Practice. [2016] Additional Sources: Cowan, Katy. 20 independent magazines that every creative should have on their coffee table. Creative Bloom. [2016] Accessed at: http:// www.creativeboom.com/resources/20independent-magazines-that-everycreative-should-have-on-their-coffee-table/ Graphic Burger Mock Ups. Accessed at: http:// graphicburger.com Instagram Mashable Database Media, Exterion. London Underground Advertising. [2016] Accessed at: http://www.exterionmedia. com/uk/what-we-do/our-media/londonunderground-advertising/ Mintel. [2015] Fragrances - UK - August 2015. Accessed at: http://academic.mintel.com/ display/716132/ Mintel. [2016] Beauty Retailing - UK - January 2016. Accessed at: http://academic.mintel.com/ display/747422/ Nick Gilbert Fragrance Blog. [2016] Accessed at: http://www.nickrgilbert.com Pinterest Survey Monkey WGSN Database


List of Illustrations Front Cover Image (Fig 1): Final Print Advertisment Image 1. (Group Work) [2016] Fig 2: Final Work Mood Board. (Own Work) [2016] Fig 3: Photo Shoot Image. (Group Work) [2016] Fig 4: Fragrance Bottles Mock Up. (Group Work) [2016] Fig 5: Final Print Advertisment Image 2. (Group Work) [2016] Fig 6: Consumer Profiles Mock Up. (Group Work) [2016] Fig 7: Final Print Advertisment Image 1. (Group Work) [2016] Fig 8: Big Idea Mood Board. (Group Work) [2016] Fig 9: Photo Shoot Mood Board. (Group Work) [2016] Fig 10: Bottle & Packaging Mood Board. (Group Work) [2016] Fig 11: Instagram Mock Up. (Own Work) [2016] Fig 12: Facebook Mock Up. (Own Work) [2016] Fig 13: Underground Advert Mock Up. (Own Work) [2016] Fig 14: Website Mock Up 1. (Group Work) [2016] Fig 15: Website Mock Up 2. (Group Work) [2016] Fig 16: Website Mock Up 3 (Group Work) [2016] Fig 17: New Scent Range Sketch. (Own Work) [2016] Fig 18: Magazine Mock Up 1. (Own Work) [2016] Fig 19: Magazine Mock Up 2. (Own Work) [2016] Fig 20: Blending Table Idea. [1993] Accessed at: http:// www.estherschipper.com/Liam-Gillick Fig 21: Gleb Goloubetski Exhibition. [2016] Accessed at: http://www.grahamfineart.com/photo-gallery/ Fig 22: Nick Gilbert Blog Mock Up. (Own Work) [2016] Fig 23: Limited Edition Packaging Sketch. (Own Work) [2016] Fig 24: Limited Edition Bottles Sketch. (Own Work) [2016] Fig 25: Brand Onion. (Own Work) [2016] Fig 26: Photo Shoot Image. (Group Work) [2016] Fig 27: A Day in the Life Timeline. (Own Work) [2016] Fig 28: Consumer Media Diary. (Own Work) [2016] Fig 29: Newspaper Mock Up. (Own Work) [2016] Fig 30: Nottingham Contempory. [2015] Accessed at: http://www.abouttoblow.com/collabor8-collective-presents-circuit-affinity-freenottingham-arts-festival-event-2/ Fig 31: Twitter Mock Up. (Own Work) [2016] Fig 32: Consumer Decision Process. (Own Work) [2016] Fig 33: Promotional Timeline. (Own Work) [2016] Fig 34: What’s Next Mood Board. (Own Work) [2016] Back Cover Image (Fig 35): Photo Shoot Image. (Group Work) [2016]

List of References Booker, B. (2015) 10 ways to increase your brand awareness in 2016 - Eventbrite Blog. Available at: https://www. eventbrite.co.uk/blog/8-ways-to-increase-brand-awareness-ds00/ (Accessed: 23 May 2016). CIPR (UNKNOWN) What is PR? Available at: http://www.cipr.co.uk/content/careers-advice/what-pr (Accessed: 25 June 2016). Cowan, K. (2016) 20 independent magazines that every creative should have on their coffee table. Available at: http://www.creativeboom.com/resources/20-independent-magazines-that-every-creative-should-have-on-theircoffee-table/ (Accessed: 22 May 2016). DeMers, J. (2013) The top 7 characteristics of successful brands. Available at: http://www.forbes.com/sites/ jaysondemers/2013/11/12/the-top-7-characteristics-of-successful-brands/#acef14a40174 (Accessed: 16 May 2016). Khan, H. (2014) 5 promotional campaign ideas to boost sales this holiday season – Shopify. Available at: https://www. shopify.com/blog/15945628-5-promotional-campaign-ideas-to-boost-sales-this-holiday-season (Accessed: 23 May 2016). Khanom, R. (2016) Fragrances - UK - august 2015. Available at: http://academic.mintel.com/display/716132/ (Accessed: 23 June 2016). Kubel, H., Williams, S. and Posner, H. (2015) Marketing fashion: Strategy, Branding and promotion - 2nd edition. United Kingdom: Laurence King Publishing. Media, E. (2016) London underground advertising. Available at: http://www.exterionmedia.com/uk/what-we-do/ourmedia/london-underground-advertising/ (Accessed: 20 May 2016). Monk, H. (2016) Beauty retailing - UK - January 2016. Available at: http://academic.mintel.com/display/747422/ (Accessed: 24 June 2016). Robinson, L. (2012) 8 fruity perfumes for summer .. Available at: http://perfumes.allwomenstalk.com/fruity-perfumesfor-summer (Accessed: 22 May 2016). Smith, K. (2016) 96 amazing social media statistics and facts for 2016. Available at: https://www.brandwatch. com/2016/03/96-amazing-social-media-statistics-and-facts-for-2016/ (Accessed: 20 May 2016). Sprung, S. (2012) Some shocking facts about how much Lazier workers get during the summer. Available at: http:// www.businessinsider.com/summer-destroys-workplace-productivity-2012-6?IR=T (Accessed: 18 May 2016). Survey Monkey. (2016) Initial Fragrance Research Surveys. (Group Work) Wagoner, M. (2016) The french girl’s guide to choosing a summer perfume. Available at: http://www.vogue. com/13440697/best-summer-fragrance-french-girl-perfume/ (Accessed: 22 May 2016).

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