Namib Independent Issue 100

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Independent free!

Great news for the coast!

Tel: 064 200497 ANTI-SMOKING ACT


Issue 100 - Thursday, 22 May 2014 to Wednesday, 28 May 2014 A CENTURY OF MEMORIES




world's largest jack-up rig


Outcry Over


Waste Bunker As developer criticises Namport

of dangerous goods negligence Lavrenty Repin Native Holdings, a Namibian storage company, held an Environment Impact Assessment (EIA) public meeting where it proposed, as its first major project, to build a temporary hazardous waste storage facility less than a kilometre outside Naraville, as an initiative to ensure the safety of Walvis Bay residents who may be in contact with dangerous goods. The EIA meeting was headed by EnviroSolutions’ CEO Alan Jenneker. He said that the decision to build a waste storage facility was partly inspired by lack of infrastructure at the Port to deal with dangerous goods. “Currently goods are stored at various noncompliant locations

within the harbour area and surrounding warehouse facilities, we don’t know what is in them - it could be dangerous goods. We’ve become so used to this that we take it for granted,” Mr Jenneker said as he provided some examples of port containers with radioactive stickers at unknown locations in Walvis Bay. “I’m sure Namport is struggling with this,” he commented. “Currently there are many commodities standing everywhere in Walvis Bay – the magnitude of the problem is not known, but it is a problem Continued on Page 3

Skop, Skiet

en Donner . . .

When is it self-defence?

Tanya Calitz Last weekend saw a massive fight between partygoers and G4S security personal at a popular waterhole at the Waterfront in Walvis. A bar fight broke out between two guys, which escalated into chaos when two security guards tried to defuse the situation. The Namib Independent received a frantic call at 3am in the morning

from a Walvis Bay resident who was present at the bar when the fight broke out, accusing the G4S guys of overreacting, which resulted in assault. According to Johan (who wishes to only use his first name) he was sitting in the corner of the bar, when he saw two guys pushing each other around. The next minute two G4S security guards barged in and pepper sprayed one man to the ground. Johan said that the guard sprayed

so much of the pepper spray that both he and his family had to leave the bar due to the burning of their eyes and skin. “I was shocked at the fact that these guys would just pull out the spray, almost empty the can on a person, and this inside an enclosed space. That was when one of the people in my company went up to Continued on Page 3

2 | News

Thursday, 22 May 2014

Public Meeting in Walvis Clarifies Anti-Smoking Act Lavrenty Repin

In the aftershock of the new anti-smoking law, which will be implemented as of 1 July 2014, confusion arose amongst many coastal business owners, and speculation followed. In an attempt to clarify some of the most pressing queries and educate the community on the specifics of the regulations, the Ministry of Health and Social

Services held an informative public meeting in Walvis Bay last Wednesday. Defending the decision, which was met with both praise and heavy criticism, Health Inspector Mr Mashamba drew on examples where similar laws were introduced. “50% among adult males smoke less in some first world countries due to the tobacco control act. Controlled use has been proven to reduce the use

of tobacco,” he pointed out. He said the Ministry noticed that “the people felt that the law was rather vague and left space for interpretation.” However, he maintained that the act is clear-cut. Of the four main objectives in the act, three deal with the retail aspects, namely: reduction of demand for tobacco, reduction of supply, reduction in manufacture and Health Inspector, Mr Mashamba exposure. Advertisement was one of the key themes of the presentation, as the act restricts all tobacco advertisements, including newspapers, billboards, sponsorships and promotions. “The aim of the above is to make the younger generations less aware of cigarettes and the use of them,” Mr Mashamba commented. Although there was speculation on whether cigarette packaging will be affected by this law, it has now been confirmed that the packaging will be either plain white or plain black for all Presenters: Cameron Kotzé and brands, only one font will be used for all cigarette names and no special branding Yolande Böttger will be permitted. On the reverse side of the packet, a health warning and content The employees’ tax seminar will cover the will appear next to a vivid photograph following: depicting cancers potentially caused by • Employees’ tax refresher • Provisional tax for individuals • Fringe benefits overview • Overview of: - Social security - Workmens’ compensation - Vocational education training levy

Employees’ Tax Seminar


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Editorial Tanya Calitz

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Namib Independent is published by Halfround Communications CC. All rights are reserved. Whilst every care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the information contained within, no liability can be accepted by the publishers or contributors for any errors, misstatements or omissions which may have occurred. The opinions expressed in the publication are not necessarily those of the publishers. Also, the publishers accept no legal liability regarding copyright ownership for material which was supplied directly to the publishers by any of the advertisers or contributors.

Registrations close on 02 June 2014



Walvis Bay


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22 May


smoking. Another big development is the prohibition on all cigarette vending machines in public space. Smoking in your own house is allowable as long you do not have anyone working for you (i.e domestic worker) at which point the house becomes a work place and the relevant laws apply. While smoking in the outdoors is permitted, the smoker must stand at least two metres away from a public place (i.e. restaurant) window, ventilation outlet or doorway. In a nutshell, smoking in public spaces is illegal. Public spaces, in this instance, include enclosed and partially-enclosed areas, offices, bars, restaurant, lodges and stadiums. It is not yet clear whether private clubs where membership is required and conditions are stipulated before entrance, such as cigar clubs, will have special permission for members to smoke indoors. However, restaurants and other public places are allowed to allocate special designated areas for smokers, granted that they are outside and at least two metres from the rest of the premises. “It is important that people understand that the government is not banning smoking, the government is banning smoking in public places,” Mr Mashamba insisted. Taxis and other public transportation service must have a “no smoking” sign in order to pass roadworthy. Businesses that fail to comply will be subject to fines ranging between N$60 000 to N$200 000.

23 May

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Cape Town Johannesburg Port Elizabeth Durban Luanda Harare Gaborone

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News | 3

Thursday, 22 May 2014

Skop, Skiet en Outcry Over Nuclear Waste Bunker Donner Continued from Page 1

Continued from Page 1

the guard confronting him over spraying in an enclosed space where innocent people were sitting. The next minute he pepper sprayed him as well. Then before we knew it, all hell broke loose,” Johan explained, still itching and burning from the weekend’s spray. According to Johan, things only got worse from there on. Johan claimed that the guards were spraying people left, right and centre, including him. Because of the commotion, his daughter lost her phone and another bystander told her that the one guard took her phone. She set after him, and was also sprayed by the guard. Falling to the ground screaming at the guard, he allegedly pulled out his weapon and pointed it at her, threatening to shoot her. “When I saw this I shouted to the other people in our group to please go over to her, because the guard was going to shoot her,” Johan told the Namib Independent. Johan said that he feels that they were unlawfully attacked by the guards despite

from the two guys fighting. Our guards assessed the situation and felt that the fight was not only threatening them, but also the rest of the people at the pub, which justified the use of pepper spray. They removed the one group of guys, and this was then when another group started confronting them. According to my guys, one of the men reached into a bin and pulled out a bottle, which he assumed, was to hit him with and this led him to also spray that guy,” van Niekerk explained. He also said that according to his guys, they never pointed a firearm at a girl, but did point a firearm at a man who threatened to cut them with a piece of

Pepper spray in eyes

Another pepperspray victim fell to the ground after being sprayed and bumped his head

Johan's broken finger, allegedly due to the assault from the security guard glass. The one guard also claimed that a Chest burnt from Pepper Spray girl did chase him with a stick, accusing him of taking her cell phone, but he posing no immediate threat to them, but that never pulled a firearm on her. they reacted with unnecessary force, and According to Inspector Iikuyu from went completely over the top by pulling a the Walvis Bay Police, any persons gun on his daughter. carrying pepper spray on them are only Speaking to G4S Area Manager, Herbert allowed to use it when they feel that their van Niekerk, he painted a very different life is in danger, and that the pointing of picture. Van Niekerk said that his guys a firearm is crime. Iikuyu said that if the responded to a panic button call from the people feel that the situation was not bar, and were then asked to come and break handled lawfully, they must make a case up a fight. of assault and pointing of a firearm. “We sent out a response team of two, but G4S, however, maintains that their a few minutes later another team of two personal acted within their parameters. responded to the call. They went in to break Johan said he will not leave it here, and up the fight, but had to use pepper spray urges other people to come forward who to do so, due to the level of aggression have had a similar experience.

for Namport.” The presentation further specified that “dangerous goods are handled on a daily basis [at the port] and consequently Native Holdings want to create a facility that is compliant.” The project was called a pro-active preventative measure. “A number” of meetings between Namport and Native Holdings to this regard have also been confirmed. Mr Jenneker pointed out that this was not out of negligence, but rather high demand. “Capacity is limited at the harbour, and storage facilities of such goods and materials require legislation and standards compliance, which is lacking in certain instances,” he explained. Thus the envisioned facility is to be capable of safely providing storage space for dangerous goods beginning at class 1 (common explosives) to class 7 (toxic substances, radioactive materials). Mr Jenneker explained that presently there are a number of hazardous goods circulating through Namibia, including nitrate and phosphate fertilisers, Uranium enriched in U 235, plutonium and the compounds, radioactive elements. He also mentioned explosives, citing the recent explosion in Swakopmund when a hand grenade went off in a residential house as an example. The proposal is to use a previously secret communications war bunker, located 800 meters east of Naraville and about a kilometre from the M36 road, to store dangerous goods which might be in transit at Namport or produced locally. According to Managing Member of Native Holdings, Mr Thomas Jonas, the renovation of the bunker is estimated to cost N$4.5 billion. It is only planned to be a short-term solution for the next five to ten years, until a facility is built on the

new industrial plot behind Dune 7, farm 58. One meeting attendee questioned this: “Farm 58 will be complete in three years, why not wait? You have to refurbish the entire bunker!” It was stipulated that the material is to be transported through Walvis Bay following 18th Road and then 5th Street. This was also met with criticism by the now agitated attendees. “All these current goods are transported by railway; are you not creating a new hazard?” one onlooker enquired. The Municipality Environmental Health Practitioner, Berdine Botha, was also present at the meeting. She said that the hazards are countless, and that this development should not be allowed to continue. “These people from Naraville drew up a petition; do we really need to go ahead with this? This will stop the growth of Naraville.” Indeed the growth of Naraville in the coming years is predicted to stretch east-wards, with the new industrial developments, way past the location of the bunker. Mr Jenneker explained that by that time the bunker would have been abandoned for the new facility. A representative from the water department also raised concerns,

explaining that the main water pipe is running four-and-a-half kilometres from the proposed site, fearing that it may be compromised in case of an accident. Many residents, which filled the Naraville club house comprehensively, were visibly intense and the decision was made to cut the presentation short and cancel the rest of the meeting. Municipal Councillor Derek Klaazen, speaking on behalf of the Municipality, stated: “You can clearly hear from everyone here that the people don’t want this – from us, the councillors’ side, we didn’t know what happened here.” Addressing Native Holdings, he said, “I understand the importance of what you want to do here, but the place is not a right place.” Walvis Bay Mayor Uilika Nambahu was also present at the high-class meeting – she thanked the attendees for their input and promised to take up the relevant concerns with the Ministries and local authorities. A discouraged Mr Thomas Jonas concluded: “I’m not here to make problems but provide solutions – if you say no it stays as it is and you face the consequences. It’s as simple as that. It’s in your backyard.” One of the residents present at the meeting claimed to be a former environmentalist specialist for Namport and agreed that dangerous goods are wide-spread in Walvis Bay, having “seen it with [his] own eyes” but insisted that the proposed storage facility would be a bad idea. Namport underlined that it was too short-notice for them to respond to allegations before publication. However, Corporate Communication Manager Liz Sibindi confirmed that Namport was not invited to the meeting. “It is unfortunate,” she remarked.






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power to the people

4 | News

Thursday, 22 May 2014

Be on time for things that matter. Operational Integrity Statistics for April 2014

On Time Departure:

94.1% of our flights departed within 15 minutes of scheduled time. Completion Rate: We executed

99% of our scheduled flights

Air Namibia has one of the best “on time departures� records, in comparison to 69.7% for the average global airlines listed on the FlightView - On Time Performance Report for April 2014 .


*The global airlines average of 69.7%, is the average for the top 30 and bottom 30 airlines listed.

Untitled-1 1

19/05/2014 15:07

A Century of Memories

Last weekend Emmi Irle, Walvis Bay resident, celebrated her 100th birthday among friends and family. Born on 19 May 1914 to the Krolzik family in Neidenburg, Germany, Emmi moved to Walvis Bay in 1992. Last Sunday, 17 May, she celebrated her birthday early so that her sun Detlef and his wife Brigitte from Johannesburg could join the party. As a resident at Huis Palms since 2004, Emmi welcomed not only her son but also her youngest great-grandchild from Germany. Pastor Martin Frische led a little prayer on the day. Besides Detlef, Emmi has three sons in South Africa. Her only daughter sadly died from cancer eight years ago. Although the loss affected Emmi deeply, she is starting her second century with spirit and good health.

600 New Post Boxes for Walvis Bay POST YOUR news, views &

comments on our


Walvis Bay residents will be delighted to know that as from May 600 new post boxes have been added to the current stock. With little chance of obtaining a post box up to now on account of the fact that the current boxes have been fully subscribed for some time now, the extra boxes are bound to be a welcomed addition. Frikkie Mouton from Nampost highlighted that although the 600 additional boxed were installed last month, they had a challenge with their Web Riposte System on the availability of numbers, but this has been sorted out now, making the boxed available immediately.

News | 5

Thursday, 22 May 2014

Tsunami Strike at the Coast? Siglinde de Villiers

“Running late for work again, Sylvia rushed out of her house in Walvis Bay. ‘Of all the days to get stuck behind an accident, why today,’ she sighs hopelessly and looks out of the window, shivering at the thick mist rolling in from the ocean. ‘Wait a minute! That is no mist, it’s a wall of water,’ a panicked voice shrieks in the back of her head as she stares at the tsunami bearing down onto the town. Little did the harbour town know of the impending disaster to strike soon when the sun rose over it that morning. Unprecedented offshore events caused a massive wave of thirty metres moving at exhilarating speed to rush into town. For many, escape is a futile effort. Panicstricken, residents run towards the dunes, fleeing the inescapable. The water surges along, enveloping their bodies, flooding the streets and crashing structures to ruins as it takes along every living memory of Walvis Bay, swept away into the cascades of time in its wake of destruction.” With global climate change affecting countries worldwide, the fear of a tsunami striking our coastal towns nags every resident at the back of their mind. For some, the reality is too scary to dwell on and so they suppress any thoughts of such a disaster with the hope that it will never happen. Others wonder if they will be prepared, willing to leave everything behind so as to save their life. Will they even survive the ensuing chaotic scramble of a panic-stricken town? Is the town ready to deal with such an event? Kevin Adams, Public Relations Manager of the

Walvis Bay Municipality, reckoned: “One can never be prepared enough.” Unlike the scenario sketched at the outset though, no tsunami will strike the Namibian coastline by surprise. According to IOC Oceanographic Data Exchange Policy’s website, our sea level status is checked every five minutes by a monitoring station situated within Namport. Upon enquiry, Liz Sibindi, Corporate Communications Manager of Namport, replied that the port only has a tide gauge to measure our sea levels. “Its purpose is not to predict tsunamis but rather to obtain tide data and verify tidal predictions,” she commented. Sibindi then added that there are several privately owned wave rider buoys along our coastline and that these will be the first to detect a tsunami. In an interview with Nortin Titus, Chief Geophysicist at the Geological Survey of Namibia, he sketched what would happen if Walvis Bay was hit by a Tsunami. “A lot depends on the height of the wave, since tsunamis can range from one to forty metres high. A wave of about thirty metres will be seen by people in town and its water will rush a few kilometres inland,” he explained. Titus said that the amount of destruction caused is dependent on the energy carried by the wave. “We are all familiar with the debris carried by water when our rivers flow at the start of the rainy season. A tsunami is similar, only much more colossal with an enormous amount of destructive power. The sea is not clean, and a wave of such epic proportions will deposit ships, whales and sharks on the dunes," he

described. “Ocean water will rush into the city, look for paths of least resistance, fill the streets, take what it can take and flatten the rest.” According to Titus, it is unlikely that the lagoon will protect Walvis Bay. “When a tsunami strikes, it forms a stretch of wave along the entire coastline, not only a small section. It is similar to a ripple effect, and the town will be pretty much wiped out as the wave moves forward,” he explained. “Walvis Bay has experienced small tsunamis before,” Titus revealed. “However, they were not classified as such since they caused no destruction. They simply turned out to be awesome surfing waves.” According to Titus, tsunamis are created by some huge event that displaces seawater. “Whenever there is a movement below the sea floor, like a sudden jolt, it releases energy and generates movement on the water. Out in the deep ocean, this displaced water is diffused over an extensive surface. However, as it approaches the coastline, the loss of depth accounts for the rise in height, creating a wave,” he explained. “Fortunately, waves have to travel very far in order to reach the coast of Namibia. For example, from the mid-Atlantic ridge to our coast it's approximately 2000km, quite a distance. There has to be a significant change in the seabed to cause a tsunami to reach us with enough destructive power,” Titus said. “Current friction between the mid-Atlantic Ridge and the African plate does not have enough force to create such a wave, thus the likelihood of a tsunami striking the Namibian coastline is very low.”

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power to the people

6 | News

Thursday, 22 May 2014

Chinese Justice Delegates Visit Walvis Prison … to Discuss What? Opinion piece by Lavrenty Repin During a discussion between an ANC and a DA politician on a popular SA talk show following the elections the ANC debater drew a great deal of examples in sectors where the party has improved conditions, has seen growth, and in general, made life better than what it was 20 years ago. “Sure”, replied the DA speaker when he was finished, “but tell me, what are you comparing yourself to… apartheid?” Context, and the manner in which it can be manipulated, is a great tool for politicians to exaggerate on some points and nullify others. Bearing this in mind, the Walvis Bay prison facilities were visited, under wraps, last week by Chinese Deputy Minister of Justice Zhang Yanzhen, who was on a trip to Namibia to “strengthen the existing cooperation programs and projects as well as explore new and potential areas of future cooperation." Only one question remains – why? Namibian prisons are notorious for everything but cooperation – the most blatant example would be of the toddler who died in a holding cell when he was placed there with his mother. The Walvis

Bay prison suffered humiliation last year when a senior warden was accused of impregnating a female inmate. Previously, the Namib Independent reported on the dismal conditions that suspects suffer in our holding cells, including overcrowding, measly food rations and unsanitary conditions. Namrights, in a statement, includes refusal of visitors/phone calls, various untreated injuries, and negation of medical treatment for injuries and other illnesses amongst the complaints filed with the organisation. A Namrights statement reads: “Thousands of citizens and other residents continue to be held under deplorable overcrowded conditions in both police cells and correctional institutions in Namibia. Hundreds of people have been held under prolonged detention without charge, let alone trial, while some 110 alleged Caprivi high treason trialists (CHTT), most of them political prisoners, remain in custody almost 13 years, in effect, without trial. More than 20 of the CHTT prisoners have since died.” So what do we do to combat such a poor record? Ask China’s advice. In a country with the world’s highest population, for every 100,000 citizens,

Water Disruption on Sunday, 25 May 2014

118 are incarcerated, a number only second to the USA. This is probably due to China’s restrictive backwards laws; you can wind up in jail for photographing a military exercise or openly criticising the government of China. China still has the death penalty and, up until 2011, robbing a cultural ruin or smuggling a rare animal would be cause enough for a date with an executioner. Torture is rife in China; it extends from beatings using hammers or nailed planks and electrocutions to being handcuffed for days in unbearable positions, systematically breaking fingers, dog attacks, rape, and using a feeding tube to insert anything from benzene and vinegar to more deplorable substances directly into political prisoners’ stomachs. Moreover, Namibia subscribes to UN’s CAT (Committee against Torture) convention, which the Chinese

government does not recognise. Yet, if that were any consolation, Namrights says that “the Government of Namibia has continuously failed to adopt effective legislative, judicial, administrative and other measures to give effect to the provisions of CAT.” Perhaps China’s meeting has something to do with a recent UN report by Special Rapporteur Juan E Mendez, who warned Namibia of double standards: “It is hypocritical of States to condemn torture committed by others while accepting its products.” Little support can be found for the friendly relations between Namibian and Chinese Justice Delegates; even less for why the Delegate insisted on visiting our prisons, but if the above examples are anything to go by, visits like this hold no value, and are probably detrimental.


CLOSURE OF ESPLANADE SWIMMING POOL In order to complete the previously postponed upgrading on the 500mm main water line from Mile 7 Reservoir to Walvis Bay, water supply through this line will be disrupted from 07:00 until 18:00 on Sunday, 25 May 2014. Although some areas will receive a limited amount of water through the other main lines, it is expected that Meersig, Lagoon and the Central Areas of town will be severely affected. Any inconvenience caused is regretted. Issued by: Public Relations & Customer Service Division

Municipality of Walvis Bay Public Relations and Customer Service Division Tel: +264 64 201 3111 Fax: +264 64 205 590 Email:


News | 7

Thursday, 22 May 2014

Alternative Medicine: Fact or Fabrication?

Siglinde de Villiers Are you concerned about the ingredients in the food that you eat? Our coastal society is collectively learning to avoid ingredients like aspartame, MSG (Monosodium Glutamate) and trans fats because they are harmful to the body. However, the same issues that apply to our diet are even more pertinent to our health. What are we putting into our bodies when we are sick and how does it affect us? Alternative medicine is becoming increasingly popular in the world and the trend has become part of the coastal community’s lifestyle, embracing more and more residents in its wake. Despite the fact that ingredients for homeopathic

remedies are derived from plants, herbs, minerals or animal products, homeopathic is not simply another word for holistic, organic, or natural. The existence of homeopathy claims to be based on the laws of chemistry, in specific the laws that present all things with an electric charge and magnetic properties. In turn, when certain ingredients are combined and vigorously shaken, the electric/magnetic signature is transferred to the inert material, which now carries the same message as that of the active components. This forms the basic blueprint for homeopathic medicine. For example, 1 X remedy is made by taking 1 measure of an active substance, crushing and dissolving it in 99 measures of pure water or alcohol and shaking it vigorously for a

period of time. It then becomes a 1 X strength solution, otherwise known as the mother tincture. Again, one measure of the mother tincture is taken and added to 99 measures of pure water or alcohol and shaken. This has now become a 2 X solution, twice as powerful as the first one. Each step of the process makes the product more potent. Studies in the field of homeopathy have shown that the process can go to the point where there are no molecules of the original active material left in the dilutions, yet the signature will remain, quite powerfully. Thus the work performed by the active substance is the same or better, with any side effects in the original active material having been removed. Homeopathic philosophy is based on the theory that like cures like. According to this theory, an illness can be cured by a substance which produces symptoms characteristic of that very illness. By delivering small doses of the substance, homeopathic physicians aim to activate the body’s inherent selfhealing abilities. Since every person is unique, homeopathic physicians select specific remedies based on individual symptoms. Are homeopathic remedies sold on the shelves of local pharmacies then a bogus product? If this is the case, are pharmacies legally entitled to sell such products? Local pharmacies in Walvis Bay were unwilling to answer the questions posed, with all kinds of products on the shelves that were not even properly labeled as to their contents. However, it did come to light that homeopathic medicines are regulated by the FDA in the same way as over the counter drugs and

no-prescription drugs in terms of purity and packaging. However, since homeopathic products contain little or no active ingredients, they are not required to go through the same safety and efficacy tests and trials as conventional drugs. The only type of trial that can be taken into consideration for homeopathy is a clinical one, where volunteers with a particular ailment are given remedies for that ailment. Per contra, there are two caveats with this type of experiment: the one size fits all approach and placebo trials. Since homeopathy is highly individualised, the same remedy given to a number of people will not work in all cases. In comparison, conventional medicine studies are based on giving the same remedy to all patients in the study. In addition, double blind placebo trials are the holy grail of conventional medicine testing. In this kind of trial, neither the patient nor the practitioner know whether the patient is given a genuine homeopathic remedy or not. This eliminates the chance of the medicine administrator unintentionally influencing the results. When it comes to homeopathy, hitting the right remedy can take a few attempts, and during a course of treatment a homeopath may try several remedies and potencies, not just the one remedy allowed in double blind trials. In general, trials that found homeopathy effective were where patients consulted a practitioner on an individual basis and the homeopath was free to vary remedies as he/she saw fit. It is obvious that there are logistical limits to experimenting in this way. As a result, only small scale trials have been undertaken with opponents of homeopathy arguing that only large scale trials are statistically valid. The debate rumbles on. A Homeopath practitioner in Swakopmund commented: “This contentious matter between homeopathy and orthodox medicine has been going on for 300 years. Orthodox medicine claims that homeopathy is unscientific and has never been validated, no research ever done. Thousands of papers and research have been done on homeopathy, which orthodox medicine will not acknowledge.” Without doubt, many local residents have expressed how homeopathy has improved their health for the better in the long run.

Nonetheless, it is important not to confuse homeopathy with herbalism. The latter is a totally different system of alternative medicine that overlaps with homeopathy to some degree. Homeopathic medicines are utilised to stimulate the body’s innate healing ability. In contrast, herbal medicines have a direct chemical reaction. Active ingredients in herbs can be isolated to treat specific diseases to the same effect as conventional drugs containing these same ingredients can. Also, herbal medicines are not successively diluted like homeopathic remedies, and the solution is frequently sold at full strength. On the pharmaceutical shelves of Walvis Bay, these different products often sit side by side. Will homeopathy work for you? Well, it depends on what you are is trying to accomplish with the remedies. In many day to day situations where people want treatment, such as dealing with stress, medically unexplained fatigue, common colds and even depression, the theatre of conventional medicine has little to offer and every injection in the book only gives side effects. For those who seek out alternative medicine, it can be a nice help in the process towards good health. According to a local professional in the field, homeopathic remedies can assist the body in dealing with symptoms. What is more, homeopathy recognises that there are physical, emotional, mental and spiritual components to our well being. The industry insider commented, “All diseases or dysfunctions are an external manifestation of an internal bio-energetic disorder unique to the individual. Homeopathic medicine looks for the substance that will correct the energetic defect unique to a given individual and restore that individual to the original template of full health.” “That is where it is more advantageous than conventional medicine, which only recognises and treats the physical side of an illness, often with lots of side effects,” he noted. The Swakopmund practitioner passionately concluded, “Sickness is business. Even though orthodox medicine is viewed as the ultimate solution, it is not cheap like homeopathy. Homeopathy cures, my patients do not return, orthodox medicine ensures the patient will remain one for life.”





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power to the people

8 | News

Thursday, 22 May 2014

W/Bay Plant and Tool

Hire Moves Massive Tank

This week Walvis Bay Plant and Tool Hire transported a huge roll water tank to Tsumeb, which will be installed at the Acid Plant at Dundee Precious Metals Mine. This was the biggest delivery to date for Plant and Tool Hire, in regards to the volume of the consignment. The tank stood 9.7 metres high and 8.5 metres wide. Plant and Tool Hire did the delivery for Manica, who managed the logistics for the mine.

W/Bay Plant & Tool Hire We provide services and equipment to the mining, industrial, engineering and civil sectors including crane rentals, trucking and heavy transportation, container handling, forklift hire and material handling.

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Hits of the 80s

Siglinde de Villiers

operated and maintained crane rental with a capactiy of up to 500 tonnes. We provide

This week Google is celebrating the Rubik’s Cube 40th anniversary. The Rubik’s Cube is an oddity. It is a puzzle, but it was never intended to be a toy. For many people, it is a puzzle that is never solved— making it a frustrating sort of toy. Its creator, Erno Rubik, came up with the design to explain 3D geometry. Once he built it, he was at first unable to solve his own puzzle. “It was wonderful,” he wrote of his invention, ”to see how, after only a few turns the colors became mixed, apparently in random fashion. It was tremendously satisfying to watch this color parade. Like after a nice walk, when you have seen many lovely sights, you decide to go home, after a while I decided it was time to go home; let us put the cubes back in order. And it was at that moment that I came face to face with the Big Challenge: What is the way home?” For Erno, it was like staring at a piece of writing written in a secret code. “It was a code I myself had invented! Yet I could not read it. This was such an extraordinary situation that I simply could not accept it,” Erno said. Since then it has sold over 350 million units, making it the best-selling toy ever, a great hit in the 80s. The Rubik’s Cube can be arranged 43 quintillion ways, or 43,000,000,000,000,000,000. The world record for solving the Rubik’s Cube is held by Mats Valk, a Dutch teenager who managed to complete the cube in just 5.55 seconds. Showcasing the 80s, the Rubik’s Cube was not the only hit. The walkman, predecessor of the modern Ipod also appeared in that era. So, too did the first nikes, and everyone had to have them. This was also the decade of Pacman and the start of classic arcade games. The Ninja Turtles were also a big favourite, as well as Ghostbusters. The 80s also saw the advent of mobile phones and baggy clothing fads. MTV started airing its music videos and hair crimpers became "in". Fashion saw all kinds of weird changes, such as rolling up jeans that had quite a few holes, wearing the collar up - even on polo shirts, and leg warmers worn over shoes. Digital Watches were extremely popular in the 80s. If you did not own a Casio, then you were not worth knowing. Even 80s history went down with groundbreaking events. In 1985 the wreck of the Titanic was found and in 1989 the Berlin Wall fell. Looking back, 30 years seem like a lifetime ago, a sad indication of how fast time moves along.

News | 9

Thursday, 22 May 2014

JC Harris Development Still on Table

N$60 Million Business Block Groundwork to Start Next Year Tanya Calitz The proposed N$60 million business centre planned for the JC Harris Park is still on track. After a different developer announced this week that they have set their sight on the park for a new project, the question of what happened to KBIT’s N$ 60 million business park was raised. The developers approached the Namib Independent this week, saying that they have earmarked the JC Harris Park for a new project, which was followed by a municipal ad informing the public that they will close Portion X of Erf 821 of JC Harris Park permanently. Brynard Kotze, partner of the Kotze Burger Investment Trust and architect for KB Designs, however stated that the project is slowly but surely moving forward. It is slightly delayed due to the fact that the investment company KBIT responsible for developing the business park is still waiting on the Namibian Planning and Advisory Board (NAMPAB) for the final approval of rezoning and subdivision of the property. “Our project is definitely still happening and on track. We are still in

the administrative phase, which is always a lengthy process. Not much we can do about that,” said Kotze. According to him, the administrative phase should be done by the end of this year, which will be followed by the immediate start of groundwork. Just to refresh the reader’s mind; the new business park will feature a four storey business park where businesses and companies can rent office space from the developers, said Kotze. Another key part of the development is the JC Harris Park section. The park will almost remain the same size, with only a small section of it used for the actual building block. The building will feature offices, restaurants, a coffee shop, and other shops of interest on the ground floor. The development will also feature ample parking space in front of the building, underground parking for the business owners and parking on the sides of the park. Part of KBIT’s proposal was to subdivide the area so that they could purchase 5500m2 to develop the business block on, and donate N$750 000 for the upgrading of the park. They further proposed that will maintain the park permanently and provide 24-hour security.

“Because of our enormous investment in developing the business block it is definitely in our interest to keep the park maintained. The image of the park plays a major role in the success of our plans for the area,” said Kotze. The park will feature patios, benches, walkways, grass, trees, a nursery, lighting, proper irrigation system and a play park. “We will keep the monument where it is, but spit and polish it to give it a fresh new look,” stated Kotze. Last year the Namib Independent reported on the plans the International School of Walvis Bay and Vlooi’s Nest had for the park, but the plans were dismissed by the WB Municipality and other proposals considered. “I let go of my plans to have a tartan track and pavilion developed there a long time ago,” said Principal Hendrina Meyer. “I am already onto the next project and fully focussed on that,” she told the Namib Independent in a brief chat about the park. According to Kotze, Vlooi’s Nest will move their nursery and coffee shop to the new development.

10 | News

Thursday, 22 May 2014

News | 11

Thursday, 22 May 2014

World’s Largest

Jack-Up Rig Visits Walvis Bay Waters

Last week Logistics Support Services welcomed the world's largest jack-up rig, the Maersk Intrepid, to Walvis Bay waters. The Maersk Intrepid, newly built in Singapore, was being transported by the Hawk (Offshore Heavy Transport) en route to its first drilling contract in Norway. Logistics Support Services acted as ship's agent, and arranged for provisions and a crew change

whilst the vessel was anchored just off port limits on Friday, 16 May. The Maersk Intrepid is part of a new generation of oil rigs, enormous, energy-conscious, and equipped with internet cafes. It is the first in a series of four "ultra-harsh environment XL enhanced jack-up" rigs being rolled out by Maersk, the Danish business conglomerate, through 2016—to be deployed for year-

round drilling in the ultra-harsh, but oil-rich, North Sea. Before last month, when the Intrepid was born, the world's largest jack-up drill rig was the Maersk Innovator. A jack-up rig is a mobile drilling unit anchored to and elevated above the ocean floor by extendable legs. The Intrepid is the largest rig of this type ever built. It was built by Keppel FELS in Singapore, in two parts that will be joined,

afloat, at sea. It, and the other three jack-ups in its class, can be used in waters up to 150 metres deep. It can drill wells 12,000 metres deep while its legs are 206 metres long. Maersk Drilling, which had its best year ever in 2013, is spending US$2.6 billion on these four rigs. Keppel FELS is expected to complete construction of the next one in October of this year, and the third is due in February 2015. The fourth one will be built in South Korea in 2016. Each is designed to withstand the rough waters of the Norwegian sector of the North Sea, where Maersk and other companies have been investing heavily in oil production—and where 25-metre-tall "freak" waves have been recorded. Maersk already has six rigs

in the region, according to this company-produced video about "Life as a driller in the North Sea." The employee featured here, Chris Hallan, has worked on the Innovator for nine years and will move to the Intrepid this spring. Each rig in the new class of ultra-harsh environment jack-ups can accommodate 150 people in one-man cabins. Also on board: a cinema, a gym, a game room, and internet cafes. These will not be the world's grandest jack-up rigs for long, though. In January, a company called Drill One Capital commissioned construction of the Dubai Expo 2020 NS, also known as the CJ 80, which will be built by the Drydocks World shipyard in Dubai. This will be "the world's

largest jack-up rig," and it will compete with Maersk's fleet in the North Sea. It will be almost 30 metres taller than the Maersk Intrepid. According to a Drydocks press release, it will also be "totally environmentally friendly," designed to use 30 percent less fuel and generate 25 percent fewer emissions than other extra-large rigs. Of the nearly 500 jack-up drill rigs in operation around the world right now, more than 300 are 25 years old or older— making the global fleet in the midst of what the industry calls a "replacement cycle." Shipyards like Drydocks and Keppel FELS are expected to stay busy building rigs for Maersk, Transocean, Ensco, and other companies through 2016.

Lifestyle | 13

Thursday, 22 May 2014

LIFESTYLE Crucified Kids Project Lands Artist in Hot Water

Russian Scientists Discover

Cure to Homosexuality Dr. Dimitri Yusrokov Slamini of the Russian Institute for Medical Science in Novosibirsk (Новосибирский государственный медицинский университет, НГМУ) and his team of researchers have discovered what they claim to be a new vaccine which could prevent early symptoms and even cure humans from homosexuality, if treated at a young age. Russian scientists developed the so-called «antidote» based on a 1959 scientific research published under the title “Organising action of

prenatally administered testosterone propionate on the tissues mediating mating behaviour in the female guinea pig” by Charles H. Phoenix, an American researcher. The study concluded that. "INAH [part of the hypothalamus] is dimorphic with sexual orientation, at least in men, and suggests that sexual orientation has a biological substrate." "Xenoestrogen is a type of oestrogen mimickers found in synthetic or natural chemical compounds. Synthetic xenoestrogens

such as PCB’s, BPA and phthalates have been also been found to have estrogenic effects on living organisms and to disrupt the endocrine system" explains Dr. Yuri Krutchev, who took part in the experiment. "Injecting specific quantities of testosterone helps to unset this artificial biological unbalance which occurs mostly in part because of environmental pollution and an excess of oestrogen mimickers in our modern environment" he adds. The new discovery has

photos. "My intention is not to offend anyone but make people think about a problem," Ravelo said.

The religious icon is not someone else’s religious icon. It's my icon too, it's my culture, it's my education, it's the way I was taught to communicate.

A Cuban artist's controversial photographs of children being hung from crosses has landed him in hot water. Erik Ravelo took a series of photos of children hung like Jesus from a cross, but in the place of the cross were soldiers, surgeons, priests and Ronald McDonald. The images refer to paedophilia in the Vatican, child sex tourism in Thailand, the war in Syria, the trafficking of black market organs "donated" by children in the third world and obesity. The project, titled Los Intocables (The Untouchables), was designed to make a point about the state of childhood globally, Ravelo told news. Many Facebook users have left comments on Ravelo's Facebook page complaining of the images being pornographic, despite the fact the children are at least partially clothed. Facebook has also tried to have the images removed from his page, and have it shut down, but the artist and his users keep reporting the

"All the news about the civil war in Syria involving many children casualties, and particularly in this case the fact that I live in Italy strongly determined the direction of the series Los Intocables," he said. A Christian, Ravelo says the religious icon of Jesus on the Cross does not belong to any one person or group. "The religious icon is not someone else’s religious icon," he said. "It's my icon too, it's

my culture, it's my education, it's the way I was taught to communicate. So, in any case I'm talking about me too. "I still don't understand why some people are mad at me, but they're not mad about those problems. Some people get offended by the photos but not by the problems the photos want to talk about. "Kids represent innocence and the series of Los Intocables aims to preserve and defend the right to childhood to a clean childhood. So we are preserving kids here. They are even pixelated to preserve and protect their identities." The artist who has been living in exile in Argentina since 1998 says his friends and their children volunteered to pose for the photos. "Some of the kids are my friends' sons, and I know some of them," he said. "The priest one is a very good friend of mine. "Some others we asked for help to find them, asking here, asking there, As I often take photos, I already had a network."

attracted much criticism from lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) organisations around the Globe, yet a few country leaders have outspokenly showed support and interest for the research. Iran, China and Saudi Arabia have been the first countries to show interest in the new discovery. American and European researchers have expressed much scepticism upon receiving the news. Source: http:// worldnewsdailyreport. com/

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14 | News

Thursday, 22 May 2014

W o r ldwid e

Belgium to 17 Years Underground Miner Found Alive After

Lower Age of Consent to 13 The Belgian Federal Parliament will vote this week on a motion which could lower the legal age of sexual consent from 16 to 13 years of age. Laurent Cassius, member of the opposition, proposed the motion, which “could free thousands of unjustly convicted prisoners” if the assembly decides to pass it. “Our prisons are filled with young men that have been robbed of their youth, condemned to rot in jail from an act that should not be a crime. Why are we denying these young men the chance to play a more positive role in modern society?”, he asked before the assembly on Tuesday. Laws on paedophilia are outdated claims top German attorney, Hans Goldsberg. “There will be the need for a consolidation of national laws under the current European system on the legal aspects of sex. Most of these national rulings don’t represent the modern social

complexities of our times and are legally baseless. Some even argue that a law on the age of consent has become superfluous and should no longer exist,” claims the lawyer who has worked for more than 35 years in this field of work. “Just think about how 2,000 years ago the Greeks were a much more open society. We must remember that love between a man and a boy was not as taboo as today,” explains cultural anthropologist, Thomas Black, from the University of Michigan. Adults who have sex with underage children now face from two to six years in prison and up to 12 years according to current Belgian law if they have performed oral or penetrative sex. The ages of consent vary by jurisdiction across Europe and are currently set between 13 and 18. Source:

http://worldnewsdailyreport. com/ A group of coal miners from the western province of Xinjiang had an unbelievable surprise when the gallery they were excavating opened up on a section of an old mine that was abandoned 17 years ago after an earthquake that caused some large sections of the tunnels to collapse. While they were exploring the galleries, they stumbled upon Cheung Wai, a 59-year old survivor from the 1997 accident, obviously in a rather bad shape. He was immediately taken to the hospital where a complete evaluation of his physical and mental states will be done over the next weeks. The poor man had remained trapped underground with the bodies of 78 of his dead coworkers, after an earthquake of a magnitude of 7.8 hit the region and caused the wooden support structure of the mine to crumble and collapse. Somehow lucky in his misfortune, Mr Cheung was saved by the fact that some

ventilation duct still connected his underground prison to the surface, allowing him access to air that was sufficiently pure to keep him alive. He managed to survive thanks to an emergency stash of rice and water, stored in an underground depot, conceived especially for this kind of case. The man complemented his diet by catching and eating the countless rats that pullulate in the mine, as well as collecting large quantities of some sort of phosphorescent moss, which constituted his only source of vitamins. Even though he was suffering from great physical and mental stress, he managed to give proper burials to all of his comrades, spending almost a year in this great selfless act. Mining accidents remain common in China despite growing measures by the government to reduce the problem, which killed more than 4000 miners a year at the beginning of the millennium. Over the last years, the authorities

have been cracking down on many unregulated mining operations, which account for almost 80 percent of the country’s 16,000 mines. The closure of about 1,000 dangerous small mines last year helped to cut in half the average number of miners killed, to about six a day, in the first months of this year, according to governmental statistics. The case of Mr Cheung remains unique, however, and constitutes a world record, according to the universally recognised authority on record-breaking achievement, Guinness. The former record for surviving underground was of 142 days and was held by a British man named Geoff Smith. He had been voluntarily buried in the backyard of the Railway Inn, his favourite pub, with the intention of breaking the record. Source: http://

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Motoring | 15

Thursday, 22 May 2014

MOTORING Daring New Jeep Cherokee Reaches SA Jeep's all-new Cherokee has landed in South Africa and it forges a bold new path in design and technological terms. Built on the new ‘Compact US Wide’ platform developed in conjunction with owner Fiat, the newcomer has ditched the boxy and rugged style of its predecessor for a more aerodynamic shape, while the daring front end is sure to divert opinion. Beneath the skin, the new Cherokee is the first mid-sized SUV to offer a nine-speed automatic gearbox and rear-axle disconnect. SA buyers get to choose between two petrol engines: a 2.4-litre MultiAir four-cylinder unit with 130kW and 229kW on tap and a 3.2-litre Pentastar V6 that develops 200kW and 315Nm. Jeep claims combined fuel consumption figures of 8.3 litres per 100km for the 2.4 and 10.0 l/100km in the case of the 3.2. Denis Droppa drove the V6 model at its launch in the Western Cape last week and said that it delivers good grunt at sea level: “There are no unsatisfied power cravings, though up at Gauteng altitude the lack of

turbocharging will rob these engines of some of their spiritedness.” The new Jeep's underpinnings are more sophisticated and the suspension system, featuring a multi-link rear axle, offers an extremely compliant ride quality over a multitude of surfaces. As Droppa puts it: “The ride quality is another standout feature, particularly the way this Jeep's suspension (independent front and rear) glides contentedly over rough dirt roads.” AT HOME IN THE BUSH Despite the emphasis on comfort, Jeep has not abandoned its traditional bundu bashing clientele and the upper half of the range offers a choice between two four-wheel drive systems (the two bottom models are front-wheel drive). The 3.2 Limited AWD features Jeep's Active Drive I system and the more hard-core Trailhawk version has the Jeep Active Drive Lock set-up. Both systems incorporate Jeep's Selec-Terrain traction control with Auto, Snow, Sport and Sand/Mud settings while the Trailhawk adds a Rock mode. Also setting the Trailhawk apart is

Limited versions also gain a seven-inch reconfigurable TFT instrument cluster. On the safety front there is a whole glut of optional gadgets available, such as Adaptive Cruise Control with Stop&Go, Lane Departure Warning, Blind Sport Monitoring and Rear Cross Path Detection to name just a few. Seven airbags feature as standard, CLASSY CABIN Another area where this Jeep has made further cushioning a structure that leaps and bounds is in the look and helped the Cherokee earn a five-star EuroNCAP rating. feel of the cabin. “Step inside and the previously cheap, hard plastics and five shades of grey have been replaced by a much more premium cabin with classy soft-touch surfaces, splashes of warm colour, and a German-like attention to detail,” Droppa explained. Three interior trim choices are available and leather trim is standard on the Limited versions, while the Trailhawk offers a sportier leather/ cloth combo. This and the Longitude base model can be ordered with full leather. This Cherokee goes big on gadgets too, offering a new Wireless Charging Pad as an option and a UConnect 8.4inch colour touchscreen audio system with 3D navigation as standard. a locking rear diff that improves low speed power delivery, along with a Low Range that provides a 2.92:1 gear reduction for crawling through tricky terrain. Hill-ascent and hill-descent control systems are also part of the deal.


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