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Issue 128 - Thursday, 04 November 2014 to Wednesday, 10 December 2014
Harbour’s End Art Gallery
Coastal Voters’ Wish List
Andra Captivates Audiences
Medical Aid Guide
Shark Fin Sold at Local Diner Lana Groenewald The Namib Independent recently discovered that a restaurant in Walvis Bay offers shark fin on their menu, which for years has been a controversial topic. As a result many countries have implemented acts and laws to prohibit shark fishing altogether, and/or the finning of any shark species. Unfortunately, Namibian legislation regarding shark finning is very vague, but Namibia generally prohibits discards of harvested or ‘bycatch’ marine resources. Namibia's National Shark Plan, adopted in 2003, recommends the formulation of legislation under the Marine Resources Act to prohibit finning of any shark species. Diners visiting this Chinese eatery in Walvis Bay can either order a bowl of shark fin soup for N$80, or the more extravagant options of braised shark fin for N$1500, or
shredded chicken with Shark fin for N$900. The paper interviewed the owner of the newly established Chinese restaurant, Perfect, to get some insight on the matter, but could not get a concrete answer from the owner (who only identified himself as Lu) as to where he gets his shark fins from. “I buy the shark fins from a Namibian supplier,” The paper asked Mr Lu what species of shark he used but failed to get an answer. Neither could it be established which fins are served. Shark finning has been in the spot light for several years, since the cruel practice has caused some shark species to plummet into the endangered and critically Continued on Page 3
Elections 2014 - a nation votes to stay Independent. For our full coverage, see pages 3 to 7
Where Were the Whites? Opinion: Gareth Amos Anyone who set out to vote on the coast last weekend will have noticed that the White voters were very conscious... only in their
absence. At all voting stations on the coast, including in the town centre stations, one could observe wave after wave of voters in lines stretching as far as the eye could see in many instances, though
the same observer would be hard pressed to see in the sea of voters, a blond haired, fair skinned Namibian. The turnout of White voters was nothing short of abysmal and one
need not be a mathematician or statistician to estimate reasonably accurately that the turnout of White voters was in the region of fractionally miniscule. This being as it may our White brethren were followed in their apathy very closely by the Coloured voters, who it seemed also elected to abstain from the process. Even the long lines in Narraville were populated mostly by voters from Kuisebmond who elected to make the trip to their neighbours in search of shorter
queues and quicker exit times. After a quarter of a century of independence these facts are very telling. The fact is that many Namibians feel disconnected from the political process and quite simply suffer a sense of disenfranchisement and without significant enough Continued on Page 3
2 | News
Thursday, 04 November 2014
Coastal Kids Blow Minds With W&B Christmas Trees Various nursery, primary and pre-primary schools took part in Woermann & Brocks Christmas tree decorations competition, wowing the community with their beautiful and unique creations. According to Ronel Toll, part of Woermann & Brock Management, they decided to involve the schools in this project after realising that the Christmas tree decorations
needed replacing. “At first we were going to buy new decorations for our Christmas trees at various branches, but instead decided to make a community event out of it by involving various schools to participate in making the Christmas tree decorations,” Ronel explains. This was Woermann & Brock’s fourth year, and the response has
been overwhelming. The children, school and teachers received prizes the past two Saturdays sponsored by Woermann & Brock Hardware and Supermarkets as well as some of their tenants and suppliers. These beautiful, specially decorated Christmas trees can be seen at the Woermann & Brock Supermarket in Walvis Bay, Hage Geingob Street and the Woermann & Brock Mall in Swakopmund.
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Namib Independent is published by Halfround Communications CC. All rights are reserved. Whilst every care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the information contained within, no liability can be accepted by the publishers or contributors for any errors, misstatements or omissions which may have occurred. The opinions expressed in the publication are not necessarily those of the publishers. Also, the publishers accept no legal liability regarding copyright ownership for material which was supplied directly to the publishers by any of the advertisers or contributors.
OTJIWARONGO BRANCH Erf 2235 Werf Street Orwetoweni Otjiwarongo Tel: (067) 304652 (Hostel) Accommodation available) WALVIS BAY BRANCH P.O. Box 4810 Walvis Bay No 98, Erf 3107 W, 6TH Street Walvis Bay Tel: (064) 220023 Cell: 081-671 6418 ONDANGWA BRANCH Chicco Building Ondangwa/ Oshakati Main Rd - FNB PO Box 15581 Oluno Tel: (065) 240468 Cell: 081-650 6453
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Harbour’s End Art
Gallery for Walvis Bay Sharon Brooks A new art gallery run by Liz Visser and Megan Dreyer opened its doors to the public last week Thursday. The Harbour’s End Gallery, situated above the Jetty Shoppe at the Waterfront in Walvis Bay, will feature only selected local artists and will be open to the public seven days a week. The gallery will also be used for art lessons offered by Liz. The community came out in full force to celebrate the opening of the gallery with champagne and delicious snacks, and much to the delight of the various artists, a number of artworks were sold. The concept of the art gallery arose out of a need to have another attraction for the public at the waterfront. The space had remained unused for over two years before Liz and Megan turned it into a beautiful gallery showcasing the talents of Walvis Bay photographers and artists.
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News | 3
Thursday, 04 November 2014
Where Were the Whites? Continued from Page 1 political capital to have an impact on the process. There were many signs before the elections as minority communities in towns and villages from the South to the North of the country publically removed themselves from the process saying that no matter what, there needs and aspirations for the future would not be addressed by a SWAPO ruled Government. This begs the question; if so many individuals within the minority groups of our nation and on the coast feel this way, is there indeed a credible reason for the same? I tend to believe that in this specific instance, the age old adage, “where there is smoke there is fire” holds truth. Historically this political pattern is not new to Africa, although admittedly Namibia does differ somewhat from other African countries in that we have so many ethnic groups and tongues that make up our tiny population. The fact of the matter is that looking back at post-colonial politics they are synonymous with African politics in the latter half of the 20th century; the “liberation” parties who swept into power immediately after independence
experienced a political grace period of about 30 years. During this period loyalties to the party remain intact no matter the political landscape, the voter demographic or indeed the issues. If you were not with the party, you were not in politics… as simple as that. As Namibia is still within the 30-year remit, our political landscape remains the same, a fact which disenfranchises any opposition, never mind the minority segments of the nation. Considering that our newly elected president, Dr. Hage Geingob will enjoy a two-term tenure in the position, this presidency though may, in all likelihood, be the last one that sees a liberation struggle politician at the helm; the significance of which cannot be understated. The thirty year post independent lifespan is not a figure pulled from the air. The issue is a simple one. After 30 years, the active electorate will have little resonance with the liberation struggle. They will have grown up, not separated like the generation before, but will represent a more integrated and tolerant electorate. In addition the leaders of the day will recognise that credence
will not be afforded to a liberation message as per the past, and instead shall represent a new generation that is left with the invigorating task of adopting reason based politics and policies over the philosophical, emotive politicking of the past. A phrase that best depicts this is the unforgettable “it is all about the economy, stupid” adopted by US President Bill Clinton in his surprise victory over the incumbent, Bush senior (George H.W. Bush), who campaigned on the philosophical principles of the conservative Republican Party. A people no longer interested in ideals, instead cast their votes in favour of action and reason. In Namibia, the revolution has just begun, with young activists demanding lower housing rates, jobs over promises and a better standard of living. These youngsters have little interest in the glory days of yore and are interested only in what every human is… the very basics that allow us to raise our children in a country where opportunity is a byproduct of hard work. The politics of economics have begun and as the movement gathers momentum new alliances will be
Shark Fin Sold at Local Diner Continued from Page 1 endangered species category. The controversy sprang from the fact that many of these sharks are caught, finned and dropped back into the ocean still alive. There is not any one shark species targeted for their fins, and all are favoured. Shark fin soup is a popular delicacy in China, and believed to cure all sorts of ailments, although there is no scientific studies backing these beliefs. In Hong Kong restaurants, where the market has traditionally been strong, demand from locals had reportedly dropped in 2006, but this was more than balanced by an increase in demand from the Chinese mainland, as the economic growth of China has put this expensive delicacy within the reach of an ever growing middle class. By late 2013, however, a report in The Washington Post indicated that shark fin soup was no longer seen as fashionable in China. The movement against shark fin soup began in 2006, when WildAid enlisted Chinese basketball star Yao Ming as the front person for a public relations campaign against the dish. According to an industry insider he is aware of one company currently catching shark, but the company could not be reached for comment by the time the paper went to print. The paper also queried the Ministry of Fisheries on the practise, our own policies and quota allocation of Shark fishing. According to Public Relations Manager, Charlie Matengu, the last shark fishing licence issued by the Ministry of Fisheries expired in 2006 already and since then no
formed and without a doubt of certainty, new battle lines shall be drawn that are no longer based on the colour of one’s skin, but are forged instead from the fires of poverty, of disillusionment and of an apathy for business as usual. Consider the very first economic rumblings surrounding the cost of homes and land in a country so vast yet sparsely populated and one would be hard pressed to find a Namibian of any colour or creed who would not stand
united shoulder to shoulder with fellow Namibians to face down the finance houses, municipalities and housing authorities who together to manipulate the market. No, the time is near. A new revolution is “a brewin’” that will see all Namibian’s throwing their voices and votes at the party (in all likelihood, yet to be formed) that speaks to the issues that unite a nation. Although metamorphic in nature and unifying in deed, the struggle does indeed continue.
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Including: 600 Minutes 600 MB 600 SMSs new licenses have been issued. Matengu also informed the paper that the Ministry has not yet declared any shark species as a commercial catch, thus one cannot receive quotas for sharks, and only an Experimental License to catch shark. This does however raise a few more questions as to where the alleged ‘Namibian supplier’ to the Chinese restaurant is getting
their stock from. “The suppliers could be importing the shark fins, but even for that they would need special licenses,” Matengu told the Namib Independent this week. In conclusion, Matengu said that there is currently no specific law or act in Namibia regarding shark fishing or the practice of shark finning.
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4 | News
Thursday, 04 November 2014
The People Have Spoken: Coastal Voters’ Wish List for a New Government STRATEGY OVER SHORT-TERM FIXES Gareth Amos The Namib Independent took time out to visit the polling stations up and down the coast in an effort to better understand the minds of the voters in terms of the issues that they believe are most pressing and that the new government shall have to address as a matter of urgency. What was very evident is that the coastal electorate are a politically astute constituency with clarity of vision in terms of the direction in which the government needs to go in order to better the lives of everyday Namibian. Top of the list across all ages and ethnic groups was education with housing coming in as the second most important to-do item on the new parliaments list. Pensioner payments, investing in business and decreasing the importation of foreigner workers were the next hot button issues. Most notable was the fact that petty issues were cast asunder in favour of sound long term strategic policies. Without exception education stood head and shoulders above any other issue, which is a clear indication that coastal voters
understand that there will be no short term fixes and that for our country to develop into a nation that can house and feed its people, we have little option but to make sure the next generation can come out of the starting blocks with the ammunition to immediately contribute to the economy as a school leaver. In earlier elections a less experienced electorate voted almost exclusively for SWAPO, no matter the issues. We were a young nation that supported unequivocally the party which brought us freedom. After a quarter of a century it is evident that although we have a far more politically astute populous, who understand very well what needs to be done, it seems that the issues are still not the real determinant in terms of which party gets the nod. In other words, the issues now take preference over the emotive issues surrounding our independence in earlier years; however, overall the electorate still expect SWAPO to fix things. Sadly we are not yet a manifesto and policies driven constituency, which is evident in the landslide victory for the ruling party. What follows is a cross section of coastal voters interviewed at the polling station.
Andreas I think that education is the key, especially for those looking to study further than school. The new government needs to focus on financial support for students, make it easier for students to get loans, subsidies for tertiary education, provide financial support for students to cover transport (e.g. taxi’s, buses etc.) and introduce more vocational training.
Carol The biggest issue that the new government must tackle is housing. Government needs to create more housing at affordable prices. Too many people in this country and on the coast live in poor conditions. Also, they need to lower old age home rates as current ones are too expensive and they should make medical care for elderlies a priority. Currently this is just way too expensive.
Kenneth David To me there is no greater importance than education, which must remain a priority. We will not go forward if the government does not also improve the education in rural areas and not just the urban areas. If they need to they can cut military expenditure, government cars and expenses and the big office blocks and use that money for education. I also think that all school should be free including tertiary education. Housing and employment are next in importance but if we get the education right these problems will go away in another generation.
The new government must relook at the amount of money they are making available for pensioners, the tiny monthly amount is just not good enough. Who can live on about N$500 a month? Also, they have to think about providing more government jobs for the youth. Perhaps work programmes, apprenticeship or even voluntary work, just to help get more people to be employable. The new government can also decrease spending on non-essentials such as military spending and use this money towards more important matters such a solving the housing crisis. They also need to train more teachers.
Dean I think that a representative government and that the new government (SWAPO) must allocate seats in parliament to members from the opposition parties regardless of the votes won so that we can improve the balance which is also going to help generate new ideas and a more diverse and inclusive approach to governing. Obviously no matter who wins they are going to have to tackle our immediate challenges such as jobs and housing. Also, I think the government must allow less foreigners into the country.
Esmond For me the new government has to tackle the land issue. We have a small population in a large country. Something must be done. Also, the empowerment of youth is critical. We need to teach our children how to be entrepreneurs so that they can make a future for themselves. The new government should provide ongoing entrepreneur workshops and also make sure that school kids are tested every week.
News | 5
Thursday, 04 November 2014
Jan Buys The new government should listen to the people more. For me the biggest challenge is the importing of foreign workers. Until now government has been ignoring qualified Namibians in favour of foreigners. Another massive issue it that we should force Namibian companies to switch from South African suppliers in favour of Namibian suppliers if they are able to deliver the exact same product or service.
The new government needs to focus on infrastructure development and support – rail, road, inland facilities, logistics hubs etc. We also need to see greater government transparency. The trend in terms of education is great and any new government must keep this up. Lastly we need more local development in national projects and less foreign workers, especially in blue collar positions.
Youth development is critical. I also think that the new government’s parliament needs to have a much higher representation of younger members. It is time for the older politicians to step aside and let in new blood. The younger members are more in touch with the issues that affect Namibians today and will be a better voice. I also think that free education and university subsidies are critical. I would also like to see the pension amounts increased and that land be made available for the poor people first.
ARE YOU ONE OF OUR FUTURE LEADERS? Swakop Uranium, one of the world’s foremost emerging uranium companies, is currently developing one of the world’s largest uranium mines near Swakopmund in Namibia. We invite energetic, self-motivated and confident students to apply for our bursary programme. These all-encompassing bursaries will enable the successful candidates to participate in our training programmes, absorb our company culture and position themselves for future success. Our bursary programme aims to attract and retain talented graduates who aspire to be future leaders at Swakop Uranium. It further strives to develop competencies and proficiencies needed for the business and create a succession pool for the critical roles in our company.
BURSARIES 2015 UNDERGRADUATE STUDIES This bursary scheme is structured to provide assistance to first-year Namibian students to obtain an undergraduate BSc degree in the following disciplines: ● Chemistry or extraction metallurgy ● Mining engineering ● Mechanical engineering Requirements To qualify, you must meet the following minimum requirements: ● Have Grade 12 at HIGSE level with Mathematics, Physical Science and English; ● Be a Namibian citizen; ● Comply with the minimum entry requirements of accredited and recognised tertiary institutions; and ● Have provisional acceptance from accredited and recognised tertiary institutions in Namibia or the SADC region.
The bursary includes: ● Full payment of tuition fees; ● Accommodation and meals; ● Stationery/textbooks allowance; ● Assistance with travel costs; and ● Personal computer/laptop.
Albertina I would love to see the new government raise the pension rate to at least N$1200. It is awful to consider that our elders are receiving a measly N$550 a month to live on. Another big issue is the policy that does not allow Grade ten's who have failed to return to school like in the old days. There are too many kids running wild on the street and this will change if we let learners rewrite Grade ten. Lastly, the government has to do something about the shebeens that are causing so much disorder.
You have to submit the following documents: ● Application letter stating the field of study; ● CV, 2014 Grade 12 May and August results; ● Certified copy of birth certificate/ identity document or passport; and ● Provisional acceptance from accredited and recognised tertiary institutions.
Application must be submitted online to the following address: CLOSING DATE: 12 DECEMBER 2014 Preferences will be given to previously disadvantaged Namibians. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted within two weeks of the closing date of this advertisement and no documents will be returned. For more information on the company, please visit
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I think that the new government needs to improve education. Our state schools are not good enough and too many teachers are not qualified. Also, with electricity prices as high as they are I hope that we will see some funding going towards tapping into renewable energy resources such as solar energy.
6 | News
Thursday, 04 November 2014
N$ 1299* Namport Board of Directors, Management & Staff congratulate Chief Executive Officer, Bisey /Uirab on his election as Chairperson of PMAESA (Port Management Association of Eastern & Southern Africa) during an extra-ordinary board meeting held in Mombasa, Kenya on 20 November 2014. Bisey will be at the helm of the organisation for the next two years. PMAESA is a non-profit, inter-governmental organisation made up of port operators, government line ministries, logistics and maritime service providers, and other port and shipping stakeholders from the Eastern, Western, Southern African, and Indian Ocean regions.
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PMAESA's primary objective is to strengthen relations among member ports with a view to promoting regional cooperation and integration. We wish him great success in this new role. WALVIS BAY: 064-203318 SWAKOPMUND: 064-403418
News | 7
Thursday, 04 November 2014
SWAPO Flags Fly
High in Swakop Donna Collins After days of counting, SWAPO has celebrated its landslide victory and Hage Geingob has officially emerged as the country’s President-Elect. With it, the people of Swakopmund are hoping that through change will come a better quality of life. After all, that is why they stood for hours throughout the day and into the night at the voting polls last Friday, in support of the party that they believe is going to lead Namibia into a new era. Speaking to various members of the public who were standing patiently in queues on the day, there was a sense of re-awakening in the air, and an atmosphere of one-ness, like they were about to witness a new king being crowned. The overwhelming support for SWAPO was a clear indication that the people were ready to embrace Dr Hage Geingob as their new president. "He is an educated man who will lead the country well," said one voter. "We just want to have a good life, with our own house, a job and we believe that Geingob will make the right decisions," said another who stood for over seven hours with his baby daughter to cast his vote.
"How can the poor people tell the Government what we need, they know what we need because they see our suffering every day, and it is through our votes that they have the power to make changes for us, so this is all we wish for today." Meanwhile with all polling stations around Swakopmund full to the brim, the DRC informal settlement and the Meduletu Community Hall in Mondesa experienced the biggest voting influx in town, with queues stretching around the block. People were left standing for up to eight hours before they left with their finger inked and a sense of personal achievement. But many people did not get a chance to vote as the queues were too long, so they gave up standing and went home tired and hungry. There is the opinion that the elections should have been spread over two days, as many people also had to work on Friday despite it being declared a public holiday, and whilst some went through to the early hours of the morning to cast their vote, there were those that left. "The voting was painfully slow so many people did not cast their votes," said one shop assistant. "We are happy that SWAPO won,
but in all fairness to us Namibians, the voting process should not have been held on one day only." Meanwhile the peaceful and democratic voting process in the country has been congratulated by President-Elect Geingob, who was quoted in the media earlier this week as saying it was overwhelming that so many people – young and old-came out to vote for him.
He described the presidency as a heavy responsibility, which he cannot handle alone. He said he would depend on President Pohamba, from whom he takes over in March next year. “Let’s hold hands. I will be a president of all the Namibian people. No Namibian must feel left out,” he said.
ARE YOU ONE OF OUR FUTURE LEADERS? Swakop Uranium, one of the world’s foremost emerging uranium companies, is currently developing one of the world’s largest uranium mines near Swakopmund in Namibia. We invite energetic, self-motivated and confident students to apply for this unique opportunity. This all-encompassing bursary will enable the successful candidate to study in the People’s Republic of China, absorb the Chinese culture and position themselves for future success in our company. This programme aims to attract and retain talented graduates who aspire to be future leaders at Swakop Uranium. It further strives to develop competencies and proficiencies needed for the business and create a succession pool for the critical roles in our company.
BURSARIES 2015 POSTGRADUATE STUDIES Swakop Uranium recognises the skills shortages in Namibia in various fields and created this scheme to close the gap in the industry. The company is awarding this opportunity to a Namibian who aspires to obtain a Master’s degree in the Peoples Republic of China. Applications are invited for a bursary in the following field: Master’s Degree in Metallurgy The bursary includes: ● Full payment of tuition fees; ● Prescribed textbooks and stationery; ● Hostel accommodation and meals; ● Assistance with travel costs; and ● Study permit. Requirements Candidates who aspire to this opportunity
must comply with the following: ● Be a Namibian citizen; ● Have completed an undergraduate degree and achieved a 70% average pass mark; ● Have no other existing bursary or any financial assistance that has workback requirements; and ● Meet the minimum entry requirements of the university. You have to submit the following documents: ● Application letter stating the field of study; ● Comprehensive CV AND proof of undergraduate academic record; ● Certified copy of Degree; ● Certified copy of birth certificate/ identity document or passport; and ● Police clearance certificate.
Application must be submitted online to the following address: CLOSING DATE: 12 DECEMBER 2014 Preferences will be given to previously disadvantaged Namibians. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted within two weeks of the closing date of this advertisement and no documents will be returned. For more information on the company, please visit
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Inside a voting hall - the moment this Swakopmund resident had been waiting so long for. bursary_advert_2015_post.indd 1
2014/12/02 1:11 PM
8 | News
Thursday, 04 November 2014
Walvis Bay Mayoral Election
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On Wednesday, Councillor Uilika Nambahu of Walvis Bay was elected for the 2014/15 Mayoral term. This is her third consecutive term in this office. Nambahu accepted her election with grace. “Right at the get go, please allow me to express my appreciation and gratitude to my fellow Councillors for entrusting me yet again with the portfolio of Mayor of this great city for the mayoral term 2014-2015,” she said. She continued to explain how this term of office is of particular importance and significance, especially if viewed against the fact that this is the closest term to the Millennium Development Goals, which Namibia and the rest of the United Nations member states
committed to achieving by 2015. These objectives include eradicating extreme poverty and hunger, achieving universal primary education, promoting gender equality and empowering women, reducing childhood mortality rates, improving maternal health, combating HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases and to ensure environmental sustainability. “These goals are to be addressed by respective government agencies. Success and progress towards these goals continue to be recorded country-wide while further strategies to consolidate interventions are taking place on all levels of government and private sector,” Nambahu said.
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Nambahu pointed out that when she stepped into the Mayoral Office in 2012, she noticed various critical issues that required her utmost attention and action. These included the high cost of business, low quality or shortages in skills resulting in a mismatch between the supply and demand for skilled labour, inadequate access to finance limiting the establishment of SMEs and threats associated with climate change. “The Walvis Bay Municipal Council adopted its five year strategic plan, providing guidance on how we as a city can render quality services to all our customers,” the Mayor concluded.
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News | 9
Thursday, 04 November 2014
ANDRA Captivates Coastal Audiences Donna Collins
Namibian born and internationally acclaimed singer/ songwriter Andra Cilliers, better known as ANDRA on stage, touched the hearts of audiences at the coastal towns last week, with rock solid live performances that raised the roof in Omaruru, Walvis Bay and Swakopmund, during her 18-day Summer ‘14 Tour. Accompanied by the two accomplished SA musicians Brenda Burnit and Eben Groenewald as well as South
Africa’s long-trusted legendary sound engineer Conrad Jamneck, Andra pulled out a spellbinding two-hour repetoire that included some foot tapping 'golden oldies', and long time original favourites from her first two albums. Known for her strong captivating presence on stage, she puts together soul binding lyrics and powerful acoustic guitar play. With her raw talent, gutsy vocals and uncompromising deliverance, she has gained respect as a musician of the highest calibre and has shared the stage
with some big names. Despite a small but appreciative audience attending her Swakopmund gig, this did not stop her from belting it out and passionately sharing her world with the crowd. Whilst local media were unfortunately not granted an interview with the musician due to her "demanding schedule," it was established that she is working on recording her third album, which is scheduled to be released next year. Her 18-day Summer ‘14 Tour kicked off in Pretoria on 7 November, from where she headed off to Botswana and visited many of the smaller towns in Namibia with her last gig in Mariental on Tuesday, before she went onto the last leg of the tour in Cape Town. Andra is a proud product of Swakopmund. In 2007 she took her life savings, packed her guitar and moved to South Africa. Once in Pretoria, she met up with producer Ludwig Bouwer. Four months later, ANDRA’s debut album, the acclaimed “Secrets and Skeletons... Notes from a Desert Cafe” was released, an album which drew attention from around the country and the world. The
album consists of 12 tracks, all written and composed by ANDRA. Since then she has independently recorded two solo albums, and extensively toured South Africa, Namibia and Botswana. She has also gigged at all the major SA festivals namely Oppikoppi, Up the Creek and White Mountain Folk Festival as well as STRAB in Mozambique to mention but a few. In 2014 Andra also received a Standard Bank Ovation Award for her performances at the National Arts Festival in Grahamstown. Whilst she has been compared to artists like Janis Joplin, Marianne Faithful and Alanis Morriset, most of all she is just Andra. Wearing her trademark hat, casual jeans, takkies and guitar in hand this girl is what she is - a force to be reckoned with. Her hometown Swakopmund, where the desert meets the Atlantic Ocean, is where her heart will always be. But she is quoted as saying, "My favourite place is any space with enough room for me and my guitar."
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Namibian born, internationally acclaimed musician Andra Cilliers, has just completed the Namibian leg of her 18-day Southern Africa Summer tour, where she delighted coastal audiences. (Photo Donna Collins)
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10 |News
Thursday, 04 November 2014
Paaltjies Closed for Fishing in Holiday Season
Only Namibians or permanent residence need to apply; CENTRE COORDINATORS X 3 Duty Stations: Ondangwa, Walvisbay & Windhoek Minimum Qualifications: At least a qualification in Education and training, 5yrs teaching and supervision, preferably retired trainers, teachers and headmasters, 45yrs of age and above etc. LECTURERS X 15 Duty Stations: Ondangwa, Walvisbay, Windhoek & Otjiwarongo; Part-time (15h30-19h30)/Weekends; Full-time Programmes: HR, Business Management, IT, Accounting & Finance, Electrical Installation, Electrical Engineering, Telecommunication Systems, Travel, Tourism and Hospitality Management, Minimum Requirements: First Relevant Degree, a Master’s Degree or with teaching qualification is a distinct advantage with at least 2yrs work and teaching experience, 40yrs. of age and above. COURSE CO-RDINATORS / ADVISORS x 10 Duty Stations: Ondangwa, Walvisbay, Windhoek & Otjiwarongo Minimum Requirements: At least a first degree and 3yrs work experience, 40yrs and above. Apply to the Rector, Monitronic success College email or CV and Supporting Certified Documents, Including traceable references. FAX2Email: 088 650 1851.
Siglinde de Villiers As Christmas approaches, more and more people flock to the coast, not just for the warm beach-going weather, but also for fishing. Thus it is with great alarm that many ardent fishermen heard that Paalties to the south of Walvis Bay will be closed for fishing during the time when shoals of cob appear at this part of the coastline. Upon enquiry at the Ministry of Fisheries, Charlie Matengu, Public Relations Officer for the Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources, refuted the rumour as only half the truth. “The proposal was only discussed at a management meeting and recommendations were made,” he said. He continued to emphasise that it takes time for recommendations to turn into action. “That being said, we do plan on closing fishing areas south of Walvis Bay once we detect the cob arriving in the area,” he added. However, in contrast to the rumours, this closing will only last for a period of three to
five days, not for a whole month or longer. “Cob shoals migrate to the area south of Walvis Bay in order to spawn, and in the past were constantly disturbed by anglers. For this reason we will be closing the area for a few days in order to ensure sustainable harvesting of marine resources,” Matengu explained. According to Matengu, the closing dates for fishing areas south of Walvis Bay are not exact. “It all depends on the fish and when they arrive. The moment we receive this information from our researchers, Paalties will be closed immediately for a few days, and after that it will be opened again,” he said. He continued to say that as soon as the Ministry of Fisheries closed the Paalties fishing areas, the government will be patrolling the area 24/7 in order to ensure compliance with the new regulation. Legal action will follow any fishermen who are caught in the area during this time. How will fishermen know when
Paaltjies is a no go area? “We will arrange for press conferences and the media will spread the word,” Matengu said. These include both newspapers and radio in order to let the public know. “The decision can only be taken by the Minister and will come into immediate effect. Nevertheless, we do have the media as a tool to inform the public and they should be aware of the dates in due time,” Matengu added. What does the fishing community think about this new regulation? “I think it is very good, it protects our fishing stock and ensures that there is fish to catch for generations to come,” one local resident said. “During the holiday season, it is usually foreigners who fish there. Most of the time they have no regard for the fishing regulations, so it is only right,” another local fisherman commented. “The closing of Paaltjies fishing grounds is not something the public should fear, it will not be for months, only a few days,” Matengu concluded.
Letters | 11
Thursday, 04 November 2014
we' v e go t
Be Aware - Crazy Dealings at Crazy Store WB Dear Editor,
I do not know if it is only me, but I have had a run of very strange dealings in the Walvis Bay Crazy Store and I thought I would warn other would be shoppers of the shenanigans that are going on there. A while ago, while shopping there with my arms full and a toddler tangled to each leg, I clumsily made my way, bags and all to my car and went about the operation of getting bags and toddlers secured before setting off to my next destination. A few minutes later I received an SMS notification from FNB via their in-touch service alerting me to the fact that my debit card was being used at the Standard Bank ATM right round the corner from the Crazy Store. Because I had wisely set up the service to notify me whenever my husband tries to spend money as well, I called him to check if he was withdrawing any funds. When he said that he was nowhere near the ATM I suddenly realised that perhaps it was my card that was being used. After ascertaining that the last place I had used my card was in the Crazy Store, I retuned there immediately. To my surprise the friendly lady behind the counter handed me my card with a big smile on her face. I was immediately struck by the fact
that perhaps it was not that wise for her to have furnished me with the card and that instead she should have said it was lost on account of the fact that I had an electronic notification that the card had been used between my leaving the store and coming back. Luckily nothing was taken as they only exhausted the password options, but still I could not get over the idea that someone in the shop (an employee obviously) would have rushed to the ATMS to try and withdraw funds. On this last weekend I visited the store on Saturday afternoon and spent about N$300 of which N$100 was for batteries and the rest for silly toys for the tots. Anyway at home (after the shop had closed) I opened the bag in search of the batteries only to find that neither batteries nor receipt was in bag. I clearly asked them to drop the receipt in the bag. Needless to say, both toys that I have bought broke within three minutes (not toddler proof although made for toddlers) so I had to avoid a total toddler meltdown by promising to buy new toys in the morning. On my next visit I informed the counter lady about the previous incident. She never even bothered to look up at me, when I had told her. No acknowledgement at all. After saying that she should at least acknowledge me, she told me that she would, but
that she was busy. Anyway, I bought the new toys and two new toys (both from the expensive range for Crazy Store, totalling N$200) and of course new batteries. I readdressed the matter of the batteries and we had a long chat about them. On this particular day I was cycling with my son and when we had battled our way half way home, my son could not hold out any more and asked me for one of his toys. I was shocked to see that they had not packed it in. After shooting back, I (calmly) told the lady that I could not believe that after our previous chat, that she had actually not packed an item in. I told her that she really needs to focus. She said that she was concentrating but that sometimes things just fell of the counter and onto the floor. It was from here that she retrieved my son’s toy. The lady was adamant that she was focused, to which I replied that she clearly was not focused on the account that this was the second mishap in a row. Again we cycled home where upon seeing my son’s toy my daughter immediately interrogated me as to where her toy was. Reaching into the bag to get hers, my blood temperature shot thought the roof within an instant. It was not in the bag!
This time I climbed in the and car made a beeline directly to the store, which I found locked. Fortunately the security guard highlighted that the staff was still totalling the days take. I knocked on the window and the same lady waved me away indicating that they were closed and I was to come back on Monday. After insisting I presented the woman with the bag full of shopping and the receipt indicating that it should contain 10 items. It only contained 9. Would you believe it, she once again bent down behind the counter and retrieved the item. Again, she said, it must have
dropped off the counter. I do not know if it is only I, but I cannot accept this little series of events to be coincidental. One hates to think the worse, but I am left wondering if this is not simply a means to steal items from the shop that have already been run up in the till. All I would like to say, is that if you are shopping at the Crazy Store in Walvis, be very, very awake. Check all your items before you leave and most importantly make sure you have your debit or credit card on you, because in all likelihood they will end up in an ATM within minutes.
can care for properly but stop them ‘Stop Promoting they from causing more and more trouble. Who of these guys understands that a needs attention, education, health These Clueless dog care and a home to be happy? Without health care and proper food(!) these People’ dogs will just live long enough to infect Relating to the article published in the Namib Independent titled, ‘Soup Kitchen for DRC Dogs’ a reader wanted to share the following thoughts on the matter.
other dogs with all kinds of diseases. Congratulations! Who of these guys understands how the people in DRC must feel, when they see the dogs being fed, but they themselves go hungry. Who considers the humans, especially the kids, in this evil charade? Is it that these people want to be in the papers at all costs? Do they want to please themselves and give other people the idea that they do good while the opposite is true? PLEASE HELP TO STOP THAT 'SOUP KITCHEN'! Thank you for contributing some reason at least. Regards.
Dear Namib Independent: Wow, what an idea! - Watching the world shows you new stupid things people do every single day. Feeding dogs without any further care does not make a single dog happy but prolongs its suffering. It also makes suffering of the next generation of dogs possible. If that next generation of dogs is also fed by these people they will increase the suffering more and more. Where does that nonsense end? Let these people take all the dogs home Lila Flannel, Swakopmund
To all our valued Sponsors
A heartfelt
Thank You For the generous contributions toward the 2014/2015 Festive Season Road Safety Campaign. Your tireless support and commitment toward the reduction of carnage on Namibian roads continue to make a significant difference.
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■ Appollo 11 ■ BH Oil ■ Chris & Osho Construction cc ■ City Police ■ Coolmaster Radiator ■ ET Development ■ ■ Falcon Security ■ Gsix Catering ■ Indo Trading cc ■ J & P Group ■ Mr Henry Jongwe ■ Mr Isack Hamata ■ ■ Mr James Nyandoro ■ Mr Robert Bolton ■ Mr Ruben Uupindi ■ Mr Stephen Tjiuoro ■ ■ MTK Consultancy ■ NABTA ■
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NAMFISA ■ Namibia Funeral Supply ■ Omagano Beauty Paradise ■
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We wish you all a safe Festive Season
14 | World News
Thursday, 04 November 2014
W o r l dwid e Family Left Corpse Upstairs for Resurrection Peter Wald's family truly believed he would rise from the dead. They believed it because they had prayed for it, every single day, while his corpse lay rotting for six months in an upstairs bedroom of their north end Hamilton home. When neighbours asked about her husband, curious about the 52-year-old man's seeming disappearance, Kaling Wald would tell them he was “in God's hands now.” On Monday, Kaling, 50, pleaded guilty to failing to notify police or the coroner that her husband had died due to a sickness that was not being treated by a doctor. Kaling had no ill intent, all agreed. As assistant crown attorney Janet Booy put it, the devout Christian woman's faith had “tainted and warped her better judgment.” Kaling told the Spectator after court on Monday, with lawyer Peter Boushy by her side, “We were trusting God…we thought, 'OK Lord, you know better.” Peter Wald, 52, died “probably around March 20th” last year, according to the agreed statement of facts read out in court
on Monday. He had suffered from diabetes and his left foot had become infected. But he had refused to go to the hospital and believed God would cure him. He went into a coma, she says, and days later she noticed his stomach bloating and signs of rigor mortis on his forehead. She then left him – his body covered with two blankets, his head with a toque – in the bed and padlocked the bedroom door. Kaling sealed in the door and the vents with duct tape to protect her family from the smell of the cadaver. And then for six months, life went on and they prayed for their dead husband and father in the bed upstairs as they awaited his return. It was 17 September 2013, when the body was finally discovered. The sheriff had arrived to evict the family from the St. Matthews Ave house after they had defaulted on the mortgage. Expecting the eviction, the family packed the dead man's belongings and had his shoes and bags ready to go. “That was how strong our faith was,”
HIV Evolving
'Into Milder Form'
HIV is evolving to become less deadly and less infectious, according to a major scientific study. The team at the University of Oxford shows the virus is being "watered down" as it adapts to our immune systems. It said it was taking longer for HIV infection to cause AIDS and that the changes in the virus may help efforts to contain the pandemic. Some virologists suggest the virus may eventually become "almost harmless" as it continues to evolve. More than 35 million people around the world are infected with HIV and inside their bodies a devastating battle takes place between the immune system and the virus. HIV is a master of disguise. It rapidly and effortlessly mutates to evade and adapt to the immune system. However, every so often HIV infects someone with a particularly effective immune system. Professor Philip Goulder, from the University of Oxford said, "[Then] the virus is trapped between a rock and hard place, it can get flattened or make a change to survive and if it has to change then it will come with a cost." The "cost" is a reduced ability to replicate, which in turn makes the virus less infectious and means it takes longer to cause AIDS. This weakened virus is then spread to other people and a slow cycle of "watering-down" HIV begins. The team showed this process happening in Africa by comparing Botswana, which has had an HIV problem for a long time, and South Africa where HIV arrived a decade later. "It is quite striking. You can see the ability to replicate is 10% lower in Botswana than South Africa and that's quite exciting. We are observing evolution happening in front of us and it is surprising how quickly the process is happening. The virus is slowing down in its ability to cause disease and that will help contribute to elimination," Professor Goulder told the BBC News website. The findings in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences also suggested anti-retroviral drugs were forcing HIV to evolve into milder forms. It showed the drugs would primarily
target the nastiest versions of HIV and encourage the milder ones to thrive. "Twenty years ago the time to AIDS was ten years, but in the last ten years in Botswana that might have increased to 12.5 years, a sort of incremental change, but in the big picture that is a rapid change. One might imagine as time extends this could stretch further and further and in the future people being asymptomatic for decades," Professor Goulder added. The group did caution that even a watered-down version of HIV was still dangerous and could cause AIDS. HIV originally came from apes or monkeys, in which it is frequently a minor infection. Prof Jonathan Ball, a virologist at the University of Nottingham, told the BBC: "If the trend continues then we might see the global picture change - a longer disease causing much less transmission. "In theory, if we were to let HIV run its course then we would see a human population emerge that was more resistant to the virus than we collectively are today - HIV infection would eventually become almost harmless. "Such events have probably happened throughout history, but we are talking very large timescales." Prof Andrew Freedman, a reader in infectious diseases at Cardiff University, said this was an "intriguing study". He said: "By comparing the epidemic in Botswana with that which occurred somewhat later in South Africa, the researchers were able to demonstrate that the effect of this evolution is for the virus to become less virulent, or weaker, over time. "The widespread use of antiretroviral therapy may also have a similar effect and together, these effects may contribute to the ultimate control of the HIV epidemic." But he cautioned HIV was "an awfully long way" from becoming harmless and "other events will supersede that, including wider access to treatment and eventually the development of a cure." Source:
Kaling says. But when she unlocked the bedroom door his body, which had attracted rodents, was so decomposed it was impossible to identify by photograph. His feet were sticking out from under the blankets with gauze still wrapped around the left foot. “He (the sheriff) said 'OK that's enough, close the door,” Wald remembers. Police and the coroner were called,
but because of the mummified state of his body, toxicology tests could not be conducted and a cause of death was not confirmed—though it is “likely due to natural causes,” the pathologist's report says. In court Monday, the crown acknowledged that had they gone to trial their chance at a conviction would be slim. There was no criminal intent—as Wald said afterwards, she was not even aware there was a law against this.
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Superior Court Justice Marjoh Agro said, “Your belief that your husband would resurrect is not an issue. This is not about your religious beliefs. It is about your safety, the safety of your children and the safety of the community at large.” “In fact it has cast me more at the mercy of God, because he is the ultimate judge," Kaling said. Source:
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Thursday, 04 November 2014
Your Medical Aid Guide for 2015
The Time To Re-Evaluate Your Medical Aid Coverage Is Now The festive season is upon us, and with the winding down of the year the time has come for people across the country to assess how well their medical aid scheme performed over the past year, whether a change is necessary and what the available options are. Have you used all the benefits available to you or did you run out of chronic medication benefits? Were you covered for unforeseen medical expenses? Medical aid payments can in some instances take a huge chunk of your monthly income, so it is important that you ensure that you are getting your money’s worth and are not spending more than is necessary. Most medical aids will only allow you to change to a higher or lower package at the beginning of the year, free of underwriting, pre-existing conditions exclusions and waiting periods, so now is the time to sit down and have a cold hard look at how your medical aid
performed throughout the year. In light of this, the Namib Independent brings you the first annual medical aid supplement with all the information you will need to make an informed decision on choosing the medical aid that is right for you, as well as information on how to assess the performance of your current medical aid plan. This guide includes all the relevant information on hospital plans, medical insurance, the different funds and the various packages on offer. No matter your age or income, it is of vital importance to have some sort of medical cover for those unexpected curve balls life throws at us. You do not want to be left with hefty hospital bills and no way to cover the costs short of bankruptcy, and the worst possible scenario is one in which you need medical attention, but you cannot afford to see a doctor.
Now is the Time to Assess Your
Current Medical Aid Scheme
In a study done in South Africa it was found that one in four people can no longer afford Medical Aid. Interestingly, the study also found that 52% of people never ‘shop around’ and have not reviewed their medical aid funds for over five years to find out whether they can get the same benefits at a cheaper premium. For this reason it is important that you review your medical aid annually as your circumstances may have changed and your current scheme is just not cost effective
anymore. It simply does not make sense to pay for benefits you are not using. If you are young, have no dependants and do not see a doctor regularly then consider downgrading. For this reason, when reviewing your medical aid, get quotes from at least three different medical aid policies so that you can be absolutely sure that you are getting the best value for your dollar. As mentioned earlier, most medical aids will only allow you to upgrade or downgrade your current plan at the beginning of the year, without underwriting, pre-existing condition exclusions and waiting periods. This allows you to review how well your current plan met your needs over the past year. A member can change from one company to another any time of the year, but it is advisable to
NHP Launches New Benefit Option: Titanium NHP is excited to introduce the new Titanium benefit option to be introduced on 1 January 2015. The Titanium benefit option is positioned between Silver and Platinum and is the perfect fit for individuals requiring more choice. After extensively analysing the current benefit product offering and engaging with members and employer groups, NHP identified a gap in the market and crafted the new benefit option that caters to the specific needs of their members and complements our existing benefit options.
The Titanium benefit option is a “traditional” type of benefit option, offering members more freedom of choice of a tailor made benefit option to cater for the specific needs of members, whilst remaining very affordable with well-structured sub-limits in respect of day-to-day expenses. This option is typically aimed at the young family who prefer the security of a structured benefit package. As per the previous option, the “per family benefit” concept also applies whereby benefits are not reserved on a per beneficiary basis.
review your medical needs at the end of the year instead. If you change from one company to another with the objective of receiving more comprehensive benefits, it is very important to note that you will be underwritten as a new member and any pre-existing benefits, including pregnancy, will not be covered for a period of 12 months. In addition to this, there is also a three month waiting period where only prescribed minimum benefits (life threatening or life altering conditions that are covered in full) and chronic conditions will be covered. Taking this into account, it is advisable to upgrade or downgrade your current plan within your existing medical aid scheme before you consider changing to a different
company entirely. Take an objective look at the benefits you actually made use of throughout the year, and select a medical aid package accordingly. The aim is to have the best cover at the lowest price. On the other end of the scale you might have found yourself using up all your benefits before the end of the year, this tends to happen particularly with chronic medication. In the case of one local family, one child depleted all the chronic medication benefits for the entire family by October, leaving the family no choice but to pay the pharmacy bill cash If you found yourself in a similar position it would be wise to consider upgrading to a better plan, as you will more than likely find yourself in the same position towards the end of next year.
Instead members are able to access the family benefits to access the overall family benefit should he or she need it. This benefit option offers comprehensive benefits for both major and day-to-day medical expenses and is ideal if you need comprehensive cover for your medical costs. With a generous overall annual limit and high day-to-day benefits, this benefit option is better suited to members whose health risk can best be described as low to moderate. The Titanium benefit option was launched on 27 October 2014 to give members and all other interested parties currently shopping around for a comprehensive yet more flexible benefit option the time to evaluate their current benefits. The Fund offers a comprehensive healthcare experience as NHP is Namibia’s premier membercentric medical aid fund.
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16 |
Thursday, 04 November 2014
Your Medical Aid Guide for 2015
Tailor-Made Health Insurance As Unique As You Are Prosperity Life offers individual alternatives to medical aid fund membership Prosperity Life Insurance offers affordable alternatives to medical aid funds, says Bertus Struwig, founder and CEO of the Prosperity Group. According to Struwig, most people benefit from a medical aid fund, however the fund and its products will cater to the needs of a group of members, and may not be the best choice for an individual. If this is the case, Prosperity Life offers a range of products that focus on the specific requirements of individuals and enable individuals to tailor-make their medical cover and to only pay what they buy. If you have individual healthcare needs, Struwig said, find out about Prosperity Life’s health insurance products and how they can satisfy your health care needs. To illustrate the point, Struwig says many individuals, who are in good health do not want a general spectrum of healthcare benefits offered by medical aid funds, but do want full insurance cover for hospitalisation and selective benefits for day-to-day medical expenses. With this in mind, Prosperity Life developed Oxygen, which provides cover for hospitalisation, selective benefits for day-to-day expenses and a savings plan as financing model for small routine medical expenditure. A product such as Oxygen, he says, will pay
hospitals at a higher tariff than the industry benchmark tariff, providing the individual or family with greater financial security. Through the Oxygen medical savings account the member enjoys a 12 months upfront credit balance to finance day-to-day expenses whilst unused funds are annually accumulated as a personal medical savings account. The Oxygen Benefit Extenders give the individual a free choice to selectively top-up day-to-day cover such as medication, consultations or dentistry benefits. He says that individuals and families that require hospitalisation insurance benefits at a reduced level can opt for Prosperity Life's Blue Cross medical insurance plan. Both Oxygen and Blue Cross allow the beneficiary, through a 12 months upfront credit balance, to use or save for day-to-day medical expenses. He also says that for those who want aboveaverage benefits, that exceed those offered by most medical aid funds, including day-to-day expenses in addition to hospitalisation cover, Prosperity Life offers Execumed. Execumed is particularly tailored to executive management who want a high degree of cover for themselves and their families without any co-payments Prosperity Life’s newly launched Humanity D1H health insurance plan now offers even low
income and uninsured families’ access to quality private medical care through this affordable medical insurance plan. Talking about gaps between benefits offered by funds and the cost of healthcare, Struwig says Prosperity Life offers a range of medical gap plans that reinsure the individual for the additional costs that are not covered by medical funds. He says that Complimed GAP has been designed for public service members who are on the PSEMAS medical aid scheme, and that Complimed PLUS is designed for members of other schemes. Very often, costs that are hidden to medical
aid fund members mount up and create a shock for members afterwards. The ultimate goal of the Complimed products is to ensure that you leave hospital with your finances in good health as well. Struwig also mentions additional medical insurance products offered by Prosperity Life, which include a funeral plan and emergency medical rescue. Individuals who want to tailor-make their health care cover and only pay what they buy should approach Prosperity Life. The group has been a leader in health care financing for 20 years and our products are well-developed to suit the needs of individuals, Struwig concluded.
Some Basic Consideration on Choosing the Right Medical Aid Medical schemes such as NHP, NMC and Renaissance Health have various plan options to choose from, ranging from a hospital plan to a comprehensive medical aid with medical savings and additional chronic, maternity benefits, higher medical aid tariff rates and oncology. The more comprehensive the option, the more costly it is to be on that option. A medical aid can be chosen based on the different life
stages of a member. The younger you are, the less cost you should occur in medical bills. In your 20’s: it is most likely that you hardly see a doctor, however you definitely need at least a private hospital plan. In your 20’s you have a higher risk of injury due to accidents and therefore it would be essential to have a private hospital plan. In your 30’s with a young family: The chances are you need a more
comprehensive plan with good inhospital benefits, maternity benefits and medical savings for day-to-day costs. In your 40’s and older: you probably need to see a doctor more frequently, therefore consider a plan with good in-hospital, outof-hospital and chronic medicine benefits. You can assess how much cover you and your family would need by considering your previous health history and genetic history.
What to Look for When Selecting
a Medical Aid Plan It's not just medical aid schemes one should look at. Full Cover vs Hospital Plan: If you can afford to pay for day to day medical expenses yourself, such as GP visits, then a hospital plan is probably best for you. Check your health: If you suffer from any chronic medical conditions, such as diabetes or arthritis it would be best to have full medical cover instead of only a hospital plan. If you have eyesight or dental problems but are healthy in general, select a scheme that makes provisions for this. Also remember that existing conditions are not covered for a period up to a year. Assess your finances: Full medical cover can be very expensive and while it is important to ensure that you are adequately covered it is also vital that you still have a decent income after paying your premium. When choosing to join a medical
aid check which company will give you the best deal for your children and spouse and make sure you know exactly what your monthly contributions will be and whether you can afford this. Check a scheme's payment record: Before coming to a final decision on which medical aid scheme you are going to join, phone your GP or the local hospital and find out if they have ever experienced problems with payouts from that particular scheme. Scrutinise the table of benefits: While certain medical schemes look great on paper as they seem to pay 100% for most things, you must check what the limits are for day to day expenses. Some private hospitals do not charge the medical aid rate and you may find yourself stuck with a large bill after your hospital stay. Make sure what your co-payments will be on all bills. If you see doctors often, or
find yourself in hospital on a regular basis it would be wise to go for a plan that covers more than 100% of these costs. Check whether the medical aid in question has a Medical Savings Account, whereby you contribute a monthly amount and this accumulates for use on any medical expenses you wish. If you use up your savings, you will have to fund medical expenses out of your own pocket. Find out about exclusions: Some schemes will exclude you from claiming on certain conditions for a certain period of time (usually a year). Be aware of these possible exclusions before you sign up for a medical aid scheme. Also, if you are not moving from one medical aid to another and this is the first time you are signing up for medical aid you can usually not claim day-to-day expenses for a period of three months. Check overall hospital limits: A particular scheme might limit its hospital pay out to a certain amount, but what if your entire family is in the same accident? Find out how much a hospital stay for your whole family
for a week or two would be. You may be shocked. Check HIV cover: In a country with an HIV rate of 30%, this is important. How well would you be covered if you were to become HIV positive and in time require a lengthy hospital stay? Oncology Benefits: Cancer is a dreaded disease and can strike at any age and irrespective of your lifestyle. If there is a history of cancer in your family, make sure that there is sufficient coverage should you need it. Post Hospital Benefit: Following a stay in hospital, it may be necessary to have follow up appointments with the treating doctor, or check-ups if there are complications. It is important to make sure that this will be covered by your medical aid. Solvency Ratio: this is how solvent a medical aid scheme is in respect of paying claims and maintaining benefits.
According to NAMFISA, this amount should be 25%, and on average Namibian medical aids are between 25% and 32%, the better the solvency ratio the healthier the financial position of the company. Preventative screening tests: Testing for certain conditions can help us prevent future complications such as heart disease, glaucoma, hypertension and cholesterol. Most medical aids cover these preventative tests annually to ensure that the members remain healthy as they grow older. However some medical aids do not have this benefit, so make sure this is an option before deciding on a medical aid. Maternity benefits: Pregnancy is an expensive event and joining a maternity program is very beneficial to a family. Some medical aids cover the cost of scans, gynaecology consultants, paediatrician visits and antenatal visits in full, while some only cover these up to a certain limit.
TAILOR-MADE CHOICES FOR INDIVIDUAL HEALTH NEEDS If a medical aid fund does not give you the cover that you actually want and need, consider Prosperity Life medical insurance, tailor-made to work better for you.
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061 2999 543
Hospitalisation gap cover for PSEMAS members. N$1,2 million per person & N$2,4 million per family
Complimed PLUS with Hospicash, for additional cash benefit support when hospitalised, and a Family Funeral Plan.
Emergency Medical Evacuation Insurance Cover for Individuals
Funeral Plan For financial assistance with the loss of a loved one
061 2999 543
Serviced by:
Prosperity Life
Prosperity Lifecare Insurance Limited rules apply as registered with Namfisa.
N$10,000 per beneficiary over the age of 13 & N$3,500 per beneficiary under the age of 13
Prosperity Life
Prosperity Lifecare Insurance Limited rules apply as registered with Namfisa.
Prosperity Life
Emergency medical evacuation by road or air in SADC countries. N$10 million cover. • Swakopmund 064 461 356 • Walvis Bay 064 206 098 / 1
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Thursday, 04 November 2014
Your Medical Aid Guide for 2015 Five Reasons to Choose Renaissance
Health Medical Aid Fund
Renaissance Health Medical Aid Fund (RHMAF) provides financial assistance to members for medical expenses incurred. We have a diverse and healthy member demographic profile that covers the whole of Namibia. You can become part of the RHMAF family where we put your health and the health of your loved one’s first with our comprehensive benefits that will cover you when you need it most. 1. Wide range of product options The Fund offers product options that range from the basic Vital Care, to Elite Care which offers exceptional benefits for members with a high risk health profile. By providing a wide range of product choices, the Fund ensures that it is widely accessible to salaried individuals and groups, in line with personal income, since affordability is a key concern to provide access to healthcare. 2. Additional complementary benefits for proactive health management RHMAF recognises the importance that its members assign to their individual health and the health of their families, and provides a range of additional Complementary Benefits to empower and encourage members to manage their own health. Complementary benefits include various annual health tests to motivate prevention and early detection. A maternity programme provides pre- and post-natal health care, which includes 12 consultations, scans and pediatric visits, extending your normal benefits. In the event of an operation, the Fund also provides a post-operative extended benefit to assist with healthy recuperation, subject to an approved treatment plan, pre-authorisation and clinical risk management. Under the Complementary Benefits, the Fund also allows claims for gym rebates subject to your option. The Fund provides emergency medical evacuation by road and air in Namibia and SADC. It also reinsures members to ensure that contributions are paid
for three months in the event of the death of a main member. 3. Benefit Builders If a member uses all benefits in a particular category during the year, a Benefit Builder can be purchased to provide additional day-to-day cover over and above the standard benefits. The level of benefits for each Benefit Builder is decided by the individual member, and monthly contributions are scaled according to the needed amount for the additional benefits. There are ten levels of Benefit Builders to choose from. As Benefit Builders are not part of pooled contributions, a portion of any unused Benefit Builders at the end of the year will be available to members in the subsequent year in the form of the Benefit Wallet, a savings mechanism that can be used for a range of healthcare benefits. 4. Management of chronic conditions Under its Chroniline programme, the Fund reduces the cost of chronic medication with a preferred medication list and covers a wide range of chronic conditions, which include heart disease, depression, chronic obesity and gastric disease. 5. HIV management The Fund takes active steps to prolong the health of its members who live with HIV, by providing for diagnostic tests, affordable generic medications and counselling. The Fund has additional HIV benefits and a management program to assist members to manage their status and health. An ethical, non-profit Fund possessed by members Renaissance Health is a non-profit Fund and is based on the principle of a mutual solidarity Fund, where contributions are pooled to ensure that members have access to benefits according to their product choices and contributions. The Fund is a regulated entity that functions to protect member’s interests at all times.
Renaissance Health offers a comprehensive range of products ranging from the unlimited Elite Care option to the primary health Vital Care option. In addition, we offer a range of additional Complementary Benefits to help you manage your health, and Benefit Builders to topup your cover if you use up your benefits before the end of the year. If you put your health first find out about Renaissance Health, the Medical Aid Fund that puts your health first.
Swakopmund 064 461 356
Walvis Bay 064 206 098 / 1
Renaissance Health Medical Aid Fund is a non-profit Medical Aid Fund managed by an independent Board of Trustees elected by Fund members.
Thursday, 04 November 2014
News | 19
MAKING PROVISION FOR YOUR MEDICAL COSTS Are you burdened with your high monthly contributions Are you covered for all your chronic medication When in need of casualty at hospital after hours are you covered Are you frustrated that when you do not claim you are not rewarded with a bonus Do you need to wait for a long period of time for re-payments on invoices submitted Do you pay for benefits which you do not use When hospitalised do you face payments of invoices short paid Would you like to be in charge of your benefits and the utilisation thereof? If you have answered “YES” to all the above then why not join the plans at INVESTMED LTD where employer groups and their employees and individuals may join any time during the year and benefits are NOT pro rata and invoices are covered at 100% of actual costs Weekly payments of your claims to private hospitals and service providers. Investmed has online tracking which allows you to view your benefits, payments and any other correspondence via the website at Dedicated Broker at the Coast is Ludwig Schröder Insurance Consultants:
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Thursday, 04 November 2014
Your Medical Aid Guide for 2015
Where Are You In
Your Life Stage? The traditional view of Medical Aid Funds is that more is better. Members often believe that they should buy the maximum amount of cover that they can afford with no or little regard to the specific benefits of the Option as compared to their actual needs. This leads to a potential mismatch between what is paid for and the perception of value. The two key factors in the purchase of a Medical Aid Option are medical needs and income/affordability. Income varies widely between individuals, but usually increases rapidly at younger ages, remains fairly stable towards older ages and decreases in retirement. Medical needs follow a different pattern as the propensity to claim increases during childbearing years and then decreases towards middle age. From ages 55 onward there is usually a rapid increase in claim cost with the onset of chronic conditions and other factors
related to age. Nammed’s Options have been structured to suit each of the life stages, so that the Member can match needs with affordability. Other factors to consider when choosing an option: • Can I afford to pay for unforeseen medical costs, such as hospitalisation, without having to borrow money? • What is the current level of employer subsidy in respect of my membership to a Medical Aid Fund? • Is my family generally healthy or not? • Am I at a point where we start to plan a family? • Does any member of my family suffer from a chronic disease such as diabetes, high blood pressure, depression, etc? • Approximately how much were my medical expenses over the past few
years in terms of MME, Chronic Medication, day-to-day expenses (such as GP consultations, Dentistry, Acute Medication, Blood Tests, etc.) • In which age bracket do my dependents and I fall as it is generally accepted that medical expenditure increases as the member and dependents grow older? The most important differences between Options are the benefits offered, the monthly contributions charged and to whom the Option is best suited. Please note that this information is only provided as a guideline to assist Members to make a more informed choice. Should you need any further information, kindly refer to your 2015 brochure and/or contact NAMMED Medical Aid Fund client service centre – 061 374 600.
Sleep Easy We have you covered with benefit booster True friends are like diamonds, precious and rare. They rescue you during the rainy days. NMC could be one of those rare friends, as we understand that there are times when our members deplete their benefits. Benefit booster provides additional cover over and above your normal benefits when you run out of day-to-day benefits. It is paid automatically, so you do not have to apply for it. Members will be notified via SMS when the benefit booster kicks in.
Diamond • General practitioners and specialists • Specialised radiology procedures • Optical benefits and care • Oncology • Artificial limbs • International medical travel insurance
* Unrivalled medical aid cover
Of all the gems that glow and glitter in this world, diamonds are the best. They sparkle like no other, they radiate with an incomparable brilliance that will never dim with time. That is why Diamond, NMC’s top-tier medical aid option offers superb medical aid cover that cannot be found anywhere else. Diamond offers comprehensive benefits that provide complete security knowing that all of your needs are taken care of. For more information please call 061 287 6000 and backup your life..
The benefit booster pays for medicine and injections (selfmedication excluded), dentistry, GPs and specialists, primary healthcare and auxilliary services. It is applicable to the Protector Health, Ruby, Sapphire, and Diamond options. The benefit available for the additional cover depends on your medical cover option: Option
Benefit Booster Benefit
Protector Health
N$1 150 per family
N$1 950 per person and N$3 100 per family
N$2 650 per person and N$4 800 per family
N$3 2 00 per person and N$5 550 per family
The benefit booster pays 70% of the NAMAF tariff for medicine and injections (self medication excluded), dentistry and dental implants and auxiliary services. 80% of claims are paid for GPs, specialists and primary healthcare benefits. Members will be notified via sms when the benefit booster kicks in NAMIBIA MEDICAL CARE
EMER ALD • Specialised radiology procedures • Specialised dental surgery • Private nursing • Hospitalisation cover • General practitioners
* Medical aid cover that keeps up with your lifestyle
To be described as fresh and vigorous something needs to exude qualities that make people feel refreshed. Emeralds, the vibrant jewels of the gem world, are the only precious stones that are universally acclaimed for being energetic. NMC’s Emerald package has been designed with the young-at-heart in mind. It provides medical aid cover that is in tune with the times. For more information please call 061 287 6000 and backup your life. * Terms and conditions apply.
One of the world’s foremost emerging uranium companies, Swakop Uranium, is focused on developing and operating the world's third-largest known primary uranium deposit near the town of Swakopmund in Namibia. We need energetic, self-motivated and confident people to apply for our roles and we regard you as our “Employee of Choice”.
VACANCIES RADIATION SAFETY OFFICER Location: Husab Mine, Swakopmund Reports to the Superintendent Radiation Protection Assist the Superintendent Radiation Protection with the implementation and maintenance of the Radiation Management Plan. Develop and implement a comprehensive radiation management system for Swakop Uranium’s (SU) mining and work environments to monitor exposure doses and prevent and/or mitigate risks. Manage systems in your area of responsibility, including the inspection, monitoring, review and enforcement of compliance to applicable legislation, regulations and directives. Key Performance Areas: • Implement and maintain the requirements as laid down in the Radiation Management Plan. • Develop, implement and maintain the Radiation Management System, Policies and Procedures for your area of responsibility. • Implement, monitor and review radiation monitoring, exposure data analysis and radiation protection programmes. • Investigate radiation related incidents, make recommendations and manage nonconformance and corrective actions. • Conduct inspections and audits to ensure compliance with applicable legislation, regulations and directives. • Implement applicable communication and training programmes (internal and external). • Assist, undertake and guide line management to implement radiation management systems, standards and procedures. • Radiation reporting, documentation, data capturing and control, data analysis and data administration. • Present radiation induction and awareness programmes.
Swakop Uranium
Requirements and experience: • B.Sc. degree in relevant field is highly desirable, similar qualifications and experience in a relevant field will be considered. • UI approved Radiation Safety Officer’s certificate (or equivalent approved qualification). • Ability to understand and prepare technical/scientific submissions. • Working knowledge of instrumentation for measuring radiation, and assessing and quantifying radiation in appropriate measuring quantities. • Proven ability to communicate with stakeholders. • Minimum of 3 years working experience in a similar field. • Code B Driver’s License.
ACCOuNTS PAYAblE ClERK Location: Husab Mine, Swakopmund Reports to the Accounts Payable Supervisor To perform accounting and clerical tasks related to the efficient maintenance, checking accounts payable (AP) invoices in the invoice processing cycle to pay vendors and suppliers within established time limits, by checking documentation, managing and updating creditors’ master data, preparing reports required to approve payment run for Treasury to meet closeoff periods of the monthly timetable, and to prepare all backup documents to accompany pay run. Key Performance Areas: • Creditor Department Periodic: Payment Preparation • Creditor Department Day-to-Day: Creditor Reconciliation • Creditor Department Day-to-Day Invoice processing • Administration: Records, Reporting and Document Control • Vendor / Supplier and Internal Stakeholder Enquiry Support • Professional Development & Growth Management Requirements and experience: • Diploma / Certificate in Accounting or related field. • NQA Level: 3/4 • Accounts payable and general accounting experience: 5 years • Code 08 Drivers License.
OPERATOR - PROCESSING Location: Husab Mine, Swakopmund Reports to the Team Leader To operate the Processing Plant and associated equipment in a safe and efficient manner, as set out in all operating procedures, ensuring minimum downtime and compliance to SHERQ standards and procedures. Comply with quality and volume requirements at the lowest cost.
Key Performance Areas: • Responsible for Safety, environment, health and Housekeeping in area of responsibility • Responsible for Efficient Operation of the relevant section • Assist with Lockout, Isolation and issuing of Clearance Permits • Report and Communicate Plant Performance, safety and environment concerns to the Senior Operator • On the job training and coaching of peers, and drive own development and growth • Conduct Plant inspections before and during shift • Perform all basic metallurgical maintenance activities during shift Requirements and experience: • Grade 12 with passes in Math & Science required • Code BE/Code 08 driver’s license
SENIOR OPERATOR - PROCESSING (PATTERSON CL) Location: Husab Mine, Swakopmund Reports to the Team Leader To supervise the operation of the Processing Plant and associated equipment, and ensure the plant operates in a safe and efficient manner. Comply with quality and volume requirements at the lowest cost. Key Performance Areas: • Responsible for Safety, environment, health and housekeeping in area of responsibility • Responsible for Efficient Operation of the relevant section • Responsible and accountable for Lockout, Isolation and issuing of clearance permits • Report and Communicate Plant Performance, safety and environment concerns to the Team Leader • Coordinate and manage Plant inspections before and during shift • Coordinate and lead all basic metallurgical maintenance activities during shift • People and Performance Management and strive for high performance culture in line with company goals and values Requirements and experience: • Grade 12 with passes in Math & Science required • Code BE/Code 08 driver’s license • Three (3) years Plant Operation experience • Driving experience of auxiliary equipment such as Front End Loader or Bobcat will be advantageous • Plant Commissioning and Ramp Up experience will be advantageous • Planning and organizational skills
ASSISTANT TREASuRER Location: Swakopmund Reports to the Treasurer To liaise with designated staff about financial matters in order to ensure that appropriate financial systems and controls are in place, and to efficiently supervise the preparation and processing of all payment batches received from the Accounts Payable and Payroll division according to approved policies and procedures. The position also performs associated administration duties such as reviews, payment reconciliations, short-term cash flow forecasts, petty cash, and commercial bank payment system while controlling bank costs, including the support all other treasury activities, i.e. letters of credits, foreign currency payments, covenants on bank loans, interest calculations, and allocation of receipts to accounts. Key Performance Areas: • Treasury Governance, Internal Control and Systems • Creditor and Other Payments • General Treasury and Cash Flow • Corporate Banking and Foreign Exchange (Forex) • Corporate Loans • Treasury Support • People and Performance Management • Professional Development & Growth • Subordinates Effectiveness • Co-worker Effectiveness (Generic) • Safety, Health, Environmental, Radiation & Quality Effectiveness Requirements and experience: • B Comm degree or equivalent in Accounting / Administration or related field. • Membership with Association of Corporate Treasurers South Africa • General accountant experience: 10 years. • Banking / Investment / Foreign exchange (Forex) experience: 5 years. • Code 08 Drivers License.
Through its commitment to its people, the company offers a competitive remuneration package and the opportunity to work alongside some of the most experienced and dedicated people in the industry. Interested persons should submit their CV and relevant supporting documents to OR on website by 12 December 2014. Previously disadvantaged Namibians meeting the above criteria are encouraged to apply. Clearly indicate the position you are applying for as well as your name and surname in the subject line of your application email. Applications received that do not meet this criteria will not be considered. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted within two weeks of the closing date of this advertisement and no documents will be returned. Short-listed candidates must be willing to undergo pre-employment selection assessments. For more information on the company, please visit
Passionately energise our World
One of the world’s foremost emerging uranium companies, Swakop Uranium, is focused on developing and operating the world's third-largest known primary uranium deposit near the town of Swakopmund in Namibia. We need energetic, self-motivated and confident people to apply for our roles and we regard you as our “Employee of Choice”.
VACANCIES Team Leader - eLecTricaL Location: Husab Mine, Swakopmund Reports to the Superintendent – Engineering Maintenance To lead a competent team of electrical-trained subordinates for the effective and efficient maintenance of all medium to low voltage Plant electrical equipment. To ensure that production targets are achieved at maximum workshop availability and optimum cost, including adherence to job safety and good housekeeping standards.
SOCIAl DEVElOPMENT MANAgER Location: Husab Mine, Swakopmund Reports to the Business Support Director
Key Performance Areas: • Equipment/Machinery Availability • Maintenance/Resource availability and Management • People and Performance Management • Professional Development & Growth Requirements and experience: • Recognised Trade Diploma/Qualification with 4 technical theoretical subjects (N3 level) or with Grade 12 with 4 technical theoretical subjects • Code BE Driver’s License • 10 years post-trade experience in electrical work including emergency power plant operation • At lease 3 years supervisory experience • Experience in mining plant maintenance and previous maintenance experience on Siemens AC/DC wheel motors and large alternators will be a distinct advantage • Significant experience and ability with integrated maintenance systems such as SAP
Team Leader - mecHaNicaL Location: Husab Mine, Swakopmund Reports to the Superintendent – Engineering Maintenance To lead a competent team of mechanical-trained subordinates for the effective and efficient maintenance of all mechanical equipment. To ensure that production targets are achieved at maximum workshop availability and optimum cost, including adherence to job safety and good housekeeping standards. Key Performance Areas: • Maintenance Work Effectiveness • Maintenance Plans/Data Control, Monitor and Reports • Spares Management/Work Orders and Resources • People and Performance Management • Professional Development & Growth Requirements and experience: • Recognised Trade Diploma/Qualification with 4 technical theoretical subjects (N3 level) or with Grade 12 with 4 technical theoretical subjects • Code BE Driver’s License • At least 10 years post-trade experience in the mining industry • At least 3 years supervisory experience • Significant experience and ability with integrated maintenance systems such as SAP
MAINTENANCE PlANNER Location: Husab Mine, Swakopmund Reports to the Superintendent - Maintenance To plan, schedule and co-ordinate all maintenance work and resources required maintaining and enhancing plant/equipment availability and efficiency by the most cost-effective methods available and to assist the Maintenance Superintendent with scheduling and budgeting. Key Performance Areas: • Maintenance Work Effectiveness • Maintenance Plans/Data Control Monitor and Reports • Spares Management/Work orders and Resources • People and Performance Management • Professional Development & Growth
Requirements and experience: • Trade Diploma /Qualification with 4 technical theoretical subjects (N3 level) or with Grade 12 with 4 technical theoretical subjects • 5 – 7 Years post apprenticeship Artisan experience preferably with exposure in a mine mineral processing environment – 3 years should be on Maintenance Planner level • Code B Driver’s License • Significant experience and ability with integrated maintenance systems such as SAP
To manage social development activities and associated promotional, investment and upliftment activities and/or projects that are a means through which Swakop Uranium (SU) can be seen to actively give back to concerned local communities, and ensure long term/ sustainable social development. Key Performance Areas: • Developing, managing and ensuring successful execution of the Company’s social development programs • Developing annual and five-year implementation plans and budgets for social development initiatives • Driving the envisaged initiative involved in the socio-economic development by SU for the concerned local communities with various assignments/services to uplift the people, in line with the Company goals and objectives • Ensuring training and evaluation of employees to enhance their performance, development and work output • Taking responsibility of self/career development by setting and achieving personal goals • Professional /Personal Development and Growth • Actively participates and contributes towards maintaining effective working relationships with colleagues / other team members, supervisors and line managers • Adheres to all laid down SHERQ related standards, practices, policies, procedures, rules, regulations and Statutory Compliance Requirements and experience: • Appropriate Bachelor’s Degree in social development or business/economic development • Code BE Driver’s License • 5 - 7 years management experience in social development dealing with local authorities and community development associations • Experience in Social development upliftment programs • Sound stakeholder relationship with government, local authorities and community leaders
PROCUREMENT OFFICER Location: Swakopmund Reports to the Procurement Manager Supervise the Procurement Department system, procedures and daily operations in accordance with Swakop Uranium policies and procedures to ensure the timely and effective supply of goods and services to the mine/plant. Key Performance Areas: • Supervise and Expedite the Day to Day Procurement Process to Point of Delivery • Supplier Performance Management • Execute Procurement Contract & Tender Process • Legal Compliance • Budget, Reporting and Document Control • Manage External Relationships • People and Performance Management • Professional Development and Growth Requirements and experience: • Diploma or similar qualification in Procurement, Materials Management or Logistics – NQA Level 5 • General procurement, materials management and logistics experience: 5 years • Supervisory/ leadership experience: 3 years • Mining experience is an added advantage • Code BE/Code 08 driver’s license
Through its commitment to its people, the company offers a competitive remuneration package and the opportunity to work alongside some of the most experienced and dedicated people in the industry. Interested persons should submit their CV and relevant supporting documents to OR on website by 12 December 2014. Previously disadvantaged Namibians meeting the above criteria are encouraged to apply. Clearly indicate the position you are applying for as well as your name and surname in the subject line of your application email. Applications received that do not meet this criteria will not be considered. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted within two weeks of the closing date of this advertisement and no documents will be returned. Short-listed candidates must be willing to undergo pre-employment selection assessments. For more information on the company, please visit
Passionately energise our World
E V I T S E F ay S P L E HE ‘n k N c Pi N T 0 A ! 0 ers H 5 N $ C O G rib N c nly 0 s o x N . 3 G I 0 0 sub 014 for 9 5 l N P l 2 I y 9 5 A r A a P 4 B w s to be H a $ T r m O ivinguche ece E N R H D g S tv is ing vo& 22 MO ia
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GOopp en 1 tenna sh twe NEW GO be *Terms and Conditions apply. GOtv reserves the right to add or remove channels. E&OE.*The once off administration fee is non-refundable. GOtv is available in Windhoek, Rehoboth, Okahandja, Swakopmund, Walvis Bay, Oshakati, Ongwediva & Ondangwa.