Independent Namib
Like a newspaper, only better!
Tel: 064 200497
Issue 146 - Thurs, 07 May 2015 to Wed, 13 May 2015
Diamond Arrow Winner Best Community Newspaper 2014
Concern raised over Gas Power Plant at Dune 7
"At EBH we are only too aware of the plight of those who continue to live below the breadline"
Impacts expected are the dying of vegetation and the relocation of freshwater birds.
Hannes Uys, CEO of EBH Namibia on their committment to build a 'safe harbour' for children. See Page 2
VIVA! See Page 3
Workers Day celebrations: President's message on song
Phenomenal decision by Swakop council Jade McClune
In an attempt to tackle the housing crisis at the coast the Swakopmund Town Council has decided to remove the erf price of 57 houses that it plans to hand over to elderly residents of Mondesa who are nearing the age of retirement. A municipal spokesperson confirmed on Wednesday that Council also scrapped the requirement that prospective buyers in the new extension to the north of Tamariskia must have a minimum bank guarantee of N$380,000 before
they can bid on the 103 available properties. Council noted that many elderly residents struggle to secure home loans due to advanced age. “Under normal circumstances, the maximum bond period is 240 months or 20 years. However, due to historic background of our country, a significant number of people never owned houses in urban areas. “It was against this background that the Build Together Programme allowed beneficiaries over the age of 50 to participate in the scheme, allowing them to apply with a co-
applicant so that they may service their loans while on retirement.”
The erven concerned should be given free of charge” and should not be included in the loan amount. Council said the strategy of using co-applicants was devised to assist those who do not qualify for home loans due to advanced age, on the
understanding that the co-applicant would service the debt if, for any reason, the main homeowner is unable to. The Regional Manager of the National Housing Enterprise, Karl Schroeder reportedly argued that “Since the government will be responsible for both the servicing of the land and the construction of houses under the mass housing development programme, the erven concerned should be given free of charge” and should not be included in the loan amount.” The erven to be handed over to the elderly were however serviced by the municipality at a cost of N$40,567.15 per erf and Council
See Page 5
was hoping to recover the costs of servicing the land, but agreed last week that the cost of the erven would not be included in the loan amount offered to beneficiaries of the scheme. “The rationale to offer erven under the Mass Housing Development Programme free of charge to the beneficiaries is to ensure that the aims and objective of the project are realised, by making the houses affordable to the majority of people.” Explaining the motive for its decision, Council said finding an amicable solution to meet the housing needs of retired residents “has become critical in the execution of our task”. Continued on Page 3
Police called
to remove former Minister from Congress in Swakop Jade McClune
Viva, Viva, Hage! The May Day celebrations were enjoyed by all - see full story on page 5
Former Deputy Minister of Defence, Petrus Iilonga was knocked out of the race for the top post of President of Namibia’s largest union federation when members convened for the Congress of the National Union of Namibian Workers in Swakopmund on Thursday. According to credible sources, former MP Iilonga — who also headed the Namibia Public Workers Union (NAPWU) before leapfrogging into parliament in the mid-1990s — had to be warned that he would be forcibly removed from the building when he refused to leave. Eventually the police had to be called in. Keen political observer, Phil ya Nangoloh, the Director of NamRights said
Petrus Lilonga. Photo Lela Mobile “…the NUNW congress went ahead without much problem last night after Police finally succeeded to eject Ekanda therefrom. Ekanda, as former deputy minister [of defense], Cde Petrus Ilonga is also known, was given five minutes to leave or face being removed through the use of Continued on Page 3
Thursday, 07 May 2015
Bottled Meals EBH pledges toward construction of Bottled Red Meat
N$35+8 Dep for Bottle
Bottled Pork Meat
N$39+8 Dep for Bottle
Bottled Pasta
N$32+8 Dep for Bottle
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For more info contact Ester on:
081 272 1394
play school
Taking care of our most vulnerable citizens – EBH Namibia steps up to help build a safe educational ‘harbour’ for children in need.
Ship repair company Elgin Brown & Hamer (EBH) Namibia is committed to bringing about positive and tangible changes in the communities in which it operates, especially when it comes to those who are most vulnerable – the orphans and street children of Walvis Bay. So, when an opportunity arose to assist in supporting local non-profit welfare organisation the Promiseland Trust, EBHN embraced it, pledging significant funds towards the building of a play school. Hannes Uys, Chief Executive Officer of EBH Namibia explains: “At EBH we are only too aware of the plight of those who continue to live below the breadline, despite the economic growth that Namibia has experienced. The disparity in income, employment and access to resources in urban areas is extremely worrying, and as a concerned corporate citizen of Namibia, it is our duty and our pleasure to be in a position to reach out to the local community and help make a difference.” The number of children who report daily to the Promiseland facility in Tutaleni, Walvis Bay, to receive a plate of warm, home-cooked food is testament to the serious socio-economic needs in the area and the unemployment rate, which is estimated at around 36%. Approximately 1,700 children benefit from the feeding scheme on a daily basis: 1400 school children, 50 children at the morning play school and 250 children during the afternoons.
While Promiseland, which is successfully managed through six trustees, is pleased to be able to provide nutritious food, the organisation acknowledges that the needs of these children extend beyond daily meals. “These children need not only food, shelter and medical supplies, but a safe environment which is conducive to learning and well-being,” says Pieter Greeff, Chairman of the Promiseland Trust. “It is for this reason that we saw an urgent need to expand our current facilities and build extra classrooms. We are extremely grateful to EBH Namibia for the generous donation towards this building project.” EBH Namibia has long been invested in fighting hunger and poverty in Walvis Bay, and sees this latest initiative as extremely valuable to the community because
power to the people
TENDER 10/2015
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of its long-term implications. The project involves the building of three classrooms and other amenities, and should be completed by the end of May 2015. “The new educational facility will provide extra space for sixty children between the ages of three and five. The children are cared for from 08h00 until 12h00 in the afternoon. During this time they follow an education programme facilitated by permanent employees of the Trust and volunteers of the Red Cross Society. They also receive two meals a day – breakfast and lunch, explains Greeff. “The success of the organisation depends on the generosity shown by individuals and companies such as EBH Namibia. It is largely through their support that we are able to care for these children on a daily basis,” Greeff adds. “We were honoured to be approached by Promiseland and see this latest corporate social investment (CSI) project as an ideal way in which EBH Namibia can make a substantial and tangible impact on the lives of the orphaned children of Walvis Bay. In so doing, we as Namibian corporate citizens are making good on our promise to invest our resources in the uplifting local communities where they are most urgently required: in this case, giving these children a better chance in life,” concludes Uys.
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addressed to the Chairperson of the Tender Committee must be placed in the tender box at the Enquiries Desk at: 91, Hage Geingob Street, Erongo RED Building, 1st floor, Walvis Bay or be posted to the Chairperson of the Tender Committee, P. O. Box 2925, Walvis Bay, to reach him at the latest by: 10:00 on Friday, 29 May 2015 Please note that no faxed or e-mailed documents, nor documents received after the specified closing date and time will be considered for evaluation.
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Departure 1: 7:30 am
Departure 1: 7:00 am
Departure 1: 8:00 am
Departune 2: 14:45 pm
Departune 2: 14:00 pm
Departune 2: 15:00 pm
Thursday, 07 May 2015
VIVA! Phenomenal decision by Swakop council
Continued from Page 1 In a related development the municipality placed 103 serviced erven in the newly developed extension immediately to the north of Tamariskia up for sale to the public in an attempt to meet the fast-growing demand for housing. Municipal sources confirmed yesterday that Council scrapped the requirement for a minimum bank guarantee of N$380,000 for first-time home buyers. It cost the municipality N$175/m² to service the
erven and they will be sold for a minimum upset price of N$220/m² via (with a maximum mark-up of 50% allowed). A 1,000m² property would thus cost the firsttime buyer at least N$220,000. The erven are to be sold in batches of 50 and 53 via closed bid to people who did not previously own any property in Namibia. Council also reserved 15 erven for its own staff members, which will be sold at the cost of servicing the land only, (N$175/m²), meaning municipal workers will pay a reduced price of N$175,000 for 1,000 m².
Concern raised over Gas Police called to remove former Power Plant at Dune 7 Minister
Continued from Page 1
Sharon Brooks
Enviro Dynamics has completed the environmental impact assessments (EIA) on behalf of Xaris Energy Namibia for the proposed power plant to be situated behind Dune 7 as well. However, closer inspection of the EIA and the accompanying environmental management plan (EMP) raises a number of questions regarding the project. Obtaining clarity in regards to issues about the project has been troublesome throughout the process, as questions are either answered ambiguously or not at all. While the company may not be faulted for following the mandatory information sharing process, the meaningful dialogue on the specifics of the report remain elusive. At the time of going to print, a number of queries surrounding important issues in the content of the EIA have not been addressed. Xaris Energy Namibia (Pty) Ltd intends to construct and manage an Open Cycle Gas Turbine Power Plant on 40 hectares of land located behind Dune 7 in the Dorob National Park. The power plant initially will be sized to be able to yield 300 MW of power to the national grid. The first area of concern is the ambiguity that exists in regards to the ownership of the proposed site for the power plant known as “Farm 58”. According to the report, the Walvis Bay Municipality has stated that Farm 58 has been under its ownership since 2004, however, in 2010, the Dorob National Park extended its boundaries to include this area. The report goes on to say “Farm 58 is suitable for heavy industrial activity, such as the operation of the power plant. This is confirmed by the Walvis Bay Spatial Development Framework”. The report states that the Ministry
of Environment and Tourism and the Municipality of Walvis Bay will need to engage in order to provide clarity on the matter and the way forward, but that the Municipal Council has approved the use of the land until the issue is resolved. In addition, a discrepancy exists in regards to the studies completed in regards to the impact on air quality and noise generated by the power plant. Both the above mentioned reports refer specifically to an output of 230 – 250 MW for the plant, all other documentation, however, state that the output of the plant will be 300 MW with no explanation as to why there is a difference in output level in the reports. According to the estimation of water availability report, the project will use excess semi-purified effluent from the Walvis Bay Waste Water Treatment Plant (WWTP). The excess is currently disposed of in the dunes southeast of the WWTP, which has led to the creation of a wetland known as Bird Paradise. This wetland is used by 30 species of bird, 5 of which are near threatened and one of which is threatened globally.
It is expected that the increased salt loading coupled with reduced water discharge volumes will cause a risk of salinization of the wetland. The plant will use 2151 m³/day semi purified water, and will return 745 m³/ day brine. The report states that only 1186 m³/day semi purified water is available for use. This indicates that the wetland will decrease in size as a
result of the project. Kevin Adams of the Municipality of Walvis Bay has said “The ever-increasing volumes discharged into the wetlands have resulted in the wetland area rapidly expanding towards the south into areas earmarked in the Integrated Urban Spatial Development Framework (IUSDF) for future township developments.” It would thus appear that the reduction in size of the wetlands is in fact a benefit of the project, however, the report goes on to say that “It is expected that the increased salt loading coupled with reduced water discharge volumes will cause a risk of salinisation of the wetland. Typical impacts expected from this risk is further dying of vegetation and relocation of the freshwater birds depending on the wetland.” The report suggests strict monitoring of the wetlands salinisation and to ensure that the wetland does not reduce in size too quickly, this is again mentioned in the EIA. The EMP, however, states “A spatial baseline (i.e. the minimum footprint of the wetland) should be determined and agreed upon in writing between the Client and the owners of the Birds Paradise Business” and that monitoring of the water discharged into the wetlands should be done monthly. There is no mention, however, of monitoring of the size of the wetlands once a spatial baseline has been set, or of regular testing of the wetland for salinity. In addition, when the plant is decommissioned, the Municipality will have to put in place a contingency plan for water used by the plant. The project was originally planned to begin construction this month in order to be completed by June next year. It remains to be seen whether the project will receive a clearance certificate despite the above mentioned concerns.
NAPWU workers are seen protesting outside the NUNW office in 2014. Photo Jade McClune minimum force by Police.” The leader of the Mineworkers Union of Namibia, Ismael Kasuto, was elected as the new NUNW president, with Job Muniaro as Secretary General. Ya Nangoloh said the embattled Secretary General of NAPWU, Petrus Nevonga was also “forcibly removed from congress by workers themselves last night.” According to sources who spoke to NamRights, “Nevonga also stood for position of NUNW Secretary General but workers rejected him too.” The battle within NAPWU (the main representative of civil servants in government negotiations) has been raging on for several years. In recent months hundreds of workers, particularly in the lower ranks, have protested against the leadership and left NAPWU in large numbers to join rival unions. With the rejection of Nevonga’s ambitions by the congress on Thursday, it seems matters are now coming to a head. The inner contradiction at the heart of the NUNW — which is tearing it apart — is most clearly expressed in the problem faced by NAPWU, who must represent its members’ interests in the negotiations with central
government, while being in strategic alliance with the governing party. There are currently three rival union federations vying for the leadership of the Namibian workers, two of which are independent of the ruling party, the Trade Union Congress of Namibia (TUCNA) and the Namibian National Labour Organisation, (NANLO), which is headed by former NUNW Secretary general Evilastus Kaaronda. Despite limited resources and restricted access to the corridors of power, all indications are that the independent unions are on the ascendance and that the NUNW affiliates, like NAPWU, are losing members to the independent unions as steadily as sand seeps through one’s fingers. The outcome of the NUNW congress represents a sea-change in the mood of the workers and a shift in their understanding what they have to do to defend their union. By rejecting their former leaders, Nevonga and Iilonga, NUNW members demonstrated that the fight to reclaim the unions, to bring them under the democratic control of the workers, can only proceed through a direct struggle against the old and discredited leadership.
Thursday, 07 May 2015
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W&B and Council at loggerheads over property
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Following the councils rejection of a request made by Woermann Brock to buy a portion of Mandume ya Ndemufayo Street which will allow a second entrance to their stores near the industrial area in Swakopmund, the owners of Woermann Brock are preparing to take action against the municipality. At the end of February Council had repealed a decision taken in September 2012 to sell a portion of the street opposite the railway station to WB Properties. Ingo Woermann, in a scathing letter to the CEO of Swakopmund, dated 11 March, accused Council of applying double-standards. “In their decision to disallow WB Properties access to erf 2759 Council does not apply the same standards”, he said, given that Council had earlier approved a similar request by Fruit & Veg “to buy additional land… with entrances to the parking lot, much closer to the road intersection than the access requested by WB Properties.” He said “the decision [to revoke the sale of land as approved in September 2012] robs Woermann Brock Properties of their property rights” and “if Council does not revoke their recommendation to decline the
sale of a portion of the street to WB Properties, the company will ask the assistance of the Minister of Urban and Rural Development. If necessary, they would take further unspecified action.“ He said “the decision [to repeal the sale of a portion of the street] robs Woermann Brock of their lawful rights”. The leaders of Council said “It is however not apparent which right is being referred to, as their ownership of Erf 2759 (to name but one) is already proof of them being afforded the right to own property.” Council noted that “Woermann Brock Properties has the right to apply, not the right to have a second entrance. Council is under no obligation to provide a second access to the said property”. In a letter dated 23 March, the Manager of the Corporate Services, Marco Swarts, informed Woermann that “access from Mandume ya Ndemufayo Street onto Erf 2759 will not be allowed and that Council had turned down WB’s application “due to safety reasons”. With regard to the accusation of doublestandards, Council said the decision to sell land to Fruit and Veg to “provide them with an additional access was considered on merits. It was not inappropriate and cannot be understood either to have created a precedent or to have been a special consideration.” “An additional access for one applicant does not mean that everyone else must receive [additional] access as well. Such a scenario cannot be applied or sorted in a situation where a real threat to the public will be created. A commercial interest cannot hold a higher value than public safety.” In his letter to the CEO, Woermann set out a detailed record of the negotiations and agreements pertaining to the transaction and vowed that unless the original agreement of sale is adhered to, they “will not let the case rest”.
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To plan, schedule and co-ordinate all maintenance work and resources required and eligible; for maintenance and enhancement of plant/ equipment availability and efficiency, by the most cost-effective methods available, and to assist Workshop Team Leaders with scheduling and budgeting.
Key Performance Areas: • Grade Control Sampling – Continuous manual sampling of ore to be mined and ore produced; Logging and reporting results; Maintaining accurate records on mined ore grade and other materials sampled and analyzed; Carries our Grade Control Sampling at various blast hole piles, in order to ensure that material is delineated into categories; Ensures correct labelling of samples and bags; Submission of samples to laboratory. • Down Hole and Cone Logging – Perform blast drill cone logging; Assist in cutting blast cones using hand tools for geological logging; Monitors and logs blast holes drilling progress daily; Captures and enters data obtained into the computer; Assist geologist to identify and mark different rock types on ground plan; Captures data in relevant database. • People and performance management – Direct and lead subordinates. • Safety, Health, Environment – Ensure self and team adhere to all regulations and guidelines at all times. Requirements and experience: • Grade 12 with Mathematics and Science D symbol. • Certificate/Diploma in Geology will be an added advantage. • Code 8 Driver’s Licence. • 4x4 Knowledge an added advantage. • 5 Years’ experience minimum of which at least 2 years general mining and 3 years in a geology sampling position in uranium or similar commodity. • Experience working with GPS and/or Spectrometer or similar equipment. • Experience in sampling and sampling management. • Exposure in MS Excel and Word.
Key Performance Areas: • Mineral resources extraction and extension – Interprets geological data to optimize resource utilization; Ensure proper geological control of mining operations; Maps open-pit exposures and development; Maps structural information to assist in interpretation; Maintains up to date maps of surrounding geology; Supervises sampling programs required to establish ore and geological characterisitics. • Geological systems effectiveness – Maintains dilution and minimizes the effects of dilution on grade; Communicates geological data to relevant parties; Manages stockpile movements to ensure control; Supervises face/production sampling; Assists in interpretation of results; Updates databases; Operates necessary geological software and hardware. • People and performance management – Direct and lead subordinates. • Safety, Health, Environment – Ensure self and team adhere to all regulations and guidelines at all times. Requirements and experience: • BSc Honours Degree in Geology or similar Geology qualification – NQA Level 7. • Registered with the SACNASP. • Code 8 Driver’s Licence. • 4x4 Knowledge an added advantage. • 7 Years’ experience as a Geologist with minimum of 3 years exposure to uranium mine production. • Experience in open pit mining with geological face mapping. • Strong hands on experience in geological modelling resource. • Previous work experience using various modelling software such as Vulcanite, Minesight, Gemcom and Data mine essential. Email:
Key Performance Areas: • Establishes and maintains sound maintenance plans and practices. • Produces clear and accurate maintenance plans and reports. • Responsible for data control, including the accurate recording, storage, retrieval and management of a variety of information and records. • Lead and contribute to investigations of equipment failure, data control, storage, retrieval and management of information and records. • Ensures completion of maintenance work to the highest standards and coordinates condition monitoring completion according to plan. • Coordinates and controls spares, critical stock and component control requirements. • Be responsible for own safety and the safety of colleagues. • Assist with the achievement of compliance to all relevant legislation, agreements, standards, codes of practice, statutory and other specified reporting requirements. Requirements and experience: • A formal trade qualification with a minimum of 5 years’ experience post apprenticeship, including 3 years on a Maintenance Planner level. • A proven track record in a maintenance planning role, preferably in a mega open pit mining environment. • A team player with a systematic approach. • Excellent work ethics with a strong emphasis on safety and quality standards. • Significant experience and ability with integrated maintenance systems such as SAP. • Ability to work with diverse cultures and have a tolerant nature. • Code B/BE licence. Email:
Through its commitment to its people, the company offers a competitive remuneration package and the opportunity to work alongside some of the most experienced and dedicated people in the industry. Interested persons should submit their CV and relevant supporting documents to the above email addresses OR via our fax number 064-410 9001 OR or hand delivered to Husab Tower, c/o Leutwwin and Nathaniel Maxuilili street Swakopmund by 22 May 2015. Enquiries can be directed to the Recruitment Team at 064 410 9000. Previously disadvantaged Namibians meeting the above criteria are encouraged to apply. Clearly indicate the position you are applying for as well as your name and surname in the subject line of your application email. Applications received that do not meet this criteria will not be considered. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted within two weeks of the closing date of this advertisement and no documents will be returned. Short-listed candidates must be willing to undergo pre-employment selection assessments. For more information on the company, please visit
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Thursday, 07 May 2015
Workers Day celebrations: President's message on song
NaNNy WaNted
experieNced NaNNy WaNted – Walvis Bay We are a professional couple looking for a caring, responsible and experienced nanny to care for our three-year-old son. You will be a single, emotionally mature Namibian citizen, aged between 25 and 35 who is proficient in English with at least three years’ experience in nannying, child care or au pair work. You must love children and be reliable, trustworthy, punctual and well presented. You will be required to work weekdays from Monday to Friday from 08h00 to 17h00 (school holidays) and from 11h00 to 17h00 during school days with occasional evenings/weekends for which you will be paid accordingly. We are a non-smoking household and would prefer a person with sober habits (non-smoker and non-drinker). Flexibility, adaptability, ability to multitask, good judgmental skills, stress tolerance and high energy level are key competencies that we are looking for in the ideal nanny.
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You will need proven child care experience with official references and be willing and able to travel with the family if and when required. A driver’s license and own transport will be an added advantage. A Certificate in Child Care & Development or similar qualification will also be highly regarded. Please email a detailed current CV with details of your previous nanny/au pair experience, a covering letter and written references to
Minister of Labour, Industrial Relations & Employment Creation: Erikki Nghimtina
Donna Collins Colorful, vibrant and celebrated in true Namibian style, 'Workers Day' on 1 May was an occasion which delivered some hard hitting messages from the podium at the Kuisebmund Stadium, which drew a huge crowd who cheered, sang and danced. In attendance was the newly elected NUNW (National Union of Namibian Workers) committee which had been voted in during the two-day 6th National Union of Namibian Workers two-day congress held in Swakomund where nearly 300 congress delegates from the affiliated seven Unions to NUNW attended. Ismael Kasuuto was elected as the federation's new president beating his challenger Lazarus Nangolo by three votes to obtain 134 votes in the small hours of Friday morning. Kasuto who is the president of the Mine Workers Union (MUN), stood up in his new capacity as the NUNW President on Saturday, to reinforce the message that the relationship between workers and employers works both ways, saying "do as you would be done by - and treat your workers as human beings. " A policy he said should be the foremost goal of any company
Ismael Kasuuto (National Union of Namibian Workers) newly elected President
or employer. "We must hold hands as one nation, and work together, to build upon the peaceful nation that we have ", he stated, saying that the workers unions must unite and together we will stamp out unfair labour practices." It was also said that pay increase without increase of productivity does not work, and that a fair day's pay for a fair day's work should apply -because it works both ways. In the absence of President Hage Geingob who was expected to deliver his first May Day speech, Minister of Labour, Industrial Relations Erikki Nghimtina spoke on his behalf, addressing the strong turnout of cabinet ministers, deputy ministers, regional governors, mayors of various towns, the new NUNW committee , Union leaders and the towns folk. "The country must join in defeating poverty and achieve economic emancipation in the spirit of peace, integrity, sacrifice, strength, passion, patriotism, love, togetherness and bravery," conveying President Geingob's message, who declared that he is working to improve the worker's rights and conditions. "These are our new marching orders which apply to all of us”
said Nghimtina, adding."In order to implement these principles, Namibia needs amongst other things strong and capable trade unions to stand together in representing workers in all sectors. "Let's make it clear exploitation is a thing of the past. Therefore I implore the private sector to take cognisance of the fact that unfair labour practices should cease. Treat your workers with dignity as they are not only breadwinners for their families but for you as well." It was also mentioned that the Namibian workforce in some specialised fields needs to be trained, and there needs to be an increase of vocational training facilities in the country, to equip our people with adequate skills to get themselves into the job market. The 'workers day' celebrations concluded with a slap up 5-star lunch courtesy of the Atlantic Hotel who catered for over 200 guests inclusive of all attending Ministers, parliament representatives, business heads, union leaders and NUNW workers. "We are all workers, working for something and working for the system, so we must unite and work together,” Walvis Bay's leading business personality John Savva told the media.
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Thursday, 07 May 2015
Sweat like a pig? Feel like a fox.
No more Namibian hunting trophies on SAA Airline announces total embargo on the transportation of hunting trophies Sharon Brooks
The Langholm Hotel in Walvis Bay has the following vacancy: Cook • Passionate about food • Experienced • Reliable • Hard working • Team member • Prepared to work on weekends and public holidays Does this sound like you? Then we want to hear from you! We are looking for an enthusiastic and creative cook to join our existing dinner service team in our busy Restaurant kitchen. Our Dinner@Holm Restaurant offers a dinner service to our guests on a nightly basis and is an integral part of the Langholm experience.
Following a fine issued by the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA), South African Airways (SAA) has announced a total embargo on the transportation of hunting trophies of certain species as from 21 April 2015. The embargo has been issued as a result of an incident earlier this year in which elephant tusks were shipped to Kuala Lampur via Perth, Australia under a false label of ‘mechanical equipment’. CAA issued a notice of seizure after the fraudulent shipment was discovered. “We had to act swiftly to curb the problem of illegal transportation of animals,” says Tlali Tlali, SAA Spokesperson. The ban of transportation includes Rhino, Elephant, Lion and Tiger trophies on all SAA services worldwide, regardless of whether a valid permit has been acquired from the relevant authorities. Although it remains unclear how the embargo will prevent trophies being transported under false labels, the move is a step in the right direction for
the protection of various endangered species, and has professional hunters in South Africa up in arms. Air Namibia has said that due to the fact that they do not operate cargo planes they do not have the ability to transport hunting trophies other than the occasional antelope trophy. Paul Homateni Nakawa, Head of Corporate Communications for Air Namibia said “Namibia has been a member of CITES since 18 December 1990. We have since then adhered to the rules and regulations of CITES regarding the transport of all animal trophies.” “Any hunt in Namibia is subject to the granting of a permit by The Ministry of Environment & Tourism. The said trophy needs to be prepared, inspected and where after an export permit will be issued by the said Ministry. This means that any trophy that Air Namibia transports will be an authorised legal trophy subject to various procedures and inspections.” It remains to be seen how the embargo by SAA could affect the current crisis faced by Rhino, but the ban is most certainly a step in the right direction and an acknowledgement that the fight cannot be left to the ministries alone.
Rent a mourner
The successful applicant will work together with another cook and should have previous experience in: • Managing a kitchen; • Setting menus and food pricing; • Ordering and monitoring supplies. Attention to detail is a must and we want someone with creativity and passion to help us enhance the overall dining experience for our guests. If you possess all of the above, please send a resume and covering letter to the Hotel Manager via email at
Vacancy: Bookkeeper
We are looking for a trustworthy and hard working person for above vacancy. Key performance: • • • •
Related general office and administration duties Pastel knowledge Bookkeeping - up to and including trial balance Salaries, VAT returns, orders, etc
Requirements: • • • • • •
Solid references Drivers licence and own transport Work overtime if necessary and under pressure At least 5 years working experience in accounting field Namibian citizen Good communication skills with clients and office personnel
Short listed candidates will be interviewed. More details can be discussed in interview. Email CV’s to: or drop CV off at reception of Lagoon Chalets, Meersig, Walvis Bay.
8th Road West, Meersig, Walvis Bay Tel: 064 217 900 | Fax: 064 207 469 Email: | Web:
Julia Hango After it has been laughed at in numerous films and TV series, it seems the mourning business has caught on. Many Professional mourning companies and vacancies have been popping up all over social media, offering a host of different kinds of mourners at different rates and packages. Paid mourning is a mostly
historical occupation practiced in Mediterranean and Near Eastern cultures and many other parts of the world. According to Wikipedia, professional mourners, also called moirologists, are compensated to lament or deliver a eulogy. Mentioned in the Bible, the occupation is widely invoked in literature, from the Ugaritic epics of early centuries BC to modern poetry. Held in high esteem in some cultures and times, the practice was
vilified in others. South African owned Pine Deep Professional Mourning Services is one of the many companies on Facebook advertising their mourning packages. They offer Funeral boosting services by renting out professional mourners to come and cry at the funeral. The price list is accompanied by the tag line “mourning is our passion”. The prices offered by Pine Deep Mourners are: Normal Crying: R200 per mourner, Crying and Rolling on the ground: R300 per mourner, Crying and insulting a bit: R400 per Mourner Crying and threatening to jump into the grave: R500 per mourner. What are your thoughts on this business venture? Would you use these services? Send your thoughts to juliana@
Housing waiting list finally approved Staff Reporter The Community Development Services division of the Swakopmund Municipality has compiled a master waiting list for the mass housing development programme, consisting of 8920 applicants. The list was compiled by combining all the applicants that applied for housing under various schemes, including the Build Together programme, the DRC residents register, as well as the Housing Registration List, which includes Mondesa residents, DRC renters and “illegal occupants”, and Swakopmund renters. Around 237 applications for erven date back to the year 2000,
while close to 3,000 applicants have been on the waiting list for more than five years. Council noted that they had not yet received the final list from the NHE and “Unfortunately, no feedback has been received from the National Housing Enterprise by the time of this submission and as such the attached list [of 8920 applicants] excludes those applications” held by the NHE. Despite a commitment from the regional manager of the NHE Mr Karl Schroeder that “we will be able to provide you with the information latest tomorrow morning”, sent on 25 March, municipal staff noted that they made repeated requests to the NHE to furnish them with their updated list, “but to no avail”.
The applications at hand have now been arranged according to the date when the prospective home owners first applied and all duplicate applications have been removed. Once the waiting list from NHE has been received, it will be submitted to Council for consideration and integrated ‘zebra-style’ into the Master Housing List in order to determine the allocation of houses and erven. In a related development, Council, on the instruction of the Ministry of Urban and Rural Development, also approved the setting up of a new and separate billing system as well as a Mass Housing Fund bank Account into which beneficiaries of the mass housing programme will be expected to pay their monthly instalments.
Thursday, 07 May 2015
NAMAs extravaganza in true Hollywood style Donna Collins
Whilst the glitz and glamour of the NAMA music awards has come and gone, there still lingers a feeling of that Hollywood hype left over from an event that put Swakopmund up in lights for a two-night live performance, where over 30 awards were presented to local music artists. The massive sports dome was transformed into a show biz hive of activity that set the stage for Namibia's sky-rocketing music industry which is celebrated annually through a multimillion dollar sponsorship, and was held for the second year in our coastal town. The uncontested Best Male Artist of the Year award was scooped by Namibian Kwaito artist Gazza (real name Lazarus Shiimi), who won four awards in total. The former Gal Level singer Daphne Willibard now solo artist Oteya was crowned as the best Female Artist of the Year and walked off with two awards. Friday night's Industry Awards leading up to the big moment and hosted for invited guests only, saw players receive recognition for their efforts, including D-Naff for Best Gospel, Araffath for Best Afrikaans, Blossom for best Kizomba and Stardust who scooped the Best Reggae award.
The event was organised by mobile network giant MTC and the NBC, with the stakes high for the best male and female artists who won N$100 000 in prize money each, and N$30 000 for category winners. The artists were on fire at the much anticipated two-night event where VIP's, music guru's, industry heavy weights, the who's who of society and loyal fans were entertained non-stop to an unforgettable music variety show featuring over 40 live performances. But it was not just the music awards show that the people flocked to see, because after all the NAMAS has become the biggest high fashion event of the year, which saw some 3 000 men and women dressed to "kill" flocking onto the blue carpet. Ladies turned up in an array of drop dead gorgeous evening outfits, accessorised with bling jewels, glamour hair do's and designer labels. The men swathed in tailored suits, stylish ensembles and funky fashion. And not even a mile long queue outside, which saw people waiting for up to two hours in the cold misty night air, dampened their sprits for when they finally stepped inside the building to pose for a barrage of camera flashlights and the awaiting NBC crew. The NAMAs weekend delivered an even bigger showcase spectacular than
the previous year, with a huge stage, lighting and sound rigged up in the Swakopmund Indoor Sports Centre by teams of experts. But not everyone was blown away, and whilst most of the audience were there to see their favourite artists 'twerk', sing, dance and be awarded for their genre of music, there were some sceptics, who claimed that there was no innovation and that the show lacked new talent. "The problem with something like this is that the same people are always up for awards, which must be very discouraging for those up and coming artists, some of which have as much and probably more to offer," commented an audience goer. "We need to get new blood into this event, otherwise it will just become repetitive and predictable each year, which will not benefit the growth of the music industry." John Ekongo (Corporate Communications MTC), meanwhile only had good words about the NAMAS describing the show as "splendid". He said "there has been nothing but words of praise received from those who saw the show on NBC, and for those were fortunate enough to attend the production in Swakopmund, the feedback has only been positive. "It could not have gone better", he stated. "The NAMAS are Namibia's
Oteya was crowned as the best Female Artist of the Year
own Hollywood Oscar's, and we are so grateful to all those who helped make this year's show a success, in particular the Swakopmund Municipality for their continued support as the hosting town." Once again the Swakopmund Municipality patted itself on the back for hosting the show for the second consecutive year, meeting all the requirements laid down for such a huge event.
The Swakopmund Mayor Juuso Kambueshe was proud to have supported the NAMA's again, having hosted a Gala Dinner fund raising evening which helped finance the multi-million dollar extravaganza. The award winners meanwhile can look forward to receiving their cheques during a hand over ceremony being planned for later this month.
Sea Side Hotel and Spa Tel: 064-415 900 | 1 Dolphin Drive, Mile 4, Swakopmund
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We invite all existing, potential suppliers, BEE Companies and Small/Medium Enterprise to join us for an information sharing session to learn more about Erongo RED’s Procurement Policies and Procedures and possible business opportunities with us. Date: Venue: Time:
08 May 2015 Erongo RED Training Centre 91 Hage Geingob Avenue 10h00 - 13h00
We will provide valuable insight into the Erongo RED procurement process, which will be of assistance when participating in Erongo RED’s future Tenders and Quotations. TEL +264 64 214600 ERONGO RED BUILDING
FAX +264 64 214601
P O BOX 2925
power to the people
Thursday, 07 May 2015
TREY SONGZ Tickets plus N$
Recharge Voucher Buy N$30 Tango Recharge Voucher or more at selected stores and stand a chance to win a ticket to the Trey Songz Concert plus N$295 free airtime. Offer valid until 28 May 2015. Terms and conditions apply.
Thursday, 07 May 2015
To Let: On songs of freedom Lagoon Area
Gareth Amos – opinion
the international arena lending his voice and wisdom to other African leaders on the Pan African phenomena of xenophobia, which over the last while has escalated to troublesome proportions. “Interesting,” agreeing that the recent spate of xenophobic attacks the region was indeed a notable and noble enough cause for his abstention. Thinking that our exchange would end on that note, I readied myself to turn my gaze once again upon stage and family, when surprisingly I found myself the willing and charmed recipient of an epiphany divulged in the discourse of this, a new Namibian, an insightful Namibian; showcasing on the day the fresh face of a new electorate on the rise. “Of course I am delighted that African eyes are cast upon the issue, however, you should know that right here today, unbeknownst to you and the handful of white dignitaries who do not understand Oshiwambo, the songs sung on this day call still call for the ending of the white regime and for the ousting of the white man from Namibia. I feel that as our leaders speak
On Friday last my family and I were fortunate enough to join in on the May Day celebrations held in Kuisebmond and to bask in the remarkable atmosphere that the event guarantees year on year. As is always the case, my participation at such events is never unfettered as a newspaperman is always on semi standby. On this occasion I did but for one instance get to enjoy the day as spectator only. The incident however, was worth tearing myself temporarily from my family for a brief time only as I listened in fascination to the considerate musings of a young man with an astonishing perspective of a brighter future. The exchange which played out amidst voices raised in song and celebration, unfolded roughly as such. “Hey, what do you think of the President snubbing the people on May Day?” was the question posed to me. Replying that there was no such snub on account of the fact that president answering a call of duty on
1 Bedroom flat, BIC (kitchen , room) Prepaid electricity Single garage Court yard
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EDDIE 064 202 535
power to the people
TENDER 09/2015
Closing Date: Document Enquiries:
Friday, 29 May 2015 Mrs. A Welgemoed
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addressed to the Chairperson of the Tender Committee must be placed in the Tender box at the Enquiries desk at: 91, Hage Geingob Street, Erongo
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floor, Walvis Bay or posted to the Chairperson of the Tender Committee, P. O Box 2925,Walvis Bay, to reach him at the latest by:
10:00 on Friday, 29 May 2015
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of peace and stability reconciliation, the time has come to silence the songs of struggle and as a unified nation to start making new songs that speak of the future as one nation not divided,” this young man said with a compassion reserved usually for older eyes and hearts. “Children are not born racist, all born frees have no connection to the ways of war so maybe parents should stop instilling the horrors of the war into kids, so that the exile war mentality that is still praised in song today is not passed down to the voting bloc of a new generation. I understand the importance of the songs, as they unified tribes and racial identities and transcended differences that remained salient in other contexts. But the born frees should not be influenced by the messages being spread through these songs.” I have always found myself on the side of the underdog, understanding the impact and import of a call to rebellion against tyranny and evil. The role of rebellion rings loudly across the history of nations, but in most instances, these songs have long since shifted silently from the forefront of nationalism to the revered rank of national iconography that shapes the soul of nations giving way instead to renewed songs that tilt as they must towards new windmills of unjust. Half Namibian, half Celt, I can think of no better example than a moving rendition of ‘Ireland’s Call’, a contemporary call for the people of an island still divided and a prisoner of the past, to stand tall together, to answer a country’s new call. Originally commissioned in 1995 for the Irish National Rugby team (the only sport discipline in the Republic to embrace players from Southern and Northern Ireland), today, the song is sung across the nation and in all events. Today the Irish have a new song of the future. “Let us move onto new songs for new Namibians. Let us sing songs instead about new foes and challenges; poverty, sickness, and gender inequality as the host of social ills we face today facing. We need to write new songs of a unified nation at peace,” were the youngsters parting words. Today I am left pondering as I am sure are you, the reader, that perhaps Namibia should take heed of these young words of wisdom and the promise fulfilled in the Irish Call, and from here on face the fears of tomorrow, as a united folk, voices raised in resolution against the forces of injustice in whatever form we may find them.
Beaches left covered in litter by holiday makers
Sharon Brooks Over the long weekend a number of tourists set up camping sites along the beach between Walvis Bay and Swakopmund. We received photos from one of our readers evidencing how these campers show little respect for our delicate environment by leaving their rubbish strewn all over the area after packing up. According to the witness, the holiday makers had set up camp near the popular tourist attraction of Bird Island north of Walvis Bay. At the end of the long weekend, the group was seen packing up their tents and equipment into nearby vehicles. The campers did not, however, clean up after themselves, but left plastic bags, empty bottles and boxes lying all over the area. According to the Public Relations Officer of the Ministry of Environment, Romeo Muyunda, the area falls within the Dorob National Park and as such a permit is required if one wishes to camp overnight in the Bird Island area. A Ranger for the Ministry was on duty over the long weekend, but he has an area of roughly 8000 m² to patrol, so was unaware that the group had left the campsite in such a state. Muyunda added that a fine can be issued by MET to anyone found littering in a National Park, and said that they will go through their records and attempt to identify the group responsible for this pollution, and take the issue further.
Thursday, 07 May 2015
What is the Namibia Household Income and Expenditure Survey (NHIES)? The NHIES is a survey that collects information on household’s expenditures and income from private households in Namibia.
Why do we conduct the NHIES? • NHIES is conducted to provide socio-economic indicators to support planning, policy formulation, decision making and research & development for a knowledge based economy in order to eradicate poverty and income inequalities in Namibia. • It will describe the living conditions of Namibians using actual patterns of consumption and income as well as a range of other socio-economic indicators.
How will the survey be conducted? • The 2015/16 NHIES will not cover all households in Namibia, however a sampled number of private households will be visited in each region by interviewers. • For the selected households, the interviewer will spend 14 days (2 weeks) in each household administering the questionnaire while a daily record book (DRB) will be handed to the household to record all their daily spending on food and alcohol & beverages for 7 days (1 week).
Where will the survey be conducted? The survey will cover all 14 regions and is expected to yield estimates at regional level, urban/rural as well as for selected socio-economic groups.
When will the survey be conducted?
The survey will be conducted from the 27 April 2015 to 07 April 2016
Namibia Statistics Agency, P. O. Box 2133, Windhoek, FGI House, Post Street Mall Tel: +26461-4313200 Fax:+26461-4313253
Namibia Statistics Agency
Thursday, 07 May 2015
Lifestyle Royal Navy sailors on board a warship have spelled out a touching Mother's Day message across the flight deck. Crew members, who left home in January for a five-month deployment, lined up on board destroyer HMS Dauntless to write the word "Mum" and two kisses. The 210-strong crew, from Portsmouth, were snapped from the ship's Lynx Mark 8 helicopter, which was on a training flight. The service personnel are in the gulf to deter piracy and keep sea lines open. Many of them are on their first time on
Royal Navy sailors send touching Mother's Day message
a major deployment away from the UK. Cmdr Adrian Fryer, the ship's commanding officer, said: "When we are away from home the support of our families and loved ones is incredibly important in helping us to carry out our tasks to the best of our abilities. "We are all so grateful for the amazing support we have received from home in the last few months and it is great to be able to send a rather different Mother's Day e-card while we are deployed." In addition to anti-piracy patrols, it will make several stops in the Mediterranean for training as well as visiting ports in a number of Gulf states.
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Thursday, 07 May 2015
This Mother’s Day We honour Namibian mothers from all walks of life Social Security Commission has made significant difference in the lives of working mothers throughout Namibia, since its inception in 1995. SSC aims to replace earnings due to contingencies arising from maternity leave, sick leave and death and work related disabilities, injuries and loss of employment.
We work daily to help uplift our Namibian mothers who work so hard to raise our nation’s children.
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Thursday, 07 May 2015
Sea Side Hotel and Spa Tel: 064-415 900
It’s Mom’s Time... Mother’s Day Spa Special Couples - 30min
Worldwide Death simulator: Experience cremation in a Chinese theme park
Soy candle back & neck massage with FREE HOT STONE N$360.00
Environ Express Facial - 45min with FREE Eye brow shape & tint N$250.00
Manicure & Pedicure - 2hr with a Paraffin wax dip N$450.00
Valid from 27 April till 10 May 2015
Two Chinese philanthropists have created a “death simulator” allowing willing participants to experience cremation. The Samadhi Game, located in a corner of the Window of the World amusement park in Shenzhen, opened in September 2014 and for
roughly N$475 simulates players’ deaths by placing them in a coffin and then transporting them to the incinerator. Once inside, players are then blasted by hot air (up to 40C) and light to create an “authentic experience of burning,” according to its creators, Huange Weiping and Ding Rui. When the “burning” is over, volunteers see a womb projected on the ceiling and must crawl until they reach a large, white padded area – supposedly representing a womb – where they are “reborn”. Approximately 50 per cent of Chinese elect for cremation upon their deaths, and the creators told CNN they went to extensive lengths to ensure their simulation was accurate, including visiting a real crematorium and being placed inside. Source:
Tattoos Can Cause Apple Watches To Malfunction Beachfront Luxury Accommodation
A. van der Walt
DIESEL MECHANIC - SWAKOPMUND Requirements: • Service, maintenance and repairing of trucks (Freightliners/lnternationals/Trailers) • Troubleshooting experience on Engine and drive train of trucks • Fault finding diagnoses - electronic system on trucks • Overhaul of engine and transmission • Recondition and replace parts • Performing generaI activities • Diesel mechanic diploma / mininum 5 years experience • Valid drivers license • Salary Negotiable Please forward CV to or Fax to 064-415 701 Please note that only short listed candidates will be contacted. Should you not receive any response within 72hrs please consider your applicattion as unsuccessful. Tel: (064) 415700 | Fax: (064) 4151,07 C/o Einstein & Edison Str, Industrial Area, Swakopmund
Those affected are forced to repeatedly enter their security code as Apple's flagship watch keeps locking. Early adopters of the new Apple Watch have found that the device malfunctions when worn by people with wrist tattoos. The issue was first pointed out on Reddit by a tattooed user who complained that his watch would regularly lose connection, and report inaccurate heart rate results. Scores of other users then reported similar issues. Apple Watch requests a security PIN immediately after detecting that it has left an owner's wrist, meaning that those affected are forced to repeatedly
enter their code. Darker tattoos appear to cause more problems for the device than light inkings. The problem should have been foreseeable – Apple has already explained that it measures heart rate by analysing light absorption through the skin. The Reddit user who first flagged up the problem wrote: "So I thought my shiny new watch had a bad wrist detector sensor. The watch would lock up every time the screen went dark and prompted me for my password. I would not receive notifications. I could not figure out why especially since the watch was definitely not losing contact with my skin. "I decided to try holding it against my hand - my left
arm is sleeved and where I wear my watch is tattooed as well – and it worked. Once I put it back on the area that is tattooed with black ink the watch would automatically lock again. Just wanted to give anyone a heads up about this issue because I do not see it mentioned anywhere in Apple's support documents." The wrist detection feature can be turned off, but it stops Apple Pay from working. Apple has not yet commented. Source:
Authorities find fake skeletons in underwater lawn chairs
A man snorkelling in the Colorado River near the Arizona and California border was terrified when he came across two fake skeletons sitting in lawn chairs about 40 feet underwater. The man reported the skeletons to the La Paz County Sheriff's Office on Monday, launching a hunt for what authorities believed could be real bodies. It turned out the skeletons were fake and had been strategically placed to appear as if they
were sitting together, their lawn chairs bound to large rocks. The sheriff's office called the scene a tea party. The skeletons are wearing sunglasses, and one is holding a sign that includes the words "Bernie" and "dream in the river," although the entire sign is not legible. The sign also has the date of Aug. 16, 2014, which is possibly when the skeletons were placed there. "I do not think they were trying to set up anything to scare anyone. I think they were going to try to be funny," Lt. Curtis Bagby said. The sheriff's
office would not launch an investigation into who left the skeletons there, Bagby said. "Things happen. We go all the time to false alarms. That is just a firstresponder's life." Bagby said. Instead, the sheriff's office wants to have a little fun with the situation. Bagby said divers will recover the skeletons sometime this week and that he is considering placing them outside the sheriff's office as a joke. Source: http://www.
Thursday, 07 May 2015
Toyota's hydrogen car to sell on just eight lots come October Toyota's new hydrogen-powered fuel cell vehicle (FCV), dubbed the Mirai, will be hitting dealer lots this October...all eight of them. The car company announced today that only select lots throughout California will actually be taking stock based on their previous advanced technology vehicle sales as well as the relative development of hydrogen infrastructure in their areas. The Mirai starts at $57,500, though with state and federal tax credits you're looking
closer to $45,000 (plus free hydrogen for "up to three years"). You can check one out in person at San Francisco Toyota, Roseville Toyota, Stevens Creek Toyota, Toyota of Sunnyvale, Longo Toyota, Toyota Santa Monica, Toyota of Orange and Tustin Toyota. The company plans to produce just 200 units to start though it hopes to sell as many as 3,000 Mirai by the end of 2017. Source:
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An unfortunate motorist pictured at the Mole in Swakopmund Photo courtesy of West Coast Safety Initiative
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