Namib Independent Issue 201

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Independent Namib

Tel: 064 200497

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Issue 201 - Thursday 16 June 2016 to Wed, 22 June 2016

I believe it is more pressing than ever before to declare war on poverty under the banner of "the Namibian House", and the theme for all businesses should be to improve the lives of ordinary human beings.

Diamond Arrow Winner Best Community Newspaper 2014 and 2015

Young Namibians, let us focus on what we can bring to the shelf. We are waiting for that hero. We have to start believing in ourselves, then we can achieve great things. Cleophas Mutjavikua, Erongo Regional Governor at Okombahe on Wednesday last week See Page 11

Sebby Kankondi (Chairperson Namsov Fishing Enterprises) See Page 4

Russian biker says Namibia is his "favourite country"

See Page 4

Dolphin rescue turns into a lifeline

for child stricken with cancer dolphin rescue

Local conservationist and kayaking tour guide, Naude Dreyer, has shot to fame since the video of his dolphin rescue last week went viral, and in so doing has raised awareness and funds for the Red Cross Children’s Hospital in Cape Town who have been treating his 5 year old daughter Nina for a rare cancer. By Donna Collins and Gareth Amos When local kayaking tour guide and conservationist, Naude Dreyer, rescued a young beached Benguela dolphin recently, little did he know that his kind deed would reach millions of people worldwide. His quick actions not only saved the dolphin’s life, but the outpouring of support may help his five-year-

old daughter, who has been stricken with a rare form of cancer, to survive. Naude's video of his bending down and tenderly swooping up the young sea animal off the beach, before swimming out into the sea and releasing it into the ocean, went viral over night. The Namib Independent held an exclusive telephonic interview with

Naude this week who is visiting his daughter Nina, currently being treated at the Red Cross Children's Hospital. He expressed that he was overwhelmed by the public reaction to his dolphin rescue, saying that, through his love and passion for the ocean and its creatures, this was only second nature to him. Continued on Page 3

Napwu accuses Walvis Bay Council of land corruption!

the Walvis Bay Municipality are corruptly favouring their families The Vice chairperson of the when it come to the allocation of land Namibia Public Workers Union in the town. (NAPWU) at Walvis Bay has Continued on Page 3 alleged that councilors of Absalom Shigwedha

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Contact Us Tel (+264 64) 200 497 Email Sales Gareth Amos  081 129 2157 Editorial Donna Collins  081 129 8707 Design Maggie’s Attic Graphic Design 081 129 2158 Address 127 Theo Ben Gurirab Street (MVA Office Complex), PO Box 5085, Walvis Bay, Namibia

Disclaimer: Namib Independent is published by Halfround Communications CC. All rights are reserved. Whilst every care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the information contained within, no liability can be accepted by the publishers or contributors for any errors, misstatements or omissions which may have occurred. The opinions expressed in the publication are not necessarily those of the publishers. Also, the publishers accept no legal liability regarding copyright ownership for material which was supplied directly to the publishers by any of the advertisers or contributors.

Thursday, 16 June 2016

Day of the African Child highlighted Maria Davel-Wallis

Swakopmund is the venue this year for the official celebration of the Day of the African Child. And as part of Namibia's weeklong commemorations of the Day of the African Child, Unicef has hosted a dinner at the Strand Hotel on Tuesday night in Commemoration of the Day of the African Child 2016. At the event, Namibian Minister of Gender Equality, Lucia Witbooi, asked the representatives of several sectors of society including the private sector and other role players, to strengthen partnerships and work together for a better future for all in Namibia, especially the estimated 900 000 children under 18 in the country who are Namibia's future. The UN Resident co-ordinator, Kiki Gbebo, said the occasion was about reflecting on this year's Day of the African Child's theme, Conflict and Crisis: Protecting all Children's Rights. She said since Independence, they were witness to enormous progress for Namibians, thanks largely to Government's prioritisation to economic growth, poverty reduction and reduction in inequalities. She said strategies such as the recently

All children matter. (Photo Donna Collins)

Yvonne Chaka Chaka and Lucia Witbooi launched Harambee Prosperity Plan gave clear testament of commitment, as it was the latest blueprint to accelerate Namibia's socio and economic growth. She acknowledged that the scope and ambition of the new goals could not be achieved by government alone, and that there was a need for a deliberate and wellco-ordinated relationship between the Government, UN departments and programmes, civil society and private sector players to end poverty and gender based violence, and reduce other social inequalities. She stressed the importance of having businesses on board to help drive the development agenda. The Unicef representative in Namibia, Micaela Marques de Sousa, reflected on the “dark and dreadful days in South Africa decades ago" that eventually gave birth to the Day of the African Child, and lauded the developments towards the protection of children's rights on the continent. But she admitted that a long road was still lying ahead. "Thousands of children are still left behind," and that there is “still a reality that within Namibia progress remains uneven, inequitable, unfair and sometimes absent." She, too, stressed the importance of focussed, strong partnerships. The revered singer and Unicef goodwill Ambassador, Yvonne Chaka Chaka, also called on all present last night to take hands and work towards a better future for all children. She said the time to make a difference in the lives of those suffering under world leaders and political forces, “like grass under the feet of elephants”, should think and honour the rights of the helpless. She ended in song - with the words: What have you done today to make you feel proud..?


Thursday, 16 June 2016


Dolphin rescue turns Napwu accuses Walvis Bay Council into a lifeline for child of land corruption! Continued from Page 1

Continued from Page 1

Naude Dreyer's looks lovingly at his five-year-old daughter Nina, who is stricken with a rare cancer. (Photo contributed) The dolphin rescue video reached over 8 million hits in just two days, and Naude has been inundated with calls and international media attention. Currently the visits stand at 10 million, but that is only on his own site. News media such as Time Magazine, The Sydney Herald, Huffington Post, New York Times, China Daily, USA today etc. have all been running the video on their own websites and he has appointed an online agent in the USA who specialises in managing the process of selling such videos to the international press, and who will deal with the barrage from the world’s print media and TV stations. Naude has managed to secure favourable rates for the sale of the video, which would see him earn 60% of the royalties for each usage of the footage. This in turn is being donated to the Red Cross Cancer hospital in Cape Town, who have been saving his little 5-year-old Nina's life. Naude, who works with Pelican Point Kayaking, spotted the young male Benguela dolphin on the beach while leading a trip along coastline. Unsure of how the dolphin even got there, Dreyer quickly assessed the animal, carried him back into the water, and tried to get him swimming again. As TIME reported, many animal rescue organisations warn that it is best to wait for authorities when an animal is found stranded like this one was. However, Dreyer who works alongside marine creatures every day, decided that this life or death situation couldn’t wait. He has also used the opportunity to promote

Walvis Bay as an eco-tourism destination. Dreyer, who is a family man, said he and his wife wanted to make it through his daughter Nina’s treatment without financial help, but the year-long treatment has proven too much and the family is now accepting financial assistance. Following on the back of the unexpected viral video, Naude has set up a Go Fund on his own Facebook page where people can donate towards the medical costs and associated costs relating to the treatment of young Nina. Her last treatment is in August this year and the prognosis, at this stage, looks good according to her medical team. Although he realised very quickly the massive financial gains that he could acquire through the sales of the video, he has set up a fund for the Red Cross Children’s Hospital in Cape Town who have been treating his daughter Nina for cancer for the past 13 months. The family has been torn apart during this terrible ordeal which has seen his wife, Katja, living in Cape Town to be with Nina, while Naude has been living in Walvis Bay taking time to look after the couple’s other two young children Dylan (6) and Marley (3). The dolphin rescue is not Dreyer’s first animal save. He is also part of the Dolphin and Whale Standing Network which is part of the Namibian Dolphin project in Walvis Bay. This is a voluntary organisation, and he is a well-known regular on the scene of many whales and dolphins stranded in shallow waters of the Walvis Bay Lagoon and the coastline between Walvis and Swakopmund.

Raphael Liswaniso made this allegation when about 150 workers at the Walvis Bay Municipality staged a peaceful demonstration on Tuesday afternoon. “There is corruption going on here, Councilors are giving land to their families,” said Liswaniso. The demonstration started at the popular Trust Market, and continued through the town and ended at the entrance of the Municipality offices, where the workers planned to give their petition to the council. However, none of the councilors showed up to receive the petition, much to the disappointment of the workers. “These are the people elected by the public and now they have run away from their responsibilities. We are very disappointed,” said Liswaniso, who led the peaceful march. Waving placards, some of which are written 'we want to buy houses where we come from, 'tired of

renting, we need fair treatment, down with corruption, down, down self-enrichment, down,' the workers also sang liberation struggle songs, and shouted 'Viva, Harambee.' Liswaniso warned that if councilors continue to refuse the workers to petition, NAPWU will advise them to down tools. “We will be back on Thursday. Namibia needs to be in dialogue. Napwu will not let the workers die,” said Liswaniso. He said the no-show of any councilor to receive the petition is an indication that the town needs a new council and Napwu will make sure the current council fall. Liswaniso added that Napwu is a sole bargaining union for its members at the Walvis Bay Municipality and council should listen to the union. He said Napwu has about 300 members at the Walvis Bay Municipality. If the council refuses to receive the

petition on Thursday, Napwu will start approaching the Office of the Labour Commission for a possible strike. It later transpired that council had delegated a senior municipal worker, Jan Kruger, to receive the petition but the workers refused to hand it over to him. Liswaniso said Kruger was pushed by council to receive the petition. “We recognise his presence but, we will not give him the petition. We want the Mayor to receive the petition,” said Liswaniso, to the huge happiness of the workers. In the petition, which the media had access to, the workers want the Walvis Bay council to pay them their back pay. The petition also alleges unfair labour practices, delaying of salary negotiations, poor employee-employer relations, misuse of public funds and lack of financial prudence.



Thursday, 16 June 2016

Russian biker says Namibia is his "favourite country" Donna Collins

Last Sunday morning's breakfast run for a bunch of Walvis Bay bikers was more than opening throttle and blowing their hair back in the breeze - it was to accompany a young Russian biker who is travelling around the world, whilst showing him the picturesque desert run along the coast. Nearly 20 guys and girls dressed in leathers, jeans and

usual biking attire represented three different motorcycle clubs namely the Playboys, Sons of Thunder Motorcycle Ministry and Desert Mustang. Their show of true Namibian hospitality was just one of the characteristics Stan Cherokosov is going to take back on his journey, as they shared with him some of the most breathtaking scenery in the world. In fact, having traversed 22 countries across the globe in the saddle of his bike, Stan, who

departed from his home town St Pietersburg on the 11 July 2015, told the Namib Independent that Namibia his most favourite country in Africa, mentioning that the people are so "friendly and helpful". "This is truly a wonderful country, and I would recommend it to any tourist visiting because, not only is the scenery amazing, it is safe, and the people are one of a kind," said Stan who arrived two months ago via Angola, and is due to leave shortly.

Russian biker Stan Cherokosov with Walvis Bay Clinton Ras (President Playboys Club) and JP Fourie (President Sons of Thunder Motorcycle Ministry). (Photo Donna Collins)

A group of Walvis Bay bikers who accompanied a Russian traveller on a breakfast last Sunday

A mechanic by trade, Stan supports himself with odd jobs as he goes along to finance his trip, but relies on the kindness of people he meets up with in the different countries to help him along. He said that he originally gave himself two years to complete his journey around the world but says that, to be realistic, it will probably take him over three years before he is done. Travelling on a BMWR1150GS Touring Enduro bike, with all his supplies packed neatly in the side panniers, Stan was due to head down to South Africa to end his African leg in Cape Town, before continuing on the next part of his journey. However, due to his visa being rejected, he says that it looks as

though Namibia, and in particular Walvis Bay, will be his point of departure before heading on to America. "I planned to travel by ship on a part time working arrangement, but because of this change of plan, it looks as though I will need to fly out instead," he added. "I intend to then fly straight to New York, after which I will saddle up again and head along the famous 'Route 66'.” Meanwhile Stan has been staying with Clinton Ras (President Playboys Motorcycle Club Walvis Bay), where he has been made to feel at home with no lack of company and attention from the local biking crew.

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Thursday, 16 June 2016

Namsov shares its N$21-mil community project amongst 14 Regional Governors Donna Collins A heart warming NAMSOV Community Trust (NCT) function, held at the Strand in Swakopmund this week, handed over a N$ 500 000 cheque to each Governor representing the Regional Development Programme, which is a N$21 million project in its second year. This ceremony also provided a platform for the 14 Governors present, and to identify the challenges their regions are facing and furthermore steer this milestone development project. Namsov Fishing Enterprises, through its corporate social investment arm, has committed N$1.5 million per region over a period of three years to contribute to the eradication of poverty by funding of a basket of projects. With the apparent needs of the people multiplying, the financial aid of this programme has provided working capital for areas that would otherwise not be achieved, with the Governors themselves taking ownership of this initiative aiming at improving the living standards of vulnerable and underprivileged people in the regions. Strategies and projects range from Agriculture Development Programmes, SME businesses, Natural Resources, School Feeding Programs, building of community halls, women's groups self sustaining projects and educational programmes, the laying of water pipes, health issues and craft projects to mention some. And with transparency and accountability of how the contributions have been utilised as well as well the challenges of upcoming projects, all 14 Governors have joined hands with the NCT in a management capacity, believing that the Government alone cannot achieve the nation's development goals alone. Sebby Kankondi (Chairperson Namsov Fishing Enterprises and Trustee of Namsov Community Trust), pointed

out that it is a compelling call for all individuals, businesses, organisations, companies and political leaders to collaboratively make a positive difference to the lives of those around us. "I believe this truth to be more pressing than ever," he said declaring "war on poverty" under the banner of "the Namibian House", and saying that the theme for businesses should be to improve the lives of ordinary human beings. "I take pride in being an advocate for ethics and leaving a legacy that has empowered the economic participation of many Namibians. The Namsov Community Trust, which was started as a dream, has now delivered great work prioritising the needs at grass roots level. "The Governors have exemplified leadership in a manner that has touched the hearts of our people at the Trust, and for the administration and project management they have delivered tirelessly to their constituencies." "Our Regional Development Programme has provided Namsov with a first-hand understanding of what it means to truly not have, and our role as a responsible company has been enhanced to continue ensuring that Namibians are employed, communities are empowered and our industry values benefit those within our eco system," said Tuna Willem (CSO Namsov). "Last year's regional tour into the regions was a stark reminder of how many Namibian people have been excluded from gainfully participating in our economy, and that beyond financial investments, we need to make time to help those that have been left behind. "The long-term eradication of poverty will also require that the poor are empowered, which will require a personal leadership commitment from those tasked as leaders - CEO's, Ministers and so on - to have a deliberate agenda that targets and disables poverty in Namibia," she concluded.



Blossom is a gorgeous, caring female of about one year old.

Governor of the Governor of the Erongo Cleophas Mutjavikua receives a N$500 000 cheque from Foibe Namene (Chairperson Namsov Community Trust), with Dr Moses Maurihungirire (PS Ministry Fisheries) and Sebby Kankondi (Chairperson Namsov Fishing Enterprises). (Photo Donna Collins)

Ringo is a soft and loving boy, but still a bit shy. He loves his walks.

Swakop Uranium, a Namibian world class uranium mining company, invites people who are self-motivated, energetic and wish to work in a High Performance Culture environment, to apply for the following role.


ArtisAn - rigger Location: Husab Site – 67 kilometers from Swakopmund Reports to the Team Leader - Cranes Main Purpose of the Job: To effectively perform technical skilled rigging tasks in accordance with set standards to achieve optimum safety when lifting and moving heavy loads and maintaining and repairing lifting equipment / machinery and structures. Key Performance Areas: • Performs skilled technical work within the parameters of the trade (i.e. rigging of structures, equipment / machinery) in accordance with set standards, procedures and specifications , in area of responsibility; • Controls movement of heavy equipment; • Aligns, levels and anchors machinery and equipment • Lifts, transports and repositions heavy loads. • Signals or verbally directs employees engaged in hoisting and moving loads, in order to ensure safety of workers and materials. • Examines objects to be moved, estimates their size, shape and weight of load and selects / decides on the type of correct lifting equipment necessary to move them. • Manipulates rigging lines, hoists and pulling gear to move or support materials such as heavy equipment. • Tilts, dips and turns suspended loads to manoeuvre over, under, and/or around obstacles, using multi-point suspension techniques • Enforces compliance to Company job safety and good housekeeping standards/practices at all times • Co-ordinates and controls the activities of assigned trade assistants and helpers • Leads and co-ordinates the work of team members to accomplish designated objectives Requirements and experience: • Recognised Trade Diploma with 4 technical theoretical subjects (N3 level) or with Grade Twelve and 4 technical theoretical subjects • 5 years post trade experience • Excellent verbal and written communication skills • Office Administration or Secretarial qualification will be a distinct advantage • Valid Code 8 driver’s License Send your cv’s and other relevant documents to by 24 June 2016. Previously disadvantaged Namibians meeting the above criteria are encouraged to apply. Through its commitment to its people, the company offers a competitive remuneration package and the opportunity to work alongside some of the most experienced and dedicated people in the industry. Clearly indicate the position you are applying for as well as your name and surname in the subject line of your application email. Applications received that do not meet this criteria will not be considered. Enquiries can be directed to the Recruitment Team at 064 410 9000. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted within two weeks of the closing date of this advertisement and no documents will be returned. Short-listed candidates must be willing to undergo pre-employment selection assessments. For more information on the company, please visit

Tuna Willem (CSO Namsov Fishing Enterprises)


Snappy is a rehabbed six month old male with a wonderful kind personality.


Anuket is a very peaceful male of about one year old and loves to be the center of attention.

Esmeralda is a playful girl, about 15 months old and loves playful fun.

Mr Miagi is a five month old sweetheart and gets along with other cats and good with dogs very well.

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GET READY FOR UE All times CAT (SA, GMT+2) Group Stage - MD 1 France v


Friday 10 June 2016 Stade De France 21:00 Saturday 11 June 2016




Stade Felix-Bollaert





Matmut Atlantique





Stade Velodrome


Sunday 12 June 2016 Turkey



Parc des Princes




Northern Ireland

Allianz Riviera





Stade Pierre-Mauroy


Monday 13 June 2016 Spain


Czech Republic

Stadium Municipal


Republic of Ireland



Stade De France





Parc OL


Tuesday 14 June 2016 Austria



Matmut Atlantique





Stade Geoffroy-Guichard


Group Stage - MD 2




Monday 20 June 2016 Stade De France 21:00




Stade Geoffroy-Guichard

Tuesday 21 June 2016 Ukraine



Stade Velodrome


Northern Ireland



Parc des Princes





Matmut Atlantique


Czech Republic



Stade Felix-Bollaert


Wednesday 22 June 2016 Iceland



Stade des France





Parc OL





Allianz Riviera




Republic of Ireland

Stade Pierre-Mauroy


Round of 16

Saturday 25 June 2016

Runner-Up A


Runner-Up C

Stade Geoffroy-Guichard


Winner B


3rd Place A/C/D

Parc des Princes


Winner D


3rd Place B/E/F

Stade Felix-Bollaert


Sunday 26 June 2016 Winner A


3rd Place C/D/E

Parc OL


Winner C


3rd Place A/B/F

Stade Pierre-Mauroy


Winner F


Runner-Up E

Stade Municipal


Wednesday 15 June 2016




Stade Pierre-Mauroy





Parc des Princes





Stade Velodrome


Thursday 16 June 2016 England



Stade Felix-Bollaert




Northern Ireland

Parc OL





Stade De France


Monday 27 June 2016 Winner E


Runner-Up D

Stade De France


Runner-Up B


Runner-Up F

Allianz Riviera


Quarter Finals Quarter-Finalist 1

Thursday 30 June 2016 v

Quarter-Finalist 2



Stadium Municipal


Czech Republic



Stade Geoffroy-Guichard





Allianz Riviera


Saturday 18 June 2016 Belgium


Republic of Ireland

Matmut Atlantique





Stade Velodrome





Parc des Princes


Group Stage - MD 3

Quarter-Finalist 3


Quarter-Finalist 4



Stade Pierre-Mauroy





Parc OL


Monday 13 June 2016 Russia



Stadium Municipal





Stade Geoffroy-Guichard


Claudia Lofty-Eaton 081 169 6227 Broker / Owner


Stade Pierre-Mauroy


Saturday 2 July 2016 Quarter-Finalist 5


Quarter-Finalist 6

Matmut Atlantique


Sunday 3 July 2016 Quarter-Finalist 7


Quarter-Finalist 8

Semi Finals Winner QuarterFinal 1

Stade De France


Wednesday 6 July 2016 v

Winner QuarterFinal 2

Sunday 19 June 2016


Stade Velodrome

Friday 1 July 2016

Friday 17 June 2016 Italy


Parc OL

21:00 Thurday 7 July 2016

Winner QuarterFinal 3


Winner QuarterFinal 4

Finals Winner Semi-Final 1

Stade Velodrome


Sunday 10 July 2016 v

Winner Semi-Final 2

Stade De France


EFA EURO 2016!

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Thursday, 16 June 2016

Erongo Red to take Daures constituency

out of darkness Absalom Shigwedha at Okombahe

A TOTAL number of 601 houses in five villages and settlements in the Daures Constituency in Erongo region will be electrified by the Erongo Regional Electricity Distributor (Erongo Red). The electrification of houses at Anixab,Tubusis, Omatjette, Otjohorongo and Okombahe, was officially launched by Erongo Regional Governor Cleophas Mutjavikua at Okombahe on Wednesday last week. Okambahe, which was proclaimed as a settlement in 2015 - has the highest number of houses to be electrified, standing at 245 followed by Omatjette with 158. Anixab will have 41 houses electrified, Tubusis 112, while Otjohorongo will have 45. Speaking at the event, Mutjavikua pointed out that electricity is the catalyst for development and the electrification

of the said villages and settlements in the Erongo region will help create potential business opportunities. He said there are so many people in the region with good innovative business ideas which they need to translate into reality, leading to Namibia diversifying its sources of revenue generation – as the country strives towards becoming an industrialised nation. At the moment, the Erongo region is mainly generating revenues from four sectors: mining, tourism, logistics and fishing. “We need to go beyond that. We should start selling finished products, not raw materials. Those who are buying tourmaline, they go and do business with them. Business is important for economic growth,” said Mutjavikua. As electricity is the driver of economic growth, Mutjavikua said the powering of Daures constituency is essential, as

Erongo Governor, Cleophas Mutjavikua, speaking at the launch of the electrification of five villages and settlements in Daures constituency of Erongo Region. Photo: Absalom Shigwedha Red an amount of N$12 million. He said the company wants to connect 650 houses in the region to the national grid but the figure may reach 700 houses as many people continue to move to urban areas. The chairperson of the Erongo Regional Council, Hafeni Ndemula, said the electrification of villages and settlements in Daures

Robert Kahimise (CEO) with Tobias Nambala (Erongo RED Chairperson of Board of Directors. (photo Donna Collins) people in this constituency have been in darkness since independence. He cautioned that the provision of electricity should not be seen as a luxury but it should be used to boost economic development, through small and medium business as well as large business. “Namibian products should flourish on international shelf. We want to see products leaving Okombahe to other parts of Namibia and internationally,” he said. Mutjavikua said Namibians need to develop the culture of hard work and producing their own products and sell them to other countries. This, he said, is what countries such as China, Malaysia and Singapore are doing. He said that Chinese people do not sit under trees discussing who should be the next traditional leader, nor do they go to

Cleophas Mutjavikua (Governor Of Erongo Region)

courts fighting as to who is the legitimate person to become a traditional leader. “Chinese sleep business, wake up business, eat business and go about business,” said Mutjavikua. He said intellectuals from these countries invent durable and affordable houses and put them on the markets for export. Mutjavikua said the issue of some Namibians such as Struggle Kids just asking the Government to give them jobs, is not a good thing. He said Namibians should come up with business plans and approach institutions such as the SME Bank and the Development of Namibia for funding.

Young Namibians, let us focus on what we can bring to the shelf. We are waiting for that hero. We have to start believing in ourselves, then we can achieve great things “Young Namibians, let us focus on what we can bring to the shelf. We are waiting for that hero. We have to start believing in ourselves, then we can achieve great things,” said Mutjavikua. The Chief Executive Officer of Erongo Red, Robert Kahimise, said the Power to the People Project started in 2013 and has already seen the electrification of 32 houses at Karibib, 20 at Henties Bay, 51 at Omaruru and 111 houses at Otjimbigwe. The electrification of houses in Daures constituency will be completed in September this year and will cost Erongo

constituency by Erongo Red is in line with the strategic plan of the regional council. “There is no way one cannot have electricity. The Harambee Prosperity Plan can only be realised if we can work together towards one common objective. If the left hand knows what the right hand is doing, then prosperity can come to us,”said Ndemula, adding

that electricity has become an essential and every Namibia should have it. The councilor of the Daures constituency, Kennedy! Hoaseb, said they will jealously guard against the electricity infrastructure, once installed and will use the electricity to the maximum.

Why the media matters in the drying-up world ABSALOM SHIGWEDHA: Opinion

Desertification, land degradation and drought are some of the major environmental attacks troubling Africa towards achieving Sustainable Land Management (SLM). In fact, the Namibian government has identified desertification and land degradation as one of the biggest problems facing the country to achieve sustainable development. The situation is set to be worsened by climate change as scientists says this global challenge will lead to more drier spells, resulting in a serious reduction in agricultural production. Much of Africa depends on rain-fed agriculture. Land is the basis of our livelihoods and we need to use it sustainably so that we can live sustainable lives. Under the principle of subsidiarity, the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) recognises the role civil society organisations can play in the fight against desertification, land degradation and drought. What it means is that parties to the UNCCD have the duty to come up with policies and programmes aimed at addressing desertification, land degradation and drought, but that civil society organisations and other grassroots groups also have to be brought in the fight. In other words, making decisions up there and allowing the implementation of such decisions at the lowest level of governance is not acceptable. This premise is based on the fact that civil society organisations work closely with communities and can provide an effective way of facilitating inter-community learning, participating in international policy processes and dissemination of effective SLM technologies. As a journalist reporting on environmental issues, I strongly believe the media can also play crucial role towards efforts of achieving sustainable land management. And this role has also been recognised by organisations supporting civil society bodies such as the Open Society Initiative for Southern Africa (Osisa) which, in 2014, funded a three-day African-wide training on sustainable land management for African journalists and communicators on issues of sustainable land management, whilst the UNCCD has provided similar trainings to media practitioners. People need the right information to make informed decisions and choices. The starting point would be deliberate decisions to create editorial that supports SML as a worthy cause and a vital case issue for public interest. According to the UNCCD, it is estimated that 52 percent of the land used for agriculture is moderately or severely affected by soil degradation, while the loss of arable land, now estimated at 30 to 35 times the natural rate, is affecting 1.5 billion people globally. In Sub-Saharan Africa, the economic costs of poor land management has been estimated at USD 9 billion per year, while more than 3 percent of agricultural GDP is

Absalom Shigwedha is a Namibian award-wining freelance environmental journalist. E-mail: squandered each year as a direct result of soil and nutrients loss. The gospel of SLM can also be promoted through special features, quest columns and guests programmes. It is the duty of the media to come up with sustained reporting interrogating policies on SLM. It is not just enough for journalists to cover the World Day to Combat Desertification on the 17th June by grabbing the speech of the Minister of Environment and reproducing it. Journalists will be doing a good job if they can also include the views of rural elderly people, as to what traditional methods can be used in the fight against desertification. That knowledge should be brought in and made more relevant to our contemporary environmental challenges. The SML story need to be humanised. We should also profile champions of SLM to inspire other people to embark on similar projects. The media should educate rural people on the best ways of managing land sustainably in the face of climate change. Crop rotation, organic agriculture and ecosystem-based adaptation are some of the activities that rural communities can embark on to help the soil retain productivity and adapt to climate change. Such information should be provided in simple language people can understand. However, journalists will only be able to do so effectively and accurately if they are well trained on the subject matter. That would require that media becomes an important partner in the world's efforts to achieve sustainable land management. Governments should look at sustainable land management as a matter that needs to be addressed with urgency with enough resources. One strongly hopes that the Africa Drought Conference, to be held in Namibia from the 15th -19th August this year, will develop a firm framework for the continent that will enhance resilience to the impact of these conditions. The theme for this year's Word Day to Combat Desertification is 'Protect Earth. Restore Land. Engage People,' and surely the media can educate the public how earth can be protected and how land can be restored.


Thursday, 16 June 2016


Swakop Uranium, a Namibian world class uranium mining company, invites people who are self-motivated, energetic and wish to work in a High Performance Culture environment, to apply for the following role.

VACANCIES OpEratOr – tOwEr CranE Location: Husab Site – 67 kilometers from Swakopmund Reports to the Team Leader - Cranes MAIN PURPOSE OF JOB To operate a Tower Crane in accordance with standard operating procedures, responsible for all aspects relating to the safe and efficient operation (i.e.; to install or retrieve equipment), first line troubleshooting and maintenance of the crane. Key Performance Areas: • Performs the pre-start checks and walk around inspection on the crane ; • Inspects Tower cranes for safety issues on a daily basis; • Removes and installs Components • Reports all defects, breakdowns, abnormal, or unsafe conditions etc. • Operates Tower cranes under general supervision and checks operating functions, e.g. boom, cables lifting operation, as per standard operating procedures; • Manipulates or depresses crane controls to regulate and direct the crane and hoist movement according to written, verbal or signal instructions; • Conducts first line maintenance and assists maintenance personnel when the crane is serviced; • Completes job tickets, service quality summaries and all other necessary paperwork; • Adheres to all laid down SHERQ related standards, practices, policies, procedures, rules, regulations and Statutory Compliance. Requirements and experience: • Grade 12 with 20 points • Tower Crane operating Certificate or Diploma • Mobile crane operator Certificate will be an advantage • 3 years’ relevant experience in operating a Tower Crane . • Valid Code 08 driver’s License Send your cv’s and other relevant documents to by 24 June 2016 Previously disadvantaged Namibians meeting the above criteria are encouraged to apply.

MINE MAINtENANCE MANAGER Location: Husab Site – 67 kilometers from Swakopmund Reports to the Team Leader - Ancillary MAIN PURPOSE OF JOB To cost effectively manage Swakop Uranium’s earthmoving equipment maintenance function. Key Performance Areas: Equipment Repairs and Maintenance System Management: System, Policies, Procedures and Resources • Develops, implements and manages the Swakop Uranium mining maintenance and repair system policies, procedures, resources, control standards, measure and programs to achieve reliability and availability; • Co-ordinates and monitors maintenance of all equipment and associated infrastructure towards achieving agreed reliability and availability targets; Earthmoving Equipment Optimization Measures • Approves annual, monthly and weekly scheduled maintenance plans; • Reviews routine maintenance plans on equipment and infrastructure; • Accountable for earthmoving equipment, maintenance workshops, wash bay and other associated infrastructure. Contract Management • Negotiates and manages the service agreements and associated costs; • Manages performance measures as per contract specifications and service level agreements, Inventory Control • Ensures that equipment maintenance stores, tyres, fuel and lubricant supply policies and procedures are appropriate for all service level agreements; • Determines optimum store stock items, fuel and lubrication. People and performance Management • Holds periodic communication meetings with staff, ensures training and evaluation of employees, addresses performance issues and develops and implement individual training and development plans. Professional Development & Growth • Maintains professional and technical knowledge and skills, and remains up to date with international standards. Requirements and experience: • BSc (B. Eng) Degree or similar qualification in mechanical engineering • NQA Qualification: Level 7 • GCC / PR.Eng registration will be an added benefit • Code BE/08 Driver’s License • 15 years experience on general heavy earthmoving equipment maintenance • 5 years similar senior leadership and contract management experience Send your cv’s and other relevant documents to by 24 June 2016 Previously disadvantaged Namibians meeting the above criteria are encouraged to apply. Through its commitment to its people, the company offers a competitive remuneration package and the opportunity to work alongside some of the most experienced and dedicated people in the industry. Clearly indicate the position you are applying for as well as your name and surname in the subject line of your application email. Applications received that do not meet the criteria will not be considered. Enquiries can be made directly to the Recruitment Team at 064 410 9000 Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted within two weeks of the closing date of this advertisement and no documents will be returned. Short-listed candidates must be willing to undergo pre-employment selection assessments. For more information on the company, please visit



Thursday, 16 June 2016

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Walvis Bay Corridor Group in Trilateral Transport agreement The Trilateral Road Transport agreement between Namibia, Zambia and the Democratic Republic of Congo was recently signed in Lubumbashi. These countries, known as the member states of the Walvis Bay-NdolaLubumbashi Development Corridor (WBNLDC), now look forward to strengthened economic relations. This agreement, underway since June 2015 and signed in April this year, aims to develop a strong and competitive transport industry to ensure all operators compete successfully for a fair share of the transport market between the territories of the member states. Signing this agreement ensures an improved and more efficient regulation of the operation and maintenance of transport and databases, permit issuing processes between member states and control procedures. The Walvis Bay Corridor Group established an office in Zambia in 2005 and DRC 2012 to develop business along that corridor. The initiation of this contract was derived from an existing Bilateral Road Transport Agreement between

The cause of coastal winter rainfall Absalom Shigwedha Roads and streets in Walvis Bay were turned into a watery environment on Monday morning as the coastal town was hit a heavy unexpected winter rainfall on Sunday evening. Strong thunder and lightning terrorised the town that night, as many residents were left wondering as to what caused the unexpected winter rainfall. Cars were forced to drive in watery streets, with some having bumped each other due to the slippery conditions.

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Namibia and Zambia, which created harmonisation of all road related matters. At the meeting where the agreement was signed, the Technical and Permanent Secretary Committees of the WBNLDC reviewed, deliberated and agreed to establish a Permanent Secretariat of the WBNLDC by December 2017. Other key related issues discussed were matters related to customs, transit fees, security, theft and smuggling along the corridor, immigration and healthrelated issues. The African Development Bank is facilitating the running of the secretariat for a period of 3 years. Through this funding, the interim secretariat of the WBNLDC aims to develop a strategic plan to reduce bottlenecks along the corridor by 50%, establish a permanent secretariat of the WBNLDC and initiate the spatial development initiatives along the corridor. This agreement will further facilitate and regulate the movement of passengers and goods, whilst promoting their free flow between these countries. In addition, the creation of new state and private sector business development is ensured, making the Trilateral Road Transport Agreement a very lucrative transaction. The meeting of Technical Officials was attended by the member states of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Republic of Namibia and Republic of Zambia led by their Co-chairs. The Walvis Bay Corridor Group is elated by the signing of the Walvis Bay-Ndola-Lumbumbashi Development Corridor’s agreement and earnestly awaits its full implementation.

On Thursday last week, weather forecaster at the Windhoek Meteorological Officer, Odillo Kgobesti, told Namib Independent that the winter rainfall was caused by a cut off low pressure in the mid-levels that moved in from the Atlantic Ocean, resulting in development of clouds and therefore showers and thunderstorms. “Lightning and hail were reported in the west, coastal, central, southern and eastern parts,” said Kgobetsi, adding that cooler weather was evident at night and in the morning.

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WATER-FILLED ... Cars driving in a water-filled road at Walvis Bay on the morning of 6th June after the town was hit by an unexpected winter rainfall the previous night. Photo: Absalom Shigwedha


Thursday, 16 June 2016

Rhino run and cycle tour a huge success

News reporter More than 250 contenders took part in several categories of the 2016 Brandberg Rhino Run and Cycle Tour at Uïs the past weekend. The organisers expressed their joy over the positive outcome of the event. Save the Rhino Trust reacted with gratitude in a statement: “The past weekend (10-12 June) marked a very successful Brandberg Rhino Run and Cycle Tour, held in aid of Save the Rhino Trust. An initiative that was first introduced in 2015 by Riana and Nico Scholtz, the Brandberg Rhino Run and Cycle tour has grown tremendously since its inception and is proving to be a popular sporting and fundraising event. The 2016 event saw more than double the entries of the previous year. Uis was abuzz with activity from Friday, as supporters, cyclists and runners arrived at a steady pace to set themselves up and prepare for an early morning kick-off on Saturday at the Tsibeb Campsite. Throughout

the weekend, spirits were high and we received fantastic support, especially through Friday night’s auction. Save the Rhino Trust would like to thank everyone, from Riana and Nico Scholtz, our donors, supporters, and marathon enthusiasts, to the Uis Community and everyone that made this weekend possible through their hard work, dedication and genuine interest in helping us protect this ancient species, the desert-adapted black rhino. With support such as yours, we are inspired to work harder and doing everything in our power in preserving the black rhino long into the future. Thank you Namibia!” The winners in the categories were: 30 km cycle tour - Luke Meintjies; 7 km run - Charl Botes of Uïs; 13 km run - Albertinus Goeieman; and the winner of the 28 km marathon- Erich Goeieman. The first woman in the 28 km marathon was Comrades-athlete, Risa Dreyer. Many coastal Comrades Marathon runners, including Kirsty Brits and Johan Bronkhorst.




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