Namib Independent Issue 96

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Tel: 064 200497

Issue 96 - Thursday, 24 April 2014 to Wednesday, 30 April 2014





powdered alcohol?




N$5 Billion Gas Power Plant for Walvis Lavrenty Repin

25 APRiL tO 27 APRiL 2014 ONLy

Month End


An ambitious project by South African company Xaris aims to provide affordable clean energy and water to coastal residents, who are rapidly running out of options, as South Africa’s energy giant Eskom asserts its decision to pull out of Namibia. The newly envisioned “Pioneer” industrial park behind Dune 7, which is expected to produce everything from automobiles to beef products, is now ready to add an open-cycled gasfired power plant to its list of infrastructure. The project consists of three components: a ‘futuristic’ stationary vessel (FSRU), which will be permanently moored at the northern Walvis Bay harbour

expansion (currently under construction), a 12 km pipeline to deliver the gas and the power plant to convert it into electricity. The liquefied natural gas (LNG) will be delivered from Angola by ship and unloaded to the moored vessel. This dockside floating regasification is a complex process, which can transfer up to 6,000 cubic metres per hour through its six liquid lines and two vapour lines. The company claims in a report that the ship-to-ship method saves both time and expenses. “Although historically the establishment of [an] on-shore LNG terminal has been the preferred [method], offshore units have benefits including lower investment costs, quicker project realisation, and avoidance of many

potential permitting issues.” The ship, which converts the liquid to natural gas on board through dockside floating regasification before sending it to the plant via a pipeline, is capable of delivering a maximum of 500 million standard cubic feet per day of natural gas to downstream natural gas consumers. It is hoped that the vessel, which will be rented out from a third party company, will supply various other potential gas users in support of the greater development of the Walvis Bay area. Industries that could benefit from gas utilisation include fishing, domestic gas use and potential future energy intensive industries. After the permanently docked FSRU vessel “regasifies” the LNG, it will distribute gas into a highpressure manifold linked to an undersea pipeline. The underwater pipeline will be approximately 2km in length, Continued on Page 2











2 | News

Thursday, 24 April 2014

N$5 Billion Gas Power Plant for Walvis

Continued from Page 1

thereafter connecting into a 10km land-based pipeline. The pipeline, designed with future projects in mind, has the capacity to deliver up to 800,000 Nm3/hr of natural gas. According to Xaris projections, it is anticipated that the 250mW power plant would have a natural gas fuel consumption rate of 52,000m3 per hour, which equals to 800,000m3 of natural gas per annum. The site for the plant has been evaluated considering key aspects such as fuel supply, power evacuation, the possible inclusion of a water desalination plant (for which an additional N$1 billion may be allocated) and future expansion of the power plant. The plant will utilise gas turbines, considered to be one of the cleanest means of power generation, due to their relatively high efficiency and reliance on natural gas as a primary fuel. Gas turbines emit substantially less carbon

dioxide (CO2) per kWh generated than any other fossil fuel technology in general commercial use. The project is expected to generate power for an equivalent price of less than N$1.35 per kilowatt hour transferred directly into Erongo Red, a price that is almost identical to the current rate. In the case of a desalination plant, water at less than N$10/kilolitre, significantly cheaper than

the current average in Namibia of roughly N$30. However, before the exciting project materialises, many hurdles need to be overcome, including the environmental assessment impact study, undertaken by EnviroSolutions, which they hope will be complete by this year, and connection of the power plant to the transmission network. That operation and

subsequent maintenance of power lines will remain the responsibility of the relevant authorities that deal with electricity distribution. Alan Jenneker, from EnviroSolutions, hopes that the project will coincide with the port expansion next year. A public meeting for all interested parties is scheduled for 8th May 2014, at the Pelican Bay Hotel, Walvis Bay.

Tel: 064-221552 Fax: 064-221553 Besigheids ure: Ma-Vry: 08H00 - 19H00 Sa: 08H00 - 13H00 WSK welkom.


Disclaimer: Namib Independent is published by Halfround Communications CC. All rights are reserved. Whilst every care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the information contained within, no liability can be accepted by the publishers or contributors for any errors, misstatements or omissions which may have occurred. The opinions expressed in the publication are not necessarily those of the publishers. Also, the publishers accept no legal liability regarding copyright ownership for material which was supplied directly to the publishers by any of the advertisers or contributors.

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Sales ChantĂŠ Nell 081 667 4694 Gareth Amos 081 128 2197 Design Maggie's Attic Graphic Design Address 127 Theo Ben Gurirab Street (MVA Office Complex) PO Box 5085, Walvis Bay, Namibia



Walvis Bay


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Cape Town Johannesburg Port Elizabeth Durban Luanda Harare Gaborone

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News | 3

Thursday, 24 April 2014

Namibia’s Close Builders Foreign Ties with Disregard Law at Iran Independence Beach Outcast, A Look at Namibia–Iran Relations

Building rubble with ocean scenery in the background Siglinde Devilliers Close to where many local residents enjoy the seaside at Independence beach is a small road with heap upon heap of building rubble lining its sides. Rising into the sky against the backdrop of the beautiful scenery of the ocean and dunes, the repulsive rubble heaps not only scar the environment but also raise many questions. Looking at the number of building rubble heaps against the road, one can only deduce that dumping in this area has been a longstanding practice. However, according to David Uushona, the Manager of the Solid Waste and Environmental Management Department at Walvis Bay Municipality (SWEM), it is highly illegal for builders to dump their building rubble anywhere in the environment, never mind the area in question. Even so, nowhere in the stretch containing the rubble are there any signs that prohibit dumping or warn of fines that will be imposed on those breaking the law. This raises the question as to why the practice is being condoned. “Preventing dumping is not about putting up signs. They actually have the opposite effect and invite dumping,” Uushona answered. He added that the main problem is catching the person redhanded. “Those who want to break the law are very observant and choose odd hours, such as late evenings or on weekends to dump their rubble,” he explained. “We cannot have somebody from the Municipality sit there all day and night to keep watch. Catching the perpetrators has to become a collective effort where the community is involved, taking pictures and reporting those who dump to the authorities. ” Uushona also pointed out the differences between the effects of building in town versus building in Kuiseb, especially with regards to the distances that people have to travel. “The landfill site is much further away from Kuiseb than from town. Locals love taking shortcuts so as to make more money and thus dump their building rubble at the nearest available place,” he explained. Uushona said that it is not the Municipality’s responsibility to clean up after those who simply dump their rubble anywhere. “The first thing local residents do is to approach

the Municipality and complain. However, it is not the Municipality that is wasting, it’s the people, and yet they expect us to clean up after them,” Uushona lamented. Last year’s incident emphasises this point. According to Uushona, the Municipality organised a major clean–up campaign in November 2013. “We hired earthmoving equipment and put a lot of money into cleaning up the outskirts. The most depressing factor about the campaign was that the outskirts only remained clean for a day or two. Locals viewed the clean environment as an incentive to renew their ghastly dumping habits,” Uushona related. It is really shocking to see how much dumping has occurred in the five months since the clean-up operation. Apart from organising the clean-up, the Municipality has also placed skips at various points as well as written out fines of N$1000 to those caught dumping. “The measures did not work,” Uushona lamented. He mentioned that this year the Municipality has allocated a budget towards building a transfer station in the area, in the hope that this will solve the dumping issue. “Cleaning and re-cleaning is not addressing the root of the problem,” Uushona explained. “The public needs to take the responsibility to keep their respective environments clean.” Uushona then asked a profound question: “Town is much cleaner than Kuisebmond. Why?” The problem will only be solved with a change of people’s attitude towards their environment. “The public has to cultivate a mindset for cleanliness and respect for the environment,” Uushona concluded.

Heaps of building rubble lining the road

Lavrenty Repin Following widespread international interest in the recent report on Rossing workers’ health risks, the controversy over IranNamibian relations has also, in the process, been inadvertently raised. It is no secret that the Iranian government, through the state-owned Iran Foreign Investment Company (IFIC), which is currently on US’s transaction regulations list, owns a 15% stake of Rio Tinto’s Uranium Rossing mine, which trumps Namibia’s 3% by far. Furthermore, there are two Rossing Mine Board Members from IFIC. Iran’s investment is seen as a violation of international law. In Resolution 1929 passed in 2010 by the UN Security Council, it states that, “Iran shall not acquire an interest in any commercial activity in another state involving uranium mining, production or use of nuclear materials and technology (…).” However, Rio Tinto is quick to point out that Iran gained ownership of the mining stake in 1975 (when Rossing first began operation) – before the Islamic Republic was established and before sanctions were imposed, a loophole that allows Iran to retain its ownership rights. The concern, although unverified, has for the last decade been that Iran is using nuclear grade uranium to fuel its warfare ambitions against the United States and more explicitly, Israel. By 2010 the UN reported that Iran had enough enriched uranium to produce ten atomic bombs. But last week, in a surprising move of international integrity, the Islam state cut its uranium stockpile by half, in response to which USA lifted over $450 million in frozen assets, imposed by earlier sanctions. However, the nuclear concerns, spearheaded by US politics, still remain – and have drawn increasing political criticism from America towards Rio Tinto, which is the world’s fourth largest public-listed mining company, but also towards Namibia. Although Namibia has little to no influence over the mine, remarks from former Prime Minister, Nahas Angula, (now Minister of Defence), back in 2009 raised eyebrows from the international community when he said he could not say “whether Namibia was supplying Iran with Uranium”, but revealed that Namibia viewed Iran as one of its customers who have “contracts to buy uranium mined from the country." Namibian foreign policy also deeply criticises, although without name-calling, American

“unilateral decisions.” In 2012, Utoni Nujoma, addressing the Non-Aligned Movement (second in membership only to the UN), outlined Namibian foreign policy explicitly: “Namibia condemns the illegal unilateral economic sanctions imposed on Cuba. We also condemn the illegal unilateral economic sanctions imposed on Zimbabwe and Iran by the West.” He also pledged support to Palestine and Mali. This and other ‘provocations’ inspired CEO of UANI (United Against Nuclear Iran) and USA Ambassador, Mark D. Wallace, to write Rossing a letter in which he stated that “profits from the uranium mine (Rossing) are channelled directly to the Iranian government, emboldening and financially empowering its pursuit of an illegal nuclear weapons program as well as fostering the regime’s ability to oppress the Iranian people and support terrorist groups in the region.” He later stated that “Iranians have access to the facility, sit on the board and are able to acquire valuable technical knowledge.” He urged Rio Tinto to “stop putting short-term profits ahead of Iran’s clear threat to global security.” The threat to global security has been recognised by a number of Western countries including USA, Japan, Australia and the European Union, yet no substantial prove has been provided to back the allegations. However, Iran is in violation of many human rights regulations and last year alone executed more than 500 individuals (Human Rights Watch), most for political crimes. The relations between Namibia and Iran have always been close, and last year the Iranian embassy was re-opened in Windhoek after it was shut down 17 years ago, due to, as Iranian foreign minister Salehi explained, “economic hardships Iran experienced as a result of Western economic sanctions.” Before independence, Iran allowed SWAPO diplomatic representation in Teheran and offered the political movement military, educational and diplomatic support. Hundreds of Namibians were also trained in various fields in Iran. In 2011, Director of Mines, Asser Mudhika, denied that any local uranium had been exported to Iran. Following a wind change in Iranian foreign policy that is creating closer ties between nations, we may never find out whether or not Rossing, and Namibia, was or still continues to export uranium to Iran, as we are, too, hardpressed to establish whether or not this is a culpable offence.

4 | News

Thursday, 24 April 2014

Tragic Kite-Surfing Accident Claims Life

Lavrenty Repin

VACANCY Bidvest Namibia Limited (“BVN”) is the holding company of Bidcom, which manages the group’s non-fishing interests and Bidfish, which manages the group’s fishing interests. Bidcom entities operate in diverse industries such as freight, business services, travel and food services.

German national, Mr Christian Lerch, 40, was pronounced dead by Lifelink crew on Monday afternoon after he drowned in the Walvis Bay lagoon following a kite-surfing accident. Initial reports indicated that Mr Lerch was entangled in the ropes of the kite, raising questions on what prevented him from freeing himself in the knee-deep lagoon where he was kiting. However, a witness on scene, who asked to remain anonymous, told the Namib Independent that Mr Lerch’s kite “did a loop, raised him in

the air and smacked him against the water,” whereby he lost consciousness. Ambulance service Lifelink confirmed responding to the accident with the help of Catamaran tours who provided them with a boat, and attempting resuscitation. A paramedic dispatched to the accident denied seeing any rope entanglement on the body that was removed from one of the islands on the lagoon by Lifelink crew, the Neighbourhood Watch and members of the police. Mr Lerch was accompanied by an instructor at the time, although he was not considered a novice

Assistant Internal Auditor (C1)

Bidvest Namibia Limited (“BVN”)

Location : Walvis Bay

Responsibilities... One of the key objectives for BVN is to apply good governance principles throughout the group. Maintaining an effective and value-adding group internal audit function is one of the group activities to achieve these objectives. We are looking to fill the position of Assistant Internal Auditor in Walvis Bay, reporting to the BVN Senior Internal Auditor. The activities of the Assistant Internal Auditor will focus primarily on the fishing operations of Bidfish and the freight and food and distribution operations of Bidcom. Ÿ Perform internal audits in accordance with the BVN internal audit approach under supervision of the Senior Internal Auditor. This will entail the following: ü Perform and document fieldwork for review by the Senior Internal Auditor; ü Prepare draft internal audit findings for review by the Senior Internal Auditor; Minimum Requirements... Ÿ Degree/diploma in Internal Auditing or Accounting with auditing/internal auditing as a subject; Ÿ 2 years experience in internal auditing. Previous experience in the freight, forwarding and clearing or food and distribution industries will be a definite advantage; Ÿ Be able to communicate effectively (verbally and in a clear and concise manner by way of written reports) on various levels of the organisation, including senior management; Read more on the Website...

The closing date for above position is: 30 April 2014 Bidvest Namibia supports all efforts to conserve the environment and uses an online recruitment service to reduce its carbon footprint. This service enables you to view the latest vacancies within the Bidvest Namiba Group and to register your CV for any other future positions. All applications must be done online at:

Bidvest Namibia Limited is a proudly Namibian company, listed on the Namibian Stock Exchange and is engaged in fisheries, food distribution, commercial trade, freight management and service industries. Bidvest Namibia believes in empowering people, building relationships and improving lives. We turn ordinary companies into extraordinary performers, delivering strong and consistent shareholder returns in the process. But most importantly, we understand that people create wealth, and that companies only report it.

We specialise in the following fields...

Deon Ellis Cell: +264 81 214 6883 Fax: +264 64 207 756 Email:

Residential Commercial Marine Industrial Ventilation Service & Maintenance

kite-surfer. He was found without a helmet or lifejacket. Mr Andreas Hebnel from the Walvis Bay Kite Centre, explained that few surfers take the precaution of wearing a helmet and lifejacket. However, he pointed out, “The life-jacket doesn’t help when the kite drags you under the water and you can’t get out.” Andreas said that people should understand that this is an extreme sport, akin to skydiving or paragliding and has its own specific risks. “We are all very shocked by the very tragic accident. I’ve been here for eight years and this is the first time there was an accident,” he said despondently.

News | 5

Thursday, 24 April 2014

One of the world’s foremost emerging uranium companies, Swakop Uranium, is focused on developing and operating the world's third-largest known primary uranium deposit near the town of Swakopmund in Namibia. We need energetic, self-motivated and confident people to apply for our roles and we regard you as our “Employee of Choice”.

VACANCY: BUSINESS ANALYST Location: Husab Mine, Swakopmund Reports to the Business Improvement Manager


To provide project management services to operations departments within Swakop Uranium (SU) based on best practices and focusing on business processes improvements, in line with the Company’s goals and objectives. Key Performance Areas: • Project and Programme Management • Continuous Business Improvement • Co-ordination of Integration Planning and advanced Scheduling • Contract, Cost and Risk Management • Evaluation, Monitoring and Communication effectiveness • People and Performance Management • Professional Development & Growth • Co-worker Effectiveness • Safety, Health, Environmental, Radiation & Quality Effectiveness Requirements and experience: • Bachelor’s Degree in Industrial / Process Engineering or equivalent engineering qualification • Experience in advance Project Management including complex projects and operations scheduling with multiple levels of management to ensure smooth integration of operations functions • Risk, contract and cost management experience • Business management / administration qualification and experience an added advantage • Code 08 Drivers License.

Through its commitment to its people, the company offers a competitive remuneration package and the opportunity to work alongside some of the most experienced and dedicated people in the industry. You are requested to upload your cv’s and other relevant documentations via Apply for vacancies of interest on the same website by 9 May 2014. Previously disadvantaged Namibians meeting the above criteria are encouraged to apply. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted within two weeks of the closing date of this advertisement and no documents will be returned. Short-listed candidates must be willing to undergo pre-employment selection assessments. For more information on the company, please visit

Passionately Energise our World

6 | News

Thursday, 24 April 2014

Theo Ben Gurirab Str. & Hanna Mupetami Road P.O.Box 499, Walvis Bay

Phone +264 64 205136 • Fax +264 64 205137 Tel: +264 64 206751 Fax: +264 64 206752 Cell: +264 81 1488 084

Walvis Bay Ship Chandlers No 60, 18th Road P.O.Box 2381 Walvis Bay Namibia

Service Excellence Quality Delivery

VACANCY Vessel Agent: (Walvis Bay) Department: Supply provisions to 8 seagoing vessels. This small but highly effective department delivers excellent quality food in HACCP standard environments. Main Responsibilities: The incumbent will report directly to the Operations Manager And responsibilities shall include:

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Delivery of food to the vessels Junior management role in a catering and hospitality operation and delivery thereof Portion sizes delivered as per vessel’s requirements Costing of all vessels Responsible for the administration of his working area Procurement and invoicing Vessel inspections Taking inventory and alerting managers when certain supplies are misused. Managing vessel provisions supply

Minimum Qualifications and experience: • Grade 12 • 2 years Marine experience an added advantage • Experience in a catering environment an added advantage • Experience within the marine environment will be an added advantage Personal Qualities: • Excellent interpersonal communication skills • Be a team player • Be innovative and self-starter • Quality and service driven • Hard working, loyal and supportive • Passionate about chandelling • Health and safety awareness

Benefits: • A comprehensive market related pacakage for the ideal candidate • Medical aid 100%-50% family • Cellphone

Email: or Closing date: 28th of April 2013 Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted and should be prepared to undergo relevant interview sessions and medical assessments in Walvis Bay.

Terms and Conditions apply:

AlArm SpeciAl

Proof of Student (max 25 Yrs) / Pensioner (65 Yrs +) Status & Age required Book and pay same day / Tickets are non-refundable/ Date changes not permitted Bookable at Air Namibia Town Office and Ongwediva Office


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N$ 2150.00 Sp65 AlArm Kit - iNcl iNStAllAtioN

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News | 7

Thursday, 24 April 2014

LANGER HEINRICH URANIUM (PTY) LTD A Member of the Paladin Energy Ltd Group of Companies (An Equal Opportunity Employer) Invites suitably qualified and committed self driven candidates to apply for the following MINE SITE / TOWN OFFICE position for long term employment in SWAKOPMUND, NAMIBIA.



The Process Plant Department at Langer Heinrich Uranium is responsible for the safe, efficient and effective processing of uranium bearing ore to produce Uranium oxide concentrate as a final product. The process involves Ore Reduction, Carbonate Leach, IX, Precipitation and Drying. Purpose: Reporting to the works Chemist, the incumbent will as part of his/her own development be responsible for the management of various smaller Metallurgical projects and staying abreast of best-in-class discipline practices. The position needs to be filled with a dynamic person, committed to safety and a proactive approach. Main Responsibilities: •

Effective Maintenance and Utilization of Laboratory Equipment.

Maintain records of samples, quality control and analysis.

Safety, Health and Environmental Effectiveness.

Change Management.

Responsible for the timeous completion of selected projects

Must be able to assist with training of laboratory personnel.

Minimum Requirements: •

B.Sc degree (Chemistry) alternatively, National Diploma (Analytical Chemistry).

Minimum of three (3) year’s experience preferably in a Mining Laboratory.

Computer literate.

Excellent interpersonal supervisory, organizational and communication skills.

Code 08 driving license

Preferably Namibian citizen

The Following Would be an Advantage: •

Working experience on XRF and UV Techniques.

Working experience on Laboratory Information Management Systems.

Benefits: A comprehensive market related package

EMERGENCY RESPONSE AND ILS CO-ORDINATOR Department: The SHR Department of Langer Heinrich Uranium is focused to ensure that the Langer Heinrich Mine has reliable and effective Safety, Health, Radiation and Security systems, which is internalized by its staff and other stakeholders. Compliance with all Safety, Health, Environmental and Radiation laws and regulations is the foundation on which we build our performance. Safety is our core value and we place a strong emphasis on hazard identification, risk assessment and risk management. Purpose: The incumbent, reporting to the Safety, Health, and Radiation Manager will be responsible for the development, implementation, assessment and review of a comprehensive emergency response management plan and the assessment of its effectiveness. Main Responsibilities: •

Develop standards, procedures guidelines and plans to mitigate or remove possible emergency occurrences

Identify emergency response training needs and organize and co-ordinate or provide relevant training and awareness campaigns

Liaise with contractors to ensure that they participate and contribute toward Langer Heinrich’s emergency initiatives

Conduct surveys and audits to identify and minimize risk (emergency and fire) to the Company and all workers

Prepare and implement emergency response plans including the co-ordination of regular emergency response team training and drills

Co-ordinate and oversee all site first aid activities

Provide ideas and advice in relation to positive emergency initiatives, incident prevention and continuous improvement

Development, supervision and mentoring of Langer Heinrich’s emergency response team.

Ensure that emergency equipment is readily available and in a serviceable condition.

Minimum Requirements: •

Grade 12 (minimum 20 points)

Recognised relevant diploma or fire technology certificate years’ experience in Safety supervision, preferably obtained within the mining sector


Fire Fighting and Emergency Response management in an open cast mining environment

3 years municipal experience in industrial fire and emergency services

Excellent interpersonal, organizational and communication skills

Computer literacy in Microsoft Office

Experience in the development of and provision of emergency response training

Valid code 08 driver’s license

Competencies: •

Safety, Health and Security consciousness

Good quality control and assurance skills, attention to detail

Problem solving skills

Well-developed verbal, written and presentation skills

Technical capability

Benefits: A comprehensive market related package

CLOSING DATE: 09 MAY 2014 ONLY short listed candidates will be contacted and should be prepared to undergo relevant interviews, medical & psychometric assessments in Swakopmund. Previously disadvantaged Namibians meeting the above criteria are encouraged to apply. Interested and suitably qualified candidates are to submit a Comprehensive CV with certified copies ALL relevant Supporting documentation by email to Tel: +264 64 413450

VACANCY Hospitality Manager (Walvis Bay) Department: Catering and hospitality industry department is responsible for 400+ meals per day and the supply of provisions to 8 seagoing vessels. This small but highly effective department delivers excellent quality food in HACCP and ISO 9001 standards. And responsibilities would include: • Supervise and participate in kitchen and dining area cleaning activities. • Resolve customer complaints regarding food service. • Train workers in food preparation, and in service, sanitation, and safety procedures. • Observe and evaluate workers and work procedures to ensure quality standards and service, and complete disciplinary write-ups. • Assign duties, responsibilities, and work stations to employees in accordance with work requirements. • Inspect supplies, equipment, and work areas to ensure efficient and conformance to standards. • Control inventories of food, equipment, smallware, and report shortages to designated personnel. • Recommend measures for improving work procedures and worker performance to increase service quality and enhance job safety. • Perform personnel actions, providing employee orientation and training, and conducting supervisory activities, such as creating work schedules or organizing employee time sheets. • Analyse operational problems, such as theft and wastage, and establish procedures to alleviate these problems. • Record production, operational, and personnel data on specified forms. • Develop equipment maintenance schedules and arrange for repairs. • Perform various financial activities such as cash handling, deposit preparation • Purchase of requisition supplies and equipment needed to ensure quality and timely delivery of services. • Specify food portions and courses, production and time sequences, and workstation and equipment arrangements. • Estimate ingredients and supplies required to prepare a recipe. • Forecast staff equipment, and supply requirements based on a master menu. • Evaluate new products for usefulness and suitability. • Compile and balance cash receipts at the end of the day or shift. • Perform food preparation and serving duties, such as carving meat, preparing flambé dishes or serving wine and liquor. • Conduct meetings and collaborate with other personnel to plan menus, serving arrangements, and related details. • Present bills and accept payments • Develop departmental objectives, budgets, policies, procedures, and strategies. • Schedule parties and take reservations. • Plan special menus. Minimum Qualifications and experience: • Degree in either/or: • Hotel and hospitality management; • Business or management; • Business with languages; • Travel, tourism or leisure studies. • Grade 12 • Excellent food handling skills • Experience in a catering environment an added advantage • Experience within the marine environment will be an added advantage. Personal Qualities: • Excellent interpersonal communication skills • Be a team player • Be innovative and self-starter • Quality and service driven • Hard working, loyal and supportive • Passionate about chandelling • Health and safety awareness Benefits: • A comprehensive market related pacakage for the ideal candidate • Medical aid 100%-50% family • Cellphone

Email: or Closing date: 28th of April 2013 Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted and should be prepared to undergo relevant interview sessions and medical assessments in Walvis Bay. Walvis Bay Ship Chandlers No 60, 18th Road P.O.Box 2381 Walvis Bay Namibia

Tel: +264 64 206751 Fax: +264 64 206752 Cell: +264 81 1488 084 Service | Excellence | Quality | Delivery

8 | News

Thursday, 24 April 2014

For The Love of Autism! Lavrenty Repin

If you have seen more than your fair share of people adorned in blue from head to toe this month, you may be excused from thinking you have developed some kind of sight affliction. Chances are these folk have been wearing blue to show solidarity to those amongst us afflicted with Autism, for April has been Autism awareness month. Autism is now believed to affect as many as two children per 1000 in USA, and one report suggests one in 40 in South Korea. Yet the “illness”, which has life-lasting and changing consequences,

sometimes especially dire, has rapidly become something of a fad; celebrities and athletes claim to have it and many parents in the West brag of their children’s autistic diagnosis. Is this a result of aggressive advertisement that has transformed a downfall into pop-culture or has autism become a desirable illness, thus in actuality an advantageous one to have, and hope for? The sad truth is that we still have no idea what is the root cause behind autism. Its popularity, although advantageous in providing awareness and treatment, is also an obstacle in studying the illness. Now mere social awkwardness, like refusing to look

someone in the eye, is enough to earn eager parents’ diagnoses. This attractiveness is fuelled by the successes of mild autistics like Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg and even Microsoft’s Bill Gates – their pensive, detached nature gives them an edge in the programming world and in the physical one, too. Savants, brilliantly gifted artists who can, for instance, draw with perfection a city’s skyline from memory, but are unable to perform simple tasks like tying a shoelace or holding a simple conversation, further romanticise the autistic condition. However, not all cultures share in the thrill – in South Korea, families often go to


power to the people





Grading Level: D1 Business Unit: Finance & Corporate Services Duty Station: Walvis Bay

Grading Level: C3 Business Unit: Finance & Corporate Services Duty Station: Walvis Bay

PURPOSE OF THE JOB: Responsible for the maintenance of General Ledger, Loan Schedule, compilation of Annual Financial Statements, Operating and Capital Budgets and to ensure the proper allocation and accounting for all capital projects of the company. Takes responsibility for the payroll, asset register and all debtors and revenue reporting.

PURPOSE OF THE JOB: To control and coordinate the efficient receipt, storage and issuing of materials, equipment and other items from the warehouses or other storage facilities for the region. To implement and manage store procedures and maintain the necessary documentation and records. To ensure that optimum stock levels are maintained at all stores in the region.

QUALIFICATION REQUIREMENTS: • NQA accredited Accounting Degree majoring in any two of the following: Financial Accounting / Management Accounting / Auditing. • Ideally: an NQA accredited Honours Degree majoring in any of the following: Financial Accounting / Management Accounting / Auditing / Tax.

QUALIFICATION REQUIREMENTS: • Diploma in Logistics, Material Management or Electrical Trade Diploma with experience in Electrical / Technical Stores. • Ideally: Bachelors’ Degree in Logistics, Material Management or similar NQA recognised qualification in Stock Control or relevant technical qualification with extensive experience in Electrical / Technical Stores.

KEY PERFORMANCE AREAS: • GL / Journal processing & reconciliation, VAT and Tax Administration, complete and accurate monthly management reports, Customer Service (Internal), compilation of Annual Financial Statements, preparation and compilation of Annual Operating & Capital Budget, administration of Financial and Loan Capital Projects, review and improvement of Internal Control Policies and Procedures. EXPERIENCE: • Three (3) years’ experience as an Accountant. • Ideally: Completed Articles accredited by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Namibia.


KEY PERFORMANCE AREAS: • Stores Housekeeping, Stock Control, Procurement, Team Leadership, Monthly Reporting. EXPERIENCE: • Three (3) years’ experience in an Electrical / Technical Store environment in a supervisory capacity DRIVER’S LICENCE REQUIRED: • Code B driver’s licence.

Applicants who comply with the above-mentioned requirements may submit their CVs plus certified copies of educational qualifications and testimonials to: Mr Festus Newaya, Human Resources Division, PO Box 2925, Walvis Bay, or hand deliver to the Erongo RED Head Office, 1st Floor, 91 Hage Geingob Street, Walvis Bay. Please note that no documents will be returned and no faxed or e-mailed applications will be accepted. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted for interviews. Furthermore, the shortlisted candidates for the position of Management Accountant will be subjected to Polygraph Testing and a Psychometric Assessment, whereas shortlisted candidates for the position of Regional Stores Controller will only be subjected to Polygraph Testing. CLOSING DATE: WEDNESDAY, 7 MAY 2014. TEL + 264 64 214 600 FAX +264 64 214 601 91 HAGE GEINGOB STREET P O BOX 2925 WALVIS BAY NAMIBIA

Notice is hereby given in terms of section 63 (2)(b) of the Local Authorities Act, 1992 (Act 23/1992), as amended, that the Council of the Municipality of Walvis Bay intends to sell, by private transaction, a portion of the Remainder of the Farm Wanderdunen No 23 (street) to Eagle Builders & Renovations for N$ 120.00/m2 plus 15% VAT Full particulars pertaining to the sale will lie for inspection by interested persons until *Wednesday 30 April 2014 at Room 30, Municipal Offices, Kuisebmond. For more information Ms S Mupupa can be contacted at telephone (064) 2013294 during office hours. Written objections, fully motivated, to the intended transaction must be received by the undersigned before or at 12:00* Wednesday 07 May 2014.

DRIVER’S LICENCE REQUIRED: • Code B driver’s licence.




great lengths to avoid a diagnosis of autism. They perceive it as a genetic mark of shame on the entire family. The stigma is so intense that many Korean clinicians intentionally misdiagnose autistic children as socially withdrawn, caused by extreme parental abuse or neglect – this humiliating option, in what to many is a culture shock, is favoured over autism. This contrast is probably the best indication that the Western autism obsession is purely cultural, rather than biological, ecological or even evolutionary. Nearer to home, speak to any Namibian parent with a “problem child”, and you will find that social workers, psychologists and psychiatrists have at some stage or another all too readily diagnosed these kids as being on the Autism spectrum. Unlike the USA, one cannot attest that Autism has not been glorified - but a growing trend towards complacency, especially in regards to its seriousness, is unmistakably present.


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Clever ways to organise your workshop.

In this issue: Page 9

SORTED! Clever ways to organise your workshop

When was the last time you needed a hammer and knew exactly where to find it? For many people, keeping track of tools isn't easy. A screwdriver ends up in a sock drawer, or your measuring tape ends up in the laundry room. Before you know it, you have to hunt down tools every time there's a minor repair to be done. Whether you own just a few tools or a large collection, getting them organised could make your life a lot easier. Not only will you save time and prevent frustration, but you may waste less money on replacing lost tools. Initially, getting organized might seem like more trouble than it's worth, because it is time consuming, but it can pay off in the end. The first thing you need to do is take inventory of all the tools you have. Open every drawer, check every cabinet and find a place where you can lay everything out in front of you. Once you know exactly what you're dealing with, organising it will be a cinch. It's not a bad idea to begin by sorting everything into a few different categories. Put all the hand tools in one spot, all the power tools in another and anything you consider a seasonal tool in its own pile. Once you've done this, you'll be off to a great start. Of course, during the sorting process, you'll probably find that your tools have a lot of accessories. Your drill, for example, probably has several drill bits, and if you have a socket wrench, you've most likely got at least a handful of sockets to go with it as well. You'll need to decide how you want to organise these. It doesn't really matter how you do

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it - your system just needs to make sense to you. Now that you've got everything separated, follow these clever storage idea tips to sort your workshop once and for all! Pegboard Pegboard can be your best friend. It's inexpensive, and there are so many add-ons you can buy that provide nearinfinite organizational possibilities.

Wire Spool Holder If you have lots of wire spools they can get hopelessly tangled with each other, you can solve this with a simple holder. You can buy one or you can build one with some scrap wood and a wooden dowel.

Continued on Page10


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10 |

Thursday, 24 April 2014


Clever ways to organise your workshop. Wrench rack Are all your wrenches stuffed in a plastic bucket? Here's a Component Drawers better idea. Screw a tie/belt rack Friends of electrical engineers to a bare spot on the wall over for many decades, component your workbench and hang the drawers are ideal for storing wrenches. tiny electronic parts. But they’re just as handy for all your screws, nails, hooks and wall plugs. Continued from Page 9

Pie plate storage pockets Screw cut-in-half pie tins to your workshop wall and you've got space-saving storage for the sanding discs, circular saw blades and abrasive discs that like to hide in a drawer. Nest blades inside binder clips Nest coiled handsaw blades into binder clips and store them on your pegboard. Apply labels to the clip so you can simplify size selection and storage.

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PVC toolholder Build this PVC rack to store your tools on the wall. Use a jigsaw to cut a 3cm wide notch down the length of a 5cm diameter PVC pipe. Cut several 9cm long sections with a hacksaw or mitre saw, and drill two 3mm holes behind the notch. Use 3cm drywall screws to attach these pieces to a 2x4 screwed to the wall. Handsaw blade saver Prolong the life of your saw blades with a short section of 1.3cm PVC pipe. Hold the pipe tight against slightly opened vise jaws, and saw a slit down the entire pipe (this is a tricky cut, but it only has to be done once). Slide it over the blade to keep the teeth sharp. Sources: / /

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Thursday, 24 April 2014

| 11

Quick Decor Updates For

Kids’ Rooms

Does your kid’s room need a little sprucing up? When considering makeovers for kids’ bedrooms, keep these quick and easy room updates in mind so you and your child can transform that bedroom into a creative space that represents a very individual personality. Implementing any of ideas will give your children a fresh new place to play, study, stash their stuff, or just hang out.

a child's room and this includes furniture as well as walls! Back to school Consider using chalkboard paint to create a fun, functional wall section where your kid can write his weekly schedule, draw or even work out a math problem

Accessorise, accessorise, accessorise Swap out or add accessories like an accent Start at the beginning rug, throw pillows, wall art or the blanket or Maybe your child has grown out of her comforter. Just a few accessories will take a toddler bed or she's hitting the tween years room from bland to bright. and desperately wants a place of her own that represents her tastes. Try "interviewing" Use vertical space your child to determine how she wishes to Add some shelving at plate-rail height use her room and what colours and themes (typically located toward the upper part she'd most like to see. of the wall). This is a great way to display awards, trophies, collectibles, toys or stuffed Colour their world animals. As the child ages, what's displayed Paint is the easiest, cheapest way to 'change' can change to reflect their interests.

Hide the evidence From the moment they're born, kids begin to accumulate a lot of stuff. Storage is crucial and, believe it or not, implementing it in creative ways can make all the difference in the look of your kid's bedroom. For the younger sports lover, consider a football-shaped toy box. Or invest in a small storage unit with baskets or bins that can be color-coded or marked for specific items. Organisation can make a You've got the hook Utilising hooks in a kid's room is a great way to help cluttered room look brand-new. teach them to hang their stuff up so it's not on the floor or all over their bed, but it's especially important to Encourage participation hang the hooks at the kid's level, otherwise, it defeats Whatever you do with your children's bedrooms, if you involve them in the planning process, then the purpose. encourage their participation in the execution of the updates to help make their bedrooms feel even more Book it Is there a spare corner or nook in your kid's room? like their own private space. This might be just the place to add a colourful, multitasking bookshelf. Source: Put a cork in it Available by the tile or in rolls, cork on the walls is a sound-deadener and acts as a large bulletin board. So whether you have a loud music-lover on your hands or just someone who has a habit of tacking up their own decorations, this is the best of both worlds for parents and kids, without damaging the walls.

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12 |

Thursday, 24 April 2014



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Hang a Picture

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Although it’s a simple DIY project, picture hanging can be frustrating if you can’t get the frames where you want them (and potentially expensive if you knock holes in the wall). Hanging a picture on a wall is arguably the simplest of all DIY home-improvement projects. In fact, it’s almost impossible to do it wrong. Almost. As with most things, there’s a right and a wrong way to hang pictures. The most common problems include hanging the picture securely so it doesn’t fall, pinpointing the nail location so the picture hangs exactly where you want it, and hanging it perfectly level. There’s no single, surefire way to hang every picture. But here are several tips that can help you hang virtually any frame as perfectly and precisely as an art gallery.

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Strength When hanging a picture, it’s best to drive the nail into a stud wall for superior strength. But chances are you’re not going to. Studs are typically spaced 40cm on centre and are only 3.5cm thick, so the chance that a stud will be in the same place where you want to hang your picture is remote—you’re much more likely to tap the nail into a void between two studs. And for small- to medium-size pictures, that’s okay. A single 3cm or 5cm finishing nail will support most pictures, even when nailing between studs. The trick is to drive

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the nail into the wall at a steep angle, at least 45 degrees. That will provide much greater holding power than tapping the nail straight into the wall. Another option is to use a picturehanging hook, which comes with its own small-diameter nail. These specialty fasteners come in a wide variety of sizes and are surprisingly strong—if properly installed. First, insert the nail through the sleeve on the hook, then hold the hook against the wall at the desired height. (The hook automatically aligns the nail at the optimum angle.) Next, tap the nail all the way in. Just be careful not to strike the hook, or it’ll cut into the wall. Generally, screws provide more holding power than nails, so they’re better for hanging large, heavy pictures. When hanging a picture between studs, use a hollow-wall anchor, such as a toggle bolt, molly bolt, or spiral anchor. A spiral anchor is the easiest to install: Simply drive it into the wall with a screwdriver, then drive a screw into the anchor. Some spiral anchors come with special picturehanging hooks. Placement We’ve been there: You’re staring at the wall, trying to figure out where you need to drive your nails so your pictures hang in just the right, pleasing spot. Here is a quick, effective method for figuring it out: Hold the picture against the wall at the desired height, then draw a short pencil line on the well that marks the top of where the picture will go. You don’t have to draw all the way across the top of the picture—just make a short line at the centre. Take down the picture; hook a measuring tape onto the hanging wire attached to the back of the frame (or whatever will be sitting on the nail to hold up the picture). Pull the wire tight and measure the distance to the top edge of the frame. Now simply measure down from the pencil line on the wall that same distance, mark the spot, and drive in the nail. If you’re using a picture-hanging hook, make sure the hook—not the nail—is level with the spot you marked. Straightness Sure, you know how to use a level to get straight pictures. But if you pictures don’t stay level, try this simple trick. Go to a hardware store and buy a package of small rubber bumpers, the kind with peel-and-stick adhesive backing. Take the offending picture and place it facedown on a covered surface. Stick one bumper onto each bottom, rear corner of the frame, then rehang the picture. The rubber bumpers will provide a little traction and help hold the picture straight and level. And as a bonus, the bumpers create airspace behind the picture, which prevents dust and dirt from collecting and creating “shadows” on the wall. Source: http://www.

News | 13

Thursday, 24 April 2014

LIFESTYLE The Pseudo-Science of Alcoholics Anonymous:

There is a better way to treat addiction Alcoholics Anonymous is a part of our fabric. In the 76 years since AA was created, 12-step programs have expanded to include over three hundred different organisations, focusing on such diverse issues as smoking, shoplifting, social phobia, debt, recovery from incest, even vulgarity. All told, more than five

million people recite the Serenity Prayer at meetings across the United States alone, every year. 12-step programs hold a privileged place in our culture as well. The legions of “anonymous” members who comprise these groups are helped in their proselytising mission by TV shows such as “Intervention” (now cancelled), which preaches the

gospel of recovery. “Going to rehab” is likewise a common refrain in music and film, where it is almost always uncritically presented as the one true hope for beating addiction. AA and rehab have even been codified into legal systems around the world: court-mandated attendance, which began in the late 1980s, is today a

staple of drug-crime policy. Every year, governments all over, spend over US$15 billion on substance-abuse treatment for addicts, the vast majority of which are based on 12-step programs. There is only one problem: these programs almost always fail. Peer-reviewed studies peg the success rate of AA somewhere between 5 and 10 percent. That is, about one of every fifteen people who enter these programs is able to become and stay sober. In 2006, one of the most prestigious scientific research organisations in the world, the Cochrane Collaboration, conducted a review of the many studies conducted between 1966 and 2005 and reached a stunning conclusion: “No experimental studies unequivocally demonstrated the effectiveness of AA” in treating alcoholism. This group reached the same conclusion about professional

AA-oriented treatment (12-step facilitation therapy, or TSF), which is the core of virtually every alcoholism-rehabilitation program worldwide. Many people greet this finding with open hostility. After all, walk down any street in any city and you are likely to run into a dozen people who swear by AA— either from personal experience or because they know someone whose life was saved by the program. Even people who have no experience with AA may still have heard that it works or protest that 5 to 10 percent is a significant number when we’re talking about millions of people. "So AA isn’t perfect, "runs this thread of reasoning. "Have you got anything better?" Excerpted from "The Sober Truth: Debunking the Bad Science Behind 12Step Programs and the Rehab Industry"

Parents Asked the Internet to Name Their Baby, and Here's What They "Unfortunately internet I know better Picked ... than to trust you," Stephen wrote on the Sometimes, second really is the best. In January, expectant dad Stephen McLaughlin created the website, asking Internet strangers to do just that. Now, he and his wife, Alysha, have announced on the website that little Amelia Savannah Joy McLaughlin was born on 7 April. After 150,000 votes, the name "Amelia" was actually the runner up. It technically lost to “Cthulhu All-Spark," Canada's Global News reports. The family had retained the right to overrule public opinion.

website when he launched it. "We will ultimately be making the final decision." And it's a good thing they did. Not only was the winner a bit, er, nontraditional, others included Megatron, Zelda, and Streetlamp. In an earlier Reddit AMA, Stephen said that people were generally respectful, and he only had to delete a few suggested names that were "STIs and a couple of sexual positions." Welcome to the world, Amelia. You'll always be Cthulhu in our hearts.

14 | Worldwide News

Thursday, 24 April 2014

W orldwid e Earth-Like Planet Powdered Alcohol? Discovered Only 500 Light Years Away It sits in the habitable zone, and estimates suggest it may be rocky.

Image credit: NASA Ames/SETI Institute/JPL-CalTech Less than two months ago, NASA’s Kepler mission announced the confirmation of 700 new exoplanets, but its latest news of a single exosolar system may be a bit more exciting. Kepler has now found an Earth-like planet that may have liquid water on its surface, and the new discovery is located less than 500 light years away. Since its launch in 2009, Kepler has been finding exoplanets with a deceptively simple technique. At any given time, it stares at thousands of stars, looking for a dip in the amount of light received from them. That dip can be caused by a planet passing in front of whatever star it is orbiting (from the perspective of Earth). By observing the time interval between these dips and the size of the dip, Kepler can calculate the planet’s orbit and radius. When this data is combined with other data from the star, astronomers can build a rough picture of what the planetary system looks like. The new planet has been named Kepler 186f, and it is part of a five-planet system that is orbiting a red dwarf star (smaller and cooler than the Sun). What makes 186f so interesting is that its radius is only 1.1 times that of the Earth and it is orbiting its star in the habitable zone. This is the distance where, if the planet has water, it is

likely to remain in the liquid form. Liquid water is essential to life as we know it, and planets in this zone remain the top candidates to harbour some form of life. Although NASA can’t be sure about the mass of 186f, it can make an educated guess based on previous data from planets this size. Given that estimate and the planet's size, their guess is that 186f might be a rocky planet. The other planets in this planetary system are all smaller than 186f and orbit too close to the star to have any liquid water. Although the orbit of 186f is about 53 million kilometres from the star (Mercury's distance from the Sun), the star is much smaller. Therefore, this distance puts 186f far enough away to not boil off any water it may have. That is about all that we know about 186f for now. Kepler doesn’t have the capacity to give information about the planet’s atmosphere, its surface temperature, or even its density. But Kepler is achieving what it set out to find—Earthsized planets. Getting details is left to a future telescope. And according to a recent analysis, there might be 17 billion Earth-sized planets in the Milky Way alone. That's more than enough to keep any Kepler successors busy.

Humans have been enjoying alcohol for thousands of years in a variety of forms, but one aspect has always remained constant: it was liquid. Inventor Mark Phillips has created a product that could revolutionise what we think about cocktails and gives a whole new meaning to ‘dry martini’: powdered alcohol. To turn Palcohol into your favorite adult beverage, you just add the powdered alcohol (which comes in a package sort of like a sugar packet) to five ounces of water. It currently comes in six varieties: rum, vodka, cosmopolitan, mojito, margarita, and lemon drop. Swapping out the water for a different mixer (such as soda or juice) can personalize the drink to suit an individual’s taste preference. Many are excited because Palcohol could be discretely brought in to places where liquor is not available or exorbitantly priced, such as sporting events, concerts, movie theaters, airplanes, cruise ships, and the like. However, it is for this precise reason that many are opposing its availability. One of the first questions to be brought up regarding the product was if it could be snorted. The short answer is yes, but it’s a terrible idea. The Palcohol website says this about snorting: “We have seen comments about goofballs wanting to snort it. Don't do it! It is not a responsible or smart way to use the product. To take precautions against this action, we've added volume to the powder so it would take more than a half of a cup of powder to get the equivalent of one drink up your nose. You would feel a lot of pain for very little gain. Just use it the right way.” Despite approval from the TTB, there are many obstacles Palcohol faces before it shows up on store shelves, as each state must also approve the sale of powdered alcohol. Even if it is perfectly legal, retailers and wholesalers will also need to support its sale. It is almost certain that those who oppose it will be putting considerable pressure on them to oppose it, so there’s no telling how everything will play out. Despite the legal uncertainty, the

http://www. minds behind Palcohol Source: are still planning for a fall availability. There are no p o w d e r e d - a l c o h o l current predictions on how coming-us much the product will cost.

Motoring | 15

Thursday, 24 April 2014

MOTORING The Most Expensive Cars 2014

The priciest cars in the world are as much specimens of automotive engineering as they are moving masterpieces of luxury. These are the fastest, most nimble, and innovative machines on the road. Exotic, lightweight materials in the body, dashboards that resemble fighterjet cockpits, and leather from floor to ceiling are just a few of the standard bells and whistles one can expect when you own one of these meticulous pieces of metal. All of them cost more than most Americans spend on a home. These cars are so fast, so expensive and so exclusive they mock the term "supercar," which is an affront to their true place in the automotive realm. For instance, hypercars are supercars with tip-of-the-spear tech in terms of materials, build quality and engineering prowess. They're aerodynamically efficient and fuel efficient, which can be a relative term in this lot. A few of these million-dollar babies are hybrids, with others running more "efficient" V8 engines in place of the requisite V12. The bottom line is that it will take an impressive bottom line to afford any of these four-wheeled creations. Study the specs, buy a lottery ticket and keep your fingers crossed.

Lamborghini Veneno Roadster | USD 4.5 million This thing is a jaw-dropper, though more for its price tag and angular body lines than for its horsepower rating. A 740-horsepower 6.5-liter V12 engine is nothing to sneeze at, but we are having a hard time wrapping our heads around the supercar's USD 4.5 million price tag. That's the equivalent of four regular Bugatti Veyrons, or an Enzo Ferrari for each day of the week — you get the idea. The car, named after the Spanish word for venom, features carbon-fibre everything, screams to 60 mph in 2.9 seconds and tops out at 220 mph. Bugatti Veyron Grand Sport Vitesse | USD 2.6 million The Bugatti Veyron Grand Sport Vitesse had a singular mission: to become the topspeed world-record holder for a convertible. And the quad-turbo 1200-horsepower 16-cylinder topless blur accomplished that feat at 254.04 mph. The W16 engine reportedly consumes a full tank of gas in a scant eight minutes at full throttle. That's 3.3 gallons per minute — what kind of fuel pump moves that much fuel that fast?

W Motors Lykan Hypersport | USD 3.4 million Perhaps the most interesting aspect of the Lykan Hypersport is its place of origin: the Middle East. W Motors is based in Dubai, which makes sense because a vast majority of high-dollar exotic cars find their way into garages in the United Arab Emirates. W Motors looks to cut the shipping time. A twin-turbo flat-6 engine pushing 750 horsepower motivates the sharp-edged supercar to 60 mph in 2.8 seconds. The production run of W Motors' first-ever model will be seven.




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