Ni issue 89 06032014

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Independent free!

Great news for the coast!

Tel: 064 200497

Issue 89 - Thursday, 06 March 2014 to Wednesday, 12 March 2014









Bank Windhoek

Mini-ATM’s in Gambling Houses Tanya Calitz

It has come to light that there are several Gambling Houses and bars on the coast that offer their customers the convenience of the well-known Cash Express ATM cash machine in the Gambling House itself, despite the social ills inflicted by gambling and alcohol addictions. The Namib Independent visited these gambling houses and was shocked to discover many people already deeply engaged with the gambling machines at the early hours 11am and midday, continuously paying a visit to the ATM machine placed inside the gambling house. These specific cash-machines may be found country-wide and according to Bank Windhoek’s website, form part of some 200 ATMS countrywide. Cash Express machines where launched about seven years ago through a strategic

partnership between Bank Windhoek and South African firm ATM Solutions. The ATM’s were all branded with Bank Windhoek branding. Upon inquiry Bank Windhoek said that they were not aware of that such machines were available in these premises. “I am not aware of the ATM machines in gambling houses. We have given explicit instructions to ATM Solutions, the owners of the Cash Express Machines, that the Bank Windhoek branded machines may not be used in gambling houses, or even bottle stores,” said Bank Windhoek’s Head of Corporate Communications and Social Investments, Riaan van Rooyen. However, after speaking to ATM Solutions in Johannesburg, Rob Rogan ATM Solutions’ Commercial Director said that Bank Windhoek gets a list of names and addresses of all the locations where their branded ATM’s are placed. “Bank

Windhoek needs to approve of the location or business, before we supply it to the client who applied for the cash machine.” The Namib Independent also spoke to some staff members in

these gambling houses in Walvis Bay and Kuisebmond who informed the paper that they see people gamble out their entire salaries. “It especially happens on the first weekend of the new

month. The people come here and starts with only N$50, but as they drink more they want to gamble more, and they end up in front of the Continued on Page 3

Toxic Nuclear Material Transported Through Local Towns Lavrenty Repin A truck transporting uranium oxide (Yellowcake) to the port of Walvis Bay from one of Paladin’s uranium mines was involved in an accident, resulting in a spill, in Malawi over the weekend. Since the truck was bound

for Walvis Bay, members of the public have taken to Facebook to raise concerns over the likeliness and consequences of such a spill happening in Namibia. Investigation conducted by the government of Malawi concluded the cause of the accident as driver error, stating that he lost control of the vehicle while negotiating a

turn; the container fell loose and was punctured by a tree stump resulting in radioactive material contaminating the area, which is sparsely populated. In 2011 already a truck driver working for Paladin Energy died in a fatal accident after his truck caught fire. One of the immediate concerns raised following these revelations is the details of a contingency plan for a spill occurring in any of the towns the delivery truck

passes through before reaching the Walvis Bay harbour. Other questions included the duration of time that radioactive material remains in the port before departing and the amount of material that passes through Namibia on a monthly basis. Paladin Energy’s head office in Australia could not divulge the Continued on Page 2

2 | News

Thursday, 06 March 2014

Toxic Nuclear Material Transported Through Local Towns

Weekly Crossword

Continued from Page 1


“but how effective is it? Can they simulate something for us; give us a demonstration so we can feel safe? First of all, who will you call, is someone on standby 24 hours to deal with this? I can handle any oil, diesel and even chemical spills, but not uranium, which shows just how complicated it is.” He explained that, in the case of a spill in a populated area, the public would need to undergo extensive radiation treatment and testing, for which the equipment is not readily available. Mr Coetzee affirmed that he thinks if a spill were to happen in a residential area it would be a disaster.

Disclaimer: Namib Independent is published by Halfround Communications CC. All rights are reserved. Whilst every care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the information contained within, no liability can be accepted by the publishers or contributors for any errors, misstatements or omissions which may have occurred. The opinions expressed in the publication are not necessarily those of the publishers. Also, the publishers accept no legal liability regarding copyright ownership for material which was supplied directly to the publishers by any of the advertisers or contributors.

I don't know if we can tell the public that they are really safe.

“I don't know if we can tell the public that they are really safe,” he said. Mr Swiegers from the Uranium Institute told the Namib Independent that his institution takes such scenarios very serious. “We train people to respond and deal with these situations effectively. With an accident there are basic principles such as demarcating the area, keeping people out of harm’s way and keeping the environment clean. The impact that it has on people's [perception] is far more than the reality on the ground,” Mr Swiegers downplayed the issue. However, he admitted that although considered only mildly radioactive, uranium oxide is hazardous to people, and is classified as a heavy-base metal. He also said that once trucks enter Namibia they are accompanied by members of the police, ministry and NRPA (National Radiation Protection Authority), who did not respond to questions over email. Namport Corporate and Cooperation Manager, Liz Sibindi, told the Namib Independent that Namport have an Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan in place to deal with all types of emergencies, including uranium. They conduct annual drills on uranium spillages together with the uranium industry, which include all uranium mines. In total, between 30 and 40 containers pass through the harbor each month, being stored in a dedicated site for an average of three to six days. She also assured that all Namport personnel involved in the handling and storage of uranium regularly undergo training on dangerous goods.

ACROSS 1. Gem (5) 4. Shade of yellow tinged with orange (7) 8. Symetrically arranged (7) 9. Pouch (3) 10. Two-wheeled vehicle (7) 11. Publish (5) 12. Patisserie (6) 14. Syntactic category (6) 17. Wanderer (5) 19. Stone pillar (7) 22. Mesh (3) 23. Floorshow (7) 24. Stayed clear from (7) 25. Groups of cattle (5)


Solution to Last Week's Crossword How to enter: fill out and drop in PO Box 5085 or email: or fax: 064 200 474 with your name and contact details


1. Jests (5) 2. Male witch or demon (7) 3. Source of illumination (5) 4. Remuneration (6) 5. Surreptitious (7) 6. Hazards (5) 7. Type of power (7) 12. Very rich vein of precious ore (7) 13. Made smaller (7) 15. Vagrant (7) 16. Prohibit (6) 18. Slogan (5) 20. Planet (5) 21. Praise (5)

Last Week’s Winner

Tel (+264 64) 200 497 Email Sales Chanté Nell 081 667 4694 Gareth Amos 081 128 2197 Design Maggie's Attic Graphic Design

Winners should book in advance and drinks are not included in prize.

Address 127 Theo Ben Gurirab Street (MVA Office Complex) PO Box 5085, Walvis Bay, Namibia



amount of Yellowcake entering Namibia because the “information is bound by International Safeguards arrangements”. However, in 2009 Paladin deputy country manager, Wener Messidat, told that at least three containers are transported each month: “We will be sending three containers at a time but the target will be to send six containers each month.” This would have equaled at least two trucks per month, a number which is likely to be higher today. A statement released by Paladin Energy read: “You can be assured that Paladin retains a complete action plan to deal with any incident regarding the handling of our product both during production and transport including storage. The protocols for dealing with any spills fully conform to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).” The statement also pointed out that the spill in Malawi was dealt with expertly. “The method of containerising uranium product from Kayelekera Mine is the same method that the uranium producing companies in Namibia use, and Namibia has a long safety history in this regard.” However, Mr Jannie Coetzee, an environmentalist from waste management company EnviroServ, does not share the sentiment. He explained that Namibia does not have experienced reliable companies to deal with uranium contamination. “Most big companies in Namibia use cross-borders spill companies in South Africa or even Botswana, because few companies can survive in Namibia.” This means the response time following a spill will be insufficient. “The policies are in place, from the government and the company, but I don't think we can handle it if it happens. It's been neglected; the local authority, to my knowledge, hasn’t got the inspectors on the ground to physically monitor this kind of thing.” “Sure there is legislation,” Mr Coetzee continued,



Walvis Bay


7 day forecast

7 day forecast

7 day forecast

Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed 06 Mar


07 Mar


Anne-Marie Seghers wins a three course dinner for two at Lyon De Sables

08 Mar


09 Mar


10 Mar


11 Mar











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12 Mar


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07 Mar


08 Mar










09 Mar


10 Mar


11 Mar





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12 Mar

23 Sunny


Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed 06 Feb

Cape Town Johannesburg Port Elizabeth Durban Luanda Harare Gaborone

07 Feb

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News | 3

Thursday, 06 March 2014

Bank Windhoek Mini-ATM’s in Gambling Houses Continued from Page 1

ATM machines several times on the day,” said one of the bar men in a Kuisebmond gambling house. Speaking to all the different parties involved in placing the machines in the gambling houses, no one seems to want to take responsibility and keeps passing the buck. Speaking to the manager of one of the gambling houses he blatantly said that by having an ATM machine in the gambling house is the best and ‘fastest way for them to get the customers money into their (business) pocket.’ But on a more serious note explained that it is a catch 22 situation for them, but one must remember that first and foremost they are a business. According to van Rooyen the Windhoek branch will be communicating with the coastal branches to investigate the placements of ATM’s with their branding on it, and said that, “In no uncertain terms does Bank Windhoek endorse the promotion of socially undesirable practices like gambling or alcohol abuse, hence Bank Windhoek does not see gambling houses, casinos and clubs as “strategically placed” as your email insinuates.” Despite being furnished with photographs of the ATM’s clearly installed next to slot machines as well as images of outdoor signs advertising the ATM’s availability within the gambling houses, one in the city centre, Van Rooyen, stated “Bank Windhoek is proud of its record as a responsible corporate citizen and will not allow good business practices to be contravened.” “As is the case with many establishments, these places have meals available, but also bar and gambling areas. The Cash Express machines are installed in the restaurant areas, or away from the gambling and bar areas. The owners of these establishments are entrusted with the responsibility to ensure that the laws of the country are upheld,” van Rooyen said. Van Rooyen elected to stand by this statement despite the fact that The Namib Independent had sent him images of the ATM’s in the gambling houses. In addition at each gambling house that has the ATM’s there is highly visible outdoor advertising material advertising that the Bank

Windhoek / ATM’s are available inside the premises. In a press release issued by ATM Solutions to commemorate the 200th Bank Windhoek Cash Express ATM in Namibia Executive Officer: Marketing and Corporate Communication Services at Bank Windhoek said: “Aside from the fact that the alliance with ATM Solutions has helped Bank Windhoek to enhance its service offering and increase its CASH EXPRESS ATM footprint, it also helped the Bank to achieve its objective of providing customers with accessible and affordable banking.”

Passengers No Longer Allowed on Back of Trucks The Minister of Works and Transport, Erkki Nghimtina said on Monday that government will soon table a bill which will make transporting people in the back of trucks illegal. The Minister made this announcement earlier this week following the many truckrelated accidents involving people being transported on the back of tipper trucks, etc. “Employers are once again urged to stop carrying their employees at the back of trucks. The practice is degrading, inhumane and a road safety threat, and therefore should not be allowed in an independent Namibia,” Nghimtina said in a media statement. According to the MVA Fund Call Centre statistics for December 2013

to February this year, a record 721 crashes were recorded on the national roads of which 84 involved trucks, some of them carrying passengers. The Minister also spoke out against the drivers and employers of these

Taking you in the

companies, saying that they have no regard for human life, when allowing workers to be transported on the back of tipper trucks and other inappropriate vehicles.

right direction

Forwarding Clearing Logistics Ships’ Agency

Tel: +264 64 27 5480

4 | News

Thursday, 06 March 2014

Dirty Developers

Dump in Park

MUNICIPALITY OF WALVIS BAY APPLICATION FOR THE EXEMPTION OF RATES LEVIED ON RATEABLE PROPERTIES FOR THE YEAR 2014/2015 Notice is hereby given in terms of section 75 of the Local Authorities Act, 1992, (Act 23 of 1992) as amended, that applications from qualifying institutions for the exemption of rates levied on rateable properties for the year 1 July 2014 to 30 June 2015 must be submitted on the prescribed application form by no later than Friday 30 May 2014 at 12:00. Applications for exemption shall only be received from religious, educational and charitable institutions and amateur sporting organisations not for gain, as contemplated in section 75 of the said Act, while the Municipality of Walvis Bay reserves the right to grant exemption / not to grant any exemption irrespective of the qualifying status of any applicant. Application forms and further details are available from the Manager: Corporate Services, Room 201, Civic Centre, Nangolo Mbumba Drive, Walvis Bay during normal office hours. Note that it is not the responsibility of the Municipality to inform qualifying institutions to apply for the exemption of rates, nor would any late or nonqualifying applications be considered. Francina Mwandingi Acting General Manager: Human Resources and Corporate Services

Siglinde de Villiers


MARINE ENGINEERING OFFICER CLASS 5/MARINE MOTORMAN Etosha Fishing Corporation (Pty) GRADE 1 Ltd, an equal opportunity employer in the Pelagic Fishing Industry in Walvis Bay, requires the services of a Marine Engineer 1. Officer Class 5 / Marine Motorman Grade

Etosha Fishing Corporation (Pty) Ltd, an equal opportunity employer RESPONSIBILITIES in the Pelagic Fishing Industry in Walvis Bay, requires the services of a Marine Engineer Officer Class 5 / Marine Motorman Grade 1. • Carry out maintenance onboard our Fishing Vessels. out general fault finding and trouble shooting on all electrical, refrig • Carry eration, hydraulic and electronic related systems RESPONSIBILITIES • Perform periodic checks of alarms and maintaining a register to monitor • procedures. Ensure quality fish to be delivered at the factory from high seas.

• •

Carry out maintenance onboard our Fishing Vessels. Carry out planned maintenance plans and compile in registers. Monitor Condition Monitoring System on the vessel. Carry out general fault finding and trouble shooting on all electrical, refrigeration, hydraulic and electronic related REQUIREMENTS • Must be a Namibian citizen. systems • Must have a Marine Engineering Officer Class 5 / Marine Motorman Grade  Perform periodic checks of alarms and maintaining a register 1 certificate as qualification. • Must be willing to work in Angola for long periods of time. to monitor procedures. At least two years’ experience on Purse Seine and Pelagic Trawl RSW ves• Ensure quality fish to be delivered at the factory from high sels of more than 400 tons. seas. • Proof of all relevant safety certificates should be attached. Proof of updated seamen’s record book. • Carry out planned maintenance plans and compile in • Proof of medical fitness certificate should be attached. registers. • Good knowledge of Safety, Health, Environment and Quality rules and regulations.  Monitor Condition Monitoring System on the vessel.

Candidates from previously disadvantaged groups are encouraged to apply for this position. The Company offers an above average salary, inclusive of pension REQUIREMENTS and medical aid.

 

     

Must be a Namibian citizen. SHORTLISTED CANDIDATES WILL BE CONTACTED Must have a Marine Engineering Officer Class 5 / Marine Closing Date: 10 March 2014 @ 12h00 Motorman Grade 1 certificate as qualification. Written application can be addressed to: Mrs Shireen Andima Must be willing to work in Angola for long periods of time. Etosha Fishing Corporation (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 3, Walvis Bay At least two years’ experience on Purse Seine and Pelagic Email: Trawl RSW vessels of more than 400 tons. Proof of all relevant safety certificates should be attached. Proof of updated seamen’s record book. Proof of medical fitness certificate should be attached. Good knowledge of Safety, Health, Environment and Quality rules and regulations. Continued from Page 1

POST YOUR news, views & comments on our Candidates from previously disadvantaged groups are encouraged


to apply for this position. The Company offers an above average salary, inclusive of pension and medical aid.

Several Walvis Bay residents living around the park in Hermes are concerned about the unsightly building rubble from the new development being dumped in the childrens’ play park, claiming that it is destroying the park. Sonja Blaauw from the Jonah Home said, “The building has inconvenienced all, and we really miss the park. It used to be the playing area for the neighbourhood’s children, but they do not go there anymore, because the children feel unsafe. All the grass is dead, the park looks neglected and the children do not enjoy it anymore.” Bennie Smith, another resident of the area, has a slightly different viewpoint. “Sometimes the children also are responsible for destroying the park,” he claimed, adding, “For some reason, the municipality pours so much money into the park, but to no effect. Today they plant new grass, tomorrow the grass is dead.” Smith finds that progress in the community comes at a price. “Those who do the planning do not do their homework. It does not help to tackle projects but no research has been done. We trust the municipality to have our best interests at heart, but communication is a missing link and in the end usually we sit with the mess.” Jacu Smit, project developer of the building in question, claimed to have received a permit from the Municipality to place the rubble in the park. “I have a physical paper in my hand giving me

permission to utilise the park because there is no space on the erf, for we are developing the 2700m² to its full potential,” he explained. “We are trying to upgrade the residential area and provide housing for low income groups,” Smit added. According to Kevin Adams from the Walvis Bay Municipality, they do not allow any dumping of building rubble in public spaces except for some cases. “The engineer in our building department would give temporary permission to use the pavement if there is no storage room on the property. However, this does not mean that the developer has permission to dump the rubble on an open piece of ground and he is still responsible for removing it on a daily basis,” Adams explained. Smit stated that he collects 10m³ of rubble before he drives it away. “In the meantime however, I ensure that it is kept neat and tidy because I am very environmentally conscious.” According to Smit, the Municipality had closed the park for their sewage plant; but it looks much cleaner now than when the Municipality was busy in it. The Municipality could not confirm this statement by the time of going to print. “The park was not in a good condition when our building started,” Smit said. As soon as they are done with the building in August he wants to rehabilitate the park. “It is not my responsibility to rehabilitate the park but due to the fact that we used the ground I will see what I can do as a developer to get the park back into a beautiful condition for the children,” Smit concluded.

News | 5

Thursday, 06 March 2014

Exclusive Face-to-Face with CEO of Elgin Brown & Hamer Hannes Uys (EBH) Namibia Tanya Calitz In the light of recent media reports regarding employment issues within the company, EBH Namibia CEO, Mr Hannes Uys granted the Namib Independent an exclusive first ever face-to-face interview since taking up his position with the company, to discuss EBH Namibia as a national asset to Namibia. A few times Uys referred to EBH as a

unique business in Namibia, which is a lovely success story, contributing to the Namibian economy on a vast scale. “If you look at the evolution of the company since its inception in 2006, in employment and value adding, EBH is definitely a national asset, which has played a huge part in contributing to the country’s economy as a whole,” Uys said. With the first dock, Namdock One’s arrival, the company was only employing

an estimated 50 people, but has since grown and now employs over 800 people, boasting three floating docks in total. Uys said that one must remember that EBH’s clientele is 95% international, which means that it is imperative that they deliver service of an international calibre, and because EBH is the only one of its kind in Namibia, it has a lot to do in terms of skills development. “No-one else in Namibia does what we do, so we had to get it set up with the help of international players to become fully operational, and once we saw that this was a sustainable business we immediately started implementing the Namibianisation process,” the CEO explained. Uys said that when one looks at how EBH recruits, one sees that they follow a policy, which looks ‘in-house’, then national (Namibia), then Africa, and only then once they cannot find the skills on the African continent, do they recruit internationally. “It is a policy we brought in some time ago and it is wellgoverned.” Uys again stressed that the public needs to understand that EBH is a unique business, and they have no-one else to compare to in Namibia, which often creates unique requirements in terms of employment. Another key point Uys raised was the fact that the clients expect international standards and compare Namibia’s shipping yard to what the rest of the world offers. “The client wants to be sure that you have the skills set to take proper care of their particular project in a certain time. EBH’s main business is in the off-shore oil industry, and EBH’s key market is the off-shore support vessels that supply the oil rigs. “If a client takes one of their vessels off charter, which is based in Angola for instance, he can earn up to about USD27 000 per day with that vessel. So he schedules his maintenance and takes a three-day journey to the shipping yard and wants to be sure that when he arrives in Namibia he can be assisted immediately with no interruptions and can leave again within an acceptable time-frame, in order

to exactly calculate the revenue he will be losing by taking his vessel out of operation,” Uys explained. According to him, this guarantee from EBH indicates stability in Namibia, resources and skills. “One must remember that if we do not have these skills in place and are unable to keep this promise to our clients, not only does EBH lose out on the deal, but Namibia as a whole. The client in fact, redirects his vessel from Namibia, and not EBH. This again demonstrates and underlines the importance of constant skills development and upgrading our service delivery,” he laid out. Uys proudly announced that Namibia is either first or second choice of international shipping companies on the West Coast of Africa as a preferred shipping yard. Briefly addressing the current feeling of unhappiness of some employees, Uys said that he thinks that the employees feel that the growth and Namibianisation process is not happening fast enough. “The crux of the matter is that we are being requested to overlook certain policies within our organisation that are fundamental, which is something that we simply cannot do. We are finding ourselves in a situation where we are in a process of sitting around the table talking and finding ways to resolve the issues. It is a process many companies go through, just a pity that ours is public,” Uys explained, adding, “As for the public, we have released statistics on our employment figures, which I think speak for themselves and the public can decide for themselves if these are relevant.” Uys also said that they have completed an internal climate survey where an independent party came in and questioned and interviewed a cross-section from management to bargaining unit to employees about their view on the company. The results have come back and they are busy analysing it. Once analysed a report will be compiled and handed out to every single employee. In the report one can see trends within the organisation, which can also give management and the company as a whole a better idea of whether the issues are traditionally fuelled, income-related, gender-based, or age group related. “In any situation where you have a diverse group of employees from different backgrounds and cultures, you will see misunderstandings. I am confident that by going through a process of reconciliation and by having a roll-out of our values, which all agree to, we can reach an agreement that everyone can refer back to when an issue arises.” Coming back to skills development and speeding up the process of Namibianisation, EBH has many programs in place to assist them. “We have several IDP’s (Individual Development Plans) in place, which means we offer opportunities on a tertiary level, such as international exchange programs, up-skilling programmes and our partners in South Africa, the DCD Group, have industryspecific learning programmes and centres, which are also available to EBH Namibia,” Uys concluded.

6 | News

Thursday, 06 March 2014

Namibian Dolphin Project Educates Youth


power to the people



QUOTATION 02/2014 QUOTATIONS FOR LEGAL ADVICE TO ERONGO RED Erongo RED hereby requests quotations for legal services from reputable law firms to assist Erongo RED with all legal aspects. Closing Date: Document Enquiries: Document Fees: Telephone: Enquiries : Telephone: Facsimile:

Friday, 14 March 2014 Mrs. A. Welgemoed None +264 (0) 64 214 600 Freddie Vries +264 (0) 64 214 600 +264 (0) 64 214 601

Siglinde de Villiers

Documents in a sealed envelope clearly marked: “Quotation 02/2014” addressed to the Chairperson of the Tender Committee must be placed in the tender box at the Enquiries desk at: 91, Hage Geingob Str, Erongo RED Building, 1st Floor, Walvis Bay or be posted to the Chairperson of the Tender Committee, P.O. Box 2925, Walvis Bay, to reach him at the latest by: 10:00 on Friday, 14 March 2014. Please note no faxed or e-mailed documents as well as documents received after the specified closing date and time will be considered for evaluation.


Municipality of Walvis Bay

Notice is hereby given in terms of section 63(2)(b) of the Local Authorities Act, 1992 (Act23/1992), as amended, the Council of the Municipality of Walvis Bay intends to sell, by private transaction, the following Ervens 1630 & 1789 Walvis Bay to Ivo De Gouveia.


Ervens 1630 & 1789 Walvis Bay





Purchase Price

This past weekend, the Namibian Dolphin Project hosted a fundraising event and education day at the Waterfront to raise more awareness on Namibia’s dolphins and whales. Saturday morning about 200 children lined up in front of Anchors Restaurant, eager to learn more about dolphins and whales. With the motto of “nice to see, great to do”, the Namibia Dolphin Project (NDP) set up several stations with educational activities. Children flocked to their favourite stations, which included Sounds of the Sea, Weigh the Whale and Crafty Creatures. Simon Helwin, marine scientist for the NDP, said, “It is very surprising how little people know about dolphins, and these children are very privileged to get this exposure.” The children were ecstatic when Laramon Tours sponsored a boat trip for them around the harbour. Tess Gridley, a marine scientist from the NDP, recalled, “The education day was a big success. “We would like to do something similar in the future, provided we get sponsors.” Unfortunately, the fundraising dinner on Friday that preceded the Dolphin Education Day was not as successful. “The event itself was brilliant with local conservation groups and businesses attending,” Tess said, “but we were hoping for the larger container, fishing and shipping industries to become more financially

Little Grave on the Outskirts of Meersig

N$4 382 750.00 plus 15% Vat N$657 412.50

An additional amount of N$438 275.00 is to be paid for landscaping and the establishment green belt. Full particulars pertaining to the sale will lie for inspection by interested persons until Webnesday 26 March 2014 at room 30, Municipal Offices, Kuisebmond. For more information Ms S Mupupa can be contacted at telephone (064) 201 3294 during office hours. Written objections, fully motivated, to the intended transaction must be recieved by the undersigned before or at 12:00 Monday 31 March.

A Victor General Manager: Community & Economic Development Municipal Offices Civic Centre, Nangolo Mbumba Drive Private Bag 5017 Walvis Bay, Fax: (064) 209714

Municipality of Walvis Bay

Notice is hereby given in terms of section 63(2)(b) of the Local Authorities Act, 1992 (Act 23/1992), as amended, that the Council of the Municipality of Walvis Bay intends to sell, by private transaction, the following General Residential II to Namibia Ship Chandlers Limited:


Errf 6577 Kuisebmond




General Residential II

Purchase Price N$855,450.00

An additional amount of N$85,545.00 is to be paid for landscaping and the establishment of green belts is to be paid. Full particulars pertaining to the sale will lie for inspection by interested persons until Wednesday, 2 April 2014 at room 30, Municipal Offices, Kuisebmond. For more information Ms S Mupupa can be contacted at telephone (064) 2013294 during office hours. Written objections, duly motivated, to the intended transaction must be received by the undersigned before or at 12:00 Monday, 7 April 2014

A Victor General Manager: Community & Economic Development Municipal Offices Civic Centre, Nangolo Mbumba Drive Private Bag 5017 Walvis Bay, Fax: (064) 209714

involved, especially with respect to the amount of work we all put into it.” Simon added: “These industries are the ones who make their money from the ocean, but sponsorships were not very forthcoming.” According to Tess, the donations they received hardly covered the expenses of the event. All funds gathered by the NDP support their environmental office at the Waterfront. In addition, it enables NDP to offer bursaries for Namibian students in marine science. “Dolphins and whales are poorly studied in Namibian waters and it is important that the community using the ocean understands the marine life that Namibia has,” Tess explained. She mentioned that one scholarship costs between N$40 000 – N$ 300 000. To date, the NDP could train 48 volunteers and eight students, generating new information on the abundance, ecological relationships and conservation status of whales and dolphins along the Namibian coastline. “In the long run, we need corporate sponsorships to run such events, as we cannot rely on the goodwill of the community,” she stated. Whales and dolphins face several challenges in Namibian waters. The increasing number of activities taking place in the ocean is worrying. NDP’s major concern at the moment is the construction of the new port facilities, as it will particularly affect the bottlenose dolphins nesting close to Independence Beach. Seismic Exploration and offshore mining also affect dolphins and whales.

A reader sent in this picture of a little grave on the outskirts of Meersig, wondering who or what might be buried there. Curious by nature, the Namib Independent also wondered and asked around.

According to Fanie Du Preez from Kuiseb Delta Adventures he remembers coming across the grave when it was just erected and found a note with it. “If I remember correctly the person buried their pet dog there,” he said. Kevin Adams from the Walvis Bay Municipality also said that several

graves have been found in the area. “It must also be mentioned that numerous graves can be found in the area. These are of Topnaar people who once lived in the area many moons ago.” Let’s hope with all the new residential development and extension to Meersig the little grave will survive.

News | 7

Thursday, 06 March 2014

This Sick Piggy Went to Market ... Lavrenty Repin The Rooibank pig farm was told to shape up or get out following a Namib Independent investigation into the abysmal conditions that pigs, which are allegedly kept for commercial use, are exposed to. The farm, which has kept pigs since at least 2009, was inspected by SPCA investigator Peter Brooks and State Vet Dr. Hamutenya after the Namib Independent approached the Walvis Bay SPCA for help, who responded swiftly, visiting the farm in question on the same day. According to one source, the farm was reported on numerous occasions to relative authorities, including the State vet, but to no avail. After using Namib Independent's tip-off, Dr Hamutenya refused to comment either on her reaction to the conditions on the farm or why previous complaints were ignored. The situation at the farm was described as terrible, and three pigs were in such a poor state that they had to be euthanised. The farm was not closed down, but put under three month observation and given strict regulations to follow. Among the countless transgressions encountered on the premises were, poor feeding ethics, unsafe and unhygienic living conditions, plastic littered over the floors of the sties (which are overpopulated), insufficient shading and, in some areas, traces of ammonia. According to Peter Brooks, the amount or refuse like plastic, bones and various other non-edible waste that the animals had access to, placed the animals at high risk of ingesting or choking on these materials. The general condition and overall health of the animals was also put under the spotlight. Some animals were visibly underweight and one had a

tumor-like growth on its ear, which was roughly the size of a baseball. Irritation on the skin and around the eyes was also visible. Mr Brooks said that they received full cooperation from the farm foreman and staff. “The SPCA expects a complete change in the management and general hygiene if they are to avoid further legal action. However, due to the split ownership of the livestock it has been incredibly difficult to place blame for the violations at hand.” Chris de Witt, the owner of the farm, said that he keeps “four or five pigs as a hobby”; while the rest are owned by other individuals who choose to keep their animals at his farm. He claimed the pigs to be “generally in a good condition, they get good food and water” and put responsibility for the other pigs with their owners. However, he did admit that the euthanised pigs were indeed his. “There's no problems anymore, we've cleaned the place up, I don't know why you're calling me,” he concluded the conversation. Mr Marco Plaatjies, who owns 15 pigs, claimed that he bought the pigs in a “terrible state” in December and has been trying to better their conditions ever since. He stated to be “happy those pigs were killed because the bacteria can come to my pigs” and said that in his six years’ experience farming pigs these were definitely the worst conditions that he had ever witnessed. Contradictorily, Mr de Witt says that Mr Plaatjies had the 15 pigs for over a year and held full responsibility for their upkeep. Surprisingly, Mr Plaatjies also claimed to keep the pigs as a hobby. According to a source close to the farm that chose to stay anonymous, at least on one occasion the pig meat was sold to a local butchery in Walvis Bay. One of the conditions set by SPCA was for the farm to seize all sale of meat while the cleanup is ongoing.

Fully Charged for a career in advertising and branding?

ErongoRed Sponsors Coastal Gymnast

Here’s an opportunity for you to prove just how far your passion and creativity can take you. Be part of our 2014 internship programme. If you are a graduate or due to graduate in May 2014 and have a broad, dynamic and creative perspective, then you are the type of person we are looking for. No previous work experience is required, but must be a Namibian below the age of 26 with a burning desire to learn, succeed and add value in the ever changing and growing world of marketing communications. To be part of our 2014 Internship Program** Simply do the following: 1. Send a one page motivation letter that states the position you are interested in 2. And a C.V that is no longer than 2 pages Email them to: or hand deliver them to our office: 142 Jan Jonker Road, Ausspanplatz, Windhoek. Positions are open across our Account Management, Media, Production and Creative departments (Design and Copy). **The adforceNAMIBIA Internship Programme is a 9-month intensive programme designed for young graduates. It gives candidates real life experience and helps them develop job skills in Marketing Communications. A market related allowance will be paid to successful candidates in the programme. There is no guaranteed offer of employment on completion of the programme.

Closing date for applications: 12th March 2014

A coastal gymnast was sponsored by ErongoRed to represent Namibia with her team in Zimbabwe during December. ErongoRed came to the aid of Caitlyn Martin (10), sponsoring her trip to Zimbabwe so that she could represent Namibia with her team at a gymnastics

competition during 9-13 December 2013. The team brought back a bronze medal for Namibia in the artistic category. “We are very grateful for ErongoRed to have made it possible for Caitlyn to travel,” Una, Caitlyn’s mothers, said.


Thursday, 06 March 2014

All times CAT (SA, GMT+2) February 2014 15 15

Cheetahs Sharks

v v

Lions Bulls

17:05 19:10

Bulls Blues Reds Hurricanes Stormers Force Crusaders Cheetahs Hurricanes

Free State Stadium, Bloemfontein Kings Park, Durban AMI Stadium (Addington),Christchurch Free State Stadium, Bloemfontein Forsyth Barr Stadium, Dunedin Canberra Stadium, Canberra Kings Park, Durban Ellis Park, Johannesburg Allianz Stadium, Sydney Eden Park, Auckland AAMI Park, Melbourne Newlands Stadium, Cape Town





21 22 22 22 22 23 28 28 28

Cheetahs Highlanders Brumbies Sharks Lions Waratahs Blues Rebels Stormers

v v v v v v v v v

Chiefs Waratahs Force Bulls Bulls Hurricane Reds Crusaders Force Bulls Sharks Chiefs Rebels Hurricanes Highlanders Brumbies Lions Sharks Highlanders Waratahs Blues Brumbies Force Lions Bulls Crusaders Rebels Blues Reds Bulls Sharks

v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v

Highlanders Reds Brumbies Lions Force Brumbies Cheetahs Stormers Rebels Blues Lions Stormers Crusaders Cheetahs Force Waratahs Blues Reds Hurricanes Rebels Cheetahs Stormers Chiefs Reds Sharks Hurricanes Brumbies Highlanders Stormers Chiefs Waratahs

Waikato Stadium, Hamilton ANZ Stadium, Sydney NIB Stadium, Perth Loftus Versfeld, Pretoria Loftus Versfeld, Pretoria Venue TBC Suncorp Stadium, Brisbane AMI Stadium (Addington),Christchurch NIB Stadium, Perth Loftus Versfeld, Pretoria Kings Park, Durban Waikato Stadium, Hamilton AAMI Park, Melbourne Venue TBC Forsyth Barr Stadium, Dunedin Canberra Stadium, Canberra Ellis Park, Johannesburg Kings Park, Durban Forsyth Barr Stadium, Dunedin Allianz Stadium, Sydney Eden Park, Auckland Canberra Stadium, Canberra NIB Stadium, Perth Ellis Park, Johannesburg Loftus Versfeld, Pretoria AMI Stadium (Addington),Christchurch AAMI Park, Melbourne Eden Park, Auckland Suncorp Stadium, Brisbane Loftus Versfeld, Pretoria Kings Park, Durban

08:35 10:40 13:00 17:05 17:05 08:35 10:40 08:35 10:40 17:05 19:10 08:35 10:40 05:35 08:35 10:40 15:00 17:05 08:35 10:40 08:35 10:40 13:00 17:05 19:10 08:35 10:40 08:35 10:40 15:00 17:05

08:35 19:10 08:35 10:40 17:05 19:10 07:05 08:35 10:40 19:10

Visit our showroom at 39 Sam Nujoma Avenue, Walvis Bay or call us on 064 204040 today.

March 2014 1 1 1 1 2 7 8 8 8 8 8 14 14 15 15 15 15 15 21 21 22 22 22 22 22 28 28 29 29 29 29

April 2014 4




Forsyth Barr Stadium, Dunedin






Canberra Stadium, Canberra






Venue TBC






Suncorp Stadium, Brisbane






Free State Stadium, Bloemfontein


5 5

Lions Stormers

v v

Crusaders Waratahs

Ellis Park, Johannesburg Newlands Stadium, Cape Town

17: 19:





Forsyth Barr Stadium, Dunedin


11 12

Reds Rebels

v v

Brumbies Chiefs

Suncorp Stadium, Brisbane Waikato Stadium, Hamilton

11: 09;





NIB Stadium, Perth






Free State Stadium, Bloemfontein


12 18

Lions Hurricanes

v v

Sharks Blues

Ellis Park, Johannesburg Venue TBC

19: 09:





AAMI Park, Melbourne






Waikato Stadium, Hamilton


19 19

Waratahs Sharks

v v

Bulls Cheetahs

Allianz Stadium, Sydney Kings Park, Durban

11: 15:





Newlands Stadium, Cape Town






Eden Park, Auckland


25 25

Brumbies Sharks

v v

Chiefs Highlanders

Canberra Stadium, Canberra Kings Park, Durban

09:4 19:1





Venue TBC






NIB Stadium, Perth



Thursday, 06 March 2014






Free State Stadium, Bloemfontein


Blues Rebels Crusaders Chiefs Waratahs Stormers Bulls Chiefs Rebels Highlanders Brumbies Cheetahs Bulls Reds Hurricanes Crusaders Reds Stormers Cheetahs Waratahs Blues Rebels Highlanders Hurricanes Force Stormers Bulls Crusaders Reds Chiefs Blues Brumbies Lions Sharks

v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v

Reds Sharks Brumbies Lions Hurricanes Highlanders Cheetahs Blues Hurricanes Lions Sharks Force Stormers Crusaders Highlanders Sharks Rebels Force Brumbies Lions Sharks Waratahs Crusaders Chiefs Lions Cheetahs Brumbies Force Highlanders Waratahs Hurricanes Rebels Bulls Stormers

Eden Park, Auckland AAMI Park, Melbourne AMI Stadium (Addington),Christchurch Waikato Stadium, Hamilton Allianz Stadium, Sydney Newlands Stadium, Cape Town Loftus Versfeld, Pretoria Venue TBC AAMI Park, Melbourne Forsyth Barr Stadium, Dunedin Canberra Stadium, Canberra Free State Stadium, Bloemfontein Loftus Versfeld, Pretoria Suncorp Stadium, Brisbane Venue TBC AMI Stadium (Addington),Christchurch Suncorp Stadium, Brisbane Newlands Stadium, Cape Town Free State Stadium, Bloemfontein Allianz Stadium, Sydney North Harbour Stadium, Albany AAMI Park, Melbourne Forsyth Barr Stadium, Dunedin Venue TBC NIB Stadium, Perth Newlands Stadium, Cape Town Loftus Versfeld, Pretoria AMI Stadium, Addington Christchurch Suncorp Stadium, Brisbane Venue TBC Eden Park, Auckland Canberra Stadium, Canberra Ellis Park, Johannesburg Kings Park, Durban

09:35 11:40 06:35 09:40 11:40 15:00 17:05 09:35 11:40 09:35 10:35 17:05 19:10 08:05 09:40 09:35 11:40 17:05 19:10 08:05 08:35 10:40 07:35 09:40 11:40 17:05 19:10 09:35 11:40 06:35 09:35 11:40 17:05 19:10

Highlanders Reds Hurricanes Waratahs Force

v v v v v

Chiefs Rebels Crusaders Brumbies Blues

Forsyth Barr Stadium, Dunedin AAMI Park, Melbourne Venue TBC ANZ Stadium, Sydney NIB Stadium, Perth

09:35 10:40 09:35 11:40 13:40

Hurricanes Lions Crusaders Force Stormers Cheetahs Waratahs Blues Brumbies Bulls Crusaders Reds Lions Stormers TBA TBA TBA TBA

v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v

Chiefs Rebels Blues Reds Bulls Sharks Highlanders Chiefs Force Rebels Highlanders Waratahs Cheetahs Sharks TBA TBA TBA TBA

Waikato Stadium, Hamilton Ellis Park, Johannesburg AMI Stadium (Addington),Christchurch NIB Stadium, Perth Newlands Stadium, Cape Town Free State Stadium, Bloemfontein Allianz Stadium, Sydney Eden Park, Auckland Canberra Stadium, Canberra Loftus Versfeld, Pretoria AMI Stadium (Addington),Christchurch Suncorp Stadium, Brisbane Ellis Park, Johannesburg Newlands Stadium, Cape Town TBA TBA TBA TBA

09:35 19:10 09:35 11:40 17:05 19:10 08:10 09:35 11:40 19:10 09:35 11:40 17:05 19:10 TBA

Winner SF1


Winner SF2

May 2014 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 9 9 10 10 10 10 11 16 17 17 17 17 18 23 23 24 24 24 24 24 30 30 31 31 31 31 31 June 2014 27 27 28 28 28

:35 July 2014

:40 :35 :40 :00 :05 :10 :35 :40 ;35 :40 :05 :10 :35 :40 :35 :40 :00 :05 :35 40

4 4 5 5 5 5 6 11 11 11 12 12 12 12 18 19 25 26

10 35 40

August 2014 2




10 |News

Thursday, 06 March 2014


Service Centre Manager – Marine Services Walvis Bay Facility – Namibia An exciting opportunity has arisen for a talented General Manager / Service Centre Manager to join Rolls-Royce in Namibia.

The Leading Security Service Provider in Namibia


ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE CLERK (Debtors Clerk) 2x Swakopmund G4S has two (2) vacancies for an Accounts Receivable Clerk. The successful candidates will report to the Financial Administrator – Erongo Region.


At least Grade 12, a qualification in bookkeeping will be an added advantage At least 5 years extensive experience in the complete accounts receivable function Computer Literacy Knowledge of Pastel/Evolution Language proficiency (English and Afrikaans)


• • • • •

At least grade 12, a qualification in bookkeeping will be an added advantage At least 5 years extensive experience in the complete accounts receivable function Computer literacy Knowledge of Pastel/Evolution Language proficiency (English and Afrikaans)


• • • • • • •

Able to work independently and in a team Client orientated Accurate Organized Trustworthy Able to work under pressure Deadline driven


The person will lead our African footprint through its next growth. The position may involve an international assignment and will be based at the Rolls-Royce facility located in within the Elgin Brown & Hamer (EBH) shipyard in Walvis Bay in Namibia. Reporting to the Vice President Marine Service Delivery (Europe & Africa), the Service Centre Manager is responsible for leading and managing the local team to deliver necessary revenues, profits and cash generation for the Service Centre and the region. As a General Manager/ Service Centre Manager you will have an opportunity to travel to other locations to support the African business. If successful, you will be responsible for all aspects of facility and country management of the Walvis Bay (Namibia) and Abidjan (Cote d’Ivoire) facilities. Marine Services is a customer-facing business that operates on a global basis to offer aftermarket service to customers across Marine under a single leadership team. The organisation is developing its strategy to offer long-term service agreements, innovative service offerings and improved service to our customers. It covers a range of tasks from providing logistics support to deploying service engineers. We currently have over 1,900 employees present in over 30 countries. Our annual sales are in excess of £700m and we have considerable growth ambitions. As a General Manager / Service Centre Manager, your main responsibilities will be: •

Market related salary based on qualifications and experience. Persons meeting the requirements may submit a detailed Curriculum Vitae for attention of the Erongo Regional Manager, Mr Herbert Van Niekerk at 29 Rakotoka Street, Swakopmund or e-mail Herbert. before 12h00 on Monday, 10 March 2014. CHANGE YOUR CAREER LIFE WITH G4S!


Reports to

EMR & Reefer Coordinator | Equipment Controller, Walvis Bay Operations Manager, Walvis Bay To ensure recovering of costs for damages and liable 3P identified

Job purpose/overview

Monitoring of Refrigerated units and attendance / prevention of malfunctioning units.

• •

• •

Accurate tracking of empty and full equipment Coordinate repacks/inspections of containers Recon daily reefer monitoring reports to prevent any loss of cargo. Coordinate with reefer technicians and vessel agents to resolve discrepancies on Reefer units.

Monitor empty equipment flow in both Namport and APMT depot facilities to ensure adequate available units. Documentation and planning of cartage between facilities. Documentation and planning for empty returns. Approve valid estimates on equipment.

• •

Accuracy of physical stock in locations Key responsibilities

Monitoring of longstanding equipment in all locations and provide weekly action plans and comments. Planning of special equipment Plan evacuation vessels Ensure stock levels are at an acceptable level in all locations. Depot & Terminal audits (quarterly) Coordinate repacks and inspections with surveyors, Customs and customers. Documentation for feeder vessels. Ensure EDI Accuracy is above standard Listening and verbal communication skills Planning and organizing ability Problem Solving Analytical skills Influencing Skills

Required competencies

Ability to coach and develop others Performance management ability Good sense of urgency Ability to perform under pressure Technically able

If you feel you meet the above requirements, please apply via our recruitment website: under the Career tab. Applications close 16 March 2014.

Lead and manage the customer services support teams to drive on-time delivery and responsiveness through service delivery plans that focus on cost, quality, customer satisfaction and profitability. Monitor plans using relevant metrics and reporting processes Manage service costs, operational planning, budgeting and forecasting, including manpower budgets and recruitment plans Lead and manage the coordination of repair & overhaul, commissioning, warranty, upgrading, and turnkey projects, including pre-calculation and invoicing in the Area. Manage the effective allocation of workshop and field service resource to support these service activities Monitor and report compliance against Rolls-Royce quality management requirements (as in QMS) and Health, Safety and Environment (HSE). Prepare for and manage internal and external audits as required Set SLA (Service Level Agreements) for the departments within the Service centre Ensure periodic and ad hoc financial and management reporting requirements are met in a timely and accurate manner. Provide commentary and background information enabling users to understand the financial performance of the Service Centre Manage key financial performance indicators such as: sales and margins, PBFCT (Profit Before Finance Charges and Tax), service utilization rates, debtor days and overdue payments, cash conversion Work with the Sales offices to actively seek opportunities to grow and improve service delivery Share knowledge of the addressable market, customers and competitors Support the implementation of CBP (Common Business Process) across services activities in-country

Essential Skills & Qualifications • Educated to a degree level or equivalent in Marine or Mechanical Engineering • Extensive experience in a project management, preferably in the Marine sector • Knowledge of Rolls-Royce Marine Products and Systems is highly appreciated • Very good verbal and written communication skills in English • HSE training / qualifications relevant to marine engineering • Detailed understanding of ISO 9000, 14000 and 18000 requirements and how they are applied in a marine services environment • Experience of working in a customer facing role with large, multi-national clients If you believe you have the skills and experience relevant for this position please submit your professional CV by e-mail with ‘SCM Namibia’ in subject to Closing date March 10th 2014

News | 11

Thursday, 06 March 2014

New Dinosaur Species Discovered in Portugal


Krasovskiy/Public Library Of Science

A new dinosaur species discovered in Portugal dominated the food chain 150 million years ago and was the Tyrannosaurus Rex of its time, researchers have said. The Torvosaurus Gurneyi, like T. Rex, was a bipedal carnivore with blade-like teeth more than 4 inches in length. The Torvosaurus Gurneyi may have been near the top of the food chain and eaten other large dinosaurs. The new species is the largest land predator discovered in Europe and one of the largest worldwide of the Jurassic era, said authors Christophe Hendrickx and Octavio Mateus of the Universidade Nova de Lisboa and Museu da Lourinha "This was clearly a fierce predator," Mateus told AFP. "Wherever he arrived, he was the owner and master. No one could rival Torvosaurus during the late Jurassic. This is the equivalent of T. Rex but 80 million years before." The scientists estimate Torvosaurus Gurneyi grew up to 33 feet (10 meters) long and weighed some 4 or 5 tons. Its skull measured nearly four-feet (115 inches) long, smaller than the T. Rex, but only slightly. The fossils found in Portugal closely resemble those of a North American dinosaur - the Torvosaurus Tanneri

Source: dinosaurs


EXTENSION OF CLOSING DATE: QUOTATION 01/2014 QUOTATION 01 / 2014 PROVISION OF AN ICT NETWORK MONITORING SOLUTION TO ERONGO RED Closing Date: Document Enquiries: Document Fees: Telephone: Facsimile: Technical Enquiries: Telephone:

Extended until Friday, 14 March 2014 Mrs. A. Welgemoed N/A +264 (0) 64 214 600 +264 (0) 64 214 601 Mr. Blasius Goraseb +264 (0) 64 217 600

Terms of Reference is available and can be collected at the Enquiries Desk at 91 Hage Geigob Str, Erongo RED Building, 1st Floor, Walvis Bay. Documents in a sealed envelope clearly marked "Quotation 01/2014�, addressed to the Chairperson of the Tender Committee, must be placed in the tender box at the Enquiries desk at 91 Hage Geingob Str, Erongo RED Building, 1st Floor, Walvis Bay or be posted to the Chairperson of the Tender Committee, P.O. Box 2925, Walvis Bay, to reach him at the latest by 11:00 on Friday, 14 March 2014. Please note no faxed or e-mailed documents as well as documents received after the specified closing date and time will be considered for evaluation. TEL + 264 64 214 600 FAX +264 64 214 601 ERONGO RED BUILDING 91 HAGE GEINGOB STREET P O BOX 2925 WALVIS BAY NAMIBIA



- and indeed at first the scientists thought the two specimens must be from the same species. But upon closer analysis of the bones, the researchers determined the species must have evolved separately from the two sides of the proto-Atlantic Ocean over a few million years. Mr Mateus said it's hard to know how different the two species would have looked when they were living - there may have been differences in colouring or behaviour that would have easily distinguished them. From the fossil record, the differences are more subtle. Discovering such a large predator in this era could really be "a game changer" in terms of how scientists think of the Jurassic food chain, explained University of Kansas palaeontologist David Burnham, who was not involved in the research. "These things were living with giant plant-eating dinosaurs," or sauropods, Mr Burnham explained, herbivores too big for other common Jurassic predators, like the Allosaurus, to attack. The new species is also of interest to palaeontologists, because it gives a more detailed picture of the interactions and connections between North America and Europe at the time. "Finding another (Torvosaurus) species in Portugal is pretty cool, because this is additional evidence that shows a similarity in Jurassic dinosaurs’ in Europe and in North America," adding to finds of a Stegosaurus and an Allosaurus in both the US West and Portugal, said Ken Carpenter, palaeontologist at Utah State University.


power to the people

12 | Worldwide News

Thursday, 06 March 2014

W o r l dwide McDonald's Sued Life Expectancy Increased by Taking a Pill For $1.5M By Customer Who Wanted More Than One Napkin

In a $1.5 million civil lawsuit, a McDonald's customer says he suffered "undue mental anguish" after he was given just one napkin when he visited one of the burger chain's restaurants. Webster Lucas, 59, claims he was eating on 29 January at a Mickey D's in Pacoima, California, when his hands were left unacceptably dirty. "I am an immaculately clean person," Lucas told The Huffington Post. "I saw food particles on the table and wanted to clean them up. I told the manager and he said, 'You have napkins in the bag.' I said, 'You gave me one. Do you want me to wipe my hands on my shirt?'" According to the suit, filed 27 February in Los Angeles Superior Court, the manager, Angel Arciga, "developed a nasty attitude" and mumbled a few words to Lucas. Lucas said he told Arciga he did not

need to have an attitude over a few extra napkins. "I should have gone to eat at the Jack In The Box, because I didn't come here to argue over napkins," he says in his suit. "I came here to eat." Lucas claims that Arciga "began using curse words and yelling across the aisle." He asked the store manager, "Is it because I'm black?" Lucas alleges that Arciga responded with a sentence that began, "You people." Upon hearing that phrase, Lucas snapped, "You people? You people? Who are you referring to? Black people?" When Lucas asked to speak to the manager, Arciga said, "I am the manager." Lucas' friend, Victor Jordan, told The Huffington Post that he witnessed the encounter. He said the manager was "aggressively disrespectful," and he describes McDonald's as "crazy, crowded" at

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the time. Lucas later emailed General Manager Leticia Barrera to complain about Arciga's actions. He insisted that the "undue mental anguish" he was suffering as a result of the napkin debacle left him unable to work. All McDonald's offered him was some free burgers to make up for his unsavoury encounter, but that was not enough. McDonald's has not responded to HuffPost's inquiries about the suit. Lucas hopes his $1.5 million lawsuit will teach the fast food giant a lesson about treating customers fairly. "I'd like them to hire more blacks," he explained. "That might minimise that person's negative approach. There was only one black lady on duty. She rolled her eyes and said [the manager] does this to most black men."

Scientists have found that activating a protein called sirtuin 1 (SIRT1) extended the lives of mice and delayed the onset of age-related diseases. The discovery could lead to drugs that help to keep people younger and healthier. A pill which could ward off ageing has come a step closer after tests of a rejuvenating drug that prolongs healthy life. Scientists found that activating a protein called sirtuin 1 (SIRT1) extended the lives of mice and delayed the onset of age-related diseases. They believe their experiments could lead to drugs that help to keep people younger and healthier. SIRT1 and its sister protein SIRT2 are known to play a important roles in metabolism across a wide range of species. They are involved in

DNA repair and gene regulation, and may help to prevent diabetes, heart disease and cancer. Researchers led by Rafael de Cabo, from the US National Institutes of Health, tested the effects of a SIRT1-activating molecule called SRT1720 on the health and lifespan of mice. Animals were fed a standard diet supplemented with 100 milligrams per kilogram of body weight of SRT1720 from the age of six months. The researchers found that SRT1720 significantly extended the average lifespan of mice by 8.8%. Mice fed the molecule were also lighter and slimmer, with better muscle function and co-ordination throughout their lives. Further studies showed that SRT1720 supplementation led to a heart-protective lowering of harmful

cholesterol and improved insulin sensitivity, which could help prevent diabetes. Anti-inflammatory effects were also seen in various tissues. This is important because chronic low-level inflammation is believed to contribute to ageing and age-related diseases. "Here, we show for the first time that a synthetic SIRT1 activator extends lifespan and improves health span of mice fed a standard diet," said Dr de Cabo. "It illustrates that we can develop molecules that ameliorate the burden of metabolic and chronic diseases associated with ageing". The research is published in the journal Cell Reports. Previous research has found that eating barbecued, grilled or fried meat could increase the risk of being struck down by dementia. US experts found that compounds called advanced glycation end products, or Ages, suppress the anti-ageing enzyme known as Sirt1. Protein-rich foods that are cooked at very high temperatures raise the level of these harmful agents in blood. Source: http://www.

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Motoring | 13

Thursday, 06 March 2014

MOTORING Jeep Unveils Renegade Baby 4x4 Geneva Motor Show - Jeep is placing its bets on small being the new big in the SUV world with its very first entry into the small (and by this we mean sub-Compass) SUV realm. Gone soft? Do not say that to its face. For starters, the new Jeep Renegade laughs off any pretty 'softroader' trends with its boxy lines from front to tail. You might even say it resembles a Suzuki Jimny, but was the Jimny not Jeep-inspired to begin with? BUSH CAPABLE The Renegade's tough looks are backed up by what Jeep claims is best-in-class off-road capability, thanks to two new permanent four-wheel drive systems: Jeep Active Drive and Jeep Active Drive Low. Based on the technology offered in the latest Cherokee, both systems can send up to 100 percent of the engine's available torque to the ground through any wheel. The two systems

also offer Jeep's Selec-Terrain system that allows the driver to choose between numerous terrain modes: Auto, Snow, Sand and Mud. The Active Drive Low system takes bundu bashing capability a few obstacles further with a 'Rock' mode and a 20:1 crawl ratio. Trailhawk models have this system as standard, along with a (20mm higher) 220mm ride height, skid plates, front and rear tow hooks, hill descent control and bespoke bumpers with respective approach and departure angles of 30.5 and 34.3 degrees. The Trailhawk can also ford through water up to 48cm deep. To give you an open air experience and panoramic view while bundu bashing, the Renegade offers two 'My Sky' open-air roof panel options - one being manually operated and the other offering a powered tilt/ slide function.

MODERN CABIN Technologically, the interior is more in keeping with a city slicker; Jeep offering its Uconnect touch-screen audio system that offers hands-free communication and available navigation. Advanced safety gadgets on offer include Forward Collision Warning-Plus and LaneSense Departure Warning Plus.

Jeep has not gone into much detail about the engine line-up, but has mentioned that there are four MultiAir petrol engine options and two Multijet II diesel engines on offer, with the top versions - the 2.4-litre petrol and 2-litre diesel - available with a nine-speed automatic gearbox. The Renegade will be sold in more than

100 countries, and our local contact tells us that it is under consideration for launch in South Africa, either towards the end of this year or early in 2015. However, the exchange rate will be a factor in deciding whether or not to bring it here. Source: IOL Motoring http://www.iol.


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14 | Motoring

Thursday, 06 March 2014

MOTORING Face-lifted Juke Has Up to 160kW


Quality Pre - Owned Geneva Motor Show - Given the cheery reception received by Nissan's bold Juke in the three years since it hit the scene, Nissan opted for a “why fix what ain't broke” approach to the mid-life upgrade. Yet Nissan is still calling this a significant revision because in addition to the subtle styling changes at the front and rear, new features and a wide-ranging personalisation programme, the cheeky little crossover gets some new engines. At the bottom of the European lineup, the normally aspirated 1.6-litre motor makes way for a 1.2-litre DIG-T direct injection turbopetrol that produces 85kW and 190Nm. Mated to an idle-stop gizmo, the Juke 1.2T sips a claimed 5.5 l/100km on the combined cycle. The frugal, 81kW 1.5 dCi turbodiesel continues unchanged while the 140kW 1.6 DIG-T turbopetrol engine has been tinkered with to produce more low-end torque below 2000rpm.

RS. Its version of Nissan’s 1.6 DIG-T gets a power boost to deliver 160kW and 280Nm. To keep that extra shove in check, front-wheel drive RS models gain a limited slip diff. Naturally, that's not required in the all-wheel drive model. In addition to 18-inch rims and an aerodynamic exterior kit, the Nismo RS stands apart from humbler Jukes with RS badges, red brake callipers and (optional) Recaro 'sports bucket' seats. Ordinary Juke models, right down to the 1.2T, also receive some extra pizzazz in the form of various interior personalisation packs in which the centre console, door trims and other parts can be coloured red, white, black or bright yellow. The Juke has not forgotten more pragmatic needs though and 2014 frontwheel drive models have a redesigned boot area that increases luggage space by 40 percent to 354 litres.

NISMO RS Yet the real rebel in the range is the Nismo

Source: motoring

Business Boxes | 15

Thursday, 06 March 2014




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Deon Ellis Cell: +264 81 214 6883 Fax: +264 64 207 756 Email:


10 to 14 March 2014


Mountain Lamb Yellow Rice Panfried Baby Marrow French Salad

Contact: 0816386318


AlArm SpeciAl

Tagliatelle Verde (with Bacon) Sweet Carrots Mixed Salad


N$ 2150.00


Chicken and Mushroom Pie (Mashed Potatoes served with the pie) Buttered Peas Beetroot Salad

Sp65 AlArm Kit - iNcl iNStAllAtioN

Payroll/s "outsourcing" (VIP Payroll Program) Contact: Desiré Tuit Cell No: 081 124 2922 E-mail:

Kit includes: 1 x 8 Zone Panel, 1 x 8 Zone Keypad, 4 x PIR’s, 2 x Fixed Emergency panic buttons, 2 x white magnetic door contacts, 1 x 12V Backup Battery, 1 x 15W Siren, 1 x 50VA transformer, 100m 4 Core Cable, 5 x Glue, 1 x FSK Radio Free. Special applies for


Walvis Bay, Swakopmund & Henties Bay

Meatballs in a Tomato Sauce Spaghetti Julienne Vegetables Tomato and Onion Salad

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Steak with Fried Mushrooms and Onions Potato Wedges Banoffi Pie


N$ 650

PLEASE NOTE Menus might have to change slightly, depending on availability of products and produce

Theo Ben Gurirab Str. & Hanna Mupetami Road P.O.Box 499, Walvis Bay

Contact us to order your dinners online or by telephone 081 146 9550

Phone +264 64 205136 • Fax +264 64 205137

Deliveries will only be in Walvis Bay

Tel: 064-277750 Fax: 064-277751 Email: Hage Geingob Street, Walvis Bay

Asset Disposal

Perfect for damaged, frizzy and processed hair Ethnic ladies never have to use a relaxer again Healthy hair and faster growth results Lasts for 2 – 3 months

Appointments @ 081 625 9407

IG TRUST SALON Nails, Eyelashes, Braids, Relaxer, Colour and much more

For an appointment call 081 246 2736

BOOK YOUR ADVERT Chanté Nell 081 667 4694

Auction For and on behalf of

Mun. of Walvisbaai 1 Feb 2014 at 10h00

Nissan Patrol, Nissan 1600 Toyota 4X4 S/C, Roof sheets Lights, Pallets, Wood planks Wood beams, Lounge suites Furniture, Tyres, Fridges Restaurant equipment, Camping gear, Electronics, Laptops, Base and lead Guitar, Beds and more

Gareth Amos 081 129 2157

We pay Refundable cash for unwanted N$1000 Deposit items of value apply Terms and Conditions

Tel +264081 64 143 209 4368 026 Quintin

Tel: 064-221552 Fax: 064-221553 Besigheids ure: Ma-Vry: 08H00 - 19H00 Sa: 08H00 - 13H00 WSK welkom.

Stars We pawn or buy assets WALVIS BAY Tel 064 209 026

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